Chris SBA

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Principle of Accounts

School Based Assessment

Topic: To examine the ethical practices adhered to in a small business in my community

Year: 2024
Subject: Principles of Accounts
Candidate #:
Candidate Names:
Table of Contents
Project Title
To examine the ethical practices adhered to in a small business in my community.

1. To identify the ethical practices adhered to by the small business.
2. To identify unethical practices of the small business

The aim of the study is “An investigation into the ethical practices of a small business

establishment located in my community”. The Juicily Delight Restaurant opened its doors to

the public in 2021. It was conceptualized by two persons sharing a common goal. Located at

50 East Street, in the busy thorough fare of Old Harbour, St, Catherine lies this establishment.

It currently employs fifteen (10) ten workers and operates from 8:00 am – 10 pm, from

Mondays to Saturdays on a shift system. For the first year of its inception, the customers were

pleased with the quality of service offered. This would be a hot spot especially on the

weekends as the food was great as well as the customer service. Whenever meals were

purchased, it was guaranteed to highest quality.

The topic is of great importance because recently, it has been observed that there was a

significant decline in the number of customers who visited the establishment because the

quality service that was once there, ceased. This resulted in high staff turnover.

For Navin & David (2022) service quality defines as, “A measure of how an organization

understands its users’ needs and fulfils their expectations. Understanding how to improve the

service quality of your product is the key step to growth for any organization. Measuring and

improving service quality is a valuable art.” Quality service is an integral aspect of any

business. In fact, it is a main ethical practice for small businesses to thrive. In an article

entitled “Business Ethics in Dealing with Your Customers” the writer alluded that ethical

practice speaks to, “Exceeding customer expectations is a powerful ethical practice. When

serving customers, expecting nothing in return fosters a genuine desire to meet their needs.

Exceptional service often leads to customer appreciation, positive reviews, and increased

loyalty.” One must note that for any small business, or any business to be successful and

remain successful customer satisfaction is of upmost importance. Customer satisfaction is not

only a reflection of the quality of service offered but by extension a testament to ethical

business practices.

If this issue of a decline in customers because the lack of quality service continues, which is a

matter of ethical practice continues then this will lead to employees losing their jobs as well

as the closure of this small business. This will affect all persons involved and by extension

their families because their spending power will be decreased.

As a business student, one who is very adamant in owning a business, this topic is important

so that I can gain essential research skills on ethical practices in establishing and sustaining

business will undoubtedly assist in future career paths.

On the completion of this research, the information collected can be used by businesspersons

in similar areas of production to correct and prevent any similar practice in the future.

In conducting this research, two research instruments were used to ascertain the information.

These included a questionnaire and an observation.


The questionnaire consists of ten (10) close ended questions and the sample was taken from

the workers. The sample comprises of fifteen participants, they were conveniently selected.

Hence convenience sample was used. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling

method where participants are selected for inclusion in the sample because they are the

easiest for the researcher to access. (Nikolopoulou, 2022). The questionnaires were

distributed to fifteen participants on January 24, 2024

A questionnaire was used because it is quite simple to administer, and the format is easily

understood by the participants. The challenge faced with the questionnaire was that it was a

bit time consuming to collect as some of the participants could not be easily contacted. In

addition to this, approximately ten percent (10%) of the participants had to be given extra

time for completion of the questionnaire. (This can be seen in Appendix #1)

Observation Checklist

Observe is powerful research tool. According to an article entitled, “What is Observation,”

(2024) defines observation as, “A way to gather data by watching people, events, or noting

physical characteristics in their natural setting. Observations can be overt (subjects know they

are being observed) or covert (do not know they are being watched).” The research used this

instrument as a way of getting first hand information to find out if ethical practices are

adhered to in this business establishment. Hence, an observation checklist was used. Andales

(2023), describes observation checklist as, “An observation checklist is a document that lists

a set of questions, points, or areas to assist an observer in evaluating the performance and
behaviour of an individual.” The observation was conducted on Saturday February 2, 2024, at

The Juicily Delight Restaurant between the peak hours of 10:30 am and 2:00 pm.

This method was chosen on the basis that in every research done, observation plays an

integral role. In addition to this, the observation checklist allows researchers to document

information instantly about what is observe in real time in the natural setting. This method of

data collection also aids in preventing bias. A total of ten items were captured on the

observation checklist with responses the stems from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

However, like any other research instruments, there was some challenges in terms of the

researcher had to be very keen in capturing authentic reliable data. The data collected during

the observation was recorded in graphs and tables for easier understanding. (The Observation

Checklist can be seen in Appendix #2)

Presentation and Analysis of Data

Figure 1: Depicting the number of hours workers worked at the establishment per


Bar Graph showing the number of hours

workers worked per week
percentage of workers


3 to 5 hrs 6 - 8 hrs 8 - 9 hrs o v er n i n e h r s

Number of hours worked per week

Bar Grap showing responses to question seven (7)

In Figure 1 above, the bar graph shows responses to the question 7: “How many hours per
day do you work? According to the data gathered twenty percent (20%) of the workers
worked for three to five hours (3 – 5 hrs) per day, forty percent (40%) worked for six to eight
hours (6 – 8 hrs.), thirty percent (30%) worked for eight to nine hours (8 – 9 hrs.) per week
and ten percent (10%) worked for over nine hours per week respectively.
Based on the findings, some of the workers worked with the prescribed hours as stipulated by
the Jamaican government.
Figure 2: Showing the salary the participants received.

Workers Salary Scale Per Week




5 employees 1 employee 4 employee

In Figure 2 above, the pie represents participants responses to the question 9: “What is your
weekly salary like?” According to the data gathered twenty percent (50%) of the workers
received a salary of over thirteen dollars per week, forty percent (40%) under thirteen
thousand dollars per week and the remaining ten percent (10%) received exactly thirteen
thousand dollars weekly.
Based on the findings, fifty percent (50%) of the workers are not being paid at the minimum
wage as stipulated by the Jamaican government,







I am a Principles of Accounts student who is conducting research on the topic, “To examine

the ethical practices adhered to in a small business in my community,” for my School Based

Assessment. I am asking you kindly to answer the following questions honesty. You do not

have to write you name. The information garnered will be kept strictly confidential and will

be stored safely. This will take you about 20 minutes to complete the process. Kindly tick the

appropriate slots beside each item.


Preliminary Questions

1. Gender


2. How long have you been working in this business establishment?

Between 1 – 6 months
6 months to 1 year
2 years
Over 2 years

3. What time does the business establishment opens to the public?

7:30 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am

4. What time does it close?

8:00 pm
10:00 pm
12:00 am

5. It there a shift system in place?

6. On a daily basis, how many customers visit the establishment?

20 – 30
30 – 40
40 – 50
0ver 50

7. How many hours per day do you work?

3 – 5hrs
6 - 7 hrs
8 - 9 hrs
Over 9 hrs

8. How many days week do you work?

7 days
6 days
5 days
Less than 5 days

9. What is your weekly salary like?

$11, 000.00
over $13,000.00
Under $13,000.00

10. Is the statutory deduction such as NIS and NHT is taken from your salary?



Observation Checklist
Ethical Principles Strongly Agree Did Disagree Strongly
Agree observe Disagree
Manager and workers respect each other

Manager and workers respect the

Provides quality service (sees that the
customers are satisfied
Develops trust

Gains credibility with workers and

Maintains integrity, example. Treat
workers fair and equal
Manager and workers listen to customers
Manager listens to workers

Ensure that the atmosphere is clean and

Following fair trade practices, example:

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