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1. Man versus nature, childhood, and adulthood are the major conflict in the poem.

The poem
focuses on exploring the youth, age, spirituality and nature. It acknowledges the link
between nature and human and how it changes in a period of time. Images and literary
devices are essentials in Wordsworth masterpiece. These are the following literary devices
presented in the poem:

Assonance- “Shout round me, let me hear thy shouts, thou happy Shepherd-boy.”

Anaphora- “Thanks to the human heart by which we live, thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and

Alliteration- “Then sing ye birds, sing, sing a joyous song.”

Consonance- “The innocent brightness of a new-born day.”

Imagery- “of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower.” “The rainbow comes and goes.”

2. The author described the beauty of the mother Earth as if it was the most breathtaking
scenery he had seen in his entire life. He describes it as a surrounding blessed with bountiful
resources and beautiful nature. “There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The
Earth, and every common sight.” The author expressed that the loveliness of the Earth was a
common sight but things have changed. He can no longer see what he saw in his fresh
dream where he can stare at the enthralling view of Earth. The “common sights” were not
common, they were wondrous. The author adds to this that they made him think that he
was expecting the glory of freshness of a dream. The fresh memory of the beautiful nature
of the mother Earth was a heartbreaking memory for him because no matter and
whosesoever he may by night or day, he cannot see what he saw in his childhood.

3. The last line expressed sadness and gratefulness at the same time. He was sad because the
fountains, meadows, hills, and groves were not able to serve the newer generation, but it
does not matter that it banished for he will keep the lovely memory and scenery of young
Earth in his mind and will treasure it forever as he feel its might. It begins with an address to
the landscape. He feels the might of these places and loves them for it. However, he
cherished the new-born day for another race and generation have been born and live the
mortality, and he is grateful for the human heart and happiness that filled his heart with joy
and tenderness and fears that allowed him to feel like a human and for the intelligence and
thoughts. The speaker loves the nature because he knows he won’t last within it forever.

4. In my purview, the author of the poem was a man on his mid-40’s and he has a genuine love
for the mother Earth that allowed him to cherish every detail that lives in it and breaks his
heart that he can no longer bring back the old days where he can gaze the night sky,
meadows, groves and streams.
5. The poem is about a man who reminisce the memory of his childhood and rejuvenating the
pictures of the nature of the younger Earth. The poem was about the Earth and how it
changed as new generation discovers newer inventories that led to industrialization. The
poem was about the speaker who tries to touch the emotion of the past but it is impossible.
It is about reflecting on aging and declares that we come from the world that is more
heavenly than earth.

6. Growing up, I always have this genuine love and care for the mother Earth. After reading the
poem, guilt veiled my entire system for I always wanted to see the better version of the
Earth. I felt guilty because I am part of the generation who destroyed the Earth. I am guilty
because I cannot do anything to make the Earth look better and take the chance to look at
the beautiful meadows, groves and streams. Moreover, I learned that it is important to
cherish the wondrous nature that we have and regain the joy of the past and lives happily
with mortality.

1. What are the changes that you wish to see in the world?

I am a young environmentalist, as I grow up I have seen how the world changed and how
industrialization affects the globe. Currently, scientists are risking their lives to prove and
encourage everyone to cooperate to save mother Earth. Governments were obsessed with
industrialization, resulting in massive usage of fossil fuels and it is hurting nature disastrously.
Thus, I wanted to see the development of human beings in how they reflect and respond to the
alarming news that was conveyed by scientists all over the world. I wanted to see changes where
authorities are doing their very best to stop contributing massive amounts of carbon dioxides that
affects the atmosphere of the Earth. I wanted to see a cleaner version of Earth so that the next
generation will benefit from the bounty of nature. Moreover, I wanted to see people around the
globe seek unity. No matter how different the religion, power, and race we all must respect each
other and let the smaller nation live peacefully. Seeking unity where I can sit in a room with a
Hispanic mother, black jazz artist, American scientist, African singer, and a Japanese actor. A room
where I can sit with people who have enormous nation and states and feel no fear of being
oppressed. I wish to see these changes to give the world a chance to live longer.

2. How can digital communication be used to change the world?

Definition: Digital Communication is “the electronic exchange of information”. Communication is

considered one of the most important interactivities among human beings. Due to the
development of technology, many more types of communication have been introduced to satisfy
the increasing contact needs of people. We are living in a century where we get to use innovative
technologies and social media platforms that allows us to share our thoughts and communicate
with the world. Digital Communication is significant for us to cope with what is happening beyond
our nation. For instance, youth around the globe were informed about the Scientists' rally through
social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. The usage of these platforms
became prevalent, thus it is easier for us to change the world, create advocacy, and spread
awareness because it is located at our fingertips. One tap and an individual can encourage others
to be part of the change and save the world. The facts are that digital methods of communication
are faster, more versatile, practical, and streamlined, so it is perhaps unsurprising that once the
technology became available we began quickly moving into the digital age. We cannot deny that
at this point we need digital communication. We need a place that can connect us with anyone
without exception. We can use our digital communication for the good. We can stay in closer
contact with everyone. That’s why digital communication is important because we need it in this

Page 290

1. Why was the policy forum conducted?

The policy forum was conducted to (1) review and synthesize the recorded impacts of climate
change on the Philippine marine resources and (2) make recommendations relating to their
sustainable utilization and management.

2. How has climate change affected our marine ecosystems?

Climate change is considered a very serious threat to the oceans globally. Rising temperatures due
to global warming cause thermal stress in oceans, and in particular causes coral bleaching (when
living coral turn white, weaken, and eventually die). Marine life is also damaged by ocean
acidification when excessive amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere cause seawater to become more
acidic. Ocean acidification can cause a mass extinction of marine species, food insecurity, and
damage to the economy.

3. What climate change impacts on the Philippine marine environment we revealed?

According to Dr. Vincent V. Hilomen, project manager of the Marine Key Biodiversity Areas Project
of the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) Department of Environmental and Natural
Resources, certain climate change impacts such as coral bleaching can shift species composition
that would cause cascading changes in our biodiversity. Moreover, Dr. Laura T. David pointed out
that the rise of temperature in the ocean such as thermal anomalies intensifying coral bleaching
and the global migration of fishes. This forum revealed that the most dangerous causes of climate
change and affected the marine life are human activities.

4. What did Dr. Licuanan’s study reveal about the reef in Pangasinan?

Their study has estimated that the reef in Pangasinan could be gone 11 years with 15% of its
damage to be due to climate change, and 85% to human activities.

5. What concerns were raised by the participants during the open forum?

A number of concerns were raised by the participants during the open forum. As pointed out by
the Chairman of BSD and the speakers, the Philippine territory is “more water than land” i.e. more
than 60% (especially with the recent grand of the UN) of Benham Rise at the country’s pacific side.
Therefore, more research and management measures should be undertaken for the country’s
marine resources. Issues regarding closed season fishing changes in the species composition of the
harvest, and the productivity capacities of the marine resources were discussed among the others.
Many agreed that human impacts in the marine environment are exacerbated by climate change.

6. What do you think does “thinking globally and acting locally” on climate change issues

Climate change is a global predicament, it corrupts the mind of people and creates an illusion that
you would believe this Climate Change is unsolvable because it happens globally. In my purview,
thinking globally and acting locally implies that great changes start with smaller movements at a
local scale. We can achieve global goals by starting in smaller steps and it will lead to something
impactful on Earth. Because, as you started to create advocacy, it will eventually inspire other
people and nations to be part of it. Remember that a great tree came from a small seed; a mighty
oak came from a nut seed that held its ground.

7. What was emphasized in the closing remarks?

National Scientist Gavino C. Trono, Jr. a member of BSD of NAST PHL emphasized that climate
change is here and there is a need to it by implementing appropriate programs. He also noted that
although climate change has very big effect on the biodiversity and productivity of marine

Page 295

1. Do you consider yourself responsive and adaptable to change? Why do you think so?

One thing that I can proudly say is yes, as climate change and viruses sent shockwaves all through
the globe. Our nation established new legislation to protect the people and environment at all
costs. I became adaptable to change by abiding by the laws and protective measures to ensure my
safety. I became a responsible youth by encouraging grown-ups to recycle, reduce, reuse and
compost. I created advocacy in our Barangay that aims to enlighten every person that has an
opportunity to learn that Climate Change and Global warming are critical issues that our Nature is
facing. Charles Darwin once said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent that survive. It is the ones that are most adaptable to change”.

2. How can you develop your response to change?

Change is precarious; there is a little voice that will linger in your mind if this change is
incoherently bad or good. To have a better retort to change, one must learn about the significance
of this change and must learn how to manage risks. Encourage others to adapt because it will be
meaningless if you are the only one who responds to changes. Knowing what motivates others
inevitably means being connected with others on one hand and gathering/understanding/valuing
their feedback and motivations on the other. A very human and emotional given indeed.
“Recognizing and overcoming the challenges of fear” standing in the way of change and

Page 301

1. What do the DSWD and JJWC object to?

The Department of Social Welfare and Development DSWD and the Juvenile Justice and Welfare
Council JJWC strongly object to the lowering of the minimum age of criminal responsibility
(MACR) from 15 years old to 13 as provided in the new criminal code book 1.

2. What kind of juvenile justice system does the UNCRC promote?

The Philippine is a state party to the United Nations convention on the rights of the child UNCRC
and other international treaties promoting and protecting children's right.

3. According to the article, what determines the full maturity of children?

It is not the offence that determines the full maturity of children but their age, and the physical
and mental development.

4. Why does the DSWD consider the move to criminalize younger children anti-poor?
The DSWD considered the move to criminalize younger children is anti-poor. Prior to RA 9344,
studies found that most children involved in crimes were poor. most committed theft and crimes
against property. Clearly, these were crimes committed for survival, safety, and security.

5. What happened to young children accused of stealing or vagrancy before the passage of RA

RA 9344 does not mean children are getting away from the crime they did rather it makes children
responsible for the acts that they have committed, without necessarily making them criminal
because criminalizing younger children is not the answer to the root causes of juvenile
delinquency. The young children accused of stealing or vagrancy before the passage of RA 9344
will receive an equal treatment like the new children that committed stealing or vagrancy. The
State likewise recognizes the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition,
and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty and exploitation, and other
conditions prejudicial to their development.

SEC. 68. Children Who Have Been Convicted and are Serving Sentence. – Persons who have been
convicted and are serving sentence at the time of the affectivity of this Act, and who were below
the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the commission of the offense for which they were
convicted and are serving sentence, shall likewise benefit from the retroactive application of this
Act. They shall be entitled to appropriate dispositions provided under this Act and their sentences
shall be adjusted accordingly. They shall be immediately released if they are so qualified under this
Act or other applicable law.
6. What is the purpose of RA 9344?
stages involving children at risk and children in conflict with the law from prevention to
rehabilitation and reintegration. The law provides protection by establishing alternative measures
to make children accountable without subjecting them to procedures and ensuring their
rehabilitation so that they become useful and productive citizens of the country.

7. According to the article, what are the root causes of juvenile delinquency?
Juvenile delinquency has strong links to poverty and dysfunctioning families. Studies found out
that mostly came from these dysfunctioning families who lost access to basic needs, parental love
and support, with very little education and were usually and neglected or abused.

8. What is the main argument of the article? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
The main argument is about objecting to the lowering of the minimum age of criminal
responsibility from 15 years old to 13. Criminalizing younger children is not the answer to the root
causes of juvenile delinquency. We will only fail at safeguarding the rights and preventing them
from reoffending in the future. I totally agree with this objection and law because we are dealing
with poverty and it is no secret that there are a lot of children that does not have wholesome
community environment to ensure they grow properly because most of the committed crimes
were for survival, safety, and security. They are left with no choice thus the problem here focuses
on poverty and dysfunctioning families. However young children who committedgrave crime must
also receive a punishment and make children responsible for the acts they have committed without
necessarily making them criminal, it does not only provide assistance to the child but the family
and community as well and for the betterment of their mental and physical development.

1. Should you consider the opinion of others before making an important decision?
Yes, you are not the only person who will be affected by the decision but the whole organization.
We are often informed not to worry about what others assume of us. Just be ourselves and don’t
be confused by the opinions of others. This is an essential realization, especially in moments when
we have a good idea but are too afraid to share it out of concern of rejection, or we are scared to
go in opposition to the majority. It is essential to no longer be apprehensive of other people’s
opinions. Seeking and considering the opinions and ideas of others reflects the character strengths
of wisdom and humility and it will let us have an optimal decision for the betterment. Goldsmith
writes, “If we can stop, listen, and think about what others are seeing in us, we have a great
opportunity. We can compare the self that we want to be with the self that we are presenting to
the rest of the world. We can then begin to make the real changes that are needed to close the
gap between our stated values and our actual behavior.”

2. Is the majority's decision always right? Defend your answer.

Correlating this to the current election in our nation, I do not think that the decision of the
majority is always right especially when people were blinded by false sources and rootless
accusations towards a better person who deserves to have the position, even though we are
democratic. The only assumption that democracy makes is that it believes that people know what
they want and that whatever they choose is best for them. This, however, is not true. A Greek
philosopher Socrates believed that voting is a skill. He believed that people take naive decisions
and that they have to be taught how to vote. When this philosophy of his reached the ears of the
state officials, he was called onto for a trial as it was believed that he was planting ill thoughts into
the young minds. He had to face a jury, which means, his life hangs on the very voting system he
was preaching against. He was judged guilty by vote and was punished to drink a poison that
killed him. So what happened there was that the majority of the jury believed he was guilty and
that his philosophy was toxic. But just because a jury believes so doesn’t make his philosophy a
fallacy. This can happen in every democratic nation too.

1. What did President Aquino reiterate during the conference?

In his statement during the leaders event for the 21st conference of parties for the United
Nations framework convention on climate change. President Benigno S. Aquino III reiterated his
call to rich countries to share the burden of poor countries, especially the so-called vulnerable
20, in addressing concerns of climate change.

2. What other countries are greatly affected by climate change in terms of destruction and
economy when typhoons strike?

Other countries that are greatly affected by climate change and massive destruction will occur
during and after typhoon are like India, Bangladesh, Canada, and Japan.

3. What do the V20 countries aspire for?

Impacts from extreme-weather events hit the poorest countries hardest as these are particularly
vulnerable to the damaging effects of a hazard, have a lower coping capacity and may need more
time to rebuild and recover. The Global Climate Risk Index indicates a level of exposure and
vulnerability to extreme weather events, which countries should understand as warnings in order
to be prepared for more frequent and/or more severe events in the future. The storms in Japan
show: Also high-income countries are feeling climate impacts more clearly than ever before.
Effective climate change mitigation and adaptation to prevent or minimize potential damage is
therefore in the self-interest of all countries worldwide.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has reiterated the fact that both risks and vulnerability are
systemic and interconnected. It is therefore important to strengthen the resilience of the most
vulnerable against different types of risk (climatic, geophysical, economic, or health-related).

After the international climate policy process stalled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic
expectations regarding progress on the long-term finance goal and adequate support for
adaptation and L&D lie in 2021 and 2022. The process needs to deliver: a) a decision on how the
need for support for vulnerable countries concerning future loss and damage is to be determined
on an ongoing basis; b) the necessary steps to generate and make available financial resources to
meet these needs; and c) strengthening the implementation of measures for adapting to climate

4. What has the Philippines done to mitigate climate change?

As one of the world’s most vulnerable nations, the Philippines is strongly committed to addressing
the threat of climate change. It is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change and a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, which set targets for the reduction of global
greenhouse gas emissions. To meet its national development goals and international
commitments, the government established crucial legal and institutional frameworks for climate
mitigation and adaptation in the country. Guided by these laws and strategies, climate change
mitigation and disaster risk reduction measures have been included in the Philippine Development
Plan for 2017-2022. In 2016, the Philippine Senate ratified the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto
Protocol, and in 2017, the Paris Agreement. Following this, Philippine policymakers proposed
nationally determined contributions to help achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global
warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. These focused on promoting energy efficiency;
improving transport systems; shifting to cleaner fuels and vehicles; improving solid waste
management and wastewater treatment; ensuring forest protection, restoration, and rehabilitation;
and adopting climate-resilient agriculture practices.

5. Why is President Aquino's participation in COP 21 significant?

President Aquino’s participation in COP 21 is significant because Philippines is one of the

vulnerable 20 and the considering the fact that he is the chairperson of the climate vulnerable

6. What conclusion can be drawn from former president Aquino's statement?

The heart of this call is the stark reality that countries like the Philippines bear a disproportionate
amount of the burden when it comes to climate change. The appeal we made in Manila asks all
peoples to act and come to an agreement that allows all voices to be heard, and takes into
consideration our particular situations as nations.

1. What are the ways to utilize the limited resources of our planet without harming the
environment? We are blessed with an abundance of sources and our goal is to take care of them in
order not to lose these sources that keeps us alive. Reducing humanity’s collective carbon footprint
and conserving our natural resources to fight climate change will help leave our planet habitable
for future generations. Humans rely on natural resources for survival, but not all natural resources
are renewable. The food and water we consume, the air we breathe, and the shelter we make all
derive from natural resources, so we must take steps to conserve what we have to encourage the
health and longevity of both the planet and humankind. To ensure the longevity of the Earth we
must reduce, reuse, recycle and compost wastes. Use less water and conserve energy, be a
responsible citizen by not shaving the forests instead grows more trees to reduce carbon
2. Have you taken any initiative to protect the environment and to mitigate the effects of climate

Yes, a teenager like me is capable of changing and saving the world. As we got used to
technologies many unwanted emails keep on popping into our emails. Thus, deleting them will
conserve energy because sending emails required electricity and factories emits carbon gases that
might ruin the atmosphere. My next initiative is to use websites or search engine tools that aim to
save the world—like Ecosia, it works exactly like Google but in every 45 searches, you will plant a
tree. These are basic initiatives and we can do a lot more than these, such as recycling materials,
composting, and encouraging other youth to be part of the change.

1. Who are the characters in the story? Describe the similarities and differences that they have?

There most important characters in the story are the American wife as the protagonist, George
as the husband, the hotel-keeper, and the maid.

American wife- She is the protagonist in the story, she is a nameless young American woman
who has an attractive style and a short boyish hair. She is on holiday in Italy with her husband
George but she is bored, unhappy and lonely.

George- the American’s wife husband, he is a bookworm type of guy because he spends more
time reading than seizing the holiday in Italy. He does not pay attention to the needs and wants
of his wife portraying him as a selfish husband.

The Hotel-keeper- a tall, old, dignified man who serves the guests at the hotel. It is his job to
ensure the safety and be chivalrous and polite to their guests.

The Maid- she is an Italian woman who is in charge of cleaning the hotel room of the couple.
She is polite and ready to do everything that would make the couple comfortable.

2. How do the husband and the wife interact with each other? Are these interactions sources of
conflict? Explain your answer.

It is no secret that the husband is giving his wife a cold treatment throughout the story; we can
feel the emptiness in their relationship and there is no close contact with each other. In my
point of view, the cold interaction is the sources of conflict because the woman wants full
attention from her husband but he is constantly reading and told his wife to “shut up and get
something to read” this is somehow hurtful because they are in holiday vacation, they were
supposed to spend the holiday and seize the moment even if it is raining. Watching movies
might lift up the mood of the American wife but his husband pays no attention and the lack of
involvement when his wife wants to fetch the cat. George offered a half-hearted offer because
if he is willing to help his wife, he would stand up and left the book but he remained
unbothered and continues to read.

3. What does the wife like about the hotel-keeper?

The hotel keeper has values and characteristics that he cannot find in her husband. She liked
the deadly serious way he received any complaint. She liked his dignity. She liked the way he
wanted to serve her. She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper. She liked his old,
heavy face and big hands.

4. How does the padrone make the wife feel? Why do you think he makes her feel this way?

The padrone’s gentlemanlike acts made the wife feel very small and the same time really
important. She felt very small and tight inside like he was giving her butterflies in her stomach.
She had a momentarily feeling of being supreme importance. In my purview, the American wife
is a victim of neglect and she ought to seek the outside attention and the fact that the padrone
gives her the attention and offered generous acts; it reflects the lack of attention or even
affection she receives from her husband. The padrone symbolized masculinity, I assumed that
he also feels the same towards the American wife or he is just doing his job generously.

5. How would you describe the relationship between the husband and the wife in the story?

The relationship between the husband and wife is dull; I assumed that they were coerced by
their parents to marry each other throughout the story that is why they don’t feel any affection
towards each other. They do not wholeheartedly interact with each other and the fact that the
American wife was attracted to the hotel-keeper portrays that she does not have any feelings
towards her husband.

6. In your opinion, how does the literary selection portray women?

The author uses imagery and subtlety to convey to the reader that the relationship between the
American couple is clearly dysfunctional. The American woman is struggling because this
marriage cannot meet her expectations. The woman wants stable home where she is loved and
respected by her husband. This short story describes the whole accurate characteristic of a
woman. It is obvious that woman depicts more emotions that man, it portrays that woman
seeks for attention, love, respect and care and if the husband fails to give or show these, the
woman will eventually seek it outside. It shows how women are easily attracted to a simple act
that would make them feel important and loved.

7. What do you think that the cat symbolize?

Ernest Hemingway uses animals to create richer characterization for his human characters. To
begin with, the cat symbolizes how human beings are often faced with larger greediness and
uncontented on their own. In addition to, the weather symbolizes sadness and loneliness, the act
symbolizes the situation of the American wife in her relationship. The woman seeks for love and
comfort nurturing from her husband but she was neglected. She, therefore, like the cat was trying
to make herself comfortable, and compact that she would not be dripped on, her empathy for the
cat is shown trough her persistence to rescue it from the rain despite the fact that she has to go
out and get herself wet because she knows how it feels to be neglected.. And her husband like the
rain makes her feel sad and unsafe, and the hotel keeper who offered an umbrella is like the table
who protects the cat.
1. Women are the most valuable creature in the world, they are not just capable on bearing,
raising and taking care of their children and doing households. They are more impactful than men,
women, notably mothers, play the vital role in decision-making about family meal planning and
ensure stability. Imagine a world without women, there will be no light and hope in the world.
Women can lead. Women can handle political affairs and built relationships with other foreign
leaders. It is a woman who recognize and upbring women’s rights, altering divorce and property
laws to give greater benefits to women, building convents for ex-prostitute for rape and for
prohibiting the trafficking of young girls. Women are also capable of protecting the nation,
inventing chemicals, reach the moon, invent vacuum ice cream freezer, can opener and bobbin free
sewing machine.

2. Traditionally, women were considered to be full-time homemakers. Their responsibilities were

to take care of their children and family. They didn’t have any role in the household earning. Over
the years, the roles of women have changed. Here we are going to discuss it. Women now bear
less number of children than they used to before. Most families now have one or two children.
They even give birth to a child at a more matured age. Women now have children even without
marriage. More women are now getting literate and they are also pursuing higher education. This
is creating an opportunity for them to work. They are also playing role in family decision making.
Women are no longer staying home full-time. They are going to the market for doing grocery
shopping, paying bills and doing all the works those only men used to do before. They are getting
more involved in the outside works. Women have entered the workplace. They also earn for their
family just like men. However, the percentage of women in the workplace is still less than that of
men as women have to take the major household responsibilities. The percentage of the part-time
job is more in case of women. Women are still often seen in the caring or teaching sector. But now
more women are entering the male-dominated sectors like politics, the legal system, etc. as well.
More women are occupying senior management positions. Women now have a voice, unlike
before. Families are no more male-dominated. Like men, women also make major life decisions.
Women have stood against dowry and domestic violence. Even in the workplace, they fight against
sexual abuse and equality. Child marriage is being stopped in many communities.

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?

Throughout the poem, we can notice that the poem was told by the townspeople or the second
persons’ point of views. They were governed by Richard Cory and they all look up to him.

2. What sensory images are used to describe Richard Cory in the first three stanzas of the

The author implements the usage off metaphor and imagery throughout the poem. It shows that
townspeople thought highly of him and the last line was much unexpected because people
thought that he has everything that they wish they have.
To begin with, the first stanza was the introduction to the eponymous character, Richard Cory.
“Whenever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a
gentleman from sole to crown, Clean-flavoured, and imperially slim.” It is clearly stated that
townspeople were eyeing on him and on his physical wellness thus the sensory image in the first
stanza is sighting.

In addition to, the second stanza’s sensory image utilizes the sense of hearing because
townspeople admired the way he talked and the way he said “good morning” to them

The third stanza’s sensory image utilizes the sense of sighting because they describe how rich he
was and his movement screamed intelligence and disciplined.

3. What was the last stanza reveal about Richard Cory?

The last stanza was undeniably upsetting and jaw-dropping because Richard Cory was living the
dream life of many, he was blessed with wealth, knowledge, and respect but the last stanza
revealed that he is not happy with his life. So he shot himself because of loneliness and he suffered
from lots of mental illnesses like anxiety and depression.

4. What do you think is the reason behind Richard Cory’s tragic end?

Nowadays, suicide became the most tallied cause of death. Especially during the early days of
pandemic, we witnessed the global news and reports about suicidal cases of teenagers and it is
rooted from mental illnesses that they succumbed within themselves. Thus, personally think that
Richard Cory ends his life because of anxiety and depression. He was sick of being praised and
adored, they never cared about his feelings and it portrays that his wealth is the most important to
the townspeople.

5. What do you think is the message of the poem?

The author was trying to recall the economy depression of 1893 throughout this poem. It conveys
that everyone, no matter how different the race, creeds and status of life, they are all dealing with
their own struggles and problems through their daily lives. Looks can be deceiving, and wealth
cannot buy happiness. It is more important to maintain mental health stability than to have
mountains of money.

1. Do you dare to be different? Why or why not?

In a world where people normalize racism, sexism, bullying and any sorts of discrimination, I dare
to be different. It is pinnacle to be special, unique and stand out from the crowd for many things. It
is fun when you have your unique talent, mindset, and styles. Being unique is the remarkable way
to specific your private character and just be yourself for once, it would elevate your self-esteem. I
wanted to say that being different should not let a person feel down, it must be a good thing that
could help them have a great future and dream more. I do not want to fit in anyone’s standards or
group that would make me feel that I am weird and not be myself. Thus I dare to be different,
when people chose not to speak and fight against any sorts of discrimination, I dare to be different
in a way that I will serve as the voice of the mute, the eyes of those who are unable to see and be
an advocate that would bring peace. Johnny Depp once said that “I think everybody’s weird. We
should celebrate our individuality and not be ashamed of it.”

2. Has technology change the way teenagers think and behave nowadays? Why do you think

Our generation is used to technologies, we became dependent upon technologies in order to be

productive and interact all day. I believe that the technologies have become a game changer as it
evolves and became innovative as years passed by. There are lots of advantages of technologies in
our life but in exchange teenagers became addicted and changes human behavior. Our generation
became more open and used to cyber bullying, trolling, isolation, inappropriate, r-18 images and
videos, inappropriate relationships, and academic cheating.

1. What does Madame Magloire discover which makes her panic?

Madame Magloire found out that the silver inside the basket was stolen by an unknown man. It is
very valuable to her that is why she panicked.

2. How does the Bishop react too what Madame Magloire tells him? Why do you think he
reacted this way?

The bishop was not saddened by the fact that the silver was stolen because it does not belong to
them and he knows that whoever stole it will show up or get caught.

3. What is the Bishop’s reaction upon seeing Jean Valjean again?

The Bishop remain emotionless and he was not surprised because he knows that Jean Valjean was
the only capable of doing such thing and he was having a hard time on turning himself from thief
to honest.

4. What is Jean Valjean’s reaction to what the bishop has done? Why do you think he reacted
this way?

He was surprised because he knows the Bishop and he was shocked because the Bishop chose to
dismiss the case and forgave him. He knows that he must be punished but the Bishop was too kind
to do so.

5. After stealing valuable from a church, the Bishop forgave him and offers another
opportunity to start a new life. The Bishop let him realized that you can always withdraw
yourself from the wrongdoings and it is never too late to live life in a nicer way.
6. If I were the Bishop, I would rather detain him than giving him another chance. For he will
not learn his lesson and might continue his wrongdoings.
7. Bishop’s purpose in helping Jean Valjean was to show him that there is always good in bad
and if you only see the worst on a person then you will never know what it is like to explore
their minds.
8. The selection talks about second chances. Every one of us deserves a second chance to
discipline and improve ourselves and how a simple act of kindness can influence others’
9. Les Misèrables was publishes in 1862 that is considered one of the greatest novels of the
19th century. It was written during a century off massive social upheaval in France. The
Revolution of 1789, and subsequent uprisings in 1830 and 1848, saw the country go from
monarchy to republic to empire and back again several times. Valjean’s character was
inspired by ex-convict Eugène Franḉois Vidocq. He turned a criminal career into an anti-
crime industry. He created the Bureau des Renseignements, said to be the world’s first
detective agency, in 1883 though himself continue to be pursued by the police.
10. This selection was written to promote social justice. How poor were just as exploited as they
were before in the Revolution. It is examining the nature of law and grace, the novel
elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics,
moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the nature of romantic and familial

1. A wise man John Quincy Adams stated that “If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” Being a leader is not
about the title; it is about being an advocate and is willing to do what others are not.
Great leaders help people have a larger vision of them. Leaders look for the potential in
followers those followers often do not recognize in themselves. Titles are often
misunderstood; skills and results make you a leader. Titles should confirm leadership but
they can never bestow it. Being entitled as a leader is useless when you are not able to
inspire and create an advocacy that would elevate the situation of the community or an
organization. Margaret Thatcher once said that “Being a leader is like being a lady. If you
have to remind people you are, you aren’t.” Thus, you do not have to worry about not
being looked up as a leader or not being addressed as a leader, because what matters
thee most is how you could be a medium of becoming a game changer.
2. 3 years ago, I participated on Peace building organization and we did a lot of activities.
The speaker would always say that “there is no room for shy people” We were taught
that having good communication skills is the key to become a great leader because you
need to persuade them in a manner of not coercing them disrespectfully. Good
communication skills are a tool of leadership, not an outcome. Followers want leader
who can tell them what they can achieve and then do it. It is your communication skill
that would define you as a leader. If you have strong interaction between your followers
then you can achieve anything that you have planned for. I therefore believe that a
person cannot be an effective leader if he or she lacks of communication skills

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