AC - Halloween Horrors 2023

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Product Number: MUH0010353-PDF



Djinn................................................................. 4
Flying Polyp.................................................... 6
Grand-Mère Chérie......................................... 8
Kelpie............................................................. 10
Adventure Seeds...........................................14
Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors

Although Djinn have been legends of the desert for

thousands of years, they are first encountered in the
Secret War by an ill-fated Black Sun expedition to Irem.
Humanoid aliens enslaved and cruelly brutalised by the
original inhabitants of Irem That Was, as the Djinn call it,
they are now an independent race of considerable power.
Some appear to be tied or bound to a physical receptacle:
a phylactery, often a box or urn (perhaps giving rise to
the lamp of legend). These rare individuals are usually
calmer and receptive to negotiation. They are also more
dangerous, having access to greater powers of magic.

The winds of Earth are favourable to Djinn and

although they can take corporeal form, they prefer
to prowl their territory from the air. Their once-
beautiful forms are now ragged scraps of skin
over scarred, blackened, and scorched flesh.
Intelligent and able to speak many languages,
Djinn are capricious, cruel, and ultimately serve
their own ends. Proud, they do not take well
to being commanded, and any alliance with
them is tenuous at best. Bargaining with
a Djinni is possible, usually requiring
the negotiator to possess the Djinni’s
phylactery, or some other hold on the
entity. Djinn without a phylactery are
dangerous in the extreme and highly

While most Djinn inhabit the ruins

of Irem, a city they consider theirs,
others appear to have been “cast
out” and prowl the wastes. These
individuals have their own agenda,
one unknowable to humans. A Djinni
is a powerful combatant, preferring to
only take physical form when it attacks.
It can cast spells in both corporeal and
incorporeal form.

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors
Djinni, Haunter of the Desert Wastes
Nemesis NPC ?
Fearsome 2: Djinn inspire fear. They can make
mental attacks, including +2 and the Piercing 2
Truths effect (listed above). In addition, the first time a
Spirit of Air and Darkness character sees this creature, they must immediately
Powerful and cruelly capricious attempt a Will + Resilience test with a difficulty
of 2 or suffer mental stress as if from that mental
Attributes attack.

Flight: A Djinni can move freely through aerial zones
above the battlefield. Its incorporeal nature means
it cannot carry people or objects unless it becomes
REASON 9 WILL 11 tangible.

Skills & Focuses ?

Immune to Cold, Disease, Fear, Pain, Poison,
Heat: Djinn are immune to stress, truths, and other
Academia 3 (Occultism), Athletics 4, Fighting 3 (Melee),
effects caused by the listed conditions.
Persuasion 2 (Negotiation), Resilience 3 (Discipline),
Stealth 3, Survival 2 ?
Incorporeal 8: A Djinni is not fully material. It has
8 Armour (included above) and may move freely
Power: 3 through rough or difficult terrain. By spending
1 Threat, the creature can pass through a solid
STRESS 17 INJURIES 3 barrier such as a wall or door. It loses its Armour
ARMOUR 8 COURAGE 2 against magical attacks and weapons with the
Bane quality.
Attacks ?
Night Vision: Djinn can see in complete darkness.
Bludgeoning Fists: (Melee), 8 They ignore any difficulty, or complication range
increase caused by darkness, and can attempt skill
Unsettling Presence: (Mental attack) 4 Drain,
tests that would otherwise be made impossible by
Piercing 2

Special Rules ?
Scale 1: Djinn are larger than humans.

Become Corporeal: A Djinni can spend 1 Threat to ?
Threatening 3: When a Djinni first appears in a
become tangible or intangible which lasts at least scene, it generates 3 Threat, which only it may use.
one round before it can change again. This allows
the Djinn to grab, grasp, and otherwise interact with Spells & Rituals
solid objects.
Djinn bound to phylactery are spellcasters and use Will to
Brutal 2: Djinn rely on overwhelming brute force. cast Spells. They know all the spells and Rituals of Yog-
Add 2 to the stress of its melee attacks, and Sothoth (see Gamemaster’s Guide, p.96) and may know
always use its Brawn attribute when making or more if the GM deems it necessary.
defending against a melee attack (included above).

Djinni Phylactery
The owner of a Djinni’s phylactery can speak with the
Ragged spirits of air and darkness, given
the ruins on
form and strength! They swirled from both men
Djinni bound to it, provided the bearer holds the object
in their hands. The Djinni cannot physically attack the
holder and must make a difficulty 3 Will + Resilience
e w in ds , sh ri ek in g w ith fury. I saw
test to disobey the owner’s commands. A Phylactery th rough the air
ck ed u p an d h u rl ed th
is fragile and easily broken, and doing so immediately
and beasts pi ie n ra m pa rt s. I turned and fled,
strips the bound Djinni of its spells and Power. A
broken phylactery adds 3 Threat. to break up on th ose al
but I still see them… n Canon
— Otto Brandauer, Black Su

Flying Polyp
Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors

Unlike animals or plants, these entities twist and form The eternal and immortal foe of the Great Race of Yith, the
a column of dark plastic flesh, cancerous with strange Flying Polyps seeped down to Earth from a distant galaxy
growths amidst multiple eyes and mouths. Semi-material, millions of years ago. Constructing grim windowless cities
elements or portions seem to phase between visible and of basalt towers, they fought numerous wars with Deep
invisible. No wings can be seen, despite a floating or Ones and Sheehad, but their true foes were (and still are)
hovering appearance. They must walk, the Great Race of Yith who forced the Polyps deep below
jump, or crawl on invisible limbs, and the earth where they still dwell. The Yithians make
where they have travelled, certain every attempt to maintain these seals, fearful
strange marks are left: a footprint of the Polyp threat. Beneath the seals in
consisting of five circular toe the deepest caverns and oceans, the
marks, some 6 ft. (2m) Polyps wait and exact a terrible
in total length. price on those who disturb
their vigil, feeding horribly
and hungrily.

The Flying Polyps are

dangerous combatants
and the Yithians had
to rely on advanced
technology to defeat
them. While the
Flying Polyps do
not truly have any
interest in the Secret War,
they may be woken or
freed by events and
take part for their own,
unknown ends.

d seal came
From the opene .
ing inhalation
a hideous gasp
ily at us,
It pulled bod
dily closer to
dragging us bo
that yawning
From it rose a semi-transluc
horror, parts of it oozing int
and out of visibility.
P r o f . Richard

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors
Flying Polyp, Immortal Flying Horror
Nemesis NPC Special Rules

Truths ?
Extraordinary Brawn 2: The creature adds 2
automatic successes to all Brawn tests.
Plasmic Alien Horror out of Time
Masters of the Air ?
Fearsome 3: The creature inspires fear. It can make
Oozes in and out of Reality mental attacks, including +3 and the Piercing 3 effect
(listed above). In addition, the first time a character
Attributes sees this creature, they must immediately attempt a
Will + Resilience test with a difficulty of 3 or suffer
AGILITY 10 BRAWN 16 (2) mental stress as if from that mental attack.
Flight: The creature can move freely through aerial
REASON 10 WILL 14 zones above the battlefield.

Skills & Focuses ?

Immune to Cold, Disease, Fear, Pain, Poison:
The creature is immune to stress, truths, and other
Academia 1, Athletics 2, Fighting 4 (Hand-to-hand),
effects caused by the listed conditions.
Resilience 3 (Fortitude), Stealth 3, Survival 3, Tactics 1
Night Vision: Flying Polyps can see in complete
STRESS 19 INJURIES 2 darkness. They ignore any difficulty, or complication
ARMOUR 5 COURAGE 4 range increases caused by darkness, and can
attempt skill tests that would otherwise be made
impossible by darkness.
Feeding Tendrils and Maws: (Hand-to-hand Combat), ?
Phase in/out 5: A Flying Polyp appears to phase in
7 Drain, Piercing 1, Snare and out of visibility and reality making them difficult
to hit. It has 5 Armour (included above.). It loses its
Wind Blast: (Close Quarters) 6 Piercing 1, Stun
Armour rating against magical attacks and weapons
Hideous Form: (Mental Attack) 6 Drain, Piercing 3 with the Bane quality.

Scale 2: Polyps are significantly larger than humans.

Threatening 3: When a Flying Polyp first appears in
a scene, it generates 3 Threat, which only it may use.

Mastery of Air
Flying Polyps possess the ability to control the winds and ?
Manipulate. (1 Threat). The Polyp moves or
the air itself. In large enough groups they can affect entire manipulates objects within Close range as if it were
weather systems. Fortunately, their appearances on the physically handling those objects. It may manipulate
surface world are rare. Some suggested uses of their 5 or more minor items in this way, for up to 5 rounds.
power are below. Objects cannot be moved fast enough to inflict harm.
Any complex handling of objects, such as operating
Hurl Debris. (1 Threat). The Polyp hurls small controls, requires that the Polyp be able to see the
objects, debris, and dirt with a blast of concentrated controls being manipulated.
air. The Polyp chooses a single enemy within Close
range, and inflicts 6 physical stress, with the Stun
Sucking Wind. (1 Threat). The Polyp moves a single
large creature or object with a sucking gust of air.
effect. This has an instant duration. This power can
The Polyp chooses a target within Close range
also be used to provide +3 Cover resistance, a
with a Scale no greater than 1 and may move it to
protective screen of dust and rock.
anywhere within Close range of its original location.
This effect lasts up to five rounds. The object is
helpless and unable to move while held in this
manner, and if dropped or slammed into a solid
object, suffers 5 physical stress, with the Stun
effect (as will anything it is slammed into). Each 1
Threat spent adds an additional target.

Grand-Mère Chérie
Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors

Grand-Mère Chérie or “Grandmother Sweetheart” to her

children the Ghouls of Paris was one of the city’s most
prolific mass murderers. Born in the infamous Paris
slums in the early 1600s, she grew up in the human
community there, before undergoing the
change to become a ghoul — after
a particularly hard winter.
The Dark Hunger — or
compulsion to eat the
dead — forced her to
eat the corpses of her
family once they died
from the pox. The
Dark Hunger stirred a
deep protective urge
toward her ghoul
family within the Paris

She found her

niche during
the Terror,
the French
where she
literally cut
a swathe
the nobility.
Potential victims would
sometimes disappear, carried
away by her Ghoul pack before they
could face Madame la Guillotine. Feasting
on these nobles triggered the final change
and she could no longer walk the streets. In
return she grew large and monstrous on the flesh
of the dead and picked up memories and intelligence
from the brains she devoured.

A huge ghoul matriarch and clan leader who

stalks the sewers and underground catacombs of
Paris, Chérie is a parody of a sweet old grandma.
Large and horrific with a torn, faded, dirty dress
and the classic features of a flesh-eating ghoul,
her large eyes brim with intelligence and malice. She
always carries a huge bloody cleaver called Marie-Claire
concealed behind her back to chop up flesh and bone
and a small handbag which has various human organs
“sweetmeats for the sweet” for her Ghoul children.

The Ghouls treat her like a doting grandmother, and

she is fiercely protective of any within the catacombs
and those who live in the Filles-Dieu convent district.
Of course, one never needs to worry about a burial in
her catacombs… Despite her appearance, she is not
necessarily hostile, but those who threaten her brood will
awaken her ire and it is a terrible sight to behold.

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors
’t s u r e w h a t t o expect
We weren c a t acombs.
n t in t o t h e
when we we s h a d some
t g h o u l
We’d hear tha e r e n ’t e x p e c ting
i n d a k i n g , b ut we w
k G r a n d ma!
e t o l d
a not-so-swe
– Sally Armit

Grand-Mère Chérie, Ghoul Matriarch

Nemesis NPC ?
Grandmother’s Calling: For 2 Threat, Grand-Mère
Chérie summons 1 Ghouls to her side. If an effect is
Truths rolled, more Ghouls may arrive (roll 1 again).
Ghoul Grandma
Grasping: After a successful attack, spend 1
Sweetmeats for the Sweet
Threat to add the Snare effect to the attack.
Viands ici!
While she has a target ensnared, Grand-Mère
Chérie cannot make melee attacks against other
Attributes targets but reduces the difficulty of attacks vs the
AGILITY 9 BRAWN 12 ensnared target by 1. She cannot combine this
with her cleaver melee attack.
Immune to Cold, Disease, Pain, Poison: Grand-
Mère Chérie is immune to stress, truths, and other
Skills & Focuses effects caused by any of the listed conditions.

Athletics 4 (Climbing), Fighting 3 (Hand-to-Hand Combat, ?

Make your Grandmother happy: Ghouls gain +1
Melee), Observation 3 (Smell & Taste), Persuasion 2, to Courage (included above) and gain +X Morale,
Stealth 2, Resilience 1, Survival 4 where X is the number of Ghouls present in the
scene (maximum of +5 Morale) when Grand-Mère
STRESS 13 INJURIES 3 Chérie is present.
Night Vision: Grand-Mère Chérie can see in
darkness. She ignores any increases to difficulty
Attacks or complication range caused by lack of light, and
Monstrous Claws and Fangs: (Hand-to-Hand she may attempt skill tests that would normally be
Combat), 4 impossible in darkness.

Massive Cleaver: (Melee) 6 Vicious, Stun ?
Off the Furniture! For 2 Threat, Grand-Mère
Chérie can summon and command a Rat Swarm
Stench of the Grave: (Mental attack), 5
(Gamemaster’s Guide p.216).
Piercing 2, Stun
Rend: If Grand-Mère Chérie succeeds at a melee
Special Rules attack, she may spend 1 Threat to add the Vicious
effect to the attack’s damage. She cannot combine
Fearsome 2: Grand-Mère Chérie inspires fear. She
this with her cleaver melee attack.
can make mental attacks, including +2 and the
Piercing 2 effect (listed above). In addition, the first ?
Uncanny Physiology: Grand-Mère Chérie increases
time a character sees her, they must immediately her Armour by +3 against ranged attacks.
attempt a Will + Resilience test with a difficulty of 2
or suffer mental stress as if from that mental attack.

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors

Kelpies in Scots Gaelic, these creatures are known as Followers of Cthulhu, Kelpies often appear to their victim
melusines or undines in France. These shape changing as a horse or a form attractive to the viewer. Once the
freshwater-dwelling Deep Ones have a vague resemblance victim is close, they use their Pool of Limpid Bliss spell
to black horses, although this is part of their glamour — — if that fails, they use their Echo of the Ocean or Wave
their hooves are aligned backward and are closer to claws. Storm to sweep their victim into the water and drown
They can assume human form (their favoured prey), them as an offering to Cthulhu. Some believe that these
usually a comely one, but their hair is matted with weeds are Deep Ones who have failed Cthulhu in some ways and
from the lakes or rivers they normally inhabit. are doomed to a life away from the Deep One enclaves.

They have a command of water and take an inhuman Kelpies are related to Deep Ones but their lower bodies
pleasure in drowning solitary humans. Section M has have transformed completely with fish-like tails and
encountered these malevolent entities in various forms eel-shaped bodies. They revert to their natural form if
in both Britain and France, and rumours exist of a more defeated. If their body is exposed to sunlight, it rots
powerful marine form, the Nuckelavee, in the Orkney isles away instantly.
— which may even be a Great Old One. They are believed
to have been awoken by the emerging mystical
energies of the Secret War, although a
few in Section M suspect Cthulhu or
other dark entity may also have
a hand in this.

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors
Kelpie, Nightmare Steed and Waterborne Deceiver
Nemesis NPC ?
Glamour: Kelpies project an illusion that can
change at will. For 1 Threat they can transform
Truths their appearance into their horse-like or human
Aquatic Creature of Legend appearance. It requires an opposed Insight +
Cursed Powers Observation test to spot the odd details: backwards
Freshwater Predator facing hooves, or weeds in the hair.

Immune to Cold: The creature is immune to stress,
Attributes truths, and other effects caused by extreme cold.
It Burns! Kelpies exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet
COORDINATION 9 INSIGHT 12 light take 6 stress per round.
Menacing: The creature’s mere presence makes
things worse. When the creature first appears in a
Skills & Focuses scene, generate 1 Threat.
Academia 4 (Occultism), Athletics 4 (Swimming),
Fighting 1, Observation 4 (Instincts), Resilience 3
Night Vision: The creature can see in darkness. It
ignores any increases to difficulty or complication
(Fortitude), Survival 2 (Mysticism)
range caused by lack of light, and it may attempt
skill tests that would normally be impossible in
Power: 5
Ill Omen 3: When the Kelpie first appears in a scene,
ARMOUR 2 COURAGE 6 it generates 3 Threat, which only it may use.

Attacks Spells & Rituals

Savage Claws: (Hand-to-Hand Combat), 4 A Kelpie is a spellcaster which uses Insight to cast spells
Piercing 1 and knows spells from the spellbook of Cthulhu: These
are typically Pool of Limpid Bliss, Echo of the Ocean, and
Horrible form: (Mental attack), 7 Piercing 2, Stun
Wave Storm. The GM may choose others if appropriate.

Special Rules
Fearsome 2: The creature inspires fear. It can make
mental attacks, including +2 and the Piercing 2 effect
(listed above). In addition, the first time a character
sees this creature, they must immediately attempt a
Will + Resilience test with a Difficulty of 2 or suffer
mental stress as if from that mental attack. This only
applies if the creature’s Glamour is broken.

When thowes dissolve th

e snawy hoord…
An' float the jinglin ic
y boord…
Then, water-kelpies ha
unt the foord…
By your direction…
An' nighted trav'llers
are allur'd…
To their destruction.

– Address to the Devil,

Robert Burns

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors

A particularly nasty extra-dimensional entity that draws Eventually the Recap kills the victim in the middle of the
upon the fear of its victims before dispatching them in night, stabbing them with the pike it perpetually carries. It
as unpleasant a way as possible. It doesn’t appear to be then removes its leathery caul and soaks up the vital fluids,
summoned but is drawn to those who are lost, one way or leaving a bloodless corpse behind. The only way to kill
the other. Those who are fearful or depressed are easy prey the Redcap — or at least stop it — is to burn its lair. This
for this creature and it goes out of its way to torment them. causes the creature to appear and erupt into flame, leaving
It also enjoys torturing travellers, misleading them before behind a single tooth… If human blood is spilt on the tooth,
feeding off their dread. then the Redcap will reappear after 13 days and torment
the owner of that blood – or their descendants.
Once the creature manifests, it makes a lair for itself near to
the victim. This could be an attic, cellar, cave, crawl space Tall, spindly-limbed and gaunt, the Redcap is grey-skinned
or even a grove. Such lairs quickly become decorated with but its arms are the colour of old blood, with long fingers
the bodies of small animals or beloved pets of the victim, tipped with razor-sharp claws. A mane of blood-stained hair
which the nasty little creature hangs from spikes made hides the creature’s face, all needle-like teeth in a grinning
from its own teeth and woven hair. It starts off with small mouth. It has no eyes, ears, or nose. It carries a barbed
inconveniences — things going missing, then a beloved pikestaff, usually to pierce the flesh of its victims or prolong
pet disappears, a valuable possession is broken. The victim any torture. It dips the odd cap it wears — a fleshy caul (or
may begin to dream of the Redcap which shows itself doing cowl), in fact — in blood to give it power.
these acts. As the torment escalates, the victim may start to
see brief glimpses of the Redcap out of the corner of their
eyes, or reflected in a mirror.

n i g h t I s a w upon the s
Last here…
l i t t l e m a n who wasn't t
A …
s n 't t h e r e again today
He wa ay...
h , h o w I w i sh he'd go aw
W i l l i a m H u ghes Mearns
– Antigonis

Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors
Redcap, Murderous Malevolent Spirit
Nemesis NPC ?
Immune to as cold, disease, fear, pain, poison:
The Redcap is unaffected by an environmental or
Truths situational condition, such as cold, disease, fear,
Vicious Little… pain, or poison.
Torments and Tortures
Incorporeal Form: The Redcap is not wholly of
Horrible Haunter of Dreams
the physical universe and need not interact with it
physically. By spending 1 Threat it may move freely
Attributes through rough or difficult terrain. 2 Threat allows them
AGILITY 10 BRAWN 10 to move through solid objects like a wall or door.
Invisible: The Redcap turns invisible for 2 Threat.
REASON 10 WILL 9 It requires a difficulty 3 Insight + Observation test
to spot.
Skills & Focuses ?
Invulnerable: The Redcap is impervious to harm
Academia 4 (Climbing), Fighting 3 (Melee), from normal weapons. It can only be harmed by
Observation 2, Resilience 4, Stealth 3 (Rural Stealth, magical attacks or weapons with the Bane quality.
Urban Stealth), Survival 2, Tactics 2 (Covert Activities) Redcaps do, however, take 6 physical stress with
the Persistent 3 quality if their lair is set on fire.
Menacing: The Redcap is dangerous, heralding a
ARMOUR 3 COURAGE 1 greater problem for those who confront it. When this
NPC enters a scene, immediately generate 1 Threat,
Attacks even if the NPC is an ally.
Barbed Pikestaff: (Melee attack) 6 Piercing 3,
Persistent 1, Vicious
Natural Armour 2: The Redcap has some innate
resistance to physical stress and has 2 Armour.
Unceasing Torment: (Mental attack), 6 Piercing 3,
Night Vision: Redcaps see in complete darkness.
They ignore any difficulty, or complication range
increases caused by darkness, and can attempt
Special Rules skill tests that would otherwise be made impossible
Bloody Capped: If the Redcap is allowed to dip by darkness.
its cap in blood, it gains the fast Healing 2 Ability.
At the end of each of its turns, it removes 2 stress.
Scale 1: Redcaps are tall and spindly.

If the NPC has any injuries at the start of its turn, ?

Threatening 2: Redcaps begin each scene with a
the GM can spend 2 Threat to remove an injury personal pool of 2 Threat, which can only be spent
completely. This ability stops functioning once the on this NPC. The GM can add 3 points to this
Redcap is defeated. personal pool by voluntarily suffering a complication
related to the Redcap.
Fearsome 3: The Redcap’s raw presence inspires
fear. It adds 3 and the Piercing 3 effect to the ?
Tough 1: Redcaps take much more punishment
damage of its mental attacks when face-to-face. In than most. The number of injuries the Redcap can
addition, the first time that a player character sees withstand before being defeated is increased by 1.
this NPC, they must immediately attempt a Will + The GM may spend 3 Threat to ignore an injury being
Resilience test with a difficulty of 3 or suffer the inflicted on it.
stress from the NPC’s basic mental attack (noted in
its profile).
Vicious Annoyance: The Redcap can spend 1
Threat to inflict a minor annoyance: an item goes
Feeds Upon Fear: The Redcap relishes the fear of missing, or other irritation. It adds +1 to any further
others, becoming bolder and more dangerous in the mental attack the Redcap makes.
presence of panic. Whenever a character suffers
a mental injury within Medium range of the NPC,
Waking Nightmare: The Redcap can spend 2 Threat
to inflict its mental attack on a sleeping victim, 3
generate 2 Threat.
Threat on a victim that is awake.

Adventure Seeds
Grimoire of Terror 2 Halloween Horrors


The work on a vital bridge has been delayed several WOODS TODAY
weeks due to key members of staff going missing by
When the agents or a unit of soldiers get lost in the forest,
the water. A Kelpie is ambushing the workers, choosing
they attract the attention of a Redcap which has made its
its targets carefully and methodically. And perhaps the
lair there. There are no birds, no small animals — the first
agents are next…
clue, then the dreams begin. Can the agents discover the
Redcap’s lair before it picks them off?
Someone is attacking high-value targets in Algiers – the STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT
bodies are found miles away in the desert, and the victims
Black Sun or Nachtwölfe encounter an enraged Djinn in
were all protected by guards, locked doors and high-walled
the desert. Did they break a phylactery or is it still intact?
buildings. The assassin is Djinn, and is being compelled by
Either way, the agents arrive for the aftermath. Perhaps
a powerful sorcerer to attack the Allies where they are most
the Djinn is still there and turns its attention upon the
vulnerable: off duty or in their homes.
agents or negotiates for a way out…


The excavation work on a new set of earthworks or
The family member of a former victim is being slowly
fortifications uncovers an old cave complex leading to
and methodically tormented by a Redcap. Has it been
a once-sealed Flying Polyp lair, which has been broken
resurrected or has someone set it upon the family
open by looting troops. Can the agents discover the truth
member? This person is vital to the war effort and must be
or reseal the Flying Polyps before they wake — or are the
saved at all costs!
Polyps already free?


The Kelpie in the lake isn’t so bad. It only defends the
The Ghouls of the Paris Catacombs have seized the
village from outsiders… Unfortunately, there is a war
body of a vital intelligence operative. Perhaps the vital
on and the village is now right in the way of an Allied
intelligence contained in their brain could be gleaned
advance, or the War Office intends to set up a training
from the Ghouls and their Dark Hunger necrophagic
camp nearby. Rumours of the monster reach Section M
recall? The agents must negotiate with the fearsome
and the agents are sent to find out more.
Ghoul matriarch, Grand-Mère Chérie.


Several soldiers report memory lapses, but all appear
well. During each bout of amnesia, they drew an identical
symbol. The symbol is Yithian: a similar warning found in
some ancient ruins nearby. A Flying Polyp seal or Sheehad
lair is perhaps nearby…

Beneath the streets of Paris are the Catacombs. The French
Resistance would dearly love to use these to hide or move
around unseen, but people are going missing. Are the
Catacomb Ghouls potential allies or enemies? The agents
are sent in to appeal to Grand-Mère Chérie and the Ghouls’
patriotism — or their appetites.


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