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Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition
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Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition

Second Edition

Edited by
Andrea J. Fascetti, VMD, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition and Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Professor of Nutrition, Department of Molecular Biosciences,
School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis,
Davis, CA, USA

Sean J. Delaney, BS, DVM, MS

Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Founder, Balance It®, A DBA of Davis Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc.
Davis, CA, USA

Jennifer A. Larsen, DVM, MS, PhD

Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Professor of Clinical Nutrition, Department of Molecular Biosciences,
School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis,
Davis, CA, USA

Cecilia Villaverde, BVSc, PhD

Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Diplomate ECVCN
EBVS®, European Specialist in Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition
Consultant, Expert Pet Nutrition, Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland
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List of Contributors xx
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgments xxiv

1 Integration of Nutrition into Clinical Practice 1

Sean J. Delaney, Andrea J. Fascetti, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Paul Brentson
Introduction 1
Average Revenue from Food Sales and the Potential 1
Strategies to Increase Product Sales 2
Recommending an Effective Therapeutic Food 2
Establishing Expectations 2
Performing a Nutritional Assessment 3
Monitoring Patient Response 3
Providing a Variety of Options 3
Recommending Therapeutic Treats 4
Recommending Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements 4
Creating or Increasing Revenue from Nutritional Advice 4
Nutritional Advice for Healthy Patients 5
Nutritional Advice for Unhealthy Patients 7
References 7

2 Basic Nutrition Overview 8

Sean J. Delaney and Andrea J. Fascetti
Energy 8
Energy Requirements 9
Essential Nutrients 9
Protein and Amino Acids 10
Fat 12
Carbohydrates 13
Minerals 13
Macrominerals 13
Trace Minerals (Microminerals) 14
Vitamins 14
Water Soluble 14
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Fat Soluble 14
Storage Pools for Essential Nutrients 15
Essential Nutrient Deficiency Signs and Clinically Available or Relevant Methods
of Assessing Nutrient Status 15
Protein 16
Amino Acids 16
Arginine 16
Histidine 16
Isoleucine 16
Leucine 16
Lysine 16
Methionine (Spared by Cystine) 16
Phenylalanine (Spared by Tyrosine) 17
Threonine 17
Tryptophan 17
Valine 17
Taurine 17
Fat 17
Linoleic Acid 17
Arachidonic Acid (Cat, Not Dog) 18
Minerals 18
Macrominerals (Typically Required at 100 mg/Mcal) 18
Calcium 18
Phosphorus 18
Magnesium 18
Sodium 18
Potassium 18
Chloride 19
Microminerals (Typically Required at <100 mg/Mcal) 19
Iron 19
Copper 19
Zinc 19
Manganese 19
Selenium 19
Iodine 19
Vitamins 20
Fat-Soluble Vitamins 20
Vitamin A 20
Vitamin D 20
Vitamin E 20
Vitamin K 20
Water-Soluble Vitamins 20
Thiamin, Vitamin B1 20
Riboflavin, Vitamin B2 21
Pyridoxine, Vitamin B6 21
Niacin, Vitamin B3 21
Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B5 21
Cobalamin, Vitamin B12 21
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Folic Acid, Vitamin B9 22

Biotin, Vitamin H or B7 22
Choline 22
Diagnostic and Food Analysis Laboratories and Diet Computer Analysis 25
Nutrient Requirements 25
Key Clinical Nutritional Excesses and Signs 26
Additional Education on Nutrition 27
References 27

3 Determining Energy Requirements 29

Jon J. Ramsey
Units 29
Basic Concepts and Terminology 30
Diet Records or History 32
Calculating the Energy Content of a Diet 33
Practical Equations for Predicting the Metabolizable Energy Content of Dog and Cat
Foods 37
Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weight 39
Methods of Determining Energy Expenditure and Energy Requirements 39
Methods of Calculating Energy Expenditure and Energy Requirements 42
Energy Requirements for Maintenance 42
Example Calculation 47
Example Calculation 48
Example Calculation 48
Energy Requirements for Growth 48
Example Calculation 50
Energy Requirements for Pregnancy and Lactation 51
Example Calculation 52
Calculating Energy Requirements in States of Disease 53
Summary 55
References 56

4 Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance 58

Richard C. Hill
How Much Should Exercising Dogs Be Fed? 58
Energy Requirements for Performance and Work 59
Types of Exercise and Nutrient Requirements 62
The Importance of Training 64
Nutritional Recommendations for Dogs Undertaking Different Types of Exercise 64
Long-Distance Submaximal Aerobic Exercise 65
Short-Distance Supramaximal Anaerobic Exercise 66
Fluid and Electrolyte Requirements, Hydration, and “Sports Drinks” 67
Antioxidants 68
Other Vitamins, Trace Minerals, and Other Essential Nutrients 68
Other Nutritional Supplements 68
Time of Feeding 69
Summary 69
References 69
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viii Contents

5 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications 72

David A. Dzanis and Isabel Marzo
US Regulation 72
US Regulation of Pet Foods and Supplements 72
Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms 72
US Regulatory Oversight 73
General Labeling Requirements 74
Labeling Claims 77
Descriptive Terms 77
Supplements 78
Therapeutic Pet Foods 79
Dog Chews 83
Summary 83
European Union Regulation 83
Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms 84
General Pet Food Regulations 85
Complementary Pet Food: Composition, Uses, and Labeling 86
Feed Additives 87
Claims 87
Labeling 87
Dietetic Pet Food 90
Practical Implications 95
Summary 96
References 96

6 Using Pet Food Labels and Product Guides 98

Sean J. Delaney and Andrea J. Fascetti
“Reading” a Pet Food Label 98
Overview of Regulatory Oversight 98
Principal Display Panel or Front Display Panel 98
Product Name 99
Back Panel 99
Nutritional Adequacy 100
Ingredient Declaration 100
Nutrient Concentrations or Guaranteed Analysis 101
Company’s Contact Information 101
Feeding Directions or Guidelines 101
Calorie Content 101
Caloric Distribution Calculation 102
Using Product Brochures and Guides 103
Converting Nutrient Concentrations to a Dry Matter Basis 103
Converting Nutrient Concentrations to an Energy Basis 104
Converting to Other Units 104
Product Guide Recommendations for Conditions and Diseases 104
Summary 105
Recommended Resources 105
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Contents ix

7 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat 106

Andrea J. Fascetti and Sean J. Delaney
Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat 108
How Much to Feed 108
When and How to Feed 112
Free-Choice (Ad Libitum, Self-Feeding) 112
Time-Restricted Meal Feeding 113
Portion-Controlled Feeding 113
Snacks and Treats 113
Jerky Treats and Fanconi Syndrome in Dogs 115
What to Feed 116
Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stages 117
Gestation and Lactation 117
Cats 117
Dogs 118
Supplementation during Gestation and Lactation 119
Assessment 119
Growth 119
Orphan Kittens and Puppies 119
Assessment 120
Weaning to Adult 120
Kittens 120
Puppies 120
Neutering and the Prevention of Weight Gain in Kittens and Puppies 121
Assessment 122
Adult Cats and Dogs 122
Assessment 122
Senior Dogs and Cats 122
Physiological Changes Associated with Aging 123
Nutrient Requirements of Older Pets 126
Feeding Recommendations for Mature Dogs and Cats 128
Summary 129
References 129

8 Commercial and Home-Prepared Diets 136

Andrea J. Fascetti and Sean J. Delaney
Introduction 136
Commercial Diets 136
Types of Pet Foods 136
Dry Food 136
Moist Foods 137
Semi-Moist Foods 137
Raw 138
Terminology 138
Market Segments 140
Commercial Dog and Cat Diet Formulation and Considerations 140
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Ingredient Database Population 140

Ingredient Safety and Legality First 140
Ingredient Regulatory Considerations 141
Ingredient Availability and Cost 141
Establishing Reliable Nutrient Profiles for Ingredients 142
Ingredient Procurement 143
Sustainability 143
Consistency 143
Ingredient Declaration 144
Formulation Software 144
Options 144
Limitations 145
Equipment 145
Extruder 145
Canning/Retorting Line 146
Availability of Pilot Plant or Line 146
Guaranteed Analysis Target 146
Ingredient Declaration Order 147
Functionality 147
Shelf Life 147
Palatability 148
Least Cost 148
Stool Quality and Digestibility 149
Labeling 149
Continuous Improvement 149
Home-Prepared Diets 150
Nutritional Adequacy 150
Managing Patients Using Home-Prepared Diets 154
Protein and Amino Acids 154
Fatty Acids 155
Carbohydrates 156
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements 156
General Considerations 156
Assessment while on a Home-Prepared Diet 158
Raw Food Feeding 158
Summary 160
References 160

9 Nutritional Management of Body Weight 163

Kathryn E. Michel and Robert C. Backus
The Health Consequences of Overweightness and Obesity 164
Obesity as a Risk Factor for Canine Orthopedic Disease 164
Obesity as a Risk Factor for Feline Diabetes Mellitus 164
Additional Health Risks of Obesity in Dogs and Cats 165
Increasing Awareness of Overweightness and Obesity 165
Targeting Optimal Weight 166
Body Condition Scoring 166
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Understanding the Risk Factors for Weight Gain 170

Accurate Accounting of Caloric Intake 171
Formulation of the Weight-Loss Plan 172
Dietary Considerations 173
Exercise 176
Tailoring the Program to the Patient 176
Assessment of the Weight-Loss Plan 177
Safety and Efficacy of Weight-Loss Programs for Companion Animals 177
Adjustment of the Weight-Loss Plan 178
Summary 180
References 180

10 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases 186

Herman Hazewinkel
Bone Composition and Calciotropic Hormones 186
Chemical Composition of Bone 187
Mineral Composition During Growth 188
Hormonal Regulation of Calcium 189
The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Development 192
Energy 192
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin D 193
Calcium Deficiency 193
Phosphorus Deficiency 198
Vitamin D Deficiency (Rickets or Hypovitaminosis D) 198
Deficiency of Other Trace Minerals 201
Calcium Excess (Alimentary Hypercalcitoninism) 201
Vitamin D Excess 205
Vitamin A Excess 206
Nutrient Requirements for Skeletal Maintenance in Adult Animals 208
Implementation of Nutrition in Clinical Orthopedics 210
Influence of Nutrition in the Occurrence of Orthopedic Diseases 211
Elbow Dysplasias 211
Role of Nutrition in Elbow Dysplasias 212
Hip Dysplasia 213
Nutritional Influences Seen in Hip Dysplasia 214
Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (or Metaphyseal Osteopathy) in Dogs 216
Prevention of Nutritionally Related Orthopedic Diseases 217
Diets to Support Treatment of Patients with Osteoarthrosis 218
Causative Role of Nutrition 219
Therapeutic Role of Nutrition 220
Osteoarthrosis in Cats 225
Summary 226
References 226

11 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases 235

Nick Cave, Sean J. Delaney, and Jennifer A. Larsen
Key Dietary Variables 235
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Protein 235
Glutamine 236
Fat 236
Fiber and Prebiosis 237
Fiber Viscosity 239
Fiber as a Luminal Adsorbent 239
Fiber Fermentability 240
Effects of Short-Chain Volatile Fatty Acids on the Colon 240
Effects of Butyrate on Intestinal Immunity 241
Effect of Fiber on Intestinal Flora: Prebiosis 241
Choice of Fiber 242
Immune Response to Dietary Antigens (Oral Tolerance) 243
Immunologic Basis for Oral Tolerance 243
Loss of Tolerance to Dietary Antigens 244
Food Immunogenicity 245
Acute Gastrointestinal Disease 246
Withholding Food for Acute Non-specific Gastroenteritis 246
Provides Bowel Rest 247
Reduces the Risk of Vomiting 247
Decreases Bacterial Proliferation 248
Decreases Osmotic Diarrhea 248
Decreases Presence of Food Antigens 248
Benefits of Luminal Nutrition in Acute Gastroenteritis 248
Intestinal Recovery and Adaptation 249
Effect of Luminal Nutrients on Inflammation 249
Veterinary Evidence 251
Recommendations 252
Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease 254
Periodontal Disease 254
Periodontitis in Feral and Wild Animals 255
Evidence of the Protective Effect of Chewing Activities 255
Dental Diets 256
The Effect of Gingival Stimulation 257
The Influence of Diet on Saliva and the Flora 258
Recommendations 258
Esophageal Disease 259
Motility Disorders and Megaesophagus 259
Esophagitis 259
Small Intestinal Disease 261
Chronic Intestinal Inflammation and Idiopathic Enteropathy 261
Protein-Losing Enteropathies 270
Adverse Food Reactions and Food-Responsive Enteropathy 270
Short Bowel Syndrome 271
Large Intestinal Disease 273
Colitis 273
Acute Colitis 273
Chronic Colitis 274
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Idiopathic Large-Bowel Diarrhea 275

Constipation and Megacolon 276
Intestinal Gas and Flatulence 277
Intestinal Gas Transit and Borborygmus 277
Flatulence 277
Summary 279
References 280

12 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases 299

Cecilia Villaverde and Marta Hervera
Pancreatitis 300
Pathophysiology 301
Nutritional Management 302
Controversies Regarding Nutritional Management 302
When to Start Feeding in Acute Pancreatitis? 302
How Low Is a “Low-Fat” Diet? 303
Does Fat Have to Be Restricted in Canine Acute Pancreatitis? 304
How Important Is Fat Restriction in Feline Pancreatitis? 304
Dietary Management 304
When to Feed 305
Route of Feeding 305
Diet Selection 306
Energy Requirements 307
Long-Term Management 307
Foods to Avoid in Chronic Pancreatitis 308
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency 309
Pathophysiology 309
Nutritional Management 310
Controversies Regarding Nutritional Management 310
Is a Low-Fat Diet Important for Management? 310
Are Medium-Chain Triglycerides Preferred over Long-Chain Triglycerides? 311
Dietary Management 311
Summary 313
References 313

13 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases 319

Stanley L. Marks and Aarti Kathrani
Metabolic Alterations in Liver Failure 319
Carbohydrate Metabolic Alterations 320
Protein and Amino Acid Metabolic Alterations 321
Lipid Metabolic Alterations 322
Vitamin and Mineral Abnormalities 322
Malnutrition in Liver Disease 324
Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorders 324
Feline Idiopathic Hepatic Lipidosis 325
Energy 325
Protein 326
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Potassium 327
l-Carnitine 327
Cyanocobalamin/Vitamin B12 328
Other Nutrient Considerations 328
Copper-Associated Hepatotoxicity in Dogs 328
Energy 329
Dietary Copper Restriction 329
Pharmacologic Reduction of Copper 330
Antioxidants 331
Portosystemic Shunts and Hepatic Encephalopathy 332
Dietary Protein 334
Nonabsorbable Disaccharides 335
Antimicrobials 336
Chronic Hepatitis 336
Summary 337
References 337

14 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases 345

Catherine A. Outerbridge and Tammy J. Owens
Evaluation of Diet in the Context of Dermatologic Disease 345
Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesses 346
Protein 346
Essential Fatty Acids 348
Zinc 350
Zinc-Responsive Dermatoses 350
Zinc-Unresponsive Lethal Acrodermatitis in White Bull Terriers 353
Copper 354
Vitamin A 354
Vitamin E 355
Vitamin B Complex 356
Vitamin C 358
Generic Dog Food Dermatosis 358
Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Management 359
Cutaneous Adverse Food Reactions 359
Clinical Signs 360
Diagnosis and Treatment 362
Cutaneous Xanthomatosis 366
Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis 366
Clinical Presentation 369
Diagnosis and Treatment 371
Nutritional Supplementation for Management of Skin Disease 372
Fatty Acid Supplementation 372
Zinc Supplementation for Skin Disease 376
B Vitamin Supplementation 376
Vitamin A–Responsive Skin Diseases 376
Vitamin E–Responsive Skin Diseases 377
Therapeutic Diets for Skin Health 377
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Summary 378
References 378

15 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease 384

Yann Queau and Denise A. Elliott
Chronic Kidney Disease 384
Water 384
Energy 385
Protein 385
Stage I/II: Progression 385
Stage III/IV: Uremia 386
Phosphate 387
Electrolytes 389
Sodium 389
Potassium 390
Acid–Base Balance 391
Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids 392
Fiber 393
Antioxidants 393
Nutrients That Target the Endothelium 394
Clinical Efficacy 395
Administration 396
Concurrent Diseases 396
Home-Prepared Diets 397
Monitoring 397
Acute Kidney Injury 398
Glomerular Disease 400
Fanconi Syndrome 401
Conclusion 401
Summary 402
References 402

16 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease 412

Joe Bartges and Ronald J. Corbee
Crystal-Related Lower Urinary Tract Disease 412
Urolithiasis 413
Calcium Oxalate 413
Struvite 420
Purines 423
Cystine 428
Compound Uroliths 429
Surgically and Minimally Invasive Management of Uroliths 430
Matrix-Crystalline Urethral Plugs 430
Idiopathic Cystitis 431
Urinary Tract Infections 432
Summary 433
References 433
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17 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases 441

Andrea J. Fascetti and Sean J. Delaney
Diabetes Mellitus 441
Nutritional Factors 441
Water 441
Energy 442
Fiber 442
Fat 444
Protein 444
Digestible Carbohydrates 444
Minerals and Vitamins 446
Food Type 447
Feeding Recommendations and Assessment 447
Hyperlipidemia 448
Classification and Etiology 448
Clinical Signs and Diagnosis 449
Management and Assessment 449
Hypothyroidism and Hyperadrenocorticism in Dogs 451
Dietary Hyperthyroidism in Dogs 452
Feline Hyperthyroidism and Idiopathic Hypercalcemia 453
Hyperthyroidism 453
Feline Idiopathic Hypercalcemia 454
Summary 455
References 455

18 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases 461

Lisa M. Freeman and John E. Rush
Feeding the Cat with Cardiac Disease 461
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 462
Dilated Cardiomyopathy 465
Hypertension 467
Feeding the Dog with Cardiac Disease 467
Asymptomatic Cardiac Disease (Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease,
Dilated Cardiomyopathy, or Other Cardiac Diseases; American College of Veterinary
Internal Medicine [ACVIM] Stage B) 467
Mild to Moderate Congestive Heart Failure (ACVIM Stage C) 468
Cardiac Cachexia 468
n-3 Fatty Acids 471
Sodium 472
Potassium and Magnesium 472
Antioxidants 472
Arginine 473
Advanced Congestive Heart Failure (ACVIM Stage D) 473
Additional Supplements for Dogs with Cardiac Disease 474
Taurine 474
l-Carnitine 475
Coenzyme Q10 475
Vitamin D 475
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Hypertension 476
General Nutritional Issues for Dogs and Cats with Cardiac Disease 476
Summary 477
References 478

19 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases 484

Glenna E. Mauldin
Cancer-Associated Malnutrition 484
Weight Loss and Cachexia in Humans with Cancer 484
Weight Loss and Cachexia in Cats and Dogs with Cancer 486
Obesity in Humans with Cancer 487
Obesity in Cats and Dogs with Cancer 489
Canine Mammary Tumors and Obesity 489
Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cancer 490
Energy 490
Calorie Sources 492
Protein and Amino Acids 493
Assisted Feeding 495
Other Nutrients for Cats and Dogs with Cancer 497
Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acids 497
Vitamin D 498
Antioxidants 500
Nutritional Fads 502
Supplements and Nutraceuticals 502
Feeding Raw Foods to Cats and Dogs with Cancer 503
Summary 503
References 504

20 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding 515

Jennifer A. Larsen
The Case for Enteral Feeding 515
Nutritional Support of Veterinary Patients 515
When to Intervene 516
General Contraindications 518
Enteral Feeding Devices 519
Nasoenteral Feeding Tubes 519
Pharyngostomy Feeding Tubes 520
Esophagostomy Feeding Tubes 520
Gastrostomy Feeding Tubes 522
Jejunal Feeding Tubes 523
Beginning Enteral Feeding 525
Diet Choices 526
Immunomodulating Nutrients 527
Glutamine 529
Arginine 530
Other Nutrients 530
Calculation of Energy Requirements 531
Complications 531
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Mechanical Complications 532

Metabolic Complications 534
Gastrointestinal Complications 535
Transitioning Patients to Voluntary Intake 537
Summary 537
References 537

21 Parenteral Nutrition 546

Sally C. Perea
History 546
Assessment of Nutritional Status and Patient Selection 547
Nomenclature 551
Determination of Administration Route 551
Catheter Selection and Placement 552
Parenteral Nutrition Components 553
Protein 553
Fat 555
Carbohydrate 556
Electrolytes and Trace Minerals 557
Vitamins 558
Energy Requirements 559
Formulation Calculations 560
Compounding 561
Initiating Parenteral Nutrition 562
Monitoring Guidelines 563
Complications 563
Metabolic Complications 563
Mechanical Complications 566
Septic Complications 567
Discontinuing ParenteralNutrition 568
Summary 568
References 569

22 Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species 574

Elizabeth Koutsos and Brian Speer
Water 574
Clinical and Welfare Considerations Associated with Water 575
Energy 575
Sources of Energy 576
Clinical Issues Associated with Energy Imbalance: Obesity 576
Food-Based Enrichment 577
Amino Acids and Protein 578
Clinical Issues with Protein/Amino Acids 578
Essential Fatty Acids and Lipids 579
Clinical Issues Associated with Lipid Nutrition: Atherosclerosis 579
Vitamins 581
Clinical Issues Associated with Vitamin Nutrition 581
Minerals 582
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Clinical Issues Associated with Mineral Nutrition 582

Other Clinical Nutrition Issues 583
Nutrition and Feather-Damaging Behaviors 583
Appropriate Diets for Birds and Their Role in Animal Well-Being 584
Conclusions 585
References 585

23 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores 590

Jonathan Stockman and Olivia A. Petritz
General Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores 590
Lagomorphs (Rabbits) and Caviomorphs (Chinchillas and Guinea Pigs) 590
Gastrointestinal Physiology and Anatomic Features 591
Rabbit, Chinchilla, and Guinea Pig Normal Diet 592
Protein 592
Carbohydrate and Fiber 593
Hay and Other Plant Considerations 594
Fat 595
Vitamins and Minerals 595
Water 596
General Warning about Energy-Dense Foods and Treats 596
Nutrition-Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores 597
Lagomorphs (Rabbits) and Caviomorphs (Chinchillas and Guinea Pigs) 597
Dental Disease and Malocclusion 597
Obesity 598
Gastrointestinal Stasis or Ileus 599
Urolithiasis 599
Critical Care Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores 600
Energy Calculations for Rabbits, Chinchillas, and Guinea Pigs 601
General Nutrition for Small Mammalian Carnivores 602
Ferrets 602
Digestive Physiology 602
Nutrition-Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Companion Carnivores 602
Ferrets and Considerations for Mink 602
Marine Food Sources: Hypovitaminosis E/Nutritional Steatitis, Thiamine Deficiency,
and Salt Toxicity 602
Considerations for Mink 602
Nutrition-Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Carnivores 603
Ferrets 603
Obesity 603
Urolithiasis 603
Ferret Pancreatic Islet Beta-Cell Tumor (Insulinoma) 605
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 605
Critical Care Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Carnivores 606
Ferrets 606
References 606

Index 610
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List of Contributors

Robert C. Backus, MS, DVM, PhD Nick Cave PhD, MVSc, BVSc
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition) Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Associate Professor and Director of the Associate Professor
Nestlé Purina Endowed Program in Small Group Leader – Academic
Animal Nutrition School of Veterinary Science
College of Veterinary Medicine Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa | Massey University
University of Missouri Palmerston North, New Zealand
Columbia, MO, USA
Ronald J. Corbee, DVM, PhD
Joe Bartges, DVM, PhD Diplomate ECVCN
Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Internal EBVS®, European Specialist in Veterinary
Medicine and Nutrition) and Comparative Nutrition
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Professor
Professor Department of Clinical Sciences
Department of Small Animal Medicine Universiteit Utrecht
& Surgery Utrecht, Netherlands
University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA Sean J. Delaney, BS, DVM, MS
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Paul Brentson, BA, MBA Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
PB Consulting Founder, Balance It®, A DBA of Davis
Applegate, CA, USA Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc.
Davis, CA, USA
C.A. Tony Buffington, DVM, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition, retired) David A. Dzanis, DVM, PhD
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Clinical Professor Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
School of Veterinary Medicine CEO (retired), Regulatory Discretion, Inc.
University of California–Davis Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Davis, CA, USA
Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Clinical Denise A. Elliott, BVSc (Hons), PhD
Sciences Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition and Small
The Ohio State University Animal Internal Medicine)
Columbus, OH, USA Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
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List of Contributors xxi

Global Vice President Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®

Research & Development Associate Professor
Royal Canin Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Aimargues, Occitanie, France University of Florida
Gainesville, FL, USA
Andrea J. Fascetti, VMD, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition and Small Aarti Kathrani, BVetMed (Hons), PhD,
Animal Internal Medicine) FHEA, MRCVS
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition and Small
Professor of Nutrition Animal Internal Medicine)
Department of Molecular Biosciences Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
School of Veterinary Medicine Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal
University of California–Davis Medicine
Davis, CA, USA Department of Clinical Science and Services
Royal Veterinary College
Lisa M. Freeman, DVM, PhD
Hatfield, Herts, UK
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Elizabeth Koutsos, PhD
Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences &
President, EnviroFlight, LLC
Agriculture, Food and Environment
Apex, NC, USA
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Tufts University
Jennifer A. Larsen, DVM, MS, PhD
North Grafton, MA, USA
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Herman Hazewinkel, DVM, PhD
Professor of Clinical Nutrition
Diplomate European College of Veterinary
Department of Molecular Biosciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Diplomate ECVCN
University of California–Davis
EBVS®, European Specialist in Veterinary
Davis, CA, USA
and Comparative Nutrition
Emeritus Professor Companion Animal
Stanley L. Marks, BVSc, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition,
Dept of Clinical Sciences and
Small Animal Internal Medicine
Companion Animals
and Oncology)
Utrecht University,
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Utrecht, Netherlands
Board-­Certified Veterinary Oncologist®
Marta Hervera, BVSc, PhD Professor
Diplomate ECVCN Department of Medicine & Epidemiology
EBVS®, European Specialist in Veterinary University of California–Davis
and Comparative Nutrition Davis, CA, USA
Co-­founder and Consultant
Expert Pet Nutrition Isabel Marzo
Zurich, Switzerland Agricultural Engineer
Senior Consultant in animal feed and
Richard C. Hill, VetMB, PhD veterinary medicines
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition and Small Costa-­Marzo Consulting, SLU
Animal Internal Medicine) Barcelona, Spain
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xxii List of Contributors

Glenna E. Mauldin, DVM, MS Yann Queau, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology and Nutrition) Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Director of Clinical Research Discover Vet Pillar Team Manager
Thrive Pet Healthcare and PetCure Oncology Research & Development
Austin, TX, USA Royal Canin
Montpellier, Occitanie, France
Kathryn E. Michel, BA, DVM, MS, MSED
DACVIM (Nutrition) Jon J. Ramsey, PhD
Board-Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Professor
Professor of Nutrition and Associate Department of Molecular Biosciences
Dean of Education, School of Veterinary School of Veterinary Medicine
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, University of California–Davis
Philadelphia, PA, USA Davis, CA, USA

Catherine A. Outerbridge, DVM, MVSc John E. Rush, MS, DVM

Diplomate, ACVD Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Board-­Certified Veterinary Cardiologist®
Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Diplomate ACVECC
Medicine) Board-­Certified Veterinary Specialist in
Professor of Clinical Dermatology Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care®
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California–Davis Tufts University
Davis, CA, USA North Grafton, MA, USA

Tammy J. Owens, DVM, MS Brian Speer, DVM

Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition) Diplomate ABVP (Avian Practice)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Diplomate ECZM (Avian)
Assistant Professor Director
Small Animal Clinical Sciences Medical Center for Birds
Western College of Veterinary Medicine – Oakley, CA, USA
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK, Canada Jonathan Stockman, DVM
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Sally C. Perea, DVM, MS Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition) Assistant Professor
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® Department of Clinical Veterinary Sciences
Veterinary Nutritionist, Research & Long Island University
Development Brookville, NY, USA
Royal Canin, A division of Mars, Inc.
Lewisburg, OH, USA Cecilia Villaverde, BVSc, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
Olivia A. Petritz, DVM Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
Diplomate ACZM Diplomate ECVCN
Assistant Professor EBVS®, European Specialist in Veterinary and
Department of Clinical Sciences Comparative Nutrition
North Carolina State University Consultant, Expert Pet Nutrition
Raleigh, NC, USA Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland
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We envision this text to be a resource not We have kept the structure and approach
only for the veterinary practitioner but similar in this new version. Notably, one will
also for students and residents of multiple continue to find heavy use of citations wher-
disciplines. Many veterinary schools and ever possible. These references provide addi-
universities are now teaching a course in tional opportunities for further reading and
small animal clinical nutrition, and this enrichment, especially in areas where contro-
text will make a nice complement to such versy may exist or our understanding is not yet
lecture material. (From the first edition) complete.
With this edition, two new co-­editors have
We have been very fortunate to have the first been added from two previous contributors and
edition fulfill its original vision. This is largely colleagues, Drs. Jennifer Larsen and Cecilia
thanks to its widespread promotion and adop- Villaverde. Dr. Larsen brings an unrivaled
tion by our colleagues in industry and degree of clinical experience teaching veteri-
academia. nary students and residents. Dr. Villaverde, as a
Like many sciences and specialties, nutrition board-­certified veterinary nutritionist in both
knowledge evolves, and it became clear that an North America and Europe with extensive
update was needed. We also saw an opportu- teaching experience in South America, provides
nity to enhance the text’s international appli- unparalleled international expertise. Their gen-
cability to better support its use outside of erosity in the midst of many other commit-
North America and translation into multiple ments made this second edition possible.
languages. With so many necessary updates, additions,
With this edition, we have astoundingly and contributors and a multiyear life-­altering
maintained all but one now retired contributor pandemic, our publisher Wiley has shown an
and added many more contributors to give impressive and unwavering commitment to
additional depth as well as to add international this text and by extension veterinary nutrition.
perspective and species expertise outside of We are indebted to their team’s guidance and
dogs and cats, including avian and small mam- patience, especially from Erica Judisch, Merryl
malian species. To quote the first edition again, Le Roux, Susan Engelken, Sally Osborn, Simon
“We consider our contributors to be the experts Yapp, ETC.
in their fields, so we are extremely fortunate It is the four co-­editors’ collective hope that
that they have been willing to share their this second edition will further the practice of
knowledge and experience through their veterinary nutrition in small animals globally
respective chapters” and now sidebars. This and serve you, the reader, as a ready and acces-
sentiment remains even more true with this sible resource to help your understanding, stu-
second edition. dents, residents, clients, and/or patients.
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I would like to welcome and thank Dr. Jennifer specialists, clients, customers, and patients.
Larsen and Dr. Cecilia Villaverde for agreeing I am forever better for having crossed paths
to assist in completing the second edition of with these tens of thousands of beings over the
the textbook with Dr. Sean Delaney and me. last three decades. These interactions have
I am also appreciative of all of our collabora- given me the frequent and great privilege to see
tors from around the world who worked so people at their most humane. I hope this text
hard in bringing their expertise to this book. It helps to give a little back as a way to show my
is only through their tireless efforts that we sincere appreciation for this gift.
have a second edition.
I remain truly grateful for the continuous Sean J. Delaney, BS, DVM, MS
support from my immediate family, my hus- Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
band Greg, sons Noah and Ari, and our Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
dog Holly. Founder, Balance It®, A DBA of Davis
Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc.
Andrea J. Fascetti, VMD, PhD Davis, CA, USA
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition and Small
Animal Internal Medicine)
Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® I would like first to express my thanks and
Professor of Nutrition appreciation to my co-­editors. I am grateful to
Department of Molecular Biosciences be a part of this project, which represents the
School of Veterinary Medicine collective experience, knowledge, and wisdom
University of California–Davis of each contributor. This text resource is a val-
Davis, CA, USA uable contribution to our discipline, and I also
thank each author for sharing their efforts
with us.
In the first edition, I acknowledged my
­teachers/mentors, veterinary nutrition col- Jennifer A. Larsen, DVM, MS, PhD
leagues, co-­editor, family, and personal animal Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
companions in detail. I remain very grateful to Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®
them all, especially my wife Siona, and daugh- Professor of Clinical Nutrition
ters Maya and Ruby. For this second edition, Department of Molecular Biosciences
I would like to concisely acknowledge my two School of Veterinary Medicine
new co-­editors, co-­workers, past students, resi- University of California–Davis
dents, referring veterinarians and veterinary Davis, CA, USA
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Acknowledgments xxv

I would like to thank my co-­editors for inviting Board-­Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®

me to participate in this unique project in the Diplomate ECVCN
area of companion animal nutrition, and all EBVS®, European Specialist in Veterinary and
the authors for sharing their knowledge and Comparative Nutrition
expertise so generously. Consultant, Expert Pet Nutrition
Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland
Cecilia Villaverde, BVSc, PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Nutrition)
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Integration of Nutrition into Clinical Practice

Sean J. Delaney, Andrea J. Fascetti, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Paul Brentson

I­ ntroduction practice types (with regard to number of

f­ ull-­time clinicians, revenue level, years at cur-
While some veterinarians enjoy the various rent location, and American Animal Hospital
complex aspects of owning and managing a Association [AAHA] member status). Practices
clinical practice, many more take on these roles with higher ratios may be managing expenses
out of necessity rather than preference. In more efficiently (including consideration of
either case, this results in many clinical costs related to inventory control) or have
approaches being at least partially viewed higher markups. Lower ratios may reflect
through a “fiscal filter.” Although this filter undercharging relative to the cost of managing
should not be fine enough to strain out appro- food inventory. Revenue from therapeutic diet
priate medical decisions, it certainly requires sales, while relatively significant on average,
that the economics associated with certain can be higher, as practices that focus more on
medical practices be considered. Therefore, this the large compliance gap with therapeutic food
introductory chapter will discuss the “­business” recommendations (this gap includes both vet-
of nutrition in clinical practice, as an under- erinarians who do not actively recommend
standing of these basics will enable the practi- medically needed foods and clients who do not
tioner to afford to implement the knowledge choose to feed them) can easily double gross
contained in the rest of this textbook. profits from food sales with minimal addi-
tional effort or expenditures.
Theoretically, there is much opportunity for
­ verage Revenue from Food Sales
A growth in revenues and profits if practices can
and the Potential successfully identify and correct barriers to
care both for wellness and for chronic and
In 2017, the average food revenue was static acute disease management (Volk et al. 2011).
compared to 2015 at 3.5% of total veterinary In large part, the longevity and success of any
practice revenue in the United States (range given practice model will depend on the ability
2.8–4.3%; AAHA 2019). At the same time, aver- to remain flexible and responsive to changing
age total revenue earned by practices in client demographics, the impacts of the eco-
2017 was US$1 271 402. The therapeutic food nomic climate, and the continued growth in
revenue-­to-­expense ratio has remained fairly internet resources for both information and
static over time at 1.3, and is consistent across products. For some clients, the accessibility

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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2 Integration of Nutrition into Clinical Practice

but can be quite challenging in practice. To

Box 1.1 Dietary Recommendations to
start, one must make the correct diagnosis
Maximize Patient Outcome and Ensure
and select a food that can produce measura-
Practice Sustainability
ble improvement in the animal companion’s
Few recommendations hold as much weight condition or disease management. For exam-
with clients about what to feed their animal ple, clients feeding a “weight loss” food that
companion as a veterinarian’s recommenda- does not result in weight loss are likely to
tion. Many pet food companies are aware of stop feeding the ineffectual food. Similarly,
this and invest heavily in the veterinary trying to sell food that an animal companion
community, vying for the veterinarian’s will not eat is unlikely to be successful.
awareness of their products and, ideally, for Therefore, establishing expectations, per-
their recommendation. Unfortunately, the forming a nutritional assessment to guide
resulting influx of generous support is more informed food recommendations,
increasingly viewed by some as creating a monitoring the patient response, and provid-
conflict of interest for veterinarians and ing a variety of options are vital for client
resulting in a bias in dietary recommenda- compliance.
tions. This perception is increased by veteri-
narians who have limited recommendations Establishing Expectations
beyond the products, brands, and/or compa- Many clients choose not to start feeding a rec-
nies they stock. Therefore, the goal of this ommended therapeutic food, or choose to stop
chapter is to assist the veterinarian in meth- feeding one, because they do not clearly under-
ods to ensure they can afford to provide the stand what is expected from the food.
best medical care for their patients and cli- Expectations are built on the client’s under-
ents by fully integrating nutrition into their standing of the purpose and mechanism of the
clinical practice. food. For example, clients who understand
that higher dietary phosphorus can cause pro-
gression of chronic kidney disease, and that
and cost of veterinary care and products are a
most dietary phosphorus comes from protein-­
challenge, and the practitioner must effectively
rich ingredients, are more likely to feed an
communicate the value of services and facili-
appropriately lower protein-­ or phosphorus-­
tate convenience in order not just to achieve
containing food. Not surprisingly, human
compliance, but also to maximize both medi-
patients have better retention of medical infor-
cal outcomes and revenue (Box 1.1). In fact,
mation when verbal information is accompa-
profits could be increased more than fivefold
nied with written information (Langdon
based on the low compliance found in a
et al. 2002). Therefore, in the veterinary set-
study by the AAHA, which includes sales of
ting, client handouts can be a very useful
­therapeutic pet foods (AAHA 2003).
adjunct to verbal client education. Equally
helpful can be reinforcement of key points by
­ trategies to Increase
S veterinary staff at checkout or discharge.
Veterinary staff can play an instrumental role
Product Sales
in drafting these materials, as they are often
aware of common questions and issues that
Recommending an Effective
should be addressed. Staff involvement is
Therapeutic Food
expected to enhance their investment in effec-
The surest way to increase compliance and tive transmission of this information to clients,
therapeutic pet food sales is to recommend and helps maintain a unified approach to
an effective one. This sounds simple enough, communication.
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­Strategies to Increase Product Sale  3

Performing a Nutritional Assessment veterinarians as needed. This “triaging” of sorts

An evaluation of the patient’s medical status can increase efficiency, and often is welcomed
as well as lifestyle, life stage, weight trends, by staff members who feel both entrusted and
body composition, appetite, and diet history empowered.
is a critical step to inform a confident food
recommendation. The process of collecting Providing a Variety of Options
this information, and assessing it in the con- Since no food will work in every situation, it is
text of the patient’s clinical presentation, pro- important to have additional options for the
vides valuable data to the healthcare team. In client. A ready and specific alternative recom-
some cases this may help achieve a diagnosis, mendation should reduce the likelihood that
while in other cases a specific treatment plan the client may choose a food by themselves,
can be more confidently justified. For exam- resulting in the potential for an inappropriate
ple, the clinician may need to discuss specific food to be selected and the possible loss of a
risk factors in the case of clients who feed raw medically justified sale. The tendency to stock
meat to their omnivore or carnivore. Similarly, only one “house brand” – while convenient
a different approach may need to be consid- from an inventory management perspective –
ered for a feline patient with recurrent consti- decreases the ability to readily offer alterna-
pation that has only ever eaten foods with tives and can lead to a perception that there is
high fiber content. only one option, or, worse yet, that the recom-
mendation is made solely on the basis that the
Monitoring Patient Response particular brand is all the veterinarian sells.
Although therapeutic foods can be quite effec- Certainly, carrying every therapeutic food
tive, not all foods work for every patient. A available (which now number in the hundreds
food’s failure may be simply due to a patient for small animals) is not feasible in most prac-
being unwilling to eat the food. Therefore, mon- tice settings. A selection of those foods most
itoring both acceptance and response to a newly often used for the management of diseases
recommended food is crucial to improving com- seen frequently at the practice, along with a
pliance. Initially, the greatest risk to compliance willingness to special order or even identify
is food refusal. Often this can be managed with direct delivery options for clients, is probably
appropriate recommendations for transitioning the best approach.
to the new food, as well as planned and periodic Additionally, stocking more smaller bags can
follow-­up in the form of an email, phone call, help increase the variety of foods offered with-
or in-­person office visit to address any issues out substantially increasing the “carrying cost
that arise. Follow-­up is equally important to of inventory.” Small bags also can be useful for
reinforce the importance of the dietary recom- a trial, and if successful, a standing order for
mendation. Recommendations that have no that patient in larger sizes can be created. Such
follow-­up are more likely to be perceived as not standing orders then help to increase the
being as crucial or important. Finally, checking ­number of inventory turns, thereby improving
on progress provides an opportunity to discuss cash management. This “small bag” approach
and select an alternative but still appropriate might also assist with reducing the labor
food if the first recommendation is not success- involved in stocking larger bags as well as
ful. At times there can be a reluctance to per- increasing the storage capacity of a facility.
form follow-­up since it often is “nonbillable” Some foods are also available in sample packs
time; however, follow-­up can be tiered or or starter kits, which are more cost effective
­bundled, and veterinary support staff can be and lower the commitment for clients who
leveraged to assist. Many outbound calls can be may be skeptical of acceptance or efficacy. In
conducted by veterinary staff, with elevation to addition, most therapeutic food manufacturers
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4 Integration of Nutrition into Clinical Practice

will accept return not just of foods under a premium if comparable human supplements of
“satisfaction guarantee,” but also of inventory equal or even greater quality or potency are
that has expired. For those manufacturers available for a similar or lower price. If such
where that is not the case, carrying smaller products are available from other retailers,
package sizes and fewer of them can minimize whether “brick and mortar” or online, it is in
“perishable shrink” by reducing the cost of any the best interest of solid client relations to refer
expired bag that cannot be returned. clients to that retailer, while being sure to give a
The greatest value of carrying and recom- specific product and retailer recommendation
mending a variety of products for the same con- for clarity and convenience. If a product is
dition can be increasing options to account for widely available only online, then clients are
co-­morbidities or other individualized needs. In generally willing to purchase such products
addition, clinical experience with more products directly from the veterinarian, who may be able
increases the likelihood of making the best to compete on the basis of reduced delivery time
­initial recommendation, as well as increasing and cost.
options for alternative products in case the ­initial
recommendation proves unsuccessful.
­ reating or Increasing Revenue
from Nutritional Advice
Recommending Therapeutic Treats
A growing category within veterinary product Veterinarians’ time is limited for both their
offerings is therapeutic treats. These treats own continuing education and client educa-
often pair with a “matching” therapeutic food tion. Therefore, there is an “opportunity cost”
to give the client a nutritionally appropriate treat associated with spending time on nutrition. If
option. Treats generally do not offer anything a veterinarian earns more income from learn-
novel to the nutritional management of the con- ing about and performing surgery, for exam-
dition or disease, but rather assist with compli- ple, than learning about and advising on
ance by encouraging the patient’s interest in the nutrition, there is a financial incentive to focus
new dietary approach while preventing the use on surgery and a disincentive to focus on nutri-
of potentially inappropriate treats. The same tion. Certainly the generalist cannot pick and
process as outlined earlier should be used when choose only the aspects of veterinary medicine
recommending an effective therapeutic food. that are most profitable, but recognizing the
potential for fiscal disparity provides context
for a discussion on nutritional advice revenue.
Recommending Nutraceuticals
The value of a veterinarian’s nutritional
and Dietary Supplements
advice can also be diluted by the perception that
For more discussion on this subject, see they lack the expertise to make nutritional rec-
Chapter 5. ommendations. There is no shortage of such
From a financial perspective, stocking certain claims, especially from online sources, which
dietary supplements should be considered. are often used to dismiss or minimize expert
Although the margin on such products can vary opinion in order to promote alternative ideas or
greatly, they generally take up much less shelf products. The perception of veterinary igno-
space than food and treats. Typically, products rance about nutrition can be increased by the
that are only sold through veterinarians should appearance of bias for a particular brand
be considered, unless carrying nonexclusive or company’s food in one’s recommendation(s),
products adds overall value for the client due to as already discussed, or by a variety of com-
convenience. Caution should be used when rec- pounding factors. Another factor is the belief
ommending or offering products for sale at a that nutrition is not a real science or that it is not
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­Creating or Increasing Revenue from Nutritional Advic  5

learned in veterinary school. These assertions of hepatic lipidosis or food allergy. Therefore,
are untrue, of course, since nutrition is such a the following recommendations are intended to
key aspect of the management of many com- encourage practitioners to take an active role in
panion animal diseases. Thus, nutritional con- the management of all their patients’ diets.
cepts are inherent in the veterinary curriculum,
whether as distinct courses or rotations, or inte-
Nutritional Advice for Healthy Patients
grated into many other disciplines. In addition,
continuing education and other resources The number one obligation of the veterinarian
related to nutrition are widely available to prac- when advising clients about an appropriate diet
ticing veterinarians. Unfortunately, clients are for a healthy animal companion is to ensure
not always aware that veterinarians who recom- that it maintains an ideal body condition (see
mend a particular therapeutic food may choose Chapter 9 on the nutritional management of
to do so because such recommendations are body weight). Keeping dogs lean is the only
based on scientifically proven strategies or have, proven intervention to increase both the quan-
in fact, actually been tested for the condition or tity and quality of life (Kealy et al. 2002).
disease in question. Certainly many therapeutic Although yet to be proven in cats or many other
veterinary foods are in need of additional clini- companion animal species, caloric restriction
cal study (Roudebush et al. 2004); however, they has repeatedly been shown to extend lifespan in
are largely based on very sound science. mammals (Sohal and Weindruch 1996;
Clients may also believe that nutrition is sim- Barja 2004). Therefore, avoidance of overweight
ple, after all, as they likely have successfully fed and obesity should be a goal for the feeding of
themselves for most of their lives. However, every patient.
many people neglect to consider that many In addition to weight management, an
human foods are fortified with essential nutri- appropriate food should have an appropriate
ents to address common gaps in intake, and that nutritional adequacy statement for the patient.
poor nutritional status in various human popu- This means that the food is appropriate for the
lations is not uncommon. Additionally, in cir- patient’s species, age, and reproductive status
cumstances where adequate intake is crucial, a if the patient is a reproducing female. As would
carefully balanced diet (similar to pet food) is be expected, many foods meet these criteria,
provided, such as in the intensive care unit, for and further discrimination should be based on
baby formula, and when humans go into space both client and patient preference. For a client,
or are involved in military operations. Finally, convenience, cost, and personal nutritional
the field of nutrition is also beset by self-­ philosophy may be important in deciding
proclaimed “nutritionists” who have little, if which foods they select. For patients, ingredi-
any, medical or nutritional training, yet they ents and their associated impact on palatabil-
still promote the idea that only they are experts ity, along with texture (i.e. dry, wet, semi-­moist)
in this discipline. Combined with the barrage of and macronutrient distribution (e.g. protein,
sometimes misleading and aggressive market- fat, and carbohydrate percentages), play key
ing used to promote a huge and growing num- roles in the foods they consume when given a
ber of pet food products, these factors have led choice. Recognizing that no one food can
to a level of discomfort for many on the subject, meet all of these preferences and needs under-
rather than the expertise or mastery they may scores why so many brands and varieties exist
feel on other veterinary medical topics. Thus, a and what needs to be considered when advis-
climate exists where veterinarians acquiesce in ing clients about food options.
the nutritional management of their patient, or It can often be useful to have the client select
at least fail to take a very active role unless inter- a few foods they like and review these products
vention is absolutely necessary, such as in cases with them during wellness visits. This method
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6 Integration of Nutrition into Clinical Practice

helps to narrow down the very wide field of veterinarian’s time should be advised that the
foods to consider, and typically provides an evaluation is accordingly limited. Some veteri-
opportune time to exhibit some expertise, as narians find it difficult to charge for research-
well as an openness to discuss nutrition. If the ing an issue, but if the research is specific to a
client has no preconceived notions, then rec- patient, most clients will accept that it is appro-
ommendations should favor companies that priate when the point is raised with confidence
manufacture their own food and employ nutri- and the resolve that one’s professional time is
tionists. Such companies are more likely to of value. In addition, consultation with a vari-
have the technical expertise to address any ety of specialists is increasingly available to
issues that might arise, as well as the ­knowledge other clinicians, and asking for input from a
to make nutritionally sound and safe products. board certified veterinary nutritionist® can be a
From a fiscal perspective, such a review of valuable tool as well (Box 1.2). It should be
potential foods or nutritional recommenda- noted that a veterinarian’s review frequently
tions should not result in a unique charge for involves dietary supplements, and the variety
the client, but rather should be captured in the and number of novel and often unconventional
office visit fee. This assumes that any requested supplements greatly exceed those of pet foods,
review does not require additional research and which are, in practice, more closely regulated.
analysis outside the office visit. In cases where At times, veterinarians have difficulty distin-
this becomes necessary, time should be charged guishing the continuing self-­study required as a
either on an agreed flat rate or on a per-­unit of veterinary medical professional and the work
time basis up to some pre-­established maxi- involved in researching unique supplements or
mum. Clients who do not wish to pay for the foods. The best way to distinguish this in one’s

Box 1.2 What Is a Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®?

A board certified veterinary nutritionist® is a clinical nutrition. Candidates who successfully
licensed veterinarian who has undergone achieve all of the requirements can refer to
additional education and training in the field themselves as board certified veterinary nutri-
of veterinary nutrition. This typically involves tionists® or “diplomates.” There are currently
additional graduate coursework and/or gradu- two veterinary nutrition specialty colleges in
ate degrees in nutrition, along with residency the world, the American College of Veterinary
training at the secondary or tertiary referral Internal Medicine (nutrition is one of the six
level under the supervision of a board certi- specialties of ACVIM, which is also the basis for
fied veterinary nutritionist®. In addition to most of the summary of requirements above)
clinical residency training and publication of and the European College of Veterinary
animal nutrition-­ related research in peer-­ Comparative Nutrition (ECVCN). Members of
reviewed scientific journals, candidates for the ACVIM Nutrition Specialty can be found in
certification also complete formalized clinical North America, the Caribbean, the United
case benchmark exercises to demonstrate Kingdom, Europe, and Australasia, while most
mastery of the discipline. To complete certifi- ECVCN diplomates are found in Europe. The
cation, candidates must also pass a rigorous, majority of ­diplomates are employed in aca-
multipart general examination that covers demia, industry, private practice, or the govern-
advanced physiology, pharmacology, and ment. Attending veterinarians and specialists
disease-­related topics. Candidates must also in other disciplines typically refer cases to
pass a more focused, intensive specialty exam- ­diplomates of the ACVIM Nutrition Specialty
ination that covers advanced metabolism and or ECVCN in academia or at large referral
biochemistry as well as basic, applied, and hospitals.
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 ­Reference 7

own mind is that the veterinarian is not charg- their selection. However, it should be noted that
ing for the knowledge of how to interpret and consultation with a board certified veterinary
find information, but rather for the act of apply- nutritionist® on specific cases will generate jus-
ing their critical thinking and scientific knowl- tified fees for such advice, and the primary vet-
edge to the patient’s and/or client’s specific erinarian will need in turn to communicate this
products and/or needs. An analogy might be to the client. It is recommended that when a
that one does not charge for the time it takes to board certified veterinary nutritionist® needs to
learn a surgical procedure, but rather charges be consulted, the referring veterinarian charges
for using the resulting skills and knowledge to for their time specifically if they act as the “con-
perform the surgery on ­particular patients. duit” for the consultation, similar to how clini-
cal pathology reports may be handled.
A veterinarian should not hesitate to charge
Nutritional Advice for Unhealthy Patients
for their time, or to set up an office visit specifi-
Most, if not all, diseases and conditions can be cally to address an unhealthy patient’s nutri-
affected by diet. In some cases, this may simply tional needs and educate the client accordingly.
be related to the adverse effects of inadequate The veterinarian should be able to realize ade-
caloric intake associated with illness-­related quate revenue through ­nutritional counseling,
hyporexia or anorexia. For many other diseases, product sales, and nutrition-­related proce-
there are specific nutritional management dures, to justify the full integration of nutrition
interventions that are the subject of most of the into clinical practice to the benefit of healthy
rest of this textbook. For these sick patients, and unhealthy patients. It is expected that the
both improved outcomes and revenue genera- reader of the rest of this textbook should
tion are more likely to occur through the use of be better able to advise clients about the
veterinary therapeutic foods, treats, and/or par- ­nutritional management of unhealthy patients
enteral solutions, or through procedures such as and recognize when consultation with or
feeding tube placement, compared to specific direct referral to a board certified veterinary
nutritional guidance and/or advice involved in ­nutritionist® is indicated.


AAHA (2003). The Path to High-­Quality Care. Langdon, I., Hardin, R., and Learmonth, I.
Lakewood, CO: American Animal Hospital (2002). Informed consent for total hip
Association Press. arthroplasty: does a written information sheet
AAHA (2019). Financial & Productivity improve recall by patients? Ann. R. Coll. Surg.
Pulsepoints, 10e. Lakewood, CO: Engl. 84 (6): 404–408.
American Animal Hospital Association Roudebush, P., Allen, T., Dodd, C. et al. (2004).
Press. Application of evidence-­based medicine to
Barja, G. (2004). Aging in vertebrates, and the veterinary clinical nutrition. J. Am. Vet. Med.
effect of caloric restriction: a mitochondrial Assoc. 224 (11): 1765–1771.
free radical production-­DNA damage Sohal, R.S. and Weindruch, R. (1996). Oxidative
mechanism? Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. Soc. stress, caloric restriction, and aging. Science
79 (2): 235–251. 273 (5271): 59–63.
Kealy, R., Lawler, D., Ballam, J. et al. (2002). Volk, J.O., Felsted, K.E., Thomas, J.G. et al.
Effects of diet restriction on life span and (2011). Executive summary of the Bayer
age-­related changes in dogs. J. Am. Vet. Med. veterinary care usage study. J. Am. Vet. Med.
Assoc. 220 (9): 1315–1320. Assoc. 238 (10): 1275–1282.
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Basic Nutrition Overview

Sean J. Delaney and Andrea J. Fascetti

While the vast majority of this text is focused on expressed as metabolizable energy, which is
the application of veterinary nutrition in clini- the energy available to be used after fecal and
cal practice, this chapter centers around basic urinary losses are accounted for. The amount
nutrition. Although the chapter is not exhaus- of metabolizable energy is determined by
tive, it should provide enough depth to enable knowing the mass of the macronutrient in a
the applied veterinary clinical nutrition portion food or diet and the corresponding energy con-
of the text to be used with a strong understand- version factor. Energy conversion factors are
ing of key underlying nutrition principles. standardized values for the amount of energy
available from a gram of the specified macro-
nutrient. For pet foods, the energy conversion
­ nergy factors that are used are referred to as modified
Atwater factors: 3.5, 8.5, and 3.5 kcal/g for pro-
After oxygen and water, the next most impor- tein, fat and carbohydrate, respectively. These
tant component for any animal to gain from its values are slightly lower than those used for
environment is energy. Energy is available human foods (i.e. 4 kcal/g for protein, 9 kcal/g
from the macronutrients of protein, fat, and for fat, and 4 kcal/g for carbohydrate) due to
carbohydrate, each providing a specific amount the typically lower digestibility of pet food
of energy that can be measured or estimated. (assumed average apparent digestibility for
Currently the most commonly used unit for protein is 80%, 90% for fat, and 84% for carbo-
measuring energy is the pre-­International hydrate). There are other equations to estimate
System (SI) metric unit, kilocalories (kcal), the metabolizable content of pet food. For
which is equal to “Calories” (with an upper- example, in Europe, the metabolizable energy
case “C”) seen on human food labels in certain content of commercial pet foods must be esti-
countries like the United States (1000 kcal is mated using the equation provided by the
often written as “Mcal,” the abbreviation for National Research Council (NRC) (2006b),
Megacalorie). The less commonly used SI unit based on protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber.
for energy, kiloJoule (kJ), is converted from Dietary energy is used to create adenosine
kilocalorie or Calorie by multiplying by 4.185 triphosphate (ATP) through phosphorylation
(1 kcal or Calorie = 4.185 kJ). as ATP is the “energy currency” of the body.
In pet food, both the energy content of the For protein (which is made up of amino acids)
food and the requirements of the animal are this means conversion to glucose via

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Essential Nutrient  9

gluconeogenesis with ATP generation via gly- hungers” for certain nutrients (e.g. ruminants
colysis and the Krebs or tricarboxylic acid for certain minerals), dogs and cats will not
(TCA) cycle during cellular respiration. seek out certain foods or nutrients in the face
Gluconeogenesis is the metabolic pathway by of specific nutrient deficiencies. This makes
which glucogenic amino acids (lysine and leu- sense teleologically for a carnivore like the cat
cine excluded) are converted to glucose. or a species that has some carnivorous roots or
Glucose is then converted to pyruvate during tendencies like the dog. From an evolutionary
glycolysis, which produces ATP and the poten- perspective, there was (or is) no penalty for the
tial for more ATP if pyruvate enters the TCA inability to seek out specific nutrients, as the
cycle. For fat (which contains fatty acids), ATP search for and consumption of specific evolu-
is typically produced via beta oxidation where tionary prey species should inherently provide
ATP is produced from acetyl coenzyme A the right balance and types of essential nutri-
(acetyl-­CoA) in the TCA cycle. Generated glu- ents. The only risk for deficiency is really
cose or glucose from the breakdown of glyco- related to inadequate consumption of prey.
gen or starch and from sugars in the diet can be Therefore, determining a dog’s or cat’s energy
used to generate ATP via glycolysis and requirement is very important.
the TCA cycle as well. It should be noted that Pet foods are generally formulated with a
the TCA cycle produces substantially more certain amount of nutrient per unit of energy.
ATP than glycolysis, which solely generates This ensures that essential nutrients are pro-
pyruvate, but the TCA cycle cannot occur in vided to the dog or cat at appropriate levels
the absence of oxygen, and thus the impor- when fed to meet the pet’s energy requirement.
tance of breathing and the intake of oxygen in Consequently, this means that pets that are fed
the production of energy by the body. However, such foods below their energy requirement are
lactic acid produced during anaerobic glycoly- in danger of nutritional deficiencies. Pets fed
sis (typically in muscle) can be converted to above their energy requirement are in danger
glucose by the liver in the Cori cycle. of receiving excessive amounts of nutrients
It is worth noting that any protein consumed (this latter case really only represents a risk of
in excess of needs for anabolic pathways such obesity or potentially urolithiasis). For further
as protein synthesis will be converted to glu- discussion on determining a dog’s or cat’s
cose or fat and used or stored in those forms as energy requirement as well as different energy
a source of energy, as there is no body store for terms such as gross energy, digestible energy,
amino acids (as opposed to fat, which will be metabolizable energy, and net energy, the
stored in adipose tissue, and glucose, which reader is referred to Chapter 3 on energy
can be stored as glycogen). The energy pro- requirements.
vided by protein, fat, and carbohydrate that
exceeds energy needs will end up being stored
as adipose tissue. Unlike glycogen, theoreti- E
­ ssential Nutrients
cally there is no limit in the amount of energy
that can be stored in adipose tissue, although Essential nutrients are organic compounds
there may be adverse health consequences and non-­organic elements that cannot be pro-
with extreme levels of storage as seen with duced by the body but are needed to support
obesity. life. Essentiality is different for different spe-
cies, although for mammalian species such as
the dog and the cat there are many similarities
Energy Requirements
in what is essential; differences are mainly in
Dogs and cats eat to meet their energy needs. the amount needed. In addition, there are
Unlike some species that have “specific nutrients that are required only at certain
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10 Basic Nutrition Overview

times or under the right circumstances. These arginine-­free but protein-­containing meal
nutrients are referred to as “conditionally can cause death).
essential nutrients.” An example of a condi- ●● Glutamic acid (high in plants and low in ani-
tionally essential nutrient that also exemplifies mal tissues) intolerance.
interspecies differences is the amino acid ●● Reduced ability to conserve nitrogen.
­taurine. In premature human infants, taurine, ●● Reduced ability to desaturate long-­chain
which is essential for cats but not dogs, is polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), there-
­conditionally essential. Premature neonates fore need arachidonic acid, since cats are
are not metabolically mature enough to pro- unable to make it from its precursor, lin-
duce adequate amounts of taurine from the oleic acid.
normal sulfur amino acid precursors, methio- ●● Metabolically adapted to low-­carbohydrate
nine and cystine. diet (e.g. less activity of enzymes involved in
Cysteine is a good example of another cate- glucose metabolism like glucokinase, which
gory of nutrients that are called “sparing.” is the enzyme needed for the first step in
Sparing nutrients are able to decrease the deriving ATP from glucose).
amount of essential nutrients needed in the
diet. Methionine is an essential sulfur amino
acid, and one of its main roles is to synthesize Protein and Amino Acids
cysteine (a non-­essential amino acid). Thus,
Protein provides nitrogen and amino acids in
directly including cysteine in the diet decreases
the diet. Amino acids are either essential or
by up to 50% the amount of methionine needed
non-­essential (or dispensable). Essential
in the diets of both dogs and cats. Methionine
amino acids for dogs and cats include arginine,
itself is sparing for choline, as it can also serve
which is not essential for humans. In addition
as a source of methyl groups. Therefore,
cats require taurine, unlike dogs and humans
methionine is both an essential and a sparing
who can make adequate amounts from sulfur
nutrient. The other commonly encountered
amino acid precursors. In commercial pet
sparing nutrient is tyrosine, which spares the
foods, taurine, like several other commonly
amino acid phenylalanine and has been shown
limiting amino acids, can be supplied as a puri-
to be important in maximal melanin synthesis
fied amino acid. Essential amino acids (except
in black cats (Yu et al. 2001).
taurine) can potentially come in two isoforms:
As cited in Box 2.1, the cat as a true carnivore
l-­amino acids and d-­amino acids. l-­amino
requires nutrients that the dog as an omnivore
acids are the commonly encountered form,
does not. The following is a list of the cat’s
while d-­amino acids are less common and at
unique metabolics:
times less available or unavailable for use by
●● Unable to convert carotenoids to adequate the body. For example, d-­lysine cannot be used
vitamin A/retinol. by dogs and cats the way l-­lysine can be.
●● Inadequate synthesis of vitamin D (even if However, d-­methionine can be used to meet
hairless and exposed to sunlight/ultraviolet up to 50% of the methionine requirement.
[UV] radiation). The dog is also unable to Therefore, one should not see a dog or cat food
synthesize all required vitamin D. supplemented with d-­lysine, but can see one
●● Unable to use tryptophan for niacin supplemented with dl-­methionine.
synthesis. Methionine can be added for urine acidifi-
●● Unable to synthesize adequate amounts of cation and is also used in pet foods that derive
taurine from sulfur amino acids, methio- a large portion of their protein content from
nine, and cysteine. legumes such as soy, which are limiting
●● Unable to synthesize citrulline (needed in ­sulfur amino acids. Limiting means that
for the urea cycle; as a result, a single the particular essential amino acid in that
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­Essential Nutrient  11

Box 2.1 List of Essential Nutrients for Dogs and Cats by Group
Protein –– Potassium (K)
–– Chloride (Cl)
●● Amino acids
–– Arginine ●● Trace minerals or microminerals (required
–– Histidine at <100 mg/Mcal, or approx. <400 ppm)
–– Isoleucine –– Iron (Fe)
–– Leucine –– Copper (Cu)
–– Lysine –– Zinc (Zn)
–– Methionine (spared by cystine) –– Manganese (Mn)
–– Phenylalanine (spared by tyrosine) –– Selenium (Se)
–– Threonine –– Iodine (I)
–– Tryptophan
–– Valine Vitamins
–– Taurine (cat, not dog)
●● Fat-­soluble vitamins
–– Vitamin A, retinol
Fat –– Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol
–– Vitamin E, α-­tocopherol
●● Linoleic acid
–– +/− Vitamin K3, menadione (also vitamin
●● Arachidonic acid (cat, not dog)
K1, phylloquinone) (cat, not dog)
●● +/− Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and doco-
sahexaenoic acid (DHA) ●● Water-­soluble vitamins
–– Thiamin, vitamin B1
–– Riboflavin, vitamin B2
–– Pyridoxine, vitamin B6
●● Macrominerals (required at ≥100 mg/Mcal, –– Niacin, vitamin B3
or approx. ≥400 ppm) –– Pantothenic acid, vitamin B5
–– Calcium (Ca) –– Cobalamin, vitamin B12
–– Phosphorus (P) –– Folic acid, vitamin B9
–– Magnesium (Mg) –– Biotin, vitamin H or B7
–– Sodium (Na) –– Choline

ingredient/formulation is closest to the legumes, lysine is typically limiting in grains.

requirement of the species. Therefore, when Ancestral peoples recognized this in a limited
the species’ requirement for that essential way and combined ­legumes and grains (e.g.
amino acid is met, all other essential amino “rice and beans”) in meals to ensure a com-
acids the protein provides are in excess of the plete and balanced amino acid profile.
requirement. Thus, it can be more cost effec- There are several ways to assess an ingredi-
tive for a pet food manufacturer to add a single ent’s or a food’s protein content. The typically
limiting amino acid in its purified form (likely required and reported crude protein value does
to be a dl-­amino acid where available to not give any indication of how well a food will
reduce cost) than to simply increase the meet a dog’s or cat’s protein or amino acid
amount of protein-­rich ingredients to meet a requirements, although higher crude protein
single amino acid requirement. In addition to values are often perceived as better. In fact,
sulfur amino acids that are limiting in crude protein does not even represent protein
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12 Basic Nutrition Overview

content directly, but rather nitrogen content Fat

times 6.25 (assuming that all nitrogen is from
Besides energy provision, fats facilitate
protein and that protein contains 16% nitro-
­fat-­soluble vitamin absorption and provide
gen). Therefore, crude protein is really an indi-
essential and important fatty acids that
rect measurement of protein quantity and does
have multiple roles in the body, including
not provide any information about quality.
structural (main components of cell mem-
Ideally, a measure of protein quality should
branes) and eicosanoid production. Essential
provide some insight as to how well a particu-
fatty acids are polyunsaturated and from the
lar source of protein meets the protein and
omega 6 and 3 families, depending on the loca-
amino acid requirements of a particular spe-
tion of the first double bond counting from the
cies, which depends on amino acid profile and
omega (methyl) end. Linoleic acid (LA) is
bioavailability. Values for protein quality
essential for both the dog and cat and is 18 car-
include the following:
bons long with two double bonds, and can be
●● Protein efficiency ratio (PER) is the gain in referred to as “18:2(n-­6)” where the “18” is the
body mass or weight for a subject fed a par- carbon chain length, the “2” is for the number
ticular food divided by the mass of the pro- of double bonds and the “n” denotes the fam-
tein intake; higher values mean the protein ily. Similarly, arachidonic acid (AA; sometimes
quality is higher. abbreviated ARA, especially on human infant
●● Biological value (BV) is the mass of nitrogen formula and to distinguish it from the abbre-
incorporated into the subject’s body divided viation for amino acid) is essential for cats, and
by the mass of nitrogen from protein in the can be referred to as “20:4(n-­6)” since it has
food times 100. A value of 100% (sometimes more carbon (20) and double bonds (4). Dogs
given to fresh chicken egg protein by con- can synthesize AA from LA. Good sources of
vention) means all of the dietary protein LA are vegetable oils (such as corn, walnut, or
eaten and absorbed becomes protein in the sunflower) or fats from animals raised pre-
body; thus 100% is the absolute maximum, dominantly on plants rich in LA such as corn-­
with lower values indicating lower quality. fed chickens. Good sources of AA are animal
●● Net protein utilization (NPU) is the ratio of fats, although gamma-­linolenic acid (GLA or
amino acids converted to protein to the 18:3(n-­6); note the second “n” in linolenic that
amino acids provided by the food; a value of is not present in linoleic acid or LA) from bor-
1 is the highest value possible and is given to age oil and evening primrose oil can be used as
fresh chicken eggs. a precursor in cats that cannot derive AA or
●● Protein digestibility corrected amino acid ARA from LA as humans and dogs can.
score (PDCAAS) is mg of limiting amino The n-­3 or omega-­3 fatty acids are thus
acid (for humans) in 1 g of test protein/mg of named because their “first” double bond is at
the same amino acid in 1 g of reference pro- the third carbon from the “omega” end.
tein times true digestibility percentage Terrestrial plants such as flaxseed (or linseed)
(fecal); values up to 1 can be achieved, and can be rich sources of n-­3 fatty acids in the
the closer to 1 the higher the protein quality. form of alpha-­linolenic acid (ALA or 18:3(n-­3)),
but its shorter carbon chain cannot be effi-
All of these methods have flaws, but generally
ciently elongated to the more “beneficial” (see
they predict how well a particular protein-­rich
later) long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids, eicosapentae-
food will meet an animal’s or human’s protein
noic (EPA, 20:5(n-­3)) and docosahexaenoic
and/or amino acid needs. Unfortunately, these
(DHA, 22:6(n-­3)) acids. Therefore, marine oils
values are not reported for pet foods or for
such as algal oil, krill oil, and fish oil are pre-
many protein-­rich ingredients used in pet
ferred as sources of n-­3 fatty acids. Generally,
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­Essential Nutrient  13

species closest on the food chain to phyto- fibers. The best example of a mixed fiber type
plankton (which can efficiently synthesize the is psyllium fiber, found in products like
longer-­chain n-­3 fatty acids) are selected to Metamucil® (Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati,
avoid the concurrent issue of bioaccumulation OH, USA). It is also worth noting that many
of pollutants. It is worth noting that there is soluble fibers are fermentable to different
debate about the importance of the ratio of n-­6 degrees. Fermentable fibers can be used by
to n-­3 fatty acids versus the total dietary normal gut bacteria as an energy source and in
amount of long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids the process produce short-­chain fatty acids
(NRC 2006b). It would seem that the increased that have many roles, including being an
production of the less inflammatory eicosa- energy source for enterocytes and colonocytes.
noids from long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids would be Fermentable fibers that promote the growth of
greatest when the least amount of alternative beneficial bacteria are sometimes referred to
n-­6 fatty acid precursors is available. as prebiotics (for more discussion about fiber
and microflora, see Chapter 12).
Although carbohydrates are not essential, they
are included here as they provide energy. In Macrominerals
addition, carbohydrate-­rich ingredients or Minerals that are needed by dogs and cats in
foods are also the source of dietary fiber, which amounts of 100 mg/Mcal or more are generally
can be important for normal gastrointestinal considered macrominerals. These minerals
(GI) function and health. Also, fiber is often (e.g. calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
used in the nutritional management of diabe- sodium, potassium, and chloride) are com-
tes mellitus to reduce postprandial hyperglyce- monly provided in intravenous fluids. Typical
mia, and in weight management to decrease dietary sources for calcium are bone or ­calcium
energy density (i.e. kcal per can or cup) and salts. Phosphorus comes from protein-­rich
potentially promote satiety. foods, plants, and bones, and is often supplied
The measure of fiber typically reported on in adequate levels in pet foods that use “meals,”
pet food labels is crude fiber. This analytic which can have a significant amount of bone
method does not capture all forms of fiber and and thus phosphorus. Magnesium, sodium,
largely reports the insoluble portion. A better potassium, and chloride can often be found in
value used for human foods is total dietary the form of salts in pet food.
fiber, which includes both soluble and insolu- The form of the mineral salt affects its
ble fibers. Soluble fiber has the ability to hold ­bioavailability (for both macro-­ and micro-
water and generally makes feces softer. minerals). Although this can be the case
Common sources of soluble fiber are fruits either due to a truly higher bioavailability or
and gums, with gums more commonly used in due to a higher potency (i.e. more elemental
pet food as they are frequently employed to mineral per unit of mass of salt due to molec-
improve canned food texture. Insoluble fiber ular formula differences), most of these dif-
generally increases fecal bulk, but does not ferences can be overcome by simply providing
soften feces as it does not have the ability to more of the salt so that an equivalent amount
absorb water. Insoluble fiber generally comes of the essential element is delivered. However,
from grains in the diet (although fiber from it should be noted that some mineral salts,
whole grains is typically mixed, including such as oxides, are poorly available, and
both soluble and insoluble fibers) and can be therefore care should be taken that selected
added in the form of cellulose. Many fiber salts provide a known percentage of available
types used for supplementation are mixed element(s).
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14 Basic Nutrition Overview

Trace Minerals (Microminerals) and can be potentially toxic, particularly

Microminerals are elements that are generally ­vitamins A and D, therefore they have described
needed by dogs and cats in amounts less than SULs. Vitamin K, although essential, can typi-
100 mg/Mcal. These trace minerals are gener- cally be provided in adequate amounts by gut
ally provided from the consumption of liver or microbial synthesis. An exception to this is
entire prey in nature, but supplementation in when a diet high in fish is consumed by cats
the form of salts is more common in commer- (Strieker et al. 1996). The exact mechanism by
cial pet food. Inorganic salts are common, but which a vitamin K deficiency is ­created is
chelated forms bound to amino acids and unknown, but Dr. James Morris, ­professor
­peptides do exist. These chelated forms are emeritus at the University of California–Davis,
typically (but not always) more bioavailable has suggested that it could be due to the high
and may be better tolerated than certain levels of vitamin E in fish (personal communi-
­inorganic forms (e.g. iron proteinate vs. iron cation), which could delay oxidation of vitamin
­sulfate) in some cases. K hydroquinone, or act as a competitive inhibi-
tor of vitamin K. Cat foods rich in fish (>25%
fish on a dry matter basis) are currently required
by states that adopt Association of American
Water Soluble Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines
For dogs and cats, the only essential water-­ (see Chapter 5) to add vitamin K3 or menadi-
soluble vitamins are B vitamins, because one, and not the natural form vitamin K1 or
unlike humans they are able to synthesize phylloquinone found in foods such as green
­vitamin C from glucose. Sources of B vitamins leafy vegetables. Occasionally, the safety of oral
include internal organs, the germinal portion menadione supplementation is raised as a con-
of grains, and yeasts. Vitamin B12 is the excep- cern, but the basis of these concerns is not fully
tion because it must come from animal supported by the published literature (National
sources. Since B vitamins can generally be Research Council (NRC) 2006b).
eliminated in urine, they are considered very Vitamin A can be produced from carotenoids
safe and there are generally no set maximums such as beta-­carotene present in orange-­ or
or safe upper limits (SULs), although high red-­colored fruits and vegetables such as car-
doses of niacin can cause “flushing” due to rots as well as in green leafy vegetables. Cats,
prostaglandin-­induced vasodilation. however, are unable to efficiently perform this
Vitamin C is commonly used in natural pet conversion, so their diet must contain active
foods as an antioxidant for potential benefits vitamin A or retinol. Hypervitaminosis A can
within the body, as well as being a component occur when large amounts of liver are con-
in natural preservation systems to recycle sumed (as discussed later in this chapter).
mixed tocopherols used to prevent fat In contrast to humans, dogs and cats cannot
­oxidation/rancidity. Excessive dietary vitamin synthesize sufficient vitamin D and it is
C is raised as a concern in patients with a his- ­therefore a dietary essential (Hazewinkel
tory of calcium oxalate urolithiasis, since it can et al. 1987; Morris 1999). Typically vitamin D3
increase urinary oxalate excretion (Baxmann ­(cholecalciferol) is supplemented in pet food
et al. 2003). Vitamin C is mainly provided in a and is usually derived from lanolin from sheep’s
purified form, but rich natural sources include wool. Vitamin D3 is inactive as it is unhydroxy-
fruits and vegetables. lated; the hydroxylated active form is called cal-
citriol (1,25-­dihydroxyvitamin D3). The richest
Fat Soluble natural sources of vitamin D are fatty fishes.
For dogs and cats, the fat-­soluble vitamins A, D, Vitamin E is a family of eight antioxidants
and E are essential. They are stored in the body (four tocopherols and four tocotrienols), each
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­Essential Nutrient Deficiency Signs and Clinically Available or Relevant Methods of Assessing Nutrient Statu 15

of which has several isomers, all with macrominerals, specifically calcium and phos-
­differing activities. The natural form is phorus, have stores in the form of bone, and it
­d-­alpha-­tocopherol, and pet food often includes can take long periods (i.e. months to even years
a synthetic form (dl-­alpha-­tocopherol). These in the case of calcium) to recognize clinical
are usually provided esterified (e.g. as acetate) manifestations of a deficient diet in an adult
to protect from oxidation during storage. On dog or cat. Deficiencies in water-­soluble vita-
the other hand, “mixed tocopherols,” which mins and several electrolytes like potassium
contain different isomers, are used in commer- can be more rapidly recognized given the lack
cial pet foods to protect against oxidative dam- of body storage pools. Similarly, there is no
age to dietary fat during storage and are not storage pool for protein or amino acids, and so
included to provide vitamin E activity to the deficient diets result in a breakdown of body
animal. They do not provide the same relative tissues such as muscle. Therefore, incomplete
activity as alpha-­tocopherol or what is fre- and unbalanced diets that are deficient in pro-
quently referred to as “vitamin E” (i.e. beta 1/2, tein, electrolytes, and B vitamins are much
delta 1/10, gamma 1/10 the activity of alpha). more likely to result in clinically identifiable
Therefore, any guarantees for vitamin E (which problems in previously appropriately fed
is really a family of eight antioxidants) amounts adults than those diets that do not have ade-
should be representative of the biologically quate amounts of fat, fatty acids, fat-­soluble
active portion of all “tocopherols” and vitamins, and calcium, at least in the short to
­“tocotrienols” present. Occasionally, “natural” medium term. This explains the lack of appar-
vitamin E is suggested as being superior for ent consequences often seen in adult patients
supplementation, which is based on the fact fed diets of just cottage cheese/chicken/meat
that d-­alpha-­tocopherol has about twice the and enriched rice (enriched in B vitamins). In
biological activity of synthetic dl-­alpha-­ the authors’ clinical experience, diets deficient
tocopherol. Obviously, this difference in bio- in thiamin and calcium that clinically present
logical activity can be corrected for by making to veterinarians in practice (e.g. neurologic and
adjustments in dosing when using synthetic skeletal, respectively) are most likely to be
versus natural alpha-­tocopherol. Good natural identified in adults. Many nutritional deficien-
sources are seeds, the germ portion found in cies will appear more rapidly in growing dogs
whole grains, vegetable oils, and green leafy and cats fed a deficient diet due to the high
vegetables. demand for nutrients during this period.
A more comprehensive list of nutrient defi-
ciencies, their clinical signs, and the methods
Storage Pools for Essential Nutrients
for diagnosing follows.
Unfortunately, malnutrition can affect veteri-
nary patients. As such, it is important to briefly
discuss the concept of nutrient storage pools.
The body’s main focus for storage is energy in
­ ssential Nutrient Deficiency
the form of glycogen, which is rapidly depleted Signs and Clinically Available
within a matter of hours, and fat, which can or Relevant Methods of Assessing
last patients days to weeks depending on adi- Nutrient Status
posity. Along with fat, fat-­soluble vitamins can
be deficient in a patient’s diet for weeks to For detailed information the reader is referred
months without clinically identifiable conse- to the Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats
quences, assuming that a good plane of nutri- from the National Research Council published
tion was maintained prior to the deficient diet by the United States National Academies
or the lack of access to food. Some of the in 2006.
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16 Basic Nutrition Overview


and fasted plasma amino acid sample and
Weight loss (or lack of weight gain if a puppy
potentially analyze a diet sample, as well as
or kitten), hypoalbuminemia (albumin has a
evaluate using commercial formulation soft-
half-­life of approximately 20–21 days, so it may
ware if nutrient data are available.
take a while for this marker to become low),
and poor coat quality may also be recognized;
plus any of the clinical signs associated with Isoleucine
specific amino acid deficiencies, especially Clinical signs have only been reported for
those associated with the limiting amino acids, growing dogs and cats; in puppies, poor food
often methionine, lysine, and tryptophan for intake and weight gain; in kittens, reddish-­
both dogs and cats. purple tinted crusty material around eyes,
nose, and mouth, desquamation on paw pads,
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Albumin and and incoordination.
potentially analyze diet sample for crude pro-
tein with a commercial food laboratory. If a RECOMMENDED TESTING: Fasted plasma
large portion of nitrogen is suspected not to be amino acid sample and potentially analyze a diet
from protein, amino acid analysis, as well as sample, as well as evaluate using commercial for-
evaluation using commercial formulation soft- mulation software if nutrient data are available.
ware if nutrient data are available.
Clinical signs have only been reported for grow-
Amino Acids ing dogs and cats: in puppies, weight loss and
decreased food intake; in kittens, weight loss.
In dogs, vomiting, ptyalism, and muscle RECOMMENDED TESTING: Fasted plasma
tremors are seen with arginine-­free diets; amino acid sample and potentially analyze a
simply deficient diets have resulted in cata- diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
racts in puppies (orotic aciduria has also been cial formulation software if nutrient data are
reported, but there is no readily available available.
commercial laboratory test available). In cats,
diarrhea, weight loss, food refusal, and hyper- Lysine
ammonemia; if completely devoid (only Clinical signs have only been reported for grow-
experimentally possible, but deficiency pos- ing dogs and cats: in puppies, decreased food
sible with human enteral products that may intake and weight loss; in kittens, weight loss (in
be used in veterinary critical care patients) other species, graying of hair has been noted, but
death may result. this has not been recognized in dogs and cats).
amino acid sample and potentially analyze a amino acid sample and potentially analyze a diet
diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer- sample, as well as evaluate using commercial for-
cial formulation software if nutrient data are mulation software if nutrient data are available.
Methionine (Spared by Cystine)
Histidine In dogs, pigment gallstones and dilated
In dogs, weight loss, decreased hemoglobin ­cardiomyopathy (DCM) secondary to taurine
and albumin concentrations, food refusal, deficiency, and in puppies, weight loss,
­lethargy. In cats, cataracts and decreased ­swelling and reddening of the skin, necrotic
hemoglobin. and hyperkeratotic front foot pads with
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­Essential Nutrient Deficiency Signs and Clinically Available or Relevant Methods of Assessing Nutrient Statu 17

ulceration; in cats, severe perioral and footpad RECOMMENDED TESTING: Fasted plasma
lesions, and in kittens weight loss, lethargy, amino acid sample and potentially analyze a
and abnormal ocular secretions. diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
cial formulation software if nutrient data are
amino acid sample and potentially analyze a
diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
cial formulation software if nutrient data are
Clinical signs have only been reported for grow-
available; imaging, especially for DCM, as well
ing dogs and cats: in puppies, decreased food
as whole blood and plasma taurine in dogs.
intake and weight loss; in kittens, weight loss.
Phenylalanine (Spared by Tyrosine) RECOMMENDED TESTING: Fasted plasma
In dogs, reddish-­brown hair coat in black dogs, amino acid sample and potentially analyze a
and in puppies, decreased food intake and diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
weight loss; in cats, abnormal, uncoordinated cial formulation software if nutrient data are
gait with the tail bending forward, ptyalism, available.
vocalizing and hyperactivity, and in kittens,
weight loss and reddish-­brown hair in black cats. Taurine
This amino acid is required only in cats; feline
central retinal degeneration and blindness,
amino acid sample; potentially analyze a diet
DCM and heart failure, deafness, poor repro-
sample, as well as evaluate using commercial
duction with congenital defects including
formulation software if nutrient data are avail-
hydrocephalus and anencephaly can result
able; close inspection of any black hairs for
when it is deficient; in dogs, taurine can
reddish-­brown tint.
become depleted due to insufficient dietary
precursor(s), methionine (and cystine), DCM,
Threonine and poor reproduction.
Clinical signs have only been reported for
growing dogs and cats: in puppies, decreased RECOMMEND TESTING: Fasted plasma
food intake and weight loss; in kittens, amino acid sample and whole blood sample;
decreased food intake and weight loss and potentially analyze a diet sample, as well as
­cerebellar dysfunction with slight tremors, evaluate using commercial formulation soft-
ataxia, jerky head and leg movements, and dif- ware if nutrient data are available; fundic
ficulty maintaining equilibrium. examination and echocardiogram; review
breeding program and health status of breed-
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Fasted plasma ing animals to rule out other causes of poor
amino acid sample and potentially analyze a reproductive performance.
diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
cial formulation software if nutrient data are
available. Fat
Linoleic Acid
Tryptophan In puppies, greasy pruritic skin with keratini-
Clinical signs have only been reported for zation with parakeratosis; in cats, dry, luster-
growing dogs and cats, although additional less hair, dandruff, behavioral infertility, and
tryptophan has been reported to reduce territo- hepatic lipid infiltrates. No dog or kitten clini-
rial aggression (DeNapoli et al. 2000); in pup- cal signs have been reported but are likely an
pies, decreased food intake and weight loss; in amalgamation of the signs seen in puppies
kittens, decreased food intake and weight loss. and cats.
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18 Basic Nutrition Overview

RECOMMENDED TESTING: Potentially growth and hypophosphatemia (remember to

analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate using compare to reference intervals for growing
commercial formulation software if nutrient dogs, as adults inherently have lower P
data are available; consider LA-­rich oil supple- concentrations).
mentation if only a dull coat with scaling or
dandruff presents; monitor for resolution for
phorus concentrations and potentially analyze
confirmation of likely LA deficiency.
a diet sample, as well as evaluate using com-
Arachidonic Acid (Cat, Not Dog)
mercial formulation software if nutrient data
AA is not required in dogs as they have ade- are available.
quate activity of delta-­6-­desaturase to convert
LA to AA, unlike cats; in cats, reproductive
failure with congenital defects and low kitten In dogs, hypomagnesemia, and in puppies,
viability, and deficiency may manifest only lameness and hyperextension of carpi; in cats,
after one or two successful litters. hypomagnesemia, and in kittens, poor growth,
hyperextension of metacarpi, muscular
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Potentially ­twitching, and convulsions.
analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate using
commercial formulation software if nutrient RECOMMENDED TESTING: Serum ­ionized
data are available; review breeding program and magnesium concentrations and potentially
health status of breeding animals to rule out analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate using
other causes of poor reproductive performance. commercial formulation software if nutrient
data are available.

Minerals Sodium
Macrominerals (Typically Required In dogs, hyponatremia, and in puppies, dry,
at ≥100 mg/Mcal) tacky mucous membranes, restlessness, and
increased heart rate, hematocrit, and hemo-
globin (likely hemoconcentration), as well as
In dogs and puppies, nutritional secondary polyuria and polydipsia; in cats, hyponatremia,
hyperparathyroidism (see Chapter 10); in kit- and in kittens, anorexia, poor growth, polyu-
tens, bone rarefaction, especially of the pelvis ria, polydipsia, hemoconcentration.
and lumbar vertebrae; in cats, decreased bone
density; in cats and kittens, nutritional second- RECOMMENDED TESTING: Serum sodium
ary hyperparathyroidism. concentrations and potentially analyze a diet
sample, as well as evaluate using commercial for-
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Potentially mulation software if nutrient data are available.
analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate using
commercial formulation software if nutrient Potassium
data are available; whole body radiographs In dogs, hypokalemia and hypotension; in
ensuring that mandibular, vertebral, and pel- puppies, poor growth, restlessness, ventroflex-
vic bones are imaged; serum calcium concen- ion of the head, rear leg paralysis, and general-
trations are likely maintained within normal ized weakness; in cats, hypokalemia and
reference intervals; however, ionized calcium, elevation in serum creatinine; in kittens,
parathyroid hormone (PTH), and vitamin D ­anorexia, poor growth, ventroflexion of the
measurements may be useful. head, ataxia, and muscular weakness leading
to the inability to walk.
In dogs, hypophosphatemia and, if severe, ane- RECOMMENDED TESTING: Serum potas-
mia may be present; and in puppies, poor sium concentrations and potentially analyze
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­Essential Nutrient Deficiency Signs and Clinically Available or Relevant Methods of Assessing Nutrient Statu 19

a diet sample, as well as evaluate using com- practical, consider serum or plasma copper in
mercial formulation software if nutrient data dogs (not reflective of status in cats); poten-
are available. tially analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate
using commercial formulation software if
Chloride nutrient data are available. If the sole source of
Clinical signs have only been reported for copper supplementation is cupric oxide, this
growing dogs and cats; in puppies, hypochlo- may increase suspicion as this form has very
remia, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis, poor bioavailability.
poor growth, weakness, ataxia (potentially due
to concurrent potassium deficiency); in kit- Zinc
tens, hypokalemia. In dogs, skin lesions, and in puppies, very poor
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Serum chlo- growth rates, skin lesions starting at contact or
ride and potassium concentrations and poten- wear points like foot pads (also see Chapter 11);
tially analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate in cats, no clinical signs reported, and in
using commercial formulation software if ­kittens, poor growth and skin lesions.
nutrient data are available. RECOMMENDED TESTING: Plasma zinc
and analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate
Microminerals (Typically Required using commercial formulation software if
at <100 mg/Mcal) nutrient data are available.

Iron Manganese
In dogs, microcytic hypochromic anemia and a In dogs and cats, there are no reports of clinical
low-­percentage saturation of plasma transfer- signs seen with manganese deficiency (there
rin, and in puppies, low hemoglobin concen- are reports in other species suggesting bone
trations and hematocrit, poor growth, pale and joint abnormalities).
mucous membranes, lethargy, weakness,
­diarrhea, hematochezia, and melena. RECOMMENDED TESTING: Consider
whole blood manganese analysis; analyze a
RECOMMEND TESTING: Complete blood diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
count and total iron-­binding capacity (TIBC) cial formulation software if nutrient data are
and, if available, plasma ferritin along with per- available.
cent saturation; reticulocyte indices may also be
worth exploring, even though there is some Selenium
debate about their value and they may not be In dogs, cats, and kittens, there are no reports
clinically available (Steinberg and Olver 2005; of clinical signs; in puppies, anorexia, depres-
Fry and Kirk 2006); potentially analyze a diet sion, dyspnea, and coma.
sample, as well as evaluate using commercial for-
mulation software if nutrient data are available.
rocyte GPx activity and selenoprotein P analysis
Copper (be prepared to provide normal control samples)
In dogs, no clinical signs reported, and in or serum selenium; analyze a diet sample, as
­puppies, loss of hair pigmentation and hyper- well as evaluate using commercial formulation
extension of the distal phalanges; in cats, software if nutrient data are available.
increased time to conception in queens, and in
kittens, fading coat color, hindlimb ataxia,
In dogs and puppies, goiter/enlarged
twisted limbs, and curled tails.
­thyroid gland, alopecia, dry coat, weight
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Liver biopsy is gain, and sometimes reduced thyroid hor-
considered the gold standard, but if it is not mone; in cats and kittens, no clinical signs
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20 Basic Nutrition Overview

have been seen, but at necropsy enlarged well as evaluate using commercial formulation
thyroid tissue has been seen. software if nutrient data are available.
Vitamin E
mones (not conclusive) or urinary iodine
In dogs and puppies, dermatosis, degeneration
excretion and analyze a diet sample, as well as
of skeletal muscles, muscle weakness,
evaluate using commercial formulation soft-
­reproductive failure, retinal degeneration,
ware if nutrient data are available.
­subcutaneous edema, anorexia, depression,
­dyspnea, and coma; in cats (and presumably
kittens), depression, anorexia, hyperesthesia
Vitamins on ­palpation of the ventral abdomen and nod-
Fat-­Soluble Vitamins ular adipose tissue (also known as steatitis or
yellow fat disease).
Vitamin A
Retinol only in cats; if vitamin A is needed in RECOMMENDED TESTING: Physical exam-
dogs, they can convert beta-­carotene to vita- ination (plus biopsy of nodules); plasma alpha-­
min A. In dogs and puppies, anorexia, weight tocopherol (laboratory availability unknown;
loss, ataxia, xerophthalmia (“dry eyes”), con- possibly dialuric acid hemolysis assay but likely
junctivitis, corneal opacity and ulceration clinically unavailable); analyze a diet sample,
(likely due to xerophthalmia), skin lesions, and as well as evaluate using commercial formula-
deafness; in cats, conjunctivitis, xerosis (spe- tion software if nutrient data are available.
cifically dry conjunctiva) with keratitis and
vascularization of the cornea (likely due to the Vitamin K
xerosis), photophobia, delayed papillary In dogs and puppies, prolongation of clotting
response to light, cataracts, abortions and pre- times and excessive bleeding only achievable
mature birth; in kittens, the signs seen in cats, with the use of anticoagulants (e.g. coumarin, a
plus hairlessness and cleft palates. vitamin K antagonist); in cats and kittens, exces-
sive bleeding, prolonged clotting times, increased
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Schirmer tear proteins induced by vitamin K antagonism or
test (not conclusive); plasma retinol (laboratory absence (PIVKAs); high-­fish diets can induce a
availability unknown); analyze a diet sample, vitamin K deficiency, as noted earlier in this
as well as evaluate using commercial formula- chapter. (Note: the Devon Rex breed can have a
tion software if nutrient data are available. genetic defect that causes a deficiency of all vita-
min K-­dependent blood coagulation factors.)
Vitamin D
In dogs and cats, there are no reports of clinical
time (PT); partial thromboplastin time (PTT);
signs; in puppies, lethargy, poor muscle tone,
PIVKA test; possibly analyze a diet sample, as
large swellings at the epiphyseal ends of bones,
well as evaluate using commercial formulation
bending of long bones, and osteopenia on radio-
software if nutrient data are available.
graphs; in kittens, reluctance to move, progres-
sive caudal paralysis, sometimes enlargement
of the metatarsal joints, poor food intake, weight Water-­Soluble Vitamins
loss, hypocalcemia, elevated PTH.
Thiamin, Vitamin B1
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Serum 25-­ In puppies (and presumably in dogs), inappe-
OHD, PTH, serum calcium and ionized ­calcium tence, failure to grow, weight loss, copropha-
(in kittens); radiographs (consistent with “rick- gia, neurologic signs (e.g. central nervous
ets,” see Chapter 10); analyze a diet ­sample, as system [CNS] depression, sensory ataxia,
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­Essential Nutrient Deficiency Signs and Clinically Available or Relevant Methods of Assessing Nutrient Statu 21

paraparesis, torticollis, circling, tonic–clonic RECOMMENDED TESTING: Complete

convulsions, muscular weakness, recum- blood count (CBC); urinalysis; plasma tyrosine
bency), and sudden death; in cats, bradycardia, (it can be elevated, as the first enzyme for
anorexia, neurologic signs (i.e. posture tyrosine degradation can be depressed); ana-
changes, short tonic convulsive seizures), pro- lyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate using
gressive weakness prostration, and death; in commercial formulation software if nutrient
kittens, mydriasis, ataxia, and erect tails; ven- data are available.
troflexion of the head and bradycardia have
also been reported. It should be noted that Niacin, Vitamin B3
along with taurine and calcium deficiency, this In dogs (presumably puppies as well), ano-
is the other common nutritional deficiency rexia, weight loss, reddening of the inside of
that the authors have recognized in multiple the upper lip that progresses to inflammation
clinical patients in a tertiary referral setting. and ulceration, vermilion bands on the lips,
ptyalism with thick blood-­stained saliva,
bloody diarrhea, and eventually death
transketolase activity; thiamine phosphorylated
­(historically described as “black tongue” and
esters in plasma (reported to be more ­sensitive
compared to pellagra in humans); in cats and
than erythrocyte transketolase, laboratory
kittens, anorexia, fever, fiery red tongue with
unknown); CNS imaging (i.e. magnetic reso-
ulceration (not always), weight loss, respira-
nance, although the use of computed tomogra-
tory disease, and death.
phy has been reported in humans; Swenson and
Louis 2006); analyze a diet ­sample, as well as RECOMMENDED TESTING: Nicotinamide
evaluate using commercial formulation soft- loading test (laboratory unknown); analyze a
ware if nutrient data are available. diet sample, as well as evaluate using commer-
cial formulation software if nutrient data are
Riboflavin, Vitamin B2 available.
In dogs (presumably puppies as well), ano-
rexia, weight loss, muscular weakness, ataxia, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B5
ocular lesions described as opacity of the In dogs and puppies, poor food intake, sudden
­corneas, sudden collapse to a semicomatose prostration or coma, tachypnea, tachycardia,
state, and death; in cats (presumably kittens as convulsions, gastroenteritis, and intussuscep-
well), anorexia, weight loss, periauricular tions; in cats, no reports; in kittens, poor growth.
­alopecia, cataracts, and testicular atrophy.
RECOMMENDED TESTING: Erythrocyte sample, as well as evaluate using commercial
glutathione reductase activity coefficient formulation software if nutrient data are
(EGRAC; laboratory availability unknown) available.
and analyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate
using commercial formulation software if Cobalamin, Vitamin B12
nutrient data are available. In dogs and puppies, inappetence, neutropenia
with hypersegmentation and megaloblastic
Pyridoxine, Vitamin B6 anemia; in cats, no obvious clinical signs have
In dogs, convulsions, muscle twitching, and been reported; in kittens, anorexia and “wet”
microcytic hypochromic anemia, and in pup- hair coat (cobalamin deficiency has been
pies, anorexia, weight loss, and death; in cats reported secondary to inflammatory bowel dis-
(presumably kittens as well), growth depression, ease and bacterial overgrowth; deficiency is
mild microcytic hypochromic anemia, convul- also possible if the ileum has been resected, as
sive seizures, and calcium oxalate crystalluria. that is the site of absorption).
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22 Basic Nutrition Overview

RECOMMENDED TESTING: Serum cobala- and lachrymal secretions, alopecia, loss of hair
min; CBC; analyze a diet sample, as well as ­pigment, weight loss, and diarrhea.
evaluate using commercial formulation soft-
ware if nutrient data are available.
tory of feeding raw eggs or egg whites (contain-
ing the protein “avidin,” which binds biotin),
Folic Acid, Vitamin B9
as this appears to be the only way to create a
In dogs and puppies, cleft palates (in Boston
terrier puppies), decreased growth rate,
decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit; in cats,
no reports; in kittens, decreased growth rate. Choline
In dogs, weight loss, hypocholesterolemia, vom-
iting, fatty liver, and death; in kittens, decreased
CBC (the formiminoglutamic or “FIGLU” test
food intake, and decreased growth rate.
has been used in research environments); ana-
lyze a diet sample, as well as evaluate using RECOMMENDED TESTING: Plasma cho-
commercial formulation software if nutrient line and phosphatidylcholine; analyze diet
data are available. sample for all methyl group donors (i.e. cho-
line, betaine, and methionine in excess of the
Biotin, Vitamin H or B7 amino acid requirement); evaluate using com-
In dogs, hyperkeratosis; in cats, no reports; mercial formulation software if nutrient data
in kittens, accumulation of salivary, nasal, are available.

Benefits of Dietary Omega-­3 Fatty Acids—Courtesy John E. Bauer

Dietary omega-­3 fatty acids are incorporated These amounts may be sufficient to help
into cell membranes such as neutrophils, alleviate low-­ level inflammatory states by
heart, kidney, skin, and joint tissues. They com- balancing omega-­6 and omega-­3 intakes.
pete with omega-­6 fatty acids (namely arachi- For both dogs and cats, low concentrations
donic acid) as substrates for the production of of long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acids (expressed
important cell mediators including those as DHA plus EPA) are considered essential
associated with inflammation. Because for all life stages by the National Research
inflammation characterizes many chronic Council (NRC), and should be included in
progressive disorders, provision of dietary diets formulated for growth and reproduc-
long-­ chain omega-­ 3 fatty acids (i.e. doco- tion according to the guidance of both the
sahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid; Association of American Feed Control
DHA and EPA) are currently thought to be Officials (AAFCO) and the European Pet Food
beneficial. However, the shorter-­chain omega- Industry Federation (FEDIAF). Dosages are
­3 fatty acids from vegetable sources, such as often expressed on a metabolic body weight
alpha-­linolenic acid (ALA) from flaxseed, are (MBW) basis, since many nutrients as well as
inefficiently converted to the longer-­ chain energy requirements vary relative to this
fatty acids, which are better able to modify parameter. MBW is expressed as kg of body
inflammatory and immune responses (i.e. EPA weight, with an exponent of 0.75 for dogs
and DHA from marine sources). and 0.67 for cats.
It should be noted that omega-­3 dosages
indicated on product labels are those sug- Therapeutic Use in Dogs
gested for health maintenance of normal Therapeutic dosages for dogs are based on
animals or to help optimize dietary intake. studies involving skin, cardiovascular, renal,
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­Essential Nutrient Deficiency Signs and Clinically Available or Relevant Methods of Assessing Nutrient Statu 23

Table 2.1 Daily long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acid Sources of Long-­Chain Omega-­3
doses (in mg of combined EPA plus DHA) Fatty Acids
calculated on a metabolic body weight basis
for adult dogs. Although several sources of omega-­3 fatty
acids exist, companion animal studies have
Disorder Dosage typically used fish oils containing both EPA
and DHA. These products are primarily com-
Idiopathic hyperlipidemia 120 mg/kg0.75
posed of triglyceride forms, the digestion
Kidney disease 140 mg/kg0.75 and absorption of which are well known.
Cardiovascular disorders 115 mg/kg0.75 Other sources include krill oil containing
Osteoarthritis 310 mg/kg0.75 phospholipids, algae-­ based triglyceride
Inflammatory/immune (atopy, 125 mg/kg0.75 forms, green-­lipped mussel oil extracts con-
inflammatory bowel disease) taining some unique fatty acids, and esteri-
National Research Council 30 mg/kg0.75 fied omega-­3 fatty acids. The relative efficacy
(NRC) recommended allowance of the various forms has not been estab-
NRC safe upper limit 370 mg/kg0.75 lished. However, the triglyceride form is the
Source: Adapted from Bauer (2011).
most extensively studied in both animal and
human health. As such, recommendations
are based on triglyceride sources.
and lipid disorders, and osteoarthritis.
Other Metabolic Benefits of Long-­Chain
Recommended amounts of EPA plus DHA use
Omega-­3 Fatty Acids
MBW multiplied by factors ranging from 115
to 310 (Table 2.1). These recommendations DHA and Puppy Development
are intended as a starting point for therapy Feeding fish oil to puppies results in signifi-
under veterinary supervision and are below cant DHA incorporation into the cells of the
the canine safe upper limit (NRC 2006a). canine eye (Delton-­Vandenbroucke et al. 1998).
Diets enriched in fish oil provided during ges-
Therapeutic Use in Cats
tation, lactation, and after weaning showed
Less is known about the use of omega-­ 3
statistically significant improvement in visual
fatty acids in cats, although effects on skin
function at 12 weeks compared to controls
and orthopedic health do appear to exist.
(Heinemann et al. 2005). Another trial also
Given the known limited ability of cats to
evaluated visual function and cognitive and
synthesize longer-­chain fatty acids, similar
learning ability in puppies fed DHA (Zicker
benefits in this species to those in dogs are
et al. 2012). In that study, DHA-­enriched diets
expected. Studies to date have fed dosages
were initiated at weaning, a period in which
from 100 to 750 mg EPA + DHA/day. However,
puppies have lost the ability to convert DHA
untoward effects on certain immune param-
from precursors (Heinemann et al. 2005). Again,
eters at the higher end of this range have
strong correlations between dietary DHA and
been reported (Chew et al. 2000; Bauer 2011).
improved visual performance were observed.
Therapeutic dosages in the order of those
In addition, enhanced cognitive function was
used for skin disorders of dogs (but using the
reported in DHA-­fed puppies compared to con-
cat exponent; i.e. 125 mg EPA + DHA/kg0.67)
trols, including fewer errors for learning to run
are likely to be safe, but individual differ-
through a maze setup (Zicker et al. 2012).
ences may exist. Until further studies are
conducted, long-­term daily dosages exceed- Cognition and Healthy Aging
ing 75 mg EPA + DHA/kg0.67 should be moni- In humans, DHA may support healthy aging,
tored under veterinary supervision. and low DHA has been correlated with
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24 Basic Nutrition Overview

cognitive impairment. The effects of aging Newly Described Metabolites from Omega-­3
on cognitive function in older dogs have Fatty Acid Precursors
been reported using client-­owned animals
In addition to direct competition of long-­
and various questionnaires. Objective assess-
chain omega-­ 3 for inflammatory mediator
ments with canine models of aging have
synthesis, EPA and DHA are also precursors for
also contributed to our understanding of
other health-­supporting metabolites, includ-
these phenomena. A number of dog studies
ing resolvins and protectins (Serhan and
examining foods enriched with mixtures of
Petasis 2011). Resolvins appear to have the
antioxidants and mitochondrial cofactors
capacity to help resolve the inflammatory
reported improvements in learning and
responses, while protectins may protect neu-
memory (reviewed in Roudebush et al. 2005).
rologic function. Preliminary findings indicate
With respect to DHA, subsequent studies
that these compounds may afford additional
employing either whole cell algae at 0.1%
support for skin conditions as well as nerve
diet DHA (Hadley et al. 2017) or fish oil at
and eye functions. These metabolites are an
0.24% diet DHA (Pan et al. 2018) resulted in
important target for future studies.
improved cognitive performance and visual
processing, as measured using a contrast dis-
Fatty Acid Ratios
crimination task. It should be noted that the
whole cell algae diet also contained small It is important to distinguish which specific
amounts of antioxidants and the fish oil diet fatty acids are used in calculating the
contained both antioxidants and mitochon- omega-­ 6: omega-­ 3 ratio, since ALA and
drial cofactors as well. In contrast, a placebo-­ EPA + DHA have differential metabolic effects
controlled study in older dogs that employed and are present in foods and supplements in
a diet rich in porcine sphingolipids and DHA variable concentrations and proportions. In
(approx. 0.4% diet DHA) demonstrated addition, ALA cannot be efficiently elongated
improved cognitive performance using to EPA before exerting its eicosanoid-­
measures typically impaired in canine aging; mediated biological effects. As such, a ratio
however, dietary concentrations of antioxi- calculated using all major types of omega-­3
dants or other cofactors were not reported (i.e. ALA, EPA, and DHA) is not metabolically
(Araujo et al. 2022). Finally, one investigation equivalent to one where only EPA and DHA is
in middle-­ aged and older cats compared used (even when the concentrations are
diets with or without a blend of fish oil equal). However, any ratio may be useful
(0.28% diet DHA), B vitamins, antioxidants, when considered as a way to help minimize
and arginine, and reported that supple- a potential overabundance of the omega-­6
mented cats performed significantly better fatty acid linoleic acid (LA) in a particular
on standardized behavioral measures of cog- food (Dunbar et al. 2010). For example, a
nitive function (Pan et al. 2013). ratio of LA : ALA of 3 : 1 to 5 : 1 will typically
In summary, omega-­ 3 fatty acids, most accomplish this goal (Dunbar et al. 2010).
notably DHA, appear to play a role in healthy Regardless, consideration of the concentra-
canine and feline aging and cognition. tions and proportions of all relevant fatty
Further controlled dietary studies will be acids from all dietary and supplement
needed to better understand the interplay sources is recommended to help assure met-
among the various dietary cofactors involved abolic balance in healthy animals as well as
in this complex process. when aiming for therapeutic benefits.
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­Nutrient Requirement 25

Diagnostic and Food Analysis Laboratories useful, particularly in patients consuming a

and Diet Computer Analysis ­homemade diet. Any such analysis is only as
good as the nutrient database that is used.
As can be seen from the earlier list, samples
Certain nutrients of interest are not always
may need to be submitted to laboratories for
reported or there can be large variations in the
the diagnosis of certain nutritional deficien-
range of values seen with foods; therefore,
cies. The most common nutrients analyzed
such analyses must be used as supportive or
in veterinary patients are taurine, calcium/­
suggestive only. Commercial formulation soft-
vitamin D, electrolytes (i.e. phosphorus,
ware used by pet food companies (e.g. Concept
sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride), iron
5 Formulation System, www.agri-­ is
(via TIBC), vitamin K (via PIVKA), thiamin,
typically too complex and expensive for even
cobalamin (vitamin B12), and folate. Many of
veterinary academicians and does not come
these nutrients may be analyzed in the normal
with preloaded nutrient data for foods or ingre-
course of working up a case and may be famil-
dients. Software used for livestock (e.g. Dalex
iar to the veterinary practitioner. Others may be
Livestock, is generally too
more exotic or available only through a research
cumbersome to adapt to dogs and cats from
laboratory. For the reader’s convenience the fol-
swine modules. Three software programs,
lowing laboratories are suggested (note these
Food Processor (available at for
are all in the United States given the authors’
a fee), Diet Check Munich (available at www.
geography and are current as of 2022): for a fee), and Balance
●● Eurofins Scientific, Des Moines, IA, +1 (515) It® (available at for free), are
265 1461,­ known to the authors as being used by veteri-
testing/laboratories/eurofins-­n utrition-­ nary nutritionists and veterinarians. The latter
analysis-­center, for food analysis. two programs are designed specifically for vet-
●● Midwest Laboratories, Omaha, NE, +1 (402) erinary use, and Balance It was created by one
334 7770,, for food of the authors (SJD). These programs rely
analysis. heavily on reference databases like that of the
●● UC Davis Amino Acid Laboratory, Davis, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) at
CA, +1 (530) 752 5058, https://www.vetmed. FoodData Central (­acid-­laboratory, for fdc-­app.html#/), which has an extensive
amino acid and trace mineral analysis from ­database of human foods. However, certain
patients and diets (run by one of the nutrients of interest such as taurine, chloride,
authors, AJF). iodine, and vitamin D are typically or often not
●● Michigan State University Diagnostic Center available. Therefore, “deficiencies” in these
for Population and Animal Health (DCPAH), nutrients suggested by computer analysis
Lansing, MI, +1 (517) 353 1683, https://cvm. when compared to reported nutrient require-, for vitamin D metabolites and ments for dogs and cats may be the result of a
PTH in patients. lack of available data rather than a real defi-
●● Texas A&M GI Lab, College Station, TX, +1 ciency (this can also be true of choline, which
(979) 862 2861, is not routinely reported by USDA).
gilab, for cobalamin and folate.

Other tests may be available via national N

­ utrient Requirements
commercial veterinary diagnostic laboratories
such as IDEXX Laboratories and ANTECH Nutrient requirements are available from three
Diagnostics. main references, the annually published
As some tests may not be available, analysis Official Publication of the Association of
of a diet via computer analysis may be AAFCO and the European FEDIAF nutritional
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26 Basic Nutrition Overview

guidelines, whose assembled experts largely different minimal requirements in the NRC
base the “AAFCO nutrient profiles” or guide- are minimal requirement (MR), adequate
lines on the Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and intake (AI), and recommended allowance
Cats from the National Research Council (RA). The MR is defined as “the minimal
(commonly referred to as the NRC), published concentration or amount of a bioavailable
by the US National Academies, and published nutrient that will support a defined physio-
data. The most recent NRC requirements were logical state.” This requirement assumes that
published in 2006. Most existing nutrient 100% of the nutrient is available; therefore, it
requirements were not vastly changed with the does not account for, say, a lower digestibility
publication of the 2006 NRC, but the NRC sug- or antagonisms that can frequently occur
gested requirements for several omega-­3 fatty with amino acids, minerals, and fat-­soluble
acids (e.g. EPA, DHA, and ALA), and there vitamins. The AI is defined as “the concen-
were a few amino acid and mineral shifts. tration in the diet or amount required by the
Nutrient requirements from AAFCO are animal of a nutrient that is presumed to sus-
provided as “minimum” and “maximum” lev- tain a given life stage when no MR has been
els for “growth and reproduction” and “adult demonstrated.” This value is used when
maintenance” on both a dry matter basis and a graded studies were not available or when
“per 1000 kcal ME,” or energy basis. The nutri- comparative data had to be relied on. The RA
ent profile on a dry matter basis presumes a is defined as “the concentration or amount of
specific energy density (i.e. 4000 kcal ME/kg a nutrient in a diet formulated to support a
food for AAFCO). Higher energy density for- given physiological state.” This requirement
mulations must be corrected for energy density is most analogous to the AAFCO minimum,
with this approach. FEDIAF guidelines utilize as both requirements attempt to insert a
requirements on an amount of energy per kilo- safety factor to the MR or AI to account for
gram body weight to the three-­quarter power. uncertain bioavailability. The NRC also uses
Both account for energy in requirements to an additional unit not used by AAFCO:
ensure that adequate amounts of nutrients are amount per kilogram body weight raised to
consumed, since dogs and cats eat to their cal- the three-­quarter power (i.e. amt/kg BW0.75),
orie needs, as discussed earlier in the chapter. which is more analogous to the “dosing” of
The profile on a dry matter basis essentially medications. This third method of expressing
ensures that if an animal is eating a less energy-­ requirements is not as commonly used by
dense diet, the volume of food it will need to nutritionists, who generally think about the
eat to meet its nutrient requirements is physi- nutrient concentrations needed in foods
cally possible. Certain nutrient minimums also rather than a “dose” for a particular patient.
change depending on the food. Different rec- However, when a very low energy intake is
ommendations are provided for copper and expected or suggested, this third method may
taurine for foods that are extruded versus be used. The reader is directed to Chapter 6
canned. The recommendations for vitamin K for further discussion on units for expressing
are higher if the product has a high fish con- nutrient levels and comparing values pro-
tent. Maximums are provided for select nutri- vided in different units.
ents and are the same regardless of life stage.
The NRC provides separate requirements
for growing and reproducing dogs and cats. ­ ey Clinical Nutritional Excesses
Additionally, three different “minimal” and Signs
requirements are provided instead of just one
as with the AAFCO profiles, along with an Beyond calcium and vitamin D excess and
SUL, which is potentially different for every related orthopedic or renal consequences
life stage (unlike with AAFCO). The three ­(covered later in the text), the main nutrient
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 ­Reference 27

excesses of clinical significance are vitamin A following resources (roughly listed in increas-
and methionine. Hypervitaminosis A can ing level of intensity or depth):
occur clinically when an all-­liver diet (or a
●● American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition
mainly liver diet) is fed to kittens that leads to
(AAVN) Listserv (,
extensive osseocartilaginous hyperplasia of the
annual membership fee required).
first three cervical vertebrae. These changes
●● General nutrition or biochemistry texts.
restrict movement and result in an unkempt
●● Veterinary medical school/college course-
coat as the affected cat will not groom itself.
work (often available to the public through
Methionine excess can result in a hemolytic
“open campus” or “extension” programs).
anemia with methemoglobinemia with Heinz
●● Continuing education: Diplomates of the
body formation. However, the risk appears to
American College of Veterinary Internal
be associated with purified amino acid supple-
Medicine (Nutrition) – DACVIM (Nutrition) –
mentation, not with the consumption of intact
actively present at regional, national, and
dietary protein. From NRC 2006a,b: “and it
international meetings (e.g. United States,
would be predicted that peptide-­bound
Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New
methionine in protein would be less toxic than
Zealand), as do Diplomates of the European
that provided in the free form. Thus, it is
College of Veterinary and Comparative
unlikely that cats eating natural prey would
Nutrition, DECVCN.
exceed the SUL for methionine.” The authors
●● Internship/externship (available with
have not recognized methionine toxicity in
numerous DACVIMs).
cats that eat essentially all-­meat diets, even
●● Fellowships (some universities host veterinar-
when the protein content was quite high (at
ians, such as UC Davis through the Donald
50% protein calories). Several other nutrients
G. Low-­CVMA Practitioner Fellowship).
have maximum values set by AAFCO due to
●● Graduate courses in nutrition (aimed at
concerns of antagonism, but these are gener-
Master’s and/or PhD students; may require
ally clinically less important, with the excep-
tion of zinc excess, which is discussed in
●● Veterinary nutrition residency training (see
Chapter 13 regarding the management of
the American College of Veterinary Internal
­copper storage disease.
Medicine at; these two-­ to four-­
year programs are currently available at a
variety of veterinary medical institutions.
­Additional Education on Nutrition
Readers are encouraged to explore these
Inherently this chapter’s coverage of basic additional resources to build on their knowl-
nutrition is limited; therefore, readers with a edge of nutrition, and it is hoped that this text
greater interest in basic nutrition as well as will play a supportive role if any of these addi-
nutrition in general are referred to the tional learning opportunities are undertaken.

­ eferences

Araujo, J.A., Segarra, S., Mendes, J. et al. (2022). Baxmann, A.C., de Mendonça, O.G., and
Sphingolipids and DHA improve cognitive Heilberg, I.P. (2003). Effect of vitamin C
deficits in aged Beagle dogs. Front Vet Sci supplements on urinary oxalate and pH in
9: 646451. calcium stone-­forming patients. Kidney Int.
Bauer, J.E. (2011). Therapeutic use of fish oils in 63 (3): 1066–1071.
companion animals. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. Chew, B.P., Park, H.J., Park, J.S. et al. (2000).
239: 1441–1451. Role of omega-­3 fatty acids on immunity and
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28 Basic Nutrition Overview

inflammation in cats. In: Recent Advances in National Research Council (2006a). Nutrient
Canine and Feline Nutrition. Vol III. Iams requirements and dietary nutrient
Nutrition Symposium Proceedings (ed. concentrations. In: Nutrient Requirements of
G.A. Reinhart and D.P. Carey), 55–67. Dogs and Cats, 359. Washington, DC: National
Wilmington, OH: Orange Frazer Press. Academies Press.
Delton-­Vandenbroucke, I., Maude, M.B., Chen, National Research Council (NRC) (2006b).
H. et al. (1998). Effect of diet on the fatty acid Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats.
and molecular species composition of dog Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
retina phospholipids. Lipids 33: 1187–1193. Pan, Y., Araujo, J.A., Burrows, J. et al. (2013).
DeNapoli, J.S., Dodman, N.H., Shuster, L. et al. Cognitive enhancement in middle-­aged and old
(2000). Effect of dietary protein content and cats with dietary supplementation with a
tryptophan supplementation on dominance nutrient blend containing fish oil, B vitamins,
aggression, territorial aggression, and antioxidants and arginine. Br. J. Nutr. 110: 40–49.
hyperactivity in dogs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. Pan, Y., Kennedy, A.D., Jönsson, T.J. et al. (2018).
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Dunbar, B.L., Bigley, K.E., and Bauer, J.E. (2010). dietary supplementation with a nutrient blend
Early and sustained enrichment of serum containing arginine, antioxidants, B vitamins
n-­3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in and fish oil. Br. J. Nutr. 119: 349–358.
dogs fed a flaxseed supplemented diet. Lipids Roudebush, P., Zicker, S.C., Cotman, C.W. et al.
45: 1–10. (2005). Nutritional management of brain aging
Fry, M.M. and Kirk, C.A. (2006). Reticulocyte in dogs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 227: 722–727.
indices in a canine model of nutritional iron Serhan, C.N. and Petasis, N.A. (2011). Resolvins
deficiency. Vet. Clin. Pathol. 35: 172–181. and protectins in inflammation-­resolution.
Hadley, K.B., Bauer, J.E., and Milgram, Chem. Rev. 111: 5922–5943.
N.W. (2017). The oil-­rich alga Schizochytrium Steinberg, J.D. and Olver, C.S. (2005).
sp. as a dietary source of docosahexaenoic Hematologic and biochemical abnormalities
acid improves shape discrimination learning indicating iron deficiency are associated with
associated with visual processing in a canine decreased reticulocyte hemoglobin content
model of senescence. Prostaglandins Leukot. (CHr) and reticulocyte volume (rMCV) in
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Hazewinkel, H.A.W., How, K.L., Bosch, R. et al. Strieker, M.J., Morris, J.G., Feldman, B.F. et al.
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International Symposium (ed. A.T. Edney). Swenson, A.J. and Louis, E.K.S. (2006). Computed
London: British Veterinary Association & tomography findings in thiamine deficiency-­
Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition. induced coma. Neurocrit. Care 5 (1): 45–48.
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polyunsaturated fatty acids are more efficient hair colour of cats. J. Small Anim. Pract. 42
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Morris, J.G. (1999). Ineffective vitamin D functions in healthy puppies fed foods
synthesis in cats is reversed by an inhibitor of fortified with docosahexaenoic acid-­rich fish
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129: 903–909. Assoc. 241: 583–594.
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Determining Energy Requirements

Jon J. Ramsey

Determining the energy requirements of an U

­ nits
individual patient is a challenge for any nutri-
tionist or veterinarian. Animals require a very Energy is frequently defined as the capacity to
specific amount of energy to maintain a given do work. In the United States, the most com-
body weight, and even slight deviations from mon unit of energy used in nutrition is the
this requirement can induce weight gain or calorie. A calorie is defined as the amount of
loss. To determine the amount of food required heat required to increase the temperature of
by an animal, it is necessary to know the water from 14.5 to 15.5 °C. This is sometimes
­animal’s energy requirement and the energy referred to as the “15 °C calorie,” “small calo-
content of the foods offered to the animal. rie,” or “gram-­calorie.” A calorie is a very small
There are a number of equations available to unit of energy, and the unit typically used in
predict either energy requirements or the nutrition is the kilocalorie. A kilocalorie (kcal)
amount of energy in foods. However, a num- is equivalent to 1000 cal, and it is sometimes
ber of assumptions typically need to be made called the “kilogram-­calorie,” “big calorie,” or
when using these equations, and it is impor- “Calorie” (written with an uppercase C). This
tant to realize the limitations of commonly last term is commonly used in human nutri-
used equations. It should be stressed that pre- tion, including on labels for human foods. The
dicted energy requirements should be viewed kilocalorie is the energy unit primarily used in
as an “educated guess” at the animal’s true dog and cat nutrition, although the mega-­
energy requirement. These equations should calorie (Mcal), equivalent to 1 000 000 cal or
be used as a tool to provide a starting point for 1000 kcal, is also occasionally used.
selecting the amount of food to give an ani- Although the kilocalorie is still widely used
mal, and adjustments should be made based in the United States, the joule is actually the
on any observed changes in body weight. The designated SI unit of energy. Conversion
­purpose of this chapter is to provide the between calories and joules can easily be
­background necessary to estimate energy accomplished using the following equation:
requirements for dogs and cats and calculate
the energy content of foods. 1 calorie 4.184 joules

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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30 Determining Energy Requirements

A joule (J) is a small amount of energy, and Energy balance is defined as the mathemati-
therefore the kilojoule (kJ, equal to 1000 J) and cal difference between energy intake and
megajoule (MJ, 1 000 000 J or 1000 kJ) are the energy expenditure. An animal is in a state of
units most commonly used in animal nutrition. energy balance (i.e. body energy stores are con-
Animal energy requirements are given as an stant) if the amount of energy consumed
amount of energy per unit of time, and energy matches the amount of energy expended by
requirements for dogs and cats are often given the animal. If energy intake exceeds energy
as kcal/day or kJ/day. expenditure, the animal enters a state of posi-
The energy content of food is generally tive energy balance and net retention of energy
expressed as the amount of energy per unit of leads to an increase in body weight. Similarly,
weight or volume. Energy per unit of weight is if energy intake is less than energy expendi-
typically used in equations for calculating diet ture, the animal enters a state of negative
energy content (grams or kilograms), as it is more energy balance and net loss of body energy
accurate than volume. Conversions are best leads to weight loss.
accomplished by weighing a given volume of the The maintenance energy requirement
specific food, since there is no standard equation (MER) is the amount of energy required to
for converting volume to weight. The weight of a maintain an animal in a state of energy bal-
volume of food will depend on the density of the ance, or in other words the amount of energy
food, which can be highly variable. needed to maintain an animal at its current
weight (and body composition). It is typical to
predict the MER for a dog or cat and then make
­Basic Concepts and Terminology adjustments to this value if weight loss or
weight gain is desired.
The laws of thermodynamics form the founda- As a first step toward determining energy
tion for the study of energy metabolism. In requirements, it is important to understand the
particular, the first law of thermodynamics is terminology that is commonly used in energy
central to all systems for predicting animal metabolism. A number of terms are used to
energy requirements. This law indicates that describe the energy intake and energy expendi-
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, ture of an animal (Wenk et al. 2001). The fol-
but can simply change from one form to lowing terms describe the energy available to
another (Haynie 2001). Thus, energy metabo- the animal after accounting for various sources
lism in animals can be viewed as an account- of energy loss (Figure 3.1).
ing exercise, since the energy consumed by the Gross energy (GE) is the amount of heat
animal must appear in tissue macromolecules that is released from a given amount of food
(i.e. fat, protein, or glycogen) or leave the body following complete combustion in a bomb
as energy expenditure or excreta. Animal ­calorimeter. GE is a physical rather than bio-
energy requirements are often described in logical measure and represents the maximum
terms of energy balance. energy of a diet or feedstuff. Another term for

Gross Digestible Metabolizable Net NEm or

Energy Energy Energy Energy NEg or
other NE

GE feces GE urine Heat

and gases Increment

Figure 3.1 Energy terms and sources of energy loss in animal nutrition.
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­Basic Concepts and Terminolog 31

GE is “heat of combustion.” GE gives little for other components of total energy expendi-
information about the energy available to the ture. Resting energy expenditure is typically
animal, since foods are not entirely digested the largest component of total energy expendi-
and energy is lost in feces, urine, and as heat ture and frequently accounts for greater than
produced during the digestion and assimila- 50% of energy expenditure. The following
tion of dietary nutrients. Digestible energy terms are frequently used to describe this com-
(DE) is the energy remaining after subtracting ponent of energy expenditure.
the GE of feces from the GE of food: Basal metabolic rate or basal energy expend-
iture is a term that applies primarily to human
DE GE food GE feces nutrition and physiology, because the condi-
DE energy is a measure of the “apparent” tions required to measure basal metabolic rate
digestible energy, since the feces contains are so stringent that it is virtually impossible to
energy from products other than food (e.g. complete these measurements in animals.
digestive enzymes, sloughed cells from the gut, Basal metabolic rate is energy expenditure
mucus, etc.). Energy requirements for horses measured in a postabsorptive state under ther-
are given as DE, but this term is rarely used in moneutral conditions (i.e. no additional
dog and cat nutrition. Metabolizable energy energy expenditure is required specifically to
(ME) is the energy remaining after subtracting maintain body temperature), with the subject
the GE of urine and the GE of gaseous ­products lying but awake and in complete muscular
of fermentation from DE: repose. The subject should also be free from
emotional stress.
ME DE GE urine GE gas Because it is difficult to have an animal
cooperate with all of these conditions, the term
Energy requirements for dogs and cats are
resting energy (or resting metabolic rate) is
primarily given in terms of ME. Net energy
more often used in animal nutrition. Resting
(NE) is the energy remaining after subtracting
energy expenditure is measured in animals
the heat increment (heat production associ-
that are lying down. Resting energy expendi-
ated with the consumption of food) from ME:
ture is often measured in animals that are not
NE ME heat increment fasting, and therefore it may contain some
energy associated with the digestion of food.
NE includes energy that may be used for Fasting energy expenditure (or fasting heat
either maintenance of the animal or produc- production) is measured in animals that are
tion (i.e. growth, lactation, reproduction). denied access to food. These measurements are
Energy requirements for agricultural species generally completed in animals that have been
are often given in terms of NE, and there is cur- fasted for a sufficient duration to ensure that
rently not sufficient information to accurately no food remains in the gastrointestinal tract.
provide energy requirements for dogs or cats in Many of the original equations for predicting
terms of NE. MERs were derived from measures of fasting
Energy expenditure at maintenance is com- energy expenditure. These measurements
posed of four basic components: (i) resting were completed using calorimetry systems that
energy expenditure, (ii) activity-­related energy allowed limited movement for the animals,
expenditure, (iii) heat increment, and (iv) and thus these measures are generally only
­facultative thermogenesis. Energy require- slightly higher than basal energy expenditure.
ments can be determined by measuring energy Activity-­related energy expenditure is the
expenditure, and energy requirements are energy expenditure associated with muscular
often given in relation to resting (or basal) exercise. The energy expenditure associated
energy expenditure, with adjustments made with physical activity is highly variable both
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32 Determining Energy Requirements

between animals (working dog vs. a sedentary (NRC 2006). Facultative thermogenesis will be
apartment-­dwelling dog) and within the increased in dogs and cats exposed to tempera-
­animal (day of intense work vs. day of rest). tures either above or below their thermoneu-
A rough measure of physical activity can be tral zones, and it is often considered to be a
obtained by dividing 24-­hour energy expendi- relatively small component of energy expendi-
ture by resting energy expenditure. For a sed- ture in animals that live indoors and do not
entary animal these values will be similar, and experience prolonged exposure to very cold or
the ratio will be less than 1.5, while for an warm temperatures. However, facultative ther-
active athlete this ratio will be 2.0 or greater. mogenesis can be a major contributor to energy
Heat increment is the energy expenditure expenditure in dogs or cats that live outdoors
associated with ingestion, digestion, assimila- and experience temperatures well outside their
tion, and metabolism of food. Heat increment thermoneutral zone.
is also called the thermic effect of feeding, Energy requirements for dogs and cats are
­diet-­induced thermogenesis, or meal-­induced typically given as metabolizable energy at
­thermogenesis. Heat increment is responsible maintenance. The terms described in the pre-
for 10–15% of total daily energy expenditure in ceding paragraphs are occasionally mentioned
many simple-­stomached animals (Blaxter 1989), when it is necessary to adjust maintenance
and it likely contributes a similar percentage to energy requirements for changes in ambient
energy expenditure in dogs and cats. The mag- temperature or physical activity.
nitude of heat increment is dependent on both
meal size and the nutrient composition of the
meal. As expected, heat increment is zero in
fasted animals, and it tends to increase in pro-
­Diet Records or History
portion to the amount of energy consumed in a
An accurate diet record or history is the best
meal. Heat increment is greatest for dietary pro-
way to determine the ME requirement for an
tein followed by carbohydrate and fat. The high
animal that is weight stable and maintaining a
heat increment of protein is sometimes given as
constant body condition score (BCS). This
one of the reasons for including relatively high
reflects the fact that the animal is currently
amounts of protein in weight-­loss diets.
selecting (or the owner is feeding) the appro-
Facultative thermogenesis is a term used to
priate amount of energy needed to maintain
describe the increase in energy expenditure
constant body weight. The task now becomes
associated with cold or heat stress (and occa-
to determine the amount of ME being con-
sionally other forms of stress). This is the
sumed from the information supplied by the
energy expenditure required to maintain body
owner. To accomplish this task, it is essential to
temperature when an animal is outside its
have detailed and accurate information about
thermoneutral zone (the temperature range
all food sources being offered to the animal. To
where the previously mentioned components
estimate ME intake, a diet record should con-
of energy expenditure are sufficient to main-
tain the following information:
tain body temperature). The thermoneutral
zone for adult dogs has been reported to lie ●● The type of food consumed by the animal
between 20 and 25 °C and 30 and 35 °C (i.e. brand and product information for com-
(NRC 2006), although the exact thermoneutral mercial diets, food ingredients for home-­
zone for a given dog will depend on breed, coat cooked diets, etc.).
length, and adaptation time to a particular ●● The amount of food offered to the animal
ambient temperature. For cats, the thermon- (preferably given in weight, but from a prac-
eutral zone is not entirely known, although it tical standpoint this information is more
has been estimated to lie between 30 and 38 °C often available as volume of food).
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­Calculating the Energy Content of a Die 33

●● The type and amount of treats offered to the records provide the best way to determine the
animal (i.e. brand and product information ME requirement for maintenance in a dog or
for commercial treats, human foods used as cat, there are also several key limitations that
treats, and amount of each food treat typi- need to be considered when calculating ME
cally consumed). from diet records. First, it has been noted that
●● The type and amount of nutritional supple- many owners are not particularly accurate
ments given to the animal. when reporting food intake for their pets
●● The type and amount of “table scraps” com- (Hill 2006). This is not surprising, since it has
monly given to the animal. been widely reported that human volunteers
tend to underestimate their own energy intake
A diet record should also provide informa- when using diet records. Second, owners
tion on the daily variation in energy intake. For often use measures of volume to quantify the
animals that consume the same diet each day, amount of food offered to their pets, while
estimates of ME intake can be made from measures of weight are more accurate and are
information provided for a typical day. In con- generally used for calculating ME. Whenever
trast, information from several days to over a possible, food scales should be used to help
week may be required to reasonably estimate assign a weight to the volume of food given to
ME intake in an animal that experiences daily the animal. Third, all owners do not use uni-
variation in the type and amount of food that it form measuring devices for determining the
consumes. amount of food given to their animals. What
In addition to information about the compo- one owner considers a “cup” may be very
sition and amount of food consumed, it is also ­different from what another owner uses as a
important that the diet record include infor- cup. The use of weight, rather than volume,
mation that will determine the ability of removes this source of error. Fourth, owners
the owner to properly monitor and control may not always be precise in measuring the
the ­animal’s energy intake. This information volume of food given to the animal. A heaping
should include: cup may be listed as a cup on a diet record, and
●● The feeding strategy used with the animal. Is accuracy needs to be stressed when completing
the animal given free-­choice consumption a diet record.
of food or is it given food in discrete meals? Despite the limitations of diet records, an
●● The number of other pets in the household. attempt should be made to estimate ME intake
Does the animal eat alone or does it have at maintenance using diet records prior to cal-
access to food offered to other pets? Do other culating MERs using standard equations.
pets have access to the animal’s diet? Accurate diet records are still the best method
●● The number of people feeding the animal. available to calculate the MERs of an individ-
Does only one person feed the animal or do ual animal.
multiple people give the animal food, includ-
ing treats?
The housing conditions for the animal. Does
­ alculating the Energy Content
of a Diet

the animal live indoors or does it spend some

time outside? If the animal is outside, does it
have access to food or people who may offer It can be a challenge to determine the energy
it food? content of dog and cat foods. Most commercial
dog and cat foods (including treats) that are
The inclusion of this information on the diet sold in the United States and subject to the
record will help determine if a reasonable model laws suggested by the Association of
­estimate of ME intake is possible. While diet American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) are
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34 Determining Energy Requirements

required to disclose calorie content on the report ME values on a “fed” basis. Similarly,
label. This must be provided as ME, both in AAFCO provides equations and calculation pro-
units of kcal per kg and in kcal per unit of com- cedures for determining the “calculated” ME. A
mon measure (such as cup, can, or piece). typical animal protocol for determining diet ME
Manufacturers also must specify how the calo- includes the following steps:
rie content was determined: calculated or fed
1) GE (kcal or kJ per gram) is determined for
(measured). Certain types of treats such as pig
the diet by bomb calorimetry.
ears and bully sticks are exempt from this rule.
2) The animal is adapted to the diet and the
Also, dogs and cats may be fed human foods
environment where the experiment will
for which energy information is not readily
be completed. In the AAFCO protocol
available. Thus, some knowledge of basic
(AAFCO 2022), the animal is fed the diet for
energy calculations is needed to provide an
at least five days prior to the start of feces
estimate of the energy content of specific foods
(and possibly urine) collection. During this
or complete diets. Energy calculations are used
time, it is important to make certain that
to convert the measures of food intake included
the animal is consuming an appropriate
in a diet record into values of energy intake
amount of food to maintain weight.
(kcal or kJ per day). This information may then
3) All feces (and possibly urine) are collected
be used to calculate the ME requirement for an
and weighed over at least a five-­day period.
animal. Energy calculations are also used to
Food intake is also carefully determined
simply estimate the energy content of a diet
during this time. The collected feces are
and allow comparisons of energy content
pooled and mixed, and a representative
between diets.
sample is taken for determination of GE
There are several ways in which the energy
by bomb calorimetry. If urine is collected,
content of a food or diet can be either deter-
the urine is combined and an aliquot is
mined or calculated. One way is simply to
taken for determination of GE by bomb
determine if the food comes in packaging that
contains energy information. Packaged human
4) ME is calculated using one of the following
foods are required to contain energy informa-
tion, and most commercial pet foods and treats
also will have this information on the label. In Equation A: used when both feces and urine
the case of human foods, the United States are collected.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) FoodData
ME( kcal/kg)
Central database (
may also be searched for energy information of FI GE food F GE feces U GEurine
foods when labels that contain energy infor- FI

mation are not readily available. FI = food intake (g)

All energy information provided on labels, GEfood = gross energy of the diet/food (kcal/g)
websites, or databases is obtained either from F = amount of feces collected (g)
direct experiments or from calculations using GEfeces = gross energy of feces (kcal/g)
standard values for energy. Experiments that U = amount of urine collected (ml)
measure the energy content of diets are the most GEurine = gross energy of urine (kcal/ml)
accurate way to determine energy, but also the
The following example demonstrates the use
most expensive and time consuming. Some com-
of this equation:
panies use feeding experiments to determine the
ME content of their diets, and AAFCO publishes FI = 1000 g
details for animal protocols (AAFCO 2022) that GEfood = 4.2 kcal/g
need to be followed if a company wishes to F = 410 g
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­Calculating the Energy Content of a Die 35

GEfeces = 1.8 kcal/g It should be noted that by definition ME

Urine = 950 ml equals DE minus the GE of both urine and
GEurine = 0.3 kcal/ml combustible gases. However, dogs and cats pro-
duce relatively little combustible gas from fer-
(1, 000 g 4.2 kcal/g) (410 g 1.8 kcal/g) (950 ml 0.3 kcal/ml) mentation in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, it
10000 g
is common practice to consider the GE of com-
bustible gases as negligible in dogs and cats,
and the GE of gases is generally ignored in
ME = 3180 kcal/kg
experiments measuring ME.
Equation B: used when urine is not col- Data from experiments that measured ME
lected. It is common to use standard equations have been used to develop factors for calcu-
for the GE lost in urine rather than collect lating ME from diet nutrient composition.
urine during the experiment. Under normal Calculating ME through the use of standard
physiologic conditions, energy lost in urine is factors is the most common way of obtaining
associated primarily with the excretion of an ME value for a particular diet. It is also the
nitrogen, and thus it is the amount of protein fastest and easiest way to predict ME content.
in the diet that determines the GE of urine. Although the factors used to calculate ME
were derived from experiments, assumptions
about the GE of nutrients and nutrient digest-
(FI GE food ) (F GE feces ) ( Pfood Pfeces ) c
1000 ibility had to be made to develop equations
that could widely be applied to diets. To illus-
FI = food intake (g) trate where these assumptions occur and to
GEfood = gross energy of the diet/food (kcal/g) demonstrate how the ME equations were
F = amount of feces collected (g) obtained, it is a useful exercise to work
GEfeces = gross energy of feces (kcal/g) through the calculation of GE, DE, and ME
Pfood = amount of protein in the food (g) for a sample diet. For this purpose, a diet
Pfeces = amount of protein in the feces (g) with the following nutrient composition will
c = correction factor for energy lost from be used:
­protein through the excretion of urinary
Crude Fat = 12.0%
nitrogen. This factor is 1.25 kcal/g of protein
Crude Protein = 22.0%
for dogs and 0.86 kcal/g of protein for cats
Carbohydrate by difference (also called
(AAFCO 2022).
“nitrogen-­free extract”) = 46.0%
The following example demonstrates the use Crude Fiber = 3.0%
of this equation: Ash = 7.0%
Moisture = 10.0%
FI = 1000 g
GEfood = 4.2 kcal/g GE is calculated by multiplying each nutri-
F = 410 g ent by a standard GE value for that nutrient.
GEfeces = 1.8 kcal/g The GE values for triglycerides range from
Pfood = 280 g 6.5 to 9.9 kcal/g (depending on fatty acid
Pfeces = 50 g chain length and degree of unsaturation),
c = 1.25 kcal/g proteins range from 4.0 to 8.3 kcal/g (depend-
ing on amino acid composition), and carbo-
(1, 000 g 4.2 kcal/g) (410 g 1.8 kcal/g) [(280 g 50 g) 1.25 kcal/g]
ME hydrates range from 3.7 to 4.3 kcal/g (Livesey
1000 g
1000 and Elia 1988; Elia and Livesey 1992).
Standard GE values of 9.4, 5.65, and 4.15
ME = 3175 kcal/kg are routinely used for fats, proteins, and
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36 Determining Energy Requirements

carbohydrates, respectively. These values are foods. The DE of a diet can be estimated using
in good agreement with the measured GE of the following equation:
pet food ingredients (Kienzle et al. 2002). The
GE of a diet can be estimated using the DE ( kcal/kg) 10[(9.4 kcal/g
­following equation: % crude fat dig.coeff .fat ) (5.65 kcal/g
% crude protein dig.coeff .protein)
GE ( kcal/kg) 10[(9.4 kcal/g % crude fat ) (4.15 kcal/g % nitrogen-free extract
(5.65 kcal/g % crude protein) dig.coeff .nitrogen-free extract )
(4.15 kcal/g % nitrogen-free extract ) (4.15 kcal/g % crude fiber
(4.15 kcal/g % crude fiber)] dig.coeff .fiber )]

Using values from the sample diet the

Using values from the sample diet the
­following result is obtained:
­following result is obtained:
DE ( kcal/kg) 10[(9.4 kcal/g 12 0.9)
GE ( kcal/kg) 10[(9.4 kcal/g 12) (5.65 kcal/g 22 0.8)
(5.65 kcal/g 22)
(4.15 kcal/g 46 0.85)
(4.15 kcal/g 46)
(4.15 kcal/g 3 0)]
(4.15 3)]
DE ( kcal/kg) 3632.3
GE ( kcal/kg) 4404.5
The major assumption with the use of this
Neither water (moisture) nor ash is combus- equation is that the digestibility coefficients for
tible in a bomb calorimeter, and thus these each nutrient will truly reflect the digestibility
dietary components have a GE of 0 kcal/g, and of these nutrients in the diet. This is the pri-
they are not included in the equation. Also, it is mary source of error in calculating the energy
assumed that crude fiber has a GE value simi- content of a diet. The digestibility coefficients
lar to that of starch and, with the exception of used in the equation were determined on com-
lignin, the data do support the idea that the GE mercial pet foods available in the late 1970s
values of various fibers are not greatly different and early 1980s (NRC 2006), and the digestibil-
from starch (Kienzle et al. 2002). The primary ity of some current foods on the market may
assumption with the use of this equation is differ from these values. In particular, the
that the GE values used are representative of digestibility of crude fiber and the influence of
the energy values of the nutrients in the diet. fiber on the digestibility of other nutrients are
The values used are representative of mixed ignored in the equation. Nonetheless, the
triglycerides, proteins, and carbohydrates digestibility factors used in this equation still
found in conventional foods, and it is unlikely reflect reasonably well the digestibility of
that these values will produce large errors many pet foods on the market (Kienzle 2002).
unless the diet is high in medium-­chain tri- Also, these digestibility factors form the foun-
glycerides, monosaccharides, or possibly other dation for equations that are still routinely
ingredients that deviate substantially from the used to predict the ME content of diets.
standard values. ME is calculated using the same equation as
DE is calculated by multiplying the GE of given for DE, except the GE value for protein is
each nutrient by the digestibility of the nutri- corrected for the energy lost in urine with the
ent. Digestibility coefficients of 0.90 for crude excretion of nitrogen. Thus, if a correction factor
fat, 0.80 for crude protein, 0.85 for carbohy- of 1.25 kcal/g of protein is used for loss of energy
drates (nitrogen-­free extract), and 0 for crude in urine, then the GE value of protein becomes
fiber are often used for commercial dog and cat 4.40 kcal/g (GEprotein = 5.65 kcal/g – 1.25 kcal/g).
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­Calculating the Energy Content of a Die 37

The corrected protein GE of 4.40 kcal/g is rou- for the ME value of human foods fed to dogs
tinely used for both dogs and cats, even though (and possibly cats). The Atwater equation may
the actual value for protein in cat foods is likely also be appropriate for highly digestible com-
higher. The ME of a diet can be estimated using mercial pet foods. It is as follows:
the following equation: ME ( kcal/kg) 10[(9 kcal/g % crude fat )
ME ( kcal/kg) 10[(9.4 kcal/g % crudefat (4 kcal/g % crude protein )
dig.coeff .fat ) (4.40 kcal/g (4 kcal/g % nitrogen-free extract )]
% crude protein
dig.coeff .protein ) (4.15 kcal/g Using values from a diet containing 12%
crude fat, 22% crude protein, and 46% nitrogen-­
% nitrogen-free extract
free extract, the following result can be
dig.coeff .nitrogen-free extract )]
obtained with the Atwater equation:
Using values from the sample diet the
ME ( kcal/kg) 10[(9 kcal/g 12)
­following result is obtained:
(4 kcal/g 22)
ME ( kcal/kg) 10[(9.4 kcal/g 12 0.9) (4 kcal/g 46)]
(4.40 kcal/g 22 0.8) ME ( kcal/kg) 3800
(4.15 kcal/g 46 0.85)]
The modified Atwater equation was devel-
ME ( kcal/kg) 3412.3 oped by AAFCO (AAFCO 2022) to produce an
equation that would better reflect the fact that
The ME equation relies primarily on the same
the digestibility of commercial pet foods tends
assumptions as used for the DE equation. In
to be lower than the digestibility of typical
other words, assumptions made about digesti-
human foods. Under AAFCO regulations, the
bility coefficients generally have the greatest
modified Atwater equation may be used to
influence on both DE and ME calculations. ME
determine the ME values included on pet food
values are similar to those calculated for DE,
labels. The modified Atwater equation is as
and ME is approximately 93% of DE for dog and
cat foods.
ME ( kcal/kg) 10[(8.5 kcal/g % crude fat )
(3.5 kcal/g % crude protein)
Practical Equations for Predicting
(3.5 kcal/g % nitrogen-free
the Metabolizable Energy Content
extract )]
of Dog and Cat Foods
Two equations (the Atwater and the modified Using values from a diet containing 12%
Atwater, sometimes called the AAFCO equa- crude fat, 22% crude protein, and 46% nitrogen-­
tion) are routinely used to predict the ME val- free extract, the following result can be
ues of diets for dogs and cats. These equations obtained with the modified Atwater equation:
contain factors that include energy values
­corrected for digestibility and loss of energy ME ( kcal/kg) 10[(8.5 kcal/g 12)
in urine. Thus, these equations are relatively (3.5 kcal/g 22)
­simple and involve multiplying the amount of (3.5 kcal/g 46))]
a particular nutrient by only one factor. The ME ( kcal/kg) 3400
Atwater equation was developed over 100 years
ago to predict the energy content of human Both the Atwater and modified Atwater
diets (Atwater 1902). It is still used in human equations contain assumptions about the GE
nutrition, and it provides a reasonable estimate and digestibility of nutrients and therefore
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38 Determining Energy Requirements

should always be viewed simply as providing Atwater equation tends to underestimate the
an estimate of the ME value of the diet. It is ME value of cat foods with a high ME content
best if measured or average values of nutrient and overestimate the value for cat foods with a
composition, rather than guaranteed analysis, low ME content (Kienzle 2002). Thus, the
are used for these equations. It is important to Atwater equation may be more appropriate for
realize that the guaranteed analysis provides diets with high energy values and high digest-
only upper limits of moisture, fiber, and ash ibility. There is also some question about
content, and lower limits of protein and fat whether the same equation should be used for
content. Thus, the guaranteed analysis does dog and cat foods, since it has been shown that
not provide a precise measure of the absolute the digestibility of fat tends to be lower in cats
amount of specific nutrients in the diet. It has than in dogs (Kendall et al. 1982). Nonetheless,
been reported that differences between meas- it is common to use the same equations for
ured nutrient composition and guaranteed both dog and cat foods and these equations
analysis of pet foods result in an average seem to work reasonably well for providing
­underestimation of ME of 230 kcal/kg when estimates of the ME contents of many diets.
using the modified Atwater equation (Hill The Atwater and modified Atwater equations
et al. 2009). Thus, it is important to keep in are easy to memorize and use, and they pro-
mind that the ME value obtained using the vide quick estimates of the ME contents
guaranteed analysis from the pet food label will of diets.
likely be at least slightly lower than the true Major assumptions are made about nutri-
ME value of the diet. It is also important to ent digestibility for all of the equations
note when using the guaranteed analysis from ­presented in this section. In particular, the
pet food labels that values for ash and carbohy- influence of crude fiber on digestibility has
drate (nitrogen-­free extract) are not required to been ignored. There has been interest in
be listed on the label. Thus, to roughly estimate developing equations that use dietary crude
the ME content of a diet, it is typically neces- fiber to better estimate the ME content of
sary to determine carbohydrate by difference commercial dog and cat foods. The National
(carbohydrate = 100 − % crude protein − % Research Council (NRC) has recently recom-
crude fat − % crude fiber − % moisture − % ash) mended separate equations for dog and cat
by estimating the ash content of the diet. Ash foods using crude fiber to better predict the
values of 2.5% for canned and 8% for dried diets ME content of diets (NRC 2006). The equa-
may be used to provide a rough estimate of car- tion for dog food is:
bohydrate. However, it should be noted that
Step 1: GE (kcal) = (5.7 × g protein) + (9.4 × g
there can be large variations in ash content
fat) + [4.1 × (g nitrogen-­free extract +
between different diets and that use of an
g fiber)]
assumed ash value can lead to over-­ or under-
Step 2: % energy digestibility = 91.2 – (1.43 × %
estimates of carbohydrate.
crude fiber in dry matter)
With the development of a wide range of pet
Step 3: DE (kcal) = GE × (% energy
foods that differ in digestibility, there has been
debate about whether the modified Atwater
Step 4: ME (kcal) = DE – (1.04 × g protein)
equation still adequately predicts the ME value
of diets. It has been reported that the equation Similarly, the equation for cat food is:
predicts the ME content of average pet foods
with reasonable precision (Kienzle 2002), and Step 1: GE (kcal) = (5.7 × g protein) + (9.4 × g
the equation provides adequate estimates of fat) + [4.1 × (g carbohydrate + g fiber)]
the ME content of dry dog foods and canned Step 2: % energy digestibility = 87.9 – (0.88 × %
cat foods (Laflamme 2001). The modified crude fiber in dry matter)
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 39

Step 3: DE (kcal) = GE × (% energy have been used to develop equations for pre-
digestibility/100) dicting animal energy requirements.
Step 4: ME (kcal) = DE – (0.77 × g protein) As discussed in the diet history section of
this chapter, measuring energy intake in a
For example, the ME value for a dog food con-
weight-­stable animal is the best way to deter-
taining 12% crude fat, 22% crude protein, 46%
mine the MER of the animal. A standard way,
carbohydrate, 3% crude fiber, 7% ash, and 10%
especially in growing animals, to determine
moisture may be calculated as:
MERs has been to feed animals over a range of
Step 1: GE (kcal) = (5.7 × 0.22) + (9.4 × 0.12) + energy intakes and measure change in body
[4.1 × (0.46 + 0.03)] = 4.39 weight. Energy intake may then be plotted
Step 2: % energy digestibility = 91.2 – (1.43 × against change in body weight and regression
3.3a) = 86.48 equations can be used to fit a line or curve
Step 3: DE (kcal) = 4.39 × (86.48/100) = 3.80 through the data points. The point where
Step 4: ME (kcal) = 3.80 – (1.04 × 0.22) = 3.57 change in body weight equals zero is the
a MER. In contrast to this method, studies in
Crude fiber on a dry matter basis is calculated
dogs and cats often simply measure energy
as fiber (DM) = fiber (as fed)/(DM/100).
intake in adult animals that are weight stable
These equations take into consideration the or adjust energy intake until weight stability is
influence of crude fiber on digestibility. They achieved. The MER is then taken as the
also take into consideration differences in amount of energy consumed by the weight-­
digestibility and urinary energy loss between stable dog or cat. The primary advantage of
dogs and cats. The equations may be difficult this method is that it does not require expen-
to memorize or use when quickly obtaining an sive laboratory equipment, and only balances
estimate of ME in conditions when access to are needed to weigh the food and the animal.
references is not readily available, and they The major disadvantage of this method is that
may not offer substantial improvement over it can be time consuming, since measurements
the modified Atwater equation for average pet need to be completed over a sufficient amount
foods. However, these equations currently of time to make certain that the animal is truly
appear to do the best job at predicting ME weight stable.
value over the wide range of pet foods cur- Direct calorimetry has also been used as a
rently on the market. Figure 3.2 provides a method to determine energy requirements.
summary of the methods used to estimate the Direct calorimetry measures heat production
ME content of a diet. by the animal to determine energy expenditure
and energy requirements. Direct calorimetry
works because at maintenance, energy con-
­ alculating Energy Requirement
C sumed is expended and released as heat (no
net gain in body energy). Modern direct calo-
from Body Weight
rimeters consist of a chamber surrounded by
temperature probes or a thermal jacket that
Methods of Determining Energy
absorbs heat. The rate of temperature change
Expenditure and Energy Requirements
by the thermal jacket (or probe) is proportional
The energy requirements of an animal can be to the heat production by the animal. This can
determined by accurately measuring either be expressed as kcal or kJ per unit of time and
energy intake or energy expenditure. These equals the energy expenditure and energy
measurements are the only ways to precisely requirement for the animal. These calorimetry
determine the energy requirement of an indi- systems can be very accurate, but the systems
vidual animal. Data from these measurements are expensive, and they require considerable
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40 Determining Energy Requirements

Accurately measure food intake (g/d)

Determine the metabolizable energy

(ME) of the food (kcal/g)

Consult a food
Obtain ME values
database to Calculate the ME
(kcal/g) from the
determine the ME (kcal/g) of the
food label, product
(kcal/g) of the food or dietary
guide, or company
food or dietary ingredients

Determine the nutrient composition

of the diet

Obtain nutrient composition

information from the food label
(guaranteed analysis) or company
(average nutrient composition). If
available, average nutrient
composition will be more accurate
than guaranteed analysis

Use the modified Atwater, Atwater, or

NRC equations to determine diet ME

Determine the animal’s maintenance energy requirement (MER).

MER = Food Intake (g/d) × diet ME (kcal/g)

Note: This method works only if food intake is measured in a weight-stable


Figure 3.2 A summary of the steps required to estimate the metabolizable energy (ME) content of a diet.

expertise for proper use. Also, the measure- direct calorimeters, and this method has not
ments must be made in a calorimeter, and the been commonly used to determine energy
environment in the calorimeter can be very requirements in dogs and cats.
­different from normal housing conditions for Indirect respiration calorimetry is a method
the animal. Direct calorimetry also assumes no that has frequently been used to measure
energy or heat storage in the animal and that energy expenditure in both dogs and cats.
all energy transferred from the animal occurs Indirect respiration calorimetry measures
as heat. There are relatively few large animal ­oxygen consumption and/or carbon dioxide
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 41

production and energy expenditure is calcu- methods. The calorimetry chamber method
lated from these values. Indirect respiration involves placing the animal in a sealed chamber.
calorimetry works because the heat released The rate of air flow through the chamber is
(kcal or kJ) during the oxidation of a particle carefully regulated and the O2 and CO2 content
nutrient/substrate is constant. The ratio of car- of the inlet and outlet air are measured.
bon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed Consumption of O2 and production of CO2 are
(CO2/O2) is termed the respiratory quotient calculated from these measures of air flow (l/
(RQ), and this indicates which substrates are min) and differences in the concentration of O2
being oxidized and the amount of heat released and CO2 between the air entering and leaving
per liter of oxygen consumed and per liter of the chamber.
carbon dioxide produced. The following values The face mask method involves placing a
are standard numbers used for RQ and heat sealed mask over the mouth and nostrils of the
equivalents of oxygen and carbon dioxide animal. Air flow through the mask and the gas
(Blaxter 1989): content of the air flowing into and out of the
mask are measured.
Lipids = 0.71 RQ, 4.71 kcal/l O2 consumed,
The doubly labeled water method involves
6.64 kcal/l CO2 produced
administering a dose of 2H218O to the animal
Proteins = 0.81 RQ, 4.59 kcal/l O2 consumed,
(usually as an injection). Urine or blood sam-
5.69 kcal/l CO2 produced
ples are collected at some later time to deter-
Carbohydrates = 1.0 RQ, 5.07 kcal/l O2 con-
mine differences in the concentration of the
sumed, 5.07 kcal/l CO2 produced
two isotopes (2H2 and 18O). The isotope 18O
RQ is important not only because it provides may be lost from the body as either CO2 or
information about the substrates being oxi- water, while 2H2 is lost from the body as water
dized by the animal, but also because it can only. The difference in the concentration of the
provide information about energy expenditure. two isotopes thus gives a measure of CO2 pro-
The energy expenditure (or heat production) duction. Energy expenditure may then be cal-
per liter of O2 or CO2 is unique for each value culated from this measure of CO2 production
of RQ. Thus, energy expenditure can be calcu- using an assumed RQ.
lated from either gas if a reasonable estimate of The advantages of indirect respiration calo-
the expected RQ of the animal can be made. rimetry include the fact that these methods
Alternatively, information about the heat pro- can provide a very accurate measure of energy
duction associated with the oxidation of spe- expenditure, and consequently energy require-
cific substrates has been used to develop ments for maintenance. The measurements, at
equations that allow for the very accurate cal- least in the case of the doubly labeled water
culation of energy expenditure if oxygen con- method, can also be completed in the animal’s
sumption, carbon dioxide production, and home environment. Indirect respiration calo-
urinary nitrogen can be measured. An exam- rimetry can provide a measure of energy
ple is the Weir equation (Weir 1949): expenditure over a short period of time, and
resting energy expenditure values can be
Energy Expenditure ( kcal) 3.94 (L O2 )
obtained from properly adapted animals in a
1.11(L CO2 )
matter of minutes or hours. The primary disad-
2.17 (g N a ) vantage of the indirect respiration calorimetry
a method is that the equipment (i.e. gas analyz-
N refers to grams of urinary nitrogen.
ers, chambers, flow meters, mass spectrometer
Three methods are commonly used for indi- for doubly labeled water) required for these
rect respiration calorimetry: the calorimetry measurements is expensive and requires some
chamber, face mask, and doubly labeled water expertise to operate. Thus, while indirect
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42 Determining Energy Requirements

respiration calorimetry is widely used in labo- the data points was best represented by the fol-
ratory settings for measuring energy expendi- lowing equation (kg BW = body weight in kilo-
ture and determining energy requirements, grams) (Brody and Procter 1932; Brody
this method has not yet found widespread use et al. 1934):
in veterinary clinics and hospitals.
Basal metabolism ( kcal/day) 70 kg BW 0.734

Methods of Calculating Energy Expenditure At the same time, Kleiber at the University
and Energy Requirements of California–Davis was also comparing basal
Body weight is the primary component used in energy expenditure and body weight data
all equations for calculating MERs. Larger ani- from adult animals covering a wide range of
mals have a greater overall energy expenditure body sizes and determined that BW0.75 fit the
(kcal or kJ/day) than small animals. However, energy expenditure data as well as BW0.73
when energy expenditure is divided by body (Kleiber 1961). The equation proposed by
weight (kcal or KJ/kg/day), large animals have Kleiber has remained the standard equation
a lower energy expenditure than small ani- for predicting basal energy expenditure in
mals. In other words, large animals consume adult animals. Although Brody and Kleiber
less food and produce less heat per unit of used the term “basal metabolism” with their
mass than do small animals. For example, a rat equations, the conditions used to measure
weighing 1 lb will eat 72 kcal/day. If this same energy expenditure in the animals studied may
energy intake were directly extrapolated to an best be described as resting energy expenditure
80 lb dog, the dog would consume 5760 kcal under fasting conditions, since the stringent
per day! requirements for measuring basal metabolic
The relationship between energy expendi- rate were not likely met in many of the meas-
ture and body weight has been studied by urements. Thus, it can be considered that
many groups. In the nineteenth century, sci- Kleiber’s equation predicts resting energy
entists proposed that energy expenditure was expenditure. The equation is:
related to body surface area. Equations were
Resting energy expenditure ( kcal/day)
developed that showed that in bodies that
are geometrically similar, surface area is 70 kg BW 0.75
related to weight by the function kg0.67 (Blanc
Resting energy requirements (RER) calcu-
et al. 2003; Hill and Scott 2004). Thus, small
lated for adult dogs and cats using this equa-
animals have a greater surface area for their
tion are provided in Tables 3.1 and 3.2,
body weight than do large animals. Rubner
(1883) proposed that energy expenditure is
constant at 1000 kcal/m2 body surface area,
and other studies have suggested that weight
Energy Requirements for Maintenance
is related to energy expenditure by the
mass exponent kg0.67. The mass exponent It has been common to assume that resting
kg0.67 is still frequently used today to normal- energy expenditure is responsible for 50% of
ize energy expenditure for differences in total energy expenditure in the typical adult
body weight. animal. Therefore, multiplying 70 in the previ-
In the 1930s, Brody at the University of ous equation by a factor of 2 provides the fol-
Missouri plotted basal energy expenditure lowing equation to estimate MERs in adult
against body weight in animals ranging in size animals:
from mice and canaries to elephants, and
determined that the curve running through Maintenance ( kcal/day) 140 kg BW 0.75
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 43

Table 3.1 Resting and maintenance energy requirements (kcal/day) of adult dogs.

Body weight Body weight MERb active MERc young MERd inactive MERe active
(kg) (lb) RERa pet dogs dogs dogs old dogs

1 2.2 70 130 140 95 105

2 4.4 118 219 235 160 177
3 6.6 160 296 319 217 239
4 8.8 198 368 396 269 297
5 11 234 435 468 318 351
6 13.2 268 498 537 364 403
7 15.4 301 559 602 409 452
8 17.6 333 618 666 452 499
9 19.8 364 675 727 494 546
10 22 394 731 787 534 590
11 24.2 423 785 846 574 634
12 26.4 451 838 903 613 677
13 28.6 479 890 958 650 719
14 30.8 507 941 1013 688 760
15 33 534 991 1067 724 800
16 35.2 560 1040 1120 760 840
17 37.4 586 1088 1172 795 879
18 39.6 612 1136 1223 830 918
19 41.8 637 1183 1274 865 956
20 44 662 1229 1324 898 993
21 46.2 687 1275 1373 932 1030
22 48.4 711 1321 1422 965 1067
23 50.6 735 1365 1470 998 1103
24 52.8 759 1410 1518 1030 1139
25 55 783 1453 1565 1062 1174
26 57.2 806 1497 1612 1094 1209
27 59.4 829 1540 1658 1125 1244
28 61.6 852 1582 1704 1156 1278
29 63.8 875 1625 1750 1187 1312
30 66 897 1666 1795 1218 1346
31 68.2 920 1708 1839 1248 1379
32 70.4 942 1749 1884 1278 1413
33 72.6 964 1790 1928 1308 1446
34 74.8 986 1830 1971 1338 1478
35 77 1007 1871 2015 1367 1511
36 79.2 1029 1911 2058 1396 1543
37 81.4 1050 1950 2100 1425 1575
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44 Determining Energy Requirements

Table 3.1 (Continued)

Body weight Body weight MERb active MERc young MERd inactive MERe active
(kg) (lb) RERa pet dogs dogs dogs old dogs

38 83.6 1071 1990 2143 1454 1607

39 85.8 1092 2029 2185 1483 1639
40 88 1113 2068 2227 1511 1670
41 90.2 1134 2106 2268 1539 1701
42 92.4 1155 2145 2310 1567 1732
43 94.6 1175 2183 2351 1595 1763
44 96.8 1196 2221 2392 1623 1794
45 99 1216 2259 2432 1651 1824
46 101.2 1236 2296 2473 1678 1855
47 103.4 1257 2334 2513 1705 1885
48 105.6 1277 2371 2553 1732 1915
49 107.8 1296 2408 2593 1759 1945
50 110 1316 2444 2632 1786 1974
51 112.2 1336 2481 2672 1813 2004
52 114.4 1356 2517 2711 1840 2033
53 116.6 1375 2554 2750 1866 2063
54 118.8 1394 2590 2789 1892 2092
55 121 1414 2626 2827 1919 2121
56 123.2 1433 2661 2866 1945 2149
57 125.4 1452 2697 2904 1971 2178
58 127.6 1471 2732 2942 1997 2207
59 129.8 1490 2767 2980 2022 2235
60 132 1509 2803 3018 2048 2264
61 134.2 1528 2838 3056 2074 2292
62 136.4 1547 2872 3093 2099 2320
63 138.6 1565 2907 3131 2124 2348
64 140.8 1584 2942 3168 2150 2376
65 143 1602 2976 3205 2175 2404
66 145.2 1621 3010 3242 2200 2431
67 147.4 1639 3044 3279 2225 2459
68 149.6 1658 3078 3315 2250 2486
69 151.8 1676 3112 3352 2274 2514
70 154 1694 3146 3388 2299 2541
71 156.2 1712 3180 3424 2324 2568
72 158.4 1730 3213 3460 2348 2595
73 160.6 1748 3247 3496 2373 2622
74 162.8 1766 3280 3532 2397 2649
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 45

Table 3.1 (Continued)

Body weight Body weight MERb active MERc young MERd inactive MERe active
(kg) (lb) RERa pet dogs dogs dogs old dogs

75 165 1784 3313 3568 2421 2676

76 167.2 1802 3346 3604 2445 2703
77 169.4 1820 3379 3639 2469 2729
78 171.6 1837 3412 3675 2493 2756
79 173.8 1855 3445 3710 2517 2782
80 176 1872 3477 3745 2541 2809
RER = resting energy requirement = 70 × kg BW0.75.
MER = maintenance energy requirement for active pet dogs or kennel dogs = 130 × kg BW0.75.
MER = maintenance energy requirement for active young adult dogs = 140 × kg BW0.75.
MER = maintenance energy requirement for inactive dogs = 95 × kg BW0.75.
MER = maintenance energy requirement for older active dogs e = 105 × kg BW0.75.

Table 3.2 Resting and maintenance energy requirements (kcal/day) of adult cats.

Body weight (kg) Body weight (lb) RERa MERb lean cats MERc overweight cats

1 2.2 70 100 130

1.5 3.3 95 131 153
2 4.4 118 159 172
2.5 5.5 139 185 188
3 6.6 160 209 202
3.5 7.7 179 231 215
4 8.8 198 253 226
4.5 9.9 216 274 237
5 11 234 294 247
5.5 12.1 251 313 257
6 13.2 268 332 266
6.5 14.3 285 350 275
7 15.4 301 368 283
7.5 16.5 317 386 291
8 17.6 333 403 299
8.5 18.7 348 419 306
9 19.8 364 436 313
9.5 20.9 379 452 320
10 22 394 468 327
RER = resting energy requirement = 70 × kg BW0.75.
MER = maintenance energy requirement for lean cats = 100 × kg BW0.67.
MER = maintenance energy requirement for obese cats = 130 × kg BW0.40.
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46 Determining Energy Requirements

It is important to note that the exponent 0.75 The first approach has been to calculate
used in these equations was simply determined ­resting energy expenditure using Kleiber’s
from the regression equation that best fit the equation (70 × kg BW0.75) or a linear equa-
energy expenditure and body weight data, and tion such as resting energy expenditure
the physiologic meaning of this exponent is still (kcal/g) = 70 + (30 × kg BW) (Thatcher
the subject of considerable debate. The 0.75 et al. 2010). The same equations for cal­
exponent was derived from comparisons across culating MERs are commonly used for both
species, and this exponent may not be appropri- dogs and cats. MERs are then multiplied by
ate for some comparisons within a species. a ­factor that takes into account the age,
For dogs and cats, there have generally ­activity, or physiologic condition of the
been two approaches to calculating MERs. ­animal (Box 3.1).

Box 3.1 Feline Maintenance Energy Requirements

Neutered adult = 1.2 – 1.4 × RER In general, energy intake of growing
Intact adult = 1.4 – 1.6 × RER k­ ittens should be approximately RER × 2.5.
Inactive/obese prone = 1.0 × RER These authors recommend free-­choice feed-
Weight loss = 0.8 × RER ing in growing kittens.
Senior = 1.1 – 1.4 × RER
Elderly cat = 1.1 × 1.6 × RER Canine Maintenance Energy Requirements
Critical care = 1.0 × RER
Neutered adult = 1.6 × RER
Weight gain = 1.2 – 1.8 × RER
Intact adult = 1.8 × RER
Inactive/obese prone = 1.2–1.4 × RER
Feline Gestation Weight loss = 1.0 × RER
●● Cats gain weight linearly during gestation. Critical care = 1.0 × RER
●● Calorie intake should be increased to Weight gain = 1.2 × 1.8 × RER
1.6 × RER at time of breeding.
●● Calorie intake should be increased to Work
2 × RER at time of parturition. Light work = 1.6–2.0 × RER
Moderate work = 2.0–5.0 × RER
Feline Lactation Heavy work = 5.0–11.0 × RER
●● 2–6 × RER is recommended, but the num-
ber of kittens must also be taken into
consideration. During the first two-­thirds of gestation, feed
●● The following can be used to estimate the the bitch as a normal dog
MER of lactating queens: For the last third of gestation, feed
–– Weeks 1–2 = RER + 30%/kitten 3 × RER. Check body condition routinely to
–– Week 3 = RER + 45%/kitten ensure that the bitch is consuming enough
–– Week 4 = RER + 55%/kitten food. In some cases, dogs may require less or
–– Week 5 = RER + 65%/kitten more food to maintain body condition.
–– Week 6 = RER + 90%/kitten
Kittens are usually introduced to the dam’s
food somewhere between 6 and 7 weeks of Lactation is the most demanding life stage,
age. This timeline is influenced by the num- so experts suggest that nursing dogs be fed
ber of kittens the queen is nursing. free choice. Lactation requirements are
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 47

influenced by the number of puppies the Growth

bitch has thrown. The following recommen-
Maintenance energy intake should be 3 × RER
dations can be used to estimate the MER of a
from weaning until 4 months of age.
lactating dog:
Thereafter energy intake should be reduced
to 2 × RER until the puppy reaches adult size.
Number of Puppies RER
Source: Adapted from Thatcher et al. 2010.
1 3.0 × RER
2 3.5 × RER
3–4 4.0 × RER
5–6 5.0 × RER
7–8 5.5 × RER
9 ≥6 × RER

Example Calculation ●● It is imperative that animals be assessed

What would be the predicted MER for a ­frequently, and calorie intake modified when
­neutered, adult cat with a body weight of 6 kg? indicated to maintain ideal body condi-
tion score.
ME at maintenance ( kcal/day) 1.2 70 (6)0.75
The second approach has been to use an
322 kcal/day equation that was developed specifically to
The primary advantage of these factorial predict MERs. MERs calculated for adult dogs
­calculations is that the calculations give the and cats using this approach are provided in
veterinarian or nutritionist the flexibility Tables 3.1 and 3.2, respectively. The NRC uses
to select or devise a factor that they feel will the following equation to predict MER for
best predict the energy needs of the animal. kennel dogs or active pet dogs (NRC 2006):
However, the disadvantages of the factorial
ME at maintenance 130 kg BW 0.75 kcal/day
approach are that it is often unclear how the
factors were derived and that the factors have Equations using different multipliers are
not been rigorously tested to determine if they recommended for groups of dogs that have
predict energy requirements better than other been reported to have higher or lower energy
equations. Also, the large number of factors requirements than those obtained from
can sometimes make it difficult to determine the standard MER equation. Rather than use
which factor is most appropriate for an indi- 130 in the previous equation, it is recom-
vidual animal. mended that the following multipliers are
used for the indicated groups of dogs
Calculation of MER – this requirement is
(NRC 2006):

based on RERs modified by a factor to

account for normal activity (i.e. gestation, Young, active dogs 140 (i.e. ME at maintenance
lactation). RER is a function of metabolic = 140 kg BW0.75)
body size. RER is calculated by raising Active Great Danes 200
the animal’s body weight (in kg) to the Active terriers 180
0.75 power. Inactive dogs 95
●● These energy requirements are only
Newfoundlands 105
­guidelines and estimates/starting points for
Older active dogs 105
individual requirements.
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48 Determining Energy Requirements

Example Calculation Figure 3.3 shows a comparison of MERs cal-

What would be the predicted MER for an active culated using either an exponential or linear
mixed-­breed dog with a body weight of 30 kg? equation. The steps for calculating MERs for
both dogs and cats are summarized in Figure 3.4.
ME at maintenance ( kcal/day) 130 (30 kg)0.75 It is important to note that prediction equa-
1666 kcal/day tions provide only a rough estimate of energy
requirements for individual animals (they pre-
In some cases, there is an advantage to hav- dict the requirements for the “average” ani-
ing an equation that can easily be calculated mal). There is considerable variation in energy
without using exponents of body weight. The requirements between animals, and the true
following linear equation is provided by the energy requirements of an individual animal
NRC and gives results comparable to the previ- may differ by as much as 50% from predicted
ous equation using W0.75 for dogs weighing values. Therefore, the equations simply pro-
8–20 kg (NRC 2006): vide a starting point for determining how
ME at maintenance 358 (39 kg BW ) much to feed an animal. Assuming weight sta-
bility is the goal for an individual, energy
The NRC equations for predicting MERs in intake would clearly need to be adjusted if the
cats are as follows (NRC 2006): predicted MERs caused either an increase or
decrease in body weight. The best equation to
Lean domestic catsa: ME at ­maintenance (kcal/day)
use for predicting the MER of an individual
= 100 kg BW0.67
animal is somewhat of an academic argument,
Overweight catsb: ME at maintenance (kcal/day) since none of the equations accounts for the
= 130 kg BW0.40 tremendous amount of individual variability
“Lean” refers to cats with a BCS of less than that is observed in the energy requirements of
or equal to five on a nine-­point scale. dogs and cats. The equations simply allow the
“Overweight” refers to cats with a BCS of user to take an educated guess at the MERs of
greater than or equal to six on a nine-­point scale. a particular animal. It is important for a veteri-
narian or nutritionist to tell clients that it is not
Example Calculation currently possible to precisely predict the
What would be the predicted MER for a 4 kg energy requirement of an individual animal,
lean cat? that energy calculations simply provide a start-
ing point, and that adjustments may be
ME at maintenance 100 (4 kg)0.67 required to find the animal’s true MER.
253 kcal/day

A linear equation was used to calculate

Energy Requirements for Growth
MERs for cats in the 1986 NRC. This equation The requirement for energy is higher during
overestimated the energy requirements for growth compared to adult maintenance.
large cats and led to the recent development of During this process, some energy is deposited
equations for lean and overweight cats. in tissue, and some energy is expended in the
Nonetheless, the linear equation may still be process of building new tissue:
useful for a quick estimate of energy require-
ments, without the need to calculate exponents Energy Intake Maintenance Energy Expenditure
of body weight. The cat linear equations are as Energy Expendditure Associated with
follows (NRC 1986): Tissue Synthesis
Energy Deposited in Tissue
Active cats: ME at maintenance (kcal/day) =
80 × kg BW Efficiency of energy use in maintenance and
Inactive cats: ME at maintenance (kcal/ growth differs because the energy costs of ana-
day) = 70 × kg BW bolic and catabolic pathways differ. In general,
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 49

(a) Dogs

3000 MER = 130 × kg BW0.75

MER = 358 + (39 × kg BW)
Energy Requirement (kcal/d)






0 20 40 60 80
Body Weight (kg)

(b) Cats
MER = 100 × kg BW0.67
MER = 70 × kg BW
Energy Requirement (kcal/d)



0 2 4 6 8 10
Body Weight (kg)

Figure 3.3 Comparisons of maintenance energy requirements (MERs) for dogs (panel A) and cats (panel B)
using linear or exponential equations. BW, body weight.

efficiency of energy use in growth is low. weight. Predicted energy requirements are
Therefore, on a per-­unit weight basis, the approximately 2.5 times maintenance require-
energy requirement for growth is greater than ments at weaning and requirements decrease
that for maintenance. to approximately 1.5 times maintenance
Growing puppies require approximately requirements by the time the dog reaches 60%
twice as much energy per gram of body weight of maximal mature weight. A factorial
as adult dogs (Arnold and Elvehjem 1939). approach may be used to calculate energy
However, energy requirements change as requirements for growth by multiplying for-
a dog grows from weaning to adult body mulas for predicting MERs by these factors.
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50 Determining Energy Requirements

Select species of interest (dog or cat)

Determine body Determine body

weight (kg) of the weight (kg) of the
dog cat

Select an equation for Select an equation for

calculating maintenance calculating maintenance
energy requirement energy requirement

Active pet dog: Inactive dog: Lean cat: Overweight cat:

MER (kcal/d) = MER (kcal/d) = MER (kcal/d) = MER (kcal/d) =
130 × kg BW0.75 95 × kg BW0.75 100 × kg BW0.67 130 × kg BW0.40
or or
other equation other equation

Solve the equation to determine the predicted MER (kcal/d) for the animal

Determine how much to feed the animal using the following equation:
Food (g/d) = MER (kcal/d) ÷ diet ME (kcal/g)

Figure 3.4 A summary of the steps required to estimate the maintenance energy requirements for dogs or
cats. BW, body weight; ME, metabolizable energy.

The energy requirements for growth in dogs equation [3.2 × (e−0.87p − 0.1)] includes the
can be predicted using the following equation energy required for growth.
(NRC 2006):
Example Calculation
ME ( kcal/day) 130 BWc0.75 What is the daily energy requirement for a
[3.2 (e 0.87 p 0.1)] 3-­month-­old golden retriever puppy that
weighs 11 kg and has an expected mature body
weight of 30 kg?
BWc = current body weight in kg
e = base of natural log (i.e. 2.71828. . .) MC ( kcal/day) 130 11 kg0.75
p = current body weight divided by expected 3.2 (e 0.87(11/ 30 ) 0.1)
mature body weight 130 6.04 3.2
Notice that the first part of the equation (e 0.319 0.1)
(130 × BWc0.75) simply calculates MERs. All 2512.64 0.627
animals have an MER, and energy required for 1575 kcal/day
growth, reproduction, or other physiologic
processes occurs in addition to this mainte- For dogs, the equations for predicting
nance requirement. The second part of the energy requirements for growth should
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­Calculating Energy Requirement from Body Weigh 51

simply serve as a starting point for determin- Energy Requirements for Pregnancy
ing how much to feed puppies. Puppies should and Lactation
always be fed to promote optimal growth
Similar to growth, the energy requirements
rather than ­maximal growth. Optimal growth
during both pregnancy and lactation are
requires monitoring BCS and adjusting energy
greater than maintenance because of the ener-
intake as needed. For purebred dogs, puppy
getic cost of fetal growth or milk production. In
weights can be compared to growth standards
bitches, no increase in energy intake is required
for the breed, and energy intake should be
until 4–5 weeks after mating (Case et al. 2010;
adjusted if the puppies deviate from ideal
NRC 2006). At this time, and until parturition,
body condition. It has been shown that
energy requirements will increase by 25% to
Newfoundland puppies require less energy
over 60% depending on the size of the bitch
(kcal/kg body weight) than Great Dane pup-
(the percentage increase in energy require-
pies, despite the fact that they grow at the
ments during pregnancy tends to be greater for
same rate (Legrand-­Defretin 1994). Labrador
large-­breed bitches). The following equation is
puppies also appear to require less energy
used to predict energy requirements in bitches
(kcal/kg body weight) than briard puppies
during late gestation (NRC 2006):
(Legrand-­Defretin 1994), and this further sup-
ports the point that purebred puppies should ME ( kcal/day) 130 kg BW 0.75
be fed to support the appropriate growth rate (26 kg BW )
for their breed and to maintain an ideal body
condition score. Notice that the first part of the equation
Similar to dogs, a detailed equation has been (130 × kg BW0.75) is simply the MER of the
developed to predict the energy requirements bitch, and the second part of the equation
for growth in kittens (NRC 2006): (26 + kg BW) is the energy required for weight
gain during gestation.
Queens should be fed to encourage a 40–50%
ME ( kcal/day) 100 BWc 0.67
increase in body weight during pregnancy
6.7 (e 0.189p 0.66])
(Loveridge 1986). In general queens gain in a
linear fashion, and energy requirements
increase by approximately 40% during preg-
BWc = current body weight in kg nancy. The following equation has been used
e = base of natural log (i.e. 2.718 28. . .) to predict energy requirements in queens dur-
p = current body weight divided by expected ing pregnancy (NRC 2006):
mature body weight ME (kcal/day) = 140 × kg BW0.67
To allow kittens to meet their energy However, it is common practice to allow
requirements, it is generally recommended queens ad libitum access to food during preg-
that they be provided with ad libitum access nancy to promote weight gain, which is needed
to food. The NRC equation provides an esti- to subsequently support lactation.
mate of the expected energy intake of kittens Lactation represents the greatest energy
and offers a quantitative way to see how demand on the animal. It can often be difficult
energy requirements change as an animal for the female to consume enough energy to
approaches adult body weight. However, meet this great demand, and thus it is common
given the risks of neutering on the practice to allow bitches and queens ad libitum
­development of obesity, body condition access to food through at least the first several
should be closely monitored in spayed and weeks of lactation. The energy cost of lactation
castrated kittens. will vary depending on the number of
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52 Determining Energy Requirements

offspring, and the amount of solid food that is where:

given to the offspring. Puppies and kittens are
kg BW or BW kg = body weight of the cat in kg
often weaned by 8 weeks of age, and solid food
L = correction factor for stage of lactation
should be offered to puppies and kittens by
(week 1 = 0.9, week 2 = 0.9, week 3 = 1.2,
3–4 weeks of age (Case et al. 2010). Energy
week 4 = 1.2, week 5 = 1.1, week 6 = 1.0,
requirements are typically increased by 2–4
week 7 = 0.8)
times maintenance requirements during lacta-
tion in bitches or queens. Energy requirements It is important for the user of these equations
during lactation in bitches may be calculated to understand that the multipliers are only a
using the following equation (NRC 2006): starting point. It is vital that the veterinarian
repeatedly assess the patient’s body condition
ME ( kcal/day) 145 kg BW 0.75 and adjust food intake accordingly.
[ kg BW (24 n 12m ) L ] Neutered adult male dog, 7 kg, BCS 6/9,
where: with an adverse food reaction
For an overweight, obese-­prone dog, a lower
kg BW = body weight of the dog in kg multiplier of 1.2–1.4 is indicated:
n = number of puppies between 1 and 4
m = number of puppies between 5 and 8 RER 7 kg0.75 70 301 kcal/day
L = correction factor for stage of lactation
MER 1.2 301 kcal
(week 1 = 0.75, week 2 = 0.95, week 3 = 1.1,
week 4 = 1.2) MER 361 kcal/day

Intact female dog, 20 kg, BCS 5/9, in sec-

Example Calculation ond third of gestation that is about to
What is the daily energy requirement of a enter lactation
35 kg Labrador retriever in the second week of Bitches in the first two trimesters of gestation
lactation nursing five puppies? should be fed to maintain a normal adult
body condition. In the third trimester, bitches
ME ( kcal/day) 145 350.75 35[(24 4 ) are often free fed to support lactational needs
(12 1)] 0.95 or initially three times their RER:
ME ( kcal/day) 2086.5 35(96 12) RER 20 kg0.75 70 622 kcal/day
0.95 ME ( kcal/day)
2086.5 3780 0.95 3 662 1986 kcal/day
2086.5 3591
6-­month-­old, intact male Great Dane
5678kcal/day puppy, 31 kg, BCS 4/9
Energy requirements during lactation in cats Energy requirements for puppies are approxi-
may be calculated using the following equa- mately three times the RER until
tions (NRC 2006): 4 months of age:

Fewer than three kittens : ME ( kcal/day) RER 31 kg0.75 70 920 kcal/day

100 kg BW 0.67 (18 BW kg L) RER 3 920 3 2760 kcal/day
Three to four kittens : ME ( kcal/day)
Then two times the RER for the remainder
100 kg BW 0.67 (60 BW kg L) of growth after 4 months of age, so for a
More than four kittens : ME ( kcal/day) 6-­month-­old that would be:
100 kg BW 0.67 (70 BW kg L) 2 920 1840 kcal/day
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­Calculating Energy Requirements in States of Diseas 53

Recently weaned kitten et al. 2001), lymphoma (Ogilvie et al. 1993),

Young, recently weaned kittens should be fed non-­hematologic tumors (Ogilvie et al. 1996),
ad libitum. After neutering, body condition surgery (O’Toole et al. 2004), or trauma (O’Toole
should be monitored and food intake is likely et al. 2004). However, there are two key limita-
to require reduction. tions with these studies. First, the face mask
system of indirect respiration calorimetry
8-­year-­old overweight female spayed dog,
requires training to ensure that the animal does
7 kg, BCS, 8/9, with uroliths
not become stressed by wearing the face mask.
For an obese animal the initial multiplier if
Thus, it is only possible to obtain reliable data
current intake is unknown is 1:
in well-­adapted animals. One study, which
7 kg0.75 70 301 kcal/day completed indirect respiration calorimetry
measurements over a 16-­minute period
10-­year-­old spayed cat, 3.5 kg, BCS 4/9, with repeated four times during the day, found that
IRIS Stage 2 chronic kidney disease the most reliable measures of energy expendi-
The multiplier for an underweight senior neu- ture using the face mask system were obtained
tered cat can be in the range of 1.2–1.6: without the first two measurements of the day
(O’Toole, et al. 2001). This at least suggests that
RER 3.5 kg0.75 70 179 kcal/day
adaptation to the face mask was occurring with
RER 1.4 179 1.4 251 kcal/day repeated measurements. In hospitalized
patients, it may be difficult to adequately adapt
the animals to the face mask. Second, the indi-
­ alculating Energy Requirements
C rect respiration calorimetry measurements
in States of Disease using the face mask system are completed only
in animals at rest and thus provide information
It can be a challenge to determine the energy only about the influence of injury or illness on
requirements of injured or ill animals. resting energy expenditure. The influence of
However, the proper energy intake is essential injury and illness on total energy expenditure
for recovery or to stabilize the illness. Energy will determine the animal’s energy require-
intakes that are too low can lead to accelerated ment, and measures of only resting energy
loss of lean tissue mass, which could induce expenditure do not provide information about
further complications. In contrast, energy physical activity or total energy expenditure.
intakes that are too high can lead to hypergly- Currently there is very limited information
cemia, hyperlipidemia, and hyperammonemia about the energy expenditure and energy
(Burkholder 1995). High energy intakes may requirements of sick or injured dogs and cats.
also cause hepatomegaly and hyperbilirubine- Because of the limited information on energy
mia (Lowry and Brennan 1979), which may requirements in companion animals with dis-
prevent proper recovery from the injury or ease, it has been necessary to use human data to
­illness. Therefore, it is important to provide an devise equations for estimating energy require-
appropriate amount of dietary energy to ments in hospitalized dogs and cats. Early stud-
­promote recovery and prevent the develop- ies investigating the influence of disease on
ment of further complications. energy requirements in humans often meas-
Unfortunately, there have been relatively few ured resting energy expenditure in patients dur-
studies that have measured energy expenditure ing periods of peak hypermetabolism and then
in dogs and cats with injury or illness. Some used these data to calculate energy require-
studies have used indirect respiration calorim- ments (Weekes 2007). It was often assumed that
etry using a face mask system to ­measure the increase in measured resting energy
energy in dogs with osteosarcoma (Mazzaferro expenditure would translate into increases in
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54 Determining Energy Requirements

total energy expenditure. Equations were then critical illness. Rather, a weight-­loss plan is a
developed that predicted that injury and illness longer-­term goal that can be instituted at home
would cause increases in energy requirements once the animal is recovered and stable. It
above those of a healthy animal at mainte- should rarely be necessary to feed injured or ill
nance. Human equations were adopted for use cats and dogs above the predicted energy
in veterinary medicine with factors that pre- requirement for a healthy animal at mainte-
dicted increases in MERs of up to twofold, nance. A series of factors for calculating energy
depending on the injury (Donoghue 1989). requirements with disease and injury have
However, it is now considered that injury and been developed for use in hospitalized human
illness do not generally increase overall MERs patients. These factors are multiplied by RERs
and often may actually decrease it. In particu- to determine the energy requirements for indi-
lar, there is relatively little information about viduals with disease or injury. Energy require-
the influence of many diseases on physical ments are generally equal to 1.1–1.8 times
activity-­related energy expenditure (Kulstad resting energy expenditure, depending on the
and Schoeller 2007), despite the fact that this is disease or severity of injury (Barndregt and
a major contributor to MERs. Soeters 2005; Newton and Heimburger 2006).
The use of the doubly labeled water method The following equations have been proposed
combined with measures of resting energy for predicting energy requirements in injured
expenditure, nonetheless, has allowed physical or ill dog and cats (Remillard and Thatcher 1989)
activity to be measured in human patients with or humans (Lagua and Claudio 2004):
diseases. Data from these studies indicate that
Surgery: ME (kcal/day) = 1.1–1.3 × (70 kg BW0.75)
most chronic and acute diseases produce a con-
Cancer: ME (kcal/day) = 1.2–1.5 × (70 kg BW0.75)
siderable decrease in physical activity-­related
Trauma: ME (kcal/day) = 1.3–1.4 × (70 kg BW0.75)
energy expenditure (Elia 2005). While resting
Multiple trauma, head trauma: ME (kcal/day) =
energy expenditure is typically increased with
1.5–2.3 × (70 kg BW0.75)
acute disease (Elia 2005) and injury
Sepsis: ME (kcal/day) = 1.8–2.0 × (70 kg BW0.75)
(Frankenfield 2006), the decrease in physical
Burns, <40% of body: ME (kcal/day) = 1.2–1.8
activity-­related energy expenditure may negate
× (70 kg BW0.75)
the changes in resting energy expenditure and
Burns, >40% of body: ME (kcal/day) = 1.8–2.0
produce a net decrease in total energy expendi-
× (70 kg BW0.75)
ture (and MERs). Decreases in total energy
Respiratory/renal failure: ME (kcal/day) =
expenditure may also be exacerbated by medi-
1.2–1.4 × (70 kg BW0.75)
cations such as sedatives and analgesics, which
Fractures, long bone or multiple: ME (kcal/
may make the animal drowsy and limit volun-
day) = 1.2–1.3 × (70 kg BW0.75)
tary physical activity. Cage confinement can
Infections, mild to moderate: ME (kcal/day) =
also limit movement and contribute to
1.1–1.4 × (70 kg BW0.75)
decreases in energy expenditure.
Infections, severe: ME (kcal/day) = 1.5–1.7 ×
Based on current information (mostly from
(70 kg BW0.75)
human studies), it is prudent to be conserva-
tive in predicting the energy requirements for These factors have not been extensively
dogs and cats with disease or injury. Starting at tested in dogs and cats, and use of these equa-
RER helps ensure tolerance of the specific diet tions assumes that dogs and cats will have
and the feeding method. Body weight should ­similar energetic responses to disease and
be monitored, and the amount fed should be injury to humans. Without additional informa-
adjusted as needed to initially maintain weight. tion on changes in total energy expenditure in
If gain is desired, this can then be gradually response to illness and injury in companion
implemented. Weight loss is never a goal dur- animals, it seems reasonable to target energy
ing treatment and recovery from trauma and requirements for most sick or injured dogs and
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­Summar  55

Determine the body weight (kg) of the ●● The energy requirements of dogs and cats
dog or cat are given in units (kcal or kJ) of metaboliza-
ble energy (ME).
●● The energy content of a diet may be
Calculate the resting energy requirement ­calculated using factors that contain assump-
(RER) for the animal using the following tions about the gross energy and digestibility
RER (kcal/day) = 70 × kg BW0.75
of the diet components. The modified
Atwater equation (crude ­protein = 3.5 kcal/g;
crude fat = 8.5 kcal/g; carbohydrate =
Select a factor to use in the following 3.5 kcal/g) is commonly used in dog and cat
equation: nutrition, although this equation may under-
Energy requirement (kcal/day) = (disease estimate the ME content of high-­energy
or injury factor) × (70 × kg BW0.75)
diets and overestimate the ME content of
Example disease or injury factors low-­digestible, high-­fiber diets.
include cancer = 1.2–1.5; ●● The RER of dogs, cats, and other mammals
trauma = 1.3–1.4; surgery = 1.1–1.3, etc. may be predicted using the equation RER
(kcal/day) = 70 × kg BW0.75.
●● The MER of dogs and cats can be predicted
Solve the equation to determine the using one of several equations derived spe-
predicted energy requirement (kcal/day) cifically for determining MER or by multi-
for the animal
plying RER by factors for the activity, age,
or physiologic status of the animal. Because
of the large variation in MER between ani-
Determine how much to feed the animal
mals, prediction equations can only pro-
using the following equation:
Diet (g/day or ml/day) = MER (kcal/day) vide a rough estimate of the MER for an
÷ diet ME (kcal/g or kcal/ml) individual animal. It is important to realize
that these equations provide a starting
Figure 3.5 A summary of the steps required to point for determining how much to feed an
determine how much to feed a dog or cat that animal and that adjustments in energy
has an injury or illness. BW, body weight; ME, intake may be needed to find the animal’s
metabolizable energy; MER, maintenance energy true MER.
●● Growth, pregnancy, and lactation all cause
increases in energy requirements above
cats initially at RER, followed by adjustments maintenance. Increases of more than ­double
based on individual progress. Veterinarians or MER occur during early growth and
nutritionists should be ready to make adjust- lactation.
ments in the energy given to the animal based ●● Injury and illness often cause an increase in
on the response of the patient. A summary of RER but a decrease in physical activity-­
the steps involved in determining how much to related energy expenditure. Overall, total
feed an injured or ill animal is provided in energy expenditure is often not changed, or
Figure 3.5. is even decreased, with injury and disease.
The energy requirements of hospitalized
animals are often predicted by multiplying
­Summary RER by a factor that adjusts for the specific
disease or injury. In general, most animals
●● An accurate diet record is the best way to with injury or disease are fed somewhere
determine the MER of an animal that is between the RER and the MER of healthy
weight stable. animals.
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56 Determining Energy Requirements

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Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance

Richard C. Hill

The purpose of this chapter is to provide requirements based on mean energy require-
­practical advice regarding the feeding of dogs ments can provide no more than an uncertain
that undertake different types of exercise. This estimate of the true requirements of any indi-
advice is based on the review of the effect of vidual animal. It is best, therefore, not to rely
physical exercise and climate on the nutrition on a calculation to determine how much to
of dogs and cats published by the National feed an exercising dog, but instead to adjust the
Research Council (NRC 2006) and subsequent, amount fed to ensure that the dog maintains
relevant peer-­reviewed studies that have been an ideal body condition.
published since the last edition of this text. The The ideal body condition for exercising dogs
reader should turn to the NRC for a more has not been determined, but some studies sug-
detailed explanation of most of the recommen- gest that dogs live longer and perform better
dations in this chapter and for the references when they are fed less food and consequently
on which they are based, as well as this second weigh slightly less than they would if they were
edition’s added references. given free access to food. For example, Labrador
retrievers that undertook modest amounts of
activity in kennels with runs died a median of
­ ow Much Should Exercising
H two years earlier and required treatment for
Dogs Be Fed? arthritis a median of three years earlier when
fed 25% more than paired retrievers (Kealy
It is not possible to make an accurate recom- et al. 2002). The dogs fed less food were lean,
mendation of how much to feed an individual with a mean body condition score (BCS) of 4.6
exercising dog. Theoretically, it should be pos- on a 9-­point scale, whereas control dogs fed
sible to divide the daily metabolizable energy more were only modestly overweight, with a
(ME) requirement in kcal/day by the ME den- mean BCS of 6.7 on the same scale. Interestingly,
sity of the diet in kcal/g to obtain the amount in this same breed the consumption of a lower-­
to feed in g/day. Nevertheless, individual varia- fat (14% fat calories) diet compared to a higher-­
tion about the mean has always proved to be fat diet (41% fat calories) over a 30-­day period
substantial when energy utilization has been had no effect on resting energy expenditure or
measured in groups of dogs of similar body body composition (Yoo et al. 2006). However,
weight (BW) undertaking similar amounts this study was only short term and both groups
of exercise. Thus, any calculation of the ME were fed to maintain BW. In another study,

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Energy Requirements for Performance and Wor 59

Table 4.1 Approximate daily metabolizable energy (ME) requirements of exercising dogs expressed
relative to metabolic body weighta and “resting energy expenditure (REE).”b

Daily ME requirementc Amount required by 25 kg dogc

kcal ME/kg
Activity BW0.75 Ratio to REE kcal ME gd

Basal metabolic rate 76 (48–114) 1.1 (0.7–1.6) 850 (540–1280) 190 (120–280)
Resting fed metabolic ratee 84 (53–125) 1.2 (0.8–1.8) 935 (590–1410) 210 (130–310)
Companion dogs (depends (50–200) (0.7–3) (560–2240) (120–500)
on activity, breed, etc.)
Laboratory dogs in 130 (80–170) 1.9 (1.1–2.4) 1450 (890–1900) 320 (200–420)
kennels with runs
Racing greyhounds 140 (120–160) 2 (1.7–2.3) 1560 (1340–1790) 350 (300–400)
Hunting dogs 240 (200–280) 3.4 (3–4) 2680 (2240–3130) 600 (500–700)
Sled dogs racing long 1050 15 (12–18) 11 700 2600 (2100–3100)
distances in the cold (860–1240) (9600–9613 900)
Metabolic body weight = (BW in kg)0.75 where BW = body weight.
Resting energy expenditure in kcal calculated as 70 × (body weight in kg)0.75 or using an approximation of
30 + (70 × (body weight in kg)) for medium–sized dogs. REE calculated in this way is less than the value obtained by
averaging reported values for basal metabolic rate in dogs shown in the table.
Values are means with ranges in parentheses.
Assumes a high-­fat dry diet containing 4.5 kcal/g as is.
Resting fed metabolic rate is the energy required by dogs confined to a cage and includes an additional 10% energy
for assimilation of food above basal metabolic rate.

trained greyhounds ­racing over a distance of increased endurance in beagles running on a

500 m ran on average 0.7 km/h faster when treadmill (Young 1959).
weighing 6% less and being fed 15% less food Thus, for optimum performance and long-­
than when they were fed free choice (Hill term health, exercising dogs should not be fed
et al. 2005). These trained racing greyhounds free choice. An initial estimate of how much to
had a median BCS (3.75 on a 9-­point scale) feed can be obtained from the mean daily ME
when fed free choice, but were leaner, with a requirements of dogs undertaking different
median BCS of 3.5, when fed 15% less food. amounts of exercise (Table 4.1). The amount
Being overweight also has disadvantages should then be adjusted to ensure that dogs
for dogs running longer distances. When BW maintain a lean body condition for that breed;
increased 20% and fat mass increased from 17% that is, a BCS of 4–5 on a 9-­point scale for most
to 20% in beagles, water loss increased 50% breeds, and a BCS of 3.5 on the same scale for
during a 50-­minute run on a treadmill at greyhounds and other sighthounds.
6 km/h (Young 1960). The respiratory quotient
(RQ) also increased from 0.85 to 0.97 during a
run when these dogs became overweight, ­ nergy Requirements
­suggesting that more energy was derived from for Performance and Work
carbohydrate (RQ = 1.0) and less from
fat (RQ = 0.7). Increased use of glucose may There is a misconception among the general
limit stamina. Conversely, slight weight loss public that a dog, such as a greyhound, that
associated with five days of food deprivation runs fast requires more energy than a dog that
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60 Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance

runs more slowly. On the contrary, whereas constant motion around a house at low speed
energy is expended more rapidly when a dog will require more energy relative to its weight
runs more rapidly, it is expended for a shorter than a more mellow dog, say a greyhound, that
period of time. The total energy expended rela- lies down most of the day and runs around
tive to distance traveled does not change with ­rapidly for 30 seconds in the yard two or three
speed of running, because dogs, like other ani- times daily.
mals, adjust their gait to minimize energy In addition to the energy required for stand-
expenditure (Blaxter 1989). ing and horizontal motion, additional energy
For a greater appreciation of this concept, it is is needed to support the change in kinetic
necessary to consider the various parts of the energy associated with acceleration. Thus, a
energy budget for exercise. When a dog is lying greyhound requires three times as much
down awake having not eaten for a while in a energy for acceleration during the first few sec-
thermoneutral environment (in which it does onds of a race than it does while maintaining
not have to expend energy to keep itself warm), its pace during the rest of the race; that is,
the dog still expends energy to maintain itself. approximately 3 kcal/kg BW for each horizon-
This basal energy (76 kcal/kg BW0.75 daily or tal km as it accelerates up to almost 70 km/h,
13 kcal/kg BW0.75 hourly for an average dog; but only 1 kcal/kg BW for each km traveled
NRC 2006) is also required to maintain basic while it continues to run at more than 40 km/h.
body functions during exercise. In addition, This latter value of 1 kcal/kg BW is the same
energy expenditure increases 50% when an amount of energy required by dogs of similar
­animal stands. This energy continues to be BW that run more slowly (NRC 2006).
expended all the time the dog stands for exer- Dogs in jumping trials probably require the
cise, irrespective of the speed of travel. Energy is same amount of energy for acceleration as
expended to support horizontal motion, but this greyhounds during the few seconds before
energy expenditure for horizontal movement is takeoff, but this need for increased energy is
proportional to distance traveled (approximately very brief. Agility dogs will require extra energy
1 kcal/kg BW for each horizontal km traveled for acceleration several times during a trial,
for a dog of more than 10 kg BW and 1.5 kcal/kg but on each occasion the increased energy will
BW for each horizontal km traveled for a dog of be required only briefly, and the size of the
less than 10 kg; NRC 2006). increase is likely to be more modest because
Thus, an average 30 kg dog with a basal met- agility dogs do not accelerate to such high
abolic rate of 41 kcal/h (970 kcal daily) will speeds as greyhounds. Thus, dogs undertaking
require an additional 20 kcal/h when it stands short-­distance sprint exercise over distances
and another 90 kcal if it runs slowly at 3 km/h less than 2 km, such as racing greyhounds,
for 3 km. Surprisingly, however, an average retrieving gun dogs, agility dogs, and jumping
30 kg dog that stands and runs at twice the rate dogs, require relatively little energy to support
at 6 km/h over those 3 km, and thus completes activity, whereas dogs undertaking endurance
the distance in half the time, but then lies exercise for many hours over long distances,
down for the remaining half hour would such as sled dogs or hunting dogs, require
require less energy overall! The faster animal much more energy.
remains standing for only half the time and so Dogs also require additional energy as they
uses less energy for standing (only 10 kcal), gain potential energy running uphill. The
whereas both animals expend the same energy required by dogs to overcome gravity on
amount of energy for covering the ground a slope of up to 20% has been variously meas-
(90 kcal) and the same 41 kcal for basal energy ured to be between 5 and 14 kcal/kg BW for
over the hour. Similarly, a more excitable dog, each vertical km in height gained (NRC 2006).
say a terrier, that stands up all day and is in Then dogs are able to recoup some of that
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­Energy Requirements for Performance and Wor 61

potential energy as they run downhill again. If variation in energy required for those ­activities
muscle were perfectly efficient, then dogs is likely to be large. Any energy required
would be able to recoup all the extra energy for for activity must be added to basal energy
climbing when they ran downhill again, but requirements, which are also extremely varia-
dogs are less than 40% efficient in converting ble among individuals. The energy require-
muscle energy, so increased energy is needed ments of an individual exercising dog will
for running uphill and downhill. Dogs are even therefore not be determined by calculation in
less efficient at recouping potential energy the near future.
when running down a steep slope (20% or For the time being, an estimate of ME
more), so the increase in energy requirements requirements and the amount to feed to pro-
for traveling uphill and downhill is greater vide that ME can only be made based on the
when the terrain is steep. mean field metabolic rate of free-­living dogs
Energy requirements also increase propor- undertaking comparable amounts of exercise
tionately with the work required when carry- (Table 4.1; Figure 4.1). The amount fed must
ing or pulling a load. For a dog carrying a load, then be adjusted so that a dog maintains a lean
energy expenditure increases in proportion to BCS. When making this estimate, however, it
the increase in body mass, so that a load that is important to consider the duration of any
increases body mass by 10% requires a 10% activity, the distance traveled, the terrain, and
increase in energy expenditure. The energy the load that the dog is pulling or carrying,
required for pulling a load has not been meas- and not the speed of travel. It is also important
ured, but is probably three times the work of not to rely on classifications such as working
traction, as muscle is 30% efficient in most spe- dog or canine companion. Activity varies in all
cies (Blaxter 1989). dogs, regardless of background, with the
In addition, energy is required for running degree of confinement, time of day, ambient
over rough terrain, for overcoming wind resist- temperature, extent of human and canine con-
ance, and for undertaking other activities such tact, and among dogs of different sizes, ages,
as swimming, jumping, playing, stretching, and breeds. Both working dogs and compan-
grooming, eating, and drinking, but the energy ion dogs tend to be inactive or asleep for more
requirements for those activities have not been than 60% of each day, and some working dogs
determined. Furthermore, dogs become and most companion dogs undertake very lit-
extremely excited at the prospect of exercise tle additional exercise. Such dogs require little
(greyhound heart rates increase fivefold before more than basal amounts of energy plus
a race), which will increase energy utilization. energy for the assimilation of food (approxi-
Body temperature also increases during exer- mately 10% increase) for a total of approxi-
cise, so dogs have to expend energy after a race mately 84 kcal/kg BW0.75 daily (NRC 2006). On
to lose body heat by panting. the other hand, many working dogs and some
Theoretically, therefore, it should be possi- companion dogs are active for many hours
ble to estimate the energy required for activity daily, and sled dogs may even require over 10
by multiplying the energy required for times that amount of energy daily during a
each activity by the duration of each activity. long-­distance race (Loftus et al. 2014). Training
The duration and intensity of activity are does not alter the energy required to maintain
­difficult to measure, however. Accelerometers, any speed, so estimates based on the values in
­pedometers, and heart rate monitors might Table 4.1 can be used in untrained dogs.
be used to measure activity intensity and Training does increase stamina, however, so
­duration in dogs or cats, but even should the untrained dogs are likely to be less active and
­energetic equivalency of heart rate or acceler- the intensity of exercise undertaken by an
ometer readings be determined, the individual untrained dog will be limited.
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62 Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance

Daily energy requirement (kcal/day)

3,200 Do
g Sl
cin gD

Pet Dog
2,400 Ra orkin
or W
ting Dog
2,000 Hun acing
1,600 S printin

1,200 st in Cage
Dog at Re
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Lean body weight (kg)

Figure 4.1 Daily metabolizable energy requirements of dogs undertaking different types of activity.
The requirements are represented as ranges for each body weight to reflect the great individual variation
shown by dogs of similar weight that undertake similar amounts of activity. The energy requirements of
“pet” or companion dogs encompass a wide range because the duration of companion dog activity varies
widely. Dogs that spend most of each day lying down require less energy than dogs that are always active.
Sprinting dogs running short distances need less energy than working dogs running longer distances
more slowly.

­ ypes of Exercise and

T anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrate or the
Nutrient Requirements aerobic metabolism of carbohydrate and fat.
Unfortunately, the rapidity with which energy
The dietary protein, fat, and carbohydrate can be made available from glucose (stored as
requirements of dogs are affected by the speed glycogen) and from fat is inversely propor-
of running and the degree of training. Thus, tional to the size of the energy store available
dogs that run very rapidly over a short distance (Hultman et al. 1994). Thus, the anaerobic
using mostly anaerobic metabolism have dif- metabolism of glucose can generate energy
ferent requirements than dogs that run more relatively rapidly, but provides only two mol-
slowly over long distances using primarily ecules of ATP from each molecule of glucose
­aerobic metabolism. The requirements of and generates lactic acid in the process. Access
untrained companion dogs that only exercise to oxygen increases the yield of ATP from glu-
occasionally also differ from those of athletic cose up to 19 times, but provides energy less
dogs that undertake intense exercise many rapidly, and glycogen can become exhausted
times weekly. To understand these differences, at the end of a long run because stores of gly-
it is necessary to understand where an animal cogen are limited. Fat provides an almost
obtains energy to support activity. inexhaustible source of energy, but can deliver
Initially, energy comes from the high-­energy energy only at a slow rate, which limits the
phosphate bond of adenosine triphosphate speed of run that can be sustained. Thus, the
(ATP) within muscle buffered by the high-­ duration of the ability to run fast (stamina) is
energy phosphate bond of creatine phosphate. limited by the availability of glycogen. Both
The energy from these high-­energy phosphate people and animals are unable to accelerate at
bonds is immediately available, but stores the end of a long-­distance race because mus-
are small, and the energy of ATP has to cle glycogen is no longer available to support
be ­constantly replenished either from the more intense activity.
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­Types of Exercise and Nutrient Requirement 63

Dogs differ from human beings in that dogs oxygen becomes limiting and lactic acid is
are adapted for long-­distance running using ­produced, which increases the concentration of
the aerobic metabolism of fat, and derive twice lactic acid and limits utilization of fat. Thus,
as much energy from fat oxidation both at rest trained dogs that undertake exercise below the
and during exercise compared to human maximum rate of oxygen utilization (VO2 max),
beings (McLelland et al. 1994; de Bruijne so-­called submaximal exercise, rely more on
et al. 1981; de Bruijne and de Koster 1983). Dog the oxidation of fat, whereas dogs undertak-
muscle does not contain the anaerobic, easily ing ­exercise above their VO2 max, so-­called
fatigued type IIb fast-­twitch fibers found in supramaximal exercise, rely to a greater extent on
animals such as cats, which are adapted to the anaerobic and aerobic metabolism of glucose.
sprinting. Dog muscle contains only fibers Racing greyhounds undertake supramaximal
with a high aerobic capacity that are fatigue exercise (see Figure 4.2). They develop a
resistant; that is, type I slow-­twitch fibers that marked lactic acidosis (24–34 mmol/l) after
rely more on aerobic than anaerobic metabo- running for less than a kilometer at speeds of
lism and type IIa fast-­twitch fibers that rely over 40 km/h for less than a minute (NRC 2006).
more on anaerobic than aerobic metabolism Almost all other exercising dogs perform
(Gunn 1978). Dogs store more glycogen and fat ­submaximal exercise because very few dogs
in muscle and also can supply more fatty acids can be persuaded to perform supramaximal
to the tissues, because albumin binds more ­exercise when running on a flat surface
free fatty acids in dogs than in less aerobic (Seeherman et al. 1981). Lactic acid production
­species (McLelland et al. 1994). does increase slightly in dogs running submaxi-
Dogs at rest derive energy almost equally from mally, but lactic acid utilization also increases
the oxidation of fat and glucose, but when trained so that concentrations in the blood at the end
dogs start to walk and run, glucose oxidation of a run remain unchanged (approximately
increases only slightly and most of the increased 1 mmol/l) or increase only slightly (approxi-
energy comes from fat oxidation. Then, as the mately 3 mmol/l). This modest change in lactic
intensity of exercise increases, the supply of acid concentrations after exercise has been

Distance travelled (m)

0 100 230 452 650 815
3 3
Rate of energy generation

2 2
1 1 Oxygen debt
ATP or CreatP

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec) since start of run

Figure 4.2 Sources of energy for a greyhound during sprint exercise. High-­energy phosphate bonds in ATP
and creatine phosphate (CreatP), alactacid oxygen debt (Oxygen debt), and anaerobic metabolism of
glucose to lactate (Lactate) deliver energy rapidly to support the high-­energy requirements for acceleration
during the first 100 m of a run. Subsequently aerobic metabolism (Aerobic) provides most of the energy for
the rest of the race when anaerobic sources of energy have been exhausted. Source: Adapted from Staaden
1984 as described in National Research Council (2006).
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64 Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance

demonstrated in dogs running on a treadmill, required to perform. In contrast, most com-

undertaking a sled dog race or an agility trial, or panion dogs are not trained and often only
retrieving (Seeherman et al. 1981; Matwichuk undertake intense exercise intermittently on
et al. 1999; Rovira et al. 2007; Young et al. 1959; weekends. Training is more efficient than diet
Hinchliff et al. 1993). Rather than becoming change to increase exercise performance.
acidotic, dogs undertaking submaximal exer- Training does not affect energy requirements
cise tend to become alkalotic because they have but has marked effects on stamina (Musch
to pant to maintain body temperature. et al. 1985). Training increases heart size so
Protein and amino acid synthesis and catabo- that heart rate is decreased during exercise
lism increase in exercising dogs to support the while blood flow to the tissues is increased.
anatomic changes associated with training and Untrained dogs have a 30% lower VO2 max
also to support gluconeogenesis in dogs under- and produce more lactic acid, which limits the
taking long-­distance submaximal exercise. Dogs use of fat as an energy source and increases
initially use glycogen as a source of glucose dur- the rate of decline in blood glucose during
ing submaximal exercise, but increase glucone- exercise (Paul and Holmes 1975). Thus, the
ogenesis from protein after about 30 minutes improvement in stamina associated with feed-
(Wasserman et al. 1992). Dogs running for more ing more fat to trained dogs may not occur in
than 30 minutes, therefore, require much more untrained dogs.
protein in their diet than dogs such as grey- Training also increases olfactory acuity and
hounds, which run for much shorter periods of reduces free radical formation and may reduce
time (Reynolds et al. 1999; Hill et al. 2001). the risk of injury (NRC 2006). Interestingly,
Terms such as “sprint,” “marathon,” “short one study looking at different dietary fat con-
distance,” and “long distance” are not helpful in centrations failed to show any significant dif-
this context because such terms mean very dif- ferences in detecting three different explosives
ferent distances and speeds for greyhounds or in trained detection dogs, but suggested that a
sled dogs. Greyhounds never race for more than lower-­protein diet with a higher omega 6 : 3
a kilometer and indulge in supramaximal exer- ratio of 18.2 led to better performance than a
cise in both “sprint” and “marathon” races, higher-­protein diet with a lower ratio of 8.4,
whereas sled dogs race over many kilometers but with a similar total omega-­6 concentration
and indulge in submaximal exercise in both (Angle et al. 2014).
“sprint” and “long-­distance” races. When decid-
ing how to feed an athletic dog; therefore, it is
more important to consider whether it is under- ­ utritional Recommendations
taking anaerobic supramaximal exercise or aer- for Dogs Undertaking Different
obic submaximal exercise. As a general rule, Types of Exercise
most dogs should be considered to perform sub-
maximal exercise. Only racing sighthounds or The minimum requirement of a nutrient has
dogs running on a steep slope or pulling heavy been defined by the NRC as “the minimal con-
loads are likely to approach or exceed their VO2 centration or amount of a bioavailable nutrient
max and be performing supramaximal exercise. that will support a defined physiological state”
(NRC 2006). To determine the minimum
requirement, performance, health, or some
­The Importance of Training other suitable measure of well-­being must be
measured as the amount of a nutrient is
Most nutritional studies of exercising dogs ­gradually increased in the diet. Unfortunately,
have used dogs that have undergone some no minimum requirements have been estab-
form of training for the exercise that they are lished for exercising dogs, because the effect of
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­Nutritional Recommendations for Dogs Undertaking Different Types of Exercis 65

Table 4.2 Adequate intakesa for dogs that needs. Requirements for some nutrients may
undertake long-­distance aerobic exercise and not increase in parallel with energy require-
short-­distance primarily anaerobic exercise.
ments as exercise increases, so it is possible
that lower concentrations of a nutrient than
Nutrient Long-­ Short-­distance
distance mostly those recommended for the maintenance of
aerobic anaerobic dogs that undertake more modest amounts of
Protein 90 g/Mcal 60 g/Mcal exercise may maintain a more active dog that
(40% as isb) (27% as is) consumes increased amounts of food to meet
Fat 59 g/Mcal 36 g/Mcal its increased energy needs. Conversely, seden-
(27% as is) (16% as is) tary dogs may need to consume more nutrient-­
Carbohydrate 0 105 g/Mcal dense foods than are required for maintenance
(47% as is) of modestly active dogs.
Waterc 2.4 L/Mcal 2.4 L/Mcal There are no studies of the nutrient require-
Sodium 1 g/Mcal 1 g/Mcal ments of untrained dogs that exercise, so a rec-
Potassium 1 g/Mcal 1 g/Mcal ommendation cannot be made for untrained
Calcium 3 g/Mcal 3 g/Mcal active dogs. Nevertheless, most companion
Phosphorus 3 g/Mcal 3 g/Mcal
dogs are untrained and only exercise infre-
quently on weekends. Their stamina will be
Diets containing these adequate intakes or more have low, so companion dogs are unlikely to under-
been reported to sustain trained dogs repetitively
undertaking the type of exercise described, but lower
take much more activity than laboratory-­
amounts may also sustain satisfactory performance. housed dogs. As most nutrient requirements
% as is: the equivalent adequate intake in % as is for dogs have been determined based on
shown in parentheses assuming the diet is a dry ­studies using untrained, laboratory-­housed
high-­fat diet containing 4.5 kcal/g as is.
Average requirements are 1.2 L/Mcal, but some dogs
dogs that are only moderately active, nutrient
consume twice that amount. requirements established for growing and
adult dogs should provide adequate nutrition
for most untrained companion dogs. Human
gradually increasing nutrient density on per- companions of dogs that perform more exer-
formance or health has not been assessed cise than a laboratory-­housed dog in a kennel
for any nutrient in active dogs. Most studies with a run should train their dogs by gradually
have only compared two concentrations of increasing the frequency and intensity of exer-
nutrient or else the differences between nutri- cise. Training is likely to improve performance
ent ­concentrations have been too large to accu- and health more than any change in diet.
rately establish a minimum requirement. Thus, Then, once a dog is trained, recommendations
any recommendation for an exercising dog made in this chapter will become relevant.
(Table 4.2) only represents an adequate intake,
which has been defined by the NRC as the low-
Long-­Distance Submaximal
est concentration or amount of a nutrient that
Aerobic Exercise
published studies report has sustained trained
dogs (usually sled dogs or racing ­greyhounds) Dogs running long distances have more stam-
that undertake regular exercise. It is quite pos- ina when adapted to very high-­fat diets
sible, however, that lower concentrations than because they use muscle glycogen more
those listed could support exercising dogs, slowly when fed a higher-­fat diet (Reynolds
especially if the type of exercise is less intense et al. 1995). In trained dogs only running at
than that performed by sled dogs and racing 12.5 km/h for 30 min on a 2.5% inclined tread-
greyhounds. Furthermore, nutrient intake will mill, the addition of 53.9 g corn oil/Mcal (corn
increase with caloric intake meeting energy oil is rich in the long-­chain omega-­6 fatty acid
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66 Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance

linoleic acid), resulting in a diet with a lower-­ Guaranteed Analysis

protein, higher-­fat caloric distribution of 18% Crude Protein 26.0% minimum
Crude Fat 18.0% minimum
ME protein, 57% ME fat, and 25% ME carbo- Crude Fiber 3.0% maximum
hydrate, has been shown to slightly lower Moisture 10.0% maximum
core and rectal temperatures post exercise Ash 5.5% maximum
(Ober et al. 2016). Fatty acid composition of Figure 4.3 Typical guaranteed analysis on the
any added fat may be important depending on label of a higher-­protein, higher-­fat commercial dry/
the outcome measurement. One pilot study extruded dog food suitable for feeding an active
has shown a reduced marker for inflamma- companion dog. Note that this food does not contain
enough protein and fat for a working or hunting dog
tion in a subset of dogs from one single sled running long distances daily over many hours. Such
dog team fed 8% krill meal, rich in long-­chain dogs should be fed a high-­protein, high-­fat canned/
omega-­3 fatty acids (Burri et al. 2018), while retorted diet. Compare the guarantees on different
12 weeks of 54 mg fish oil (also rich in omega- canned diets to find a canned diet that contains the
most fat and protein for the same moisture
­3) per kg metabolic weight per day added to a percentage. Do not compare the guarantee on dry/
complete and balanced commercial food extruded and canned/retorted diets. Dry diet
when slightly lowered trained dogs’ heart guaranteed percentages are inherently “inflated”
rates after twice-­weekly 30-­min sessions on a compared to canned diet guaranteed percentages
because dry diets contain less water, but they also
treadmill set at 8 km/h at a 7.5% slope contain less protein and fat when the difference in
(Pellegrino et al. 2019). This contrasts with water content is taken into account.
human long-­distance ­athletes, whose stam-
ina increases when they consume a high-­ Therefore, for most active dogs that under-
carbohydrate diet. Dogs undertaking take moderate amounts of activity, a high-­
long-­distance exercise also develop “sports protein, high-­fat, dry commercial diet should
anemia” and suffer more injuries unless fed provide sufficient protein and fat (see
a high-­protein diet containing an adequate Figure 4.3). Dog owners should select a dry/
­balance of amino acids (Reynolds et al. 1999). extruded diet with the highest guarantee on
The source of this protein must be very the label for both protein and fat. As the fre-
­digestible to limit the amount of undigested quency and duration of exercise increase, how-
protein entering the large intestine. Excess ever, dry diets may not provide enough protein
protein or fermentable carbohydrate entering and fat, so a high-­protein, high-­fat canned diet
the large intestine will be fermented to short-­ should be added to provide the extra energy
chain fatty acids and can cause an osmotic the dog will need as well as the extra protein.
diarrhea (Taylor et al. 1959; Orr 1966).
Dogs running long distances do not require
Short-­Distance Supramaximal
digestible carbohydrate provided there is
Anaerobic Exercise
enough dietary protein to support gluconeo-
genesis. It is unclear, however, whether there is Dogs such as racing greyhounds undertaking
a need for indigestible carbohydrate. Short-­ sprint exercise do not require as much protein
chain fatty acids produced by anaerobic fer- or fat as dogs undergoing long-­distance sub-
mentation support colonic mucosal health, but maximal exercise. Performance has decreased
it has not been established whether soluble when dietary protein has increased in sub­
fiber is needed in the diet in addition to stitution for dietary carbohydrate (Hill et al.
­undigested protein and undigested starch as a 2001). When the duration of exercise is short,
substrate for that fermentation. Large amounts glycogen stores are unlikely to be depleted, and
of dietary fiber are not desirable, however, protein is not needed to support gluconeogene-
because increased fiber increases the weight of sis. Both lower and very high amounts of dietary
the colon and water loss in the feces. fat have been associated with reduced
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­Nutritional Recommendations for Dogs Undertaking Different Types of Exercis 67

performance too, but the ideal amount of fat urea (from protein) that must be excreted.
and carbo­hydrate to include in the diet has not Average water requirements increase from
been ­established (NRC 2006). Currently, a diet is 0.5 ml/kcal at cold ambient temperatures to
recommended that contains only typical main- 0.6–1.2 ml/kcal at room temperature (depend-
tenance amounts of protein (60–70 g protein/ ing on the amount of sodium and protein in the
Mcal ME) and fat (36–50 g fat/Mcal kcal ME), diet) and 1.8 ml/kcal in obese dogs (NRC 2006).
but the amount of fat may need to be adjusted Dogs should be offered twice these mean
for optimum performance. Both canned and dry amounts, however, because individual dogs may
diets exist that meet this specification. require double the average amount.
Dogs become dehydrated intermittently over
time because water is lost continuously in
Fluid and Electrolyte Requirements,
urine and by evaporation, but dogs drink water
Hydration, and “Sports Drinks”
only intermittently. Sedentary dogs do not usu-
Dogs require unlimited and frequent supplies of ally anticipate the need to drink and only drink
water before, during, and after exercise, but do after losing about 0.5% of BW, but dogs will
not require extra sodium or other electrolytes or maintain their hydration during exercise by
vitamins. Dogs do not sweat. Sports drinks drinking regularly if given the opportunity
designed for humans that contain sodium and (O’Connor 1975). Thus, water should be made
electrolytes are not recommended for dogs that available to dogs before exercise, at intervals
exercise and they can reduce performance during, and shortly after exercise.
(Young et al. 1960). Some glucose may be added Because dogs lose water but little sodium
to the water after exercise to replenish glycogen during exercise, their blood becomes hyperos-
stores, but the exact amount to add is uncertain. molar. Drinking water without any solute cor-
There is also no evidence that other, so-­called rects this hyperosmolality immediately,
ergogenic nutrients have any benefit. whereas drinking water containing salt or glu-
Adequate hydration is essential for optimum cose will not correct the hyperosmolality, and
athletic dog performance. Body temperature dogs will continue to wish to drink more
increases during exercise and limits activity in (Ramsay and Thrasher 1991). It is best, there-
dogs (Kozlowski et al. 1985). Very high body tem- fore, to correct dehydration during exercise
peratures can result in tissue damage, especially with water containing no solute, and to pro-
damage to the intestine and kidneys, that can be vide glucose-­containing water after exercise to
life threatening and should be avoided at all costs. facilitate replenishment of glycogen stores.
Keeping dogs cool by using cold packs and Commercial sports drinks sold for human
­exercising dogs in cold ambient temperatures athletes should not be offered to exercising
allows dogs to exercise for longer periods of time dogs. Dogs do not sweat except on their foot-
(Kozlowski et al. 1985; Kruk et al. 1985). pads. The increase in salt loss when dogs pant
Dehydration increases the rate of increase of and drool during exercise is small, so there is
body temperature during exercise and reduces little increase in a dog’s requirement for salt
the duration and intensity of ­exercise of which during exercise. Any salt consumed in drink-
dogs are capable (NRC 2006). Maintaining hydra- ing water will have to be excreted in the urine,
tion improves stamina, therefore, and reduces which will increase the rate of water loss and
the risk of life-­threatening hyperthermia. may exacerbate dehydration. The adequate
Water loss by evaporation for cooling increases intake for both sodium and potassium recom-
during exercise with increased ambient temper- mended by the NRC for exercising dogs is 1 g/
ature. Urine production also increases as food Mcal. One recent study suggested that 1.2 g
intake increases to support the energy needs of of sodium/Mcal may be ideal in sled dogs
exercise in proportion to the amount of salt and undergoing a 1600 km race (Ermon et al. 2014).
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68 Nutritional and Energy Requirements for Performance

Most commercial diets will provide sufficient It is also almost certainly true that the
sodium and potassium without the need for requirements for calcium, phosphorus, and
supplementation. other minerals do not increase directly in pro-
portion to energy requirements, so the amount
of minerals in the diet of sedentary dogs should
be adequate for exercising dogs. Thus, on the
Oxidation occurs as a normal process within contrary, there is a potential for excess intake
mitochondria as energy is made available of calcium and trace minerals by dogs that
­during exercise. More oxidation occurs as take in large amounts of food because of their
the amount of energy required increases, but very high energy requirements. The amount of
regular exercise also increases the antioxi- trace minerals in the diet of dogs undertaking
dant defense mechanisms within the body. large amounts of exercise should be kept close
Antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin E, are to the minimum requirement and should prob-
an essential component of the diet of exercis- ably not be increased as the amount of fat is
ing dogs, and thus should minimize oxidation increased in the diet, but this is an unstudied
during exercise. Requirements for antioxidant area in dogs.
vitamins also increase with the amount of die-
tary fat and with the amount of polyunsatu-
Other Nutritional Supplements
rated fatty acids in all diets, especially if the
food is to be stored for any length of time. It There is currently very limited experimental
remains to be determined, however, whether evidence that so-­called ergogenic nutrients
dogs that exercise require any more antioxi- improve the performance of exercising dogs.
dant nutrients than sedentary dogs. Antioxidant Adding creatine to the diet of dogs has not
requirements for dogs that exercise regularly been shown to increase the amount of creatine
may even be less than for sedentary dogs that in muscle or performance. Dimethylglycine
only exercise intermittently on weekends, and and diisopropylammonium dichloroacetic
it is better to exercise dogs more regularly than acid reduced the race time of greyhounds
to recommend any increase in antioxidant (Gannon and Kendall 1982), but this benefi-
­vitamins in the diet. cial effect was probably due to dichloroacetic
acid, which reduces lactic acidosis. Addition of
dichloroacetic acid to the diet is not recom-
Other Vitamins, Trace Minerals, and Other
mended, however, because dichloroacetic acid
Essential Nutrients
is toxic to dogs in small doses (Cicmanec
Requirements for some B vitamins, such as et al. 1991). Glucosamine and other nutrients
thiamin, are likely to increase and decrease in designed to moderate the effects of osteoar-
proportion to energy requirements, whereas thritis may be of benefit in exercising dogs
requirements for vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) with this condition, but there is currently no
tend to vary with protein intake. Most com- evidence that such nutrients prevent osteoar-
mercial diets contain an excess of B vitamins thritis. One uncontrolled/non-­randomized
to compensate for losses during processing. study suggested that a proprietary supplement
Furthermore, intake of these vitamins will of “yeast, betaine, magnesium, l-­carnitine,
increase and decrease proportionally as food sodium bicarbonate, biotin, niacin, pantoth-
intake varies with energy requirements. It is enic acid, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin”
unlikely, therefore, that B vitamins will be helped the performance of five dogs coyote
deficient in most commercial diets, and sup- tracking (Huntingford et al. 2014).
plementation with these vitamins above that Two other reports support the potential
already present in the diet is almost certainly benefit of daily l-­carnitine supplementation
unnecessary. at a dose of 125 mg in trained sled dogs,
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 ­Reference 69

weighing on average 29 kg, to reduce meas- Dogs should not be fed food containing fat
ures of muscle tissue degradation or damage immediately before or during intense exercise.
1 h after a 24.2 km endurance run (Varney Consumption of food directs blood toward the
et al. 2017, 2020). intestine and can compromise performance
while exercise compromises intestinal function.
Time of Feeding Ideally, dogs should be fed shortly after intense
exercise when the dog’s excitement has abated.
Food deprivation does not compromise the
performance of dogs undertaking endurance
exercise (Young 1959). However, dogs fed a ­Summary
morning meal have been shown to search
more accurately than when fasted (Miller ●● Regular exercise training more than any
and Bender 2012). Glucose given before or change in diet will improve the performance
during exercise minimizes the decline in of an exercising dog.
blood glucose concentrations during exercise ●● Active dogs should be fed enough food to
and minimizes the increase in body tempera- maintain a lean body condition.
ture during exercise, whereas glucose given ●● Dogs mostly perform aerobic exercise.
after exercise promotes the repletion of mus- ●● Dogs exercising for more than 30 min require
cle glycogen. The amount of glucose that extra protein in their diet.
should be administered is uncertain, how- ●● Dogs undertaking long-­distance exercise
ever, because the amounts of glucose given to require extra fat in their diet.
dogs have varied widely from 1.5 mg to 1.5 g/ ●● Commercial high-­protein, high-­fat dry dog
kg BW (Reynolds et al. 1997; Wakshlag foods should provide enough protein and fat
et al. 2002). In one relevant diet study, sup- for most active dogs.
plementation after a first pull series with 5% ●● Working or hunting dogs should have the
dextrose, 32.4% maltodextrin, and 16% whey/ extra energy they require supplied by com-
soya protein did not statistically improve mercial high-­protein, high-­fat canned diets
weight-­pulling in dogs during a second pull containing little carbohydrate.
series conducted within 180 minutes of the ●● Active dogs should always have free access
first pull series (Frye et al. 2017). In another to water to maximize performance.
study, feeding dogs a supplemental “bar” with ●● Water given to active dogs may contain some
37.4% of the rapidly digestible ­carbohydrates, glucose but not other nutrients such as salt
maltodextrin plus dextrin, and 25% protein or electrolytes.
immediately after exercise increased blood ●● Dogs should not be given human sports
nutrient concentrations for glycogen and drinks.
protein synthesis, compared with control ●● Feeding of a higher-­carbohydrate treat to
dogs (Zanghi et al. 2015). non-­sled dogs after exercise may be beneficial.


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Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

David A. Dzanis and Isabel Marzo

­ S Regulation understanding of the regulation of pet foods in
general, it is especially important to be aware
Commercial foods for pets are subject to regu- of the issues pertaining to both supplements
lation in the US at both the federal and state and therapeutic diets so as to provide for their
levels. The category of “pet food” includes not most appropriate use in practice.
only complete and balanced products, but also
therapeutic diets, treats, toppers, chews, and
US Regulation of Pet Foods
nutritional supplements, as well as the compo-
and Supplements
nents of such products. However, the specific
means by which a given subcategory of pet Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
food is regulated may vary. ●● AAFCO: Association of American Feed
The application of the law as it pertains to Control Officials. A nongovernmental
pet supplements is particularly convoluted. organization (whose members must be state,
For dietary supplements intended for human federal, or foreign government employees)
consumption, federal law provides for the that establishes model animal feed laws, reg-
inclusion of ingredients that normally would ulations, and ingredient definitions, which
not be permitted for foods in conventional then may be adopted by individual state
form. More explicit claims in terms of health agencies responsible for regulatory oversight
benefits are also allowed for supplements as of animal feed.
opposed to foods in general. Importantly, ●● CVM: Center for Veterinary Medicine. Part
though, those legal provisions do not apply to of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
animal products. As a result, ingredients and responsible for interstate regulation of ani-
claims that are acceptable by law in regard to a mal foods and drugs.
human dietary supplement may not necessar- ●● Dietary supplement: As defined in part by the
ily be OK with respect to a pet product. That Dietary Supplement Health and Education
said, it is quite evident that the marketplace is Act (DSHEA), a product (other than tobacco)
replete with pet supplements that, in fact, do that is intended to supplement the diet that
not wholly comply with the applicable law. bears or contains one or more of the follow-
There are also “exceptions to the rule” when ing dietary ingredients: a vitamin, a mineral,
it comes to therapeutic pet diets. While it is a herb or other botanical, an amino acid, a
helpful for the veterinarian to have a basic dietary substance for use by humans to

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­US Regulatio  73

supplement the diet by increasing the total procedures or experience based on common
daily intake, or a concentrate, metabolite, use in food) to be safe under the conditions
constituent, extract, or combinations of of its intended use (Title 21 United States
these ingredients (Title 21 United States Code Sec. 321(s)).
Code Sec. 321(ff)(1)). ●● NASC: National Animal Supplement Council.
●● Drug: As defined in part by the Federal Food, A trade organization comprising manufactur-
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), an article ers of dietary supplements for companion
intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, miti- animals (and associated industries).
gation, treatment, or prevention of disease in ●● PDP: Principal display panel. The part of
humans or other animals; and articles (other the label most likely to be displayed to the
than food) intended to affect the structure or purchaser under typical conditions of sale.
any function of the body of humans or other ●● USDA: United States Department of
animals (Title 21 United States Code Sec. Agriculture.
●● DSHEA: Dietary Supplement Health and US Regulatory Oversight
Education Act of 1994. FDA, under the authority of FFDCA, has juris-
●● FDA: United States Food and Drug diction over all animal feeds (including pet
Administration. The federal agency respon- foods) in interstate commerce (Dzanis 2018).
sible for the regulation of foods and drugs in Meat and poultry products, which when
interstate commerce. intended for human consumption are regu-
●● FFDCA: Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic lated by the US Department of Agriculture’s
Act of 1938. Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-­
●● Food: As defined in part by FFDCA, articles FSIS), are instead under the oversight of FDA
used for food or drink for humans or other when intended for animal consumption.
animals (Title 21 United States Code 321(f)). Within FDA, CVM has primary responsibility
●● Food additive: As defined in part by FFDCA, for enforcement of the regulations codified
any substance the intended use of which under Title 21, Parts 500–599 of the Code of
results or may reasonably be expected to Federal Regulations (Government Publishing
result, directly or indirectly, in its becoming Office 2020). These include regulations to
a component or otherwise affecting the char- address the safety and utility of ingredients,
acteristics of any food if such substance is the imposition of requirements for manufac-
not generally recognized as safe (GRAS); turers to follow current Good Manufacturing
except that such term does not include a die- Practices (cGMPs), as well as basic labeling
tary supplement (Title 21 United States Code rules for animal feeds in general.
Sec. 321(s)). Most states also exercise jurisdiction over pet
●● FSIS: Food Safety and Inspection Service. foods sold within their respective borders.
Part of USDA responsible for the inspection Individual state laws do differ, but to mitigate
of meat and poultry products intended for inconsistencies between them, the majority
human consumption. of states participate in the activities of
●● GRAS: “Generally Recognized As Safe.” As AAFCO. AAFCO is a nongovernmental body,
defined in part by FFDCA, a substance gen- but its members must be government officials
erally recognized, among experts qualified charged with the oversight of animal feeds.
by scientific training and experience to eval- AAFCO fosters uniform interpretation and
uate its safety, as having been adequately enforcement between states, largely though
shown through scientific procedures (or, in the establishment of model laws and regula-
the case of a substance used in food prior to tions, ingredient definitions, and other guide-
January 1, 1958, through either scientific lines and policies that constitute a consensus
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74 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

as to how feed should be regulated. The regula- Verbiage such as “dog food” or “snacks for
tions specific to the labeling of pet foods cats” is typically sufficient, but a graphic depic-
include aspects that go beyond those required tion of a dog or cat alone would be inadequate.
by FDA. These requirements along with other It is important to note that through AAFCO’s
information are published annually in the Pet Food Labeling Modernization initiative, new
AAFCO Official Publication (AAFCO 2022). model regulations are being contemplated to
Although this information is subject to copy- require more explicit identification of intended
right and there is a fee for purchase of the purpose on the PDP. While details have not been
­publication, access to the ingredient defini- finalized, it is expected that the statement will
tions is available to the public at no charge expressly include in prescribed words and for-
( mat the type of food (e.g., “complete,” “treat,”
Importantly, it must be noted that AAFCO “supplement”) as well as any appropriate life
does not regulate, inspect, test, approve, or cer- stage and size designation.
tify pet food in any way, and the AAFCO model
regulations have no power of law in and of Ingredient Declaration
themselves. However, a majority of states have Both FDA and AAFCO regulations require
incorporated (directly or by reference) much of that each ingredient (with some exceptions
the AAFCO language into their own rules, at for incidental additives, etc.) in a pet food
which time these become fully enforceable at must be declared in descending order of pre-
the individual state level. For all intents and dominance by weight. Many if not most
purposes, then, AAFCO serves as the national ingredients incorporated into pet foods are
standard where FDA regulations are silent. expressly defined by AAFCO, though the
means by which demonstration of safety and
General Labeling Requirements utility is established to provide for their inclu-
Considering both FDA and AAFCO regula- sion may vary (e.g. Food Additive Petition,
tions, mandatory components of a pet food GRAS Notification, AAFCO Feed Ingredient
label include the following. Definition Petition). Regardless of the proce-
dures utilized, CVM works closely with
Product Name AAFCO in the process before a definition
AAFCO has very extensive rules regarding the (including any identifying characteristics,
callout of ingredients in the product name specifications, or limitations of use) appears
depending on their percentage inclusion. For in the AAFCO Official Publication.
example, “Chicken” requires 95% inclusion of Some ingredients common in pet food may
the named ingredient (excluding water for pro- be universally understood by the public as
cessing), while “Chicken Recipe” and “With “food” (e.g. apples, spinach), so in those
Chicken” require notably less (25% and 3%, instances no official approval or other sanction
respectively). A pet food with the declaration is required. Historically, these types of ingredi-
“Chicken Flavor” may not necessarily contain ents have not been expressly defined by
any chicken at all, provided that a discernible AAFCO so have not appeared in the publica-
source of that flavor is present (e.g. chicken tion. However, AAFCO intends to publish a
meals, byproducts, digests). “Common Food Index” in the near future to
document its interpretation of what food
Statement of Identity/Intended Species ingredients fit in this category.
FDA regulations require a succinct description
of the contents in common terms on the Guaranteed Analysis
PDP. Similarly, AAFCO requires that the PDP Information regarding the nutrient content of
identify the intended species in words. a pet food is not addressed in FDA regulations,
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­US Regulatio  75

However, AAFCO rules do require the pet food ­ ifferent from) the nutrition information
label to bear guarantees for components of ­presently required on human food labels under
nutritional importance. For most pet foods FDA regulations,
that would include values for minimum per-
centages of crude protein and crude fat, and Calorie Content Statement
maximum percentages of crude fiber and AAFCO requires that labels of all dog and cat
moisture on an as-­is basis. Additional guaran- foods (including treats, toppers, nutritional
tees may be added voluntarily or in the case supplements, etc.) bear a statement of calorie
where a specific nutrient content claim appears content in terms of kilocalories (kcal) of
on the label, as needed to support the claim. metabolizable energy (ME) per kilogram as is.
For example, “with calcium” requires that the In addition, this information must be pre-
label include a minimum percentage calcium sented in terms of kcal per unit of product
guarantee, while a “low fat” claim requires a ­consistent with the feeding directions (e.g. per
maximum percentage crude fat guarantee in can, cup, biscuit, or tablespoon) as well. The
addition to the minimum. method used to determine calorie content
Although a complete and balanced product must be specified: “calculated” for estimates
making a general claim for vitamin and ­mineral derived from employment of the modified
content does not need to guarantee individual Atwater formula using analytic values for
vitamins/minerals, a product represented to be crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, moisture,
a vitamin or mineral supplement must provide and ash; and “fed” for estimates determined
guarantees for each and every added vitamin through feeding tests. Future regulations
and/or mineral in the product. On the other likely will require that caloric distribution
hand, some pet products may be exempt from information (i.e. contributions of calories
certain guarantees, such as where the pet food from protein, fat, and carbohydrate) also appear
does not provide appreciable amounts of that on the label.
nutrient (e.g. crude protein and fiber guaran-
tees on a liquid fish oil supplement label). Nutritional Adequacy Statement
Required guarantees on dog and cat food All dog and cat foods labeled as “complete,”
labels are expected to change as AAFCO’s Pet “balanced,” or by words of similar intent must
Food Labeling Modernization efforts are bear a statement attesting to the food’s nutri-
implemented. It is anticipated that “crude tional suitability for its intended use. Precise
fiber” will be replaced with “dietary fiber,” a verbiage is required, citing either conform-
more nutritionally meaningful value equiva- ance with the AAFCO Dog or Cat Food
lent to that used for human foods. Also, a cal- Nutrient Profiles or the successful passage of
culation of the maximum percentage of total feeding trials following AAFCO protocols as
carbohydrate content likely will be included in the basis for substantiation. Each method has
the guarantees. its pros and cons in terms of ensuring nutri-
Also in the future, the appearance of the tional adequacy (Dzanis 2003). Arguably the
guaranteed analysis itself is expected to be least reliable method of ensuring adequacy is
altered dramatically once proposed amend- for products that were neither feeding trial
ments to the AAFCO model regulations are tested directly nor necessarily formulated to
promulgated. The guarantees, along with calo- meet the profiles, but rather were deemed to
rie content information and the nutritional be a member of a “Product Family” by virtue
adequacy statement, likely will be combined to of their nutritional similarity to a lead mem-
form a more easily located and identifiable ber that did pass the feeding trial. Such prod-
“Pet Nutrition Facts” box. The new format ucts can bear the same “Animal feeding tests
is intended to emulate (though is decidedly substantiate” statement that appears on the
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76 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

labels of products that were directly tested Name and Address of Manufacturer or Distributor
by feeding trial, as long as the calorie con- The name of the party responsible for state reg-
tent was determined by in vivo feeding trials. istration of the product for distribution of the
If calorie content was determined by calcu- pet food (the “guarantor,” in AAFCO-­speak)
lation and assumptions of macronutrient must appear on the label. Words such as
digestibility, the family member products ­“manufactured for” or “distributed by” must
statement must specify that the product “is accompany the name when the guarantor is
comparable in nutritional adequacy to a not the actual manufacturer. Also required are
product which has been substantiated using the city, state, and ZIP code of the responsible
AAFCO feeding tests.” Most often, manufac- party. The physical street address of the princi-
turers will conduct the short-­term (10-­day) pal place of business must also appear, unless
calorie feeding trial rather than the much that information is easily accessible to the pub-
longer (up to 6 months) nutritional ­adequacy lic elsewhere.
trial, so that the statement that appears on
the label for the product family member is Net Contents
indistinguishable from that for the lead Both FDA and AAFCO regulations require a
member. quantity statement on the PDP. Most often this is
Any limitations as to the specific life stage or expressed in terms of net weight (weight of prod-
size of animal must be included in the state- uct without packaging), but it can be in terms of
ment. Dog and cat products that do not meet volume for liquid products, or on occasion by
either means of substantiation but are not con- count (e.g. “XX tablets”). Extensive FDA rules
spicuously identified as a “Snack,” “Treat,” or dictate the size, placement, units, terms used,
“Supplement” on the PDP must bear the state- and degree of conspicuousness. Also, Federal
ment “This product is intended for intermit- Trade Commission (FTC) regulations (enforcea-
tent or supplemental feeding only.” It is ble by FDA) require that the declaration be pro-
expected with future changes to the regula- vided in terms of both avoirdupois units (pound/
tions that all labels for foods that are not com- ounce) and their metric equivalents.
plete and balanced must bear this statement
without exception. Country of Origin
By US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Feeding Directions regulations (enforceable by FDA), the labels
All complete and balanced dog and cat foods of all imported products must bear a country-­
(including some treat products) must bear of-­origin statement, for example “Made in
quantitative feeding directions, at minimum [Country]” or “Product of [Country].” However,
“Feed ___ per ___pounds daily.” AAFCO does if the imported materials are materially trans-
not stipulate the means by which feeding formed within the USA by mixing with other
directions are determined, however. ingredients and/or further processing (i.e.
Although not explicitly called out in the more than simply cleaned or repackaged),
AAFCO model regulations, nutritional supple- labels are not required to declare country of
ments and value-­added treats/toppers (those origin regardless of the origin of the compo-
with added vitamins or other trace nutrients, nent ingredients.
but not complete and balanced) generally need “Made in USA” or similar statements on
sufficient directions on the label to provide domestically manufactured product labels are
for safe and appropriate feeding. On the other not required by law. However, when such
hand, words such as “feed as a snack or claims do appear on the label, FTC guidance
reward” may be sufficient for those treats requires that “all or virtually all” the ingredi-
where explicit quantitative directions are not ents must be of US origin as well. For products
deemed to be necessary. that do not meet that burden, the claim must
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­US Regulatio  77

be further qualified to adequately inform contains synthetic additives would invalidate

the consumer of the presence of more than the claim. However, an exception is made in the
negligible foreign content, e.g. “Made in case of added trace nutrients. In that case, the
USA with ___from ___,” “Made in USA from presence of these chemically synthetic compo-
domestic and imported ingredients.” nents must be disclaimed, for example “natural
with added vitamins.”
Essentially, most macroingredients are “nat-
Labeling Claims
ural” as AAFCO defines it, so the term largely
Where space permits on the label, manufactur- indicates the absence of artificial preserva-
ers will often include “romance copy,” which tives, flavors, or colors. In fact, some preserva-
may incorporate claims extolling the benefits of tives of natural origin are not as effective as
the product, its ingredients, nutrient content, synthetic antioxidants (Gross et al. 1994),
or other qualities of the food. Only a few regu- which has practical impacts. For example,
lations address specific claims. However, under degraded fats as a result of poor preservation
the general provisions of the law all copy on the may impact palatability and affect the degree
label must be truthful and not ­misleading or of oxidative stress on the animal.
the product may face enforcement action.
Negative Claims
Descriptive Terms There are no applicable regulations with
AAFCO requires that a dog or cat food labeled respect to claims regarding the absence of an
as “lite,” “low calorie,” or by words of similar ingredient or class of ingredients, such as
intent should not exceed specified calorie lim- “made without chicken” or “grain free.” As
its, depending on species and moisture con- generally interpreted by regulators, the claim
tent. For example, a “low calorie” dry dog food most often indicates the lack of intentional
cannot exceed 3100 kcal ME/kg as is, whereas addition of the ingredient(s) to the food.
a canned cat food must contain no more than However, as a practical matter, in the typical
950 kcal ME/kg as is. Products that fail to meet course of manufacturing there is a significant
that restriction may still make a comparative chance of cross-­contact with these unwanted
claim, e.g. “XX% less calories than [product of ingredients due to shared equipment during
comparison].” transport, storage, and manufacturing.
Similar AAFCO rules are in place for claims Hence, trace amounts of these presumably
such as “low” or “less fat.” In those cases a excluded ingredients may remain in the final
maximum percentage crude fat, in addition to product.
the mandatory minimum percentage, must
appear in the guaranteed analysis. “Low carb” “Human-­Grade” Claims
claims are not allowed by AAFCO, but a com- A conflict in authority between FDA and
parative claim for carbohydrate content can be USDA has made substantiation of the veracity
made provided that maximum percentage of “human-­grade” claims difficult over the
guarantees for both dietary starch and sugars years. Under USDA regulations, meat and
appear on the label. poultry products that have not been subject
to FSIS inspection and deemed suitable for
“Natural” Claims human consumption are “inedible” by defini-
As per AAFCO, all ingredients in a “natural” pet tion. Further, FSIS will not and does not
food must be of natural origin (plant, animal, or inspect pet products (with a minor exception
mined sources only). Certain processing is for “certified” animal foods under regula-
allowed (e.g. physical or heat processing, fer- tions that are rarely if ever employed). As a
mentation), but any ingredient or component result, essentially all pet foods containing
that is derived by chemically synthetic means or meat and poultry cannot meet the human
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78 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

edible standard, even if the component meat the product indicate or imply an intent to offer
and poultry ingredients have passed FSIS it as a drug.
inspection. The regulatory category into which a sub-
To help remedy this conundrum, AAFCO stance is placed affects its requirements for
has been working with another facet of USDA legal distribution. A drug is held to a higher
(the Agricultural Marketing Service, AMS) to standard and with only a few exceptions must
establish a means by which pet food compa- be proven by the manufacturer to be safe and
nies are voluntarily inspected/audited by the effective for its intended use prior to market-
AMS to ensure conformance with AAFCO’s ing. On the other hand, foods do not require
standard for “human grade.” Essentially, under pre-­market clearance from FDA. Because the
the standard all ingredients going into the pet food product bearing a drug claim was not
food must be suitable for human consumption, approved by FDA as a drug, the food becomes
and the final pet product must be produced subject to enforcement action as an “adulter-
in a facility that is appropriately licensed to ated drug” under FDA law.
manufacture human food (under either FDA For example, a perfectly acceptable feed
or USDA authority). As a result, in addition ingredient, such as calcium carbonate, may be
to the need to meet specified processes and safely added to a pet food for its nutritive value.
practices, many ingredients commonly used in A claim to “help support healthy bone growth
pet food formulations (e.g. meat and poultry and development in puppies” is within the
meals, byproducts) are not allowed. However, realm of acceptable food claims, as that is the
a “human-­grade” designation is not necessarily recognized nutritional function of calcium.
indicative of higher standards for quality or However, a promise to “cure bone deforma-
nutritional value. tions” is a drug claim. Similarly, ginger may be
added to a pet food for flavor, but not to “soothe
Drug Claims upset tummies.” Even a claim to “boost” func-
Perhaps the claims of greatest concern to regu- tion or “increase health” of a body structure
lators are “drug claims.” Under the law, the dis- (as opposed to “maintain” or “support health”)
tinction between a “food” and a “drug” largely may be an implied drug claim and potentially
depends on what claims are associated with actionable.
the product; that is, for what purpose the prod-
uct is intended by the manufacturer or distrib- Supplements
utor. While the statutory definition of “food” is It is estimated that from 10% to 33% of the
admittedly vague, a precedent-­setting court companion animals (dogs, cats, and horses) in
ruling established a “common-­sense” defini- the USA receive a daily dietary supplement,
tion, as an item consumed “primarily for taste, with approximately 90% of practicing veteri-
aroma, or nutritive value” (NutriLab, Inc. v. narians dispensing supplements in their prac-
Schweiker, 713F.2d 335 (7th circa 1983)). tice (Freeman et al. 2006; Bookout and
On the other hand, the statutory definition Khachatoorian 2007; NRC 2009). Historically,
of a “drug” includes any article intended to use of supplements was mostly limited to
treat or prevent disease or to affect the struc- essential dietary nutrients such as vitamins
ture or function of the body in a manner dis- and minerals, generally meant to augment or
tinct from the provision of qualities normally balance a poor-­quality, incomplete, or other-
ascribed to food, such as nutritive value. As a wise inadequate diet. Even with the advent of
result, any product, even one containing only “complete and balanced” pet foods (circa the
common food ingredients, can be subject to 1960s), sales of dietary supplements contin-
regulation as a drug under the law if the claims ued. However, it was not until recent decades
associated with the commercial distribution of that greatly increased numbers and types of
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­US Regulatio  79

dietary supplements for animals have been organization representing many manufactur-
available. This followed a similar increase in ers of pet supplement products, has developed
the availability of human dietary supplements its own system of oversight that has helped
following passage of the Dietary Supplement alienate many concerns of regulators. For
Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). example, to help address safety of products,
Briefly, DSHEA dramatically impacted the members of NASC are subject to audits and
regulatory framework under which dietary must participate in a mandatory adverse event
supplements may be distributed in the reporting system.
USA. Under FFDCA, a food ingredient has to For non-­nutritive supplements, NASC has
be explicitly or implicitly GRAS or approved as coined a new term that is not in the regulatory
a food additive, or the product containing it lexicon: “dosage form animal health product.”
may be subject to regulation as an adulterated From a regulatory perspective, these products
food. However, DSHEA changed FFDCA to are generally afforded informal status as
allow for a broad use of substances in dietary “unapproved drugs of low regulatory priority”
supplements not normally acceptable for use by CVM, which allows for federal oversight
in foods in conventional form. Thus, in addi- and requires that certain conditions be met,
tion to vitamins, minerals, and so on, supple- albeit much less than is required for approved
ments may now contain herbs and botanicals, drugs. Assuming that the product is not repre-
metabolites, antioxidants, chondroprotective sented as a food, these products escape scru-
agents, and many other substances. Further, tiny by state feed control officials. However,
DSHEA provides for claims relating to effect they are still required to be registered in those
on the structure or function of the body beyond few states that enforce “animal remedy” laws.
recognized nutritional precepts. These would NASC has also developed a labeling format
normally be construed as “drug claims” if for pet supplements that do not meet FFDCA
made for food in general. as a food so that they are distinct from the
Importantly, DSHEA was never intended for, ­labeling required by FDA/AAFCO for
nor does it apply to, animal products (FDA 1996). ­nutritional supplements (Bookout and
Rather, the aforementioned restrictions on Khachatoorian 2007). Examples of how labels
ingredients and claims for foods in general are of products in these two categories differ are
still enforceable when it comes to pet supple- shown in Figures 5.1 and 5.2. Realizing that
ments. Nutritional supplements for pets must the non-­nutritive supplements are not subject
meet the FDA and AAFCO regulations like to the same regulatory scrutiny as either nutri-
any other animal feed. However, many other tional supplements or approved drugs, it is
pet supplement products that contain other prudent for the practitioner to consider the
substances simply do not wholly meet these type of supplement when evaluating the
requirements. Non-­nutritive supplements may ­product (see Sidebar 5.1).
contain substances for which safety and utility
have not been established, or their labels may Therapeutic Pet Foods
bear poorly supported if not totally unsubstan- Fundamentally, therapeutic dog and cat foods
tiated claims. are “drugs” under FFDCA. They do not con-
Why is this allowed? In play at many times, tain drugs as the term is typically contemplated
especially in the case of pet supplements, is the by the public, but rather are intentionally
concept of “enforcement discretion.” This is ­formulated to exert an effect on a disease
when a recognized violation is overlooked by or condition by virtue of manipulation of
regulators under certain conditions, either common feedstuffs to alter nutrient content
because it is of relatively low priority or to pro- (e.g. controlled protein/phosphorus for man-
vide for uniform enforcement. NASC, a trade agement of chronic kidney disease). Still,
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80 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

Dicalcium Phosphate, Tapioca Starch, Magnesium Oxide, Natural
Beef Flavor, Zinc Amino Acid Complex, Thiamine Mononitrate,
Melanie's 5H Formulas Caramel (color), Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin A Palmitate, Copper
Proteinate, dl-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate. Riboflavin, Citric Acid
(preservative), Cholecalciferol, Vitamin B12 Supplement.
For Happy, Healthy, Hale 'n' Hearty Hounds
Guaranteed Analysis Calorie Content ME
Moisture (max)..................... 2% (calculated)
Calcium (min)…….............. 15% 928 kcal/kg
Phosphorus (min)….....… 13.5% 20 kcal/tsp
Magnesium (min)............... 1.2%
Copper (min)................45 mg/kg Feeding Directions
Zinc (min)………....... 210 mg/kg 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds
Vitamin A (min).........6500 IU/kg body weight daily, mixed
Vitamin D3 (min)..........479 IU/kg with food. Double daily
Vitamin E (min)...........260 IU/kg amount for puppies and
Thiamine (min).......... 150 mg/kg nursing mothers.
Healthy Bones & Teeth Formula Riboflavin (min)........... 70 mg/kg
Vitamin B12 (min).......015 mg/kg
Beef-flavored vitamin and mineral
Contact Us!
supplement for dogs and puppies Distributed by Melanie's 5H Formulas, San Angeles, CA 90298
Toll free: 800-555-4959
Net wt 15 oz (425 g)
See Best Before date on bottom of container

Figure 5.1 Example of a label for a nutritional supplement in conformance with AAFCO Model
Regulations for Pet Food and Specialty Pet Food.

Product Facts

Melanie's 5H Formulas Glucosamine HCl (shellfish)

Chondroitin Sulfate (poultry)
375 mg
200 mg
Proprietary Blend (Ginger Root, Boswellia,
For Happy, Healthy, Hale 'n' Hearty Hounds 75 mg
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 20 mg
Magnesium (as Magnesium Citrate) 5 mg
INACTVE INGREDIENTS: Tapioca Starch, Natural Beef Flavor,
Caramel (color), Silicon Dioxide, Citric Acid (preservative).
CAUTIONS: Safe use in pregnant or nursing animals has not been
proven. If lameness worsens, discontinue use and contact your
veterinarian. Administer during or after the animal has eaten to
reduce incidence of gastrointestinal upset.
Advanced Hip & Joint Formula DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Give 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds body
weight daily for initial loading dose (3-4 weeks). For maintenance,
give 1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds daily. Double doses above for
Beef Flavor puppies.
for dogs and puppies WARNINGS: For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children
and pets. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health
professional immediately.
CONTACT US! Distributed by Melanie's 5H Formulas, San Angeles,
Net wt 15 oz (425 g) CA 90298 Toll free: 800-555-4959

See Best Before date on bottom of container

Figure 5.2 Example of a label for a non-­nutritive supplement in the format developed by the National
Animal Supplement Council.

because these foods are expressly intended for In recognition of these products’ potential
the treatment, prevention, or mitigation of dis- value to the practice of veterinary medicine,
ease, they can be construed to be unapproved regulators generally have exercised enforce-
drugs under the law and theoretically subject ment discretion with regard to them.
to enforcement action. Historically, oversight of therapeutic diets has
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­US Regulatio  81

Sidebar 5.1 Use of Foods and Supplements in Practice

As with all elements of practice, veterinari- The veterinarian should establish a sound
ans may be legally or ethically liable for rationale for use of a food or supplement
adverse events that may stem from using, before it is administered to the patient.
dispensing, or recommending foods or sup- Principles underlying therapeutic use of
plements for their patients. Depending on some supplements, such as herbs, may
the exact wording of the state’s veterinary diverge from conventional veterinary prac-
practice act under which the veterinarian tice (Ramey 2007). For example, a vague indi-
practices, use of these products may or may cation for use, such as “to detoxify the liver,”
not be considered a component of recog- may or may not mean the product is appropri-
nized veterinary practice, hence this may ate for all cases of hepatic disease, and in fact
impact how a claim against a veterinarian is it may be contraindicated for some animals.
handled (Scoggins 1998). Thus, it behooves Recommendations or opinions from qualified
the veterinarian to critically evaluate the experts and published papers in peer-­
merits of a product prior to use and closely reviewed journals may be more reliable than
monitor outcomes, particularly for those those from self-­proclaimed authorities on the
products that do not wholly meet regulatory internet or elsewhere. Potential conflicts of
requirements for their intended uses (e.g. interest, such as the proponent’s financial
therapeutic pet foods and non-­nutritive sup- connection to the company that markets the
plements) (see Table 5.1). product, also should be considered.
The decision by the veterinarian to use a
food or supplement to address a particular
Table 5.1 Steps and key considerations disease or condition should demand ample
for assessment of veterinary food and supplement scientific evidence to show that it is both effi-
cacious and safe for its intended use. As indi-
cated earlier, current regulatory policies do
Step Key considerations
not require that data to support use of thera-
peutic pet foods be submitted to a regulatory
Assess need Sound basis for use
Reliable source of authority prior to distribution. Similarly, sup-
recommendation plements that fall out of the regulatory rubric
Accurate diagnosis for foods most often are not critically evalu-
ated by FDA or state feed control officials. The
Assess supportive Manufacturer studies
data manufacturer may cite studies to support use
Literature search of the product in advertising or on its web-
Ranking of study strengths site. Practitioners should not be shy in asking
Assess commercial Regulatory status (food or
the manufacturer for access to the studies
source drug?) cited. In addition, the veterinarian should
Human vs. animal seek other sources of information for assur-
supplement ances of appropriate use, including the scien-
Company history/ tific and medical literature.
The regulatory category under which the
Assess outcomes Keep consistent, commercial supplement is marketed may
searchable records offer valuable insight to the veterinarian. An
Periodically evaluate
animal supplement product that is not
labeled in accordance with AAFCO/FDA
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82 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

requirements for pet foods most likely has not Because a clinical or adverse response to a
been subject to scrutiny by CVM or state feed dietary supplement may not be as speedy or
control officials. It may contain ingredients apparent as that to an approved drug, a prod-
that have not been duly evaluated for safety uct may have to be used on multiple patients
and utility for its intended use. Also, claims for over an extended period before a valid assess-
benefits that go beyond the provision of ment of the outcomes can be conducted. As a
nutrients to help maintain or support healthy fundamental component of the practice of
structure or function of the body should be evidence-­ based medicine, procedures to
suspect, as their veracity most likely has not appropriately record clinical outcomes for later
been verified by an authoritative body. evaluation are detailed elsewhere (Faunt
Finally, in choosing a food or supplement et al. 2007). Briefly, computerized records are
for use in practice, the manufacturer’s history preferred, in that they allow for easier search
and reputation should be considered. Is the and capture of relevant clinical outcome
brand widely known? Is the company willing information. Consistent use of standardized
to answer questions? Does it freely provide nomenclature in records helps ensure that all
technical information on its products, manu- sought data are found. Establishing “best prac-
facturing controls, or other areas of concern? tice” treatment protocols that are followed by
Have colleagues had experience with the everyone in the practice enables outcome data
product or company? For therapeutic diets, for all patients to be compared equally.
does the company conform to CVM/AAFCO Once appropriate data on outcomes are
guidance (or, for example, does it sell outside collected, a systematic evaluation can be
the veterinarian–client–patient relation- revealing. Obviously, finding evidence of clin-
ship)? The veterinarian should proceed only ical improvement in the majority of patients
when comfortable with the answers. compared to similar treatment without the
If the practitioner proceeds to use the supplement suggests that continued use of
product on patients, careful observation of the supplement may be warranted. Just as
the response of animals, positively or nega- importantly, a pattern of adverse effects may
tively, to administration is paramount to the be discerned by comparing outcomes of
decision of whether or not to continue using treatments with or without the supplement.
it in other clinical cases. Ideally, the supple- Adverse effects may include direct toxic
ment, and only the supplement, would be the effects, allergic reactions, or interactions with
sole treatment, so that the effects of other other drugs or treatments (Ramey 2007).
modalities would not obscure or interfere Indirect effects – that is, the potential conse-
with the observations. However, in a practical quences of delaying or replacing known
situation this is likely to be the exception effective conventional treatments with die-
rather than the norm. tary supplements – should also be considered.

not been a high regulatory priority. Rather, action (FDA 2016). Recently AAFCO has
CVM has generally allowed therapeutic pet developed very similar guidelines.
foods to remain on the market provided that Under this guidance, mitigation of the risk
manufacturers abided by certain (albeit of enforcement action by CVM or states stipu-
unwritten) conditions. In 2016, FDA formal- lates that the therapeutic pet food must be
ized these conditions with release of guidance made available only through veterinarians or
to identify the circumstances under which the on the order of a veterinarian. While not a
agency is less likely to initiate enforcement “prescription” in the legal sense of the term,
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­European Union Regulatio  83

this stipulation encourages the use of products requirements. So, for example, a chew label
only where a valid veterinarian–client–patient would need an ingredient list, but typically
relationship exists. would not bear a guaranteed analysis or calorie
Further, promotional materials available to content statement. Many products on the
the veterinarian may include discussion of the ­market are labeled by count (e.g. “10 chew
product’s therapeutic intent and provide a sticks”), but a recent decision by the National
rationale for that distinction (i.e. make “drug Conference on Weights and Measures requires
claims”). However, labeling and other materi- that all such products declare contents in terms
als intended for the animal owner, in print or of net weight; that is, numerical count alone is
electronic form, cannot bear any indications of no longer sufficient.
therapeutic use. This discourages diagnoses
and treatment without adequate veterinary Summary
The federal and state regulations pertinent to
In addition, the product must contain only
pet foods sold in the USA are extensive and
acceptable pet food ingredients (no drugs or
complex. They are primarily designed to help
unapproved food additives). Finally, the thera-
ensure safe, wholesome, and properly labeled
peutic diet must be otherwise compliant with
products on the market. For the veterinarian
all labeling and other regulatory requirements
who uses, dispenses, or recommends pet foods
for pet food.
to clients, understanding of and appreciation
Frankly, not all products on the market today
for the regulatory scrutiny these products must
meet all these criteria, particularly with regard
face are helpful in practice. This is particularly
to the inclusion of drug claims in promotional
true in the cases of pet supplements and thera-
materials intended for the consumer. Regardless,
peutic diets.
the most important aspect for the veterinarian
to recognize is that while regulatory bodies do
have the authority to take action against improp- ­European Union Regulation
erly formulated or otherwise unsafe products,
the criteria discussed here do not include pre- Nutritional products targeted at pets have
market review of data sufficient to demonstrate greatly evolved in the last years and continue
safety and utility by an authoritative body. In diversifying to meet the demands for food and
other words, it is left to the practitioner to read complements, which are more and more spe-
the available information, assess its merits cialized. Pet caregivers and veterinarians have
and limitations, and monitor patient outcomes access to a wide range of nutritional products
while using or dispensing the product to the for pets in the market, which are marketed for
client (see Sidebar 5.1). dogs and cats of different breeds, ages, physio-
logic stages, or specific characteristics. In fact,
Dog Chews many advances in human nutrition are adapted
By AAFCO policy, rawhide, pig ears, pizzles, to pet food. It is logical to think that owners
and similarly specified chew products are want to offer to their pets the benefits of these
exempt from state registration and labeling advances in nutrition, as they want to use them
requirements, provided that they are not for themselves.
labeled in a manner that implies nutritive This pet food vision has led to the develop-
value (e.g. “high protein”). Importantly, they ment of many complete feed options for pets,
are still “food” under the law, and so regulators as well as a great variety of supplements or
still can take appropriate action against adul- complementary feeds, which are sometimes
terated or misbranded products. Also, all also intended to manage metabolic diseases
chews must wholly abide by FDA labeling that could be treated with medications.
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84 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

From the legislative point of view, it is ●● Feed (or feedingstuff): any substance or prod-
important to know the limits of nutritional uct, including additives, whether processed,
products with specific claims. Since these partially processed, or unprocessed, intended
products are not medications, they cannot to be used for oral feeding to animals.
include any therapeutic claims. ●● Feed additives: substances, microorganisms,
In fact, the line between some complemen- or preparations, other than feed material
tary feed and veterinary medications is very and premixtures, which are intentionally
thin. Within this section, some references will added to feed or water in order to perform, in
be provided for a better understanding of the particular, one or more of the functions
complexity of this issue, which is directly mentioned in Article 5(3) of EC Regulation
linked to European Union (EU) legislation. No. 1831/2003.
●● Feed intended for particular nutritional pur-
poses: feed that can satisfy a particular nutri-
Definitions, Abbreviations,
tional purpose by virtue of its particular
and Acronyms
composition or method of manufacture,
●● Complementary feed: compound feed that which clearly distinguishes it from ordinary
has a high content of certain substances but feed. Feed intended for particular nutritional
that, by reason of its composition, is suffi- purposes does not include medicated
cient for a daily ration only if used in combi- feedingstuffs.
nation with other feeds. ●● Feed materials: products of vegetable or ani-
●● Complete feed: compound feed that, by rea- mal origin, whose principal purpose is to
son of its composition, is sufficient for a meet animals’ nutritional needs, in their
daily ration. natural state, fresh or preserved, and prod-
●● Compound feed: a mixture of at least two ucts derived from the industrial processing
feed materials, whether or not containing thereof, and organic or inorganic substances,
feed additives, for oral animal feeding in the whether or not containing feed additives,
form of complete or complementary feed. which are intended for use in oral animal
●● Daily ration: the average total quantity of feeding either directly as such, or after pro-
feedingstuffs, calculated on a moisture con- cessing, or in the preparation of compound
tent of 12%, required daily by an animal of a feed, or as a carrier of premixtures.
given species, age category, and yield to sat- ●● Mineral feed: complementary feed contain-
isfy all its needs. ing at least 40% crude ash.
●● EFSA: European Food Safety Authority. ●● Non-­food-­producing animals: any animal
A European agency funded by the EU that that is fed, bred, or kept but that is not used
operates independently of the European for human consumption, such as fur ani-
­legislative and executive institutions mals, pets, and animals kept in laboratories,
(Commission, Council, Parliament) and zoos, or circuses.
EU Member States. Its main function is to ●● Particular nutritional purpose or PARNUT:
provide independent nonbinding scientific the purpose of meeting the specific nutri-
advice (including advice on nutrition and tional needs of animals whose process of
animal feed) to policymakers to promote assimilation, absorption, or metabolism is,
safety within the food chain. or could be, temporarily or irreversibly
●● FEDIAF: European Pet Food Industry impaired and who can therefore benefit
Federation. FEDIAF is the trade body repre- from the ingestion of feed appropriate to
senting the European pet food industry that their condition.
has developed Nutritional Guidelines and a ●● Pet food: Any product produced by a pet food
Code of Good Labelling Practice for Pet Food. manufacturer, whether processed, partially
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­European Union Regulatio  85

processed, or unprocessed, intended to be feed, should be consulted. According to this

ingested by pet animals after placing on the regulation, “the distinction between feed mate-
market. Regulations sometimes uses “feed” rials, feed additives, and other products such as
or “feedingstuff” as synonyms. veterinary drugs has implications for the condi-
●● Pet or pet animal: any non-­food-­producing tions for the placing of such products on the
animal belonging to species fed, bred, or market. Feed materials are primarily used to
kept, but not normally used for human con- meet animals’ needs, for example for energy,
sumption in the EU. nutrients, minerals, or dietary fibres. They are
●● Placing on the market: the holding of food or usually not chemically well-­defined except for
feed for the purpose of sale, including offer- basic nutritional constituents. Effects which
ing for sale or any other form of transfer, can be justified by scientific assessment and
whether free of charge or not, and the sale, which are exclusive to feed additives or veteri-
distribution, and other forms of transfer nary drugs should be excluded from the objec-
themselves. tive uses of feed materials.”
●● Premixtures: mixtures of feed additives or Regulation (EC) N° 1831/2003 (2003) on
mixtures of one or more feed additives with additives for use in animal nutrition estab-
feed materials or water used as carriers, not lishes the conditions for feed additives and
intended for direct feeding to animals. their mixtures, called premixtures, in order for
●● OJEU: Official Journal of the European them to be used in animal feed. It also defines
Union. This is the publication in which all the process of requesting and authorizing the
tenders from the public sector that are valued marketing of feed additives. This process is
above a certain financial threshold, accord- very complex and requires extensive documen-
ing to EU legislation, must be published. tation, as well as effectiveness and safety stud-
ies, so that the feed additive can be authorized.
On the other hand, and to guarantee the con-
General Pet Food Regulations
ditions of manufacture of all products intended
European food and feed legislation is based on for animal feed, Regulation (EC) N° 183/2005
Regulation (EC) N°178/2002 (2002), which (2005) lays down the requirements for feed
lays down the general principles and require- hygiene. Other legislation establishes specific
ments of food law. In 2002, and after a serious regulations for the use of products of animal
crisis due to bovine spongiform encephalopa- origin, undesirable substances, and feed mate-
thy (BSE, or “mad cow disease”), a new regula- rials that can be used for animal feed. It is
tion was needed. Within the context of food important to note Regulation (EU) N° 2020/354
law, it was appropriate to include requirements (2020), which establishes a list of intended
for production and use of feed intended for uses of animal feedingstuffs for particular
food-­producing animals, and expanding later nutritional purposes and regulates comple-
to encompass all animals, including pets. mentary pet food, colloquially called “dietary
EFSA offers scientific advice in the areas supplements”
that influence the safety of food and feed. The aforementioned framework legislation
Among other functions, it must evaluate the (Figure 5.3) is only part of the many regula-
additives used in the feeding of animals, and tions, perhaps hundreds, that can affect the
the proposals of new particular nutritional production and marketing of pet food in the
purposes (dietary supplements), and it offers EU. In addition, these regulations are subject
assessment of food risks. to continuous review, as they must adapt to sci-
To better understand how different types of entific and technological advances.
food are classified, Regulation (EC) N° 767/2009 It is important to note that the term “food” is
(2009), on the placing on the market and use of always dedicated to products intended for
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86 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

R 178/2002 Food Safety

2002 Directive 2002/32/CE Undesirable Substances

R 1829-1830/2003 GMOs
R 1831/2003 Feed Additives

2005 R 183/2005 Feed Hygiene

2009 R 767/2009 Labelling Feed Compound and Feed Material

2011 R 142/2011 Animal by-products (SANDACH)

2013 R 68/2013 Catalogue of Feed Materials

2020 R 2020/354 Feedingstuffs for Particular Nutritional Purposes

Figure 5.3 EU framework legislation chronologically ordered.

human consumption and the only exception is ●● Complementary pet food, which has a high
for pets, where the term “pet food” instead of content of certain substances but which, by
“feed” has been legally accepted precisely to reason of its composition, is sufficient for a
recognize the social perception of proximity of daily ration only if used in combination with
pets to the environment of humans. another pet food.
As a general principle, a substance that is
Complementary pet foods are very diverse,
intended for animal feed is a feed material or a
with different uses and covering a wide range
feed additive, no other options. Feed material
of products that include the following:
mixtures with or without feed additives result
in compound feeds, while mixtures of feed ●● Products intended to be mixed with other
additives, which can also contain feed materi- food components. They are often mixed at
als as a carrier, are premixtures. Obviously, this home, in varying proportions, to form a com-
is a simple approach that can be greatly com- plete diet for pets. They provide considerable
plicated depending on the nature of the prod- energy content and also macronutrients
ucts, their use, and the influence of other such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc.
regulations. The European legislation is ●● Treats and snacks that are normally given
extremely complex and pet food is a highly during training. These products can have a
regulated product to achieve the highest stand- high energy value, but in fact their function is
ards of hygiene, safety, and quality. not strictly nutritional, although it can have
an impact on the daily total energy intake, so
Complementary Pet Food: the instructions for use must be well defined
Composition, Uses, and Labeling so as not to supply excessive amounts.
●● Vitamin and trace element supplements,
The term “compound feed” has been defined
which would also be classified as comple-
as a mixture of at least two feed materials (see
mentary pet food. They are typically mar-
the list of definitions). In turn, a compound
keted to consumers as extra contributions of
feed is divided into:
these components in certain periods (conva-
●● Complete pet food, which, by reason of its lescence, training, etc.) or, less commonly, as
composition, is sufficient for a daily ration. a means to balance a homemade diet. It
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­European Union Regulatio  87

should be noted that these supplements can- Additives (European Commission 2022) can
not exceed certain limits of some vitamins be used.
and trace elements for which the legislation It is important to note that this current ver-
of additives has set a maximum limit on the sion of the register has no legal value, but
daily complete food. should be consulted to check if additives are
●● Mineral pet food or macromineral supple- approved by referring to the authorizing
ments (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, legal act.
etc.). These are often marketed for uses such
as for pets that may require an extra supply
As for food for humans, both functional decla-
of minerals, such as in a decalcification pro-
rations and nutritional claims can be made
cess or other similar problems. To be classi-
(e.g. low in sodium, with high content in
fied as mineral pet food it must contain at
omega-­3, etc.). It is Regulation (EC) N°
least 40% of crude ash.
767/2009 (2009) that establishes that labeling
●● Other products that do not have a significant
and the presentation of feed materials and
energy value but provide some special fea-
compound feed may draw particular attention
tures (fatty acids, amino acids, etc.), which
to the presence or absence of a substance in the
are still marketed as complementary pet
feed, to a specific nutritional characteristic or
food because of the current definition.
process, or to a specific function related to any
of these. The claim should be objective, verifi-
Feed Additives
able by the competent authorities, and under-
Feed additives must be authorized before use
standable by the user of the feed.
and there must be a regulation that sets the char-
When requested by the authorities, the man-
acteristics of the additive and also the conditions
ufacturer or the person responsible for the
of its use: target species, maximum content in
product in the market must demonstrate the
the food in some cases, and other recommenda-
claims that they have indicated on the label
tions. Additives are divided into five categories:
through scientific references or their own stud-
technological, sensory, nutritional, zootechnical,
ies. This may create some distortion in the
and coccidiostats/histomonostats. Each of these
market, since not all operators will use exactly
is included in functional groups that describe
the same criteria to label their products with
the activity and effect that the additive has on
nutritional claims.
the food or on the animal when it is ingested
(Table 5.2). Labeling
It is important to note that all the additives The legislation establishes mandatory mini-
are in the revision phase. Since 2010, the mum declarations on complementary pet
European authorities have been evaluating all food that are very well defined. The label
the additives that already existed in the market must identify the manufacturer, the company
(approximately 1400 additives), in addition responsible for commercialization, the date of
to requests for new products. The practical manufacture and durability of the product, the
consequence is the continuous publication of batch number, and weight or net volume.
regulations that often change their name, iden- The type of feed must always be identified:
tification number, maximum levels, or other “Complementary pet food.” Other products
restrictions on use. For this reason, it is impor- should indicate “complete pet food” if they
tant that the legislation is always consulted, meet daily needs and it can be the only food
directly from the website edited by the the animal consumes.
European Commission. The list of additives is Regarding the declarations of analytical
exclusive; that is to say, only the authorized components, Table 5.3 indicates the values that
additives listed in the Register of Feed must be declared in pet food (complete or
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88 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

Table 5.2 Classification of feed additives: categories and functional groups, as written in current

Additive groups: categories and functional groups

1. Technological additives
a Preservatives Substances or, when applicable, micro-­organisms which
protect feed against deterioration caused by micro-­organisms
or their metabolites
b Antioxidants Substances prolonging the storage life of feedingstuffs and
feed materials by protecting them against deterioration
caused by oxidation
c Emulsifiers Substances that make it possible to form or maintain a
homogeneous mixture of two or more immiscible phases in
d Stabilisers Substances which make it possible to maintain the physico-­
chemical state of feedingstuffs
e Thickeners Substances which increase the viscosity of feedingstuffs
f Gelling agents Substances which give a feedingstuff texture through the
formation of a gel
g Binders Substances which increase the tendency of particles of
feedingstuffs to adhere
h Substances for control of Substances that suppress absorption of radionucleides or
radionucleide contamination promote their excretion
i Anticaking agents Substances that reduce the tendency of individual particles of
a feedingstuff to adhere
j Acidity regulators Substances which adjust the pH of feedingstuffs
k Silage additives Substances, including enzymes or microorganisms, intended
to be incorporated into feed to improve the production of
l Denaturants Substances which, when used for the manufacture of
processed feedingstuffs, allow identification of the origin of
specific food or feed materials
m Substances for reduction of the Substances that can suppress or reduce the absorption,
contamination of feed by promote the excretion of mycotoxins or modify their mode of
mycotoxins action
n Hygiene condition enhancers Substances or, when applicable, microorganisms which
favourably affect the hygienic characteristics of feed by
reducing a specific microbiological contamination
2. Sensory additives
a Colourants Substances that add or restore colour in feedingstuffs
Substances which, when fed to animals, add colours to food
of animal origin
Substances which favourably affect the colour of ornamental
fish or birds
b Flavouring compounds Substances the inclusion of which in feedingstuffs increases
feed smell or palatability
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­European Union Regulatio  89

Table 5.2 (Continued)

Additive groups: categories and functional groups

3. Nutritional additives
a Vitamins, pro-­vitamins, and chemically well-­defined substances having similar effect
b Compounds of trace elements
c Amino acids, their salts and analogs
d Urea and its derivatives
4. Zootechnical additives
a Digestibility enhancers Substances which, when fed to animals, increase the
digestibility of the diet, through action on target feed
b Gut flora stabilisers Microorganisms or other chemically defined substances which,
when fed to animals, have a positive effect on the gut flora
c Substances which favourably Substances which favourably affect the environment, that is
affect the environment to say reduce ammonia or methane
d Other zootechnical additives Substances which favourably affect the performance and
growth of healthy animals
5. Coccidiostats and histomonostats

Table 5.3 Analytical constituents that should be declared.

Feed constituents Target species

Complete feed Crude protein Cats, dogs, and fur animals

Crude fibers Cats, dogs, and fur animals
Crude oils and fats Cats, dogs, and fur animals
Crude ash Cats, dogs, and fur animals
Moisture if >14% Cats, dogs, and fur animals
Complementary Calcium All species
feed – mineral Sodium All species
Phosphorus All species
Complementary Crude protein Cats, dogs, and fur animals
feed – other Crude fibers Cats, dogs, and fur animals
Crude oils and fats Cats, dogs, and fur animals
Crude ash Cats, dogs, and fur animals

complementary) when the target species are If the energy value and/or protein value are
cats, dogs, and fur animals. indicated, such an indication should be in
If amino acids, vitamins, and/or trace ele- accordance with the EU method, if available,
ments are indicated under the heading of ana- or with the respective official national method
lytical constituents, they must be declared, in the Member State where the feed is placed
along with the total amount thereof. on the market, if available.
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90 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

The ingredients that are part of the comple- veterinary medicines. Precisely because of the
mentary feed should be declared indicating the thin separation between one and the other,
name of the feed material or the name of the particular nutritional purposes have been reg-
category to which the feed materials belong, ulated through Regulation (EU) N° 2020/354
for instance “Corn” declared as feed material (2020), establishing a list of intended uses of
or “Cereal grains” declared as category. Both animal feedingstuffs for PARNUTs.
forms of declaration are correct and it is not The list includes the following data:
mandatory to indicate the percentage of inclu-
●● Particular nutritional purpose.
sion in the label. However, the name and per-
●● Essential nutritional characteristics.
centage by weight of a feed material should be
●● Species or category of animals.
indicated if its presence is emphasized on the
●● Labeling declarations.
labeling in words, pictures, or graphics.
●● Recommended length of time.
As for additives, they are notifiable in the
●● Other provisions.
­following cases:
Table 5.4 lists all the PARNUTs that are cur-
●● Additives where a maximum content is set
rently authorized specifically for dogs, cats,
for any kind of target species (e.g. vitamin A,
and horses. Only the PARNUTs, essential
vitamin D).
nutritional characteristics, and species or cate-
●● Additives belonging to the category of
gory of animals as summarized information
“zootechnical additives” (e.g. enzymes or
are included in the table. Given that it is a posi-
tive list, only the products that meet the
●● Additives of the functional groups preserva-
requirements established for any of these pur-
tives, antioxidants, or colorants, where only
poses, already published in the regulations,
the functional group in question needs to be
can be classified as a PARNUT product. Any
other advance or dietary supplement that has
However, a free telephone number or other been proven effective in studies cannot be
appropriate means of communication should labeled and therefore cannot be advertised as a
be indicated on the label of the pet food prod- PARNUT product until it has been requested,
uct in order to allow the purchaser to obtain evaluated by the authorities, and included in
information in addition to the mandatory par- the list.
ticulars on other feed additives contained in A dietary complementary pet food has some
the pet food and feed materials contained special characteristics, so it must contain in
therein that are designated by category. its labeling all the general information of a
complementary pet food that has already
been referenced, plus the additional require-
Dietetic Pet Food
ments established by the list of the PARNUTs
Particular nutritional purposes (PARNUTs), Regulation.
also known as dietetic pet food, define those Usually, the following sentence is stated on
situations in which it is considered that the the label of a dietary supplement: “It is recom-
animal needs a series of nutritional modifica- mended that advice from a veterinarian be
tions to try to prevent or diminish the effects of sought before use and before extending the
certain physiologic states, deficiencies, or period of use.” However, this is not mandatory
imbalances. The use of dietetic pet food is also and consumers can purchase dietetic foods
justified for animals whose metabolism is tem- (complete or complementary) without the
porarily or irreversibly impaired. input of a veterinary professional.
Once again, we are at the limit of nutritional It is important to note that the established
products, almost entering into the field of list may be modified, where appropriate,
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­European Union Regulatio  91

Table 5.4 Particular nutritional purposes that are currently authorized specifically for dogs, cats,
and horses.

Species or
Particular nutritional category of
purpose Essential nutritional characteristics (GP1) animal

Support of renal High-­quality proteins and phosphorus 5 g/kg complete Dogs

function in case of feed with a moisture content of 12% and crude protein
chronic renal 220 g/kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
insufficiency Reduced phosphorus absorption by means of Adult dogs
incorporation of lanthanum carbonate octahydrate
High-­quality proteins and phosphorus 6.5 g/kg complete Cats
feed with a moisture content of 12% and crude protein
320 g/kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
Reduced phosphorus absorption by means of Adult cats
incorporation of lanthanum carbonate octahydrate
High density of energy with more than 8.8 MJ/kg feed Equines
with a moisture content of 12%
Highly digestible and highly palatable sources of starch
Restricted protein level: 106 g crude protein/kg feed with
a moisture content of 12%
Level of sodium: 2 g/100 kg body weight (BW)/d
High level of sum of eicosapentaenoic acid and
docosahexaenoic acid ≥0.2 g/kg BW0.75/d
Reduction of oxalate Low level of calcium, low level of vitamin D, and urine Dogs and cats
stones formation alkalizing properties
Regulation of Total sugars (mono-­and disaccharides) 62 g/kg complete Dogs and cats
glucose supply feed with a moisture content of 12%
(diabetes mellitus)
Reduction of Selected and limited number of protein source(s) Dogs and cats
ingredient and and/or
nutrient intolerances Hydrolyzed protein source(s)
Selected carbohydrate source(s)
Reduction of cystine Urine alkalinizing properties and crude protein 160 g/kg Dogs
stones formation complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
Proteins selected for a limited cystine and cysteine content
(e.g. casein, pea protein, soy protein) and crude protein
220 g/kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
Nutritional Highly digestible ingredients with energy density Dogs
restoration, ≥3520 kcal and crude protein ≥250 g/kg complete feed
convalescence with a moisture content of 12%
Highly digestible ingredients with energy density Cats
≥3520 kcal and crude protein ≥270 g/kg of complete feed
with a moisture content of 12%
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92 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

Table 5.4 (Continued)

Species or
Particular nutritional category of
purpose Essential nutritional characteristics (GP1) animal

Reduction of urate Crude protein 130 g/kg complete feed with a moisture Dogs
stones formation content of 12%
Crude protein 220 g/kg complete feed with a moisture
content of 12% and selected protein sources
Crude protein 317 g/kg complete feed with a moisture Cats
content of 12%
Dissolution of Urine undersaturating properties for struvite Dogs and cats
struvite stones and/or
Urine acidifying properties
Magnesium 1.8 g/kg complete feed with a moisture
content of 12%
Reduction of Complete feed with urine undersaturating or Dogs and cats
struvite stone metastabilizing properties for struvite
recurrence and/or
Diet with urine acidifying properties
Magnesium 1.8 g/kg complete feed with a moisture
content of 12%
Compensation for Highly digestible diet: apparent digestibility of Dogs and cats
maldigestion low-­fiber feed (crude fiber 44 g/kg of complete feed with
a moisture content of 12%): crude protein ≥85%, crude fat
fiber-­enhanced feed (crude fiber >44 g/kg of complete
feed with a moisture content of 12%): crude protein ≥80%,
crude fat ≥80%
Reduction of Highly digestible diet: apparent digestibility of Dogs and cats
intestinal absorptive low-­fiber feed (crude fiber 44 g/kg of complete feed with
disorders a moisture content of 12%): crude protein ≥85%, crude
fat ≥90%
fiber-­enhanced feed (crude fiber >44 g/kg of complete
feed with a moisture content of 12%): crude protein ≥80%,
crude fat ≥80%
Sodium ≥1.8 g/kg of complete feed with a moisture
content of 12%
Potassium ≥5 g/kg of complete feed with a moisture
content of 12%
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­European Union Regulatio  93

Table 5.4 (Continued)

Species or
Particular nutritional category of
purpose Essential nutritional characteristics (GP1) animal

Reduction of acute Increased level of electrolytes: Dogs and cats

intestinal absorptive Sodium ≥1.8%
disorders Potassium ≥0.6%
Highly digestible carbohydrates ≥32%
Support of lipid Fat 110 g/kg complete feed with a moisture content Dogs and cats
metabolism in the of 12%
case of
Support of liver Moderate level of protein: Dogs and cats
function in a case of Crude protein 279 g/kg complete feed with a moisture
chronic liver content of 12% for dogs
insufficiency Crude protein 370 g/kg complete feed with a moisture
content of 12% for cats
Selected protein sources
Recommended dietary protein digestibility ≥85%
Low level of protein but of high-­quality and highly Equines
digestible carbohydrates
Support of heart Restricted level of sodium: Dogs and cats
function in the case Sodium 2.6 g/kg complete feed with a moisture content
of chronic cardiac of 12%
Reduction of Metabolizable energy <3060 kcal/kg complete feed with a Dogs
excessive body moisture content of 12%
weight or
Metabolizable energy <560 kcal/kg complete feed with a
moisture content of 85%
Metabolizable energy <3190 kcal/kg complete feed with a Cats
moisture content of 12%
Metabolizable energy <580 kcal/kg complete feed with a
moisture content of 85%
Support of skin Linoleic acid ≥12.3 g/kg and sum of eicosapentaenoic acid Dogs and cats
function in the case and docosahexaenoic acid ≥2.9 g/kg of complete feed with
of dermatosis and a moisture content of 12%
excessive loss of hair Linoleic acid ≥18.5 g/kg and sum of eicosapentaenoic acid Dogs
and docosahexaenoic acid ≥0.39 g/kg of complete feed
with a moisture content of 12%
Linoleic acid ≥18.5 g/kg and sum of eicosapentaenoic acid Cats
and docosahexaenoic acid ≥0.09 g/kg of complete feed
with a moisture content of 12%

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94 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

Table 5.4 (Continued)

Species or
Particular nutritional category of
purpose Essential nutritional characteristics (GP1) animal

Support of the Total omega-­3 fatty acids ≥29 g/kg and eicosapentaenoic Dogs
metabolism of joints acid ≥3.3 g/kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
in the case of and
osteoarthritis Adequate levels of vitamin E
Total omega-­3 fatty acids ≥10.6 g/kg complete feed with a Cats
moisture content of 12% and docosahexaenoic acid ≥2.5 g/
kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
Increased levels of methionine and manganese
Adequate levels of vitamin E
Reduction of copper Restricted level of copper: copper 8.8 mg/kg complete Dogs
in the liver feed with a moisture content of 12%
Reduction of iodine Restricted level of iodine: iodine 0.26 mg/kg complete Cats
levels in feed in a feed with a moisture content of 12%
case of
Support in stressful 1–3 g trypsin-­hydrolyzed bovine casein/kg complete feed Dogs
situations, which with a moisture content of 12%
will lead to the
reduction of
associated behavior
Support preparation High level of selenium and a minimum content of vitamin Mammals
for estrus and E/kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12% for pigs
reproduction of 50 mg, rabbits of 35 mg, for dogs, cats, mink of 88 mg; a
minimum content of vitamin E/animal/d for ovines of
100 mg, cattle of 300 mg, horses of 1100 mg
High level(s) of vitamins A and/or vitamin D and/or a
minimum content of beta-­carotene of 300 mg/animal/d
The complementary feed may contain selenium and
vitamins A and D in a concentration higher than 100 times
the relevant fixed maximum content in complete feed
Support the High level of zinc Horses,
regeneration of The complementary feed may contain zinc in a ruminants, and
hooves, trotters, and concentration higher than 100 times the relevant fixed pigs
skin maximum content in complete feed
Support weaning Minimum supply via the dietetic feed of selenium: 0.1 mg/ Mammals
kg complete feed with a moisture content of 12%
Support the High level of selenium and a minimum content of 50 mg Equidae
preparation for and vitamin E/kg complete feed with moisture content of 12%
recovery from The complementary feed may contain compounds of
sporting effort selenium in a concentration higher than 100 times the
relevant fixed maximum content in complete feed
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­European Union Regulatio  95

Table 5.4 (Continued)

Species or
Particular nutritional category of
purpose Essential nutritional characteristics (GP1) animal

Compensation of Must contain sodium chloride and should contain Equines

electrolyte loss in potassium chloride.
cases of heavy Low levels of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus
sweating The inclusion of other electrolyte salts is optional
Support of energy Starch and sugar not more than 20% of available energy Equines
metabolism and of Crude fat more than 20% of available energy
the muscle function Minimum of 350 IU vitamin E/kg complete feed with a
in a case of moisture content of 12%
Compensation for Starch content to provide <1 g/kg BW/meal (<0.5 g/kg Equines
chronic digestive BW/meal, if diarrhea present)
disorders of large Cereal grains processed via a hydrothermal treatment,
intestine such as extrusion, micronization, expansion, or flaking, to
improve small intestinal starch digestion
Additional supply of water-­soluble vitamins and adequate
mineral/electrolyte levels
Additional supply of oil if no diarrhea
Compensation for Highly digestible fibers Equines
chronic High-­quality protein sources and lysine >4.3% of crude
insufficiency of protein
small intestinal Total sugar and starch to provide a maximum of 0.5 g/kg
function BW/meal
Cereal grains processed via a hydrothermal treatment,
such as extrusion, micronization, expansion, or flaking, to
improve prececal digestion
Stabilization of the Feed additives of the functional group “Gut flora Animal species
physiologic stabilizer” as referred to in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No for which the
digestion 1831/2003 or, pending the reauthorization procedure as gut flora
referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EC) N° 1831/2003 stabilizer or
(2003), feed additives of the group “microorganisms” microorganism
is authorized

Note: In most cases, the nutrient concentrations are based on a diet with a dry matter energy density of 4000 kcal
metabolizable energy (ME)/kg (calculated using the equation described in the FEDIAF (2019) Nutritional
Guidelines; nutrient values shall be adapted accordingly if the energy density deviates from 4000 kcal ME/kg dry
matter). The exceptions are for “Support of lipid metabolism in the case of hyperlipidaemia” (based on a diet with a
dry matter energy density of 3500 kcal ME/kg) and “Reduction of excessive body weight” where the particular
nutritional purpose defines the recommended maximum ME content. See also FEDIAF (2019) Code of good
labelling practice for pet food for more information.

following developments in scientific and tech- Practical Implications

nical knowledge. Since the list is subject to
European legislation is very extensive and lim-
constant changes or modifications, the current
its the uses to which a product intended for pets
list of European legislation should always be
can be put and the publicity that can be con-
consulted (Regulation (EU) N° 2020/354
tained in its labeling. First of all, it is important
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96 Pet Food and Supplement Regulations: Practical Implications

to emphasize that the word “nutraceutical” must be paid to products labeled “dietetic.”
does not exist in the European legislation, so Only those that meet all the requirements of a
products that are denominated under this gen- PARNUT found on the list in Regulation (EU)
eral name and in a colloquial way in the market N° 2020/354 (2020) can be named and mar-
should always be labeled as complementary pet keted as such.
food, with all the obligations and restrictions The authorities control, in a random way,
that have been detailed in this chapter, or, if the products that are in the market and also, in
they strictly comply with any of the PARNUTs, a specific way, the manufacturers and opera-
may be identified as such in their labeling. This tors that commercialize the products destined
label as a “dietary” product is already entering for animal feeding. But it is evident that they
a field very close to that of veterinary medi- cannot control absolutely everything, for
cines. In fact, it is “recommended,” although which reason it is important to know the regu-
not required, to be used under the supervision lations in order to be able to detect to what
of a veterinarian or a specialist. extent the declarations or advertising of a
It is important that any product that is recom- product are true and rigorous and, if they are
mended or marketed comes from an authorized proven not to be, to consider purchasing other
operator. This is vital in terms of responsibility. products that deserve greater confidence.
Although European regulations are very
broad, certain components such as botanical
extracts or some products used in human food
may not be clearly classified. The person European legislation regulates and controls all
responsible for the product’s compliance with products intended for animal pet food. There is
the regulations is the operator (company) that specific legislation for complementary feeds
appears on the label. and there is also a list that clearly establishes
Complementary pet foods are products that what kind of particular nutritional purposes
are usually sold with great marketing support. can be considered as such because they have
Sometimes, statements that do not strictly been authorized.
comply with the regulations can be found on a The legislation is often modified, both for
label, and frequently it is difficult to know to feed additives, currently under review, and for
what extent there are commercial arguments the list of particular nutritional purposes (die-
on the label that are not well justified. That tary supplements), currently under expansion,
would be the case for “claims” that do not have so it is very important to consult the legislation
to be justified, unless the authorities request to know, at any time, what can be marketed
the manufacturer to do so. Close attention and under what conditions.


AAFCO (2022). Official Publication. Champaign Dzanis, D.A. (2003). Ensuring nutritional
IL: Association of American Feed Control adequacy. In: Petfood Technology
Officials. (ed. J.L. Kvamme and T.D. Phillips), 62–67.
Bookout, W. and Khachatoorian, L.B. (2007). Mt. Morris, IL: Watt Publishing.
Regulation and quality control. In: Veterinary Dzanis, D.A. (2018). Veterinary products. In: An
Herbal Medicine (ed. S.G. Wynn and Overview of FDA Regulated Products (ed.
B.J. Fougère), 99–119. St. Louis, MO: E. Pacifici and S. Bain), 181–198. London:
Mosby. Elsevier.
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 ­Reference 97

European Commission (2022). European union Ramey, D.W. (2007). A skeptical view of herbal
register of feed additives. medicine. In: Veterinary Herbal Medicine
eu/safety/animal-­feed/feed-­additives/ (ed. S.G. Wynn and B.J. Fougère), 121–135.
eu-­register_en (accessed 19 December 2022). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Faunt, K., Lund, E., and Novak, W. (2007). The OJEU, (2002). Regulation (EC) N°178/2002 of
power of practice: harnessing patient 28 January 2002, laying down the general
outcomes for clinical decision making. Vet. principles and requirements of food law,
Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 37 (3): establishing the European Food Safety
521–532. Authority and laying down procedures in
FEDIAF (2019). Code of good labelling practice matters of food safety. OJ L 31, 1. https://
for pet food. eur-­­content/AUTO/
self-­regulation/labelling (accessed 19 ?uri=CELEX:02002R0178-­20220701&
December 2022). qid=1667582302943&rid=1 (accessed
Food and Drug Administration (1996). 19 December 2022).
Inapplicability of the dietary supplement OJEU, (2003). Regulation (EC) N° 1831/2003 of 22
health and education act to animal products. September 2003 on additives for use in animal
Fed. Regist. 61 (78): 17706–17708. nutrition. (Consolidated text). OJ L 268, 29.
Food and Drug Administration (2016). https://eur-­­content/AUTO/
Compliance policy guide Sec. 690.150 Labeling ?uri=CELEX:02003R1831-­20210327&qid=
and marketing of dog and cat food diets 1667582379056&rid=1 (accessed 19
intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or December 2022).
prevent disease. OJEU, (2005). Regulation (EC) N° 183/2005 of
media/83998/download (accessed 19 12 January 2005 laying down requirements for
December 2022). feed hygiene (Consolidated text). OJ L 35, 1.
Freeman, L.M., Abood, S.K., Fascetti, A.J. https://eur-­­content/AUTO/
et al. (2006). Disease prevalence among dogs ?uri=CELEX:02005R0183-­20220128&qid=
and cats in the United States and Australia 1667582414860&rid=1 (accessed 19
and proportions of dogs and cats that December 2022).
receive therapeutic diets or dietary OJEU, (2009). Regulation (EC) N° 767/2009 of
supplements. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 13 July 2009 on the placing on the market and
229 (4): 531–534. use of feed (Consolidated text) OJ L 229, 1.
Government Publishing Office (2020). Title 21 https://eur-­­content/AUTO/
Food and drugs; Subchapter E – Animal, ?uri=CELEX:02009R0767-­20181226&qid=
drugs, feeds and related products, §500–­599. 1667582451006&rid=1 (accessed 19
In: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. December 2022).
Washington, DC: National Archives https:// OJEU, (2020). Regulation (EU) N° 2020/354 of­bin/text-­idx?SID=c8787 4 March 2020 establishing a list of intended
63823816300568cc1852626d0bc&mc=true& uses of animal feedingstuffs for particular
tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title21/21cfrv6_02.tpl#0. nutritional purposes and repealing Directive
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2638S–2642S. veterinary practice. In: Complementary and
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Using Pet Food Labels and Product Guides

Sean J. Delaney and Andrea J. Fascetti

Pet food packaging and supportive product insight into pet food labeling in the United
brochures or guides can be useful to the veteri- States is desired (see for pur-
nary practitioner assessing a food. This chapter chasing information). In the rest of this section
highlights the clinically useful information on pet food labels, the rules that will be covered
available from these materials. apply to those established by AAFCO. Readers
in other countries are encouraged to contact
their local government to identify the rules that
­“Reading” a Pet Food Label apply to their particular region. The second
part of this chapter on using product guides, as
Overview of Regulatory Oversight well as sections on common calculations or
conversions, should still be of use to all readers
Packaging is governed by several groups or
regardless of geography.
bodies (see Chapter 5 for more insight into pet
food regulatory bodies). At the highest level is
the federal or national regulatory body such as
Principal Display Panel or Front
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Display Panel
and US Department of Agriculture (USDA),
followed by more localized governance at the Inherently, all front-­facing portions of pet food
state level. In the United States, most of the labels and packages attempt to communicate
regulation and enforcement of pet food labels the nature of the product and how it should
come at the state level, with state feed control be used, as well as draw the attention of the
officials ensuring that labels are in compliance consumer. From a regulatory perspective, the
with guidelines published in the then-­current main consumer-­facing portion of the label
Official Publication of the Association of must contain only three elements: the product
American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), name, the intended species, and the net quan-
which is generally adopted by state legislatures tity of product within the package. Other
as law. Therefore, most of the rules governing ­elements that might assist with the other goals
a pet food label in the United States, and in of the label, such as company or distributor
many countries that adopt or adapt AAFCO name, endorsements, comparative statements,
guidelines, can be found in AAFCO’s annually or product highlights and images, are optional.
­published Official Publication; the reader is However, anything appearing on the label
encouraged to purchase a copy if further must be both truthful and substantiated.

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­“Reading” a Pet Food Labe 99

Product Name be 3% lamb and 3% rice. This rule does not

The name of the product is strictly regulated, apply to added minerals, vitamins, and trace
and a product that says it consists of 100% of nutrients that may appear in support of a
something must be exclusively that ingredient. food that is stating that it is “natural” (e.g.
This type of product is rare and is almost with- saying “natural pet food with added vitamins,
out exception incomplete and unbalanced, as minerals, and trace nutrients” does not mean,
typically these products are all meat without nor is it required to mean, that the food has
any minerals or vitamins added. Products that 3% vitamins, 3% minerals, and 3% trace
have meat and just enough minerals and vita- nutrients).
mins to be complete and balanced typically fall Finally, the last rule is the flavor rule, which
under the 95% rule. If the 95% rule is used, is the vaguest and simply means that the
then all 95% of the ingredients listed must be food contains a source of the flavor that is
from an animal; therefore, a food labeled as “detectable.”
“95% lamb & rice” would not be allowed, but Therefore, awareness of naming rules can
“95% lamb & beef” would be. It is worth noting help to better understand the potential inclu-
that a little over half of the weight of the fresh sion concentrations of named or highlighted
meat typically found in such canned foods is ingredients and explain, for instance, why a
from water, which counts toward the total largely chicken-­ and corn-­based food could be
inclusion percentage. named “lamb & rice dinner,” or how a pet food
Most pet foods fall under the 25% rule, which company can afford to sell an inexpensive food
states that at least 25% of the food must be made “with Angus beef.” Interestingly, unlike the
up of the indicated ingredients, with the first term “natural,” which is defined by AAFCO,
listed ingredient being the largest among the other commonly used terms like “premium,”
ingredients included in the product’s name. In “super premium,” and “organic” (“organic”
addition, the product name must include a is defined by the USDA National Organic
descriptor such as “dinner,” “formula,” “entrée,” Program) are not defined by AAFCO. Other
or “recipe.” With this rule, “25%” does not need descriptors such as “light,” “lite,” “low calo-
to appear on the packaging, unlike the “100% rie,” “lean,” and “low fat” are defined and have
rule” and “95% rule” where the percentages specific cutoffs as to energy density or fat con-
must generally appear (i.e. higher percentages tent that foods must meet to use these terms,
than 95% could be listed). With the 25% rule, unlike the “­comparative” terms such as “less
plant-­derived ingredients may be included in calories,” “reduced calories,” “less fat,” and
the name. Therefore, “lamb & rice dinner” “reduced fat,” which are only defined by the
could be used and would mean that at least 25% concentrations found in the product that is
of the food is lamb and rice and that the lamb is being compared. Thus, one cannot easily tell
either equal to or greater than the amount of the caloric or fat ­content of a food described
rice in the food (equal, as the company can with a comparative term.
choose which to list first if the inclusion
amount is the same).
Back Panel
There is also a “with” or “3% rule,” which
means that any food “with” a separately iden- The most useful information on a package is
tified ingredient (outside of the ingredient located on the “back panel,” as this is where
declaration) must have at least 3% of the information about nutritional adequacy, ingre-
ingredient (unless followed by the term “fla- dients, nutrient concentrations, the company’s
vor,” as discussed later). Unlike the 25% and contact information, and feeding amounts can
95% rules, this is not an additive rule. Thus, if be found, as well as (at times) calorie content
one says “with lamb and rice” there needs to information.
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100 Using Pet Food Labels and Product Guides

Nutritional Adequacy animal protein source like chicken or chicken

Nutritional adequacy statements indicate for meal. At times, it will also be raised that a
which species and for what life stage the food dried product like “chicken meal” will provide
is appropriate. The term “all life stages” means more chicken protein than chicken, given the
that the food can be fed to gestating or lactat- higher moisture and often higher fat content
ing females, growing animals, and adults. of the fresh ingredient. This is typically true
Adequacy can be established in three ways. for equal inclusion concentrations, but really
The first way is by computer formulation to a is an argument about marketing strategies as
specific nutritional profile established by much as anything else. In addition to listing
AAFCO. The second method is with a feeding ingredients by predominance, ingredients
trial or protocol, where the specific food has must be defined by AAFCO or the FDA to be
been fed to animals in a controlled setting with used and must be the generic name (i.e. no
monitoring following a defined protocol. The brand or trade names). Often the veterinary
last method, which cannot be determined from practitioner will be asked what certain ingre-
the label, is via the “family product rule.” This dient terms mean, like “by-­product” or “meal.”
rule allows foods that are similar in ingredients The reader is encouraged to purchase a copy
and that have been tested to match or exceed of the AAFCO Official Publication for exam-
key nutrient concentrations of another food ples of “by-­products” and “meal” as defined by
that has passed a feeding trial or protocol to the AAFCO (as of 2011):
claim that the unfed “family member” food
9.14 Poultry By-­Products must consist of
passed a feeding trial or protocol for the same
­non-­rendered clean parts of carcasses of
life stage. If a food is not complete and bal-
slaughtered poultry such as heads, feet, vis-
anced, it must be labeled as a treat, snack, or
cera, free from fecal content and foreign
supplement, or state that it is for “intermittent
matter, except in such trace amounts as
and supplemental feeding only.” Unfortunately,
might occur unavoidably in good factory
this statement is very short and often not easily
practice. If the product bears a name descrip-
seen, and in the authors’ experience results in
tive of its kind, the name must correspond
clinical cases of nutritional deficiencies.
thereto. (Proposed 1963, Adopted 1964,
Amended 2000.)
Ingredient Declaration
9.71 Poultry Meal is the dry rendered product
Ingredients used in a food must be listed on
from a combination of clean flesh and skin
the packaging and in descending order of
with or without accompanying bone, derived
inclusion before any cooking or drying takes
from the parts of whole carcasses of poultry
place. Therefore, the first ingredient listed
or a combination thereof, exclusive of feath-
must have the greatest mass of all the ingredi-
ers, heads, feet, and entrails. It shall be suit-
ents in the formula or recipe. At times, compa-
able for use in animal food. If it bears a name
nies will make formulation choices based on
descriptive of its kind, it must correspond
the resulting order of the ingredient declara-
thereto. (Proposed 1988, Adopted 1992.)
tion. The most commonly employed technique
to change the ingredient declaration order is Also, references “to the quality, nature, form,
referred to as “ingredient splitting.” In this or other attributes of an ingredient shall be
method, an ingredient that may be perceived allowed when the designation is not false or
by the consumer as less desirable (such as misleading; [and] the ingredient imparts a dis-
corn) is “fractionated” into different compo- tinctive characteristic to the pet food because it
nents such as corn, corn meal, or corn gluten, possesses that attribute; [and] a reference to
in part so that the individual inclusion con- quality or grade of the ingredient does not
centrations are less than the more desirable appear in the ingredient statement.” Thus, one
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­“Reading” a Pet Food Labe 101

cannot say “USDA Choice beef” in the ingredi- make assumptions on the nutrient values of
ent declaration or list. foods that meet nutritional adequacy via a
feeding trial. This knowledge can be useful to
Nutrient Concentrations or Guaranteed Analysis explain why no complete and balanced over-­
The guaranteed analysis must provide mini- the-­counter food that has been formulated to
mal nutrient information as follows: meet an AAFCO nutrient profile is low enough
in phosphorus for the management of renal
●● minimum percentage of crude protein
disease, as no phosphorus minimum in the
●● minimum percentage of crude fat
AAFCO profiles is low enough.
●● maximum percentage of crude fat (if using
“lean” or “low fat”)
Company’s Contact Information
●● maximum percentage of crude fiber
The company must provide its mailing address,
●● maximum percentage of moisture
although a street address can be omitted if it
Other guarantees must follow in the order is listed in a city directory or phone book.
they appear in the AAFCO profile and, if not Unfortunately, a telephone number is not
listed in the AAFCO profile, must have the dis- required but is very important in the authors’
claimer “not recognized as an essential nutri- opinion, as it enables any information that is
ent by the AAFCO dog [or cat] food nutrient unclear or unavailable on a label to be asked
profiles.” As the reader will note, ash and car- directly.
bohydrate percentages are not required. The
absence of at least one of these two nutrients Feeding Directions or Guidelines
makes calculating the calorie content of a food Feeding guidelines must be provided on pack-
more challenging and less precise, as will be aging and must include at least “feed (weight/
discussed later. All guarantees must be for a unit of product) per (weight only) of dog (or
nutrient, although a frequent exception is for cat),” along with the frequency of the feeding.
“direct-­fed microbials” or probiotics, which are The exception is for veterinary foods, which
currently required to have a guarantee but can state “use only as directed by your
are not nutrients. Also, all guarantees must veterinarian.”
be either a minimum or maximum value, as
­averages or ranges cannot be used. Calorie Content
It should be highlighted that the values listed Only recently have calorie content statements
are minimums or maximums, and although been required on pet food bags, cans, and other
they may closely match the actual amount types of food containers. This information is
in the food, there can be some significant intended to help veterinarians and pet owners
­discrepancies. Therefore, if a particular nutri- determine how much to feed the animal they
ent ­concentration is important, the company are caring for. Long term this mandate may
should be contacted to ascertain the average help reduce overweight and obesity in cats
nutrient concentration. One can quickly deter- and dogs.
mine likely nutrient concentration minimums
based on the nutritional adequacy statement. Estimating Calorie Content
If a food is formulated to meet a nutrient pro- One can use the required guaranteed analysis
file for a particular life stage, nutrient concen- values to determine a food’s calorie content or
trations should be equal to or greater than the energy density. Unfortunately, as mentioned
nutrient profile’s minimums and equal to or earlier, companies are not required to provide
less than the nutrient profile’s maximums. an ash or carbohydrate concentration, and
Since a food can pass a feeding trial without actual values can vary greatly from the mini-
meeting a nutrient profile’s values, one cannot mum and maximum values provided. Thus,
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102 Using Pet Food Labels and Product Guides

the value that is generated is only an estimate desired, the result can be multiplied by 10
(it is also only an estimate if actual concentra- since 10 × 100 g = 1000 g or 1 kg. Written as
tions for protein, fat, and carbohydrate are equations:
known, given the variability of digestibility
Total Calories/100 g food
that can affect the amount of energy these
Calories from protein
three macronutrients provide).
Calories from fat
Step 1: Estimate carbohydrate content Calories from carbohydrate
(this step can be skipped if the carbohydrate
percentage for the food is provided). By Total Calories/kg food
­subtracting the crude protein minimum per- Total Calories/100g food 10
centage (CP %), crude fat minimum percent-
age (CF %), crude fiber maximum percentage A useful estimate for the amount of calories
(Fib %), moisture maximum percentage per 8 fl oz cup is to assume that this volume of
(M %), and ash maximum percentage (A %; food weighs 100 g; therefore, 1 cup of dry food
if not reported, estimate between 2% and is roughly equal to the “Total Calories/100 g
10% using higher values with dry, higher-­ food” value.
protein foods) from 100, one can estimate
the percentage of carbohydrate (CHO %).
Written as an equation: ­Caloric Distribution Calculation
CHO% 100 (CP% CF% Fib% The best method to compare concentrations of
M% A%) protein, fat, and carbohydrate is based on
caloric distribution, which is simply the per-
Step 2: Estimate the calories from the centages of the total calories that come from
macronutrients. By multiplying standard the three macronutrients. This enables direct
energy conversion factors (see Chapter 2; comparisons to be made without concerns
the example uses the modified Atwater fac- about varying moisture or fiber concentra-
tors) by the percentages for the minimum tions, which can vary greatly and impact other
crude protein, minimum crude fat, and cal- units of comparison. To calculate the Calories
culated carbohydrate, one can estimate the from protein, fat, or carbohydrate as deter-
number of Calories coming from protein, mined earlier, one divides one of these values
fat, and carbohydrate. Written as equations: by the Total Calories per 100 g of food and
­multiples by 100. Written as equations:
Calories from protein CP% 3.5 kcal/g
Calories from fat CF% 8.5 kcal/g Percent Calories from protein
(Calories from protein/
Calories from carbohydrate CHO% Total Calories per 100 g food) 100
3.5 kcal/g
Percent Calories from fat
Step 3: Estimate the total calories. By (Calories from fat/
­adding the Calories from protein, fat, and Total Calories per 100 g food) 100
carbohydrate, one can estimate the total Percent Calories from carbohydrate
Calories available in 100 g of food as fed. (Calories from carbohydrate/
The Calories are from 100 g, as the percent- Total Calories per 100 g food) 100
age used for the earlier calculation is the
same as gram of macronutrient per 100 g The three resulting values are referred to as
food as fed. If the amount per kilogram is the caloric distribution. These values are most
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­Using Product Brochures and Guide 103

useful for comparing and determining if a both a dry matter (dm) basis and a per 100 kcal
food is truly lower or higher in a particular or per 1000 kcal or Mcal (energy) basis.
macronutrient. Given their utility, they are Generally, comparing nutrient concentra-
provided in the product guides provided by tions on a dm basis has fallen out of favor,
­manufacturers of veterinary ­therapeutic foods. with the preference being to compare ­nutrients
on a per unit of energy basis. If ­calorie den-
sity is not taken into account, one can derive
­ sing Product Brochures
U the wrong conclusions when ­comparing
and Guides foods based on dry matter alone. Therefore, it
is important to be able to calculate the amount
Product brochures and product guides can be of the nutrient on a per unit of energy basis.
an excellent repository of useful information This can be best illustrated with the example
about foods. They generally provide all the in Box 6.1.
key nutritional information found on packag-
ing, such as the ingredient list and guaran-
Converting Nutrient Concentrations
teed analysis (but generally not the nutritional
to a Dry Matter Basis
adequacy statement), as well as available
sizes and suggested uses along with high- To calculate a food’s content on a dry matter
lighting features and benefits. For veterinary basis, the percent moisture is subtracted from
product guides, indications and contraindica- 100 and then divided by 100, and the resulting
tions are typically provided, as are caloric dis- value is used to divide the “as fed” value of
tributions as well as key nutrients in units interest (units are not important as they do not
beyond those on an as fed basis. Typically, the change with the conversion) to get the dry
nutrients are provided in these guides on ­matter value. For example, for a food with 25%

Box 6.1 Increasing Comparison Accuracy Using an Energy Instead of Dry Matter Basis
If one has a food with 3000 kcal/kg as fed, 1000 kcal × 3.3 mg/kcal = 3300 mg/d
10% moisture, and 1% calcium, and a second or 3.3 g/d
food with 4750 kcal/kg as fed, 10% moisture,
And on the second food, the patient will get
and 1.1% calcium, the practitioner may be
2.316 g calcium per day:
led to believe that their patient is getting
more ­calcium from the second food as it has 1.1% × 1000 g/kg = 11 g calcium/kg
more calcium on a dry matter (DM) basis: 11 g /4750 kcal/kg = 0.0023 g/kcal
1.11% dm versus 1.22% [1/(1 − 0.1) = 1.11%
dm versus the second food with 1.1/ 0.0023 × 1000 = 2.3 g/1000 kcal or 2.3 g/
(1 − 0.1) = 1.22%]. However, patients eat to Mcal or 2.3 mg/kcal
meet their energy requirement (see 1000 kcal × 2.3 mg/kcal = 2300 mg/d
Chapter 2); therefore, let us say the patient or 2.3 g/d
consumes 1000 kcal/day. On the first food,
This means that the patient eating the
the patient will get 3.3 g calcium/day:
second food will consume 30% less calcium
1% × 1000 g/kg = 10 g calcium/kg than on the first food. If the practitioner
10 g /3000 kcal/kg = 0.0033 g/kcal had just looked at the information on a dry
­matter basis, they would have thought that
0.0033 × 1000 = 3.3 g/1000 kcal or 3.3 g/ the patient was getting less calcium with the
Mcal or 3.3 mg/kcal first food.
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104 Using Pet Food Labels and Product Guides

protein as fed and 10% moisture, the equation wishes to convert 50 IU of vitamin A to
and the result would be: ­micrograms of retinol, one can perform this con-
version by knowing that 1 IU vitamin A = 0.3 μg
25% protein as fed / [(100 10) /100] retinol and then canceling units by putting like
25/ 0.9 27.78% protein dm units opposite like units in the numerator or
denominator of equations, as in the following:
Since most dry foods have ~10% moisture
and canned foods ~75% moisture, one can sim- 50 IU vitamin A (0.3 g retinol/
ply divide by 0.9 or 0.25 for dry and canned 1 IU vitamin A) 15/1 15 g retinol
foods, respectively, to convert to a rough esti-
mate of the dry matter value when the mois- In this equation, note how one IU value is a
ture is unknown but the format of the food is. numerator (i.e. 50 IU vitamin A = 50 IU vita-
min A/1, thus the “50 IU” is the numerator)
and one IU value is a denominator (i.e.
Converting Nutrient Concentrations “1 IU”). This enables the units to be canceled,
to an Energy Basis as the numerator and denominator are
To convert or calculate the amount of a nutrient ­multiplied by each other and the numerator
on an energy basis (typically written as “mass/ product is divided by the denominator prod-
1000 kcal” or “mass/Mcal”), one needs to know uct. Other encountered conversions are 40 IU
the kcal/kg amount (see earlier for how to esti- vitamin D3 = 1 μg cholecalciferol; 1 IU
mate this value from the label if unavailable). If ­vitamin E = 1 mg all-­rac-­alpha-­tocopheryl
the nutrient is provided as a percentage, it will acetate; 1 kg = 1000 g; 1 g = 1000 mg; and
need first to be converted to a mass (gram is the 1 mg = 1000 μg. As noted elsewhere in the text
easiest and the most common unit of mass used; (see Chapter 3), 1 Calorie = 4.185 kJ.
other units such as milligram (mg), microgram
(μg), and International Units (IU) do not need to
be converted, as the starting unit will be kept) per
Product Guide Recommendations
kilogram of food on an as fed basis. For example,
for Conditions and Diseases
if the food has 2% calcium, one can divide the With the tools described here to determine a
percentage by 100 and then multiply the result food’s caloric distribution and nutrient amounts
by 1000 to get the grams of calcium per kilogram per megacalorie, the reader should be better
of food as fed. Thus, (2/100) × 1000 = 20 g equipped to make comparisons among foods.
­calcium/kg of food as fed. With the kcal/kg as fed These tools can be best employed to compare
value and the mass of nutrient per kg as fed, one and contrast approaches and recommenda-
simply divides the nutrient mass by the kcal/kg tions for the management and treatment of dif-
value and multiplies the result by 1000. Thus the ferent conditions and diseases as found in
equation for a food with 3000 kcal/kg as fed and veterinary product guides and online (websites
20 g calcium/kg is: can often be more up to date as formulation
changes may occur more frequently than the
(20 g calcium/ 3000 kcal/kg food as fed )
release of brochure/guide reprints). One will
1000 6.67 g calcium peer Mcal
find that for many conditions and ­diseases
there is general agreement about the best strat-
egies for nutritional management. However,
Converting to Other Units
the reader is strongly encouraged to confirm
Occasionally one will encounter other units, that these general recommendations apply to
and the reader is encouraged to use the method the specific needs of particular patients. For
whereby unwanted units are canceled by using others there can be varying philosophies, and
known conversion factors. For example, if one the reader is encouraged to use the remainder
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­Summar 105

of this text to aid them in exploring these ●● The information provided can be used to
approaches and recognizing when and where determine a food’s energy density and caloric
product guide recommendations may vary or distribution, as well as nutrient amounts on
differ. Finally, the authors recommend that vet- a dry matter and energy basis.
erinarians request product guides (paper or ●● Nutrient amounts, ingredient lists, feeding
electronic) from their sales representative for guidelines, and product guide recommenda-
use in their practice. Having product guides tions can all be useful in selecting the best
available, even if their practice does not carry food for patients.
every company’s diets, provides veterinarians
with the ability to compare and contrast prod-
Recommended Resources
ucts. Having access to all the guides permits
access to a wider range of diets, often resulting Official Publication of the Association American
in a better recommendation for the patient. Feed Control Officials, available for purchase at
US Food and Drug Administration, Center
­Summary for Veterinary Medicine websites (as of
August 2022):
●● Packaging and product guides provide­veterinary
required and at times useful nutritional­veterinary/animal-­
information about foods. food-­feeds/pet-­food
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Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

Andrea J. Fascetti and Sean J. Delaney

Both dogs and cats are members of the biologi- aminotransferases and urea cycle enzymes
cal order Carnivora. Scientific observation and renders cats immediately able to metabolize
research support that differences in their and use amino acids for gluconeogenesis and
metabolism and nutritional requirements exist. as an energy source. Additional benefits of this
The differences in nutritional requirements ability are realized in times of starvation; car-
likely correlate with the evolution of these two nivores are better able to immediately main-
species. Nutritionally and metabolically, dogs tain blood glucose concentrations compared to
and other members of Canidae are generally omnivorous species (Morris 2002).
considered omnivores, whereas cats and other There are five other nutrients considered
members of the family Felidae are regarded as essential in feline diets that are not recognized
carnivores. However, there exist nutritional as essential in most other species due to the
and metabolic examples that are not consistent low activities of enzymes in their synthetic
with the view that the cat is a strict carnivore pathways (Table 7.1). Two of these nutrients
and the dog is simply an omnivore. are the amino acids arginine and taurine. The
The only member of the family Felidae low activities of ornithine aminotransferase
whose nutritional requirements have been and pyrroline-­5-­carboxylate result in the mini-
studied extensively is the domestic cat (Felis mal production of citrulline in the gastrointes-
catus). Scientific research has shown that cats tinal tract (Costello et al. 1980; Rogers and
have obligatory requirements for nutrients that Phang 1985). As a result, the cat is completely
are not essential for many other mammals. dependent upon dietary arginine to meet its
The high protein requirement of cats is due to needs for this amino acid (Figure 7.1).
their high requirement for nitrogen. This The endogenous synthesis of taurine is lim-
appears to be because cats have a limited abil- ited by the low activities of cysteine dioxyge-
ity to control the activity of their aminotrans- nase and cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase
ferases and urea cycle enzymes (Rogers (Figure 7.2; Park et al. 1999). The low activity
et al. 1977; Green et al. 2008). Conversely, cats of these enzymes in the synthetic pathway,
are able to control the activity of enzymes in coupled with the low affinity of N acyltrans-
the first irreversible step of essential amino ferase for glycine for bile acid synthesis, results
acid degradation to some extent, explaining in the depletion of body taurine stores.
why they do not have a high requirement for The remaining three nutrients are niacin,
essential amino acids (Rogers and Morris 1980). vitamin A, and vitamin D. The cat has a dietary
The lack of downregulatory control over requirement for niacin and vitamin D because

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat 107

Table 7.1 Idiosyncrasies of the carnivorous cat in comparison to the omnivorous dog and rat.

Cat Dog Rat

Requires arginine? Yes Yes No

Glucokinase activity? No Yes Yes
Makes sufficient taurine? No Yes Yes
Bile acid conjugation Taurine Taurine Taurine or glycine
Converts beta-­carotene to vitamin A? No Yes Yes
Makes vitamin D from skin? No No Yes
Makes niacin? No Yes Yes

glutaminase NH3 OAA a-KG
Glutamate Aspartate

D1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase Pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase

P-5-C Proline oxidase

Ornithine aminotransferase H2O O2

NH3 + HCO3 C~P Ornithine carbamoyltransferase

Figure 7.1 Arginine.


Cysteine desulphydrase
Pyruvate + H2S NH3 Cysteine dioxygenase
(very low activity)

Cysteine aminotransferase Cysteine sulphinic acid

a-KG Cysteine sulphinic

GLU decarboxylase (low activity)

b-Mercaptopyruvate Hypotaurine
sulphurtransferase Bile acid
Pyruvate + H2S Taurine conjugation

Figure 7.2 Taurine.

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108 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

of the high activity of the enzymes picolinic suited to the cat’s metabolism (Morris 2002).
­carboxylase (Sudadolnik et al. 1957; Ikeda Although the nutritional requirements of the
et al. 1965) and 7-­dehydrocholesterol-­Δ7-­ cat differ from those of the dog, scientific find-
­reductase (Morris 1999), respectively, which ings and observations are not fully consistent
results in the degradation of precursors for their with the cat being a strict carnivore and the
synthesis. Vitamin A must be supplied pre-­ dog a simple omnivore.
formed in the diet, presumably because cats
lack or have reduced activity of the enzyme
β,β-­carotene 15,15′–dioxygenase, needed to ­Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat
cleave beta-­carotene (NRC 2006).
Consistent with their classification as obli- Healthy animals normally eat sufficient food
gate carnivores, cats have a reduced number of to satisfy their energy requirements. It is one of
carbohydrate-­metabolizing enzymes com- the jobs of the nutritionist to ensure that all
pared to omnivores. Cats lack glucokinase in other nutrient needs have been met when ani-
their livers (Washizu et al. 1999). However, in mals stop eating because they have met their
contrast to certain other carnivores, and not at energy needs. The greatest metabolic demands
all consistent with the cat being a strict carni- occur during growth, gestation, and lactation,
vore, cats can efficiently digest cooked starch and this is when a marginal diet is most likely
(Morris et al. 1977; Kienzle 1993). to result in nutritional problems. The majority
Nutritionally and metabolically, many con- of commercial pet foods are formulated to
sider the dog an omnivore. However, there are ensure adequate intake of all required nutri-
nutritional and metabolic characteristics that the ents based on energy intake, as long as consid-
dog shares with the cat. One veterinary nutri- eration is given to the manufacturer’s life-­stage
tionist (D. Kronfeld) has suggested the term recommendation.
“adaptive carnivore” when referring to the dog.
In contrast to the cat, and similar to other
How Much to Feed
­omnivores, the dog has the ability to make tau-
rine from the sulfur amino acid precursors Ideally, the amount of food to feed an animal
­methionine and cysteine (Hayes 1988), as well as should be determined based on a diet history
vitamin A from beta-­carotene (Turner 1934). correlated with weight trends (Figure 7.3). Diet
However, unlike many other omnivores and history forms should be obtained and updated
more like the cat, the dog conjugates bile acids for every patient in your practice at every visit.
only with taurine (Haslewood 1964) and Information that should be included in every
­cannot make vitamin D, an animal product diet history form includes the specific product
(How et al. 1994, 1995; NRC 2006). Like cats, name, form (i.e. dry, canned, or semi-­moist),
dogs require a source of dietary arginine to and manufacturer of the pet’s diet, quantita-
­maintain nitrogen balance in adults and puppies tive data on how much the pet is consuming
(Ha et al. 1978; Czarnecki and Baker 1984). The daily, details regarding names and amounts of
dog’s requirement for arginine is less than that of snacks and treats, information about who
the cat but greater than that of the rat (NRC 2006), feeds the pet, and the setting in which the pet
positioning it between carnivores and other consumes its food. It is also a good idea to ask
omnivores nutritionally. how the food is stored and more details regard-
Over time, evolution rendered some of the ing additional animals in the household and
metabolic pathways and enzymes present in potential access to other food sources. In
omnivores redundant in the cat. These pres- instances where owners are home-­preparing
sures likely resulted in changes in biochemical the pet’s meals, detailed information on
pathways and nutritional requirements more the ingredients and supplements as well as
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Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

Figure 7.3 Diet history form. Source: Used with permission from Veterinary Technician Magazine,
January 2008.
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Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

Figure 7.3
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­Feeding the Healthy Dog and Ca  111

Figure 7.3
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112 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

preparation methods should be requested and is only an educated guess (or a starting point)
entered into the record. When the animal is in and that this amount may vary by as much as
an ideal body condition, weight stable, and 50%, particularly for dogs (NRC 2006). The ani-
otherwise healthy, these authors recommend mal’s weight and body condition score should
feeding the amount of food the animal is cur- be monitored frequently and the caloric intake
rently consuming provided that an accurate adjusted accordingly.
and detailed diet history is available.
If the exact number of calories to feed is dif-
ficult to determine with certainty, in some cases ­When and How to Feed
it can be approximated. Although many ani-
mals are fed free choice, owners should still be There are basically three types of feeding regi-
able to provide an estimate of how much food mens that humans use to feed their dog or cat.
the animal receives daily. The estimated num- It is also not uncommon to see more than one
ber of calories currently consumed can then be of these in the same animal.
compared to the required maintenance require-
ments based on calculation. This information
Free-­Choice (Ad Libitum, Self-­Feeding)
should be considered in light of the animal’s
body condition score and any history of recent This approach ensures that there is a surplus of
weight loss or gain when arriving at a final food available at all times, and it is often the
decision regarding the appropriate amount of method of choice for the queen or bitch during
calories to feed. lactation. Ad libitum feeding relies upon the
Determining the amount of calories to feed animal regulating its daily caloric intake. This
becomes more difficult if a diet history is una- type of feeding allows cats to consume small
vailable. Many pet foods provide guidelines on multiple meals throughout the day, closely
the product label, and these can be used as a mimicking their natural feeding behavior
starting point. It is important to understand (Kane et al. 1981). This method of feeding pro-
that these guidelines are limited, however, due vides the least amount of work on behalf of the
to the variation of efficiency of food utilization owner. Free-­choice feeding may be advanta-
among animals and individual differences in geous for animals who tend to consume small
physical activity, metabolism, body condition, multiple meals, or for picky or slow eaters that
and environment. cannot consume enough calories in one meal.
Controlled studies have demonstrated that Furthermore, there may be an advantage con-
energy requirements may vary significantly cerning energy balance due to meal-­induced
among similar animals housed in similar con- energy loss. In a kennel situation, this method
ditions (NRC 2006). Therefore, the calculated helps to minimize the noise associated with
food dosage should be considered as a starting feeding and may relieve boredom. Free-­choice
point that will most likely have to be adjusted. feeding helps to ensure that the subordinate
The authors recommend determining the animals in multiple-­pet households have
­animal’s maintenance energy requirement the opportunity to eat. The disadvantages asso-
(MER) by using the resting energy require- ciated with an ad libitum feeding schedule
ment (RER) equation and then multiplying by include the likelihood of overlooking medical
the factor for the appropriate life stage rather problems, anorexia, or the denial of food to
than using the single MER equation. In subordinate animals when food intake is not
many cases the single MER equation overesti- closely monitored. Most importantly, this style
mates the animal’s energy needs (Lewis and of feeding increases the probability that an ani-
Morris 1987a). However, it is imperative to mal will become overweight. It has been sug-
remember that the calculated amount to feed gested that 30–40% of dogs and cats will overeat
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­When and How to Fee  113

if food is available at all times (NRC 2006). Dry allows the owner to carefully monitor their
food is the only type of pet food that can be fed pet’s food intake. This may ultimately result in
in this manner. Canned food, some semi-­moist a lower probability of the development of obe-
food, and dry food combined with water should sity. This method of feeding also alerts an
not be left out in the environment for extended owner much sooner to any medical problems
periods of time. or anorexia. The biggest disadvantage of
portion-­controlled feeding is that it requires
more of a time commitment and effort on
Time-­Restricted Meal Feeding
behalf of the owner.
Similar to the free-­choice style of feeding, this
method relies upon the animal’s ability to reg-
Snacks and Treats
ulate its daily caloric intake. At meal time a
surplus of food is given, and the pet is allowed One study reported that 56.8% of dogs and
to eat for a set period of time. This form of 26.1% of cats receive a treat at least once daily
feeding is most applicable to dogs but not prac- (Laflamme et al. 2008). Offering a treat or
tical for cats. Most dogs will learn to consume sharing food with one’s pet is an important
their energy requirements in a 5–15-­minute part of the human–animal bond and should be
time period. Proponents of this manner of included in a diet plan for every patient. The
feeding recommend a twice-­a-­day schedule to authors recommend that the energy intake
minimize begging. The major advantages of from snacks or treats not exceed 10% of the
this method are that it does not require much animal’s total daily calories. Intakes above this
effort on behalf of the owner and may be used amount increase the risk of creating a nutri-
with any type of pet food. It also permits some tional imbalance in the animal’s diet. Some
monitoring of the dog’s food intake. This form commercial treats are formulated to support
of feeding may not be appropriate for fastidi- various life stages, so the utilization of such
ous animals that are not able to consume products will reduce that risk. Regardless of
enough food in the allotted time period to meet which approach to treats an owner chooses,
their caloric needs. Meal feeding may also they should be advised to avoid treats that are
encourage gluttony and aerophagia. extremely high in fat. High-­fat treats may
incite gastrointestinal problems or pancreati-
tis in susceptible populations and are very
Portion-­Controlled Feeding
calorie dense, thereby limiting the amount
With portion-­controlled feeding the dog or cat that can be fed daily. Human foods can also be
is given a specific amount of food, often divided used as treats. The US Department of
into two meals per day. This method of feeding Agriculture’s (USDA) FoodData Central data-
is considered by many experts to be the best base ( is a very useful
approach for both dogs and cats in all life resource to determine the calorie content of
stages. The advantage of this method is that it human foods.

Feeding Behavior, Food Preferences, and Finicky Eaters

C. A. Tony Buffington

The feeding behavior of pet dogs and cats is ingredient, or diet aspects of nutrition, for at
an important aspect of clinical nutrition. It least two reasons. First, feeding behavior may
arguably may be even more important to pri- provide a window into the quality of the home
mary care clinicians than the nutrient, environment from the pet’s point of view, and
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114 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

second, we may be able to modify feeding determined for unfamiliar foods by offering
behavior in ways that benefit the health and them as choices. Moreover, in safe environ-
well-­being of the pet. ments, pets tend to be neophilic, preferring
new foods. In threatening environments, how-
Feeding Behavior ever, the situation seems more complex: pets
become more neophobic, eating more of
John Bradshaw reviewed the evolutionary
familiar (“comfort”) foods initially, and less as
basis for domestic cat and dog feeding behav-
the threat potential increases (McMillan 2013;
ior (2006). Cats evolved as solitary hunters
Morton et al. 2014).
(“ambush predators”) of small prey: rodents,
birds, reptiles, and insects. Because individual
Finicky Eaters
prey contains fewer nutrients than a cat’s daily
needs, cats needed to hunt multiple times Finicky or “picky” eaters occasionally cause
each day, whenever prey was available. This concern to their owners. Interestingly, this
diet also resulted in a variety of anatomic and behavior also commonly occurs in children
metabolic adaptations, resulting in cats being (Cole et al. 2017). Some causes of finicky eat-
described as “hypercarnivorous” (Eisert 2011), ing appear to include the pet learning that
although modern cat foods accommodate they can “hold out” for something better by
these adaptations. Cats retain many of their waiting out their owner, and the perception of
predecessor’s feeding behaviors to the present threat (Stella et al. 2011).
time (leading one to question just how “domes-
ticated” they really are; Clutton-­Brock 1999). Some Suggestions
Dogs evolved as social hunters of larger
Most of the pets seen in our community prac-
prey. In contrast to cats, however, their domes-
tice are captive animals that can adapt to a
tication by humans (possibly because of their
wide range of diets and feeding schedules – in
social hunting behavior) and the intense selec-
a sufficiently enriched environment. I recom-
tion pressure that followed has caused many
mend that owners choose diets that accom-
dogs’ feeding behavior to diverge from that of
modate their preferences, and then offer a
their canid ancestors. Some dogs have retained
selection of them to their pet so that it can
the primeval feeding behavior of gorging (con-
express its preferences. Keeping feeding times
suming large meals rapidly), which might pro-
as naturalistic and consistent as possible often
mote excess weight gain if access to food is
benefits confined pets, although the amount
not controlled. Other reasons for gorging in
fed need not be the same at each meal. For
both cats and dogs include high food palata-
example, feeding a larger meal later in the day
bility (the “holy grail” of the pet food industry),
after a play-­about to cats that wake their own-
competition or perception of threat from other
ers up to be fed too early in the morning may
animals (McMillan 2013), and possibly early
be tried, with a smaller morning meal fed
life experiences in food-­limited environments
before the owner leaves for the day. Smaller
(Rinaudo and Wang 2012).
meals in the morning may also result in fewer
“accidents” by crated dogs. For cats fed from a
Food Preferences
bowl, locating the bowl in a safe, quiet place
Like other species, cats and dogs appear to away from machinery that could come on
have individual food preferences, likely the unexpectedly and scare the cat, or where the
result of variable combinations of genetics cat could be startled (or trapped) by other ani-
and experience (Bradshaw 2006). Preferences mals (including humans), helps the cat feel
for (unpredictable) particular smells, tastes, safe while eating. For dogs, feeding in a safe,
and “mouth feels” occur, which can only be uncompetitive situation may be helpful.
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­When and How to Fee  115

Food puzzles are an interesting recent stay around the home to observe the pet’s
development for feeding confined pets. These reaction to the puzzle. For owners concerned
devices offer the opportunity for both physical about leaving food particles around the house,
and mental stimulation. Many examples of the puzzle can be “confined” to a single room
these are available, as an internet search for with an uncarpeted floor (like the kitchen or
“cat (or dog) food puzzles” will reveal. A variety bathroom), or placed in a bathtub or large
of puzzles can be purchased or made for pets, sweater box (for cats) to restrict its access to
and both dry and canned (by freezing it in the the rest of the home. We and others (e.g.
feeder) food can be fed using them. Animals Dantas et al. 2016; Delgado and Dantas 2020)
have an intrinsic drive to eat, so food puzzles have described the health and well-­being
can be a powerful form of environmental benefits of using puzzles rather than bowls to
enrichment for confined pets. deliver food to confined cats and dogs.
I recommend that food puzzles be intro- Feeding can be an enrichment opportunity
duced to pets at mealtime, with a portion of regardless of whether a bowl or feeder is used,
the usual meal in the feeder, which is placed and we can help owners provide environments
next to the usual food source. Owners can their pet(s) can thrive in, which I imagine will
choose to make or purchase a puzzle they like permit many of the current concerns attrib-
from a local pet store or website, and intro- uted to diets to recede into the background –
duce it at mealtime on a day when they can where they belong.

Jerky Treats and Fanconi Syndrome in Dogs

disease. Clinical signs include increased water
Fanconi syndrome is an inherited disease that consumption, increased urination, dehydra-
affects the proximal renal tubule and causes tion, and weight loss. While the signs of Fanconi
abnormalities in sodium, glucose, calcium, syndrome are not specific, one often sees uri-
phosphate, and amino acid resorption, some- nary loss of glucose, phosphate, sodium, potas-
times leading to fatal disturbances in acid–base sium, uric acid, and amino acids.
balance (Bovee et al. 1978). To date, this dis- The US Food and Drug Administration
ease has been described in dogs, but not in cats. (FDA) began releasing statements in 2007 to
Fanconi syndrome is well recognized in basen- caution owners about the potential association
jis and has been seen in other canine breeds of chicken jerky treat consumption and the
with increased frequency, but it may also be development of renal disease and Fanconi
acquired. The mode of inheritance and specific ­syndrome (FDA 2018). As time progressed, the
nature of the hereditary defects have not yet illnesses associated with jerky treats were not
been identified. Amino acid resorption abnor- only confined to chicken, but included other
malities vary from one animal to the next, but animal protein sources. Jerky containing eve-
generally include an increased excretion of rything from duck to sweet potato has also
cystine (cysteine bound to another cysteine via been implicated.
a disulfide bond). Dogs with Fanconi syn- As of the end of 2015, the FDA had received
drome will often resorb as little as 50% of uri- approximately 5200 complaints of illness asso-
nary amino acids compared to unaffected dogs. ciated with consumption of chicken, duck, or
Screening urine for a general aminoaciduria is sweet potato jerky treats (FDA 2018). Many of
one test used to help arrive at a diagnosis. these treats had China as the country of origin.
There are multiple causes of Fanconi syn- The complaints received by the FDA involved
drome, including kidney infection, medications dogs of different breeds, sizes, and ages.
such as antibiotics or chemotherapy, and liver Approximately 60% of the reports were for
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116 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

gastrointestinal signs, with 30% reporting kid- consider three factors: (i) the animal in ques-
ney or urinary tract signs. The remaining 10% tion; (ii) the variety of external factors that may
of complaints reported varied clinical signs influence how and what the animal is fed; and
including convulsions, tremors, hives, and finally (iii) the product itself.
skin irritation. There are many factors related to the animal
As of 2015, the FDA had confirmed 214 dogs that will influence your suggestions. One must
as positive for Fanconi syndrome out of 263 consider not only the animal’s signalment (i.e.
cases. A majority of the dogs testing positive age, species, breed, and sexual status) but its
survived. Their Fanconi syndrome resolved body condition, activity levels, and food or
after the jerky treats were eliminated from the ­texture preferences. It is also helpful to know if
diet. These dogs also received supportive care the animal is a normal or finicky eater.
(FDA 2018). External factors can have a strong influence
Recently an abstract was published hypoth- on your final dietary recommendations for the
esizing that consumption of commercial dried pet. Knowing the owner’s budget can help nar-
meat treats potentially results in excessive row your recommendations to products that
intake of highly available phosphorus, which meet their price range. The diet and how the
can result in disruption of calcium and phos- animal is fed may be influenced by its environ-
phorus homeostasis and adversely impact ment, which includes, but is not limited to, the
renal function (Fleeman et al. 2021). number and type of the animals in the house-
Suspected cases can be further evaluated by hold, where the animal is housed (i.e. indoors
sending a urine sample for quantitative amino versus outdoors), the human inhabitants of
acid analysis, such as the one run by one the house (i.e. a household with small chil-
author (AJF; e.g. UC Davis Amino Acid dren, elderly individuals, or adults only), and
Laboratory) or to a lab that offers testing for the feeding philosophies of the owner. Some
Fanconi syndrome (e.g. Penn Vet PennGen). owners follow a particular dietary philosophy
The mechanism of how jerky treats can lead for themselves (e.g. vegetarian, organic, locally
to Fanconi syndrome in some dogs remains sourced food, etc.) and want to apply that
elusive. Practitioners who suspect Fanconi approach to their animals as well.
syndrome in one of their patients associated After assessing your patient and reviewing
with jerky treat consumption are encouraged the external factors in that animal’s environ-
to contact the FDA to report their case and sug- ment, consideration needs to be given to the
gest that the client stop feeding the jerky treat. product itself. It is important to select a diet
that supports the life stage of the patient that
one is feeding and a lean body condition when
­What to Feed fed an appropriate amount. The authors rec-
ommend feeding foods produced by larger
“What is the best diet for my pet?” is one ques- manufacturers, so that if there is a problem
tion the authors are often asked. The answer is: with a particular diet it will likely be detected
“There is no one diet that is best for every cat or sooner. Strong consideration should be given to
dog. Cats and dogs are individuals, and the best companies that employ animal nutritionists
diet will vary from animal to animal.” That and support research in an effort to continually
being said, it is helpful to clients to provide improve foods and the knowledge about
some guidelines for choosing a diet for their dog and cat nutrition. When making specific
healthy animal, and even more helpful if one ­recommendations, the authors prefer foods
can give them a few specific recommendations. that have undergone and passed feeding
When considering the appropriate response to ­trials in accordance with the guidelines of
this question, it is important that the clinician the Association of American Feed Control
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­Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stage  117

Officials (AAFCO; see Chapter 6). It is unfortu- ­ eeding Guidelines for Different
nate that the current court of public opinion Life Stages
seems to view such feeding trials negatively
and as generally yielding few useful data. This Gestation and Lactation
opinion is often expressed by well-­intentioned
individuals with little understanding of the For mammals, the period of pregnancy puts a
process or dog and cat nutrition. While such significant nutritional demand on both the
trials do have limitations with respect to dam and the fetus. Both mother and offspring
­catching long-­term nutritional problems, all are in a positive energy and nitrogen balance.
life-­stage feeding trials can pick up concerns Given the nutritional demands of this life
before a food is marketed (Q.R. Rogers and stage, it is important that the diet be one that
A.J. Fascetti, personal communication). Many supplies all the energy and nutrients needed to
critics are also unaware of the fact that even meet the maintenance requirements of the
though a product states it is formulated to meet queen or bitch, in addition to supplying all the
an AAFCO nutrient profile, that does not mean energy and nutrients required to support fetal
it will pass a feeding trial for the life stage it is growth and development and milk demands
designed to support. Nonetheless, even many during lactation (Wills 1996).
reputable companies are no longer conducting
feeding trials in an effort to appease their cus- Cats
tomers, so it makes it harder to say that every Queens that are significantly under-­ or over-
food should undergo a feeding trial in order to weight should not be bred until their body con-
recommend it to a client. dition is closer to ideal (5 out of 9 on a 9-­point
The authors are comfortable recommending scale). Malnourished queens are more likely
foods that have not undergone feeding trials not to conceive or to have kittens that are
when they are produced by larger companies underweight and perform poorly during lacta-
that have a long history of making foods and a tion (personal communication, A.J. Fascetti).
good working knowledge of their ingredients. It has been reported that obese cats have a
While not necessarily conducting an official higher incidence of dystocia (Lawler and
AAFCO trial, many of these companies still Monti 1984).
have current knowledge on how their products Weight gain in cats is unlike other mammals
perform by continually feeding their diets to such as humans and dogs, where most weight
dogs and cats in a controlled setting. There is is gained in late pregnancy (Wills 1996). Cats,
less confidence in foods from newer or smaller like pigs, show a different pattern character-
companies that have not conducted any feed- ized by a linear gain throughout pregnancy
ing trials and may not have any historical data that is independent of the number of fetuses
on how their formulations or ingredients per- (Loveridge 1986; Wichert et al. 2009). Energy
form, and/or they may not have maintained intake parallels this linear weight gain. It has
animals for years on their foods. Special con- been estimated that energy requirements
cern is warranted with regard to products that increase approximately 25–50% above mainte-
employ newer feeding approaches, such as raw nance to between 90 and 100 kcal/kg body
food, especially when largely unsupplemented weight/day (Loveridge and Rivers 1989).
with essential minerals and vitamins. Data Just prior to and immediately following par-
from the controlled feeding of these diets are turition, food intake is reduced, but quickly
virtually non-­existent, so pets eating these increases driven by the need for energy to meet
foods are in essence the test animals if the the demands of lactation (Legrand-­Defretin
manufacturer has not tested the food prior to and Munday 1993). Following parturition,
release into the market. approximately 40% of the weight gained during
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118 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

gestation is lost, and by the time the kittens are While supportive studies are lacking, one could
weaned from the queen she should have speculate that malnourished bitches will have
returned to her pre-­breeding weight (Loveridge lower conception rates and perform poorly
and Rivers 1989). However, a recent study during lactation. It has been reported that pup-
found that most queens were heavier than pies born to malnourished dogs have reduced
their breeding weight two weeks following birth weights, are prone to hypoglycemia, and
weaning (Wichert et al. 2009). The retention of have poor survival rates (Schroeder and
some weight allows the queen to maintain a Smith 1994). Bitches that are obese prior to
body fat reserve to use as energy during lacta- breeding have lower ovulation rates, smaller
tion (Wills 1996). This may be because it is dif- litter sizes, and perform poorly during lactation
ficult for the queen to consume enough energy (Bebiak et al. 1987; Debraekeleer et al. 2010).
through her diet alone to meet this demand. Unlike cats, the bitch’s energy requirements
Lactation is considered to be the most will not increase until the last third of gestation.
demanding life stage with regard to energy and In general the average bitch will gain anywhere
nutrient needs. It has been suggested that the from 15% to 25% of her pre-­breeding weight
actual energy and protein requirements of lac- prior to whelping (Legrand-­Defretin and
tating queens may in fact exceed current Munday 1993). Energy requirements for gesta-
National Research Council (NRC) recommen- tion peak anywhere between 30% and 60% of
dations (Wichert et al. 2009). During lactation, the pre-­breeding requirements depending upon
energy demands peak at about the seventh the litter size (Romsos et al. 1981; Debraekeleer
week, although peak milk production typically et al. 2010). Energy requirements continue to
occurs at week 3 (Munday and Earle 1991). increase following whelping and into lactation,
This discrepancy occurs because energy intake peaking at approximately 3–5 weeks. At this
at week 7 not only includes the calories con- point, energy requirements can fall between
sumed by the queen, but also those eaten by two and four times the adult maintenance
the kittens that are consuming a portion of requirement (Ontko and Phillips 1958; Legrand-­
their intake from the queen’s diet at this time Defretin and Munday 1993).
(Munday and Earle 1991). It is recommended that all breeding bitches
Because cats begin to increase their energy be in an ideal body condition prior to concep-
intake shortly after conception, it is recom- tion. A diet designed to support the life stages
mended that queens be fed a diet designed to of gestation and lactation should be selected
support gestation and lactation prior to breed- and started prior to breeding and fed to main-
ing and continue with this food until weaning. tain an ideal body condition. As the need for
The diet should be concentrated in terms of its extra energy and nutrients is relatively small, a
energy density, and be highly digestible and gradual increase in the amount of energy
palatable. Such a diet will assist in meeting the offered can be started during the second half of
queen’s high energy demands without volume gestation. Every animal should be fed on an
restriction. To further assist with this goal, individual basis, but one suggestion is to con-
queens should be fed free choice throughout sider beginning to increase the amount of
these two life stages. Following the weaning of ­calories offered by 10–15% each week around
their kittens, queens can be returned to their the fifth week of gestation until whelping
normal maintenance ration. (Wills 1996). This approach results in an over-
all increase of approximately 40–60% com-
Dogs pared to the food intake at the time of breeding.
Like cats, it has been recommended that dogs In many cases offering two meals per day dur-
be fed a complete and balanced diet and be in ing the last few weeks of gestation is sufficient
an ideal body condition prior to breeding. for the dam to meet her energy needs. However,
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­Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stage  119

some giant-­breed dogs and bitches with large eclampsia, and aid in milk production. This
litters may need to be fed free choice due to vol- practice is not necessary as long as the dam is
ume limitations (Mosier 1977; Debraekeleer consuming a commercial ration designed to
et al. 2010). During lactation, with the excep- support gestation/lactation. In fact, some
tion of when a bitch only has one or two sur- experts feel that excess supplements during
viving puppies, most dogs should be fed free pregnancy may adversely affect skeletal devel-
choice or small, multiple meals throughout the opment, result in fetal deformities or problems
day to allow them to meet their energy needs during growth, and actually increase the likeli-
and produce adequate milk for their offspring. hood of eclampsia (Linde-­Forsberg 2010). The
The amount of calories offered can be reduced higher calcium needs that result during gesta-
as the weaning process is started; this helps tion and lactation are met by increasing energy
reduce the amount of milk the bitch is produc- consumption from a diet that is nutritionally
ing. Once weaning has been completed, the adequate for gestation and lactation.
bitch should be fed the same amount of
­calories as her pre-­breeding intake. Assessment
There is some controversy regarding the Assessment of the suitability of the feeding
need for carbohydrates in diets fed to bitches plan for the queen or bitch should be con-
during gestation and lactation. Romsos et al. ducted routinely throughout gestation and lac-
(1981) reported smaller litter sizes in beagles tation. This is done primarily by observation
fed a diet containing 26% of the calories from and determination of the health and body con-
protein and 74% from fat. A second study fed dition score of the dam. The nutritional ade-
a carbohydrate-­free diet containing 42% of quacy of the mother’s diet will also be reflected
the calories from protein and 58% from fat in the health and vitality of the kittens or pup-
(Kienzle et al. 1985). In that study, litter sizes, pies. Poor or inadequate milk production dur-
birth weights, and puppy survival rates were ing lactation may be reflected in high neonatal
comparable to control dogs consuming a diet mortality rates, poor growth rates, and contin-
with carbohydrates. These data indicate that uous vocalization indicating hunger in the off-
although pregnant and lactating bitches do not spring. If the body condition of the dam drops
require a dietary source of carbohydrate, they below 4–5 out of 9, consideration should be
have an increased protein requirement when a given to adjusting the amount or type of food
carbohydrate-­free diet is fed (NRC 2006). That offered (preferably more energy dense and/or
being said, there are some data to support that more palatable) after other causes of weight
the lactose content of the milk is higher when loss have been eliminated.
a diet containing some carbohydrate is fed
(Kienzle et al. 1985). The recommendations
from that study are that diets for lactation pro-
vide at least 10–20% of the energy from digest- Orphan Kittens and Puppies
ible carbohydrates (Kienzle et al. 1985). Ideally kittens and puppies will be raised une-
ventfully by their mother and weaned to an
Supplementation during Gestation appropriate growth diet. Occasionally they are
and Lactation orphaned and other feeding approaches are
Some breeders regularly supplement their required. If a nursing queen or bitch is availa-
bitch’s or queen’s diet with calcium or calcium-­ ble, it is ideal to try to foster the orphaned off-
containing foods such as cottage cheese spring to that dam. In the event that is not
throughout gestation or lactation. This stems possible, then they will need to be hand-­raised
from the theory that the added minerals will with either tube feeding in very young or debil-
ensure healthy fetal development, prevent itated neonates, or bottle feeding in older and
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120 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

healthier ones. Bottle feeding is safest and easi- hunger, and should be an indication to
est, but can be time consuming, especially if ­re-­evaluate the feeding program.
one is managing a large litter. Tube feeding can
be mastered by most clients with a little train-
Weaning to Adult
ing and is a faster, albeit riskier, method to
deliver nutrition. All kittens and puppies should be encouraged
It is recommended that a commercial milk to start eating the food fed to the dam when
replacer be used, as many home-­prepared for- they are 3–4 weeks of age, regardless of
mulas are not adequate to meet the needs of a whether they were nursed by the dam or hand
growing kitten or puppy. If using a home-­ reared. This diet should be mixed with enough
prepared formulation, it should be reviewed water to form a thick gruel. At weaning, every
and balanced if necessary by a board-certified growing animal should be fed a complete and
veterinary nutritionist® to ensure adequacy for balanced diet designed, and preferably tested,
growth. Cow’s and goat’s milk does not con- for growth or all life stages.
tain as much fat, protein, or calories as milk
from queens and bitches and therefore should Kittens
be avoided (Wills and Morris 1996). Kittens normally weigh between 90 and 110 g
Most commercial formulas contain approxi- at birth and should gain 50–100 g until they are
mately 1 kcal/ml, although there is some varia- 5 or 6 months of age (Wills and Morris 1996).
tion, and dilution with water will reduce the In kittens, excessive growth rates do not invoke
caloric density. Recommendations for feeding the same consequences as in dogs; however,
are variable, but range from 13 to 18 ml/100 g obesity can become a problem. Often kittens
body weight (using a formula with a caloric are fed free choice, so monitoring is essential to
density of approximately 1 kcal/ml) to begin catch and eliminate any excessive weight gain.
with and then gradually increasing as the Kittens should be fed a diet that meets the
orphan gains weight (Gross et al. 2010; nutrient and energy requirements for growth
Hoskins 2010). Every feeding should be fol- or all life stages.
lowed with anogenital stimulation by using a
cotton swab or warm cloth to encourage urina- Puppies
tion and defecation. Puppies should gain between 2 and 4 g/d/kg of
anticipated adult weight for the first
Assessment five months of life (Lewis et al. 1987b). If the
The feeding program should be re-­evaluated dog should weigh 20 kg as an adult, the puppy
frequently by assessing the health, appear- should gain between 40 and 80 g/d. Excessive
ance, and weight gain of the orphans. Weight feeding during growth can lead to obesity and
gain should approximate that of nursing kit- in larger-­breed dogs can result in skeletal prob-
tens and puppies. Nursing kittens gain approx- lems (Hedhammar et al. 1974; Lavelle 1989;
imately 18–20 g/d (Wills and Morris 1996). Kealy et al. 1992). Studies have demonstrated
Nursing puppies gain approximately 1 g of that controlled meal feeding of pups leads to a
body weight per 2–5 g of milk intake during slower growth rate and fewer skeletal prob-
the first five weeks following birth, or 2–4 g/d/ lems, but does not decrease the final mature
kg of anticipated adult weight for the first body size compared to pups fed free choice
five months of their lives (Lewis et al. 1987b; (Hedhammer et al. 1974). Refer to Chapter 10
Debraekeleer et al. 2010). Kittens and puppies for a more extensive discussion of this topic.
should be active and responsive to their envi- “How much should I feed my puppy?” is one
ronment. Chronic vocalization or whimpering of the more challenging questions for the practi-
may be a sign of discomfort or alternatively tioner to answer. In order to address this
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­Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stage  121

question, one should start by getting a complete of the same breed and size (Root 1995; Duch
diet history on the dog, including the name and et al. 1978; Houpt et al. 1979; Flynn et al. 1996;
amount of diet it is currently being fed. The Fettman et al. 1997). This is probably a combi-
nutritional adequacy statement should be nation of physiologic and environmental fac-
checked to ensure that it is appropriate for tors. Owners are generally encouraged to neuter
growth or all life stages and the number of calo- their pets between 6 and 12 months of age. This
ries consumed daily should be calculated. time period corresponds to a natural decrease in
Assuming the puppy is in an ideal body condi- the animal’s growth rate and energy needs. If
tion, the current amount fed is likely appropri- owners are not aware of this change, and con-
ate, and the owners should be instructed tinue to feed their pet the same amount of food,
to continue their feeding regime, increasing excess weight gain will result. Increasing age
food intake gradually as the puppy grows. and a change in sexual status are also associated
Alternatively, one can calculate the number of with a decrease in voluntary physical activity.
calories the dog should be eating using an equa- Recent studies have demonstrated that
tion for growth (see Chapter 3). However, this ­ovariohysterectomy and castration in cats lead
method may significantly under-­ or overesti- to an increase in food intake and weight gain
mate the actual energy requirement (NRC 2006). (Fettman et al. 1997; Martin et al. 2001;
An easier approach to get an estimate is to start Kanchuk et al. 2003; Nguyen et al. 2004).
with the feeding directions from the food the cli- Recently, early-­age neutering (at 8–16 weeks
ent is feeding. Because feeding directions are of age) has become more common. One con-
designed to provide enough calories for all the cern has been the potential of early-­age neu-
dogs receiving a particular diet, there is a ten- tering to influence a pet’s tendency to become
dency for them, at times, to overestimate calorie obese. However, a study evaluating metabolic
needs. Regardless of which approach is chosen, rates and obesity development in cats neu-
both are only an approximation of the dog’s tered at 7 weeks of age, 7 months of age, or left
actual caloric needs and will require frequent intact found no difference between cats neu-
monitoring and adjustment as the puppy grows tered between 7 weeks and 7 months of age
to maintain an ideal body condition. (Root 1995). These results indicate that early-­
Portion-­controlled feeding is recommended age neutering presents the same level of
for puppies in order to prevent obesity and the risk of weight gain as does neutering at the
skeletal developmental disorders that are traditional age of 6–9 months (Root 1995).
linked to overnutrition, especially in large-­ to Given the strong link between weight gain
giant-­breed dogs. Puppies should be fed at least and neutering, it would make sense that this
twice daily, and some may require three or milestone is a good time to discuss the risk of
more meals. Some individuals suggest using a obesity and the opportunity for prevention in
time-­limited feeding approach to assist with the client’s pet. There are several steps that an
housebreaking, but one study reported that owner can take to prevent weight gain in their
some dogs may consume more with this pet following neutering. Changing from an ad
approach than if they were fed free choice (Toll libitum feeding approach to one in which the
et al. 1993). In addition, these dogs gained more food is offered in carefully controlled meals
weight and body fat compared to dogs receiving may prevent weight gain. Alternatively, one
the same diet ad libitum (Toll et al. 1993). can consider feeding a diet with a lower energy
density. A recent study demonstrated a reduc-
Neutering and the Prevention of Weight Gain tion in weight gain in neutered cats that were
in Kittens and Puppies fed a low-­fat, low–energy density diet com-
Multiple studies have shown that intact adult pared to neutered cats fed a higher-­fat and
pets generally weigh less than neutered animals more energy-­dense diet (Nguyen et al. 2004).
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122 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

Assessment surmise that by avoiding conditions that con-

It is important to monitor kittens and puppies tribute to early mortality by maintenance of a
frequently during the growth process. This lean body condition, one will secondarily con-
monitoring is facilitated by the fact that they tribute to life extension in cats as well.
are visiting the veterinary office frequently There exists some controversy regarding
during this life stage for check-­ups and vacci- whether it is better to feed cats dry compared
nations. Puppies and kittens should be weighed to moist diets. Proponents of canned food cite
and body condition scored at every visit and the documented increase in water consump-
the diet history form updated. Owners should tion in cats consuming such products (Kane
also be asked about appetite and food intake et al. 1981), the possible prevention of urinary
(i.e. amount and enthusiasm for eating) to tract problems, and the potential voluntary
ensure that they are meeting their energy and reduction in food intake and consequent
nutrient needs without significant difficulty. In reduction in calories, all helping to prevent
addition to the routine examination, one weight gain in cats. Proponents of dry food cite
should evaluate the animal to ensure that its the dental health benefits and the ability to
coat quality is good and that the puppy or kit- feed ad libitum, thereby more appropriately
ten is bright, curious, and active. If there is mimicking the natural pattern of food intake
excessive weight gain or a body condition score in the cat (Kane et al. 1981), and the esoteric
greater than 5 out of 9, owners should be pleasure of consuming food that is crunchy
directed to feed 10% fewer calories (or more if and requires chewing. Consideration should
indicated based on the animal’s weight, body be given to these variables and the animal’s
condition, and calorie intake). Alternatively, if preferences when recommending one type of
the animal is not growing normally or is under- food over another. However, the authors rec-
weight and metabolic causes have been elimi- ommend exposing young cats to the different
nated, consideration should be given to food formats to prevent texture preferences
increasing the amount of food fed by 10%. that might otherwise limit future diet options.
Regardless of the problem, the animal should
come back for a weight and body condition Assessment
score check within 2–3 weeks to ensure that it Adult cats and dogs should be seen routinely
is returning to an ideal body condition and for a medical evaluation. Success of the feeding
growing normally. program can be evaluated based on the ani-
mal’s maintenance of a lean body condition
and an active lifestyle. A diet history should be
Adult Cats and Dogs
updated at every visit to maintain historical
In addition to feeding a diet that is nutrition- records on the types and amount of calories
ally formulated to meet the nutrient needs of fed, in case conditions requiring dietary modi-
dogs and cats, probably the most important fication occur in the future. Frequent altera-
feeding recommendation for this life stage is to tions in the diet or a significant increase or
keep animals in a lean body condition. The decrease in food intake may be an early indica-
maintenance of a lean body condition has been tor to the practitioner of an underlying problem.
proven to increase both the quantity and qual-
ity of life in dogs (Kealy et al. 2002). Currently
Senior Dogs and Cats
there is no similar data in cats. Obesity has
been linked to diabetes mellitus, lameness, and Although the concept of aging is difficult to
skin disease (Scarlett and Donoghue 1998), define, most experts agree that aging is not a
and it is a risk factor for hepatic lipidosis in disease. Aging has been defined as “a complex
anorexic cats (Biourge et al. 1994). One might biologic process resulting in progressive
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­Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stage  123

reduction of an individual’s ability to maintain period, the number of pet cats over 10 years of
homeostasis under physiologic and external age has increased by 15%, and the percentage
environmental stresses, thereby decreasing the of cats over the age of 15 years has increased
individual’s viability and increasing its vulner- from 5% to 14% of the population (Stratton-­
ability to disease, and eventually causing Phelps 1999). It has also been reported that
death” (Goldston 1989). It is difficult to define more than 35% of dogs in the United States are
old age in dogs and cats. As with humans, the older than 7 years (Lund et al. 1999). One
aging process varies tremendously from indi- might speculate that with earlier and more
vidual to individual. The aging process is influ- advanced care, those numbers have likely
enced by an animal’s breed, size, genetics, increased since those surveys were published.
nutrition, environment, and other factors. As a
general rule, larger breeds have a shorter life Physiological Changes Associated with Aging
expectancy than smaller breeds, and mixed-­ Rather than relying on chronologic age to cat-
breed dogs live longer than purebreds of egorize a patient (Box 7.1), older animals
a ­similar size. A survey of veterinarians should be assessed as individuals using func-
revealed that clinicians believe the term “geri- tional and physiologic changes that commonly
atric” is appropriate when applied to small occur as the pet gets older.
dogs (<20 lb [<9.1 kg]) at 11.5 years, medium
dogs (21–50 lb [9.5–22.7 kg]) at 10 years, large Energy Requirement
breeds (51–90 lb [23.1–40.8 kg]) at 9 years, and In many dogs, RERs and MERs decrease
giant-­breed dogs (>90 lb [>40.8 kg]) at 7.5 years as they age (Kienzle and Rainbird 1991;
(Goldston 1989; Allen and Roudebush 1990). Speakman et al. 2003). Multiple studies exam-
Other authors suggest that a dog or cat is aged ining a variety of breeds estimated an 18–24%
when it completes 75–80% of its expected life reduction in MERs compared to those of
span, or reaches 5–7 years of age (Maher and younger dogs (Finke 1991; Kienzle and
Rush 1990; Moser 1991; Laflamme 1997). Rainbird 1991; Taylor et al. 1995; Harper 1997).
While the definition of when a dog or cat The change in energy requirements is also
becomes “mature” has not been agreed upon, related to changes in body composition. It has
there are data to suggest that our dog and cat been reported that there is a highly significant,
population is getting older. Over a 10-­years negative linear correlation between age and

Box 7.1 Aging and Nutrition

The following principles should be kept in individual because of genetic, health, and
mind when considering the interaction of environmental influences.
aging and nutrition: ●● Elderly dogs and cats are more variable
than any other age group (e.g. puppies or
●● Chronological age is not a reliable indica-
tor of functional age. Changes in body
●● The incidence of chronic disease increases
composition, organ function, physical per-
with age.
formance, and mental alertness are age
●● A properly administered geriatric nutrition
related, but there is great individual varia-
program is one in which dietary recom-
bility. Within a particular individual, vari-
mendations are made on an individual
ous organs may age at different rates.
basis, with modifications secondary to
●● Nutrient requirements for older dogs and
re-­evaluation at regular intervals.
cats have not been adequately determined,
but most likely vary from individual to Source: Moser, E.A. 1991 / Public Domain.
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124 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

the lean-­to-­fat ratios in dogs (Meyer and there is an increased incidence of dental calcu-
Stadtfeld 1980; Harper 1998b). lus, periodontal disease, periodontitis, and
One interesting exception to a general decline tooth loss. These alterations, combined with a
in energy needs with aging was reported in a reduction in the amount of functional saliva,
study looking at working versus pet border col- will often contribute to a decline in food intake.
lies in the United Kingdom (Harper 1998a). Age-­related changes in digestive physiology,
Border collies that were maintained as pets had hormones, and gut microbiota may directly or
a similar decline in energy requirements as indirectly reduce digestive capacity (Fahey
reported in previous studies. However, working et al. 2008). Unlike in humans, structural
border collies experienced no change in energy changes in the canine digestive tract are not
needs with aging, supporting the author’s very pronounced during aging, and atrophy
hypothesis that dogs that remain active do not and fibrosis are rarely seen (Mundt 1991).
display a change in their MERs over time. Nevertheless, on histologic examination,
The degree of decline in energy require- changes are evident in the salivary glands,
ments appears to be breed and size related small intestine, liver, and pancreas of older
based on models of energy expenditure over dogs (Mundt 1991). Despite these changes,
the lifetime of the dog (Speakman et al. 2003). advancing age does not reduce apparent
It has been hypothesized that the decline in ­nutrient digestibility in dogs (Lloyd and
metabolic rates with age is a consequence of McCay 1954, 1955; Sheffy et al. 1985;
the declining force of selection with aging, and Buffington et al. 1989; Taylor et al. 1995). In
that older animals have lower metabolic rates fact, several studies reported higher apparent
because they invest less in defense and repair digestibility coefficients for protein and fat
mechanisms (Speakman et al. 2003). (Lloyd and McCay 1954; Sheffy et al. 1985) and
The situation appears to be somewhat differ- energy (Sheffy et al. 1985), although explana-
ent in cats. Previous evidence suggested that tions for why this occurred are not provided.
MERs remained constant throughout adult life Morphologic changes, transit times, and the
(Anantharaman-­Barr et al. 1991; Taylor et al. secretory capacity in the feline gastrointestinal
1995; Harper 1998a). These findings were sup- tract have not been as well studied. Several
ported by additional work that did not document studies have demonstrated no significant dif-
a change in the lean-­to-­fat ratio in cats with age ference in orocecal transit times in young com-
(Munday and Earle 1991; Harper 1998b). pared to older cats (Papasouliotis et al. 1996;
However, more recent studies suggest that MERs Peachey et al. 2000). Nonetheless, several stud-
decrease in mature cats compared to younger ies have reported reductions in the digestibility
cats, but increase again when the cats become of protein, fat, and starch in older cats (Taylor
older at approximately 10–12 years of age (Cupp et al. 1995; Peachey et al. 1999; Patil and
et al. 2004; Perez-­Camargo 2004; Laflamme 2005). Cupp 2010; Teshima et al. 2010). One study
This increase was not linear, but rose dramati- reported a positive correlation between fat
cally between the ages of 12 and 15 years (Perez-­ digestibility and serum vitamin E concentra-
Camargo 2010). These same researchers also tions (Patil and Cupp 2010). This same study
reported that cats that lose body fat, lean mass, also reported a positive correlation between fat
and bone mass are at a greater risk for earlier and protein digestibility and plasma vitamin
mortality (Perez-­Camargo 2010). B12 concentrations (Patil and Cupp 2010).

Digestion and Absorption Integument and Musculoskeletal System

Changes in the alimentary system may con- Multiple changes are visible in the integument
tribute to inadequate food intake, decreased and musculoskeletal system of older dogs and
appetite, and systemic disease. As animals age, cats. The skin loses elasticity and becomes less
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­Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stage  125

pliable (Markham and Hodgkins 1989). Loss dogs and cats have reduced blood CD4+ T cells,
of elasticity is often accompanied by hyperker- elevations in the CD8+ subset, and reductions
atosis of the skin and follicles. Follicles typi- in the CD4 : CD8 ratio (Day 2010). The cutane-
cally atrophy, resulting in hair loss. Loss of ous delayed-­type hypersensitivity response is
pigment results in the production of white reduced, while humoral immune responses
hairs, often seen around the muzzle of older are not significantly impacted by age
dogs and cats. Along with a decline in lean (Day 2010). Serum and salivary immunoglobu-
body mass, there is a reduction in bone mass. lin (Ig)A production increases, and IgG con-
The cortices of the long bones become thinner centration remains unaltered (Day 2010). Little
and more brittle (Case et al. 1995). This may is known about “inflammaging,” which is
be due to the reduced absorption of calcium defined as the effect of cumulative antigenic
from the intestine of some older pets (Case exposure and onset of late-­life inflammatory
et al. 1995). Arthritis is a common occurrence disease in dogs and cats (Day 2010).
in older animals and may affect the pet’s desire
(or ability) to eat. Obesity can compound the Sensory
effects of arthritis, or, conversely, arthritic pets The aging process results in a general reduc-
may experience a reduction in appetite leading tion in the sensations of vision, hearing, taste,
to severe weight loss. and smell. These changes occur in humans
and companion animals alike (Markham and
Renal System Hodgkins 1989; Harper 1996). Involution of
Renal failure is a major cause of illness and nervous tissue is believed to be responsible for
mortality in geriatric cats, and of one of the the diminution of taste and smell responses
three leading causes of death in older dogs (Markham and Hodgkins 1989). These may
(Morris Animal Foundation 1998). Despite contribute to a reduction in the desire to eat
this statistic, little is known about renal func- and result in weight loss in older animals.
tion in the general population of geriatric com- Geriatric animals often experience a decreased
panion animals (Brown 1997). It is important sensitivity to thirst, which has the potential to
to remember that gradual renal senescence contribute to a state of dehydration. Patil and
with normal aging is opposed by the tremen- Cupp (2010) reported no difference in fecal
dous reserve capacity of the kidneys. Studies water losses between adult cats (1–7 years) and
have shown that dogs and cats have 10–20 geriatric cats (>12 years). However, urine vol-
times more renal tissue than is required to sus- umes were significantly higher in the older
tain normal life (Brown et al. 1991). Studies cats. They hypothesized that this may be the
have suggested that normal kidney aging may result of a decreased ability for the aged kid-
lead to nephron loss of up to 75% before clini- neys to concentrate urine even in the absence
cal or biochemical signs occur in older animals of renal insufficiency. Aging also diminishes
(Cowgill and Spangler 1981). Therefore, prac- an animal’s thermoregulatory capacity and
tice approaches that assume inadequate renal subsequent tolerance to heat or cold (Markham
function in geriatric patients may have adverse and Hodgkins 1989).
Immune Response Behavioral changes are common in older pets
Alterations in the immune system associated and are a frequently overlooked physiologic
with aging are well recognized (Cowan alteration that may affect the animal’s ability
et al. 1998). These changes may contribute to or desire to obtain adequate nutrition.
the increased incidence of infectious diseases Behavioral changes can be the result of many
and tumors (Meydani and Hayek 1995). Older disorders, including systemic illness, organic
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126 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

brain disease, true behavioral problems, or and disease. Results from one study suggest
cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) that older dogs have higher protein require-
(Neilson et al. 2001; Gunn-­Moore et al. 2007). ments than adult dogs (Wannemacher and
CDS is a term applied to age-­related deteriora- McCoy 1966). The investigators of this study
tion of cognitive abilities, characterized by found that older dogs required up to 50% more
behavioral changes, where no medical cause protein than young dogs to maintain labile
can be determined (Gunn-­Moore et al. 2007). protein. A more recent study examined
Animals that are suffering from chronic pain 8-­year-­old pointers fed either 16.5% or 45% pro-
may become irritable and reluctant to eat prop- tein calories over a two-­year period
erly, if at all. Changes in the home environ- (Kealy 1999). Both groups had a reduction in
ment, such as the loss of another pet or the lean body mass. Even the group consuming a
owner or the introduction of a new animal or higher percentage of their calories from pro-
person, can induce an alteration in eating tein lost 3.5% of their lean body mass. While
behavior or a state of anorexia (Houpt and neither of these studies provides definitive rec-
Beaver 1981). ommendations for protein requirements in
older dogs, they do suggest that the amount of
Nutrient Requirements of Older Pets protein in the diet is important and may impact
Elderly pets have the same nutrient needs health and body condition.
as their younger counterparts (NRC 2006). Similarly, recommendations regarding pro-
However, the quantities per unit of body weight tein requirements for older cats are lacking.
may change, and the way they are provided One study reported maintenance of lean body
may require modification. Feeding recommen- mass in adult cats consuming 36% protein
dations for this life stage are not unlike any on a dry matter (DM) basis (Hannah and
other life stage, in that each animal should be Laflamme 1996). Cats consuming lower
treated as an individual and as a consequence amounts of protein (22% and 28% DM) main-
will vary from patient to patient. tained nitrogen balance but lost lean body
mass (Hannah and Laflamme 1996). This
Energy study suggests that the amount of protein con-
If an animal’s energy needs decrease without a sumed may impact lean body mass. A second
reduction in caloric intake, obesity will study looking at the impact of dietary protein
develop. Some diets for mature dogs and cats concentrations on the preservation of lean
are designed with higher fiber levels to combat body mass following neutering also reported a
this problem by decreasing the food’s energy loss of lean body mass on average of 1.2% when
density. However, not all animals will gain cats were fed a diet containing 30% protein DM
weight as they age; many remain weight stable (Nguyen et al. 2004). When the cats were fed
and a large number will experience varying 53% protein DM, they reported an average
degrees of weight loss. This population of pets accumulation of 4.2% of lean body mass.
may benefit from more energy-­dense, palata- The quality of protein is an important con-
ble diets to help them maintain or gain weight. sideration. To reduce bacterial metabolites, the
Similar to other life stages, dogs and cats protein should have a high biological value and
should be fed to maintain a lean body condi- a high pre-­cecal digestibility. Most commercial
tion through their senior years. pet foods are formulated to exceed minimum
requirements, so adequate protein is usually
Protein not a concern. However, if energy intake is
The decline in lean body mass that occurs with reduced secondary to a decreased metabolic
aging results in a loss of protein “reserves” in rate or food intake, the protein-­to-­calorie ratio
the body, frequently required to combat stress may need to be adjusted to meet the protein
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­Feeding Guidelines for Different Life Stage  127

requirement. Furthermore, some high-­energy Supplementation with Antioxidants and Fatty Acids
foods with reduced protein concentrations, Recently there has been the advent of diets on
such as products designed to address renal or the market enhanced with antioxidants to sup-
liver failure, do not provide as high a level of port immune function. The implication is that
protein, especially if food intake is reduced. such enhancement will extend (or reverse) the
There is a great deal of controversy concern- aging process and prevent or reduce the likeli-
ing the restriction of protein in elderly ani- hood of disease. A number of these studies
mals as a measure to prevent renal disease. were conducted in young animals, but a few
Although there is evidence that protein have looked at the effects on older dogs and
restriction is effective in minimizing the clini- cats. Dietary supplementation of vitamin E
cal signs of renal failure once disease is pre- at 250 IU/kg in the diet stimulated lymphocyte
sent (Elliott et al. 2000; Jacob et al. 2002), genesis in young and old cats (Hayek
there is no evidence that protein restriction is et al. 2000). Beta-­carotene supplementation
of any benefit to healthy older dogs and cats. restored immune response in older dogs when
Considering that older dogs may have an compared to their age-­matched controls and
increased protein requirement, that there is younger counterparts (Massimino et al. 2003).
loss of lean body mass in both dogs and cats Another study examined the effect of n-­3 and
with advancing age, and that a decline in pro- n-­6 fatty acids on immune parameters in young
tein digestibility exists in older cats, the and old dogs. Supplementation with n-­3 fatty
authors do not recommend protein restriction acids (n-­6 : n-­3 ratio of 5 : 1) did not affect inter-
in older dogs and cats unless indicated by an leukin (IL)-­1, IL-­6, or tumor necrosis factor
underlying disease. In some cases, other die- (TNF)-­α production, but did reduce malondial-
tary changes, such as phosphorus restriction dehyde concentrations in older dogs, an indi-
with renal disease, may be a more important cator of antioxidant status (Kearns et al. 2000).
strategy. The strategy of restricting dietary A second area of product development has
phosphorus, but not protein, is one that is pre- focused on addressing canine cognitive dys-
sent in early-­stage renal diets for cats. This function disorder. Recent research has provided
strategy also permits a slow reduction in pro- some support for the use of docosahexaenoic
tein intake and may help adjust cats in getting acid (DHA) in the improvement of memory
used to consuming less protein over time, and health status (Araujo et al. 2005) and
thereby being more accepting of a low-­protein, medium-­chain triglycerides in improving per-
low-­phosphorus diet. Care may be needed to formance in cognitive testing in dogs (Pan
avoid an excessive calcium-­to-­phosphorus et al. 2010). Medium-­chain triglycerides may
ratio and resulting hypercalcemia (Schauf help with this condition by providing the brain
et al. 2021). with ketones as an alternate energy source (Pan
et al. 2010). It is unclear if these fats may also
Fat aid in the prevention of cognitive dysfunction
Fat is necessary in every animal’s diet to pro- disorder; further research is needed.
vide essential fatty acids, energy, a vehicle for The addition of medium-­chain triglycerides
fat-­soluble vitamin absorption, and enhance- to the diet has been investigated as a treat-
ment of palatability. Fat increases the energy ment for cognitive dysfunction in dogs (Pan
density of food. In animals prone to obesity et al. 2010) and dogs with epilepsy. A six-­month
this can pose a problem. A slight reduction in prospective, randomized, double-­blinded, pla-
dietary fat may be necessary to aid in the pre- cebo crossover dietary trial was conducted
vention of weight gain. On the other hand, in in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. The investiga-
underweight animals a diet with a high energy tors reported that seizure frequency and
density may be beneficial. monthly seizure days were significantly lower
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128 Feeding the Healthy Dog and Cat

in dogs finishing the test diet than those eating diet do not need to be changed to another diet
the placebo diet (Law et al. 2015). Another simply based on their age. It is not appropriate
approach to treating canine cognitive dysfunc- in many cases (especially in dogs) to feed older
tion has been the development of diets that animals ad libitum, as this predisposes them to
incorporate antioxidants and mitochondrial co-­ obesity. Owners should be instructed to moni-
factors. One diet has been shown to improve tor their animal’s food intake, as alterations
canine cognitive dysfunction in both laboratory may indicate the presence of an underlying
and clinical trials (Head 2007). The goals of the disease process. Proper care of the pet’s teeth
diet are to use antioxidants and mitochondrial and gums is essential to prevent a reduction in
co-­factors to reduce the production of reactive food intake secondary to dental problems.
oxygen species (ROS) and facilitate their clear- Based on the animal’s physical condition, reg-
ance from the body, to slow the progression of ular and sustained periods of exercise should
age-­related pathologies and cognitive decline by be recommended for all patients. Regular exer-
reducing oxidative damage (Christie et al. 2010). cise helps maintain muscle tone and optimal
Despite documented alterations in immune body weight, and enhances circulation. If a
and antioxidant parameters in dogs and cats, as dietary change is necessary, it can be done
well as clinical improvement in cognitive func- gradually over a period of at least a week.
tion in dogs, existing studies do not address the Once it has been determined how much to
possible preventive or long-­term effects of feed, feeding management should also be dis-
these supplements and diets, and whether ani- cussed with the owner. Dividing the number of
mals consuming them will live longer or have a calories into small multiple meals throughout
lower incidence of disease. Long-­term studies the day will help minimize hunger and begging,
are necessary to address some of these ques- as well as possibly increase the metabolic rate.
tions. However, the lack of data in some cases Treats and snacks are important to the human–
is not a fatal flaw, although it does necessitate animal bond and should not be eliminated. It is
careful evaluation of the food and its claims important, however, that the calories contributed
and supportive research. In many cases the by treats be accounted for. As with all life stages,
diets or supplements are unlikely to be harm- treats and snacks should never make up more
ful, but may not help in all animals. than 10% of the animal’s daily calorie intake.

Feeding Recommendations for Mature Dogs Weight Loss

and Cats In contrast to obese animals, geriatric dogs and
The major objectives of a feeding program cats may have the problem of unintended
designed for an older pet should include the weight loss, and this may often be overlooked.
maintenance of health and an optimal body This weight loss may be associated with an
weight, the slowing or prevention of chronic increase or decrease in food intake. If the ani-
­disease, and the improvement of clinical signs mal is consuming more food secondary to a
of diseases that may already be present. When recent change to a food with a lower caloric
determining dietary recommendations for older density, this response could be normal. Less
pets, it is important to complete a ­thorough energy-­dense pet foods may be inappropriate
nutritional evaluation of the animal. A thorough for an animal with unusually high energy
evaluation includes evaluation of the pet, diet, needs or an active lifestyle. Alternatively, an
and feeding management program. Evaluation underlying metabolic process may be present.
of the animal includes a complete medical his- A decline in food intake may occur for many
tory and thorough physical ­examination (includ- reasons. In human geriatric medicine they
ing body weight and body condition score). use the mnemonic of nine “Ds” to describe
Elderly dogs or cats that are healthy, in a the ­common causes of weight loss in
lean body condition, and eating an appropriate their patients: dentition, dysgeusia (distortion
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  ­Reference 129

of taste), diarrhea, disease, depression, demen- should be taken promptly by implementing

tia, dysfunction, drugs, and “do not know” calorie restriction. Alternatively, previously
(Masoro 1994). Most of these nine Ds can be healthy animals that begin to experience unin-
applied to our veterinary patients as well. If a tended weight loss or loss of lean body mass
specific cause for unintended weight loss can- should receive a thorough examination and
not be determined, symptomatic treatment for diagnostic workup. Nutritional strategies to
weight loss should be instituted. Feeding an address any underlying conditions or that
energy-­dense, nutrient-­dense, highly palatable encourage an increase in food intake should be
food more frequently would be appropriate. instituted immediately.
Examples include, but are not limited to, diets
designed for growth, critical care formulas, or
offering cat food to dogs. ­Summary
Feeding and environmental modifications
may be helpful as well. Food intake can be ●● A complete diet history should be obtained
stimulated by serving fresh food, moistening and updated at every visit for every patient.
dry food, warming food to body temperature, ●● The best diet will vary from animal to ani-
and having the client encourage the pet during mal. Each dog and cat should be evaluated as
eating. Feeding the animal away from the other an individual.
household pets in a noise-­and stress-­free envi- ●● Careful consideration should be given to
ronment may also be helpful. One should the animal, the diet, and the animal’s
make sure that the pet’s nasal passages are ­environment when making a dietary
clear, as dogs and cats rely on olfaction to select recommendation.
food. Bowls for cats should be wide and shal- ●● Dietary recommendations should be appro-
low so they do not touch their whiskers, as that priate for the animal’s life stage.
can decrease food intake. ●● Treats and snacks are an important part of
the human–animal bond and should be
Assessment included in a feeding program. The amount
Recently experts have been recommending that of energy provided from snacks and treats
an appointment for an elderly pet include should never exceed more than 10% of the
blood, fecal, and urine analyses on a routine patient’s daily calorie intake.
basis (Fortney 2010). Although many of these ●● Regardless of life stage, all dogs and cats
tests are not sensitive indicators of nutritional should be fed to maintain a lean body
status, they may indicate the presence of a sub- condition.
clinical process that may be nutrient respon- ●● Each patient’s feeding program should be
sive. Similar to other life stages, senior dogs and assessed at every visit and adjustments made
cats should maintain a lean body condition. In as indicated based on the animal’s body con-
cases where animals are gaining weight, action dition, life stage, and general health.


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Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

Andrea J. Fascetti and Sean J. Delaney

I­ ntroduction client to facilitate conversations. This chapter

will review the various types and market
According to a recent industry organization ­segments of commercial pet foods, including
survey, 90.5 million American households considerations related to their formulation,
(70%) have an animal companion (American home-­prepared diets, and special considera-
Pet Products Association 2021–2022). tions with respect to feeding raw food.
According to an AVMA survey in 2020, there
were 83.7 million dogs and 60 million cats.
Advice regarding what and how much to feed C
­ ommercial Diets
is one recommendation every dog and cat care-
taker should receive from their veterinarian. According to one study, 93.2% and 98.8% of
The discussion regarding what to feed an dogs and cats, respectively in the United States
­individual animal companion can be some- and Australia consume more than half of their
what overwhelming as there are so many pet daily calories from commercial pet foods
foods on the market. Many clients wish their (Laflamme et al. 2008). Commercial pet foods
veterinarian would recommend a specific diet are available in four basic forms: dry, moist
(Crane et al. 2010), and in a study veterinari- (retorted and cooked, frozen), semi-­moist, and
ans were the most frequently cited source for raw. Understanding the general characteristics
information about pet food (Laflamme and the potential advantages and disadvan-
et al. 2008). While it helps to have specific rec- tages of each food type is helpful for client
ommendations on hand for clients after communication and diet recommendations.
reviewing their animal companion’s diet his-
tory, many clients may still want to discuss
Types of Pet Foods
foods or feeding approaches that are unfamil-
iar to the veterinary practitioner. There are Dry Food
numerous pet food manufacturers in the Dry foods were the most common type of pet
United States, so it is impossible for the practi- food fed to dogs in one animal caretaker survey
tioner to be familiar with every company and (Laflamme et al. 2008). Dry pet foods on aver-
its products. Regardless, one should have a age contain between 3% and 11% moisture and
working understanding of the variety of feed- more than 89% dry matter. This is the food type
ing practices and food types available to one’s of choice for free feeding. In general, dry pet

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Commercial Diet  137

foods are the most economical form of food to higher price per calorie compared to dry and
feed due to lower packaging, raw material stor- semi-­moist diets (Crane et al. 2010). This can
age, and freight costs (Kratzer et al. 2022). be a major disadvantage for some clients if
Some, but not all, dry pet foods may offer they are feeding moist food exclusively. The
­dental hygiene advantages. Dry foods may be perceived advantage of being less energy dense
less palatable to some dogs and cats. This char- can actually become a disadvantage if the ani-
acteristic can be an advantage in patients that mal is a finicky eater or underweight. Many
are overweight or obese, but a disadvantage in clients do not like the odor and messiness of
finicky eaters. In some (but not all) cases, man- moist products and unused food must be stored
ufacturers may use harsh and improper cook- in the refrigerator or freezer. Another potential
ing and drying techniques that can result in a concern can be seen in dogs and cats being
loss of nutrients (poor-­quality foods may have exclusively fed some of the gourmet moist
low digestibility and therefore a reduction in foods or chubs. While often very palatable, in
nutrient availability). some cases these foods are not nutritionally
balanced or complete. Furthermore, such feed-
Moist Foods ing practices can also encourage some cats and
Historically, moist diets were often referred to dogs to develop fixed food preferences so they
as “canned” products, and their moisture con- will not eat another diet.
tent ranges anywhere from 60% to 87% (Crane
et al. 2010). The term “canned” may no longer Semi-­Moist Foods
be appropriate given the wide variety of prod- Most semi-­moist foods contain 15–35% water.
ucts that now contain a similar water content, These products are softer in texture than dry
such as pet food in trays and tubes (the latter pet foods, contributing to their acceptability
frequently referred to as “chubs”) or sealed in and palatability. The inclusion of organic acids
pouches and frozen, so the term “moist” will and humectants such as simple sugars, glyc-
be used instead. Cats are significantly more erol, or corn syrup binds water molecules in
likely to receive half of their diet from moist the food and makes them unavailable for use
food compared to dogs (Laflamme et al. 2008). by microorganisms. This processing technique
Moist diets generally have a high level of pal- helps to control water activity (the amount of
atability and contain high concentrations of water available to microorganisms) and
meat and/or meat by-­products. Compared to reduces the growth of molds (Crane et al. 2010).
dry or semi-­moist products they are often Over the years there has been a reduction in
higher in fat, sodium, and phosphorus (Crane semi-­moist products on the market, but it is
et al. 2010). These diets usually have a very still not uncommon to find them as inclusion
long shelf life as they are produced using heat pieces in dry foods or as treats. Semi-­moist
sterilization and vacuum preservation or are foods generally have a high level of palatabil-
frozen. Moist products often have a lower ity, and feeders find them convenient because
energy density than dry or semi-­moist foods on they are often packaged in single serving por-
an as-­fed basis. The higher water content and tions. Some clients also favor semi-­moist foods
lower energy density may be useful in provid- because they lack the odor and mess associated
ing satiety and reducing calorie intake, which with moist products and come in shapes
may be helpful in preventing obesity. Moist ­similar to foods they consume (burgers, vege-
foods also are recommended as a method to tables, etc.). Semi-­moist foods can be expensive
deliver more water to a patient with urinary and will become dry if allowed to sit out for
tract health concerns. A lower energy density, several hours. The high palatability of these
combined with the costs of production, creates foods can be an advantage in picky eaters or
a situation where moist products often have a underweight animals. This advantage becomes
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138 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

a disadvantage in obesity-­prone patients. These contamination, and other potential zoonotic

products should not be used in diabetics if they diseases (such as parasites). These concerns
use a large amount of sugar or syrup. are discussed later in this chapter.

These diets are often referred to by the acro-
nym “BARF,” which stands for “bones and raw Deciphering some of the terminology and
food” or “biologically appropriate raw food” descriptors used on pet food labels or in
diet. It is unclear how many people are feeding advertising and product-­associated literature
their pets raw food diets; however, based on can be challenging. A full discussion of pet
the growing number of commercially available food labels is provided in Chapter 6, but
raw food diets, one can surmise the number is some of the terminology associated with
growing, but likely they are still fed to only a marketing and used to categorize pet foods is
small percentage of dogs and cats. discussed here.
There are two forms of commercial raw It is difficult for veterinarians and consum-
foods on the market. The first are commer- ers alike to know which marketing terms and
cially available, “complete” foods, intended to descriptors such as organic, natural, holistic,
be the sole source of nutrition, like any other human (food) grade, premium, and super pre-
commercial diet. These products are supplied mium are regulated terms and which are solely
in several forms. The most common include marketing. Currently, only the terms “natu-
fresh raw food; frozen raw food, which the ral,” “organic,” and “human (food) grade” have
feeder thaws before serving; or freeze-­dried regulatory guidelines associated with their use.
raw food that can be rehydrated with water The Association of American Feed Control
upon serving if the feeder so desires. Officials (AAFCO) defines the term “natural” as:
Combination diets are the second type of com-
mercial raw food diet commonly used. With A feed or ingredient derived solely from
this approach the client purchases a supple- plant, animal, or mined sources, either
ment mix that is then combined with raw meat in its unprocessed state or having been
that they purchase themselves to yield a nutri- subject to physical processing, heat pro-
tionally complete diet. The supplement may or cessing, rendering, purification, extrac-
may not contain carbohydrates. This approach tion, hydrolysis, enzymolysis, or
is designed to allow the humans to rotate pro- fermentation, but not having been pro-
tein sources or choose protein sources with duced by or subject to a chemically syn-
particular characteristics (e.g. organic, locally thetic process and not containing any
grown, etc.) for their animal companions. additives or processing aids that are
Proponents of raw food diets proclaim many chemically synthetic except in amounts
health benefits associated with this feeding as might occur unavoidably in good
regime, stating that dogs and cats are carni- manufacturing practices. (AAFCO 2022)
vores and as such they evolved eating raw food.
However, there have been no studies to date to Natural pet foods are sometimes marketed
support that this feeding approach has any with the claim that they contain no artificial
long-­term health benefits compared to feeding ingredients. This may or may not be true
other types of pet food. Potential disadvantages depending upon the company. One of the
will vary with individual raw diets, but may common additives that purchasers are con-
include the risk of nutritional imbalances, cerned about are fat preservatives such as
cracked or fractured teeth, gastrointestinal butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated
obstructions and perforations, bacterial hydroxyanisole (BHA), and ethoxyquin.
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­Commercial Diet  139

Products that do not contain a fat preservative on the ingredient panel with no mention of
will have a decreased shelf life because of organic on the main panel.
problems with rancidity. The definition of
“natural” includes ingredients that are sub- Only the first two categories are entitled to
ject to traditional processing methods such as use the USDA seal on their packaging.
rendering and extraction. Human purchasers The terms “human grade” and “human
are often unaware that “natural preserva- quality” are being used with increasing fre-
tives” such as vitamin E or mixed tocophe- quency these days on food labels and market-
rols, vitamin C, or rosemary extract may also ing materials. Very few pet foods could be
be processed and/or extracted. The term considered officially “human edible” or
­“natural” also permits a disclaimer clause for “human-­grade” or food grade. The United
products that contain synthetic components States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
in order to assure nutritional adequacy, such defines products fit for human consumption to
as “with added vitamins and minerals.” be officially “edible.” These foods have to
“Trace nutrients” may also be added to this undergo processing and inspection, and pass
disclaimer when purified amino acids such as manufacturing regulations. The regulations
taurine are added. Finally, veterinarians and are designed to assure safety for human con-
their clients also must be cautious of products sumption. For a foodstuff to be deemed edible
that contain natural additives such as herbs, for humans, all ingredients must be edible by
because the safety of many of these com- humans and the product must be produced,
pounds has not been tested. packed, and held in accordance with federal
According to AAFCO, the term “organic” regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations
has been defined as: (CFR PART 117). If the conditions in CFR 117
are met for a pet food, human-­grade claims are
A formula feed or a specific ingredient permitted. Products not meeting these condi-
within a formula feed that has been pro- tions are listed with an unqualified claim and
duced or handled in compliance with the product is considered to be misbranded.
the requirements of the USDA National AAFCO provides guidelines for Human Grade
Organic Program (Title 7, Part 205 of Claims (AAFCO 2022). More information
the Code of Federal Regulations). about AAFCO Human Grade Standards for Pet
(AAFCO 2022) Products can be found at the following link:­
Under these guidelines, a food may carry the forms/documents/aafco-­h uman-­g rade-­p et-­
following organic designations (United States products-­standards.pdf.
Government Printing Office 2010): Other terms that have no legal definition
●● 100% organic: must have 100% organic include “premium,” “super premium,” “gour-
­ingredients and additives, including met,” and “holistic.” These labels are used on a
­processing aids. variety of foods with different nutrient pro-
●● Organic: at least 95% of the content is organic files, ingredients, and quality. They can even
by weight. appear on foods intended for supplemental
●● Made with organic: at least 70% of the con- feeding only. A client who is relying on these
tent is organic, and the front product panel terms to select a diet may unknowingly choose
may display the phrase “Made with a food that if fed solely could result in a nutri-
Organic” followed by up to three specific tional deficiency in the long term. Further con-
ingredients. cern has been expressed about the term
●● Less than 70% of the content is organic: may “holistic,” as it may imply a therapeutic benefit
list only those ingredients that are organic when none may exist (Crane et al. 2010).
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140 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

Market Segments At the top of the list of considerations for

veterinarians considering evaluation (includ-
Pet foods are sold through a variety of market
ing any endorsement or “approval”) and/or
segments, and many clients will judge the
formulation of commercially prepared animal
quality of a food based on where it is purchased
companion food should be the pursuit of
and how much money it costs (known as the
advanced, structured training. This should
Veblen effect). It is incorrect to assume that the
include a graduate degree (i.e. Master’s or
amount of money spent on a diet will always
PhD) in nutrition from an accredited univer-
equate to the quality of the food. The bottom
sity, a residency in veterinary nutrition
line is that the quality among any group of
approved by a formally recognized certifying
diets sold in a particular outlet, whether it be a
body, and a mentorship/apprenticeship with a
grocery store or an exclusive pet store, is going
seasoned formulator. Failure to pursue this
to be variable. Quality pet foods that can sup-
path can, put bluntly, lead to potential bias (see
port all the life stages of dogs and cats can be
the Dunning–Kruger effect) that can harm not
found in all market segments or channels.
only one’s profession and reputation, but also
A detailed discussion on how to evaluate pet
the very animal companions one has dedicated
foods and recommend diets to clients is pro-
one’s life to helping.
vided in Chapters 1 and 7.

Ingredient Database Population

­ ommercial Dog and Cat Diet
C Ingredient Safety and Legality First
Formulation and Considerations The world is filled with thousands of potential
food ingredients. Most can provide wholesome
Commercially prepared diet formulation is nutrition while some may be toxic to certain
often the most challenging work that an ani- species. Novelty can be a compelling market-
mal nutritionist can undertake. There are ing tool, but care must be taken to ascertain
many considerations, which include several both the safety and the nutrient impact of any
related but diverse fields such as agriculture, ingredient used in a commercially prepared
economics, analytical chemistry, statistics, diet. Apparent successful feeding of an ingre-
computer science, food technology, engineer- dient in an uncontrolled and often limited
ing, veterinary medicine, microbiology, mar- sample size (e.g. “people feed this to their dog
keting, sales, and law. These areas all interact as a treat and they seem fine”) is not adequate
when formulating a scalable, commercially evidence to support its inclusion. To help keep
prepared food that may be fed to up to millions the consumer safe, regional and country-­
of dogs and cats as their sole source of nutri- specific regulations govern what foods or
tion. While the challenges can be daunting, the ingredients can be used in commercial prod-
ability to impact the health of animal compan- ucts (see Chapter 5 for more details based on
ions regularly and positively is unique, with North American and European regulations).
few, if any, comparable opportunities for the The regulatory approval process establishes
animal healthcare provider. Given the brevity animal feed ingredient definitions and assesses
of this section, this should not be considered a if an ingredient is generally recognized as safe
primer, but rather a short outline of things to (GRAS) or is an acceptable, with restrictions,
consider when formulating diets based on one food additive. Use of unapproved ingredients
author’s (SJD) past experience working with makes a commercially prepared food “adulter-
various commercial animal companion food ated” by definition and illegal to sell. This reg-
manufacturers. ulatory oversight can be very important as
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­Commercial Dog and Cat Diet Formulation and Consideration  141

species variations exist, as is seen with ­common definition or status of an ingredient is unclear,
human foods such as garlic, onion, chocolate, reaching out to consultants and regulators is
grapes/raisins, macadamia nuts, kabocha advised.
squash, and so on being toxic to certain species
like dogs and cats. Once an ingredient is deter- Ingredient Availability and Cost
mined to be safe and can be legally used in a The availability of an ingredient is a frequent
commercially prepared food for the targeted initial consideration when exploring its utility.
species, one can then decide to further explore Seasonality of some foods can present several
its feasibility based typically on availability, challenges. It can prevent the regular use of a
cost, and/or nutrient profile. food and discourage or prevent the use of a
fixed formulation. In some cases, the nutrient
Ingredient Regulatory Considerations composition may change with the season or
Given the importance and cost of developing over time (see the next section on nutrient pro-
an accurate nutrient profile for ingredients one files). Even without considering cost, if the
wishes to formulate with, the regulatory status likely demand exceeds the supply then an
of an ingredient should first be considered. ingredient cannot be used. In many facilities,
In most jurisdictions, there are regulations there can also be limits to the number of raw
and/or laws about what ingredients can be materials that can be properly and readily
used in food and feed. Approval of new stored and handled. Consequently, if an ingre-
­ingredients can be byzantine and seemingly dient’s availability for procurement misaligns
glacial; however, that should not lead one to with production schedules, then it cannot be
underappreciate its importance. As already used as there may not be room to store it, or it
noted, some ingredients can be toxic at could spoil following harvest and before it can
­concentrations tolerated in other species. To be used. It may not be worth the effort to vali-
determine safety, expert panels may need to be date an ingredient and develop a new product
formed and often these panels are composed offering using it if it can only be used at limited
of volunteers with other responsibilities. times or in restricted amounts. In addition, an
Marketing excitement can sometimes lead to ingredient may be expensive, especially if it is
impatience, but using an unapproved ingredi- subject to a fad, and its concentration must be
ent in a food can result in the inability to sell kept dilute to minimize costs. This minimal
the product when regulators issue a stop-­sale use can still have value from a marketing, if
order. Some very small or “fly-­by-­night” com- not a nutritional, perspective, as will be dis-
panies may unintentionally or intentionally, cussed later. Such an ingredient’s low inclu-
respectively, “fly under the radar,” and release sion amount will be reflected in the ingredient
products into the market with (an) unapproved declaration or by naming convention (i.e. it
ingredient(s). However, ignorance of or would be cited as a flavor).
­ignoring regulations comes with its own peril, Qualifying reliable sources for certain ingre-
including to the animal nutritionist profes- dients can also present a challenge. Companies
sional’s reputation. Being associated with an that follow current good manufacturing prac-
ingredient that is illegal to use or, worse yet, tices (cGMPs) require extensive qualification
harmful is ill-­advised. One must ascertain that processes for suppliers and raw materials. This
an ingredient is legal for use in the species of means that it may not be feasible to use an
interest and in the jurisdiction of sale. Relying ingredient if in order to meet demand, ­multiple
on an ingredient being acceptable for use in suppliers and their version of the ingredient
human food is no guarantee that the same must be qualified. This can result in very novel
will be true for an animal companion. If the ingredients being used first by small-­scale
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142 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

manufacturers who need minimal quantities occur due to seasonality (wild-­caught species
and are willing to expend more effort qualify- only being available during the fishing season)
ing ingredients in exchange for a marketing as well as regional differences in soil condi-
distinction. Conversely, larger manufacturers tions, rainfall, and the amount of light that can
may avoid very novel ingredients not due to a affect the nutrient profile of crops.
lack of innovative spirit/capability, conspiracy, Given the potential variability of key or lim-
or “profit over nutrition” as some commenta- iting nutrients, repeated analysis of represent-
tors may suggest, but rather solely due to ative test lots will be needed prior to final
­pragmatic concerns over sourcing. formulation. Modeling for worst-­case nutrient
concentrations (minimums and maximums)
Establishing Reliable Nutrient Profiles must be performed, as that can have a pro-
for Ingredients found effect on ingredient inclusion and over-
The higher the amount of an ingredient all finished product cost. For instance, if data
included or the greater the reliance on an suggest a potential minimum concentration
ingredient to meet a limiting nutrient, the for a limiting nutrient that is 30% below the
greater the importance of an accurate nutrient mean or average, one cannot formulate using
profile for that ingredient. Nutrient variation the mean value and hope for the best, but
needs to be accounted for using repeated and rather the minimum value must be used unless
ongoing nutrient testing (as well as formula- a rejection specification is set and agreed to
tions with some flexibility to account for likely (unlikely) by the vendor/supplier when the
fluctuations). Testing methodology must be mean is not met. This means the real cost of
suitable for complex matrices to ensure accu- the ingredient in this example would become
rate extraction, and adjustments need to be at least 30% higher given the potential require-
made for anticipated or known bioavailability ment to include an overage for safety and to
or degradation from storage or processing make sure finished product is never deficient
(e.g. oxidation, Maillard reaction products). in the limiting nutrient. If this potential ingre-
Nutrient concentrations that may need to be dient cost increase is unacceptable, then a sep-
tightly controlled should be carefully assayed. arate, purified source of this limiting nutrient
As an example, one may need to reduce the could be sought and used. Consequently, the
concentration of sulfur amino acids from leg- additional cost of a second source/supplier
umes, pulses, or beans by about 50% to address would need to be factored in.
bioavailability due to ingredient interactions Overall, any nutrient that is limiting or is
and the range of values obtained by laboratory regulated (for marketing or legal reasons)
analysis (Sarwar et al. 1989; Rafii et al. 2020; should be regularly assayed in a statistically
Reilly et al. 2020). Another common example significant way. Assays are typically done for
is in long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acid variations raw materials and then for finished products.
between farmed marine fish and wild-­caught Because nutrient concentration outliers in raw
fish. All nutrients present in each ingredient materials can affect finished products, statisti-
must be considered and accounted for. For cally representative sampling may be inade-
example, one may be selecting a marine fish quate, and each lot may need to be assayed and
for its fatty acid profile and concurrently rely- a certificate of analysis (COA) obtained from
ing on its amino acid contribution; however, its the vendor or supplier. The COA will be used
potentially high vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) to verify that the limiting nutrient is within a
concentration must also be assessed and pre-­defined specification. The raw material is
accounted for, especially if formulating for rejected if the specifications are not met.
dogs that are relatively vitamin D intolerant. Failure to develop reliable raw material
Variations in nutrient concentrations can also ­rejection specifications and testing/assaying
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­Commercial Dog and Cat Diet Formulation and Consideration  143

protocols of raw materials and finished ­product thoroughly qualified. Unfortunately, vendors
can be a leading cause for finished products and suppliers can sometimes be opaque and
having deficiencies or excesses (e.g. thiamine take purchase orders for ingredients that they
deficiency with retorted cat food; vitamin D do not yet have full confidence in being able to
excess in extruded dog food). procure themselves. Certainly, considerations
Extrapolation of nutrient concentration data of sustainability should include market fore-
from generic reference databases can be a casts as well as environmental issues. Logistics
helpful start, but it remains just that, a starting should also be sustainable as initially cited
point. In one of the author’s (SJD) experiences, pricing may be free on board (aka FOB) at the
many entrepreneurial and newer companies origin and not include any shipping costs.
are initially reluctant to make the investment Lastly, storage costs for ingredients that require
in conducting nutrient analysis and in the time temperature and/or humidity control may
needed to await test results. However, the need to be factored in as well as the feasibility
importance of not solely relying on a vendor’s of necessary storage space depending on the
or supplier’s sales materials, and verifying the facility/location.
nutrient concentrations oneself and at one’s
own expense, cannot be emphasized enough. Consistency
For animal nutritionists, a large red flag against Ingredient variability is typically inversely
a potential formulation client would be resist- ­proportional to how much ingredients are pro-
ance to nutrient analysis and/or inability to cessed. Processing, whether by fractionating or
analyze raw materials (a thought-­provoking purifying ingredient components, allows for
analogy: would you be willing to be an archi- specific nutrient or component targets to be
tect for a building contractor who is unsure hit. For example, a crude protein target should
about the tolerances and grades of their con- be easier to meet with the grain/milling frac-
struction materials?). tion than with the whole grain itself. This
extends to other ingredients and nutrients.
Isolation of nutrient-­rich components can also
Ingredient Procurement
often be accompanied by drying or heating
Sustainability that may also improve shelf stability. Drying
The selection of ingredients goes beyond estab- ingredients may be cost favorable as energy
lishing reliable nutrient profile data and legal/ costs for transport, storage, and at the time of
regulatory status. One must also determine manufacturing (e.g. extruded diets) can be
whether it is a sustainable ingredient. This is reduced. Ingredients that are stable in average
not initially about environmental sustainabil- ambient conditions are usable where special-
ity (although that can be important and ized storage conditions (e.g. refrigeration) are
related), but rather whether an ingredient’s not available or cost-­effective.
supply will be consistently available. Unique In general, the less complex and varied the
ingredients that are only novelties may not nutrient profile of an ingredient is, the easier
be worth developing. Transiently popular/ it is to formulate as it avoids concurrent
available ingredients may require additional nutrient enrichment and/or dilution when
marketing and/or nutritional impact assess- trying to change a single nutrient concentra-
ments as their inclusion may need to be very tion. An example of this may be a meat meal
low due to the limited amount of material that has been defatted. One can increase
available. Additionally, one must be cautious overall crude protein concentration without
about accepting what is seemingly the same also increasing dietary fat. For ingredients
ingredient from a different vendor or supplier viewed as less favorable in the marketplace,
if alternative vendors or suppliers are not dehydration can “benefit” ingredient order as
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144 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

one can then add less mass when dried ingredients of the same weight can be listed in
­compared to when raw or hydrated (see the whatever order the manufacturer wishes.
next section). Thus, top-­listed ingredients may be used in
exactly equal amounts to allow for more
Ingredient Declaration favorable ingredients to appear first and less
A key marketing strategy is controlling the favorable ingredients, typically with lower
ingredient order on packaging. Ingredients cost, to be listed lower. Considerable effort can
must be listed in order of decreasing mass as be put into ingredient order and formulation
added. Ingredient order can be manipulated by efforts can be largely focused on optimization
using fractionated ingredients, use of similar at the least cost while still meeting nutrient
but varied or separately defined ingredients, profile targets. Very low inclusion concentra-
and water balance. A commonly known tions may also be used for highly favorable but
­strategy is to use fractions of a grain rather expensive and/or hard to handle/utilize/
than the whole grain as this splits the mass source ingredients more to be attractive to the
across multiple ingredients that can be sepa- purchaser than for any nutritional impact of
rately listed. As noted earlier, fractions can also the ingredient. As a result, some ingredients
make formulation easier and resulting finished highlighted in product advertisements or on
products more consistent. The use of similar packaging may only appear near other very
but distinct ingredients such as multiple low-­inclusion supplements such as flavoring
grains, tubers, or legumes instead of just one or minerals. Sometimes the inclusion is so low
kind, allows for them collectively to appear that they may appear among vitamins or, in
lower in the ingredient declaration (aka list). extreme cases, after vitamins, suggesting that
This diversity can also be seen as favorable to only a trivial amount is added. The value of
address perceptions of monotony as well to these types of ingredients is almost exclusively
provide “more” nutrients. limited to marketing.
A less well-­known strategy is the potential
ability to reconstitute spray-­dried or similar
Formulation Software
shelf-­stable and dehydrated animal flesh.
Reconstitution during extrusion or during Options
retorting allows a potentially more favorably There are hundreds of variables that must be
perceived ingredient to move higher in the calculated when formulating a commercially
order, and also to be labeled as unprocessed prepared food. This includes not just the nutri-
animal flesh without terms or adjectives that ent profile but also the desired ingredient dec-
indicate additional processing. The cost and laration order and overall cost. It is impossible
quality of these dried animal flesh ingredients to do these calculations and iterations to the
are higher, but can provide significant benefits needed depth without specialized software.
from formulating, manufacturing, and mar- Commonly used homemade companion
keting perspectives. It can be hard, if not ­animal food formulation software like Balance
impossible, as a purchaser to determine if this It® (; co-­owned by one author,
is being done to ingredients in a finished prod- SJD) does not assist with ingredient reordering
uct without visible inclusions (where actual or consider least cost; however, formulation
pieces of an ingredient can be seen in the fin- software like Concept5 (
ished product). Consequently, there are signifi- products/concept5/default.aspx) or MixitWin
cant concerns that this practice could ( does.
intentionally be misleading and disingenuous. These commercial software options can be
Although ingredients that weigh more need quite expensive to license (thousands to tens of
to appear higher on ingredient declarations, thousands of dollars) and not all come with a
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­Commercial Dog and Cat Diet Formulation and Consideration  145

food database of nutrient profiles. None of Equipment

these programs offers full optimization for
The processing equipment that will be used for
ingredient order. Because of these limitations,
a specific formulation must be known and its
there are ongoing attempts to create software
effects on ingredients, nutrients, and food
that fully explores ingredient order and cost
should be well understood.
simultaneously. One author (SJD) successfully
developed a computer cluster and specialized
algorithms and software to do just that for a Extruder
medium-­sized, private pet food company over For extruded food, one must know if a
a decade ago. This software was able to identify ­preconditioner is used and what its capabilities
significant cost savings for multiple formula- are. Preconditioners can add “functionality” to
tions without impacting order or nutrient pro- some ingredients by heating and/or
file. It is anticipated that, as computing costs ­pre-­cooking ingredients before they enter the
increase and machine learning (ML) becomes barrel of the extruder. The degree of precondi-
more widely used, formulation software will tioning can have effects on the overall settings
become increasingly more powerful and able used during extrusion. Heating of higher-­fat
to explore thousands of possible iterations ingredients may change their flow characteris-
automatically and unaided by a human techni- tics (e.g. congealed fat versus liquid fat or oil
cal expert. Current least-­cost formulation soft- viscosity). Residence time or transit time
ware has a steep learning curve and involves through the extruder can be reduced if some
additional elements that may be initially for- starches are partially gelatinized by cooking in
eign to a recent animal nutritionist graduate the preconditioner. If this preconditioning is
(related to water balance and specific equip- unavailable, use of pre-­gelatinized starches
ment considerations like flow rate) as will be may be needed to limit energy inputs or, at
discussed in a later section. times, to get the necessary binding for the
­kibble matrix to stick together and avoid unac-
Limitations ceptable amounts of “fines” (e.g. crumbs found
Given the potentially infinite number of varia- at the bottom of a bag of kibble) or “re-­work”
tions, most least-­cost formulation software solu- (e.g. extruded material that must be re-­ground
tions may control for only a handful of nutrients and re-­extruded to attain the desired kibble
and nutrient relationships while determining shape and structure, leading to additional ther-
the least-­cost option with available/selected mal processing and affecting bioavailability
ingredients. This means that formulating a solu- and reduction in facility yield). Higher inclu-
tion for more than 40 targeted nutrients and sions of materials that do not bind well can be
their ranges is not possible with available least-­ improved or harmed through preconditioning.
cost formulation software. Instead, for example, The extrusion line operator may also need to
macronutrients and possibly macrominerals be consulted as energy inputs and yields can be
may be the focus and then one fills in the remain- improved with some line settings that may not
der of the nutrients with purified supplements/ be beneficial to the finished product and over-
premixes based on limiting nutrient(s) to meet all “cook” (i.e. percent gelatinization).
the overall desired nutrient profile. This can, There are different types of extruders, and
however, result in significant overages for some some rely more on thermal processing versus
nutrients. This approach along with software mechanical forces/friction to achieve “cook.”
limitations can make the formulation of This can have a significant effect on what is
­therapeutic foods challenging, especially in referred to as “flow rate.” Flow rate generally
instances where very narrow acceptable ranges refers to the ratio of “slurry” (or homogenized
for ­numerous nutrients exist. wet ingredients) to dry ingredients that can be
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146 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

used with a specific extruder. Basically, the extrusion or retorting. Consequently, the
greater the flow rate, the higher the slurry ­availability of a pilot plant or line can be very
inclusion can be. If the flow rate goes beyond useful for testing new products and processes.
the extruder’s capability, the kibble coming off When one is not available, the importance of
the die will not hold its shape or stay intact close monitoring and active adjustments when
during conveyance and drying. Certain con- first producing a new formulation on produc-
veyance systems can better help hold desired tion equipment cannot be overemphasized,
shapes than others, which then allows for especially for extrusion. Material that binds
some increase in flow rate. Kibble coming off too much can clog the extruder die or even the
the extruder still needs to be dried and is mold- barrel. This can lead to processing down time
able until it is dried. that is far longer than desired or scheduled for
Flow-­rate limits have a direct effect on for- a test run. In addition, test runs on production
mulations as one will be limited on how much lines can be very expensive as they are often set
fresh or higher-­moisture ingredients can be up to run using larger volumes of material
used. This can be of great importance depend- resulting in higher raw material costs for each
ing on marketing, ingredient declarations, and test run. However, there is no substitute for
other claims that are desired. It can also trigger producing a formulation to verify feasibility.
the use of sprayed dried animal flesh, which This allows for gathering needed data includ-
can be considered by some as reconstituted, ing percentage of gelatinization, water activity,
during the injection of adequate steam by the nutrients, oxidation rate, and so on. If an
extruder or added processing water in other ­adequate amount of test product is produced,
cooking methods/steps. When this is done, digestibility trials to more accurately predict
careful calculation of water balance is needed. calorie content can be conducted. One can also
The manufacturing team may also be determine stool quality and palatability com-
­concerned about the effect on yield (or tons per pared to a previous formula iteration of the
hour rates) and energy costs if significant same product or as compared to a competitive
amounts of water must be removed, or on sta- product. This may provide needed insight for
bility if water activity is raised. Overall, there adjusting purified vitamins, preservatives/
can be important considerations for ingredient antioxidants, “natural flavors,” added pala-
selection based on the specific extrusion tines, or dietary fiber concentrations (typically
line used. insoluble fiber if increased stool firmness is
desired). Costly production runs that may need
Canning/Retorting Line to be completely reworked or scrapped as
Canning or retorting presents additional waste can be avoided by using test runs,
­challenges especially as it relates to desired because, even with experienced formulators
consistency and final finished product appear- and operators, the unforeseen can happen, and
ance. Whether visible inclusions of ingredients any means to limit losses and delays will be
like vegetables and/or meat cuts and gravy are helpful.
desired, or for a pâté or loaf-­type product, one
needs to consider the types of available equip-
Guaranteed Analysis Target
ment and adjust ingredients to ensure that
adequate gelling agents like soluble fibers When formulating, one begins with the tar-
are used. get percentages for the macronutrients,
­protein, fat, and carbohydrate by difference
Availability of Pilot Plant or Line (i.e. 100% − protein % + fat % + moisture % + ash
There are many variables involved and numer- % + crude fiber % = carbohydrate by differ-
ous unique interactions can happen during ence). This directly drives the guaranteed
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­Commercial Dog and Cat Diet Formulation and Consideration  147

analysis minimums and maximums. These the equipment (i.e. preconditioning) section.
­targets are typically first driven by the nutrient This can have non-­nutritive impacts, but
requirements of the target species and its life ­especially applies to binding ability as most
stage. Once nutrient needs are met, further commercially prepared pet foods are homoge-
adjustments or refinements to the targets nized and then are required to hold a shape.
are made based on an analysis of competitive This may be a kibble shape when extruded, or
products. Although “specmanship” can be cuts/pieces or pâté/loaf shape/texture for
considered a fool’s errand, it can still be impor- retorted foods. There can also be a need during
tant for marketing. One may wish to have a production to control functionality to prevent
comparable or a higher concentration for a clogging the extruder barrel and to enable con-
macronutrient that is perceived as beneficial veyance during kibble drying. In addition to
(e.g. protein). In addition, fat may need to be holding a shape, there may be a desired fin-
increased to hit a desired calorie content or ished product color as well as a mouth feel or
energy density which may convey that a prod- texture. Certain colors and textures may not be
uct is higher quality or provides more value achievable with ingredients that meet other
(e.g. less backyard cleanup) to some purchasers. requirements like macronutrient percentages
or ingredient declaration order. Ideally, ingre-
dients should meet all the requirements simul-
Ingredient Declaration Order
taneously. For example, one might want a
After setting the guaranteed analysis targets, green finished product and use more plant-­
formulators will often have a concurrent based ingredients that are green to do so.
request from the marketing team to have a cer-
tain ingredient declaration order. As noted pre-
Shelf Life
viously, this order is based on mass with the
highest-­mass ingredient appearing first and Shelf life is the result of a combination of water
the lowest last. However, if ingredient masses activity, fat rancidity, and vitamin degradation
are identical, the manufacturer can order control or mitigation.
ingredients as it prefers. This typically means To protect the food from spoiling, retorted
that ingredients with the lowest cost-­to-­calorie products rely on their packaging, whether that
ratio are maximized and then the exact same be a can, carton, pouch, or tray. This is achieved
amount of higher cost-­to-­calorie ratio ingredi- by making the product essentially sterile and
ents (that may be perceived as superior) are then ensuring that the package creates a com-
added. This allows for ingredients that are per- plete water and oxygen barrier. Because of this,
ceived to be more favorable/desirable to be no preservatives are required or typically used
listed first or higher in the declaration order. in retorted products. In contrast, extruded
One must also consider the regulations gov- foods reduce moisture and add preservatives,
erning the ability to reconstitute dehydrated which are mainly antioxidants to protect
ingredients and then use the added water as against fat rancidity. The reduction of moisture
part of the ingredient’s total mass especially if lowers the “water activity” to a point where
that water is later removed during further microbes (i.e. bacterial and fungal) cannot
­processing, as with drying post extrusion grow due to a lack of free water (i.e. unbound
(see more earlier about this practice). water). Semi-­moist products, mainly treats on
the market now, can also use humectants to
lower water activity and prevent microbial
growth. The humectants used may be common
Some ingredients may be selected over others ingredients, like salt and sugar, when making
based on their “functionality,” as discussed in animal flesh jerky, or they can be chemicals
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148 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

like propylene glycol. However, care should be (generally) reduce palatability, the use of
taken as some of these humectants can be toxic ­concentrated “natural flavors” is often seen
at high enough doses in some species (e.g. cats with extruded foods. Retorted and frozen foods
and propylene glycol). often rely on higher fat concentrations to
Frozen foods use low temperature to prevent improve palatability. Natural flavors are mainly
microbial growth and may or may not use anti- digests of animal liver as well as familiar pala-
oxidants. Unfortunately, the most potent tants such as salt, sugar, and some amino acids
­antioxidants are artificial or chemically pro- including monosodium glutamate. For formu-
duced and are less favored by purchasers for lators, one must thoughtfully consider pala-
that reason (e.g. ethoxyquin, BHA, BHT, etc.). tants’ inclusion not only due to high cost but
Consequently, naturally derived mixed toco- also for any “free-­from” marketing claims.
pherols with varying vitamin E biological Most notably, one must consider whether an
activity can also be used. These tocopherols, ingredient is to be free from grains or
however, are not as effective and care must be ­animal-­origin ingredients (aka vegan). For
taken with their use given the potential to example, soy sauce, as a component in a
impact vitamin K status (Delaney and ­“natural flavor” or palatant, cannot be used in
Dzanis 2018). a grain-­free product, as it is made from wheat.
Vitamin degradation naturally occurs over Similarly, animal digests cannot be used in a
time. Natural forms of vitamins generally vegetarian or vegan food. Some manufacturers
degrade more rapidly and are more subject to of palatants are reluctant to share the full scope
heat degradation. Adding chemical moieties to of ingredients used in their proprietary pala-
vitamins makes them less heat labile and pro- tants due to concerns about industrial espio-
tects against oxidation. This results in syn- nage and loss of competitive advantages, but
thetic vitamins that can fortify and withstand for the reasons cited, formulators must know
heating processes and oxidation being used in what is used when making formulations that
products that are not in retortable packaging. must increasingly support “free-­from” claims.
While these modifications can make the vita-
min source less friendly sounding on an ingre-
Least Cost
dient declaration to some purchasers, it allows
for products that will not spoil in days or weeks Once a formulator has determined the availa-
but rather over many months. Attempts can be ble ingredients with known nutrient profiles,
made to solely use increased overages to meet guaranteed analysis targets, life stage/nutrient
vitamin guarantees, but there are few practical requirements, key ingredient declaration
overages or purified sources of natural vita- order, limits based on processing line, any
mins that will allow this without at least being functionality requirements, specific purified
cost prohibitive (the exception may be natural vitamins, moisture targets, overages to address
vitamin E). The marketing value of using natu- shelf life given planned packaging, and palat-
ral vitamin E to meet the nutrient need when ability enhancers, one can attempt to formu-
varied and artificial stereoisomers are also pre- late a least-­cost formulation using specialized
sent in a product from mixed tocopherols software. Least-­cost formulations often need
added for preservation is likely low. to be calculated to the fourth decimal point
when pricing in US dollars. Many iterations
should be attempted, as a few cents per pound
(or kilogram) of finished product difference
Ultimately, commercially prepared food must can mean savings of hundreds of thousands of
be palatable to be viable as a product. As dollars over time even for smaller pet food
­reductions in water activity and oxidation companies.
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­Commercial Dog and Cat Diet Formulation and Consideration  149

Although the goal is to develop a fixed desired claims. One notable early ­consideration
­formulation, one must be careful not to paint given its impact on timeline is the calorie
oneself into a corner or cut things too closely. ­content claim. Claims of superior digestibility
This means that optimizing a formulation to may be dependent on calorie content claims.
the point where any foreseeable supplier or Calorie content claims are based solely on
ingredient change results in one or more key standard modified Atwater or energy conver-
finished product specifications not being met sion factors in most jurisdictions, unless the
is not ideal. There should be some resilience to product is actually fed in a controlled digesti-
changes or, if there is a linchpin, specifications bility trial. Digestibility trials must await at
should be established to protect against failure. least a pilot-­plant or test-­run food, and packag-
If a very narrow nutrient range must be hit, ing artwork and printing plates cannot be
then key raw materials that provide that finalized until after digestibility trial data are
­nutrient should be assayed for said nutrient on available. Lastly, there can be a potential need
every lot for it to be either accepted or rejected. to change antioxidant and vitamin concentra-
A COA with that specification may be required, tions based on accelerated shelf-­life testing,
and one can create a receiving procedure to which can result in increased launch lead
verify that the COA meets the pre-­determined times even with extrapolation.
specification. Understanding and tracing
sources for these types of key nutrients are also
Continuous Improvement
vital to establishing specifications for raw
materials. Formulations are never truly final and should
always be subject to the concept of continuous
improvement. This can take many forms and
Stool Quality and Digestibility
may be triggered by experience with ingredient
As previously mentioned, hopefully a pilot sourcing and testing, additional production,
plant or test run is possible to produce enough nutrient analysis of finished product, market
food to conduct studies on stool quality and performance, and so on. Reformulations
digestibility (or less commonly a life-­stage should be embraced by the formulator as
feeding trial) depending on the intended opportunities to address any area that is not
claims. Palatability may also be tested so that optimal and to look for opportunities for the
adjustments can be made to the palatant used formulation to be improved. Do not assume
and to the inclusion concentration(s) based on that performance with a newer formulation in
performance. For more novel products, accel- actual animals fed the food will be comparable
erated shelf-­life studies (usually accomplished to the previous version without fresh testing.
by increasing storage temperatures to higher A classic example of the potential drift to infe-
than typical) can also be conducted. This rior performance is with palatability. Often a
allows any antioxidant preservative concentra- two-­pan preference test is used, and the perfor-
tions to be fine-­tuned based on measures of fat mance of two foods is compared. If one food is
rancidity and for vitamin overages to be a well-­performing food and the other is a
increased, if insufficient, to avoid missing fin- ­reformulation suspected to have potentially
ished product vitamin minimum guarantees at reduced palatability, there may be no signifi-
the end of shelf life. cant difference. However, if in the next test the
previously new formulation/food is compared
to a third iteration, the difference may once
again be insignificant, but would be significant
Marketing claims should have been estab- if the third iteration were compared directly
lished early so that a formulation can support to the first iteration. Thus, controls like a
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150 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

competitor’s food may need to be incorporated cholesterol, organic, etc.) or believe that home
in testing to ensure that one is achieving con- preparing a diet is cheaper than purchasing a
tinuous improvement and not continuous commercial product.
change instead. Most nutritionists agree that it is in the
­animal’s best interest to eat a commercially
available food if at all possible. A very impor-
­Home-­Prepared Diets tant point to remember is that home-­prepared
diets have not typically undergone animal
With the advent of complete and balanced feeding trials or even laboratory analysis to
commercial pet foods, the use of home-­ confirm that they support the life stage for
prepared diets has declined. However, over the which they were designed. However, there are
past decade and a half there has been a grow- a number of medically appropriate reasons to
ing segment of clients who are electing to institute a home-­prepared diet in some
home-­cook diets for their dogs and cats; home patients. The major indication for placing an
preparation of food can include cooked or raw animal on a home-­prepared diet is a medical
food feeding. A telephone survey of 1104 dog condition that has special nutritional concerns
and cat caretakers in the United States and not addressed in a commercial or veterinary
Australia found that fewer than 3% of dogs and therapeutic diet. One of the more common
cats received at least 50% of their daily diet conditions where home-­prepared diets have
from home-­prepared foods (Laflamme been extremely useful is in managing adverse
et al. 2008). On the other hand, 30.6% of dogs food reactions. By feeding a home-­prepared
and 13.1% of cats received “non-­commercial” diet one can select a protein and carbohydrate
foods (home-­prepared foods, leftovers, and source not available in commercial foods,
table scraps) as part of their main meal. In this avoid additives and preservatives, and main-
study, 17.4% of dogs and 6.2% of cats received tain control over the type and amounts of
over one-­quarter of their daily diet from these ingredients used. In addition, home-­prepared
non-­commercial foods. While this number diets are often the only option for animals with
may seem low to some, it is important to note multiple medical conditions. By selecting a
that this survey was conducted prior to the commercial diet to treat one condition, the
major pet food recall of 2007. Many nutrition- practitioner may be feeding in a method that is
ists feel that this number has increased since contraindicated for another. A common exam-
that time. ple is an animal with ­hyperlipidemia, a history
There are many reasons why clients wish to of severe recurrent pancreatitis, and renal dis-
prepare meals at home for their dogs and cats. ease. Home-­prepared diets are also useful for
Some of the more common ones include the patients with medical conditions that necessi-
negative press against commercial pet foods, tate the use of a veterinary therapeutic diet,
the belief that home-­prepared foods are closer but the diet is not well accepted by the patient
to the natural diets of ancestral dogs and cats, for any number of reasons.
the feeling of a stronger bond between the
human and animal companions, and the
Nutritional Adequacy
­ability to avoid undesired ingredients such as
additives and preservatives or to use desired Nutritional adequacy should be the first con-
ingredients like raw ingredients (Laflamme cern of every practitioner who has a patient
et al. 2008). Many clients wish to follow that consumes a home-­prepared diet. Only 16
­philosophies that they incorporate into their of 54 human companions who were feeding
personal approach to eating and apply those to their dogs and cats a home-­prepared diet in
their animal companion (e.g. vegetarian, low one survey were using a recipe designed for
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­Home-­Prepared Diet  151

dogs or cats (Laflamme et al. 2008). Eight were obtained from 34 sources (133 recipes
obtained from a veterinarian, three from the were obtained from 2 veterinary text-
internet, and five from other sources books and 9 pet care books for owners,
(Laflamme et al. 2008). and 67 recipes were obtained from
The practitioner should be concerned ­websites). Of these, 129 (64.5%) were
about where clients obtain their recipes. written by veterinarians, whereas the
Frequently, the recipes selected are from remaining 71 (35.5%) were written by
unknown or questionably reputable sources. nonveterinarians.
In one survey, 89% and 93% of home-­prepared
elimination diets used for initial testing in They added:
dogs and cats, respectively, were not com-
plete and balanced for adult maintenance Only 3 recipes provided all essential
(Roudebush and Cowell 1992). Nutritionally nutrients in concentrations meeting or
adequate home-­prepared elimination diets exceeding the NRC RA, and another
for long-­term use were only recommended 2 recipes provided all essential nutrients
65% and 46% of the time in dogs and cats, in concentrations meeting or exceeding
respectively (Roudebush and Cowell 1992). the NRC MR; all 5 of these recipes were
A second prospective study recruited humans written by veterinarians. Nine recipes
to home-­prepare their dogs’ food for a 30-­day provided all essential nutrients in
period. The home-­prepared diets were evalu- ­concentrations exceeding the AAFCO
ated and compared to the AAFCO’s nutrient nutrient profile minimums for adult
profile recommendations (Streiff et al. 2002). dogs; 4 of these also met or exceeded the
Of the diets, 35 fell below AAFCO recom- NRC RA or NRC MR. Of these 9 recipes,
mendations with respect to calcium, phos- 8 were written by veterinarians. Overall,
phorus, potassium, zinc, copper, and vitamins most (190/200 [95%]) recipes resulted in
A and E. These nutrients were not compared at least 1 essential nutrient at concentra-
to NRC recommendations, but closer inspec- tions that did not meet NRC or AAFCO
tion of the results suggests that in some cases guidelines, and many (167 [83.5%]) reci-
nutrient concentrations would have exceeded pes had multiple deficiencies.
NRC minimums (NRC 2006). A more recent
study specifically evaluated 49 maintenance Concerns with regard to nutritional ­adequacy
and 36 growth diets for dogs and cats (Lauten apply to raw home-­prepared diets as well. One
et al. 2005). These diets were obtained from study evaluated the nutritional ­adequacy of
books that are frequently used by veterinari- five raw food diets. Two were ­commercial prod-
ans recommending home-­prepared recipes ucts, the remaining three home-­prepared. All
for their patients. Compared to AAFCO five diets had essential nutrients that were ana-
requirements for the respective life stage, lyzed to be below AAFCO ­minimum recom-
55% were found to be inadequate in protein mendations (Freeman and Michel 2001). The
or amino acids, 64% were inadequate in vita- home-­prepared diets had excessive concentra-
mins, and 86% were inadequate in minerals. tions of vitamins D and E, as well as inappro-
These same diets were then compared to priate calcium to phosphorus ratios.
1985/1986 NRC Nutrient Requirements of More and more reports are beginning to
Dogs and Cats, respectively. In this case 34% appear in the literature with respect to
were deficient in amino acids (taurine in the clinical consequences of feeding home-­
all cases), 45% in vitamins, and 21% in miner- prepared diets that are not nutritionally ade-
als. Stockman et al. in 2013 reported on quate for the animal’s life stage. Growth is one
200 recipes: period where concerns are frequently reported,
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152 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

as this is one of the most nutritionally demand- published cases are in adults, thereby
ing life stages, and deficiencies and excesses ­underscoring the risk involved for individuals
are ­manifested quite rapidly (Tomsa at any life stage. Reports in younger animals
et al. 1999; McMillan et al. 2006) (see Box 8.1 are frequently related to inadequate calcium
for an ­example). However, some of the or improper calcium to phosphorus ratios

Box 8.1 Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism due to a home-prepared growth diet

The authors managed a case in a litter of of the physical and neurological examina-
feral kittens rescued by a local organization. tion was normal. With the exception of a
One 2½-­month-­old female intact kitten was high alkaline phosphatase (expected in a kit-
presented for evaluation. The client acquired ten of this age), the blood work was all within
the ­kitten at approximately 7–10 days of age normal limits. Radiographic evaluation
(also fostering three other kittens of similar reported severe generalized decreased bone
age). All kittens received a commercial colos- opacity with thin cortices. There was a mid-­
trum and milk replacement formula (powder diaphyseal folding fracture of the left femur,
form). The kittens were weaned onto a home-­ a fracture of the left ileum, and possible
prepared diet consisting of approximately compression of several of the sacral verte-
60% store-­ bought ground meat (beef, brae; additional radiographs were recom-
chicken, or turkey), and 40% fresh seasonal mended for further evaluation. Bone
vegetables (carrots, green leafy vegetables, fragments were noted in the gastrointestinal
broccoli, kale, and/or celery root). Cooked tract (Figure 8.1).
bone meal (ground bones from the store) A computer evaluation of a sample meal
was also fed intermittently. from the diet history was completed and
The first symptoms of lameness developed revealed deficiencies in all the essential min-
at approximately 2½ months of age when the erals and vitamins. The authors noted that
kitten could not use her hind legs. She while bone chips appeared in the gastroin-
appeared to have feeling in her legs, could testinal tract on the radiographs, the availa-
move them a little without bearing weight, bility of calcium from that bone had to be
and had normal bowel control. The following questionable given the clinical signs. Based
day another ­kitten in the household started to on the history, examination findings, and diet
display similar signs with a hind limb lame- evaluation, a diagnosis of nutritional second-
ness, and approximately one week later a ary hyperparathyroidism was made.
third kitten began to show similar signs with Due to financial concerns, no additional
a front limb lameness. The lameness varied in radiographs and diagnostics were performed.
each cat, affecting different limbs, and varying The caretaker was instructed to cage rest all
in severity from day to day. The kittens all had of the kittens and to place them on a com-
good appetites and energy levels. The client mercial kitten diet that had undergone and
reported that they still played (although they passed feeding trials for growth. Concerns
did not move their legs) and would drag about feeding nutritionally inadequate and
themselves to the litter box. raw food diets were also discussed.
On presentation, the kitten was bright and The same kitten returned approximately
alert, with a body condition score of 4 out of one month later. She had grown and her
9. Physical examination revealed pain and a behavior had returned to normal. Repeat
probable fracture in the left femur as well as radiographs reported a normalized bone
pain in the lumbosacral area. The remainder density and repair of the fractures (Figure 8.2).
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­Home-­Prepared Diet  153

Figure 8.2 (a) Lateral and (b) ventral-­dorsal

Figure 8.1 (a) Lateral and (b) ventral-­dorsal views of the same kitten taken approximately one
views of a 2½-­month-­old kitten fed an month following the consumption of a
unbalanced, raw home-­prepared diet. Note the commercial, all life stage dry diet. Note the
generalized decreased bone opacity and thin normalized bone density and healing fractures.
cortices, mid-­diaphyseal folding fracture of the
left femur, fracture of the left ilium, and possible
compression of several of the sacral vertebrae.

(Tomsa et al. 1999; McMillan et al. 2006), lead- reports are related to major ­mineral deficien-
ing to lesions or fractures in the long bones. cies or imbalances, other ­nutritional problems
Comparatively, clinical signs secondary to can occur. There is an interesting case series of
­calcium deficiency in adults are frequently growing and juvenile cats with pansteatitis
manifested as rubber jaw syndrome with associated with the consumption of high lev-
resorption of the mandible or maxilla els of unsaturated fatty acids in fish or pork
(De Fornel-­Thibaud et al. 2007). While most brain–based diets (Niza et al. 2003).
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154 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

Managing Patients Using Protein and Amino Acids

Home-­Prepared Diets When evaluating the dietary source of protein
and amino acids, it is important to consider a
A diet history should be obtained on every
multitude of factors. Is the protein source of
patient, each time they are seen in one’s
animal or plant origin? Animal-­based protein
­practice. If a client mentions that they are
sources are recommended for both dogs and
­preparing food at home for their animal, it is
cats due to their pattern of essential amino
recommended that a copy of the detailed rec-
acids. However, it is not unusual to see plant
ipe (including the source) be obtained from the
proteins as the major or sole protein source in
client and entered into the patient’s permanent
a canine diet. Plant proteins can be used for
medical record. The client should also be asked
feline diets, but are not recommended by these
about their reasons for opting to prepare food
authors as it is often difficult to meet the cat’s
at home rather than purchasing a diet for their
nitrogen and amino acid requirements using
animal. This will help the practitioner
plant proteins, and diet palatability is typically
­understand the client’s motivations, and such
poor. Plant proteins are also frequently limited
knowledge may be useful in directing them to
in the essential amino acids methionine,
a more appropriate alternative if necessary.
lysine, and tryptophan.
As the primary care provider, the practi-
Most plant proteins do not contain taurine,
tioner is the first line of defense with respect to
an essential amino acid for cats, and under
identifying and stopping feeding practices that
some circumstances possibly a conditionally
are nutritionally inadequate. Chemical analy-
essential amino acid in dogs. Even when
sis of the home-­prepared diet is one of the best
animal-­based protein sources are used, these
methods of evaluating the adequacy of a par-
authors prefer to see supplemental taurine in
ticular recipe. However, it is cost prohibitive
every feline diet.
for most clients. It is virtually impossible to
The taurine content in animal proteins can
determine if a recipe meets a patient’s nutrient
vary significantly, with muscle generally con-
needs by inspection alone; however, one can
taining less taurine than organ meats (Spitze
often identify areas of concern based on a
et al. 2003). Cooking also influences taurine
quick overview. This type of review can pro-
concentrations, and it can be lost to a signifi-
vide a foundation for the practitioner’s
cant extent when using cooking methods that
­recommendation to have the diet evaluated
expose proteins to water, thereby leaching the
and revised by a board-­certified veterinary
taurine from the food (Spitze et al. 2003).
­nutritionist® or evaluated by the veterinarian
These findings imply that if one does not cook
themselves using a nutritional software
the protein source, taurine deficiency is less of
­program. One online software program availa-
a concern; however, the literature does not
ble to veterinarians for free is Balance It (see
support this thinking. Taurine deficiency has
earlier), which has been shown to be “highly
been recognized in cats that consume home-­
predictive of deficiencies or excesses of nutri-
prepared diets using raw protein. One research
ents as measured via laboratory methods”
update reported dilated cardiomyopathy asso-
(Stockman et al. 2013).
ciated with taurine deficiency in a group of
During initial inspection of the diet, one
growing cats fed a diet consisting solely of
should try to identify the protein, fat, carbohy-
ground raw rabbit (Glasgow et al. 2002).
drate, vitamin, and mineral (especially cal-
A ­second study evaluated plasma taurine con-
cium) sources. The absence of any one of these
centrations in sand cats (Felis margarita) fed
is an immediate indication that the diet should
either a commercial feline kibble or a raw food
be evaluated further.
diet (Crissey et al. 1997). Despite a 15% increase
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­Home-­Prepared Diet  155

in digestibility and a 40% increase in taurine Fatty Acids

­content compared to the kibble diet, cats con- Dogs and cats require linoleic acid (18 : 2 n-­6)
suming the raw food diet had significantly (NRC 2006). While animal fats contain some
lower plasma taurine concentrations. Although linoleic acid, an additional source is often nec-
the plasma taurine concentrations were not essary to meet the dog’s or cat’s requirement.
below the point at which clinical taurine defi- Many common vegetable oils can be used as a
ciency would be seen, they were reduced by dietary source of linoleic acid including corn,
approximately 25% during the 12-­day study walnut, safflower (high oleic), sunflower, and
period. While arguably this is a crude estimate soybean oil. Corn and walnut oils have the
at best, if one were to project the continued highest concentration of linoleic acid so one of
rate of decline, plasma taurine would fall them is needed in the least amount to meet the
below the concentration where the clinical requirement. This can be very helpful if one is
signs of taurine deficiency are frequently noted trying to limit the overall amount of fat in the
at approximately day 20 of raw food consump- diet. Many clients want to use olive oil since
tion. These effects would likely be more pro- they are using it in their own diets to combat
nounced under the conditions of a more coronary artery disease. However, while olive
demanding life stage than maintenance, such oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, it is
as during growth or reproduction. a poor source of linoleic acid, thereby requir-
The exact mechanism of how raw diets can ing large amounts to meet the animal’s require-
potentiate taurine deficiency is unknown at ment. In addition, dogs and cats do not develop
this time. The amount of taurine available to clinically significant atherosclerosis leading to
the cat from its diet is dependent upon a num- myocardial infarctions and death, likely due to
ber of factors including the quality and quan- differences in lipoproteins and life span com-
tity of dietary protein, as well as how that pared to humans. Therefore, the use of olive oil
protein is processed (Hickman et al. 1990; is not often recommended. Cats also require
Backus et al. 1994; Kim et al. 1996a, 1996b). arachidonic acid, found in high concentrations
These factors in turn influence gastrointestinal in animal fats and not in vegetable-­based fats.
microbial numbers and/or species that can This adds another layer of complexity in trying
cause taurine loss by accelerating turnover of to meet the nutrient requirements of cats using
bile acids conjugated with taurine and decrease vegetarian diets. Borage, blackcurrant, and
recycling of taurine by the enterohepatic route. evening primrose oils may be used, as these
These factors may influence changes in bacte- can supply gamma linolenic acid, a precursor
ria that favor those populations that degrade for arachidonic acid.
taurine. In addition to these factors, low levels Emerging evidence suggests that omega-­3
of vitamin E in a diet can cause meat to lose fatty acids may provide some health benefits
taurine when it is processed and ground to dogs and cats, especially during growth
(Lambert et al. 2001). and development (Bauer 2006). Specifically,
Specific recommendations should be pro- benefits may be derived from docosahexae-
vided regarding the cut and fat content of the noic (DHA, 22 : 5 n-­3) and eicosapentaenoic
protein source for animal proteins. The fat con- (EPA, 20 : 5 n-­3) acids. While alpha-­linolenic
tent of a diet can vary considerably if different acid (18 : 3 n-­3) is often supplied in products
cuts of meat or poultry are used. The inclusion by ingredients such as flaxseed or canola oil,
or absence of skin should be noted in the rec- dogs and cats cannot efficiently convert
ipe and if using ground meat or ground poul- alpha-­linolenic acid to EPA and DHA, so fish,
try, the percentage of fat in the product should krill, or algal oil sources are required
be specified. (NRC 2006).
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156 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

Carbohydrates prepared. For these reasons, the authors

While carbohydrates are not required in dogs ­recommend using a distinct vitamin and
and cats (NRC 2006), one should note their ­mineral supplement.
presence or absence in the diet. Their absence, Some veterinary nutritionists and clients
while not nutritionally essential, is noteworthy ­prefer to use a patented all-­in-­one veterinary
as the diet will then be one that is high supplement (Balance It brand, founded by one
in ­protein and/or fat. There are four carbohy- of the authors, SJD), which limits the number
drate groups from a functional perspective: of ingredients added to the diet, whereas others
­absorbable (monosaccharides); digestible prefer to use supplements designed for the
(disaccharides, certain oligosaccharides, and human market to meet the vitamin and min-
non-­structural polysaccharides); fermentable eral needs of the patient. With this latter
(lactose, certain oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, approach the number of ingredients that must
and resistant starch); and non-­fermentable be measured and added to the diet will increase
(certain dietary fibers) carbohydrates (NRC significantly. This approach generally necessi-
2006). While many view carbohydrates nega- tates a calcium/phosphorus supplement; a
tively (especially those in the absorbable and multivitamin/multimineral supplement; a tau-
digestible categories) due to their high digesti- rine supplement (for cats and occasionally
ble starch content and the belief that such dogs); iodized salt or light salt to provide iodine,
products are bad for dogs and cats (unsubstan- sodium, potassium, and chloride; choline if
tiated scientifically), they often overlook the methionine is limited in the diet (i.e. vegetarian
other nutrients supplied. For example, oatmeal diets); and then often additional zinc and/or
can supply a significant amount of protein and vitamin B12, as many human vitamin/mineral
fat to a diet. Carbohydrates also provide fer- supplements have lower concentrations of
mentable and non-­fermentable carbohydrates these nutrients. In some cases, however, this
in the form of dietary fiber. Soluble fibers are latter approach must be used if additional
generally better energy substrates for gastroin- nutrient restriction is required beyond what an
testinal microorganisms than insoluble fibers all-­in-­one veterinary supplement provides due
due to their increased rate and extent of fer- to an underlying disease process. A common
mentation (NRC 2006). Prebiotics are one form example includes dogs (and also cats) with
of soluble fiber that may stimulate the growth chronic kidney disease requiring potassium
and well-­being of bacteria in the gastrointesti- restriction secondary to life-­threatening hyper-
nal tract, thereby supporting overall health. kalemia (Segev et al. 2010).

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements General Considerations

An obvious vitamin and mineral supplement After reviewing the recipe for nutrient catego-
should be readily apparent in every recipe. ries and specific ingredients, consideration
Many clients prefer to try to address their dog’s should be given to the calories the recipe pro-
or cat’s vitamin and mineral needs using whole vides on a daily basis as well as the percentage
foods such as liver or bone rather than a manu- of calories coming from each of the major
factured supplement. Such an approach is very nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrate.
difficult to do and can heighten the risk of a Home-­prepared diets can be very energy dense
nutritional deficiency or excess in the diet. depending on their ingredient composition.
Natural foods have tremendous variability in They are highly digestible in most cases and
their vitamin and mineral content based on very palatable. This combination can predis-
how and where the food source was raised, pose animals that consume them to weight
feeding or fertilizing methods, the part of the gain and obesity if they are receiving too many
animal or plant used, and how the source is calories a day and not being closely monitored.
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­Home-­Prepared Diet  157

The percentage of calories coming from requirements.” Such guidelines are very poor
­protein, fat, and carbohydrate should be con- advice as they provide no information and
sidered in light of the animal’s signalment and require that a client with no nutritional train-
health status. It is important that the nutrient ing decide what supplement to give and how
distribution be appropriate if an animal is much. Guidelines with respect to how the sup-
receiving a home-­prepared diet to manage a plements are added and handled should also
disease. In some cases, this may also include be provided. Many vitamins can be destroyed
the micronutrients. For example, in an animal by heating, which can occur if they are added
with renal disease, one is not only concerned during the cooking process.
about the protein content but also phosphorus, Lastly, because many clients like to prepare
sodium, and potassium. In the authors’ experi- their pet’s food in large batches, it is very help-
ence if a recipe has not been formulated by a ful if instructions are provided for them to do
board-­certified veterinary nutritionist, it is so. How and when should vitamin and mineral
often very difficult to determine the calorie supplements be added to batches? Can the rec-
content, the percentage of calories supplied by ipe be prepared in one pot/vessel or in a “closed
protein, fat, and carbohydrate, and the micro- system” or separately to ensure shifts in fat
nutrient composition. The absence of any of and water are accounted for? Can the batch of
this information is an indicator that the diet food be refrigerated or frozen? In some cases,
should be evaluated further. defrosting and reheating instructions may be
One should inspect the recipe with regard to necessary as well.
the instructions. In the ingredient list it should Many veterinary practitioners successfully
specify if units of measure are of cooked or raw use home-­prepared diets in the management
material. Specifying gram units in addition to of their patients. It is important to obtain
traditional volume measures (i.e. cups or tea- home-­prepared diet recipes from reputable
spoons) is very helpful because often the sources, formulated by properly trained indi-
required amounts of some nutrients fall out- viduals. While there are a number of recipes
side or below the units available on common in the veterinary literature, in textbooks, and
measuring equipment in the average kitchen. referred publications, studies suggest that
The authors recommend that clients who wish they may not always be nutritionally ade-
to home prepare their dogs’ or cats’ diets pur- quate (Lauten et al. 2005; Stockman
chase a kitchen scale, as weighing the ingredi- et al. 2013). Be extremely cautious of recipes
ents is much more accurate than volume obtained from the internet if the site is not
measures. Very clear cooking instructions and maintained by a veterinary nutritionist, or
ingredient preparation guidelines should be from publications designed for use by the
provided. For example: Should the meat be pan general public. A better option is to have a
fried (with or without added fat), baked, boiled, diet specially formulated for one’s patient or
or braised? How should the rice be prepared to formulate one for one’s patient using com-
(with or without added salt)? Should the skin mercially available formulation software
be left on potatoes? such as Balance It (https://­, esha
Specific brand names should be provided RESEARCH (, Feedsoft®, or Mixit
with respect to vitamin and mineral supple- (
ments as there is tremendous variability in the A custom-­formulated diet accounts for the
market with regard to the nutrient content patient’s specific needs and medical prob-
and amounts provided in such products. lems, using ingredients the patient likes.
Furthermore it is not uncommon for many Contact the veterinary teaching college/hos-
recipes to simply state “add a vitamin and pital in one’s area/region to see if their clini-
mineral supplement to meet the patient’s cal veterinary nutritionist(s) provides this
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158 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

service. There are also a number of veterinary or it may be experiencing a progression of

nutritionists in the private sector who will its disease process. Recheck visits allow the
custom-­formulate diets. Board-­certified veteri- ­practitioner to ­educate the client, make
nary nutritionists® may be located through the adjustments, or pursue a reformulation of
American College of Veterinary Internal the diet if needed.
Medicine (https://­

Assessment while on a Home-­Prepared Diet ­Raw Food Feeding

It is recommended that any animal receiving a
home-­prepared diet be checked by a veterinar- Concerns regarding nutritional adequacy not
ian at least every six months (animals with a only apply to home-­prepared raw diets but to
concurrent medical condition may need to be commercial raw diets that do not inherently
seen more frequently, e.g. every three months undergo any cooking/kill step or an alternative
or less, as indicated by their problem). The high-­pressure processing step as well. One study
physical examination should include an that looked at the nutritional adequacy of
assessment of body condition, body weight, home-­prepared raw food also looked at the
and, if indicated, diagnostic tests such as blood nutritional adequacy of several commercial raw
work and urinalysis. A retinal examination food diets (Freeman and Michel 2001). Both
should be performed on every cat. This visit commercial raw diets had nutrient concentra-
also allows the inclusion of specific diagnostic tions that fell below minimum AAFCO recom-
tests to determine how well the patient is mendations. Similarly, clinical case reports of
responding to its medical and/or nutritional problems in animals consuming commercial
management. raw food diets are now beginning to appear in
The patient’s diet history should also be the literature (Taylor et al. 2009). Commercially
updated at every visit; this will help alert the produced raw diets fall under the same AAFCO
practitioner to any changes in the prescribed labeling guidelines with respect to reporting
recipe. It can also be helpful to have the client nutrient content, ingredients, and nutritional
provide a diet record of exactly how much adequacy statements. AAFCO recommenda-
and what the animal ate for the past week. If tions for nutrient minimums and maximums
changes from the prescribed feeding plan are exist to guide and protect against nutritional
noted, often occurring in the form of ingredi- concerns in commercially produced foods.
ent substitutions (referred to as “diet drift”) or While some of these recommendations are
the exclusion of an ingredient (often the vita- based on studies using semi-­purified diets, there
min and mineral supplements), it is impor- are also many studies using extruded or moist
tant to determine why the client implemented diets. On the other hand, there is still a paucity
these changes. In some cases the client may of data concerning nutritional requirements,
simply not understand the importance of the bioavailability, and the effect of raw food on gas-
ingredient. Often what may appear to be a trointestinal microbial populations in dogs and
simple substitution can drastically alter the cats. It is well known that nutrient require-
nutrient profile of the overall diet. In animals ments can vary depending on the type of diet
with an underlying medical condition, such (i.e. taurine requirements are almost double for
innocent adjustments may potentiate canned products compared to extruded diets).
advancement of their animal companion’s Therefore, one can speculate that similar exam-
disease. In other cases, perhaps the patient ples may exist for dogs and cats that consume
does not find the diet to be palatable. The dog raw diets and that further research is needed.
or cat may also be having an adverse response There are concerns that the consumption of
to the formulation or one of the ingredients, bones can cause oral and dental trauma as
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­Raw Food Feedin  159

well as esophageal and gastrointestinal Arguably, while many animals never become
­foreign ­bodies. The use of raw bones ill while consuming raw food diets, they still
­(compared to cooked) may reduce the risk of pose a risk to humans and other animals
splintering and tooth fractures, but sharp through environmental shedding (Finley
fragments can still occur and puncture the et al. 2006, 2007). Individuals preparing raw
mucosa at any point along the gastrointestinal diets are also at risk by handling contaminated
route. Grinding bones may help reduce the meat and egg products. Those greatest at risk
risk of trauma and obstruction, but the avail- are the very young and old, in addition to the
ability of the calcium from these sources is immunocompromised.
unknown (see Box 8.1). There is no documented evidence that
The veterinarian’s job is not only to care for ­feeding raw meat has any health or nutritional
the health and well-­being of their animal advantages over cooked foods. The US Food
patients, but also those who are the guardians and Drug Administration (FDA) does not
of these animals as well. From this perspective advocate the feeding of raw meat, poultry, or
concerns regarding pathogenic bacteria in raw seafood to pets (FDA 2007). However, recog-
diets and subsequent environmental contami- nizing that some clients will continue this
nation are paramount. practice, it provides a set of recommendations
There is growing evidence to support these regarding the safe handling of raw foods for
concerns. Evidence for the possible transmis- clients to follow.
sion of food-­borne pathogenic bacteria from As veterinarians, it is important to discuss
dogs to humans exists (Gutman et al. 1973; with clients the risks associated with feeding
Morse et al. 1976; Sato et al. 2000). In Alberta, raw diets not only to the animal, but also to
Canada, 9 of 12 case patients with Salmonella those who share the environment with that
infantis infection had been exposed to pig ear animal. In many cases, safer alternatives can
treats, and Streptococcus infantis was isolated be offered that will often address the underly-
from a pig ear treat collected from one of the ing motivations that lead the client to try this
case patients. The isolate recovered from the feeding approach initially. There are numerous
pig ear was indistinguishable from S. infantis commercial diets on the market that provide
isolates recovered from fecal samples similar nutrient profiles to raw diets or do not
obtained from humans with salmonellosis contain grains or offer natural ingredients and
(Laboratory Centre for Disease Control 2000; preservatives. If the client still wishes to pre-
Finley et al. 2006). pare food at home, a home-­prepared, cooked
Potential human pathogens have been iso- diet formulated by a board-­certified veterinary
lated in both commercial and home-­prepared nutritionist is an excellent option.
raw diets (Chengappa et al. 1993; Freeman In some cases, despite understanding all of
and Michel 2001; Joffe and Schlesinger 2002; the risks, a client may wish to continue to feed
Weese et al. 2005; Strohmeyer et al. 2006; a raw diet. Practitioners should refer their cli-
Leonard et al. 2010). Animals fed raw diets ents to the FDA’s website and go over safe han-
have been reported to shed the same viable dling and preparation of food, as well as
organisms that were isolated in their food cleaning practices. It has been shown that sim-
(Finley et al. 2007). There have been reports ple routine washing may not be enough to
of racing greyhounds, sled dogs, guard dogs, eliminate potential food-­borne pathogens in
and cats with Salmonella infections due to the animal companion’s food bowl and envi-
consumption of contaminated raw meat ronment (Weese and Rousseau 2006). It is also
(Caraway et al. 1959; Cantor et al. 1997; important to document any discussions one
Stone et al. 1993; Stiver et al. 2003; Morley has on this subject, as there may be legal rami-
et al. 2006). fications (LeJeune and Hancock 2001).
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160 Commercial and Home-­Prepared Diets

­ ummary ●● All home-­prepared diet recipes should be
reviewed by the practitioner and entered
●● Each type of commercial pet food – dry, moist, into the patient’s medical record. Recipes
semi-­moist, and raw – has potential advan- that are obtained from books, lay publica-
tages and disadvantages. It is important for tions, or the internet should be evaluated for
the practitioner to understand these in order adequacy by a board-­certified veterinary
to recommend the best diet to their patient. nutritionist (if not already the origin) or the
●● There are good-­quality commercial diets in practitioner using available evaluation
every segment of the market, and the price software.
of a pet food does not always equate to the ●● Raw food diets pose many potential risks
quality of the diet. including nutritional excesses or deficiencies,
●● The major indication for placing an animal dental injury, gastrointestinal obstructions
on a home-­prepared diet is a medical condi- and perforations, bacterial contamination,
tion that requires special nutritional modifi- and other zoonotic diseases. Clients should
cations not addressed in a commercial or be educated by their veterinarian with respect
veterinary therapeutic diet. to these risks.

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ingredients; cooking influences taurine organic%20program;rgn=div5;view=txt;idno
content. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 87 (7–8): =7;node=7%3A3.
251–262. Weese, J.S. and Rousseau, J. (2006). Survival of
Stiver, S.L., Frazier, K.S., Mauel, M.J. et al. salmonella Copenhagen in food bowls
(2003). Septicemic salmonellosis in two cats following contamination with experimentally
fed a raw meat diet. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. inoculated raw meat: effects of time, cleaning,
39 (6): 538–542. and disinfection. Can. Vet. J. 47 (9): 887–889.
Stockman, J., Fascetti, A.J., Kass, P.H. et al. Weese, J.S., Rousseau, J., and Arroyo, L. (2005).
(2013). Evaluation of recipes of home-­prepared Bacteriological evaluation of commercial
maintenance diets for dogs. J. Am. Vet. Med. canine and feline raw diets. Can. Vet. J.
Assoc. 242 (11): 1500–1505. 46: 513–516.
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Nutritional Management of Body Weight

Kathryn E. Michel and Robert C. Backus

Animals become overweight as a consequence $147 billion in direct healthcare costs each
of maintaining a state of positive energy year (Hammond and Levine 2010).
­balance, which results when they consume There seems to be general agreement that
calories in excess of their caloric expenditure. excess weight gain is the most common
Weight gain can be rapid if the caloric excess is nutrition-­related disorder seen in companion
large. However, even a modest chronic excess animals today. While compared to human
in caloric intake can result in significant weight studies there have been relatively few large
gain over the long term. For example, a cat that investigations of the prevalence of overweight-
consumes a mere 10 kcal above its daily energy ness and obesity in pet dogs and cats, estimates
requirement every day will accumulate about a range from 24% to 44% of the adult popula-
pound of adipose tissue in the course of a year. tion (Scarlett and Donoghue 1996; Lund
For the typical domestic shorthaired cat, that et al. 2005, 2006; Mao et al. 2013; Chiang
would be equivalent to 10% of its ideal weight, et al. 2022a, b). The survey of the body condi-
not at all an insignificant weight gain. tion of pet dogs and cats that examined the
Obesity has been defined as an accumula- largest and most geographically diverse cohort
tion of excessive energy storage in the form of obtained body condition scores (BCSs) from
adipose tissue sufficient to contribute to dis- private veterinary practices throughout the
ease (National Institutes of Health 1985). For United States. These investigators found that
humans, both overweightness and obesity 28.7% of 8159 adult cats were classified as over-
have been clearly defined using anthropomet- weight and 6.4% as obese (Lund et al. 2005). Of
ric criteria. Epidemiologic data from the past 21 754 dogs seen at these same practices, 29.0%
few decades have revealed that increasing were deemed overweight and 5.1% obese
numbers of people in developed and develop- (Lund et al. 2006). When the data for only
ing regions of the world are overweight or middle-­aged pets (between the ages of 5 and
obese (Ogden et al. 2006; Flegal et al. 2015). 11 years) were analyzed, 44% of the cats and
The impact of overweightness and obesity on 42% of the dogs were scored as overweight or
human health has also been extensively inves- obese, percentages that approach those
tigated, and it is estimated that in the United reported for people living in the United States
States alone these conditions result in up to (Lund et al. 2005, 2006; Ogden et al. 2006).

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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164 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

­ he Health Consequences
T pairs were moderately overweight (6.7 ± 0.2/9).
of Overweightness and Obesity Significantly fewer of the limit-­fed dogs devel-
oped osteoarthritis than the full-­fed dogs, and
In comparison to the scientific literature regard- those that did had less severe disease with a
ing the adverse effects of excess weight gain on later onset in life. This finding was particularly
human health, our knowledge of the impact of dramatic in light of the relatively modest
this condition on the health of pet dogs and cats ­difference in body condition between the
is more limited. Not too long ago the potential ­limit-­fed and full-­fed dogs.
sequelae of weight gain, as discussed in the vet- There is also evidence that overweight dogs
erinary literature, were mostly matters of spec- with pre-­existing orthopedic disease benefit
ulation based on data from human patients. from weight loss. One prospective study found
However, there are now a number of published that when nine pet dogs with radiographic and
investigations that document an association clinical signs of coxofemoral joint osteoarthri-
between overweightness and obesity and tis underwent a successful weight-­reduction
increased risk of disease and decreased longev- program, all dogs experienced a significant
ity in both cats and dogs. The best evidence to decrease in severity of clinical signs based on
date documents the association between subjective evaluation (Impellizeri et al. 2000).
­obesity and orthopedic disease in dogs, and Other investigations of the impact of weight
between obesity and diabetes mellitus in cats. loss on dogs with documented osteoarthritis
have reported similar findings, with dogs
showing significant improvement of lameness
as documented by force plate and kinetic gait
Obesity as a Risk Factor for Canine
analysis after a successful weight-­loss program
Orthopedic Disease
(Burkholder et al. 2001; Marshall et al. 2010).
One of the first large-­scale epidemiologic stud-
ies on overweightness and obesity in dogs was
Obesity as a Risk Factor for Feline
performed in the United Kingdom, and it found
Diabetes Mellitus
that 2.9% of a sample of 8268 dogs seen at 11
different veterinary clinics were classified as The association between obesity and type II
grossly overweight (Edney and Smith 1986). diabetes mellitus in people is well documented
This subset of dogs had an increased preva- (Hu et al. 2001). Obesity promotes insulin
lence of circulatory and articular/locomotor resistance, which in turn leads to increased
diseases. However, this finding was confounded insulin secretion by the pancreatic beta cells,
by the fact that in this population these disor- with the consequence over time of beta-­cell
ders were also highly associated with old age. destruction through one or more proposed
This was consistent with a larger study of 40 038 mechanisms, including islet amylin deposi-
dogs presented to an academic institution, tion, beta-­cell exhaustion, and glucose toxicity
which reported an overall prevalence of over- (Rossetti et al. 1990). Abnormal insulin secre-
weight and obesity of 41.3% and a significantly tion and abnormal glucose tolerance have been
increased risk of orthopedic disease (adjusted documented in both overweight dogs and cats.
odds ratio 1.57; Chiang et al. 2022b). Both species have been shown to develop glu-
In a 14-­year longitudinal study of pair-­fed cose intolerance and hyperinsulinemia with
Labrador Retriever littermates, one member of weight gain, which resolves if the animal
the pair was fed 25% less food than the other returns to normal body condition (Mattheeuws
throughout life (Kealy et al. 2002). On average et al. 1984; Fettman et al. 1998).
the limit-­fed dogs maintained an optimal BCS The form of diabetes that affects the majority
(4.6 ± 0.2/9), while their respective full-­fed of dogs most closely resembles human type I
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­Increasing Awareness of Overweightness and Obesit  165

diabetes. Feline diabetes mellitus, however, obesity can compromise an animal’s ventila-
resembles human type II diabetes in several tory capacity (“Pickwickian syndrome”) and
key respects, including islet amylin deposition thus affect tolerance of exercise, heat, and
and an association with an overweight anesthesia.
body condition (Yano et al. 1981; Panciera It has become increasingly evident that adi-
et al. 1990). One investigation found that over- pose tissue, long viewed simply as an energy
weight cats had a fourfold greater risk of depot, actively produces both hormones that
becoming diabetic than normal-­weight cats are involved in energy homeostasis (e.g. leptin
(Scarlett and Donoghue 1998). However, a and resistin) and cytokines, some of which are
larger study of 9062 cats presented to an aca- important modulators of inflammation (e.g.
demic institution reported that only 107 of 232 tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-­alpha, interleukin
cats with diabetes mellitus were overweight or [IL]-­1) (Miller et al. 1998; Gayet et al. 2004;
obese, resulting in no significant association Barić et al. 2017). Consequently, obesity is now
(Chiang et al. 2022a). Differences in patient recognized as a state of chronic low-­grade
population might underlie the apparent incon- inflammation, a condition that may prove to
sistency. Among cats presented to primary-­care play a role in the pathogenesis of some of the
veterinary practices in the United Kingdom diseases for which overweight individuals are
(n = 193 435), risk for diabetes mellitus report- at risk, including osteoarthritis and diabetes
edly increases substantially with increasing mellitus. This inflammatory state is shown to
body weight, where disease odds ratio exceeds be reversible with loss of body weight in dogs
10 to 1 when body weight is greater than 6 kg (German et al. 2009; Wakshlag et al. 2011).
(O’Neill et al. 2016). As previously noted, there is evidence that
overweight dogs and cats experience decreased
longevity. In the study involving the pair-­fed
Additional Health Risks of Obesity in Dogs
Labrador retrievers, a significant difference in
and Cats
median lifespan was found: 13 years for the
Other investigations have shown excess body limit-­fed dogs compared to 11.2 years for the
weight to be a risk factor for a number of other control (full-­fed) dogs (Kealy et al. 2002). With
health problems seen in companion animals. regard to cats, in an investigation of over 2000
Overweight cats have been found to be at adult cats seen at veterinary clinics in the mid-­
greater risk for lower urinary tract diseases, Atlantic region of the United States, multivari-
non-­allergic dermatitis, oral disease, lameness, ate statistical analysis controlled for age found
feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis, and a range that middle-­aged obese cats had greater risk of
of other disease categories (Burrows et al. 1981; mortality than cats at optimal body weight
Scarlett and Donoghue 1998; Lund et al. 2005; (Scarlett and Donoghue 1996).
Chiang et al. 2022a). Overweight dogs have
been found to be at increased risk for pancrea-
titis, hyperlipidemia, endocrine diseases, renal I­ ncreasing Awareness
pathology, and respiratory and dermatologic of Overweightness and Obesity
diseases (Hess et al. 1999; Finco et al. 2001;
Chiang et al. 2022a, b). There is also epidemio- Given the evidence that excessive weight gain
logic evidence that neoplasia is associated can have significant health consequences for
with an overweight body condition in both pet dogs and cats, why are so many pets over-
dogs and cats (Lund et al. 2005, 2006; Chiang weight? Since most pets do not obtain food on
et al. 2022a, b), although one study suggested their own, it would seem a relatively simple
that such associations in dogs are likely cancer task for the caregiver to feed adequate but not
type specific (Weeth et al. 2007). In general, excessive amounts and avoid inappropriate
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166 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

weight gain. In order to do this, however, the techniques might be useful in a research or
caregiver must be able to distinguish what con- clinical setting, they are again impractical as a
stitutes an optimal weight for the pet. means of assessing a pet on a day-­to-­day basis.
Body condition scoring, on the other hand,
requires no special equipment, is simple to
Targeting Optimal Weight
learn, and can be used to assess and modify
Basing a pet’s feeding management on main- feeding practices in the home setting.
taining a target body weight has disadvantages,
particularly in the case of dogs. Weight tables
Body Condition Scoring
similar to available human height–weight
tables would be impractical and difficult to Several different scoring systems for dogs and
develop for dogs and cats due to the variation cats have been developed. A nine-­point system
in conformation among and within breeds is described in Tables 9.1 and 9.2 and illus-
and the large number of mixed-­breed pets. trated in Figures 9.1 and 9.2. Applying the sys-
Furthermore, most people do not have ready tem involves both visual assessment of the pet
access to an accurate scale that would accom- and palpation to assess body fat over the ribs,
modate a dog or a cat. There have been attempts abdomen, lumbar area, and tail base. The com-
to develop zoometric techniques for dogs bination of the description and illustrations
and cats similar to the anthropometric tech- clarifies the distinctions between scores and
niques used in humans (Stanton et al. 1992; makes the system simple to apply. This system
Witzel et al. 2014a, b). However, while these has been validated for use with dogs and

Table 9.1 The nine-­point body condition scoring system for dogs.

Too Thin
1 Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones, and all bony prominences evident from a distance;
no discernible body fat; obvious loss of muscle mass.
2 Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, and pelvic bones easily visible; no palpable fat; some evidence of
other bony prominence; minimal loss of muscle mass.
3 Ribs easily palpated and may be visible with no palpable fat; tops of lumbar vertebrae
visible; pelvic bones becoming prominent; obvious waist and abdominal tuck.
4 Ribs easily palpable, with minimal fat covering; waist easily noted, viewed from above;
abdomen tucked up when viewed from side.
5 Ribs palpable without excess fat covering; waist observed behind ribs when viewed from
above; abdomen tucked up when viewed from side.
Too Heavy
6 Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering; waist is discernible viewed from above but
is not prominent; abdominal tuck apparent.
7 Ribs palpable with difficulty; heavy fat cover; noticeable fat deposits over lumbar area
and base of tail; waist absent or barely visible; abdominal tuck may be present.
8 Ribs not palpable under very heavy fat cover, or palpable only with significant pressure;
heavy fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail; waist absent; no abdominal tuck;
obvious abdominal distension may be present.
9 Massive fat deposits over thorax, spine, and base of tail; waist and abdominal tuck
absent; fat deposits on neck and limbs; obvious abdominal distension.

Source: Reproduced with permission from the Nestlé Purina PetCare Company.
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­Increasing Awareness of Overweightness and Obesit  167

Table 9.2 The nine-­point body condition scoring system for cats.

Too Thin
1 Ribs visible on shorthaired cats; no palpable fat; severe abdominal tuck; lumbar
vertebrae and wings of the ilia easily palpated.
2 Ribs easily visible on shorthaired cats; lumbar vertebrae obvious with minimal muscle
mass; pronounced abdominal tuck; no palpable fat.
3 Ribs easily palpable with minimal fat covering; lumbar vertebrae obvious; obvious waist
behind ribs; minimal abdominal fat.
4 Ribs palpable with minimal fat covering; noticeable waist behind ribs; slight abdominal
tuck; abdominal fat pad absent.
5 Well proportioned; observe waist behind ribs; ribs palpable with slight fat covering;
abdominal fat pad minimal.
Too Heavy
6 Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering; waist and abdominal fat pad
distinguishable but not obvious; abdominal tuck absent.
7 Ribs not easily palpable with moderate fat cover; waist poorly discernible; obvious
rounding of abdomen; moderate abdominal fat pad.
8 Ribs not palpable with excess fat covering; waist absent; obvious rounding of abdomen
with prominent abdominal fat pad; fat deposits present over lumbar area.
9 Ribs not palpable under heavy fat cover; heavy fat deposits over lumbar area, face, and
limbs; distension of abdomen with no waist; extensive abdominal fat deposits.

Source: Reproduced with permission from the Nestlé Purina PetCare Company.

cats both in terms of reproducibility between or decrease accordingly the amount of food
trained observers and body composition as offered to the pet. However, despite the sim-
measured by dual energy X-­ray absorptiometry plicity of this approach, several studies have
(Laflamme 1997a, b). Each increment in found that people’s perception of their pet’s
BCS is approximately equivalent to 10–15% body condition is often at odds with the assess-
additional weight due to body fat. A score of ment of a trained observer. Most investigations
4–5 is considered optimal for dogs and reflects suggest that people are likely to underestimate
a body fat level of 15–20%. For cats, a BCS of 5 their pet’s BCS. A study involving 201 dogs
is considered optimal and in this species found that while the expert scored 79% of the
reflects a level of 25% body fat. Recently dogs as overweight or obese, only 28% of the
­validated BCS systems are notably applicable caregivers scored their dogs above ideal (Singh
for assigning body condition in extremely et al. 2002). Another study of cats living in
obese dogs and cats (Witzel et al. 2014a, b). New Zealand found that overall, people under-
The ­systems are useful for estimating percent- estimated their cat’s BCS only 25% of the time;
age body fat excess over a wider range than however, people underestimated BCS in 60%
the nine-­point system. of the cats that were overweight or obese
In practice, once a person was familiarized (Allan et al. 2000).
with the system and was able to recognize This misperception is compounded if the
what constituted ideal body condition, they attending veterinarian neglects to identify and
could use it to adjust how their pet was fed. call attention to overweight and obese patients.
The caregiver would assess the pet’s BCS on a In a large survey of US veterinary practices,
routine basis (such as monthly) and increase approximately 28% of the canine and feline
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Figure 9.1 Illustration of the nine-­point body condition scoring system for dogs. Source: Used with
permission from Nestlé Purina PetCare Company.
Nutritional Management of Body Weight
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­Increasing Awareness of Overweightness and Obesit  169

Figure 9.2 Illustration of the nine-­point body condition scoring system for cats. Source: Used with
permission from Nestlé Purina PetCare Company.
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170 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

patients were scored as overweight or obese, deletion mutation of the pro-­opiomelanocortin

but only 2% had weight recorded as an issue (POMC) gene (Raffan et al. 2016; Mankowska
(Lund et al. 1999). Likewise, in one study of et al. 2017). The POMC gene encodes brain
8739 cats assigned to various disease catego- peptides that are important to food intake con-
ries, 41.6% were assigned an overweight or trol and possibly food reward.
obese BCS, but only 5.6% were given that spe- Several studies have implicated feeding
cific diagnosis in the medical record (Chiang calorically dense commercial foods as a con-
et al. 2022a). A similar finding was reported tributing factor for weight gain in cats (Scarlett
for a large study of dogs, in that only 9.9% of et al. 1994; Robertson 1999; Lund et al. 2005;
those assigned an overweight or obese BCS Rowe et al. 2015). Interestingly, with one
were given that specific diagnosis in the medi- exception, the studies that have looked at fre-
cal record (Chiang et al. 2022b). The findings quency of feeding (free choice vs. meal fed)
were also similar in investigations conducted have not found this factor to be associated with
in the United Kingdom, which found that risk for becoming overweight, although clearly
­veterinarians discussed weight status and body pets that are fed free choice are at liberty to
condition with fewer than 2% of owners of consume excess calories, particularly when
overweight dogs (German and Morgan 2014; they are fed energy-­dense, palatable foods
Rolph et al. 2014). (Robertson 1999; Allan et al. 2000; Russell
The best practice is to record a body weight et al. 2000). Dietary fat contributes largely to
and a BCS for each patient on every visit, to rec- the caloric density of commercial foods.
ognize overweightness and obesity as distinct Unfortunately, fat is preferred by dogs among
diseases, and to discuss the finding with the the macronutrient sources of dietary calories
owner. The BCS puts the body weight in con- (Roberts et al. 2018).
text for monitoring trends and is useful when Lack of exercise has also been cited as a
more than one clinician is caring for the ­contributing factor in obesity for humans and
patient. Scoring body condition during an pets alike (Scarlett et al. 1994; Colditz 1999;
office visit also provides opportunities to ensure Robertson 1999; Lund et al. 2005; Rowe
that the pet’s caregiver is properly instructed in et al. 2015). The physical environment where
this technique and to initiate a discussion increasing numbers of people, along with their
about weight control when indicated. pets, are residing lacks the space and infra-
structure (e.g. parks, sidewalks) to facilitate
physical activity. Many cats, and increasingly
Understanding the Risk Factors
some dogs, are confined indoors. Large num-
for Weight Gain
bers of dogs rely on a caregiver to exercise them
Genetic background, growth rate, and many by leash walking or taking them to a protected
aspects of how companion animals are housed open space to run, endeavors that require time,
and fed can predispose a dog or cat to weight commitment, and accessibility.
gain. Recognizing these risks and educating Another major contributing factor for weight
the pet’s caregiver could help prevent a pet gain in companion animals is neutering.
from becoming overweight in the first place. A number of investigations have shown that
Varying prevalence of obesity among dog ­neutering can affect feline and canine energy
breeds has compelled a few candidate gene balance (Root et al. 1996; Fettman et al. 1998;
studies into genetic predispositions for Hoenig and Ferguson 2002; Kanchuk
­excessive accumulation of adipose tissue et al. 2003; Jeusette et al. 2006). Upon neuter-
(Stachowiak et al. 2016). Exemplary of this ing, cats will increase food intake within days
research are studies correlating overweight of the procedure, an effect possibly mediated
body condition in Labrador retrievers with a by increased circulating ghrelin, a gastric
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­Accurate Accounting of Caloric Intak  171

orexigenic peptide (Kanchuk et al. 2003). including hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocor-

Accelerometry observations indicate that neu- ticism. While it is likely that a minority of over-
tering significantly decreases physical activity weight pets have an underlying endocrinopathy,
in female cats (Belsito et al. 2009), but not it will be necessary to diagnose those cases and
clearly in dogs (Morrison et al. 2014). There is manage them appropriately in order to have
also some evidence to ­suggest that neutering success with the weight-­loss program.
results in a decrease in energy requirements An absolutely key step for formulating a suc-
(Bermingham et al. 2010, 2014). However, nor- cessful weight-­loss plan is performing a thor-
malization by body weight and/or fat-­free mass ough dietary history (see Box 9.1). This process
after post-­neutering weight gain confounds has several objectives, the first of which is to
interpretation of this evidence. Supporting obtain an accurate accounting of all foods fed
these findings on neutering, which implicate to a pet on a typical day. However, a properly
neutering as a factor predisposing to weight executed diet history goes beyond simply
gain, are the epidemiologic studies that have counting up calories. This is also an opportu-
found neutered dogs and cats to be at greater nity to evaluate all the ways that food is
risk of being overweight or obese (Edney and involved in interactions between the pet and
Smith 1986; Scarlett et al. 1994; Lund the other members of its household. The
et al. 2005, 2006; McGreevy et al. 2005; Weeth ­caregivers should be given the opportunity
et al. 2007; Courcier et al. 2010; Lefebvre to offer their viewpoints regarding the pet’s
et al. 2013; Chiang et al. 2022a, b). need for weight loss and the proposition of
Rapid post-­natal growth rate, even while
maintaining lean body condition, is correlated
with overweight body condition in adulthood
Box 9.1 Checklist for a Diet History
(Serisier et al. 2013; Leclerc et al. 2017).
Because growth rate is impacted by food
●● Who lives in the household?
­availability, feeding puppies and kittens to
●● People
­precociously attain a large body size may
●● Other pets
increase risk for later obesity.
●● Who feeds the pet?
●● How is the pet fed?
Free choice vs. meals
­ ccurate Accounting
A ●●

How is the fed portion measured?

of Caloric Intake

●● What is the pet’s feeding behavior?

●● Can the pet hunt or scavenge for food?
The first step for developing a weight-­loss pro-
●● What is fed?
gram is to perform a complete physical exam
●● Specific varieties and amounts of
and obtain a thorough dietary history. The
­commercial pet foods
physical exam findings will help identify
●● Table foods or scraps
underlying conditions that may have contrib-
●● Home-­prepared diets
uted to the weight gain, or that may need to be
●● Treats
taken into account when formulating the
●● Products for chewing and dental hygiene
weight loss plan, such as those that could limit
●● Chewable medications such as heart-
the pet’s ability to exercise. It will also verify
worm preventives and non-­steroidal
that the pet’s weight gain is indeed attributable
anti-­inflammatory drugs
to an increase in adiposity and not another
●● Dietary supplements
condition such as ascites. The physical exam
●● Food used to give medications or
may prompt further diagnostic testing for con-
ditions that could predispose to weight gain,
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172 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

modifying their feeding practices. It has to be as to whether the pet routinely receives any
absolutely clear from the start that the caregiv- ­supplements or medications that are disguised
ers perceive that the pet is overweight, that with food, since these are often high-­value
they understand why weight loss is being rec- items such as cheese, lunch meats, or peanut
ommended for their pet, and that they are will- butter, which can be high in fat and calories.
ing to address the problem. Thus, in addition Some supplements (e.g. fatty acids) can also
to detailing what and how much the pet is contain a significant number of calories. It
being fed, the dietary history will also reveal may be indicated to arrange for the caregiver to
potential pitfalls and obstacles in advance and go home and keep a food diary for a few days so
allow the weight-­loss plan to be tailored to the they can accurately answer all of these ques-
individual’s circumstances, all of which should tions. In some cases, it may be impossible to
improve the chances for a successful outcome. quantify the pet’s energy intake from the infor-
First it should be determined who lives in mation obtained, especially when a pet is
the household, including other pets, particu- receiving significant amounts of table foods
larly those to whose food the patient might and treats or is fed a highly variable diet.
have access. Ask whether one or multiple per- However, discovering that such feeding prac-
sons regularly feed the patient. Inquire about tices exist in a household in advance will reveal
the feeding methods. Is the patient offered the issues that must be addressed in order to
food free choice or is it fed at specified meal implement a successful weight-­loss program.
times? Is the feeding portion measured, and
what type of device is used to measure the
food? Never assume that a “cup” of food means ­ ormulation of the
an 8 fl oz (236.6 ml) measuring cup. Inquire Weight-­Loss Plan
about the patient’s feeding behavior. Is this
individual a greedy eater or does it prefer to Ideally, the diet history will have provided an
graze on its food throughout the day? Does the accurate accounting of the patient’s daily
patient beg for food between meals? Does the caloric intake. If this is the case, weight
patient share feeding bowls with other pets? Is ­reduction may be achieved simply by restrict-
this pet allowed unsupervised time outdoors ing the current calorie intake by 20–40%.
when it may hunt or scavenge food? Unfortunately, an accurate diet history is not
Obtain the precise names of any commercial always obtainable and in that circumstance,
pet foods and treats that the patient receives the first step in formulating a weight-­loss plan
and the specific amounts fed. Often the car- is to establish the patient’s weight-­loss goal
egiver will not be able to provide this informa- (Box 9.2). This should be informed by how
tion accurately by recall alone and will need to overweight the pet is, as well as the presence
check labels and measure feeding portions. of any obesity-­related diseases that are impact-
Specify that dry pet foods be measured with a ing quality of life. It can be more important to
standard 8 fl oz. measuring cup or, if possible, set a reasonable goal and accomplish it than to
with a gram scale. set an overly ambitious goal and have the pet’s
When inquiring about treats, specifically ask caregiver become discouraged and abandon
about products that are used to promote chew- the program. It may be necessary to repeat a
ing and dental hygiene. People do not always program several times for an individual
consider such things treats, and many are high ­animal in order to reduce it to an optimal
in calories. Ask about the kinds and amounts body weight.
of table foods or scraps that are given to The second step is to estimate the patient’s
the patient and, if a home-­prepared diet is maintenance energy requirement (i.e. the
being used, request a detailed recipe. Inquire caloric intake necessary to maintain the patient
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­Formulation of the Weight-­Loss Pla  173

This is because the RER reflects the energy

Box 9.2 Formulating a Weight-­Loss
needs of metabolically active tissues such as the
cardiac muscle and the central nervous system.
Adipose tissue does not contribute greatly, rela-
●● Perform a physical examination, includ-
tively speaking, to the RER, but does account
ing body condition score and any indi-
for almost all of the excess body mass in over-
cated diagnostic workup such as a
weight individuals. The maintenance energy
biochemistry panel.
requirement is then estimated by applying an
●● Obtain a thorough diet history.
activity coefficient to the calculated RER. The
●● Weigh the patient on an accurate scale
typically recommended activity factor for adult
and set the weight-­loss goal.
maintenance is 1.6; however, overweight and
●● Estimate the patient’s optimal body
obese pets are often sedentary, and their activity
level may be more accurately represented by a
●● Estimate the patient’s current mainte-
lower coefficient.
nance energy requirement from the diet
The third step is to calculate how many calo-
history or its optimal body weight and
ries the pet should receive each day to achieve
activity level.
adequate caloric restriction for weight loss.
●● Set the level of caloric restriction.
Typically the recommendation is to restrict the
●● Choose the diet and calculate the food
pet to 60–70% of the calories it would normally
require to maintain its current weight. The
●● Tailor a program to meet the needs and
final step is to calculate a food dosage for the
preferences of the patient and its
patient based on the pet foods that it will be
­caregiver. Include recommendations for
receiving, so that the caregivers have clear and
feeding management, increasing physi-
specific feeding directions. The veterinary
cal activity, and behavior modification.
technician has an important role in this pro-
●● Recheck the patient at 2–4-­week inter-
cess (Box 9.3).
vals for weigh-­ins on the same scale and
to solicit feedback from the caregiver.
Adjust feeding amounts as needed to Dietary Considerations
achieve the target weight loss rate of
There are a large number of commercial thera-
1–2% of body weight/week and address
peutic diets formulated for weight loss. In gen-
any problems or caregiver concerns.
eral, these foods have a reduced caloric density
that is achieved by lowering the fat content
at its current weight). As previously men- and/or increasing the fiber and/or water con-
tioned, ideally this information would be tent. A major advantage of using these foods
obtained from the dietary history and serial over conventional maintenance diets is that
body weight assessments. However, if it is not they contain increased amounts of protein,
possible to quantify an individual pet’s caloric vitamins, and minerals relative to calories in
intake accurately because feeding portions are order to compensate for caloric restriction and
not measured, because it is fed with other pets, possible decreased bioavailability of these
or because the types and amounts of foods nutrients when fiber content is increased.
offered to the pet vary from day to day, the Maintenance foods in general are likely not
maintenance energy requirement must be esti- fortified enough in essential nutrients to be
mated (see Chapter 3). safely used for the caloric restriction necessary
The patient’s resting energy requirement for active weight loss. Furthermore, increasing
(RER) should be calculated using an estimate of dietary protein may help preserve lean body
its optimal body weight (RER = 70 × BWkg0.75). mass during weight loss in both dogs and cats
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174 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

Box 9.3 The Role of the Veterinary Technician in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity
in Companion Animals

Prevention Treatment
●● Teaching pet owners how to properly give ●● Obtaining an accurate diet history.

a body condition score (BCS) to their pets. ●● Collecting calorie information for pet foods,

●● Teaching pet owners about the calorie treats, and table foods.
needs of dogs and cats and the calorie ●● Helping tailor weight-­ loss protocols to the
content of pet foods, treats, and pet and its household.
table foods. ●● Overseeing weight-­ loss protocols:
●● Teaching pet owners about proper feeding –– Follow-­up phone calls.
management of companion animals and –– Recheck visits for weigh-­ins.
how to adjust food portions to maintain an –– Troubleshooting.
optimal BCS.

(Hannah and Laflamme 1998; Laflamme and Therefore, switching from dry to canned food
Hannah 2005). could improve satiety in cats in addition to
Along with decreasing caloric density, the enhancing portion control, given the perish-
addition of fiber to a pet food may enhance able nature of high-­moisture foods.
satiety. In two separate investigations, dogs There has been speculation that lower-­
decreased voluntary food intake when carbohydrate diets may be more suitable
offered free-­choice access to dry foods sup- for promoting optimal body weight in cats
plemented with fiber compared to their (Zoran 2002). This is based on the assump-
intake while eating a lower-­fiber diet (Jewell tion that cats as carnivores are naturally
and Toll 1996; Jackson et al. 1997). Another insulin resistant and as such when high die-
study found that a dry diet with both high tary carbohydrate is consumed, hyperinsu-
protein and high fiber had a greater influ- linemia results and adipose fat storage is
ence on satiety than either a high-­protein or increased. However, evidence to date does
a high-­fiber dry diet, even when food intake not support that high carbohydrate intake
was limited analogous to what would be done induces increased adiposity (Laflamme
to promote weight loss (Weber et al. 2007). et al. 2022), and diets low in carbohydrate
However, another study, where overweight have not been investigated in controlled
dogs were fed canned diets and their intake studies of weight-­loss programs. One investi-
was restricted to promote weight loss, did not gation found that total caloric intake, but not
find any satiety effect from fiber supplemen- carbohydrate content, determined weight
tation (Butterwick and Markwell 1997). loss or gain in group-­housed cats (Michel
Hence, it is likely that the impact of fiber on et al. 2005). Similarly, no significant effect on
satiety could vary from patient to patient. body weight was reported in young adult,
Feeding canned foods, which are high in sexually intact cats, free fed purified diets
moisture content, or adding water to a pet’s with similar protein content and a carbohy-
food is another means of reducing caloric drate content ranging from 24% to 64% of
density. Caloric intake in cats in particular metabolizable energy. However, the diet
appears to be moderated by volume, so that highest in fat and lowest in carbohydrate
calorie intake decreases with increasing the induced overconsumption and weight gain
volume in which the calories are contained (Backus et al. 2007). Dietary fat’s importance
(Stoll and Laflamme 1995; Wei et al. 2011). over carbohydrate in promoting gain in body
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­Formulation of the Weight-­Loss Pla  175

fat of cats also was reported in prospective effects in dogs and cats, although most have
studies during which commercial diets were not been critically evaluated. Table 9.3 lists a
fed ad libitum (Nguyen et al. 2004; Coradini number of these compounds that are available
et al. 2014). as supplements, some of which also have been
Many other nutrients or dietary supple- incorporated into commercial and therapeutic
ments have been proposed for weight-­loss pet foods.

Table 9.3 Nutrients and dietary supplements that have been proposed as aids for weight reduction.

Investigations in
Compound companion animals Comments

l-­carnitine Dogs and cats May increase the rate of weight loss while
A metabolite involved in promoting retention of lean body mass in
mitochondrial transport of companion animals during caloric restriction.
long-­chain fatty acids Effects are modest and inconsistent (Sunvold
et al. 1999; Center et al. 2000; Gross et al. 2000).
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) Dogs and cats Effects on weight loss in human studies are
Isomers of the omega-­6 fatty inconsistent. No effects reported on body weight
acid linoleic acid and body composition in one study of normal
cats and two studies of dogs on weight loss
regimens (Bierer and Bui 2004; Jewell et al. 2006;
Leray et al. 2006).
Chromium Dogs only Purported to enhance weight loss and reduction
An essential trace element in body fat when used in conjunction with caloric
restriction, but no companion animal study to
date has shown any benefit from
supplementation (Gross et al. 2000).
Dehydroepiandrosterone Dogs only Supplementation has enhanced weight loss in
(DHEA) dogs during caloric restriction; however, there are
A metabolite involved in undesirable side effects from increased sex-­
steroidogenesis hormone production (MacEwen and
Kurzman 1991; Kurzman et al. 1998).
Pyruvate Dogs only Supraphysiologic supplementation in humans
A non-­essential metabolite of may enhance weight loss and reduction in body
carbohydrate metabolism fat; however, a single study involving dogs on a
weight-­loss regimen reported no effect of
supplementation (Zhang et al. 2004).
Omega-­3 fatty acids Dogs only May increase energy expenditure through the
Essential and non-­essential upregulation of mitochondrial uncoupling
polyunsaturated fatty acids protein. Supplementation-­enhanced weight loss
in one preliminary study of dogs during caloric
restriction (Ishioka et al. 2004).
Diacylglycerol (DAG) oil None Human studies suggest that substitution of DAG
A non-­essential fat oil for other fats in food may enhance weight loss
and reduction in body fat; however, there are no
studies in companion animals to date.
Amylase inhibitors None Impair carbohydrate digestion; however, no
Enzyme inhibitors of plant clinical efficacy has been demonstrated in human
origin weight-­loss trials, and the one report in dogs that
exists suffers from study design concerns.
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176 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

Exercise Tailoring the Program to the Patient

While caloric restriction is the cornerstone of a While the basic design of a weight-­loss pro-
weight-­reduction plan for a dog or cat, increas- gram is to induce a negative energy balance by
ing physical activity to affect energy expendi- restricting caloric intake through dietary mod-
ture is another way to achieve a negative ification and increasing caloric expenditure
energy balance. Cats and dogs are inactive for through the promotion of physical activity,
much of the time, but will have short bouts of there are many ways to go about achieving this
activity typically associated with feeding and goal. To be successful, the program should be
other human interaction. Mildly increasing tailored as much as possible to fit the lifestyle
physical activity in the least active individuals of the patient’s household. Caregivers are
reduces compulsion for overeating by humans unlikely to embrace proposed radical changes
(Shook et al. 2015). Increasing physical activity in behavior such as a ban on treats or an ambi-
is easier said than done, however, as it will gen- tious exercise program. Obtaining a thorough
erally require a greater commitment on the dietary history will reveal the needs and the
part of the caregiver, and may be contraindi- preferences of both the caregiver and the
cated due to pre-­existing health conditions in patient. Table 9.4 lists some considerations to
some individuals. address when designing a weight-­loss program.
Little is known about the duration and
intensity of activity necessary to promote
weight loss in companion animals compared Table 9.4 Considerations for the design
of a weight-­loss program.
to the human literature, as there have been
few investigations that have objectively
Multipet households
assessed the range of activity typical of pet Can the pets be fed separately?
dogs and cats or the contribution of increased To what lengths is the caregiver willing to go
exercise to successful weight loss in over- to feed the pets separately?
weight companion animals. One investigation Feeding methods
found in a cohort of dogs undergoing a weight-­ Can the patient be fed portion-­restricted meals?
Can the caregiver’s lifestyle accommodate
loss regimen that the dogs classified as “active” meal feeding?
(based on pedometer data) consumed more
calories than their “inactive” counterparts Will the patient tolerate a change in diet?
while achieving the same rate of weight loss Is the caregiver willing to change the
(Wakshlag et al. 2012). Other research showed patient’s diet?
that treadmill sessions three times a week in a Will the patient tolerate reduced portions?
Is the caregiver willing to reduce feeding
weight-­loss plan for dogs resulted in a modest portions?
decrease in body fat and a gain in lean mass
(Vitger et al. 2016). Furthermore, some pre- If the patient receives excessive amounts of
liminary studies indicate that physical therapy food as treats, will the caregiver accept
techniques, such as exercise on an underwater modifications of the kinds and amounts of
treats offered?
treadmill, can be useful adjuncts in weight-­
loss programs for dogs (Mlacnik et al. 2006; Exercise
How active is the patient and can it tolerate an
Chauvet et al. 2011). Caregivers can be increase in activity level?
coached on ways to increase their pet’s activity Can the caregiver’s lifestyle accommodate
level even in the absence of data on which to measures for increasing the patient’s
base clear-­cut recommendations. At the very activity level?
least, such strategies can help refocus both the Household
Will all the people in the household cooperate
pet and the owner on activities other than the
with the program?
feeding ritual.
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­Assessment of the Weight-­Loss Pla  177

­ ssessment of the
A Box 9.4 Estimating Time Needed
Weight-­Loss Plan to Achieve a Weight-­Loss Goal
The time it will take to achieve the weight-­
The success of a weight-­loss program hinges on
loss goal can be estimated by multiplying
follow-­up. In fact, monitoring and appropriate
the kilograms of weight the pet needs to
intake adjustments are arguably more impor-
lose by 7700 kcal/kg. Dividing the resulting
tant than the exact starting point for caloric
number by the daily caloric deficit provides
restriction. Through the entire program the
an estimate of how long it will take to lose
patient should be monitored on a regular basis
the weight (e.g. a cat that needs to lose 1 kg
(every 2–4 weeks) in order to assess whether
and is being restricted by 100 kcal/day
weight loss is occurring at an appropriate rate
below its maintenance energy requirement
and whether there are barriers to adherence to
will need to be on the diet for approxi-
the plan. Soliciting any concerns of the car-
mately 77 days or 11 weeks). Alternatively,
egiver ensures that the plan can be modified as
one can use the rate of weight loss and
necessary. Maintaining contact throughout the
body condition score (BCS) to estimate how
program is the only way to ensure that the
long the plan will take. A BCS indicating
patient achieves the targeted weight-­loss goal.
that the pet is 15% overweight coupled
The pet should be weighed on the same scale
with a weight-­loss rate of 1% will mean the
during each visit. It is not uncommon to have
pet will take at least 15 weeks to lose the
to make adjustments to the feeding recom-
needed weight, assuming no plateaus or
mendations in order to achieve and then main-
tain the target rate of weight loss (1–2% of body
weight per week – see Box 9.4). One investiga-
tion that examined weight loss in dogs on dif-
ferent degrees of caloric restriction found, as Safety and Efficacy of Weight-­Loss
one would expect, that those dogs that were Programs for Companion Animals
the most calorically restricted lost weight the There have been published studies evaluating
most rapidly (Laflamme and Kuhlman 1995). the efficacy of weight-­loss programs for dogs
However, these same dogs were the ones most and cats. A number of these studies, some
predisposed to regain the weight when they ­conducted in a controlled setting such as a
came off the diet. kennel and some conducted as clinical trials,
During follow-­up visits, inquiring whether have reported excellent results (Laflamme
anyone in the household has been experienc- and Kuhlman 1995; Watson et al. 1995; Center
ing difficulties in implementing the weight-­ et al. 2000; Impellizeri et al. 2000; Burkholder
reduction plan may reveal unforeseen issues. et al. 2001). However, success in other clinical
The patient may not accept the recommended settings is challenging. Investigations evaluat-
changes in diet or feeding management and ing weight-­loss programs in pet dogs report
may begin to exhibit unacceptable behaviors significant dropout rates of 37–60% (Yaissle
such as stealing food or breaking into the trash. et al. 2004; German et al. 2012; Flanagan
The human members of the household et al. 2017). Further, even when a weight-­loss
may have difficulties adhering to the program program is successful, there is a significant
because of the pet’s behavior, their own time risk of rebound weight gain. Studies of over-
constraints, or feelings of guilt over withholding weight companion animals have reported that
food or treats from their companion. Undetected 48% of dogs and 46% of cats rebound after suc-
problems that go unresolved can result in the cessful weight loss (German et al. 2012;
caregivers becoming discouraged with the pro- Deagle et al. 2014). One reason may be that
gram and giving up. energy requirements are reduced due to
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178 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

energy restriction and/or to weight loss com- adhered to and whether any problems have
pared to prior to initiation of the weight-­loss arisen. If the caregiver adhered to the plan,
program, as has been demonstrated in cats then in most cases it will be necessary to ­modify
(Villaverde et al. 2008). For dogs it has been the amount of calories as necessary (a 10%
observed that weight regain is less likely if the adjustment is a reasonable place to start) to
patient continues to be fed the same therapeu- achieve the targeted rate of weight loss. Many
tic diet used during the weight-­loss phase as patients who successfully lose weight will
opposed to switching back to a maintenance reach a plateau in their rate of weight loss after
diet (German et al. 2012). The numerous a period of time, which may be a consequence
­challenges of achieving successful long-­ of reduced metabolic rate due to several factors
term weight loss in companion animals including metabolic adaptations and the inevi-
underscore the need for greater focus of effort table loss of some lean body mass (Villaverde
on ­prevention of obesity. et al. 2008).
Most investigations of weight-­reduction Even when care has been taken to tailor a
­programs for companion animals have found weight-­reduction plan to an individual house-
them to be safe. The greatest concern over the hold, problems can arise. There are a variety
safety of aggressive food restriction is particu- of tactics that can be used to motivate the
lar to cats and involves the risk of inducing ­caregiver toward success (Table 9.5).
hepatic lipidosis. Investigations where over-
weight cats were restricted from 25% to 60%
of normal maintenance energy requirement
Table 9.5 Weight-­loss program
found that the cats lost weight while main- troubleshooting tips.
taining their appetite without any changes in
serum chemistry (Armstrong et al. 1992; Food-­seeking behavior
Watson et al. 1995). While weekly rate of Use a therapeutic weight-­loss diet
body weight loss was not reported, these find- Switch to canned food or add water to the food
Add vegetables low in starch and calories to
ings suggest that the risks of inducing feline
the meal
idiopathic hepatic lipidosis by a weight-­ Feed the daily food portion in multiple small
reduction regimen in an otherwise healthy meals (including one shortly before
cat are minimal for this range of caloric bedtime)
Substitute other forms of attention
restriction. However, caregivers of cats who
(e.g. grooming, play, walks) for treats
undertake a weight-­loss plan should be famil- Give the caregiver a daily treat allowance
iar with the signs of hepatic lipidosis and Keep pets out of the kitchen during food
should be instructed to seek medical atten- preparation or the dining areas during
tion for their cat if it becomes anorexic. Body
Serve the meal in a food puzzle toy
weight losses no greater than of 2% per week Environmental enrichment
are recommended for cats (Michel and Multipet households
Scherk 2012). Meal feed in separate rooms
Feed on a raised surface (cats)
Construct or purchase a creep feeder or smart
­ djustment of the
A bowl (cats or small dogs)

Weight-­Loss Plan Sedentary pets

Feeding puzzles
Food-­motivated play
When a patient is not losing weight at the Environmental enrichment
anticipated rate, the first step is to review Start a walking program or hire a dog
the feeding plan with the caregiver to deter- walker (dogs)
Physical therapy
mine whether all aspects of the plan are being
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­Adjustment of the Weight-­Loss Pla  179

One common concern is lack of satiety, and caregivers with information about the caloric
most owners have a low tolerance of their pets content of the pet treats they use, and with
behaving as if they are very hungry. There may some low-­calorie alternatives such as appro-
also be undesirable behaviors such as stealing priate fruits and vegetables. The calorie ­content
food, coprophagia, and consumption of other of most commercial pet treats can be obtained
non-­food items. There are a number of ways in from the label or calling the manufacturer if
which this situation can be addressed. If the necessary.
patient is not already consuming an appropri- Because food is commonly used for bonding
ate therapeutic diet with reduced calorie den- with a pet, there is often a behavioral compo-
sity and strategies to promote satiety, this nent to begging in addition to hunger. Ignoring
should be suggested. Switching to a food with a these behavioral aspects of feeding will doom a
lower caloric density will permit feeding of program to failure. The caregiver can be coun-
larger portions. In particular, feeding canned seled to substitute play, walks, or grooming, in
rather than dry food, or adding water to any addition to lower-­calorie treats, as alternatives
food, will increase meal volume and may be to feeding calorically dense foods and treats for
more satisfying for some pets. As previously bonding. Another tip to help curtail begging
discussed, there is evidence that cats do not behavior is to keep the pet out of the kitchen
readily compensate for the reduced caloric during food preparation or away from dining
density of canned foods, and studies of human areas during meals.
subjects have shown that adding water to foods Using food puzzles or some other type of
to decrease caloric density (e.g. eating soup ploy to make a pet work for its food may also
rather than a casserole) has a satiating effect help to decrease begging. This approach and
(Rolls et al. 1999). Another tactic to increase other forms of environmental enrichment may
meal volume is to add vegetables that are low have an added benefit of increasing the pet’s
in calories but that provide more moisture and energy expenditure (Clarke et al. 2005).
fiber, such as carrots, cabbage, or green beans. Multipet households present their own chal-
Feeding the pet three or four small meals a lenges, as it can be difficult to restrict portions
day rather than one or two large ones can also for the pet on the weight-­reduction diet when
be helpful. Having part of the daily food ration food for other pets is available. Ideally all the
available to feed throughout the day should pets in the household would be separately
help decrease the temptation to “cheat” by giv- meal fed. It can be difficult for some caregivers
ing treats when the pet begs for food. For cats to transition to meal feeding, as well as to
this approach will help to mimic the more nat- make certain that the dieting pet does not have
ural feeding pattern of the species. Also, more access to the other pets’ food. Sometimes feed-
calories are expended in digesting and assimi- ing the pets in separate rooms will be the solu-
lating nutrients from multiple small meals tion. With cats, feeding on a counter or other
than from one or two large ones (Leblanc and raised surface will keep food away from a dog
Diamond 1986). or an overweight cat that is not able to jump or
The diet history will reveal the households climb. It is also possible to construct or pur-
where feeding the pet is a bonding activity. chase feeders that have openings that will per-
Giving family members a prescribed treat mit a thin pet access to the food, but exclude
allowance can help in these cases. Most people the overweight one. There is a growing array
are familiar with counting calories, so a treat of microchip feeders and similar technology
allowance will give the household some flexi- that limits access to food bowls and can help
bility in how they give treats from day to day. manage multipet households by controlling
Set the allowance at no more than 10% of the which pet can consume specific amounts of
pet’s targeted daily caloric intake, and provide specific foods.
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180 Nutritional Management of Body Weight

One final challenge is increasing activity ­Summary

level for sedentary pets. As already discussed,
this will generally require a greater commit- ●● Many companion animals are overweight or
ment from the caregiver than changes in feed- obese and, as a consequence, are at risk of
ing management. Some things that can be tried impaired health and reduced longevity.
are using feeding puzzles or moving food bowls ●● To address this problem, pet caregivers must
throughout the house. Food can be used to learn how to apply BCSs to their pets and be
motivate the pet to climb, jump, and run, espe- able to recognize when a pet is not in opti-
cially if the pet’s environment is enriched with mal condition.
objects to facilitate these activities. The services ●● When veterinarians perceive that a pet is
of a pet walker can be used if the caregiver is overweight, they must bring it to the atten-
unable to exercise the pet themselves. And if tion of that pet’s caregiver.
the caregiver has access to a veterinary physical ●● A successful weight-­reduction program
therapy facility, regular use of a swimming pool begins with a thoroughly conducted diet his-
or underwater treadmill can be incorporated tory and should be tailored to the individual
into the program. This approach should be of household to increase the likelihood of
particular benefit for dogs with orthopedic adherence and help ensure success.
­disease. For cats, addition of water to food ●● Follow-­up visits are absolutely essential for
reportedly increases physical activity, but the monitoring the patient’s progress and adjust-
long-­term effect on caloric balance is not known ing the plan as necessary, thereby ensuring
(Alexander et al. 2014; Hooper et al. 2018). the success of the program.


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Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

Herman Hazewinkel

The percentage of patients with orthopedic (i.e. replacement of cartilage; (ii) periosteal growth,
non-­traumatic) disease has been reported to be including lamellar new bone formation; and
around 10%, although this figure varies depend- (iii) remodeling, including the removal of
ing upon the type of veterinary clinic and its newly formed metaphyseal bone to adapt the
location. The percentage of some orthopedic dis- shape of the bone, the removal of bone at
eases is higher in large dogs (LaFond et al. 2000), the endosteal site of long bones and in tunnel-­
with particular breeds more at risk. The popular- like structures around growing soft tissues,
ity of these at-­risk large-­breed dogs can differ and the remodeling of lamellar bone into
considerably between countries; for instance, Haversian structures. Endochondral ossifica-
Bernese mountain dogs are in the top 10 among tion takes place in primary and secondary ossi-
popular breeds in some countries, whereas in fication centers around birth and in growth
other states they rank much lower. Historically, plates between the epiphyses and metaphyses,
orthopedic diseases are less well recognized in as well as in the cartilage layer covering the
cats than in dogs, but this is changing as speciali- epiphyses during the growth phase. Cancellous
zation in feline medicine increases. bone remains in the metaphyses and epiphyses
Nutrition plays a role in skeletal growth and of long bones as well as in vertebral bodies,
development, may have an influence on the and is easily accessible by bone-­removing cells.
occurrence of skeletal diseases, and can be Periosteal growth takes place in the diaphyseal
applied to support treatment of orthopedic area of the long bones and in flat bones like the
patients. This chapter will discuss the relevant pelvis, ribs, and skull. Remodeling is especially
nutritional aspects in all three roles after a seen at the endosteum and the metaphyseal
short overview to facilitate the understanding areas and in vertebral and nutritional canals.
of the particular role of nutrition. The cell types involved in bone growth and
remodeling are chondrocytes forming the car-
tilage matrix, chondroclasts removing that
­ one Composition matrix after its mineralization, and osteoblasts
and Calciotropic Hormones forming osteoid on the cartilage template (in
case of endochondral ossification in ossifica-
Skeletal growth can be divided into three inter- tion centers and metaphyses) or directly on the
related processes: (i) endochondral ossifica- periosteum to stimulate its mineralization by
tion, which includes growth, maturation, and alkaline phosphatase secretion. Osteoclasts are
apoptosis of chondrocytes followed by bony able to resorb mineralized osteoid with the aid

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Bone Composition and Calciotropic Hormone 187

Table 10.1 Content and ratio of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in dogs.

Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium

% of adult body weight 1–1.5% 0.5–0.8% ∼0.25%

% present in skeleton 98% 80% 50%
Absorption Active (vitamin D Active (vitamin D Facilitated and
regulated) and regulated) and passive diffusion
passive diffusion passive diffusion
Octocalciumphosphate 8 6 N/A
Whitlockite 9 7 1
Sodium-­containing apatite 17 9 N/A
Carbonated apatite 18 9 N/A
Ca9(PO4)4.5 (CO3)(OH)1.5
Hydroxyapatite 10 6 N/A

N/A, not available.

of acid phosphatase, and osteocytes are able to whereas it is 10% in newly born puppies (Meyer
communicate with peripheral osteoblasts via and Zentek 2005). The composition of an adult
their canalicular system and resorb bone dog by weight includes 1–1.5% calcium,
locally. The skeleton provides a solid frame- 0.5–0.8% phosphorus, and 0.25% magnesium,
work for muscles and a harness for delicate of which 98%, 80%, and 50%, respectively, is
structures, but is also a depot for minerals present as mineral in the skeleton (Meyer and
(Table 10.1), of which calcium is the most bio- Zentek 2005). Whole bone, including marrow
logically important element, playing a vital and periosteum, consists of 33% organic com-
role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, and ponents (including 95% collagen, 5% glycopro-
enzymatic processes. More than 98% of the teins and sulfated glycosaminoglycans), 17%
body’s calcium is stored in the skeleton as sta- water, and 48% inorganic material, primarily
ble crystals (including hydroxyl apatite) and in calcium, phosphate, carbohydrate, and magne-
labile calcium compounds (including calcium sium (Jee et al. 1970; Kincaid and Van
phosphate and calcium bound to plasma albu- Sickle 1983). The various skeletal locations
min), which can quickly be mobilized. Of the reveal marked differences in composition.
remaining 1%, half of it is in the extracellular Lumbar vertebrae can contain twice the
fluid as the biologically active, ionized form. amount of water, depending on the amount of
Of the body’s phosphorus, 80% is stored in the cancellous bone. Trabecular bone has more
skeleton and is of major importance in the for- water and less ash than cortical bone, and it
mation of calcium salts and thus mineraliza- has slightly less organic material, although this
tion of newly formed cartilage and osteoid. also can differ considerably: the ash percent-
age in vertebrae is 50% and in mandibles only
7% of the bone weight.
Chemical Composition of Bone
Minerals in bone are formed in different
After musculature (40–57% of body weight phases, starting with octacalcium phosphate
[BW]), the skeleton makes up the largest part and whitlockite, followed by sodium-­
of the body weight of an adult dog (8–13%), containing apatite, carbonated apatite, and
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188 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

eventually hydroxyapatite in the adult skele- formulated according to the 1985 National
ton. Mineral complexes other than apatite are Research Council (NRC) guidelines. Partial
of interest for ionic exchange. The grams of weaning was started at 3 weeks of age and
calcium per cm3 of bone increases with advanc- completed by 6 weeks of age.
ing age: in beagles from 0.468 and 0.536 g at Magnesium content was higher in rib
6 weeks to 0.512 and 0.612 g at 11 years of age, ­biopsies at 11 weeks than at 21 weeks of age in
in low-­ and high-­density areas, respectively. these miniature poodles (Table 10.3) (Huis in ‘t
Not only age but also mineral composition of Veld et al. 2001). When maturation proceeds,
the diet may influence the mineral composition firmer calcium-­phosphate crystals are formed,
of bone (Hazewinkel and Schoenmakers 1995; reducing the magnesium content. It is also
Jee et al. 1970). possible that whitlockite is exchanged for other
apatites during growth (Driessen 1980). The
increase in the calcium-­to‑phosphorus ratio, as
Mineral Composition During Growth
reported in ruminants (Chicco et al. 1973), was
Joint cartilage has a high heterogeneity of also seen in the dogs of this study.
chondrocyte types and arrangements within Comparison with an identical study in Great
the matrix, with its collagen fibers encored in Danes, raised on the same food and investi-
the calcified zone with hydroxyapatite salts gated according to the same procedure,
(Table 10.2) (Poole et al. 2001). revealed that the calcium-­to‑phosphorus ratio
In one study, seven growing miniature did not increase in this time period (1.570 vs.
­poodles were raised on the same food 1.527 at 11 and 21 weeks, respectively). This
finding was probably due to the slower skeletal
Table 10.2 Biochemical composition of cartilage. maturation in giant-­breed dogs when com-
pared to small-­breed dogs. There was also a
Chemical content of decrease in whitlockite content (0.302 mmol/
cartilage in the cm3 at 11 weeks vs. 0.238 mmol/cm3 at 21 weeks
extracellular matrix of age) (Huis in ‘t Veld et al. 2001). Excessive
calcium intake will increase the calcium con-
Water 66–79%
tent and decrease the magnesium content in
Collagen 60% (% of dry weight) the bones of young dogs (Hazewinkel and
Mainly collagen II Schoenmakers 1995). However, when excess
Also collagen XI, III,
vitamin D was given to Great Dane dogs start-
ing at partial weaning (i.e. 10 or 100 times the
Proteins 8–15%
recommended dietary content), the ratio of
Glycosaminoglycan 14–23% calcium to phosphorus increased, but the
Hyaluronate <1% amount of whitlockite decreased at the same
Lipid <1% rate as in the controls (Hazewinkel and
Inorganic (ash) 2% Tryfonidou 2002; Huis in ’t Veld et al. 2001).

Table 10.3 Mineral composition of rib biopsies at 11 and 21 weeks of age in miniature poodles.

Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Calcium-­to-­ Whitlockite

(mg ± SD/cm3) (mg ± SD/cm3) (mg ± SD/cm3) phosphorus ratio (mmol/cm3)

11 weeks 377 ± 74 183 ± 35 7 ± 0.42 1.658 0.304

21 weeks 368 ± 11 177 ± 5 6.5 ± 0.3 1.697 0.272

SD, standard deviation.

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­Bone Composition and Calciotropic Hormone 189

In addition to age and food composition, concentration by physicochemical-­driven pro-

skeletal location influences bone composition. cesses, the combined action of the calciotropic
In low-­density areas, 1.02–1.28 g of hydroxyapa- hormones parathyroid hormone (PTH), calci-
tite was found per cm3 of bone in adult beagles. tonin (CT), and vitamin D, and controlled by
In the high-­density bone areas, this was calcium sensors, keeping the calcium concen-
1.23–1.54 g hydroxyapatite, without any effect tration in dogs constant; that is, between 2.0
on breaking stress in healthy dogs (Jee and 3.0 mmol/l in adult dogs. Changes in cal-
et al. 1970). cium concentration have consequences for the
These analyses illustrate the role of the skel- coupling of calcium to receptors (i.e. calcium
eton as a buffer for excess minerals, as well as sensors) as present on the cell wall of parathy-
an organ with biomechanical functions and its roid chief cells, CT-­producing C cells, kidney
related architecture and composition. cells, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts, but also pre-
sent in the placenta, intestine, brain, and lung,
with presumably different second messenger
Hormonal Regulation of Calcium
systems involved with events following the
A constant extracellular concentration of ion- sensing of changes in extracellular calcium
ized calcium is of importance to maintain a concentration. Plasma Ca2+ concentrations are
variety of physiologic processes, which can be PTH related: when PTH is expressed as a per-
life-­threatening when they do not occur prop- centage of its maximum value reached at very
erly due to a deficiency or excess of this ele- low Ca2+ levels, the actual Ca2+ levels corre-
ment. The uncontrolled input of calcium (i.e. spond with the actual PTH levels in a reversed
passive diffusion of calcium through the intes- S-­shape curve, with over a narrow range of
tinal wall) takes place only in the immature plasma calcium concentrations a linear seg-
dog and especially in cases of a positive gradi- ment in this relationship. This linear segment
ent (Tryfonidou et al. 2002). The uncontrolled includes at its midpoint the calcium concentra-
excretion of calcium via the glomerulus could tion that inhibits 50% of the maximum value of
be as high as 60% of the circulating calcium, PTH, defined as the “Ca2+ setpoint for PTH
being the ultrafilterable amount. Calcium dep- secretion.” This calcium setpoint is close to the
osition in the skeleton (i.e. in newly formed Ca2+ concentration that is maintained under
cartilage and osteoid) is largely a physico- normal circumstances (Cloutier et al. 1993).
chemical process and will take place especially The relationship between plasma Ca2+ and
in growing individuals. These uncontrolled plasma PTH concentration was determined in
processes do not guarantee a constant and suf- two groups of Great Dane dogs (both n = 9)
ficiently high extracellular calcium level. raised on food with 1.04 g Ca/100 g dry matter
Hormonal regulation is necessary to accom- (DM; diet 1) or 3.11 g Ca/100 g DM (diet 2)
plish this, adapted to different life stages and from 3 to 17 weeks of age for each diet and diet
environmental influences. There are mainly 1 for both groups thereafter; the Ca2+ setpoint
three hormones involved in the homeostasis of for PTH secretion in the dogs raised on the
calcium. high-­calcium diet till 17 weeks and diet 1 there-
Sudden changes in extracellular calcium after revealed a significant (P < 0.10) increase
concentration, especially lowered concentra- in the Ca2+ setpoint for PTH secretion at week
tions, can be life-­threatening due to calcium’s 27 when compared with the control dogs
function in nerve conduction, muscle con­ (raised solely on diet 1). What is remarkable is
tracture, enzymatic activity, and as co-­factor that the basal plasma concentrations for cal-
in the blood coagulation cascade; therefore cium and PTH did not differ, but stimulation
extracellular calcium concentrations are kept of secretion with standardized ethylenedini-
between narrow limits. The extracellular cal- trilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate
cium ­concentration is maintained at its optimal (Na-­EDTA) infusion demonstrated this altered
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190 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

PTH secretion pattern in the diet 2 dogs, the renal threshold for phosphorus will be
reflecting a chronic relatively hypocalcemic ­lowered, with a subsequent increase in phos-
state, which may have consequences for the phaturia. In addition, PTH stimulates the
coordinated osteoclast and -­blast activity later ­synthesis of another calciotropic hormone, cal-
in life and thus skeletal integrity (Schoenmakers citriol. Dogs as omnivores are able to convert
et al. 1999b). In a study in Great Dane pups ergocalciferol to calcitriol (25OHvitD) and to
(n = 7) from bitches either on a diet with 1.14 g cholecalciferol, whereas cats as obligate carni-
Ca/100 g DM or on 3.27 g Ca/100 g dm during vores use ergocalciferol less efficiently
the second half of the gestation period, no dif- (Morris 2002b; Zafalon et al. 2020b).
ferences in Ca2+ setpoint for PTH secretion The product of cholecalciferol (vitamin D)
could be found, leading to the conclusion that hydroxylation in the liver is 25-hydroxy­
excessive calcium intake during late pregnancy cholecalciferol (25OHvitD), and it is the most
in the bitch, unlike what has been demon- abundant metabolite of vitamin D in plasma.
strated in the offspring from maternal sheep at PTH stimulates the synthesis of an enzyme
high calcium intake (Corbellini et al. 1991), ­present in the kidney, 1α-­hydroxylase, which is
has no deleterious effects on hormonal cal- responsible for the hydroxylation of 25OHvitD
cium homeostasis and skeletal integrity of the into calcitriol (1,25(OH)2vitD). In addition,
pups during their first half year of life other hormones and minerals influence
(Schoenmakers et al. 2001). Ergocalciferol, ­vitamin D metabolism, causing significant dif-
vitamin D2, and cholecalciferol, vitamin D3, ferences in vitamin D metabolism under
appear to have similar potencies in the dog, but ­different circumstances, and even in dogs of
not in the cat, where vitamin D3 is metabo- different breeds raised under the same circum-
lized more efficiently than vitamin D2 stances (Hazewinkel and Tryfonidou 2002)
(Morris 2002b; Stockman et al. 2021). (Table 10.4). In miniature poodles receiving
During the evolution of terrestrial mammals supraphysiologic doses of growth hormone
living in a calcium-­deprived environment, (GH; 0.5 IU GH/kg BW/d), the plasma insulin-­
PTH became the most important of these cal- like growth factor (IGF-­1) levels and the
ciotropic hormones. Its role is to increase (1,25(OH)2D) ­production both increased,
plasma calcium concentration when it whereas 24,25(OH)2vitD decreased. As a result,
decreases. PTH executes this role by increasing the plasma concentrations of the vitamin D
re-­absorption of calcium from the pre-­urine metabolites resembled those of Great Danes
and by activating osteoclasts to resorb bone (Tryfonidou and Hazewinkel 2004).
(i.e. freeing calcium and phosphorus from The primary function of calcitriol is to min-
bone minerals). Under the influence of PTH, eralize cartilage and newly formed osteoid.

Table 10.4 Similar plasma mineral levels with significant differences in vitamin D metabolites in different
breeds. Mean (± standard error of the mean, SEM) of plasma concentrations in nine Great Danes and eight
miniature poodles, 3 months of age, raised on a diet with 0.94 g Ca, 0.75 g P, and 1.14 μg vitamin D per
100 g dry matter at twice maintenance.

Calcium Phosphorus Parathyroid 25(OH)vitD 24,25(OH)2vitD 1,25(OH)2vitD

mmol/l mmol/l hormone (ng/l) nmol/l nmol/l pmol/l

Great Dane 2.8 ± 0.1 2.7 ± 0.1 62 ± 6.5 14.7 ± 2.8 39.9 ± 3.2 250 ± 9
Miniature 2.8 ± 0.2 2.6 ± 0.1 70 ± 5.0 50 ± 2.0 140 ± 6.0 190 ± 10

Source: Tryfonidou et al. (2003b) / with permission of Elsevier.

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­Bone Composition and Calciotropic Hormone 191

Calcitriol performs this role by increasing re-­ North American plant-­based foods (Zafalon
absorption of calcium from the pre-­urine, by et al. 2020a).
acting as a permissive factor for PTH (thus CT is the third calciotropic hormone, which
stimulating osteoclast activity), and by increas- is of special biological importance in animals
ing the process of active absorption of calcium living in a calcium-­rich environment, such as
and phosphorus from the food in the intestine. saltwater fish. In mammals the release of CT,
This hormonally regulated, active absorption which is mainly formed in the thyroid glands,
is of special importance in growing dogs due to can be caused by an acute rise in plasma cal-
their high calcium requirement in case of low cium concentration as well as in gastrin con-
dietary calcium content (Hazewinkel and centration. A correcting decrease of plasma
Tryfonidou 2002; Parker et al. 2017). calcium concentration in mammals occurs
When the calcium concentration of the mainly via the reduction of osteoclast activity;
intestinal contents is high, calcium will diffuse the ruffle borders of the osteoclasts are
between the intestinal cells by non-­saturable, retracted instantly under the influence of
paracellular passive diffusion. In addition to CT. CT has many more functions and effects,
calcitriol, another vitamin D metabolite is including activation of the satiety center
formed: 24,25(OH)2vitD, which has long been (Tryfonidou et al. 2010).
seen as a waste product of 25OHvitD in order GH is not a calciotropic hormone per se, but
to avoid providing too much of the biologically one of the major hormones responsible for the
active 1,25(OH)2vitD. However, an important longitudinal and periosteal growth of the skel-
role for 24,25(OH)2vitD was demonstrated in eton. GH stimulates the formation of IGF-­I in
endochondral ossification: 24,25(OH)2vitD the liver and in target cells, including osteo-
stimulates maturation of chondrocytes and blasts. GH stimulates intestinal calcium
increases the responsiveness of these chondro- absorption by hypertrophy of intestinal cells
cytes to 1,25(OH)2vitD for further differentiation and directly, or via an increase in IGF-­I level,
and matrix mineralization (Wu et al. 2006). In by stimulating 1,25(OH)2vitD and suppressing
addition, 24,25(OH)2vitD increases the bone 24,25(OH)2vitD production, respectively. IGF-­I
mineral content (Mortensen et al. 1993) synthesis can also be stimulated by PTH and
together with reducing osteoclast activity – by the ingestion of nutritional factors such as
that is, reduced bone turnover – in contrast to protein and energy. IGF-­I stimulates bone and
1,25(OH)3vitD (Norman et al. 2002). Minimal collagen synthesis, as well as chondrocyte cell
recommendations for cholecalciferol for grow- proliferation (and thus longitudinal growth),
ing dogs are given by NRC (2006) as 110–136 IU, and to a lesser extent chondrocyte differentia-
FEDIAF (2021) as 125–138 IU, and AAFCO tion, and it can suppress GH synthesis and
(2022) as 125 IU per Mcal. Dietary vitamin D release from the pituitary gland (Tryfonidou
can be provided from animal origin (vitamin and Hazewinkel 2004).
D3, ergocalciferol) or from vegetable ingredi- In addition to calcium and phosphorus,
ents (vitamin D2, ergocalciferol), or as a puri- other minerals also play a role in bone forma-
fied additive (vitamin D3). Vitamins D2 and tion. Magnesium (Mg) is an important stabi-
D3 appear to have similar potencies in the dog, lizer of DNA, RNA, and ribosomes, is a
but not in the cat, where vitamin D3 is metabo- co-­factor in many enzymes, and influences
lized more efficiently than vitamin D2 bone mineral formation. It is regulated by PTH
(Morris 2002b; Stockman et al. 2021). Recently and vitamin D, and not, importantly, by
it has been reported that in plant-­based pet CT. Magnesium absorption is not active but
food, vitamin D is among the most commonly facilitated by vitamin D and takes place by dif-
found insufficiencies, whereas vitamin D3 and fusion. Magnesium absorption increases with
not only D2 could be analyzed in some of these increasing dietary vitamin D and decreases in
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192 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

cases of excess dietary calcium, phosphorus, or (DM (vs. 1.04 g for controls), starting at the
long-­chain triglycerides. PTH decreases renal time of partial weaning (3 weeks of age), devel-
losses of magnesium. In addition, magnesium oped significant hypercalcemia (3.64 vs.
excess will be reflected in the plasma and lead 2.94 mmol/l) together with a decreased cal-
to increased magnesium content in the bone. cium absorption percentage (25% vs. 54%) and
Magnesium stimulates 1α-­hydroxylation of decreased voluntary food intake (900 kJ/kg0.75
25OHvitD and will increase bone turnover. vs. 1300 kJ/kg0.75). Adult mixed-­breed dogs fed
Magnesium deficiency also causes muscular the same food revealed a slight increase in
weakness, but not clinical abnormalities of the plasma calcium concentration (2.70 vs.
skeleton (Dobenecker et al. 2006). 2.63 mmol/l) without decreased energy intake
(645 kJ/kg0.75) when compared with control
food (Schoenmakers 1999), thus revealing that
­ he Role of Nutrition During
T the palatability of the food itself did not
decrease food intake in the young dogs, but
Skeletal Growth and Development
demonstrating that the voluntary lowering of
the food intake of unbalanced food is the ulti-
mate mechanism of the young dog to prevent
Energy, provided by carbohydrate, protein, and further hypercalcemia. From cancer-­associated
fat, is the driving force behind food intake. studies of hypercalcemia it is known that
Dietary carbohydrates have not been recog- hypercalcemia goes together with decreased
nized to be essential for growth in dogs appetite and nausea (Kohart et al. 2017).
(Meyer 1983), and there are no reports on the Hypercalcemia influences directly or indi-
relationship between carbohydrate deficiency rectly (i.e. via increased plasma concentrations
and skeletal disease. In the case of malnutri- of CT) the satiety center and thereby food
tion, there is often a deficiency of both protein intake (Tryfonidou et al. 2010). Low energy
and energy. Low protein intake will coincide intake is not a common clinical problem
with growth retardation and finally growth (Richardson et al. 2010), and therefore in cases
cessation and weight loss (Sheffy 1979). Plasma where animals are small for their age the clini-
albumin will decrease, especially when protein cian should also consider a biological variation
intake is inadequate in the face of sufficient in body size or growth rate, metabolic diseases
energy intake (Lunn and Austin 1983; Nap such as GH deficiency, hypothyroidism, liver
et al. 1993c). Low energy and protein intake shunt, or skeletal abnormalities like chondro-
will cause a decrease in hepatic IGF-­I produc- dystrophy (in breeds where it is not part of the
tion and thus a decrease in skeletal growth. breed standard) or rickets.
Beagles raised from 6 to 25 weeks on a diet Excess energy intake is much more common
with 12% protein (as a percentage of metabo- in today’s clinical practice. Diets containing an
lizable energy [ME]) never reached normal excess of protein (>30 g/100 g DM) will be
body weight, even after being fed a food with metabolized, although in some cases one can
25% (ME) free choice thereafter (Sheffy 1979). document an increase in plasma albumin or
Great Danes raised from 7 to 20 weeks of age blood urea nitrogen, reflecting the increased
on a balanced food with 13% (ME) protein deamination of protein and not a malfunction
developed hypoalbuminemia and a lower body of the kidneys (Romsos et al. 1976). In a study
weight, but had no abnormalities in size or in growing Great Danes, raised on a diet with
skeletal development when compared to con- 29% protein (ME), except for an increase in
trols raised on a diet containing 21% protein plasma albumin and blood urea nitrogen con-
(ME) (Nap et al. 1991). Research dogs raised centrations, no differences were found in
on food with a calcium content of 3.11 g/100 g plasma total protein, growth rate, calcium
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 193

metabolism, or skeletal development (Nap requirement for growing dogs ranges between
et al. 1993b). 0.33% and 1.2% of calcium on a dry matter
Excess fat cannot only predispose an animal basis (Table 10.5). In rapidly growing animals,
to excessive calorie consumption, thereby the daily calcium requirement is much higher
increasing body weight, but can also decrease than in slower-­growing animals. In rapidly
the intake of essential nutrients when these growing Great Danes, the daily calcium depo-
are not adapted to the high energy content of sition in the skeleton can be as high as
the food. Dietary fat is very readily absorbed 225–900 mg Ca/kg BW, whereas in miniature
and converted more efficiently into body fat poodles the daily deposition of calcium in the
than dietary carbohydrates or proteins, with- skeleton sufficient for undisturbed skeletal
out affecting the growth in lean body mass mineralization was 140 mg Ca/kg BW (Nap
(Romsos et al. 1976). When the fat content of et al. 1993a).
the food was increased from 8% to 24% of dry These findings are comparable with the
matter in a diet with 22% protein, 10% ash, and results of the study published by Atwal et al.
no fiber added, the ME increased by 22.5%. (2021) in adult beagles (age 1.4–4.4 years) on a
This resulted in a higher percentage of body fat control diet and a test diet containing 5× the
and an increase in body weight when fed free calcium and 4× the phosphorus content of the
choice compared to control dogs raised on an test food for a period of 40 weeks. The apparent
8% fat (DM) diet (Richardson et al. 2010). calcium digestibility did not differ from con-
There are a variety of studies demonstrating trols (32%), except for the dogs on the test diet
the deleterious effects of overnutrition on skel- at 8 weeks, which coincided with significantly
etal development (Alexander et al. 1988; lowered 1,25OH2vitD levels and increased ion-
Hedhammar et al. 1974; Lavelle 1989), causing ized plasma calcium levels. In comparison
osteochondrosis and poor hip conformation with Labradors on 2.6% Ca dm (Stockman
and resulting in secondary osteoarthritis in et al. 2017), these beagles consumed 50% more
multiple joints (Kealy et al. 1992) (Table 10.5). energy and had therefore a higher calcium
Since overnutrition often includes providing an intake per kg/BW0.75 (Atwal et al. 2021).
excess of all nutrients, it is not obvious whether However, neither the Labradors nor the bea-
the causative role of excess calories is a matter gles in these studies fed a diet with high cal-
of overweightness alone. Since excess minerals cium and phosphorus content for a 40-­week
(Hazewinkel 1985; Schoenmakers et al. 2000) period revealed any effect on blood chemistry,
and vitamin D (Tryfonidou et al. 2003b), but bone health, or kidney function (Atwal
not protein or carbohydrate (Nap and et al. 2021; Stockman et al. 2017).
Hazewinkel 1994), disturb skeletal develop- In pregnant Great Danes fed a control diet
ment severely, and excessive fat intake has no (Ca 1.14 and P 0.89 g/100 g dm) or a test diet
influence on calcium metabolism (Hallebeek (Ca 3.27 and P 1.11 g/100 g dm), the basal
and Hazewinkel 1998), a deleterious role for plasma concentrations of Ca, P, PTH,
specific nutrients is to be expected (see 25OHvitD, and 24,25OH2vitD did not differ
Figure 10.1). Therefore, the most relevant between groups during the second half of ges-
nutrients in clinical practice will be discussed tation, and only 1,25OH2vitD tended to
in the following sections. decrease when on the test diet (20–37 ng/l vs.
40–44 ng/l when fed the control food), with a
true calcium absorption of 3.8–4.4 mmol on
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin D
the control diet and 3.8–8.3 mmol on the test
Calcium Deficiency diet due to decreased (29–50%) calcium absorp-
Calcium is required for biological processes tion on high calcium and phosphorus when
and for skeletal mineralization. The calcium fed the control diet in comparison with this
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Table 10.5 Investigations of the influence of excess or deficiencies on skeletal development. Breeds of research dogs and dietary composition with their
variables are summarized for different studies together with the clinical and radiologic findings (see references for further details).

Hedhammar et al. Hazewinkel Nap et al. Nap et al. Schoenmakers et al. Tryfonidou et al.
(1974) Lavelle (1989) (1991) (1991) (1993b) (1999b) (2002)

Breed of Miniature
research dog Great Dane Great Dane Great Dane Great Dane poodle Great Dane Great Dane

Food composition per 100 g (dm)

ME in kcal 501 (2094) 431 (1802) 402 (1680) 359 (1500) 359 (1500) N/A 450 (1884)
Crude 36 29.6 21 21 21 21 27
Crude fat 13.7 14.4 9.9 9.7 9.9 10.2 15
Calcium 2.05 2.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.04 0.95
Phosphate 1.44 1.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.82 0.75
Vitamin D N/A N/A 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.76 1.14
(in μg)
Variables in Ad lib or restricted to Ad lib or Ca 0.55%, 1.1%, or Proteins: 31, Calcium: Calcium: 1.1% and Vitamin D content:
study 66% restricted to 3.3% (dm) 23, or 14% 0.05%, 0.33%, 3.3% calcium starting 1.14, 10.0, and
60% (dm) 1.1% and 3.3% at different ages 135 μg/100 g (dm)
Clinical, Ad lib group had No differences Pathologic fractures in No Pathologic 3.3% Ca from 3 to 1.14 μg vitamin D/kg
radiologic, higher rates of in skeletal 0.55% Ca group; differences in fractures in 6 weeks only: food: normal
and osteochondrosis, problems severe skeletal 0.05% Ca panosteitis at 4 mo. endochondral
pathologic radius curvus between the osteochondrosis, problems group; no 3–17 weeks: ossification; at 10 μg
findings syndrome, poor hip groups radius curvus, and between clinical Hypophosphatemic and 135 μg vitamin
conformation, and wobbler syndrome in groups pathology in rickets D/kg food: slight and
wobbler syndrome the 3.3% Ca group 0.33% Ca, 1.1% 6–26 weeks: severe severe
Ca, or 3.3% Ca osteochondrosis and osteochondrosis
group radius curvus

dm, dry matter; ME, metabolizable energy; N/A, not available.

0005569429.INDD 194 07/27/2023 12:20:06

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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 195

Hazewinkel 1985
2 months of age Hazewinkel 1991
Schoenmakers 2000
Energy intake (kcal/kg0.75)

Kealy 1992
Lavelle 1989
400 OK ZONE Lavelle 1989
Hedhammar 1974
Weber et al. 2000
Weber et al. 2000
Weber et al. 2000
Weber et al. 2000
Hazewinkel 1985
Hazewinkel 1991
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Hazewinkel 1991
Calcium intake (mg/kg BW) Kealy 1992
Hedhammar 1974

Figure 10.1 Potential deleterious effects in skeletal development in large-­breed puppies raised on
controlled calcium and energy intake. The graph depicts the calcium intake (in mg Ca/kg body weight [BW])
provided together with the energy intake (expressed as kcal/kg0.75) for different studies in large-­breed dogs
(e.g. Labradors, German shepherds, Newfoundlands, Great Danes) of 2 months of age, with special attention
to the development of skeletal diseases (including osteochondritis dissecans, retained cartilage cone with
radius curvus syndrome, and hip dysplasia). The area left of the curved line represents the calcium intake
with no or minimal skeletal abnormalities, whereas right of the curved line is the potentially deleterious
zone. The various studies referenced are included in the reference list. Source: Modified from Hazewinkel
and Mott (2006), with acknowledgment to Dr. M. Weber.

absorption when fed the control diet (75–97%). Ca/kg BW/d) and true absorption (= absorption
The calcium balance in both groups of preg- minus endogenous fecal excretion) was demon-
nant bitches did not differ significantly strated for both Great Danes (r = 0.832) and
(3.3–4.3 mmol Ca/kg BW/day), without any miniature poodles (r = 0.927; P < 0.01), whereas
adverse effects reflected in blood chemistry, the fractional absorption of the ingested amount
serious bone health disturbance, or kidney (= true absorption/intake) was inversely related
function, either in the bitches or in their off- (r = −0.450 and −0.444, respectively) to the
spring till the age of 27 weeks (Schoenmakers amount of calcium intake (Tryfonidou
et al. 2001). et al. 2002). This indicates the presence of both
In a meta-­analysis of repetitive calcium bal- an active and a passive calcium absorption
ance studies in growing dogs of different breeds, mechanism in these immature dogs. The model
apparent calcium absorption as the true intesti- in which the two mechanisms can be discerned
nal absorption of calcium was included from demonstrates that active calcium absorption
271 calcium balance studies with the aid of (mainly present at low calcium intake levels)
calcium, as performed in 67 Great Danes (207 changes with age, whereas passive absorption
studies) and 23 miniature poodles (64 studies), (at higher calcium intake levels) remains con-
raised on uniform diets only differing in cal- stant at approximately 53% of the ingested
cium salts content, resulting in a range of amount of calcium. The intestinal mechanisms
0.55–3.3 g Ca/100 g dm for Great Danes and did not differ between these two breeds with
0.33–3.3 g Ca/100 g dm for miniature poodles, extreme body size.
between the age of 6 and 27 weeks. A curvilin- In a calcium study in two other breeds,
ear relationship between calcium intake (mg young beagles and Labrador crossbred dogs
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196 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

received either 1.1 or 3.6 g Ca/100 g dm and amount of calcium (and phosphorus) as the
apparent calcium absorption (as the difference control group of comparable sex and age. It
between calcium intake and its fecal excretion) revealed that the high calcium intake was well
was determined, demonstrating a retention tolerated for a period of 40 weeks without any
(intake minus fecal and urinary calcium excre- adverse effects.
tion) in beagles on the control and supple- These studies illustrate the lack of effect of
mented diet of 72% and 70% at 12 weeks of age normal or elevated calcium intake on the skel-
and of 51% and 54% at 18 weeks of age, respec- eton in mature dogs, due to the low bone
tively, whereas in the crossbreds this was 48% ­turnover. This may be different in cases of pro-
and 40% at 12 weeks and 41% and 28% at longed calcium deficiency, which can result in
18 weeks, respectively (Dobenecker 2004). This calcium mobilization of the skeleton (Mack
confirmed that at a young age the absorption and Kienzle 2016), especially in case of gravita-
percentage is not so much influenced by the tion and/or lactation.
amount of dietary calcium and decreases with Dietary calcium deficiency can be caused by
age, but that there might be breed differences feeding meat-­based, home-­prepared diets with
in calcium absorption ability. Miniature poo- insufficient supplementation of calcium salts,
dles raised on a diet with 1.1% calcium on a dm unbalanced commercially prepared diets as
basis revealed in calcium kinetic studies with might be present in the Bones and Raw Food
use of the 45calcium isotope a true intestinal (BARF) diet (Mack and Kienzle 2016), com-
absorption coefficient for calcium of 27% (i.e. mercial vegan foods (Zafalon et al. 2020a), or
true calcium absorption of 100 mg/kg BW/d) at poor-­quality diets with an excess of phytates
the age of 24 weeks (Nap et al. 1993a), and 53% that bind intestinal calcium as insoluble and
(i.e. true calcium absorption of 132 mg/kg non-­absorbable complexes. If there is a
BW/d) for beagles of that age (Hallebeek and decrease in body growth, the mineralization of
Hazewinkel 1998) and 60% (i.e. 320 mg/kg the skeleton will have a tendency to result in a
BW/d) in Great Danes of that age decrease in plasma calcium levels and will
(Schoenmakers et al. 1999a), thus covering the induce hyperparathyroidism. As a result, there
mineralization of the skeleton at different will be an increase in bone resorption by
growth rates to the adult body weight of 6, 20, ­activated osteoclasts and osteocytes. In cases of
and 70 kg, respectively. chronic calcium deficiency, calcium resorption
A meta-­analysis of 34 published, classic from bone and calcium accretion (i.e. skeletal
digestion trials (i.e. apparent calcium absorp- mineralization) are both significantly incre­
tion as the difference between calcium intake ased (Hazewinkel 1991; Nap et al. 1993b),
and its fecal excretion) in adult dogs revealed a with a subsequent increase in plasma alkaline
linear relationship (P < 0.0001) between cal- phosphatase levels. Thus bone turnover is sig-
cium intake and calcium excretion, suggesting nificantly increased in animals with dietary-­
the absence of a systematic quantitative adap- induced hyperparathyroidism.
tation mechanism in calcium absorption in This explains the radiologic and pathologic
these adult dogs. The calcium digestibility in findings in the skeleton of growing dogs: long
adult dogs did not differ significantly in differ- bones reveal normal growth in length, together
ent diets with different calcium-­to-­phosphorus with excessively increased osteoclastic bone
ratios (Mack et al. 2015). These findings were removal, especially in the endosteum (result-
supported by Stockman et al. (2017), who ing in a wide intramedullary cavity) and in the
found no difference in calcium digestibility areas of cancellous bone. The cortex can
(approximately 20%) and total calcium balance become so thin that it cannot withstand nor-
(not significantly different from 0 g/d for both mal muscle contracture or the body weight of
groups) in mature Labradors fed 4.2 the the animal, leading to pathologic fractures
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 197

(i.e. greenstick and compression fractures) the normal mineralization of the growth plate
(Figure 10.2). Compression fractures of verte­ cartilage, visible as a white area bordering the
brae can cause paralysis and can worsen the growth plates of normal width. This finding is
prognosis of the animal. The PTH-­induced important to aid in the differentiation between
increase in 1,25(OH)2vitD3 plasma levels explains alimentary secondary hyperparathyroidism and
hypovitaminosis D (see the section on Rickets).
In mature dogs, chronic calcium deficiency will
not cause clinical signs due to the low bone
turnover. However, pregnancy and lactation
might cause massive demineralization of the
skeleton, first at sites of high bone turnover;
that is, cancellous bone in the vertebrae and
metaphyseal area. Compression fractures of the
vertebrae will cause severe back pain and pos-
sibly even paralysis.
In growing dogs the diagnosis of nutrition-
ally induced hyperparathyroidism can be made
by taking a diet history, careful radiologic
interpretation (poor contrast between bone
and soft tissues, greenstick and compression
fractures, wide medulla, bended flat bones,
normal growth plates) (Figure 10.2), and in
some cases measurement of plasma PTH con-
centrations. In most cases, plasma concentra-
tion of calcium will be kept in the physiologic
range (although at the lower end) by the calci-
Figure 10.2 Young dog with hyperparathyroidism otropic hormones, with phosphorus plasma
due to calcium-­deficient diet, causing folding levels normal to slightly above normal com-
fractures in the long bones (“greenstick fractures”) bined with increased urine levels of phospho-
due to the narrowing of the cortex. Notice the poor
rus (Table 10.6). Analysis of plasma calcitriol
contrast difference between bone and soft tissues,
and the growth plate of normal width with concentration will reveal elevated levels com-
adjacent white area of mineralized cartilage. pared to normal dogs of the same breed and

Table 10.6 Plasma levels of calcium, phosphorus, and the major vitamin D metabolites in 3-­month-­old
small-­breed dogs raised under normal circumstances (on a balanced food with Ca 1.1%, P 0.9% [dry matter,
dm], vitamin D 500 IU/kg food), or on a diet deficient in calcium (“hyperparathyroidism”: Ca 0.05%, P 0.9%
(dm), vitamin D 500 IU/kg food) or vitamin D (“hypovitaminosis D”: Ca 1.0%, P 0.9% (dm), vitamin D not
added to semi-­synthetic food). Source: Based on Hazewinkel and Tryfonidou (2002).

Calcium Phosphorus hormone 25OHvitD 1,25(OH)2vitD 24,25(OH)2vitD
(mmol/l) (mmol/l) (ng/l) (nmol/l) (pmol/l) (nmol/l)

Normal 2.8 ± 0.1 2.7 ± 0.1 20 ± 2 50 ± 5 95 ± 5 169 ± 44

Hyperparathyroidism 2.7 ± 0.1 2.7 ± 0.1 30 ± 1a 77 ± 22 494 ± 87a 45 ± 29a
Hypovitaminosis D 2.7 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.3a >35a 6.2 ± 0.2a 65 ± 5a 1.4 ± 0.5a
Significantly different from normal.
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198 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

age. Bone biopsies will demonstrate thin corti- Phosphorus Deficiency

ces and thin cancellous bone spiculae, no
An absolute deficiency of dietary phosphorus
unmineralized osteoid, an increased amount
rarely occurs in companion animals; however,
of multinucleated osteoclasts within Howship’s
a relative deficiency may occur in extreme
lacunae reflecting their high activity, and
cases. When providing a food with very high
growth plates that are normally mineralized
calcium content to puppies less than 2 months
and of normal width (Figure 10.3a,b). The
of age, insoluble and thus non-­absorbable
most practical approach for confirming the
­calcium‑phosphorus salts are formed in the
diagnosis based on clinical and radiologic
intestinal tract. Due to the excess of dietary
investigation is to institute treatment and re-­
­calcium, there is hypercalcemia with negative
evaluate the skeletal status after three weeks.
feedback on PTH synthesis and thus
Differential diagnoses are rickets (see later),
decreased 1,25(OH)2vitD synthesis. The
osteogenesis imperfecta (a rare hereditary dis-
increased ­calcium absorption in these young
ease with abnormal bone collagen), and renal
dogs consuming diets with excessive calcium
hyperparathyroidism (see Chapter 15).
(Schoenmakers et al. 2000) will cause hyper-
Therapy includes strict cage rest to prevent
calcemia. Both the hypophosphatemia and the
more damage and normalization of the diet.
lack of 1,25(OH)2vitD will cause a disturbance
Cage rest should be started immediately to pre-
in skeletal mineralization, resulting in wide
vent other bones from fracturing, especially ver-
growth plates and thin cortices evident on
tebral collapse and subsequent spinal cord
damage, as well as to prevent further skeletal
The diagnosis can be made from the diet his-
malformations. Normalization of the diet can be
tory, radiologic investigation, and laboratory
accomplished by changing the food to a com-
findings. Hypercalcemia and hypophos-
plete and balanced diet and extra calcium car-
phatemia together with hypoparathyroidism
bonate (50 mg Ca/kg BW/d) can be supplemented
and decreased hydroxylation of vitamin D will
for three weeks. Injections of calcium are not
coincide with the radiologic signs seen in rickets
indicated; the amount of circulating calcium is
(Schoenmakers et al. 2000), commonly referred
sufficient to prevent cardiac abnormalities. Extra
to as hypophosphatemic rickets (Figure 10.4).
vitamin D is not indicated in a case of pure ali-
mentary secondary hyperparathyroidism, since
the endogenous 1,25(OH)2vitD3 is increased by
Vitamin D Deficiency (Rickets
the high level of PTH (see Table 10.6). Therefore,
or Hypovitaminosis D)
calcium absorption is very efficient – that is, up
to 100% of the amount of calcium in the food – The ability to synthesize cholecalciferol in the
and extra vitamin D is contraindicated to skin under the influence of ultraviolet light has
increase osteoclast activity (Nap et al. 1993b). been developed in amphibians, reptiles, birds,
The bone is too thin to consider orthopedic treat- herbivores, and omnivores, but not in dogs,
ment of the fractures other than rest; even cats (How et al. 1994), and other carnivorous
splints cannot be applied, since the bone will species (Corbee et al. 2015b). The cutaneous
break at the proximal margin of the splint. After level of the vitamin D3 precursor
mineralization of the skeleton, which is com- 7-­dehy­dro­cholesterol (7-­DHC) is low due to a
pleted within a month, corrective surgery can be high level of 7-­DHC reductase, an enzyme
considered when indicated. The prognosis with a high activity that converts 7-­DHC into
depends on the severity of secondary spinal cord cholesterol (Morris 1999). Thus dogs and cats
damage and the severity of skeletal malforma- are solely dependent on dietary sources to
tion, especially narrowing of the pelvic canal meet their vitamin D requirement. Animal fat
with disturbed passage of the feces. has high levels of vitamin D; vegetarian food
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 199




Figure 10.3 (a) Cancellous bone of the epiphyseal area of a 6-­month old dog. (b) Cancellous bone in the
corresponding area of a 6-­month-­old dog with nutritional secondary parathyroidism due to low calcium
content of the food (0.55% Ca on a dry matter basis). Notice the large number of osteoblasts and
osteoclasts causing high bone turnover, active in new bone formation and bone resorption, respectively,
responding to the hypocalcemia-­induced high parathyroid hormone (PTH) level. Thinned bone will break
(greenstick fracture) and collapse (compression fracture). (c) Cancellous bone of a 6-­month-­old dog with
hypovitaminosis D. Notice the red seams of osteoid (equal to non-­mineralized collagen formed by
osteoblasts) covering the mineralized bone, and multinucleated osteoclasts, not able to reach the
mineralized bone. The latter will cause, together with the inability to absorb calcium and phosphorus in the
intestine, a gradual decrease in plasma calcium and phosphorus levels.
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200 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

Table 10.7 Vitamin D recommendations

for growing dogs.

Vitamin D content per

kg food (dry matter)

National Research Council 552 IUa (4000 kcal

Nutrient requirements of ME/kg diet)
dogs and cats (2006)
Meyer (1983) 500–1000 IU
Association of American 500 IUb (4000 kcal
Feed Control Officials ME/kg diet)
(AAFCO) (2022)

1 μg cholecalciferol = 40 IU vitamin D. ME,

metabolizable energy.
Recommended allowance.
AAFCO minimum.

Dietary vitamin D is absorbed in the intestine

by passive diffusion, transported in plasma
bound to chylomicrons, lipoproteins, and
­vitamin D-­binding proteins (DBP), and routed
to the liver, where 40–60% will be absorbed and
25OHvitD3 is formed. In the kidneys, further
hydroxylation results in 1,25(OH)2vitD3 and
24,25(OH)2vitD3, which appear in the plasma,
whereas hydroxylation at other sites (like the
intestine, growth plates, and placenta) is
not reflected. A variety of factors, related
to breed, age, and dietary composition, influ-
ence the plasma concentrations of these main
Figure 10.4 Hypophosphatemic rickets. A Great metabolites.
Dane of 2 months raised on food with 3.3% Since the main role of 1,25(OH)2vitD3 is
calcium on a dry matter basis starting at 3 weeks
mineralization of newly formed cartilage and
of age with hypophosphatemia and thus disturbed
bone and cartilage mineralization. Notice the poor osteoid, hypovitaminosis D (i.e. rickets) in
contrast between bone and soft tissue, the thin young growing animals is radiologically char-
cortices, and the mushroom appearance of the acterized by wide growth plates (this is con-
(non-­mineralized) growth plate. These radiologic
trary to alimentary hyperparathyroidism), and
signs do not differ from those of dogs with
hypovitaminosis D (= rickets). by thin cortices with possibly curved bones
and/or greenstick fractures. Histologic inves-
tigation of bone biopsies will also reveal broad
and lean meat (like poultry) have low levels of (unmineralized) osteoid seams (Figure 10.3c),
vitamin D. Commercially available dog and cat formed by a large amount of osteoblasts,
food does not need any vitamin D supplemen- whereas osteoclasts are seldom attached to
tation, regardless of the season or the latitude, mineralized bone. The diagnosis can be
especially because vitamin D content is in ­confirmed by laboratory investigation.
most cases above the recommended daily Hypocalcemia is secondary to decreased intes-
requirement (Table 10.7). tinal calcium absorption and bone resorption,
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 201

which will cause hyperparathyroidism and cause a deficiency in other bivalent ions like
hypophosphatemia due to the same causes as copper and zinc (Dobenecker et al. 2006;
the hypocalcemia plus the hyperparat­ Zentek and Meyer 1991). However, Stockman
hyroidism-­induced hyperphosphaturia. The et al. (2017) could not demonstrate a consistent
plasma concentrations of the vitamin D difference in phosphorus or magnesium
­metabolites (especially 25OHvitD3 and 24,25 digestibility in adult Labradors fed a food sup-
(OH)2vitD3) will be very low, whereas plemented with 7.1 times the recommended
1,25(OH)2vitD3 may be in the low-­normal amount of calcium (NRC 2006) in comparison
range (Table 10.6). with a group fed 1.7 times the recommended
Rickets is only seen under extreme circum- amount. Although there are concerns about
stances, including with unsupplemented zinc absorption due to calcium supplementa-
homemade foods, in dogs with an inability to tion (Dobenecker et al. 2006; Zentek and
absorb fat and thus also vitamins soluble in fat, Meyer 1991), as revealed in studies in elderly
and in cases of inborn errors of vitamin men (Wood and Zheng 1997), no consistent
D3 metabolism. Treatment includes normali- influence on zinc digestibility could be demon-
zation of the diet. In cases where vitamin D strated in the study of Stockman et al. (2017)
deficiency is the only abnormality, vitamin D in adult dogs fed a diet supplemented with
supplementation up to 500 IU/kg BW/d is suf- calcium.
ficient. In most cases the daily requirements of Phosphorus deficiency can be a concern in
a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals cases of calcium excess, especially when the
will not be met, and thus a complete, balanced, calcium excess is started during partial wean-
commercially available dog or cat food should ing (Schoenmakers et al. 2000) leading to
be advised. hypophosphatemic rickets (Figure 10.4), as
In three weeks, restoration of the skeleton also reported by Dobenecker et al. (2006).
can be noticed, since cartilage and osteoid are
waiting to become mineralized. After complete
Calcium Excess
mineralization of the cortices and callus for-
(Alimentary Hypercalcitoninism)
mation occur around the fractures, orthopedic
correction can be performed when indicated. The calcium requirement will differ widely for
Inborn errors of vitamin D metabolism are different growing animals, depending on their
resistant to even prolonged vitamin D therapy; growth rate. Meta-­analysis revealed that the
treatment with calcitriol (which warrants care- relationship between true calcium absorption
ful monitoring of plasma calcium and phos- (as determined with the aid of calcium tracer
phorus levels) can be indicated until the studies) during the first six months of life was
skeleton is normally mineralized and growth is directly proportional to the calcium content of
completed. Calcitriol can then be discontinued the food (i.e. intake0.82, with dietary calcium
in order to avoid abnormal, soft tissue miner- ranging from 0.33 to 3.3 g/100 g food dm), but
alization or kidney stone formation. independent of the breed with extremely dif-
ferent growth rates: that is, both miniature
poodles and Great Danes (Tryfonidou
Deficiency of Other Trace Minerals
et al. 2002). Evolution of terrestrial mammals
In an extreme situation, such as feeding a has been directed to a calcium-­deficient envi-
home-­prepared diet based solely on potatoes, ronment; young animals with a very functional
milk products, and cereals without supple- paracellular, passive absorption of calcium
mentation, it is possible that there is a defi- cannot refuse an excess of dietary calcium.
ciency in one of the trace minerals; it can be This is unlike mature animals, where the para-
anticipated that an excess of calcium might cellular pathway has been sealed in such a way
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202 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

that calcium and other molecules cannot dif- and an excess of calcium (and phosphorus) at
fuse through the intestinal wall. the same time. This information can be hidden
Feeding an excess of calcium to young behind the expression of “minimal content”
­large-­breed dogs is common practice by many instead of the actual content on the label.
owners concerned about the skeletal diseases Calcium content above 2.5% in dry and canned
described earlier. For that reason, owners mixed products is no exception (Kallfelz and
­supplement dog food with minerals to prevent Dzanis 1989).
calcium deficiency. The addition of 2 tsp of cal- In addition, there is a discrepancy between
cium carbonate to a balanced diet of a the energy requirements (related to the meta-
3-­month-­old fast-­growing dog will almost bolic body weight, BW0.67) and the calcium
­double the daily calcium intake and thus dou- requirement for growing bones (related to
ble its calcium absorption. The source of body weight) (Meyer and Zentek 2005).
calcium – bone meal, fresh bones, or dairy Feeding a product that has been formulated to
products – does not make a lot of difference; it optimally meet the energy and calcium
is the amount of calcium eaten and absorbed requirements at 10 kg to a growing dog with an
that counts. In a study in dogs raised on food adult body weight of 40 kg may create the risk
with triple the recommended amount of cal- of oversupplementation of calcium when fed
cium and phosphorus, even more severe skel- at a younger age with a lower body weight.
etal disturbances like osteochondrosis were This makes no single calcium-­to-­energy ratio
seen than in the group with calcium excess suitable for the entire growth period for all
alone (Schoenmakers et al. 2000). These abnor- breeds. The lowest possible ratio for large and
malities were seen also more frequently and giant breeds will minimize the risk of oversup-
more severe in Great Danes raised on ad libi- plementation with calcium (Nap et al. 2000).
tum ­provided complete food, in comparison The tendency of dog owners to maximize
with restricted-­fed littermates (Hedhammar growth velocity, rather than optimize it by low-
et al. 1974). ering energy supply, will thus increase the
In their efforts to produce a food for all chances of too high a calcium intake, with
breeds and all life stages, manufacturers enrich skeletal diseases as a possible consequence. A
their foods with plenty of calcium. Feeding a large-­breed food for growing dogs with a level
3-­month-­old fast-­growing dog an adult mainte- of 0.8% calcium (per 4200 ME kcal/kg) has
nance diet (320 kcal/100 g; 1.6% Ca dm) instead been both calculated and proven to be safe for
of a puppy diet (420 kcal/100 g; 0.8% Ca cm) raising large-­and giant-­breed pups throughout
with a daily requirement of 2700 kcal means the growth period (Nap et al. 2000).
that it will consume 5.1 g of calcium with the High calcium intake will cause hyperplasia
puppy food and 13.5 g of calcium with the of CT-­producing C cells and thus an increased
adult maintenance diet. Highly digestible food response in CT secretion following calcium
with high-­quality ingredients will result in a absorption during a meal, even months after
relatively higher degree of ME (= gross energy normalization of the calcium content of such a
content minus fecal plus urinary energy val- meal (Figure 10.5) (Schoenmakers et al. 2000).
ues; Chapter 3); the daily calcium intake of the The CT-­depressed osteoclast activity will lead
food with the lower ME but the same calcium to decreased bone remodeling, with conse-
content will be higher than with the food with quences for blood vessels running through the
the higher ME. Since the ME values are often cortex of long bones. Great Dane puppies
calculated values, this makes comparison of nourished by the bitch and given a high‑calcium
diets and thus dietary advice not easy. In addition, diet (3.3% calcium dm) only between the ages
bone meal as a source of protein is used in some of 3 and 6 weeks (i.e. in the period of ­partial
complete foods, thus providing both protein weaning) had an increased CT response and an
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 203

(a) 4000 CT

CT (ng/l)



–5 0 5 10 15 20
Time (min) after injection

(b) 4000 CT

CT (ng/l)



–5 0 5 10 15 20
Time (min) after injection

Figure 10.5 Alimentary-­induced hypercalcitoninism. Two groups of Great Danes, raised on food (as a gruel
from 3–6 weeks) only differing in its calcium content, i.e. 1.04 (n = 9, blue) and 3.11 (n = 5, red) g per 100 g
dry matter (dm) food (both with phosphorus equal to 0.85 g and vitamin D equal to 110 IU per 100 g dm)
starting at 3 weeks of age. From 6 weeks to 6 months of age, both groups received the food with a Ca
content of 1.04%. At time point 0, a Ca bolus intravenous injection (2.5 mg Ca/kg body weight) was given,
and the calcitonin (CT) plasma concentrations were determined at the time points indicated at the ages of
(a) 13 weeks and (b) 26 weeks. Notice the increased basal level and response even seven weeks after
normalization of the food, with a normalized response at 26 weeks of age. See the discussion of alimentary
hypercalcitoninism for the clinical relevance. Source: Data from Hazewinkel et al. (2000).

increase in plasma calcium concentration until containing 1.1% calcium (dm) from 3 to
17 weeks, and in all these dogs radiologically 17 weeks of age (Schoenmakers et al. 2000). So
confirmed enostosis (panosteitis eosinophilia) a high calcium intake for a short but crucial
(Figure 10.6) was diagnosed, but not in the period in life, and only in addition to the bitch’s
(control) Great Danes raised on food milk, can have major consequences in later
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204 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

greater than 1.1% dm should be fed during the

growth period, starting at partial weaning.
Chronic calcium excess can result in a
decreased widening of the foramen for blood
vessels and the spinal cord. Great Danes pro-
vided free access to food (Table 10.5)
(Hedhammar et al. 1974; Lavelle 1989) or lim-
ited intake of food but with a high calcium
content (3.3% Ca dm) (Hazewinkel 1985) had
narrowing of the cranial aperture of the cervi-
cal vertebral bodies, causing Wallerian degen-
eration of the spinal cord and the typical signs
of wobbler syndrome: ataxia and crossed
extensor reflexes. With imaging techniques,
narrowing of the spinal canal without hernia-
tion of the nucleus pulposus can be detected.
Surgical techniques may be indicated, although
the damage to the nerve tissue may already be
irreversible. Dietary corrections and medical
Figure 10.6 Inside the medullary cavity, white treatment are often too late to have any impact.
confluating spots are visible, indicating areas of
mineralization as radiologic signs of panosteitis, Differential diagnoses include vertebral or spi-
which is clinically characterized by shifting nal cord malformations, cervical vertebral
lameness, varying in severity and location, with instability as seen in older dogs, discospondyli-
pain reaction upon deep palpation of the tis, and meningitis.
long bones.
High calcium intake will have a tendency to
cause the calcium level to increase and there-
fore increase CT secretion and suppress PTH
life. Although multiple hypotheses are pro- secretion, and 1α-­hydroxylase formation lower-
posed to describe the etiopathogenesis of pan- ing 1,25(OH)2vitD synthesis. The increase of
osteitis, no other dietary cause has been found CT and the lowering of PTH as seen in large-­
thus far (Hazewinkel et al. 2000). breed dogs may be the cause of the high inci-
The clinical signs (shifting lameness of dif- dence and severe signs of osteochondrosis in
fering severity, and pain upon deep bone pal- young dogs raised on a diet with a high calcium
pation) together with the radiologic signs content. Support for this comes from the find-
(white confluent areas within the medullary ing that the influence of high calcium intake
cavity, starting near the nutrient foramen) in did not decrease PTH levels significantly in
young dogs of large breeds until the age of young dogs of small breeds (Nap et al. 1993c).
24 months is strong evidence for this disease. In this study, Great Danes, but not miniature
The treatment is to prescribe a diet with a cal- poodles, raised on diets with a high calcium
cium content matching the requirement (with content or with an increased calcium and
possibly a three-­week period of calcium defi- phosphorus ratio had severe signs of retained
ciency to induce skeletal remodeling) together cartilage cones (considered to be osteochondro-
with non-­steroidal anti-­inflammatory drugs sis of the growth plates) with radius curvus as a
(NSAIDs) to help the animal overcome painful consequence; that is, elbow incongruity, bow-
periods until the age of 24 months. In order to ing of the radius, and valgus deformation of
prevent panosteitis, a diet designed for young the front and rear feet (Hazewinkel 1985;
dogs of large breeds with a calcium content no Schoenmakers et al. 2000) (Figure 10.7). These
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 205

2006). Calcium retention increases propor-

tionally with the calcium ­content of the food
and is in young dogs not less than 25–40%
(Dobenecker et al. 2006; Hazewinkel 1985;
Hedhammar et al. 1974; Nap et al. 1993a;
Schoenmakers et al. 2000), and thus a distur-
bance of the balance in calciotropic hormones
can be caused. Other dietary effects and other
causes, including breed effects and genetic
predisposition for disturbances in skeletal
growth disturbances and development, cannot
be excluded on the basis of the studies
reviewed here. Especially when owners of
breeds at risk are consulting the practicing
Figure 10.7 A 4-­month-­old Great Dane with
radius curvus syndrome raised on a food with
veterinarian for dietary advice, this discussion
calcium excess, calcium and phosphorus excess, or will help to formulate scientifically sup-
vitamin D excess. Source: Schoenmakers et al. ported advice.
(2000) / Elsevier B.V. and Tryfonidou et al. (2003) /
Vitamin D Excess
Great Danes developed osteochondrosis at typi- Vitamin D is an essential vitamin in dogs and
cal locations in joint cartilage. In some cases, cats, since it cannot be synthesized in these
where Great Danes were raised on a diet with species in their skin under the influence of
excess calcium, it was not the distal growth sunlight (How et al. 1994). Since it is soluble in
plate of the ulna that was the most affected fat and transported to the liver for hydroxyla-
but the growth in length of the radius, resulting tion, the nutritional content of vitamin D is
in incongruity of the elbow with a shortened connected to the fat and liver content of the
radius (Hazewinkel 1985; Schoenmakers ingredients. In balanced dog foods, the raw
et al. 2000). Lavelle (1989) and Slater et al. ingredients are supplemented with vitamin D
(1992) demonstrated a correlation between together with other essential nutrients by the
calcium supplementation and the development manufacturer in the vitamin pre-­mix. The con-
of skeletal diseases, especially in large-­breed tent of the pre-­mix is not declared on the label
dogs. In beagles and crossbred foxhounds, of the end product and thus the level of
Dobenecker et al. (2006) could demonstrate a the separate vitamins and minerals cannot be
significantly higher calcium retention in the included in the analysis. As a result, the
beagles on supplemented food when compared ­available diets for companion animals can
with control beagles and the foxhounds, with have a vitamin D content exceeding recom-
a >13% decreased growth in length of the mended levels (Table 10.7) (Weidner and
antebrachium in the beagles compared with Verbrugghe 2016).
controls. In a study focused on the development of the
In conclusion, a variety of skeletal abnor- medial coronoid process (MCP) of the ulna,
malities can develop in dogs when raised on with two groups of Labrador puppies, offspring
excess food (Hedhammar et al. 1974), excess of two Labradors with medial coronoid disease
calcium (Hazewinkel 1985), excess ­calcium (MCD), one group was raised on a weaning
and phosphorous (Schoenmakers et al. 2000), diet (1.3% Ca, 1.03% P, and 130 IU vitamin
or excess calcium plus phosphorus, manga- D/100 g dm), the other group with 5000 IU
nese, iron, zinc, and copper (Dobenecker et al. vitamin D/100 g added, and both groups were
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206 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

followed during a maximum of 18 weeks with by a direct influence of calcium on maturing

two-­weekly radiologic and CT scanning of the chondrocytes. However, in these dogs plasma
elbow joints and histologic investigation in all levels of PTH were significantly decreased and
dogs. Plasma calcium, phosphorus, total CT was significantly increased when com-
­protein, and albumin levels did not differ pared with controls, which mimics the situa-
between groups, whereas the 25OHvitD and tion described under “calcium excess.” This
1,25(OH)2vitD levels were twice as high in the suggests that osteochondrosis is caused in
supplemented group in comparison with the these dogs by an imbalance in calciotropic hor-
controls. Two dogs of the supplemented group mones and/or adaptations in the vitamin D
developed MCD and one also had a shortened metabolism, generalized or locally at growth-­
radius. The subchondral bone of the MCP con- plate level, rather than due to high calcium lev-
tained retained hyaline cartilage, more in the els per se (Tryfonidou et al. 2002).
MCD-­positive dogs of the supplemented group Chronic vitamin D intoxication due to inges-
than in the MCD-­positive dogs of the dogs on tion of rat poison or due to excessive doses of
the control diet. The supplemented group vitamin D or its metabolites will be character-
revealed significant more collagen-­X staining ized by hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia,
than the controls, reflecting more hypertrophic muscle weakness, nausea, kidney failure, and
chondrocyte activity as seen in delayed possibly death. Chronic intake of 10 000 IU/kg
­endochondral ossification in cases of osteo- BW/d or a single dose of 200 000 IU/kg BW
chondrosis, leading to the conclusion that vita- results in clinical signs including polyuria and
min D supplementation does not prevent MCD vomiting (Spangler et al. 1979).
and that optimal vitamin D intake in young
dogs is important in breeds at risk for
Vitamin A Excess
osteochondrosis-­related developmental skele-
tal diseases (Corbee et al. 2015a). Vitamin A is essential in bone metabolism and
Dogs raised on a diet containing a 135-­fold influences chondrocyte proliferation, and
increase in the recommended dietary vitamin ­osteoblast and osteoclast activity, in addition
D content (54 000 vs. 4560 IU cholecalciferol/ to a variety of other functions. Vitamin A
kg diet, which corresponds to a mean [± stand- (C20H29OH) is present in animal fat and can, in
ard deviation, SD] of 1615 ± 60 vs. 15 ± 1 IU dogs but not in cats, be synthesized out of beta-­
vitamin D/kg/BW/d) starting at the age of carotene (C40H56) by cleavage with the aid of
6 weeks demonstrated an adaptation mecha- carotenase, as present in the intestinal mucosa
nism through which the increased hydroxyla- and liver cells. Therefore, the dietary require-
tion of excess vitamin D occurred in both ment of vitamin A for cats is higher than for
25OHvitD and 1,25(OH)2vitD, without signs of dogs. Another difference between dogs and
increased calcium absorption or pathologic cats regarding vitamin A metabolism is in its
mineralization, as is commonly seen in vita- inactivation: dogs, but not cats, can form reti-
min D intoxication. This adaptation mecha- nyl esters to inactivate vitamin A, and dogs are
nism results in increased plasma concentrations able to excrete 15–60% of the daily intake as
of 24,25(OH)2vitD and decreased levels of retinyl palmitate in the urine.
1,25(OH)2vitD, however with severe distur- Cats absorb all the vitamin A from food
bances of endochondral ossification as a con- ingredients that contain retinol and retinyl
sequence resulting in retained cartilage cones esters, and although this could induce vitamin
at the age of 15 weeks, and eventually radius A toxicity, cats can sequester larger quantities
curvus syndrome (Figure 10.7). In dogs raised of vitamin A in the liver with no apparent
on an excess of vitamin D alone, the disturbed adverse effect. In addition, cats form retinyl
endochondral ossification cannot be explained stearate out of retinol and low-­density
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­The Role of Nutrition During Skeletal Growth and Developmen 207

lipoproteins. No apparent deleterious effects transforming into myofibroblasts (Corbee

were caused by high intakes of vitamin A et al. 2014). Adult cats fed a food with 100
alone: adult cats, even after a period of three times the vitamin A plus 65 times the vitamin
years on 50 and 100 times the vitamin A con- D content of the food of control cats resulted in
tent of the control cats (on 6 mg retinol equiva- an increase of plasma retinol and 25OHvitD
lents) did not develop pathologic signs (Freytag levels, osteophytosis and subtle new bone for-
et al. 2003). It was hypothesized that not only mation in the vertebrae, and signs of early sub-
the high vitamin A content but also the high clinical liver fibrosis, the latter due to hepatic
vitamin D content are prerequisites for the stellate cells overloaded with vitamin A
bone pathology typical of cats on a chronic raw (Corbee et al. 2014). The level of vitamin A
liver diet. Subtle skeletal changes (i.e. new (50% of vitamin A content of beef liver), the
bone formation) and liver pathology (i.e. fibro- calcium content of this food (much higher
sis) developed after 18 months of intake of food than beef liver), and the short duration of the
with a 100-­fold increase of vitamin A and a study (18 months compared with 2–5 years in
concomitant 5-­ or 65-­fold increase of vitamin clinical cases) may explain the subtlety of the
D; the study revealed, however, that the 5-­fold pathology, compared with clinical hypervita-
increase in vitamin D protected against liver minosis A in adult cats (Hazewinkel 1994). In
fibrosis, unlike the 65-­fold vitamin D intake. kittens, teratogenic effects of high vitamin A
This suggests an optimum level of vitamin D intake by the queen (1–2 times the safe upper
protection (Corbee et al. 2014). limit of vitamin A as given by NRC 2006)
In adult cats excessive vitamin A intake will include cleft palate, craniofacial and pelvic
stimulate osteoclastic bone resorption as well abnormalities, shallow ophthalmic orbits, and
as mineralization of newly formed osteoid by vascular abnormalities (Freytag et al. 2003).
vitamin A-­induced increase of 24-­hydroxylase Hypervitaminosis A can be caused in kittens
and thus of 24,25(OH)2vitD levels. Due to trac- and puppies after several weeks of oversupple-
tion of tendons on the weakened bone, bone mentation. Such kittens and puppies will have
bridges can be formed (Figure 10.8). The most reduced growth in length and osteoporosis of
significant finding in the adult cats on exces- long bones together with flaring of the meta-
sive vitamin A was subclinical liver fibrosis physeal regions. Hypervitaminosis A in dogs
due to retinol storage in the stellate cells, results in anorexia, decreased weight gain,

Figure 10.8 Extensive new bone formation without bone resorption throughout the spinal column and
around large peripheral joints has been described in cats fed on raw fish or raw liver for a prolonged time,
referred to as hypervitaminosis A. Source: Hazewinkel and Schoenmakers (1995).
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208 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

narrowing growth plate cartilage, new bone exostoses at the insertion site of tendons, liga-
formation, and thin cortices. Concentrations ments, and joints. Hypervitaminosis A is there-
of vitamin A in plasma will exceed the normal fore considered by some as a secondary form of
ranges for dogs (i.e. 1800–18 000 IU/l) osteoarthritis in the vertebrae and the large
(Hayes 1971). Hypervitaminosis A is seen joints (Corbee 2014a). Therapy should be
more frequently in cats than in dogs, especially started as soon as the diagnosis is made, includ-
in cats at an older age (3–13 years) and fed raw ing analgesia and food adaptation. It may be
liver and/or fish daily. Hypervitaminosis A in better to have a board certified veterinary
cats may coincide with a stiff neck and/or nutritionist® formulate a balanced homemade
enlarged joints from the front and hind legs diet without vitamin A added to it (or oxidized
(mainly elbow and stifle joint) (Figure 10.8) by cooking), since all commercially available
due to ankylosis, dull hair coat, change in char- foods contain at least the required amount of
acter (probably due to hypersensitivity and/ vitamin A (Hazewinkel 1994).
or bone pain), anorexia, and weight loss A low dose of NSAIDs can be provided to
(Hazewinkel 1994). relieve the skeletal pain and pain due to any
The recommended concentration of vitamin nerve entrapment. Since cats with hypervita-
A in dog foods is 1515 μg or 5050 IU/kg dm minosis A may have hepatic lipidosis, the dos-
with a safe upper limit 10 times this amount age of analgesia may need to be reduced.
(NRC 2006). In dogs, a history of diet supple- General improvement can be seen four weeks
mentation with cod liver oil may help to make after starting treatment; although ankylosis
the diagnosis. In cats, the history can indicate a will not disappear, the cats may remain lame,
prolonged preference for raw fish, raw liver, or but this is not due to pain.
supplements, although this is not always the
case. In a study in adult cats, a 106 IU vitamin
A/kg diet failed to produce the classic skeletal ­ utrient Requirements for Skeletal
signs of hypervitaminosis A in three years, Maintenance in Adult Animals
suggesting an individual predisposition
(Morris 2002a). The clinical and radiologic In the adult dog under balanced conditions,
signs can support the diagnosis. Laboratory both mineralization of the skeleton and bone
investigation may reveal that retinol levels in resorption are 4–8 mg/kg BW/d, which is
the liver are increased, contrary to plasma reti- almost 100 times less than in young fast-­
nol levels, which can be normal, as shown in a growing dogs (Hazewinkel 1989). Endogenous
study where 20% of cats with hypervitaminosis fecal excretion (i.e. losses of calcium via bile or
A had normal plasma levels (Morris 2002a). mucosal cells) is approximately 10–30 mg/kg
Corbee (2014a) designed a food for research and urinary losses approximately 1–7 mg/kg
cats with increased vitamin A and a low cal- BW/d. The losses can be compensated for by
cium level, thus mimicking a liver diet, and an intake of 50 mg Ca/kg BW/d. But even when
described small exostosis on vertebrae and this is not reached, the skeleton represents
larger joints. such a large reservoir of calcium that losses
In typical clinical cases of cats with hyper- can be compensated for by an increase in bone
vitaminosis A (Hazewinkel 1994; Figure 10.8), resorption. A study in adult dogs fed a lowered
bone lesions originate from the tendon inser- calcium intake (0.5 g/1000 kcal) for six months
tion areas, resulting in restricted movement revealed no adjusted fractional calcium excre-
and finally extra-­articular new bone formation tion, leading to a negative calcium balance
leading to ankylosis (Seawright et al. 1965). with increased bone resorption as a result to
Radiographs showed deforming cervical spon- maintain calcium homeostasis (Schmitt 2018),
dylosis and formation of osteophytes and this due to the fact that the endogenous fecal
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­Nutrient Requirements for Skeletal Maintenance in Adult Animal 209

calcium excretion is not under hormonal (e.g. thus it might be interesting to use the biologi-
PTH) control and represents a fixed amount of cally most active, but more expensive to deter-
calcium (Schoenmakers et al. 1999a). mine, metabolite 1,25(OH)2D as an indicator
Pathologic fractures in adult dogs or cats do for sufficient or excessive vitamin D intake
not generally occur secondary to an unbal- (Table 10.6). Normal values for healthy adult
anced diet, but rather under strenuous physio- dogs of different breeds (ranging from dachs-
logic conditions such as gestation and lactation hund to German pointer) have been published
without adequate compensatory food intake. for 25OHvitD (38.5 ± 14.5 ng/ml), 24,25(OH)2D
Two groups of nine adult Labradors fed a (40.0 ± 17.0 ng/ml), and 1,25(OH)2D (76.2 ±
high‑calcium diet (7.1 g/1000 kcal) or a test diet 15.3 pg/ml) (Corbee et al. 2012). A novel C-­3
(1.7 g/1000 kcal) for 40 weeks did not reveal epimer of 25OHvitD, ranging from 30 to 75% of
any difference in general or skeletal health, the native 25OHvit D level, has been identified
kidney or hormonal functions (of both PTH in cats but not in dogs (Parker et al. 2017).
and calcitriol levels), or in blood biochemistry, Unlike postmenopausal humans, dogs do
including plasma ionized calcium concentra- not increase bone resorption after loss of
tion; only fecal calcium excretion and renal ­ovarian hormonal influences. Working dogs
calcium excretion (the latter to a much lower may lose extra calcium with saliva, but this is
extent) increased in the high‑calcium group in only a limited amount and hardly requires any
such a way that there could be no difference compensation.
registered in the calcium balance in both The major clinical problems in relation to
groups of dogs, indicating a developmental orthopedics in adult companion animals are
adaptation in adult dogs to regulate calcium excessive energy intake (see later), excessive
uptake (Stockman et al. 2017). In a meta-­ phosphorus intake together with decreased
analysis including more than 400 individual renal function, and excessive vitamin A intake,
digestion trials in dogs and 156 in cats, it was especially in cats (see earlier).
revealed that true absorption for calcium in In the case of renal insufficiency, in both
adult dogs is 13% without significant differ- young and adult dogs, calcium is lost in the
ences between groups with a calcium-­to-­ urine whereas phosphorus is insufficiently
phosphorus ratio of 1–2 or >2, respectively, excreted, resulting in sequestration of calcium
and 25% for adult cats, with 26% for the same intracellularly as calcium phosphates and at
ratio of 1–2 and 19% when >2 (Mack different locations with increased pH values
et al. 2015). (lungs, stomach, and kidneys), thereby lower-
A true safe upper limit for vitamin D intake, ing the plasma calcium concentration even
supported by clear scientific evidence for further. This will lead to hyperparathyroidism
reproduction/growth and for adult mainte- (i.e. renal secondary hyperparathyroidism)
nance, is not currently known in dogs (Wedner with increased osteoclast activity causing dem-
and Verbrugghe 2016). In human nutrition, ineralization of the skeleton. An increase in
the 25OHvitD plasma level is used as a refer- calcitriol formation under the influence of
ence of adequate vitamin D intake. However in high PTH levels helps to increase intestinal
dogs, a variety of different factors influence the calcium absorption, but the hydroxylation of
plasma level of 25(OH)D, including breed and 25OHvitD in the kidney is often disturbed in a
growth rates (Tryfonidou et al. 2003b), vitamin case of chronic renal insufficiency. Although
D intake (Hazewinkel and Tryfonidou 2002), PTH will lower the threshold for phosphorus
and in cases of cancer also type of tumor (oste- in the kidneys and thus increase renal phos-
osarcoma, lymphoma, and mast cell tumor), as phorus excretion, this mechanism is also dis-
well as plasma concentration of 24,25(OH)2D turbed in chronic renal failure. Dietary
and ionized calcium (Weidner et al. 2017), and phosphorus restriction will keep the plasma
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210 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

phosphorus level in the normal range until I­ mplementation of Nutrition

renal function becomes inadequate. in Clinical Orthopedics
Due to the high turnover in cancellous bone,
bone pathology is often initially seen clinically There are numerous foods available on the
as severe bone loss in the jaws. Loosening of commercial market, making it impossible to
teeth and lowering of the arch can be noticed comment on each food. It should be recog-
in adult dogs with chronic renal failure (i.e. nized that the driving force of food intake in
hypostotic osteodystrophy), whereas hyperos- each individual, especially growing dogs, is
totic osteodystrophy is characteristic for grow- the need for energy. Together with energy
ing dogs with renal insufficiency (as is the case come the essential nutrients for skeletal
with hydronephrosis or other birth defects) growth, including calcium, phosphorus, and
(Figure 10.9). In these young dogs, their noses vitamin D. In addition to the requirement per
are much broader than normal and the gingiva kg body weight of growing dogs, the expres-
seems to be thickened, all due to compensatory sion of these elements on an energy basis
growth of non-­mineralized fibrous tissue, and (kcal/kg diet) is also common, although more
the teeth are often loose. Clinical pathology active dogs need more energy but not neces-
will reveal low to normal calcium; very high sarily more minerals (i.e. calcium and phos-
phosphorus, urea, and creatinine levels; and phorus). Owners feed their dogs more often
low 1,25(OH)2vitD3 levels. Radiographs will on a weight or volume basis rather than calcu-
show a loss of the lamina dura dentis and a loss lating the energy intake. When a diet is calcu-
of contrast in the skull compared to the teeth, lated for a growing dog of a certain body
which do not lose their mineral content. weight, the amount should be regularly
Mineral loss of the skeleton is often irreversi- adjusted when the dog becomes heavier as it
ble together with the deteriorating general matures. This can be done through consulta-
health of the patient. tion with a veterinary nutritionist. One must
account for not only the chemical composi-
tion but also the availability and biological
value of the nutrients in the diet.
It is virtually impossible to judge the quality
of a diet from the label. A diet with a high grain
and phytate content may need a higher cal-
cium level to provide the required calcium for
absorption and a higher phosphate content,
since the phosphate in phytate is not absorba-
ble. This may explain why a meta-­analysis
reported that at 2 months of age, 260–830 mg
Ca/kg BW/d appears to be safe for skeletal
growth; decreasing to 210–540 mg Ca/kg BW/d
at 5 months of age (Figure 10.1) (Hazewinkel
and Mott 2006).
To stay away from all these confusing fig-
ures, it is advised that young dogs be raised on
a diet formulated for the growth and special
hormonal typicalities of the breed. Small-­
breed dogs undergo a slow growth rate and
Figure 10.9 A 5-­month-­old Rottweiler with poor
renal function and hydronephrosis and broadening therefore have a wide safety margin to deal
of the maxilla. with nutrient concentrations above or below
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­Influence of Nutrition in the Occurrence of Orthopedic Disease 211

the dog’s requirements. Giant-­breed dogs, I­ nfluence of Nutrition in the

with their balanced, but vulnerable, equilib- Occurrence of Orthopedic Diseases
rium of hormonal regulators, do not reveal
this safety margin. Couple this with the inher- Elbow Dysplasias
ited developmental diseases such as hip and
elbow dysplasia with a large degree of envi- Elbow dysplasias (EDs) are a serious problem
ronmental influence, including nutrition, and for certain populations. EDs can be separated
one can understand the importance of edu- into different disease entities, including unu-
cating the breeder and new owner of young nited anconeal process (UAP), fragmented
large-­breed dogs that the dogs should be fed a coronoid process (FCP), osteochondritis disse-
diet adapted to their special needs; that is, a cans (OCD) of the medial humeral condyle,
calcium content at the lower end of the safety and incongruities of the elbow joint (INC)
spectrum. In general, in foods with a protein (Figure 10.10a). EDs should be considered as
content of high biological value, the calcium different diseases, which may all cause lame-
content should be between 0.8% and 1.0% on a ness and may all cause osteoarthritis (OA) of
dry matter basis (for a food with 4200 ME the elbow joint (Figure 10.10b).
kcal/kg diet) (Nap et al. 2000). This range is Depending on the specific subpopulation and
present in the diets of the major dog food the method of investigation, EDs are seen in
manufacturers, but is still not seen in many 46–50% of Rottweilers, 36–70% of Bernese
smaller brands and in diets supplemented by mountain dogs, 12–14% of Labrador retrievers,
owners themselves. 15–20% of golden retrievers, 30% of
In summary, skeletal growth is limited to Newfoundlands, and 18–21% of German shep-
endochondral ossification, periosteal growth, herd dogs, and in many other breeds
and remodeling with a limited amount of cell (Temwichitr et al. 2010). The clinical investiga-
types. These cells are working under the tion starts with determination of the breed and
influence of different growth factors, of the age at which the first signs appeared, most
which they have the calciotropic hormones typically between 4 and 10 months. The elbow is
(PTH, vitamin D, CT) in common. Calcium often effused on palpation, the range of motion
as a vital mineral will be regulated in plasma can be decreased, and subtle crepitation can be
as tightly as possible under all circumstances, recognized. Diagnosis of EDs can be confirmed
including rapid growth and extreme calcium by radiographs in most cases by demonstrating
(and vitamin D) intakes. The adaptation the primary disease (UAP, OCD, INC, and in
mechanisms to maintain calcium homeosta- certain cases even FCP), or secondary changes
sis may have consequences for the maturing as part of OA development, taking into account
skeleton and thus for later life. A thorough the osteophytes and sclerosis of the semilunar
understanding of the pathophysiologic notch in making the diagnosis (Figure 10.10).
mechanisms and thus recognition of differ- Most instances of EDs occur bilaterally in
ent expressions of the same disturbance 30–70% of cases, and therefore both elbow joints
(greenstick and compression fractures, osteo- should be investigated, even in cases of unilat-
chondrosis, radius curvus syndrome, and eral lameness. In cases where there are no radi-
wobbler syndrome) will help give guidance ographic abnormalities in dogs with clinical
for the nutritional prevention (and at times lameness, and other causes of front leg lame-
treatment) of generalized skeletal diseases in ness are excluded (including panosteitis, OCD
dog breeds at risk. The occurrence of these in the shoulder joint, sesamoid fractures, and
dietary orthopedic diseases is increasing biceps tendon pain), auxiliary techniques
since the feeding of BARF and homemade including computed tomography, bone scintig-
diets has become more popular. raphy, and arthroscopy can be of value.
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212 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

(a) (b) Figure 10.10 Radiograph and pathologic

specimens revealing (a) incongruity (too
short radius) of the joint in a Great Dane
raised on food with increased calcium and
phosphorus content (Schoenmakers
et al. 2000); (b) osteoarthritis of the elbow
joint – notice the shortened radius and the
dislocated medial coronoid process; and
(c) osteoarthritis of the hip joint due to hip
dysplasia characterized by osteophyte
formation and cartilage breakdown.


Early surgical intervention provides the best is restored after the removal of the FCP or UAP
prognosis for the future status of the joint in at the same surgical intervention. The progno-
lame dogs, although some experts advocate a sis ranges from good in cases with minimal
more conservative approach. The UAP can be cartilage damage to poor in cases of severe OA
removed, or re-­attached in instances of partial (Innes 2009).
or acute detachment. When cartilage of the
medial humeral condyle is unattached in cases Role of Nutrition in Elbow Dysplasias
of OCD, or when the apex of the coronoid A combination of FCP and OCD has been
­process is fractured in cases of FCP, the loose described by Olsson (1993) as a disturbance of
bodies are removed. When fissures are present endochondral ossification and as such as
in the apex of the medial coronoid or cartilage expressions of the same disease. Although this
is weakened due to chondromalacia, the apex may still be true in cases of chondromalacia, in
should also be removed. INC due to a short the other forms of FCP (loose apex or fragmen-
radius is frequently seen in Bernese mountain tation) primary mechanical overload of
dogs and in dogs raised on food supplemented ­subchondral bone or joint cartilage is consid-
with excess minerals (Figure 10.10b). Congruity ered as the primary cause (Wolschrijn and
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­Influence of Nutrition in the Occurrence of Orthopedic Disease 213

Weijs 2004). OCD and FCP are seen more fre- ossification in the coronoid area or prevent the
quently in certain breeds and certain subpopu- development of MCD in these Labrador pup-
lations with a chi-­square of less than 0.3, pies (Corbee et al. 2014b, 2015a).
suggesting a considerable influence of envi- In a study in Labrador retrievers, it has been
ronmental factors including nutrition. It has shown that OA in multiple joints (including
been demonstrated in well-­controlled studies hips, elbows, and shoulders) developed in
that endochondral ossification can be dis- overweight dogs and less frequently in restric-
turbed by high food intake (Hedhammar tively fed, slim littermates (Huck et al. 2009;
et al. 1974; Lavelle 1989) and excessive cal- Kealy et al. 1992). The frequency and severity
cium intake (Hazewinkel 1985; Schoenmakers of the occurrence of disturbances in endo-
et al. 2000), as well as by oversupplementation chondral ossification as a common factor in
of a balanced diet with vitamin D (Tryfonidou EDs can be decreased in breeds at risk by die-
et al. 2003b). tary management, including the feeding of a
Protein-­rich rations have not been shown to diet with an appropriate calcium-­to-­energy
have a disturbing influence on skeletal devel- ratio, a quantitative restriction of energy
opment (Nap et al. 1991). In a study in Great intake, and by not adding vitamin D to a bal-
Danes raised on food with an increased cal- anced diet.
cium and phosphorus intake (3.3 and 3.0%,
respectively, compared to controls on 1.1% and
Hip Dysplasia
0.9%, respectively) starting at the age of wean-
ing (i.e. 3 weeks of age) until 17 weeks, the Although much is known about the symptoms
dogs developed disturbances in endochondral and treatment modalities, little is known about
ossification in the growth plates of the distal the etiology of hip dysplasia (HD) in dogs.
radius and/or ulna. As a consequence, elbow Symptoms include laxity of both hip joints
incongruity developed, due either to a severe (Bardens and Hardwick 1968), with an
disturbance of growth in the length of the increased pressure load on the joint surface
radius or to a severe radius curvus syndrome causing cartilage disruption of the acetabulum
with disturbed growth in the length of the ulna and femoral head, and eventually deformity of
(Hazewinkel 1985; Schoenmakers et al. 2000). the joint and increased bone formation in the
The former may coincide with overloading and subchondral area (Figure 10.9). Pain is the
thus fracturing of the MCP, while the latter dominant clinical sign during the first phase of
may coincide with an UAP or the painful pres- HD with reluctance to play and walk, whereas
sure of the humeral condyle against the UAP, in the advanced stages OA symptoms domi-
all leading to OA of the elbow joint. Lau et al. nate (i.e. stiffness after rising, warming up,
(2013) demonstrated in immature Labradors inability to move the joint in a normal range).
that FCP development was due to a distur- Laxity of the hip joint is a constant feature in
bance of endochondral ossification, especially HD. The laxity can be controlled in the dog in
with delayed calcification in the calcifying lateral recumbency, without or with anesthe-
zone. Since vitamin D influences skeletal sia, by moving the femur in an upward direc-
development by stimulating the terminal dif- tion. Originally this was performed at 4 weeks
ferentiation of chondrocytes, matrix remode- of age with a claimed error of 5%, although no
ling, and bone mineralization (Hazewinkel follow-­up was presented (Bardens and
and Tryfonidou 2002), Corbee (2014a) investi- Hardwick 1968). Noticeable laxity begins to be
gated the effect of vitamin D supplementation evident at 4 months of age, but becomes a
on the development of the coronoid process. more accurate predictor as the dog ages (Ginja
He found, however, that vitamin D supple- et al. 2010; Smith 2004; Vezzoni et al. 2005). In
mentation did not normalize endochondral mature dogs, laxity can also be evaluated
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214 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

clinically with the Ortolani and Bardens test, disturbed development of the os acetabulare
and radiologically by measuring the Norberg quatrum as a form of osteochondrosis causing
angle (Schawalder et al. 1998). Other radio- OA of the affected hip joint has been described
logic techniques may include enforced laterali- by Schawalder et al. (1998). Madsen et al.
zation of the femoral heads with the aid of a (1991) registered a delayed ossification of the
fulcrum between the thighs, as described by femoral head during the development of HD in
Smith (2004) and Vezzoni et al. (2005), or large-­breed dogs. Late fusion of secondary
enforced craniodorsal pressure with abduction ossification centers, together with severe oste-
of the proximal femurs with the dog in dorsal ochondrosis, has been described in Great
recumbency, according to Fluckiger et al. (1999). Danes raised on food with increased calcium
In different studies the genetic influence of content (Voorhout and Hazewinkel 1987), sug-
HD has been proven, although the chi-­square gesting a disturbance in endochondral ossifica-
indicates a strong environmental influence, tion of the fusion of the acetabular bones in
including nutrition, activity, and perhaps other case of HD. This, together with mechanical
factors. overloading, may explain why overnutrition
and thus fast growth are etiologic factors
Nutritional Influences Seen for the development of dysplastic hips
in Hip Dysplasia (Hedhammar et al. 1974; Kasström 1975; Kealy
The collodiaphyseal angle (the angle of incli- et al. 1992; Lust et al. 1985; Richardson
nation) is approximately 135°, but larger angles et al. 2010). In addition, it may explain the
(coxa valga) are seen in conjunction with involvement of multiple joints, as reported in
HD. In a longitudinal study in Great Danes overweight dogs (Kasström 1975; Kealy
raised on food provided ad libitum, the angle et al. 1992; Lust 1993). Interestingly, young
between the collum femoris and the femoral dogs under 12 weeks of age with joint laxity did
shaft was larger than in the control group not develop HD when raised on a low-­caloric
raised on a calorie-­restricted, but similar, diet intake regime during growth (Richardson
(Hedhammar et al. 1974). The increased et al. 2010).
energy (and thus also mineral) intake may have The dorsal acetabular rim (DAR) is cartilagi-
caused hypercalcitoninism with decreased nous until 3–4 months of age, and is vulnera-
osteoclast activity and, as a consequence, ham- ble to deformity in cases of joint laxity. The
pered skeletal remodeling during maturation, dorsocranial rim can develop from a separate
with a more obtuse collodiaphyseal angle than ossification center by endochondral ossifica-
the control dogs (Hedhammar et al. 1974). tion (Morgan et al. 2000). This DAR can be
The acetabulum is formed out of four ossifi- visualized on radiographs with the X-­ray beam
cation centers connected by cartilage fusions. parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pelvis.
During proportional growth of the femoral The line through the DAR should make an
head, these ossification centers can drift away, angle with the line horizontal through the pel-
thus remodeling during skeletal growth. vis (or perpendicular to the spinal processes)
Normally these ossification centers fuse at of <7.5° (Slocum and Devine 1990) or even –1
approximately 6 months of age. Asynchronous or –2° (Vezzoni et al. 2005). If the angle
maturation of the head and acetabulum may becomes larger (i.e. the angle of inclination of
be etiologic factors in the development of poor the roof of the acetabulum becomes larger),
joint conformation as present in HD. In a col- the femoral head will have a tendency to slip
ony of fast-­growing Labradors, fusion of the outside the acetabulum. Constant lateraliza-
acetabular ossification centers occurred at tion of the femoral head plus increased pro-
5 months of age, resulting in more HD than in duction of synovial fluid may stretch the joint
slower-­maturing dogs (Lust et al. 1985). A capsule and thus elongate it, allowing for
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­Influence of Nutrition in the Occurrence of Orthopedic Disease 215

subluxation of the femoral head. The round explaining the increased synovial fluid volume
ligament, which connects the femoral head in the hip joints of dysplastic dogs. However,
with the acetabulum, is far too long to keep the the anion gap in the entire diet was not calcu-
head inside the socket. In addition, the carti- lated and the absorbed ions were not meas-
laginous rim will erode, deform, and even ured, nor was the osmolality of the synovial
­disappear, causing joint inflammation and fluid determined (Kealy et al. 1993). Although
irreversible malformation (Figure 10.10c). the DAG may play a role, an increase in
Also, acetabular filling and the presence of dialysate due to inflammatory mediators,
dorsal osteophytes can be noticed. DAR mal- including prostaglandins in cases of OA, seems
formation can be caused by a disturbance in to be a more likely explanation for the increase
endochondral ossification, especially in dogs in fluid volume in a limited number of joints.
that are overweight during growth. Overweightness and obesity have been
HD is called a biomechanical disease, repre- proven to enhance OA development due to
senting a disparity between primary muscle overloading of the joint cartilage (Marshall
mass and disproportionately rapid skeletal et al. 2009) and possibly also due to hormonal
growth (Riser 1993). The iliopsoas muscle, influences. Labradors fed 30% more food than
with its origin at the lumbar spine and pelvis controls developed more frequent and more
and insertion on the trochanter minor of the severe signs of OA in different joints, including
femur, and the pectineus muscle, originating the hip joints. These overweight dogs had sig-
from the os pubis with insertion on the medial nificantly higher IGF-­I plasma levels and lower
femur, can both subluxate the femoral head by GH levels than controls (Hazewinkel
becoming relatively shortened during fast skel- et al. 1999a). These hormonal findings corre-
etal growth (Bowen et al. 1972). In addition to spond to similar findings in overweight
selection for muscle strength, as has been ­postmenopausal women with thickened sub-
proven in livestock genetics, muscle growth chondral bone and loss of articular cartilage,
can be stimulated by protein intake. Nap et al. resulting in severe OA. This, together with the
(1993c) demonstrated that in Great Danes fed decreasing water-­binding capacity of degraded
three levels of protein (31.6%, 23.1%, and 14.6% proteoglycans in articular cartilage secondary
dm) in an isoenergetic, balanced dry dog food to aging, may explain the increasing number of
from 7 to 18 weeks of age, the group with high- dogs, both overweight and lean, with OA in old
est protein intake had a more advanced body age, as reported by Kealy and Smith in a longi-
maturation reflected by a significant higher tudinal study in Labradors (Smith et al. 2006).
body weight without adiposities and without a In cases of severe OA with constant produc-
difference in height or any skeletal abnormali- tion of a superfluous amount of synovial fluid,
ties. Also Tvedten et al. (1977) could not detect the intra-­articular pressure will increase and
an altered incidence of HD in a study with a thus the joint capsule will be extended. Three
twofold elevation of dietary protein. months of cage rest combined with mainte-
Synovial fluid is partly formed by the syno- nance of a lean body weight has been
vial membrane (mucine) and is partly a ­demonstrated to improve ground reaction
dialysate of plasma (the watery component). forces by 70% in dogs suffering from HD
In the case of OA, inflammatory mediators (Hazewinkel 1991). This is likely due to a
cause vasodilation with increased dialysis of decrease in joint inflammation allowing for
plasma through the joint capsule and thus restoration of cartilage damage and normaliza-
more and more watery synovial fluid than nor- tion of intra-­articular pressure. A reduction in
mal. It has been suggested by Kealy et al. (1993) body weight, increased muscle force, chondro-
that a dietary anion gap (DAG) has a direct protective agents, and NSAIDs have been
influence on the osmolality of the joint fluid, proven or are expected to have a positive
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216 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

influence on the clinical outcome of medically

managed cases (Ginja et al. 2010; Harper 2017).

Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy
(or Metaphyseal Osteopathy) in Dogs
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD) is most
commonly seen in Great Danes (with an odds
ratio of 40) and other large-­breed dogs during
their rapid growth phase (i.e. at 4–5 months of
age). It is characterized by an inability to stand,
fever, and malaise. Affected dogs are extremely
painful at the metaphyseal areas of all long
bones, especially at the distal antebrachium.
The etiology is obscure, and the disease has
occurred in different studies in Great Danes
overfed with minerals, including excessive cal-
cium and phosphorus. Analogous to Paget dis-
ease in humans (Hoyland et al. 2003), particles
of distemper virus have been demonstrated in
osteoclasts in the area of increased osteoclasia. Figure 10.11 Hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD)
is characterized by a very painful episode, lasting
In cases of HOD, osteoclasia can be seen just
approximately three weeks, followed by a slow
2–3 mm away from the growth plate, in the met- rehabilitation with periosteal new bone formation
aphyses (Mee et al. 1993). This is represented on in the metaphyseal area where a discontinuity of
radiographs by a black line, parallel to the the bony tissue (pathognomonic for HOD) has been
growth plates at the early stage of the disease; in
more advanced stages periosteal new bone for-
mation leads to a bony cuff surrounding the without vitamin C (NRC 2006). Due to the
zone of excessive bone absorption (Figure 10.11). radiologic similarities between scurvy in chil-
The area of excessive bone resorption is histo- dren and HOD in dogs, the etiology has long
logically characterized by acute inflammation been mistaken as hypovitaminosis C in dogs
of the osteochondral region, and thickened tra- and is frequently mentioned as such on the
beculae of the metaphyseal bone with a thick internet and in the popular press. The lowered
cartilage core, ­necrosis, microfractures, debris, vitamin C content of the blood can be explained
and fibrosis (Hazewinkel 1998). by the excessive oxidation of vitamin C in cases
A similar pathologic area of fractured meta- of high fever, not due to a metabolic distur-
physeal bone and debris has been described in bance in its formation. Contrarily, high vita-
children with hypovitaminosis C (also known min C intake has been reported to increase
as scurvy). Vitamin C plays an important role calcium absorption (Teare et al. 1979) and
in collagen biosynthesis; that is, the hydroxyla- thereby increases the chance that endochon-
tion of proline and lysine. Due to collagen fra- dral ­ossification will be disturbed (Hazewinkel
gility, blood vessel disruptions around the belly et al. 1985; Hedhammar 1974), thus aggravat-
and near joints can be seen in cases of scurvy ing the disease. Therapy includes good nurs-
in humans and guinea pigs. However, vitamin ing care during the period of the appearance
C is not an essential vitamin in dogs and cats, of bony lesions in the metaphyseal areas (i.e.
as demonstrated in a study in puppies raised ­during a 3–4-­week period), antipyretics, and
for approximately five months on a diet analgesics. After three weeks, many dogs
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­Prevention of Nutritionally Related Orthopedic Disease 217

will start to walk. Caution should be used, as The energy requirements of healthy
early weight bearing might aggravate the size animals vary considerably between different
of the bony cuffs, which will then not remodel stages of growth (more per kg metabolic
completely. body weight during the fast-­growth period
than later), between different breeds (smaller
dogs require more energy based on their
­ revention of Nutritionally Related
P body weight; less energy is required in dogs
Orthopedic Diseases with long hair), between different individual
animals (there can be >50% difference
There are three major aspects of nutritionally between individual dogs), and between dif-
related orthopedic diseases that are of impor- ferent activities (restrained young dogs eat
tance: the quality of the food, the quantity of less than active dogs, neutered dogs are less
the food, and the stage of life when the animal active). Furthermore, energy requirements
is vulnerable to dietary mistakes. can be impacted by husbandry practices such
The quality of the food is difficult to judge as the method of feeding (many dogs eat
based solely on the label (see Chapter 6). more when the food is provided ad libitum)
Although deficient foods are uncommon, the and housing conditions (less energy is
veterinarian should be aware of the differences required in a warm than in a cold environ-
in dietary composition between the spectrum ment) (Gross et al. 2000). Figure 10.12 shows
of products as they pertain to the various life that the manufacturer’s feeding guidelines
stages and the treatment of different diseases. do not take into account all of these varia-
For example, homemade or commercially bles; they are based on the ­average dog in the
available limited-­antigen foods may be defi- average household.
cient in calcium for growth; weight-­reducing Since the driving force behind food intake is
diets may be rich in phytates that can bind cal- the animal’s energy requirement, the ratio of
cium to unabsorbable complexes; diets the ingredients to the energy content of the
intended solely for adult maintenance may food is of great importance; this is especially
contain dangerously high concentrations of true in minerals that will be absorbed and
calcium for young fast-­growing dogs (see the not excreted or metabolized, like calcium
discussion of calcium excess). (Tryfonidou et al. 2002). Calcium is >99%

Figure 10.12 Growth chart of German 9000

shepherd dogs based on information from Maximum weight
23 breeders for a total of 442 German 8000
Average weight
shepherd puppies, revealing the heavies, the
lightest, and the average weight. This 7000 Minimum weight
illustrates the variation in body weight gain
and daily requirements. Source: Corbee
Body weight (g)

R.J. (2014) / Corbee R.J. 5000





0 14 28 42 56
Age in days
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218 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

deposited in the skeleton and is related to ­ iets to Support Treatment

actual body weight (Meyer and Zentek 2005), of Patients with Osteoarthrosis
rather than the energy requirement that is
related to metabolic body weight (BW0.67) Little Cartilage contains chondroblasts, proteogly-
is known about the optimal amount of training cans, and collagen. Proteoglycans are built
and playing for young dogs with a developing from glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and a core
skeleton; it should be realized that excessive protein called aggrecan. Aggrecan is an
activity demands extra food intake, which important proteoglycan in joint cartilage,
includes extra mineral intake. There may be with keratin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate
a need for the former, but not necessarily as GAGs. About 200 aggrecan molecules are
the latter. bound via a glycoprotein to a hyaluran mole-
The influence of nutrition during different cule, binding a large quantity of extracellular
stages of development can be well illustrated water, determining the compressibility of
by a summary of the results of a study per- cartilage. Collagen molecules in cartilage
formed in Great Danes fed a diet with 3.3% contain large amounts of hydroxyl proline
calcium and compared with Great Danes fed and hydroxyl lysine. The molecules form a
a control diet with 1.1% calcium (dm). Fed to triple helix structure, bound to fibrils and
pregnant bitches, this had no consequence these to fibers that form a labyrinth that
for her or the skeletal development of her holds proteoglycans in place. During aging,
offspring. When fed to dogs only during par- the length of the GAGs decreases, the proteo-
tial weaning (3–6 weeks of age), it led to glycan content decreases, and thus the water
decreased osteoclast activity (panosteitis) content and the flexibility to withstand load-
three months later; when fed to pups from 3 ing also decline. Moreover, reactive oxygen
to 17 weeks old it caused hypophosphatemic species (ROS), free radicals formed during
rickets; and when fed from 6 to 21 weeks it different metabolic processes, trauma, infec-
caused severe osteochondrosis. Miniature tion, and irradiation, may damage GAGs.
poodles on the same diet did not develop Regeneration can occur in cases of micro-
clinical signs of any skeletal disease trauma, by proliferation of undamaged
(Hazewinkel et al. 1999b; Nap et al. 1993c). ­chondrocytes, and de novo synthesis of
Increased calcium intake can start as early as ­proteoglycans and collagen. Severe cellular
weaning, when pups are superfluously fed damage will lead to scarring, fibrotic cartilage
with artificial milk, with possible effects scars without cells and a low content of
at older age due to calcitonin-­producing proteoglycans.
C-­cell hypertrophy (Corbee et al. 2011; Under normal circumstances proteolytic
Schoenmakers et al. 2000). enzymes, mainly matrix metalloproteinases
Taken together, the author recommends the (MMPs), will be suppressed by “tissue inhibi-
following: restricted feeding of a puppy food tors of MMPs” (i.e. TIMPs), but in cases of OA
with a calcium and vitamin D content not to MMPs will be formed by mast cells and syno-
exceed the percentages demonstrated in con- vial cells under the influence of the cytokine
trolled studies to result in skeletal problems interleukin-­I (IL-­I) and tumor necrosis factor
(i.e. calcium ∼1.0% dm, vitamin D content (TNF)-­alpha, released by synovial cells,
12.5–25 μg/kg diet), maintaining an optimal ­monocytes, macrophages, and T cells. These
body condition during growth, and activity cytokines also stimulate chondrocytes and
adapted to the vulnerability of the skeleton. osteoclasts to produce MMPs as soon as their
This leaves the genetic aspect of many develop- surrounding cartilage has been destroyed.
mental diseases in companion animals to the In addition, IL-­I stimulates the release of
responsibility of breeders. ­arachidonic acid metabolites, including
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­Diets to Support Treatment of Patients with Osteoarthrosi 219

Cell damage

Membrane phospholipids

Phospholipase A2

Lipoxygenase LTB4
Arachidonic acid Ω6

Cyclooxygenase I Cyclooxygenase II

Normal physiology Inflammation mediators

(stomach, kidneys) PG

Figure 10.13 Origin of inflammatory mediators in the joint. LTB4, pro-­inflammatory leukotriene B4;
LTB5, anti-­inflammatory leukotriene B5; PG, prostaglandin.

prostaglandin (PG) from chondrocytes and and excessive calcium intake (Dobenecker
synovial membrane PGE2 and leukotriene B4 et al. 2006; Hazewinkel 1985), as well as by
(LTB4) (Hazewinkel and Mott 2006) oversupplementation of balanced foods with
(Figure 10.13). vitamin D (Tryfonidou et al. 2002). Rations
rich in protein do not have a disturbing influ-
ence on skeletal development (Nap et al.
Causative Role of Nutrition
1993c). Great Danes raised on diets with an
The causes of OA can be divided into primary increased calcium and phosphorus intake
OA (this is without any other cause other than (3.3% Ca and 3.0% P vs. controls on 1.1% Ca
aging) and secondary OA (which has a primary and 0.9% P, all dm) but with the same calcium-­
cause such as disturbances in development, to-­phosphorus ratio developed disturbances in
trauma, and septic or non-­septic OA). The endochondral ossification in the growth plates
occurrence of primary OA may depend on the of the distal radius or ulna. As a consequence,
breed; that is, the mean age of dogs varies by elbow incongruity developed, due either to a
breed, ranging from 3.5 years in Rottweilers to severe disturbance of growth in the length of
9.3 years in miniature poodles (Patronek the radius or to a severe radius curvus syn-
et al. 1997). drome with disturbed growth in the length of
Many orthopedic developmental diseases the ulna (Hazewinkel 1985; Schoenmakers
have a low chi-­square, as in ED (chi-­ et al. 1999b). In a study in Labradors it has
square = 0.4–0.7), leaving a large influence been shown that OA in multiple joints (includ-
from the environment. OCD is seen more fre- ing hips, elbows, and shoulders) was seen in
quently in certain breeds and subpopulations overweight dogs and less frequently in slim lit-
and can be aggravated by high energy intake termates (Huck et al. 2009; Kealy et al. 1992).
(Alexander et al. 1988; Hedhammar et al. 1974; The frequency and severity of the occurrence
Kasström 1975; Kealy et al. 1992; Lavelle 1989) of osteochondrosis can thus be decreased by
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220 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

Postprandial hyperglycemia Fasting (or energy and protein


Increased IGF-I synthesis Decreased IGF-I synthesis

Increased IGF-I secretion Decreased IGF-I secretion

Negative feedback on Increased GH levels

GH synthesis in pars distalis of the pituitary

Figure 10.14 Excessive food intake or fasting may influence growth hormone (GH) and insulin-­like growth
factor (IGF)-­I plasma levels.

dietary management, including feeding a diet explanation for how obesity can induce OA has
with an appropriate calcium-­to-­energy ratio, a been reviewed (Marshall et al. 2009). It has
quantitative restriction of food intake, and not been demonstrated that in overweight
adding vitamin D to a balanced diet. Labradors (i.e. 32 vs. 23 kg) the plasma concen-
It is plausible to imagine that the specific tration of IGF-­I was significantly increased
activity of the dog may advance degeneration and the plasma concentration of GH was sig-
of joint cartilage by overuse. Overloading of nificantly decreased (Hazewinkel et al. 1999a)
the joint, either due to overuse or to over- (Figure 10.14).
weightness or obesity, is the main cause for It has recently become clear that adipose tis-
increased complaints in dogs with OA. Higher sue is not only a storage form of excess calo-
energy intake (Hedhammar et al. 1974; ries, but is also an important source of
Kasström 1975; Kealy et al. 1992; Lavelle 1989) inflammatory adipokines, including leptin,
and higher calcium intake (Hazewinkel 1985; IL-­1, IL-­6, and TNF-­alpha. Leptin activates
Schoenmakers et al. 1999b) may increase the hypothalamic receptors and thus regulates
frequency and severity of OA at maturity. This appetite, but also has pro-­inflammatory
is nicely illustrated by the study performed by activity. In addition, IL-­1 and TNF-­alpha are
Kealy and coworkers. In two groups of produced by activated synoviocytes, mononu-
Labradors, litter mates of the same sex were clear cells, and articular cartilage, and can
pair fed; that is, one group ad libitum, the other upregulate matrix metalloproteinase gene
two-­thirds the amount (Kealy et al. 2000). expression involved in cartilage breakdown.
Housing, food, and maintenance were the Levels of these adipokines are elevated in
same, except for the amount of energy, but as a joints affected by OA, and these adipokines
consequence the body weights were different can induce catabolic processes in chondro-
between the groups. The average body weight cytes, leading to cartilage matrix degradation
was 32 kg for the dogs fed ad libitum and 23 kg (Issa and Griffin 2012).
for the restricted-­fed dogs. At 5 years of age, 12
out of 23 ad libitum and 3 out of 23 restricted-­
Therapeutic Role of Nutrition
fed dogs had OA of the hip joints; at 8 years, 12
of the 23 dogs fed ad libitum and 2 of the Nonsurgical therapy includes weight loss and
restricted-­fed dogs had OA in multiple joints medication (Harper 2017). A significant
(Smith et al. 2006). The pathophysiologic improvement was recorded by Impellizeri
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­Diets to Support Treatment of Patients with Osteoarthrosi 221

et al. (2000) in dogs with HD, following a not to mask pain but to improve the metabolic
decrease in body weight by 11–18%. This clini- condition of the diseased joint.
cal finding was supported quantitatively by To support regeneration of joint cartilage
force-­plate analysis by Burkholder et al. (2000). and to shorten or lower the dosage of NSAIDs,
Adaptation to the amount and kind of activity there is a constant search for nutritional sup-
that does the least possible harm to the joint, port for patients with OA. The term “nutraceu-
preferably hydrotherapy (swimming), should tical” has been introduced, combining the
coincide with a weight-­reduction program terms “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical,” and
(Mlacnik et al. 2006). Marshall et al. (2010) includes foods and dietary supplements that
demonstrated in a prospective study in 14 have a benefit in reducing the risk of develop-
obese (i.e. 20% overweight) dogs that a weight-­ ing a disease or managing it once it occurs
reduction program improved locomotion (Bauer 2005). Nutraceuticals can be incorpo-
(measured on a visual analog scale) when rated into functional foods or pharmaceutical
weight loss was 6% or more, and resulted in preparations and do not fall under the legal
better locomotion measured with force-­plate categories of foods or drugs (see Chapter 5),
analysis when weight loss was 8.8% or more. but are included in the area between the two.
This demonstrates that dogs can reveal The development of food components that
improvement even before they reach their provide benefits beyond their traditional nutri-
optimal body weight, not only due to reduced tional value has great interest in several sec-
biomechanical overloading, but possibly also tors: commercial, public, academic, and
due to reduction of pro-­inflammatory adi- regulatory. The challenges relate to quality,
pokine release. Treatment of overweight varies safety, and efficacy. Most patients’ owners who
from diminished food intake to food dilution use nutraceuticals are of the opinion that natu-
with green beans, special commercial diets, ral remedies with a long history of use are safe,
and total starvation (Hazewinkel and whereas neither clinical efficacy, quality, nor
Corbee 2011). side effects are of concern. Nutraceuticals,
Corticosteroids suppress phospholipase whether for human or veterinary use, need
activity, and consequently stabilize the blood more pre-­clinical and clinical research to eval-
vessel walls and the lysosomes. Joints will be uate the mechanisms of action, safety aspects,
less painful and less synovia is produced. Since and efficacy, thereby allowing the veterinarian
regeneration of cartilage will be decreased to make evidence-­based decisions regarding
under the influence of corticosteroids, prescription or advice on their use. These sup-
long-­lasting or repetitive use of corticosteroids, plements, or disease-­modifying osteoarthritis
especially intra-­articular and at higher dos- agents (DMOAs), include chondroitin sulfate,
ages, is contraindicated. NSAIDs have actions glucosamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and
against cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes; COX1 antioxidants (Harper 2017; Hazewinkel and
stimulates the production of PGs that protect Mott 2006).
the body, whereas COX2 stimulates the pro- Chondroitin sulfate increases in vitro the
duction of PGE2, which is responsible for clini- production of proteoglycans and as such the
cal signs like pain and hyperemia. The latter regeneration of cartilage (Bassleer et al. 1998).
results in warm joints and the overproduction It prevents synthesis of MMPs by IL-­3 and thus
of joint fluid. Selective COX2 inhibitors, with cartilage damage when given prophylactically
or without suppressive action on lipoxygenase, in rabbits.
are available for dogs and claim to have fewer Glucosamine is a precursor of GAGs that
side effects than COX1 and COX2 inhibitors. stimulates the synthesis of GAGs, prostaglan-
NSAIDs, with a low incidence of side effects, dins, and collagen by chondrocytes in vitro
should be prescribed for a prolonged period, (Bassleer et al. 1998). In cases of substitution
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222 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

of glucosamines in the medium of chondro- (EPA) revealed abrogation of cartilage degra-

cytes, the mRNA content of aggrecan is dation (Caterson et al. 2005). Leukotrienes are
increased, MMPs decreased, and synthesis of formed from arachidonic acid (AA; 20:4n-­6)
proteoglycan increased (Henrotin et al. 2005). and EPA (20:6n-­3) originating from cellular
In rabbits with a cranial cruciate ligament membranes, under the influence of the
(CCL) rupture, 120 mg/kg BW of prophylactic enzyme 5-­lipoxygenase. Pro-­inflammatory
glucosamine decreased the amount of chon- LTB4 originates from AA, anti-­inflammatory
dropathy in comparison with controls LTB5 from EPA (Figure 10.13). The amount
(Conrozier 1998). In a study in dogs with a and type of these eicosanoids are determined
CCL rupture as a model, it has been demon- by the availability of the PUFA precursor. A
strated that these dogs had less cartilage swell- higher omega-­3 intake results in decreased
ing, less total and active metalloproteinase, membrane AA levels and thus a decreased
and lower pathologic scores when injected synthesis of eicosanoids from AA and an
with 4 mg/kg BW glycosaminoglycan polysul- increase in eicosanoids derived from EPA. In
furic acid (GAGPS) twice weekly for 4–8 weeks, joints with OA, the LTB4 content is increased
starting four weeks after the CCL rupture (Herlin et al. 1990). In 36 dogs with elbow OA
(Altman et al. 1989). It is suggested by Altman due to ED, a double-­blind efficacy study was
et al. (1989) that GAGPS suppresses proteogly- performed by feeding an increased omega-­3
can breakdown by MMPs or by directly inhibit- content (omega-­3 of 4% and omega-­6 of 20%)
ing MMPs in cartilage, rather than by versus a high omega-­6 content (omega-­3 of
increasing synthesis of proteoglycans by chon- 0.8% and omega-­6 of 38%). The dogs that con-
drocytes. De Haan et al. (1994) demonstrated sumed the high concentrations of omega-­3
in a clinical, double-­blind, placebo-­controlled fatty acids had significant increases in plasma
trial that in dogs with HD, 4.4 mg/kg GAGPS LTB5 concentrations, although lameness
administered intramuscularly every 3–5 days scored by ground reaction force analysis did
improved lameness scores, range of motion, not differ between the groups of dogs
and joint pain, and had no side effects after (Hazewinkel et al. 1998).
eight injections. The placebo group of dogs A clinical trial including force-­plate analysis
only demonstrated a small improvement. performed in two groups of dogs fed either a con-
Combinations of chondroitin sulfate and trol food or an EPA-­supplemented diet for a 90-­
glucosamine given to dogs with OA subjectively day period revealed that 31% of the controls and
allowed for more normal locomotion and 82% of the EPA-­supplemented group improved
joint movement than untreated ­controls their weight bearing (Schoenherr 2005).
(Hulse 1998). Prophylactically provided, this Antioxidants may decrease the damage to
combination decreased inflammation in dogs synovial cells by reducing ROS. For this pur-
with induced arthritis (Canapp et al. 1999), pose, vitamins A, C, and E and the beta-­
possibly due to a modulation in the metabo- carotene content in the diet can be increased.
lism of the articular cartilage. The latter was Combinations of chondroitin sulfate,
suggested to take place in dogs with CCL rup- ­glucosamine, and PUFAs are present in green-­
tures, supplemented with a mixture of chon- lipped mussels (GLMs). The flesh part of the
droitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, GLM will contain saturated, monounsaturated,
and manganese ascorbate (Johnson et al. 2001). and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Of the latter, a
Polyunsaturated free fatty acids (PUFAs) large amount is omega-­3 fatty acid, mainly EPA
have a potentially beneficial role in immune-­ and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), with a final
related disorders and OA (Bauer 1994). In vitro ratio of omega-­6 to omega-­3 of 1 : 10. GLM is
studies in canine cartilage indicated that only claimed to be a 5-­lipoxygenase- ­pathway inhibi-
cartilage exposed to eicosapentaenoic acid tor. Freeze-­dried GLM powder also contains a
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­Diets to Support Treatment of Patients with Osteoarthrosi 223

variety of nutrients that may have a beneficial humans led to different conclusions: the inges-
effect on joint health, including amino acids tion of glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate
(glutamine, methionine), vitamins (E, C), and demonstrated some efficacy in some symptom-­
minerals (zinc, copper, manganese). The relieving parameters, but the ability to modify
­combination of omega-­3 PUFAs and other the structure of articular cartilage was not con-
ingredients may have the synergistic potential firmed (Table 10.8) (McAlindon et al. 2000). At
to limit the progression of OA. In a double-­ the level at which these substances are
blind, randomized controlled trial, 17 dogs included in most pet foods there is scant
were given a GLM supplement powder and 15 research available to demonstrate a direct ther-
dogs a GLM supplement oil (both in a daily apeutic effect to support their use in the treat-
dosage of 1000 mg when BW >34 kg; 750 mg ment of OA in dogs (Schoenherr 2005). Claims
when BW between 34 and 25 kg; 450 mg when for different concentrations or combinations of
BW <25 kg) and compared with 15 controls, all nutraceuticals, the period when efficacy can be
with OA. A non-­objective score of arthritic expected, the use in particular breeds or sizes
signs ranging from no clinical signs to severe of dogs, and the indication for different joints
clinical signs was given for mobility and for all or stages of OA will keep the scientific world
major joints individually, before the start of the busy until the onus of proof is laid in the hands
study and at six weeks. Joint swelling, pain, and of those who claim the efficacy.
crepitus were reported to improve in the GLM Other supplements are under study (Curtis
powder-­supplemented group in comparison et al. 2004), including green tea and herbal
with the controls; the GLM-­supplemented extracts. As can be seen from the findings
group was only significantly different in joint already discussed, preliminary information
pain and crepitus scores (Bierer and Bui 2002). provided should be considered with care.
All three doses resulted in a similar improve- Results should be gathered in the target species
ment in total arthritic score and all were signifi- (i.e. the dog) and not in small laboratory ani-
cantly different from controls. However, no mals, in humans, or in in vitro studies. The
significant effects were observed with regard to dosage, duration, and route of the DMOAs
mobility and reduction in range of joint move- should be taken into account. Since most of
ment with the addition of GLM in any of the these products are not pharmaceuticals, nei-
studies. Longer studies and more sensitive ther purity nor content is per se under strict
assessment methods may be helpful in detect- control, even though the package or informa-
ing any possible effects in these parameters tion material may suggest otherwise. The daily
(Bierer and Bui 2002). intake, together with the food, can have practi-
There is great interest in the discovery of cal advantages; that is, client compliance is
natural products to be used as DMOAs, based greater and the supplement will get a chance to
on the aversion to “chemical substances” (i.e. have long-­term effects. However, parenteral
NSAIDs) that exists among many dog owners. application has an advantage to overcome bio-
This interest, as well as the laxity in efficacy logical unavailability, used only when (still)
control, dosage, and purity, makes them easy indicated, or stopped and replaced by other
to incorporate into dog food. There is a grow- prescriptions or modalities when not effective.
ing need for double-­blind clinical efficacy Double-­blind studies are a necessity, and the
studies with objective criteria to support use of objective measures (e.g. force plate,
the in vitro evidence that these DMOAs, determination of relevant markers) makes
nutraceuticals, and supplements may be multicentric trials possible to learn more about
­beneficial to patients suffering from OA. Meta-­ the efficacy of these and future nutraceuticals.
analyses of the efficacy of glucosamine and The varying responses in these and other
chondroitin sulfate for treatment of OA in ­trials have been suggested to be due to the lack
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224 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

Table 10.8 Nutraceuticals and claimed effects on joints with osteoarthritis (OA).

Supplement Function Effect on joints Oral dose in dogs

Glucosaminea Precursor of GAG Limits or delays OA in 0.02 mg/kg

senior patients
Chondroitin sulfateb GAG Stimulates GAG synthesis, 25 mg/kg
inhibits degradative enzyme
Polysulfated GAGc Analgesic, anti-­ 5 mg/kg
Omega-­3 fatty acidsd Precursor of EPA and DHA Anti-­inflammatory
Vitamin Ee Antioxidants Minimize damage from free Vitamin E 2.5 mg/kg
Green-­lipped musself FA 3 : 6 = 1 : 10 (EPA and Anti-­inflammatory, blocking Body weight >34 kg:
DHA) chondroitin, (6.9%), COX and lipoxygenase 1000 mg; 34–25 kg:
glutamine (0.0005%), and pathway 750 mg; <25 kg: 450 mg

COX, cyclooxygenase; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; FA, fatty acids; GAG,
Setnikar et al. (1991).
Usually given in combination with other chondroprotective agents.
Setnikar et al. (1991), De Haan et al. (1994), Altman et al. (1989).
Bauer (1994).
Greenwald (1991); Kurz et al. (2002).
Bierer and Bui (2002).

of stabilizing processes, avoidance of heat dur- carried out with placebo-­controlled, double-­
ing the processing of the diets, the ratio of blinded trials, and preferably with objective
omega-­3 to omega-­6 fatty acids (i.e. the effect study measures. A caregiver placebo effect in a
of the background diet), the purity and dosage study with cat owners has been described
of the product, and the significant placebo by Gruen et al. with a strong placebo effect
effect (Cobb and Ernst 2006; Curtis et al. 2004; (Gruen et al. 2017). The effect of a supplement
Dobenecker et al. 2002). That there is a strong ­containing green-­lipped mussel (Perna
influence of the latter caused by the awareness ­canaliculus), curcumin (Curcuma longa), and
of the owner concerning the OA of their pet blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) leaf extract on
and the necessity of adapting the dog’s or cat’s locomotion and behavior in client-­owned dogs
lifestyle is the experience of most veterinary and cats suffering from mild to moderate oste-
surgeons who evaluate therapies (Marcillin-­ oarthritis has been studied in a double-­blind,
Little 2004), but is perhaps not as high as in randomised, crossover, placebo-­controlled
human studies (∼60%) (Clegg et al. 2006). trial for 10 weeks in cats and 16 weeks in dogs.
Dobenecker et al. (2002) described that some In dogs, the clinical signs improved signifi-
symptoms improved even more in the placebo cantly in the supplement group compared to
group than in supplemented groups, and con- baseline, but was not different than the ­placebo
cluded that studies assessing the efficacy of group. In cats, the ability to groom, activity
chondroprotective agents must therefore be level, playfulness, and walking up the stairs
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­Diets to Support Treatment of Patients with Osteoarthrosi 225

improved in the supplement group. No differ- Unlike dogs, most cats suffer from pri-
ences were found on objective OA scores and mary OA; that is, there is not a primary
on force-­plate analysis in dogs (Corbee 2022). cause like ED or CCL rupture, but only
increasing age. Solely HD is diagnosed as a
primary cause of OA in 6–23% of cats,
Osteoarthrosis in Cats
depending on the breed and the age of the
There is increasing interest in concern about OA investigated cat population (Lascelles 2010).
in cats, the etiology and clinical signs, and the It is the general opinion among authors that
role of dietary adaptations as part of therapeutic the sensitivity of an orthopedic investiga-
measurements. Like in dogs, body ­condition tion in cats is low, especially for the smaller
plays a role in the etiology of OA in cats. Adult joints, and the complaints of the owner are
age in cats (>2 years), sex (male, ­neutered), and non-­specific and very much related to
no outdoor confinement are all factors corre- behavior change in the cat. These changes in
lated with overweight or even obesity (19% and combination with the radiologic signs of
7.8% of 385 cats, respectively) (Corbee 2014a). joints support the diagnosis of OA in cats
Obese cats are 4.9 times as likely to develop (Lascelles 2010; Slingerland et al. 2011).
lameness requiring veterinary care, even more Therapeutic measures include weight loss
frequently than diabetes mellitus and non-­ when overweight is present (Laflamme 2005),
allergic skin conditions. Body weight peaks in adaptation of the environment (Bennett
cats between 5 and 10 years of age (the middle– et al. 2012), and NSAIDs such as meloxicam
aged cat); a large proportion of cats older than (Sul et al. 2014; Monteiro et al. 2016) or trama-
12 years of age are underweight compared with dol (Monteiro et al. 2016), as demonstrated in
other age groups. In addition to an increase in clinical trials. In a randomized, double-­
maintenance energy requirements in this age blinded, placebo-­controlled cross-­over design
group (partially due to a decrease in muscula- study, the efficacy of omega-­3 fatty acid sup-
ture and activity), it has been identified that plementation (fish oil: 1.53 g EPA and 0.31 g
older cats may experience a reduction in protein DNA, both per 1000 kcal ME) was noticed by
and an increase in fat-­digestive capabilities, the owners of 16 cats, and was registered by a
which could contribute to weight loss in aging survey before and after adding the supplement
cats (Laflamme 2005). Body condition score can or the placebo, each during a 10-­week period.
therefore vary throughout a cat’s life. Although Cats were more active, walking more fre-
overweight cats are more likely to suffer from quently on stairs, and jumping higher during
lameness, a cross-­sectional study of 100 cats the period of supplementation with fish oil
>6 years revealed 61% of cats with degenerative compared to the period of supplementation
joint disease, with the vertebrae, elbows, hips, with placebo (Corbee et al. 2013). These find-
shoulders, and tarsi as the most affected joints, ings are in conjunction with results in cats
but body condition score was not correlated with with OA provided with a special food with
the presence or severity of OA (Slingerland increased levels of omega-­3 fatty acids
et al. 2011), which is in accordance with the (Lascelles 2010). Since no side effects are
findings of Hardie et al. (2002) in 99 cats noticed after extended periods of fish oil sup-
>12 years with 65% OA. The increase in body plementation in cats, this supplementation
weight at young adult age and the increase in might be an aid in OA therapeutic measures,
lifespan plus the increase in awareness of OA although a caregiver placebo effect in each of
among owners make OA in cats a current topic these measures can play a major role in cats
for the practicing veterinarian. with OA (Gruen et al. 2017).
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226 Nutritional Management of Orthopedic Diseases

­Summary activity. Individual variation, increased

growth rate and/or level of activity, or food
●● Nutrition plays an important role in undis- with a lowered level of metabolizable
turbed skeletal growth and bone remodeling. energy may lead to exceeding the daily
●● Both deficiency and excess of minerals (cal- requirements of minerals and vitamins,
cium, phosphorus) and vitamins (vitamin D) and thus to disturbance of skeletal growth
may be the causative factor in a variety of as a cause of frequently diagnosed orthope-
orthopedic diseases in dogs, including path- dic diseases.
ologic fractures, rickets, radius curvus syn- ●● Obesity in dogs is linked to lameness due to
drome, wobbler syndrome, panosteitis, osteoarthritis.
osteochondrosis, incongruity of the elbow ●● Osteoarthritis in cats is often without a pri-
joint, and possibly other forms of elbow dys- mary cause, becomes more frequent and
plasia and dysplasia of the hip joint. more severe with advancing age, and is
●● In cats minerals (calcium) and vitamins (A not linked to the body condition score.
and D) play a role in skeletal growth. Supplementation of the daily ration with fish
Deficiency of calcium and/or vitamin D and oil might have a beneficial effect on mobility
chronic excess of vitamin A are known to and related behavior disturbances.
cause disturbances in skeletal integrity in cats. ●● Insight into mineral and bone metabolism
●● Growing dogs, of large breeds especially, and into the pathophysiology of orthopedic
should be fed according to, and not exceed- diseases related to deficient or excessive
ing, the nutrient requirements. intake of food constituents will help to
●● Minerals and vitamins are part of the diet understand and thus to prevent these dis-
that provide the energy for growth and eases and to educate clients accordingly.


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Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Nick Cave, Sean J. Delaney, and Jennifer A. Larsen

Perhaps no other organ system is so directly Brandtzaeg 2002). The digestibility of protein
and immediately affected by nutrition than the affects all these interactions. Protein digestibil-
gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Timing and fre- ity is an inherent characteristic of the protein,
quency of feeding, route of feeding, and macro- but it also varies among animals in health, and
nutrient and micronutrient compositions of notably in disease (e.g. exocrine pancreatic
the diet have profound influences on oral and insufficiency), and is modified by food process-
intestinal health. In addition to the direct effect ing. Food processing can variably decrease the
of diet on the body, there is a considerable indi- digestibility of protein and amino acids with
rect effect through dietary influences on the some forms of heating (Do et al. 2021; Oba
intestinal microbiota. However, there are few et al. 2019), including in the presence of simple
controlled clinical trials that have evaluated carbohydrates (Bednar et al. 2000; Dust
specific dietary manipulation in either preven- et al. 2005; Larsen et al. 2002). The glycosyla-
tion or management of canine and feline gas- tion of amino acids, forming Maillard com-
troenteric diseases. As such, this chapter draws pounds, significantly reduces the efficiency of
heavily from experimental models and from digestive enzymes and lowers the digestibility.
human gastroenterology. Practical recommen- Alternatively, some protein sources have inher-
dations have been made when possible, but as ently low digestibility due to antinutritional
new evidence emerges, empirical, pragmatic factors (e.g. legumes) or dimensional features
suggestions will need to be questioned. such as numerous cross-­links (e.g. collagen).
In those cases, processing methods such as
heating are necessary to improve digestibility.
Proteins (and amino acids) are also a key
­ ey Dietary Variables stimulus for the release of trophic hormones
such as insulin, insulin-­like growth factor
(IGF)-­1, and glucagon-­like peptide (GLP)-­2
Dietary protein interacts with the GIT in sev- (see later). Dietary protein affects motility in
eral ways. It is a source of essential amino acids two main ways. First, the presence of protein
for the GIT, a source of dispensable amino in the stomach stimulates the release of gas-
acids for oxidation by the GIT, a source of trin, which promotes gastric, ileal, and colonic
energy and amino acids for the luminal micro- motility at the same time as ileocolic valve
biota, and a source of foreign antigens (Ames relaxation, as well as stimulating gastric secre-
et al. 1999; Bounous and Kongshavn 1985; tion and having a trophic effect on the gastric

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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236 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

and intestinal mucosa (Bueno and Fioramonti cats, where a glutamine-­enriched purified diet
1994; Hall et al. 1989; Lloyd 1994; Rehfeld was less effective than a complex diet in pre-
et al. 2007; Strombeck and Harrold 1985; venting bacterial translocation and villous
Thomas et al. 2003). The presence of dietary atrophy (Marks et al. 1997). Indeed, most stud-
protein in the duodenum is also an effective ies found no benefit to supplemental glu-
stimulus for the release of cholecystokinin tamine over that provided by intact dietary
(CCK) from the proximal duodenum. CCK proteins (Velasco et al. 2001).
stimulates the pancreas to release pancreatic
digestive enzymes, including proteases.
Dietary proteins also represent the largest
source of dietary antigens, and are recognized and Dietary fat is an important source of energy
responded to by the mucosal immune system. and is the macronutrient variable that deter-
mines the dry matter energy density of a diet.
Animals with chronic intestinal disease are
frequently malnourished from inappetence,
Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino maldigestion, and malabsorption, and thus
acid, and is utilized as a significant fuel source may benefit greatly from higher energy-­density
by mucosal leukocytes, in particular lympho- diets. In addition, the absorption of dietary fat
cytes, and by small intestinal epithelial cells is required for the concurrent optimal absorp-
(Newsholme et al. 1987; Ziegler et al. 2003). In tion of the fat-­soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K,
addition, it serves as the dominant nitrogen as well as other fat-­soluble nutrients (e.g.
source for purine synthesis, the requirement carotenoids, flavonoids). Long-­chain polyun-
for which is relatively large given the mitotic saturated fatty acids (PUFAs) also have func-
rate within the normal mucosa, and at an even tional effects as the precursors to eicosanoids
greater rate during periods of mucosal repair. (e.g. prostaglandins and leukotrienes) (Calder
Many animal studies have demonstrated that and Grimble 2002; Wander et al. 1997), as
enteral glutamine supplementation enhances ligands for nuclear transcription factors (e.g.
gut mucosal growth and repair, decreases bac- peroxisome proliferator-­activated receptors)
terial translocation and inflammation, and (Kliewer et al. 1997), and as competitive inhib-
improves nitrogen balance in animal models itors of lipopolysaccharide signaling via toll-­
of intestinal atrophy, injury, and adaptation like receptors (TLRs) expressed by leukocytes
(Boza et al. 2000a; Kaya et al. 1999; Ziegler (Lee et al. 2003; Weatherill et al. 2005).
et al. 2003). It has also been shown to decrease The absorption of fat through intestinal lym-
postoperative ileus in dogs (Ohno et al. 2009). phatics increases lymphatic flow rates and
Surprisingly perhaps, glutamine may be a pressure, and luminal bile acid fat micelles
more effective nutrient when incorporated increase capillary permeability, resulting in a
into highly digestible proteins or small poly- postprandial increase in intestinal lymphatic
peptides than when administered as a free protein flux (Granger et al. 1982). Triacylgly­
amino acid in solution (Boza et al. 2000a, b; cerides (TAGs) are hydrolyzed in the intestinal
Preiser et al. 2003). This could be due to differ- lumen prior to uptake by the enterocytes,
ences in utilization of glutamine by entero- which absorb non-­esterified fatty acids
cytes or leukocytes, or to differences in the (NEFAs) and monoacylglycerides (MAGs),
intestinal hormone–dependent trophic with the remaining fatty acid at the sn-­2 posi-
response to whole proteins rather than ele- tion of the glycerol backbone. In rodents, the
mental diets. The difference between purified chain length of the NEFAs determines the pro-
amino acid diets and whole foods was demon- portion that is subsequently absorbed via
strated in methotrexate-­induced enteritis in lymph, versus the proportion that is absorbed
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­Key Dietary Variable  237

directly into the portal veins bound to albu- receptor-­deficient rats have prolonged
min. The percentage absorbed via lymphatics ­feeding periods and are prone to obesity
increases from less than 10% to 80% as chain (Beglinger et al. 2001; Bi and Moran 2002).
length increases from capric acid (8 : 0) to lau- Rats treated with CCK during a meal stop
ric acid (12 : 0), while the MAG is still absorbed eating and commence other activities such as
lymphatically (Mu and Hoy 2000). Thus, such grooming and exploration before resting or
medium-­chain TAGs (aka medium-­chain tri- sleeping (Antin et al. 1975). In order for CCK
glycerides, MCTs; 6–12 carbons) increase lym- to influence behavior, there must be a direct
phatic pressures and protein flux less than or indirect connection between CCK and the
conventional long-­chain TAGs. A similar effect CNS. It has been demonstrated that CCK
has been noted in dogs, although it is less pro- mediates satiety in part by binding to recep-
nounced, and significant absorption of MCTs tors on vagal sensory afferent fibers innervat-
via lymphatics still occurs (Jensen et al. 1994). ing the stomach and small intestine and
The presence of fat in the duodenum gener- generating an ascending signal, rather than
ates feedback signals to both the central nerv- by the penetration of circulating CCK into
ous system (CNS) and the myenteric plexus. the brain (Reidelberger et al. 2004). Surgical
Mediators of these signals include cholecysto- or chemical disruption of vagal transmission
kinin (CCK), GLP-­1, and peptide YY (NPYY). attenuates the satiating effects of CCK (Bi
In the intestine, CCK-­secreting cells, known as and Moran 2002).
“I cells,” are located within the epithelium In both dogs and cats, fat is a potent secreta-
with their apical surfaces exposed to the gogue for neuropeptides such as CCK. However,
lumen, and are concentrated in the duodenum pharmacologic inhibition of pancreatic lipase
and proximal jejunum (Liddle 1997). CCK attenuates the effects of duodenal fat on reduc-
release from I cells stimulates gallbladder con- ing gastric emptying, on appetite, and on CCK
traction, pancreatic secretion, and intestinal and GLP-­1 secretion (Feinle et al. 2003). Thus,
peristalsis, and inhibits gastric emptying and fat maldigestion such as occurs in exocrine
gastric acid production. In the cat, like dogs pancreatic insufficiency may contribute to
and humans, secretion of CCK by I cells occurs maldigestion of other nutrients, independent
in response to the luminal presence of long-­ of pancreatic function.
chain triacylglycerides, proteins, and some In humans with functional dyspepsia, die-
amino acids (i.e. tryptophan, phenylalanine, tary fat is frequently incriminated as an exacer-
leucine, and isoleucine) (Backus et al. bating and potentially causative factor that
1995, 1997). The slowing of gastric emptying leads to an exaggerated sense of fullness, nau-
by small intestinal nutrients is associated with sea, and vomiting (Feinle et al. 2003). This is
a reduction in proximal gastric tone, suppres- supported by studies that demonstrate symp-
sion of antral contractions, and stimulation of toms after duodenal lipid infusions, but not
tonic and phasic pyloric contractions (Feinle after isoenergetic infusions of glucose (Feinle-­
et al. 2001; Heddle et al. 1989). The increase in Bisset et al. 2004).
phasic pyloric contractions is associated with
cessation of transpyloric flow.
Fiber and Prebiosis
In addition to facilitating digestion in
response to a meal, CCK is an important sati- Dietary fiber has been defined as the edible
ety signal, leading to meal cessation. portion of plants or analogous carbohydrates
Administration of CCK-­receptor (CCK-­1 that are resistant to digestion and absorption in
receptor, formerly CCK-­a receptor) antago- the small intestine, which are then available to
nists before a meal delays satiety and pro- be completely or partially fermented by resi-
longs feeding in rodents and humans. CCK-­1 dent microbiota in the distal small intestine
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238 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

and large intestine (DeVries 2003). Crude fiber there is also evidence for intestinal fermentation
is the specific measure that is displayed on pet of prey components that suggests a fiber-­like
food labels in the United States, according to function (Depauw et al. 2012, 2013). Most
Association of American Feed Control Officials plant-­derived fibers are polysaccharides,
guidelines (AAFCO 2022). Currently there is although others, such as the polyphenolic com-
no recommendation for fiber declaration from pound lignin, are not (Table 11.1). Restriction
the European Pet Food Industry Federation of the definition to plant-­derived compounds
(FEDIAF 2019). Crude fiber measures some omits indigestible carbohydrates derived from
although not all of the insoluble fiber but none animal sources (e.g. chitin) or synthetic sources
of the soluble fiber; the latter tend to be the fer- (e.g. fructooligosaccharides, FOSs). Lastly, such
mentable types of fiber. Total dietary fiber is a a definition fails to include digestible carbohy-
better measure of overall fiber including both drates that are in a form that is inaccessible to
insoluble and soluble, and this value is often digestive enzymes (e.g. resistant starch). These
available for veterinary therapeutic diets. compounds share many of the characteristics
While not considered an essential nutrient of fiber present in plant foods. Thus, a unifying
for dogs or cats, fiber is undeniably an impor- definition of dietary fiber must be species spe-
tant component of the diet in both health and cific and incorporate all compounds that share
disease. The absence of plant-­derived fiber has the biological characteristics of fiber in the
been shown to alter the microbiota in cats intestine. Dietary fiber can be classified accord-
(Butowski et al. 2019; Kerr et al. 2014), although ing to physical or chemical characteristics, its

Table 11.1 Dietary fiber types from plants.

Fiber Chemistry Source

Lignin Complex phenolic Cell walls of woody plants and

Cellulose Linear, insoluble glucose polymer with The main component of all
beta-­1,4 glycosidic bonds higher plant cell walls
Hemicelluloses Diverse group of polysaccharides Found in almost all plant cell
containing hexoses and pentoses forming walls
random amorphous structures
Beta-­glucans Glucose polymers with a mixture of Oats and barley are rich sources
beta-­1,4 glycosidic bonds and beta-­1,3
glycosidic bonds
Pectins Mostly a linear chain of alpha-­1,4-­linked Intercellular component of
D-­galacturonic acid non-­woody plants, especially
citrus fruits, apples, and some
Gums A complex of viscous polysaccharides of Seeds
varying types, and some glycoproteins
Inulin and oligofructose Inulin is a mixture of fructose chains, Energy storage compound of
(fructans) oligofructose is a mixture of shorter some plants, e.g. rhizomes
fructose chains that may terminate in
glucose or fructose
Resistant starch Starch that is sequestered in plant cell walls Bananas, legumes, raw potatoes.
or highly dehydrated and therefore Can be formed during food
inaccessible to digestive enzymes processing by cooling and
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­Key Dietary Variable  239

effects on bowel microbiota, or its effects on beneficial fiber effect on hairballs in cats is not
specific variables in the whole animal. In regard consistent across all dietary fiber sources stud-
to its effects on gastrointestinal physiology and ied (e.g. cellulose, beet pulp, and Miscanthus
pathophysiology, which in turn impact the grass are not generally beneficial) (Donadelli
observable clinical effects of fiber, the most and Aldrich 2020; Loureiro et al. 2014, 2017).
important characteristics are viscosity and
fermentability. Fiber as a Luminal Adsorbent
Fiber has long been recognized as an ­important
Fiber Viscosity luminal adsorbent of nutrients, bile acids,
Some types of soluble dietary fiber increase the microbial toxins, and xenobiotics (Ebihara
viscosity of water when in solution and have and Schneeman 1989; Floren and Nilsson
the capacity to retain water within the viscous 1982, 1987; Ryden and Robertson 1997).
gel (“water-­holding capacity”). This effect Binding of xenobiotics may reduce intestinal
increases fecal water content and mass. or systemic exposure to carcinogens, while bile
Psyllium seed husk hydrocolloid has a greater acid binding may be important for protection
water-­holding effect than pea, oat, or sugar of the colonic mucosa from damage from
beet fiber (McBurney 1991). The formation of unabsorbed bile acids.
viscous gels slows gastric emptying, increases Non-­fermentable dietary fiber lowers bile
small intestinal transit times, slows the absorp- acid solubility in fecal water and reduces the
tion, and reduces the digestibility of some potential for interactions with the colonic epi-
nutrients (Ashraf et al. 1994; Bednar et al. 2001; thelium (Ebihara and Schneeman 1989;
Russell and Bass 1985). Viscosity of ileal con- Gallaher and Schneeman 1986). Bile acids can
tents increases greatly with certain soluble have a direct effect on the epithelium through
dietary fibers (Dikeman et al. 2007). This effect their detergent effect. However, bacterial
of fiber can be thought of as an antinutritive metabolites of bile acids (“secondary bile
effect, and excessive dietary fiber may be acids”) can have other biological effects.
counterproductive. Deoxycholic acid (DCA) and chenodeoxy-
Although fibers that are soluble and capable cholic acid have been reported to induce
of forming viscous gels are more likely to be ­dysplastic changes, be cytotoxic, or even be
fermentable, that is not always the case because mutagenic to colonic epithelial cells. Luminal
the chemical requirements for both properties fiber directly protects the colonic epithelium
are different. The gel-­forming component of by preventing direct interactions, by reducing
psyllium seed husk, for instance, is not readily concentrations, and indirectly by the produc-
fermented by human colonic microbiota and tion of the short-­chain fatty acid butyrate, from
contributes significantly to its effect on increas- microbiota fermentation (Bartram et al. 1995).
ing fecal bulk (Marlett and Fischer 2003). Wheat bran fiber (13.5–25 g/day for up to
The ability to form viscous gels in the stom- 12 months) can significantly lower both total
ach may be the mechanism by which dietary and secondary (e.g. DCA) bile acid concentra-
fiber facilitates the gastrointestinal transit of tions in the solid phase of human feces (Alberts
ingested hair. Dietary fiber such as psyllium et al. 1996; Reddy et al. 1992).
has been shown to increase hair transit and Different fiber molecules can participate in
decrease retching and vomiting associated both hydrophilic and hydrophobic interac-
with hairballs, aka trichobezoars, in chroni- tions. The diversity of structure and fermenta-
cally affected cats (Dann et al. 2004; Hoffman bility, and the chemical and structural changes
and Tetrick 2003), while sugarcane fiber has that occur within the intestine, alter binding
been shown to reduce the number of trichobe- capacities. Attempts to characterize the suita-
zoars in feces (Loureiro et al. 2014). This bility of fibers for binding on the basis of
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240 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Table 11.2 Analysis of some common dietary fibers.

Crude fiber Total dietary Soluble fiber Insoluble fiber

Fiber % DM fiber % DM % DM % DM

Apple pectin 0 85 78 7
Citrus pectin 1 82 82 0
Beet pectin 0 76 76 0
Guar gum 2 92 83 10
Carrageen refined 0 50 44 6
Cellulose (from wheat) 63 72 0 69

DM, dry matter.

Source: Data from Kienzle et al. (2001).

simple physicochemical classifications are adapted to its use. When the shift in microbiota
inadequate, and the binding capacity for has a positive effect on the host, the fiber is
­molecules of interest is best studied directly, defined as a prebiotic. Proposed positive effects
given that various laboratory measurements of include reduction in mucosal adherence of
fiber types are unreliable predictors of in vivo pathogenic species, reduction in the numbers
performance (Table 11.2). of pathogenic species, and immune modula-
tion of the host (Bamba et al. 2002; Blaut 2002;
Fiber Fermentability Guarner et al. 2002; Schrezenmeir and de
Just as the ability for mammals to digest poly- Vrese 2001).
saccharides is determined by the linkages Utilization of even the most fermentable
between the monomeric subunits, so is the fiber is never 100%, and most natural dietary
ability for intestinal microbes to hydrolyze and fiber sources contain a range of carbohydrate
ferment dietary fiber. Dietary fibers undergo- structures. Thus, the fermentative by-­products
ing bacterial degradation include polysaccha- in cats and dogs will almost always contain
rides such as resistant starch, pectin, inulin, short-­chain volatile fatty acids (SCFAs) such as
guar gum, and oligosaccharides (e.g. FOSs) acetate, butyrate, and propionate (Bednar
(Blaut 2002). et al. 2001). In particular, FOSs, inulin, and
The extent to which fiber is utilized by resistant starch lead to significant increases in
microbiota and the fermentative by-­products the fermentative production of butyrate in
produced is influenced by the structure of the dogs, while in both cats and dogs SCFA pro-
carbohydrate and also the composition of the duction from other sources ranked from most
microbiome within the individual. Complete to least is citrus pectin, citrus pulp, beet pulp,
fermentation will produce H2, CO2, and H2O, and cellulose (Sunvold et al. 1995; Vickers
while methane, acetone, propionate, and et al. 2001).
butyrate will be produced during less complete
utilization. Utilization of fructans by lactoba- Effects of Short-­Chain Volatile Fatty Acids
cilli, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium perfrin- on the Colon
gens is low, while oligofructose and inulin are In most domestic species studied, including
more completely utilized by bifidobacteria dogs, butyrate is oxidized by colonocytes, and
(Cummings et al. 2001). The effect of provid- in dogs is also oxidized by enterocytes (Beaulieu
ing such substrate in the bowel lumen is to cre- et al. 2002; Marsman and McBurney 1995). It
ate a selection advantage to those species best has been observed that when colonocytes are
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­Key Dietary Variable  241

provided with butyrate, glutamine, glucose, The non-­toxic inhibition of lymphocyte

and propionate, the most used substrate is ­proliferation may be a significant component
butyrate (Beaulieu et al. 2002). In response to of the immunologic tolerance to large num-
butyrate from fiber fermentation, colonocyte bers of microbiota in the colonic lumen.
proliferation increases, intestinal mucosal However, not all the beneficial effects of fer-
weight increases, water and electrolyte absorp- mentable fiber can be reduced to the luminal
tion increases, and brush-­border enzyme activ- production and concentration of butyrate. In a
ities increase (Farness and Schneeman 1982; model of acute colitis in rats, feeding dietary
Forman and Schneeman 1982; Marsman and inulin (a highly fermentable fiber) prior to an
McBurney 1996; Poksay and Schneeman 1983). insult reduced signs and histologic evidence of
SCFAs, butyrate in particular, stimulate longi- colitis, neutrophil recruitment, and eicosanoid
tudinal but not circular colonic smooth muscle production (i.e. prostaglandin E2 [PGE2], leu-
contractions via a direct effect on smooth mus- kotriene B4 [LTB4], and thromboxane B2
cle and improve the aboral passage of feces in [TXB2]) (Videla et al. 2001). The administra-
the colon (McManus et al. 2002). Luminal tion of fecal water from inulin-­fed rats via an
butyrate also increases mucin secretion, which enema had a similar effect. However, neither
reduces microbial adhesion and translocation butyrate administered via an enema nor fecal
and improves secretory immunoglobulin (Ig)A water from inulin-­fed rats had a significant
function (Barcelo et al. 2000). Some effects effect on colitis in that model. Again, that sug-
may be concentration dependent, since at high gests a more complex effect of dietary fiber on
concentrations butyrate can also inhibit colo- the mucosa than that explained simply by the
nocyte proliferation (Chapkin et al. 2000; production and concentration of volatile fatty
Lupton 1995, 2004; Marsman and acids (VFAs).
McBurney 1995). The effects of SCFAs are not The effect of fermentable fiber on immunity
limited to local impacts. Notably, in the domes- is not limited to cells resident within the intes-
tic cat, propionate infused into the colon is tinal mucosa. Feeding the highly fermentable
used as a hepatic gluconeogenic precursor fiber pectin to rats affects lymphocytes isolated
(Verbrugghe et al. 2012). from mesenteric lymph nodes. The production
of the Th2-­biased cytokines interleukin (IL)-­4
Effects of Butyrate on Intestinal Immunity and IL-­10 by isolated lymphocytes is inhibited,
At reasonable physiologic concentrations, consistent with a more Th1-­biased response
colonic luminal butyrate suppresses the compared with lymphocytes isolated from
immune response by inhibiting the formation cellulose-­fed rats (Lim et al. 2003). This sug-
of the nuclear transcription factor NF-­κB in gests that lymphocyte activation within the
colonocytes, endothelial cells, and resident mucosa in the presence of luminal fermenta-
leukocytes (Luhrs et al. 2002; Yin et al. 2001). tive by-­products of fiber affects the immu-
NF-­κB regulates several cellular processes that nophenotype of the cells that subsequently
vary according to the individual cell type and leave the intestine and recirculate to other
activation state, but include adaptive and mucosal sites. Thus, dietary fiber may affect
innate immune responses in the intestinal mucosal immunity throughout the intestinal
tract, with several inflammatory cytokines and tract, and probably at other mucosae as well.
cell adhesion molecules under direct transcrip-
tional control (Perkins 2007). The ability of Effect of Fiber on Intestinal Flora: Prebiosis
butyrate to inhibit NF-­κB activation and sign- Certain fibers, such as the beta-­2 fructans (e.g.
aling appears to be the mechanism for the anti-­ inulin, FOSs), stimulate the growth and/or
inflammatory effect of butyrate in colitis activity of intestinal bacteria such as
(Luhrs et al. 2002; Venkatraman et al. 2003). Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp.
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242 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

(Gibson et al. 1995; Kaplan and Hutkins 2000). fermentable sources of fiber. In a model of
It has been proposed that increasing the num- induced colitis in rats, both short-­chain FOSs
bers of these non-­pathogenic species may have and a resistant starch (retrograded, high-­
several direct beneficial effects, including (i) amylomaize starch) were evaluated for their
competition with pathogens for substrate; (ii) ability to improve clinical and histologic signs
interference with pathogen binding with, and of colitis (Moreau et al. 2003). Only the resist-
competition for, epithelial binding sites; and ant starch in that model improved the histo-
(iii) direct interaction with the mucosal logic colitis score, and there was a trend toward
immune system. more rapid resolution of the diarrhea and less
Additionally, the SCFAs might acidify the hematochezia. There is evidence that the addi-
colonic lumen, inhibiting species such as tion of psyllium seed husk powder to the diet
Bacteroides spp. and Clostridia spp. (Gibson of dogs with large-­bowel diarrhea results in
and Wang 1994). Elimination of Clostridium positive outcomes in the majority of reported
difficile from the colonic flora within six days cases (Alves et al. 2021; Leib 2000). Other
has been documented in mice by feeding a diet mixed and fermentable fiber sources are also
containing 20% fermentable fiber (Ward and incorporated into various veterinary thera­
Young 1997). Similar effects on the fecal micro- peutic diets and have been used successfully
biota have been seen in dogs given highly fer- for both acute and chronic colitis (Fritsch
mentable fiber (Grieshop et al. 2002). While et al. 2022; Lappin et al. 2022; Rossi et al. 2020).
colonic microbiota populations in cats and There is little evidence to guide adjustments of
dogs may be relatively resistant to changes specific types and amounts for non-­responders,
resulting from changes in dietary fiber intake as well as a lack of characterization of the best
(Simpson et al. 2002), there is one study that types of fiber to use for small-­bowel diarrhea.
suggests that the combination of a prebiotic– Clearly, the choice of fiber is important in cer-
probiotic supplement may reduce the inci- tain disease states; however, insufficient infor-
dence of diarrhea in dog shelters (Rose mation is available in feline and canine
et al. 2017). The effect of prebiotics alone in medicine to make any informed therapeutic
similarly robust clinical trials in cats or dogs is recommendations beyond the initial introduc-
still unreported, but it is reasonable to suggest tion of mixed fermentable sources, and then
that probiotics may be beneficially supported proceeding with trial and error of both type
by dietary fermentable fiber or prebiotic intake. and dosage based on response.
The addition of powdered fiber supplement
Choice of Fiber products to diets can be easily achieved with
The combined effects of fiber fermentation moist diets, but can make dry diets unpalata-
with the absorptive effects of non-­fermentable ble, even when mixed with water or animal
fiber make mixed fiber sources (e.g. psyllium stock or broth. Ideal non-­purified sources of
seed husk) theoretically ideal for the manage- fiber would be very concentrated in fiber, yet
ment of colitis, over more completely ferment- highly palatable, and easy to use as dietary
able fiber sources (e.g. hydrolyzed guar gum). supplements. Some suggested rich food
In addition, the most highly fermentable fibers sources of mixed fermentable fiber are listed in
may also increase the production of methane, Table 11.3 with comparison to psyllium seed
which has the capacity to disturb motility and husk. Caution must be taken to avoid essential
exacerbate signs of colitis (see later). In other nutrient dilution with their addition, and espe-
cases, more highly and rapidly fermentable cially if overall dietary protein is reduced or
sources that produce higher concentrations of restricted for fear of creating a sulfur amino
butyrate in the more proximal colon may be acid deficiency, which in dogs can lead to
more effective than less and more slowly dilated cardiomyopathy.
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­Immune Response to Dietary Antigens (Oral Tolerance  243

Table 11.3 Rich sources of dietary fiber.

Total dietary fiber Total dietary fiber

Food source % dry matter basis in 100 g as fed

Psyllium seed husk 83%a 77.78a

Oat bran (raw) 16% 15.4
Red kidney beans (cooked or canned) 28% 6.4
Baked beans (canned) 18% 5.0
Chickpeas (cooked or canned) 15% 4.4
Green peas (cooked) 23% 3.1
Pumpkin (cooked or canned) 29% 2.9
Based on manufacturer data.
Source: Data from the United States Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18.

and T cells within the follicle, which then pro-

I­ mmune Response to Dietary
liferate poorly. This occurs within a local
Antigens (Oral Tolerance) microenvironment that differs from other
sites in the body and results in induction of
Immunologic Basis for Oral Tolerance
hyporesponsive Th2-­ or Th3-­biased T cells
Foreign dietary antigens interact with the (Kellermann and McEvoy 2001). Activated
intestinal immune system in such a way as to cells then leave via lymphatics and pass via
prevent unnecessary and detrimental immune the mesenteric lymph nodes into the sys-
reactions to them. In so doing, systemic immu- temic circulation. They will then exit at
nity is rendered effectively unresponsive if the mucosal sites via engagement of cellular
same antigen reaches the systemic circulation. adhesion molecules (CAMs) specifically
This absence of reactivity to orally adminis- expressed by the high endothelial venules of
tered antigens is termed oral tolerance. Oral mucosal tissues. Thus, activated or memory
tolerance is generated in an antigen-­specific B and T lymphocytes enter the lamina pro-
and active manner that involves the induction pria to await a secondary encounter with
of an atypical immune response. their specific antigen.
Peyer’s patches are the primary inductive The activated cells may secrete cytokines,
area of the intestinal immune system. The but full differentiation into effector T cells or
­specialized M cells within the epithelium plasma cells may not occur without secondary
overlying the lymphoid follicles sample, non-­ exposure. For both cell types to be re-­exposed
specifically or by receptor-­mediated uptake, to antigen, intact antigens must reach the
particulate and insoluble antigens and whole ­lamina propria. Intestinal epithelial cells are
microorganisms (Brandtzaeg 2001). Antigens responsible for the absorption of antigen,
and organisms are then transported to leuko- release to professional APCs, and limited anti-
cytes that reside within basal membrane gen presentation to cells within the mucosa on
invaginations, namely B cells, macrophages, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class
and dendritic cells. In the normal intestine, II. In the normal intestine, these secondary
these antigen-­presenting cells (APCs) lack APCs will, like the primary presenters, lack co-­
co-­stimulatory molecules such as CD80 and stimulatory molecule expression and further
CD86. Antigens processed by these “unacti- add to the tolerogenic environment. The effec-
vated” APCs are then presented to naïve B tor T-­cell clones resident in the normal
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244 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

intestine secrete a bias toward Th2 and Th3 Loss of Tolerance to Dietary Antigens
cytokines, in particular IL-­10 and transform-
Loss of tolerance to dietary antigens will pro-
ing growth factor (TGF)-­beta, thus directing
duce a conventional but detrimental immune
B-­cell isotype switching to produce IgA-­
response against the dietary antigen. Such an
secreting plasma cells, while inhibiting the
inappropriate response may produce inflam-
development of Th1 lymphocytes and IgG
mation locally, or at another anatomic site. The
response will be characterized by one or a com-
It is important that the immune system
bination of:
reserves the ability to rapidly respond to
pathogens. This ability to recognize patho- ●● Local cell-­mediated inflammation. The
genicity is based on the engagement of recep- resulting chronic stimulation may lead to
tors that recognize evolutionarily conserved lymphocytic intestinal infiltrates character-
molecular patterns such as TLRs that pro- istic of inflammatory enteropathy.
duce “danger signals.” Predictably, expres- ●● Local antibody production of isotypes other
sion of TLR-­2 and TLR-­4 is low to non-­existent than IgA. The production of IgE will lead to
in the mucosal cells of the normal human mast cell priming and intestinal hypersensi-
intestine (which serves as the model for cats tivity, i.e. food allergy with gastrointestinal
and dogs), but they can be rapidly expressed signs (vomiting and/or diarrhea).
in response to inflammatory cytokines ●● Systemic antibody production. Circulating
(Abreu et al. 2001). The absence of these IgE will lead to priming of mast cells at sites
“danger signals” results in relatively ineffi- distal to the intestine such as dermal hyper-
cient antigen processing by intestinal APCs, sensitivity, i.e. food allergy with pruritus as
markedly reduced or absent tumor necrosis the clinical sign.
factor (TNF)-­alpha/IL-­1/IL-­12 production,
and the absence of CD80/86 co-­stimulatory The initiating events that lead to loss of oral
molecule expression. T cells activated by tolerance, or prevent it from developing, have
such an APC will divide less, with most not been described in either cats or dogs and
clones undergoing early deletion by apopto- remain poorly understood in any species.
sis, while the surviving memory cells will Suggested mechanisms include:
tend to secrete IL-­10, TGF-­beta, or no ●● Increased mucosal permeability, e.g.
cytokines at all (Jenkins et al. 2001). This ­following mucosal injury, or in the neonatal
combination of apoptosis, functional defects intestine.
in surviving clones, and T cells secreting the ●● Co-­administration of a mucosal adjuvant
anti-­inflammatory and IgA-­supporting that activates and changes the phenotype of
cytokines is the general basis for immuno- intestinal dendritic cells, e.g. bacterial
logic tolerance to luminal antigens. enterotoxins.
Thus oral tolerance is composed of a delicate ●● Parasitism. Intestinal parasitism in cats leads
balance between induction of IgA, T-­cell to an exaggerated systemic humoral response
­deletion, anergy (the absence of the normal that includes increased production of IgE
immune response to a particular antigen), and (Gilbert and Halliwell 2005).
immunosuppression; the retention of antigen-­
specific lymphocytes capable of rapidly Currently, there is speculation as to the
responding to invasive pathogens though anti- importance of infections that stimulate a Th1-­
body isotype switching to IgM, IgE, or IgG; and biased immune response in preventing type 1
the production of inflammatory cytokines hypersensitivity reactions in people. This has
such as interferon (IFN)-­gamma, IL-­12, been termed the “hygiene hypothesis,” which
and IL-­6. states that a lack of maturation of the infant
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­Immune Response to Dietary Antigens (Oral Tolerance  245

immune system from a Th2 to a Th1 type of Food Immunogenicity

immune response may be caused by less
Adverse reactions to food are surprisingly com-
­microbial stimulation in Western societies
mon in both cats and dogs and have been
(Romagnani 2004). It is proposed that bacterial
reported to be present in up to 29% of all cases
and viral infections during early life promote a
of chronic gastrointestinal disease in cats
net shift of the maturing immune system
(Guilford et al. 2001). In addition, inflamma-
toward Th1-­biased responses, and reduce
tory enteropathy is the single most common
potentially allergenic Th2-­biased responses.
cause of chronic gastrointestinal disease, and
The assumed reduction in the overall micro-
novel/uncommon antigen and hydrolyzed-­
bial burden is supposed to allow the natural
ingredient diets are commonly reported to be
Th2 bias of neonates to persist into maturity
effective in its management (Guilford and
and enable an increase in allergy. A clinical
Matz 2003; Mandigers et al. 2010; Marks
trial supports this theory in atopic children
et al. 2002; Nelson et al. 1984). However,
(Bodemer et al. 2017).
although the involvement of immunologic
The special role of parasites in modulating
mechanisms in a proportion of these adverse
allergic responses to food and other allergens
reactions is suspected, it is unproven. Indeed,
has been debated for over half a century.
the normal immunologic response to ingested
Several older reports suggested that, similar to
dietary antigens in cats has only been partially
cats and dogs, parasitized humans are more
described (Cave and Marks 2004). Surprisingly,
likely to suffer from allergic diseases (Carswell
cats develop robust serum IgG and IgA
et al. 1977; Kayhan et al. 1978; Warrell
responses to dietary proteins when fed as either
et al. 1975). In contrast to that is the higher
aqueous suspensions or as part of canned diets,
incidence of allergic disease in Western popu-
and it is likely that dogs are similar.
lations generally subject to less parasitism, as
As obligate carnivores, felids have evolved on
well as the growing incidence of allergic dis-
a low-­fiber, highly digestible diet (Morris 2002).
ease in developing nations as parasitism is
It may be assumed that since cats have rela-
also reduced. Elevations of anti-­inflammatory
tively short intestinal tracts, they may be poorly
cytokines, such as IL-­10, that occur during
suited to poorly digestible diets. However, it has
long-­term helminth infections have been
been reported that cats have approximately six
shown to be inversely correlated with allergy.
times more mucosal area per unit of serosal
It has been suggested recently that the host’s
length compared to rats (Wood 1944).
response to the parasite determines their
Regardless, diet digestibility remains an impor-
­predisposition to develop allergic diseases,
tant and clinically relevant consideration. It is
and that the induction of a robust anti-­
well established that heat processing, including
inflammatory regulatory response (e.g. IL-­10)
the commercial canning process, decreases
induced by persistent immune challenge
protein digestibility and that this has biologi-
offers a unifying explanation for the observed
cally significant effects in cats (Kim et al. 1996;
inverse association of many infections with
Larsen et al. 2002).
allergic disorders (Yazdanbakhsh et al. 2002).
In rodents and rabbits, intact particulate and
In either cats or dogs, the role of parasitism
insoluble antigens are preferentially absorbed
and other infections that would fall within the
across the intestine through M cells overlying
hygiene hypothesis has yet to be defined in
the Peyer’s patches (Frey et al. 1996). Classi­
determining the development of food hyper-
cally, such antigens tend to invoke active
sensitivity. Since the immunologic mecha-
immunity appropriate for microorganisms. In
nism for the majority of food sensitivities may
contrast, soluble antigens have been found to
not be IgE mediated, the story may be even
be associated with oral tolerance (Wikingsson
more complicated.
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246 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

and Sjoholm 2002). It has also been shown that Marks 2004). Using soy and casein proteins,
oral tolerance can be abrogated or evaded the canning or retorting process resulted in
when soluble proteins are fed in oil-­in-­­water the creation of new antigens not present in
emulsions, resulting in robust systemic the uncooked product. In addition, a product
humoral responses (Kaneko et al. 2000). This of heated casein induced a salivary IgA
effect may also have relevance to the pet food response that was not induced by the raw
industry, where interactions between dietary product. Thus, commercial food processing
proteins and lipids in canned or extruded diets can qualitatively and quantitatively alter the
during the cooking and manufacturing process immunogenicity of food proteins. Although
could feasibly result in novel interactions not the significance of this finding is uncertain at
present in their native states or when cooked present, it emphasizes the need for feeding
separately. highly digestible protein sources, or perhaps
In stark contrast to rodents is the intestinal even hydrolyzed proteins, when enteritis is
response in chickens, where particulate anti- present.
gens induce tolerance, while soluble antigens
provoke active immunity (Klipper et al. 2001).
If the physical nature of the proteins within
the natural diet of a species dictates how the ­Acute Gastrointestinal Disease
intestinal immune system has evolved, this
might have special relevance to species that are Acute gastroenteritis is a common reason for
commonly fed diets different from their ances- presentation of cats and dogs to veterinarians.
tors, like cats and dogs. Common causes include bacterial toxin inges-
Most commercial pet foods are subjected to tion (e.g. staphylococcal enteritis), bacterial
heating during the manufacturing process. endotoxin production (e.g. C. perfringens
The effect of heat treatment on proteins mostly enteritis), viral enteritis (e.g. rotavirus, coro-
changes the three-­dimensional conformation navirus, parvovirus), self-­limiting infections
of the protein. Although this may disrupt some (e.g. Cryptosporidium felis and parvum,
antigens, it may equally uncover previously Coccidia spp.), and adverse reactions to food
hidden antigenic determinants, or create new (both food allergies and food intolerances).
ones. Other reactions that occur at high tem- Because of the transient and non-­life-­
peratures include the Maillard reactions, threatening nature of many cases, the cause of
which involve the reactions between certain the majority remains undetermined. Despite
amino acids, and the reduction of sugars to ignorance of the exact cause, standard therapy
produce less digestible compounds called mel- is instigated, of which dietary management
anoidins, which give a characteristic brown remains the cornerstone.
color. Melanoidins tend to be less digestible,
less soluble, and certain melanoidins have
Withholding Food for Acute
been shown to be more “allergenic” than
Non-­specific Gastroenteritis
the original uncooked protein (Maleki
et al. 2000, 2003). Increasing antigenicity does Standard dietary recommendations for dogs
appear to be a consistent effect across different and cats with acute gastroenteritis have been
but similar foods and processing methods to withhold food for 24–48 hours, followed by
(Abramovitch et al. 2017; Cuadrado et al. 2020; the introduction of small quantities of a
Mattison et al. 2016). “bland” diet fed 4–6 times per day for 3–7 days.
The effect of heating during the canning These dietary recommendations have stood
­process on the immunogenicity of dietary the test of time, but are based on common
proteins has been evaluated in cats (Cave and assumptions rather than any specific research.
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­Acute Gastrointestinal Diseas  247

Arguments frequently offered in support of nutrition (Kawasaki et al. 2009). At worst

withholding food are that it does the following: continuing oral feeding will have no detri-
mental effect on motility, and at best it will
1) Provides Bowel Rest It is presumed that promote normal motility and ­prevent ileus.
the presence of ingesta and the physical and 2) Reduces the Risk of Vomiting It has been
metabolic demands of digestion and absorp- suggested that vomiting is less likely to occur
tion will delay recovery. In acute colitis, feed- in the fasted state than the fed state, and
ing can indeed increase the severity of signs. that withholding food until vomiting has
When there is significant colonic inflamma- decreased or stopped is important to reduce
tion, the normal motor response to a meal is the risk of aspiration. The early introduction
altered. When ingesta enter the colon during of enteral feeding in dogs with severe hem-
the late postprandial period, an excessive orrhagic ­gastroenteritis did indeed result
number of giant migrating contractions may in increased vomiting when a hydrolyzed
be stimulated. These giant migrating contrac- ­protein diet was initially introduced, despite
tions may be associated with postprandial being fed at below maintenance rates (Will
abdominal discomfort and increased fre- et al. 2005). Nonetheless, vomiting decreased
quency of defecation (Sethi and Sarna 1991). rapidly in the fed group and dogs were toler-
However, fasting in a normal animal is ant of enteral feeds within 2–3 days.
­associated with intense migrating motor In contrast, the prokinetic effect of feeding
complexes (“housekeeper” contractions) may decrease the emetic response. In dogs
extending from the pylorus to the ileum with severe parvoviral enteritis, the time to
(Hall et al. 1983). These vigorous contrac- cessation of vomiting following admission
tions, described as “hunger pains” by some was significantly shorter when forced feed-
humans, are inhibited by the presence of ing was instigated within 12 hours of admis-
luminal nutrients (Defilippi 2003). In almost sion, compared with dogs that were fasted
all cases of enteritis, regardless of the etiol- orally until 12 hours after vomiting cessation
ogy, there is decreased motility with delayed (Mohr et al. 2003). Additionally, the luminal
gastric emptying and reduced segmental presence of a complex diet supports mucosal
contractions (Hotokezaka et al. 1996; Shi integrity and decreases the magnitude of an
and Sarna 2004). Thus, fasting does not enteric insult. Cats that were fed a complex
immediately provide physical bowel “rest,” diet did not vomit when given a toxic dose of
and in most cases reduced motility or ileus is methotrexate, while cats fed a purified diet
present. Feeding has been shown to decrease did vomit (Marks et al. 1999).
the development and duration of ileus from However, foods that prolong gastric
various intestinal insults. A meta-­analysis retention, especially high-­fat diets and
on the recovery of human patients following highly ­viscous diets (high soluble fiber; see
a wide range of abdominal surgical proce- later), or diets that contain poorly digestible
dures demonstrated that early introduction starch may promote emesis (Heddle
of feeding resulted in shorter time to the et al. 1989; Lin et al. 1992; Meyer et al. 1994).
presence of bowel sound and a trend toward Maldigestion can lead to distension and
shorter hospital stays (Charoenkwan stimulation of the gut that increases the
et al. 2007). One model of large-­bowel resec- chance of vomiting. Predictably, gastric
tion in dogs showed that enteral feeding retention times increase with increasing
instituted one day post surgery hastened meal size, but also with increased dry mat-
return to normal motility and was associated ter content (Goggin et al. 1998).
with possible improvements in nutritional Thus feeding can have either an emetic or
status when compared to parenteral antiemetic effect. Small, frequent feedings
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248 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

have been recommended in order to limit the with intraluminal food, as will be further
duration of acid secretion at each meal and to discussed later.
minimize gastric distension, which can pro- It can be seen that the arguments pre-
voke nausea when the stomach is inflamed. sented here can be rebutted, or satisfied by
3) Decreases Bacterial Proliferation optimal feeding. Thus, the long-­held belief
Undigested food provides nutrients for in the value of bowel rest for the treatment
luminal bacterial fermentation and prolif- of diarrhea has been challenged by the ben-
eration. However, fasting increases the rate efits of “feeding through” diarrhea. Recent
of bacterial adherence and translocation in studies of acute diarrhea in several species
most experimental models (Bark et al. 1995; have shown that feeding through diarrhea
Marks et al. 1997; Tenenhaus et al. 1994). In maintains greater mucosal barrier integrity.
addition, acidification of the lumen through
the production of VFAs (e.g. butyrate, pro-
Benefits of Luminal Nutrition
pionate) by microbiota capable of fermen-
in Acute Gastroenteritis
tation can make the environment less
suitable for other ­pH-­sensitive patho- Even in the absence of enteritis, fasting for even
genic bacteria such as Campylobacter and as short a period as one day in rats causes a sig-
Clostridium spp. (Cummings et al. 2001). nificant decrease in villous height and/or crypt
4) Decreases Osmotic Diarrhea Unlike depth in the jejunum, ileum, and, to a lesser
acute diarrhea in humans, the majority of extent, colon (Kudsk 2003; Ziegler et al. 2003).
cases of feline and canine diarrhea are not In addition, fasting is associated with gut
thought to involve a significant secretory mucosal cell impairment marked by decreased
component. Although this may be simplis- concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH),
tic, it appears that the osmotic effect of the major intracellular ­antioxidant, enhanced
unabsorbed nutrients and endogenously permeability to macromolecules, increased
derived osmoles are more important as con- bacterial translocation from the lumen, and
tributors to the diarrhea. With almost any increased rates of enterocyte apoptosis (Jonas
mucosal insult, the absorptive capacity of et al. 1999). Even with total parenteral nutri-
the intestine is reduced and exudation may tion, after 14 days of oral fasting in cats, small
be increased. Undigested fat is susceptible intestinal villous atrophy occurs, as well as
to oxidation, hydroxylation, and the forma- fusion and infiltration of the lamina propria
tion of by-­products that can increase intes- with lymphocytes, plasma cells, and neutro-
tinal secretion, and increase vascular phils (Lippert et al. 1989). Thus, oral fasting
permeability, fluid secretion, and as a con- alone, and in the absence of nutritional defi-
sequence the severity and duration of diar- ciency, induces an intestinal insult.
rhea (Ramakrishna et al. 1994). Fasting also significantly reduces the specific
5) Decreases Presence of Food Antigens activity and expression of certain digestive
At times, it will be suggested that feeding in enzymes in the small-­bowel mucosa such as
the midst of generalized gastrointestinal disaccharidases, which can lead to impaired
inflammation may increase the risk of digestion following the reintroduction of food
developing food allergies due to impaired (Holt and Yeh 1992). Transient lactase ­deficiency
digestion and increased gut permeability, is common, particularly after rotavirus gastro-
leading to presentation of intact ingested enteritis (Zijlstra et al. 1997). Occasionally it
polypeptides/food antigens to the gastroin- persists, and lactose intolerance may be a cause
testinal immune system. This theory is of post-­gastroenteritis diarrhea. Gastric and
unproven, and as already noted enterocyte/ pancreatic secretions are markedly reduced fol-
gut health has been shown to be enhanced lowing a period of undernutrition (Winter 2006).
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­Acute Gastrointestinal Diseas  249

Generalized malnutrition, protein depletion, The ileum, and to a lesser extent the colon,
or deficiencies of specific nutrients, including is important in intestinal adaptation and recov-
essential fatty acids, folate, zinc, vitamin A, ery. The ileum and colon are the primary intesti-
and vitamin B12, inhibit the growth and turno- nal sites of synthesis and secretion of GLP-­2 and
ver of the intestinal mucosa. It has long been IGF-­1 (Dube et al. 2006). GLP-­2 is a 33 amino
recognized that small intestinal enterocytes acid peptide hormone released from the intesti-
utilize luminally derived glutamine as their nal endocrine cells (L cells) following nutrient
main oxidative fuel (see earlier). In addition, ingestion. GLP-­2 exerts trophic effects on the
glutamine provides the carbon skeleton and small-­ and large-­bowel epithelium via stimula-
amino nitrogen required for purine synthesis tion of cell proliferation and inhibition of apop-
and hence is critical for the normal DNA syn- tosis (Ljungmann et al. 2001). GLP-­2 also
thesis involved in enterocyte turnover. decreases gastric acid secretion and decreases
Oral supplementation with zinc improves antral contractions, thus contributing to the
histologic recovery, normalizes absorption, “ileal brake” (Wojdemann et al. 1998). In experi-
decreases permeability, and decreases NF-­κB mental models of intestinal disease, GLP-­2
nuclear binding in experimental models of reverses parenteral nutrition–induced mucosal
diarrhea (Altaf et al. 2002; Sturniolo atrophy and accelerates the process of endoge-
et al. 2001). Additional mechanisms for the nous intestinal adaptation following major
effect of zinc treatment on the duration of diar- small-­bowel resection (Chance et al. 2000;
rhea include improved absorption of water Drucker et al. 1997; Ljungmann et al. 2001;
and electrolytes, increased levels of brush-­ Sangild et al. 2006). GLP-­2 also markedly attenu-
border enzymes, and faster regeneration of the ates intestinal injury and weight loss in mice
intestinal epithelium. with chemically induced colitis, and signifi-
cantly reduces mortality, bacterial infection, and
Intestinal Recovery and Adaptation intestinal mucosal damage in mice with
Multiple factors, including luminal nutrients, indomethacin-­induced enteritis. IGF-­1 produc-
pancreatico-­biliary secretions, and humoral tion by the ileum produces a similar increase in
agents, have been implicated in controlling the enterocyte proliferation, leads to an expansion of
intestinal adaptive response after an intestinal the proliferative compartment in the crypt,
insult. Despite the multifactorial regulation of inhibits enterocyte apoptosis, and increases
intestinal adaptation, luminal nutrients are enterocyte migration (Dube et al. 2006). Thus
fundamental to the adaptive response such luminal nutrients are essential for maximal and
that recovery is minimized or prevented in the rapid mucosal recovery, which is stimulated
absence of luminal nutrients. This conclusion largely by enterically derived GLP-­2 and IGF-­1.
is largely based on studies that show signifi-
cant adaptive intestinal regrowth in rats and Effect of Luminal Nutrients on Inflammation
dogs fed orally compared with those fed paren- It has long been known that the immunologic
terally following an intestinal resection. derangements that accompany malnutrition
Indeed, even in the absence of an intestinal cannot all be prevented when nutrients are
insult, parenteral nutrition causes dramatic delivered parenterally (Dionigi et al. 1977). A
intestinal atrophy in dogs, cats, rats, and lack of luminal nutrients results in an increased
humans (Lippert et al. 1989; Renegar expression of proinflammatory adhesion mol-
et al. 2001; Thor et al. 1977). This fasting-­ ecules, especially intercellular adhesion mole-
induced atrophy is accompanied by inflamma- cule (ICAM)-­1 (Fukatsu et al. 1999). This
tory cell infiltrates in the lamina propria, results in an increased number of primed neu-
increased intestinal permeability, and trophils adhered to the microvasculature
increased bacterial translocation. throughout the intestinal tract, where they are
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250 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

able to contribute to oxidative and enzymatic availability of free arginine. Therefore any
tissue damage following activation. Fasting or increase in available arginine will increase the
total parenteral nutrition results in decreases NO produced by any given inflammatory stim-
in IL-­4 and IL-­10 that correlate with decreases ulus (Eiserich et al. 1998).
in IgA and increases in ICAM-­1 (Fukatsu NO is a free radical. However, compared
et al. 2001). Lack of enteral feeding impairs the with other free radical species, in physiologic
coordinated system of sensitization, distribu- conditions the molecule is relatively stable,
tion, and interaction of T and B cells that is reacting only with oxygen and its radical deriv-
important in the production of IgA, in the atives, transition metals, and other radicals.
maintenance of normal gut cytokines, and in This low reactivity, combined with its lipophi-
the regulation of endothelial inflammation licity, allows the molecule to diffuse away from
(Ikeda et al. 2003; Johnson et al. 2003; its place of synthesis, and to function as a sign-
Kudsk 2003; Renegar et al. 2001). Thus the aling molecule on an intracellular, intercellu-
lack of luminal nutrients has been described as lar, and perhaps even systemic level.
a “first hit” and increases the inflammatory NO is required for normal intestinal epithe-
response to a secondary insult in the GIT, but lial maturation. It may be the principal inhibi-
also the lungs, liver, and potentially other tory neurotransmitter in intestinal motility
organs as well. and is essential for the maintenance of normal
mucosal blood flow. In addition, NO inhibits
Glutamine the expression of CAMs, limiting unnecessary
The amino acid glutamine reverses many of leukocyte entry, especially into the mucosal
these defects and favorably influences the pro- tissues. NO inhibits T-­cell proliferation,
inflammatory effects of gut starvation (Kudsk decreases NF-­kB activation, and induces a Th2
et al. 2000). The source of supplemental glu- bias to local responses. However, in contrast to
tamine can influence gut mucosal glutamine the paradigm that NO inhibits the key proin-
concentrations, suggesting differences in its flammatory transcription factor NF-­κB, some
availability or utilization. Glutamine-­rich studies have suggested that iNOS inhibition
intact proteins such as casein, whey, and soy can increase proinflammatory cytokine
appear to be more effective in increasing production.
mucosal glutamine content than glutamine-­ As mentioned, NO is relatively unreactive
enriched solutions (Marks et al. 1999). with non-­radical molecules. However, reaction
with the free radical superoxide (O2–) to form
Arginine peroxynitrite (NO3−) is diffusion limited.
Arginine is an essential amino acid for cats Peroxynitrite is not a free radical, though it is a
because of their inability to synthesize suffi- powerful oxidant, and has been shown to elicit
cient quantities in the fasting state. However, a wide array of toxic effects ranging from lipid
beyond its role as an essential intermediate in peroxidation to protein oxidation and nitra-
the ornithine cycle, dietary arginine has long tion, leading to inactivation of enzymes and
been known to enhance certain aspects of ion channels, DNA damage, and inhibition of
immunity. l-­arginine is oxidized to l-­citrulline mitochondrial respiration (Virag et al. 2003).
+ nitric acid (NO) by NO synthase. The induc- The cellular effect of NO3– oxidation is concen-
ible form within leukocytes (inducible NO syn- tration dependent; for instance, very low con-
thase, or iNOS) produces much greater centrations will be handled by protein and
amounts of NO than the constitutive endothe- lipid turnover and DNA repair, higher concen-
lial (eNOS) or neuronal (nNOS) forms. The trations induce apoptosis, whereas very high
production of NO after induction of iNOS in concentrations induce necrosis. Since both NO
an activated phagocyte is limited mostly by the and O2– are produced in sites of inflammation,
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­Acute Gastrointestinal Diseas  251

it is reasonable to propose that NO3− might be Most commercial enteral nutrition formulas
involved in the pathogenesis of many cases. suitable for feeding to cats contain 1.5–2 times
In light of differences in the radius of effect the minimum requirement of arginine for
of both NO and O2–, co-­localization of both growth. However, supplementation of diets for
molecules within the same cell would be intensive care nutrition has frequently been
expected to lead to disease. In this context, the recommended and is widely used in human
finding that iNOS is capable of generating O2– critical care medicine for enhancement of the
in conditions when l-­arginine is unavailable immune system. Although clinical improve-
is significant. This has been demonstrated ments in some studies have been reported,
recently in macrophages, where limiting l-­ critically ill patients with systemic inflamma-
arginine availability resulted in the simultane- tory response syndrome, sepsis, or organ
ous production of functionally significant ­failure may actually deteriorate as the result of
amounts of NO and O2–, and the immediate arginine supplementation (Stechmiller
intracellular formation of NO3− (Xia and et al. 2004). Thus there may be cases where
Zweier 1997). supplementation with arginine, beyond that
The large number of conflicting studies eval- provided by a conventional protein source,
uating the role of NO in inflammatory disease may be beneficial, while in other cases it may
has resulted in a polarization of viewpoints be detrimental.
between those who argue that NO is protec-
tive, and those who argue that it contributes to Intestinal Permeability
pathogenesis. This is unfortunate since both Even short periods of enteral fasting result in
views are probably correct. The fate of any an increase in intestinal permeability in
individual molecule of NO is determined by humans (Hernandez et al. 1999). Early refeed-
multiple variables that determine its role in ing of cats and dogs with acute gastroenteritis
pathogenesis, including: has been shown to reduce the increase in intes-
tinal permeability that occurs in response to
●● Site of production.
inflammation and apoptosis (Marks et al. 1999;
●● Timing of production of the molecule within
Mohr et al. 2003). Some of the effects of lumi-
the local disease process.
nal feeding may come from the luminal provi-
●● Amount of NO produced.
sion of glutamine alone, which can restore
●● Redox status of the immediate environment.
enterocyte glutathione concentrations and
●● Chronicity of the disease.
protein synthesis, and normalize intestinal
Overall, it appears that supplemental permeability. Even in single-­layer cell cultures
­arginine, either parenterally or orally adminis- of enterocytes, the application of glutamine to
tered, enhances the depressed immune the apical (luminal) membrane normalizes
response of individuals suffering from trauma, permeability to a large molecular weight mol-
surgery, malnutrition, or infection. This action ecule, whereas applying glutamine to the basal
is presumably through its ability to augment membrane (simulating parenteral nutrition)
the production of NO by iNOS in activated does not (Le Bacquer et al. 2003).
neutrophils and macrophages.
However, in cases of severe sepsis (i.e. infec-
Veterinary Evidence
tion accompanied by a systemic inflammatory
response), augmentation of NO production The effect of early enteral nutrition has been
might be detrimental because of its effect as a evaluated in dogs with various naturally occur-
negative cardiac ino-­and chronotrope, its abil- ring disease states, including pancreatitis,
ity to inhibit coagulation, and its potent venous severe parvoviral enteritis, and septic peritoni-
and arterial dilator effects (Suchner et al. 2002). tis, and in cats with severe mucosal damage
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252 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

from experimental methotrexate toxicity. Dogs for not delaying feeding at all. The current rec-
tolerate tube feeding when instituted within ommendations are for oral rehydration over a
2 days of hospital admission for acute pancrea- period of 3–4 hours as required, followed by
titis or within 24 hours of surgery for septic immediate reintroduction of oral feeding.
peritonitis (Hoffberg and Koenigshof 2017; However, it is unlikely that attempting to feed
Mansfield et al. 2011). Beyond its being safe the daily maintenance energy requirement
and tolerated, another study demonstrated (MER) is a sensible approach in the short-­term
positive impacts of early enteral feeding on management of cats and dogs suffering from
return to voluntary consumption in dogs with acute diarrhea, and certainly not in cases of
pancreatitis (Harris et al. 2017). Further, early frequent vomiting. Therefore, if only 25% of
enteral nutrition in canine parvovirus reduced the animal’s resting energy requirement (RER)
the time for normalization of demeanor, appe- is fed as a highly digestible, low-­fat diet,
tite, vomiting, and diarrhea, increased body mucosal recovery may be optimized, and exac-
weight, and may have improved mucosal per- erbation of diarrhea or vomiting minimized.
meability compared with the traditional This has led to the concept of “minimal lumi-
approach of fasting until resolution of vomit- nal nutrition.”
ing (Mohr et al. 2003). In methotrexate-­ At the current point of understanding, the
induced enteritis, feeding a complex diet ideal dietary characteristics would be:
abrogated the proximal small intestinal atro-
●● High digestibility. This is easier to recom-
phy and bacterial translocation associated with
mend than it is to specifically practice. Most
feeding an amino acid–based purified diet and
commercial high-­quality dry diets would
was associated with a marked attenuation of
qualify, as would many home-­prepared
the clinical signs associated with the toxicity
ingredients. For protein sources, cooked
(Marks et al. 1999). In contrast, when dogs that
fresh chicken or fish, cottage cheese, or egg
presented with severe hemorrhagic gastroen-
would qualify. Cooked white rice or potato is
teritis were fed a commercial dry hydrolyzed
a suitable carbohydrate source, although rice
protein diet soon after presentation, there was
may be superior (see later). Commercially
an initial increase in the frequency of vomit-
canned or retorted diets generally have a
ing, despite being fed at below maintenance
lower digestibility than dry diets, often have
rates (Will et al. 2005).
a high fat or viscous fiber content, and thus
Thus early reintroduction of feeding does
cannot be recommended over a similar dry
not seem to exacerbate disease even in severely
product. However, there is no evidence that
ill animals, and complex diets appear to be
the difference in digestibility has any clini-
superior to purified diets in some models.
cally measurable consequences.
However, clinicians must make individual
●● Low fat. No fat-­titration studies have been
decisions about the risks and benefits of feed-
performed to guide firm recommendations.
ing in patients with persistent vomiting. The
However, a pragmatic recommendation
risk of aspiration of vomitus is significant in
especially to promote gut motility would be
patients that are moribund or unconscious,
to choose the lowest fat content available.
and in patients with concurrent dysphagia or
An almost arbitrary cutoff of 20% of metabo-
laryngeal dysfunction.
lizable energy (ME) could be made.
●● Novel antigen content. For acute gastroen-
teritis, strict adherence to ingredient novelty
It may be seen that not only can the traditional is not prioritized over other considerations
concerns of feeding in acute gastroenteritis be and simple avoidance of the staple or most
allayed, but there are considerable arguments commonly fed ingredients of the particular
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­Acute Gastrointestinal Diseas  253

patient is prudent, without being excessive. source in diets for acute gastroenteritis. A
Some hydrolyzed diets are also excellent small molecular weight (<1.5 kDa), lipophilic,
choices (Cave 2006), and an elemental diet non-­protein compound isolated from boiled
(meaning no intact peptides) may prove use- white rice inhibits the activity of chloride-­
ful in some cases. secretory channels in intestinal epithelial cells,
●● Dietary fiber content. Some fermentable which is increased in secretory diarrhea
fiber is almost always beneficial, while exces- (Mathews et al. 1999). This so-­called rice factor
sive contents can exacerbate delayed gastric may be responsible for the improvement of
emptying, diarrhea, flatulence, and abdomi- oral rehydration solutions in humans with
nal pain. An empirical recommendation is to diarrhea when rice is incorporated (Alam
select diets that contain less than 8% total et al. 1992; Gore et al. 1992). Rice is also very
dietary fiber or less than 5% crude fiber. lean, low in fiber, usually palatable, and rela-
●● Initial feeding should not exceed 25% of the tively energy dense when compared to other
calculated RER, divided into three feeds per more voluminous carbohydrate sources such
day. This amount can be rapidly increased as potato, in addition to being inexpensive and
with clinical improvement. easy to source and prepare.
Few commercial diets are currently available
Examples of suitable, short-­term, home-­ that could be considered ideal in all respects
prepared recipes are presented in Table 11.4. for acute non-­specific gastroenteritis, and com-
Therefore, these diets possess ideal macro- mercial formulations change often enough
nutrient profiles, are highly digestible, and are that firm recommendations cannot be made.
highly palatable. There may be an advantage to Most commercial diets provide significantly
the use of boiled white rice as the carbohydrate more fat (>25% of ME) but are complete and

Table 11.4 Suitable home-­prepared diets for the short-­term management

of acute gastroenteritis in dogs and cats.

Cottage cheese and rice

Cottage cheese (1% milk fat) 1 unit
Boiled white rice 1 unit
ME density: 4.8 kJ/g or 1 kcal/g as fed
Nutrient composition (% of ME):
Digestible protein 33%
Fat 6%
Carbohydrate (and ash) 61%

Chicken and rice

Boiled chicken breast (skin and visible fat removed) 1 unit
Boiled white rice 4 units
ME density: 5.5 kJ/g or 1.3 kcal/g as fed
Nutrient composition (% of ME):
Digestible protein 26%
Fat 6%
Carbohydrate (and ash) 68%

ME, metabolizable energy.

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254 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

balanced. In addition, when feeding as little as These are staggering figures and give (one-­
25% of RER, it is unlikely that the fat content sided) support to the hypothesis that a natural
will be sufficient to exacerbate vomiting or diet protects against periodontitis, while com-
diarrhea if the diet contains less than 30% of mercial and soft homemade diets lead to peri-
ME from fat. Diets formulated with hydrolyzed odontitis in almost all animals eventually. We
ingredients such as Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d imagine the effects of chewing skin, connec-
canine/feline (Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Guildford, tive tissue, and bone – and the teeth-­cleaning
UK), Nestlé Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets effects these actions have – and we assume that
HA canine/feline (Nestlé Purina PetCare, St. periodontal disease occurs with a low fre-
Louis, MO, USA), Royal Canin Veterinary quency in the wild because selective pressure
Health Nutrition Hydrolyzed Protein canine/ over the millennia would have produced ani-
feline, Royal Canin Anallergenic canine/feline mals that were resistant to such disease when
(aka Ultamino in the United States; Royal consuming their normal diet. In contrast,
Canin USA, Hackettstown, NJ, USA), Blue when we feed domestic cats and dogs dry
Natural Veterinary Diets HF Hydrolyzed extruded diets – or, perhaps worse, rolls,
canine/feline (Blue Buffalo, Wilton, CT, USA), canned, wet, or retorted diets – it is intuitive
and SquarePet Veterinarian Formulated that periodontal disease might be more com-
Solutions Skin & Digestive Support canine mon in those animals, whose teeth may not be
(SquarePet, Los Angeles, CA, USA) warrant naturally cleaned by a more abrasive diet.
further study and evaluation, as does Nestlé It is clear that periodontitis will develop in
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets EL canine, an almost all animals fed standard commercial
elemental diet. Despite the variable and some- diets, which do not have other regular meas-
times greater than ideal fat content of many ures to prevent the disease. Even more so,
diets in this category, the combination of high softer diets appear convincingly to be worse.
digestibility and reduced antigenicity makes Cats fed dry food develop less calculus and gin-
them attractive options for the management of givitis than cats fed exclusively canned food
acute gastroenteritis. (Studer and Stapley 1973). In a large survey of
domestic cats in Japan, calculus was more
common in cats fed canned or home-­cooked
­Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease
meals than cats fed dry foods (41% vs. 25%)
(Japan Small Animal Veterinary Association
Periodontal Disease
1985). Similarly, it was shown many years ago
Periodontal disease can be considered the that soaking dry food prior to feeding is a reli-
scourge of domesticated dogs and cats because able method of inducing the rapid formation
of its prevalence, the morbidity it is associated of plaque, calculus, gingivitis, and eventually
with, the expense of treatment, and the hassle periodontitis in dogs (Burwasser and
of prevention. In a study in North America of Hill 1939). In a study of dogs in Brazil, those
31 484 dogs and 15 226 cats of all ages, the prev- that were fed diets of home-­prepared foods
alence of calculus and gingivitis was around and scraps had significantly more dental dis-
20%. Predictably, “dental disease” was the most ease than those fed commercial dry diets
commonly reported disease (Lund et al. 1999). (Domingues et al. 1999).
In another study it was found that 80% of dogs Additionally, when commercial diets are sup-
older than 6 years had moderate to severe peri- plemented with more abrasive, “natural” ingre-
odontitis (Hamp et al. 1984). The frequency of dients, the development of periodontitis is
“marginal periodontitis” was found to be 82.3% retarded, or even prevented. Feeding raw oxtails
in dogs aged 6–8 years, 82.9% in dogs aged as a supplement to a dry food has been shown
9–11 years, and 95.7% in dogs aged 12–14 years. to be effective in minimizing the development
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  255

of gingivitis and periodontitis in long-­term found on only two skulls. Therefore, the wild
(>6 years) studies in beagles (Brown and dog on a “natural” diet is affected by dental dis-
Park 1968). Once-­weekly feeding of oxtails was ease at similar rates to domesticated dogs, and,
shown to remove existing calculus to 5% of pre- surprisingly, the “natural” diet does not protect
vious amounts within two weeks and to main- against dental disease. This is despite its effi-
tain them at that level for years. Further, a diet cacy at preventing the formation of calculus.
consisting of raw bovine trachea and attached In a study of feral cats on Marion Island, the
tissues was much more effective in reducing skulls of 301 cats that had been trapped and
plaque, calculus, and gingivitis than the killed were examined (Verstraete et al. 1996).
same diet when fed minced (Egelberg 1965a). Evidence of periodontitis was found in 61.8% of
Another study used raw beef bones in beagles cats and in 14.8% of teeth. Again, however, cal-
for effective calculus reduction for up to 20 days, culus was found on only 9% of cats and on
although other measures of periodontal health 0.76% of teeth – consistent with their diet,
were not assessed (Marx et al. 2016). which was mostly birds (95% of diet). Therefore,
Thus, commercial diets are associated with the cause of periodontitis is unclear, but it is
periodontal disease, and softer diets are worse not prevented by natural diet or by inhibiting
than dry diets, though perhaps there is less dif- calculus formation. In contrast, odontoclastic
ference between the two types of commercial resorptive lesions were infrequent, with 14.3%
diets than one might expect. In addition, the of cats affected and 1.2% of teeth.
supplementation of commercial diets with In a study in Australia, there was signifi-
“natural” chews, such as oxtails, dramatically cantly less calculus on the teeth of 29 feral cats
improves oral health. that consumed a diet of rats, mice, lizards,
These conclusions are consistent with the birds, and insects than on a sample of 20
hypothesis that cats and dogs that consume domestic cats fed dry or canned food (Clarke
commercial diets have a very high risk of even- and Cameron 1998). However, once again,
tually developing periodontal disease. So what there was no difference in the prevalence of
evidence is there that a “natural” diet protects periodontal disease between the two groups.
against periodontal disease in feral or wild cats These studies then throw considerable doubt
and dogs? on the central hypothesis. Although it appears
that a “natural” diet protects against, or at least
Periodontitis in Feral and Wild Animals minimizes, the development of calculus, it
The skulls of 29 African wild dogs were exam- does little to protect against the development
ined for evidence of periodontal disease, as a of periodontitis and tooth loss, in either cats
model for the domestic dog’s “natural” diet or dogs.
(Steenkamp and Gorrel 1999). The diet of these This then leads us to ask two questions: (i)
dogs is almost exclusively small antelope. Wild what, if any, chewing activity protects against
dogs have shorter maxillae than wolves, mak- periodontitis; and (ii) how can there be any dis-
ing them tend toward brachygnathism, and the sociation between the development of calculus
upper third premolar is often rotated to make and periodontitis? Or put another way: is pro-
room for the other, overlapping permanent tection against the formation of calculus differ-
molars. This gives a more powerful bite, but ent from protection against periodontitis?
may predispose to periodontitis. Signs of teeth
wearing were seen in 83% of teeth, and 48% of Evidence of the Protective Effect
skulls had fractured teeth, with signs of endo- of Chewing Activities
dontic disease in half of those. There was evi- In a survey of 1350 client-­owned dogs in North
dence of periodontitis in 41% of dogs, but America, the association of calculus, gingival
interestingly, mild calculus deposits were inflammation, and periodontal bone loss with
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256 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

chewing activity was analyzed (Harvey weeks there was a 64% reduction in calculus, a
et al. 1996). It was found that there was pro- 15% reduction in plaque, but a non-­significant
gressively less accumulation of calculus, gingi- reduction in gingivitis (Ingham et al. 2002).
vitis, and periodontal bone loss in dogs given Feeding Hill’s Prescription Diet t/d for six
access to a variety of chewing activities. months reduced plaque by 39% and gingivitis
Although this study also suggested that raw- by 36% in 20 mixed-­breed dogs (Logan
hide chews were the most effective, no chew- et al. 2002). In a comparison of feeding Hill’s
ing material was consistently effective in all t/d with a normal dry diet plus a daily Pedigree
dogs. Access to bones was associated with pro- Denta Rask, there was no difference in the effi-
tection against calculus and gingivitis, but still cacy of reducing plaque, calculus, or gingivitis
did not protect against periodontitis in premo- between the two (Rawlings et al. 1997).
lars or molars in general. These disparities In none of these studies has a product or diet
could be due to differences in chewing tech- been shown to have 100% efficacy, and some do
niques, or could represent differences between not demonstrate any benefit in the scores of gin-
dogs, unrelated to the act of chewing. givitis. In no trials have the interventions been
In prospective trials evaluating specific long enough to demonstrate any efficacy in pre-
chews, the results are again consistent with the venting the development of periodontitis.
realization that plaque and calculus might be
reduced, but not prevented, and that such Dental Diets
reductions do not necessarily translate to pro- Several food companies now produce diets
tection against gingivitis or periodontitis. In a with claims of benefits for dental health. Such
relatively long-­term trial, 38 mixed-­breed dogs diets are either formulated to abrade the teeth
were fed a dry diet plus Pedigree Denta Rask® (Hill’s and Nestlé Purina), plus contain addi-
(Pedigree PetFoods, McLean, VA, USA) for 6 tives that function as inhibitors of calculus for-
out of 7 days, over 21 months. Both plaque and mation and as plaque retardants (Royal Canin).
calculus were reduced (15–20%), but there was Some components may also function as anti-
no reduction in gingivitis after 18 months bacterial agents, such as green tea polyphe-
(Gorrel and Bierer 1999). nols, and some chew treats also include
In another study using a different “multi-­ chlorhexidine, an antiseptic.
ingredient” chew for four weeks, plaque was Sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP) or
reduced by 38%, gingivitis by 39%, and calculus tripolyphosphate (TPP) forms soluble com-
by 49%. The addition of a proprietary antimi- plexes with most cations and reduces the
crobial to the chew did not further the benefit availability of calcium for incorporation into
(Brown and McGenity 2005). In an evaluation plaque to form calculus. It has been proposed
of rawhide chews, the development of plaque that the HMP–calcium complexes are
over seven days while feeding a dry diet was “washed away” in the saliva. The calcium
reduced by approximately 20% by daily chew- then dissociates within the acid environment
ing on one rawhide chew (Hennet 2001). of the stomach, and HMP does not reduce
Using the C.E.T.® Forte chews (Virbac, dietary calcium bioavailability. The addition
Westlake, TX, USA) daily as a dietary supple- of an HMP solution to a dry diet reduced cal-
ment to cats for four weeks reduced plaque by culus formation in dogs by almost 80% when
20%. There was a 40% reduction in calculus, softened biscuits were fed (Stookey
but no significant reduction in gingivitis. Also, et al. 1995). However, no long-­term studies
only 6 out of 15 dogs consumed the chews have been performed to demonstrate that
every day (Gorrel et al. 1998). In a further study reducing calculus formation in such a man-
of C.E.T. Forte, the chews were added in pieces, ner has any effect on the long-­term produc-
three hours after the morning meal. After four tion of gingivitis or periodontitis in cats or
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  257

dogs. From the other studies mentioned, one unlikely to be the panacea for the prevention
would not be hopeful of such an effect. of dental disease. So do all these approaches
High concentrations of ascorbate inhibit the fall short because they are unable to effectively
growth of several species of oral bacteria remove plaque, or because simply removing or
in vitro. A stable form of vitamin C (sodium preventing plaque is insufficient to prevent
ascorbyl phosphate) has been added to an gingivitis and periodontitis?
experimental diet and fed to cats. After 28 days,
plaque and calculus were reduced slightly, and The Effect of Gingival Stimulation
the development of gingivitis was almost com- Tooth brushing has long been held to be the
pletely prevented compared with the control gold standard of oral care in cats and dogs and
group (Wehr et al. 2004). Other attempts to is effective in the long term, even in reversing
control oral bacteria include the addition of pre-­existing oral disease. Daily tooth brushing
green tea polyphenols, which have been shown can return gingivae to health in naturally
to have in vitro antibacterial activity against occurring gingivitis, and daily brushing pre-
important oral pathogens. To date, no clinical vented plaque and gingivitis in a four-­year
studies have been performed to confirm their study (Lindhe et al. 1975). In dogs with “per-
in vivo efficacy. fect” oral health, brushing three times weekly
Clearly, although most “dental therapeutic is sufficient to maintain gingival health for
diets” have some proven efficacy, they are 24 weeks, whereas once-­weekly is not (Tromp
inadequate to prevent periodontitis in the long et al. 1986). The same group then evaluated the
term, despite significantly reducing calculus. It effect of frequency of brushing once gingivitis
is likely that combinations of approaches will was established and found that daily (but only
have additive effects (e.g. a dental diet plus daily) brushing would normalize the gingivae
rawhide chew plus occasional bones), but this (prior to the development of calculus). Gorrel
remains untested and is not without other and Rawlings (1996) found that brushing every
risks such as dental fractures with the use other day was insufficient to prevent plaque
of bones. and gingivitis from developing within four
There is a trend, therefore, that reducing, or weeks in dogs fed a dry food, but this was
even preventing, the development of dental improved significantly if a dental chew was
calculus is insufficient to prevent gingivitis added. A subsequent study demonstrated that
and is presumably insufficient to prevent the the addition of 0.2% chlorhexidine to the chew
development of periodontitis in either cats or reduced plaque accumulation, but had no fur-
dogs. This applies to both experimental means ther benefit to preventing the development of
and the “natural” diet. gingivitis (Rawlings et al. 1998). This empha-
There does not seem to be a clear or simple sizes the importance of the effect of mechani-
relationship between the amount of plaque, cal stimulation of the gingivae to prevent
and especially the amount of calculus on a gingivitis.
tooth, and the severity of gingivitis associated Mechanical stimulation of the gingivae by
with it. Some studies have shown a reduction tooth brushing enhances proliferation of fibro-
in gingivitis in the absence of calculus reduc- blasts, collagen synthesis, and a reduction in
tion by adding dental chews (Rawlings gingivitis in dogs. When daily tooth brushing,
et al. 1998), while others have demonstrated a including brushing of the gingivae, was com-
reduction in calculus and plaque with no pared with removal of plaque with a suprag-
appreciable reduction in gingivitis (Gorrel ingival curette in dogs fed a softened diet, tooth
et al. 1998). brushing reduced inflammatory cell infiltra-
Therefore, mechanical debridement or sim- tion into the gingival tissues, and increased
ply reducing plaque or calculus formation is fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis
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258 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

after five weeks (Horiuchi et al. 2002). In addi- consistency affects the synthesis of salivary
tion, a greater effect of brushing was seen with proteins and the volume of saliva produced. In
twice-­daily than once-­daily brushing humans, an inverse relationship exists between
(Yamamoto et al. 2004). This difference was the lysozyme concentration in stimulated
apparent despite the complete prevention of parotid saliva and the mass of plaque that
plaque accumulation by use of the curette. A develops in 48 hours (Jalil et al. 1992).
more recent comparison study showed that In humans, modification of the diet to be of
daily tooth brushing was far superior to either a firmer texture resulted in a 40% increase in
daily dental diet or dental chew in controlling the flow rate of stimulated parotid saliva, as
plaque accumulation in dogs, which may be well as an increased plaque pH, and salivary
due to more active and prolonged stimulation flow rates were significantly correlated with
of gingivae (Allen et al. 2019). the bite force required to consume the diet
Mechanical stimulation by tooth brushing (Yeh et al. 2000). The flow rate of saliva is sig-
has been found to enhance pocket oxygen ten- nificantly increased when human subjects
sion, decrease exudation, increase microcircu- chewed four sticks of sugar-­free gum per day
lation in gingivae, and increase saliva flow for eight weeks.
following the induction of gingivitis in dogs Interestingly, dogs fed a hard diet develop a
(Tanaka et al. 1998). If the rate of gingival tis- different oral flora from those fed a soft diet –
sue turnover and desquamation is increased, prior to the establishment of clinically appar-
access to the gingival tissues of the sulcus may ent periodontitis. Fusiforms and spirochetes
be reduced. Thus the mechanical stimulation rapidly dominate the normal flora when a sof-
by brushing contributes to the prevention of tened diet is introduced (Krasse and Brill 1960).
periodontal pocket formation and can promote Dogs that are fed via feeding tubes develop
epithelial reattachment. plaque and gingivitis as rapidly as those fed
soft diets (Egelberg 1965b). Thus chewing
The Influence of Diet on Saliva and the Flora modifies the oral environment in ways that are
Normal saliva contains lysozyme, myeloper- independent of a simple clearing or debride-
oxidase, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, and ment activity.
histatins, a group of small peptides that bind to
hydroxyapatite and can kill Candida albicans
and Streptococcus mutans, and are inhibitory
The following conclusions can therefore
for Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella, and
be drawn:
Bacteroides spp. Saliva also contains IgA and
leukocytes, and probably has a “flushing” ●● Periodontal disease is the most common dis-
effect, inhibiting the attachment of bacteria to ease (unless obesity is considered a disease)
the gingival tissues. In dogs, synthetic, topi- affecting domestic cats and dogs.
cally applied histatin preparations can signifi- Paradoxically, there is little evidence that the
cantly inhibit the development of experimental “natural” diet protects against periodontal
gingivitis (Paquette et al. 1997). disease.
Animals maintained on liquid diets develop ●● Although chewing activities and dietary
salivary gland atrophy within days (Scott additives may be sufficient to reduce plaque
et al. 1990). The atrophy is rapidly reversible or even prevent calculus, only those ­activities
once a hard diet is reintroduced. The saliva that provide appropriate gingival stimula-
secreted by such animals has a 50% reduction tion will prevent gingivitis and
in protein content (Johnson 1984). These find- periodontitis.
ings have been observed in species ranging ●● Diet influences the oral flora and saliva and
from rodents to humans. Therefore, food can thus influence the development of
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  259

periodontal disease independent of anti- proximal esophagus, such as occurs in

plaque or anticalculus activities. Animals ­idiopathic megaesophagus (Tan and Diamant
that require prolonged or permanent tube 1987). In those cases, primary peristalsis is pro-
feeding are at risk of rapidly developing foundly reduced and secondary peristalsis is
­periodontal disease. not initiated. Firm, large food boluses that
●● Tooth brushing, recreational chewing, stimulate the esophagus are more likely to
mouth rinsing, and the addition of a bacte- elicit contractions than soft food or gruels. In
riostat (note that the bacteriostat xylitol can contrast, the neuromuscular dysfunction that
result in severe and life-­threatening hypogly- accompanies myasthenia gravis prevents mus-
cemia) to drinking water or mouth rinses cular contraction despite intact sensation. The
should all be considered. differences in sensory and motor dysfunction
between patients with esophageal disease
The data presented here clearly demonstrate
probably dictate the physical properties of the
that while it may be helpful, no single individ-
food that is best tolerated. The food that best
ual dietary intervention is sufficient to prevent
suits a given cat or dog with megaesophagus
a disease that is almost certain to develop.
may be a liquid gruel, meat or dog roll chunks,
Multiple strategies are required to minimize
or even kibble (Davenport et al. 2010; Guilford
the risk of periodontal disease if regular daily
and Strombeck 1996; van Geffen et al. 2006).
tooth brushing is not practiced. For cats, they
Thus experimentation or evaluation of esopha-
might include proven dental diets or treats, or
geal motility using barium admixed food and
chicken or turkey necks or wings that have
fluoroscopy is needed to identify the ideal food
been previously frozen, then seared on the out-
consistency for feeding cats and dogs with
side quickly to reduce microbial contamina-
tion. For dogs, these might include feeding
diets proven to reduce plaque and gingivitis
development; providing therapeutic chewing
Elevated feeding to promote passage via grav-
activities such as dental chews or pathogen-­
ity is usually recommended, whatever food is
free bones large enough to be chewed on, but
selected. When practical, the goal should be
not chewed up/consumed; and dental toys.
that the cervical and thoracic portions of the
Reasonable arguments against the practice of
esophagus are elevated during, and immedi-
feeding bones include dental damage, includ-
ately following, eating. Elevating a food bowl
ing fracture and intestinal trauma. However, in
may raise the cervical portion, but may still
the author’s practice those adverse events have
allow accumulation of food in the thoracic por-
not been seen when poultry necks are fed.
tion if that remains horizontal. Hand feeding
Future research must move toward under-
chunks of meat or “meatballs” of canned/
standing the relative importance of saliva pro-
retorted pet food while the patient remains in a
duction and composition, gingival stimulation,
seated position is laborious but very effective.
and oral microbiota.
Experimentation with different food consist-
encies is recommended, if chunks or soft meat-
balls are not tolerated.
Esophageal Disease
Motility Disorders and Megaesophagus Esophagitis
Esophageal motility disorders can result from Esophageal pain can be debilitating and lead to
failure of sensory afferent pathways or from pronounced anorexia. In cases where oral
motor neuron or neuromuscular disease. feeding is not possible, gastrostomy tube place-
Sensory afferent failure prevents the initiation ment is indicated. Where oral feeding is possi-
of peristalsis when the food bolus enters the ble, a selection of soft food or even slurries is
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260 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

usually better tolerated than abrasive dry kib- fat and a combined protein–fat meal, whereas
ble. The main feeding concern for patients ingestion of pure protein and glucose
with esophagitis is the risk of promoting gas- increases GES tone (Nebel and Castell 1973).
troesophageal reflux and exacerbating the Indeed, the difference in fat content need not
esophagitis. be great in some circumstances, since whole
After a meal, food settles to the dependent milk but not non-­fat milk lowers the GES
part of the stomach body while gas bubbles tone in humans (Babka and Castell 1973).
coalesce and accumulate dorsally in the fun- However, it has recently been observed that
dus and cardia, activating stretch receptors in there is a difference between pure fat inges-
the wall of the cardia (McNally et al. 1964). tion and whole foods. In experiments where
Afferent vagal fibers (ventral branch of the GES tone has been measured following a meal
subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve) arising from in healthy humans, it appears that meal size
the cardia of the stomach (in the dog) induce (volume) has the most impact; neither
isolated (i.e. in the absence of peristalsis) tran- increasing energy from fat (up to 58% of ME)
sient lower esophageal relaxations (TLORs) of nor increasing energy density (by 50%)
the gastroesophageal segment (GES) (Martin resulted in differences in GES tone or in pro-
et al. 1986; Reynolds and Effer 1988; Sang and portion of time where pH < 4 (Pehl et al. 1999,
Goyal 2000). These are relatively prolonged 2001; Colombo et al. 2002). The differences
relaxations of the GES in the absence of swal- between these and earlier studies are proba-
lowing that have a pattern distinctly different bly the volume and total energy ­content of the
from swallow-­induced lower esophageal fluids ingested.
sphincter relaxation (Wyman et al. 1990). The As discussed, distension of the gastric cardia
TLORs are elicited by gaseous distension of the initiates transient reductions in GES tone
cardia and not by fluid distension, nor by dis- (TLORs) immediately postprandially.
tension of the fundus (Straathof et al. 2001; Increasing the volume of a meal enhances gas-
Strombeck et al. 1988). This reflex in response tric cardia distension and increases the num-
to the presence of gastric gas has been termed ber of TLORs in the immediate postprandial
the “belch reflex.” As gas is refluxed through period (Maher et al. 1977). Increasing the
the relaxed GES postprandially, leakage of gas- osmolarity of an ingested yogurt solution from
tric contents and acid may occur. Belching and 145 to 500 mOsm/l while maintaining the
acid reflux in normal human adults often same volume and fat content increases the rate
occur simultaneously. In fact, the majority of of TLORs and gastroesophageal reflux by 50%
transient GES relaxations are accompanied by in human patients with reflux disease (Salvia
reflux, either of liquid, gas, or both (Sifrim et al. 2001). Similarly, increasing the volume
et al. 1999). In the dog, liquid and gas reflux by only 50% has an identical effect on the rate
occur during transient GES relaxations that of TLORs.
are very similar to those during reflux in Although the volume of the ingested meal
humans (Patrikios and Martin 1986). appears to increase gastroesophageal reflux,
Dietary fat restriction has long been the the rate of gastric distension is more important
most commonly recommended dietary adjust- than the end volume (Straathof et al. 2002).
ment for patients with esophagitis (Guilford Slow meal ingestion reduces the effect of vol-
and Strombeck 1996). This recommendation ume on the rate of TLORs (Wildi et al. 2004).
has been based on studies that have shown Gastroesophageal reflux is commonly
that the ingestion of fat decreases GES tone, reported during high-­intensity endurance
and the concern that it therefore increases the exercise in otherwise healthy asymptomatic
risk of gastroesophageal reflux. In humans, humans, and is due to tonic reductions in GES
the GES tone decreases after ingestion of pure tone (Maddison et al. 2005). Similar studies
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  261

have not been conducted in cats or dogs, and in (Guilford 1996). More recently, the term
the absence of evidence it is prudent to assume chronic enteropathy has also been adopted,
that the case is similar in those species. with dogs being further subcategorized, based
on clinical response to treatment, into
Recommendations ­food-­responsive, antibiotic-­responsive, and
It is now clear that the most important varia- immunosuppressant-­responsive enteropathy
bles that increase gastroesophageal reflux (Dandrieux and Mansfield 2019). In cats this
induced by a meal are volume, total energy subcategorization is not as commonly used,
content, osmolarity, rate of ingestion of the and the term chronic enteropathy may include
meal, and possibly postprandial exercise. not only food-­ and immunosuppressant-­
However, gastroesophageal reflux is not responsive disease but also small-­cell lym-
affected by the fat content or energy density phoma (Marsilio 2021). Chronic enteropathy
when the diet consumed is a complete food. that responds to immunosuppressants is also
On that basis it appears that the long-­standing referred to as IBD; however, intestinal inflam-
recommendations of feeding a low-­fat diet mation and other characteristic histopatho-
may not be ideal. It is clear that frequent small logic findings such as villus blunting may be
meals are considerably better than single reported for dogs and cats with any of the dis-
boluses and that slowing the rate of ingestion orders on this spectrum (Allenspach 2011).
would be beneficial, if difficult or impractical. The etiology of canine and feline chronic
It may be that high-­fat meals have the advan- enteropathy is poorly understood, but the main
tage that smaller volumes can be fed and reflux hypothesis for the etiopathogenesis of human
minimized. Until species-­specific research IBD is that there is dysregulation of mucosal
answers this question, it is recommended that immune responses to intestinal microbiota
efforts be directed toward increasing the fre- and/or dietary antigens (Belsheim et al. 1983;
quency of feeding, decreasing the volume of Giaffer et al. 1991; Guarner et al. 2002;
meals, elevation of the thoracic esophagus, Magne 1992). There is evidence from clinical
and avoiding high-­osmolarity foods such as observations and animal models to incrimi-
hydrolysates, and that restriction of dietary fat nate normal luminal bacteria or bacterial prod-
not be prioritized. ucts in the initiation and perpetuation of the
disease (Rutgers et al. 1995). In addition, anti-
biotics are often empirically administered in
Small Intestinal Disease
cases of chronic enteropathy as adjunctive or
Chronic Intestinal Inflammation primary therapy, and there is widespread
and Idiopathic Enteropathy acceptance of their efficacy (Jergens 1994;
The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are Tams 1993). This practice may also help with
the most common causes of chronic vomiting subcategorization of a specific canine patient
and diarrhea in dogs and cats and refer to a as antibiotic responsive, although trying other
group of idiopathic, chronic GIT disorders, therapies first may be warranted given the
characterized by infiltration of the lamina important considerations for appropriate anti-
­propria by lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosino- biotic stewardship (Cerquetella et al. 2020).
phils, macrophages, neutrophils, or combina- Finally, genetic predispositions appear to play
tions of these cells (Guilford 1996). Diagnosis an important role in risk or at least in the phe-
requires the comprehensive exclusion of notypical expression of disease, and research is
potential causes of gastrointestinal inflamma- ongoing (Hirokawa et al. 2021; Luckschander-­
tion, including intestinal parasites, small Zeller et al. 2019).
­intestinal bacterial overgrowth, bacterial enter- Regardless of the underlying etiology for any
ocolitis, dietary intolerances, and neoplasia given patient, abnormal immune responses to
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262 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

dietary antigens are often suspected, and the nutrient absorption. Caloric insufficiency,
clinical response to novel-­ and hydrolyzed-­ intestinal protein loss, increased catabolism,
ingredient diets supports that hypothesis and decreased absorption can result in hypoal-
(Nelson et al. 1984, 1988; Tolbert et al. 2022). buminemia, panhypoproteinemia, and muscle
Exaggerated humoral and cellular responses wasting in a significant number of cases on
and clinical food intolerance have been presentation (Hart et al. 1994). Similar find-
recorded in human IBD patients (Pearson ings are reported in humans with IBD, with
et al. 1993; Van Den et al. 2001, 2002). Serum protein-­energy malnutrition documented to
IgG concentrations specific to dietary antigens occur in 20–85% of IBD patients (Gee
are consistently greater in dogs with chronic et al. 1985).
gastrointestinal disease than normal dogs, and Magnesium. Hypomagnesemia has been
fecal IgE specific to dietary antigens is consist- identified in approximately one-­third of canine
ently found in soft-­coated wheaten terriers and feline admissions to intensive care facili-
with chronic enteropathy (Foster et al. 2003; ties when intestinal disease was the primary
Vaden et al. 2000). However, the frequency complaint (Martin et al. 1994; Toll et al. 2002).
with which these might occur and the signifi- Whether hypomagnesemia is a common fea-
cance that immune responses play in the ture of IBD on presentation has not been
pathogenesis of canine and feline chronic reported. However, the combination of malab-
enteropathy are unknown. sorption, anorexia, and therapy with
Also unknown in any given patient is magnesium-­free fluids (e.g. lactated Ringer’s
whether any abnormal immune response to solution) is predicted to lead to hypomagne-
the diet is the cause or result of a mucosal infil- semia. The possibility of hypomagnesemia
trate and/or any disruption to the microbiota should be suspected if cachexia and hypoka-
(Wang et al. 2019). If abnormal immune lemia are concurrently present and if intestinal
response is the cause, it is expected that ileus cannot easily be rectified.
removal of the inciting antigen would lead to Iron. Anemia is a relatively common finding
improvement. If abnormal immune response upon presentation and can result from blood
is the effect, it still may be that removing the loss or systemic suppression of hematopoiesis.
largest single source of antigen during an elim- In addition, iron-­deficiency anemia has been
ination diet trial is sufficient to reduce the reported in conjunction with chronic enterop-
inflammatory stimulus, allowing restoration athy in dogs (Ristic and Stidworthy 2002) and
of normal intestinal immunity. cats (Hunt and Jugan 2021).
Because of the consistent partial or complete Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency. Low
response, restriction or manipulation of indi- serum B12 and/or folate have been described
vidual dietary components is perhaps the sin- in cats and dogs in association with a wide
gle most important factor in the treatment of variety of gastrointestinal diseases including
chronic enteropathy, and it may be sufficient in IBD (Allenspach et al. 2007; Hunt and
mild cases. Despite this fact, there is a paucity Jugan 2021; Reed et al. 2007; Simpson
of information pertaining to the nutritional et al. 2001). In one study, cats with chronic
requirements of dogs and cats with chronic enteropathy apparently had a greatly decreased
enteropathy. serum half-­life of B12, which may have con-
tributed to the deficiency (Simpson et al. 2001).
Nutritional Derangements in Chronic Enteropathy However, not all authors have reported com-
Protein-­energy malnutrition. The disrup- mon B12 deficiency in cats with chronic enter-
tions of absorptive area, normal epithelial opathy. In one study in the United Kingdom,
function, permeability, and motility that occur B12 deficiency was extremely rare, although
with chronic enteropathy result in disturbed only five cats with chronic enteropathy were
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  263

included (Ibarrola et al. 2005). In a further had severe IBD, and some had concurrent
study of serum B12 and folate concentrations cholangiohepatitis.
in cats with a variety of diseases in the United Antioxidants. In human patients with
Kingdom, there was no association between ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn’s disease (CD),
the presence of gastrointestinal disease and deficiencies in zinc and vitamins A, E, B6, thia-
serum B12 or folate concentrations (Reed mine, and riboflavin have also been described
et al. 2007). and may contribute to mucosal oxidative dam-
Cats with low serum B12 and with low B12/ age, anemia, increased intestinal permeability,
folate have been reported to have a lower body and persistent inflammation. A recent study
condition score than non-­deficient cats (Reed assessed the plasma antioxidant status and
et al. 2007). It is likely that mucosal repair is proinflammatory cytokines of 26 CD patients.
impeded in the initial management of chronic Decreased selenium concentrations and eryth-
enteropathy when B12 is deficient and its rocyte glutathione peroxidase activity were
absorption impaired. There is anecdotal evi- found in these patients. In addition, glu-
dence that the correction of the deficiency may tathione peroxidase activity was inversely cor-
reduce the requirement for immunosuppres- related with plasma TNF-­alpha concentrations,
sion or that the response to therapy may be and serum selenium was inversely correlated
limited until it is corrected. In a study of cats with plasma levels of both TNF-­alpha and the
severely deficient in B12 with chronic enter- soluble receptor of IL-­2 (Reimund et al. 2000).
opathy, vitamin B12 supplementation resulted It is likely that similar deficiencies occur in
in increased weight gain, reduced vomiting, severely affected feline and canine patients,
and reduced diarrhea in most cats (Ruaux and consideration of parenteral fat-­soluble
et al. 2005). Unfortunately, the numbers of cats vitamin administration is warranted in severely
studied were small, the specific diseases were malnourished cases.
not defined, and there was no control group. Zinc. The possibility that zinc deficiency
Consideration should be given to B12 assays might coexist in patients with chronic enter-
in the initial evaluation of dogs and cats with opathy bears special consideration, since zinc
chronic enteropathy, with supplementation as deficiency exacerbates diarrhea in humans
indicated. Dogs and cats are typically supple- and rodents. Oral supplementation improves
mented with B12 at a dose of 250 μg (cats) or histologic recovery, normalizes absorption,
500 μg (dogs) per dose, subcutaneously or intra- and decreases NF-­κB nuclear binding in exper-
muscularly, weekly for 4–5 weeks (Simpson imental models of diarrhea (Altaf et al. 2002).
et al. 2001). Oral supplementation is also effec- In a study of CD patients with increased intes-
tive (0.25–1 mg cyanocobalamin/day/dog and tinal permeability, daily oral zinc supplemen-
0.25 mg/day/cat) (Chang et al. 2022; Toresson tation improved symptoms and normalized
et al. 2017, 2018). No study has yet evaluated the permeability in 80% of cases (Sturniolo
the clinical response to folate supplementation et al. 2001). Additional mechanisms for the
in dogs or cats with chronic enteropathy. effect of zinc treatment on the duration of diar-
Vitamin K. Vitamin K deficiency leading to rhea include improved absorption of water
coagulopathy and clinically recognizable hem- and electrolytes, increased levels of brush-­
orrhage has been reported to occur commonly border enzymes, and faster regeneration of the
in cats in association with chronic enteropathy intestinal epithelium.
and may also occur in dogs (Center et al. 2000).
Coagulation tests normalized in all the cats Potential Role of Dietary Antigens in the
reported that were treated with parenteral vita- Pathogenesis of Chronic Enteropathy
min K1 (2.5–5 mg/cat, repeated two or three As stated, exaggerated responses to dietary
times at 12-­hour intervals). All affected cats antigens are often suspected in canine and
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264 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

feline chronic enteropathy, and dietary therapy (Marks et al. 2002). A similar study of dogs with
can be extremely successful even as the sole chronic enteropathy documented equally bene-
therapy in some cases (Tolbert et al. 2022). ficial results utilizing a different hydrolyzed soy
Elimination diets have proved to be effective in protein diet (Mandigers et al. 2010).
dogs and cats with small and large intestinal It remains unknown why many cases of
lymphocytic-­plasmacytic, eosinophilic, and chronic enteropathy are food responsive, and
mixed cellular infiltrates (Guilford et al. 2001; some show improved or resolved clinical signs
Hirt and Iben 1998; Nelson et al. 1984, 1988). with appropriate diet modification alone. One
In a study of 16 feline cases of elimination case series showed that dogs with food-­
challenge–proven dietary hypersensitivity responsive disease had lower clinical disease
with chronic gastrointestinal signs, all 16 cats severity scores and had better outcomes com-
had mild to severe inflammatory infiltrates in pared to antibiotic-­ and immunosuppressant-­
at least one region of the bowel (Guilford responsive disease; hydrolyzed and elimination
et al. 2001). The infiltrates were lymphocytic, diets were equally successful (Allenspach
lymphocytic-­plasmacytic (most cases), or et al. 2016). This reflected some findings of an
eosinophilic (two cases). All cases responded earlier study that reported that dogs with food-­
completely to the elimination diet alone and responsive disease tended to be younger, less
offending foods were identified in all cases. In severely ill, and have primarily large-­bowel
a report of 13 dogs with lymphocytic-­ diarrhea compared to those requiring steroid
plasmacytic colitis, clinical signs resolved in all therapy (Allenspach et al. 2007). Interestingly,
13 with the introduction of an elimination 31 of 39 dogs showed no recurrence of clinical
diet, and of 11 dogs rechallenged with their signs when switched back to their original diet
original diet, 9 relapsed (Nelson et al. 1988). In (Allenspach et al. 2007). Taken together, this
a further report of 6 cats with lymphocytic-­ evidence could suggest that food-­responsive
plasmacytic colitis, all 6 responded completely enteropathy may represent a transient or tem-
to an elimination diet (Nelson et al. 1984). A porary disruption in dietary tolerance that may
complete clinical response to an elimination involve the local immune system and likely
diet has been reported in a cat with duodenal also the microbiota.
and ileal lymphocytic infiltrates so severe that It is possible that nutritional factors other than
a histologic diagnosis of intestinal lymphosar- protein hydrolysis or ingredient novelty are
coma was made (Wasmer et al. 1995). responsible for positive responses to diet modifi-
The theoretical basis for the use of protein cation. These could include dietary digestibility,
hydrolysate diets in chronic enteropathy is that a correction of vitamin or mineral deficiencies,
reduction in immunogenic epitopes being pre- and a lowered n-­6 : n-­3 fatty acid ratio, and the
sented to the mucosal immune system while potential for an immunomodulatory effect of
dysregulation is present will increase the poten- soy isoflavones within the diet. However, it is
tial for resolution. Thus the argument for the use equally possible that eliminating the quantita-
of a hydrolysate diet is independent of whether a tively most significant antigen source is suffi-
dietary-­specific immunologic response is sus- cient to eliminate clinical signs, reduce
pected to be present or not. Experience with pro- inflammation, and allow restoration of normal
tein hydrolysate diets is increasing, and mucosal immunity, even if dietary hypersensi-
anecdotally they appear to be very effective tivity is not the primary pathogenic process.
adjuncts to pharmacologic therapy, or even as
sole therapy. Clinical resolution with histologic Nutritional Strategies for Therapy of Chronic
improvement has been reported in 4 of 6 dogs Enteropathy
with refractory chronic enteropathy when Pre-­ and probiotics. It is increasingly clear
treated with a hydrolyzed soy protein diet alone that dietary influences on the intestinal flora
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  265

are involved in health and disease. On heating, historically been accurately represented by
the amino acid lysine reacts with reducing sug- label claims, reflecting the poor quality control
ars to form Maillard compounds that cannot for most commercial veterinary probiotics
be digested or absorbed in a usable form (Weese and Arroyo 2003). Evidence of efficacy
(Larsen et al. 2002). This serves as substrate for is mixed (Pilla et al. 2019; Rossi et al. 2020),
luminal bacteria in the small intestine, leading and given the wide range of specific individual
to quantitative and/or qualitative changes in or mixes of probiotic species in various prod-
the flora. This leads to increased bile acid ucts, generalized guidance for management of
deconjugation and loss of the bile acid conju- clinical cases is not yet possible.
gate taurine, thus increasing the dietary Much work is required to define what con-
requirement for taurine in canned compared stitutes optimal numbers and species of
with dry diets. This effect is reversible with intestinal microorganisms. However, it is
antibiotics (Kim et al. 1996). Additionally, fer- likely that through interaction with the gut
mentable fiber has been shown to profoundly flora, certain diets may protect against or
affect intestinal flora, in addition to its effect possibly predispose to chronic enteropathy.
on enterocytes, by promoting the development Until further data are available, it is prudent
of beneficial species (see earlier) (Bamba to select diets with a high digestibility in the
et al. 2002). This prebiotic effect reduces or management of chronic enteropathy, though
prevents inflammation in experimental mod- with a source of fermentable fiber. An avoid-
els of IBD (Guarner et al. 2002; Kanauchi ance of canned diets in feline cases seems
et al. 2002). Therefore, a fermentable fiber rational at present.
source should probably be included as part of Glutamine. It has been proposed that gut
dietary therapy, although information regard- mucosal turnover and barrier function are
ing which type (e.g. resistant starch, FOSs, inu- compromised during chronic enteropathy, due
lin) and how much is lacking. The addition of in part to a relative glutamine deficiency. This
FOSs to feline diets at 0.75% dry matter did not is supported by experimental studies that have
affect duodenal flora, but it did increase the demonstrated a reduction in mucosal inflam-
numbers of lactobacilli and reduce the num- mation and lipid peroxidation products follow-
bers of E. coli in the fecal flora of healthy cats ing luminal glutamine supplementation in
(Sparkes et al. 1998a, 1998b). Healthy German models of mucosal inflammation (Kaya
shepherd dogs believed to have bacterial over- et al. 1999). Caution should be heeded in inter-
growth were supplemented with FOSs at 1.0% preting many of the experimental studies, as
of their diet as fed (Willard et al. 1994). disparate dietary effects are often seen. It is
Changes were recognized in the duodenal bac- clear that the availability of glutamine is prob-
terial flora, but these changes were of less mag- ably beneficial in all causes of acute and
nitude than seen in normal dogs for these chronic enteritis. However, it is uncertain if
parameters. The clinical significance of these any benefit will be provided by supplementa-
studies in cats and dogs with IBD is unknown. tion beyond that present in adequate amounts
A probiotic has been defined as “a prepara- of intact protein. Studies of spontaneous IBD
tion containing viable, defined micro-­ in human patients have yet to provide any evi-
organisms in sufficient numbers, which alter dence that “extra” glutamine provides any ben-
the established intestinal microbiota by efit over conventional levels (Goh and
implantation or colonization in a compart- O’Morain 2003). This finding is consistent
ment of the host, and by that exert beneficial with the previously discussed finding that glu-
health effects in the host” (Schrezenmeir and tamine supplementation beyond that provided
de Vrese 2001). Unfortunately, most commer- by intact dietary protein has no further benefit
cial veterinary probiotic preparations have not in acute gastrointestinal disease.
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266 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Arginine and nitric oxide. The main and clinical settings has led to controversy about
potential mechanism for the positive action of whether inhibition of iNOS in IBD might be
luminal arginine supplementation in chronic beneficial or detrimental. Importantly, most
enteropathy is via modulation of NO produc- experimental models of intestinal inflammation
tion within the mucosa. In the past 10 years, it mimic human forms of IBD and probably do
has become clear that NO is an important mol- not reflect the same pathogenesis as that seen in
ecule in normal intestinal homeostasis and in feline and canine IBD. Further research, spe-
the inflamed intestine. Numerous studies have cific to feline and canine disease, needs to be
attempted to elucidate whether NO production performed before the use of iNOS inhibitors or
during intestinal inflammation is beneficial or even NO donors or precursors could be recom-
deleterious, producing conclusions that range mended therapeutically.
from bad through indifferent to essential Antioxidants. Increased free radical pro-
(Perner and Rask-­Madsen 1999). NO is pro- duction is a cardinal characteristic of almost
duced in low amounts constitutively by any inflammatory disease and has been dem-
endothelial and neuronal NO synthases (eNOS onstrated convincingly in human IBD patients.
and nNOS). During inflammation, and under In addition, as previously stated, deficiencies
the transcriptional control of NF-­κB, a third in vitamins and minerals associated with oxi-
NO synthase enzyme is induced (iNOS) in dant defense (vitamins A, E, C; zinc, manga-
most activated leukocytes and activated epi- nese, copper) are commonly associated with
thelial cells, which produce much greater IBD, and their supplementation has been
amounts of NO than is produced constitutively shown to be effective in reducing the effects of
(Grisham et al. 2002). Recently it has been intestinal damage following experimental
reported that iNOS is expressed in canine IBD, insults. Although it is expected that oxidative
and that NO-­derived nitrite is increased in the stress is a feature of canine and feline chronic
colonic lumen of affected dogs (Gunawardana enteropathy, the absence of significant num-
et al. 1997; Jergens et al. 1998). bers of the major oxidant-­producing species
Constitutively produced NO serves to main- (neutrophils and macrophages) in the majority
tain intestinal perfusion, inhibit longitudinal of intestinal infiltrates suggests it is less signifi-
smooth muscle contraction, inhibit the expres- cant than in its human analogs. Nonetheless,
sion of broad-­spectrum endothelial adhesion supplementation of dietary antioxidants seems
molecules, coordinate epithelial cell turnover, prudent until reasons are provided to suggest
and promote barrier integrity (Perner and Rask-­ their lack of efficacy or detrimental effects. It is
Madsen 1999). In large iNOS-­dependent quan- currently unknown what the optimal dose and
tities, studies have shown that NO can scavenge combination of antioxidants are for patients
free radicals, preserve epithelial integrity or pro- with chronic enteropathy.
mote epithelial apoptosis with loss of barrier Dietary fat. A fat-­restricted diet is impor-
integrity and increased bacterial translocation, tant in the management of a variety of gastro-
induce or inhibit inflammatory cytokines, and intestinal diseases in dogs, even though fat is a
lead to irreversible host–protein nitrosylation valuable caloric source and enhances the pal-
and dysfunction (Pavlick et al. 2002). Variables atability of the diet. Fat delays gastric empty-
that affect the role of NO include the cellular ing (Lin et al. 1990; Meyer et al. 1994), and
source, timing of production in relation to the fat-­restricted diets appear to be better tolerated
insult, chronicity of the disease, quantity pro- in a variety of gastrointestinal diseases. The
duced, and the presence of superoxide leading assimilation of dietary fat is a relatively com-
to the formation of peroxynitrite. It is not sur- plex process, and malabsorbed fatty acids are
prising then that such a heterogeneous collec- hydroxylated by intestinal and colonic bacte-
tion of responses under different experimental ria. These hydroxy fatty acids stimulate colonic
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  267

water secretion and exacerbate diarrhea and et al. 2005; Kearns et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2003;
fluid loss (Poley and Hofmann 1976). Fat Weatherill et al. 2005). For this reason,
malassimilation can also be associated with enriched diets may be of benefit to dogs with
malabsorption of bile acids, resulting in decon- chronic enteropathy (Ontsouka et al. 2010).
jugation of unabsorbed bile acids and increased The dietary content of PUFAs determines the
mucosal permeability and secretion proportions of the n-­6 and n-­3 PUFAs incorpo-
(Cummings et al. 1978). Dietary fat restriction rated into leukocyte cell membrane phospho-
is particularly important in patients diagnosed lipids. The n-­3 PUFA eicosapentaenoic acid
with lymphangiectasia, with many patients (EPA) competes with the n-­6 arachidonate
needing restriction to less than 15% fat kJ or (AA) as a substrate for cyclooxygenase (COX)
kcal. Unfortunately, there are few commercial and lipoxygenase (LOX) after cleavage from
veterinary diets available that contain less than the cell membrane, and the dietary propor-
15% fat kJ or kcal. It is the author’s opinion tions of n-­6 and n-­3 PUFAs determine if the
that when severe lymphangiectasia is sus- prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes,
pected or confirmed, priority should be given and platelet activating factor (eicosanoids) are
to the feeding of a restricted-­fat diet over anti- produced from EPA or AA. EPA is a less effi-
genic novelty. Further studies are warranted to cient substrate for COX, resulting in reduced
document the touted benefits of MCTs, as prostaglandin production. Eicosanoids pro-
increasing evidence has highlighted their limi- duced from EPA range from antagonistic to
tations based on high cost, low palatability, equipotent to those derived from AA, and the
and evidence that at least in the dog, absorp- overall effect on immunity is not explained
tion still occurs via intestinal lymph (Jensen simply by the reduced efficacy of EPA-­derived
et al. 1994). eicosanoids. The effects and mechanisms of
It is becoming increasingly clear that the sig- modulation of eicosanoids by dietary lipid are
nificance of fat malabsorption is far less in cats complex, although there is some value to the
with chronic intestinal disease than in dogs. One generalization that diets enriched in n-­3
study evaluated 60 cats with chronic, non-­ PUFAs will reduce inflammation relative to
specific diarrhea of at least one month’s duration diets enriched in n-­6 PUFAs.
(Laflamme et al. 2011). They were fed either a PUFAs also directly affect gene transcription
high-­fat (23.2% dry matter [DM] basis) or a through the peroxisome proliferator-­activated
­l­ow-­fat (10.5% DM basis) diet for six weeks. receptors (PPARs), a family of cytosolic pro-
Improvement in fecal consistency was seen in teins that, once bound to an appropriate ligand,
most cats in both groups, and there was no dif- diffuse into the nucleus and promote or inhibit
ference in rates or degrees of improvement gene transcription. PPARs are expressed by
between groups. It is likely that affected cats macrophages, lymphocytes, and dendritic and
either had an adverse reaction to food, or endothelial cells (Glass and Ogawa 2006).
­idiopathic IBD, or both, consistent with the prev- Activation of PPARs by EPA leads to reduced
alence previously described (Guilford TNF-­alpha, IL-­6, and IL-­1 production by
et al. 2001). Thus this study emphasized the ­macrophages, and reduced IL-­2 production by
important role of dietary manipulation in lymphocytes (Glass and Ogawa 2006; Kliewer
chronic intestinal disease, and the lack of impor- et al. 1997; Kostadinova et al. 2005).
tance, at least in that study population, of dietary The incorporation of EPA in place of AA in
fat restriction in cats with chronic diarrhea. phospholipid membranes of lymphocytes affects
Polyunsaturated n-­3 fatty acids. Dietary the function of the lipid rafts within which T-­cell
PUFAs can modulate immunity via several receptors (TCRs) are localized. This decreases
mechanisms (Calder et al. 1990; Calder and signal transduction through the TCR-­reducing
Grimble 2002; Dooper et al. 2002; Geyeregger T-­cell activation (Geyeregger et al. 2005). Lastly,
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268 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

both EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and significantly decrease intestinal inflamma-
antagonize the interaction between Gram-­ tion in an experimental model of IBD (Takagi
negative lipopolysaccharide (LPS or endotoxin) et al. 2002). This is especially interesting given
and TLRs, reducing the production of COX, that certain n-­3 fatty acids are known PPAR-­
TNF-­alpha, IL-­1, IL-­6, and IL-­8, and improving gamma ligands (Kliewer et al. 1997).
morbidity in severe sepsis (Lee et al. 2004; Mayer Lastly, although as yet unproven, aberrant
et al. 2003; Weatherill et al. 2005). immunologic responses to enteric flora are
Predicting the effect of PUFAs within a diet considered a key component to the dysregula-
has to take into account (i) the total fat content; tion of immunity in feline and canine chronic
(ii) the relative proportions of 18‑carbon and enteropathy (Burgener et al. 2008). If this is the
20‑carbon n-­3 and n-­6 PUFAs; (iii) the absolute case, the recent finding that n-­3 PUFAs are
amounts of all individual n-­3 and n-­6 PUFAs; capable of acting as competitive agonists of the
(iv) the previous dietary history of the animal; bacterial LPS receptor complex (Toll-­like
and (v) the duration of exposure to the diet in receptor 4) is another potential mechanism by
question. Describing the fat content of a diet by which these PUFAs could be beneficial in
a simple ratio of n-­6 to n-­3 PUFA provides very chronic enteropathy (Lee et al. 2003).
limited and potentially misleading information. Fish oil supplementation has been reported to
In addition, supplementation of a diet with a be beneficial in UC and CD patients, but the
source of n-­3 PUFAs (e.g. marine fish oil) will results are controversial. One study of 18
have varying effects depending on the diet and patients with UC demonstrated a reduction in
the patient. Most commercial diets are highly the number of CD3-­positive cells within the
concentrated in n-­6 PUFAs, and the addition of intestinal mucosa, reduced expression of MHC
a small amount of n-­3 PUFAs will achieve little. II antigens, and reduced plasma cell numbers
Where information on specific dietary fatty following treatment with fish oil extract com-
acid concentrations is not available, a ratio of pared with placebo (Almallah et al. 1998).
total n-­6 to n-­3 of less than 5 : 1 may be effec- However, a larger, randomized, double-­blind
tive for reducing pruritis in atopic dermatitis, trial comprising 96 patients with UC failed to
whereas a ratio less than 3.5 : 1 may be needed reveal any benefit in remission maintenance or
for more serious inflammatory diseases, and treatment of relapse on 4.5 g of EPA daily,
ratios as low as 1.3 : 1 may be optimal despite a significant reduction in LTB4 synthe-
(Bauer 2007; LeBlanc et al. 2007, 2008; Saker sis by blood peripheral neutrophils (Hawthorne
et al. 1998). The exact amount of fish oil et al. 1992). The differences between the reports
required to be added depends on the basal diet. regarding study design, supplement composi-
A class of transcription factors that may have tion, dose, whole diet n-­6 : n-­3 ratios, and assess-
an important role in chronic enteropathy is the ment of clinical improvement may in part
PPARs. Upon binding with their ligand, PPARs explain the conflicting results. One study com-
dimerize with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) pared the efficacy of fish oil to sulfasalazine in
co-­receptor, then translocate to the nucleus the treatment of mild to moderate active UC in
and bind to PPAR-­response elements. humans (Dichi et al. 2000). Treatment with fish
Although the understanding of the range of oil resulted in greater disease activity as detected
action of PPARs and their ligands in cats and by a significant increase in platelet count, eryth-
dogs is rudimentary, it is interesting to note rocyte sedimentation rate, C-­reactive protein,
that NF-­κB-­dependent gene transcription is and total fecal nitrogen excretion. Often over-
decreased by PPAR-­gamma ligands. Indeed, it looked is the increase in lipid peroxidation after
has been shown that PPAR-­gamma ligands can fish oil supplementation is instituted (Girelli
potently inhibit NF-­κB-­dependent cytokine et al. 1994). Antioxidant supplementation may
production by the murine colonic epithelium, be able to counteract the potentially adverse
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  269

effects of n-­3 fatty acids. Most of the literature mechanisms by which diet can affect the
regarding n-­3 fatty acid administration fails to ­progression, maintenance, or resolution of
address the amount of attendant antioxidant chronic mucosal inflammation, it is undeter-
supplementation. mined how important any individual component
There are no reports in the veterinary litera- is. Nonetheless, proper dietary management
ture demonstrating the efficacy of n-­3 fatty can result in decreased utilization or dosage of
acid supplementation in managing canine or pharmacologic therapy and in some cases can
feline IBD. Studies in healthy dogs fed a diet lead to clinical resolution as a sole therapy.
with an n-­6 : n-­3 ratio of 1.4 : 1 demonstrated a The current recommended management fol-
decreased production of PGE2 by stimulated lowing diagnosis is as follows:
peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and a
decreased delayed-­type hypersensitivity ●● Assess the nutritional status of the patient.
response, compared to dogs fed a diet with a This will include physical parameters such as
ratio of 5.4 : 1 (Wander et al. 1997). Increases historical and serial body condition, lean
in certain long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids and body mass, weight trends, current appetite,
decreases in arachidonic acid were identified hydration, presence of edema, and coat con-
in the small intestine and colonic mucosa of dition. Clinicopathologic indices include
healthy beagles fed the same ratios (Reinhart serum albumin concentration, serum elec-
and Vaughn 1995). There is insufficient evi- trolyte concentrations, erythrocyte and leu-
dence to make firm recommendations for dis- kocyte indicators of malnutrition, evidence
ease modulation in cats using dietary PUFAs. of protein-­losing gastroenteritis (PLGE; pan-
Using a dietary fat content of approximately hypoproteinemia, hypocholesterolemia, lym-
70 g/kg DM basis, Saker and colleagues found phopenia), serum PIVKA (proteins invoked
that a total n-­6 : n-­3 ratio of 1.3 : 1 (using corn by vitamin K antagonism) measurement or
oil, animal fat, and menhaden fish oil) reduced coagulation panel to assess vitamin K status,
platelet aggregation (Saker et al. 1998). Such a serum vitamin B12 concentration, and folate.
value provides a very rough estimate of the ●● Address specific concerns regarding malnu-
proportions required for modulating eicosa- trition. This may include vitamin B12, folate,
noid production, although the concentrations or vitamin K1 supplementation.
of EPA and AA were not specifically assayed. ●● Address anorexia through pharmacologic
In addition, the dietary concentrations means and consider supplemental or sup-
required for the other effects of n-­3 PUFAs are portive nutrition in severely malnourished
unknown. However, most commercial veteri- individuals. Indicators for the need for sup-
nary therapeutic diets marketed for manage- portive nutrition would include persistent
ment of chronic enteropathy include EPA and anorexia, recent weight loss of >10% body
DHA. Further research is necessary to deter- weight, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and a
mine the clinical benefits in dogs and cats with body condition score of 3 or less on a 9-­point
chronic enteropathy and currently no effective, scale with poor appetite.
established dosages exist. ●● Select a highly digestible, novel-­or hydrolyzed-­
ingredient diet and feed exclusively until immu-
Recommendations nosuppressive therapy can be discontinued.
The optimal nutritional approach for dogs and ●● Consider fat restriction in severe cases, or
cats with chronic enteropathy remains to be where there is histologic evidence of
determined and certainly varies from animal lymphangiectasia.
to animal. The available literature is reviewed ●● If dietary fat is not limiting, then consider
elsewhere (Rudinsky et al. 2018; Tolbert enrichment of the diet with n-­3 PUFAs using
et al. 2022). Although there are several fish oil to achieve a crude n-­6 : n-­3 ratio of <2 : 1.
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270 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Protein-­Losing Enteropathies excessive in fat, of too high an osmolarity,

Increased lymphatic flow as the result of ­contain lactose, be too low in amino acids,
mucosal inflammation is expected, and dila- and/or be deficient in one or more vitamins or
tion of intestinal lacteals is a common finding minerals. In this author’s practice, a human
on histopathology (Wilcock 1992). Lymphatic elemental diet can be supplemented with a
obstruction from extraluminal fibroplasia and lactose-­free whey protein isolate, multivita-
constriction, intraluminal adhesions, and mins and minerals, and canola oil (as a source
debris can lead to a net loss of intestinal lymph. of linoleic and alpha-­linolenic acids) for use in
Panhypoproteinemia and hypocholester- canine and feline patients.
olemia, with or without lymphopenia, suggest
loss of intestinal lymph. A concern in manag- Adverse Food Reactions
ing lymphangiectasia is in prioritizing dietary and Food-­Responsive Enteropathy
therapy, since in many cases chronic intestinal Cases of gastrointestinal disease that respond
inflammation accompanies the lymphatic completely to appropriate dietary manage-
obstruction (Kull et al. 2001). Many limited ment may or may not show histologic evidence
and uncommon or hydrolyzed-­ingredient diets of enteritis or morphologic changes
suitable for the management of chronic enter- (Allenspach et al. 2007; German et al. 2001). In
opathies in dogs and cats contain higher fat practice, cats and dogs that present with
concentrations than would be ideal for severe chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea will usually
lymphangiectasia. As already stated, when be subjected to an elimination dietary trial
severe lymphangiectasia accompanies chronic and/or medication trials prior to the collection
enteropathy, priority should be given to the of intestinal biopsies. Therefore, when vomit-
feeding of a restricted-­fat diet over antigenic ing or diarrhea resolves with an elimination
novelty, since the hypoproteinemia is often the trial and no intestinal biopsies have been
most life-­threatening derangement. Reducing taken, the disease could be dietary hypersensi-
dietary fat decreases lymphatic flow, reduces tivity, dietary intolerance, or mild inflamma-
lacteal dilation and pressure, and hence lim- tory enteropathy. In those cases, the term
its lymphatic protein loss (Olson and “food-­responsive enteropathy” or “adverse
Zimmer 1978). Practically, this means the food reaction” is appropriate. However, there
selection of diets that provide <20% of kJ or are some circumstances that lead to procure-
kcal as fat, of which there are currently few ment of intestinal biopsies prior to a dietary
commercial diets. The reduced lymphatic pres- trial, which in some cases can produce unre-
sures reduce protein loss and can lead to nor- markable histologic findings. In those cases,
malization of serum protein concentrations an adverse reaction to food cannot and should
(Olson and Zimmer 1978). Addition to the diet not be excluded.
of MCTs cannot be recommended given their The ideal diagnostic and long-­term diets for
high cost, low palatability, and evidence that at patients with adverse food reactions are based
least in the dog some absorption still occurs via mostly on ingredient novelty and/or protein
intestinal lymph (Jensen et al. 1994). hydrolysis. However, other mechanisms than
In severe cases, there is sufficient disruption the immunologic responses to dietary antigens
of the mucosa that marked malabsorption are probably more important when no inflam-
accompanies the enteric protein loss. In those matory mucosal infiltrate is present. In a study
cases, semi-­elemental or even elemental diets of 55 cats with chronic vomiting and/or diar-
may be required. There is currently only one rhea, 16 cats were diagnosed as having food
veterinary elemental diet (Nestlé Purina EL for sensitivity based on elimination-­challenge tri-
dogs), and no ideal human formulas. als (Guilford et al. 2001). However, a further 11
Commercial human formulas may be cats responded completely to an elimination
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­Chronic Gastrointestinal Diseas  271

diet, but did not recrudesce during a challenge intussusception, linear foreign bodies, trauma,
trial. Similar to the food-­sensitive cats, the infarction, and mesenteric torsion are all dis-
non-­food-­sensitive cats had a range of histo- eases that may require massive intestinal
pathologic changes from no to moderate resection. Resection of at least 70% of the small
lymphocytic-­plasmacytic enteritis. intestine is required to induce SBS (Yanoff
et al. 1992). In addition, the terminal ileum
Recommendations and ileocolic valves are of great physiologic
It is clear, then, that a large number of dogs value, and animals will perform much poorer
and cats with chronic idiopathic gastrointesti- even with only 50% resections if they are
nal disease will respond completely to dietary removed (Joy and Patterson 1978).
manipulation. In the absence of a specific pro-
tein hypersensitivity, the mechanisms remain Pathophysiology
obscure. Possible mechanisms are listed in Following large-­scale resection, postprandial
Table 11.5. However, ignorance of underlying motility is altered such that gastric emptying is
mechanisms further increases the desire to delayed, and intestinal transit times are
manage such cases with highly digestible diets increased across the remaining portions
that contain as few ingredients as possible. The (Johnson et al. 1996). The modification of
same general approach to the dietary choices motility appears to be an important part of the
for acute gastroenteritis is probably suitable for compensation for the loss of intestinal mass.
such cases. Nonetheless, compensation through altered
motility may be inadequate in the face of mas-
Short Bowel Syndrome sive resection, such that artificially increasing
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is used to describe intestinal transit times by inducing periods of
the nutritional and metabolic sequelae that retrograde movement of ingesta in portions of
accompany resection of sufficient small small intestine can lead to significantly
­intestine to cause clinically significant malab- increased absorption and clinical improve-
sorption and malnutrition. Neoplasia, ment (Gladen and Kelly 1980). These findings
emphasize the importance of mixing and
retaining ingesta in the remaining portion of
Table 11.5 Potential mechanisms for non-­
immunologic adverse food reactions. the intestine, and highlight problems that
accompany overfeeding at any one meal.
Factor Mechanism Loss of the absorptive area results in the ina-
bility to sustain adequate absorption of water,
Digestibility Poorly digestible nutrients electrolytes, and other essential nutrients when
leading to bacterial fermentation, fed conventional diets. Diarrhea, steatorrhea,
osmotic diarrhea, etc.
water and electrolyte imbalances, nutrient defi-
Lactase Undigested lactose leading to ciencies, and weight loss are likely to occur.
deficiency fermentation and osmotic
diarrhea Simple compensation through increased intake
may be sufficient in mildly affected cases, but
Nutrient For example, zinc, B12 leading to
deficiency mucosal dysfunction the majority require significant dietary adjust-
Fiber Fiber-­responsive diarrhea –
ment. Dehydration, generalized protein-­calorie
promotion of water resorption, malnutrition, and multiple nutrient deficien-
restored motility, prebiosis, cies can result. Initial clinical signs include
increased fecal bulk, passage of vomiting, diarrhea, and rapid weight loss
(Johnson et al. 1996; Yanoff et al. 1992).
Food Idiosyncratic, pharmacologic The active uptake of bile acids occurs in the
ileum and is mediated by a sodium-­dependent
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272 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

bile acid transporter in the brush-­border mem- Resection of jejunum with intact duode-
branes. Similarly, the enterocyte membrane num, ileocolic valve, and colon. Feeding
receptor for the B12-­intrinsic factor complex is multiple small meals will improve absorption
expressed in the terminal ileum (Levine and decrease episodes of vomiting. Clinical
et al. 1984). Therefore, loss of the ileum leads improvements have been seen in the author’s
to bile acid and vitamin B12 malabsorption. practice by increasing the frequency of feeding
Given that both dogs and cats conjugate bile up to six times daily in some cases. Evenly
salts exclusively with taurine, ileal malabsorp- spacing meals as much as possible will also
tion can also lead to excessive losses of this help. As with most intestinal diseases, diets
amino acid. with high digestibility for fat, protein, and
digestible carbohydrate should be preferred.
Intestinal Adaptation Fat is probably the limiting nutrient in
Through the mechanisms discussed (intesti- absorption, and fat malabsorption likely exac-
nal recovery and adaptation), the presence of erbates the diarrhea or vomiting in most cases.
luminal nutrients stimulates the remaining Avoidance of high-­fat diets is recommended,
small intestine to undergo a period of hyper- although it is not known how restricted fat
trophy and hyperplasia, which may continue should be, and individualization is stressed.
for months. The colon also becomes an An empirical recommendation is to feed less
important digestive organ in patients with than 25% of ME as fat, and reducing intake fur-
SBS (Jeppesen and Mortensen 1998). ther if diarrhea or vomiting continues.
Sodium, water, and some amino acids are Dietary fiber is important to stimulate intes-
absorbed in the colon, as well as energy from tinal adaptation, maximize colonic absorption,
absorbed short-­chain fatty acids. Thus, a and bind unabsorbed bile acids. However,
source of readily fermentable fiber should be excessive fiber will decrease diet digestibility,
included in all diets, while insoluble non-­ impair nutrient absorption, and exacerbate
fermentable fiber should be kept to a mini- diarrhea. Psyllium and wheat bran have been
mum, to maximize nutrient digestibility shown to effectively bind bile acids, while guar
(Roth et al. 1995). gum is less effective, and cellulose is ineffec-
tive (Buhman et al. 1998; Ebihara and
Feeding Recommendations Schneeman 1989; Floren and Nilsson 1987;
Dietary management is complex and needs to Ryden and Robertson 1997). The addition to
be individualized for each patient on the basis the diet of 5% psyllium or wheat bran on a dry
of the residual intestine, nutritional state, cur- matter basis is reasonable, depending on the
rent diet, underlying disease, and the client’s fiber content of the chosen diet, but improve-
lifestyle limitations. In addition to nutrient ments have been seen in the author’s practice
intake, management of SBS also requires with the addition of up to 10% on a dry matter
appropriate oral rehydration, vitamin and min- basis. Commercial high-­fiber diets containing
eral supplementation, and pharmacotherapy. predominantly cellulose are not recom-
Several medications provide a useful adjunc- mended. Any introduction or increase of fiber
tive function to dietary intervention, including should be gradual over 3–5 days. Immediately
antidiarrheal agents, H2 antagonists and pro- after intestinal resection, water and electrolyte
ton pump inhibitors, pancreatic enzymes, and balances should be carefully monitored. Serum
antibiotics. Future therapy will likely involve B12, folate, and taurine should be intermit-
direct stimulation of intestinal adaptation tently monitored after 2–4 weeks.
through the administration of trophic factors Hydrolyzed protein diets may be beneficial,
such as GLP-­2. The following list provides although protein digestion and absorption are
guidelines. not thought to be limiting in most patients. In
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­Large Intestinal Diseas  273

addition, currently available hydrolysate diets supplementation is still likely to be beneficial,

may not be restricted enough in their fat con- and careful attention to nutrient deficiency is
tent for severely affected patients (Cave 2006). still necessary (see earlier).
Greater than 50% resection of the small
intestine with partial resection of ileum.
Bile salt–induced diarrhea is common and may
­Large Intestinal Disease
not be adequately controlled through dietary
fiber. If 5% (DM basis) psyllium or wheat bran
is insufficient in controlling diarrhea, adminis-
tration of cholestyramine 100–300 mg/kg Acute Colitis
orally every 12 h is recommended to bind bile Ingestion and colonic passage of indigestible
salts left unabsorbed by the resected ileum. material form probably the most common
Supplemental taurine is advised in both cats cause of acute colitis; bone fragments, fabric,
and dogs with long-­term cholestyramine treat- food packaging, and plant material are fre-
ment, and also may be needed if ileal reabsorp- quently incriminated in the author’s experi-
tion is insufficient to maintain normal status. ence. Other causes include infectious agents
Vitamin B12 absorption should be measured such as Trichuris spp., Giardia spp., and possi-
and, if low, the patient should be replenished bly bacterial pathogens such as Campylobacter
by injecting vitamin B12, 250 μg (cats) or 500 μg spp., and C. difficile and C. perfringens. In
(dogs) per dose, subcutaneously or intramus- many cases, the original insult has resolved or
cularly, weekly for 4–5 weeks, then every been passed by the time of presentation. As
1–4 weeks as indicated; oral supplementation such, most cases resolve without specific diag-
is not recommended. nosis or management.
Complete resection of ileum. Fat restric- When colitis is present, there is an increase
tion is mandatory. Diets with less than 25% in the number of giant migrating peristaltic
ME fat are indicated, and home-­prepared waves, while segmental contractions are
diets formulated by a veterinary nutritionist decreased or even absent (Sethi and
may be required. With the larger resection, Sarna 1991). The absence of segmental con-
the bile acid pool can become depleted, and traction leads to frequent defecation following
cholestyramine may not be beneficial. colonic peristalsis and produces urgency to
Parenteral vitamin B12 replacement and tau- defecate in the patient. A single colonic insult
rine (500 mg/day) supplementation are can result in prolonged disturbances of motil-
required. ity that can last 2–3 weeks, despite histologic
Massive (>70%) resection of jejunum resolution of inflammation (Sethi and
and ileum. Total parenteral nutrition or par- Sarna 1991).
tial peripheral nutrition may be initially Normally in response to a meal there is an
required. However, a delay in the introduction increase in segmental contractions along the
of enteral nutrition can limit the degree of colon, both immediately and several hours
intestinal adaptation. Initial oral feeding does after a meal when ingesta enter the colon.
not need to meet the nutritional requirement Giant migrating contractions occur rarely in
of the patient if parenteral nutrition is sup- the first eight hours following a meal (Sarna
plied, and as little as 25% of the patient’s RER and Lang 1989). When the colon is inflamed,
can be fed over several meals. After the initial that postprandial increase in segmental con-
period of parenteral nutrition, a concerted tractions does not occur, but instead feeding
attempt should be made to wean patients onto further increases the giant migrating waves
an oral diet as soon as possible. An elemental that are increased by the inflammation (Sethi
diet may be required, although fiber and Sarna 1991). The entry of ingesta into the
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274 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

inflamed colon during the late postprandial psyllium husk, and, if the condition is poorly
period stimulates an excessive number of giant responsive, to try more fermentable sources
migrating contractions. These peristaltic waves such as hydrolyzed guar gum. When selecting
may be associated with postprandial abdomi- commercial diets in cases of acute colitis, most
nal discomfort and contribute to an increased commercial fiber sources could be considered
frequency of defecation. to be mixed sources (e.g. pea hulls, soy fiber,
There are no published studies that have rice bran) and would likely qualify empirically.
evaluated different dietary compositions for There is still much to learn.
the management of acute colitis in dogs or
cats. In light of the known effects of luminal Chronic Colitis
ingesta on signs of colitis (e.g. diarrhea, Dietary requirements for chronic colitis are
urgency to defecate, abdominal discomfort), it similar to those for acute colitis, namely the
seems prudent to recommend feeding a diet contrasting features of high digestibility to limit
that results in the least possible amount of the passage of ingesta into the colon, and the
ingesta to be passed into the colon. Such a diet provision of adequate dietary fiber. As for acute
would be referred to as “low residue.” Highly colitis, the ideal fiber quantity and type are not
digestible diets formulated for small intestinal known, and likely differ between patients.
disease would therefore qualify. Avoiding Butyrate enemas have been shown to reduce
high-­fat diets may be warranted because of the inflammation and symptoms in humans suffer-
effect of unabsorbed fatty acids on the colonic ing from CD or UC, demonstrating the need for
mucosa (see earlier). However, the caloric den- some fermentable fiber to be present (Breuer
sity and digestibility of fat allow for feeding et al. 1997; Luhrs et al. 2002; Patz et al. 1996).
smaller meals with lower residue. In addition, Additional benefits of ­non-­fermentable fiber
the presence of fat in the jejunum slows ileoco- include adsorption of colonic bile acids and
lonic transit times in humans (Hammer other mucosal irritants and the symptomatic
et al. 1998). Lastly, in cats, dietary fat restric- improvement of fecal consistency.
tion has not been shown to be beneficial In chronic colitis, the role of dietary antigens
(Laflamme et al. 2011). should also be considered. As in chronic small
In direct contrast to the argument for highly intestinal enteropathies, aberrant immune
digestible diets to be fed to patients with acute responses to luminal dietary antigens are
colitis is the observation that dietary fiber may prominent components of the disease in many
be of benefit in many cases. The effect of die- patients. Many cases of canine food hypersen-
tary fiber in the colon has already been dis- sitivity that produce gastrointestinal signs have
cussed. Fibers with differing degrees of signs of large intestinal disease (Paterson 1995).
fermentability produce different clinical In a study of 9 proven food-­allergic dogs, 8 of
effects. Variables that affect the response to the dogs had histologic evidence of mild to
dietary fiber in any patient include, but are not moderate lymphocytic-­plasmacytic inflamma-
limited to, existing colonic microbiota, colonic tion (Allenspach et al. 2006). In that same
motility, disease type, disease severity and het- study, when the antigens, proven to be aller-
erogeneity along the colon, and background gens by oral challenge, were injected into the
diet. At present, the interaction between differ- colonic mucosa during colonoscopy, 17 of 23
ing fiber types and different diseases is not allergens produced visible mucosal reactions
understood, nor is the disease in affected (wheal and flare). In a report of 13 dogs with
patients completely understood in most cases. lymphocytic-­plasmacytic colitis, clinical signs
For those reasons, it seems prudent when add- resolved in them all with the introduction of
ing dietary fiber to recommend the empirical an elimination diet, and 9 of 11 dogs rechal-
use of mixed fermentable sources such as lenged with their original diet relapsed (Nelson
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­Large Intestinal Diseas  275

et al. 1988). In a further report of 6 cats with Idiopathic Large-­Bowel Diarrhea

lymphocytic-­plasmacytic colitis, all responded
Idiopathic large-­bowel diarrhea is diagnosed
completely to an elimination diet (Nelson
when chronic large-­bowel diarrhea is present,
et al. 1984). Thus aberrant (hypersensitive)
when there is an absence of histologic evi-
immune responses to dietary antigens com-
dence of colitis, and when inciting causes have
monly affect the colon, whether or not signs of
been eliminated (Leib 2000). Several diagnos-
colonic disease are present. Conversely, when
tic terms would fall under this definition,
signs of chronic colitis are present, food hyper-
including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
sensitivity should be considered.
colonic dysmotility, fiber-­responsive diarrhea,
Similarly to chronic small intestinal inflam-
stress-­induced colitis, and non-­specific dietary
matory disease, the value of dietary enrich-
sensitivity. By definition, these cases have not
ment with n-­3 PUFAs for the management of
responded to a strict, limited, novel-­, or
chronic colitis has not been determined in
hydrolyzed-­ingredient diet trial, but they may
dogs and cats. In the absence of evidence either
have idiosyncratic improvements when
way, it is reasonable to consider it as an inter-
switched from one diet to another. In one study
vention that may help. In mild cases of colonic
of 37 cases of idiopathic large-­bowel diarrhea,
IBD, a long-­term clinical effect might occur as
63% responded excellently to the addition of
part of the general dietary manipulation, and
psyllium husk powder to a highly digestible
in more severe cases, it may reduce the depend-
fat-­restricted diet (Leib 2000). Only one case
ence on or dose of immunosuppressive therapy.
had a very poor response. The dosage used was
Previous reports of dogs with large-­bowel
approximately 1 g/kg/day, with a range of
signs and characterized as food responsive dem-
0.3–4.9 g psyllium/kg/day.
onstrated that successful treatment included
Dogs with intermittently poorly formed
both hydrolyzed-­ and uncommon-­ingredient
feces that respond to a change in diet for which
diets (Allenspach et al. 2007, 2016). Overall rec-
no mechanism is clear are referred to as being
ommendations are to select a diet that has
affected with non-­specific dietary sensitivity.
highly digestible protein, fat, and carbohydrate
In the majority of these cases, a clear hyper-
components. Most high-­quality veterinary ther-
sensitivity is not demonstrated. Additionally,
apeutic commercial diets would satisfy this
affected dogs appear to more consistently suf-
requirement. If an initial response to dietary
fer from colonic dysfunction than small intesti-
manipulation is not successful, adjust the die-
nal dysfunction (Zentek et al. 2002). Common
tary fiber content. It is currently impossible to
histologic findings in the colon include
know which animal will respond to what type
reduced mucosal crypt depth, crypt widening,
and amount of dietary fiber, and empirical rec-
and increased numbers of intraepithelial T
ommendations are misleading. Additionally,
lymphocytes (Rolfe et al. 2002; Zentek
unless total dietary fiber values are provided by
et al. 2002). Water absorption may be reduced,
the manufacturer, diet comparisons are not pos-
which is associated with reduced sodium and
sible, since the ingredient list and crude fiber
chloride absorption (Rolfe et al. 2002). This
measurements are of limited value. Mixed fer-
problem appears more common in large-­
mentable sources such as psyllium can be
rather than small-­breed dogs. Fecal water con-
slowly introduced up to 10% of dry matter, while
tent is likely to be decreased if dry extruded
highly fermentable sources such as guar gum
food is fed in preference to high-­moisture
can be slowly introduced up to 5% of dry matter.
canned diets, although overall fecal consist-
It is unlikely that a clinical response will be seen
ency is not necessarily improved in affected
with greater amounts. Lastly, enrichment of the
dogs by simply changing to a dry extruded diet
diet with long-­chain n-­3 PUFAs may be tried
(Zentek et al. 2004). In addition, the fecal
(for suggested amounts, see earlier).
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276 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

quality of some dogs may not improve with fecal dry matter but not fecal water content,
increased soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. such as cellulose (Wichert et al. 2002). Fiber
Thus idiopathic large-­bowel diarrhea may that produces viscous gels (e.g. psyllium husk)
respond to increased dietary fiber, or it may be will increase the fecal water content, in addi-
responsive to other dietary manipulations for tion to increasing fecal dry matter. Some evi-
reasons that are not clear. Failure to respond to dence supports the successful use of a moderate
one empirical dietary manipulation (e.g. the amount of mixed fiber sources, including psyl-
addition of fiber) should not sway the clinician lium seed husk, as a long-­term treatment for
away from further empirical dietary choices. constipation in cats (Freiche et al. 2011;
Wernimont et al. 2020).
Short-­chain fatty acids from colonic fermen-
Constipation and Megacolon
tation have been shown to stimulate longitudi-
Constipation can be defined as incomplete or nal colonic smooth muscle contractions in
infrequent defecation of hardened feces, often kittens and adult cats in vitro (Rondeau
with a decreased water content, and is usually et al. 2003). However, highly fermentable fiber
associated with tenesmus. Constipation can may also result in the production of methane.
occur as the result of excessive dehydration of Methane production varies greatly between
the luminal contents and/or impaired motility. individuals, and in humans it appears to be
Dietary variables that lead to constipation have dependent on the presence of specific organ-
not been well defined in dogs or cats. However, isms and is produced in about half of normal
in cats, risk factors may include obesity, individuals (McKay et al. 1985). Recently, it
increased age, chronic kidney disease, and pre- has been shown that physiologic concentra-
vious episodes of constipation (Benjamin and tions of methane slow small intestinal transit
Drobatz 2020). Ingestion of large amounts of by augmenting ileal circular muscle contrac-
indigestible material such as bone or wool is tions (Pimentel et al. 2006). In addition, when
commonly incriminated (Nemeth et al. 2008). methane is the bacterial fermentation product
In normal humans, colonic transit time is in human patients with IBS, those patients
decreased as insoluble fiber is increased, while almost universally suffer from constipation,
in patients with chronic constipation, increased and small intestinal contractile activity and
insoluble fiber does not speed fecal transit discomfort are increased in IBS patients who
(Muller-­Lissner 1988). Whether that reflects a produce methane (Pimentel et al. 2003, 2006).
cause or effect is uncertain, as is the signifi- Thus the induction of non-­propulsive segmen-
cance to canine and feline patients. It is likely tal contractions by methane may be a cause of
that colonic transit time partly determines the motility dysfunction in dogs and cats.
response to dietary manipulation, as it does in Consequently, the supplementation of diets
people (Hagiwara and Tomita 2008). However, with rapidly fermentable purified fiber sources
there are no established diagnostic protocols such as hydrolyzed guar gum may exacerbate
for clearly determining colonic motility in dogs some cases of constipation, IBS, and other dis-
or cats and no evidence for recommending one eases that involve disturbances of motility.
intervention over another. Thus, individualization is key to successful
Insoluble non-­fermentable fiber increases dietary modification in patients with chronic
fecal bulk and the frequency of defecation in a constipation. When colonic motility is known
normal individual. Increasing fecal bulk may or suspected to be impaired (e.g. megacolon),
exacerbate constipation in an individual with diets with moderate (<10% dm basis) contents
impaired colonic motility. Perhaps the poorest of total dietary fiber are recommended in order
choice of dietary fiber in constipation is a non-­ to reduce fecal volume. When colonic motility
fermentable, insoluble fiber that increases is still suspected to be reasonable, increasing
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­Large Intestinal Diseas  277

non-­fermentable, gel-­forming fiber is likely to (Gonlachanvit et al. 2006). The presence of

be beneficial. A total dietary fiber content of duodenal lipid has the most profound inhibi-
10–20% on a dry matter basis is reasonable. tory effect on gas transit times, while fiber
(psyllium husk) also slows intestinal gas tran-
sit, as well as increasing the volume of gas
Intestinal Gas and Flatulence
­produced from fermentation (Gonlachanvit
Intestinal Gas Transit and Borborygmus et al. 2004; Harder et al. 2006; Hernando-­
Gas that is present in the small and large intes- Harder et al. 2004). In contrast, the intestinal
tine can originate from aerophagia or be transit of gas is not influenced by the moisture
endogenously formed. Intestinal CO2 is mostly content of the diet (Gonlachanvit et al. 2006).
formed from the reaction between bicarbonate In humans, the retention of infused gas can
and gastric acid producing water and CO2 in be halved and the retardant effect of duodenal
the upper small intestine. For each mol of H+ lipid can be reversed by gentle physical exer-
neutralized by pancreatic HCO3−, 1 mol of CO2 cise (peddling on an adapted bicycle ergometer
is produced. In the three hours following a not sufficient to raise heart rate or blood pres-
meal, a dog may produce 6 mEq H+, which will sure) (Villoria et al. 2006). Although not
result in the production of 134 ml CO2 (Thor directly studied in dogs, flatulence is reported
et al. 1977). Most of the CO2 diffuses into the less frequently by owners of dogs that exercise
circulation, but some remains within the lumi- frequently than by owners of sedentary dogs
nal contents. The remaining gases are ­produced (Jones et al. 1998).
from microbial fermentation, predominantly Borborygmus can result from excessive
in the distal small intestine and colon. intestinal gas or altered motility. Humans with
Gas is moved along the intestine indepen- IBS who have bloating and borborygmus as
dently of solids and liquids, and in humans gas symptoms have impaired gas transit and
transit is more effective in the erect than supine develop intestinal gas retention, intestinal dis-
position, illustrating the active propulsion of tension, and pain in response to gas loads that
gas (Dainese et al. 2003). The rate of gas pas- are well tolerated by normal individuals
sage is influenced by dietary fat, but not by the (Passos et al. 2005). In those patients, proximal
moisture content of the diet (Gonlachanvit intestinal gas rather than large intestinal gas is
et al. 2006). Intestinal gas can be rapidly pro- responsible for their symptoms (Salvioli
pelled aborally in normal dogs such that the et al. 2005).
infusion of air at 2 ml/min does not produce
apparent abdominal discomfort (Pimentel Flatulence
et al. 2006). In humans, up to 30 ml/min can be The dominance of atmospheric gases in flatus
infused jejunally without discomfort. Gas is illustrates that ingested gas forms the largest
actively propelled by a sustained contraction component. However, odiferous compounds
proximal to the gas, but it is still not known if are the result of microbial fermentation of
intestinal gas induces classical peristaltic luminal contents. In dogs, flatulence is more
waves responsible for the movement of liquid likely to occur within two hours of feeding,
and solid ingesta (Tremolaterra et al. 2006). although the presence of sulfur gases is not
Following a meal, the presence of lipid within temporally related to feeding (Collins
the duodenum induces intestinal relaxation et al. 2001; Yamka et al. 2006). Thus ingested
and leads to an increase in the intraluminal air is likely rapidly transported and passed
pool (Hernando-­Harder et al. 2004). In after a meal, while fermentative by-­products
humans, drinking water does not influence gas may accumulate at other times. Malodor is
transit, while food increases the rate of transit strongly correlated with the presence of hydro-
and volume of gas that reaches the anus gen sulfide, and the production of hydrogen
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278 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

sulfide is highly variable among animals fed In the absence of a primary diagnosis, the
the same diet (Collins et al. 2001). Sulfur gases symptomatic management of borborygmus
are produced by sulfate-­reducing bacteria such and flatulence should begin with a change to a
as the genera Desulfotomaculum, Desulfobacter, highly digestible, low-­fat diet. As with any die-
Desulfomonas, and Desulfobulbus, and differ- tary variable, there is no absolute value that
ences in sulfur gas production between ani- constitutes “high” or “low,” and they remain
mals likely represent differences in microbiota relative and subjective terms. Importantly, an
(Gibson et al. 1988). Sources of sulfur com- attempt should be made to introduce a diet
pounds for fermentation include endogenously that has a greater digestibility and a lower fat
derived amino acids from mucin, sulfate in content than the current diet. Empirical
cruciferous vegetables and nuts, and poorly choices would be select protein diets with less
digestible sulfated polysaccharides such as the than 20% ME as fat. Hydrolyzed-­ingredient
gelling agent carrageenan. diets have high protein digestibility, and most
As noted earlier, fiber slows intestinal gas contain highly digestible carbohydrate sources
transport, but fermentable fiber is also a sub- as well; however, the fat content may be greater
strate for the luminal production of intestinal than ideal. Diets with fermentable fiber sources
gas, and in normal humans fiber intake is posi- (e.g. gums, carrageenan, pectins, resistant
tively associated with the number of daily flatus starches) in greater concentrations than the
emissions (Bolin and Stanton 1998; current diet should be avoided (Tomlin
Gonlachanvit et al. 2004; Marthinsen and et al. 1991). Empirically, crude fiber contents
Fleming 1982; Tomlin et al. 1991). Thus, high-­ of less than 3% would probably suffice.
fiber diets can increase gas production by Another option is a homemade diet compris-
colonic flora and inhibit gas transit, leading to ing highly digestible protein and carbohydrate
gas retention, notable borborygmus, abdominal sources appropriately balanced with vitamins
pain, and flatulence (Gonlachanvit et al. 2004). and minerals. Suitable home-­prepared diets
Ingestion of a “fiber-­free” diet for 48 hours sig- for managing acute gastroenteritis or dietary
nificantly reduces the total volume of flatus indiscretion in dogs and cats include cottage
(Tomlin et al. 1991). Highly purified, highly fer- cheese (see Table 11.4). Therefore, it has an
mentable fibers will increase flatus volumes ideal macronutrient profile, with an easy
more than non-­fermentable fiber and will also energy density to calculate the amount to feed.
alter the composition of the flatus. For instance, For diagnostic and short-­term purposes, nutri-
xylan and pectin cause higher flatus volume, ent balancing of the diet is unnecessary, and
hydrogen, CO2, and methane levels than cellu- these diets can be fed safely to a previously
lose or corn bran (Marthinsen and well-­nourished animal for at least seven days
Fleming 1982). In addition, intestinal and/or without concern.
microbial adaptation to changes in fiber content The possibility of food hypersensitivity
has been demonstrated, such that flatus vol- should also be considered in any patient with
umes do not stabilize until 2–5 days of ­feeding chronic flatulence or borborygmus, and novel-­
have accrued (Marthinsen and Fleming 1982). or hydrolyzed-­ingredient diets should be intro-
The exact nature of flatus then is affected by duced. It is recommended that a short-­term
the composition and quantity of diet fed, its switch to a highly digestible, low-­fat diet be
digestibility, and the type and abundance of considered prior to concerns of novelty. If the
bacterial flora. Any disease causing maldiges- initial dietary change is unsuccessful, a home-­
tion or malabsorption will increase and alter prepared or commercial novel or hydrolyzed
the substrate available for fermentation and protein should be tried. Of course, an ideal ini-
will thus alter the volume and odor of flatus tial management of both acute and chronic
produced. borborygmus and flatulence is to feed a diet
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­Summar  279

that is limited, novel or hydrolyzed, highly Avoiding situations that provoke nervousness
digestible, very low in fat, and very low in fer- and discouraging greedy eating (for instance,
mentable fiber. Appropriately balanced home-­ by ensuring that a dog does not have to com-
prepared recipes are probably the only diets pete for its food) may be helpful. Feeding mul-
that achieve all the stated goals. tiple small meals may reduce the gastric
As mentioned before, flatulence is reported distension secondary to aerophagia by allow-
less frequently by owners of dogs that exercise ing sufficient time between a series of mouth-
frequently than by owners of sedentary dogs fuls for eructation to occur. Head elevation
(Jones et al. 1998). The effect of exercise would may reduce aerophagia in some dogs, but
be consistent with findings in humans. It is not could also increase it in others.
known, however, if the timing of exercise rela- In the rare event that dietary manipulation
tive to meals is important, nor what amount of and regular exercise are not successful in elim-
exercise is required. Experiments in humans inating signs, the patient should be evaluated
suggest that very little activity is necessary to for the presence of organic or functional intes-
promote gas movement. On that basis, it is tinal disease such as described for small intes-
prudent to recommend an increase in daily tinal diarrhea. Alternatively, symptomatic
exercise for dogs, and to encourage physical pharmacologic management can be tried.
activity in cats for whom flatulence is
Increasing the frequency of feeding is often S
­ ummary
suggested as a potential therapy for flatulence,
ostensibly to slow the delivery of nutrients to ●● Timing and frequency of feeding, route of
the small intestine and allow greater digestion feeding, and macronutrient and micronutri-
or absorption. In normal pigs, increasing the ent compositions of the diet have profound
feeding frequency from once to twice daily influences on oral and intestinal health.
increased protein digestibility in one study, but There is also a considerable indirect effect
not in another (Holt et al. 2006; Mroz through dietary influences on the intestinal
et al. 1994). In pigs with ligated pancreatic microbiota.
ducts there was no effect of the frequency of ●● Periodontal disease is the most common dis-
feeding on digestibility (Kammlott et al. 2005). ease affecting domestic dogs and cats.
There is no evidence that changing the fre- Although chewing activities and dietary
quency of feeding has any effect on digestibil- additives may be sufficient to reduce plaque
ity in dogs or cats. A study of flatulence in dogs or even prevent calculus, only those
revealed a decrease in the frequency of flatus activities that provide appropriate gingival
in dogs fed twice (9.9 flatuses/day) compared stimulation will prevent gingivitis and
with once (13.5 flatuses/day) a day (Yamka periodontitis.
et al. 2006). Owners of dogs fed more than ●● Elevated feeding to promote passage via
once a day did not report flatulence in their gravity is usually recommended in patients
dogs more frequently than owners that fed with megaesophagus, whatever food is
only once daily (Jones et al. 1998). Thus, selected. Hand feeding chunks of meat or
increasing the frequency of feeding may, in meatballs while the patient remains in a
some dogs or cats, decrease flatulence, but at seated position is very effective.
best the effect is mild. ●● The main feeding concern for patients with
Symptomatic therapy for eructation centers esophagitis is the risk of promoting gastroe-
on attempts to reduce aerophagia. However, sophageal reflux. The most important varia-
there are no studies that have evaluated the bles that increase gastroesophageal reflux
efficacy of methods for reducing aerophagia. induced by a meal are volume, total energy
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280 Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Diseases

content, osmolarity, rate of ingestion of the in mildly affected cases, but the majority
meal, and possibly postprandial exercise. require significant dietary adjustment.
●● In cases where oral feeding is not possible in ●● Overall recommendations for the manage-
patients with esophageal disease, gastros- ment of chronic colitis are first to change to
tomy tube placement is indicated. a limited-­, novel-­, hydrolyzed-­, or elemental-­
●● The optimal nutritional approach for dogs ingredient diet. If an initial response to die-
and cats with chronic enteropathy remains tary manipulation is not successful, adjust
to be determined and certainly varies from the dietary fiber content.
animal to animal. Regardless of the underly- ●● Idiopathic large-­bowel diarrhea may
ing etiology for any given patient, abnormal respond to increased dietary fiber or may be
immune responses to dietary antigens are responsive to other dietary manipulations
often suspected, and the clinical response to for reasons that are not clear. Failure to
novel-­protein diets supports that hypothesis. respond to one empirical dietary manipula-
●● When severe lymphangiectasia accompanies tion (e.g. the addition of fiber) should not
chronic enteropathy, priority should be sway the clinician away from further empiri-
given to the feeding of a restricted-­fat diet cal dietary choices.
over antigenic novelty, since the hypopro- ●● When colonic motility is known or suspected to
teinemia is often the most life-­threatening be impaired (e.g. megacolon), low-­residue diets
derangement. with moderate (<10% dry matter basis) con-
●● The ideal diagnostic and long-­term diets for tents of total dietary fiber are recommended.
patients with adverse food reactions are When colonic motility is still suspected to be
based mostly on a limited number of ingre- reasonable, increasing non-­fermentable, gel-­
dients that are novel, hydrolyzed, or forming fiber is likely to be beneficial.
elemental. ●● In the absence of a primary diagnosis, the
●● Dehydration, generalized protein-­calorie symptomatic management of borborygmus
malnutrition, and multiple nutrient defi- and flatulence should begin with a change to
ciencies can result in animals with short a highly digestible, low-­fat diet. Feeding
bowel syndrome. Simple compensation small, multiple meals and increasing activity
through increased intake may be sufficient may also help manage these conditions.

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Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

Cecilia Villaverde and Marta Hervera

The main function of the exocrine pancreas is system. The gastric phase is mediated by gas-
to synthesize and secrete substances to allow trin, a hormone released in response to gas-
for the proper digestion and absorption of tric distention and the presence of nutrients
food. The pancreas synthesizes and secretes (such as protein). The intestinal phase is
digestive enzymes that break down protein, mediated by cholecystokinin (CCK) and
fat, and carbohydrates into their smaller, secretin (also gastrin and vasoactive intesti-
absorbable components. These enzymes are nal peptide), which are hormones synthe-
secreted as inactive zymogens, which are kept sized by the intestinal mucosa. Secretin
separate from lysosomes in the pancreatic release is stimulated by the presence of acid
­tissue to avoid premature activation. Other in the intestine and intraluminal fatty acids
protection mechanisms include pancreatic (Watanabe et al. 1986). CCK secretion is stim-
trypsin inhibitors present in pancreatic juice ulated by amino acids, acidic pH, and long-­
(which can inactivate free trypsin) and chain fatty acids (Figure 12.1). CCK not only
­antiproteases present in plasma (such as alpha-­ stimulates pancreatic secretion, it also results
macroglobulin) that capture proteases that in delayed gastric emptying and voiding of
escape into circulation (Mansfield and the gall bladder.
Jones 2001). The relative potency of different nutrients to
The pancreas also secretes bicarbonate, to stimulate CCK secretion seems to be species
reach optimal pH in the small intestine for specific. In humans, amino acids, protein, and
enzyme activity; intrinsic factor, to allow long-­chain triglycerides are more effective
absorption of vitamin B12; and bacteriostatic than carbohydrates (Karhunen et al. 2008). In
substances, to prevent bacterial proliferation dogs, fatty acids (Sun et al. 1992), amino acids,
in the small intestine. and peptides stimulate CCK release, but intact
Diet plays an important role in regulating proteins do not (Meyer and Kelly 1976). Cats
pancreatic secretion (Strombeck 1996). A secrete CCK in response to long-­chain triglyc-
complex system involving the nervous and erides and proteins (Backus et al. 1995).
endocrine systems is responsible for pancre- Although amino acids also stimulate CCK
atic secretion regulation. The cephalic phase release in the cat, intact protein is more potent
is mediated by the autonomous nervous (Backus et al. 1997).

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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300 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases


Protein Carbohydrate


acids and Long-
peptides chain

Cholecystokinin Pancreatic secretion


Figure 12.1 Response of cholecystokinin secretion by intestinal mucosal cells to different macronutrients
in the small intestinal lumen.

­Pancreatitis The differentiation is based on histopathol-

ogy and not on clinical signs, although in vet-
Pancreatitis is defined as inflammation of the erinary medicine pancreatic biopsies are not
pancreas, but also includes disorders that commonly collected. Canine acute ­pancreatitis
involve necrosis or fibrosis (Xenoulis 2015). does not just tend to have sudden onset, but
Currently there is no standardized classifica- also is accompanied by severe clinical signs
tion of the disease in veterinary medicine. One and is often associated with systemic compli-
way of classification is to extrapolate from cations. Canine chronic pancreatitis has
human medicine as acute or chronic (Steiner milder clinical signs and a more insidious
and Williams 1999; Williams and Steiner 2005). course. This is less true in cats, where a study
Acute pancreatitis refers to inflammation that has shown that there is poor correlation
completely resolves with removal of the incit- between clinical signs and histopathology
ing cause, whereas chronic pancreatitis is findings (Ferreri et al. 2003). Histopatho­
characterized by irreversible histopathologic logically, chronic pancreatitis is the most
changes in the pancreas (such as fibrosis and ­common form of the disease in cats (De Cock
atrophy). et al. 2007).
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­Pancreatiti  301

The main clinical signs in dogs include vom- fPLI had a sensitivity and specificity of close to
iting and abdominal pain, and also depression, 100% in cats with moderate to severe disease
anorexia, fever, and diarrhea (Williams and (Forman et al. 2004). The less severe the
Steiner 2005). In cats, signs are highly variable ­disease, the less sensitive is this test (Xenoulis
and can be quite vague; most commonly leth- and Steiner 2008; Lee et al. 2020; Forman
argy and anorexia are reported (Hill and Van et al. 2021). Definitive diagnosis is made by
Winkle 1993; Ferreri et al. 2003). Chronic cases histopathology. Even so, the diagnosis can be
can be subclinical or result in hyporexia and missed in a biopsy due to irregular distribution
weight loss. Clinical signs can be associated of the inflammation (Steiner 2003; Forman
with co-­morbidities, which are very common et al. 2021).
in cats (Armstrong and Williams 2012). In cats,
pancreatitis can be associated with hepatic
and/or gastrointestinal disease (Weiss et al.
1996), and it is also a co-­morbidity found in It is widely thought that pancreatitis develops
dogs and cats with diabetes mellitus (Hess as a consequence of pancreas autodigestion
et al. 2000; Forcada et al. 2008). resulting from premature activation of the
Diagnosis of pancreatitis can be difficult, zymogens within the acinar cells (Steiner and
especially in cats (Forman et al. 2021). Clinical Williams 2005; Williams and Steiner 2005).
examination findings and standard blood anal- How the protective mechanisms of the pan-
ysis (complete blood cell count, serum bio- creas are overwhelmed and autodigestion is
chemistry) show nonspecific alterations initiated, though, is unclear and an underlying
(Steiner 2003; Armstrong and Williams 2012; cause is rarely identified.
Xenoulis 2015). Serum lipase and amylase Experimental pancreatitis can be initiated by
increases, which have been traditionally used hyperstimulation with CCK analogs (Morita
to diagnose pancreatitis, are neither sensitive et al. 1998; Saluja et al. 2007), but the impor-
nor specific enough to be reliable tests (par- tance of these mechanisms in spontaneous dis-
ticularly in cats) (Steiner 2003; Xenoulis and ease is unknown.
Steiner 2008). Ultrasound can be an effective Risk factors in dogs include heredity, hyper-
diagnostic tool (Hess et al. 1999), and can help lipidemia, drugs (such as phenobarbital and
rule out other diseases with a similar clinical potassium bromide; Gaskill and Cribb 2000;
presentation. One study in cats found that Steiner et al. 2008), trauma, and ischemia.
abdominal ultrasound had a sensitivity of 80% Nutrition-­related risk factors include obesity
and specificity of 88% (Forman et al. 2004), but and high-­fat/low-­protein diets (Hess
it has been suggested that these values might et al. 1999; Williams and Steiner 2005; Lem
change depending on the operator (Xenoulis et al. 2008). In one retrospective study, 26% of
and Steiner 2008) and might actually be higher dogs with fatal acute pancreatitis were
now with the advances in equipment and ­hyperlipidemic (Hess et al. 1998), but hyper-
training (Xenoulis 2015). Specific tests measur- lipidemia is not present in all natural cases
ing pancreatic lipase have been developed of pancreatitis (Whitney et al. 1987).
(canine and feline pancreatic lipase immuno- Hyperlipidemia can be the cause or result of
reactivity, cPLI and fPLI, respectively). The pancreatitis. The proposed etiologic mecha-
cPLI test is specific and sensitive for the dis- nisms include the formation of toxic fatty acid
ease (Steiner 2003). One multicenter clinical products within the pancreas due to high tri-
study with 84 dogs with or without acute pan- glycerides in pancreatic capillaries, formation
creatitis reported a sensitivity of different cPLI of microthrombi by fatty acids, and formation
methods of 75–93% and a specificity of 72–78% of damaging calcium soaps (Petersen
(McCord et al. 2012). Another study found that et al. 2009; Tsuang et al. 2009). Some breeds
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302 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

are considered at higher risk for pancreatitis of “resting the pancreas” by withholding food
due to their predisposition to hyperlipidemia and water for 24–48 hours or as long as vomit-
(such as miniature schnauzers, Shetland ing persists. The goal was to minimize pancre-
sheepdogs, and Siamese cats). atic stimulation by nutrients and minimize
A retrospective paper (Lem et al. 2008) noted enzyme secretion as well as reduce vomiting. A
that ingestion of unusual food items, intake of secondary goal was to prevent aspiration pneu-
table scraps, and garbage eating were associ- monia. Moreover, some of these patients have
ated with a higher risk of pancreatitis in dogs. severe abdominal pain, which might be further
Its authors also found a positive association of compounded by feeding.
canine obesity with pancreatitis. One study This approach has been challenged. There is
(Akol et al. 1993) found that 43% of dogs with one study in dogs with parvovirosis (Mohr
acute pancreatitis were overweight or obese. et al. 2003), in which the dogs that underwent
Another study also reported an association early enteral nutrition despite vomiting (within
between being overweight and acute fatal pan- 12 hours of admission) recovered earlier and
creatitis in dogs (Hess et al. 1999). gained more weight than the dogs that were not
In cats, there is much less information fed until vomiting stopped for at least 12 hours
regarding etiology and pathophysiology, and (an average of 50 hours after admission). The
most cases are called “idiopathic” (Mansfield authors hypothesize that early nutrition might
and Jones 2001; Steiner and Williams 2005; have prevented malnutrition and improved the
Armstrong and Williams 2012; Forman barrier function of the gut, thus improving out-
et al. 2021). Less commonly, pancreatitis in come. A couple of other studies have tried to
cats has been associated with trauma and elucidate if a similar positive effect would be
feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Potential seen in pancreatitis, which has a very different
causes include hyperlipidemia, toxins, pathophysiology from a viral enteritis. A small
ischemia, and ascending infections. Increased pilot study (Mansfield et al. 2011) with 10 dogs
age and gastrointestinal and liver diseases have diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis com-
been positively associated with chronic pan- pared feeding enterally via an esophagostomy
creatitis (Akol et al. 1993; Weiss et al. 1996; De tube (using a low-­fat diet) versus using paren-
Cock et al. 2007). The link between fatty foods, teral nutrition within 24 hours of admission.
table scraps, medications, and obesity with There was a lower incidence of vomiting and
pancreatitis in cats has not been proven. regurgitation in the enteral nutrition group,
with no detectable postprandial pain. A second
study (Harris et al. 2017), with a larger sample
size (34 cases) but retrospective, evaluated the
­ utritional Management
effect of early enteral nutritional support in
dogs with acute pancreatitis. This study com-
Controversies Regarding
pared early enteral feeding (within 48 hours of
Nutritional Management
admission) with delayed feeding and found
The nutritional management of the pancrea- that dogs fed earlier showed a faster return to
titic patient (especially cats) is quite controver- voluntary feed intake and met their energy
sial and more research in this area is needed. requirements earlier; moreover, dogs fed earlier
Some of the more conflicting points are pre- showed fewer incidences of gastrointestinal
sented in this section. intolerance, independent of the severity of the
disease. There were no differences noted in
When to Start Feeding in Acute Pancreatitis? hospitalization length.
Traditional approaches to the patient with In a study with dogs with experimentally
pancreatitis, especially if vomiting, consisted induced disease (Qin et al. 2003), early
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­Nutritional Managemen  303

intrajejunal feeding did increase the plasma con-

centrations of CCK and other enteral hormones
compared to parenteral nutrition; however, this
did not result in an increase in pancreatic
enzyme secretion. This suggests that the
inflamed pancreas may not respond to nutrients
in the same way as the healthy pancreas. In addi-
tion, the animals fed enterally were not clinically
worse, and results suggested that their intestinal
barrier function was improved, and that bacte-
rial translocation was lower compared to the
Figure 12.2 Cat with pancreatitis and concurrent
dogs fed parenterally (Qin et al. 2002). However,
hepatic lipidosis with an esophageal feeding tube
information on enteral nutrition in naturally in place.
occurring disease is still lacking.
There is a lack of studies in cats on the effect
of nutrition on pancreatitis. One retrospective recommendation in human medicine is to
study (Klaus et al. 2009) with 55 cases assessed start enteral feeding as soon as possible in
the use of nasogastric feeding in cats with sus- acute pancreatitis (Anand et al. 2017).
pected acute pancreatitis. The mean start of
enteral feeding was 33.5 hours (± 15.0) from How Low Is a “Low-­Fat” Diet?
admission. Overall, cats tolerated feedings well The use of generalized terms like “low-­fat” or
and there was a low incidence of complica- “high-­fat” is confusing because there is no
tions (diarrhea, vomiting, and mechanical established definition of what a “standard” or
problems). Due to the risk of hepatic lipidosis “typical” dietary fat concentration is. This prob-
in fasting cats (Armstrong and Blanchard 2009), lem is further compounded by the different
nutritional support should be instituted as ways in which it is possible to express dietary fat
soon as possible, especially since vomiting is concentrations. The most common are percent-
not a common clinical feature of pancreatitis age as is or as fed (which is how pet food labels
in cats (Ferreri et al. 2003; Forman et al. 2021). report fat), percentage of dry matter, and per-
In addition, therapy in the acute phase should centage of metabolizable energy (ME; e.g. the
ideally include fluid support, pain control, and proportion of calories provided by fat). Ideally,
medications to control nausea. Some authors percentage of ME is the ideal way to compare
recommend starting nutrition when the cat different foods, since it allows for comparison
has been anorexic for 3–5 days (Zoran 2006; between foods with varying amounts of mois-
Chan 2009) or earlier, within 48 hours of ture, fiber, and ash. The fat content of commer-
admission or immediately if previous anorexia cial canine and feline diets ranges from 20% to
was longer than 5 days (Jensen and Chan 2014). levels as high as 70% on an ME basis. As a rule
In some cases this might require the placement (but not always), feline diets are higher in fat
of a feeding tube. In cats, the most common than canine diets, and canned diets are higher
type is an esophageal feeding tube (Figure 12.2). in fat than dry diets. For most of the population
In humans with acute pancreatitis, one eating commercial diets, a diet that has less than
meta-­analysis from 2010, including eight rand- 20% fat on an ME basis will be considered low
omized clinical trials (Al-­Omran et al. 2010) fat, but the term “low fat” is relative to the
comparing enteral versus parenteral nutrition patient’s usual diet. This is especially important
support, showed that enteral nutrition resulted in animals with hyperlipidemia, where the
in lower mortality, less systemic infection, and degree of fat restriction should be relative to the
less multiorgan dysfunction. The current current diet that is associated with problems.
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304 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

It is important to note that diets marketed versions, respectively). If energy needs can be
for the management of gastrointestinal disor- met, the use of a low-­fat diet has no drawbacks
ders vary greatly in fat content, and the diet and is recommended until more information is
chosen may or may not be lower fat depending available.
on the diet history of the patient.
How Important Is Fat Restriction
Does Fat Have to Be Restricted in Canine in Feline Pancreatitis?
Acute Pancreatitis? There is a paucity of data regarding pancreati-
Low fat diets have classically been recom- tis in cats in general, and more so regarding the
mended for the management of acute pancrea- effect of diet on pancreatitis management in
titis in dogs (Mansfield 2012); however, there is this species. As previously mentioned, intact
a lack of studies comparing different diets. protein and triglycerides both stimulate CCK,
Some authors have recommended using highly whereas carbohydrates have only a weak effect
digestible diets not restricted in fat (34–51% (Backus et al. 1995), so protein and fat modera-
ME) unless there is evidence of hyperlipidemia tion may be indicated. Dietary fat also decreases
(Jensen and Chan 2014). One study of 10 gastric emptying and slows down gastrointesti-
healthy dogs fed four diets differing in fat (16% nal transit time (Strombeck 1996), which may
vs. 38% ME, with or without digestive enzyme be undesired in patients with gastrointestinal
supplementation) in a crossover design for one disease.
week per period, did not find any differences in However, as opposed to dogs, consumption
blood PLI, TLI, or gastrin concentrations of food items high in fat has not been associ-
(James et al. 2009). However, these tests might ated with naturally occurring pancreatitis in
not be sensitive enough to conclude that cats. In the retrospective study cited earlier
enzyme secretion is unaffected by dietary fat, (Klaus et al. 2009), where 55 cats were fed via
and dogs with pancreatitis might respond dif- nasogastric feeding tubes, the diet used pro-
ferently than healthy ones. vided approximately 45% fat ME. The cats
A retrospective study of 34 dogs with acute seemed to tolerate the feedings well, but there
pancreatitis found a trend toward fewer epi- is no control diet to compare the results. There
sodes of gastrointestinal intolerance in dogs are currently no data to recommend for or
fed low-­fat diets, but this did not reach signifi- against moderate or severe fat restriction in
cance, which suggests that the sample size was these patients. Fat restriction in cats can be
too small to draw any conclusions (Harris challenging, since many commercial diets
et al. 2017). moderate in fat for cats are also high in fiber,
The main drawback of feeding low-­fat diets and thus are not the first choice for patients
is their comparatively decreased energy den- with gastrointestinal signs. In these authors’
sity, which would require a higher volume to experience, it is reasonable to try a moderate-­
feed in order to meet energy needs. In the fat diet in cats with hyperlipidemia and when
authors’ experience, it is in many cases possi- other approaches are not giving the desired
ble to meet energy requirements using highly results.
digestible low-­fat diets (<20% ME) in dogs via
voluntary feed intake or tube feeding. There is
Dietary Management
one liquid diet available (Royal Canin
Veterinary Health Nutrition Canine Gastr­ The main goals to manage the patient with
ointestinal Low Fat Liquid, Royal Canin, Saint pancreatitis are to provide enough calories and
Charles, MO, USA) that is low in fat and with nutrients to support recovery while decreasing
similar energy density to standard fat solutions pancreatic stimulation. This can be accom-
(1 and 0.9 kcal/ml for the European and US plished in a variety of ways and will vary
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­Nutritional Managemen  305

Patient with pancreatitis


no yes Withdraw food and water

Start nutritional support
for 12-24 hours

yes Vomiting

Feed small Initiate
frequent meals no yes
of a highly Initiate parenteral
digestible, low nutrition; transition
fat (in dogs) diet to enteral feeding

status adequate no
and good candidate
for anesthesia

Assisted feeding nasoenteral,

esophageal, gastrostomy, or
yes jejunostomy feeding tubes

Figure 12.3 When and how to start nutritional support. ASAP, as soon as possible

depending on the clinicians’ personal experi- Route of Feeding

ence. The flowchart presented in Figure 12.3 Enteral feeding is preferred over parenteral, if
can be used as a guide to decide if, when, and possible, in order to avoid enterocyte atrophy
how to initiate nutritional support for each and bacterial translocation and to keep costs
individual patient. down. If the patient is anorectic, nutritional
support is indicated. Esophagostomy and gas-
When to Feed trostomy tubes are indicated if the risk for aspi-
As a general rule, nutritional support should ration pneumonia is minimal. If there is risk of
be instituted as soon as feasible, especially in aspiration, jejunostomy feeding tubes will
severe acute pancreatitis (Mansfield and bypass the duodenum to avoid prompting CCK
Beths 2015). As previously discussed, it is likely release and can be used to feed enterally while
not indicated to withhold food until clinical minimizing pancreatic stimulation (Ragins
signs abate in order to “rest the pancreas.” et al. 1973). The main challenge with jejunos-
Before offering any food, water should be tomy tubes is the need for anesthesia and sur-
offered first. If water is well tolerated, feeding gery for placement. There is one report
the animal a low-­fat (particularly in dogs), (Jennings et al. 2001) where a feeding tube was
highly digestible diet is indicated. placed in the jejunum of a cat with pancreatitis
Cats that have been anorectic for more than via a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
three days should be fed as soon as possible (PEG) tube. This technique, while still uncom-
despite the presence or absence of clinical mon, may prove a viable alternative in the
signs in order to avoid hepatic lipidosis. future to surgically placed jejunostomy tubes.
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306 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

In human medicine nasojejunal feeding tubes their efficacy in patients with pancreatitis.
are commonplace; however, studies compar- Mirtazapine transdermal ointment can be used
ing nasogastric versus nasojejunal in acute in cats and generally is well tolerated and effi-
pancreatitis in humans have not shown a par- cacious (Poole et al. 2019) and in addition has
ticular advantage of feeding directly into the antiemetic activity (Quimby and Lunn 2013).
jejunum (Zhu et al. 2016). Nevertheless, adverse effects have been
Nasoesophageal or nasogastric feeding tubes reported (e.g. vocalization, agitation, vomiting,
are also an option, especially if the patient is abnormal gait or ataxia, tremors, hypersaliva-
not a good candidate for anesthesia. Due to tion, tachypnea, tachycardia, lethargy) in a
their small lumen size, they can only be used dose-­dependent fashion (Ferguson et al. 2016).
with liquid diets, thus limiting diet choices and Oral capromorelin efficacy has been reported
making it more difficult to provide a patient’s in healthy cats (Wofford et al. 2018).
full caloric requirements. There are few liquid
veterinary enteral formulas, but one canine Diet Selection
formula controlled in fat is available in the An ideal diet for the dog with acute pancreati-
United States and in Europe. Some human tis is highly digestible, low in fat, and palata-
enteral formulations are adequately low in fat, ble. A good starting point is a mixture of
but are only adequate for short-­term manage- cottage cheese (2% milk fat) and cooked white
ment due to cost and nutritional inadequacy rice (in a volume ratio of 1 : 1), which provides
for dogs and especially cats. ~220 kcal per 8 fl oz cup (237 ml) and 10% fat
Parenteral nutrition is indicated in cases of on an ME basis. This mixture can also be
intractable vomiting, when the patient is pureed in a blender or food processor and fed
obtunded or cannot protect its airway for any through an esophagostomy or gastrostomy
other reason, and when feeding tubes cannot feeding tube if the patient is anorectic. After
be placed due to instability for anesthesia. Gut 2–3 days, if this is well tolerated, the animal
atrophy has been proposed as a possible com- can be transitioned to a balanced, commercial,
plication of parenteral nutrition in animal highly digestible, low-­fat diet.
models (Frost and Bihari 1997; MacFie In cats, diets marketed for the management
et al. 2006); thus, trickle feeding with a of intestinal disease can be used orally or via a
nasogastric/nasoesophageal tube if at all pos- feeding tube. If a low-­fat diet is desired, the
sible (e.g. provide 10% of the total daily calo- mixture of cottage cheese and white rice
ries) with a low-­fat (in dogs) liquid diet could described can be used. If it is not palatable,
help maintain gut integrity. other options include tuna (canned in water)
Lipid emulsions can be included in paren- plus baby rice cereal, or chicken breast plus
teral nutrition solutions, since intravenously baby rice cereal. For example, three-­eighths of
administered fat has not been associated with a cup of cooked roasted chicken breast (skin-
worsening the disease or stimulating the pan- less and boneless) plus three-­quarters of a cup
creas (Meier et al. 2006). However, if the patient of baby rice cereal (measured dry before recon-
is hyperlipidemic, fat in the solution should be stitution) provides ~200 kcal and 14% fat on an
minimized to keep serum triglycerides as low ME basis. Mixing 2 oz (56 g) of tuna in water
as possible (Chan and Freeman 2006). (drained solids only) with seven-­eighths of a
In cats with mild to moderate pancreatitis, cup of baby rice cereal (measured dry before
appetite stimulants might help ensure volun- reconstitution) also provides ~200 kcal and
tary food intake (Forman et al. 2021). only 9% fat on an ME basis.
Mirtazapine and capromorelin are the most If a jejunostomy tube is placed, low-­fat diets
common drugs used in feline inappetence, continue to be preferred for dogs, since there is
although studies are lacking evaluating still some pancreatic stimulation, as suggested
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­Nutritional Managemen  307

by one study with experimentally induced dis- maintenance diet, especially if the trigger has
ease in dogs (Qin et al. 2003). Due to the size of been identified (such as dietary indiscretion,
the tube and the lack of elasticity of the jeju- “garbage gut,” surgery, or drugs). A slow transi-
num, liquid diets have to be used, ideally deliv- tion back to the original complete and ­balanced
ering via constant-­rate infusion to avoid diet over several days is indicated.
overloading the gut. However, in cases of chronic pancreatitis,
It has been proposed that the diet fed through hyperlipidemic animals, or recurrent acute
a jejunostomy tube should also be “elemental” pancreatitis, a diet considerably lower in fat
to mimic what would normally be absorbed by than the usual diet is indicated. The goal is to
the jejunum (proteins should be supplied in the select a diet low enough in fat to maintain fast-
form of free amino acids and short peptides, ing triglycerides within acceptable ranges (see
while carbohydrates should be supplied as sim- Chapter 17), to control chronic pancreatitis,
ple starches and sugars), but this is controver- and to prevent further episodes of recurrent
sial even in human medicine (Niv et al. 2009). acute pancreatitis. One empiric approach used
There is a meta-­analysis in human pancreatitis by the authors is to approximately halve the fat
patients that did not find any difference in out- concentration on a ME basis from the diet at
come comparing “intact” versus “elemental” the time of diagnostics.
diets (Petrov et al. 2009). There are no studies in Diet selection in these cases will depend on
veterinary medicine assessing the need for ele- assessment of the diet history. If the original
mental formulations, so there are no data to diet is higher in fat (i.e. >35–40% fat on an ME
support or reject the use of “intact” liquid diets. basis), commercial options that provide
However, if there is persistent diarrhea, an ele- approximately 50% of that dietary fat are avail-
mental human diet formula can be attempted. able. However, if that is not the case, some-
See Chapters 20 and 21 for more details on times a balanced, home-­cooked diet is the best
enteral and parenteral nutrition support. option for the patient. Commercially available,
highly digestible, low-­fat diets formulated
Energy Requirements for gastrointestinal disease include Royal
During hospitalization, the goal is to provide the Canin Veterinary Health Nutrition Canine
resting energy requirement (RER) initially (Chan Gastrointestinal Low Fat Canine canned and
and Freeman 2006). Once RER is achieved, body dry, Hill’s Prescription Diet i/d Low Fat Canine
weight and body condition should be monitored canned, stew, and dry (Hill’s Pet Nutrition,
to adjust the calories provided as necessary. A Topeka, KS, USA), and Purina Pro Plan
very slow increase in the calories provided is pre- Veterinary Diets Canine EN Low Fat canned
ferred to prevent metabolic derangements (criti- and dry (Nestlé Purina PetCare, St. Louis, MO,
cally ill animals in a catabolic state can often USA), among others. These range from 16% to
have significant electrolyte abnormalities) and to 22% fat on an ME basis, and an accurate diet
avoid overwhelming the gut. These patients are history will need to be obtained to decide if any
generally inactive during the hospital stay, and a of these is adequate for the particular case.
conservative approach is necessary to avoid com- Currently for cats, the lowest-­fat dry veteri-
plications of overfeeding. Sadly, our knowledge nary diets are Hill’s Prescription Diet r/d Feline
of energy requirements in critically ill animals is dry (24% on an ME basis in the United States,
very limited. 26% ME in Europe) and Purina Pro Plan
Veterinary Diets OM Overweight Management
Long-­Term Management Feline dry (23.4% on an ME basis in the United
After acute, one-­time episodes of nonhyper- States, 22% ME in Europe). As is common,
lipidemic canine pancreatitis, it is frequently canned varieties are higher in fat (at least 31%
possible to go back to the dog’s original on a ME basis). Both dry options listed are
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308 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

weight-­loss diets that are very high in fiber (so history, concurrent diseases, and response to
less digestible) and are not energy dense. Thus, treatment. There are hundreds of diets availa-
they are not typically the first choice in severe ble that might be successful for individual
feline pancreatitis. In general, finding patients, and in some cases a complete and
moderate-­fat diets in cats is very challenging, ­balanced home-­cooked diet may be the best
since they tend to be lower in carbohydrate option to control clinical signs.
than canine diets and protein is an expensive
ingredient. In general, therapeutic diets formu-
Foods to Avoid in Chronic Pancreatitis
lated for intestinal disease are used for these
patients; however, they can vary greatly in their A thorough diet history is crucial to determine
fat content and their effect on the patient the level of dietary fat that is tolerated by the
should be carefully monitored via control of individual patient, especially in canine acute
any hypertriglyceridemia, clinical signs, ultra- pancreatitis. If the pancreatitis episode was
sound, and pancreatic lipase measurements. associated with the ingestion of a particular
Presence of other co-­morbidities (common in food item, efforts should be made to determine
cats) will also affect diet choice, and the use of the concentration of fat of that particular food
highly digestible diets suitable for elimination and avoid feeding close to or above that fat
trials (based on hydrolyzed protein or uncom- concentration in the future.
mon ingredients) can be considered if chronic In any case, a patient diagnosed with chronic
enteropathy is suspected or confirmed. pancreatitis should be fed complete and bal-
It is important always to assess the fat con- anced diets, treats, and human foods that are
centrations of diets and compare them to the low or moderate in fat, to avoid recurrence of
previous diet. Some commercial foods mar- disease. Protein is the second most important
keted as lower or reduced fat are still too high nutrient in stimulating CCK, so very high-­
in fat for pancreatitic patients. In some cases, protein diets should also be avoided, especially
the difference in fat content between the in the feline patient.
canned and the dry formula of the same prod- Some commercial therapeutic diets are very
uct is drastic. high in fat. These include energy-­dense diets
In obese dogs, due to the epidemiologic link that use fat as a concentrated energy source
between obesity and pancreatitis (Lem (such as therapeutic diets formulated for criti-
et al. 2008), a plan using a low-­fat, therapeutic, cal care), low-­carbohydrate diets that use fat as
weight-­loss diet that is lower in fat than the the main energy source (such as feline diabetes
previous diet is indicated until an ideal body management diets), and protein-­restricted diets
condition score is reached (see Chapter 9 on that are high in fat to promote palatability (such
weight management). as diets formulated for kidney disease, liver dis-
Pancreatitis is a very challenging disease, ease, and even urolithiasis). In patients with
both to diagnose and to treat, and there is no pancreatitis and co-­morbidities such as kidney
agreement upon the best way to manage it disease, a home-­cooked diet to accommodate
nutritionally. In the authors’ experience, using the nutritional needs of each disease might be
low-­fat diets (especially in acute canine cases) indicated if fat moderation is required.
that are highly digestible and feeding enterally There is a variety of over-­the-­counter diets
as soon as vomiting is controlled are appropri- that can also be very high in fat and sometimes
ate and prudent. Provision of adequate energy in protein. Some examples include the
is not sacrificed with this approach. If enteral carnivorous-­type diets that do not use grains in
nutrition is not possible, the parenteral route their formulation, some raw-­meat diets and
may be considered. Long-­term management canned diets, and some very palatable sausage-­
will depend greatly on the previous diet like diets. It is important to consider that the
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­Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficienc  309

Table 12.1 Common foods to avoid in chronic canine/feline pancreatitis.

Fatty animal products Fatty fish Dairy Commercial treats Other

Beef Salmon Cheese (non low fat), Meaty treats Tofu

including spreadable (sausage-like)
cream cheese
Lamb Sardines Full-fat yogurt Dry meat treats Peanut butter
Rabbit Oils and butter
Goat Meaty treats (sausage-like)
Cured meats Dry meat treats (jerky)

fat content of all these diets can vary greatly collies. The mechanisms of PAA are not com-
between the dry and the canned formulations. pletely understood. It is believed to have an
Some commercial treats can also be very important genetic component, and the pub-
high in fat and protein, especially the meaty lished research supports that PAA is preceded
ones, and should be avoided. Carbohydrate-­ by a lymphocytic infiltration of the pancreas
based biscuits are generally acceptable. (Wiberg et al. 1999), which has led to the
Regarding food usually used for human con- hypothesis that PAA is an autoimmune dis-
sumption and table scraps, fruits and vegeta- ease. There is a case series, which suggests that
bles are excellent treats for dogs and event chronic pancreatitis can also be a cause of EPI
some cats with chronic pancreatitis, since they in dogs (Watson 2003), but its relative impor-
are mostly carbohydrate and are also low in tance is unknown. Other less common possi-
energy density, which helps prevent undesired ble causes of EPI in dogs include pancreatic
weight gain. Some common human foods to hypoplasia and pancreatic neoplasia.
avoid are listed in Table 12.1. In cats, it is believed that the most common
cause of EPI is chronic pancreatitis that ends
up destroying the acini (Steiner and
­Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
Williams 1999; Steiner 2012). This process has
also been demonstrated in humans (Gupta
et al. 2009). PAA has not been described
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) results in the cat.
from a severe loss of exocrine pancreatic func- When the pancreas is unable to provide
tion. It has been reported that 90% of acinar enough digestive enzymes, bicarbonate, and
cells must be lost before clinical signs arise other substances for proper digestion and
(Westermarck et al. 2005). absorption, signs of fat, protein, and carbohy-
There are several mechanisms by which drate malassimilation occur, mainly weight
pancreatic mass can be lost. In young dogs, the loss, poor body condition, diarrhea (with stea-
most common cause of EPI (Westermarck torrhea), and polyphagia (Westermarck and
et al. 2005) is pancreatic acinar atrophy (PAA), Wiberg 2003; Thompson et al. 2009).
which has been described in German shepherd Figure 12.4 shows a dog with a dull coat and
dogs and other breeds such as rough-­coated very poor body condition, secondary to the
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310 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

one study in dogs with experimental EPI, the

investigators found lower serum and tissue
concentrations of copper and zinc compared to
control dogs, but the significance of these
­findings is unknown (Adamama-­Moraitou
et al. 2001).
The pancreas secretes intrinsic factor, essen-
tial for vitamin B12 (cobalamin) absorption. In
dogs the stomach also secretes intrinsic factor,
but it is less important than the pancreas
(Vaillant et al. 1990), and in the cat it seems the
pancreas is the only significant source.
Hypocobalaminemia has been reported in
most dogs (Simpson et al. 1989) and cats
(Thompson et al. 2009) with EPI. In dogs, this
can be partly due to dysbiosis, which has been
described in dogs (but not in cats) with EPI
(Williams et al. 1987; Westermarck et al. 1993).

­ utritional Management

Controversies Regarding
Figure 12.4 Dog with exocrine pancreatic Nutritional Management
Is a Low-­Fat Diet Important for Management?
maldigestion and malabsorption classic for Enzyme supplementation is the mainstay for
this disease. the therapy of patients with EPI. The activity
Due to fat malabsorption, fat-­soluble vita- of lipase, however, never reaches concentra-
mins (which need fat for proper absorption) tions comparable to healthy animals due to
might be deficient. One study found that serum destruction by acid (DiMagno et al. 1977) and
vitamin A was lower in dogs with experimen- proteases (Thiruvengadam and DiMagno 1988)
tal EPI compared to control dogs (Adamama-­ in the stomach, and many treated patients still
Moraitou et al. 2002). Low serum have some degree of steatorrhea. For this rea-
concentrations of retinol, α-­tocopherol (Barko son, feeding a moderate-­ to low-­fat diet has
and Williams 2018), and taurine (Tayler been proposed as a strategy to limit fat malab-
et al. 2020) have been reported in some dogs sorption. A possible downside of severe fat
with EPI. Additional research is needed to restriction is reduction of the energy density of
determine the clinical relevance of these the diet, which is not ideal in very underweight
­findings, to determine whether EPI was the animals.
primary cause of this low concentration and One study (Simpson et al. 1994) found that a
the therapeutic potential of its supplementa- group of dogs with EPI gained weight after
tion, although those findings highlight the being treated with pancreatic enzymes and a
importance of ensuring that nutrient require- low-­fat diet. However, there was no control
ments are sufficiently met in patients with EPI. group, and the dogs continued to do well after
There is no information on macro- and trace they were switched to a variety of differ-
minerals absorption in patients with EPI. In ent diets.
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­Nutritional Managemen  311

Two studies from Westermarck and collabo- esterified to the glycerol moiety. They have
rators (Westermarck et al. 1995; Westermarck been used in human medicine to manage mal-
and Wiberg 2006) investigated the importance absorption diseases, since it is believed that
of fat restriction and diet change in managing they are absorbed via the portal circulation
dogs with EPI. In the first study, the effect of a instead of being transported in chylomicrons
low-­fat diet (13% on an ME basis) was com- via lymphatic vessels. Research in cats and
pared to the dogs’ original diet (which varied dogs is lacking.
in fat content from 14% to 30% on an ME basis, Rutz et al. (2004) studied the effect of three
approximately). In the latter study, three diets diets (containing 0%, 16%, or 35% of the total
were used: a high-­fat diet (51% on an ME fat content as MCTs) in a randomized con-
basis), a high-­fiber, low-­fat diet (22% fat on an trolled double-­blind crossover trial. They
ME basis), and a moderate-­fat, highly digesti- found increased blood concentration of choles-
ble diet (30% fat on an ME basis). The most terol and some fat-­soluble vitamins, but there
important finding of these studies was that was no difference between the groups regard-
response to fat restriction varied greatly from ing appetite, attitude, drinking behavior, vol-
dog to dog: some animals responded favorably, ume of feces, defecation frequency, color
others were not affected, others were nega- of feces, consistency of feces, flatulence, or
tively affected. There are studies in experimen- ­borborygmus, as subjectively assessed by the
tally induced EPI in dogs that suggest that fat clients.
restriction actually worsens lipase activity High concentrations of MCTs have been
(Suzuki et al. 1997, 1999), since fat and protein associated with palatability problems in dogs
protect lipase during aboral intestinal transit. (Matulka et al. 2009), although not all studies
Biourge and Fontaine (2004) published a case have reported this (for example, Berk
series where three German shepherd dogs with et al. 2022), and even low to moderate levels of
EPI and concurrent skin disease attributed to MCTs seem to be unpalatable to cats
an adverse reaction to food were treated with a (MacDonald et al. 1985). Currently, there is not
hydrolyzed diet (soy based) and pancreatic enough positive evidence to support the use of
enzyme supplementation. The three dogs did MCTs in dogs and cats with EPI.
well with the diet and the supplementation,
even though the fat content of this diet was
Dietary Management
high (40.8% on an ME basis). A retrospective
study looking at dogs with EPI did not find a The main treatment of EPI is lifelong enzyme
positive (or negative) effect of changing to a replacement therapy (Westermarck et al. 2005).
low-­fat diet (Batchelor et al. 2007). There are several commercial sources of these
Thus, current information indicates that a enzymes, although raw pancreas can also be
low-­fat diet is not necessary unless steatorrhea used; however, it still carries the same risks
is uncontrollable, at least initially. There is no associated with feeding any raw animal prod-
information published regarding the specific uct, including the potential for zoonotic dis-
effect of dietary fat on feline EPI. One retro- eases. Supplemental enzymes are given with
spective study with 150 cases of feline EPI did every meal (with no need to preincubate them
not find any association of diet change with a with food).
positive response (Xenoulis et al. 2016). The main nutritional goals in patients with
EPI are to provide enough energy and nutrients
Are Medium-­Chain Triglycerides Preferred over to maintain ideal body condition, avoid nutri-
Long-­Chain Triglycerides? ent deficiencies, and minimize diarrhea. In
Medium-­chain triglycerides (MCTs) have light of the published data, it appears that there
medium- ­chain fatty acids (6–12 carbons) is not one single diet characteristic that can
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312 Nutritional Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases

successfully achieve these goals. In the study retrospective study with 18 dogs with EPI and
from Westermarck and Wiberg (2006), some cobalamin deficiency, oral supplementation
dogs responded to diet change, but to different with 0.25–1.0 mg/d cobalamin resulted in sig-
types of diet depending on the patient. An indi- nificantly increased serum cobalamin con-
vidual choice of diet should be made for each centrations (Toresson et al. 2021). A recent
patient, and in many cases this process will be prospective clinical trial including 46 dogs
one characterized by trial and error. Initially, a with hypocobalaminemia caused by chronic
diet change might not be necessary (unless enteropathy or EPI found that both oral
there is a concurrent disease that requires it, (250 μg in <10 kg dogs; 500 μg in 10–19 kg
such as with adverse food reactions). Once dogs; 1000 μg in ≥20 kg dogs) and injectable
enzyme supplementation has been in place for supplementation succeeded in normalizing
3–4 weeks, the diet can be changed if the clini- serum cobalamin. However, in dogs with EPI
cal response is not ideal. For example, since only, oral supplementation showed a signifi-
some enzymes can be affected by fiber, some cant decrease of methylmalonic acid (Chang
authors recommend low-­fiber (i.e. highly et al. 2022). A study in Brazil (abstract only)
digestible) diets (Steiner and Williams 1999). noted that a highly digestible diet enriched in
Some preliminary data presented as research prebiotic fibers and in B12 (1.5 vs. 0.17 ppm)
abstracts suggest that digestibility is an impor- also resulted in higher serum cobalamin in
tant dietary factor. Dogs with EPI and on EPI dogs. In both dogs and cats, hypocobala-
enzyme replacement therapy, even with no minemia has been identified as a poor prog-
clinical signs and good body condition, can nostic indicator (Batchelor et al. 2007;
have lower digestibility of macronutrients com- Thompson et al. 2009; Soetart et al. 2019) and
pared to healthy controls (Oliveira et al. 2021), can be a reason for treatment failure. One ret-
and a highly digestible diet improves macronu- rospective study by Xenoulis et al. (2016)
trient digestibility (Oliveira et al. 2022). In addi- noted that 77% of cats presented with hypoco-
tion, the studied EPI dogs had a higher dysbiosis balaminemia, and that vitamin B12 supple-
index than the healthy dogs, which the diet did mentation was significantly correlated with
not correct in the time frame of two months. clinical improvement.
These reports have practical implications, not As for fat-­soluble vitamins, they can be sup-
just for diet choice, but also for the need to con- plemented orally if there are signs of clinical
sider that patients might require more food deficiency (e.g. skin disease or coagulopathy).
than average in order to compensate for this In many cases, feeding a complete and bal-
digestibility deficit. Examples of highly digesti- anced diet and controlling the disease via
ble foods are the veterinary therapeutic diets enzyme supplementation seems to be sufficient.
formulated for gastrointestinal diseases. In Both retrospective studies on feline EPI
dogs with poor body condition, a high-­fat, more (Thompson et al. 2009, 16 cases; and Xenoulis
energy-­dense diet to promote weight gain et al. 2016, 150 cases) have shown that concur-
might be attempted. rent diseases are common (63% and 58%,
Regarding individual deficiencies, animals respectively), which might affect the dietary
with low cobalamin should be supplemented choice of these patients.
with this vitamin until normalization. Regarding feed management, ad libitum
Parenteral supplementation is the classic rec- feeding is not an option in these patients, since
ommendation, although recent studies have pancreatic enzymes must be given with every
suggested that oral supplementation can be meal. Also, it is important to avoid or at least
adequate in dogs (Toresson et al. 2016, 2021; minimize treats and to make sure that the
Chang et al. 2022) and cats (Toresson patient does not have access to unmonitored
et al. 2017) with chronic enteropathy. In a food sources.
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  ­Reference 313

­Summary considered accordingly when deciding on

the nutritional management of the cat with
●● Voluntary or assisted feeding should be insti- pancreatitis.
tuted as soon as feasible in animals with ●● Nutritional goals for the management of
acute pancreatitis. The main nutritional goal exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
is to provide energy and nutrients while are to provide energy for a healthy body con-
minimizing pancreatic secretion. dition, provide nutrients to avoid
●● Fat is the most potent stimulator for pancre- ­deficiencies, and minimize steatorrhea. A
atic secretion, and its oral intake must be highly digestible diet can be useful in cases
restricted during an episode of acute pan- where regular maintenance diets fail to
creatitis, especially in dogs. In chronic pan- achieve these goals.
creatitis, lifelong fat restriction or moderation ●● Hypocobalaminemia is a cause for treatment
might be needed. Very high concentrations failure of EPI and a poor prognostic indica-
of dietary protein should also be avoided. tor in dogs and cats; supplementation is indi-
●● Long-­term nutritional management of acute cated if present.
canine pancreatitis should address any pre- ●● Moderate-­ to high-­fat diets can be useful in
disposing factors for the disease such as obe- patients with EPI with very poor body
sity, hyperlipidemia, and consumption of condition.
fatty foods. ●● The presence of concurrent diseases in dogs
●● The existence of concurrent disease (such as and especially cats will affect the diet choice
intestinal or liver diseases) should be in these patients with EPI.


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Anim. Med. 23: 185–192. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 42: 1–9.
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Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

Stanley L. Marks and Aarti Kathrani

The liver is a crucial metabolic organ, playing a Unlike most terminally differentiated cells,
pivotal role in integrating numerous biochemical hepatocytes in adult liver retain the capacity to
pathways of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, ­mineral, proliferate. After partial (70%) hepatectomy,
and vitamin metabolism, all of which are compensatory hyperplasia begins within min-
­essential for a well-­nourished state. Consequently, utes of resection and is typically completed
malnutrition is a significant co-­morbidity in within two weeks in rats and in less than one
patients with advanced liver disease, being docu- month in humans (Higgins and Anderson 1931;
mented in almost 40% of humans (Gheorghe Francavilla et al. 1990). The management of
et al. 2013). Malnutrition has also been shown dogs and cats with liver disease should thus be
to be a predictor of morbidity and mortality, as predicated on using this capacity to the maxi-
well as poor health-­related quality of life in mum advantage.
humans with cirrhosis (Maharshi et al. 2015;
­Rojas-­Loureiro et al. 2017).
The unique position of the liver between the
intestinally derived portal venous circulation M
­ etabolic Alterations
and the systemic venous circulation makes it in Liver Failure
susceptible to a myriad of inflammatory and
degenerative conditions. The liver is also unique Hepatocellular dysfunction is responsible for a
because it derives most of its own nutrient number of metabolic disturbances that alter
­supply from a vein rather than an artery. the utilization of various nutrients by the body.
Hepatotropic factors in portal venous blood Changes in protein, carbohydrate, and lipid
modulate the functional and structural integrity metabolism (Table 13.1) are particularly prom-
of the liver (Diehl 1991). Several hormones inent in the fasting state (McCullough and
increase after hepatic injury or resection and Tavill 1991). Attempts to correct these altera-
may affect the ensuing hepatic regenerative tions by manipulating nutrient supply repre-
growth (Bucher and Malt 1971). Therefore, opti- sent an important strategy in the nutritional
mal nutrition is important not only to correct management of patients with advanced liver
malnutrition associated with advanced liver dis- disease. In addition, impaired hepatic metabo-
ease, but also to help regulate the hormonal lism and storage may result in vitamin and
milieu after hepatic injury. However, the specific mineral deficiencies. A combination of these
nutritional requirements of dogs and cats with alterations usually exists in patients with
liver disease have not been well defined to date. hepatic disease, and each must be given

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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320 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

Table 13.1 Metabolic alterations in hepatic failure.

Alteration Mechanism

Hyperglucagonemia Portosystemic shunting

Impaired hepatic degradation
Increased plasma aromatic amino acids
Hyperinsulinemia Increased peripheral insulin resistance
Decreased insulin-­to-­glucagon ratio
Impaired hepatic degradation
Increased plasma epinephrine and cortisol Impaired hepatic degradation
Decreased liver and muscle carbohydrate stores Accelerated glycogenolysis
Impaired glycogenesis
Increased gluconeogenesis Hyperglucagonemia
Hyperglycemia (fasting and postprandial) Portosystemic shunting
Increased gluconeogenesis
Decreased insulin-­dependent glucose uptake
Decreased insulin-­hepatic glycolysis
Increased plasma aromatic amino acidsa Decreased hepatic clearance and incorporation into
Increased release into the circulation
Decreased plasma branched-­chain amino Hyperinsulinemia and excessive uptake
Increased utilization as an energy source
Increased plasma methionine, glutamine, Decreased hepatic clearance
asparagine, and histidinea
Tietge et al. (2003).

consideration before appropriate dietary ther- contributing to fasting hypoglycemia. Hepatic

apy can be instituted. glycogen can usually meet glucose needs for
obligate cells for 24–36 h. In humans with
hepatic cirrhosis, glycogen stores are more rap-
Carbohydrate Metabolic Alterations
idly depleted (10–12 h) due to diminished stores,
In healthy individuals, the liver accounts for which results in premature protein catabolism
approximately 90% of endogenous glucose to supply amino acids for gluconeogenesis
­production (Ekberg et al. 1999). The liver is able (Owen et al. 1981). Fasting hypoglycemia is
to maintain euglycemia for obligate glucose-­ uncommon in patients with liver disease as
consuming cell types, such as neurons, red euglycemia can be maintained with as little as
blood cells, and renal medullary cells, by utiliz- one-­fourth to one-­third of normal liver paren-
ing gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycogen chymal mass (Zakim 1982). In addition, fasting
synthesis, glycolysis, and other pathways hypoglycemia is prevented by a compensatory
(Rizza 2010). Consequently, advanced hepatic drop in peripheral glucose oxidation.
disease can be associated with a decrease in However, hepatogenic hypoglycemia can
­glycogen storage and glucose synthesis, occur and is most common in dogs with
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­Metabolic Alterations in Liver Failur  321

cirrhosis, congenital portosystemic vascular proteins. The most abundant is albumin,

anomalies, fulminant hepatic failure, septice- which represents 55–60% of the total plasma
mia, and extensive hepatic neoplasia (Center protein pool (Center 1996c). The other pro-
1996a, b). Normally one-­third of an enteral teins synthesized and secreted by the liver are
glucose load is taken up by the liver; however, usually glycosylated proteins (i.e. glycopro-
this may be impaired in liver disease due teins) that function in hemostasis, protease
to reduced parenchymal mass or the presence inhibition, transport, and ligand binding.
of portosystemic shunting (Kruszynska The second function of the liver in protein
et al. 1993) and therefore may be a con­ metabolism is amino acid interconversion; this
tributory mechanism causing hypoglycemia. is particularly important for de novo protein
Nevertheless, glucose intolerance is more synthesis and gluconeogenesis (Charlton 1996).
common than hypoglycemia in humans with The third function is amino acid deamina-
severe liver dysfunction and approximately tion or breakdown to produce energy
15–30% of patients have overt diabetes (Charlton 1996). Therefore, alterations in
­mellitus (Bianchi et al. 1994). amino acids are one of the most important
Hyperglycemia is suspected to occur due to metabolic changes in chronic liver failure.
insulin resistance from chronic inflammation Increased muscle breakdown and liver insuffi-
in the liver (Hotamisligil 2006) and concurrent ciency induce an increase in the concentra-
increase in glucagon (Marco et al. 1973). In tions of the aromatic amino acids (AAAs; i.e.
addition, hepatic inflammation also increases tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan) and a
the ability of glucagon to stimulate hepatic reduction in those of the branched-­chain
­glucose production (Chen et al. 2012). amino acids (BCAAs; i.e. leucine, isoleucine,
Interestingly, hyperglucagonemia has been valine) (Strombeck and Rogers 1978; Dejong
suggested to occur in dogs with cirrhosis that et al. 2007). In addition, it is believed that
develop an uncommon necrotizing dermatop- changes in protein metabolism that occur in
athy (i.e. superficial necrolytic dermatitis chronic liver disease play a role in the compli-
[SND], hepatocutaneous syndrome). This dis- cations seen in this condition, such as hepatic
order is characterized by skin erosions and encephalopathy (HE), ascites, and protein-­
ulcerations with alopecia, exudation, and calorie malnutrition. Consistent alterations
crusting on the footpads and mucocutaneous in the plasma amino acid profiles may suggest
junctions (Outerbridge et al. 2002). The mean a potential role for amino acids in the patho-
plasma amino acid concentrations for dogs genesis of HE. It has been hypothesized that
with SND were significantly lower than for as AAAs are able to cross the blood–brain
dogs with acute and chronic hepatitis. A meta- ­barrier and act as false neurotransmitters,
bolic hepatopathy in which there is increased they may play a role in HE (Fischer and
hepatic catabolism of amino acids is hypothe- Baldessarini 1971). This characteristic profile
sized to explain the hypoaminoacidemia seen of amino acid changes formed the basis for the
in SND (Outerbridge et al. 2002) (For further initial formulation of solutions enriched in
discussion on SND, see Chapter 11.) BCAAs as a potentially effective nutritional
modality for the treatment of chronic liver
­disease and HE (Khanna and Gopalan 2007).
Protein and Amino Acid
However, ­subsequent studies have not sup-
Metabolic Alterations
ported this approach and although sup­
The liver is responsible for four main functions plementation with BCAAs decreased plasma
in the metabolism of proteins (Charlton 1996). concentrations of AAAs, they did not con­
The first is the synthesis of proteins. The liver sistently improve signs of encephalopathy
synthesizes the majority of circulating plasma (Johnson et al. 2013). Alterations in protein
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322 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

metabolism, seen with chronic hepatic disease, Lipoprotein lipase activity is also decreased in
can result in protein-­calorie malnutrition, liver failure, resulting in a reduced clearance
which is associated with higher in-­hospital capacity for exogenous triglycerides. Patients
mortality in humans with cirrhosis and portal with liver failure can thus be intolerant of large
hypertension (Sam and Nguyen 2009). amounts of dietary fat (Barber and Teasley 1984).
Therefore, protein restriction is discouraged in The liver is also a major site of cholesterol
human patients with cirrhosis, firstly as there synthesis from acetyl-­CoA. Hypocholesterolemia
are advantages of adequate protein intake for has been recognized in animals with portosys-
overall nutritional status and faster improve- temic vascular anomalies and acquired hepatic
ment in encephalopathy scores. Secondly, there insufficiency (Center 1996c), whereas hyper-
are no scientific data in humans to support the cholesterolemia has been seen in animals with
use of dietary protein restriction in patients obstruction to bile flow. The changes in lipopro-
with cirrhosis (Cordoba et al. 2004; Gheorghe tein metabolism associated with cirrhosis gener-
et al. 2005). ally reflect the degree of impairment of hepatic
The fourth function of the liver in protein function, with serum total, low-­density lipopro-
metabolism is in the conversion of ammonia tein (LDL), and high-­density lipoprotein (HDL)
to urea in the urea cycle (Charlton 1996). cholesterol being inversely correlated with
Alterations in nitrogen metabolism manifested severity of cirrhosis in human patients (Ghadir
by hyperammonemia are a common finding et al. 2010).
and probably result from a combination of fac-
tors, including active amino acid deamination
Vitamin and Mineral Abnormalities
and gluconeogenesis, bacterial degradation of
protein in the intestine, impaired ureagenesis, Vitamin deficiencies are commonly found in
and inadequate delivery of ammonia to the patients with chronic liver disease. Deficient die-
liver because of portosystemic vascular shunt- tary intake and malabsorption are the ­principal
ing (Dimski 1994; Center 1996c). Studies in causes of vitamin deficiency, although decreased
human patients with liver failure have shown storage, metabolism defects, and increased
that nitrogen balance can be improved if the requirements also play a role (Mezey 1978). In
diet is divided into small frequent meals, human patients with cirrhosis, the hepatic con-
including a snack at bedtime (Swart et al. 1989). centrations of folate, riboflavin, nicotinamide
(from dietary niacin), pantothenic acid, vitamin
B6 (pyridoxine), ­vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin),
Lipid Metabolic Alterations
and vitamin A have been found to be decreased
The liver plays an important role in lipid metab- (Leevy et al. 1970). The requirements for water-­
olism and is involved in lipoprotein uptake, for- soluble vitamins are determined by the caloric
mation, and export into the circulation. After intake. With complete anorexia there is a low
hepatic glycogen stores are depleted, fatty acids requirement (Strombeck et al. 1983b), but with
are mobilized from adipose tissue, and their rate resumption of caloric intake, water-­soluble vita-
of hepatic oxidation increases. The release of mins are necessary to replenish co-­enzymes
free fatty acids from adipocytes is greatly accel- involved in metabolic processes in the liver and
erated by epinephrine, which stimulates the other tissues (Strombeck et al. 1983b). Due to the
activation of hormone-­sensitive triacylglycerol variety of vitamin deficiencies that may develop
lipase. Since insulin counterbalances this effect and the inability to quantitatively appraise these
of epinephrine, reduced insulin activity will changes, water-­soluble vitamins are often empir-
result in activation of triacylglycerol lipase ically supplemented at a doubled daily dose.
with consequent hydrolysis of triacylglycerols. Subnormal concentrations of vitamin B12 have
The end result is increased release of free fatty been demonstrated in some cats with cholangitis
acids from adipose tissue into the circulation. and hepatic lipidosis associated with chronic
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­Metabolic Alterations in Liver Failur  323

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Vitamin B12 Vitamin E may be beneficial for the man-
can be supplemented parenterally at a dose of agement of patients with copper-­associated
250 μg per cat subcutaneously (SQ) once weekly liver damage because of its antioxidant
for six consecutive weeks, followed by adminis- effects that protect against lipid peroxidation.
tration every [q]2–3 weeks for an indefinite Vitamin E should be supplemented at doses
period. Alternatively, one retrospective study of 10–15 IU/kg/day.
showed that oral cobalamin supplementation Vitamin K stores in the liver are limited and
was effective in increasing serum cobalamin to can be rapidly depleted when dietary sources
supranormal concentrations in cats with hypoco- are inadequate or lipid malabsorption is severe
balaminemia (Toresson et al. 2017). (Strombeck et al. 1983b). One study showed
Vitamin C is produced by the canine and that 25% of human patients with primary bil-
feline liver and lower plasma concentrations of iary cirrhosis had subnormal plasma vitamin
ascorbate are present in dogs and cats with K1 (phylloquinone) concentrations (Kowdley
hepatic disease (Strombeck et al. 1983a). et al. 1997). Endogenous production of vita-
Vitamin C should thus be supplemented, and min K by intestinal bacteria can maintain
dogs will tolerate doses of 25 mg/kg body requirements for one month following the lack
weight orally (PO) per day. However, vitamin C of dietary supplementation. With bleeding due
status has been shown not to be impaired to hepatic disease, the function for synthesis of
in dogs with a portosystemic shunt (PSS) the prothrombin-­complex clotting factors is
(Hishiyama et al. 2006). always lost before the storage of vitamin K is
Malabsorption of fat-­soluble vitamins is typ- depleted (Center 1996b, c). Vitamin K defi-
ically seen in patients with chronic bile-­duct ciency can be diagnosed with a PIVKA (pro-
occlusion, biliary cirrhosis, end-­stage cholan- teins induced by vitamin K antagonism or
gitis, or liver disorders occurring concurrent absence) assay clotting time. Normalization of
with pancreatic or intestinal disease, causing prolonged clotting times after parenteral
steatorrhea. It has been shown that as the administration of vitamin K1 (0.5–1.0 mg/kg
severity of liver disease progresses in humans, SQ) documents vitamin K deficiency.
the fat-­soluble vitamins tend to become more There is considerable evidence that zinc
deficient (Abbott-­Johnson et al. 2011). Caution deficiency is prevalent in liver disease (Riggio
should be exercised with the administration of et al. 1991). Urea synthetic capacity is reduced
vitamin A, as this vitamin can interact syner- in zinc-­deficient canine patients due to reduced
gistically with chemicals and endotoxins to hepatic ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC)
injure the liver, despite the use of vitamin A activity and increased muscle glutamine syn-
concentrations that are not normally hepato- thetase activity Cats are dependent on dietary
toxic (Strombeck et al. 1983b). arginine and not ornithine conversion to cit-
Suboptimal stores of vitamin D can be asso- rulline and then citrulline conversion to argi-
ciated with both cholestatic and non-­ nine like dogs, so this reduced enzyme activity
cholestatic liver disease and may be attributed is likely insignificant for them (Morris 2002).
to lower vitamin D intake, fat malabsorption, Zinc deficiency could thus adversely influence
bile acid deficiency, and impaired hepatic multiple aspects of ammonia metabolism
function (Pappa et al. 2008). Although 90% of (Mullen and Weber 1991), whereas excess zinc
human patients with advanced liver disease inhibits the intestinal absorption of copper and
are deficient in vitamin D (Arteh et al. 2010), its deposition in the liver (Fisher et al. 1983).
the status in dogs and cats with liver Zinc deficiency in human cirrhotic patients
­disease is unknown. Therefore, additional may lead to anorexia due to altered taste and
studies are needed in dogs and cats before smell (Allis and Leopold 2012). Zinc should be
supplementation with vitamin D can be rec- orally supplemented as zinc gluconate or zinc
ommended for those with liver disease. citrate (5 mg/kg body weight/day). Improved
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324 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

zinc status has been associated with improve- modified taste perception due to zinc deficiency,
ment in liver function in human patients with early satiety, delayed gastric emptying, impaired
cirrhosis (Rahelic et al. 2006). gut motility, and small intestinal bacterial over-
Hypokalemia is common in human cirrhotic growth (Kalaitzakis 2014; Thandassery and
patients, in whom it may be associated with glu- Montano-­Loza 2016). Also, hypermetabolism
cose intolerance. Potassium depletion may from increased beta-­adrenergic activation along
occur secondary to inadequate dietary intake, with other metabolic aberrations, such as
vomiting, diarrhea, secondary hyperaldosteron- increased lipid utilization and insulin resistance,
ism, and use of non‑potassium-­sparing diuretic has also been shown to contribute to malnutri-
drugs. Potassium repletion in these patients is tion in humans with cirrhosis (Greco et al. 1998).
associated with a reversal of subnormal insulin Prolonged fasting in cirrhosis leads to a
and growth hormone concentrations (Podolsky rapid consumption of fat stores, and increased
et al. 1973). gluconeogenesis results in depletion of struc-
Copper hepatotoxicity is a well-­documented tural and functional proteins (Munoz 1991).
cause of liver disease in genetically predis- Approximately 80% of humans with cirrhosis
posed dogs and can also occur secondary to have depletion of visceral protein (Caregaro
cholestatic disorders. Secondary copper accu- et al. 1996). In addition, the chronic adminis-
mulation rarely exceeds 2000 ppm (μg/g) dry tration of lactulose and/or neomycin for HE
weight (dw) in liver tissue; normal <400 ppm may lead to nutrient malabsorption, secondary
(μg/g) dw (Thornburg 2000; Hoffmann to decreased intestinal transit time and sup-
et al. 2006; Spee et al. 2006). pressed activity of microbiota. Cholestatic liver
disorders are associated with decreased intralu-
minal concentration of bile salts, resulting in
Malnutrition in Liver Disease
lipid malabsorption and depletion of body fat
Malnutrition is a common finding in humans stores (Kowdley 1998). The steatorrhea that
with advanced liver disease, and in human occurs in approximately 40% of human patients
­cirrhotic patients has been associated with with hepatic cirrhosis is related to decreased
increased morbidity and mortality, compro- delivery of bile salts into the intestinal lumen,
mised immune function, delayed wound heal- impaired intestinal capacity for absorption of
ing, and decreased muscle mass (Johnson long-­chain fatty acids (Malagelada et al. 1974),
et al. 2013). It is important to recognize that interference with lipid absorption by neomy-
weight loss commonly occurs in the face of cin, and in some cases concurrent exocrine
­normal dietary intake, suggesting that factors pancreatic insufficiency (Lee and Lai 1976).
other than caloric intake are involved in the mal-
nutrition of these patients. Protein-­calorie mal-
nutrition occurs in almost 40% of human ­ utritional Management of Common
patients with cirrhosis and progresses as liver Hepatobiliary Disorders
function declines (Cheung et al. 2012; Gheorghe
et al. 2013). Potential causes of malnutrition in The early identification and resolution of the
animals with liver disease include (i) anorexia, factors causing hepatic insult are integral to the
nausea, and vomiting; (ii) impaired nutrient successful repair and regeneration of the hepat-
digestion, absorption, and metabolism; ocyte. Nutritional management is frequently
(iii) increased energy requirements; and (iv) delayed in small animal patients with liver dis-
accelerated protein catabolism with impaired ease owing to the insidious onset and lack of
protein synthesis. Additional causes of malnu- understanding of pathophysiologic mecha-
trition in human patients with cirrhosis include nisms. In addition, therapeutic diets may need
imposed protein and sodium restriction, to be modified depending on the patient’s
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­Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorder  325

nutritional status and underlying liver disor-

der. Sufficient carbohydrate and fat must be
provided in the diet to prevent protein catabo-
lism for energy needs and consequent ammo-
nia formation. Although nutritional therapy
only plays a supportive role in the management
of most hepatic diseases, it is the primary treat-
ment for feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis
(HL) and HE, and is an important component
of the treatment of copper-­associated hepato-
toxicity in dogs.

Figure 13.2 Hepatic biopsy from a cat’s liver

Feline Idiopathic Hepatic Lipidosis showing a diffuse vacuolar hepatopathy consistent
with hepatic lipidosis. Magnification 20X. Courtesy
Feline HL is a well-­recognized syndrome char- of Dr. Eunju (April) Choi, Department of Pathology,
acterized by the accumulation of excess tri- Microbiology, and Immunology, University of
glycerides in hepatocytes (see Figures 13.1 California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine.
and 13.2) with resulting cholestasis and hepatic
dysfunction (Biourge et al. 1990). The pro­ causes include protein deficiency, excessive
gnosis for this life-­threatening disorder has peripheral lipolysis, excessive lipogenesis,
improved dramatically over the past two dec- inhibition of lipid oxidation for gluconeogene-
ades as a consequence of the increased utiliza- sis, and inhibition of the synthesis of very low-­
tion of long-­term (3–8 weeks or longer) enteral density lipoproteins (Center 2005).
feeding devices (Biourge et al. 1990, 1993; Most cats with this disorder are obese and
Center 2005). Despite this progress, the under- usually present with a history of anorexia and
lying pathophysiology of this syndrome weight loss following a stressful event (Biourge
remains incompletely understood. Potential et al. 1990, 1993; Center 2005). Initial manage-
ment should be directed toward correcting
­cardiovascular, fluid, and electrolyte abnormali-
ties, HE, and any infection. Resolution of HL
­associated with pancreatitis, infections, and
drugs is dependent on the success in treating the
underlying disorder (Center 2005). Early tube
feeding via esophagostomy or gastrostomy tubes
remains the cornerstone of therapy. If the cat
cannot be safely anesthetized for placement of
an enteral feeding tube, a nasoesophageal tube
should be placed, and a liquid, enteral formula
should be administered until the cat is stabilized
for placement of a longer-­lasting esophagos-
tomy or gastrostomy tube (see Chapter 20 for
further discussion on enteral feeding).
Figure 13.1 Fatty liver from a cat diagnosed with
hepatic lipidosis showing the pale-­colored surface, Energy
swollen parenchyma, and rounded borders. Courtesy
Provision of adequate daily energy intake is
of Dr. Eunju (April) Choi, Department of Pathology,
Microbiology, and Immunology, University of pivotal for the successful management of cats
California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. with HL; however, there are no guidelines for
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326 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

estimated energy needs in cats with HL other The tube should terminate in the distal
than clinical experience. Most cats tolerate esophagus to decrease the likelihood of reflux
feeding to meet their resting energy require- esophagitis (Balkany et al. 1977), and this is
ment (RER). This can be increased slightly facilitated by ensuring that the length of the
to 1.1–1.2 times RER when the cat is managed tube approximates the distance from the tip of
at home. Force-­feeding is contraindicated the nose to the seventh or eighth intercostal
because it may be associated with a condi- space. However, one study did not identify a
tioned food aversion, is stressful for the cat, difference in complication rate between nasoe-
may result in human caretaker injury, and is sophageal and nasogastric feeding tubes in
unlikely to provide adequate nutrition. The dogs (Yu et al. 2013), and therefore further
use of appetite stimulants such as diazepam, studies are needed in cats to determine the
oxazepam, cyproheptadine, capromorelin, optimal terminal location of nasoenteral feed-
and mirtazapine can be attempted, but usually ing tubes. The small diameter of the tube (i.e.
results in failure to meet the cat’s caloric 5-­to 8-­French) necessitates the feeding of a liq-
requirement and frustration for the human uid enteral formula, and clogging can be a sig-
companion. Caution should be heeded nificant problem. Commercially available
with the use of diazepam in cats with canned pâté or loaf-­style pet foods that are
hepatic ­disease because of the associated ful- diluted with water will invariably clog the
minant hepatic failure that can ensue (Center feeding tube. The caloric density of most
et al. 1996). human and veterinary liquid enteral formulas
Esophagostomy and gastrostomy tubes are varies from 1.0 to 2.0 kcal/ml. These liquid
well tolerated by cats and help ensure the admin- diets are fed full strength on continuous (pump
istration of adequate calories. Nasoesophageal infusion) or bolus feeding schedules.
tubes have the advantages of relatively low cost The most common complications associated
and the lack of chemical restraint needed for with the use of nasoesophageal tubes include
their placement. Nasoesophageal tubes are a epistaxis, rhinitis, dacryocystitis, tracheal intu-
simple and efficient choice for the short-­term bation with secondary pneumonia, vomiting,
(under 10 days) nutritional support of most ano- diarrhea, early removal or displacement, and
rectic hospitalized animals that have a normal clogged tubes (Crowe 1986; Abood and
mentation, nasal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, Buffington 1992; Klaus et al. 2009; Campbell
and stomach (Crowe 1986). Nasoesophageal et al. 2010; Holahan et al. 2010). Vomiting
tube feeding is contraindicated in animals that associated with delayed gastric emptying can
are vomiting, comatose, or lack a gag reflex. often be controlled with metoclopramide
Polyvinylchloride (infant feeding tube, Argyle (0.2–0.4 mg/kg SQ) 15 min before each meal.
Division of Sherwood Medical, St. Louis, MO, Mild hypokalemia can be treated with oral
USA) or red rubber tubes (Robinson catheter, potassium chloride or potassium gluconate
Sherwood Medical) are the least expensive tubes supplementation (5–10 mEq/day with meals;
for cats, although the polyvinylchloride tubes i.e. 375 mg potassium chloride to 750 mg potas-
may harden within two weeks of insertion and sium chloride per day).
cause irritation or ulceration of the pharynx or
esophagus. Tubes made of polyurethane (MILA Protein
International, Erlanger, KY, USA) or silicon Dietary protein should not be restricted in cats
(Global Veterinary Products, New Buffalo, MI, with HL unless the cat is showing signs of
USA) are more expensive; however, they are less encephalopathy. Protein restriction for cats
irritating and more resistant to gastric acid, with HE should not fall below minimum pro-
allowing prolonged usage. A 5-­to 8-­French tube tein requirements. Commercial veterinary diets
is more comfortable for cats and smaller dogs. containing between 25% and 30% protein on a
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­Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorder  327

metabolizable energy (ME) basis and 60–68% to avoid that diet even after full recovery, due to
fat on an ME basis have been well tolerated in their association with the unpleasant sensa-
most cats with HL that are not encephalopathic tion. One should therefore tube-­feed these cats
(Biourge et al. 1993). Caution should be heeded as soon as the diagnosis of HL has been made,
in the feeding of human liquid enteral formu- rather than offer several commercial diets to
las, which are typically deficient in the essen- which the cat can develop an aversion. Cats
tial amino acids arginine and taurine and with HL should not be offered any food by
contain inadequate concentrations of protein. mouth for approximately 10 days following
Arginine is an important urea cycle substrate placement of a feeding tube. Cats that express
and arginine deficiency has been associated an interest in eating can then be presented with
with the development of hyperammonemia in a novel diet that they have not been fed before.
cats fed a single meal of a complete amino acid The prognosis for HL is influenced to a large
diet without arginine (Morris and Rogers 1978). degree by the ability of the clinician or human
Taurine deficiency has been shown to increase caretaker to aggressively meet the cat’s caloric
lipolysis in peripheral tissues and increasing requirements via enteral feeding. In addition, a
dietary taurine decreased total liver lipid con- decrease in serum beta-­hydroxybutyrate, a
tent in cats (Cantafora et al. 1991). ketone body, which likely reflects an improve-
There are a variety of veterinary liquid ment in catabolic state, during hospitalization
enteral diets that are marketed for small ani- in cats with HL was associated with survival
mal use. These formulas should be fed at room (Kuzi et al. 2017).
temperature and kept refrigerated between
meals. Tube feedings should be started at three Potassium
to four times daily with a gradual increase in Hypokalemia is a relatively common finding in
the volume administered. Feeding should be cats with HL and may develop due to inade-
initiated at 25% of the calculated RER and then quate potassium intake, vomiting, magnesium
slowly increased by 25% increments daily, depletion, and concurrent renal failure. In one
depending on the animal’s tolerance to the diet study, hypokalemia was present in 19 of 66 cats
until full RER is reached on at least day 4. (29%) with severe HL and was significantly
Gradually increasing to full RER over at least related to non-­survival in this group of cats
four days may also help to prevent refeeding (Center et al. 1993). However, a recent study
syndrome (i.e. sudden intracellular shifts in documented hypokalemia in 16% of survivors
potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium caus- and 38% of non-­survivors at the time of presen-
ing potentially life-­threatening hypokalemia, tation to the hospital in cats with HL, and this
hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnesemia), difference was not statistically significant (Kuzi
which has been reported in a cat with HL et al. 2017). Hypokalemia is deleterious because
(Brenner et al. 2011). Commercial canned it can exacerbate HE and anorexia, and cause
diets should be blended with water to provide a muscle weakness and ileus. Diets for cats
gruel for gastrostomy or esophagostomy tube with HL should be potassium replete (0.8–1%
feeding. The advantage of using a balanced potassium on a dry matter basis, or 1.5 g/Mcal),
commercial diet is that additional protein, or potassium can be orally supplemented
minerals, and vitamins do not need to be at 2–6 mEq potassium gluconate per day (or
added. For further guidance on enteral or tube 465 mg–1.395 g potassium gluconate per day).
feeding, see Chapter 20.
Food aversion appears to be an important l-­Carnitine
component of the anorexia of cats with HL Food and biosynthesis by the liver are the pri-
(Biourge 1997). Cats that refuse to eat a diet mary sources of carnitine for animals.
that they associate with nausea may continue Carnitine is an essential co-­factor for transport
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328 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

of long-­chain fatty acids across the inner mito- Other Nutrient Considerations
chondrial membrane into the mitochondrial Additional dietary supplements that are incon-
matrix for beta-­oxidation. Carnitine also sistently used by some clinicians in cats with
removes potentially toxic acyl groups from severe HL include taurine (250–500 mg/day
cells and equilibrates ratios of free co-­enzyme PO), subcutaneous vitamin K1 (0.5–1.0 mg/kg
A (CoA)/acetyl-­CoA between the mitochon- at 12 h intervals for three doses), thiamine
dria and cytoplasm. Thus, carnitine plays a (100–200 mg/day PO), and antioxidants such
very important role in utilizing lipid as a cel- as vitamin E (d-­α-­tocopherol acetate; 10–15 IU/
lular energy source. kg/day PO) and S-­adenosylmethionine (SAMe;
Several studies have investigated the rela- 20 mg/kg/day PO). See later in the chapter for
tionship between carnitine, weight loss in a detailed description of antioxidants for liver
obese cats, and feline HL. Jacobs et al. (1990) disease.
found that mean concentrations of carnitine
in plasma, the liver, and skeletal muscle were
Copper-­Associated Hepatotoxicity in Dogs
significantly greater in cats with HL than in
control cats. In contrast, other studies have There are three causes of hepatic copper accu-
shown that feline diets supplemented with mulation. One cause is a hereditary defect that
­l-­carnitine benefit obese cats undergoing inhibits biliary excretion of copper, resulting
rapid weight loss (Center et al. 2000; Blanchard in hepatocellular lysosomal copper accumula-
et al. 2002). In addition, dietary l-­carnitine tion, which is the primary form of copper stor-
supplementation protected obese cats from age disease in humans (Wilson’s disease) and
hepatic lipid accumulation during caloric Bedlington terrier dogs (Su et al. 1982; Brewer
restriction and rapid weight loss (Ibrahim 1998; Thornburg 2000; see Figure 13.3). A sec-
et al. 2003). Center and colleagues have also ond cause is altered biliary excretion of copper
previously shown that food supplemented due to hepatic inflammation, fibrosis, and/or
with l-­carnitine can safely facilitate rapid cholestasis, although this has not been proven
weight loss in privately owned obese cats definitively in the dog (Hoffmann et al. 2006;
(Center et al. 2000). Supportively, dietary Spee et al. 2006). A third known and suggested
­l-­carnitine supplementation appeared to cause of hepatic copper accumulation is
­facilitate fatty acid oxidation in overweight from excessive dietary intake (van den Ingh
colony-­housed cats undergoing rapid weight et al. 2007; Center et al. 2021). Absorption of
loss (Center et al. 2012). copper is also enhanced by amino acids and
Based on these findings, l-­carnitine has
been recommended for the management of
cats with HL at an oral dose of 250–500 mg
­l-­carnitine/cat/day. Although there have not
been any rigorous placebo-­controlled clinical
trials evaluating the benefits of l-­carnitine in
these patients, the clinical impression is one of
faster recovery and increased survival rates.

Cyanocobalamin/Vitamin B12
Cats with HL frequently have concurrent IBD
or intestinal lymphoma and pancreatitis.
Serum concentrations of vitamin B12 are com-
monly decreased in cats with HL in association Figure 13.3 Bedlington terrier diagnosed with
with concurrent IBD (Simpson et al. 2001). primary copper-­associated hepatotoxicity.
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­Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorder  329

high dietary protein, and reduced by zinc, disease (Johnson et al. 1980). A deletion in the
ascorbate, and fiber. COMMD1 gene (formerly MURR1) results in
In non-­hereditary, secondary copper storage reduced biliary excretion of copper and marked
disease, copper accumulation is mainly accumulation of copper within hepatocytes
restricted to periportal areas and hepatic cop- (Forman et al. 2005). Recently, two missense
per concentrations are usually less than mutations in the copper transporters ATP7B
2000 ppm (μg/g) dw (Thornburg 2000; (Wilson’s disease gene) and ATP7A (Menkes
Hoffmann et al. 2006). In contrast, copper ­disease gene) were positively and negatively
accumulation with primary hereditary copper associated with hepatic copper concentrations,
storage disorders is always centrilobular, and respectively, in Labrador retrievers (Fieten
hepatic copper concentrations are usually et al. 2016). In addition to genetic susceptibility,
greater than 2000 ppm (μg/g) dw (Hultgren hepatic copper concentrations in Labrador
et al. 1986; Hoffmann et al. 2006). Normal retrievers are also influenced by dietary copper
hepatic copper concentrations are considered intake (Fieten et al. 2012). Copper is highly toxic
to be less than 400 ppm (μg/g) dw (Hoffmann when not bound to protein. In the presence of
et al. 2006; Spee et al. 2006). superoxide ions, copper catalyzes the formation
Breed-­associated hepatic copper accumula- of hydroxyl radicals causing oxidative damage to
tion with reports of greater than 2000 ppm (μg/g) lipids and proteins, resulting in chronic hepatitis
dw has been identified in Bedlington terriers, (Forman et al. 2005).
West Highland white terriers, Skye terriers,
Dalmatians, Doberman pinschers, and Labrador Energy
retrievers (see Figure 13.4; Rolfe and Twedt 1995; There are no guidelines for estimated energy
Cooper et al. 1997; Haywood et al. 1988; needs in dogs with vacuolar, inflammatory, or
Hoffmann et al. 2006; Mandigers et al. 2007). toxic hepatopathies. Provision of adequate
Recently, it has also been reported in a Pembroke daily energy intake to allow for protein synthe-
Welsh corgi (Rifkin and Miller 2014). In sis and prevent tissue catabolism with subse-
Bedlington ­terriers, copper-­associated hepatitis quent ammoniagenesis is important. Most
has been identified as an autosomal recessive hospitalized patients are fed at their RER.

Dietary Copper Restriction

The goal of treatment in dogs with copper-­
associated hepatotoxicity is to create a negative
copper balance by restricting copper intake
and increasing urinary copper excretion via the
use of chelators. Studies have shown that a
low-­copper and high-­zinc diet may be benefi-
cial in preventing or postponing reaccumula-
tion of copper in Labrador retrievers that
were initially treated with a copper chelator
(Hoffmann et al. 2009; Fieten et al. 2014). In
addition, hepatic copper concentrations could
Figure 13.4 Hepatic biopsy from a Labrador be normalized in one study with dietary inter-
retriever with copper associated hepatitis showing vention alone in 15 out of 28 subclinical
diffuse copper staining (brown pigment) using a Labrador retrievers with increased hepatic cop-
Rhodanine stain. Magnification 20X. Courtesy of Dr.
per (Fieten et al. 2015). However, some study
Eunju (April) Choi, Department of Pathology,
Microbiology, and Immunology, University of individuals continued to accumulate copper
California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. despite being fed a low-­copper and high-­zinc
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330 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

diet. Therefore, response to dietary treatment Pharmacologic Reduction of Copper

should be evaluated with repeat liver biopsy of Copper chelators or zinc therapy are warranted
multiple locations/lobes and copper staining if the liver biopsy of a dog with chronic hepati-
and quantification due to individual variation tis or copper hepatotoxicity shows significant
in dietary response, which is likely the result of hepatic copper accumulation. Hepatic copper
differences in genetic background. concentrations >1000 ppm (μg/g) dw liver
Commercially available therapeutic diets are require therapy to be reduced. Animals with
available for dogs and cats with liver disease. >2000 ppm (μg/g) dw copper content should all
These formulations differ from those pre- have chelator therapy for at least three months.
scribed for patients with renal disease in that
the hepatic formulas are generally less protein Zinc
restricted (14–15.5% protein on an ME basis) Zinc salts are effective in preventing copper
than most renal diets. In addition, the hepatic accumulation in the livers of humans with
diets are restricted in dietary copper, have Wilson’s disease (Jaffe et al. 1964). In addition,
increased concentrations of dietary zinc and B zinc has antifibrotic and hepatoprotective
vitamins, are controlled in sodium, and are properties. Zinc ions induce the synthesis of
­fortified with antioxidants. metallothionein, which binds copper tightly,
An alternative option for anorectic dogs rendering it unabsorbable from the intestine
that refuse to eat commercial diets or that and possibly also detoxifying it in the liver
have concurrent disorders warranting a com- (Center et al. 2002). Copper bound to metal-
plex dietary formulation that is not commer- lothionein in the intestinal cell is then lost in
cially available is to feed a complete and the feces when the intestinal cell is sloughed.
balanced homemade diet that has been for- Zinc acetate or zinc gluconate is the recom-
mulated by a board certified veterinary nutri- mended source, since the sulfate form may be
tionist® or a Diplomate of the European associated with gastric irritation and vomiting
College of Veterinary and Comparative in people. The zinc should be administered on
Nutrition. Care should be taken to fortify any an empty stomach and regardless of form still
copper-­restricted, canine homemade diet has the common side effect of vomiting. An
with a supplement that does not contain initial induction dose of 15 mg/kg body weight
added copper (Balance IT® Canine -­Cu, DVM of elemental zinc given twice daily 1 h before
Consulting, Davis, CA, USA) or a multivita- meals is recommended. The dose can be
min that uses cupric oxide with low to no bio- halved after 1–3 months of therapy. The goal is
availability such as Centrum Kids Chewable to maintain serum zinc concentrations
( h tt p s : / / w w w. c e n t r u m . c o m / p ro d u c t s /­ between 200 and 500 μg/dl. Excess zinc may
multivitamins/centrum-­kids). Homemade interfere with the absorption and utilization of
diets should exclude liver, nuts, shellfish, iron and copper and can cause hemolytic ane-
­mushrooms, and organ meats that are all mia (Center 1996b). Plasma zinc concentra-
high in copper ­content (Center 1996b). tions exceeding 1000 μg/dl may result in
Supplementation of vitamin C is controver- hemolysis, and therefore plasma zinc concen-
sial in small animals, with some clinicians trations should be monitored during treatment.
preferring to avoid its use because of in vitro
studies documenting increased transition Copper Chelators
metal oxidation. In contrast, others advocate Copper chelators bind copper either in the
a lower dose of vitamin C supplementation blood or the tissues and promote its urinary
(25 mg/kg body weight/day) because plasma excretion. D-­penicillamine (Cuprimine®,
ascorbic acid concentrations can be decreased 250 mg capsules, Bausch Health, Bridgewater,
in dogs with hepatic failure (Strombeck NJ, USA), the most frequent copper chelator
et al. 1983b). recommended for use in dogs, should be given
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­Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorder  331

at a dose of 10–15 mg/kg PO twice a day on an injury in dogs and cats. Decreased hepatic
empty stomach (Center 1996b; Langlois ­glutathione concentrations have been docu-
et al. 2013). Anorexia and vomiting are the mented in dogs and cats with naturally occur-
most common side effects in dogs and can be ring liver disease (Center et al. 2002). Normally
alleviated by reducing the dose or giving a long-­ there is an extensive system of cytosolic
acting antiemetic 1 h prior to administration and membrane-­bound enzymatic and non-­
(Langlois et al. 2013). enzymatic antioxidants that function to pre-
In addition to its chelating properties, vent oxidative damage by scavenging or
D-­penicillamine may have other beneficial effects quenching free radicals that are formed.
such as immunomodulation and antifibrotic
activities (Lipsky and Ziff 1978; Siegel 1977). Vitamin E
D-­penicillamine therapy has also been associated Vitamin E (d-­α tocopherol) functions as a
with a pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency in major membrane-­bound intracellular antioxi-
human patients (Jaffe et al. 1964). Although this dant, protecting membrane phospholipids
problem has not been recognized to occur in from peroxidative damage when free radicals
dogs, the diet should be high in this B vitamin, or are formed. Vitamin E protects against the
supplemental amounts should be given daily. It is effects of copper, bile acids, and other hepato-
thought that penicillamine induces the produc- toxins, and is administered at 10–15 IU/kg/day.
tion of a hepatic copper-­binding protein, metal- Because bile acids are required for fat-­soluble
lothionein, thus binding and sequestering copper vitamin E absorption and may be reduced in
in a non-­toxic form in the liver. cholestatic liver disease, a water-­soluble for-
Continuous life-­long D-­penicillamine treat- mulation (e.g. forms with acetate, succinate, or
ment is not recommended in Labrador retriev- phosphate esters) is recommended.
ers due to the risk of hepatic copper and zinc
deficiency (Fieten et al. 2013). However, S-­adenosylmethionine
a model has recently been published that can SAMe is a precursor of glutathione, an impor-
be used as a guideline for the duration of tant component of the liver antioxidant sys-
D-­penicillamine treatment based on hepatic tem. In a placebo-­controlled feline model of
copper concentrations in this breed (Fieten oxidant injury from acetaminophen, SAMe-­
et al. 2013). Periodic liver biopsies are recom- treated cats had reduced Heinz body forma-
mended with the use of copper chelators to tion and erythrocyte destruction compared
monitor hepatic copper concentrations and with cats that received acetaminophen alone.
need for ongoing therapy. Hepatic and blood glutathione concentra-
A second copper chelator is trientine (Syprine®, tions increased with SAMe administration
Bausch Health), which has been manufactured (Webb et al. 2003). There was also evidence
for patients that are intolerant to penicillamine. of protection in hepatic glutathione (GSH)-­
The drug is administered at a dose of 15 mg/kg treated cats. SAMe and silybin (aka silibinin,
PO twice daily on an empty stomach and is see more below under milk thistle) in combi-
­better tolerated than D-­penicillamine. Anti-­ nation have been shown to decrease cytokine-­
inflammatory agents such as prednisone also induced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), interleukin
may be of benefit in the management of chronic (IL)-­8, and monocyte chemoattractant pro-
hepatitis in Bedlington terriers and West tein-­1 (MCP1) production and to increase
Highland white terriers. glutathione in canine hepatocytes in vitro
(Au et al. 2013). In addition, a combination
Antioxidants of SAMe and silybin was shown to minimize
Considerable evidence shows that free radicals increased liver enzyme activity in dogs
are generated in chronic hepatitis and partici- receiving CCNU chemotherapy (Skorupski
pate in the pathogenesis of oxidative liver et al. 2011).
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332 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

It is important to recognize that there are two and phagocytic function (Webb et al. 2009). The
well-­characterized stereoisomers of the SAMe oral uptake and bioavailability of silybin are
molecule, denoted as “−” SAMe (S,S-­SAMe) and low, but significantly increase when complexed
“+” SAMe (R,S-­SAMe) isomers. This nomencla- with phosphatidylcholine (Filburn et al. 2007).
ture refers to the orientation at the sulfonium Milk thistle as silybin or silymarin extract is
chiral center. The S,S-­SAMe isomer is the pre- dosed at 5–15 mg/kg body weight/day PO. To
dominant form synthesized in cells and is bio- date, limited clinical studies have evaluated the
logically active, whereas <4% of the R,S-­SAMe is efficacy of silymarin in liver disease in dogs and
found in tissues. Both in vitro and in vivo studies cats. In one placebo-­controlled experimental
indicate that only the S,S-­SAMe isomer has pref- study of dogs poisoned with the Amanita phal-
erential high reactivity with most methyltrans- loides mushroom, silybin had a significant posi-
ferases that have been studied (Beaudouin tive effect on liver damage and survival outcome
et al. 1993). SAMe is administered at a dose of (Vogel et al. 1984). Also, one study showed that
20 mg/kg body weight once daily on an empty silymarin was able to protect liver tissue against
stomach (given 1–2 hours before feeding). While oxidative stress in cats that had received a sin-
the stereoisomeric composition of SAMe prod- gle oral administration of toxic amounts of
ucts is important in determining their biological acetaminophen (Avizeh et al. 2010).
effects, this information typically is not disclosed
for marketed products or may not be known.
Portosystemic Shunts and
Analysis of Denosyl® (Nutramax Laboratories
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Veterinary Sciences, Lancaster, SC, USA), a
SAMe product proven to produce biological Hepatic encephalopathy is currently defined
responses in healthy dogs and cats and in a as “a brain dysfunction caused by liver insuffi-
canine and feline model of acetaminophen ciency and/or portosystemic shunt; it ­manifests
­toxicity (Wallace et al. 2002; Webb et al. 2003), as a wide spectrum of neurological or psychiat-
demonstrated a 74% content of the biologically ric abnormalities ranging from subclinical
active S,S-­SAMe stereoisomer, while analysis alterations to coma” (Vilstrup et al. 2014). The
of another veterinary brand disclosed a 57% syndrome is most often recognized in dogs or
S,S-­SAMe isomer content. cats with congenital anomalies of the portal
vascular system (Figures 13.5–13.7); however,
Milk Thistle
The active extract of milk thistle is silymarin,
which contains four flavonoid stereoisomers;
the most biologically potent is silybin. Important
functions showing the hepatoprotective proper-
ties of silymarin include its role as an antioxi-
dant and free-­radical scavenger in the liver.
There is also evidence that silymarin has effects
in inhibiting hepatotoxin binding, increas-
ing glutathione concentrations and iron chela-
tion, and promoting choleresis (Crocenzi
et al. 2003). Silybin and the more bioavailable
silybin-­phosphatidylcholine complex were
shown to inhibit canine hepatocyte activation
by the ­pro-­inflammatory cytokine IL-­1beta
in vitro (Au et al. 2011). In cats, oral supplemen-
Figure 13.5 Copper-­colored irises in an
tation with silibinin-­phosphatidylcholine com- encephalopathic kitten diagnosed with a
plex increased granulocyte glutathione content portosystemic shunt.
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­Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorder  333

Figure 13.6 Abdominal ultrasound using color flow doppler interrogation in a 6-month female toy-poodle
with a single extrahepatic portosystemic shunt. CVC, caudal vena cava; PV, portal vein; SV, shunt vessel.
Courtesy of Dr. Eric G. Johnson, Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences, University of California,
Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine.

Figure 13.7 Exploratory laparotomy in a cat with Figure 13.8 Exploratory laparotomy in a dog
a single extrahepatic shunt showing the ligature showing a plexus of multiple extrahepatic shunt
around the aberrant vessel. vessels secondary to portal hypertension from
hepatic cirrhosis.

it may occur in association with chronic

­progressive hepatic disorders that lead to end-­ supportive and symptomatic care. Clinicians
stage liver failure (Figure 13.8). An under- should refrain from the use of sedatives, narcot-
standing of the pathogenesis and precipitating ics, and anesthetic agents in patients with
factors for the development of HE is integral to HE. Non‑potassium-­sparing diuretics, in
successful patient management. ­particular furosemide, should be judiciously
The goals of therapy in patients with HE are ­utilized, because overzealous use may cause
threefold: (i) early recognition and correction of hypokalemic alkalosis and hypovolemia.
precipitating causes of encephalopathy (e.g. gas- Treatments based on the mechanism of
trointestinal bleeding, constipation, hypoka- ­intestinal production and absorption of
lemia); (ii) reduction of the intestinal production ­toxins (i.e. ammonia, mercaptans, short-­
and absorption of toxins; and (iii) provision of chain fatty acids, indoles and skatoles, and
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334 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

biogenic amines) include decreasing or modify- proteins if higher concentrations of dietary

ing ­dietary ­protein, altering intestinal flora, and protein are associated with encephalopathy.
decreasing intestinal transit time (Center 1996b). Decreased portal venous perfusion or mark-
Supportive care includes correction of hypov- edly reduced hepatic mass permits encephalo-
olemia, electrolyte, and acid–base abnormalities genic material derived from the gut, diet, or
(Center 1996b). endogenous metabolism to enter the systemic
Animals with PSSs and an absence of HE circulation. Subsequent exposure to the blood–
should not be unduly protein restricted. brain barrier allows access to the central nerv-
Instead, efforts should be made to provide ous system. Nitrogen is normally metabolized
normal dietary intake in patients with chronic to ammonia and detoxified in the hepatic urea
stable liver disease. Likewise, not all animals cycle. Ingestion of a meat-­based high-­protein
with surgically repaired PSSs require protein diet, gastrointestinal bleeding, and azotemia
restriction, and these animals are typically are the most common causes of HE in animals
slowly weaned onto normal maintenance with severe liver disease or PSSs (Center 1996b).
diets within 4–6 weeks following surgery. Any The source of protein is critically important in
evidence of dietary protein intolerance on a the management of animals with HE. Dogs
maintenance diet is usually managed with a with experimentally created PSSs had signifi-
moderately protein-­restricted diet in the form cantly prolonged survival and fewer signs of
of a ­commercially manufactured hepatic diet. encephalopathy when fed a milk-­based diet as
Alternatively, higher dietary protein concen- opposed to a meat-­based diet (Condon 1971). It
trations can be fed in the form of vegetable or is possible that heme, RNA, and other nitroge-
milk-­based proteins to these animals, with nous bases in the meat-­based diet contributed
every effort made to avoid the feeding of to the exacerbation of HE and shortened sur-
­animal proteins. vival. The presence of diarrhea and soft stools
in the dogs receiving the milk-­based diet was a
Dietary Protein possible cause for decreased nitrogen absorp-
Protein supplementation remains an enigma tion secondary to shortened intestinal transit
of great concern for clinicians caring for time and lowering of colonic pH. The latter
patients with HE secondary to hepatic cirrho- hypothesis is supported by the finding that
sis, because these patients may have signifi- encephalopathy is worse in Eck fistula dogs
cantly increased protein requirements due to with constipation, and clinical signs are
their liver disease and possible catabolism reduced following administration of enemas.
from a reduced insulin/glucagon ratio (Soeters The benefits of feeding milk proteins are
et al. 1977; Swart et al. 1988). However, dietary unlikely to be the result of a favorable amino
protein should not be restricted in animals acid composition of the protein’s amino acids,
with PSSs that are not encephalopathic, and because the ratio between BCAAs and AAAs is
these animals should be fed as much protein as similar for proteins in cottage cheese, meat,
they will tolerate without becoming clinically and fish. The benefits of cottage cheese are
encephalopathic. A study showed that 2.1 g of thus likely to be associated with its optimal
crude protein/kg body weight/day with 80% or digestibility and lack of porphyrins such as
greater bioavailability was adequate at main- heme and other nitrogenous bases.
taining body protein stores in dogs with PSSs, The feeding of vegetable-­based diets (e.g.
without causing HE (Laflamme et al. 1993). soybeans) is also preferred over the feeding of
Renal diets are best avoided in animals with meat-­based diets in patients with cirrhosis
liver disease due to the source of dietary pro- (Weber et al. 1985). The effect of vegetable-­
tein (often animal/organ meats), and efforts based diets on nitrogen metabolism can be
should be made to feed vegetable or dairy mainly accounted for by the increased intake
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­Nutritional Management of Common Hepatobiliary Disorder  335

of dietary fiber and increased incorporation management of HE due to the large quantities
and elimination of nitrogen in fecal bacteria of organ meats in some of these diets.
(Weber et al. 1985). The benefits of feeding a Homemade diets formulated by a board certi-
protein-­restricted soy-­based diet versus a fied veterinary nutritionist®, which avoid the
protein-­restricted poultry-­based diet to dogs use of meat-­based protein sources, can be used
with congenital PSSs were documented when as effective alternatives to commercial diets.
the dogs on the soy-­based diet had significantly Fat-­ and water-­soluble vitamins should be
lower plasma ammonia concentrations com- ­supplemented in the diet. Zinc should also be
pared to the dogs ingesting the poultry-­based supplemented, since depletion of this mineral
diet (Proot et al. 2009). Casein-­based diets have has been suggested as a precipitant of HE in
been fed to both dogs and cats with liver dis- people with liver failure (van Der Rijt
ease; however, these diets have the potential et al. 1991). In addition, the administration of
for low arginine concentrations, warranting zinc has induced psychomotor improvements
supplementation of this essential amino acid if in human cirrhotic patients with mild HE
administered to cats. Dietary arginine defi- (Reding et al. 1984) and together with oral sup-
ciency in otherwise healthy cats can cause plementation of antioxidants has been shown
hyperammonemia and encephalopathy signs to improve minimal HE in human patients
within 30 min of consumption of a high-­ with cirrhosis (Mousa et al. 2016).
protein, arginine-­deficient diet (Morris 1985). Management of animals with urate stones in
Parenteral or enteral supplemental formulas the urinary bladder secondary to PSSs remains
containing increased BCAAs and reduced a challenge for clinicians, as these stones are
AAAs designed to normalize circulating amino not amenable to dissolution with dietary inter-
acids have been evaluated in a number of clini- vention. Such stones are typically removed sur-
cal trials of HE. Despite the large number of gically via cystotomy or with lithotripsy
investigations, it is difficult to analyze the data (see Chapter 16).
because of marked differences in the study
designs, lack of randomization, and the vary- Nonabsorbable Disaccharides
ing formulas utilized (Wahren et al. 1983; Lactulose administration is considered to be
Cerra et al. 1985; Michel et al. 1985). A recent one of the treatments of choice in HE. It is a
review, including 16 randomized clinical trials, synthetic disaccharide that is hydrolyzed by
found that BCAAs had a beneficial effect on colonic bacteria, principally to lactic and acetic
symptoms and signs of HE in humans but no acids (Lieberthal 1988). Lactulose appears to
effect on mortality (Gluud et al. 2017). exert its beneficial effects by (i) lowering
Additional beneficial effects demonstrated for colonic pH with subsequent trapping of ammo-
BCAAs in humans include overall improve- nium ions; (ii) inhibiting ammonia generation
ment in nutrition status and energy metabo- by colonic bacteria through a process known
lism, decreased frequency of hospitalization, as catabolite repression; (iii) decreasing intesti-
and improved overall quality of life (Marchesini nal transit time due to its cathartic properties;
et al. 2003; Muto et al. 2005). Unfortunately, and (iv) suppressing bacterial and intestinal
BCAA supplementation is extremely expen- ammonia generation by providing a carbohy-
sive (Morgan 1990) and may have reduced drate source. The dose to achieve these goals
palatability. is somewhat variable, although most dogs
Protein-­restricted renal and hepatic diets are and cats can be managed with lactulose at
often recommended for cats and dogs with HE, 0.25–0.5 ml/kg body weight PO q8–12 h. The
although there are as yet no published studies dose should be reduced if liquid diarrhea
demonstrating the benefits of these diets for develops. One recent retrospective study did
liver disease. Renal diets are not optimal for the not find a significant effect on estimated
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336 Nutritional Management of Hepatobiliary Diseases

median survival times for dogs with PSSs with advanced stage when recognized. Nutritional
the addition of lactulose compared to dietary management is, thus, frequently delayed and is
change alone (Favier et al. 2020). directed at arresting inflammation, correcting
Lactulose is also highly effective when nutritional derangements, and resolving fibro-
added to enema fluid (a ratio of 30% lactulose sis. Specific therapy involves the use of immu-
to 70% water) and given as a retention enema. nomodulatory drugs such as corticosteroids
Approximately 20–30 ml/kg body weight of (with or without cyclosporine or azathioprine),
this lactulose enema solution is infused and choleretics such as ursodeoxycholic acid
retained in the colon for 20–30 min before (Meyer et al. 1997), copper chelators (if war-
evacuation. Lactulose requires intestinal bac- ranted based on copper quantitation of liver
teria to be activated; however, neomycin and biopsies), zinc, and antioxidants such as SAMe
other antibiotics inhibit bacterial growth. and vitamin E. Protein intake should not be
Despite this antagonism, the two agents restricted unless the patient shows signs of
have successfully been used simultaneously protein intolerance. The principles of nutri-
with additive or synergistic effects (Weber tional support are similar to those for the
et al. 1982). patient with copper-­associated hepatotoxicity,
although copper does not need to be restricted
Antimicrobials unless warranted based on copper quantifica-
A number of antimicrobials have been advo- tion of liver biopsies.
cated for use in patients with HE. Most drugs Parenteral nutrition offers the possibility of
effective in this capacity are inhibitory to the increasing or ensuring nutrient intake in
urease-­producing bacteria that frequently patients in whom sufficient nutrition by the
comprise Gram-­negative anaerobic bacteria. oral or enteral route alone is insufficient or
Administration of ampicillin or neomycin impossible. Parenteral nutrition should be
appears to provide short-­term clinical benefit considered in patients with acute hepatotoxic-
in both dogs and cats with acute HE associated ity with subsequent HE in which enteral feed-
with portosystemic vascular anomalies. Cats ing is either contraindicated or not tolerated by
demonstrating ptyalism as a sign of HE appear the patient. Central parenteral administration
particularly responsive to ampicillin, fluid to dogs and cats with chronic hepatitis and
therapy, and temporary withdrawal of food. cholangitis was associated with a mortality
Although metronidazole has broad-­spectrum rate of approximately 50% (Reuter et al. 1998;
activity against enteric anaerobes such as Pyle et al. 2004). The relatively high mortality
Bacteroides spp. that are believed to metabolize rate was more likely a reflection of the
nitrogenous dietary substances, it should be increased selection of critically ill patients
avoided in patients with HE due to its adverse unable to tolerate enteral nutritional support,
effects (i.e. ataxia, seizures, anorexia) that can and not those whose prognosis was unaltered
mimic manifestations of HE. or worsened with the advent of central paren-
teral nutrition support.
Ascites should be managed by avoiding
Chronic Hepatitis
excess dietary sodium and judicious use of diu-
Chronic hepatitis is a poorly defined clinico- retics. Commercially available hepatic diets are
pathologic entity characterized by parenchy- controlled in sodium and are recommended.
mal necrosis, particularly piecemeal necrosis, Sodium-­controlled homemade diets can also
with associated lymphocytic inflammation be prepared. Spironolactone, administered at
(Thornburg 1982). The disease can have an 1–2 mg/kg PO twice daily, is the diuretic of
insidious onset, contributing to the poor choice since it blocks the action of aldosterone
understanding of its etiopathogenesis and at the distal renal tubules and collecting ducts
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  ­Reference 337

(Boyer and Warnock 1983). Diuretics must be intake can easily be facilitated with the use
dosed cautiously to prevent dehydration and of enteral feeding devices.
hypovolemia, with secondary exacerbation of ●● Early nutritional support with nasoesopha-
HE. In addition, corticosteroids are catabolic to geal, esophagostomy, or gastrostomy tubes
body proteins and could precipitate a worsen- remains the cornerstone of therapy for cats
ing of clinical signs caused by the associated with hepatic lipidosis.
increase in ammonia production. ●● A copper-­restricted diet is an important
component for the treatment of copper-­
associated hepatotoxicity in dogs.
­Summary ●● Dietary protein should not be restricted
in non-­encephalopathic animals with
●● The specific nutritional requirements of liver disease, including those with portosys-
dogs and cats with liver disease are currently temic shunts.
not defined. ●● In animals with hepatic encephalopathy,
●● The underlying cause of liver disease should highly digestible vegetable and dairy
be identified and treated whenever feasible. ­proteins are better tolerated than animal
●● Malnutrition is a significant co-­morbidity in proteins.
patients with advanced liver disease and ●● There is increasing evidence that liver sup-
therefore nutrition is important in the man- port in the form of supplementation with
agement of these cases. antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E, SAMe, milk
●● Anorexia is a common manifestation of liver thistle) has a hepatoprotective role, particu-
disease and adequate energy and nutrient larly in inflammatory hepatopathies.


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Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

Catherine A. Outerbridge and Tammy J. Owens

The skin and hair coat can provide cues and Several resources are available to help in the
clues to underlying systemic health, with collection of diet histories. It is important to
their appearance influenced by the nutri- emphasize that all items consumed by a veteri-
tional intake of the animal. The skin can also nary patient (including the main diet, treats,
develop lesions secondary to nutritional defi- table scraps, supplements, flavored medica-
ciencies or certain excesses. Additionally, tions, or via frequent hunting or scavenging
certain skin diseases are managed by altera- behavior, etc.) will be important in the context
tions to the diet, such as changes to ingredi- of certain dermatologic conditions. Thus, it is
ents fed or the addition of supraphysiologic worthwhile to collect a written diet history
supplementation of specific nutrients or die- and/or have the pet’s owner keep a journal or
tary elements. This chapter will discuss der- log. In addition, the pet owner should also be
matologic diseases or conditions that result asked to describe the pet’s diet using an open-­
from nutritional deficiencies and those man- ended statement or question such as “Tell me
aged by changes in diet or nutritional about everything your pet eats throughout the
supplementation. day, starting from first thing in the morning
until the end of the day.” Using open-­ended
questions or similar statements is often more
­ valuation of Diet in the Context
E efficient at eliciting the desired scope of infor-
of Dermatologic Disease mation (MacMartin et al. 2015). Similar to diet
surveys, they will also elicit disclosure of more
Dermatologic disease is often multifactorial; diet-­related items than the common “What
however, diet or specific nutrients may play a kind of food is he/she on?” (Coe et al. 2020).
role in either the development and/or resolu- Also, in these authors’ experience, it is most
tion of clinical signs. Additionally, specific helpful if the client can provide pictures of food
dietary supplementation may be utilized to packaging to ensure correct information and
improve clinical manifestations of specific der- avoid miscommunication or false assumptions.
matologic conditions, even when there is no The provided information needs to be evalu-
(known) direct role of diet in the disease pro- ated to determine if the pet is consuming an
cess. For these reasons, it is imperative to col- ­appropriate, complete and balanced diet, or if
lect diet histories, as they may provide relevant there is reasonable concern for a nutritional
information treatment. deficiency or imbalance. A good place to start

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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346 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

is by assessing whether the main diet(s) pro- Table 14.1 Dermatologic signs associated
vides a nutritional adequacy statement to indi- with nutritional deficiencies.
cate it is intended to be adequate for the
species and life stage of interest, as well as Dietary
deficiency Skin lesions
how this was determined (e.g. by formulation
or feeding trial). It is also very important to Protein Scaling, patchy alopecia, thin
remember that these diets balance the concen- brittle hair shafts, loss of hair
tration of individual nutrients to the energy pigment, decreased wound healing
density of the food, such that a sufficient Essential Mild scaling, lack of luster to coat,
intake of that food is still required in order to fatty acids with chronicity skin thickens and
becomes greasy
ensure appropriate total intake of individual
nutrients for the day. For example, if greater Zinc In dogs: erythema, scaling,
adherent scaling and crusts develop
than 90% of total daily calories are provided by around mucocutaneous junctions
complete and balanced diets and the pet con- and pressure points
sumes at least resting energy requirements, Copper Hair depigmentation and rough,
the overall diet is typically sufficient. However, dull hair coat
deficiencies can still occur due to formulation Vitamin A Scaling, follicular hyperkeratosis,
or manufacturing errors or in animals requir- dull hair coat
ing very few calories relative to their size (such Vitamin E In cats: steatitis – firm, nodular,
as those with below average energy needs or painful subcutaneous swellings
“easy keepers”) or those who consume too Vitamin B Dry hair coat with scaling; cheilosis
many of their calories from foods that are complex with riboflavin deficiency
nutritionally incomplete (e.g. too many treats
or table foods). Specific nutrients of concern
will be addressed individually throughout the or if the pet has an abnormality affecting their
chapter. ability to utilize nutrients. Some deficiencies
are recognized in particular breeds, suggesting
a possible alteration in absorption or metabo-
­ utritional Deficiencies
N lism within those individuals. Nutrient defi-
and Excesses ciencies that can result in cutaneous
manifestations include total protein, specific
Some cutaneous manifestations of nutritional amino acids, essential fatty acids (EFAs), zinc,
deficiencies have been linked to inadequate or copper, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, and
unbalanced diets. In the case of improper diets, vitamin E (Table 14.1).
multiple nutritional deficiencies and imbal-
ances may occur (rather than single, isolated
deficiencies), which could affect the
­constellation of presenting clinical signs. Protein deficiency can occur when animals
Nutritional deficiencies and excesses should consume diets deficient in protein, inade-
not typically occur in healthy animals without quate amounts of lower-­protein diets, diets in
a genetic or metabolic abnormality if they are which the protein is poorly digestible, when a
consuming adequate amounts of complete and severe catabolic process or illness leads to
balanced diets appropriate for their life stage. excessive protein use or loss, or with starva-
They could be noted, however, in pets fed tion. These situations affect the skin in par-
unbalanced or defective diets, if too many of ticular due to its high requirements for protein
the daily calories are provisioned by foods and energy: hair is 95% protein and hair
other than the “complete and balanced diet,” growth can utilize up to 30% of the daily
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­Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesse  347

protein intake (Watson 1998; Scott et al. 2001). results in alopecia when hairs that are in the
Longer-­haired breeds may also have relatively anagen stage are lost or damaged. This can
increased protein needs. Lesions tend to be also occur with certain metabolic disorders,
most prominent in young, growing animals endocrinopathies, or administration of anti-
whose total protein requirements are higher mitotic drugs. Telogen (resting-­phase) deflux-
than adults. Certain amino acids, particularly ion or effluvium occurs when there is a sudden
cysteine and tyrosine, are also particularly growth arrest of numerous anagen follicles
important for the production, growth, and and then synchronization of these follicles
color of normal hair and skin. Hair contains into telogen. Causes of telogen defluxion also
large amounts of the sulfur-­containing amino include severe illness, high fever, physiologic
acids methionine and cysteine. Cysteine can shock, surgery or anesthesia, or pregnancy.
form disulfide bonds to make cystine, a major Typically, over a 1–3-­month period after the
constituent of hair, with several of the keratin-­ insult, the majority of hairs from these folli-
associated proteins in hair fibers containing cles are shed as a new hair follicle cycle begins.
large amounts (Shimomura et al. 2003). Wound healing will be delayed due to impaired
Tyrosine, which can be synthesized from phe- collagen synthesis; consequently, wound dehis-
nylalanine, is an important precursor of mel- cence and decubital ulcers are possible cutane-
anin and is required for normal production of ous lesions resulting from protein deficiency
the eumelanin and pheomelanin found in (Rhoads et al. 1942). Wound healing can also be
hair (Yu et al. 2001). negatively impacted by certain micronutrient
Thin, inelastic, hyperpigmented skin, scal- deficiencies (e.g. zinc), so a poor diet may influ-
ing, brittle hair, loss of hair pigment, and/or ence this through multiple routes. Increasing
patchy alopecia (easily shed hair that is slow to consumption of high-­quality protein should
regrow) can be seen in animals related to der- resolve many cutaneous signs, providing there is
matologic lesions connected to protein defi- not a complicating disease process or other
ciency. Hair shafts become thinner and the nutritional deficiencies. Insufficient intake
overall hair coat quality is poor, with dry, dull, resulting from illness may require placement of
brittle hair shafts. In humans, a mean hair root an assisted feeding device to support healing.
diameter of less than 0.06 mm suggests protein Most protein or amino acid deficiencies
deficiency, but no similar specifications are result from consumption of diets that are not
available for animals (Scott et al. 2001). These complete and balanced (e.g. an unbalanced
hair shaft lesions, together with scales and/or homemade diet or being fed too many table
crusts, may appear symmetrically on the head, scraps/treats) or from inadequate consumption
back, thorax, abdomen, and/or the feet and of a low-­protein diet. The protein and amino
legs. If total protein intake is adequate, but acid needs of dogs and cats can be estimated
there are deficiencies in certain specific amino and compared to their intake to gauge the like-
acids, a change in hair color may be noted. For lihood of protein deficiency in an individual.
example, black cats or dogs may start turning One way to evaluate this is to compare the esti-
brown or orange when phenylalanine defi- mated daily intake of protein (g/day) to the
ciency results in inadequate tyrosine synthesis. daily recommended allowance outlined by the
Ill or metabolically stressed animals may National Research Council (NRC) for nutrient
suffer from anagen or telogen defluxion. In requirements of dogs and cats (NRC 2006); see
some cases this could result from inadequate Table 14.2. There are several caveats to this,
protein and energy intake during these peri- however. These recommended allowances (and
ods (e.g. sick animals may become hypo-­ or the even lower minimum requirements) were
anorexic). Anagen (growth-­phase) defluxion determined in a limited population of healthy,
or effluvium (thinning or shedding of hair) adult laboratory dogs and cats, and the general
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348 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

Table 14.2 Daily recommended allowances for protein in adult animals.

Minimum requirement Recommended allowance (RA)

(assumes complete bioavailability) (daily intake should typically be ≥ RA)

Adult cat 3.97 g protein × (body weightkg)0.67 4.96 g protein × (body weightkg)0.67
Adult dog 2.62 g protein × (body weightkg) 3.28 g protein × (body weightkg)0.75

Note: Growing animals have higher daily needs depending on stage of growth, and needs may be overestimated in
overweight animals.
Source: Data from NRC (2006).

applicability to all individuals, all breeds, or unsaturation), and several key PUFAs are pre-
those with varying disease or aging states is not cursors for various eicosanoids (metabolites
entirely clear. They are determined in animals that include prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and
with ideal body condition, and this can some- thromboxanes).
times introduce uncertainty when utilizing for The essential n-­6 fatty acid for all mammals
under-­ or overweight animals. Consideration is linoleic acid (LA). This fatty acid is found in
must also be given to other factors that could certain vegetable and seed oils (e.g. safflower,
influence the actual utilization, including the sunflower, corn, walnut) or certain animal fats
digestive and absorptive capacity of the animal (e.g. chicken fat and egg yolk). Other common
and the protein quality (a combination of oils such as olive or coconut oil are very poor
essential amino acid profile and protein digest- sources of LA. Arachidonic acid (AA), another
ibility). Still, if an individual has clinical signs n-­6 PUFA, is found only in terrestrial animals
consistent with possible protein deficiency and and is semi-­essential in cats. Unlike dogs, cats
intake is questionable, this information is clini- do not have the ability to efficiently biotrans-
cally useful. Ultimately, protein and/or amino form LA to AA, instead relying on consump-
acid deficiencies can potentially be confirmed tion of prey to supply larger amounts of this
by testing plasma and whole blood amino acid fatty acid. Although strict essentiality for adult
profiles, available at specialized diagnostic maintenance is debated (e.g. there are no overt
facilities. signs of health defects in non-­reproducing
adults), AA is certainly conditionally essential
for growth and reproduction and it is generally
Essential Fatty Acids
prudent to include AA in all feline diets.
Animals have an essential requirement for Gamma linolenic acid (GLA), another n-­6 fatty
fats, which provide a concentrated source of acid, derived from seed oils of evening prim-
energy, serve as the carrier for fat-­soluble vita- rose, borage seed, or blackcurrant, can be used
mins, and must provide sufficient amounts of to substitute for animal-­derived AA if needed,
EFAs. These EFAs in dogs and cats are polyun- because it bypasses the rate-­limiting step in
saturated fatty acids (PUFA) omega 6 (n-­6) and conversion of LA to AA.
omega 3 (n-­3), which must be acquired from The n-­3 PUFA alpha-­linolenic acid (ALA) is
the diet, as the animal cannot synthesize them. also an EFA. Although signs of deficiency are
These lipids serve structural and functional more subtle, several long-­chain derivatives
roles in the body. Specifically, EFAs are needed (EPA, DPA, DHA) are metabolically important
to maintain normal structure and function of and themselves conditionally essential (espe-
the skin. Additionally, different types of fat cially in growth). The first step in the pathway
impart varying fluid properties to cell mem- converting ALA to eicosapentaenoic acid
branes (depending on the degree of (EPA) relies on the same enzyme (delta-­6
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­Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesse  349

desaturase) used in conversion of LA to its skin barrier. In fact, epidermal water barrier
derivatives and is rate limiting in cats. In both function depends on the LA content of cera-
cats and dogs, ALA conversion may be affected mides extruded by epidermal keratinocytes to
by the concentration of LA in the diet and vice enhance cohesion between lipid sheets of
versa. Conversion of ALA to EPA and docosap- ­intercellular lamellae. This is why many dogs
entaenoic acid (DPA) is relatively low overall with dull, dry coats or scaling, non-­pruritic
and is somewhat further suppressed by the skin disease may temporarily improve with fat
presence of large amounts of LA (NRC 2006). or oil supplementation that contains LA or
Additionally, dogs cannot effectively convert LA + ALA, but adaptation may eventually
EPA/DPA to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) occur if this EFA deficiency is not the only issue.
(Dunbar et al. 2010). These inefficiencies in Arachidonic acid is a fundamental compo-
converting ALA to other n-­3 PUFAs is why nent of skin, comprising 20–25% of its total cell
marine-­sourced oils (e.g. algae, krill, or fish membrane fatty acids. Since skin lacks the
oils) are often preferred, since they contain enzymes to convert LA to AA, it is typically cir-
higher concentrations of preformed EPA and culated to the skin after either being ingested
DHA. This is in contrast to terrestrially sourced pre-­formed or made from LA in the liver.
grain and seed oils, which only really provide Availability of AA in the skin can alter physio-
ALA (Bauer et al. 2006). Dietary sources used logic response, and the release of AA in skin
to provide ALA include seed and grain oils tissue cells (keratinocytes, neutrophils, plate-
(e.g. canola or flaxseed, aka linseed). If provid- lets, macrophages, endothelial cells, etc.) is a
ing ALA alone, the ratio of LA to ALA should rate-­limiting step in eicosanoid production.
be controlled due to the competitive interac- This can influence epidermal proliferation via
tions for enzymes between LA and the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2),
ALA. However, if more LA is present in the which is generally vasodilatory and can be pro-­
diet, then it may be prudent to include more inflammatory in the skin. Provision of alterna-
ALA for metabolic balance and effects on tive substrates (such as EPA) for cyclooxygenase
downstream eicosanoid production. A ratio of and lipoxygenase, the enzymes responsible for
2.6 : 26 of LA : ALA (2.6 : 16 in gestation/lacta- eicosanoid production, may allow competitive
tion) is considered safe in dogs, along with a substitution for AA. This modulates eicosa-
safe upper limit for LA and EPA + DHA of 16.3 noid production and the overall physiologic
and 2.8 g/1000 kcal, respectively (NRC 2006). response, including inflammation. This will be
EFAs, especially n-­6, have multiple func- further discussed later in the chapter.
tions in the skin and are important in the If LA and AA are deficient in the diet, cuta-
maintenance of dermatologic health and integ- neous signs of EFA deficiency can occur
rity. Skin is both the largest organ of the body (Codner and Thatcher 1993; Watson 1998;
and easily visualized; therefore, it is an impor- Scott et al. 2001). This might occur if the diet is
tant indicator for signs of EFA deficiency. In too low in fat and/or EFA (e.g. unbalanced
growing dogs and cats, deficiency in the skin home-­prepared diet) or if the diet has been
leads to hypotrichosis, alopecia, scaling, seba- poorly preserved (e.g. exposure to high heat,
ceous gland hypertrophy, and increased tran- use of rancid raw material during production,
sepidermal water loss (TEWL). In cats without or inadequate inclusion of protective antioxi-
sufficient intake of EFA (even with LA and dants). In rare cases, intestinal malabsorptive
ALA provided), coats can be dry and lusterless disease, exocrine pancreatic disease, or chronic
with dandruff (NRC 2006). hepatic disease can affect the absorption of
Linoleic acid in particular is an important EFAs or the production and distribution of
component of ceramides, which are necessary other physiologically important fatty acids,
in maintaining the cornified lipid envelope or leading to cutaneous signs of deficiency.
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350 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

EFA deficiency in dogs and cats is character- metabolic pathways, as well as RNA and DNA
ized biochemically in the skin by the absence polymerases. It is therefore very important in
of LA and AA, and by the accumulation of the any tissues or systems that frequently undergo
monounsaturated fatty acids oleic acid and cell renewal, such as the skin and immune sys-
mead acid. When these fatty acids replace AA tem. Specifically, zinc is important for the bio-
in cell membranes membrane integrity is com- synthesis of fatty acids, vitamin A metabolism,
promised, and when oleic acid replaces LA in and normal epithelialization (Watson 1998).
ceramides there is increased TEWL. Decrease Zinc-­dependent matrix metalloproteinases are
in AA may also result in decreases in PGE2 involved in keratinocyte migration and wound
and lead to epidermal proliferation. Signs of healing. The skin contains approximately 20%
deficiency may take 2–3 months to appear of the total body zinc stores, and the highest
(Watson 1998). Clinically, in early EFA defi- concentrations are found in the keratinized tis-
ciency a fine scaling is observed, with a loss of sue of the nasal planum, tongue, and foot pad
hair coat luster and sheen due to decreased in dogs (Lansdown and Sampson 1997). There
surface lipid production. Chronic EFA defi- are several recognized syndromes associated
ciency results in increasing seborrhea, skin with either disturbances in zinc assimilation or
thickening with greasiness (particularly in the zinc deficiency that present with cutaneous
ears and intertriginous zones), alopecia, and signs. There are two naturally occurring syn-
eventual skin infections and pruritus dromes of zinc-­responsive dermatosis seen
(Watson 1998; Scott et al. 2001). clinically in dogs. Syndrome I can be seen in
The diagnosis is confirmed by response to dogs with abnormal zinc metabolism whose
EFA supplementation, either by feeding a needs cannot be met by ingestion of standard
better-­quality diet with higher fatty acid con- zinc concentrations. Syndrome II can be seen
tent or administration of a veterinary fatty acid in dogs fed poor-­quality (“generic”) diets.
supplement. A better-­quality dog food is pre- Additionally, zinc is associated with an unre-
ferred, as EFA deficiency may indicate other sponsive lethal process in young bull terriers.
potential issues (such as overall poor quality or In experimentally induced cases of zinc defi-
other nutrient deficiencies), and it will then be ciency in dogs, clinical signs can occur as early
better suited to also meet all nutritional needs as two weeks later; however, it is important to
for vitamins and minerals. For example, when note that severity of signs can vary between
PUFA intake increases, requirements for vita- dogs, even from the same litter.
min E and other nutrients involved in fatty
acid metabolism and utilization (such as zinc, Zinc-­Responsive Dermatoses
vitamin A, B vitamins) will also increase Syndrome I has been identified in Siberian
(Miller 1989). Response to dietary change or huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and Samoyeds;
supplementation is typically rapid, with occasionally other breeds have also been
improvement seen within 4–8 weeks, although reported. Age of onset can vary, but patients
severe cases may take up to 6 months often present as younger adult dogs (mean age
(Hensel 2010). reported is 3.4 years; White et al. 2001). It is
speculated that these dogs have a genetic defect
in the intestinal absorption or the metabolism
of zinc. For example, it was shown that
Zinc is an important dietary element. It is pre- Malamutes affected with chondrodysplasia
sent in most tissues, helps stabilize biological have a decreased capability for intestinal zinc
membranes, and serves as a cofactor in numer- absorption (Brown et al. 1978). Skin lesions
ous transcription factors and more than 300 develop despite adequate consumption of diets
enzyme systems involved in all important with sufficient bioavailable zinc. Affected
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­Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesse  351

syndrome I dogs typically present with crust- variable rate. Lesions may be pruritic in about
ing, scaling, and alopecia of the facial mucocu- half of affected dogs (Colombini and
taneous junctions, particularly the periocular Dunstan 1997).
region, perioral, and pinnal margins, but Syndrome II occurs most often in rapidly
elbows, pressure points, and foot-­pad margins growing puppies, or juvenile larger-­breed dogs.
can also be affected. Lesions progress from ery- In these cases, zinc deficiency is likely caused
thema, followed by variable alopecia with fine by a combination of low zinc intake and/or the
silver scaling that becomes adherent, or devel- effects of excessive calcium or phytate intake
ops into crusting with underlying suppuration, interfering with zinc absorption. This absolute
most commonly around the mouth, chin, eyes, or relative dietary deficiency has often been
and ears. Lesions are often well demarcated associated with the use of poor-­quality
and can initially be unilateral, but become (“generic”) dog food where either there is a
symmetric as the disease progresses (see deficiency in bioavailable zinc, the zinc in the
Figures 14.1 and 14.2). Lesions develop early in diet has been chelated (such as high cereal or
adulthood (1–3 years of age) and progress at a soy diets with high concentrations of phytates),
or the diet has been oversupplemented with
calcium, iron, and/or copper (Watson 1998). It
can also occur in dogs given excessive calcium
or other supplementation. Although phytates
can bind to various dietary minerals, they bind
more strongly to zinc compared to copper or
manganese, and this effect can be further exac-
erbated by high concentrations of calcium or
magnesium (NRC 2006). The required amount
of dietary zinc is therefore dependent on both
the form of zinc (which affects absorption) and
on the effect of other dietary elements on over-
all bioavailability and absorption.
Figure 14.1 Type 1 zinc deficiency in a husky dog. Affected syndrome II dogs have marked
Adherent scale, crusts, and erythema with alopecia
are present over the dorsal muzzle. Courtesy of UC crusting lesions, often over pressure points or
Davis Dermatology Service. on the muzzle. Foot pads can be very

Figure 14.2 Type 1 zinc deficiency in

a non-­arctic breed dog. There is a
well-­demarcated area of alopecia
with thick adherent silver-­colored
scale in the periocular region.
Courtesy of UC Davis Dermatology
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352 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

hyperkeratotic with fissuring. Another inter- methionine), the zinc is thought to be more
esting feature of zinc deficiency is possible bioavailable; however, that may be most impor-
hypogeusia (diminished sense of taste) and/or tant when there are dietary or physiologic con-
an altered sense of smell, both of which can ditions that limit zinc availability or increase
contribute to a depressed appetite (Miller 1989; the need for it (Roudebush and Wedekind 2002).
Watson 1998). Since immunocompetency can To date there do not appear to be differences in
be affected by zinc deficiency, there have also clinical response associated with the use of the
been reports of recurrent bacterial folliculitis different listed forms or salts used for zinc sup-
in dogs with depressed appetites, in which plementation in dogs with syndrome I zinc-­
clinical signs resolved with zinc supplementa- responsive dermatosis (White et al. 2001).
tion (Miller 1989). With longer-­term ­deficiency, Clinical signs are typically improved within
weight loss and impaired wound healing can 2–6 weeks (Hensel 2010). Affected female dogs
also be noted, potentially along with general- often respond to lower dosages of zinc after
ized lymphadenopathy (Watson 1998). being spayed, suggesting that zinc needs are
Diagnosis of syndrome I zinc-­responsive greater during estrus or that zinc and estrogen
dermatosis is based on appropriate signalment, compete for carrier proteins (White et al. 2001).
diet history, typical cutaneous lesions, and his- Syndrome I dogs will require zinc supplemen-
topathology of skin biopsies. Marked follicular tation for life and female dogs may need to be
and epidermal parakeratotic hyperkeratosis is spayed, whereas syndrome II dogs may ini-
evident histologically. Diagnosis of syndrome tially need supplementation, but then should
II zinc dermatosis is based on compatible sig- respond to maintenance on a higher-­quality
nalment, diet history, and clinical signs, with diet with adequate zinc (especially after they
histopathology similar to that seen in ­syndrome have finished growing). Dietary mineral sup-
I. Diagnosis is further confirmed by response plements that could interfere with zinc absorp-
to zinc supplementation. Unfortunately, quan- tion should be avoided.
tification of zinc levels in serum, plasma, leu- In dogs with either syndrome of zinc-­
kocytes, and hair does not appear to be a responsive dermatosis, fat absorption may be
reliable indicator of zinc status in dogs (van lower, with fasting and postprandial concentra-
den Broek and Stafford 1988; Logas et al. 1993). tions of serum triglycerides significantly lower
There is too much overlap in values of healthy in successfully treated dogs compared with
and zinc-­deficient dogs. Values can be affected normal dogs (van den Broek and Simpson 1992).
by other disease states such as hepatic disease, EFA deficiency impairs zinc absorption, and
hypothyroidism, and infections, as well as supplementation with EFAs appears to enhance
influenced by age, sex, and other factors zinc absorption (Huang et al. 1982; White
(Miller 1989). Biomarkers of zinc status in gen- et al. 2001). Zinc and EFA metabolism in
eral are also often inconsistent in any cases of rodents are closely linked; zinc deficiency
mild to moderate zinc deficiency (Knez accelerates the development of clinical signs
et al. 2017). Additionally, oral zinc tolerance of EFA deficiency and the clinical signs of
tests vary too widely and are reportedly unhelp- zinc deficiency can be partially reversed by
ful (White et al. 2001). ­supplementing with EFA (Cunnane and
Therapy requires zinc supplementation with Horrobin 1980). Several manifestations of zinc
a recommended dosage of 2–3 mg/kg/body deficiency are mediated by a relative state of
weight (BW) of elemental zinc in the form of EFA deficiency, attributed in part to reduced
zinc sulfate, zinc gluconate, or zinc methio- delta-­6-­desaturase enzyme activity, which
nine (White et al. 2001). Zinc oxide should not requires zinc as a cofactor and is a critical
be used as it is not very bioavailable. When fed enzyme in fatty acid metabolism (particularly
as a zinc–amino acid chelate (such as zinc with conversion of LA or ALA to downstream
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­Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesse  353

PUFAs). Therefore, additional supplementa- histopathologic features of acrodermatitis in

tion with oils providing higher amounts of LA white bull terriers. The heritable disease in
and ALA, or even GLA as well as other key humans has been shown to be an autosomal
PUFAs (AA, EPA, DHA), may help. Low-­dose recessive genetic defect in a zinc transporter
corticosteroids may be indicated in some dogs protein (Wang et al. 2002). A similar distur-
that do not respond to zinc (± EFA supplemen- bance in zinc transport has not yet been proven
tation) alone. Corticosteroids are known to in the bull terrier breed.
increase metallothionein, a zinc carrier protein, Skin lesions in LAD-­affected dogs are char-
and they may also have some direct anti-­ acterized by a progressive crusting dermatitis
inflammatory effects on the skin. of the distal extremities and mucocutaneous
There has been a report of zinc-­responsive junctions. Abnormal keratinization of paw
dermatitis in related pharaoh hound puppies pads can result in splaying of the feet. Claw
(Campbell and Crow 2006). Dogs developed dystrophy and paronychia may be present.
cutaneous lesions in the first months of life Secondary infections of the skin with bacteria
that histologically were suggestive of an under- and yeast are common. Dogs with LAD also
lying zinc deficiency. Affected puppies also often have an abnormally arched hard palate,
had systemic signs of lethargy, poor growth, retarded skeletal growth, abnormal mentation,
and mental dullness. Dogs did not respond to diarrhea, and bronchopneumonia. In a report
oral supplementation; intravenous supple- of 28 affected dogs, all had difficulty eating,
mentation with zinc sulfate was required to stunted growth, and splayed digits, and they
produce amelioration of clinical signs. had developed skin lesions by 12 weeks of age
Kittens with zinc deficiency have been stud- (McEwan et al. 2003b). The cutaneous signs
ied experimentally, although naturally occur- are suggestive of severe zinc deficiency. Serum
ring deficiency in cats has not been recognized. zinc and copper concentrations were lower
These kittens primarily displayed poor growth (P < 0.05) in dogs with LAD, compared with
followed by weight loss and/or parakeratotic values for control dogs (Uchida et al. 1997);
skin lesions, especially around mucocutane- however, other studies have not found serum
ous junctions (NRC 2006). Parakeratosis asso- zinc concentrations to be a useful diagnostic
ciated with zinc deficiency is thought to be tool for LAD (McEwan et al. 2003b). Dogs with
related to an increase in epidermal cell turno- LAD have been shown to have significantly
ver time and/or a decrease in function of lytic lower immunoglobulin (Ig)A levels than a con-
enzymes requiring zinc (White et al. 2001). trol group of dogs (McEwan et al. 2003a).
A diagnosis of LAD can be strongly ­suspected
Zinc-­Unresponsive Lethal Acrodermatitis in any bull terrier or mini bull terrier showing
in White Bull Terriers a combination of the aforementioned signs
Lethal acrodermatitis (LAD) is an autosomal from an early age. Skin biopsy reveals a marked
recessive disease seen in white bull terriers. parakeratotic hyperkeratosis. Although many
The homozygous-­affected puppies show clini- of the clinical signs and the pathology of this
cal signs in the first few weeks of life and have condition suggest zinc deficiency, zinc supple-
a median survival of seven months, typically mentation is of little benefit and there is no
succumbing to bronchopneumonia and sepsis. effective therapy. A variant in the MKLN1 gene
Bull terriers that are heterozygous affected that codes for the protein muskelin 1 has been
may exhibit increased risk for the development identified in affected dogs (Bauer et al. 2018).
of pyoderma. A disease in humans called acro- A genetic test is available through PennGen
dermatitis enteropathica occurs as both a her- (
itable disease and an acquired form, and has academic-­d epartments/clinical-­s ciences-­
some similarities to both the clinical and advanced-­m edicine/research-­l abs-­c enters/
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354 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

penng en/penngen-­t ests/genetic-­t ests), allowances according to AAFCO; however, a

Antagene (­chien/bull-­ minimum requirement has not been defined in
terrier-­standard), and Genoscoper Labora­ dogs (NRC 2006). Although these diets appear
tories (now part of Mars Petcare) to allow generally well tolerated, if a dog consuming
breeders to screen dogs for being carriers. one of these diets were to develop signs con-
sistent with copper deficiency (e.g. loss of hair
color and/or poor hair coat), it should be con-
sidered (especially if the dog is also concur-
Copper is essential in the function of many rently receiving supplements that could impair
important enzymes, including lysyl oxidase copper absorption, such as zinc, calcium, or
(connective tissue formation), tyrosinase (mel- iron, and/or long-­term treatment with
anin pigment formation and normal hair D-­penicillamine).
color), and superoxide dismutase (defense
against oxidative damage). It is therefore
Vitamin A
required for melanin production and keratin
synthesis. Cutaneous lesions seen with copper Vitamin A is a group of related compounds
deficiency include hypopigmentation and ­dull, with biological actions equivalent to retinol,
rough hair coat (Scott et al. 2001). which by conversion to retinoic acid has an
Hypopigmentation may also present as “fading important role in the health of the skin. These
coat color.” In growing puppies with copper retinoids mainly work via regulation of gene
deficiency, loss of hair pigmentation as well as expression to influence cellular proliferation
hyperextension of distal joints (e.g. phalanges) and differentiation of keratinizing epithelium.
would be expected (NRC 2006). Vitamin A is also important in immune func-
White bull terriers with LAD have been tion and reduced or delayed response to
shown to be copper deficient in their sera ­antigens. Both vitamin A deficiency and hyper-
(Uchida et al. 1997). Copper deficiency is oth- vitaminosis A (chronic oversupplementation)
erwise uncommon with the use of commercial can manifest with scaling, poor hair coat,
diets, as they generally contain more than ade- ­alopecia, seborrhea, poor wound healing, and
quate copper; however, oversupplementation an increased tendency for pyoderma
with other minerals such as zinc, iron, or cal- (Watson 1998; Scott et al. 2001; Hensel 2010).
cium could cause imbalances by negatively Sebaceous gland hyperkeratosis can also lead
affecting the bioavailability/absorption of cop- to duct occlusion with firm, papular eruptions.
per in the intestines. For example, zinc stimu- Acute toxicosis with vitamin A can cause skin
lates production of metallothionein in peeling, as well as general malaise and more
enterocytes, which then preferentially binds serious signs such as muscle convulsions, pain,
copper and is lost when enterocytes slough. paralysis, and death (Miller 1989; Hensel 2010).
Zinc-­induced dietary copper deficiency has Chronic hypervitaminosis is probably more
been reported in kittens (Hendriks et al. 2001). common in cats, with associated classic skele-
Additionally, if supplementation with cupric tal changes, when liver is a main component of
oxide is relied upon to provide sufficient cop- the daily diet, or when cod liver oil or other
per in home-­cooked diets or in lower-­quality vitamin A–containing substances are oversup-
commercial diets, this could be problematic plemented. There is only one report of true
due to its lower bioavailability. vitamin A deficiency in a dog, which had
Therapeutic diets formulated to address severe seborrheic skin lesions, hyperpigmenta-
copper-­associated hepatopathy in dogs may tion, and alopecia (Scott et al. 2001).
contain lower concentrations of copper com- There are important species differences in
pared to typical daily recommended the absorption, transport, uptake, and
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­Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesse  355

potential conversion of certain pro-­vitamin A storage of this vitamin, especially in the ­stellate
carotenoids (e.g. beta-­carotene) within tissues. cells of the liver and particularly in carnivores).
Cats cannot synthesize vitamin A from precur- In dogs and cats, circulating retinyl esters (but
sor carotenoids and ferrets are very inefficient not retinol) may be affected by vitamin A
with conversion; therefore, they must consume ­status; therefore, serum or plasma retinol con-
pre-­formed retinol in their diet. Even in dogs, centrations are not necessarily good indicators
which can convert pro-­vitamin A carotenoids of total vitamin A status (Green and
to retinol, quantitative conversion efficiency Fascetti 2016).
has not been estimated. Interestingly, there are Vitamin A deficiency can be seen in captive
also species differences in the ability to accu- reptiles and birds (particularly parrots) when
mulate beta-­carotene in the blood (felids and nutritional needs are not met (e.g. feeding a seed-­
ferrets do, canids do not) and to store it in tis- based diet). Birds develop hyperkeratotic skin,
sues (ferrets do, cats and dogs do not). blepharitis, rhinitis, and white plaques of the oral
There are also a variety of factors that may mucosa. In reptiles, they may also develop hyper-
influence the bioavailability of these carote- keratosis of the skin and mouth, squamous meta-
noids, even within species that can potentially plasia, aural abscesses, periocular edema, and
utilize them as vitamin A precursors. These conjunctivitis. Therapy should consist of supple-
compounds can also be more safely ingested at mentation (intramuscular injections: 2000 IU/kg
very high intakes without the apparent toxic in reptiles and 5000–20 000 IU/kg in birds), as
effects that would occur with ingestion of reti- well as a long-­term diet change to include vita-
nol. Interestingly, animals such as birds (e.g. min A and/or pro-­vitamin A carotenoid–con-
flamingos) and fish may have their coloration taining foods (Hensel 2010).
affected via dietary ingestion and absorption of
certain carotenoids.
Vitamin E
As fat-­soluble vitamins, both carotenoids
and retinol require dietary fat and bile salts for Vitamin E is the major fat-­soluble antioxidant,
efficient absorption. It appears that there are but also has more minor non-­oxidant roles. Its
species differences in the amount of fat deficiency can lead to seborrhea, immunosup-
required for optimal absorption, as well as pression, and/or pansteatitis. Different toco-
influences on conversion and uptake by type of pherols and tocotrienes (members of the
dietary fat (Green and Fascetti 2016). Other vitamin E family) exert varying levels of activ-
factors that influence absorption or excretion ity, with RRR-­alpha-­tocopherol having the
of fat and fat-­soluble compounds could poten- greatest biological activity. Due to its fat-­
tially also influence vitamin A. Retinol is soluble nature, its major route of excretion is
highly susceptible to oxidation and therefore via bile and any factors that may influence fat
must be in an esterified (palmitate or acetate) digestion, emulsification, or absorption (e.g.
form in pet food to protect it. It is thus conceiv- fat malabsorptive diseases) could contribute to
able that dietary deficiencies could occur in a vitamin E deficiency.
dogs and cats with fat malabsorptive disease or Vitamin E partitions into cell membrane
other digestive issues, with unbalanced diets bilayers, where there is the highest concentra-
(such as home-­prepared diets too low in fat or tion of PUFA. By scavenging free radicals and
without sufficient retinol and/or carotenoids, single oxygens it exerts its protective effect and
depending on species), or with commercial it is important in maintaining the stability of
foods using inappropriate sources of vitamin cell membranes. Working with other antioxi-
A. However, clinical signs may take a while to dants, vitamin E can protect cells against the
present depending on the animal’s pre-­existing adverse effects of reactive oxygen and other
vitamin A status (there can be substantial body free radicals that initiate the oxidation of
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356 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

membrane phospholipids. Lipid metabolism is accumulation. Cats may be painful and reluc-
a major source of toxic oxygen radicals and, tant to move, anorexic, or febrile. It is impor-
therefore, vitamin E requirements are linked tant to differentiate this disease from
directly to dietary intake of PUFA. Additionally, panniculitis caused by infectious agents such
glutathione peroxidase (which also requires as the opportunistic mycobacteria that can
selenium), ascorbic acid, and ubiquinone are often cause nodular lesions on the ventral
other antioxidants needed to regenerate vita- abdomen. Diagnosis is made based on a diet
min E after it has been reversibly oxidized. history and histologic evidence of steatitis on
Even though supplementation with other anti- biopsy. Biopsy reveals lobular panniculitis
oxidants can help rescue or prevent signs of with macrophages and giant cells, and there is
vitamin E deficiency, oversupplementation ceroid within lipocytes. Correcting the dietary
with vitamin C should be avoided, as it deficiency with vitamin E supplementation
appeared to actually increase the vitamin E (10 mg/kg/day, 1 mg = 1 IU) will improve clini-
requirement in rats (NRC 2006). cal signs (Watson 1998).
Fat can also oxidize during processing or Experimentally induced vitamin E defi-
storage and a relative deficiency can then ciency has been reported in dogs to cause a
occur with diets excessive in PUFAs, or in fatty cornification disturbance: initially a dry ­scaling
diets that are poorly prepared and/or stored. It that becomes more inflamed with erythema,
is difficult, consequently, to define a single skin thickening, and increased greasiness
minimum requirement for intake. The neces- (Scott and Sheffy 1987). Cutaneous signs
sary concentration of vitamin E in the diet will resolved within 10 weeks of feeding a diet
depend on the total concentration of fat in the with adequate vitamin E supplementation.
diet and the proportion of PUFAs, the degree Deficiency in dogs has also been linked to sub-
of peroxidation of those fatty acids, the pres- cutaneous edema (as well as skeletal muscle
ence or absence of other antioxidants, and the degeneration, retinal degeneration, and sev-
concentration of selenium. Additionally, vita- eral other signs).
min E alcohols are not very stable and/or are It is important to avoid oversupplementation
quickly depleted in commercially extruded dog of vitamin E due to toxicity concerns.
and cat food. It is therefore necessary to use
vitamin E esters (e.g. tocopherol acetate) to
Vitamin B Complex
improve recovery and reduce storage losses.
When diets contain higher concentrations of The B vitamins are water soluble and very
PUFAs, a ratio of at least 0.6 mg alpha-­ important coenzymes in numerous metabolic
tocopherol : 1 g PUFA must be maintained. pathways. Deficiencies could occur if animals
Pansteatitis is associated with diets that are have prolonged anorexia, impaired absorption
relatively low in vitamin E and high in PUFAs. (e.g. chronic enteropathies), decreased produc-
Cats have historically been more susceptible to tion by gut microbiota (e.g. receiving pro-
developing this condition because their typical longed courses of antibiotics), or increased
diet is higher in fat and/or contains more fish-­ excretion (e.g. polyuria). The most common
based PUFAs compared to most dog diets. A clinical skin change seen with deficiencies of
diet composed entirely of raw oily fish is a clas- the B vitamin complex is a dry scaling with alo-
sic example. Cats with pansteatitis develop pecia. Clinical signs associated with individual
firm, painful, nodular swellings, often associ- B vitamin deficiencies have been described,
ated with the inguinal and abdominal fat pads. but are rare. Since thiamin has the most lim-
The swellings result from the inflammation ited body storage of the B vitamins, and is not
and necrosis associated with the peroxidative associated with dermatologic manifestations,
damage of adipose tissue causing ceroid conditions or diets with multiple B vitamin
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­Nutritional Deficiencies and Excesse  357

deficiencies may generally be expected to be Riboflavin deficiency also impacts the body
associated with other signs before skin status of other vitamins because of its role in
changes. However, if deficiencies of B vitamins the flavin coenzymes important in the metabo-
exclusive of thiamin do occur, skin lesions lism of folic acid, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin
could be expected. There is a large margin of K, and vitamin D. However, riboflavin defi-
safety with the ingestion of B vitamins, how- ciency is unlikely if the diet contains any meat
ever, so pre-­emptive supplementation is rec- or dairy products or is a complete commercial
ommended if there is concern. food. Most riboflavin in food is in the form of
Biotin is an essential coenzyme in four very flavin coenzymes flavin adenine dinucleotide
important carboxylase enzymes involved in (FAD) or flavin mononucleotide (FMN) or is
energy metabolism (pyruvate, proprionyl-­ bound to proteins; however, it is mostly in the
coenzyme A [CoA], methyl-­crotonyl-­CoA, and free form in milk. Most food sources that con-
acetyl-­CoA carboxylases). Deficiency can tain high concentrations of riboflavin will also
result in facial and periocular alopecia in dogs, contain other B vitamins. It is worth noting
which can progress to more generalized crust- that riboflavin is sensitive to acidic and alka-
ing lesions (Watson 1998; Scott et al. 2001) line conditions, as well as to ultraviolet (UV)
with hyperkeratotis of superficial and follicu- light (so certain processes could degrade it
lar epithelia. In the cat, generalized dermatitis in foods).
with crusted papules has been described (Scott Niacin (vitamers with nicotinamide bioac-
et al. 2001). Deficiency in cats has been associ- tivity) deficiency results in pellagra, which is
ated with accumulation first of salivary, nasal, well known for causing the 4 “Ds” in humans
and lacrimal secretions, with progressive (diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, death).
­alopecia that starts at the extremities and pro- Known as “black tongue” in dogs, it is charac-
gresses to the entire body, as well as achromo- terized by a reddened inside upper lip that pro-
trichia and scaly dermatitis. As the deficiency gresses to inflamed and ulcerated mucous
progresses, loss of body weight and diarrhea in membrane, especially of the buccal and phar-
the terminal stages can be seen (NRC 2006). yngeal areas. Severely affected dogs may
Biotin is generally well distributed in foods develop profuse salivation with ropy blood-­
stuffs and liberated by digestive enzymes, but stained drool, foul or fetid breath, diarrhea
there is also some synthesized by the gut with changes to gastrointestinal mucosa, ema-
microbial population. Biotin deficiency can ciation, and (in some dogs) pruritic dermatitis
occur when prolonged courses of certain anti- of the ventral abdomen and hind legs (Scott
biotics are used or if the diet includes large et al. 2001; NRC 2006). In cats, deficiency is
amounts of raw egg whites, which contain avi- associated with a fiery red tongue with ulcera-
din. Avidin binds biotin and prevents its tion, as well as anorexia, increased body tem-
absorption. perature, congestion, and decreased weight
Chronic riboflavin deficiency in dogs can associated with respiratory disease.
cause a dry, scaling, or flaking dermatitis Niacin is endogenously synthesized in most
around the eyes (typically bilateral) and the animals from l-­tryptophan, but deficiency is
ventrum, and a marked cheilosis (Lewis possible if a diet is low in animal protein and
et al. 1987). This may be seen with corneal high in cereals, in which the limiting amino
opacities, watery purulent eye discharge, and acid is tryptophan and the majority of the nia-
muscular weakness as well. In cats, an acute cin is in a bound form that cannot be used.
deficiency causes periauricular alopecia with Unprocessed corn, for example, can be particu-
epidermal atrophy, along with anorexia and larly problematic, as it is both poor in trypto-
decreasing body weight (chronic deficiency is phan and its niacin is only released after
associated with cataracts and fatty liver). exposure to high pH. Animal tissue, however,
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358 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

contains niacin in the form of nicotinamide an issue of dietary intake (more likely that
adenine dinucleotide (NAD), nicotinamide ­multiple vitamins are affected). If a deficiency is
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), and suspected, it may be recommended to supple-
some free nicotinamide. Cats, as obligate car- ment B complex vitamins orally or parentally,
nivores, must consume niacin in their diet pre-­ and to look for other non-­dermatologic signs
formed, as they are unable to perform the related to these possible deficiencies.
conversion from tryptophan. Although B vita-
min supplementation has a large margin of
Vitamin C
safety, hypervitaminosis can occur with exces-
sive supplementation (e.g. 133–145 mg/kg/day Famous as the deficiency causing scurvy in
in dogs or ~2 g/day; or >350 mg/kg/day in most people, vitamin C (l-­ascorbic acid) is not an
animals) and has been associated with toxicity, essential nutrient in most mammalian species,
such as bloody feces followed by convulsions including dogs and cats, as they produce it
and death in dogs. endogenously from glucose. Guinea pigs and
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyri- humans, however, are unable to perform this
doxal) is available from both animal and plant conversion and, without the appropriate die-
sources. In cats, it appears that requirements tary intake of the pre-­formed vitamin, clinical
increase with increasing protein in the diet. deficiency can occur. Guinea pigs require
Deficiency signs in dogs and cats affect a mul- 10 mg/kg daily (30 mg/kg for gestating females).
titude of systems; however, deficiency relating Typical signs of deficiency can include poor
to dermatologic manifestations has only been coat ­quality, seborrhea, and ulcerations, as well
effectively demonstrated in an experimental as ­hematomas, petechiations, and ecchymoses.
setting in cats. The cats developed a dull, waxy, Vitamin C deficiency is relatively rarer in rep-
“unkempt” hair coat with generalized fine tiles, but has been associated with spontaneous
scaling and focal alopecia involving the face skin rupture in snakes (particularly boas and
and extremities (Norton 1987; Scott et al. 2001). pythons), as well as gingival bleeding.
It is noteworthy that the active form of the vita- Correction of the diet is paramount to long-­
min (pyridoxal-­5′-­phosphate or PLP) is a coen- term health and some guinea pigs may also
zyme for more than 100 reactions involved in a benefit from additional daily oral supplemen-
multiplicity of processes, including synthesis tation. If clinical manifestations are present,
of niacin and several neurotransmitters (from subcutaneous injections (50–100 mg/guinea
tryptophan). PLP is also a modulator of steroid pig/day or 10–20 mg/kg in snakes) should be
actions. In rats with B6 deficiency, conversion used until signs resolve (Hensel 2010) or until
of LA to AA is impaired. Additionally, the cir- sufficient oral supplementation is instituted to
culating level of PLP is decreased when ribo- correct. Oversupplementation with excessively
flavin status is low. This demonstrates how high doses of vitamin C should be avoided due
inter-­related metabolic actions of various B to potential side effects or undesired interac-
vitamins may be and that deficiencies in cer- tions with other nutrients (e.g. effect on vita-
tain B vitamins may impact the action or func- min E requirement, increased urinary
tion of others. excretion of oxalic acid, etc.).
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency is not
typically related to dermatologic signs; however,
Generic Dog Food Dermatosis
in young kittens with induced cobalamin defi-
ciency, their hair coat was reported to have a A dermatosis associated with the exclusive
“wet” appearance. It is overall relatively rare to feeding of a poor-­quality dog food was reported
see dermatologic manifestations of deficiencies in the 1980s (Sousa et al. 1988). This disease is
in only one B vitamin, especially if it is related to seen less commonly in North America since
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  359

Cutaneous Adverse Food Reactions

“Food allergy” is a term often incorrectly
­utilized in veterinary medicine to describe all
adverse reactions following food intake.
Cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFR) can
occur as the result of either an immunologic or
non-­immunologic response to a dietary ingre-
dient. Non-­immunologic cutaneous reactions
to food include intolerances or idiosyncratic
reactions to foods or other ingredients (e.g.
preservatives or dyes), but also include dose-­
related toxic reactions (e.g. histamine in scom-
Figure 14.3 Generic dog food disease in a young
broid fish poisoning), occur in any individual,
Labrador. There are areas of well-­demarcated
crusted plaques with erythematous borders and are associated with histamine, tyramine
periorally and periocularly. Courtesy of UC Davis (old cheese), or bacterial toxins (Scott
Dermatology Service. et al. 2001). CAFR is perhaps a better term
than food allergy, as a positive response to diet
the adoption of additional pet food regulations. changes may not be due to avoidance of an
Many of the affected dogs were typically less adverse immunologic response. When CAFR
than 1 year of age and were undergoing a occurs in dogs with atopic dermatitis, it can
period of rapid growth. also be referred to as food-­induced atopic
The dermatosis is characterized by the dermatitis.
­presence of well-­demarcated, thick, crusted In human medicine, IgE-­mediated type 1
plaques with fissures and erosions (see hypersensitivity appears to play a role in the
Figure 14.3). These lesions are typically located pathogenesis of food allergy in young children
on the muzzle, at mucocutaneous junctions, and is the best-­defined immunologic mecha-
over pressure points, and on distal extremities. nism causing food allergy (Sampson and
Affected dogs can also have concurrent pyrexia, Burks 2009). In humans, food allergens are
malaise, dependent edema, and lymphadenop- often glycoproteins with a molecular weight of
athy. A deficiency of multiple trace minerals, 10–70 kDa; however, the exact molecular size
vitamins, EFAs, and amino acids was likely the of food allergens is not actually known for dogs
cause of the cutaneous lesions. Diagnosis is and cats. The pathogenesis of CAFR in small
based on a compatible diet history and animals is not well understood and the immu-
­histopathologic evaluation of skin biopsies. nologic mechanisms occurring are not known
Histopathology of representative skin lesions in the majority of cases. In the literature, type
reveals a markedly acanthotic epidermis with 1, 3, and 4 hypersensitivity reactions are stated
parakeratosis, crusting, and spongiosis. Lesions to possibly be involved in causing CAFR in
resolve when the dog is fed a better-­quality diet. small animals (Gross et al. 2005; Verlinden
et al. 2006).
There are numerous potential food allergens
­ kin Diseases That Benefit
S and, because of the large number of ingredi-
from Nutritional or ents in a typical commercial pet food, it is
Dietary Management nearly impossible to implicate which one
might be a causative allergen for each animal
The next section will discuss dermatologic suspected of having a CAFR. “Common” aller-
­diseases for which dietary modifications are gens tend to be common because of their abun-
paramount for the management of skin disease. dance in many pet foods, exposing the greatest
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360 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

number of pets over prolonged periods of time, CAFR is considered to be the third most
but theoretically an animal could develop an common allergic skin disease in dogs after flea
intolerance to any dietary ingredient fed con- allergy dermatitis and atopic dermatitis. CAFR
sistently enough. A recent review and analysis in the cat is reported to be second in frequency
of evidence in published studies reports that to flea allergy dermatitis. The exact incidence
the most commonly reported food allergens of CAFR in all small animals is unknown. One
contributing to CAFR in dogs are beef (34%), study reported that 17.45% of dogs completing
dairy products (17%), chicken (15%), wheat, an elimination diet trial had CAFR
(13%), and lamb (14.5%). Less commonly (Chesney 2001), and another that CAFR was
reported items included soy (6%), corn (4%), the cause of pruritus in 23% of non-­seasonal
pork (2%), fish (2%), and rice (2%), as well as a pruritic dogs (Reedy et al. 1997).
few items reported for single dogs only (barley, CAFR appears to affect 1–2% of dogs and <1%
rabbit, chocolate, kidney beans, and tomato). of cats presented to veterinarians. For those pets
In the same review, the most common food presented for skin disease, CAFR was responsi-
allergens reported for cats were beef (18%), ble for 0–24% of these cases in dogs and 3–6% of
fish (17%), and chicken (5%). Less common (at cats (Olivry and Mueller 2017). In a previous
4% each) were wheat, corn, dairy, and lamb. report, CAFR was reported as 1% of all skin
Egg, barley, and rabbit were reported in single ­disease and 10% of all allergic skin disease
cats (Mueller et al. 2016). A previous review of (Scott et al. 2001). However, the prevalence
the literature also revealed that at the time the does appear to be increased in dogs (9–40%)
most commonly implicated food allergens and cats (12–21%) with pruritus (Olivry and
included beef, dairy, wheat, lamb, egg, chicken, Mueller 2017). CAFR is also seen more com-
and soy in dogs and beef, dairy, fish, chicken, monly in individuals with other allergies. Since
and lamb in cats (Verlinden et al. 2006). It is pruritus is a threshold phenomenon, reported
noteworthy that the authors of this chapter information about incidence may be influenced
have also had cases in which one of the offend- by the type and prioritization of diagnostic eval-
ing foods has not made an appearance in these uations utilized in reporting studies.
reports. Thus, even though it may not be a
commonly reported allergen, a food should not Clinical Signs
be excluded from the list of possible offenders. CAFR affects any age, breed, or sex. Food reac-
Some studies have shown that a significant tions have been reported in pets from less than
number of dogs and cats (35–50%) had adverse 1 year of age up to 13 years (Olivry and
reactions to more than one food ingredient Mueller 2019a). In contrast to other allergies
(Harvey 1993; Patterson 1995; Jeffers that typically take years to develop, anywhere
et al. 1996). In humans with food allergies, from 22 to 50% of reported dogs diagnosed with
some foods can exhibit cross-­reactivity between CAFR developed clinical signs before 1 year of
proteins from similar sources (e.g. seafood, age (Scott et al. 2001; Olivry and Mueller 2019a).
cereals, nuts). There is conflicting evidence as In addition, while an increased risk in certain
to whether this is clinically relevant in small breeds has been reported, there is no statistical
animals. Some studies have shown that there evidence of breed predilections.
was not cross-­reactivity between milk and beef In the dog, urticaria is possible; however,
proteins (Jeffers et al. 1996), while another CAFR most commonly results in non-­seasonal
study showed that bovine IgG in milk may pruritus with localized or generalized second-
confer cross-­reactivity to beef and possibly to ary self-­trauma. It is important to remember,
proteins from other ruminants that may have however, that periodic signs could occur (and
shared immunoglobulin homology, such as reoccur) if the pet only has intermittent access
lamb (Martin et al. 2004). to the offending food (e.g. table scraps,
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  361

hunting, scavenging, etc.). The clinical signs of develop signs later than dogs (Olivry and
CAFR can also be very pleomorphic and mimic Mueller 2019a). Siamese cats are reported to
or be complicated by other dermatologic dis- be at increased risk (Gross et al. 2005). Cats
eases, including atopic dermatitis, flea allergy with CAFR may present with a number of
dermatitis, ectoparasitism, Malassezia derma- reaction patterns. Pruritus is often very severe
titis, and pyoderma. Primary skin lesions seen and centered on the face, neck, and pinnae
with CAFR include erythema and papules. (Figure 14.4). Miliary dermatitis, eosinophilic
Secondary skin lesions then result from the plaques or eosinophilic granulomas, and
self-­trauma associated with pruritus or the feline lip ulcers may also occur in CAFR cats.
development of secondary infections, and can Pruritus causing self-­traumatic alopecia might
include alopecia, pustules and collarettes, ero- also involve the limbs, ventral abdomen, and/
sions, excoriations, lichenification, and hyper- or inguinal area and is often symmetric. Otitis
pigmentation. This can involve any area, but externa can be a feature of CAFR in cats as it
the face, ears, paws, and ventrum are the most is in dogs.
commonly involved sites in dogs, with the peri- Concurrent gastrointestinal signs may
neum less commonly targeted (Olivry and accompany pruritic skin disease caused by
Mueller 2019a). Pruritus in these areas may be CAFR in small animals, but the reported inci-
demonstrated by foot licking or face rubbing in dence varies in the literature. It is estimated in
addition to scratching or chewing pruritic most publications that fewer than 20% of ani-
sites. Secondary pyoderma and Malassezia are mals with CAFR have concurrent gastrointes-
also common in dogs with CAFR. Otitis tinal signs (White 1998). Adverse food
externa is a common manifestation of CAFR reactions should also be considered in dogs
and in some animals is the only clinical sign. and cats suffering from symmetric lupoid
CAFR in cats has no age or sex predilec- onychitis, concurrent conjunctivitis, or sneez-
tions, although cats generally appear to ing (Olivry and Mueller 2018).

Figure 14.4 Erythematous pre-­auricular areas and pinnae with evidence of self-­trauma in a cat with
confirmed cutaneous adverse food reaction. Courtesy of UC Davis Dermatology Service.
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362 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

Diagnosis and Treatment CAFR but are currently impractical (Mueller

An elimination diet trial is the most important and Olivry 2017).
and only reliable diagnostic test to evaluate There is no such thing as a “hypoallergenic
and diagnose CAFR in a dog or cat (Jeffers diet.” A diet might be non-­allergenic or non-­
et al. 1991). This involves exclusively feeding a stimulatory to an individual if it contains
diet that avoids ingredients previously fed, for ingredients that the animal has never eaten
an accepted period of time. If the clinical signs before and there is no cross-­reactivity
resolve, then the patient should be challenged (although this phenomenon is uncertain in
with the original diet to confirm a food reac- dogs and cats). In order to ascertain appropri-
tion. If clinical signs return upon challenge ate elimination diet options for an individual,
and abate again on the elimination diet, a diag- a complete diet history is necessary. This
nosis of CAFR is made. The timing of utilizing should include all diets (current and prior),
a diet trial may also be important: any pre-­ treats, table foods, supplements and medica-
existing infections or other sources of pruritus tions with flavoring, or capsules containing
should be addressed. If the pet is flea allergic any possible glycoprotein sources, as well as
or atopic, choosing a season when these factors consideration of any other possible antigen
may be minimized (e.g. winter) may provide sources that could occur from scavenging
an advantage in limiting confounding varia- (consideration of home environment is there-
bles. Prior to starting a diet trial, the animal fore important).
should be evaluated for any concurrent sec- During an elimination diet trial all previous
ondary infections with bacteria and/or yeast food items are removed, including treats or any
and treated appropriately. Depending on the supplements containing natural protein-­based
geographic location of the animal, it is also flavorings, and a new trial diet that meets cer-
important to be sure that flea control is being tain criteria is chosen. The trial diet should
used appropriately. A large commitment is contain a limited number of ingredients. The
required by the owner to successfully complete protein source should be novel if possible (i.e.
an elimination-­and-­rechallenge diet trial, but the patient has never been exposed to it before)
it is the only way to conclusively identify or hydrolyzed. If this is not possible, a protein
patients with adverse reactions to food. that the pet is not currently exposed to from
Neither serology with food-­specific IgE or any source, including treats and table foods,
IgG, intradermal testing, fecal IgE, or other and has had relatively little exposure to in the
diagnostic methods such as endoscopic testing past could be tried if necessary. It should be
or hair and saliva tests provide clinically relia- noted that anything cellular will contain pro-
ble information about the food proteins to teins; therefore, carbohydrates and fats (if not a
which an animal is allergic (Mueller and purified starch or oil verified to be DNA free)
Olivry 2017). Despite its frequent use, a num- will also contain glycoproteins, which can be
ber of studies have shown that serologic evalu- sources of potential antigenic stimulation.
ation for IgE levels to dietary proteins has little Therefore, purified fats and carbohydrates
to no clinical utility in predicting which dietary should be used or the ingredients providing
protein is actually acting as an allergen (Jeffers them should also be novel or of limited previ-
et al. 1991; Mueller and Tsohalis 1998; Scott ous exposure. Many preferred carbohydrate
et al. 2001) and its use should be discouraged sources are also relatively low in protein as an
as it is misleading. However, negative patch additional precaution (e.g. potato). The diet
test reactions may have high negative predict- should avoid vasoactive amines and meet the
ability in dogs for choosing ingredients used in nutritional needs for that animal at its current
elimination diets, and lymphocyte prolifera- life stage (e.g. a growth diet is still needed for a
tion tests may have increased accuracy with puppy or kitten).
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  363

There are a number of options for trial diets improvement or development of new signs.
to be used during an elimination diet trial. For these reasons, it is generally recommended
These include home-­cooked diets with a sin- to work with a veterinary nutritionist to pro-
gle, novel protein and a novel carbohydrate vide appropriate dietary recommendations,
component (see Chapter 8 on home-­prepared even in the short term. Despite these issues,
diets), commercial uncommon protein diets there are reports of patients who will respond
that are novel for the individual animal, or better to a home-­cooked diet compared to its
commercial hydrolyzed protein diets. Which commercial equivalent, so it is worth consider-
diet is chosen depends on the thoroughness ing, especially in pets failing multiple diet tri-
and accuracy of the past diet history, other pos- als with commercial products (White 1986;
sible special nutritional needs of the animal, White and Sequoia 1989; Jeffers et al. 1991;
palatability, and practicality for the owner. If Leistra and Willemse 2002). If chosen for long-­
pets have other medical conditions, in addition term management of CAFR, the home-­cooked
to CAFR, that benefit from dietary manage- diet must be balanced by a veterinary nutri-
ment, they will likely benefit from commercial tionist or with commercially available software
veterinary therapeutic multifunction diets or with appropriate nutritional supplements to
customized home-­cooked diets formulated by provide all essential dietary needs for that
a board-­certified veterinary nutritionist®. ­individual (see Chapter 8).
Home-­cooked diet trials have the advantage Commercial uncommon protein diets are
that there is more control as to what ingredi- typically, but not always, nutritionally bal-
ents are fed, they are less processed, and there anced and are more practical for most owners.
are no additives or preservatives. However, However, additives are present, and the anti-
they are very labor intensive and can be quite genic properties of dietary ingredients may be
expensive, especially for large-­breed dogs or altered during the processing of the diet.
when using certain protein sources, and not all Although this is not problematic for the major-
animals will willingly or consistently eat ity of pets, it is a consideration, especially if
home-­cooked diets. Home-­cooked diets are multiple commercial diets fail to be tolerated.
very often not nutritionally complete and bal- It has also been shown in several studies that
anced, which is a concern when used for any unexpected additional proteins other than
length of time, particularly in certain life stages those stated on the label can be found within
such as growth. There are reputable commer- diets used for elimination diet trials, particu-
cial resources and various veterinary nutrition larly any over-­the-­counter diet. It is suspected
services that can offer formulation of appropri- that this more commonly reflects contamina-
ate complete and balanced home-­cooked diets. tion during the manufacturing process, rather
This is generally recommended, as most elimi- than intentional addition or mislabeling
nation diet trials will take a minimum of (Raditic et al. 2011; Willis-­Mahn et al. 2014).
8–12 weeks to complete, and sometimes more Confidence in the reliability of the diet might
than one diet trial is needed. Although some be increased if the manufacturer utilizes poly-
supplements may not be needed during the merase chain reaction (PCR) testing or mass
beginning of an elimination diet trial in adult spectroscopy to screen for contaminant pro-
dogs and cats, B vitamins (especially thiamin) teins post production.
can be very quickly depleted and should be Hydrolyzed diets are made utilizing proteins
supplemented even in the short term. that have been enzymatically hydrolyzed to
Additionally, taurine should be added at smaller peptides and amino acids, or even
125–250 mg/kg BW for cats. Fatty acid and using purified amino acids. This decreases the
total protein or specific amino acid deficiencies molecular size of the proteins and hopefully
could then also contribute to lack of the antigenicity and allergenicity of the
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364 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

protein are then diminished. This approach is report, a hydrolyzed chicken liver diet led to
based on research indicating that IgE-­mediated flares in 4/10 confirmed chicken-­induced
CAFR in humans involves allergenic proteins CAFR, whereas a hydrolyzed poultry feather
cross-­linking IgE antibodies on the surface of diet did not cause flares in any of those same
mast cells to trigger inflammation, and that 10 dogs (Bizikova and Olivry 2016). Further
these proteins are typically larger than 10 kDa studies, especially in cats, are warranted.
(Bizikova and Olivry 2016). Similar informa- Overall, the veterinary therapeutic hydro-
tion is not known for dogs or cats and the vari- lyzed diets have a reported efficacy of any-
ous veterinary hydrolyzed diets are hydrolyzed where from 60 to 75% (Hensel 2010).
to varying extents. Additionally, it has been previously noted that,
Despite larger proteins being typically in some cases, partially hydrolyzed diets may
­implicated in human IgE-­mediated reactions, actually worsen clinical signs, with 20–50% of
3–5 kDa peptides could theoretically also act as dogs worsening when they ingested partial
haptens to elicit an immune response, or even hydrolysates of foods to which they were
smaller peptides (0.5 kDa or larger) might be hypersensitive (Olivry and Bizikova 2010).
involved in non-­IgE-­mediated CAFR by activat- Therefore, although hydrolyzed diets may be
ing lymphocytes (Bizikova and Olivry 2016). highly effective for many patients, there is vari-
Most of the commercially available hydrolyzed ability in percent efficacy between individual
protein diets utilize common proteins (e.g. poul- hydrolyzed diets and they cannot completely
try products and soy) and the proteins within eliminate allergenicity for all.
the diet are hydrolyzed to different extents. The A recent survey of dog owners highlights the
individual diets currently available provide pro- importance of the veterinary healthcare team
teins anywhere from 0 to 88% as single amino providing appropriate owner education and
acids, 78–95% below 1 kDa, and 1–7% exceeding specific diet recommendations. If the veteri-
5–6 kDa (Bizikova 2016). Additionally, the diets narian is involved in changing the diet in dogs
may differ from one another in other ingredi- with suspected CAFR, a much larger percent-
ents as well (e.g. carbohydrates), which may age of pet owners will utilize a veterinary diet
themselves either be purified of proteins or with a decrease in the use of alternate over-­
utilized as whole ingredients. This is why com- the-­counter diets and raw or home-­made diets
paring ingredient lists between products is (Tiffany et al. 2019).
important, as even the dry and canned products Once the diet has been chosen, it is vital that
from the same line may have differences that the owner fully understands that the animal
could prove important for the individual. cannot have access to any other food items.
It is therefore also possible for a hydro- This includes all treats, human food items,
lyzed diet to fail to identify or manage foods given to hide oral medications, flavored
CAFR. However, for the majority of animals toothpaste, and flavored medications or
with confirmed CAFR, there is good evidence ­supplements, including heartworm preven-
that hydrolyzed diets can control their clinical tives. For example, it has been shown that
signs. Studies have shown that a majority of food-­allergic dogs will react to the flavored
soy-­sensitized dogs did not respond to oral heartworm preventive Interceptor® (milbemy-
administration of hydrolyzed soy protein cin with pork liver and soy; Novartis, Basel
(Jackson et al. 2003; Puigdemont et al. 2006). Switzerland) with increased pruritus and
However, in one of these studies using a hydro- increased serum IgE within days of getting the
lyzed soy and cornstarch diet, 3/14 dogs (all medication (Jackson and Hammerberg 2002).
3 had been demonstrated to react to both soy Some of the current flea and tick preventives
and corn and 1 to cornstarch) reacted with also have hydrolyzed soy as a base, while oth-
CAFR to the diet (Jackson et al. 2003). In one ers contain intact soy or pork protein.
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  365

It is possible that despite changing the diet of grains and flours. Therefore, utilizing fresh,
the pet, a large percentage (up to 75% in one appropriately stored feeds is important, espe-
survey) of dogs will still have instances of food cially during a diet trial or rechallenge, as food
indiscretions during a trial, including provi- contaminants could lead to false-­positive
sion of treats by the pet owner (e.g. dental results. This is also worthwhile considering
chews, rawhides, jerky, etc.) or access to even when utilizing home-­prepared diets, and
unmonitored food sources (including garbage, bulk-­purchased items may need to be avoided
litter boxes or other sources of feces, and prey; in the testing stages (or if there are recurrent
Tiffany et al. 2019). Since ingestion of even problems).
small quantities of other foods could impair A review indicates that in order to diagnose
success of an elimination diet trial, it is impor- CAFR in more than 90% of dogs and cats, an
tant to discuss with owners what strategies will elimination diet trial should last for a mini-
be used to prevent access to these foods. Other mum of 8 weeks (Olivry et al. 2015), but
considerations must include food handling 10–12 weeks (or more) may be required for oth-
and possible cross-­contamination (utensils, ers or to achieve further amelioration, espe-
bowls, counters, storage, etc.) and, if there are cially if concurrent pruritic diseases/triggers
any other animals in the household, whether are still being managed. The patient should be
the pet to be evaluated may be exposed to reevaluated after four weeks to ascertain if all
potential oral allergens by contact with the infections have been adequately eliminated
other animal (e.g. grooming, licking the other’s and to reassess the intensity and distribution of
food bowl, flavored toys or treats, coprophagia, pruritus. Although maximum improvement
etc.). Sometimes it is necessary to place all ani- may take longer, significant improvement can
mals in a house on the same diet to ensure an often be seen within the first six weeks, pro-
effective trial. vided that all other concurrent diseases con-
Another important consideration is food tributing to pruritus are also addressed (e.g.
storage and handling, as the presence of con- pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis, or flea allergy
taminants, such as various microbial agents dermatitis). There is recent evidence that the
including mold, or cross-­contamination from needed length of a diet trial can be shortened if,
other foods could confound a food trial. An at initiation, any visible inflammation of the
example of this is the presence of storage mites skin is treated with a tapering course of corti-
in stored food, which have been shown to exac- costeroids (Favrot et al. 2019).
erbate clinical signs in dogs with atopic derma- Up to 75% of dogs with CAFR will concur-
titis already sensitized to the house dust mite, rently have other allergic triggers (Scott
despite them being different species. Therefore, et al. 2001). Consequently, only a partial
these atopic dogs could flare and be errone- improvement may be seen during the food
ously diagnosed with CAFR (Olivry and trial. To prove if any decrease in the animal’s
Mueller 2019b). Storage mites are typically pruritus is due to CAFR, a rechallenge needs to
undetectable in new bags of pet food, provided be done with the original diet. Animals with
that the seal is intact and they have been stored CAFR will have a recurrence or exacerbation
in temperate indoor conditions; however, of their pruritus within hours to days, with
mites will proliferate more on crushed kibble, most having a recurrence within 3–7 days. If
in bags with broken seals, or even in those with after two weeks there is no change in the
intact seals stored in higher temperatures or degree of pruritus, the animal does not have
humid conditions. Smaller (more quickly con- CAFR, but the diagnosis of food allergy or
sumed and therefore fresher) bags of food may CAFR is confirmed if the animal’s pruritus
be preferred for diet trials. Storage mites can returns or worsens, and the degree of pruritus
also affect other dry feed stuffs, including again improves when the animal is placed on
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366 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

the novel protein diet. It is important to con- Affected animals may be consuming a diet rich
tinue therapy for any concurrent dermatologic in fats. Cutaneous xanthomas typically appear
diseases during the rechallenge portion of the as multiple pale yellow to white plaques, pap-
trial. If infections recur, this could exacerbate ules, or nodules with erythematous borders.
pruritus and lead to erroneous interpretations They are often located on the face, ventral
of the rechallenge. trunk, and over bony prominences. Larger
In order to determine the specific offending masses may ulcerate and exude inspissated
allergen, provocation tests with single ingredi- necrotic material. Cats with inherited hyper-
ents from the diet are required. If the animal is chylomicronemia may also demonstrate
allergic to a particular food ingredient, pruri- peripheral neurologic signs due to nerve com-
tus will increase after introduction of that pression from subcutaneous xanthoma forma-
ingredient. Typically, clinical signs will occur tion. Histologic evaluation of skin biopsies
within minutes to hours of rechallenge; how- reveals large foamy macrophages and giant
ever, they can take up to 14 days to manifest cells. Serum biochemistry evaluations for dia-
(Jeffers et al. 1996), so only one new item betes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and
should be offered every 2 weeks at most. CAFR hypertriglyceridemia should be obtained. The
is managed long term by avoidance of any feeding of a low-­fat diet, as well as identifica-
offending dietary allergens, confirmed with tion and correction of the underlying distur-
provocative testing or by strictly feeding a diet bance in lipid metabolism, is recommended for
that is known not to induce CAFR. patients that have had cutaneous xanthomas
Although the prognosis for controlling identified.
CAFR with dietary management is generally
good (with patient compliance), recurrence
Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis
can sometimes occur and a new dietary sensi-
tivity can develop to other proteins, necessitat- Hepatocutaneous syndrome (HCS) is an
ing another diet change if this occurs. It is uncommon skin disorder associated with
unclear if extended avoidance of the originally systemic metabolic disease. It has also been
offending allergens can eventually result in called superficial necrolytic dermatitis
future tolerance to them, although this phe- (SND), metabolic epidermal necrosis
nomenon has been reported in people (MEN), diabetic dermatopathy, and necro-
(Hensel 2010). lytic migratory erythema (NME). More
Figure 14.5 presents an algorithm for evalu- recently the term aminoaciduric canine
ating CAFR with an elimination diet trial. hypoaminoacidemic hepatopathy (ACHES)
has been proposed to reflect recognized met-
abolic derangement (Loftus 2022). The first
Cutaneous Xanthomatosis
English-­language reference comparing it to
The formation of cutaneous xanthomas is rare the histologically similar human disease
and often reflects underlying dyslipoproteine- NME was in 1986, when SND was described
mia secondary to diabetes mellitus, therapy in four dogs with diabetes mellitus and was
with megestrol acetate, or hereditary defects in therefore called diabetic dermatopathy
lipid metabolism. Cutaneous xanthomas in (Walton et al. 1986). As different disease
cats have been reported with hereditary hyper- processes appear to cause similar histologic
chylomicronemia (i.e. lipoprotein lipase defi- skin lesions, it might be more accurate to
ciency), megestrol acetate–induced diabetes refer to the skin disease as either SND or
mellitus, or naturally occurring diabetes mel- MEN. The disease has been most commonly
litus. Cutaneous xanthomas have been described in older dogs, although there are
reported in dogs with diabetes mellitus. reports of a histologically equivalent disease
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  367

Pruritus: Non-seasonal
Review dietary history to determine list of foods animal has been exposed to

Eliminate other causes of pruritus: pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis, flea allergy

dermatitis, acariasis. This can occur concurrently with elimination diet trial but
must be completed before diet trial is completed.

Choose appropriate elimination diet: home-cooked diet commercial uncommon

protein diet, or commercial hydrolyzed protein diet. Stop all other food items,
treats flavored medications edible chew “toys.” Extensive client education.

4–6 weeks of feeding exclusively the elimination diet trial food then re-evaluate.
Re-evaluate pruritus → both intensity and distribution.
Assess for resolution/ongoing presenc of any secondary infections.

No improvement or limited clinical improvement, consider: Clear resolution of all clinical sign then:
• Need more time; continue 4 more weeks to be certain; • Rechallenge with original diet and all treats.
many dogs need 8–12 weeks to demonstrate • Change only one therapy at a time: do not
improvement. discontinue anti-infecetive drugs or flea
• CAFR Iess likely or not sole allergy; consider other control at the same time a tarting
allergies; be sure flea control is appropriate. rechallenge.
• Evaluate for concurrent/recurrent secondary in fections
and treat appropriately.

No improv ment: CAFR Partial improvement: CAFR

unlikely but rechallenge and possible with other concurrent
watch for any worsening of pruritic dermatoses.
Rechallenge and observe for
increased pruritus.

No change in pruritus after 2-week Pruritus worsen within hours to

rechallenge period with original food days after reintroduction of
items. offending dietary allergen

CAFR ruled out. Pruritus that worsens within 2

weeks confirms CAFR.

Figure 14.5 Algorithm evaluating for cutaneous adverse food reaction (CAFR) with elimination diet trial.

in cats and the black rhinoceros (Patel people with NME, association with glucagon-
et al. 1996; Day 1997; Munson et al. 1998; oma has not been consistently demonstrated in
Asakawa et al. 2013). The etiopathogenesis the majority of dogs with the skin lesions of
of this disease is unclear, but it is likely SND. The term canine glucagonoma-­associated
multifactorial. necrolytic migratory erythema (canine NME)
Most often, human NME occurs in associa- has been used to describe the disease in a dog
tion with a glucagon-­secreting tumor. Unlike with confirmed glucagonoma (Oberkirchner
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368 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

et al. 2009) The vast majority of dogs afflicted non-­glucagonoma-­associated disease or HCS,
with SND have a characteristic concurrent and only three dogs for which plasma amino
hepatopathy, thus the use of the term HCS. The acids were measured were confirmed to have a
hepatic pathology seen in dogs with HCS has pancreatic tumor (Bond et al. 1995; Torres
not been reported to occur in those dogs with et al. 1997; Allenspach et al. 2000). The pattern
confirmed glucagonoma-­associated SND. In of the plasma amino acid panels in dogs with
addition to the association with hepatic pathol- SND appears to be significantly different from
ogy, dogs with the skin lesions of SND that that seen in dogs with acute or chronic hepatitis.
have a history of phenobarbital administration The liver plays a critical role in amino acid
have been reported (Bloom et al. 1992; balance. In both chronic and acute hepatitis,
Byrne 1999; March et al. 2004), and some with the compromised hepatic metabolism results
gastrointestinal signs and malabsorption in increased concentrations of many plasma
(Florant et al. 2000). amino acids. However, this is not seen in dogs
The severe vacuolar liver disease seen in the with SND, as the majority of individual plasma
majority of dogs with the skin lesions of SND amino acid concentrations are less than 60% of
and the association in some dogs with con­ normal (see Figure 14.6). Total amino acid con-
current diabetes mellitus suggests that an under- centrations documented in dogs with SND are
lying hormonal or metabolic disturbance is approximately 30% of the concentrations docu-
occurring in dogs with HCS. Diabetes mellitus mented in healthy dogs or dogs with acute or
has been reported to occur in 25–40% of dogs chronic hepatitis (Outerbridge et al. 2002).
with HCS (Byrne 1999; Outerbridge et al. 2002). These differences suggest that the hypoami-
Hypoaminoacidemia has been documented to noacidemia in dogs with SND cannot be
occur in all reported dogs with SND skin lesions explained by compromised hepatic metabo-
that have, thus far, had concentrations of plasma lism. The ratio of branch-­chain amino acids
amino acids measured. Most dogs had (BCAA) to aromatic amino acids (AAA) has

170 SND Normal




aspartic acid


glutamic acid

















Figure 14.6 Plasma amino acids in 36 dogs with histologically confirmed superficial necrolytic dermatitis
(SND) as a percentage of normal. The majority of individual plasma amino acid concentrations in dogs
with SND are less than 60% of normal. Source: Data from Outerbridge et al. (2002).
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  369

been recognized as an indicator of hepatic The actual etiopathogenesis for the skin
insufficiency, and this ratio decreases with the lesions seen in dogs with SND or in humans
severity of hepatic dysfunction or portal-­ with NME is not known, although a number of
systemic shunting. The mean BCAA : AAA mechanisms have been proposed (Sohier
ratio in dogs with SND in one study was et al. 1980; Peterson et al. 1984; Mullans and
2.6 : 1.0, which is not indicative of severe Cohen 1998; Marinkovich et al. 1995; Almdal
hepatic dysfunction (Outerbridge et al. 2002). et al. 1990). EFA and zinc deficiencies have
It seems probable that an as yet unexplained both been proposed to contribute to the devel-
increase in hepatic catabolism of amino acids opment of NME, because the histologic
might account for the severity of the hypoami- appearance of skin lesions in patients with
noacidemia documented in dogs with zinc deficiency (acrodermatitis enteropathica)
SND. Intravenous administration of amino or EFA deficiency share some similarities, and
acids initially bypasses the portal circulation, skin lesions improved in some patients after
resulting in the delivery of amino acids to zinc or EFA supplementation, although it was
peripheral tissues before hepatic uptake and not helpful for long-­term resolution
catabolism can occur. The fact that some dogs (Kasper 1992). In dogs with SND associated
respond better to therapy with intravenous with glucagonoma, pancreatic tumor excision
amino acid infusions rather than oral protein or treatment with somatostatin has resolved
hyperalimentation supports the hypothesis skin lesions (Torres et al. 1997; Oberkirchner
that there is increased hepatic catabolism of et al. 2009). As different disease processes
amino acids in dogs with SND. appear to be able to produce the same charac-
The etiopathogenesis of the hepatic pathol- teristic histologic skin lesions, this suggests
ogy seen in the majority of dogs with SND that perhaps they may all be due to a common
remains unknown, and it is unclear what meta- metabolic disturbance. The fact that severe
bolic pathways may link liver or pancreatic dis- hypoaminoacidemia is documented to occur in
ease with the skin lesions seen in all cases of SND in which plasma amino acids
SND. Hyperglucagonemia, if it were present, have been measured, regardless of associated
could explain the risk for the development of disease, makes it likely that this metabolic
diabetes mellitus and hypoaminoacidemia seen derangement is directly contributing to the
in dogs with SND. Glucagon is not a hormone cutaneous lesions seen in affected dogs.
routinely measured in dogs and assays may not
detect all biologically active metabolites of
glucagon. The catabolism of almost all amino Clinical Presentation
acids, except tryptophan, is influenced by The disease is typically diagnosed in older
glucagon (Shepartz 1973). Tryptophan concen- dogs. Upon review of the literature, the mean
trations are not significantly decreased in dogs age of all reported cases is 10 years, with a
with SND (Outerbridge et al. 2002). It is possi- range of 4–16 years. Male dogs comprise 64%
ble that a disturbance in glucagon metabolism of reported cases. Shetland Sheepdogs, West
may have a role in the HCS form of SND. Adding Highland White Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, and
to the confusion about the pathogenesis of this Scottish Terriers may have a predisposition to
disease is the fact that dogs with histologically develop HCS as they appear to be overrepre-
confirmed glucagonomas do not seem to have sented (Outerbridge et al. 2002). There is a
the same hepatic pathology as seen in dogs report of a group of Shih Tzus, some of which
with HCS. Yet the clinical skin lesions, histo- were related, that all developed SND (Hall-­
logic skin pathology, and amino acid levels Fonte et al. 2016). It is unknown how genetic
measured are similar to those dogs with the influences may predispose to the develop-
hepatic pathology-­associated form of SND. ment of SND.
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370 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

The most common clinical sign is the devel- Histopathologic findings of representative
opment of visually distinctive skin lesions with skin biopsies are unique and confirm the
a characteristic distribution. In a review of all diagnosis. These findings include a marked
published cases, 94% of dogs had affected foot- parakeratotic epidermis with striking inter-­
pads with marked crusting, fissuring, and and intracellular edema, keratinocyte degen-
ulcerations (Outerbridge 2010). These footpad eration in the upper epidermis, and
lesions are highly suggestive of SND hyperplastic basal cells that create the charac-
(Figures 14.7 and 14.8). Erythema, crusting, teristic “red, white, and blue” histologic
exudation, ulceration, and alopecia can also lesion. Evaluation of serum biochemistry
involve the periocular or perioral regions, panels often demonstrates an increase in liver
anal–genital regions, and pressure points on enzyme activities and a decrease in serum
the trunk and limbs. The skin lesions in dogs albumin concentration. Serum bile acid eval-
with HCS may precede any other clinical signs. uations are abnormal in about half of affected
Secondary cutaneous infections with bacteria, dogs. A past review of all reported cases at
yeast (i.e. Malassezia, Candida) or dermato- that time found hypoaminoacidemia in all
phytes, particularly involving the feet, are often dogs, elevated glucagon in 4 out of 4 dogs that
present in dogs with SND. Lameness second- had a glucagonoma, and increased serum
ary to footpad lesions, inappetence, and weight insulin concentrations in 8 out of 11 dogs
loss can also be associated with SND. Polydipsia (Outerbridge 2010).
and polyuria may be present when there is Abdominal ultrasound may demonstrate a
concurrent diabetes mellitus or if significant unique “honeycomb” pattern to the liver con-
liver dysfunction is present. sisting of variably sized hypoechoic regions
surrounded by hyperechoic borders. Hepatic
histopathology often documents a distinctive
vacuolar hepatopathy with parenchymal col-
lapse. Grossly, the liver may appear irregular,
have multiple nodules, and be mistaken for
being cirrhotic. There exists some contradic-
tion as to whether the hepatic lesions in SND
reflect true cirrhosis. Despite some histologic
descriptions of micronodular cirrhosis, one
study, using special stains, confirmed only a
Figure 14.7 Foot-­pad lesions in a dog with minimal increase in collagen within portal
superficial necrolytic dermatitis. areas (Gross et al. 1993). Extensive fibrosis and

Figure 14.8 Adherent crusting over

pressure point on the tarsus and
severe hyperkeratosis of the foot pads
with fissures in a dog with superficial
necrolytic dermatitis (SND). Courtesy
of UC Davis Dermatology Service.
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­Skin Diseases That Benefit from Nutritional or Dietary Managemen  371

reduced liver size characteristic of chronic cir- minor differences in the amounts of essential
rhosis are not seen in livers that only have the and non-­essential amino acids between manu-
hepatic lesion associated with SND. facturers, there are no data to suggest that one
product is more efficacious than another.
Diagnosis and Treatment Solutions without additional electrolytes are
Diagnosis of SND is based on obtaining skin preferred. The following have all been used
biopsies with the typical histopathologic for intravenous infusions in treating dogs
changes. The characteristic dermatohistopa- with SND: 10% Aminosyn® intravenous
thology can be focal within a given lesion. ­solution (Abbott Labs, NC, USA); Travasol
Whenever possible, multiple representative 8.5% without electrolytes (Baxter Healthcare,
samples should be obtained and submitted. Clintec Nutrition, Deerfield, IL, USA); and
Biopsies should be chosen, if possible, from ProcalAmine® (3% amino acids with 3%
easily accessible sites with attempts to avoid ­glycerin and electrolytes; B. Braun Medical,
general anesthesia. The documented occur- Irvine, CA, USA). Administration of 10%
rence of abnormal laboratory findings, Aminosyn at 25 ml/kg over 6–8 hours that is
which can include elevated liver enzymes repeated at 7–10-­day intervals has been sug-
(serum alkaline phosphatase, alanine trans- gested (Byrne 1999). However, there is a case
ferase) or hyperglycemia if concurrent dia- report describing long-­term management of a
betes mellitus is present, should increase the dog with SND that was given both amino acid
clinical suspicion of SND in dogs with com- and lipid infusions (Bach and Glasser 2013).
patible cutaneous lesions. If abdominal These hypertonic amino acid solutions should
ultrasound is available, it can provide further be administered via a central vein to diminish
support for the diagnosis if the characteristic the chance of thrombophlebitis. Inducing a
honeycomb pattern is documented. If this hyperosmolar state is possible if administra-
ultrasonographic pattern to the liver is not tion is too aggressive. Dogs should be watched
visualized in a dog with a confirmed histo- for neurologic signs and the infusion discon-
logic diagnosis of SND, evaluation for a pos- tinued if these occur. If compromised hepatic
sible pancreatic tumor is necessary. or renal function is present, the administration
Pancreatic tumors may not be readily visible of intravenous amino acids may exacerbate
with an abdominal ultrasound examination, hepatic encephalopathy or augment increases
so measurement of plasma glucagon is also in blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Such dogs war-
recommended. If plasma glucagon concen- rant close monitoring with serial measure-
trations are abnormally increased or a pan- ments of ammonia, BUN, and osmolality
creatic mass is visible on ultrasound, the during intravenous amino acid administration.
option for exploratory laparotomy and tumor Some dogs show dramatic improvement in
excision can be considered. However, post- attitude with resolution of skin lesions after
operative morbidity and mortality have been receiving amino acid infusions. There are no
high. Plasma amino acids, if measured, rigorously studied protocols for the adminis-
should document a characteristic severe tration of amino acid infusions in these dogs,
hypoaminoacidemia. and repeat infusions are performed weekly,
The most effective symptomatic or palliative bimonthly, monthly, or when clinical
therapy for dogs with SND appears to be the signs return.
administration of intravenous amino acids. Oral nutritional support should include a
There are a number of crystalline amino acid high-­quality, higher protein diet (or the
solutions for parenteral administration on the amount of protein tolerated without signs of
market that vary in their concentration and the hepatic encephalopathy) that can be addi-
inclusion of electrolytes. Although there are tionally supplemented with amino acids.
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372 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

The best oral nutritional approach is not ­ utritional Supplementation

known, but hyperalimentation with protein for Management of Skin Disease
is indicated unless the dog is known to have
hepatic insufficiency as documented by an Many diets or nutritional supplements make
abnormal liver functions test and clinical claims to treat skin diseases and improve coat
signs. The dog with SND does not require the quality. The following section will review indi-
protein moderation that is necessary for dogs cations for the use of nutritional supplements
suffering from hepatic insufficiency and in skin diseases and also which nutrients may
hepatic encephalopathy. Zinc and EFA sup- impact skin health and coat quality. Some
plementation are often recommended, in ­supplements contain multiple nutrients; how-
part because of the reported initial improve- ever, specific supplements cannot be reviewed,
ment in some humans with NME as formulations may change. The best rule of
(Kasper 1992). Feeding egg yolks (3–6 per thumb is to use supplements judiciously,
day) has been anecdotally reported to result review them for constituents with mechanisms
in clinical improvement in some dogs (Gross of action relevant to the issue of interest and/
et al. 1993). This provides some additional or clinical trials to substantiate the benefit of
protein, but also possibly micronutrients their use, avoid supplements containing poten-
that may have an unknown role in this tially harmful or unknown components, and
disease. look for evidence of quality control for that
Secondary infections should be treated with supplement. Be aware that there are concerns
appropriate antibiotic and antifungal therapy, within the supplement industry regarding the
with careful consideration of those drugs that actual presence of desired ingredients in con-
may be hepatotoxic or require hepatic metabo- centrations reported and ­sufficient for desired
lism. Topical therapy with antibacterial and effect, and absence of any undesired or unde-
antifungal (yeast) shampoos can also be of clared substances (see Chapter 5 for further
benefit in some dogs in helping to manage sec- discussion on supplements).
ondary infections.
Therapy with glucocorticoids is not recom-
Fatty Acid Supplementation
mended. Although anti-­inflammatory therapy
for the skin lesions may be of some benefit, the Fatty acid supplementation, commonly used in
risk of precipitating or exacerbating diabetes veterinary dermatology, may have some effi-
mellitus in these dogs makes the use of gluco- cacy in ameliorating pruritic skin conditions
corticoids contraindicated. via a number of mechanisms. Specific fatty
The prognosis for dogs with SND is generally acids or combinations have been reported to be
poor and the majority have survival times of beneficial in managing pruritus, particularly
less than 6 months. However, 20% of the dogs in atopic dermatitis, feline eosinophilic reac-
in a study were maintained for 12 months or tion patterns (i.e. eosinophilic plaques or gran-
more with oral protein hyperalimentation and ulomas), cornification disturbances, improving
periodic parenteral intravenous amino acid coat quality, and “idiopathic” seborrhea. EFA
infusions (Outerbridge et al. 2002). There are combinations have also been used to treat
reports of dogs that have been maintained over canine symmetric lupoid onychodystrophy
two years with intravenous amino acid infu- (Bergvall 1998; Mueller et al. 2003), either as
sions and protein hyperalimentation (Bach sole therapy or in conjunction with other ther-
and Glasser 2013; Nam et al. 2017). Cooked egg apeutics. Since various combination products
white provides high-quality protein, but requires were utilized in these cases, a single recom-
supplementation to keep the diet complete mendation is not currently possible (refer to
and balanced. Mueller et al. 2003 for specifics).
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­Nutritional Supplementation for Management of Skin Diseas  373

Overall, there are many open, uncontrolled (e.g. LTB5). LTB5 is 30–100 times less stimula-
studies and comparatively few published tory than LTB4 (Waldron et al. 2012).
placebo-­controlled or double-­blinded crosso- In dogs, it has been found that both fatty acid
ver studies regarding the efficacy of fatty acids type and chain length affect the structure and
in veterinary dermatology. Only trials with a function of neutrophil membranes independ-
crossover design would minimize the lack of ent of the n-­6 : n-­3 fatty acid ratio. Although
dietary standardization between different tri- both menhaden fish oil (EPA + DHA) and lin-
als. Most of these earlier trials investigated the seed oil (ALA) increased plasma and neutro-
supplementation of n-­6 EFAs (e.g. LA or AA) phil membrane EPA concentrations (compared
for managing pruritus in atopic dermatitis. In to safflower oil or beef tallow), only the fish oil
dogs, the results of those crossover trials increased DHA and resulted in the greatest
reported variable efficacy between 17% and increase in LTB5 with decreased LTB4 produc-
56% (Olivry et al. 2001). More recent studies, tion (linseed oil produces this relative change
however, demonstrated stronger evidence for to a lesser extent). Both fish oil and linseed oil
the supplementation of n-­3 PUFAs (e.g. ALA, also resulted in an approximately 20% decrease
EPA, DHA) in cases of pruritus related to atopy in production of superoxide (presumably by
or flea allergy dermatitis. The doses were rela- limiting the AA available for NADPH oxidase;
tively high compared to maintenance dose and Waldron et al. 2012). In addition to modulating
therefore more supraphysiologic or ‘nutraceu- eicosanoid production, the inflammatory
tical’ to achieve therapeutic benefit. response may also be influenced by production
It appears that supplementation with n-­6 LA of different resolvins and protectins from EPA,
can cause a significant decrease in TEWL alterations in cellular signaling, and inhibiting
(Marsh et al. 2000). This suggests that the sup- cytokine secretion. Additionally, although n-­3
plementation leads to more incorporation into fatty acids are mostly utilized for their “anti-­
the intercellular lipids of the epidermis. By inflammatory” effect, they may also have
decreasing cutaneous permeability and via the potential antitumor effects, improve receptor
ability of AA to influence epidermal prolifera- and ion channel function, and positively alter
tion, EFA supplementation can positively blood lipid concentrations (Bauer 2011).
affect conditions related to defects in keratini- Some studies over the past few decades have
zation. Coat quality is positively affected by demonstrated a benefit to adding various n-­3
supplementation with these EFAs, as assessed PUFAs when compared to placebos; however,
by increased coat gloss and decreased scale the dose of flaxseed or canola oil (ALA sources)
(Marsh et al. 2000; Rees et al. 2001). needed to be substantially higher than the dose
Certain PUFAs are thought to modulate of marine-­sourced n-­3 oils (EPA + DHA
eicosanoid production in the skin by compet- sources) in order to achieve similar results.
ing with AA for incorporation into cellular The benefits of high doses of ALA may be due
membranes, eventually providing an alterna- to the sparing effect exerted on conversion of
tive substrate for cyclooxygenase and lipoxyge- LA to AA (leading to greater accumulation of
nase enzymes to produce less inflammatory LA vs. AA in the phospholipid fractions), as
eicosanoids than those derived from AA. The well as the conversion of ALA to small amounts
latter produces 2-­series prostaglandins (e.g. of EPA. When directly comparing the dosing of
PGE2) and 4-­series leukotrienes (e.g. LBT4) EPA + DHA to ALA in a crossover study in
when degraded; whereas, the n-­6 fatty acid pruritic dogs, greater improvement was seen
dihomogammalinolenic acid (DGLA) pro- in pruritus, self-­trauma, and coat character in
duces 1-­series prostaglandins, while the n-­3 dogs receiving the fish oil (180 mg EPA+
fatty acid EPA produces 3-­series prostaglan- 120 mg DHA/4.55 kg BW) compared to the
dins (e.g. PGE3) and 5-­series leukotrienes ALA (Logas and Kunkle 1994). It is important
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374 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

to note that studies prior to this were often using fish oil for skin disorders in cats are more
using much lower doses and reporting variable sparse and harder to interpret compared to
results. A more recent study (Abba et al. 2005) those for dogs, it does appear that (similar to
also showed a greater effect of supplementing other species) feline plasma and tissue do
n-­3 PUFAs in cases of early compared to respond to dosing with n-­3 PUFAs in a dose-­
chronic atopy. It is worthwhile noting, how- dependent manner, with possible saturation
ever, that the doses used in that study (17 mg after 600–700 mg/day (Bauer 2011). Caution
EPA + 5 mg DHA + 35 mg ALA/kg BW) with dosing EPA + DHA should be used in
resulted in much lower intakes of EPA + DHA cats, as no safe upper limit has been deter-
than the prior study. It is therefore important mined yet, due to equivocal data (Bauer 2011).
to realize that sufficient dosing, sufficient time N-­3 PUFAs from marine sources (EPA and
of administration, and disease type or duration DHA) are more efficiently incorporated into
may all interact to determine whether fatty membranes when compared to terrestrially
acid supplementation is successful in reducing sourced n-­3 PUFAs such as flaxseed (primarily
clinical signs. ALA), regardless of the ratio of n-­3 : n-­6
Based on a cumulative review of the better-­ (Waldron et al. 2012). In dogs, the conversion
designed studies supporting use of fish oil sup- of ALA to EPA is low (even lower conversion
plementation in dogs for inflammatory and to DHA) because of the competitive interac-
immunologic conditions (e.g. atopy), the tion with the same enzyme system that con-
apparent median effective dose of EPA + DHA verts LA to AA (so cats are also less efficient at
is 125 mg × BW(kg)0.75 or 700 mg/10 kg BW converting ALA to EPA). However, even the
(Bauer 2011). Therefore, this dose should likely somewhat low conversion to EPA will lead to
be used as a starting guideline in dogs with less inflammation due to its subsequent incor-
dermatologic disease; however, higher doses poration and use (Dunbar et al. 2010). So, even
may be needed in certain individuals to see an though pre-­formed EPA is more potent, the
effect. Whether addition of ALA may also have incorporation of some ALA may still be benefi-
a further or synergistic effect (by affecting LA cial to balance the concentration of LA in a
to AA conversion) is less clear, but possible. A diet. By competing with the same enzyme as
balanced intake of n-­6 : n-­3 fatty acids is rec- LA, less AA will accumulate in canine
ommended, with supplementation of n-­3 membranes.
PUFAs (especially EPA + DHA) in dermato- It has been fairly well demonstrated that n-­3
logic cases. fatty acid dosing, independent of the n-­3 : n-­6
Although vegetable oil supplementation ratio, affects fatty acid profiles and subsequent
may be safe in dogs, it is not recommended in actions in dogs (Hall et al. 2006). More con-
cats. The addition of these oils (high in LA, trolled studies that account for total amounts
which cats cannot convert) dilutes the AA pro- and doses of the relevant n-­6 and n-­3 fatty
vided by the base diet such that, when con- acids (rather than just ratios of total n-­6 : n-­3)
sumed to meet energy needs, a relative are needed to fully understand their potential
deficiency of AA may be created. AA defi- impact. This applies to not only the under-
ciency has been previously linked to dry, lus- standing of their positive therapeutic benefits,
terless coats and dandruff (among other signs) but also to any possible unintended adverse
and should be avoided. However, supplemen- effects. For example, there is a limited ability to
tation with menhaden fish oil was demon- interpret most of the past studies exploring
strated to maintain baseline AA, while also potential adverse effects on platelet function in
providing EPA and DHA (Angell et al. 2012). dogs and cats, due to the reporting of only
Therefore, supplementation with n-­3 fatty acid n-­6 : n-­3 ratios, rather than total amounts and
products is preferred. Although clinical studies specific fatty acids (Lenox and Bauer 2013).
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­Nutritional Supplementation for Management of Skin Diseas  375

It is important to note that supplementation stated concentrations of EPA or DHA. This

with fatty acids may have a time lag to effect of could be due to mislabeling and lack of quality
several weeks to months (Watson 1998) control during production; however, it may
depending on lipid turnover in membranes, also be linked to oxidation of the PUFA into
although some research has shown that a lipid peroxides, aldehydes, and ketones. This
steady state is reached in four weeks not only reduces the efficacy of the supple-
(Bauer 2011). Additionally, effects may not be ment, but may also result in undesired effects
apparent if sufficient dosing is not utilized. related to consuming oxidation products.
Since there can be a wide variation in the fatty When choosing a product, quality control by
acid profile of base diets consumed, it is rec- the manufacturer as well as postproduction
ommended first to evaluate the daily intake of handling should be considered. Anything with
key fatty acids from the base diet. Evaluating high concentrations of PUFAs is more prone to
only total n-­6 or n-­3 is insufficient. The appro- spoiling (via oxidation) and should be stored in
priate level of additional supplementation will a way to minimize contact with oxygen or UV
then be tailored to provide at least the desired light, at an appropriate temperature (refriger-
total daily intake, without exceeding the safe ated after opening), and with appropriate
upper limit. For example, certain diets intended ­levels of antioxidants, particularly vitamin
for joint, renal, or dermatologic support may E. Unfortunately, a recent survey indicated
already have high concentrations of EPA and that a large percentage of both veterinarians
DHA. These diets may or may not have suffi- and pet owners are unaware of the potential
cient concentrations to provide the desired for EFAs to oxidize (Martinez et al. 2020).
total daily dose to the individual, depending on In conclusion, supplementation with fatty
their food intake (Lenox and Bauer 2013). acids may be useful to improve clinical signs
Conversely, if intake is already sufficient, in some cases of dermatologic disease.
blindly adding more fish oil to the diet could Supplementation with n-­6 fatty acids, specifi-
result in overconsumption of calories, other cally LA, may have a positive effect in cases of
undesired side effects (e.g. diarrhea, or wasted keratinization disorders in dogs, but LA sup-
money or effort for the client), or consumption plementation is not recommended in cats,
of total EPA + DHA that exceeds the safe upper although GLA supplementation should be
limit before toxicity concerns occur. From a safe in both species and may help. N-­3 fatty
nutritional perspective, it is also important to acid supplementation with fish oil to provide
note what other nutrients may be added in EPA + DHA, with or without additional ALA,
excessive amounts via the use of these supple- appears useful in several types of inflamma-
ments. Some oils, such as cod liver or salmon tory and pruritic skin disease, especially in
oils, will naturally contain the fat-­soluble vita- dogs. Supplementation of EFA may also help
mins A and D. Dosing needs either to consider improve the efficacy of antihistamines or have
the addition of these other nutrients to avoid a dose-­sparing effect on glucocorticoid admin-
toxicity concerns, or a product that has istration (DeBoer 2016). Absorption of supple-
removed them via molecular distillation mental oils is best when administered with
should be used. It is not possible to assume food/meals and when dosing is split (rather
absence if they are not listed on the label, and than one large daily dose). These steps also
the manufacturer must be contacted for help minimize negative side effects (diarrhea,
confirmation. etc.). When dosing marine oils, it is important
Supplemental oils are not created equal, and to ensure that administration is for a sufficient
recent studies in commercial human (and lim- time period to allow effect (four weeks or
ited veterinary) fish oil supplements showed longer) and that a sufficient total daily intake
that a large proportion did not contain the of EPA + DHA, at a dose expected to result in a
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376 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

therapeutic benefit, is provided. In dogs, the Vitamin A–Responsive Skin Diseases

median dosing required for EPA + DHA
Vitamin A–responsive dermatosis is a rare skin
appears to be 125 mg × BW(kg)0.75 (or ~700 mg/
disease seen predominantly in Cocker Spaniels
10 kg), meaning that more or less may be
(Ihrke and Goldschmidt 1983), but also
required for an individual, but the safe upper
Labrador Retrievers and Miniature Schnauzers.
limit for dosing in dogs is <370 mg × BW(kg)0.75
It is an adult-­onset cornification disorder in
and should not be exceeded. Less is known
which dogs present with multifocal, well-­
in cats and more cautious supplementation is
demarcated, erythematous, alopecia plaques
­recommended. Since a safe upper limit is
with thick adherent scale, most often located
unknown in cats, initial doses should be lim-
on the ventral abdomen and thorax. Hair shafts
ited to <75 mg × BW(kg)0.67. Higher doses may
are often entrapped and clumped by keratina-
be tried; however, close monitoring is recom-
ceous debris. Overall, the hair coat is dull.
mended, and particular caution should be
Histologically, severe follicular hyperkeratosis
used in any cats with other conditions that
is evident, which is highly suggestive for the
could negatively affect platelet function
diagnosis (Gross et al. 2005). Despite being fed
(Bauer 2011).
a nutritionally balanced diet, these dogs
require supraphysiologic supplementation
Zinc Supplementation for Skin Disease with oral vitamin A at 600–800 IU (2000–2667
retinol equivalents or all trans-­retinol)/kg BW/
The zinc-­responsive dermatoses have been dis-
day). Clinical improvement is typically seen in
cussed earlier. Zinc has also been used in con-
6–8 weeks. Some degree of lifelong supple-
junction with EFAs in a study in dogs to
mentation with vitamin A is often needed.
evaluate changes in skin and hair coat quality,
High doses of vitamin A are likely to have
assessed by measuring coat gloss, presence of
some degree of a suppressive effect on cornifi-
scale, and TEWL (Marsh et al. 2000). The com-
cation in these dogs and slow the epidermal
bination of zinc (100 mg/1000 kcal) and lin-
turnover time.
oleic acid (15 g/1000 kcal) produced statistically
There are numerous synthetic retinoids that
significant improvements in coat gloss and
have been developed and used for treating
decreased TEWL over a nine-­week period in
skin disease in humans and some have been
dogs (NRC 2006).
used in small animals. The synthetic retinoids,
either isotretinoin or etretinate, have been
B Vitamin Supplementation reported to be of benefit for treating primary
idiopathic seborrhea, ichthyosis, solar or
Pantothenic acid (B5) and nicotinamide (B3)
actinic dermatitis, sebaceous adenitis, infun-
in combination with choline and inositol, and
dibular keratinizing acanthomas, epithelio-
the amino acid histidine, were shown to reduce
tropic T-­cell lymphoma, and squamous cell
TEWL (Watson et al. 2006). Biotin supplemen-
carcinoma (Kwochka 1993). Due to the
tation has also been advocated to improve coat
expense of these agents, vitamin A is often
quality in dogs (Frigg et al. 1989). Based on
tried in the management of some of these
their important role in skin health, supple-
mentation of B complex vitamins may be
Anti-­inflammatory corticosteroids can
found in many combination veterinary derma-
impair wound healing. Vitamin A and reti-
tology supplements for skin and coat health.
noids also significantly, but not completely,
This supplementation may either address a
reverse some of the impaired wound healing
relative deficiency or may enhance the effects
seen with anti-­inflammatory corticosteroids
of other supplements via synergistic
(Wicke et al. 2000).
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­Therapeutic Diets for Skin Healt  377

Vitamin E–Responsive Skin Diseases other causes of pruritus. The nutritional modi-
fications will target similar strategies to those
Vitamin E at supraphysiologic doses
already discussed, but may exclude use of
(200–400 IU/dog twice daily) has been used to
uncommon or hydrolyzed ingredients. Many
treat canine discoid lupus erythematosus, der-
contain additional EPA and DHA; however,
matomyositis, and primary acanthosis nigri-
not all do and it is important to look for EPA/
cans with variable success (and a lag time of
DHA concentrations in the product guides (or
30–60 days for maximum effect may be
call the manufacturers). Preliminarily, the
needed), even though these are not the result
ingredient list can be evaluated for sources of
of a dietary deficiency (Werner and
whole fish (fish meal has fat removed during
Harvey 1995; Watson 1998). It did not appear
rendering) or fish and other marine oils; flax-
to be effective in dogs without ­significant epi-
seed will predominantly provide ALA, so only
dermal changes (e.g. dogs with atopy).
evaluating total n-­3 concentration can be mis-
It is important to be cautious about extreme
leading. Other nutrients that may be high-
oversupplementation of vitamin E. Although
lighted include n-­6 PUFA, vitamin A, ­biotin
it has a higher margin of safety than other fat-­
and/or B complex, and zinc. These nutrients,
soluble vitamins, there are reports of high
as outlined previously, play a role in mainte-
doses of vitamin E interfering with the absorp-
nance of skin health and even in ­specific func-
tion and metabolic action of vitamin D and
tions such as improving TEWL. The intention
vitamin K in other species. There are limited
is that by utilizing nutrition to improve barrier
data on toxicity in dogs and cats. No safe upper
function, clinical signs of dermatitis may be
limit has been established in cats; however,
improved, particularly in atopy. Manipulation
cats given a salmon-­and tuna-­based diet overly
of the lipid composition of the stratum cor-
fortified with vitamin E developed prolonged
neum via altering the fatty acid composition of
clotting times (e.g. increased prothrombin
the diet is promising. The use of micronutri-
time), which were then restored by vitamin K
ents that could stimulate barrier components,
therapy (NRC 2006). Mortality in kittens was
such as Vitamin A and zinc, are hoped to fur-
also dose related to vitamin E, with death in all
ther enhance barrier function.
at doses of 1000 mg/kg/day and significant
When comparing these diets, there are varia-
mortality at doses of 100–200 mg/kg/day. In
tions in the total concentration of each of these
dogs, a tentative upper limit of 75 IU/kg/day
nutrients, ingredients, and caloric distribution
(or 1000–2000 IU/kg diet) has been suggested
(amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate).
(NRC 2006).
Some diets have been utilized in clinical trials
to assess efficacy for such things as coat qual-
­Therapeutic Diets for Skin Health ity, pruritus scores, potential sparing effects or
delays in medication use. Their use is worth
A number of diets designed and marketed to consideration but, ultimately, individual
benefit or support skin health are available. response or usefulness will vary. Regardless,
Some of these diets are targeted to address the utilization of these diets may, in some
CAFRs or other food intolerances by utilizing cases, be superior to adding supplements/
uncommon and limited ingredients or hydro- nutraceuticals to a different diet. Due to the
lyzed proteins ± purified starch. The diets complexity of nutrient–nutrient interactions,
might also contain additional modifications including possible synergism or antagonism,
aimed at decreasing inflammation, supporting the presence of other bioactive food compo-
immune system health, and/or improving skin nents, and/or other unknown variables, it is
barrier function. Other diets may be intended sometimes more useful to evaluate the effect of
for use in pets with environmental atopy or entire diets more holistically. Although this is
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378 Nutritional Management of Skin Diseases

different from more reductionist nutritional ●● There are two syndromes of zinc-­responsive
studies, and may obscure specifics about the dermatosis seen clinically in the dog.
effect (or lack of effect) of individual nutrients, Syndrome I most commonly affects Arctic
it does offer insight into the utility of the diet as breeds, and syndrome II affects rapidly grow-
a whole. At the least, they should provide a ing puppies, often fed poor-­quality dog food.
complete and balanced diet appropriate for the Both syndromes present with clinical lesions
species and life stage of the pet, while also of adherent scaling around the mouth, chin,
including additional recommended nutritional eyes, pinnae, and foot pads. Syndrome I dogs
strategies. This may be better than trying to require oral zinc supplementation on top of a
alter a different diet with limited information good diet, while syndrome II dogs require a
or risking the creation of imbalances or better diet.
oversupplementation. ●● Superficial necrolytic dermatitis (SND) and
cutaneous adverse food reaction (CAFR) are
two skin diseases that benefit from nutri-
­Summary tional or dietary management.
●● SND is a disease seen in older dogs and in
●● Dermatologic conditions associated with association with a number of systemic
nutritional deficiencies are uncommon ­metabolic disturbances, including hypoami-
when the animal is fed >90% of daily kilo- noacidemia and diabetes mellitus. In most
calorie intake from diets that meet all nutri- cases a characteristic histologic and ultra-
tional needs for that individual and there is sonographic hepatic pathology are found.
no issue of malabsorption. Generic dog food Characteristic skin changes include hyper-
disease and feline pansteatitis (associated keratotic foot pads and adherent crusting
with a diet low in vitamin E and high poly- lesions over pressure points. Intravenous
unsaturated fatty acids) are two examples of amino acid infusions may provide palliative
how an unbalanced diet can cause cutane- management for some dogs.
ous lesions. ●● CAFR is a cause of nonseasonal pruritus in
●● The skin has relatively high demand for pro- dogs and cats. It requires an elimination-­
tein and energy. and-­rechallenge diet trial to diagnose.
●● Essential fatty acids (EFAs) have multiple Neither serology nor intradermal testing
functions in the skin and are an important provides clinically relevant information
component of ceramides, which are neces- regarding the specific food proteins or sub-
sary in maintaining the cornified lipid enve- stances an animal does not tolerate.
lope or skin barrier. ●● Nutritional supplementation with various
●● Zinc is an important dietary element for the EFAs, vitamin A, and zinc may be beneficial
development of normal epithelialization. in the management of certain skin diseases.


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Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

Yann Queau and Denise A. Elliott

­Chronic Kidney Disease clean water at all times. Providing water at sev-
eral locations in the house may facilitate water
Dietary therapy has remained at the forefront intake. Cats have very sensitive whiskers and
of the management of chronic kidney disease many seem to prefer a large bowl in which the
(CKD) for decades. There are two fundamental whiskers do not touch the sides of the bowl. A
applications of nutrition in CKD: the first is the variety of water types (home filtered, distilled,
key role that certain nutrients have in altering bottled, warm tap water, cold tap water) can be
disease progression, and the second is the role offered. Some pets prefer running water, and
of nutrition in maintaining body weight, con- water fountains are now commercially available
trolling uremic symptoms, and improving the to encourage water intake. It is important to
quality of life. keep the food and water bowls away from the lit-
ter box area.
When fluid balance cannot be maintained
with these techniques, cautious fluid sup­
Compensatory polydipsia balances excessive plementation should be used to prevent dehy-
fluid loss associated with osmotically driven dration and attendant vascular depletion.
polyuria; however, some patients will fail to con- Maintenance fluids (e.g. Plasma-­Lyte® 56 [Baxter
sume sufficient water to prevent volume deple- Healthcare, Deerfield, IL, USA], 40 mEq/l;
tion. Therefore, methods should be employed Plasma-­Lyte M, 40 mEq Na/l; Normosol™ M
that encourage the patient to drink and main- [ICU Medical, San Clemente, CA, USA],
tain fluid balance. An increase in water turnover 40 mEq/l) can be administered ­subcutaneously
can be achieved by feeding diets that contain daily by the pet’s caretaker. Chronic administra-
≥70% moisture (retorted can/pouch/tray, com- tion of lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS;
mercially frozen ± added water, extruded kibble 130 mEq/l) or normal saline (154 mEq/l) can
soaked in sufficient water, or balanced home-­ cause hypernatremia if sufficient free water is
cooked diets ± added water) or by increasing not provided or consumed. Conversely, 5% dex-
feeding frequency (increasing number of meals trose in water can cause cellulitis and abscess
per day) (Anderson 1982; Kirschvink et al. 2005). formation and should not be administered
The patient should have easy access to fresh and subcutaneously.

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  385

Energy Stage I/II: Progression

The intact nephron hypothesis is the prevailing
Sufficient energy needs to be provided to pre-
theory of the progression of renal disease
vent endogenous protein catabolism to support
(Hostetter et al. 1981; Spencer et al. 2021). In
gluconeogenesis that will result in malnutrition
this model, once a critical threshold of function-
and exacerbation of azotemia. Prevention of
ing nephrons is reached, the remaining surviv-
malnutrition by ensuring adequate energy and
ing nephrons hypertrophy and undergo an
nutrient intake is crucial in the management of
increase in glomerular plasma flow and glomer-
kidney disease, and lower body condition scores
ular filtration rate (GFR). The capillary blood
(BCS) in dogs and body weights in cats have
flow and pressure gradient across the capillary
been associated with shorter ­survival (Parker
wall increase, and the chemical and electrical
and Freeman 2011; Freeman et al. 2016;
selective glomerular barriers are impaired
Rudinsky et al. 2018). Often, weight loss has
as a result. These changes increase the amounts
already occurred at the time of diagnosis
of protein entering the glomerular filtrate.
(Greene et al. 2014; Freeman et al. 2016). The
Ultimately the tubular resorptive processes for
maintenance energy requirements are a good
protein are overwhelmed. The tubular cells are
starting point to determine the amount of calo-
stimulated to secrete cytokines and inflamma-
ries required each day. A commonly used equa-
tory mediators, including endothelin-­1, mono-
tion indicates that adult cats require 1.2–1.4 ×
cyte chemoattractant protein-­1 (MCP-­1), and
RER (where RER = resting energy require-
RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T-­cell
ment = 70 × (BW [Kg]0.75)), and dogs require
expressed and secreted; also known as CCL5,
1.6–1.8 × RER (see Chapter 3). This starting
chemokine ligand 5), which stimulate intersti-
point should be adjusted based on serial deter-
tial fibrosis and inflammation, contributing
minations of body weight and BCS. Carbohydrate
to progressive renal damage (Remuzzi and
and fat provide the non-­protein sources of
Bertani 1998). Accordingly, protein restriction
energy in the diet. Fat provides approximately
has been demonstrated to slow the rate of
twice the energy per gram compared to carbo-
­progression of renal disease in rats and ­people
hydrate. Therefore, fat increases the energy
by reducing renal blood flow, GFR, and
density of the diet, which allows the patient to
obtain its nutritional requirements from a
It is less certain if dietary protein restriction
smaller volume of food. A smaller volume of
alters the progression of renal disease in cats or
food minimizes gastric distension, which can
dogs, as most studies do not support it (Finco
reduce the likelihood of nausea and vomiting
et al. 1985, 1992a, b, 1994, 1998, 1999;
unless gastric emptying is delayed too greatly.
Robertson et al. 1986; Polzin et al. 1988; Brown
et al. 1991b; Adams et al. 1993). However, these
studies have been performed using the rem-
nant kidney model, which does not necessarily
Dietary protein modification has been a main- reflect naturally occurring disease. In addition,
stay for the management of CKD for decades. some of the studies have been confounded by
However, over the years dietary protein restric- alterations in energy and/or phosphate intake
tion has also been the subject of much contro- in addition to protein restriction (Brown
versy. It is clearly helpful to consider dietary et al. 1990, 1991b; Finco et al. 1994).
protein intake within two different contexts: Recent research suggests that the urine
implementation in stage I/II disease (IRIS protein-­to-­creatinine ratio (UPC) is an inde-
2023) with the primary aim of altering disease pendent risk factor for all-­cause mortality
progression and implementation in stage III/ of cats with naturally occurring CKD, cats
IV disease to control uremic symptoms. with systemic hypertension, and uremic crisis
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386 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

(King et al. 2006, 2007; Kuwahara et al. 2006; dietary protein intake increased the magnitude
Syme et al. 2006; Jepson et al. 2007, 2009; of proteinuria (Polzin et al. 1988). Dietary pro-
Chakrabarti et al. 2012). Furthermore, studies tein restriction may be most beneficial to limit
in dogs with naturally occurring CKD have proteinuria in glomerular disease (see later),
reported that a UPC value greater than 0.5 or 1 but for cats and dogs with naturally occurring
at initial evaluation is associated with an tubulointerstitial CKD, further studies are
increased risk of uremic morbidity and mortal- required.
ity (Jacob et al. 2005; Wehner et al. 2008; Nonetheless, the current recommendation of
Rudinsky et al. 2018), and the risk of adverse the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS)
outcomes increases as the magnitude of pro- is to implement a restricted-­protein diet in con-
teinuria increases (Jacob et al. 2005). Therefore, junction with an ACE inhibitor and/or an ARB
therapeutic strategies should be employed to for dogs with a UPC >0.5 and for cats with a
minimize proteinuria (Lees et al. 2005). UPC >0.4, regardless of the IRIS stage
Angiotensin-­converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi- (IRIS 2023).
tor therapy has been shown to reduce glomeru-
lar capillary pressure and to lower the UPC, Stage III/IV: Uremia
and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) may Azotemia and uremia are due to the accumula-
also be used alone or in combination with an tion of protein metabolites derived from exces-
ACE inhibitor for that purpose (Vaden and sive dietary protein and degradation of
Elliott 2016). endogenous protein. High protein intake exac-
The effect of dietary protein restriction on erbates the azotemia and morbidity of CKD,
proteinuria in cats and dogs with CKD is not while protein malnutrition is strongly corre-
clear. Initial studies in feline remnant kidney lated with morbidity and mortality (Polzin
models suggested a beneficial effect of protein et al. 1983).
restriction (28% vs. 52% dry matter [dm]) on The rationale for formulating a diet that con-
the development of glomerular lesions (Adams tains a reduced quantity of high-­quality protein
et al. 1993, 1994). However, the effect of pro- is based on the premise that controlled reduc-
tein in this study was confounded with that of tion of non-­essential amino acids results in
calorie intake, as the low-­protein diet was con- decreased production of nitrogenous wastes,
sumed in lesser quantities, probably as a result with consequent amelioration or elimination
of lower palatability. A subsequent study in of clinical signs, even though renal function
cats to evaluate the role of protein versus calo- remains essentially unchanged. Indeed, the
rie restriction showed that calorie – and not various nitrogen waste products (blood urea
protein – restriction was responsible for the nitrogen [BUN] is a routinely used surrogate
protective effect on renal morphology and pro- marker), also called “uremic toxins,” have a
teinuria (Finco et al. 1998). There have not myriad of negative effects, such as nausea, car-
been any reports on the effect of dietary protein diovascular effects, decreased red blood cell
restriction and proteinuria in dogs with natu- survival, blood loss by gastrointestinal ulcera-
rally occurring tubulointerstitial kidney dis- tions, or impaired platelet function (Vanholder
ease. However, in studies using the remnant et al. 2003, 2018).
kidney model, there was no detrimental effect Studies have clearly shown that modifying
of feeding higher-­protein diets (31–54% dm) dietary protein intake can reduce BUN and
compared to lower-­protein diets (8–19% dm) provide clinical benefits to cats and dogs with
on renal lesions, disease progression, or pro- CKD (Polzin et al. 1983; Finco et al. 1985;
teinuria (Robertson et al. 1986; Polzin Polzin and Osborne 1988; Leibetseder and
et al. 1988; Bovee 1991; White et al. 1991; Finco Neufeld 1991; Hansen et al. 1992; Adams
et al. 1992a, 1994), except in one study where et al. 1993; Elliott et al. 2000b; Jacob et al. 2002;
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  387

Ross et al. 2006). Therefore, every patient factor to consider for maintenance of lean body
symptomatic for stage III/IV CKD should ben- mass. Overall caloric intake (which ultimately
efit from a protein-­restricted diet, while simul- affects the amount of protein ingested), protein
taneously avoiding excessive restriction to quality (i.e. digestibility and essential amino
prevent the risk of protein malnutrition (i.e. acid profile), the role of other nutrients (such
hypoalbuminemia, anemia, weight loss, and/ as carbohydrate) in protein turnover, and acid–
or loss of muscle mass). base status can all contribute to changes in lean
The minimal dietary protein requirements of body mass and may in fact dictate the optimal
cats and dogs with CKD are not known, but protein concentration to be fed to an individual
have been presumed to be similar to the mini- animal with kidney disease. Finally, it should
mal protein requirements of healthy animals: be remembered that dietary protein is also a
for cats, 3.97 g/kg BW0.67 or 40 g/Mcal; and for main source of phosphorus, a nutrient of great
dogs, 2.62 g/kg BW0.75 or 20 g/Mcal (NRC 2006). importance in the management of CKD,
However, in recent years the degree of protein and that careless dietary supplementation
restriction adequate for animals with kidney with protein may therefore have deleterious
disease has caused some controversy, especially consequences.
in cats (Larsen 2016; Polzin and Churchill 2016; Based on current evidence, the consensus is
Scherk and Laflamme 2016). Indeed, it has to implement a restricted-­protein diet to
been suggested that the true protein require- decrease azotemia in cats and dogs with stage
ment of cats to maintain lean body mass is III/IV disease and also to consider it from stage
higher than previously determined, which II as part of a “renal diet,” especially if it ena-
might in part be due to the lack of ­sensitivity of bles dietary phosphorus restriction (IRIS 2023;
classic assessment methods such as nitrogen Sparkes et al. 2016).
balance (Laflamme and Hannah 2013).
Nevertheless, there is to date no published evi-
dence that cats fed protein ­concentrations close
to the published recommended allowance Phosphate retention is one of the most common
develop protein malnutrition. In the study by regulatory derangements of CKD that arises
Laflamme and Hannah evaluating body com- secondary to reduced glomerular filtration of
position by dual X-­ray absorptiometry (DEXA), phosphorus. It occurs early in CKD and plays a
there was no statistical difference in lean body key role in the genesis and progression of
mass change between the cats fed the lowest-­or ­fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-­23 increase,
the highest-­protein diets for two months renal secondary hyperparathyroidism, hypocal-
(Laflamme and Hannah 2013). Likewise, lean cemia, relative or absolute deficiency of
body mass assessed by DEXA was maintained 1,25-­dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol), and renal
in older cats with early CKD (IRIS I/II) fed osteodystrophy (Nagode and Chew 1992;
their maintenance energy needs with a diet Barber and Elliott 1998; Tang et al. 2021b).
containing 67 g protein/Mcal (~24% ME) over CKD–mineral and bone disorder (CKD-­MBD)
six months (Hall et al. 2019). In cats with natu- is the term used to describe these clinical, bio-
rally occurring CKD, there was also no appar- chemical, hormonal, and imaging abnormali-
ent negative effect of feeding a protein-­restricted ties. Clinical consequences described in small
diet (23% ME) on body weight and BCS over animals include bone resorption (Shipov
two years, although lean body mass could not et al. 2014, 2017) and soft tissue mineralization,
be evaluated in this clinical setting (Ross such as gastric or renal tubular mineralization
et al. 2006). (Chakrabarti et al. 2013; McLeland et al. 2014)
The complexity of this controversy is that when the calcium–phosphate product exceeds
dietary protein concentration is not the only 70 mg2/dl2. Renal mineralization will promote
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388 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

interstitial inflammation and fibrosis, and may retention. In addition, FGF-­23 is an independ-
contribute to progressive renal damage (Nagode ent predictor of the development of azotemia
and Chew 1992). Dogs with higher serum phos- (Finch et al. 2013), CKD progression, and mor-
phate and Ca-­PO4 product have a poorer prog- tality (Geddes et al. 2015) in both dogs and cats.
nosis (Lippi et al. 2014; Rudinsky et al. 2018), Studies have clearly shown that by minimiz-
and in cats high serum phosphate is associated ing hyperphosphatemia, secondary hyperpar-
with poorer outcome (King et al. 2007; Boyd athyroidism and its sequelae can be prevented
et al. 2008; Geddes et al. 2015). (Ross et al. 1982; Brown et al. 1991a; Finco
In the traditional “trade-­off” hypothesis, the et al. 1992a, b; Nagode and Chew 1992; Barber
initial increase in both intracellular and plasma et al. 1999). In one study of dogs with surgically
phosphate concentration triggers parathyroid induced reduced renal function, dogs fed a low-­
hormone (PTH) synthesis and secretion. PTH phosphorus diet (0.44% dm) for 24 months had
works at the level of the proximal tubule to a 75% survival versus a 33% survival in dogs fed
decrease phosphate reabsorption and so a high-­phosphorus diet (1.44% dm) (Finco
increases the excretion of phosphate, which et al. 1992b). Renal function also deteriorated
compensates for the reduced glomerular filtra- more rapidly in the high-­phosphorus group.
tion of phosphorus. However, the trade-­off Ross et al. reported that cats with laboratory-­
for maintaining normophosphatemia is that induced reduced renal mass that were fed a
increased PTH concentrations also trigger the phosphorus-­restricted diet (0.24% dm) showed
release of calcium and phosphate from bone little or no histologic change compared with
via the stimulation of calcitriol synthesis by the cats fed a “typical” diet containing 1.56% dm
kidneys. As renal mass further decreases, phosphorus. The cats in the “typical” dietary
­calcitriol production becomes insufficient to phosphate group had evidence of mineraliza-
limit hyperparathyroidism. Nevertheless, this tion, fibrosis, and mononuclear cell infiltration
hypothesis does not explain all the metabolic in the renal tissue (Ross et al. 1982). The effi-
changes observed in renal secondary hyperpar- cacy of dietary phosphate restriction in cats
athyroidism, especially calcitriol concentra- with naturally occurring CKD has also been
tions that are below what would be expected published. Dietary phosphate restriction alone
from decreased renal mass only (de Brito or as part of a modified diet for the manage-
Galvao et al. 2013). FGF-­23 is a phosphatonin ment of CKD is clearly associated with a
produced by osteocytes and osteoblasts, which ­reduction in both plasma phosphate, PTH con-
acts with its co-­factor Klotho to decrease serum centration, and FGF-­23 (Barber et al. 1999;
phosphate. This is achieved by decreasing Elliott et al. 2000b; Geddes et al. 2013b).
phosphate renal tubular reabsorption and Furthermore, control of phosphate concentra-
inhibiting 1α hydroxylase activity in the kid- tions has been associated with a reduction in
ney, thus lowering calcitriol synthesis and sub- all-­cause mortality in cats with naturally occur-
sequently intestinal phosphorus absorption. In ring CKD (Elliott et al. 2000b). The mechanism
addition, FGF-­23 decreases PTH production, of how phosphate restriction slows progression
although this might be impaired in CKD due of renal disease is not fully understood. It may
to lower Klotho expression in parathyroid be related to decreased phosphate retention,
glands (de Brito Galvao et al. 2013; Geddes decreased soft tissue mineralization, preven-
et al. 2013a). FGF-­23 rises early in CKD, and its tion of secondary hyperparathyroidism, or,
concentration increases with the stage of dis- most likely, a combination of these factors
ease in both cats and dogs (Finch et al. 2013; (Boyd et al. 2008).
Geddes et al. 2013a; Harjes et al. 2017; IRIS recommends that the phosphate con-
Miyakawa et al. 2020, 2022) as a result of centration should be maintained at 2.7–4.5 mg/
decreased glomerular filtration and phosphate dl for stage II; <5 mg/dl for stage III, and
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  389

<6 mg/dl for stage IV disease. The first step to effectiveness. The plasma phosphate concen-
control plasma phosphate concentration is to tration should continue to be monitored every
limit the dietary intake of phosphate. The 2–4 weeks, and dosage adjustments made
plasma phosphate concentration should be accordingly until the target plasma phosphate
reassessed within two weeks of implementing concentration is achieved. Side effects of
dietary restriction. Commercial or homemade ­phosphate binders can include hyporexia/gas-
renal diets have different degrees of phospho- trointestinal signs (e.g. aluminum hydroxide,
rus restriction; if the first attempt is not effec- sevelamer hydroxide, lanthanum carbonate),
tive in controlling the plasma phosphate aluminum toxicity that causes neurologic signs
concentration, a diet with lower phosphorus (i.e. aluminum hydroxide), and effects on vita-
content can be selected. Plasma total and ion- min (especially vitamin K) and possibly taurine
ized calcium should be monitored, as hypercal- status (e.g. sevelamer hydrochloride).
cemia has been reported in cats with CKD (van Given these side effects, dietary phosphate
den Broek et al. 2017), and may develop when restriction remains the preferred means to
feeding phosphorus-­restricted diets (Geddes reduce dietary intake. There are no indications
et al. 2021; Schauf et al. 2021; Tang et al. 2021a; for phosphate binders to be used alone and in
van den Broek et al. 2022). It has been resolved the absence of concurrent dietary phosphate
by feeding diets with less severe phosphorus restriction.
restriction (e.g. selected “senior” diets) (Geddes Calcitriol replacement therapy has been
et al. 2021; Schauf et al. 2021); feeding renal advocated by some authors to help limit renal
diets with a lower calcium content and Ca : P secondary hyperparathyroidism and additional
ratio may also be attempted. renoprotective effects (Nagode et al. 1996; de
If dietary restriction alone does not allow Brito Galvao et al. 2013). The serum phosphate
plasma phosphate maintenance within the rec- and ionized calcium concentrations should be
ommended ranges, intestinal phosphate bind- within the reference range/interval prior to
ers should be added to the treatment plan beginning therapy, and hyperparathyroidism
(Table 15.1). Intestinal phosphate binding should be confirmed by PTH concentration
agents combine with phosphate contained in measurement. Calcitriol should not be given
dietary and digestive secretions to form insolu- with meals because it enhances intestinal
ble complexes that are excreted in the feces. ­calcium and phosphate absorption. Serum cal-
They should be mixed with the food prior to cium and phosphate concentrations need to be
feeding to ensure maximal phosphate binding continuously monitored to avoid hypercalce-
mia and soft tissue mineralization. The risk of
hypercalcemia is heightened by the concurrent
Table 15.1 List of intestinal phosphorus binding administration of calcium-­based intestinal
agents and typical doses recommended.
phosphate binding agents (i.e. calcium acetate
Aluminum hydroxide 60–90 mg/kg/day
and calcium carbonate). The serum PTH con-
centration should return to normal or almost
Calcium acetate 60–90 mg/kg/day
normal within several weeks of initiating
Calcium carbonate 60–90 mg/kg/day
Calcium 200 mg/kg twice
carbonate + chitosan daily
Sevelamer hydrochloride 50–160 mg/kg Electrolytes
twice daily
Lanthanum carbonate 12.5–25 mg/kg/day
Sodium restriction has historically been recom-
Lanthanum carbonate 400 mg once or mended for patients with CKD. The rationale
octahydrate twice daily
for this restriction was based on the reduced
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390 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

ability of the remaining nephrons to excrete occurring CKD. Syme (2003) reported that sys-
sodium, and the concern that whole-­body tolic blood pressure did not change following
sodium accumulation would contribute to the the introduction of a sodium-­restricted “renal
development of hypertension. Hypertension is care” diet to cats with naturally occurring
indeed more common in cats with CKD, its risk CKD. Plasma aldosterone concentration and
increases with time and IRIS stage (Bijsmans plasma renin activity were higher when cats
et al. 2015; Hori et al. 2018), and it has been were consuming a sodium-­restricted renal diet.
implicated as a factor that contributes to the Consistent with IRIS recommendations and
progression of CKD. Approximately 20–32% of the American College of Veterinary Internal
cats with naturally occurring CKD have arte- Medicine (ACVIM) consensus statement on
rial blood pressures >175 mmHg (23.3 kPa), hypertension (Brown et al. 2007), there is cur-
which places them at severe risk of target organ rently no evidence to suggest that lowering
(i.e. kidney, eye, brain, heart) damage second- dietary sodium will reduce blood pressure in
ary to hypertension (Syme et al. 2002; Hori cats or dogs with CKD. At the same time,
et al. 2018). Jacob et al. (2003) reported that ­moderately sodium-­restricted therapeutic diets
31% of dogs with naturally occurring CKD had for the nutritional management of renal ­disease
systolic blood pressure >160 mmHg (21.3 kPa). remain common and recommended (Pouchelon
Dogs with naturally occurring CKD and a sys- et al. 2015). Antihypertensive therapy is clearly
tolic blood pressure >180 mmHg (24 kPa) were and universally recommended to maintain the
more likely to develop a uremic crisis and to die systolic blood pressure <160 mmHg (21.3 kPa)
compared with dogs that had a normal systolic in cats and dogs with CKD (IRIS 2023; Brown
blood pressure (Jacob et al. 2003). Furthermore, et al. 2007). Note that ACE inhibitors can lead
the risk of developing a uremic crisis and of to hyperkalemia, as summarized later.
dying increased significantly as systolic blood
pressure increased. Potassium
There have not been any published studies to Hypokalemia has been well recognized for
demonstrate that dietary sodium restriction ­decades as a complication of CKD. The mecha-
will alleviate hypertension or slow disease pro- nism of action is unclear and includes inade-
gression. In healthy cats and dogs, dietary quate potassium intake, acidifying diets, and/
sodium intake up to 3.1 g/Mcal in cats and or increased urinary losses. Hypokalemia
4.1 g/Mcal in dogs does not affect blood pres- occurs in about 20% of cats with CKD, although
sure or renal or cardiac functions (Xu this number may underestimate the true preva-
et al. 2009, 2016; Reynolds et al. 2013; Chetboul lence of whole-­body potassium depletion
et al. 2014; Nguyen et al. 2017). Altering sodium (DiBartola et al. 1987; Theisen et al. 1997).
intake from 0.5 to 3.25 g Na/Mcal did not influ- Hypokalemia can occur at any stage of disease.
ence the development of hypertension nor Elliott and Syme (2003) reported hypokalemia
affect GFR in dogs with surgically induced in 14.3% of cats with stage II, 25% of cats with
renal reduction (Greco et al. 1994a, b). A study stage III, and 30% of cats in stage IV disease.
in cats with surgically induced kidney disease Segev et al. (2010) reported that hypokalemia
reported that sodium restriction (0.6–0.7 g/ occurred in 14% of dogs with naturally occur-
Mcal) activated the renin-­angiotensin-­ ring CKD.
aldosterone system (RAAS), significantly low- Questions have also been raised regarding
ered plasma potassium concentration, and had hypokalemia as a cause or a consequence of
no effect on arterial blood pressure (Buranakarl feline CKD (Dow and Fettman 1992). An asso-
et al. 2004). Hansen et al. (1992) reported that ciation between CKD and hypokalemia
changes in dietary sodium intake did not affect has been reported in cats (Dow et al. 1989).
blood pressure in nine dogs with naturally Furthermore, feeding an acidifying or
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  391

potassium-­depleted diet has been associated It is important to note that not all cats with
with naturally occurring CKD and a decline in CKD are hypokalemic. Indeed, hyperkalemia
GFR (Dow et al. 1987, 1990; DiBartola was reported in 13% of cats with CKD in one
et al. 1993). Dow and Fettman hypothesized study (Dow et al. 1989), and in 22% of cats with
that potassium depletion may lead to a self-­ end-­stage renal disease in another study (Elliott
perpetuating cycle of renal damage and further and Barber 1998). Segev et al. (2010) reported
potassium loss (Dow and Fettman 1992). that 71 of 152 (41%) of dogs with naturally
However, the causal relationship between occurring CKD had at least one reported epi-
whole-­body potassium deficit and progressive sode of hyperkalemia, defined as a serum
renal injury remains to be proven. potassium concentration above the reference
Clinically, hypokalemia is generally mild, range/interval of 5.3 mmol/l. Furthermore,
without overt clinical signs. Hypokalemia 16% of dogs had at least one episode in which
causes generalized muscle weakness and pain the serum potassium concentration was
that may present as cervical ventroflexion and a >6.5 mmol/l. Postulated contributors to hyper-
stiff, stilted gait (Dow et al. 1987). Hypokalemia kalemia include advanced kidney disease,
impairs protein synthesis, promotes weight ­dietary potassium intake, and the concurrent
loss, and contributes to polyuria by decreasing use of medications such as ACE inhibitors.
the renal responsiveness to ADH (antidiuretic Management of hyperkalemia includes rul-
hormone). Hypokalemia also appears to be ing out contributory factors such as thrombo-
associated with an increased risk of systemic cytosis and medications. A complete dietary
hypertension in cats with CKD (Syme history, including treats and nutritional supple-
et al. 2002). ments, should be obtained to ascertain the
Potassium supplementation is indicated patient’s daily potassium intake. This informa-
when the serum potassium concentration is less tion is used to identify and implement a dietary
than 4 mEq/l (4 mmol/l) (Sparkes et al. 2016). regime that would provide less dietary potas-
This may be achieved by oral potassium gluco- sium. It is important to note that hyperkalemia
nate or potassium citrate supplementation can occur in dogs with naturally occurring
(1–4 mEq per cat every [q]12 h) (Sieberg and CKD that receive therapeutic renal diets (Segev
Quimby 2020). Potassium ­chloride can be acidi- et al. 2010). In this situation, a potassium-­
fying and therefore counterproductive for sup- reduced, commercial renal diet or a home-­
plementation in CKD. Clinical improvement in prepared diet specifically formulated for the
appetite and activity level has been noted fol- patient by a board certified veterinary nutri-
lowing potassium supplementation, although tionist® or a Diplomate of the European College
palatability of the supplement may be a con- of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition
cern in some cats. Muscle weakness typically should be prescribed.
resolves within five days of institution of ther-
apy. However, a randomized controlled clinical
Acid–Base Balance
trial failed to identify any beneficial effect of
potassium gluconate supplementation on blood The kidneys are essential in the regulation of
pressure or kidney function in cats with natu- acid–base balance. One of their key roles is to
rally occurring CKD (Elliott and Syme 2003). excrete metabolically derived non-­volatile acid
Side effects of potassium sup­plementation (e.g. sulfates, hydrogen ions). As renal function
include gastrointestinal irritation, ulceration, declines, the capacity to excrete hydrogen ions
nausea, and vomiting. The ­potassium dosage and reabsorb bicarbonate ions is lost and
should be adjusted by monitoring the serum ­metabolic acidosis ensues. Metabolic acidosis
potassium concentration and response to results in increased renal ammoniagenesis,
supplementation. which has been associated with activation of
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392 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

complement and may contribute to the pro- vomiting, muscle weakness, and weight loss, in
gression of kidney disease. Metabolic acidosis addition to limiting the catabolic effects of met-
increases the catabolism and degradation of abolic acidosis on protein metabolism. It
skeletal muscle protein, disrupts intracellular remains to be determined if there is any benefi-
metabolism, and promotes dissolution of bone cial effect to provide alkali supplementation
mineral. These cellular disruptions exacerbate prior to the detection of metabolic acidosis.
azotemia, contribute to the loss of lean body
mass, and promote renal osteodystrophy.
Long-­Chain Omega-­3 Fatty Acids
Metabolic acidosis also increases the likelihood
that hypokalemia will occur or exacerbates Long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acids (eicosapentae-
pre-­existing hypokalemia as potassium moves noic acid [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acid
out of the cells in response to metabolic acido- [DHA]) compete with the long-­chain omega-­6
sis and is lost in urine. fatty acid arachidonic acid (AA), and alter
Metabolic acidosis is typically evident in eicosanoid, thromboxane, and leukotriene
stage III–IV disease (Elliott et al. 2003a, b; ­production (Bauer et al. 1999). Studies in
Slawuta et al. 2020). Dibartola et al. (1987) laboratory-­induced renal disease in dogs have
reported that 62.7% of cats with CKD had reported that supplementation with menhaden
a bicarbonate concentration <15 mmol/l. fish oil (rich in long-­chain omega-­3 polyunsat-
Another study of 59 cats with naturally occur- urated fatty acids) was considered to be reno-
ring CKD reported that 15% of cats with late-­ protective compared with safflower oil (varietal
stage III and 52.6% of cats with stage IV CKD rich in omega-­6 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
had evidence of acidosis (Elliott et al. 2003b). and notably not rich in the omega-­9 monoun-
The blood bicarbonate concentration should saturated fatty acid oleic acid, like the common
be maintained in the range of 18–24 mmol/l. variety available now) and beef tallow (rich in
Therefore, alkalinization therapy (e.g. potas- saturated fatty acids) (Brown et al. 1998).
sium citrate, sodium bicarbonate, calcium Supplementation with menhaden fish oil low-
­carbonate) should be implemented when the ered glomerular capillary pressure, reduced
bicarbonate concentration is <18 mmol/l. proteinuria, and slowed progressive decline in
Dietary protein restriction results in the con- the GFR (Brown et al. 1998).
sumption of reduced quantities of protein-­ Omega-­6 fatty acids appeared to be detrimen-
derived acid precursors; however, this alone is tal to renal disease (Brown et al. 2000). Brown
rarely adequate to prevent metabolic acidosis. et al. reported that supplementation with
The choice and dose of alkalinization therapy omega-­6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (using an
will need to be individualized for each patient. omega-­6 rich variety of safflower oil) to dogs
Factors to consider include the effect on palat- with laboratory-­induced CKD was associated
ability when added to the diet, the presence of with increased glomerular capillary pressure,
hypokalemia (where potassium salts will be glomerular enlargement, and increased eicosa-
chosen), the presence of hyperkalemia (where noid excretion rates.
potassium salts will be avoided), the presence Similar studies have not been reported in
of hyperphosphatemia (where calcium salts cats. Lipid metabolism is complex in cats as
may be best because of their phosphate binding they lack the enzyme delta-­6-­desaturase, sug-
capabilities provided hypercalcemia does not gesting that providing EPA and DHA may be
occur), and the concurrent presence of conges- particularly important in this species. However,
tive heart failure (where sodium salts may con- one study suggests that the provision of dietary
tribute to fluid overload). long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acids from marine
Alkalinization therapy will improve the sources versus dietary shorter-­chain omega-­3
­clinical signs of anorexia, lethargy, nausea, fatty acids from plant sources is also important
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  393

in the dog (Waldron et al. 2012). One retrospec- et al. 2010). It has been hypothesized that sup-
tive study of 175 cats with CKD suggested that plementing the diet with fermentable fiber as a
survival time was longer for cats fed diets with source of carbohydrate nutrition for gastroin-
high concentrations of EPA (Plantinga testinal bacteria will result in the subsequent
et al. 2005). It is clear that further research is utilization of blood urea as a source of nitro-
needed to evaluate the efficacy of long-­chain gen for growth. Therefore, fecal nitrogen
omega-­3 fatty acid supplementation in cats and excretion in the form of the bacterial cell mass
dogs with CKD. will be increased, urinary nitrogen excretion
will be decreased, and the need for protein
restriction will be alleviated. Studies with die-
tary fermentable carbohydrate in partially
Fiber is a simple term for a complex family of nephrectomized rats have documented a
plant components that cannot be digested by decrease in blood urea concentration; how-
the digestive tract of the dog or cat. Fiber can be ever, there was no net change in total nitrogen
broadly classified as soluble, insoluble, fer- excretion, just a shift from urinary to fecal
mentable, non-­fermentable, or mucilage. Fiber excretion (Younes et al. 1997, 1998). There
can have multiple beneficial effects on gastro- have not been any studies published to date to
intestinal health and function, from supporting validate this hypothesis in cats or dogs.
the microbiota to regulating gastrointestinal Furthermore, the clinical relevance of a reduc-
motility. Alterations in gastrointestinal motility tion in blood urea concentration is unknown,
(alterations in duodenojejunal motility and as urea is a nitrogen biomarker and not consid-
decreased colonic transit time) have been ered a uremic toxin. The traditional uremic
reported in a study of dogs with laboratory-­ toxins are classified as middle molecules and
induced renal disease (Lefebvre et al. 2001). hence are too large to move freely with water
Cats with CKD have been found to be at across the intestinal barrier. More research is
higher risk of constipation (Benjamin and needed in this area before widespread recom-
Drobatz 2020), with fewer bowel movements mendations can be made.
than healthy cats on average (Jones et al. 2022).
The causes are numerous and include dehydra-
tion, reduced gastrointestinal motility, and as a
side effect of therapeutic agents, including Oxidation is the loss of an electron from a
phosphate binders and calcium channel block- chemical species. Removal or loss of an elec-
ers. Therefore, dietary fiber may have a benefi- tron from a chemical compound produces a
cial role to help promote gastrointestinal health free radical. Free radicals are highly reactive
in patients with CKD. as they search for an electron from sur-
Fermentable fiber promotes colonic bacte- rounding molecules to stabilize their struc-
rial multiplication; however, a source of ture. Free radicals are able to attack
ammonia nitrogen is required for bacterial numerous compounds in the body, includ-
growth. Nitrogen sources include dietary pro- ing lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
tein that escapes small intestinal digestion, Oxidative damage to these core biological
endogenous proteins (pancreatic, intestinal components has been hypothesized to be
secretions), sloughed intestinal mucosal cells, involved in the etiology or progression of a
and blood urea that diffuses across the number of diseases or conditions, including
­intestines with water movement. In dogs with cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, aging, car-
CKD, extrarenal pathways of urea excretion diovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus.
(i.e. mostly enteric) become predominant with Free radical damage has also been ­implicated
more advanced stages of the disease (Steinbach as a contributing factor in the progression of
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394 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

CKD in humans (Cochrane and Ricardo 2003; Studies in rats and humans have suggested
Locatelli et al. 2003). that vitamin E supplementation may slow the
Humans with CKD have been shown to have progression of CKD by modulating tubuloint-
oxidative stress by evidence of lower concen- erstitial injury, proteinuria, and glomeruloscle-
trations of vitamin E and vitamin C, and high rosis (Hahn et al. 1998, 1999; Tahzib et al. 1999;
concentrations of markers of lipid peroxida- Tain et al. 2007). Yu and Paetau-­Robinson
tion (Cochrane and Ricardo 2003; Locatelli (2006) reported that supplementation with
et al. 2003). It has been hypothesized that cats vitamin E, beta-­carotene, and vitamin C in cats
and dogs with CKD may also have oxidative with naturally occurring stage II CKD reduced
stress (Brown 2008). Silva et al. found that oxi- markers of DNA damage. Brown reported that
dative stress was greater in dogs with naturally vitamin E, carotenoids, and lutein supplemen-
occurring renal disease than in control dogs tation to dogs with surgically induced renal
(Silva et al. 2013). Two studies, in a limited mass reduction slowed the rate of reduction of
number of cats with naturally occurring kid- the GFR, compared to dogs that did not receive
ney disease, have shown contradictory results antioxidant supplementation (Brown 2008).
regarding antioxidant capacity, but both stud- Therefore, it is clear that dietary antioxidants
ies suggest that antioxidant defense mecha- can be beneficial to cats and dogs with
nisms are activated (Keegan and Webb 2010; CKD. What remains to be determined, by fur-
Krofic Zel et al. 2014). This is supported by two ther studies, is the actual dose and synergistic
other studies, reporting higher concentrations combination of dietary antioxidants that are
of lipid peroxidation products – markers of oxi- most effective.
dative stress – in limited numbers of cats with
various stages of naturally occurring CKD
Nutrients That Target the Endothelium
compared to healthy controls (Valle et al. 2019;
Granick et al. 2021). However, in those studies, Endothelial cells have a key role in maintaining
diet was not controlled among groups, and dif- vascular homeostasis by the generation of nitric
ferences in dietary antioxidant supply may oxide via the endothelial enzyme nitric oxide
have affected the results. synthase. Nitric oxide has a critical role in renal
The body contains a number of compounds hemodynamics and urine production by dilat-
and systems designed to protect against oxida- ing both the afferent and efferent arterioles,
tive stress. This protective system includes augmenting estimated GFR (GFRe), and influ-
enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and encing the renal handling of sodium along the
GSH reductase, peptides such as glutathione, tubule segments. Accordingly, endothelial
and some vitamins, such as tocopherols, ­dysfunction is characterized by alterations in
­vitamin A and associated retinoids, and vita- vasodilation and vasoconstriction, increased
min C. Various minerals are also required for oxidative stress and inflammation, deregulation
the activity of many antioxidant enzymes. of thrombosis and fibrinolysis, and abnormal
Nutritional interventions in which exogenous smooth muscle cell proliferation. Endothelial
antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, dysfunction is thought to contribute to systemic
­taurine, carotenoids, and flavanols are added hypertension, glomerular pathology, progres-
to the diet are also an effective way to promote sive proteinuria, and tubulointerstitial inflam-
a more favorable redox status in the body mation and fibrosis in human and animal
so that less oxidative damage can occur models of disease.
(Brown 2008). Together, the antioxidant Endothelial dysfunction arises by decreased
­systems collectively function to scavenge bioavailability of nitric oxide at the vascular
and neutralize free ­radicals and minimize level. There are several proposed mechanisms
­oxidative stress. of action by which endothelial cell dysfunction
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  395

arises in renal disease. These include a reduc- and Neufeld 1991; Elliott et al. 2000b; Jacob
tion in the renal synthesis of L-­arginine, the et al. 2002; Ross et al. 2006). To date, these stud-
precursor of nitric oxide; oxidative stress, ies have used “renal” diets that included a com-
which reduces nitric oxide release from the bination of nutrient alterations compared to
endothelium and stimulates the production of maintenance diets. Therefore, it is not possible
profibrotic mediators from the endothelium; to speculate which of the nutrient alterations is
and the accumulation of asymmetric dimethy- responsible for differences in outcome between
larginine (ADMA), an inhibitor of endothelial groups. Nevertheless, the evidence from these
nitric oxide synthase. Increasing attention is clinical studies indicates that nutritional inter-
currently focused on ADMA, which is an vention is clearly warranted for pets with natu-
endogenous amino acid that is structurally rally occurring CKD.
similar to L-­arginine. ADMA competes with The effect of a modified-­protein, low-­
L-­arginine as a substrate for endogenous nitric phosphate diet on the outcome of 50 cats with
oxide synthase. Jepson et al. (2008) reported stable, naturally occurring stage II/III CKD has
that ADMA accumulates in cats with naturally been reported by Elliott et al. (2000b). In the
occurring stage II, III, and IV CKD, and the study, 29 of 50 cats received a modified-­protein,
plasma concentration of ADMA correlated low-­phosphate diet, and the remaining 21 of
with the creatinine concentration. 50 cats remained on their normal diets. The
There have not been any studies to date to median survival time of the cats fed the
evaluate the effect of nutrients on endothelial modified-­protein, low-­phosphate diet was sig-
cell dysfunction in cats or dogs with nificantly greater than the cats fed their normal
CKD. However, there are several approaches maintenance diet (633 vs. 264 days, P < 0.0036).
that can be considered, including supplemen- The results of this study suggest that feeding a
tation with L-­arginine, flavanols, and antioxi- renal diet to cats with chronic renal failure will
dants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, taurine, double their life expectancy.
lutein, lycopene, or beta-­carotene. L-­arginine Ross et al. (2006), using a randomized con-
may increase the production of nitric oxide trolled masked clinical trial, evaluated the
and counteract the inhibition induced by effect of a renal diet on time to uremic crisis or
ADMA. However, the effect of L-­arginine sup- renal death in 45 cats with naturally occurring
plementation on human and rodent models of stage II/III CKD. The renal diet was associated
CKD is controversial, and further studies are with a significantly lower number of uremic
clearly warranted before widespread supple- crises and renal-­related deaths compared to a
mentation can be recommended (Cherla and maintenance diet.
Jaimes 2004). Flavanols, a subclass of flavo- Jacob et al. (2002) evaluated the effect of a
noids, are polyphenolic antioxidants that are modified-­protein, low-­phosphate diet on the
found in a variety of plants. Flavanols increase outcome of 28 dogs with stable, naturally
the endothelial production of nitric oxide. They occurring stage III CKD. Dogs that were fed a
are effective antioxidants that trap free radicals renal diet had a 70% reduction in the relative
generated by circulatory disorders within the risk of developing a uremic crisis, remained
glomeruli that occur in CKD and have an anti- free of uremic signs almost two and a half
hypertensive action. times longer, and had a median survival that
was three times longer than dogs with CKD
that were fed a maintenance diet.
Clinical Efficacy
With the advent of the early renal disease bio-
Several studies have been published evaluating marker symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA),
the effect of dietary therapy in patients with which may detect CKD before the onset of
naturally occurring, azotemic CKD (Leibetseder azotemia (IRIS stage I) (Hall et al. 2014, 2016c),
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396 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

the question of earlier dietary intervention is and stimulating eating by positive reinforce-
raised. There is to date no controlled study eval- ment with petting and stroking behavior.
uating the effect of single or combined diet Appetite stimulants may be judiciously admin-
modifications on the progression of renal dis- istered. Mirtazapine administered orally or as a
ease to later stages or on survival. Some studies transdermal ointment on the inner pinna every
in non-­azotemic geriatric cats and dogs evaluat- other day was shown to be effective to increase
ing a diet supplemented with fish oil, antioxi- appetite scores and body weight of cats with
dants (i.e. lipoic acid, vitamins E and C), and stages II–III CKD over a three-­week period
l-­carnitine reported a steadier SDMA over six (Quimby and Lunn 2013; Quimby et al. 2020).
months compared to other diets of the human Capromorelin, an orally administered ghrelin
companion’s choice, the composition of which receptor agonist, is approved by the US Food
was not reported (Hall et al. 2016a, b). However, and Drug Administration (FDA) for the man-
the biological relevance of this is unknown, and agement of weight loss in cats with
interpretation of the results is made difficult by CKD. However, in cases where adequate daily
the variability of diet composition across the energy intake cannot be achieved, more aggres-
population and the small number of animals sive therapy employing enteral feeding tubes is
evaluated. Additional studies are therefore war- clinically indicated (Elliott et al. 2000c;
ranted to be able to make evidence-­based rec- Ross 2016). Feeding tubes (see Chapter 20)
ommendations on dietary intervention in stage I should be instituted for nutritional support
CKD. Better understanding of calcium phos- upon documentation of a 10–15% loss of body
phorus metabolism at this early stage of the dis- weight in conjunction with a declining body
ease is also needed. condition score and a history of poor dietary
intake. Feeding tubes are also advantageous, as
they circumvent the need for subcutaneous
fluid therapy (since water intake can be con-
The efficacy of nutritional therapy depends on trolled by the caretaker) and ease the adminis-
the diet being fed consistently and exclusively. tration of oral medications.
Humans afflicted with kidney disease, and pre-
sumably cats and dogs with CKD, have altered
Concurrent Diseases
senses of smell and taste. In one owner survey,
52% of affected cats had poor appetite, requir- CKD is typically a disease of middle-­aged to
ing some coaxing of their diet (Markovich older pets, and it is not unusual for them to
et al. 2015). Cats in particular also have a strong have two or more chronic disease conditions.
likelihood of developing food aversion, which In one survey, 40% of cats with CKD also had
arises when adverse events such as nausea, concurrent ailments, with hyperthyroidism,
hospitalization, and blood sampling are associ- heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease
ated with feeding. In this regard, it is advisable being the most common (Markovich
not to institute dietary changes when patients et al. 2015). In some situations, the nutritional
are undergoing intravenous fluid therapy to management of these diseases can be diametri-
induce diuresis and/or are hospitalized. Rather, cally opposed. An example is the management
the renal support diet should be instituted in of a dog with CKD and a history of recurrent
the home environment. In addition, the diet pancreatitis or hyperlipidemia, where one
must be palatable enough to help overcome a might wish to increase dietary fat to increase
potentially reduced sense of smell and taste. palatability and energy density for the CKD,
Practical measures to improve food intake but also need to decrease dietary fat given the
include the use of highly odorous foods, warm- fat intolerance. Or a cat with diabetes mellitus
ing the food prior to feeding (Eyre et al. 2022), might benefit from a reduction in dietary
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­Chronic Kidney Diseas  397

carbohydrate, but CKD dietary management requirements of the pet and the effect of the dis-
inherently results in a higher dietary carbohy- ease process on the nutritional requirements.
drate concentration as protein-­rich foods that Detailed nutrient analyses of the ingredients
are often a main source of phosphorus and fat selected and a thorough knowledge of dietary
are reduced. Clearly, for many of these disease interactions and effect of preparation and stor-
combinations the ideal commercial therapeu- age on nutrient availability are needed. Caution
tic diet may not initially appear to be available. should be applied when retrieving recipes from
In some situations, a solution can be found in the internet or lay publications (see Chapter 8).
the plethora of commercial diets specifically In one report evaluating 28 and 39 recipes advo-
designed for renal disease by careful analysis of cated for cats and dogs with kidney disease,
the true needs of the patient, coupled with a respectively, assumptions on ingredient and/or
detailed review of the nutritional features of supplement type were required for every ­recipe,
the diets, which differ in both ingredients and and their analysis with computer software
concentrations of nutrients. Furthermore, revealed that no recipe met all National
some diets specifically designed for mature or Research Council nutrient recommended
senior pets may have controlled levels of allowances for adult animals (Larsen
­phosphate and/or fat concentrations that are et al. 2012). Deficiencies were common for
adequate to control the serum phosphate con- essential amino acids, trace minerals, or some
centrations for pets with early-­stage disease or vitamins. There was also great variability in
chronic pancreatitis. In situations where a nutrient content, making some recipes poten-
commercial diet cannot be identified, a com- tially contraindicated for the management of
promise can be made to select a diet that meets CKD. Another study confirmed the important
the needs of the most life-­threatening disease. variability in the nutrient content of rations pre-
Alternatively, a home-­prepared diet can be for- pared according to recipes, and reported devia-
mulated for the patient. tions from the projected nutrient content,
which could be detrimental to the management
of kidney disease such as excess protein
Home-­Prepared Diets
(Davies 2014). Therefore, all recipes should be
Unfortunately, home-­prepared diets are not con- obtained from a board certified ­veterinary
venient or as economical compared to com­ nutritionist® or Diplomate of the European
mercial extruded food for the client. Unlike College of Veterinary and Comparative
commercially available foods, home-­prepared Nutrition, to ensure that it is appropriate and
diets have also not been adequately tested with specifically designed for the pet taking into
animal feeding trials or laboratory analysis to con- account its current clinical condition.
firm nutrient content and nutrient availability.
Home-­prepared diets are often crudely ­balanced
and may not achieve satisfactory palatability,
digestibility, or safety. Furthermore, owners are CKD is a dynamic condition that can have
likely to substitute or delete some ingredients or multiple and variable effects on all body
supplements, unbalancing the diet in a process ­systems. No two patients are alike in presenta-
referred to as “diet drift.” In one survey, only 13% tion, complications, or response to therapy.
of dog owners that were provided a homemade Therefore, regular monitoring is crucial to
diet recommendation at a veterinary teaching ensure that dietary and medical management
hospital were strictly adhering to the recipe a few remains optimal for the needs of the patient.
years later (Johnson et al. 2016). Human caretaker compliance may also be
Formulating a home-­prepared diet requires improved by frequent patient evaluation.
a complete understanding of the nutrient Patients should be reevaluated within two
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398 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

weeks of initiating therapy and then at outcome, or recovery of renal function in

­minimum three to four times per year. Re-­ canine and feline AKI patients, protein-­calorie
evaluations should always be made two weeks malnutrition appears to be common and is a
following medication or dietary change. major factor contributing to morbidity and
Certain medical therapies such as erythropoi- mortality. Factors contributing to malnutrition
etin and antihypertensive therapy will initially include inadequate intake of nutrients as die-
require weekly evaluation until the appropri- tary intake is compromised by the uremia-­
ate maintenance dosage is achieved. induced consequences of anorexia, nausea,
A complete history is typically indicated, and vomiting, and coexisting catabolic ill-
including diet history, physical examination, nesses. In addition, recovery from AKI may
body weight, BCS, muscle condition assess- require prolonged convalescence during which
ment, and laboratory evaluation, including animals are hypercatabolic, azotemic, hyper-
complete blood count, biochemical panel, uri- kalemic, acidotic, and hyperphosphatemic.
nalysis, urine protein-­to-­creatinine ratio, urine Malnutrition and wasting may contribute to
culture, and blood pressure evaluation. Urine many aspects of uremic syndrome, including
culture should be a routine procedure in fol- impaired immune function, increased suscep-
low-­up examinations, as patients with CKD are tibility to infection, delayed wound healing,
predisposed to urinary tract infections. These decreased strength and vigor, and poor quality
patients are typically asymptomatic, or clini- of life. Therefore, early nutritional assessment
cally “silent,” and yet chronic urinary tract and institution of nutritional support are cru-
infections may progress to pyelonephritis, cial in the management of patients with
acute kidney disease, or CKD, or contribute to AKI. Furthermore, nutritional supplementa-
progression of the kidney disease. tion should be individually tailored to com-
A complete list of all medications and doses pensate for the specific abnormalities in
that the client is currently administering to the protein, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism,
pet should be obtained to verify compliance. In and the marked alterations in fluid, electrolyte,
addition, some owners will self-­adjust medica- and acid–base balance characteristic of
tions or simply may be confused by previous AKI. Oliguria and anuria are complications
instructions. The diet history should include that significantly influence the nutritional
the type of diet (dry/extruded, wet/retorted, management of the patient with acute renal
home-­prepared, frozen, etc.), the amount eaten failure.
each day (amount eaten is more important Metabolic status among patients with AKI
than amount offered), the method of feeding, varies; however, most patients have some
and information regarding all treats, snacks, degree of protein catabolism and negative
and supplements, to be able to assess if dietary nitrogen balance (Mitch 1998). Patients are
management and caloric intake are appropriate. more likely to be catabolic when the acute
renal failure is caused by or associated with
shock, sepsis, or rhabdomyolysis (Feinstein
­Acute Kidney Injury et al. 1981). Catabolism and marked protein
breakdown in turn contribute to uremic syn-
Protein-­calorie malnutrition has been impli- drome by exacerbating azotemia, hyper-
cated as a possible factor influencing outcome kalemia, acidosis, and hyperphosphatemia.
in human patients with acute kidney injury The optimum nutritional regime for control-
(AKI) (Leonard et al. 1975; Acchiardo ling accelerated catabolism and the precise
et al. 1983; Combe et al. 2001). Although there nutritional requirements for cats and dogs with
have been no reported studies evaluating the AKI are unknown, but a high-­energy, moderate-­
effect of nutritional status on the duration, protein, potassium-­ and phosphate-­restricted
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­Acute Kidney Injur  399

diet comparable to those for CKD is a logical according to the clinical status of the patient
choice. AKI is a dynamic disease; hence serial (see the section on potassium). Patients with
clinical and laboratory assessment of the AKI are often anorexic, have reduced appetites,
patient and modification of dietary therapy in and may have gastrointestinal ulceration sec-
response to changes in the patient’s condition ondary to uremia. In addition, an altered sense
are integral to successful therapy. of taste and smell has been reported in people
Sufficient energy needs to be provided to pre- (Atkin-­Thor et al. 1978). These factors in com-
vent endogenous protein catabolism, which bination contribute to reduced caloric intake
results in malnutrition and exacerbation of and refusal of diet. Effective dietary manage-
azotemia. Oxygen consumption has shown to ment can be facilitated by the placement and
be reduced in rats with experimental AKI; use of enteral feeding devices (see Chapter 20).
however, humans with AKI have increased Enteral feeding can be achieved by the admin-
oxygen consumption (Schneeweiss et al. 1990). istration of blended commercial extruded or
This may be due to the presence of coexisting retorted therapeutic diets or veterinary thera-
complications, including sepsis and multiple peutic liquid diets. The feeding solution can be
organ failure. Therefore, energy metabolism in administered intermittently or continuously
AKI varies and depends on the presence of using a syringe pump. Typically, feeding begins
underlying disease. It is generally considered with one-­quarter to one-­third of the calculated
that there is a decrease rather than an increase daily energy allowance. The amount and con-
in energy expenditure. The energy expenditure centration of the solution should be gradually
of an individual patient may be assessed by increased over several days if tolerated until the
indirect calorimetry; however, this technique is nutritional requirements are met. Several
not widely available in veterinary hospitals. enteral formulations have been specifically
The energy intake of the patient can be calcu- developed for use in renal disease in humans;
lated as the RER, 70 × (Wtkg)0.75. This should be however, these products may contain
used as a starting point and re-­evaluated based ­inadequate amounts of protein and amino
on body weight and condition changes. acids such as arginine and taurine, and hence
Excessive energy intake should be avoided, should be used cautiously in cats and dogs.
particularly in animals with compromised res- Concentrated protein supplements and puri-
piratory function, as the increased carbohy- fied arginine may be utilized to supplement
drate and fat metabolism generate CO2. human enteral products to the desired protein
The dietary protein requirements for cats concentration in some cases with the assistance
and dogs with acute renal failure are not known of a board certified veterinary nutritionist®
and may be influenced by the extent of protein or Diplomate of the European College of
catabolism and coexistent illnesses. Peritoneal Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition.
dialysis and hemodialysis may also increase Peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN) or cen-
protein requirements to compensate for sub- tral parenteral nutrition (CPN) (Chapter 21) is
strate loss during therapy (Elliott et al. 2000a). indicated if the nutrient requirements cannot
Ideally, protein intake should be matched with be met by the enteral route and the patient can
catabolism to promote a positive nitrogen bal- tolerate the additional fluid load. This addi-
ance. However, measurement of total nitrogen tional fluid load is often the limiting factor in
output to determine nitrogen balance is too the nutritional management of the oliguric or
laborious and expensive to be widely applied anuric AKI patient. PPN involves the adminis-
for clinical use. tration of isotonic nutritional solutions through
Potassium and phosphorus intake should be a peripheral vein, thereby avoiding the require-
restricted to prevent accumulation of these ment of a central vein necessary for the admin-
minerals; however, intakes must be modified istration of a hyperosmolar parenteral nutrition
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400 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

solution. CPN refers to the provision of most underlying antigenic stimulation in order to
of the essential nutrients and, because of the halt progression of the disease, and partnering
hyperosmolality of the solution, requires dietary therapy with appropriate pharmaco-
administration into a central vein such as the logic management (Lees et al. 2005; Brown
cranial vena cava. PN is indicated to allow time et al. 2013). In most cases, specific antigens or
for vomiting to cease and gastrointestinal recov- antigenic sources cannot be identified. Indeed,
ery to occur, at which time a commercial renal in a study of 106 dogs with glomerular disease,
failure diet can be substituted enterally. an underlying cause could not be found in 43%
It is difficult to overcome the catabolic state in of cases (Cook and Cowgill 1996).
uremia and achieve a positive nitrogen balance The appropriate diet for glomerular disease
with nutritional support alone. Therefore, recent appears to be a protein-­restricted, controlled-­
interest has focused on evaluating pharmaco- sodium, and long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acid–
logic strategies to promote anabolism in patients enhanced diet. This may seem counterintuitive
with AKI. Metabolic interventions including as the seemingly logical approach to protein-­
the administration of insulin, anabolic steroids, losing disease may be to increase the protein
growth hormone, thyroid hormone, anti-­ intake of the patient. However, Burkholder
glucocorticoids, insulin-­like growth factor-­1, et al. (2004) reported that the magnitude of
beta-­2 adrenergic agonists, intracellular proteo- proteinuria increased when dogs with X-­linked
lytic pathway inhibitors, adenine nucleotides, hereditary nephropathy were placed on a
glutamine, arginine, ribonucleic acid, or omega- higher-­protein (36.4% dry matter [DM]) versus
­3 fatty acids to facilitate the anabolic process, a lower-­protein diet (14.1% DM). Studies in
reduce protein degradation, or enhance the rats suggest that high-­protein diets are actually
immune system are currently being evaluated as detrimental to glomerular disease, as the
nutritional adjunctives in human medicine. The ­additional protein load increases glomerular
efficacy of these interventions in patients with capillary pressure, exacerbates proteinuria,
AKI remains to be seen. and increases progression of renal disease.
Restricting the dietary protein intake of
nephrotic subjects actually reduces proteinuria
­ lomerular Disease and increases total body albumin mass and
serum albumin concentrations. In models of
The term “glomerular disease” represents a canine kidney disease, supplementation with
diverse array of disorders of different patho- long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acids from fish oil
genic mechanisms, morphologic expressions, (i.e. EPA and DHA) was shown to decrease
clinical courses, and response to therapy in ­glomerular pressure compared to omega-­6 fatty
which the glomerulus is the sole or principal acids (Brown et al. 2000). While this strategy
tissue involved. The hallmark, and indeed has not been evaluated in animals with glomer-
one of the earliest functional defects in glo- ular disease, some studies in humans and the
merular disease, is the loss of plasma protein mechanism of action provide a rationale for
in the urine (proteinuria) with inactive supplementation with EPA and DHA (Brown
­urinary ­sediment. The consequences of pro- et al. 2013).
teinuria include sodium retention, edema Uncontrolled (Zatelli et al. 2016) or con-
and/or ascites, hypercholesterolemia, hyper- trolled (Valli et al. 1991; Cortadellas et al. 2014)
tension, hypercoagulability, muscle wasting, studies evaluating the effect of renal therapeu-
and weight loss. tic diet as a whole (protein restriction in asso-
The management of glomerular disease ciation with other nutrient modifications,
encompasses reversing or eliminating the such as phosphorus restriction and/or omega-­3
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­Conclusio  401

fatty acid supplementation) suggest that in hypo­phosphatemia, hyponatremia, hypoka-

dogs with glomerular disease, such dietary lemia, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, and
­modifications can decrease proteinuria and hypocalcemia. Most dogs do not have renal dis-
glomerular damage and delay the onset and ease at the time of diagnosis; however, the
progression of renal failure. The current con- development of acute renal disease due to
sensus is therefore to prescribe such diets in severe metabolic acidosis and papillary necro-
association with appropriate medical therapy sis is a realistic clinical concern. Indeed, renal
to inhibit the RAAS (Brown et al. 2013). There failure has been reported to be the most com-
have been no studies that the authors are aware mon reason for death or euthanasia of affected
of in cats, although there is renewed interest in dogs (Yearley et al. 2004).
the importance of proteinuria in CKD (see the Management needs to be customized to the
section on protein). individual patient and revolves primarily
Humans with protein-­losing nephropathies around management of the clinical and meta-
have been reported to have additional nutri- bolic signs: polyuria, azotemia, acidosis, and
tional deficiencies, primarily associated with hypokalemia. Hypokalemia is common and is
the loss of protein-­bound vitamins and miner- due to the resorptive defect of bicarbonate:
als. However, studies of nutrient ­deficiencies bicarbonaturia enhances renal potassium
associated with protein-­losing nephropathies excretion. Treatment should be targeted at
have not been reported in cats or dogs. It both the impairment in bicarbonate reabsorp-
would seem rational that minimizing protein- tion by providing sodium bicarbonate therapy
uria, maintaining lean body mass, and ensur- and by providing oral potassium supplemen-
ing appropriate daily caloric intake of a tation to manage the hypokalemia.
complete and balanced diet would help to Hydration should be ensured by providing
minimize vitamin and mineral deficiencies. adequate fresh water at all times. For dogs
with no evidence of renal disease, the most
appropriate diet would be a good-­quality,
­ anconi Syndrome highly digestible diet for adult dogs. The
“Gonto protocol” has been designed by basenji
Fanconi syndrome is a disease that affects the enthusiasts and enjoys widespread anecdotal
proximal renal tubule, resulting in defective success (Gonto 2003). However, studies have
transport of water, glucose, phosphate, sodium, not been reported that compare the efficacy of
potassium, amino acids, and bicarbonate this therapy to alternative approaches. Once
(Yearley et al. 2004). The disease has been the patient has evidence of renal disease, die-
reported to be inherited in basenjis and tary alterations as discussed earlier for CKD
Norwegian elkhounds, with sporadic occur- would be appropriate; however, protein intake
rences in other breeds and cats. Fanconi should be carefully monitored to ensure main-
­syndrome can also be an acquired disease sec- tenance of lean body mass and to minimize
ondary to drugs such as gentamicin therapy the adverse consequence of protein deficiency.
and toxins like heavy metals. A recent outbreak
of Fanconi-­like disease has also been reported
in Australia in association with the consump- C
­ onclusion
tion of chicken jerky treats (Thompson
et al. 2013). Diet plays an important role in the manage-
Glycosuria, phosphaturia, amino aciduria, ment of patients with kidney disease.
bicarbonaturia, and uricosuria can have Nutritional therapy introduced in stages II
­several metabolic consequences, including and III of CKD is aimed at factors that delay
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402 Nutritional Management of Kidney Disease

Table 15.2 Summary of key nutritional factors.

Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV

Hydration Fresh water at all times

Protein modification Dogs: UPC >2 Dogs: UPC >0.5 Appropriate dietary protein
Cats: UPC >0.4 Cats: UPC >0.4 reduction to control uremia and
Control phosphate 2.7–4.5 mg/dl <5 mg/dl <6 mg/dl
Control acidosis Maintain bicarbonate 18–24 mmol/l
Control potassium Control at all stages within species – specific reference intervals
Prevent protein Feeding tube intervention when not eating MER or 10–15% loss of body
calorie malnutrition weight

MER, maintenance energy requirements; UPC, urine protein-­to-­creatinine ratio.

­ rogression, whereas once late-­stage III/IV

p S
­ ummary
disease has been reached, clinical signs of ure-
mia are evident, and dietary treatment is ●● Dietary therapy in kidney disease is only
designed increasingly to improve the quality effective if it is administered appropriately.
of life of the patient rather than to slow dis- ●● Kidney disease is dynamic, hence the nutri-
ease progression (Table 15.2). Regular moni- tional requirements need to be tailored to the
toring to ensure that dietary and medical individual and altered according to the meta-
management remains optimal for the needs of bolic status of the patient.
the patient is crucial for the long-­term suc- ●● Nutritional alterations in stage II and early
cessful treatment of the patient with kidney stage III disease are focused on slowing the
disease. Regardless of the disease, the diet progression of kidney disease.
must be tailored to the individual needs of the ●● Management of later stage III and stage IV
patient, and adjustments are to be expected disease is designed to alleviate the clinical
throughout the course of treatment. Clinical manifestations of the uremic syndrome.
studies have clearly proven that nutrition can ●● Studies have clearly shown that feeding a
improve the life expectancy and significantly renal diet to cats and dogs with kidney dis-
minimize the risk of uremic crises in patients ease will ameliorate the clinical signs and
with CKD. slow disease progression.

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Yu, S. and Paetau-­Robinson, I. (2006). Dietary Zatelli, A., Roura, X., D’Ippolito, P. et al. (2016).
supplements of vitamins E and C and The effect of renal diet in association with
beta-­carotene reduce oxidative stress in cats enalapril or benazepril on proteinuria in dogs
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30 (4): 403–413. Vet. J. 6 (2): 121–127.
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Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Joe Bartges and Ronald J. Corbee

Lower urinary tract disease occurs commonly may precipitate in the urinary tract to form
in cats and dogs. Previous estimates of the inci- crystals and uroliths (aka stones); however,
dence in cats in the United States and United more than 85% of uroliths from cats and more
Kingdom were 0.85–1.0% per year (Willeberg than 70% of uroliths from dogs are composed
1984; Lawler et al. 1985), while in dogs the inci- of either struvite (magnesium ammonium
dence is 2.0–3.0% per year (Thomsen et al. 1986). phosphate hexahydrate) or calcium oxalate
These estimates are based on the presence of clin- monohydrate or dihydrate (Lulich et al. 2013b;
ical signs only and did not consider actual diagno- Burggraaf et al. 2021; Kpercny et al. 2021a, b).
ses. Any disorder of the lower urinary tract may Struvite is the most common mineral observed
cause signs of lower urinary tract disease. In cats to occur in matrix-­crystalline urethral plugs
younger than approximately 10 years of age, idio- (Osborne et al. 2009).
pathic cystitis and urolithiasis occur most com- Urolith and matrix-­crystalline plug forma-
monly (Kruger et al. 1991; Buffington et al. 1997), tion involves complex physiochemical pro-
while in cats older than 10 years of age, bacterial cesses. Major factors include (i) urine
urinary tract infection and urolithiasis occur most supersaturation resulting in crystal formation
commonly (Bartges 1996). In dogs, the incidence (nucleation); (ii) effect of inhibitors of mineral
of lower urinary tract disease increases with nucleation, crystal aggregation, and crystal
advancing age; bacterial urinary tract infections growth; (iii) crystalloid complexors; (iv) effects
and urolithiasis occur most commonly of promoters of crystal aggregation and
(Bartges 2000; Lulich et al. 2000). Urinary tract growth; (v) effects of non-­crystalline matrix;
infections are seen more often in female dogs and (vi) urine retention or slowed transit for
compared to male dogs and in medium-­ and the processes to occur (Brown and Purich 1992;
large-­breed dogs compared to small-­breed dogs Coe et al. 1992). Urethral matrix-­crystalline
(Adamama-­Moraitou et al. 2017). plugs have only been identified in male cats
and may represent an intermediate phase
between lower urinary tract inflammation
­ rystal-­Related Lower Urinary without crystals and urolith formation
Tract Disease (Osborne et al. 1996b). The most important
driving force behind urolith formation is uri-
Of the various causes of lower urinary tract nary supersaturation with calculogenic sub-
disease, crystal-­related disease accounts for stances (Bartges et al. 1999b); however, as
15–45% of cases. There are many minerals that mentioned before, other factors are important.

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  413

The goal of urinary crystal-­related disease is to et al. 2014). Hydroxyproline is mostly found in
promote a reduced state of urinary saturation. bone and collagenous tissues. We have a lim-
ited understanding of the role of these macro-
molecular and ionic inhibitors of calcium
oxalate formation in cats and dogs. Certain
Urolithiasis refers to the formation of and con- metabolic factors are known to increase the
sequences of mineral precipitation within the risk of calcium oxalate urolith formation in
urinary system. It is not a single disease with a several species. Medical and nutritional strate-
single cause, but the sequelae of multiple gies for stone prevention have focused on ame-
underlying abnormalities. Therefore, it can be lioration of these factors.
viewed as a syndrome defined as the combina- Hypercalcemia is associated with increased
tion of pathophysiologic factors (i.e. familial, risk of calcium oxalate urolith formation.
congenital, and/or acquired) that increase the In cats with calcium oxalate uroliths, hypercal-
risk of precipitation of minerals in the urinary cemia was observed in 35% of cases (Bartges
system forming uroliths. 2001). Conversely, uroliths developed in 35% of
cats with idiopathic hypercalcemia (Midkiff
Calcium Oxalate et al. 2000). In dogs with calcium oxalate uro-
Figures 16.1–16.3 show a calcium oxalate liths, hypercalcemia has been observed to
dehydrate urocystolith in a dog. occur in approximately 5%; usually these dogs
Calcium oxalate uroliths form when urine is have primary hyperparathyroidism (Lulich
oversaturated with calcium and oxalate et al. 1999b). Hypercalcemia results in
(Bartges et al. 1999b). In addition to these increased calcium fractional excretion and
alterations in activities of ions, large molecular hypercalciuria when severe.
weight proteins that occur in urine, such as Hypercalciuria is a significant risk factor, but
nephrocalcin, uropontin, and Tamm–Horsfall not necessarily the cause of calcium oxalate
mucoprotein, influence calcium oxalate urolith formation in human beings, dogs, and
­formation (Balaji and Menon 1997). Hydroxy­ cats (Bartges et al. 2004a). In two studies
proline induces oxalate excretion in cats, and involving calcium oxalate urolith-­forming
therefore preventive diets for calcium oxalate miniature schnauzers, bichon frisés, and shih
should contain less than 1 g per megajoule tzus, and breed-­matched controls, hypercalciu-
(MJ) metabolizable energy (ME) (<4.4 g ria was defined as a urine calcium-­to-­urine
per Mcal ME) of hydroxyproline (Dijcker creatinine ratio of greater than 0.6 in fasting or

Figure 16.1 Lateral abdominal

radiograph of an 8-­year-­old, castrated
male miniature schnauzer with an
urocystolith composed of calcium
oxalate dihydrate (arrow).
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414 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

hypercalciuria has also been observed (Lulich

et al. 1991). Bone resorption was not found to
be present in miniature schnauzers, bichon fri-
sés, or shih tzus with calcium oxalate uroliths
utilizing analysis of a canine-­specific enzyme-­
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Beta-­
CrossLaps in serum, suggesting that bone
resorption is not a primary cause of idiopathic
hypercalcemia (Luskin et al. 2019).
Genetic factors may play a role in calcium
oxalate urolith formation, at least in dogs.
A positive correlation between the
25-­hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)-­to-­24,25-­
dihydroxyvitamin D ratio and the urinary
calcium-­to-­creatinine ratio in a subset of dogs
with calcium oxalate urolithiasis has been
reported, suggesting that a decreased conver-
Figure 16.2 Calcium oxalate dihydrate sion of 25(OH)D might contribute to urolith
urocystolith removed from the dog in Figure 16.1.
risk in some dogs (Groth et al. 2019). In another
study of dogs with calcium oxalate uroliths
and healthy matched controls, including
Pomeranians, shih tzus, Chihuahuas, minia-
ture schnauzers, Yorkshire terriers, and
Maltese, urine calcium-­to-­creatinine ratios
were greater in urolith-­forming dogs and were
correlated with homozygous mutant or hete-
rozygous genotype involving the rs852900542
single-­nucleotide polymorphism of the vita-
min D receptor (Chamsuwan et al. 2021).
Hypercalciuria has not been well defined in
normocalcemic cats with calcium oxalate uro-
liths, but is thought to occur.
Hyperadrenocorticism and glucocorticoid
administration are associated with increased
Figure 16.3 Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals
from the dog in Figure 16.1. risk of calcium oxalate urolith formation in
dogs (Hess et al. 1998). The mechanisms for
the increased risk are unknown; however,
postprandial urine samples up to eight hours one author has observed hypercalciuria and
after food consumption (Furrow et al. 2015; increased urinary saturation for calcium
Carr et al. 2019). Hypercalciuria can result ­oxalate in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism
from excessive intestinal absorption of cal- and calcium oxalate uroliths (Kraje et al.
cium (gastrointestinal [GI] hyperabsorption), 2000). The degree of hypercalciuria was
impaired renal reabsorption of calcium (renal decreased with medical management of
leak), and/or excessive skeletal mobilization of hyperadrenocorticism.
calcium (resorptive) (Coe et al. 1992). In min- Metabolic acidosis promotes hypercalciuria
iature schnauzers, GI hyperabsorption appears by promoting bone turnover (release of cal-
to occur most commonly, although renal leak cium with buffers from bone), increasing
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  415

serum ionized calcium concentration, result- with naturally occurring calcium oxalate
ing in increased urinary calcium excretion and ­urolith formation. Genetic anomalies may also
decreased renal tubular reabsorption of cal- increase urine oxalic acid concentration.
cium. Consumption by cats of diets supple- Hyperoxaluria has been recognized in a group
mented with the urinary acidifier ammonium of related cats with reduced quantities of
chloride has been associated with increased hepatic D-­glycerate dehydrogenase, an enzyme
urinary calcium excretion (Ching et al. 1989). involved in metabolism of oxalic acid precur-
Aciduria (urine pH <6.2) may represent a risk sors (primary hyperoxaluria type II) (McKerrell
factor for calcium oxalate formation because of et al. 1989). Hyperoxaluria has also been associ-
acidemia and hypercalciuria. In addition, ated with defective peroxisomal alanine/glyox-
acidic urine alters the function and concentra- ylate aminotransferase activity (primary
tion of crystal inhibitors. Low urine pH hyperoxaluria type I) and intestinal disease in
decreases urinary citrate concentration by human beings (enteric hyperoxaluria). These
increasing renal proximal tubular citrate reab- have not been evaluated in cats or dogs.
sorption. Acidic urine is known to impair func- Decreased urine volume results in increased
tion of macromolecular protein inhibitors. In a calcium and oxalic acid saturation and an
study of healthy cats, urinary saturation for increased risk for urolith formation. Cats can
calcium oxalate was less at a urine pH of 7.2 achieve urine specific gravities in excess of
compared with 6.8 or 6.2, when the only vari- 1.065, indicating a marked ability to produce
able was the acidification or alkalinization concentrated urine. Many cats and dogs
potential of the diet (Bartges et al. 2004b). affected with calcium oxalate uroliths have a
Another study showed no difference in relative urine specific gravity >1.040, unless there is
supersaturation for calcium oxalate in a pH some impairment of renal function or concen-
range of 5.9–6.4 in cats (Bijsmans et al. 2021). trating ability (Bartges et al. 2004a).
Inhibitors, such as citrate, magnesium, and The detection of calcium oxalate crystals
pyrophosphate, form soluble salts with cal- indicates that urine is supersaturated with cal-
cium or oxalic acid and reduce availability of cium oxalate and, if persistent, this supersatu-
calcium or oxalic acid for precipitation. Other ration represents an increased risk for calcium
inhibitors, such as Tamm–Horsfall glycopro- oxalate urolith formation. However, calcium
tein and nephrocalcin, interfere with the abil- oxalate crystalluria is present in fewer than
ity of calcium and oxalic acid to combine, 50% of feline and canine cases at time of diag-
minimizing crystal formation, aggregation, nosis of urolithiasis (Bartges et al. 2004a).
and growth. Medical protocols that promote dissolution of
Oxalic acid is a metabolic end product of calcium oxalate uroliths are not currently avail-
ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and several amino able; therefore, uroliths must be removed physi-
acids, such as glycine and serine, derived from cally: either surgically, by cystoscopy and laser
dietary sources. Oxalic acid forms soluble salts lithotripsy, or by voiding urohydropropulsion
with sodium and potassium ions, but a rela- (Lulich et al. 1999a, 2009; Adams et al. 2008).
tively insoluble salt with calcium ions. Nutritional and/or medical protocols should
Therefore, any increased urinary concentration be considered to minimize urolith recurrence
of oxalic acid may promote calcium oxalate for- or prevent further growth of uroliths that
mation. Dietary increases of oxalate and vita- remain in the urinary tract. A significant num-
min B6 (otherwise known as pyridoxine) ber of cats and dogs will develop recurrent uro-
deficiency are known factors increasing uri- liths within two years of their initial episode if
nary oxalate. Hyperoxaluria has been observed prevention protocols are not initiated (Lulich
experimentally in kittens consuming vitamin et al. 2004). If possible, metabolic factors
B6-­deficient diets, but has not been associated known to increase calcium oxalate risk should
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416 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

be corrected or minimized. The goals of dietary retorted food is fed (~65–75% ­moisture) and
prevention include (i) reducing urine calcium the desired overall moisture is high at 85%.
and oxalate concentration; (ii) promoting high Consumption of high concentrations of
concentrations and activity of urolith inhibi- sodium may augment renal calcium excretion
tors; (iii) reducing urine acidity; and (iv) pro- in human. Epidemiologic evidence suggests
moting dilute urine. that the low dietary sodium concentrations in
Increasing urine volume is a mainstay of cat and dog foods increase the risk for calcium
preventive therapy for calcium oxalate urolith- oxalate urolithiasis and that diets that contain
iasis in humans. By increasing water intake, high dietary sodium concentrations decrease
urinary concentrations of calculogenic miner- the risk (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a, b, 2001).
als are reduced. In addition, larger urine vol- Studies in healthy cats and dogs did not find
umes typically increase urine transit time and increased urine calcium excretion in response
voiding frequency, thereby reducing retention to high dietary salt intake (minimal 1.2%
time for crystal formation and growth. Feeding sodium dry matter basis) (Kirk et al. 2003;
a canned/retorted food is the most practical Stevenson et al. 2003; Lulich et al. 2005). A
means of increasing water intake and lowering study has shown that high dietary sodium
calcium oxalate urine saturation. The goal is to chloride promotes urine dilution in cats and
dilute urine to a specific gravity of at least dogs, and while calcium excretion increased in
1.025 or 1.030 (Kirk et al. 2003; Palm and dogs in this study, the overall urinary calcium
Westropp 2011; Bartges and Callens 2015; concentration decreased, as did relative super-
Lulich et al. 2016). Flavoring water, enhancing saturation for calcium oxalate (Queau
water access, and adding water to dry/extruded et al. 2020). In humans with hypocitraturia,
foods may be used in dogs and cats that refuse sodium supplementation has also been shown
to eat canned foods. Many nutritionists use the to increase urine volume and decrease urinary
following equation to calculate the amount of saturation for calcium oxalate (Stoller
water in g or ml to add to food of a known et al. 2009). In one study, when fed a food
moisture percentage to achieve a specific over- lower in sodium, cats with naturally occurring
all dietary moisture. The example demon- calcium oxalate uroliths excreted less urine
strates how much water is needed to achieve calcium (Lulich et al. 2004). In healthy cats or
an overall desired moisture of 85%: those with marginal renal function and hyper-
calciuria, increased dietary sodium exacer-
Current Food Moisture % or “C” = 10% or 0.1
bated calcium excretion with (Kirk et al. 2006)
(see label for actual value)
and without (Hughes et al. 2002; Buranakarl
Food Total Mass or “F” = 250 g (specific to
et al. 2004; Luckschander et al. 2004; Cowgill
each patient)
et al. 2007; Xu et al. 2009) increasing azotemia.
Desired Overall Moisture % or “D” = 85% or
Furthermore, in another study, restricting die-
0.85 (generally 75–85%)
tary sodium was associated with kaliuresis, an
Answer or “X” = g or ml Water to Add
increased risk of hypokalemia, and a decrease
X = ((D × F) − (C × F))/(1 − D)
in glomerular filtration rate in cats with
OR induced chronic renal failure (Buranakarl
et al. 2004). Until further data are available,
X = ((0.85 × 250) − (0.1 × 250)) / (1 − 0.85)
orally administered sodium chloride or loop
Solving for X = 1250 g or 1250 ml (as 1 g
diuretics, which promote renal sodium excre-
water = 1 ml water)
tion, for diuresis should be used cautiously and
Using this equation can be helpful as the with careful monitoring, as they may increase
amount of added water is often underesti- one risk factor for calcium oxalate urolith for-
mated, including when fresh or canned/ mation (i.e. increased calcium excretion but
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  417

not urinary calcium concentration) or worsen- et al. 2004b), despite conflicting and debated
ing azotemia in some patients. As a result, rec- evidence (Stevenson 2002).
ommended concentrations of sodium in foods Although reduction of urine calcium and
for cats and dogs predisposed to calcium oxa- oxalic acid concentrations by restriction of
late formation is debated, as diets containing dietary calcium and oxalic acid appears logi-
as low as 0.4 g/Mcal sodium and as high as cal, it is not without risk. Reducing consump-
3.5 g/Mcal sodium are available commercially. tion of only one of these constituents may
If high dietary sodium is of concern or proves increase availability and intestinal absorption
to not be tolerated, the use of a high-­moisture of the other, resulting in increased urinary
diet is generally recommended. excretion. Conversely, increasing dietary cal-
The solubility of calcium oxalate in urine is cium concentrations contributes directly to
influenced by pH, and epidemiologic studies increased urine calcium concentration.
consistently identify acidifying diets among Because epidemiologic data suggest that
the most prominent risk factors for calcium marked dietary calcium restriction increases
oxalate urolithiasis (Kirk et al. 1995; Thumchai urolith risk, moderate concentrations of die-
et al. 1996; Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a, b; tary calcium are advised in non-­hypercalcemic
Okafor et al. 2014). In prospective studies, cats (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a, 2002; Kirk
however, the influence of pH directly on cal- et al. 2003). Thiazide diuretics may be admin-
cium oxalate solubility is less clear, with one istered to decrease urinary calcium excretion.
study showing no influence (Stevenson 2002) A 55% decrease in urinary calcium concentra-
and another showing an increase in calcium tion was reported in urolith-­forming dogs
oxalate solubility at an alkaline pH of 7.2 that were treated with hydrochlorothiazide
(Bartges et al. 2004b). In a case series of five at a dose of 2 mg/kg every (q) 12 h (Lulich
cats with idiopathic hypercalcemia and cal- et al. 2000). A 65% decrease in urinary cal-
cium oxalate uroliths, discontinuation of acidi- cium oxalate-­relative supersaturation was
fying diets or urinary acidifiers was associated reported in clinically normal cats receiving
with normalization of serum calcium concen- hydrochlorothiazide at a dose of 1 mg/kg q 12 h
tration (McClain et al. 1999). In another study (Hezel et al. 2007). Thiazide diuretics may
of healthy cats, urinary saturation for calcium induce hypercalcemia by increasing renal cal-
oxalate linearly decreased with increasing cium reabsorption; therefore, monitoring of
urine pH (Bartges et al. 2004b). Although con- plasma calcium or ionized calcium concen-
clusions from one study were that urinary pH trations is advised. Hypercalcemia and renal
and potassium citrate had limited effects on failure are contraindications for the use of
urinary saturation for calcium oxalate in dogs, thiazide diuretics.
three miniature schnauzers, a breed with a Urinary oxalate is derived from endogenous
higher risk for calcium oxalate formation, had metabolism of oxalate precursors (i.e. glycine
lower urinary saturation for calcium oxalate and ascorbic acid) and dietary oxalic acid.
with potassium citrate supplementation and Most pet food ingredients are low in oxalic
alkaluria (Stevenson et al. 2000). Aciduria pro- acid, with the exception of vegetables, leg-
motes hypocitraturia and functional impair- umes, and several vegetable-­based fermenta-
ment of endogenous urolith inhibitors. Thus, ble fibers (e.g. beet pulp and soybean fiber).
feeding an acidifying diet or administering uri- Dietary oxalic acid concentrations should be
nary acidifiers to cats and dogs at risk for cal- reduced to the lowest possible concentration
cium oxalate is contraindicated. A target urine in cases of calcium oxalate urolithiasis.
pH of approximately 7.5 has been suggested in Suggested dietary concentration is <20 mg
cats and dogs at risk for the recurrence of cal- oxalic acid/100 g of food (dry matter basis) or
cium oxalate uroliths (Kirk et al. 2003; Bartges about <40–45 mg oxalic acid/Mcal.
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418 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Excess intake of vitamin C, a metabolic oxa- 7.5. Potassium citrate at this dose may lower
late precursor, should similarly be avoided urinary relative calcium oxalate supersatura-
(Kirk et al. 2003). While normal dietary vita- tion without a significant increase in urinary
min C concentrations are not considered a risk pH (Stevenson et al. 2000).
in human beings, very small increases in uri- Dietary phosphorus should not be restricted
nary oxalate are a concern in urolith formers. with calcium oxalate urolithiasis. Low dietary
Because cats and dogs do not have a dietary phosphorus is a risk factor for calcium oxa-
vitamin C requirement, supplementation late urolith formation in cats and dogs
should be avoided. Cranberry concentrate tab- (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a,b, 2001, 2002).
lets are also contraindicated. They provide Reduction in dietary phosphorus may be asso-
mild acidification and are high in oxalate, as ciated with activation of vitamin D, which in
well as vitamin C (Terris et al. 2001); however, turn promotes intestinal calcium absorption
in one study of human beings, cranberry juice and hypercalciuria. Additionally, phosphate
ingestion resulted in increased citrate and status determines pyrophosphate urinary con-
decreased oxalic acid in urine (McHarg centrations, an inhibitor of calcium oxalate
et al. 2003). urolith formation in human beings and
Potassium citrate is often included in diets rodents. If calcium oxalate urolithiasis is asso-
designed for calcium oxalate prevention. In ciated with hypophosphatemia and normal
urine, citric acid combines with calcium to calcium concentration, oral phosphorus sup-
form soluble complexes, thereby reducing uri- plementation may be considered. Caution
nary ionic calcium concentration and directly should be used, however, because excessive
inhibiting nucleation of calcium and oxalate dietary phosphorus may predispose to forma-
crystals (Tiselius et al. 1993; Caudarella and tion of calcium phosphate uroliths. Whether
Vescini 2009). Administration has also been this occurs in cats is unknown. Phosphorus
associated with decreased urinary oxalate concentrations in the foods for cats predis-
excretion (Ito 1991), decreased intestinal posed to ­calcium oxalate formation should not
­calcium absorption resulting in decreased be excessive. Diets formulated for oxalate pre-
­urinary calcium excretion (Rumenapf and vention in cats and dogs contain phosphorus
Schwille 1987), and increased excretion and from 0.3 to 2.1 g/Mcal. Concentrations from
activity of urinary inhibitory macromolecules approximately 1.5 to 2.0 g/Mcal have been rec-
(Caudarella and Vescini 2009). When oxidized ommended (Kirk et al. 2003). In cats that have
within the tricarboxylic acid cycle, supplemen- developed hypercalcemia due to chronic kid-
tal citrate results in urine alkalinization due, in ney disease and are on a phosphorus-­restricted
part, to the production of bicarbonate (Hamm renal diet (e.g. <1.0 g/Mcal), feeding a diet
and Simon 1987; Rodman 1991), although with a moderate phosphorus concentration
short-­term administration of citrate does not (e.g. 1.5 g/Mcal) can result in normalization of
have this effect (Sakhaee et al. 1992; Stevenson the plasma calcium concentration and thus
et al. 2000). The metabolic alkalinization reduce the risk of calcium oxalate urolithiasis
increases endogenous renal citrate excretion (Geddes et al. 2021).
and reduces calcium absorption and urinary Urinary magnesium forms complexes with
excretion (Pak et al. 1985; Kirk et al. 2003). oxalic acid, reducing the amount of oxalic acid
Commercial products that add citrate but con- available to form calcium oxalate. Studies in
tinue to acidify the urine (pH <6.5) reduce the cats associate low dietary magnesium with cal-
benefit of citrate therapy. Potassium citrate cium oxalate risk (Robertson 1993; Thumchai
may be supplemented at an initial dosage of et al. 1996; Smith et al. 1997; Lulich et al. 1999b;
75 mg/kg by mouth q 12 h, with adjustment of Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a, 2001). In human
dosage to achieve a urine pH of approximately beings, supplemental magnesium has been
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  419

used to minimize recurrence of calcium oxa- Excessive concentrations of vitamin D

late uroliths; however, supplemental magne- (which promotes intestinal absorption of
sium may increase the risk of struvite ­calcium) and vitamin C (which is a precursor
formation in cats. At this time, the risks and of oxalic acid) should be avoided. Diets with
benefits of magnesium supplementation to vitamin D between 250 and 350 IU/Mcal kcal
cats and dogs with calcium oxalate urolithiasis should suffice. As discussed earlier, vitamin C
have not been evaluated, and supplementation is an oxalate precursor, as well as a weak
is not advised. However, it appears logical that ­urinary acidifier. Both features may increase
magnesium should not be highly restricted in likelihood of urolith recurrence, so its addition
diets that are consumed by cats with calcium should be avoided or minimized.
oxalate urolithiasis. Many diets that claim to The diet should be adequately fortified with
benefit feline “urinary tract health” are vitamin B6, because vitamin B6 deficiency pro-
reduced in magnesium and promote urinary motes endogenous production and subsequent
acidification. These foods are designed for urinary excretion of oxalic acid (Bai et al. 1989).
struvite prevention and may not be appropri- There is no evidence that increased vitamin B6
ate for cats at risk for calcium oxalate urolithi- beyond that needed to meet the nutritional
asis, unless data to support their use for both requirements in cats provides a benefit.
urolith types are available. Prudent con­ Because most commercial diets designed for
centrations of dietary magnesium have been cats and dogs are well fortified with vitamin
suggested from 0.08 to 0.10% dry matter B6, it is unlikely that additional supplementa-
or approximately 200 mg magnesium/Mcal tion will be beneficial except in deficient
(Lekcharoensuk et al. 2001; Kirk et al. 2003). homemade diets. Regardless, vitamin B6 is rea-
Consumption of high amounts of animal sonably safe and sometimes provided to cats
protein by humans is associated with an with persistent calcium oxalate crystalluria or
increased risk of calcium oxalate formation. frequent recurrences.
Dietary protein of animal origin may increase Increased dietary fiber intake is associated
urinary calcium and oxalic acid excretion, with decreasing risk of calcium oxalate recur-
decrease urinary citrate excretion, and pro- rence in some human beings. Certain types of
mote bone mobilization in order to buffer the fiber (soy or rice bran) decrease calcium
acid intake from the metabolism of animal absorption from the gastrointestinal tract,
proteins (Aparicio et al. 2013; Prezioso which may decrease urinary calcium excre-
et al. 2015). In contrast, a case-­controlled, ret- tion. Also, higher-­fiber diets tend to be less
rospective study showed that higher protein acidifying. In five cats with idiopathic hyper-
concentration in cat and dog foods appeared calcemia and calcium oxalate uroliths, feeding
protective against calcium oxalate uroliths a high-­fiber diet with supplemental potassium
(Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a,b, 2001, 2002). citrate resulted in normalization of serum cal-
Protein concentrations between 80 and 90 g cium concentrations (McClain et al. 1999). It is
protein/Mcal appeared most protective in unclear whether a reduction in dietary calcium
cats. In another study of healthy cats, con- alone would have had a similar impact, as has
sumption of a diet containing 35% crude pro- been suggested by editors of this text.
tein (dry matter) from a high-­quality protein While the relationship of obesity to urolith
was associated with lower urine saturation for formation is not understood, it remains a con-
calcium oxalate and higher urinary citrate sistent risk factor in all studies to date; sug-
excretion when compared with diets contain- gested effects of obesity in cats that might
ing either 44% or 57% crude protein (dry mat- contribute to urolith formation, as stated by
ter) from a high-­quality protein (Paßlack one of the authors (RJC) are less activity, less
et al. 2014). water intake, postponed use of the litter box,
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420 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

and therefore prolonged presence of more con- Recommendations for monitoring cats and
centrated urine in the bladder. Also excessive dogs that have formed calcium oxalate uroliths
caloric intake may result in excessive mineral/ include complete urinalysis and abdominal
calcium intake. Restricting food intake to radiography every 4–6 months. Maintaining a
obtain an ideal weight and body condition is urine pH of 7.0–7.5 and dilute urine is desired.
encouraged. In two studies, urine saturation for calcium
Cats and dogs that are meal fed on average oxalate was significantly lower when urine
have a more alkaline urinary pH, controlled specific gravity was 1.040–1.044 (Hawthorne
food intake for obesity prevention, and a lower and Markwell 2004) and 1.034–1.040 (Buckley
risk of calcium oxalate urolith formation (Kirk et al. 2011). The recommendation is to dilute
et al. 1995; Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000a,b). This urine to a specific gravity of 1.045, although
method of feeding is also the preferred choice others recommend 1.025 (Kirk et al. 2003;
for canned foods, as they desiccate over time Palm and Westropp 2011; Bartges and
when left out. This is a relatively simple step Callens 2015; Lulich et al. 2016). In cats with
that owners can take to improve preventive hypercalcemia-­associated calcium oxalate uro-
measures. lithiasis, maintain normocalcemia; if an
Although there are several commercially underlying disease process is identified then
available therapeutic diets for managing cal- manage appropriately, which may mean a
cium oxalate uroliths in cats and dogs, none calcium-­restricted homemade diet.
has been through clinical trials with the end
point of urolith recurrence, although there are Struvite
some data in healthy animals and in pets that Figures 16.4–16.6 show a struvite urolith in a dog.
have formed calcium oxalate uroliths (Smith Struvite is another name for crystals or uro-
et al. 1998; Stevenson et al. 2002; Lulich liths composed of magnesium ammonium
et al. 2004). Calcium oxalate uroliths are recur- phosphate hexahydrate. The chemical compo-
rent, with an approximate 36% recurrence rate sition of struvite is Mg2+NH4+PO43−*6H2O. In
within one year if preventive measures are not order for uroliths to form, urine must be over-
undertaken (Lulich et al. 1992). Even with pre- saturated with respect to the minerals that pre-
ventive measures, first recurrence occurs cipitate to form that type of urolith. In order
(7.1%) within 25 months (Albasan et al. 2009). for struvite uroliths to form, urine must be

Figure 16.4 Lateral abdominal

radiograph of a 10-­year-­old mixed-­
breed intact male dog with an
infection-­induced struvite urocystolith
(arrow) and prostatomegaly.
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  421

spaniels (Bartges et al. 1992b). Risk for struvite

urolith formation decreases after approxi-
mately 6–8 years of age in cats (Smith
et al. 1997). They occur with equal frequency
in male and female cats. Sterile struvite uro-
liths form because of dietary composition as
well as innate risks for urolith formation.
Experimentally, magnesium phosphate and
struvite uroliths formed in healthy cats that
consumed calculogenic diets containing
0.15–1.0% magnesium (dry matter basis)
(Finco et al. 1985; Osborne et al. 1985;
Buffington 1989). These data are difficult to
interpret, however, because the amount of
Figure 16.5 Infection-­induced struvite magnesium consumption by cats in these stud-
urocystoliths removed from the dog in Figure 16.4. ies may be different than the amount con-
sumed by cats that spontaneously form sterile
oversaturated with magnesium, ammonium, struvite uroliths because of the differences in
and phosphate ions. Urinary oversaturation commercial diets with regard to caloric den-
with struvite may occur as a consequence of a sity, palatability, and digestibility (Osborne
urinary tract infection with a urease-­producing et al. 1999a). The influence of magnesium on
microbe (infection-­induced struvite) or with- struvite formation depends on urine pH
out the presence of a urinary tract infection (Buffington et al. 1990) and the influence of
(sterile struvite) (Osborne et al. 1990; Bartges ions, minerals, and other components in urine
et al. 1992b). (Buffington et al. 1994). Alkaluria is associated
with increased risk for struvite formation
Sterile Struvite (Tarttelin 1987a; Bartges et al. 1998). In a clini-
Sterile struvite uroliths form typically in cats cal study including 20 cats with naturally
between 1 and 10 years of age, although they occurring struvite urocystoliths and no detect-
have been reported in related English cocker able bacterial urinary tract infection, the mean

Figure 16.6 Struvite crystals, sperm,

and blood cells from the dog in
Figure 16.4.
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422 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

urinary pH at the time of diagnosis was ammonium, and phosphorus. There are many
6.9 ± 0.4 (Osborne et al. 1990). An additional diets available that are formulated to be “stru-
factor is water intake and urine volume. vite preventive,” although none has published
Consumption of increased quantities of water information concerning recurrence rates. The
may result in lower concentrations of calculo- goals for prevention of sterile struvite urolithia-
genic substances in urine, thus decreasing the sis include maintaining a urine pH of <6.5 and
risk of urolith formation (Smith et al. 1998). a lack of struvite crystalluria (Tarttelin 1987a;
Frequent consumption of small quantities of Houston et al. 2011; Bartges et al. 2013; Lulich
food rather than one or two large meals per day et al. 2013a). Whether inducing dilute urine is
is associated with production of more acidic beneficial is unknown; however, a target urine
urine and a lower degree of struvite cryst­ specific gravity of <1.040 may be an appropri-
alluria in cats (Tarttelin 1987b; Finke and ate goal.
Litzenberger 1992).
Sterile struvite uroliths can be dissolved by Infection-­Induced Struvite
feeding a diet that is magnesium, phosphorus, Infection-­i nduced struvite uroliths occur
and protein restricted, and that induces aci- more commonly in dogs, but are reported to
duria relative to maintenance adult cat foods occur in cats less than 1 year and greater than
(Osborne et al. 1990). In a clinical study includ- 10 years of age. They are more likely to occur
ing 22 cats with sterile struvite urocystoliths, in female dogs, but no sex predilection has
urocystoliths dissolved in 20 cats in a mean of been identified in cats. Infection-­induced
36.2 ± 26.6 days (range 14–141 days) (Osborne struvite uroliths form because of an infection
et al. 1990). The cats were fed a high-­moisture with a urease-­producing microbe in a fash-
(canned/retorted), calorically dense diet con- ion similar to human beings (Osborne
taining 0.058% magnesium (dry matter basis) et al. 1985). In this situation, dietary compo-
and increased sodium chloride (0.79% dry mat- sition is not important, as the production of
ter basis). The diet induced a urine pH of the enzyme urease by the microbial organism
approximately 6.0. Sterile struvite uroliths dis- is the driving force behind struvite urolith
solve on average in 2–4 weeks (Osborne formation.
et al. 1990). A urinalysis and lateral abdominal Infection-­induced struvite uroliths can be
survey radiograph should be performed every dissolved by feeding a therapeutic “struvite
4 weeks until urolith dissolution. The diet dissolution” diet and administering an
should be continued for 2 weeks past radio- ­appropriate antimicrobial agent based on
graphic evidence of dissolution. If uroliths do ­bacteriologic culture and sensitivity. Average
not dissolve, uroliths may contain other miner- dissolution time for infection-­induced struvite
als (Tefft et al. 2021) or not be composed of uroliths is approximately 70 days (Osborne
struvite, and surgery or a minimally invasive et al. 1990; Osborne 1999). It is important that
technique should be performed to remove the patient receive an appropriate antimicro-
them. Other considerations for attempting die- bial agent during the entire time of medical
tary versus surgical intervention can include dissolution, because bacteria become trapped
whether other concurrent disease(s) prevent in the matrix of the urolith and as the urolith
the use of a dissolution diet (e.g. fat intoler- dissolves, bacteria contained in the matrix of
ance, as some commercial options are higher the urolith are released into urine. If thera-
in fat, >45% fat calories). peutic concentrations of an appropriate anti-
Prevention of sterile struvite uroliths microbial agent are not present in urine, then
involves inducing a urine pH less than approx- an infection will recur, and dissolution will
imately 6.8, increasing urine volume, and cease. A urinalysis and lateral survey abdomi-
decreasing the excretion of magnesium, nal radiograph should be performed every
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  423

4 weeks until urolith dissolution. When suc- Urate

cessful, uroliths decrease in size and number Figures 16.7–16.9 show urate uroliths in a
by approximately 50% every 4 weeks until dis- Dalmatian, and Figures 16.10–16.12 show
appearance. The struvite dissolution diet and urate uroliths in a Pomeranian with a portosys-
antimicrobial therapy should be continued for temic shunt. Figure 16.13 shows xanthine crys-
2–4 weeks past radiographic evidence of uro- tals in a cat.
lith dissolution. If uroliths do not dissolve, Urate uroliths occur when urinary concen-
then surgery or a minimally invasive tech- tration of uric acid, and usually ammonium
nique should be performed to remove them. ion, is increased. This may occur secondary to
Prevention of infection-­induced struvite portovascular anomalies (particularly in young
does not require feeding a special diet, as it is animals) (Bartges et al. 1999a), but may occur
the infection that causes these struvite uro- in certain types of cats (e.g. domestic short-
liths to form. It involves preventing a bacte- hair) or breeds of dogs (e.g. Dalmatians and
rial urinary tract infection from recurring English bulldogs) (Bartges et al. 1994b); in
and treating bacterial infections as they arise. dogs without portovascular anomalies, males
Dietary manipulation will not prevent appear to be affected more frequently than
infection-­induced struvite uroliths from females, but in cats, as well as in animals with
recurring, because diet will not prevent portovascular anomalies, males and females
recurrence of a bacterial urinary tract infec- appear equally likely to be affected. Dalmatians,
tion. A therapeutic diet designed for weight English bulldogs, and black Russian terriers
loss may be used in patients that are over- have been shown to have a mutation in the
weight or obese, as this may be a predispos- SLC2A9 gene that encodes for a transporter for
ing risk factor due to anatomic alterations uric acid (Bannasch et al. 2008). Most urate
especially around the vulva increasing the uroliths occur before 4 years of age. Urate
risk for an ascending urinary tract infection,
as reported in people.

Uric acid is one of several biodegradation
products of purine nucleotide metabolism
(Bartges et al. 1999c). In most cats and dogs,
allantoin is the major metabolic end product;
it is the most soluble of the purine metabolic
products excreted in urine. Purine accounted
for 7.6% from 1999 to 2000 and 5.1% from
2002 to 2009 of feline and canine uroliths sub-
mitted to the Minnesota Urolith Center
(Lulich et al. 2013b); most are composed of
urate salts, with <0.2% composed of xanthine.
Ammonium urate is the monobasic ammo-
nium salt of uric acid, and it is the most com-
mon form of naturally occurring purine Figure 16.7 Lateral double-­contrast cystogram of
uroliths observed to occur in cats and dogs a 4-­year-­old castrated male Dalmatian with
(Osborne et al. 2000). Other naturally occur- ammonium urate urocystoliths. The urocystoliths
collect in the dependent portion of the contrast
ring purine uroliths include sodium urate,
(large arrow). Small arrows point to an 8-­French
sodium calcium urate, potassium urate, uric red rubber urinary catheter containing contrast
acid dihydrate, and xanthine. inserted transurethrally.
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424 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Figure 16.8 Ammonium urate

urocystoliths removed from the dog
in Figure 16.7.

Figure 16.9 Ammonium urate

crystals from the dog in Figure 16.7.

Figure 16.10 Lateral double-­contrast cystogram of a 3-­year-­old castrated male Pomeranian with
ammonium urate urocystoliths (arrow).
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  425

Figure 16.11 Contrast portal radiography from the dog in Figure 16.10 demonstrating a portocaval
vascular shunt.

Figure 16.12 Ammonium urate

urocystoliths removed from the dog
in Figure 16.10.

Figure 16.13 Xanthine crystals from

a 3-­year-­old castrated male domestic
shorthair cat.
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426 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

uroliths that occur in association with porto- abdominal ultrasonography or a double-­contrast

vascular anomalies are most commonly com- cystogram should be performed every four
posed of ammonium urate and are often weeks. Urine pH should be >7.0, and urate
diagnosed before 1 year of age. crystals should not be present. Uroliths should
Apparently there have been few studies of decrease in size and number by 50% every four
the biological behavior of ammonium urate weeks until gone. If uroliths do not dissolve,
uroliths in dogs with portal vascular anomalies then surgery or a minimally invasive procedure
(Marretta et al. 1981; Hardy and Klausner 1983; should be performed to remove them.
Johnson et al. 1987; Brain 1988) and none in Allopurinol is a synthetic isomer of hypox-
cats. It is logical to hypothesize that elimina- anthine. It rapidly binds to, and inhibits the
tion of hyperuricuria and reduction of urine action of, xanthine oxidase, and thereby
ammonium concentration following surgical decreases production of uric acid by inhibiting
correction of anomalous shunts would result the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine,
in spontaneous dissolution of uroliths and xanthine to uric acid. The result is a reduc-
­composed primarily of ammonium urate. tion in serum and urine uric acid concentra-
Appropriate clinical studies are needed to tion within approximately two days, and a
prove or disprove this hypothesis. The authors concomitant but lower degree of increase in
have occasionally been successful in medically the serum concentrations of hypoxanthine and
dissolving urate uroliths in dogs with portal xanthine. One author (JWB) has given this
vascular anomalies by decreasing dietary dosage to non-­azotemic urate-­urolith-­forming
purine intake and administering a low dose of dogs for up to six months without detectable
allopurinol (5–10 mg/kg orally [PO] q 12 h), consequences; however, when clients supple-
but have not attempted dissolution in cats with mented the diet with foods containing purine
ammonium urate uroliths and portal vascular precursors, a layer of xanthine formed around
anomalies. ammonium urate uroliths or pure xanthine
Medical dissolution of ammonium urate uro- uroliths formed (Bartges et al. 1992a).
liths in dogs without portovascular anomalies Therefore, to minimize xanthine formation,
is possible by feeding a diet that is protein allopurinol should be administered only to
and purine restricted (approximately 35–50 g animals consuming purine-­restricted foods.
­protein/Mcal) and induces a diuresis and There is only one report of a possible immune-­
alkaluria, and by administering allopurinol mediated reaction (hemolytic anemia, trigemi-
(15 mg/kg PO q 12 h) (Bartges et al. 1999c). It nal neuropathy) to allopurinol administration
should be noted that getting exact purine con- in a dog (Pedroia 1981). The authors observed
centration data for some commercial foods can cutaneous erythema in a Dalmatian given
be challenging, and often foods must be selected allopurinol and ampicillin. Apparently, this
based on total dietary protein and the protein-­ may occur in human beings that are adminis-
rich food sources (e.g. plant-­ and egg-­based tered this combination of medication.
proteins) used as indicators of purine concen- Discontinuation of the ampicillin, but not the
tration. This combination is effective in approx- allopurinol, resulted in resolution of the skin
imately one-­third of dogs, with a reduction in lesions. Because allopurinol and its metabo-
the size and number of urate uroliths facilitat- lites are dependent on the kidneys for elimina-
ing non-­surgical removal (voiding urohydro- tion from humans, the dosage is commonly
propulsion or catheter-­assisted retrieval) in reduced in patients with renal dysfunction.
one-­third; in the remaining one-­third of dogs, Allopurinol has been reported to cause life-­
uroliths did not change or increased in size and threatening erythematous desquamative skin
number (associated with xanthine formation) rash, fever, hepatitis, eosinopenia, and further
(Bartges et al. 1994a). A urinalysis and either decline in renal function when given to human
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  427

patients with renal insufficiency. Appropriate urinary concentrations of uric acid and ammo-
precautions should be used when considering nium ion and at managing signs of hepatoen-
use of allopurinol in dogs with primary renal cephalopathy (see Chapter 13).
Although no studies have been performed Xanthine
that evaluate the efficacy or safety of medical Xanthine uroliths may form in cats and dogs
dissolution of urate uroliths in cats with given allopurinol, especially if dietary protein
­idiopathic urate urolithiasis, one author (JWB) and purine content are not restricted.
has successfully dissolved urate uroliths in Discontinuing allopurinol while restricting
cats using a low-­protein, “renal failure” diet dietary protein and purine content may result
(50–65 g protein/Mcal) and allopurinol in dissolution of xanthine in these patients
(7.5 mg/kg PO q 12 h). Until further studies are (Bartges et al. 1994a). In such cases of xan-
performed to confirm the safety and efficacy of thine urolithiasis, allopurinol may be restarted
medical dissolution, surgical removal remains at 25–35% of the previous dosage.
the treatment of choice for urate uroliths Naturally occurring xanthine uroliths have
in cats. been described in cats and dogs and contain
Prevention of urate uroliths in cats and dogs pure xanthine, although a few contain small
without portovascular anomalies is aimed at quantities of uric acid. Of 64 cats that formed
reducing urinary concentrations of uric acid xanthine uroliths in one report (Osborne
and ammonium ions, and inducing diuresis et al. 2004), none of the cats had been treated
and alkaluria. Feeding diets formulated for with the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopuri-
“renal failure” in cats or diets that are restricted nol. In this study, 61 xanthine uroliths were
in purines to dogs are effective in >90% of obtained from the lower urinary tract, while
cases (J.W. Bartges, personal communication, xanthine uroliths from 3 cats came from the
2010), despite some of these therapeutic upper urinary tract. Xanthine uroliths occurred
foods using organ meats richer in purine. in 30 neutered and 8 non-­neutered males and
Administration of an alkalinizing agent (potas- 25 neutered females (the sex of one cat was not
sium citrate at 75 mg/kg PO q 12 h) may be specified). The mean age of the cats at the time
required to achieve a urine pH >7.0. In dogs, of diagnosis of xanthine uroliths was
administration of allopurinol (7–10 mg/kg PO 2.8 ± 2.3 years (range 4 months–10 years). Of
q 12–24 h) may also be required to prevent the 64 cats, 8 were less than 1 year old. Urinary
urate uroliths from reforming; prophylactic uric acid excretion was similar between 8 xan-
allopurinol therapy has not been evaluated in thine urolith-­forming cats and healthy cats
cats. Urinalysis and abdominal ultrasonogra- (2.09 ± 0.8 mg/kg/d vs. 1.46 ± 0.56 mg/kg/d);
phy or double-­contrast cystography should be however, urinary xanthine excretion
performed every 4–6 months to monitor (2.46 ± 1.17 mg/kg/d) and urinary hypoxan-
­effectiveness of prevention. Urine pH should thine excretion (0.65 ± 0.17 mg/kg/d) were
be >7.0 and urine specific gravity should be higher (neither is detectable in urine from
<1.035 (cats) or <1.025 (dogs), and urate crys- healthy cats). Cavalier King Charles spaniels
talluria should not be present. have a genetic predisposition to formation of
In cats and dogs with portovascular anoma- idiopathic xanthine uroliths (van Zuilen
lies, correction of the anomaly often is all that et al. 1997; Gow et al. 2011; Jacinto et al. 2013).
is required to prevent urate uroliths from In a study of two Manchester terriers, three
reforming. In some animals with congenital Cavalier King Charles spaniels, an English
liver disease (e.g. microvascular dysplasia), cocker spaniel, a dachshund, and a mixed-­
surgical correction is not possible. Preventive breed dog affected with xanthine uroliths,
therapy in these patients is aimed at decreasing multiple variants in xanthine dehydrogenase
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428 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

or molybdenum co-­factor sulfrase genes were for cystinuria (Henthorn et al. 2000; Matos
found in a homozygous state, suggesting an et al. 2006).
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance in Cystine uroliths occur when urine is
these dogs with hereditary xanthinuria (Tate ­oversaturated with cystine (the oxidized dimer
et al. 2021). of the amino acid cysteine). Cysteine is a
No medical dissolution protocol for feline disulfide-­containing amino acid that is nor-
xanthine uroliths exists. Prevention involves mally filtered and reabsorbed by proximal
feeding a diet containing approximately renal tubular cells. Therefore, cystinuria
50–65 g/Mcal of protein that induces alkaluria. occurs when there is a defect in proximal renal
Without preventive measures, xanthine uro- tubular absorption and must be present for
liths often recur within 3–12 months following cystine uroliths to form. Evaluation of urine
removal. In 10 cats that consumed a protein-­ amino acid profiles from cats and dogs with
restricted alkalinizing diet and were followed cystine uroliths often reveals increased
for at least two years, only one had a recurrence. ­concentrations of the amino acids cysteine,
arginine, lysine, and ornithine (Clark and
Cystine Cuddeford 1971; DiBartola et al. 1991; Osborne
Figures 16.14–16.16 show cystine urocystoliths et al. 1999a).
removed from an English bulldog.
Cystine accounts for less than 1% of feline
and canine uroliths. They occur with equal fre-
quency in male and female cats, but occur
more frequently in male dogs. Brons et al.
(2013) suggested that neutering might be effec-
tive in managing cases of mild cystinuria in
intact male dogs. The mean age of diagnosis of
cats and dogs with cystine uroliths is 3–4 years
(Osborne et al. 1999a, c). Most cats affected
with cystine uroliths are domestic shorthair;
English bulldogs, Newfoundlands, and dachs-
hunds are predisposed (Case et al. 1992;
Bartges et al. 1994b). In Newfoundlands, a
polymorphism in the canine SLC3A1 gene was Figure 16.15 Cystine urocystoliths removed from
found and can now be used as a screening test the dog in Figure 16.14.

Figure 16.14 Lateral abdominal

radiograph of a 3-­year-­old intact male
English bulldog with cystine
urocystoliths (large arrow) and a
urethrolith at the base of the os penis
(small arrow).
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­Crystal-­Related Lower Urinary Tract Diseas  429

Figure 16.16 Cystine crystals from

the dog in Figure 16.14.

Medical protocols exist for dissolution of however, it is often not necessary with dietary
cystine uroliths in dogs utilizing urinary alka- modification (Osborne et al. 1999c). Although
linization and thiol-­containing drugs, such as thiol-­containing drugs are used in dogs and
N-­(2-­mercaptopropionyl)-­glycine (2-­MPG); human beings, their use has not been evalu-
the dose for dissolution in dogs is 15 mg/kg PO ated adequately in cats. Urinalysis and abdom-
q 12 h with or without dietary modification inal radiography should be performed every
(Osborne et al. 1999c). On average, cystine uro- 4–6 months, and urine pH should be >7.5 and
liths dissolve in 1–2 months; therefore, urinal- urine specific gravity <1.025 with an absence
ysis and abdominal radiography should be of cystine crystalluria.
performed monthly until urolith dissolution
(Osborne et al. 1999c). Urine pH should be Compound Uroliths
>7.5 and urine specific gravity <1.025. If uro- Figure 16.17 shows compound urocystoliths
liths do not dissolve, then surgery or a mini- from a toy poodle.
mally invasive procedure should be performed
to remove them.
Prevention of cystine uroliths involves feed-
ing a protein-­restricted, alkalinizing diet with
or without 2-­MPG. Reducing dietary protein
has the potential of minimizing formation of
cystine uroliths by decreasing intake and
excretion of sulfur-­containing amino acids and
by decreasing renal medullary tonicity, result-
ing in larger urine volume. The solubility of
cystine increases exponentially when the urine
pH is greater than 7.2 (Milliner 1990). If neces-
sary, or if dietary modification cannot be done,
potassium citrate (initial dose 75 mg/kg PO
q 12 h; titrate to urine pH of 7.5) may be admin-
istered to induce alkaluria. For prevention, Figure 16.17 Compound urocystoliths removed
from a 10-­year-­old castrated male toy poodle. The
2-­MPG or d-­penicillamine (15 mg/kg by mouth
urocystoliths contained a nidus of calcium oxalate
q 12 h) may be used (Bovée 1986; Hoppe and outer layers of struvite, which formed because
et al. 1993; Hoppe and Denneberg 2001); of a Staphylococcal urinary tract infection.
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430 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Occasionally, uroliths may be composed of (Lulich and Osborne 1992; Bartges 2000;
more than one mineral. Most commonly, cal- Adams et al. 2008; Lulich et al. 2009;
cium phosphate apatite or ammonium urate Williams 2009).
may be mixed with struvite when induced by a
urease-­producing microbial urinary tract infec-
Matrix-­Crystalline Urethral Plugs
tion. These minerals become incorporated into
the struvite urolith, because ammonium ions Figure 16.18 shows a matrix-­crystalline ure-
produced from the metabolism of urea by thral plug.
microbial urease combine with uric acid, and Urethral matrix-­crystalline plugs occur in
carbonate produced from the metabolism of approximately 20% of male cats under 10 years
urea by microbial urease combines with cal- of age that present with obstructive lower uri-
cium and phosphorus in alkaluria (Osborne nary tract disease (Kruger et al. 1991). Urethral
et al. 1999b). Medical dissolution of these uro- plugs have only been observed to occur in male
liths is possible following protocols for dissolu- cats. They are composed of at least 45–50%
tion of infection-­induced uroliths. Direct matrix (see later for typical matrix composi-
preventive measures are toward controlling the tion) and variable amounts of mineral; they
causative bacterial urinary tract infection. may be composed entirely of matrix (Osborne
Compound uroliths also form when a uro- et al. 2003). Struvite is the most common min-
lith of one mineral forms and a different min- eral found in urethral plugs (84% of all miner-
eral precipitates around the first mineral. This als found in plugs) (Osborne et al. 2009).
occurs most commonly when a calcium oxa- Multiple factors are thought to be associated
late urolith forms and a secondary urinary with urethral plug formation. If a mineral is
tract infection with a microbe that produces present in the urethral plug, then risk factors
urease develops, resulting in struvite forming associated with that crystal formation, as dis-
around the calcium oxalate urolith. Calcium cussed previously, are involved, at least in part.
oxalate uroliths must be removed physically as Compared with uroliths, urethral plugs con-
they cannot be dissolved, and preventive meas- tain large quantities of matrix. Components of
ures are directed toward prevention of calcium matrix that may be important in urethral plug
oxalate formation. formation include Tamm–Horsfall mucopro-
tein, serum proteins, cellular debris, and
Surgically and Minimally Invasive
Management of Uroliths
Although some uroliths, such as struvite,
urate, and cystine, may be dissolved medically,
others, such as calcium oxalate and compound
uroliths with calcium oxalate nidus or core, are
not amenable to medical dissolution. Even
with uroliths composed of minerals that may
be dissolved medically, sometimes it is more
desirable to physically remove the uroliths.
Physical removal of uroliths may be done by
surgery (e.g. cystotomy, urethrotomy, and/or
urethrostomy) or by minimally invasive tech-
Figure 16.18 Matrix-­crystalline urethral plug
niques (e.g. catheter-­assisted retrieval, voiding
expressed from the distal urethra of a 6-­year-­old
urohydropropulsion, cystoscopic removal, castrated male domestic shorthair cat with urethral
and/or cystoscopy with laser lithotripsy) obstruction.
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­Idiopathic Cystiti  431

virus-­like particles (Kruger and Osborne 1990; prospective study of cats with idiopathic cysti-
Osborne et al. 1996b). tis, recurrence of clinical signs occurred in 11%
Management of urethral matrix-­crystalline of cats that consumed a canned/retorted food
plugs involves relieving the obstructive uropa- when compared with 39% of cats consuming a
thy (Osborne et al. 1996a). Modifying urine dry/extruded food (Markwell et al. 1999). The
composition by feeding a therapeutic diet may diets evaluated in this study were acidifying
be beneficial if minerals are present in the ure- and formulated to prevent struvite crystalluria
thral plug. Increasing urine volume may help and urolithiasis. In another study, clinical
to decrease the concentration of minerals and improvement and decreased recurrence of
matrix components in urine. Successful pre- clinical signs in cats with idiopathic cystitis
vention of recurrent urethral obstruction by were associated with the feeding of canned
utilizing diets designed to reduce urine pH and foods (Gunn-­Moore and Shenoy 2004). The
urine magnesium and phosphorus concentra- findings of these studies have resulted in the
tions has been reported (Osborne et al. 1991). recommendation to feed canned food to cats
Perineal urethrostomy may be considered in with idiopathic cystitis; however, these studies
cats with recurrent urethral plug formation; were not randomized controlled trials.
however, it is associated with complications, Furthermore, specific dietary ingredients have
including recurrent bacterial urinary tract not been evaluated in cats with idiopathic
infections, urethral stricture, and clinical signs cystitis.
of lower urinary tract disease (Osborne Environmental modification appears to
et al. 1991; Williams 2009). In one study of cats ­benefit many cats with idiopathic cystitis
with urethral obstruction due to matrix-­ (Buffington et al. 2006). Modifications for
crystalline plugs, uroliths, or unidentified indoor cats with idiopathic cystitis include
causes that were managed medically, recur- providing a canned diet, good litter box man-
rence of urethral obstruction occurred in agement, climbing structures, an appropriate
approximately one-­third; therefore, surgery number of food and water dishes, and
may be necessary (Gerber et al. 2008). ­increasing water intake. Non-­steroidal anti-­
inflammatory drugs are often described
despite a lack of evidence for effectiveness. A
­Idiopathic Cystitis trial with oral glucosamine (125 mg N-­acetyl
glucosamine per cat per day) demonstrated
The most common cause of lower urinary improvement of the owners’ perceived mean
tract disease in cats less than 10 years of age is health score compared to placebo, although
feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) (Kruger not significantly different from the placebo
et al. 1991; Buffington et al. 1997). Idiopathic group, as both groups improved due to the
cystitis is characterized by signs of lower uri- feeding of canned food (Gunn-­Moore and
nary tract disease (i.e. hematuria, stranguria, Shenoy 2004).
pollakiuria, and inappropriate urination) Stress management seems to be important
without identifiable causes. Often the clinical when managing FIC (Forrester and Towell
signs resolve in 3–7 days; however, recurrence 2015). Therapeutic urinary stress diets con-
is variable and unpredictable. Because no spe- tain L-­tryptophan and milk protein hydro-
cific cause has been identified, no specific lysate (also known as alpha-­casozepine).
treatment is available that works consistently L-­tryptophan is a precursor for the neurotrans-
in all cats. mitter serotonin, which is important in almost
The role of a canned diet in managing cats all of the central nervous system integrative
with idiopathic cystitis has been evaluated functions. One double-­blinded, randomized
in two studies. In one non-­randomized, placebo-­controlled study evaluated the effect
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432 Nutritional Management of Lower Urinary Tract Disease

of short-­term supplementation of L-­tryptophan preventing recurrent bacterial urinary tract

on behavioral responses associated with infections (Bartges 2005). Cranberry juice or
anxiety and stress-­related disorder in cats. extract has been recommended for preventing
Results showed that supplementation of cats recurrent infections. Cranberries contain
with dietary tryptophan may be a beneficial proanthocyanidins that bind to type 1 pili and
adjunct to decrease signs of stress and anxiety P fimbriae of Escherichia coli, thereby prevent-
and improve animal welfare (Pereira ing adhesion of E. coli to the uroepithelium
et al. 2004). Furthermore, Beata et al. (2007) (Howell 2007; Guirguis-­Blake 2008; Jepson
provided evidence for the efficacy of alpha-­ and Craig 2008; Wing et al. 2008; Guay 2009).
casozepine in the short-­term management of Despite widespread use and availability, there
anxiety in cats. A non-­randomized short-­term are few controlled clinical trials supporting
study has shown dietary therapy with the use of cranberries as prophylaxis, although
L-­tryptophan and alpha-­casozepine to reduce there are some. The only in vitro study with
FIC episodes that included stranguria, periu- canine cells did not find benefit (Suksawat
ria, hematuria, dysuria, and pollakiuria et al. 1996). Cranberries should, however, not
(Naarden and Corbee 2020). Results from be prescribed with concurrent calcium oxalate
these studies suggest that supplementation of uroliths as they are high in oxalate (Terris
L-­tryptophan and alpha-­casozepine is benefi- et al. 2001).
cial for stress management in cats with Probiotics are recommended by some for
FIC. However, evidence about the effects of prevention of recurrent infections. The theory
supplementation of these nutrients on long-­ behind probiotics is to modify enteric microbi-
term FIC management and recurrence is not ota and, ultimately, urogenital microbiota.
available. There is little evidence of effectiveness; how-
ever, certain strains of Lactobacillus have been
shown to be beneficial in some women and
­Urinary Tract Infections children in controlled studies (Lee et al. 2007;
Reid 2008; Abad and Safdar 2009).
Management of urinary tract infections There are many botanicals that have been rec-
involves eradication or control of predisposing ommended for prevention of urinary tract infec-
factors and antimicrobial therapy; however, tions, most commonly Uva ursi, which contains
several nutritional strategies may be useful in tannins and arbutin that may be bactericidal
preventing recurrent bacterial urinary tract and anti-­inflammatory (Head 2008). Little evi-
infections. Bacterial urinary tract infections dence exists for effectiveness.
occur more frequently in animals with predis- Mannose inhibits adherence of E. coli to the
posing conditions (e.g. diabetes mellitus, uroepithelium in vitro by binding to type 1 pili
hyperadrenocorticism, chronic renal failure, and shows promise in preliminary studies in
and hyperthyroidism); therefore, management human beings (Domenici et al. 2016; Genovese
of these conditions, including diet, may help to et al. 2018).
decrease recurrent bacterial urinary tract Not all feline and canine urinary tract
infections (Bartges 2005). Obesity is a common ­disorders are associated with dietary factors;
nutritional disorder and the incidence of bac- however, most benefit from nutritional man-
terial urinary tract infections is increased in agement. It is important to understand the
obese patients. pathophysiology of lower urinary tract disease
Bacteria are able to survive in pH from 4 to and the physiologic effects of foods and feed-
9; therefore, feeding an acidifying diet or pro- ing in order to formulate the best nutritional
viding a urinary acidifier is not effective in and treatment plan for patients.
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 ­Reference 433

­ ummary ●● Uroliths occur when urine is oversaturated
with minerals that precipitate. Dietary modi-
●● Lower urinary tract disease occurs com- fication may be useful for medically dissolv-
monly in cats and dogs, with urolithiasis, ing and for preventing uroliths. Calcium
urinary tract infections (dogs), and idio- oxalate and struvite uroliths occur most
pathic cystitis (cats) occurring most commonly in cats and dogs.
frequently. ●● Dietary modification may also be useful in
managing cats with idiopathic cystitis.

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Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

Andrea J. Fascetti and Sean J. Delaney

Metabolic regulation occurs on many levels. (IDDM) and non-­insulin-­dependent diabetes

The diseases discussed in this chapter alter mellitus (NIDDM) are commonly used; how-
metabolic regulation and energy metabolism. ever, etiopathogenesis is not considered in this
The clinical signs of these diseases are mani- classification, which may impact treatment.
fested by alterations in subcellular homeosta- Most dogs with diabetes are classified as
sis. Nutrition can be an important aspect of the IDDM. Cats can be diagnosed with either
management of endocrine diseases including IDDM or NIDDM. To make matters more com-
diabetes mellitus (DM), lipid disorders, hypo-­ plicated, cats can have one form and then revert
and hyperthyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, to the other over time. It has been hypothesized
and feline idiopathic hypercalcemia. that beta-­cell function in these animals can
fluctuate, moving them from one category into
the next (Zicker et al. 2010).
­ iabetes Mellitus Dietary management in animals with IDDM
does not eliminate the need for insulin replace-
DM is an endocrine disorder that occurs in both ment, but in some cases it may improve glyce-
cats and dogs. It describes an alteration in the mic control. In patients with NIDDM, dietary
cellular transport and metabolism of glucose therapy can also improve glycemic control and
caused by insufficient insulin release from the may (in some cases) eliminate the need for
pancreas (absolute and/or relative to sensitiv- exogenous insulin therapy. Regardless of the
ity), a lack of insulin receptors, or an inability type of diabetes, the following factors should
of the insulin receptors to transduce the signal. be considered in every patient: overall health
This results in elevated glucose concentrations and body condition, presence of other diseases,
and an inability of tissues to uptake and utilize type of diet, nutrient composition of the diet,
the glucose they need. While there are various nutritional adequacy of the diet, the animal’s
general classifications of DM described in caloric requirement, and feeding schedule.
humans, applying these classifications to dogs
and cats is difficult due to the imperfect under-
Nutritional Factors
standing of the etiopathogenesis and because
familial histories and diagnostic tests used in Water
humans are not readily available (Kirk Often overlooked, water is one of the key nutri-
et al. 1993; Nelson et al. 1993; Gilor et al. 2016). ents for all animals and is especially important
The terms insulin-­dependent diabetes mellitus in animals with diabetes. Diabetics have

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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442 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

increased water losses associated with osmotic two broad categories: insoluble and soluble.
diuresis secondary to glucosuria, as well as Soluble fibers (e.g. pectins, gums, mucilages,
ketonuria if diabetic ketoacidosis is present. fructooligosaccharides, and some hemicellu-
Fresh, clean water should be available at loses) have high water-­holding capacity, delay
all times. gastric emptying, slow the rate of nutrient
absorption across the intestinal surface, and
Energy are highly fermentable by intestinal bacteria.
Many cats and dogs with diabetes have the clas- Insoluble fibers (e.g. cellulose, lignin, and
sic energy-­related dichotomy of polyphagia most hemicelluloses) have less initial water-­
with weight loss. In general, the clinical holding capacity, decrease gastrointestinal
response of animals with DM to dietary manip- transit time, and are less efficiently fermented
ulation is dependent upon the level of control of by gastrointestinal bacteria. Fiber is proposed
the primary disease process, and the presence or to promote the slowed digestion and absorp-
absence of secondary diseases. Weight loss may tion of digestible dietary carbohydrate, and to
be secondary to poorly controlled diabetes or an reduce insulin peaks after meals. Some soluble
underlying infection, and weight gain may be fibers also form gels in aqueous solutions,
due to the presence of another problem such as thereby binding glucose and water and pre-
a thyroid disorder or Cushing’s disease. venting their transfer to the absorptive surface
In cats, like humans, the relationship between of the intestine.
obesity and DM is well documented (Rand There have been a number of studies exam-
et al. 2004; Lund et al. 2005; Prahl et al. 2007; ining the use of dietary fiber in diabetic dogs.
Laflamme 2010). Studies have shown that base- Most have small sample sizes and confounding
line insulin concentrations and insulin response factors; however, in general positive effects of
to a glucose load increases in dogs as a function fiber-­enriched diets have been described. In
of their degree of obesity (Mattheeuws one study, dogs with experimentally induced
et al. 1984). In cats, the development of feline diabetes had significant reductions in 24-­hour
obesity was accompanied by a 52% decrease in blood glucose fluctuations when fed a diet con-
tissue sensitivity to insulin and diminished glu- taining either 15% soluble or insoluble fiber on
cose effectiveness (Appleton et al. 2001). Weight a dry matter basis (Nelson et al. 1991). Dogs
loss can reverse this and promote insulin sensi- consuming the high-­fiber diets were consum-
tivity (Hoenig et al. 2007). The tissues of other ing fewer calories than the dogs fed the control
obese species (monkeys and rodents) have diet, and the effect may have been secondary to
decreased numbers of insulin receptors and the fiber, a reduction in calorie intake, or both.
those receptors that are present have reduced A second study assessed dogs with DM fed a
binding affinity. Over time, these changes canned diet supplemented with either 20 g of
reduce the body’s ability to respond to insulin. wheat bran (insoluble fiber) or 20 g of guar
gum (soluble fiber) (Blaxter et al. 1990).
Fiber Compared to control dogs that consumed the
Fiber is not considered nutritionally essential canned diet without added fiber, both fiber
for dogs or cats, but is often used in diabetic sources reduced postprandial hyperglycemia,
dogs and cats to promote satiety, decrease the wheat bran to a lesser extent than the guar
energy density, and modulate gastrointestinal gum. Similar effects were observed in both dia-
transit and nutrient absorption. The amount betic and healthy control dogs.
and type of dietary fiber have been the subject A third study examined the long-­term effects
of extensive investigation in the management of feeding increased amounts of cellulose
of diabetic patients. For the purposes of this (insoluble fiber) to dogs with DM over two
discussion, dietary fiber will be classified into eight-­month periods (Nelson et al. 1998). Dogs
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­Diabetes Mellitu  443

were fed canned diets with either 11% or 23% dogs in the study by the fourth month; the
total dietary fiber on a dry matter basis. The authors attributed this to underfeeding the
composition of the diets was similar and dogs. An increase in dietary fiber consumption
caloric intake was controlled to maintain body or calorie restriction may have been responsible
weight. Nine of the eleven dogs in the study for the positive findings.
improved with respect to daily insulin require- Finally, a study in 12 dogs with stable DM
ment, fasting blood glucose, urinary glucose compared two commercially available diets
excretion, glycosylated hemoglobin concentra- that differed in fat content, but that both had
tions, and serum cholesterol while eating the predominantly insoluble fiber (90% insoluble;
high-­fiber food. The remaining two dogs had total fiber 50 g/1000 kcal) to a control diet with
better glycemic control when they were eating a mix of types (75% insoluble, 25% soluble;
the low-­fiber diet. Overall, when dogs had bet- total fiber 35 g/1000 kcal) (Fleeman et al. 2009).
ter glycemic control, they were consuming Each group of four dogs was fed the diets in a
fewer calories. This finding suggests that different sequence in a Latin square design.
caloric intake may have partially influenced When the dogs were fed the higher-­fiber diet
glycemic control in this study. with lower energy density, lower fat, and
The effects of both insoluble and soluble higher protein, statistically significant weight
dietary fiber were examined in a study in dogs loss occurred (although the mean was less
with naturally occurring DM (Kimmel than 2% body weight over the two-­month feed-
et al. 2000). Seven dogs were fed one of three ing period). However, there was no difference
dry diets for a one-­month period. One diet was in the insulin requirements of the dogs when
a low-­fiber diet (total dietary fiber not they were fed the different diets.
reported), a second diet was a high-­fiber diet There are very few studies specifically evalu-
containing only insoluble fiber (73 g/1000 kcal), ating the effects of dietary fiber on naturally
and the third diet contained both soluble and occurring DM in cats. One early study
insoluble fiber sources (56 g/1000 kcal). The described the effects of the oral sulfonylurea
dogs had significantly better glycemic control drug glipizide in 20 cats fed commercial diets
while consuming the high–insoluble fiber diet high or low in fiber for 12 weeks (Nelson
compared to the other two diets. Fructosamine et al. 1993). Benefits of the higher-­fiber diet
concentrations were lower in dogs when con- were reported, including one cat successfully
suming both fiber-­supplemented diets, com- maintained only on diet and no oral or inject-
pared to the low-­fiber diet. Although the able therapies for DM, but statistical analysis
calorie composition of the diets was similar of response rates was not possible. A rand-
and caloric intake did not differ between the omized crossover study in cats with DM com-
groups, there were differences with respect to pared the effect of the same canned diet mixed
the soluble carbohydrate sources between the with either insoluble fiber (cellulose, 19% total
diets. It is unknown if this difference had any dietary fiber [dry matter]) or starch (low insol-
impact on the findings. uble fiber, 4.1% total dietary fiber [dry matter])
Another study looked at the effect of feeding for 24 weeks (Nelson et al. 2000). Mean pre-
a high-­fiber canned diet containing a blend prandial glucose concentrations and 12-­hour
of insoluble and soluble fibers (Graham mean glucose concentrations were signifi-
et al. 2002). Over the four-­month study, chang- cantly lower when cats were eating the high-­
ing to the high-­fiber diet was associated fiber diet. The higher carbohydrate content in
with ­significant reductions in fructosamine the low-­fiber diet may have impacted glycemic
concentrations, glycosylated hemoglobin con- control in the participants in this study;
centrations, cholesterol, and 24-­hour glucose ­however, there was a greater difference in
concentrations. Body weight declined in the fiber content between the diets (total fiber
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444 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

61 vs. 11 g/1000 kcal) than in carbohydrate caloric dilution that occurs secondary to the
content (29% vs. 37% on an energy basis). addition of the fiber? Alternatively, is it related
Another study investigated the effects of a to the amount and type of soluble carbohy-
low-­carbohydrate/low-­fiber canned diet com- drate in the diet? Perhaps it is a combination of
pared to a moderate-­carbohydrate/high-­fiber both. Furthermore, the ability of fiber to
canned diet in 63 cats with DM (Bennett ­provide long-­term health benefits, improve
et al. 2006). While cats in both groups were quality of life, or reduce or eliminate the com-
able to discontinue insulin and reverted to a plications associated with diabetes has not yet
nondiabetic state during the 16-­week trial, this been determined.
was significantly more likely in the low-­
carbohydrate/low-­fiber diet group (68% on the Fat
low-­carbohydrate/low-­fiber diet and 41% on Diabetic animals often have accompanying
the moderate-­carbohydrate/high-­fiber diet). It abnormalities in lipid metabolism such as
is important to note that only crude fiber was hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia,
reported and was used to calculate the carbo- or both. Concurrent pancreatitis is common in
hydrate content. Since crude fiber analysis many diabetics. Fat should be restricted in
does not capture all insoluble fiber or any solu- patients with these problems. The degree of fat
ble fiber, the total fiber was undefined but cer- restriction is dependent on the patient’s diet
tainly underestimated, and the carbohydrate history and current fat consumption at the
concentration was therefore overestimated; time of diagnosis for both hyperlipidemia (see
the inaccuracy likely impacted the diets to a later) and pancreatitis (see Chapter 12).
different extent based on the expected variable
content of fiber types. In addition, the source Protein
of fiber, carbohydrate, and other nutrients dif- Diabetic animals may have increased amino
fered between the diets. The diets were com- acid losses through their urine. Patients that
mercial products that were not controlled in are not well controlled will also experience
energy density, in any nutrient, or in ingredi- muscle wasting as protein is catabolized to
ent profile. The low-­carbohydrate/low-­fiber meet energy needs. Currently there are two
diet contained soybean meal and corn gluten basic approaches to managing diabetes in dogs
meal, whereas the moderate-­carbohydrate/ and cats: high-­carbohydrate/moderate-­protein
high-­fiber diet contained ground corn. Corn foods or low-­carbohydrate/“high-­protein”
gluten meal is a high-­protein product of corn diets. It should be noted that many diets for-
with most of the soluble carbohydrates mulated to be lower in carbohydrate and
extracted and therefore will have a lower glyce- higher in fat are not truly higher in protein
mic index compared to whole ground corn. compared to typical maintenance diets.
Soybean meal has a low glycemic index as well.
The use of carbohydrates with a lower glyce- Digestible Carbohydrates
mic index in the low-­carbohydrate/low-­fiber Glucose is one of the most important secreta-
diet may have also influenced the overall find- gogs of insulin in healthy subjects. Carbo­
ings of the study. hydrates that are ingested and absorbed result
Research examining the efficacy of fiber sup- in physiologic responses that are dependent
plementation in diabetes has raised a number upon the rate in which they enter into an ani-
of questions, perhaps more than it has mal’s system (Jenkins et al. 1981). In humans, a
answered. Most controlled studies support that diet that minimizes the glycemic response is
increasing amounts of insoluble fiber may desirable because this provides better control
reduce the postprandial glycemic curve. of blood glucose and its associated complica-
However, is this effect from the fiber or the tions. The term “glycemic index” refers to a
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­Diabetes Mellitu  445

ranking system for food based on its effects on pet foods and the increasing rates of obesity
blood glucose concentrations. In general, and DM in cats are frequently cited as evi-
because they are more slowly digested and dence for this theory. However, the scientific
absorbed, complex carbohydrates with more ­evidence about to be summarized counters
fiber (such as barley) have a lower glycemic these claims.
index than starchy foods with lower fiber Insufficient insulin secretion and impaired
(such as potatoes) or simple carbohydrates insulin sensitivity are the major abnormalities
with more mono-­ and disaccharides (such as of feline diabetes. The “carnivore connection”
those with fructose or sucrose). One study in paradigm hypothesizes that these abnormali-
healthy dogs looked at the glycemic response of ties are the result of long-­term feeding of die-
five different starch sources: corn, wheat, bar- tary carbohydrate (Miller and Colaquiri 1994).
ley, rice, and sorghum fed at 30% of the diet on While it is true that experimentally induced
a dry matter basis for two weeks (Sunvold and hyperglycemia is detrimental to feline beta-­
Bouchard 1998). Rice consumption resulted in pancreatic cells, the same is true in omnivores
the highest postprandial glycemic index of the (de-­Oliveira et al. 2008; Zini et al. 2009).
five sources, sorghum the lowest. Wheat and Furthermore, hyperglycemia has not been
corn generated an intermediate response, shown to result from either the typical starch
and barley had a lower response than wheat concentrations present in commercial diets
and corn. A second study in dogs examined the (de-­Oliveira et al. 2008; Laflamme et al. 2022)
glucose and insulin response in healthy dogs or even when simple sugars are fed at high
consuming extruded diets with six different concentrations (Drochner and Muller-­
starch sources (cassava flour, brewers’ rice, Schlosser 1980; Kienzle 1994).
corn, sorghum, peas, or lentils) (Carciofi Due to the strong association between ­obesity
et al. 2008). This study reported greater imme- and the development of DM in cats, carbohy-
diate postprandial and insulin responses (area drate has been often blamed for both condi-
under the curve <30 minutes) for brewers’ rice, tions. However, epidemiologic studies report
corn, and cassava flour. A similar study exam- that obesity is associated with high-­fat foods
ined the same six starch sources in extruded and not high-­carbohydrate foods (Scarlett and
feline diets (de-­Oliveira et al. 2008). When Donoghue 1998; Lund et al. 2005). In fact,
compared to the other five starch sources, only there are some studies that suggest that high-­
corn stimulated an increase in the glucose carbohydrate, low-­fat diets have an obesity-­
response at 4 and 10 hours following a meal. protective effect (Michel et al. 2005; Backus
Plasma insulin concentrations increased not et al. 2010). Notably, prospective research has
only when the cats were fed the diet containing directly implicated dietary fat, not carbohy-
corn, but also those containing sorghum, peas, drate, as a risk factor for unwanted weight gain
and brewer’s rice. in neutered cats (Nguyen et al. 2004; Backus
There has been a trend recently among some et al. 2007). Exchanging dietary carbohydrate
veterinarians, animal professionals, and pet for protein does appear to be helpful for weight
owners to eschew carbohydrates as an loss and managing diabetes in some cats
unhealthful food source for dogs and cats. As (Laflamme et al. 2022); however, a similar
an obligate carnivore, much of the focus and macronutrient exchange does not appear to
controversy has centered on the cat. The basis prevent weight gain in ovariohysterectomized
for the argument is that since starch, fiber, and cats (Vester 2007; Laflamme et al. 2022). In
sugar were not a significant part of the cat’s addition, several studies further refute
natural diet, it is unhealthy for such products the hypothesis that either feeding dry-­type
to be consumed. The simultaneous increase in extruded diets long term or dietary carbohy-
the use of carbohydrate in many commercial drate per se is the cause of obesity and diabetes
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446 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

in cats (Nguyen et al. 2004; Backus et al. 2007; comparison aspect of this study, there were
McCann et al. 2007; Slingerland et al. 2009; four different products that varied in nutrient
Cave et al. 2012). profile, and conclusions with regard to specific
Recent investigations into obesity and the characteristics are not justified.
pathogenesis of DM in cats have led to the Of course, it is not possible in any study to
hypothesis that feline diabetics might have accurately assess in isolation the impacts of
improved glycemic control, or in some cases either fiber or any macronutrient, including
even revert to a nondiabetic state, when dietary digestible carbohydrate, due to the resulting
carbohydrate is restricted. However, there are changes in energy density and obligatory modi-
few data investigating this theory. Of the pub- fications in fat and/or protein. As such, studies
lished studies involving dietary interventions in are not able to draw conclusions regarding pos-
cats with DM, only four compared two or more itive or negative benefits of dietary starch con-
diets (Nelson et al. 1993, 2000; Bennett centration per se. There appears to be some
et al. 2006; Hall et al. 2009). Each study reported clear evidence that supplementation with
improvement or remission of DM for cats in insoluble fiber helps reduce the glycemic
every dietary group, and none of them tested response and may benefit diabetic patients,
the carbohydrate concentration in isolation. which may be due to the reduction in calorie
The two studies reporting that most cats density, altered gastrointestinal transit, and
appeared to benefit from a higher-­fiber diet nutrient absorption, or any other factor. The
were described earlier (Nelson et al. 1993, 2000). roles of carbohydrate and protein concentra-
In the third study, also described earlier, the tions are less clear. However, some clinicians
diets tested differed in almost every way utilize low-­carbohydrate/high-­protein exclu-
(macro-­ and micronutrient content, fiber type sively for cats and some dogs with DM. There is
and amount, ingredients, digestibility, calorie no specific contraindication to this approach,
density, etc.), so any conclusions related to a although such diets are often higher in fat and
specific dietary difference are not possible calories. Assuming that it is not counter to the
(Bennett et al. 2006). The third published study management of any other concurrent condi-
comparing diets in cats with DM was a small tion (such as pancreatitis or hyperlipidemia),
clinical trial that enrolled 12 newly diagnosed and that the ideal weight can be achieved and
or otherwise uncontrolled patients (Hall maintained, such diets are an option for suc-
et al. 2009). Over a 10-­week period, six cats cessful management of DM in dogs and cats. It
were fed the dry and/or canned versions of a seems clear that overweight or obese diabetic
therapeutic diet formulated for feline DM (one patients that lose weight also develop better
each ate only dry and canned, and four ate control, or in some cases revert to a nondiabetic
both) and six were fed both the dry and canned state. As such, weight loss to achieve an ideal
versions of an over-­the-­counter adult cat food. body condition may be the most effective modi-
The therapeutic diets were higher in protein fication toward achieving better glycemic con-
and fiber, and lower in carbohydrate compared trol or, in cats, reverting to a nondiabetic state.
to the maintenance diets. One cat in each diet
group achieved remission and insulin was dis- Minerals and Vitamins
continued. The cats fed the therapeutic diets Dogs and cats with diabetes are at risk
had significantly lower serum fructosamine for the following vitamin and mineral abnor-
values, but other assessments did not differ malities: hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia,
between the groups. All cats had improved hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypocalce-
­clinical signs and gained weight, supporting mia, hypomagnesemia, and hypovitaminosis
that standardized treatment and monitoring D. Generally, adequate control of the diabe-
may benefit DM control. Despite the diet tes is sufficient to avoid these problems.
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­Diabetes Mellitu  447

Only when the primary disease is not con- while undergoing stabilization, as long as it is
trolled, diabetic ketoacidosis or a secondary balanced and otherwise appropriate. However,
problem develops, do these become more of a adjustments in the feeding schedule may be
concern. needed. Particularly in dogs, consistency in the
Chromium is an essential dietary trace ele- diet, amount, and timing of meals is impor-
ment involved in carbohydrate and lipid tant, so that insulin can be properly coordi-
metabolism. Chromium functions as a cofactor nated. This is likely less critical in cats, which
for insulin, and its presence is necessary for the appear to have slower gastrointestinal absorp-
cellular uptake of glucose. The effect of oral tion and do not display post-­meal hyperglyce-
chromium supplementation on glucose toler- mia (Martin and Rand 1999; De-­Oliveira
ance in healthy dogs and cats has been evalu- et al. 2008). In patients that are difficult to
ated with conflicting results (Spears et al. 1998; regulate (and where a secondary disease pro-
Appleton et al. 2002). The only study done to cess has been ruled out), a diet change, either
determine the effect of oral chromium supple- to a high-­fiber diet or in some patients, a low-­
mentation on glycemic control in diabetic dogs carbohydrate diet may be beneficial.
did not support any beneficial or harmful If adjustments to fiber intake are desired,
effects in the dosage range of 20–60 μg/kg body this may be done by changing to a fiber-­
weight (BW)/d (Schachter et al. 2001). enhanced food or adding fiber to the animal’s
current diet. Fiber can be added as a mixed
fiber source such as psyllium husk powder,
Food Type
1–3 tbsp per day, soluble fiber such as guar
Semi-­moist pet foods or snacks should not be gum or wheat dextrin, 2–4 tsp per day, or insol-
fed to diabetic pets. In dogs, postprandial blood uble fiber such as wheat bran, 1–3 tbsp per day.
glucose and insulin responses were highest in Fiber supplementation should be divided
dogs fed semi-­moist foods, compared to dry or equally over the daily meals. Be aware that
canned foods (Holste et al. 1989). This is most some fiber sources contain artificial sweeten-
likely due to the use of sucrose, fructose, and ers such as xylitol and should be avoided; oth-
other simple carbohydrates in many semi-­ ers include sucrose and add unwanted calories
moist products. Despite wide tissue expression and digestible carbohydrate. Using some
of ketohexokinase (Springer et al. 2009), cats canned food to deliver the fiber (by mixing
do not appear to metabolize fructose, which them together) can be helpful especially in
may lead to intolerance and polyuria due to cats, but care should be taken to ensure that
fructosuria (Kienzle 1994). supplemental soluble fiber has “gelled” prior
to feeding to prevent rejection of the changed
texture or even a potential choking hazard.
Feeding Recommendations and
Plain canned pumpkin can be used, but due to
the high moisture content it contains only
Remembering that every patient is unique, the about half of the fiber per unit volume of psyl-
optimal nutritional approach to managing a lium. Pumpkin pie filling should not be
diabetic patient will vary from animal to ani- used due to its sugar content. Start at the lower
mal. It is important that the diet fed to any dia- dose and titrate up as needed (larger amounts
betic is readily and reliably consumed, so may be needed for large-­ or giant-­breed dogs
palatability is an important factor. In general, and smaller quantities for toy or small breeds).
for most cases a dietary change is not recom- It can take a few weeks to see an effect, so
mended at the time of diagnosis (unless a con- patience is warranted.
current disease is present, such as pancreatitis). If snacks and treats are included in the ani-
The animal should remain on the normal diet mal’s feeding program, it is important that they
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448 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

are also consistent with regard to treat type and Classification and Etiology
time of day offered, as well as low in calories.
Hyperlipidemic states can be classified as post-
Minimizing or avoiding treats high in digesti-
prandial, primary, or secondary. Postprandial
ble carbohydrates and fat is recommended.
hyperlipidemia is the most common hyper-
Maintenance of ideal body condition is
lipidemia in dogs and cats (Schenck and
important in patients with diabetes. In over-
Elliott 2010). This is a normal physiologic phe-
weight animals, a conservative weight loss
nomenon caused by increased circulating chy-
protocol should be considered once the initial
lomicrons. In some cases (depending upon the
medical problems are controlled. When dogs
diet and amount of fat consumed) this can per-
and cats with diabetes lose weight, glucose
sist anywhere from 7 to 12 hours after a meal
tolerance improves. Weight loss may result in
(Bauer 2004). However, even when a high-­fat
enhanced tissue sensitivity to insulin, neces-
diet is consumed, serum triglycerides are not
sitating lower daily insulin requirements. As
expected to exceed 500 mg/dl in a normal ani-
a result, the patient should be carefully moni-
mal. Circulating chylomicrons carry only a
tored and insulin doses adjusted as needed.
fraction of the body’s cholesterol, so meal con-
During weight loss, frequent monitoring and
sumption has little impact on cholesterol dur-
caloric adjustment should be the norm, rather
ing the 6–12-­hour postprandial period.
than the exception, in any patient with a
Primary causes of hyperlipidemia are either
­disease process including diabetes (see
genetic or familial. The principal forms in
Chapter 9).
dogs and cats are idiopathic hyperlipidemia of
miniature schnauzers and hyperchylomi-
­Hyperlipidemia cronemia of cats. The disease in miniature
schnauzers is characterized by excess concen-
Hyperlipidemia (also referred to as hyperli- trations of circulating very low-­density lipo-
poproteinemia) is a disturbance of lipid meta­ proteins (VLDL) with or without concurrent
bolism that results in an elevation in lipids in hyperchylomicronemia (Whitney et al. 1996;
the blood, particularly triglycerides (triacyl- Jaeger et al. 2003; Xenoulis et al. 2007).
glycerides) and/or cholesterol (Johnson 2005). Familial hyperlipidemia in cats is caused by
In the fasted state, hyperlipidemia is an the production of an inactive form of lipopro-
­abnormal laboratory finding and is caused tein lipase (LPL), which results from a mis-
by the accelerated synthesis or reduced coding of a single amino acid; inheritance is
­degradation of lipoproteins. Among dogs and autosomal recessive. Cats with this disease
cats, the most clinically relevant type of have increased fasting hyperchylomicronemia
­hyperlipidemia is the finding of an excess and slight elevations in VLDL (Backus
blood concentration of triglycerides (hyper- et al. 2001).
triglyceridemia or hypertriacylglyceridemia). Secondary hyperlipidemia is associated with
Hypercholesterolemia is a state of excess cho- endocrine disorders (i.e. DM, hypo­thyroidism,
lesterol in the blood. Unlike humans, most of and hyperadrenocorticism) or pancreatitis.
the cholesterol in dogs is carried on high-­ Hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholester-
density lipoproteins (HDL), the smallest lipo- olemia can be seen with hypothyroidism
protein (Johnson 2005). Patients with (Schenck et al. 2004). In dogs with
hypercholesterolemia do not have lipemic ­hypothyroidism, 88% had hypertriglyceri-
serum (unless triglycerides are concurrently demia and 78% had hypercholesterolemia
elevated), because HDL particles do not (Dixon et al. 1999). Hypertriglyceridemia is
refract the light due to their small size attributed to a decrease in lipid degradation,
(Whitney 1992; Johnson 2005). secondary to a reduction in LPL activity.
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­Hyperlipidemi  449

Hypercholesterolemia is believed to result A blood sample to confirm hypertriglyceri-

from impaired low-­density lipoprotein (LDL) demia should be obtained following a 12-­hour
clearance from the circulation. It is postulated fast. Serum should be submitted for analysis.
that in hypothyroid dogs an absolute deficiency Clear serum usually has a triglyceride concen-
in T3 leads to an increase in the hepatic pool tration of less than 200 mg/dl. Serum turbidity
of cholesterol. Subsequently, more cholesterol generally begins to occur between 200 and
is carried by LDL. In turn, LDL-­receptor activ- 300 mg/dl, and lactescent serum is seen around
ity is also downregulated (Schenck 2006). 1000 mg/dl (Bauer 1995; Johnson 2005).
Activation of hormone-­sensitive lipase (HSL)
by reduced insulin levels in DM causes Management and Assessment
the release of large quantities of free fatty
Every attempt should be made to determine
acids into the bloodstream (Schenck and
the underlying cause for the hyperlipidemia.
Elliott 2010). These excess free fatty acids are
Hyperlipidemia that occurs secondary to an
converted to VLDL particles by the liver and
underlying metabolic disease often improves
released back into the circulation. Additionally,
with correction or treatment of the problem
insulin deficiency reduces the production of
(Whitney 1992; Johnson 2005). Dietary treat-
LPL, resulting in the reduced clearance of tri-
ment of hyperlipidemia is a lifelong commit-
glycerides from VLDL. In hyperadrenocorti-
ment, and the importance of nutritional
cism, a similar mechanism for hyperlipidemia
management should be discussed and empha-
has been proposed (Schenck and Elliott 2010).
sized with the owner. It has been suggested
Stimulation of HSL releases free fatty acids
that triglyceride concentrations greater than
into the bloodstream; these free fatty acids are
500 mg/dl mandate treatment, even if the ani-
packaged into VLDL by the liver and sent out
mal is asymptomatic, to prevent possible com-
into the circulation. Glucocorticoids inhibit
plications (Whitney 1992; Xenoulis and
LPL activity, thereby reducing the clearance of
Steiner 2010). While primary hypercholester-
triglyceride-­rich lipoproteins.
olemia is associated with less severe complica-
tions, it is recommended that values greater
Clinical Signs and Diagnosis
than 750 mg/dl be treated (Schenck and
Clinical signs associated with hyperlipidemia Elliott 2010; Xenoulis and Steiner 2010).
are variable and can be different in every patient. Restriction of dietary fat is the foundation
Some patients have no clinical signs and are for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia.
diagnosed on routine blood work. The most Chylomicrons are produced from fat of dietary
common clinical presentations include vomit- origin. The success of nutritional therapy is
ing (often intermittent), diarrhea, and/or highly dependent upon the veterinarian’s abil-
abdominal discomfort. Triglyceride concentra- ity to select a product that is appropriate for the
tions in excess of 1000 mg/dl have also been individual animal they are treating. One key
associated with pancreatitis, cutaneous xan- piece of information that is frequently not con-
thomas, lipemia retinalis, seizures, peripheral sidered or even obtained is the patient’s diet
nerve paralysis, and abnormal behavior history. A diet history should include not only
(Schenck and Elliott 2010). In addition, it is now the names and amounts of commercial food
well documented that hypertriglyceridemia is that the animal consumes, but also snacks,
associated with glomerular injury and renal treats, dietary supplements, and foods used to
proteinuria in miniature schnauzers and likely administer medications. A diet should be
other breeds (Smith et al. 2017). Due to these selected that provides less fat than the animal
serious consequences, confirmation and ther- is currently consuming. Most recommenda-
apy to control hyperlipidemia are indicated. tions in the literature suggest feeding a diet
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450 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

that provides 20% of the calories or less from cholesterol concentrations were less than
fat on a metabolizable energy (ME) basis 310 mg/dl and mean triglyceride con­
(Xenoulis et al. 2020). However, in many centrations were less than 400 mg/dl) (De
patients more severe restriction is often indi- Albuquerque et al. 2021). Dogs were fed low-­or
cated, sometimes as low as 10% fat ME or less. moderate-­fat diets (24 or 33 g/1000 kcal, respec-
The diet history is so critical because it guides tively), and cholesterol and triglycerides were
the degree of restriction that is indicated for an satisfactorily controlled in both groups after
individual patient. For example, if the patient 90 days of fish oil supplementation that pro-
is currently consuming a diet that contains vided approximately 104 mg eicosapentaenoic
25% of the calories from fat, restricting to 20% acid (EPA) + docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/kg
fat calories is unlikely to have a significant BW. In the veterinary literature, menhaden fish
impact. Treats should be restricted to low-­fat oil has been used by some authors (220–330 mg/
treats as well. Baby carrots, rice cakes, and salt-­ kg BW daily) (Bauer 1995; Schenck and
free nonfat pretzels are good human food alter- Elliott 2010). It is important to remember that
natives. In addition to monitoring the fat the administration of fish oil will increase
intake, calorie intake should be carefully mon- intake of both fat and calories, which must be
itored as well. Caloric restriction is also indi- considered when assessing total dietary fat
cated in overweight patients, as excess dietary intake relative to meeting the goals for a par-
energy increases VLDL production. ticular patient.
The authors have seen many animals fed Other measures to address hyperlipidemia in
fiber-­enhanced or weight-­loss foods based on veterinary patients have also been tried, includ-
the incorrect assumption that a high-­fiber or ing niacin, chitosan, and high-­fiber diets, as
weight-­loss diet is automatically a low-­fat diet. well as drugs such as HMG-­CoA reductase
It is also important to also note that the dry and inhibitors and fibric acid derivatives. Niacin has
canned formulas of the same diet can be vastly been used in dogs (25–100 mg/d) to reduce tri-
different in fat content. It is important to check glyceride concentrations (Bauer 1995). It is pro-
the fat content of the diet directly from the posed to act by decreasing fatty acid release
manufacturer’s website or product guide, and from adipocytes and reducing the production of
provide clear guidelines to the client and sup- VLDL particles. It has been reported to reduce
port staff to ensure that the patient receives the serum triglyceride concentrations in dogs for
correct product. several months without any negative effects
Diets rich in omega-­3 fatty acids have been (Whitney 1992; Bauer 1995; Johnson 2005).
used with some success to improve hypertri- Negative side effects of using niacin include
glyceridemia in humans and experimental ani- vomiting, diarrhea, erythema, pruritus, convul-
mals by reducing the production of VLDLs sions, and death (Chen et al. 1938; Bauer 1995;
(Illingworth et al. 1989; Froyland et al. 1995). Xenoulis and Steiner 2010).
Fish oils are poor substrates for triglyceride-­ One study compared the efficacy of chitosan
synthesizing enzymes and therefore are poor and the HMG-­CoA reductase inhibitor
VLDL formers. In a study in healthy dogs, fish ­atorvastatin in controlling cholesterol-­induced
oil supplementation led to a significant reduc- hyperlipidemia in cats (Mosallanejad et al.
tion of serum triglyceride concentrations, sug- 2016). Both strategies were successful and
gesting that this supplement may play a role in appeared safe, but atorvastatin was more effec-
the treatment of primary canine hypertriglyc- tive. Fibric acid derivatives such as fenofibrate
eridemia (LeBlanc et al. 2005; Xenoulis and and bezafibrate have been used successfully
Steiner 2010). One study reported the impact in dogs with hyperlipidemia (De Marco
of fish oil supplementation in reducing modest et al. 2017; Miceli et al. 2021). Adverse effects
fasting hyperlipidemia in 18 dogs (mean are uncommonly reported at the doses used,
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­Hypothyroidism and Hyperadrenocorticism in Dog  451

and the drug is effective for both primary and secondary weight gain and hyperlipidemia.
secondary hypertriglyceridemia. Dietary fiber The nutritional management of hyperlipi-
and niacin have also been used in humans to demia was discussed earlier in this chapter.
reduce cholesterol concentrations in an effort Guidance on how to implement a successful
to prevent coronary artery disease. Coronary weight-­loss plan is covered elsewhere (see
artery disease is extremely rare in dogs and Chapter 9). However, there are potential strate-
cats, and the effect of fiber and niacin in reduc- gies that can address polyphagia and prevent
ing cholesterol levels is unknown. Dietary cho- weight gain in these patients.
lesterol comes from animal sources, so feeding The first step is client education at the time of
a diet with reduced amounts of animal prod- disease diagnosis. Weight gain occurs when
ucts may be helpful in reducing cholesterol calorie consumption exceeds energy expendi-
concentrations. This can be accomplished in ture. Dogs with both of these conditions may
dogs using a vegetable protein–based diet and experience alterations on both sides of this
in cats by selecting animal protein sources that equation. Many dogs with hypothyroidism or
are lower in fat and therefore potentially lower hyperadrenocorticism experience an increase
in cholesterol (e.g. lean fish, chicken, or pork). in appetite while simultaneously reducing their
The patient should be reevaluated in about energy expenditure. The result can be weight
4–8 weeks after starting the new, low-­fat diet. gain and constant hunger. Successfully treating
If triglyceride concentrations have not the underlying disease may alleviate these
decreased, several steps should be taken. A diet signs. However, clients should be made aware
history should be reevaluated to ensure that of these concerns at the time the diagnosis is
the patient is getting the correct diet, not made and offered some advice on how to
receiving additional food sources within the address them. In order to help abate hunger
household, nor getting access to food outside and prevent weight gain, one can recommend a
of the house (e.g. the neighbors, outdoor cat diet with low calorie density so that a similar or,
food, etc.). The patient’s medical record should in some cases, greater volume of food can be
be reviewed to ensure that an underlying disor- fed, but still provide the same or a reduced
der has not been overlooked. If triglyceride number of calories. Diets that carry the label
concentrations are not sufficiently reduced “lite” can be helpful in this regard due to their
using a commercial product, a home-­prepared lower calorie density. However, calorie density
diet can be formulated by a board certified vet- should be assessed on both a weight basis (kcal/
erinary nutritionist® to provide a ration that is kg) and a volume basis (per cup or can, for
lower in fat than the currently available veteri- example), in order to select a diet that is reduced
nary therapeutic products (see Chapter 8). relative to the currently fed product. A higher-­
Additional treatments including drug therapy fiber diet could also be considered. There are
can also be considered. several studies that have reported an increase
in satiety in dogs fed high-­fiber diets (Jewell
and Toll 1996; Jackson et al. 1997; Weber
­ ypothyroidism and
H et al. 2007). In some diets, the addition of fiber
Hyperadrenocorticism in Dogs also reduces the caloric density of the food.
However, it is important to remember that any
To date, there has been no link established recommendation should be done with the dog’s
between nutrition and the development of diet history in mind in order to ensure that the
either hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorti- new food provides fewer kcal/g than the cur-
cism in dogs. Currently, nutritional manage- rent diet. Whenever possible, a few specific
ment is supportive and is used to address the brands should be recommended to assist the
clinical signs of polyphagia, often leading to owner in this process.
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452 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

Additional strategies include the use of low-­ signs; however, thyroxine concentrations were
calorie treats, which may include commercial abnormally high in those dogs. The median
snack products or human foods. Energy from age of the dogs in this study was 5 years.
treats should be included in the dog’s total cal- The median plasma thyroxine concentration
orie count and should not exceed 10% of the was 156.1 nmol/l (range 79.7–391.9 nmol/l).
total daily calories. It also helps if specific Thyroid-­stimulating hormone was less than
treats and amounts are recommended to assist 0.03 ng/ml. Six of the dogs demonstrated clini-
the owner with this process. Feeding small, cal signs of aggression, weight loss, tachycar-
multiple meals, adding water to the food, and dia, and panting. A diet history taken on the
using food-­dispensing toys or slow feeding dogs reported that eight owners were feeding a
bowls can help prolong meal consumption and diet containing only raw food and bones,
may also aid with satiety. whereas four owners were feeding a commer-
cial diet but also adding dried gullet daily.
Another report involved two female spayed
­Dietary Hyperthyroidism in Dogs dogs living with the same owner displaying
clinical and laboratory signs of hyperthyroid-
In 1987, there was a large outbreak of diet-­ ism (Zeugswetter et al. 2013). The dogs had
induced hyperthyroidism involving 121 human polyuria and polydipsia, excessive panting,
cases associated with ground beef over a 16-­ and restlessness. These two dogs were fed head
month time period (Hedberg et al. 1987). meat containing thyroid gland tissue by their
Investigators identified gullet as the common owner. Consultation with the slaughterhouse
exposure. In this instance the gullet was not confirmed that thyroid tissue remained with
removed at all, or not completely removed dur- the head meat. The authors of this study also
ing butchering. Following this outbreak, the measured iodine and hormone concentrations.
US Department of Agriculture (UDSA) issued Thyroxine concentrations were above refer-
a regulation (Regulation 9 CFR 310.15, www. ence ranges and thyroid-­stimulating hormone­1 998-­t itle9-­ was below the reference range.
vol2/pdf/CFR-­1998-­title9-­vol2-­sec310-­15.pdf) One attribute common to most if not all
requiring that the thyroid glands of livestock cases is the consumption of a meat-­based diet.
and laryngeal muscle tissue cannot be used in Consumption of commercially available dog
human food. The only permissible use is by foods or treats containing high concentrations
pharmaceutical manufacturers. of thyroid hormones were implicated in 14
Hyperthyroidism is uncommon in dogs, and dogs in one report (Broome et al. 2015). Total
dietary thyrotoxicosis likely represents a small serum thyroxine concentrations of affected
fraction of those cases. In most cases, dogs dogs were high (median 8.8 μg/dl; range
with hyperthyroidism have differentiated 4.64–17.4 μg/dl). Analysis of suspected prod-
autonomously functioning thyroid gland carci- ucts revealed a median thyroxine concentra-
nomas. This was also reported in dogs second- tion of 1.52 μg/dl compared to unrelated
ary to the consumption of feces from a commercial foods (0.38 μg/dl).
housemate that was receiving levothyroxine Investigators from the US Food and Drug
(Shadwick et al. 2013). Administration published a retrospective case
One of the earliest reports of dietary hyper- study reporting investigations of 17 dogs with
thyroidism involved 12 dogs with clinical and dietary thyrotoxicosis (Rotstein et al. 2021).
laboratory signs of dietary hyperthyroidism The report included seven products compris-
based on elevated plasma thyroxine concentra- ing either jerky treats or canned food made
tions and compatible dietary history (Kohler from bison or beef. The investigations under-
et al. 2012). Six of the dogs displayed no clinical score the importance of a diet history in all
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­Feline Hyperthyroidism and Idiopathic Hypercalcemi  453

cases, and dietary exogenous thyrotoxicosis As selenium concentrations increase in the

should be considered in dogs exhibiting clini- diet, serum T3 concentrations also increase,
cal signs compatible with hyperthyroidism, and serum T3 has been correlated with
especially if consuming beef-­based food. serum selenium concentrations (Wedekind
et al. 2003; Zicker et al. 2010). Selenium con-
centrations are also reported to be higher in
­ eline Hyperthyroidism
F canned feline diets compared to dry or canine
and Idiopathic Hypercalcemia diets (Zicker et al. 2010). Serum free thyroxine
concentrations have been reported to be
Nutritional factors that may influence the inversely related to dietary iodine concentra-
development of both feline hyperthyroidism tions (Tartellin et al. 1992). Although a recent
and idiopathic hypercalcemia have been pro- study found no effect of iodine intake on total
posed, although no definitive links have been thyroxine (TT4) and total triiodothyronine
identified. Dietary management may play a (TT3) concentrations in adult cats, free thyrox-
role in modulating these diseases and control- ine (FT4) was elevated in cats eating 8.8 mg I/
ling clinical signs. kg of diet. The study suggests that the iodine
requirement is lower than the current National
Research Council (NRC)-­recommended allow-
ance (NRC 2006), but higher than the current
The etiology of feline hyperthyroidism is Association of American Feed Control Officials
unknown at this time, although many nutri- (AAFCO 2022) recommendation for commer-
tional risk factors have been proposed. The cial diets formulated for adult cats (Wedekind
consumption of canned diets has been cited in et al. 2009). Whether any of these alterations in
numerous studies to be a risk factor for thyroid thyroid hormone concentrations translates
disease in cats in the United States and the into abnormalities or thyroid disease long term
United Kingdom (Scarlett et al. 1988; Kass remains to be determined. Iodine restriction is
et al. 1999; Martin et al. 2000; Edinboro a proposed dietary treatment for feline hyper-
et al. 2004; Wakeling et al. 2009). One group thyroidism through reduced synthesis of thy-
hypothesized that bisphenol A found in canned roid hormone. There are several published
cat foods may be the causative goitrogenic reports describing the successful use of a ther-
­substance (Edinboro et al. 2004), although apeutic, iodine-­restricted, feline diet in differ-
research has not been published to confirm ent populations of hyperthyroid cats (Fritsch
this proposal. Soybeans are another potential et al. 2014; van der Kooij et al. 2014; Hui
goitrogen used in both canine and feline diets et al. 2015; Loftus et al. 2019). Although not all
(Court and Freeman 2002). In one study in studies are prospective, masked, or even con-
healthy cats, short-­term consumption caused trolled, the overall evidence supports that most
an increase in serum T4 and free T4 concentra- hyperthyroid cats fed exclusively this diet will
tions (White et al. 2004). Overall, feline hyper- safely achieve euthyroidism. The diet is only
thyroidism likely has a multifactorial etiology, designed for that purpose, and is not currently
and proposed dietary risk factors have not been recommended as a preventive diet.
elucidated; these are reviewed in detail else- In some cases, a dietary change may not be
where (van Hoek et al. 2015). warranted (e.g. those undergoing ablation, thy-
The trace minerals selenium and iodine also roidectomy, or radioactive iodine therapy),
have an effect on thyroid hormone concentra- although the clinician should review the
tions in the cat, and dietary concentrations in patient’s diet history to ensure that a diet
pet foods are highly variable. Iodine is necessary appropriate for the cat’s life stage is being fed.
for synthesis of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. In some cases, cats will experience significant
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454 Nutritional Management of Endocrine Diseases

weight loss and loss of lean body mass. degree and duration of response are highly vari-
Successful treatment of hyperthyroidism able and difficult to predict.
should result in subsequent weight gain and Based on presumptive mechanisms of action,
restoration of lean body mass. In some cases various dietary strategies have been utilized in
cats will have been diagnosed with chronic cats with idiopathic hypercalcemia. Some have
kidney disease (CKD), or treatment of their not been described in the literature, and con-
hyperthyroidism will reveal underlying kidney trolled studies to investigate any specific or gen-
disease. Patients should be monitored fre- eral nutritional modifications are lacking.
quently and if CKD is diagnosed, an appropri- Those reported in published clinical descrip-
ate diet should be instituted (see Chapter 15). tions (primarily retrospective and uncontrolled
case series) and anecdotes include the following:
Feline Idiopathic Hypercalcemia ●● Fiber supplementation, which may reduce
calcium absorption (McClain et al. 1999;
Hypercalcemia in cats can be caused by endo-
Fantinati and Priymenko 2020).
crinopathy, neoplasia, hypervitaminosis D,
●● Use of diets formulated to manage calcium
granulomatous disease, and osteolysis. Clinical
oxalate urolithiasis with or without sodium
signs of hypercalcemia are nonspecific and may
supplementation, with the goal of con­
include polyuria/polydipsia, vomiting, leth-
trolling mineral intake and promoting a
argy, and anorexia, although in many cases
higher volume of more dilute urine (Lulich
the finding of hypercalcemia is incidental.
et al. 2004); high sodium intake induces
Consequences can be serious and may include
­calciuresis but does not increase urinary cal-
cardiac arrhythmia as well as renal mineraliza-
cium concentration due to dilutional effects
tion and/or calcium oxalate urolithiasis. In
(Paßlack et al. 2014).
many cases the underlying cause is elusive; in
●● Use of diets formulated for CKD, with the
this case an exclusionary diagnosis of idiopathic
goal of controlling mineral intake and avoid-
hypercalcemia is made. Exclusive of hypervita-
ing acidification (Fettman et al. 1992;
minosis D, no causative dietary factors are iden-
Sławuta et al. 2020).
tified to date, although various nutritional links
●● Reducing intake of key nutrients such as
have been proposed. Hypercalcemia may be an
vitamin D and calcium.
incidental finding in many cases and can also
be transient in some cats, which may compli- Although some published reports describe
cate identification of putative nutrient associa- the use of some of these strategies to success-
tions. Medical therapy is aimed at reducing fully manage cats with idiopathic hypercalce-
serum ionized calcium concentration and may mia, one retrospective case series did not find a
include diuresis, steroid medications, or spe- positive impact on serum ionized calcium con-
cific drugs targeting calcium metabolism. centrations in 11 cats fed diets formulated to be
Positive responses to alendronate in cats with high in insoluble fiber, for CKD, or for calcium
idiopathic hypercalcemia have been reported, oxalate urolithiasis (Midkiff et al. 2000).
typically in conjunction with dietary modifica- Interestingly, 2/11 cats had resolution of total
tion (de Brito Galvão et al. 2017; Kurtz but not ionized hypercalcemia, which under-
et al. 2022). However, dietary therapy remains scores the importance of accurate assessment
the primary and initial recommendation, after treatment is initiated.
although which strategies are most efficacious Some cases of feline idiopathic hypercalce-
is unknown. Controlled studies are lacking, mia may respond positively to dietary calcium
and most guidance comes from expert opinion restriction, and ionized hypercalcemia can
and case reports. Some cats demonstrate appar- ­correct to the normal range (A.J. Fascetti
ently diet-­responsive hypercalcemia, but the and S.J. Delaney, personal communication).
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  ­Reference 455

Assessment of the individual diet history is ●● Current scientific evidence does not ­support
crucial to determine the current total calcium that carbohydrates in pet foods cause an
intake. This will inform the degree of reduction increase in the incidence of obesity and DM.
that is necessary and may limit dietary options. ●● In obese or overweight dogs and cats, weight
A home-­prepared diet is recommended if a loss to achieve an ideal body condition may
reduction in dietary calcium below the concen- be the most effective modification toward
trations in commercial diets is necessary. The achieving improved glycemic control or, in
use of a home-­prepared diet also allows more cats, reverting to a nondiabetic state.
precise control of the vitamin D concentration ●● Successful management of hyperlipidemia is
(although typical dietary concentrations of dependent upon selecting a diet that con-
vitamin D levels have not been identified as a tains less fat than the diet the animal is cur-
causative factor in feline hypercalcemia). The rently consuming.
authors have had success in controlling hyper- ●● Endocrinopathies that cause polyphagia can
calcemia in cats with customized home-­ be managed with foods that are lower in
prepared diets containing approximately 0.6 g energy density.
Ca/1000 kcal, although it is unclear if the cal- ●● Dietary thyrotoxicosis is not common in
cium restriction or some other variable is the dogs, but has been reported in dogs eating
cause for the positive response. Oral products treats and diets containing the neck tissues
containing high concentrations of vitamin D, of beef and bison. Clinical signs include
such as organ meats, some fish oils, and certain polyuria, polydipsia, aggression, panting,
supplements, should be avoided. Patients can restlessness, weight loss, and tachycardia.
be monitored using ionized calcium concentra- Thyroxine concentrations may be elevated,
tions, in addition to the other parameters nor- whereas thyroid-­stimulating hormone
mally evaluated in any patient consuming a may be below the reference range.
home-­prepared diet (see Chapter 8). If no Discontinuation of suspected diets often
response is evident after 4–6 weeks, considera- results in recovery.
tion should be given to adding other dietary ●● A dietary change may be indicated in cats
strategies, or instituting medical therapy such with hyperthyroidism; however, if concur-
as alendronate, as the patient may not be rent kidney disease is present or is unmasked
responsive to dietary calcium restriction. with treatment, an appropriate therapeutic
diet formulated for feline chronic kidney
­disease should be fed.
­Summary ●● Although the etiology of feline idiopathic
hypercalcemia is unknown, selecting a diet
●● Dietary fiber may have a role in the manage- that contains less calcium than the current
ment of diabetes mellitus (DM). Reducing diet is indicated. In some cases, a home-­
intake of carbohydrates may be beneficial in prepared, calcium-­restricted diet should be
some patients. considered.


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Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

Lisa M. Freeman and John E. Rush

Cardiac disease is one of the most common symptomatic and focused only on sodium
disorders in both dogs and cats, affecting 11% restriction. This was primarily due to the
of all dogs and up to 20% of some feline popu- ­limited number of medications available for
lations (Buchanan 1999; Cote et al. 2004; Lund treatment, and in that situation, sodium
et al. 1999; Paige et al. 2009; Paine et al. 2015). restriction was beneficial for reducing fluid
Although none of the common cardiac dis- accumulation in animals with congestive heart
eases in dogs and cats currently is easily cor- failure (CHF). Now, with more effective medi-
rected (although surgical replacement or cations available for use in dogs and cats,
repair of the mitral valve is possible where car- severe sodium restriction is not required in
diopulmonary bypass is available), these dis- most animals with cardiac disease (although
eases can be successfully managed medically. some sodium restriction is still important). The
Medical therapy of cardiac disease has current emphasis in nutritional management
improved in recent years, with newer and for these patients is on maintaining optimal
more effective drugs, but medical therapy still body composition, avoiding nutritional defi-
is only palliative, with the goal of controlling ciencies and excesses, and gaining potential
clinical signs, slowing the progression of dis- benefits from pharmacologic doses of certain
ease, and improving quality of life. Maintaining nutrients. Optimal nutrition may improve
good quality of life is particularly important in quality of life and may slow the progression of
dogs and cats, for whom owners often prefer the disease. Therefore, nutrition has an inte-
quality of life to “quantity” of life (Oyama gral role in the medical management of ani-
et al. 2008). Quality of life also is an important mals with cardiac disease.
contributing factor to the euthanasia decision
in dogs (Mallery et al. 1999).
One key component of medical therapy is ­ eeding the Cat with
nutrition. Careful attention to the diet of ani- Cardiac Disease
mals with cardiac disease is critical for the
optimal treatment of these patients. In the Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) currently
past, the goal of nutritional management for is the most common form of cardiac disease in
animals with cardiac disease was purely cats, but other forms of cardiomyopathy

* Note: This chapter was written by the authors in 2017. It was reviewed by the authors in November 2022 for inaccuracies
but was not updated.

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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462 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

(e.g. dilated, restrictive) and other diseases variability in HCM. Studies have shown that
(e.g. heartworm disease, pericardial disease) cats with HCM are skeletally larger, more
also can occur. Cardiac disease often is per- likely to be overweight, have higher concentra-
ceived as a relatively uncommon disease in tions of glucose and insulin-­like growth factor-
cats, but studies have reported a prevalence of ­1, and grew more quickly in early life compared
cardiac disease in 10–18% of apparently to healthy controls (Yang et al. 2008; Freeman
healthy cats (Cote et al. 2004; Paige et al. 2009; et al. 2013, 2015). Therefore, nutrition and
Paine et al. 2015). Thus, cardiac disease appears growth in early life may play a role in increas-
to be a very common disease in the feline pop- ing or decreasing the likelihood of developing
ulation and regardless of the cause often leads HCM in a cat that is genetically predisposed.
to CHF, arterial thromboembolism (ATE), syn- For cats with HCM, the dietary management
cope, or sudden death. depends on the stage of disease. For cats with
asymptomatic HCM, much additional research
is needed, but diet may play a role in the pro-
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
gression of disease. One randomized, single-­
Feline HCM is characterized by left ventricular blinded study of cats with HCM showed that
hypertrophy, impaired diastolic filling, left diet influenced some clinical, biochemical,
ventricular outflow tract obstruction in some and echocardiographic variables (Freeman
cats, and often secondary left atrial enlarge- et al. 2014). A successful nutritional interven-
ment (MacDonald 2010). In cats with HCM, tion would be especially useful considering the
CHF and ATE are common clinical manifesta- lack of a proven drug therapy for asympto-
tions (Atkins et al. 1992; Fox 1999; Kittleson matic cats. Nonetheless, this is an ideal time to
and Kienle 1998; Rush et al. 2002; Tilley 1975; begin talking to the owner about the animal’s
Tilley and Weitz 1977). The most common site overall dietary patterns (i.e. pet food, treats,
of ATE in cats is the terminal aorta, resulting table food, and medication administration)
in hindlimb paresis/paralysis, but other limbs and achieving ideal body weight/body condi-
and other sites can be affected less frequently tion, as it is easier to institute dietary modifica-
(Fox 1999; Rush et al. 2002; Kittleson and tions before clinical signs have arisen. Mild
Kienle 1998). Other clinical manifestations of sodium restriction (<100 mg/100 kcal) is rec-
HCM in cats include syncope, arrhythmias, ommended, although further research is
and sudden death (Fox 1999; Rush et al. 2002; needed to determine the optimal dose and
Kittleson and Kienle 1998). The majority of ­timing for sodium restriction in cats with
cats with HCM have not yet been identified to ­cardiac disease. Severe sodium restriction
have a genetic cause for their HCM, but (<50 mg/100 kcal) is not recommended as this
myosin-­binding protein-­C mutations have can cause early and prolonged activation of
been identified in Maine Coon and Ragdoll the renin-­angiotensin-­aldosterone (RAA) sys-
cats (Kittleson et al. 2015). However, in both tem (Pedersen 1996; Freeman et al. 2006).
humans and cats, some patients with muta- The authors’ goal for body composition is to
tions have minimal cardiac changes, while achieve or maintain an ideal body condition
some with the same mutation and even in the score (BCS) and normal muscle condition
same family have severe hypertrophy with score (MCS) for cats with asymptomatic car-
advanced clinical signs or sudden death. This diac disease.
variable relationship between genotype and When cats with HCM develop mild–­
phenotype suggests that there are other genetic moderate CHF, moderate sodium restriction
or environmental modifiers of phenotype. (i.e. <80 mg Na/100 kcal) is indicated in con-
Nutrigenomics, or nutrient–gene interactions, junction with medical therapy, although severe
may play an important role in this phenotypic sodium restriction still is usually unnecessary.
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­Feeding the Cat with Cardiac Diseas  463

Another important issue in cats with CHF is In addition to minimizing muscle loss, it is
ideal body composition. Muscle loss (cachexia) important to maintain optimal BCS. While a
is common in cats with CHF. Cardiac cachexia BCS of 5/9 is considered ideal in healthy cats
can range from mild to moderate to severe and cats with asymptomatic cardiac disease, a
(Figure 18.1), and detecting it at an early stage higher BCS may be more desirable in cats with
is important when interventions are more CHF. In contrast to the healthy cat, obesity
likely to be successful. Although inflamma- may actually be associated with a protective
tion is a central mechanism in cachexia (see effect once CHF is present – this is known as
later), insufficient calorie and protein intake the obesity paradox. Although there are a
also contributes to muscle loss. Reduced food number of hypothesized reasons for the obe-
intake is a common problem in cats with sity paradox, the benefit of obesity in CHF is
CHF. Cats can develop anorexia (complete likely due more to a lack of cachexia, rather
absence of food intake), hyporexia (inade- than to the obesity per se, given the adverse
quate food intake), or dysrexia (abnormal effects associated with cachexia. However,
patterns of food intake) (Johnson and even in cats with CHF, a BCS over 7 was still
Freeman 2017). In one study, 38% of cats with associated with shorter survival times (Finn
cardiac disease had a current or past history of et al. 2010). Therefore, the authors recommend
either anorexia or hyporexia, and cats with maintaining a BCS of 5–6/9 for cats with CHF
CHF were significantly more likely than cats in addition to preventing/minimizing mus-
without CHF to have reductions in food intake cle loss.
(Torin et al. 2007). Anorexia, hyporexia, and Thiamine deficiency is known to be a cause
dysrexia can be caused by medication side of cardiomyopathy in people, but there has
effects (e.g. azotemia secondary to angiotensin-­ been little investigation into the role of B vita-
converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors or exces- mins as a cause of or contributor to heart dis-
sive diuretic use), so careful monitoring of ease in cats (or dogs). Reduced food intake can
drug doses and the serum biochemistry profile contribute to B vitamin deficiencies, as can
for alterations in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), increased urinary losses of water-­soluble vita-
creatinine, and electrolytes is important. Some mins due to diuretic use. One human study
tips to improve food intake include switching reported that 33% of CHF patients were
from a dry food to a canned food or vice versa; ­thiamine deficient (Hanninen et al. 2006).
changing to a different brand; warming the Research has shown that plasma concentra-
food; or adding small amounts of unsalted, tions of vitamins B6, B12, and folate were
cooked meat or fish (e.g. 1–2 tsp/cat/meal). ­significantly lower in cats with cardiomyopa-
Supplementation with fish oil, which is high thy than in healthy controls, an effect that was
in n-­3 fatty acids, can decrease inflammatory unrelated to diet or furosemide use (Hohenhaus
cytokine production and improve appetite in et al. 2000; McMichael et al. 2000). Therefore,
some cats with CHF (Freeman et al. 1998; see animals with cardiac disease (at least those
the n‑3 fatty acid section). However, more receiving diuretics) may have higher dietary B
research is needed on n-­3 fatty acids in cats, vitamin requirements. Although most com-
since one study reported that cats with HCM mercial feline diets contain relatively high
have higher plasma concentrations of doco- ­levels of water-­soluble vitamins, B vitamin
sahexaenoic acid (DHA) compared to healthy supplementation may be useful for cats with
controls (compared to dogs with CHF due CHF, particularly those receiving large doses
to dilated cardiomyopathy [DCM] that had of diuretics. Cats eating unbalanced home-
lower concentrations of DHA and eicosapen- made diets or commercial diets made by
taenoic acid [EPA]) (Hall et al. 2014; Freeman companies with inadequate nutritional exper-
et al. 1998). tise or quality control may contain insufficient
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464 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

Figure 18.1 Muscle condition score chart for cats. The muscle condition score specifically assesses muscle
(as opposed to the body condition score, which assesses fat stores). Source: Provided courtesy of the World
Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Available at the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee
Nutritional Toolkit website:­guidelines/global-­nutrition-­guidelines. Accessed
November, 2022. Copyright Tufts University, 2014, all rights reserved.
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­Feeding the Cat with Cardiac Diseas  465

concentrations of B vitamins. One study found DCM is occasionally still seen in cats today,
that 15.6% of 90 commercial canned cat foods but most current cases are not taurine defi-
were below the National Research Council rec- cient and a taurine-­independent variant of
ommended allowance (Markovich et al. 2014). DCM is causative in most cases. Still, owners
In severe CHF, greater restriction of dietary of cats with DCM should be carefully ques-
sodium may be beneficial, although much tioned about the cat’s diet, as cats that have
additional research is needed to determine been fed unbalanced homemade, vegetarian,
optimal dose and timing of sodium restriction or other unconventional diets are at risk for
in cats with cardiac disease. The optimal level taurine deficiency. In addition, commercial
of dietary sodium for patients with CHF, diets made by companies with inadequate
whether human or veterinary, remains to be nutritional expertise or quality control can be
determined and requires much research. Of at risk for taurine deficiency. One study, for
critical importance in advanced CHF is ensur- example, found that two commercial vegetar-
ing adequate food intake, since anorexia, hypo- ian diets that claimed to be complete and
rexia, and dysrexia are very common at this ­balanced contained only 18–24% of the
stage. Addressing other nutrients of concern Association of American Feed Control Officials
(e.g. ensuring adequate protein intake; avoid- (AAFCO) minimum taurine for adult cat
ing excessive or insufficient potassium; provid- maintenance (Gray et al. 2004). Cats with
ing sufficient magnesium, etc.) also are critical DCM should have plasma and whole blood
for optimal care (see later for canine cardiac taurine concentrations analyzed as part of the
disease). diagnostic workup and taurine should be
administered (125–250 mg/cat orally [PO]
every [q]12 h) until results are available. If the
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
cat is eating a diet at risk for taurine deficiency,
DCM is a disease associated with reduced myo- the owner also should be counseled to switch
cardial contractility and dilation of all four car- to a good-­quality, nutritionally balanced, ani-
diac chambers. This disease often results in mal protein–based commercial cat food. Cats
CHF. DCM once was one of the most common with taurine deficiency–induced DCM often
heart diseases in cats, until the publication of a have dramatic reversal of myocardial function
paper associating feline DCM and taurine after supplementation if their CHF can be suc-
­deficiency, with reversal of cardiomyopathy cessfully controlled and stabilized for at least
following taurine supplementation (Pion 2–3 weeks. Cats with DCM that is unrelated to
et al. 1987). Since that time, the dietary taurine taurine deficiency have a less promising out-
content of good-­quality commercial cat foods come unless they have been eating a non­
has increased, and there has been a dramatic traditional diet and the diet is changed (see
reduction in the incidence of feline DCM. Sidebar 18.1).

Sidebar 18.1 Diet-­Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy

In addition to primary DCM (the genetic form and DCM (FDA 2018a, 2018b, 2019). Since the
of the disease affecting dogs of certain large initial FDA alert, there have been 15 peer-­
or giant breeds), DCM can also occur second- reviewed research publications on this topic
ary to drugs, infectious agents, and nutritional (Adin et al. 2019, 2021, 2022; Bakke
causes (e.g. thiamine or taurine deficiency, et al. 2022; Cavanaugh et al. 2021; Haimovitz
associated toxins). Between 2018 and et al. 2022; Kaplan et al. 2018; Freeman
2019, the US Food and Drug Administration et al. 2022; Freid et al. 2021; Karp et al. 2022;
(FDA) published three alerts on its investiga- Ontiveros et al. 2020; Owens et al. 2022;
tion of a potential connection between diet Quest et al. 2022; Smith et al. 2021; Walker
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466 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

et al. 2022). Breeds typically affected by pri- et al. 2018; Walker et al. 2022). Other defi-
mary DCM (e.g. Doberman pinschers) as well ciencies that can cause DCM were uncom-
as breeds that do not commonly develop mon in evaluations of diets and small
DCM (e.g. miniature schnauzers, pit bull–type numbers of dogs with ­diet-­associated DCM
breeds) have been affected by diet-­associated (FDA 2019; Freeman et al. 2022). A recent
DCM (Adin et al. 2019; FDA 2019; Freeman foodomics study compared diets associated
et al. 2022; Freid et al. 2021; Jones et al. 2020; with DCM and more traditional diets and
Walker et al. 2022). This secondary form of found more than 100 biochemical com-
DCM is unique because of the improvement pounds that differed between nontraditional
in various echocardiographic variables and and traditional diets, with most being higher
longer survival times after diet change, in the nontraditional diets (Smith et al. 2021).
whereas dogs with primary DCM typically This study also found that peas was one of
have limited echocardiographic improve- the main ingredients that distinguished the
ment and shorter survival times (Adin two diet types, with this ingredient showing
et al. 2019; FDA 2019; Freeman et al. 2022; the greatest association with higher concen-
Freid et al. 2021; Jones et al. 2020; Kaplan trations of biochemical compounds in the
et al. 2018; Walker et al. 2022). Diets fed to nontraditional diets (Smith et al. 2021). Grain-­
dogs and cats with DCM reported to the FDA free and grain-­inclusive pet foods containing
and in subsequent studies (often termed peas and other pulses remain popular for
“nontraditional”) are typically grain-­free com- both dogs and cats. As a result, dogs (and pos-
mercial dry diets that contain pulses (e.g. sibly cats) continue to be affected by diet-­
peas, lentils, chickpeas) and, to a lesser extent, associated DCM, so identifying the cause and
potatoes or sweet potatoes (Adin et al. 2019; mechanism as quickly as possible is critical.
FDA 2018, 2019; Freeman et al. 2022; Freid The veterinary healthcare team should obtain
et al. 2021; Kaplan et al. 2018; Karp a complete diet history on every patient at
et al. 2022; Walker et al. 2022). As of July every visit, including the exact brand, product,
2020, the FDA had received more than 1100 and flavor of commercial pet food. In dogs or
reports of dogs and more than 20 reports of cats with DCM, myocardial dysfunction, sub-
cats with DCM (Jones et al. 2020). clinical cardiac abnormalities, or unexplained
DCM represents an advanced stage of what arrhythmias, the diet should be changed if
appears to be a spectrum of disease associated they are eating grain-­free or grain-­inclusive
with nontraditional diets. Studies in apparently diets containing pulses or potatoes. In the
healthy dogs suggest that nontraditional diets authors’ experience, the presence or absence
may be associated with negative cardiac of pulses cannot be ascertained simply based
effects before the onset of overt DCM, such as on the name of the diet or if it contains/does
larger left ventricular diameter, lower left ven- not contain grains, so the ingredient list of
tricular systolic function, higher cardiac tro- the specific product should be reviewed. In
ponin I concentrations, and more arrhythmias addition, home-­ prepared diets, unless the
(Adin et al. 2021; Cavanaugh et al. 2021; recipe was formulated by a board-­certified
Freeman et al. 2022; Ontiveros et al. 2020; veterinary nutritionist and strictly followed
Owens et al. 2022). by the owner, are likely to be nutritionally
The cause of diet-­associated DCM has not unbalanced and can put animals eating
yet been determined. Except in one study of home-­prepared diets at risk for a variety of
golden retrievers, plasma and whole blood deficiencies or toxicities that can result in
taurine deficiency have been uncommon in secondary DCM.
affected dogs (Adin et al. 2019; Freeman
et al. 2022; Freid et al. 2021; Kaplan Note: This sidebar was up to date as of November 2022.
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­Feeding the Dog with Cardiac Diseas  467

Hypertension (acquired) cardiac disease. For dogs with adult-­

Traditionally, low-­sodium diets have been rec- onset disease, the majority (75–80%) have myx-
ommended for cats with hypertension. This omatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) or
has been based primarily on data from rodents degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD)
or humans. Idiopathic hypertension is much (Buchanan 1999). Another 5–10% have DCM,
less common than essential hypertension in and the remaining dogs with cardiac disease
people. In veterinary patients, high blood pres- have pericardial disease, endocarditis, primary
sure is the result of “white coat hypertension” arrhythmias, or heartworm disease
or is secondary to medications, renal disease, (Buchanan 1999). In dogs, small-­ to medium-­
or other medical disorders in more than 80% of sized breeds are predisposed to MMVD, while
cases (Brown et al. 2007). In the case of sec- DCM is the most common cause of CHF in
ondary hypertension due to systemic diseases, large-­breed dogs. A variety of congenital heart
medical and nutritional treatment of the diseases also can occur.
underlying disease is a priority. In many cases, As in cats, the major differences for nutri-
sodium restriction may also be a part of the tional modifications are based on the severity
recommended nutrient modifications for that of cardiac disease.
disease (e.g. chronic kidney disease).
Even in people, there is much controversy
over the relative role of sodium in the develop- Asymptomatic Cardiac Disease
ment of hypertension and the degree of sodium (Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease,
restriction that should be recommended. Dilated Cardiomyopathy, or Other Cardiac
Reduced-­sodium diets are typically recom- Diseases; American College of Veterinary
mended, although other nutrients, such as Internal Medicine [ACVIM] Stage B)
potassium and magnesium, may play as impor-
The sympathetic nervous system and the RAA
tant a role in hypertension as sodium.
system become increasingly activated as heart
Despite concerns over high-­sodium diets in
disease progresses. Thus, severe sodium
animals with hypertension, studies in normal cats
restriction in animals with early heart disease
and in cats and dogs with experimentally induced
could theoretically be detrimental by early and
kidney disease have shown no detrimental effect
excessive activation of the RAA system
on blood pressure (Buranakarl et al. 2004; Cowgill
(Pedersen 1996; Freeman et al. 2006). The
et al. 2007; Greco et al. 1994; Hansen et al. 1992;
results of one study reported that a low-­
Kirk et al. 2006; Xu et al. 2009; Chetboul et al. 2014;
sodium diet fed to dogs with asymptomatic
Nguyen et al. 2017). However, the effects of
MMVD resulted in increased aldosterone con-
sodium restriction in animals with naturally
centrations and heart rate, with no improve-
occurring idiopathic hypertension are not known.
ment in cardiac size or function (Freeman
Currently, medical therapy should be the primary
et al. 2006). Because of the potential detrimen-
method used to achieve control of blood pressure;
tal effects and lack of documented benefits of
however, optimal treatment of any underlying
severe sodium restriction in asymptomatic dis-
disease is important and may include modifica-
ease, the authors recommend only mild
tion of dietary sodium intake. Certainly, avoiding
sodium restriction (<100 mg/100 kcal) in
high-­sodium diets seems prudent.
asymptomatic heart disease. However, much
additional research is needed to determine the
­ eeding the Dog with
F optimal dose and timing of sodium for dogs
Cardiac Disease with heart disease. As in cats, this also is an
opportune time to begin educating the owner
Cardiac disease is one of the most common about the animal’s overall dietary patterns –
health problems seen in dogs, with approxi- pet food, treats, table food, dental chews, raw-
mately 95% of affected dogs having adult-­onset hides and other chews, dietary supplements,
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468 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

and how medications are administered – as it Maintaining optimal body composition is of

is generally much easier to institute dietary primary importance in the animal with
modifications at this stage, before the dog CHF. Animals with CHF commonly begin to
develops clinical signs of CHF and food intake demonstrate muscle loss and sometimes weight
becomes affected to a greater degree. loss. This muscle loss is known as cardiac
In addition to mild sodium restriction in cachexia and is unlike that seen in a healthy
animals with asymptomatic cardiac disease, the animal. A healthy animal that receives insuffi-
other main goal is to achieve or maintain opti- cient calories to meet energy requirements
mal body composition. Animals with cardiac dis- loses primarily fat. In an animal with CHF that
ease may be overweight or obese, particularly receives insufficient calories, the ­primary tissue
those in the asymptomatic stages. At this stage, lost is lean body mass (Freeman 2012). This
the goal should be a BCS of 4–5/9, with normal loss of lean body mass has deleterious effects
muscle condition. If dogs are overweight or on strength, immune function, and survival
obese, a carefully designed weight-­reduction (Anker et al. 1997; Freeman 2012). Therefore, it
program should be developed for the individual, is important to recognize cachexia in its earliest
taking into account both the dog (and the own- stages when there is the greatest opportunity to
er’s) preferences and key problem areas, which have a positive impact. Cardiac cachexia is not
can be identified from a thorough diet history. In only the classic picture of the emaciated, end-­
addition to careful planning, regular monitoring stage patient; cachexia actually occurs on a
and adjustment are critical for a successful spectrum of severity, from mild to moderate to
weight-­loss program (see Chapter 9). In this severe (Figure 18.2).
stage, a lower BCS (<4/9) or muscle loss should In the early stages, cachexia can be very sub-
be investigated with a thorough examination and tle and may even occur in obese animals (i.e. an
diet history. As the cardiac disease progresses animal may have excess fat stores but still lose
and patients get closer to developing CHF, the lean body mass). Conversely, an animal can be
authors often allow the BCS to increase to 5–6/9. thin but have a normal MCS. Loss of lean body
Finally, there is a great deal of potential for mass is noted in the epaxial, gluteal, scapular, or
benefit with nutritional modification in the temporal muscles (Figures 18.1 and 18.2), but is
dog with asymptomatic disease. One study typically identified earliest and most readily in
compared a moderately reduced sodium car- the epaxial muscles. Cardiac cachexia typically
diac diet that was enriched with n-­3 fatty acids, does not occur until CHF has developed, but
antioxidants, arginine, taurine, and carnitine can occur with any underlying cause of CHF
to a placebo diet in dogs with asymptomatic (e.g. DCM, MMVD, congenital heart diseases).
MMVD (Freeman et al. 2006). The cardiac diet Cardiac cachexia is a common finding in dogs
increased circulating levels of key nutrients and cats with CHF and is a multifactorial pro-
(e.g. antioxidants, n-­3 fatty acids) and also cess caused by reduced calorie and protein
reduced cardiac size, an effect that did not intake, increased energy requirement, and an
appear to be the result of sodium restriction. increased ­production of inflammatory cytokines
Future studies will help to increase our under- (Freeman 2012). The cytokines, tumor necrosis
standing of the role for nutritional modifica- factor (TNF), and interleukin-­1 (IL-­1) are ele-
tion in this early stage of disease. vated in people, dogs, and cats with CHF
(Freeman et al. 1998; Levine et al. 1990; Meurs
et al. 2002). These cytokines cause reduced food
Mild to Moderate Congestive Heart
intake, increase energy requirements, and
Failure (ACVIM Stage C)
increase the catabolism of lean body mass
Cardiac Cachexia (Freeman 2012). In addition, TNF and IL-­1 also
When CHF develops, additional nutritional cause cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and fibrosis
concerns arise for the dog with cardiac disease. and have negative inotropic effects (Mann 2002).
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­Feeding the Dog with Cardiac Diseas  469

Figure 18.2 Muscle condition score chart for dogs. The muscle condition score specifically assesses
muscle and is graded as normal muscle condition or mild, moderate, or severe muscle loss. Source: Provided
courtesy of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Available at the WSAVA Global Nutrition
Committee Nutritional Toolkit website:­guidelines/global-­nutrition-­guidelines.
Accessed, November 2022. Copyright Tufts University, 2014, all rights reserved.
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470 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

Managing dogs with cardiac cachexia can be sensitive to food temperature and may have
challenging, but is more successful when iden- specific preferences, so experimentation with
tified and addressed early in the process. foods at different temperatures may be helpful:
Conducting a nutritional assessment on every some prefer the food warm, some prefer it
patient at every visit can identify cachexia at its room temperature, and some actually seem to
earliest stage. The nutritional assessment like it best when cold. Feeding the dog on a
includes body weight, BCS, MCS, and a diet dinner plate, rather than the usual dog food
history (World Small Animal Veterinary bowl, or feeding in a different place in the
Association 2011;­ house also may increase food intake.
guidelines/global-­nutrition-­guidelines; www. Modulation of cytokine production can be The nutritional keys to beneficial for managing cardiac cachexia.
managing cachexia are ensuring adequate cal- Supplementation of fish oil, which is high in
orie and protein intake, modulating cytokine n-­3 fatty acids, can decrease inflammatory
production, and, ideally, providing an anabolic cytokine production and improve cachexia and
stimulus. Anorexia, hyporexia, and dysrexia food intake (see the n‑3 fatty acid section). A
are extremely common in cardiac disease, par- reduction of IL-­1 has been correlated with sur-
ticularly in CHF, with a prevalence of anorexia vival in dogs with CHF (Freeman et al. 1998).
or hyporexia between 34% and 84% of dogs Finally, capromorelin (Entyce®, Elanco,
with cardiac disease (Freeman et al. 2003b; Greenfield, IN, USA), an appetite stimulant for
Mallery et al. 1999). After CHF develops, com- dogs, is a ghrelin receptor agonist. In addition
plete anorexia may not ensue, but hyporexia to its positive effects on food intake, ghrelin
and dysrexia are extremely common. Dysrexia has anti-­inflammatory effects and increases
is particularly common, where owners often lean body mass through increased insulin-­like
note changes in food preferences or “cyclical” growth factor-­1. Whether or not capromorelin
appetite (i.e. dogs will eat one food well for sev- also has these effects in dogs or cats with natu-
eral days and then refuse it, but will usually eat rally occurring disease has not been tested.
that specific food again days to weeks later). Because loss of lean body mass (i.e. cachexia)
One of the most important issues for managing occurs in animals with CHF, it is critical to
reduced food intake is to optimize medical ensure adequate intake of protein in addition to
therapy. A reduction in food intake in an ani- calories. Protein restriction was recommended
mal that previously has been eating well may for dogs with CHF in the 1960s because of con-
be an early sign of worsening CHF or a need cerns over the “metabolic load” on the kidneys
for medication adjustment. Medication side and liver. However, restricting protein is not
effects, such as digoxin toxicity or azotemia currently recommended in animals with CHF
secondary to ACE inhibitors or overzealous because it can contribute to lean body mass loss
diuretic use, also can cause reduced food and malnutrition. Therefore, animals with
intake. Providing a more palatable diet can CHF should not be protein restricted, unless
help to improve appetite (e.g. changing to a dif- they have concurrent advanced renal disease
ferent brand or form of food, or having a bal- (see Chapter 15). Some of the diets designed for
anced home-­cooked diet formulated by a dogs with cardiac disease are very low in pro-
veterinary nutritionist). Smaller, more fre- tein. Similarly, renal diets, which are too pro-
quent meals also may increase food intake, as tein restricted for most dogs with CHF, have
can flavor enhancers (i.e. foods added to the previously been recommended by some authors
dog food to increase palatability), such as for cardiac disease because these diets often
yogurt (check to be sure it has <100 mg of (but not always) are moderately sodium
sodium/100 kcal), maple syrup, or apple sauce. restricted. Clinicians should also be cautious
Dogs with cardiac disease often appear about recommending senior diets. While some
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­Feeding the Dog with Cardiac Diseas  471

senior diets have appropriate levels of protein a number of benefits of increased dietary n-­3
and sodium for a patient with heart disease, fatty acid intake (Freeman 2010). One is that
others are much too low in protein or much too breakdown products of the n-­3 fatty acids
high in sodium. For example, one study of 37 (eicosanoids) are less potent inflammatory
over-­the-­counter senior dog foods found mediators than eicosanoids derived from n-­6
sodium levels ranging from 33 to fatty acids. Production of TNF and IL-­1 is
412 mg/100 kcal (Hutchinson and Freeman directly reduced by n-­3 fatty acids, and n-­3
2011). Unless indicated for concurrent disease, fatty acid supplementation has been shown to
dietary protein for dogs should at least meet the reduce muscle loss in dogs with CHF and, in
AAFCO minimum of 4.5 g/100 kcal, although some animals, to improve appetite (Freeman
higher protein intake may be beneficial, par- et al. 1998). Another potential benefit is that
ticularly in animals with muscle loss. n-­3 fatty acids have been shown to have antiar-
Cardiac cachexia has many deleterious rhythmic effects in a variety of species includ-
effects, but recent studies have also shown that ing boxers with ventricular arrhythmias (Smith
obesity may have differential effects in other- et al. 2007). One retrospective study showed
wise healthy dogs compared to those with longer survival times in dogs with CHF that
CHF. While obesity is a risk factor for heart dis- were receiving n-­3 fatty acid supplementation
ease, obesity may actually be associated with a (Slupe et al. 2008).
protective effect once CHF is present – the obe- Although an optimal dose of n-­3 fatty acids
sity paradox. Numerous studies in people have has not been determined, the authors currently
been published showing a beneficial effect of recommend a dosage of fish oil to provide
overweight and obesity in various populations 40 mg/kg EPA and 25 mg/kg DHA for animals
of human patients with CHF. Although there with CHF, especially if they have appetite
are a number of hypothesized reasons for the issues or cachexia. Unless the diet is one of a
obesity paradox, the benefit of obesity in CHF few specially designed therapeutic diets, sup-
is likely due more to a lack of cachexia, rather plementation will be necessary to achieve this
than to the obesity per se, given the adverse n-­3 fatty acid dose. When recommending a sup-
effects associated with cachexia. The obesity plement, it is important to know the exact
paradox also has been demonstrated in dogs amount of EPA and DHA in the specific brand
and cats with CHF (Slupe et al. 2008; Finn of fish oil, since supplements vary widely. The
et al. 2010). most common formulation of fish oil, however,
is 1 g capsules that contain approximately
n-­3 Fatty Acids 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA. At this concen-
Fat serves as a source of calories and essential tration, fish oil can be administered at a dose of
fatty acids, but fatty acids also can have signifi- 1 capsule/4.5 kg (10 lb) of body weight to
cant effects on immune function, inflamma- achieve the authors’ recommended EPA and
tory mediator production, and hemodynamics. DHA dosage. Fish oil supplements should
Most pet foods contain primarily n-­6 fatty acids always contain vitamin E as an antioxidant, but
(e.g. linoleic acid, arachidonic acid) and are other nutrients should not be included to avoid
low in the long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids, EPA, and toxicities. Cod liver oil should not be used to
DHA. In dogs or cats that consume a typical provide n-­3 fatty acids at this dose, because it
diet, long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids generally are can contain high levels of vitamins A and D,
found in low concentrations in the cell mem- which can result in toxicity. Inefficient hepatic
brane compared to n-­6 fatty acids; however, elongation of plant-­based n-­3 fatty acids (i.e. α-­
plasma and cell membrane concentrations can linolenic acid) to EPA and DHA in dogs (and
be increased by the consumption of foods or particularly in cats) make flax seed oil a much
supplements high in n-­3 fatty acids. There are less effective source of n-­3 fatty acids for these
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472 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

species (Bauer 2011). In addition, ventricular Serum potassium should be routinely moni-
arrhythmias in dogs were not significantly tored in CHF patients, particularly in those
reduced by flax seed oil supplementation, as receiving an ACE inhibitor, spironolactone, or
they were with fish oil (Smith et al. 2007). high diuretic doses. In humans, one study sug-
gested that the optimal potassium range for
Sodium patients with CHF was narrow: between 4.1
Studies in the 1960s (performed at a time when and 4.8 mmol/l (Aldahl et al. 2017). Serum
few cardiac medications were available) dem- magnesium concentrations also should be
onstrated that low-­sodium diets resulted in measured, but clinicians should be aware that
reduced congestion in dogs with CHF serum magnesium concentrations are a rela-
(Pensinger 1964). However, current medical tively poor indicator of total body stores.
therapy for dogs with CHF may make severe Nonetheless, serial evaluations in an individ-
sodium restriction less critical for these ual patient may be useful, especially in patients
patients. While there have been no studies doc- with arrhythmias or in those taking high doses
umenting the benefit of sodium restriction on of diuretics. Diets vary greatly in their potas-
survival or quality of life in dogs with CHF, one sium content, so if hypo-­ or hyperkalemia is
study showed that a low-­sodium diet present, a diet with a higher or lower potas-
(40 mg/100 kcal) reduced cardiac size in dogs sium content, respectively, should be selected.
with CHF compared to a diet containing Diets high in magnesium may be beneficial
70 mg/100 kcal (Rush et al. 2000). In dogs with in a hypomagnesemic animal. However,
ACVIM Stage C, the authors recommend mod- diet alone may not correct hypokalemia or
erate sodium restriction (i.e. <80 mg/100 kcal). hypomagnesemia and additional supplemen-
tation may be required.
Potassium and Magnesium
Potassium and magnesium are nutrients of Antioxidants
concern in cardiac patients because depletion Antioxidants have received a great deal of
of these electrolytes can increase the risk for attention in the popular press in terms of pre-
cardiac arrhythmias, decrease myocardial venting and treating coronary artery disease,
­contractility, contribute to muscle weakness, although enthusiasm has waned in recent
and potentiate the adverse effects of certain years as the result of an increasing number of
cardiac medications. Many of the medications negative clinical trials. Nevertheless, antioxi-
used in animals with CHF, such as loop diuret- dants may play a role in canine and feline
ics (e.g. furosemide) and thiazide diuretics ­cardiac diseases. Reactive oxygen species cause
(e.g. hydrochlorothiazide), can predispose a cellular damage, have negative inotropic
patient to hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia. effects, and perpetuate an inflammatory
Inadequate dietary intake of potassium or mag- response. Normally, the reactive oxygen spe-
nesium also predisposes the animal to hypoka- cies being produced as a result of normal oxy-
lemia or hypomagnesemia. However, it is also gen metabolism are balanced by endogenously
important to note that hyperkalemia is just as produced antioxidants. However, an imbal-
likely as hypokalemia given the routine use of ance can arise if there is either increased oxi-
ACE inhibitors, which result in renal potas- dant production or inadequate endogenous
sium sparing. Spironolactone, an aldosterone antioxidant protection. Some studies, but not
antagonist and potassium-­sparing diuretic, is all, have shown that in dogs with CHF there
commonly used to treat CHF and this drug also is an imbalance between oxidant production
can cause hyperkalemia. Finally, some com- and antioxidant protection (Freeman et al.
mercial cardiac diets are high in potassium, 1999, 2005; Svete et al. 2017; Reimann
which can exacerbate hyperkalemia. et al. 2017; Verk et al. 2017). Supplemental
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­Feeding the Dog with Cardiac Diseas  473

antioxidants are included in many commercial et al. 2006; Jones et al. 2010), and studies in
veterinary diets, including at least one cardiac dogs with CHF have shown an attenuated reac-
diet, and can increase circulating antioxidant tive hyperemia response (Cunningham
concentrations and reduce oxidation (Freeman et al. 2012; Jones et al. 2012). Studies are needed
et al. 2006). Even if antioxidant supplementa- to determine whether nutritional interventions
tion proves to have benefits in animals with can alter this response in dogs with CHF.
CHF, much additional research is needed on
which antioxidants, optimal doses, and appro-
Advanced Congestive Heart Failure
priate timing.
(ACVIM Stage D)
Arginine In advanced CHF, dogs become refractory to
Arginine is an essential amino acid for both routine drug therapy and typically require
dogs and cats. In addition, it is a precursor for higher doses or additional medications. In this
nitric oxide, an endogenous vascular smooth stage, greater restriction of dietary sodium may
muscle relaxant. Nitric oxide is synthesized be beneficial, but this must be balanced with
from l-­arginine and oxygen and is catalyzed by ensuring adequate calorie and protein intake.
one of the three forms of nitric oxide synthase This can be a challenge, as anorexia, hyporexia,
(NOS): inducible NOS (iNOS), endothelial NOS and especially dysrexia are very common in
(eNOS), or neuronal NOS (nNOS). Both eNOS advanced CHF. Owners should be warned that
and nNOS are constitutive forms and are these are common issues and be provided with
always produced in low levels. Endothelial strategies to help manage them. Owners also
NOS is required for the maintenance of normal should be educated that anorexia or sudden
vascular tone, but iNOS is induced by inflam- worsening in food intake in an animal that has
matory mediators such as TNF, IL-­1, and free been eating can be an early sign of worsening
radicals. High levels of iNOS and resulting disease or the need for medication adjustment,
nitric oxide are induced as part of the inflam- and should trigger a reevaluation. In addition
matory response and also have negative ino- to optimization of medical therapy for the
tropic effects. Circulating nitric oxide is ­elevated underlying cardiac disease, capromorelin
in people and cats with cardiac disease and in (Entyce®) can be used an appetite stimulant
some studies of dogs with cardiac disease chronically in dogs with CHF. In terms of nutri-
(although another study showed reduced con- tion, the authors recommend multiple choices
centrations in dogs with MMVD) (de Laforcade for appropriate pet foods so owners can rotate
et al. 2003; Freeman et al. 2003a; Pedersen through different appropriate diet options, con-
et al. 2003; Cunningham et al. 2012). But while sidering a nutritionally balanced home-­cooked
iNOS is upregulated in CHF, producing high diet (formulated by a veterinary nutritionist) or
circulating levels of nitric oxide, eNOS is even single food items (e.g. unsalted home-­
­actually downregulated, thus reducing cooked meat, low-­sodium breakfast cereal;
endothelium-­dependent vasodilation (Kubo that can
et al. 1991). Endothelial dysfunction occurs as a increase calorie intake without exacerbating
result and contributes to exercise intolerance the underlying disease. Palatability enhancers
and poor quality of life in humans with CHF (see earlier) and encouraging the owner to try
(Katz 1995). Arginine supplementation has offering foods at different temperatures may
been proposed as a possible approach to increase food intake in some animals (e.g.
improving endothelial dysfunction in people warmed vs. room temperature vs. cold).
with CHF. Nitric oxide is difficult to measure, Supplementation with n-­3 fatty acids also can
but noninvasive techniques to assess endothe- be beneficial in some animals whose appetite is
lial function have been validated (Puglia poor. Other tips that may increase food intake
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474 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

include providing smaller, more frequent amounts of taurine endogenously, so it is not

meals; feeding the recommended diet from a classified as an essential nutrient for dogs. Dog
dinner plate; or putting the recommended diet breeds at high risk for DCM (e.g. Doberman
into a treat jar. pinschers, boxers) typically do not have tau-
rine deficiency, although it can occur in certain
situations (see later; Kramer et al. 1995).
Additional Supplements for Dogs
However, taurine deficiency has been docu-
with Cardiac Disease
mented in some dogs with DCM of certain
Supplementation of certain nutrients, either in breeds, such as the American cocker spaniel,
the diet or in the form of dietary supplements, Newfoundland, Portuguese water dog, Irish
may have benefits for all dogs and cats with wolfhound, and golden retriever (Alroy
cardiac disease. The use of dietary supple- et al. 2005; Backus et al. 2003, 2006;
ments is more common in dogs, as there are Fascetti et al. 2003; Freeman et al. 2001;
more recommendations in this species and Kittleson et al. 1997; Kramer et al. 1995).
because pills are more easily administered to Taurine deficiency may occur more commonly
dogs than to cats. Although some studies have in certain breeds because of higher require-
been conducted on these nutrients, the sup- ments, breed-­specific metabolic abnormalities,
porting data are not yet robust enough to make or low metabolic rate, but diet also may play a
firm recommendations for most of these nutri- role (Ko et al. 2007). Very low-­protein diets,
ents. However, because many of these have certain lamb meal and rice diets, and some
potential benefits and/or are already being high-­fiber diets have been associated with tau-
used by owners, they are discussed here. With rine deficiency, although the exact role of diet
dietary supplements, both the cost and num- is not yet known (Backus et al. 2003, 2006;
ber of medications and supplements that are Delaney et al. 2003; Fascetti et al. 2003;
administered should be considered in order to Freeman et al. 2001; Kittleson et al. 1997; Ko
maximize compliance. In addition, it is impor- et al. 2007; Kramer et al. 1995; Sanderson
tant for both the veterinarian and the owner to et al. 2001; Spitze et al. 2003; Torres et al. 2003).
be aware of issues of safety, efficacy, and qual- Other ingredients (e.g. beet pulp) and prepara-
ity control for dietary supplements (see tion techniques (e.g. cooking) also may
Chapter 5). Veterinarians should always spe- increase risk of taurine deficiency (Ko and
cifically ask owners of dogs (and cats) with car- Fascetti 2016; Spitze et al. 2003).
diac disease if they are administering dietary Although at least one small study has shown
supplements, as this information is rarely vol- some improvements in clinical or echocardio-
unteered by the owner. Nevertheless, it is esti- graphic parameters in taurine-­deficient dogs
mated that 31% of dogs and 13% of cats with supplemented with taurine and l-­carnitine,
cardiac disease receive dietary supplements the response generally is not as dramatic as is
(Freeman et al. 2003b; Torin et al. 2007). While seen in cats with taurine deficiency–induced
supplement use might be more common in DCM (Kittleson et al. 1997). Ongoing research
dogs with DCM, some supplements might in this area will help veterinarians to better
have use in dogs with DCM or MMVD, as understand this disease and to make better rec-
noted later. ommendations in the future; however, the
authors currently recommend measuring
Taurine plasma and whole blood taurine concentra-
While taurine is an essential nutrient for cats tions in all dogs with DCM (see Sidebar 18.1).
(i.e. they require dietary taurine), dogs are Although the extent of benefits of supplemen-
thought to be able to synthesize adequate tation in dogs with DCM is not yet clear, the
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­Feeding the Dog with Cardiac Diseas  475

authors recommend taurine supplementation myocardial carnitine concentrations is not

until plasma and whole blood taurine concen- known, but the dose that has been recom-
trations are available. The optimal dose of tau- mended is 50–100 mg/kg PO q8 h.
rine for correcting a deficiency in dogs with
DCM has not been determined, although a Coenzyme Q10
dose of 250–1000 mg q8–12 h has been recom- Coenzyme Q10 is a coenzyme for multiple
mended. It also is important to recommend a mitochondrial enzymes and so is involved in
specific taurine supplement of known good myocardial energy production. This, in addition
quality, since the quality control and disinte- to its antioxidant properties, has made it a com-
grative properties of taurine supplements vary pound of interest for CHF, particularly for DCM
widely (Bragg et al. 2009). but also for MMVD. Purported benefits of sup-
plementation include correction of a coenzyme
l-­Carnitine Q10 deficiency, improved myocardial metabolic
l-­Carnitine is a vitamin-­like compound syn- efficiency, and increased antioxidant protection.
thesized from the amino acids lysine and Although no controlled studies evaluating sup-
methionine that is critical for myocardial plementation of coenzyme Q10 are published in
energy production. In people, l-­carnitine defi- dogs with naturally occurring heart disease, a
ciency syndromes can be associated with pri- meta-­analysis showed that human heart failure
mary myocardial disease, and carnitine patients had lower mortality and improved
deficiency was also reported in a family of box- exercise capacity, but no difference in cardiac
ers (Keene 1992). Since that time, l-­carnitine function (Lei and Liu 2017). One study of dogs
is sometimes supplemented in some dogs with with rapid-­pacing induced CHF (Harker-­
DCM, but no blinded prospective studies have Murray et al. 2000) showed that serum or myo-
been conducted in dogs. Even if primary carni- cardial coenzyme Q10 concentrations were not
tine deficiency is not present, a secondary defi- reduced in dogs with CHF, nor did coenzyme
ciency of carnitine may develop in CHF. This Q10 supplementation increase myocardial con-
has been demonstrated in a rapid-­pacing centrations or improve cardiac measurements
model of CHF in dogs (McEntee et al. 2001; (although serum concentrations did increase;
Pierpont et al. 1993). In this case, supplemen- Harker-­Murray et al. 2000). Another study in
tation still may be beneficial by improving dogs with naturally occurring congenital and
myocardial energy metabolism. This may be acquired heart diseases of varying severity
the reason for benefits shown in some, but not showed that coenzyme Q10 concentrations
all, human studies. were not different compared to healthy controls
l-­Carnitine supplementation has few side (Svete et al. 2017). Controlled prospective stud-
effects, but it is a relatively expensive dietary ies will be necessary to accurately judge the
supplement and supplements vary widely in ­efficacy of this supplement. The current recom-
quality control (Bragg et al. 2009). Some com- mended (but empirical) dose in dogs with heart
mercial cardiac diets also are enriched in car- disease is 30–90 mg PO twice a day (BID),
nitine. The authors offer the option of depending on the size of the dog, but the opti-
l-­carnitine supplementation to owners of dogs mal dose also depends on the form of coenzyme
with DCM, especially boxers, but do not con- Q10 used (e.g. ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol).
sider it essential. However, there also is a
rationale for using it in dogs with CHF due to Vitamin D
MMVD to aid in myocardial energy metabo- Vitamin D plays an important role in regulat-
lism. The minimum or optimal dose of ing bone and calcium metabolism, but also is
­l-­carnitine necessary to replete a dog with low associated with other body systems and ­disease
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476 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

conditions. Vitamin D has cardioprotective ­ eneral Nutritional Issues

effects, including reducing RAS activation, for Dogs and Cats with
endothelial dysfunction, myocardial hyper­
Cardiac Disease
trophy, and pro-­inflammatory cytokines.
Intracellular calcium handling and cardiac
No single diet is ideal for every animal with car-
contractility also are improved through activa-
diac disease, and it is important to take each
tion of cardiac vitamin D receptors. Recent
patient’s individual characteristics into consid-
human studies have shown associations
eration. Animals may be asymptomatic or pre-
between vitamin D status and cardiovascular
sent for coughing, restless sleeping, or exercise
diseases, including hypertension and CHF, as
intolerance. The nutritional modifications (and
well as associations between vitamin D defi-
medications) selected will vary depending on
ciency and disease progression and poor prog-
the clinical signs exhibited. Physical examina-
nosis. Supplementation studies in humans,
tion findings also are important. An obese ani-
however, have had mixed results.
mal will require a different caloric intake than
Two studies have been reported on vitamin
one that has weight loss, while a dog with
D status in dogs with cardiac disease. In one
ascites or other signs of active congestion
study of with CHF secondary to DCM or
requires greater sodium restriction than a dog
MMVD (Kraus et al. 2013), vitamin D concen-
that is asymptomatic. Diagnostic test results
trations (as assessed by 25-­hydroxyvitamin D)
also help to determine the optimal nutrient
were significantly lower in dogs with CHF
modifications. For example, a biochemistry
compared to unaffected dogs, but were not dif-
profile might demonstrate azotemia, hypo-­ or
ferent when compared per kg of metabolic
hyperkalemia, or hypoalbuminemia, all of
body weight. However, low vitamin D concen-
which would affect diet selection. If thoracic
trations were associated with poor outcome
radiographs show pulmonary edema or pleural
(Kraus et al. 2013). In another study of dogs
effusion, more sodium restriction is indicated.
with varying stages of MMVD (Osuga
Echocardiographic and electrocardiographic
et al. 2015), dogs with ACVIM Stages B2 and
results also are important in designing the
C/D had significantly lower 25-­hydroxyvitamin
­optimal medical and nutritional therapy.
D, but there were no significant differences
Concurrent diseases affect 61% of dogs and 56%
between dogs with Stages B2 and C/D (Osuga
of cats with heart disease and may affect diet
et al. 2015). Whether or not vitamin D supple-
choice (e.g. a dog with gastrointestinal disease
mentation has any benefits in dogs with car-
and CHF may require a different diet than one
diac disease is currently unknown.
with CHF alone; Freeman et al. 2003b; Torin
et al. 2007). Finally, owner expectations and
individual animal taste preferences will affect
As with cats, low-­sodium diets have been rec- the diet that will be optimal for a given animal.
ommended for dogs with hypertension. Medical Based on these patient parameters, one or
and nutritional treatment of the underlying dis- more diets can be selected for the individual
ease is a priority for dogs with hypertension sec- patient (
ondary to other diseases (e.g. chronic kidney These can be diets designed specifically for
disease). The focus of primary hypertension in patients with cardiac disease, a veterinary diet
dogs should be nutritional medical therapy, but designed for another disease, or an over-­the-­
until more research in this population is availa- counter diet with the properties desired for an
ble, the authors recommending avoiding high-­ individual patient. The authors try to offer a
sodium diets, including treats, table food, foods choice of diets so that the owner can determine
used to administer medications, and other com- which is most palatable to the pet. Having a
ponents of the diet. number of choices is particularly beneficial for
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­Summar  477

animals with severe CHF, in whom dysrexia low-­sodium treats, and methods for adminis-
is common. tering medications. Owners also should be
All dietary changes should be done gradu- counseled on specific foods to avoid (https://
ally over a period of at least 3–5 days. Dietary
changes should not be attempted in animals While dogs and cats with cardiac disease can
with acute CHF or in those with complications be a challenge to treat, they can be managed
from medications (e.g. digoxin toxicity or successfully when both medical and nutri-
azotemia due to overzealous diuretic use), as tional aspects of the case are addressed and
this may induce food aversions. In these when the treatment is individualized to the
patients, the goal should be to encourage food patient (Sidebar 18.2).
intake while avoiding high-­sodium diets. Once
a patient has been stabilized (usually at the
time of the recheck visit 7–10 days later), a
Sidebar 18.2 Nutrients of Concern
gradual change to the selected diet(s) can be
to Consider in Cardiac Disease
instituted. It also is important to instruct the
owner to notify the veterinarian if the patient ●● Calories
does not eat adequate amounts of the new food ●● Protein
so that other options can be devised. ●● Amino acids (taurine, arginine)
One of the keys to achieving optimal dietary ●● Fat (n-­3 fatty acids)
intake is to be aware that sodium intake (or ●● Sodium
intake of any other nutrient, for that matter) ●● Magnesium
comes from a number of sources: pet food, ●● Potassium
treats, table food, rawhides, dental products, ●● B vitamins
and foods used to administer medications. ●● Other nutrients (e.g. l-­carnitine, antioxi-
Therefore, addressing each of these with the dants, coenzyme Q10)
owner is important. It is estimated that 92% of
dogs and 33% of cats with cardiac disease
receive daily treats or table food (Freeman ­Summary
et al. 2003b; Torin et al. 2007). Treats and table
food are often very high in sodium, so this can ●● Cardiac disease is one of the most common dis-
be a significant source of sodium for some ani- eases in dogs and cats and optimal nutrition
mals. Another significant source of sodium may reduce the medication an animal requires,
and other nutrients is the method used for reduce complications, improve quality of life,
medication administration. Some 57% of dogs and slow the progression of the disease.
with cardiac disease are administered their ●● No single diet is ideal for every animal with
medications or dietary supplements in food, cardiac disease, and it is important to take
mostly high-­sodium foods such as cheese, pea- each patient’s individual characteristics into
nut butter, or deli meats (Freeman et al. 2003). consideration.
The percentage of cats with cardiac disease ●● Concurrent diseases are very common in
whose medications are administered in foods animals with cardiac disease, and nutri-
is lower (34%), but this can still be a significant tional modifications will vary depending on
source of sodium, as the foods used were typi- the clinical signs exhibited.
cally high-­sodium foods (e.g. cheese, baby ●● Numerous other nutrients such as taurine,
food; Torin et al. 2007). Most owners are una- ­l-­carnitine, arginine, coenzyme Q10, n-­3 fatty
ware of the sodium content of pet foods and acids, and antioxidants may have a role in
table foods and need very specific instructions managing cardiac disease. There is more evi-
regarding appropriate pet foods, acceptable dence for some of the supplements than others.
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478 Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases

●● Mild sodium restriction and the mainte- ●● Anorexia or, more commonly, hyporexia and
nance of an optimal body condition score dysrexia are often seen in dogs and cats with
(BCS) are the two main goals in animals heart failure. Clinicians should be proactive
with asymptomatic cardiac disease. in identifying and addressing these condi-
●● As cardiac disease progresses and congestive tions through nutritional and pharmaco-
heart failure develops, dogs and cats begin logic approaches.
to lose muscle (cardiac cachexia) even if ●● It is important to recognize that sodium and
they have a normal or even overweight other nutrient intake comes from a number
BCS. Managing patients with cardiac cachexia of sources – pet food, treats, table food, and
can be challenging, but is more successful when foods used to administer medications.
identified and addressed early in the process. Obtaining a complete diet history will help
Early identification can be achieved by assess- the clinician develop dietary recommenda-
ing muscle condition score, along with body tions to meet each individual animal’s needs.
weight and BCS, in every patient at every visit.


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Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

Glenna E. Mauldin

Cancer is common in pet cats and dogs. C

­ ancer-­Associated Malnutrition
Effective treatments including chemother-
apy, radiotherapy, and surgery are available Weight Loss and Cachexia in Humans
for many tumor types, and treated animals with Cancer
can enjoy prolonged survival with excellent
quality of life. Nutrition always plays a cen- The unique form of protein-­calorie malnutri-
tral role in the successful and comprehensive tion seen in people with cancer is called “cancer
management of cats and dogs with neoplastic cachexia.” This syndrome is characterized clini-
disease. However, differences in tumor biol- cally by weight loss, fatigue, anemia, and loss of
ogy as well as wide individual variations in lean body mass, with variable loss of fat stores
pre-­existing nutritional status mean that no (Fearon et al. 2011). Cancer cachexia is common
single diet is appropriate for every animal in humans, and its prevalence varies with tumor
with cancer. This chapter will first review type (DeWys et al. 1980). While it occurs less fre-
what is known about the ­complex relation- quently in people with relatively treatment-­
ship between nutritional status and cancer responsive tumors such as lymphoma, it is seen
in people, cats, and dogs. Practical recom- in over 80% of people with tumors of the stom-
mendations regarding selected nutritional ach or pancreas. Regardless of the underlying
requirements in individual cats and dogs tumor type, however, cancer-­associated weight
will then be discussed. Finally, a systematic loss is clinically important, because it has a neg-
method that can be used to evaluate novel ative effect on quality of life and prognosis
nutritional claims for cats and dogs with can- (Muscaritoli et al. 2014; Akbulut 2011; Fearon
cer will be presented. The primary purpose of et al. 2001; Langer et al. 2001). Cancer cachexia
this chapter is to provide practical techniques causes weakness that compromises the ability to
that will assist the pet owner and the veteri- perform simple daily functions; it changes the
nary healthcare team in providing optimal, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of
individualized nutrition for cats and dogs chemotherapy drugs, increasing treatment-­
with malignant disease. related toxicity and decreasing the patient’s

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Cancer-­Associated Malnutritio  485

ability to tolerate aggressive treatment; and it is cachexia is caused by any one of a variety of
associated with shorter survival times and is a functional abnormalities that are not necessar-
common immediate cause of death in people ily specific to the underlying neoplastic disease
(Fearon et al. 2001; Holder 2003; Langer itself. For instance, tumors that involve the gas-
et al. 2001; Martin et al. 2015; Muscaritoli trointestinal tract can interfere physically with
et al. 2014). food intake, digestion, or absorption. Radiation
Objective clinical criteria that can be used to and chemotherapy can also decrease nutrient
define and classify cancer cachexia in people utilization by changing taste and smell percep-
have recently been published. An international tion, by inducing nausea and vomiting, or by
consensus statement defines cancer cachexia causing lethal injury to cells of the gastrointes-
as a multifactorial syndrome characterized by tinal epithelium. In contrast, primary cancer
loss of more than 5% of current body weight, or cachexia is a complex paraneoplastic syndrome
loss of more than 2% of body weight in cases that has been described in both people and ani-
where there is pre-­existing weight loss or sar- mals with malignant disease. Unlike secondary
copenia (Fearon et al. 2011). Cancer cachexia cancer cachexia, it cannot be reversed through
is proposed to develop progressively through increased food intake or assisted feeding
stages from pre-­cachexia to cachexia to refrac- (Brennan 1977). This is because tumor-­induced
tory cachexia, and is classified based on the changes force the inefficient use of energy
degree of depletion of energy stores and lean through altered intermediary metabolism of
body mass combined with the severity of fat, protein, and carbohydrate. This in turn
­ongoing weight loss. A significant association leads to the depletion of lean body mass and fat
between the current cachexia classifications stores that are characteristic of cancer cachexia.
and prognosis has been documented (Blum No matter what the quantity of nutrients fed or
et al. 2014). However, the intent is that this how they are provided, it is impossible to meet
classification framework will evolve over time, the patient’s requirements (Fearon et al. 2001;
resulting in improved clinical utility. For Strasser and Bruera 2002).
instance, it has been proposed that objective Numerous studies now show that primary
assessment of appetite and food intake as well cancer cachexia is most likely caused by interre-
as markers of inflammation such as C-­reactive lated changes in inflammatory mediators that
protein (CRP) should be included, in part so have wide-­ranging effects on energy and protein
that less severely affected individuals with metabolism. Interleukin-­1α (IL-­1α), IL-­1β, IL-­6,
­pre-­cachexia and minimal or no weight loss tumor necrosis factor-­α (TNF-­α), interferon-­γ
are still identified and receive timely and effec- (IFN-­γ), and various eicosanoids have all been
tive therapy (Blum et al. 2014; Muscaritoli implicated in this scenario, and they are believed
et al. 2014; Solheim et al. 2014). Regardless, the to be ultimately responsible for producing the
goal is for evolving but standardized criteria to physiologic and biochemical abnormalities con-
facilitate improved clinical study design and sidered typical of primary cancer cachexia
allow the development of optimal and consist- (Fearon et al. 2012; McCarthy 2003; Mondello
ent strategies for clinical management based et al. 2015; Tisdale 1999; Wang and Ye 2015).
on stage and severity for people with cancer Many characteristic metabolic alterations have
cachexia. been identified and studied over the years,
Cancer cachexia has been divided by under- including hyperlactatemia, accelerated glucone-
lying cause into two major categories, primary ogenesis from lactate and amino acids, increased
and secondary (Strasser and Bruera 2002). whole-­body protein turnover, glucose intoler-
Affected individuals likely have a combination ance, hyperinsulinemia, and increased lipolysis.
of contributing pathologies that vary with treat- Ongoing work has identified some of the
ment and cancer progression. Secondary cancer ­underlying defects responsible for these classic
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486 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

alterations, including increased protein degrada- cachexia can be present in dogs with naturally
tion mediated by nuclear factor-­κB (NF-­κB)– occurring tumors, a specific and significant
related activation of the ubiquitin-­dependent association between these abnormalities, doc-
proteasome pathway in skeletal muscle; umented weight loss, and clinical outcome
increased ability of catecholamines and natriu- remains largely unproven. Overall, the weight
retic peptides to activate lipolysis through ampli- loss necessary for a legitimate diagnosis of can-
fied expression of hormone-­sensitive lipase and cer cachexia appears to be less common and
adipose triglyceride lipase; and induction of less severe in tumor-­bearing dogs than it is in
brown adipocytes within white adipose tissue people. In one study conducted in 100 dogs
(so-­called browning) with uncoupling of oxida- treated at a referral oncology practice, only 4%
tive phosphorylation in the mitochondrion and of cases were cachectic based on body condi-
resultant energy “wasting” through increased tion score, while 29% were obese; 15% of the
thermogenesis (Argilés et al. 2014; Arner and dogs had clinically significant muscle wasting.
Langin 2014; Fearon et al. 2012; Freeman 2012; Weight loss was documented in 68% of the
Petruzzelli et al. 2014; de Vos-­Geelen et al. 2014; dogs, but it represented less than 5% of the pre-­
Wang and Ye 2015). Such changes should cause cancer body weight in 31% of cases (Michel
increased energy expenditure in the tumor-­ et al. 2004). The authors of a more recent retro-
bearing host, which is hypothesized to be the spective case review reported similar findings
fundamental reason for weight loss in primary in over 300 dogs with lymphoma and osteosar-
cancer cachexia (Wang and Ye 2015). coma: only 5.5% of the dogs in this study were
However, while the predicted increase in underweight, while 40.4% were overweight at
energy expenditure can be documented among the time of their cancer diagnosis (Romano
weight-­losing people with cancer in some et al. 2016). The distribution of body condition
­studies, it is normal or even decreased in others scores among dogs with a variety of types of
(Akbulut 2011; Dev et al. 2015; Fearon cancer has also been investigated and com-
et al. 2001; Langius et al. 2012; Strasser and pared to dogs without cancer in a much larger
Bruera 2002; Tisdale 1999; Vazeille et al. 2017; study (Weeth et al. 2007). These authors found
de Vos-­Geelen et al. 2014). It seems likely that that dogs with malignant tumors were some-
energy expenditure varies widely between pop- what less likely to be overweight compared to
ulations, individuals, and even different time dogs without neoplastic disease, but there was
points in the same individual, depending on no difference in the prevalence of underweight
underlying cancer diagnosis, stage of disease, or very thin dogs between dogs with cancer
concurrent complicating conditions, and type and controls. This study also showed that age,
of therapy pursued. Further work is still needed breed, neuter status, tumor type, and a history
to better define the relationship between char- of corticosteroid administration are important
acteristic metabolic abnormalities and defects, confounding factors that affect nutritional sta-
energy expenditure, and primary cancer tus among dogs with cancer. Finally, investiga-
cachexia in people. tors studying dogs receiving carboplatin
chemotherapy for osteosarcoma found not
only that these animals gained a small amount
Weight Loss and Cachexia in Cats and
of weight over the course of their treatment,
Dogs with Cancer
but also that changes in weight did not affect
The common occurrence of cancer cachexia clinical outcome (Story et al. 2017).
and its negative impact on quality of life and Characteristic metabolic changes that have
survival are well accepted in humans. However, been specifically documented in dogs with
even though some of the biochemical changes naturally occurring tumors have included
considered characteristic of primary cancer increased serum lactate (McQuown et al.
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­Cancer-­Associated Malnutritio  487

2018; Vail et al. 1990) and insulin concentra-

tions (Vail et al. 1990); increased serum lactate
and insulin concentrations after an intrave-
nous glucose tolerance test (Ogilvie et al.
1997); altered lipoprotein profiles (Ogilvie et al.
1994); increased urinary nitrogen excretion
and whole-­body glucose flux with concur-
rently decreased whole-­body protein synthetic
rates (Mazzaferro et al. 2001); and increased
blood beta-­hydroxybutyrate concentrations
(McQuown et al. 2018). Resting energy
expenditure has variably been measured as
increased, unchanged, or decreased compared
Figure 19.1 A cat with gastrointestinal lymphoma
to controls (Mazzaferro et al. 2001; Ogilvie and an esophagostomy tube for assisted enteral
et al. 1993, 1996). However, the drawbacks feeding. Cats with cancer are likely to have weight
associated with studying all of these parame- loss, which has a negative impact on prognosis.
ters in isolation from documented weight loss
and clinical outcome are highlighted by work lymphoma (Krick et al. 2011). However, pre-
showing that the most common cause of liminary data suggest that sick cats are more
hyperlactatemia in tumor-­bearing dogs is likely to experience weight loss than sick dogs,
hypoperfusion, and not metabolic abnormali- regardless of whether they have cancer or not
ties caused by primary cancer cachexia at all (Daniel et al. 1999). Further investigation is
(Touret et al. 2010, 2012). Thus, it is important needed to determine if the weight loss observed
to recognize that isolated changes such as in cats with cancer is the specific result of
hyperlactatemia and glucose intolerance in underlying neoplastic disease, or whether it is
tumor-­bearing dogs cannot be used as reliable simply part of a typical feline response to ­critical
surrogates for a diagnosis of “cancer cachexia.” illness.
Additional studies are clearly needed to dem-
onstrate an association between such meta-
Obesity in Humans with Cancer
bolic abnormalities, weight loss, and prognosis
in dogs with malignant disease. Despite the classic link between weight loss
Fewer data that evaluate nutritional status in and cancer, a strong association between
cats with cancer are available. In one study, ­obesity and cancer is now widely accepted in
body condition score was examined for its effect people as well. Obese individuals have a signifi-
on prognosis in cats with neoplastic disease cantly increased risk of developing epithelial
(Baez et al. 2007). These investigators found malignancies in a variety of anatomic locations,
that unlike the dog, almost half of the cats they including the esophagus, stomach, pancreas,
evaluated were underweight or very thin, and gallbladder, colon, liver, endometrium, breast,
over 90% of them had evidence of muscle wast- and kidney (Lauby-­Secretan et al. 2016); rates of
ing (see Figure 19.1). Their data also showed multiple myeloma, non-­Hodgkin’s lymphoma,
that body condition score was strongly corre- and some types of leukemia are higher in this
lated with survival time and prognosis: cats population as well (Renehan et al. 2008).
with decreased body condition scores had much Several different mechanisms have been pro-
shorter survival times. These same investigators posed to explain the increased cancer risk in
also showed in a later study that weight loss obese people. Obesity-­related insulin resistance
had a negative effect on ­survival times among with hyperinsulinemia and increased produc-
cats receiving chemotherapy for large cell tion of insulin-­like growth factor 1 (IGF-­1) is
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488 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

believed to support the development and pro- to participate in cancer screening programs;
gression of malignant disease by stimulating even when they do, excess adipose tissue can
cell proliferation, inhibiting programmed cell make accurate assessment difficult (Clarke
death (apoptosis), and promoting angiogenesis et al. 2018; Tao and Lagergren 2013). Obesity
(Iyengar et al. 2015; Samani et al. 2007). has been suggested to decrease measured con-
Increased production of estrogen by adipose centrations of tumor biomarkers such as
tissue appears to increase cancer risk by dis- prostate-­specific antigen (PSA) and carcinoem-
rupting normal cellular growth and differentia- bryonic antigen (CEA), presumably because of
tion and also inhibiting apoptosis (Calle and increased plasma volume and hemodilution.
Kaaks 2004; Cleary and Grossmann 2009; This could lead to false-­negative or equivocal
Iyengar et al. 2015). Synthesis of the antiprolif- screening test results (Park et al. 2010; Pater
erative adipokine adiponectin decreases with et al. 2012). In addition, the quality of ultra-
increasing adiposity, which reduces its protec- sound, computed tomographic (CT), and mag-
tive role in tumor development (Iyengar netic resonance imaging (MRI) images can be
et al. 2015). At the same time, the polypeptide compromised by excessive adipose tissue, mak-
hormone leptin is synthesized in increased ing both the initial cancer diagnosis as well as
quantities by adipose tissue, opposing and fur- ongoing monitoring more difficult (Tao and
ther limiting the potential tumor-­suppressive Lagergren 2013).
effect of adiponectin and promoting tumor Obesity can significantly complicate the treat-
development by stimulating cell proliferation ment of malignant disease as well. Important
and again inhibiting apoptosis (Garofalo and co-­morbidities such as hypertension, cardiovas-
Surmacz 2006; Iyengar et al. 2015). Finally, obe- cular disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus are
sity causes a chronic systemic inflammatory common. The dosing of chemotherapeutics can
response through alteration of the production be challenging, with clinicians being under-
and function of a variety of cytokines and other standably inclined to make chemotherapy dose
mediators of inflammation, in particular IL-­6. adjustments in obese patients because of the
Such changes have been proposed to increase relatively narrow therapeutic index of many of
cancer risk by establishing a more favorable these agents. However, studies examining fre-
environment for tumor development (Calle and quency of chemotherapy dose reductions as
Kaaks 2004; Mauer et al. 2015). This hypothesis well as incidence and severity of treatment-­
is supported by a recent large, prospective study related side effects such as myelosuppression
that documented a significantly decreased risk suggest that obese people receiving chemother-
of obesity-­related cancers in people who used apy are often undertreated (Griggs et al. 2005;
non-­steroidal anti-­inflammatory drugs (Shebl Poikonen et al. 2001). The efficacy of chemo-
et al. 2014). therapy may then be further impacted by obe-
Besides increasing cancer risk, obesity has a sity’s effect on the pharmacokinetics of some
significant negative impact on multiple aspects chemotherapy agents, where important factors
of the management of cancer in people such as volume of drug distribution and hepatic
(Ligibel et al. 2014; Tao and Lagergren 2013). drug metabolism may be altered (Tao and
Ultimately, this leads to shorter survival; higher Lagergren 2013).
all-­cause, cancer-­specific, and cardiovascular Finally, obesity can compromise the effec-
death rates for multiple tumor types (Calle tive delivery of local cancer treatments such as
et al. 2003; Campbell et al. 2012; Ligibel surgery and radiation therapy. Although major
et al. 2014); and decreased health-­related qual- complications and short-­term mortality do not
ity of life (Tao and Lagergren 2013). Cancer is appear to be increased, minor complications
less likely to be diagnosed early in obese are reported to be more likely after cancer sur-
­individuals, in part because they are reluctant gery in obese people in some but not all studies
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­Cancer-­Associated Malnutritio  489

(Al-­Refaie et al. 2010; Ejaz et al. 2015). The adipocytes possess the genes needed to synthe-
precise patient positioning necessary for deliv- size the pro-­inflammatory cytokine IL-­6, and
ery of technologically advanced types of radia- obese dogs have been shown to have increased
tion therapy such as intensity-­modulated serum concentrations of TNF-­α and IGF-­1
radiotherapy (IMRT) and stereotactic radio- (Badman and Flier 2007; Gayet et al. 2004);
therapy (SRT) can be also difficult in obese ­furthermore, a significant decrease in plasma
individuals. This can be the result of one or TNF-­α concentration has been documented
more factors, including increased skin mobil- after weight loss in obese dogs (German
ity, movement of intra-­abdominal organs et al. 2009). However, evidence of significant
within abdominal fat, and obscured bony land- and persistent systemic inflammation or immu-
marks (Tao and Lagergren 2013). nosuppression could not be confirmed in a
group of laboratory beagles studied over a year
of induced weight gain (Van de Velde
Obesity in Cats and Dogs with Cancer
et al. 2013). So far, ­investigators have been una-
The association between obesity and cancer is ble to demonstrate a convincing association
not nearly as well defined in cats and dogs as it between these types of obesity-­associated
is in people. Although several survey studies in changes and cancer risk in overweight cats or
dogs with cancer have revealed a high preva- dogs with neoplastic ­disease. In one study, no
lence of obesity in this population (Michel difference was found in blood insulin or IGF-­1
et al. 2004; Romano et al. 2016; Weeth concentrations between dogs with lymphoma
et al. 2007), this finding on its own does not and age-­, sex-­, and weight-­matched healthy
prove a cause-­and-­effect relationship. Many controls (McQuown et al. 2018). Although over-
potentially confounding factors are present in all it seems very possible that underlying patho-
these studies, including age, neuter status, con- genic mechanisms as well as the negative
current breed predispositions to both over- impact on cancer diagnosis and treatment are
weight and common tumor types studied, and similar in obese people, cats, and dogs, further
medication history (Weeth et al. 2007). However, work is needed to confirm these hypotheses.
there are two canine cancers for which objective
data exist supporting obesity as a risk factor for
Canine Mammary Tumors and Obesity
tumor development: transitional cell carcinoma
of the urinary bladder (Glickman et al. 1989), One of the cancers in small animals that has
and malignant mammary tumor (Alenza been evaluated most carefully for links
et al. 1998; Lim et al. 2015a; Sonnenschein between obesity and tumor risk is canine
et al. 1991). mammary neoplasia. A case–control study
Existing work also shows that some of the investigated the effect of body condition and
endocrine and inflammatory changes believed diet on the development of mammary cancer
to be involved in the pathogenesis of malignant in dogs and found that risk was decreased in
disease in obese people are also present in obese both spayed and unspayed dogs that had been
cats and dogs. For instance, serum or plasma thin at 9–12 months of age (Sonnenschein
leptin concentrations are increased in obese et al. 1991). A similar study found that obesity
cats and dogs, as they are in people (Appleton at 12 months of age was associated with
et al. 2000; Bjornvad et al. 2014; Ishioka increased mammary tumor risk (Alenza
et al. 2007; Radin et al. 2009), while circulating et al. 1998). The authors of a third study were
concentrations of the anti-­inflammatory adi- unable to find an association between survival
pokine adiponectin are decreased (Ishioka and obesity in dogs with malignant mammary
et al. 2009; Muranaka et al. 2011; Radin tumors, but they did not specifically evaluate
et al. 2009; Tvarijonaviciute et al. 2012). Canine the impact of historical obesity on tumor
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490 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

development later in life (Philibert et al. 2003). (Lim et al. 2015a, b). Additional work in this
The results of these studies suggest that the area is ongoing, but existing data already sup-
impact of obesity on mammary tumor risk in port intriguing parallels between the impact of
dogs may be greatest early in life, at the same obesity in dogs with mammary tumors and
time when exposure to ovarian hormones postmenopausal women with breast cancer.
can cause the greatest damage (Sorenmo
et al. 2011). Obesity is believed to increase
breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women ­ utritional Management of
because of increased estrogen production in
Cats and Dogs with Cancer
peripheral adipose tissues, as well as adipose
and tumor tissues within the breast itself
(Cleary and Grossmann 2009). The results of
existing canine studies suggest that a similar The target food intake for a cat or dog with can-
interaction between obesity, estrogen produc- cer is dictated by the animal’s energy require-
tion, and tumor development may occur in ments. A complete and balanced ration is
young bitches. the most convenient way to provide nutrition
Recent work has begun to correlate obesity because, except for water, basic requirements
and various factors secreted by adipocytes with for all essential nutrients, including vitamins
mammary tumor development and prognosis and minerals, are met when the quantity of
in dogs. In one study, insulin receptor expres- food necessary to meet daily caloric needs is
sion was significantly decreased in canine consumed. A food that has passed AAFCO
mammary carcinoma tissue compared to nor- (Association of American Feed Control
mal mammary gland as well as benign lesions, Officials) feeding trial testing is preferred.
while there was no difference in IGF-­1 recep- Regardless of the ration chosen, water intake
tor expression. The mRNA expression of IGF-­1 and fluid balance must be monitored carefully;
and IGF-­2 was significantly decreased in both supplements to correct specific nutrient defi-
benign and malignant tissues. Together these ciencies (i.e. potassium, phosphorus, vitamin
findings suggest that insulin and IGF-­1 could K) are occasionally indicated.
act to stimulate cell proliferation early in Many different equations have been used to
canine mammary tumor development, but estimate maintenance energy requirements
they may not play a role once cancer is estab- (MERs) in healthy cats and dogs, but there is
lished (Klopfleisch et al. 2010). Another group no consensus regarding which one is most
has shown that obese dogs are more likely to accurate (see Chapter 3). Furthermore, the
develop high-­grade mammary tumors with effect of underlying neoplastic disease on
histologic evidence of tumor invasion into MERs in small animals is largely unknown,
lymphatics, and they do so at an earlier age. and altered energy expenditure is certainly
Overweight or obese dogs also have higher possible in some animals. Despite these fac-
tumor expression of aromatase, the enzyme tors, calculation of MERs remains the most
complex that is responsible for local estrogen practical way to estimate individual energy
synthesis, with a concurrent increase in hor- requirements for a self-­supportive and weight-­
mone receptors. Finally, these same investiga- stable cat or dog with cancer in the home envi-
tors have documented correlation of decreased ronment. Serial nutritional assessments are
tumor expression of adiponectin, an antiprolif- then used to decide whether adjustments in
erative factor that is produced by adipose tis- food intake are needed to maintain optimal
sue in quantities that are inversely proportional body condition.
to degree of adiposity, with histologically The energy needs of hospitalized animals
higher-­grade tumors and lymphatic invasion with cancer are similarly incompletely defined.
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­Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cance  491

Typically, the resting energy requirement (RER) suggest that weight loss would also be
is used as an approximation of the calories ­beneficial in obese cats and dogs with neop­
needed by a critically ill small animal (see lastic disease, although this will be true only
Chapter 3) (Saker and Remillard 2010). Some for ­animals whose expected cancer survival
authors also multiply the RER by an illness fac- times are long enough to justify the time and
tor, which is intended to individualize energy effort necessary to achieve a leaner body condi-
intake based on the severity of underlying dis- tion. It also seems likely that “metabolically
ease: requirements are believed to be higher in healthy ­obesity” occurs in cats and dogs, as it
people and animals with more critical illnesses does in people (Lin et al. 2017). Not only are
(Bartges 1996; Richardson and Davidson 2003; people with metabolically healthy obesity less
Saker and Remillard 2010). In general, however, likely to derive short-­term benefits from weight
conservative illness factors (between 1.0 and reduction (Lin et al. 2017; Tao and Lagergren
1.4) are safest, because they are less likely to 2013), their increased energy stores may in fact
lead to the metabolic complications that can confer a ­paradoxical survival advantage when
result from overfeeding. Once again, the ani- they are diagnosed with cancer (Greenlee
mal’s clinical response to the initial level of et al. 2017; Lee et al. 2015; Weiss et al. 2014).
intake should be carefully monitored through If weight reduction is undertaken in a cat or
repeated nutritional assessment so that adjust- dog with underlying neoplasia, the protocols
ments to food intake can be made as indicated. that are routinely used in otherwise healthy
As already discussed, many cats and dogs animals are not necessarily suitable in all cases.
with neoplastic disease are overweight or A conservative reduction in caloric intake
obese and the nutritional management of below the calculated MER at ideal body weight
these animals can be challenging (see is probably most appropriate for overweight
Figure 19.2). The health risks of obesity in oth- cats and dogs that are clinically stable and self-­
erwise normal small ­animals are well estab- supportive: The goal is simply to gradually
lished and include induction or exacerbation achieve a more ideal body condition score and
of musculoskeletal disease, ­congestive heart nutritional status.
failure, diabetes mellitus, and immunosup- For some obese cats and dogs with cancer,
pression, among many other conditions (Toll it may also be reasonable to stop planned
et al. 2010). Dogs that are maintained in opti- weight loss at a somewhat overweight but
mal body condition live longer than dogs that still healthier body condition than previous.
are overweight (Lawler et al. 2005). These facts Aggressive weight-­loss programs are con-
traindicated during critical illness, even in
cats and dogs that are very obese. Severe
caloric restriction in a sick animal could con-
tribute to clinically significant protein-­calorie
malnutrition, with hypoproteinemia, loss
of lean body mass, delayed wound healing,
immunosuppression, and compromised organ
function. Stabilization of the animal’s medi-
cal condition is the priority, and weight
reduction should be postponed until this has
been achieved. The specific steps involved in
designing a successful weight-­loss program
for an obese cat or dog are discussed in
Figure 19.2 A dog with metastatic neoplastic
disease. Many dogs with cancer are overweight Chapter 9 and have been previously described
or obese. (Brooks et al. 2014; Toll et al. 2010).
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492 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

Calorie Sources fat, especially if they are permitted a period of

adaptation (Reynolds et al. 1994; Saker and
A change in diet is not automatically indicated
Remillard 2010).
in every cat or dog with cancer. Each animal
A final consideration is that this type of
must be carefully and individually evaluated,
caloric distribution theoretically takes advan-
and those that are already maintaining good
tage of some metabolic differences between
body condition on a high-­quality complete
tumor and normal host cells. Since neoplastic
and balanced food that is well tolerated and
cells seem to prefer using glucose to produce
accepted may remain on this ration until there
the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) they need
is an objective reason to change. In cases where
through aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect)
a diet change is being considered, one of the
and generally oxidize less fat (Vander Heiden
most important factors to take into account is
et al. 2009), a high-­fat, low-­carbohydrate diet
distribution of calories between protein, fat,
has been proposed as a way to preferentially
and carbohydrate. Optimal caloric distribution
supply energy to host tissues while avoiding
is determined by the results of nutritional
inadvertent “feeding” of the tumor. However,
assessment, the type of cancer being treated,
it is increasingly clear that there is much more
and the presence and severity of concurrent
plasticity in the metabolic pathways used
diseases. Since these factors vary from animal
by cancer cells than historically believed:
to animal, it is not possible to recommend a
for example, depending on the situation and
single ration or even ration type that will pro-
environment, cancer cells can and do use
vide optimal nutrition in all cases. Instead,
much of the glucose they consume for anabo-
every animal should undergo a thorough and
lism, they use glutamine to refill the Krebs (aka
standardized nutritional assessment. Dietary
­tricarboxylic acid, TCA) cycle, and they readily
recommendations are made only after this pro-
uptake and oxidize fatty acids when necessary
cess is complete.
(Carracedo et al. 2013; Corbet and Feron 2017).
The commercial rations often recommended
Although a high-­fat ration appeared to nor-
for cats and dogs with neoplastic disease and
malize carbohydrate metabolism and prolong
normal liver and kidney function deliver
survival times in a subset of dogs with lym-
30–35% of calories as protein, contain rela-
phoma in one study, this diet was also enriched
tively fewer carbohydrate calories, and are
with other nutrients including n-­3 fatty acids
high in fat. The commercial rations most likely
and arginine (Ogilvie et al. 2000). More work
to fit this profile are prescription critical care
is needed to confirm the clinical advantage
products, performance rations, and puppy or
of high-­fat, low-­carbohydrate diets across a
kitten foods. The high protein content of these
­variety of stages and types of cancer in cats
products could help to preserve lean body mass
and dogs, as well as to determine which spe-
and prevent the deleterious effects of protein-­
cific dietary component or components were
calorie malnutrition. In addition, their high-­fat
responsible for the observed benefit in this one
and low-­carbohydrate content has several
particular study.
potential advantages. Fat provides more calo-
Despite potential advantages, it is also impor-
ries per gram (8.5–9 kcal/g) than protein
tant to recognize that a high-­fat, high-­protein
(3.5–4 kcal/g) or carbohydrate (3.5–4 kcal/g).
diet is contraindicated in many cats and dogs
The increased energy density of a high-­fat
with cancer. Animals with a history of dietary
ration is helpful when voluntary food intake is
fat intolerance should continue to have their
decreased, and during tube feeding as well. In
dietary fat intake restricted whether they have
addition, high-­fat rations are more palatable,
underlying neoplastic disease or not. High-­fat
which may improve food intake in some ani-
diets also make it more difficult to maintain
mals. Most cats and dogs can tolerate as much
optimal body condition in the substantial
as 60–65% of their total energy requirement as
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­Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cance  493

proportion of animals with cancer that are essential that sufficient protein be provided to
overweight or obese. Switching to a high-­ meet them. Since it is difficult to determine
protein diet for a cat or dog with cancer that exactly what the protein requirements are in
also has concurrent and significant renal or an individual cat or dog with cancer, the most
hepatic insufficiency may precipitate clinical practical approach is to supply protein at a
decompensation that is difficult to reverse. level that meets all anticipated needs and also
Carbohydrate calories can be substituted in any incorporates an additional generous increment
of these situations where protein or fat intake that will meet any unrecognized requirements.
must be restricted, although it makes sense to As described previously, providing protein at
use complex rather than simple sugars to the 30–35% of total calories will achieve this goal
greatest degree possible to avoid sharp spikes in most animals; repeated nutritional assess-
in blood glucose concentration. Regardless of ment should still be used to re-­evaluate patient
their effect on tumor cells, carbohydrates may response and make any needed adjustments.
not be used efficiently by tumor-­bearing ani- However, once anabolic pathways (i.e. hepatic
mals because of insulin resistance and glucose albumin synthesis) are operating at maximal
intolerance (Ogilvie et al. 1997). capacity, it is not ­possible to force increased
Once the optimal distribution of calories for rates of activity by feeding ever higher quanti-
an individual cat or dog with cancer has been ties of protein. Amino acids supplied in excess
identified, the commercial rations that meet of known plus unknown requirements will
these criteria are identified. Complete and bal- either be directly oxidized as an unnecessarily
anced products that have been AAFCO feeding metabolically expensive source of energy, or
trial tested are preferred. A final selection is deaminated and metabolized to glucose.
made after considering factors such as digesti- Azotemia can result in some cases. If both the
bility, fiber content, palatability, necessity for amino acid and total energy requirements of
tube feeding, cost, and owner convenience. the animal are exceeded, then unneeded amino
Historical episodes of food intolerance as well acids will eventually be stored as fat. None of
as strong preferences by the animal for certain these scenarios is desirable in a cat or dog
diet formulations (dry, canned, or semi-­moist) with cancer.
or flavors should also be taken into account Individual amino acids such as glutamine
(see Figure 19.3). and arginine are often promoted as providing
particular benefit for animals and people with
neoplastic disease. Supplementation may be
Protein and Amino Acids
recommended, although the most appropriate
As already discussed, a generous protein intake doses and methods of administration in cats
is usually recommended for cats and dogs with and dogs with cancer are largely unknown.
cancer. The goal is to support anabolic pro- Glutamine is the most abundant free amino
cesses to the greatest degree possible, and in so acid in both plasma and intracellular pools.
doing prevent loss of lean body mass. However, Although it is strictly defined as a non-­essential
providing dietary protein at levels above the amino acid, it plays an important role in
animal’s needs is expensive and offers little many metabolic pathways and is “condition-
benefit. Protein requirements are dictated by ally essential” during critical illness. Glutamine
requirements for essential amino acids that has two nitrogen groups, which allows it to
cannot be synthesized endogenously. Many function as a major means of nitrogen trans-
studies in numerous species indicate that these port between tissues (Smith 1990). It is a
requirements are increased during critical ­primary substrate for ammonia synthesis in
­illness regardless of etiology (Bartges 1996; the kidney, and participates in the synthesis
Richardson and Davidson 2003), and it is of nucleotides and many other molecules,
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494 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

Functional intestinal tract

Yes ↓ ↓No
Enteral feeding Parenteral feeding

Adequate voluntary intake
Yes ↓ ↓No
Continue voluntary intake Feeding tube placement

Adequate liver and kidney function
No ↓ ↓Yes
Restrict protein intake Provide 30-35% protein calories

Evidence of fat intolerance
Yes ↓ ↓No
Restrict fat intake Provide high fat ration

Evidence of glucose or carbohydrate intolerance
No ↓ ↓Yes
Substitute carbohydrate calories Restrict intake of simple sugars
if needed

Choose complete and balanced commercial ration based on individual patient evaluation

Nutritional assessment

Increase or decrease food intake
as indicated

Figure 19.3 Flowchart outlining the clinical decision-­making process involved in making a diet change
for a cat or dog with cancer.

including nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide storage pool of carbon and nitrogen that can be
(NAD) and glutathione. Glutamine serves as a mobilized to quickly meet the needs of many
critical energy substrate for enterocytes, and it tissues (Rennie et al. 1989; Smith 1990). A high
is also required by lymphocytes and other intake of glutamine helps prevent subsequent
­rapidly dividing cell populations (Morris loss of lean body mass by supporting muscle
et al. 2017; Smith 1990). protein synthesis and decreasing muscle pro-
Substantial decreases in plasma and free tein catabolism (Hammarqvist et al. 1990;
intracellular glutamine concentrations occur Yoshida et al. 2001). Glutamine also functions
in skeletal muscle in critically ill people. as a signaling molecule that enhances the
Intracellular glutamine represents a vital expression of stress-­induced heat shock
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­Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cance  495

proteins that augment the ability of cells to sur- localized disease undergoing anticancer ther-
vive a variety of insults (Wischmeyer 2002). apy. Additional randomized, controlled studies
Potentially even more important is the central are clearly needed to better define the potential
role played by glutamine in maintaining nor- benefits and drawbacks of glutamine supple-
mal gastrointestinal and immune system func- mentation for cats and dogs with cancer.
tion during illness (Remillard et al. 1998; Souba
et al. 1990). Glutamine supplementation has
Assisted Feeding
been associated with decreased infectious com-
plications and shorter hospital stays in human Voluntary intake is the most practical and
surgical patients, and decreased complications ­efficient way to meet the energy and other
and reduced mortality in hospitalized, criti- nutrient needs of cats and dogs with cancer.
cally ill people (Novak et al. 2002). Glutamine However, for this approach to be successful,
has also been suggested to accelerate healing of the animal’s caloric requirement must be cal-
acute radiotherapy side effects involving the culated, and the daily quantity of food con-
oral mucosa in dogs (Khanna et al. 1995), and sumed must be measured as accurately as
to decrease the severity of oral mucositis in possible. If the amount of food eaten is consist-
people receiving chemotherapy for esophageal ently less than what is needed to meet require-
cancer when used in combination with an ele- ments, then assisted feeding is indicated. There
mental diet (Tanaka et al. 2016). In addition, it are three basic techniques for assisted feeding,
appears in some studies to protect gut immu- and they can be used singly or in combination:
nity and integrity in individuals receiving radi- pharmacologic appetite stimulation, assisted
otherapy or chemotherapy (Nitenberg and enteral feeding (see Chapter 20), and assisted
Raynard 2000; Yoshida et al. 2001). parenteral feeding (see Chapter 21).
However, not all studies support a convinc- Pharmacologic appetite stimulation can be
ing benefit for glutamine supplementation: one convenient and cost effective, but it is essential
meta-­analysis showed that glutamine did not to confirm drug efficacy through careful meas-
prevent radiation therapy-­induced diarrhea in urement of actual food intake. Failure to take
people receiving pelvic radiotherapy (Lawrie this step can result in a prolonged delay in the
et al. 2018). Likewise, there was no survival initiation of more appropriate and effective
advantage when people undergoing autologous methods of assisted feeding (Baron 2000).
stem cell transplantation for hematologic Historically, the appetite stimulants used most
malignancies received prophylactic parenteral commonly in cats and dogs with cancer have
nutrition supplemented with glutamine probably been cyproheptadine and mirtazap-
(Sykorova et al. 2005). Furthermore, based on ine (Agnew and Korman 2014). Objective data
the results of recent 13C tracer studies, it supporting the clinical efficacy of cyprohepta-
appears that tumor cells use glutamine to fuel dine in cats and dogs with any disease are
the Krebs (TCA) cycle, especially in the pres- scarce; however, mirtazapine has been shown
ence of hypoxia (Corbet and Feron 2015). It is to significantly increase food intake in cats
interesting to speculate that aggressive glu- with chronic kidney disease (Quimby and
tamine supplementation might inadvertently Lunn 2013). Megestrol acetate has been used
provide substrate to malignant cells, especially more often in people with cancer (Alesi and del
when there is advanced, systemic involvement. Fabbro 2014; Cuvelier et al. 2014; McQuellon
However, it also seems likely that the benefits et al. 2002; Ruiz Garcia et al. 2013), but there
of glutamine with respect to gut function and are no controlled trials confirming the safety
immunity and preservation of lean body mass and efficacy of this drug in anorexic cats or
outweigh any theoretic risk, particularly when dogs with neoplastic disease. Megestrol acetate
it is administered enterally to individuals with has been associated with the development of
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496 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

diabetes mellitus (Middleton and Watson 1985) Assisted parenteral feeding is sometimes
and mammary adenocarcinoma in the cat indicated in cats, dogs, and people with cancer.
(Misdorp 1991; Tomlinson et al. 1984), so cau- It is the only option available when the gastro-
tion is warranted when it is used in this species. intestinal tract is completely non-­functional.
A newer option for cats and dogs with cancer-­ It can also be used to help treat inflammatory
associated anorexia is the ghrelin receptor ago- intestinal conditions because it permits
nist capromorelin; this drug has been shown to ­complete bowel rest. Parenteral feeding may be
significantly improve appetite in client-­owned considered as well in selected cases where
dogs with anorexia due to various causes com- hemodynamic instability or coagulopathy
pared to placebo (Johannes and Musser, 2019; would make general anesthesia for surgical
Zollers et al. 2016). More work is needed to placement of a feeding tube too risky (Remillard
define the role of appetite stimulants in the and Saker 2010). Despite these apparent indica-
management of cats and dogs with cancer. tions and advantages, however, studies suggest
For a cat or dog with cancer that is not able to that parenteral feeding has a negative impact
meet its energy and other nutrient requirements on outcome when it is used in humans with
through voluntary intake, assisted feeding can be neoplastic disease. People with cancer who
provided enterally or parenterally. Enteral or receive parenteral nutrition have more compli-
tube feeding is almost always preferred in small cations, marginal improvement in nutritional
animals as well as people, because it maintains status, and trends toward decreased survival
gut health and function and allows nutrients to (Akbulut 2011; Chow et al. 2016; Fearon
be metabolized through normal pathways et al. 2001; Mercadante 1998; Peng et al. 2016;
(Akbulut 2011; Bozzetti et al. 2009; Chan 2017; Roth et al. 2013; Zhao et al. 2016). It seems
Cohen and Lefor 2001; Mercadante 1998; Qin likely that this is related at least in part to the
et al. 2002; Remillard and Saker 2010; Remillard compromised gut function that can occur dur-
et al. 1998). Enteral support is usually easier to ing parenteral feeding. Lack of ingesta within
administer than ­parenteral nutrition, and it is the intestinal tract leads to intestinal mucosal
also associated with fewer complications and atrophy, compromised gut immunity, and
shorter, less expensive hospital stays in people increased rates of bacterial translocation
with cancer (Akbulut 2011; Chow et al. 2016; (Alverdy et al. 1985; Mercadante 1998; Qin
Peng et al. 2016; Roth et al. 2013; Zhao et al. 2016). et al. 2002; Remillard and Saker 2010; Remillard
An additional potential advantage of enteral et al. 1998).
feeding for cats and dogs with cancer is that older A combination of parenteral nutrition and
work suggests that parenteral feeding may stim- enteral support should always be considered
ulate the progression of neoplastic disease in for animals that will tolerate it: even very small
people and rodent models (Mercadante 1998; amounts of food within the intestinal tract
Torosian and Donoway 1991), although authors help to maintain gut health. The techniques
of a more recent review of the existing literature involved in assisted parenteral feeding for cats
were unable to confirm that such an effect exists and dogs are discussed in detail in Chapter 21
(Bossola et al. 2011). Indwelling tubes that can be and elsewhere (Chan 2017; Remillard and
used to deliver enteral support in cats and dogs Saker 2010).
with cancer include nasoesophageal, esophagos- Initiation of assisted enteral or parenteral
tomy, gastrostomy, and jejunostomy tubes. The feeding is necessary and lifesaving for many
indications, surgical techniques for placement, cats and dogs with malignant disease. It
and use of these tubes are discussed in improves the ability to tolerate aggressive anti-
Chapter 20 and are also described in detail neoplastic therapy and speeds recovery from
­elsewhere (Davidson 2018; Marks 2017; Saker critical illness. However, the indications for
and Remillard 2010). nutritional support and the individual animal’s
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­Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cance  497

long-­term prognosis with respect to its underly- decreased overall risk of cancer-­related death
ing cancer should both be carefully considered (Nagata et al. 2017). N-­3 fatty acid supplemen-
before assisted feeding is implemented. Nutri­ tation has also been proposed to specifically
tional support does not improve nutritional or suppress the development of obesity-­related
functional status in people with cancer who cancers in people (Khatib et al. 2016), presum-
have a very short life expectancy (Akbulut 2011; ably through decreased systemic inflammation.
Angus and Burakoff 2003; Brard et al. 2006; Based in part on extrapolation from these
Chen et al. 2013; Niv and Abuksis 2002; Torelli types of outcomes in people, therapeutic pet
et al. 1999), and the same is likely to be true in diets used in cats and dogs with cancer may be
cats and dogs with terminal disease. When all enriched with n-­3 fatty acids. Additional sup-
treatment options have been exhausted and plementation above the level supplied in the
there is no reasonable probability of restoring diet is also recommended in many cases, even
an acceptable quality of life, nutritional sup- though the appropriate doses, methods of
port may only serve to prolong an uncomforta- administration, and indications for n-­3 fatty
ble death. The pet owner must obviously be acids are not yet well defined. Regardless,
involved in deciding whether to use assisted marine oils are the preferred dietary source of
feeding techniques in their animal, but it is long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids in both cats and
important for the clinician to be very clear and dogs, since they are unable to efficiently con-
realistic about what can be achieved. Assisted vert the shorter-­chain n-­3 fatty acids contained
feeding should provide tangible benefit to in vegetable oils such as flax.
every patient that receives it (McKinlay 2004; Changing the dietary ratio of n-­6 to n-­3 fatty
Simmonds 2010). acids alters the fatty acid composition of cell
membranes throughout the body (Stoeckel
et al. 2011), and this in turn impacts cell
Other Nutrients for Cats and Dogs
membrane eicosanoid production, cytokine
with Cancer
synthesis, and the inflammatory cascade.
Omega-­3 (n-­3) Fatty Acids Specifically, series 4 leukotrienes and series 2
Many health benefits have now been associated prostaglandins are derived from the n-­6 fatty
with the consumption of long-­chain n-­3 fatty acid arachidonic acid and are pro-­inflamma­
acids in people. Recent studies have shown that tory, while series 5 leukotrienes and series 3
plasma docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concen- prostaglandins are synthesized from the long-­
trations are inversely associated with all-­cause chain n-­3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid
mortality (Miura et al. 2016), and that higher (EPA) and DHA and are less potent stimula-
combined intake of n-­3 fatty acids from both tors of inflammation. Studies have confirmed
fish and supplements is associated with that the eicosanoids produced during inflam-
decreased risk of coronary heart disease mor- mation in the dog vary with the dietary n-­6 to
tality (Lentjes et al. 2017). With specific respect n-­3 fatty acid ratios, and that the inflammatory
to cancer, n-­3 fatty acid–related mechanisms response can be attenuated by n-­3 fatty acid
including modulation of cyclooxygenase-­2 supplementation in conditions such as atopy
(COX2) activity, alterations in cell surface (Scott et al. 1997; Vaughn et al. 1994).
receptor function, and changes in gene expres- Ultimately, n-­3 fatty acid interaction with
sion are all believed to be responsible for eicosanoid production most likely affects the
decreased tumor-­specific mortality in people inflammatory response by altering synthesis of
with colorectal cancer (Song et al. 2017), cytokines such as IL-­1, TNF-­α, and IL-­6 (Endres
decreased risk of brain tumors (Lian et al. 2017), et al. 1989; LeBlanc et al. 2008). It is therefore
decreased risk of estrogen receptor–negative reasonable to hypothesize that inflammatory
breast cancers (Hidaka et al. 2017), and conditions such as primary cancer cachexia or
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498 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

obesity might be ameliorated through n-­3 fatty in a recent large analysis of n-­3 fatty acid–­
acid supplementation. Added n-­3 fatty acids supplemented people (Jeansen et al. 2018),
have in fact been demonstrated to decrease syn- and investigators have been unable to demon-
thesis of pro-­inflammatory cytokines, improve strate this to be a clinically significant problem
immune function, and stabilize body condition in the dog either (Boudreaux et al. 1997;
in multiple studies of humans with pancreatic McNeil et al. 1999). Results are thus far mixed
and gastrointestinal cancers (Barber et al. 2001; in cats: while platelet function remained nor-
Fearon et al. 2003; Gärtner et al. 2015; Yu mal among cats supplemented with n-­3 fatty
et al. 2017). In another study, people with acids in one study (Bright et al. 1994), it was
advanced neoplastic disease who received n-­3 decreased in another (Saker et al. 1998).
fatty acid supplements also had prolonged sur- Another area of concern is that consump-
vival compared to unsupplemented controls tion of diets containing high levels of n-­3 fatty
(Gogos et al. 1998). People with esophageal acids also appears to compromise normal
cancer have decreased incidence of immune function. Decreased lymphocyte pro-
chemotherapy-­induced stomatitis when they liferation has been documented in humans
receive n-­3 fatty acid–enriched enteral nutri- and dogs (LeBlanc et al. 2007; Meydani
tion during treatment (Miyata et al. 2017). et al. 1991), and suppression of cell-­mediated
Finally, although they did not have concurrent immunity has been observed in n-­3 fatty acid–
weight loss, some abnormalities in carbohy- supplemented dogs (Wander et al. 1997).
drate metabolism resolved in dogs with lym- Increased tissue membrane lipid peroxidation
phoma that were fed a test diet enriched with caused by the ingestion of large quantities of
both n-­3 fatty acids and arginine (Ogilvie polyunsaturated fatty acids has been suggested
et al. 2000). as the factor responsible for these alterations in
Despite these benefits, there are potential immune function. Some authors have also
risks associated with excessive intake of n-­3 speculated that relative vitamin E deficiency in
fatty acids in people and animals. There is the face of n-­3 fatty acid supplementation may
some recent evidence that very high dietary play a role (Meydani et al. 1991; Wander
intake of long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids in people et al. 1997), although at least one investigator
could increase the risk of some cancers, espe- was unable to confirm this in dogs (LeBlanc
cially prostatic carcinoma (Serini and et al. 2008).
Calviello 2018), although this may not be a rel- Finally, n-­3 fatty acids have been implicated
evant observation for cats and dogs because of as potential inhibitors of wound healing.
species differences in the biology of prostatic However, histologic evidence of such an effect
neoplasia. Another consideration is that could not be demonstrated in the dog (Mooney
increased intake of n-­3 fatty acids causes et al. 1998). Additional studies are needed to
decreased synthesis of thromboxane A2 and define the best indications for the use of n-­3
increased production of prostaglandin I3 in fatty acids in cats and dogs with cancer, includ-
people, leading to decreased platelet aggrega- ing the method of supplementation (i.e. as a
tion and vasoconstriction (Kristensen dietary component or administered sepa-
et al. 1989). While this effect might inhibit rately), as well as dose.
metastasis and has also been suggested as the
reason for the decreased incidence of athero- Vitamin D
sclerotic disease observed among fish-­eating Vitamin D’s central role in calcium homeosta-
Inuit peoples, it could predispose some indi- sis and metabolism in both people and animals
viduals to hemorrhage. However, no evidence has been recognized since the early twentieth
of increased bleeding risk or significant century. However, it was not until 1980 that
changes in coagulation parameters were found investigation into the link between vitamin D
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­Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cance  499

status and cancer risk in people really began this study, the risk of all types of cancer was
(Mohr 2009). The mechanisms underlying not statistically different after four years in
vitamin D’s antineoplastic effect are believed women who took a vitamin D supplement
to include inhibition of cell proliferation and compared to those who received a placebo
angiogenesis as well as promotion of cell dif- (Lappe et al. 2017).
ferentiation and apoptosis, often through mod- The relationship between vitamin D status
ulation of inflammation. Calcitriol inhibits and cancer in cats and dogs has also been
COX2 activity and decreases prostaglandin E2 explored by a number of investigators, and,
production. It inhibits NF-­κB signaling as with the exception of one study where no dif-
well, which in turn decreases production of ference was found between serum 25(OH)D
cytokines including TNF-­α and IL8. Calcitriol concentrations in dogs with osteosarcoma and
also suppresses the production of other controls (Willcox et al. 2016), for the most part
cytokines and factors that are either pro-­ serum 25(OH)D concentrations seem to be
inflammatory or tumor promoting, including decreased in cats and dogs with a variety of
IL1β, IL6, IL17, and TGFβ1 (van Harten-­ cancers. Labrador retrievers with mast cell
Gerritsen et al. 2015). tumors were found to have lower serum
One of the first tumor types examined in 25(OH)D concentrations compared to healthy
people for an association with vitamin D status Labrador retrievers (Wakshlag et al. 2011).
was colorectal cancer, and a number of studies Cats with inflammatory bowel disease and
now support an inverse relationship between intestinal small cell lymphoma were shown to
cancer risk and serum 25(OH)D for this dis- have significantly lower serum 25(OH)D con-
ease. A recent meta-­analysis showed that peo- centrations compared to cats hospitalized
ple with serum 25(OH)D concentrations because of other diseases or controls (Lalor
greater than 35 ng/ml had a 40% lower risk of et al. 2014); similar findings have been reported
colorectal cancer than people with serum for dogs with inflammatory bowel disease
25(OH)D concentrations less than 15 ng/ml (Gow et al. 2011). Dogs with Spirocerca lupi–
(Garland and Gorham 2017). Another large induced sarcomas had significantly lower
meta-­analysis revealed a similar association serum 25(OH)D concentrations than dogs that
between the risk of not only colorectal cancer, were infected with S. lupi but did not have can-
but all types of invasive cancer (excluding skin cer, as well as normal controls (Rosa
cancer) in women, with a 67% lower risk when et al. 2013). Dogs with low serum 25(OH)D
serum 25(OH)D was greater than 40 ng/ml, concentrations (<40 ng/ml) had an approxi-
compared to when it was less than 20 ng/ml mately fourfold increase in relative risk of
(McDonnell et al. 2016). Vitamin D status also hemoabdomen and splenic cancer compared
appears to impact prognosis and outcome for to normal controls in another study; these
men with prostatic carcinoma, who are more authors also used their data to predict that
likely to have histologically more malignant serum 25(OH)D concentrations of 100–120 ng/
and clinically more advanced disease when ml represented vitamin D sufficiency in the
their serum 25(OH)D concentrations are low dog (Selting et al. 2016).
(Murphy et al. 2014; Nyame et al. 2016). Finally, investigators studying dogs with
However, the complex relationship between lymphoma, osteosarcoma, and mast cell tumor
vitamin D and tumor development is not yet constructed a more complex model including
completely understood. For instance, based on not only plasma 25(OH)D, but also dietary
the results of a large, randomized clinical trial vitamin D intake, serum ionized calcium con-
in healthy postmenopausal women, it does not centrations, and plasma 24,25(OH)2D. They
appear that simply supplementing with vita- concluded that there was indeed a significant
min D3 necessarily decreases cancer risk. In association between the presence of neoplastic
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500 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

disease and vitamin D metabolism, but that it present in the diet. Marketing may suggest to
was not as straightforward as dogs with cancer the consumer that the added antioxidants
simply having lower plasma 25(OH)D concen- will help prevent cancer in animals that con-
trations: they found that plasma 25(OH)D con- sume these products.
centrations increased as serum ionized calcium There are three potential scenarios in which
concentrations also increased among their antioxidant supplementation could be consid-
dogs with cancer, while plasma 25(OH)D con- ered for the cat or dog with cancer. First, anti-
centrations decreased as serum ionized cal- oxidants could be administered long term as a
cium concentrations increased in their healthy cancer preventive. Chronic oxidative stress
controls (Weidner et al. 2017). with formation of reactive oxygen species is
Based on the existing veterinary studies, it is hypothesized to be one of the basic mecha-
certainly tempting to consider supplementing nisms causing cancer (Griffiths et al. 2016;
vitamin D in cats and dogs with cancer. Mandelker 2008b). Oxidative injury causes
However, insufficient data currently exist to DNA damage and eventually this can lead to
support the routine use of vitamin D as a pre- malignant transformation, with establish-
vention or treatment for cancer in this popula- ment of a neoplastic cell population. This pro-
tion. The optimal dose of vitamin D is cess is more likely to occur when antioxidant
unknown, and authors disagree on the criteria capacity is marginal or inadequate, so appro-
that should be used to assess sufficiency in priate supplementation could theoretically
tumor-­bearing small animals. It is also unclear prevent it.
whether supplementation that does not begin Preliminary work shows that dogs with
until after a diagnosis of cancer is made will mammary tumors and lymphoma do have sys-
necessarily have a positive impact on outcome. temic evidence of oxidative stress (Szczubiał
Additional studies are needed that confirm the et al. 2004; Winter et al. 2009), but for what
normal range for serum 25(OH)D concentra- duration or if these abnormalities are even
tions among cats and dogs with cancer, docu- present prior to tumor development has not
ment the efficacy and long-­term safety of a been investigated. An increased degree of lipid
range of vitamin D doses, and objectively peroxidation has been demonstrated in canine
assess impact on tumor progression and prog- mammary tumor tissue compared to adjacent
nosis before a confident recommendation for normal tissues, suggesting the possibility of a
supplementation can be made. role for oxidative damage in the development
of these lesions (Karayannopoulou et al. 2013;
Antioxidants Kumaraguruparan et al. 2005). However,
People who eat large quantities of fruits and ­concurrently increased antioxidant activity
vegetables have a significantly decreased was also found within the tumors assayed in
risk of certain types of cancers, including one of these studies, making it unclear
carcinomas of the lung, head and neck, and whether increased intake of antioxidants in
gastrointestinal tract (Johnson 2004; these animals could have a protective effect
Llewellyn et al. 2004; Makarem et al. 2015; (Kumaraguruparan et al. 2005). Finally, in two
Rao et al. 1994). Nutrients that could other studies, relatively short-­term (seven
be responsible for this protective effect months’ duration) selenium supplementation
include antioxidants such as beta-­carotene; within an optimal range above deficiency but
lutein; selenium; and vitamins A, C, and E below excess appeared to decrease DNA
(Mandelker 2008a). These nutrients, among ­damage and prevent possible progression to
others, are added to many commercial pet tumor in non-­neoplastic prostatic epithelial
foods and may also be recommended for cells in geriatric laboratory beagles (Waters
additional supplementation beyond what is et al. 2003, 2005), but none of the dogs in these
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­Nutritional Management of Cats and Dogs with Cance  501

studies actually had definitively diagnosed cancer treatment centers currently advise
prostatic neoplasia. individuals undergoing therapy to avoid tak-
Unfortunately, then, none of these studies ing high doses of any antioxidants, in order to
provides the objective data needed to assess the maximize the efficacy of their cancer treat-
potential antineoplastic effect of long-­term ment (see the Memorial Sloan Kettering
dietary antioxidant supplementation in pet Cancer Center website page “About Herbs,
cats and dogs. Which antioxidants might be Botanicals & Other Products,” http://www.
most effective, at what dietary concentration However,
or dose, and over what period are unknown. other authors disagree and use the contradic-
Various antioxidant cocktails that could play a tory results of published studies in this area
role in preventing cancer are often advertised to support their point of view (Simone
as one of the benefits of rations intended for et al. 2007). More well-­designed, prospective
use in “senior” cats and dogs, but, given the studies are needed to resolve these questions
hypothesized mechanism of this protective in humans; not surprisingly, no such studies
effect, a legitimate question is whether the age exist for cats and dogs undergoing chemother-
of 7 or 8 (the age at which senior diets are typi- apy or radiotherapy. Until more specific
cally recommended) might be too late for ­information becomes available, the best rec-
intervention. If oxidative stress with the poten- ommendation is probably the same for cats
tial to eventually induce malignant transfor- and dogs as it is in people: high-­level antioxi-
mation is present over the lifetime of the dant ­supplementation should be avoided dur-
animal, then antioxidant supplementation ing cancer treatment.
might be even more beneficial if it is provided A final situation where antioxidants could
over the same period. Regardless, the studies play a role is in prevention of tumor recurrence
that would be needed to answer these ques- after completion of anticancer therapy. This
tions are probably prohibitively complex and has been examined in several large studies and
costly. Large groups of cats and dogs would meta-­analyses in people. Unfortunately, the
have to be fed standardized diets containing results have often been disappointing. First of
different concentrations of various antioxi- all, it is not clear that taking antioxidants as
dants beginning at different ages, so that supplements provides the same benefits as
potential differences in the incidence of neo- consumption of the same vitamins and miner-
plastic disease depending on the type and als in their naturally occurring forms in whole
duration of antioxidant supplementation could foods (Johnson 2004). Furthermore, signifi-
be documented. cantly increased rates of primary tumor recur-
A second situation in which antioxidant rence or second primary cancers have actually
supplementation may be considered is during been observed during supplementation with
cancer treatment, with the primary intention beta-­carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E
of reducing the severity of some of the (Bairati et al. 2005; Bjelakovic et al. 2007;
side effects of therapy. This is an area of con- Narita et al. 2018; Omenn et al. 1996). While
siderable controversy in human oncology there can be no doubt that there are numerous,
(D’Andrea 2005; Marian 2017). Some types of clear benefits associated with adequate
chemotherapy and radiation therapy injure ­antioxidant intake in cats, dogs, and people,
and kill cells through oxidative damage and whether they have underlying cancer or not,
generation of free radicals. The difficulty is more work remains to be done before antioxi-
that while this is a desired effect with respect dant supplementation can be confidently
to targeted cancer cells, the same process often ­recommended for tumor chemoprevention or
leads to serious side effects when it occurs in management of cancer therapy side effects
normal host tissues. Many mainstream human in any of these species.
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502 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases

­ utritional Fads professionals and patients, and so it can be con-
fidently recommended to clients as a source of
Supplements and Nutraceuticals reliable and readily understandable information.
Ultimately, the following four basic ques-
The diet history of every cat or dog with cancer tions must be answered in every case:
should always include specific information
about current and former medications and ●● Does the product or practice work? To
nutritional supplements. Dedicated human answer this question, a logical scientific
companions frequently make significant hypothesis supporting the benefit of the sup-
changes to their feeding practices and may also plement or practice should be clearly appar-
add a wide variety of supplements and nutra- ent. This should include knowing specifically
ceuticals to their animal’s diet after a diagnosis what the active compounds or advantageous
of cancer has been made. Their goal is simply qualities of a particular product are, as well
to take advantage of every possible interven- as having access to studies published in
tion that may benefit their pet, but these the peer-­reviewed scientific literature that
changes and additions are often made without describe the objective and consistent benefi-
veterinary advice. Some clients view veterinar- cial effects in controlled clinical trials.
ians as poor sources of unbiased nutritional Ideally, these studies should be performed in
information, while others just want to avoid cats and dogs with cancer; this is particularly
engaging a skeptical veterinarian in an uncom- true in the cat because of its numerous meta-
fortable and negative discussion about alterna- bolic and nutritional peculiarities. However,
tive or complementary therapies. It is important data collected in human trials may also be
for clinicians to recognize that even though helpful.
large-­scale clinical trials documenting the clin- ●● Is the product or practice safe? To answer
ical efficacy of many supplements and nutra- this question, reliable information from con-
ceuticals are currently lacking, an expanding trolled studies investigating both the short-­
body of objective data outlines the potential and long-­term safety of the product at the
mechanisms of action and benefits of such proposed dose or doses to be used in cats
compounds for cats, dogs, and ­people with and dogs (or at least people) should be
malignant disease (Dorai and Aggarwal 2004; available.
Levine et al. 2016; Marian 2017). To provide ●● Will the product or practice interfere
the best recommendation for each individual with the efficacy of cancer therapy? It is
animal, it is essential that the veterinarian particularly important in small animals
remain objective, well informed, and non-­ with cancer to consider possible interactions
judgmental, and willing to engage in discussion. and contraindications of supplements and
A systematic approach to the evaluation of nutraceuticals with anticancer therapy.
nutritional supplements, nutraceuticals, and Common contraindications include the risk
novel feeding practices is the best way to ensure that ­supplements with significant antioxi-
that the most appropriate advice is always given. dant activity will compromise the ability of
A particularly valuable source of objective chemotherapy and radiation therapy to injure
­information that can be used throughout this and kill cancer cells through oxidative dam-
process is the “About Herbs, Botanicals & Other age; the potential for gastrointestinal side
Products” section of the Memorial Sloan effects that may be difficult to distinguish
Kettering Cancer Center website (http://www. from complications related to ongoing con- This site is ventional cancer therapy; and the possibility
constantly updated and provides citations for that some supplements could actually stimu-
further reading where they are available. It is late cancer progression. For example, the
also separated into areas for healthcare herb ginseng (Panax ginseng) appears to have
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­Summar  503

estrogenic activity (Lee et al. 2003), so would Campylobacter spp. (Bojanić et al. 2017), and
be contraindicated in cats or dogs with estro- Toxoplasma gondii (van Bree et al. 2018; Lopes
gen receptor–positive mammary cancers. et al. 2011; Nash et al. 2005). Cats and dogs with
cancer can be significantly immunosuppressed,
●● Is the product or products being used of
both by their disease and by its treatment, mak-
acceptable quality? To answer this final
ing life-­threatening infections a legitimate risk
question, there should be some means of
when raw or undercooked foods are fed. For this
objective assurance that the specific product
reason, the owners of cats and dogs undergoing
or products being used is of good quality:
cancer treatment should be specifically counse-
this includes consistent concentration and
led against the use of raw foods.
availability of the active ingredients, as well
as lack of contamination.

Feeding Raw Foods to Cats and Dogs
with Cancer ●● Clinically significant loss of lean body mass
and fat stores in an individual with cancer is
The feeding of raw foods to cats and especially
called cancer cachexia.
dogs is increasingly popular (Dinallo
Weight loss decreases prognosis in cancer
et al. 2017; Morgan et al. 2017). These diets are

intended to mimic the diet of wild cats and
dogs and are believed by their proponents to ●● Individualized nutritional assessment is
provide nutrition that is superior to traditional essential for all cats and dogs with cancer:
cooked pet foods. Proposed benefits of raw –– Dogs are often overweight or obese.
food diets include improved nutrient digesti- –– Cats are more likely to have weight loss.
bility and absorption, increased health of coat ●● Optimal food intake is dictated by energy
and skin, decreased incidence of obesity and requirements.
improved lean body mass, improved immune ●● Complete and balanced commercial pet
function, resolution of various degenerative foods that are relatively high in fat, low in
diseases, and increased lifespan. Detractors carbohydrates, and provide ample protein
point to the increased likelihood of nutritional are often used in cats and dogs with cancer.
imbalance, higher incidence of gastrointesti- ●● Dietary changes are not indicated in all cases:
nal foreign bodies because of the ingestion of –– Many animals can safely remain on their
bones, and the potential contamination of the regular diet.
diet with pathogens that may cause disease in –– High-­protein, high-­fat diets are contrain-
both the pet and its owner. dicated in some animals with neoplastic
While controlled, long-­term studies that disease.
objectively compare the advantages and disad- ●● Sufficient evidence exists to recommend
vantages of the two approaches and definitively supplementing dogs (not cats) that have can-
prove that one is better than the other do not yet cer with long-­chain n-­3 fatty acids, but the
exist, raw foods do pose one very significant con- optimal dose and method of administration
cern for cats and dogs with ­cancer. Several stud- are unknown.
ies show that raw pet foods and the ingredients ●● Antioxidant supplements should not be
used to prepare them can be contaminated with administered to cats and dogs undergoing
pathogenic organisms, including Salmonella chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
spp. (van Bree et al. 2018; Fauth et al. 2015; ●● All supplements and novel nutritional thera-
Finley et al. 2007; Giacometti et al. 2017; Joffe pies should be objectively and systematically
and Schlesinger 2002; Stiver et al. 2003), evaluated before they are recommended for
Listeria monocytogenes (van Bree et al. 2018), use in cats and dogs with cancer.
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504 Nutritional Management of Oncologic Diseases


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Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

Jennifer A. Larsen

Preventing or reversing malnutrition in studies have demonstrated the tolerance of

­hospitalized patients or those with chronic early implementation of enteral feeding, as
debilitating disease should be an important well as showing benefits including shorter
goal of all clinicians. In human medicine, it is ­hospital stays and improved gastrointestinal
known that malnutrition is associated with function (Kawasaki et al. 2009; Mansfield
increased mortality and longer hospital stays, et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2012). It is clear that the
and this is a common problem in the elderly, provision of adequate nutrition, administered
young, and chronically ill (Groleau et al. 2014; enterally where possible, can be a powerful
Rahman et al. 2015; Alvarez-­Hernandez tool in the management of patients with a wide
et al. 2012; Corkins et al. 2014). While provid- variety of disease conditions.
ing nutritional support by either parenteral or
enteral routes has been beneficial, it is becom-
ing apparent that utilizing the gastrointestinal ­ utritional Support
tract whenever possible is important. of Veterinary Patients

Many articles have described techniques for

­The Case for Enteral Feeding successfully providing enteral nutrition in vet-
erinary patients (Abood and Buffington 1991;
The human medical literature supports that Bright 1993; Marks 1998; Waddell and
enteral feeding is more cost effective and Michel 1998; Daye et al. 1999; Stevenson
results in overall significant decreases in et al. 2000; von Werthern and Wess 2001).
­complications with more positive outcomes Despite these resources, data from different
in people (Gramlich et al. 2004; McClave institutions have agreed that hospitalized dogs
et al. 2006; Jeejeebhoy 2007). In the veterinary and cats uncommonly achieve caloric intake
literature, it has been shown in dogs with that meets predicted requirements (Remillard
induced pancreatitis that parenteral nutrition et al. 2001; Brunetto et al. 2010; Molina
(compared to enteral nutrition) has a negative et al. 2018). In addition, these studies also
impact on gut barrier function and is associ- reported a significant correlation between
ated with decreased intestinal villus height, caloric intake and outcome. Reasons for failure
mucosal thickness, and total protein and DNA to provide adequate nutritional support may
content, and that this occurs within just include inadequate feeding orders, specific
seven days (Qin et al. 2002). Similarly, other orders to withhold food, and patient’s refusal

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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516 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

to eat. There is evidence that animals with dis- swallows the bolus by reflex or because the
eases that have been traditionally managed mouth is held closed. Obviously, this is not
with “nil per os” (NPO) orders, such as pan- ideal, since it can be a stressful process for both
creatitis and parvoviral enteritis, may actually the patient and hospital staff, and the method
benefit from early enteral feeding (Qin is not feasible in the long term. Additionally,
et al. 2002; Mohr et al. 2003; Mansfield forced feeding can lead to choking or aspira-
et al. 2011; Harris et al. 2017). In other criti- tion as well as the development of food aver-
cally ill patients, or after gastrointestinal sur- sions and other undesirable responses in some
gery, early enteral feeding is tolerated and may patients (such as aggression or fear). Placement
support improved outcomes (Hoffberg and and use of an enteral feeding device are the
Koenigshof 2017; Kawasaki et al. 2009; Liu preferred method of providing adequate
et al. 2012). Additionally, solving problems amounts of an appropriate diet, and this can be
that involve poor order writing and encourag- accomplished on a long-­term basis with many
ing proactive patient management that is tube types (Figure 20.1).
inclusive of nutritional needs is perhaps sim-
pler than overcoming a patient’s anorexia.
There are different ways to accomplish ­When to Intervene
enteral feeding, including voluntary intake. If
an animal will eat adequate amounts of an Nutritional support should be provided as soon
appropriate diet for any disease states that may as malnutrition is recognized or anticipated to
be present, intervention is not necessary. occur. In some cases, this need will be identi-
Voluntary intake can be encouraged with the fied and addressed at or very soon after the ini-
utilization of various measures of altering diet tial presentation. Animals with a longer history
palatability as well as managing the home or of suboptimal intakes and/or with chronic dis-
hospital environment (Delaney 2006). While eases in poor body condition are obvious can-
pharmacologic appetite stimulants such as didates for early intervention; however, obesity
cyproheptadine, prednisone, benzodiazepines, is not a contraindication for nutritional sup-
propofol, megestrol acetate, and even dronabi- port (Figure 20.2). Other cases will require
nol have been utilized with varied success in medical stabilization prior to establishing
the short term in veterinary patients, these nutritional support (trauma or other emergent
measures are often not feasible for long-­term cases). Regardless, intervention is indicated if
use, as they usually do not result in the con- anorexia has been documented for longer than
sumption of adequate amounts of calories on a 3–5 days (including the days before presenta-
sustained basis. The most successful agents tion, identified via a thorough diet history) or
to date are mirtazapine and capromorelin if a patient is not expected to eat within
(Quimby and Lunn 2013; Wofford et al. 2018; 2–3 days (such as those with significant orofa-
Zollers et al. 2015, 2016). Regardless, use of cial trauma or in need of extensive orofacial
any appetite stimulant does not preclude mon- surgery).
itoring of food intake and serial body weights If the need can be anticipated, it is important
to ensure consumption of adequate calories. to initiate a discussion with the client regard-
For partially or fully anorexic patients, other ing potential feeding tube use early in the
options include forced feeding with a syringe course of the disease. Feeding tubes are cur-
or other method, or placement of an enteral rently a standard treatment in some common
feeding device. Forced or “assisted” feeding is a diseases, such as feline hepatic lipidosis, and
commonly utilized method that usually they are increasingly utilized for other condi-
involves the placement of a food bolus in the tions such as chronic kidney disease, pancrea-
rear of the oral cavity. The animal either titis, and trauma. The use of most types of
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­When to Interven  517

Is anorexia
expected or

No Yes
Offer diet
Is enteral
appropriate for
disease and/or
life stage

No Yes

Provide Does the patient have

parenteral canine acute pancreatitis,
nutrition decreased consciousness,
refractory vomiting, or
decreased gag reflex?

No Yes

Is anesthesia
Place jejunal
contraindicated?Does the
feeding device
patient have a coagulopathy?
Is support only needed on a
short-term basis?

Yes No
Does the patient have
Place nasoenteric esophageal disease
feeding device (stricture, atony,

Yes No
Place gastric feeding Place
device with surgical esophagostomy or
or endoscopic gastric feeding
technique device with any
placement method

Figure 20.1 Decision-­making process for addressing expected or ongoing anorexia in patients already
under any indicated treatments for underlying diseases and with inadequate response to appetite
stimulants and other support.

enteral feeding devices allows for care to con- medicine. In most cases, clients will be aware
tinue at home even on a long-­term basis, com- of feeding tube use for people in vegetative
pared to parenteral nutrition, which must be states or for end-­of-­life situations. The general
administered in the hospital. However, client public tends to be less aware of feeding tube
perceptions about feeding tubes strongly influ- use for shorter-­term management, such as in
ence their acceptance of an enteral feeding the case of severe acute pancreatitis, surgical
device for their pet. Most people have at least a procedures to repair orofacial trauma, or
general awareness, if not first-­or second-­hand adverse effects of radiation therapy of head
experience, of feeding tube use in human and neck tumors. Because of this negative
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518 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

It is especially important to impress upon the

client the benefits of feeding tube placement.
Many sick pets are willing to eat, but they will
not consume enough calories to maintain their
body weight, or they will not consume a diet
that is appropriate for their disease. Chronic
kidney disease is a very common example, and
a waxing and waning appetite is often observed
in such patients. In addition to the direct physi-
ologic and physical effects of hypergastrinemia
and uremia on the gastrointestinal tract, other
alterations in metabolism (such as electrolyte
abnormalities, altered hormonal milieu,
increases in cytokines, acid–base derange-
ments, and dehydration) can significantly
impact appetite. Azotemia can also be expected
to affect taste and smell perception in veteri-
nary patients, as has been reported in people
(Ng et al. 2004). Additionally, many medica-
tions are known to alter smell and taste in peo-
ple and this should be considered in animals as
well (Bromley 2000). Many animals with
chronic kidney disease will readily consume
Figure 20.2 Consideration of nutritional needs very high-­protein diets, such as only meats.
should be part of the management of every patient, However, restriction of protein to control the
regardless of body condition. Loss of lean body
blood concentrations of uremic toxins and
mass can be difficult to assess in obese patients in
particular. manage proteinuria, as well as to limit dietary
phosphorus, is a major feature of nutritional
therapy for these patients. Also, many animals
association, clients may not be willing to accept with renal disease develop hypertension and/or
the placement and use of a feeding tube in fat intolerance, which can necessitate the use
their pet. They may feel that taking this step of an even less palatable diet restricted in
represents a point of no return or that they are ­protein, sodium, and fat. Provision of an appro-
giving up. People often take a unique pleasure priate diet for these patients can positively
in preparing and eating meals, and food is a impact quality of life and improve prognosis.
large part of family and cultural identity. Most Additionally, feeding tube placement can facili-
owners also enjoy feeding their pets and giving tate the administration of extra fluids as well as
treats, and they may resist a change to what medications without necessitating their oral
they perceive is a medical procedure, similar to administration, a process that many owners
administering medications. Other people may and pets find unpleasant or difficult.
feel uncomfortable with the idea of having
such a device physically associated with their
pet. In this case, it may be helpful to introduce ­General Contraindications
the client to patients with similar devices, or to
encourage them to discuss these issues with Although it is clear that providing adequate
other clients who have been through the nutritional support and administering it enter-
experience. ally if possible is of benefit in managing many
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­Enteral Feeding Device  519

cases, most enteral feeding devices are generally can be confirmed radiographically if termination
contraindicated in patients with an increased is in the stomach; the tube can then be partly
risk of aspiration. Risk can be increased in withdrawn into the esophagus if desired.
patients that have uncontrolled vomiting, a However, radiographic interpretation of correct
reduced gag reflex, or a reduced level of con- placement is not always confirmatory
sciousness (due to head trauma or the need to (Rodriguez-­Diaz et al. 2021). In addition, no
be anesthetized for assisted ventilation). method is feasible for confirming continued
Regurgitation is not uncommon in critically ill correct placement over the long term. Some
patients, and decisions regarding the safety of instances of tube displacement can be difficult
enteral feeding should be based on risk assess- to identify, such as gastrostomy tube dislodg-
ments of the specific situation (Hopper ment into the peritoneal cavity (Elliott
et al. 2007). Accomplishing enteral feeding with et al. 2000). However, with experience and the
devices that terminate in the jejunum is a viable use of multiple confirmatory methods, the risks
option for some patients with an increased risk of feeding through an incorrectly placed device
of aspiration (Shike and Latkany 1998). It is also can be reduced. Radiography can be useful;
important to consider whether frequent anes- other methods to determine correct tube place-
thesia or sedation may be necessary (due to ment into the esophagus or stomach rather than
bandage changes or other procedures). In this the bronchus include the injection of air or ster-
case, consideration should be given to using an ile water while observing for coughing or aus-
enteral feeding technique that facilitates meal culting for borborygmi. Details and excellent
feeding (together with measures to promote instructions for tube placement are available
gastrointestinal motility, including therapeutics elsewhere (Marks 1998; Seim and Willard 2002;
as well as walking the patient if possible), or Han 2004; Jergens et al. 2007; Herring 2016).
that terminates in the jejunum. Technical aspects of enteral feeding devices will
only be discussed generally here.

­Enteral Feeding Devices Nasoenteral Feeding Tubes

Enteral feeding devices include tubes that pass Nasoesophageal, nasogastric, and nasojejunal
through the nares and end anywhere from the tubes are typically small-­diameter (5–8
esophageal lumen to the jejunum (nasoen- French), polyurethane, polyvinylchloride, or
teral), pharyngostomy tubes, esophagostomy silicone flexible tubes. Their advantages
tubes, gastrostomy tubes, duodenostomy tubes, include the ability to place the tube without
and jejunostomy tubes. Placement of any of anesthesia or specialized equipment. These
these tubes requires the ability to confirm cor- tubes can be irritating to the patient since they
rect placement into the appropriate location in need to be attached to the face with suture or
the gastrointestinal tract rather than into the staples, making an Elizabethan collar neces-
airway, subcutaneous space, or peritoneum. sary for the duration of use (Figure 20.3).
For surgically, fluoroscopically, or endoscopi- Nasoenteral tubes are not generally an option
cally placed gastrostomy, duodenostomy, or for at-­home use and are best utilized for short-­
jejunostomy tubes, this confirmation can be term provision of nutrients (i.e. less than
accomplished during the placement procedure. one week; for example, in the interim between
For other types of tubes and placement proce- medical stabilization and placement of a more
dures, few methods can confirm correct place- permanent tube). These tubes can also be a
ment without doubt, particularly for tubes that good option for pets with coagulopathy
terminate in the esophagus cranial to the carina. because no incision is necessary. While
Nasoenteral or esophagostomy tube placement epistaxis has been reported as a potential
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520 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

Pharyngostomy Feeding Tubes

Pharyngostomy tubes are sometimes used in
human medicine in lieu of nasogastric tubes
and are most often used for gastric decompres-
sion rather than enteral feeding in some set-
tings (Garza-­Castillon et al. 2018). Although
they appear to have a low complication rate
(Meehan et al. 1984; Patil et al. 2006; Garza-­
Castillon et al. 2018), fatal hemorrhage has
been reported due to dissection of the superior
Figure 20.3 To avoid premature removal, an thyroid artery (Edge and Langdon 1991) and
Elizabethan collar or similar barrier must be worn their use has been discouraged (Vanek 2003).
by patients with nasoenteral tubes. In veterinary medicine, pharyngostomy tube
placement has no advantages over esophagos-
complication during the placement of nasal tomy tube placement and can potentially result
tubes, refined techniques have resulted in a in more serious complications (Crowe and
lower incidence (Abood and Buffington 1991) Downs 1986). Additionally, placement of a
(Figure 20.4). Because general anesthesia is pharyngostomy tube may demand more tech-
usually not necessary for nasoenteric tube nical skill due to the proximity of critical sur-
placement, water and/or food can be adminis- rounding structures. The two tube types are
tered immediately. similar in their indications, disadvantages, and
tube sizes. For these reasons, pharyngostomy
tubes have fallen out of common use.

Esophagostomy Feeding Tubes

Esophagostomy tubes are very popular in both
dogs and cats. The disadvantages include the
need for anesthesia for placement. However,
no special equipment is necessary, and place-
ment is usually inexpensive, quick, and simple
(Levine et al. 1997; Han 2004). These tubes are
generally very well tolerated (Figure 20.5).
Only a protective neck wrap is usually neces-
sary, with both plain and decorative options being
commercially available as well (Figure 20.6).
There is little danger of serious complications
if the tube is removed prior to stoma forma-
tion. They are useful for home use by the ­client;
however, care must be taken to clean and
maintain the stoma site to minimize the risk of
infection (Figure 20.7). In one survey, most
owners reported little difficulty with using the
Figure 20.4 Pushing the nares dorsally and
introducing the tube at a ventromedial angle
tube to feed their cats, and they became quite
facilitates proper placement. Source: Reproduced comfortable with the process with experience
with permission from Abood and Buffington (1991). (Ireland et al. 2003). Complications are usually
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­Enteral Feeding Device  521

Figure 20.5 Esophagostomy tubes are generally Figure 20.7 The area around the stoma for a
well tolerated and are easily used in the home feeding tube must be kept clean and dry to reduce
environment. local skin irritation and prevent cellulitis.

Figure 20.8 A loosely tied anchor suture is

attached to the friction suture and allows for tube
replacement without repuncturing the skin. Source:
Reproduced with permission from Crowe (1986).

Typical tube types used for esophagostomy

tube feeding include those composed of polyvi-
nylchloride, polyurethane, silicone, or red rub-
ber. Depending on tube composition these
tubes can be maintained for up to 6–8 weeks;
Figure 20.6 A properly wrapped however, with regular replacement enteral
esophagostomy tube. feeding can be accomplished for months to
years. Tube replacement is facilitated with the
relatively minor, and include patient removal; use of a guide wire (which can be used if the
irritation, infection, or leakage around the blind end of the tube has been removed), as
stoma site; obstruction of the tube with food, well as by using anchor suture that can be used
medications, or kinking; and vomition of the to attach the new tube with a friction suture
tube (Levine et al. 1997; Devitt and Seim 1997; without repuncturing the skin (Figure 20.8).
Crowe and Devey 1997; Breheny et al. 2019; Polyethylene tubes appear to be quite irritating
Perondi et al. 2021; Brunet et al. 2022). when compared to silicon tubes and should be
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522 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

avoided (Balkany et al. 1977). Tube sizes of

12–14 French are adequate for cats and small
dogs, while sizes 14–18 French are adequate
for larger dogs. Placement of tubes too large
for the patient may result in adverse effects and
likely impart no more than minimal benefit
over more appropriately sized tubes. A size
18-­French tube caused a head tilt and circling,
which resolved immediately with tube removal
in one cat, while in several other instances
similar tubes in cats resulted in signs of dis-
comfort and nausea (repeated swallowing, lip Figure 20.10 Low-­profile gastrostomy tubes may
licking), which also resolved with tube removal be more esthetically pleasing for owners. Source:
(S.J. Delaney, personal communication). After Reproduced with permission from Marks (2005).
esophagostomy tube removal, the stoma site
typically heals uneventfully by second while reducing the risks of clogging and chew-
intention. ing on the tube by the pet (Campbell et al. 2006)
(Figure 20.10). Except in the smallest patients,
they are large tubes (18–24 French).
Gastrostomy Feeding Tubes
With appropriate adaptors, a wide variety of
Gastrostomy tubes are particularly useful in diets can be fed, including puréed human food
the management of chronic diseases requiring combinations as well as commercially availa-
long-­term nutritional support (Figure 20.9). ble canned and dry diets blended with water.
One study reported canine veterinary patients However, in some instances the diameter of
being fed through gastrostomy tubes for up to the feeding adapter may be much smaller and
6 years or more (Campbell et al. 2006). The may require adjustment. Gastrostomy tubes
tubes are typically latex or silicon and both can be placed either endoscopically (percuta-
traditional-­length mushroom-­tipped tubes as neous endoscopic gastrostomy [PEG] tube),
well as low-­profile versions are available from surgically (including tube gastropexy), or with
a variety of manufacturers. Low-­profile devices a transoral rigid tube introducer (the “blind”
can be placed with the aid of an endoscope and technique). Recent reports have described
may be more esthetically pleasing to owners, novel placement methods that expand clinical
options (Hlusko et al. 2019; Griffin et al. 2020).
Which method is used to achieve tube place-
ment depends on the availability of specific
equipment (such as endoscopes or rigid tube
introducers), the skill and training of the clini-
cian, and patient factors. Animals with esoph-
ageal disorders, including megaesophagus and
strictures, should not undergo blind placement
procedures using tube introducers due to the
risk of perforation or other damage to the
The disadvantages of gastrostomy tubes
include the need for anesthesia for placement
Figure 20.9 A gastrostomy tube is an excellent
method of administering enteral nutritional and the need for specialized equipment in
support on a long-­term basis. some cases (for endoscopic and blind
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­Enteral Feeding Device  523

placements). Most owners reported little diffi- reported the maintenance of low-­profile enter-
culty using PEG tubes in their cats, and with ostomy tubes in healthy experimental dogs for
experience most became comfortable with the 10 months (Swann et al. 1998).
procedure (Ireland et al. 2003). For dog owners Postgastric feeding is useful for providing
surveyed regarding home use of a low-­profile nutritional support to patients in which gastric
gastrostomy tube, most reported that the feeding is contraindicated due to pancreatitis,
device was easy to use and maintain, and that severe and/or diffuse structural or physiologic
the tube improved their pet’s quality of life and disease of the stomach, decreased level of con-
positively impacted their lifespan (Yoshimoto sciousness, proximal obstruction, delayed gas-
et al. 2006; Campbell et al. 2006). One study tric emptying, or intractable vomiting. A study
reported no difference in PEG tube complica- in people with severe acute pancreatitis com-
tion rate and severity when compared to pared nasogastric and nasojejunal tube feed-
esophagostomy tubes in cats (Ireland ing; no differences were found in adverse
et al. 2003). Overall, complications of gastros- effects or clinical outcomes (Kumar et al. 2006).
tomy tubes range from minor to serious and However, because gastric emptying is often
include gastric bleeding during placement; delayed secondary to pancreatitis, postgastric
improper tube placement; vomiting; irritation, feeding is often a feasible alternative (Meier
infection, or leakage around the stoma site; et al. 2006). Also, stimulation of pancreatic
aspiration pneumonia; premature tube secretion is significantly decreased in healthy
removal by the patient; and peritonitis due to people in response to a liquid meal infusion
displacement of the tube into the abdomen into the jejunum compared to into the stom-
(Glaus et al. 1998; Elliott et al. 2000; Hansen ach, probably secondary to a reduced and
et al. 2019; Stevenson et al. 2000; Campbell delayed hormonal response (gastrin and chol-
et al. 2006; Elmenhorst et al. 2020). Although ecystokinin; Czakó et al. 1999). Similar results
the total complication rate is high in some have been found in dogs: gastric and duodenal
studies, most problems were minor and easily nutrient infusions caused an increase in pan-
manageable. creatic secretion, while jejunal infusions did
not (Ragins et al. 1973). When parenteral
nutrition was compared with jejunal nutrition
Jejunal Feeding Tubes
in a dog model of severe acute pancreatitis,
Nasojejunal, gastrojejunostomy, and jejunos- enteral feeding was associated with decreased
tomy tubes enable postgastric feeding. endotoxin and bacterial translocation and did
Although there are no specific indications for not cause worsening of pancreatic pathology
one intestinal location over another, place- (Qin et al. 2002). In people with pancreatitis,
ment of duodenostomy tubes is also possible early enteral feeding via the jejunal route is
(Swann et al. 1998; Novo et al. 2001). Although safe and is recommended in this context due
the location of the stoma can be in the distal to cost effectiveness compared to parenteral
duodenum or in the proximal jejunum, the nutrition (McClave et al. 1997). Whenever pos-
tube should terminate in the jejunum as far sible, it is advisable to provide nutritional sup-
cranial as practical to maximize the absorptive port enterally in veterinary patients with
surface area distal to the point of food intro- pancreatitis, and if needed this can be deliv-
duction. The maximum recommended period ered jejunally to reduce pancreatic stimulation.
for jejunal feeding device use depends partly It may be a challenge to achieve delivery of
on the tubing material. There are reports of full caloric targets in many cases, which is
clinical patients maintained with polyvinyl or likely due not only to the typical severity of ill-
polyurethane enterostomy tubes for up to ness in these patients, but also to the usually
four weeks (Novo et al. 2001). Another study short period of use and gradual increase in the
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524 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

rate of administration (Tsuruta et al. 2016). It

remains unconfirmed if provision of any food
is better than none; however, it has been shown
that energy provision is positively associated
with outcome in critically ill veterinary
patients (Brunetto et al. 2010). The use of
hypocaloric feeding (also known as trickle
feeding, trophic feeding, or permissive under-
feeding) is debated in the human critical care
literature (Van Zanten et al. 2015; Patel
et al. 2018), and a clear positive impact on out-
comes of mortality and hospital discharge has
not been definitively demonstrated. However, Figure 20.11 A small-­gauge tube terminating in
the small intestine can be placed through a larger
this practice even when intentional appears to gastrostomy tube. Source: Reproduced with
have no risk per se, and may be of benefit in permission from Crowe and Downs (1986).
maintaining normal intestinal function as well
as other more global parameters. Regardless, suitable gastrojejunostomy devices from
provision of energy and nutrients in amounts other tube types (Risselada et al. 2018).
that satisfy metabolic needs should remain Gastrojejunostomy tubes can be useful in cases
the goal. that initially require postgastric feeding but
Nasojejunal tubes are typically size 5–8 that may benefit from transition to enteral
French polyurethane tubes with or without feeding directly into the stomach (Jennings
weighted tips. One advantage of nasojejunal et al. 2001). Also, if endoscopy or a blind tech-
tubes is that sedation or anesthesia is usually nique is used to place this type of dual tube,
not necessary for placement. Verification of surgery can be avoided (Jergens et al. 2007).
correct placement can be accomplished with Enterostomy tubes are usually red rubber or
fluoroscopic guidance (Wohl 2006), or with silastic feeding tubes, although low-­profile
attempts to aspirate insufflated air (Harrison devices are also available (Swann et al.
et al. 1997). Choosing a tube that includes a 1997, 1998). Jejunostomy tubes can be success-
radio-­opaque marker is useful for facilitating fully placed with either surgical or laparo-
the verification of correct placement and for scopic techniques (Hewitt et al. 2004)
monitoring potential tube migration; however, (Figure 20.12). As human patients are likely
this can also be accomplished with the injec- less mobile than critically ill veterinary
tion of contrast material. patients, migration may be a greater issue in
Gastrojejunostomy tubes consist of smaller-­ dogs and cats. Also, tubes in veterinary patients
diameter tubes (12 French) fed through larger-­ are maintained in a more horizontal position
bore gastrostomy tubes (Figure 20.11). General even during activity. Some types of jejunal
anesthesia is required for the placement of feeding devices have weighted tips to help
­gastrojejunostomy tubes and generally also for achieve correct tube placement and to discour-
enterostomy tubes; however, one study age retrograde movement. However, a prospec-
reported successful placement of duodenos- tive trial in humans showed that unweighted
tomy tubes with only sedation in a small nasoenteral tubes traversed the pylorus into
­number of animals (Novo et al. 2001). the intestine more often and more rapidly than
Esophagojejunostomy tubes placed with weighted tubes (Lord et al. 1993). Also, a study
endoscopy have also been used successfully investigating gastrojejunostomy tubes in dogs
(Hinden et al. 2020). Purpose-­made products reported that correct placement of the distal
are available, and clinicians may also create catheter tip was important to avoid retrograde
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­Beginning Enteral Feedin  525

placed without general anesthesia, feeding can

be commenced immediately. For esophagos-
tomy and gastrostomy tubes, water and food
can be introduced via the new tube as soon as
the patient is fully recovered from anesthesia.
Typically, water is introduced first to ensure
the patient’s tolerance prior to feeding a first
meal. For gastrostomy tubes, it has been com-
monly advised that food and water be given
only after a period of 12–24 hours (Han 2004).
Presumably the rationale is that the placement
procedure may interfere with normal gastric
motility, increasing the risk of aspiration or
leakage. However, controlled studies in people
have shown that initiation of feeding within
four hours of PEG tube placement is not asso-
ciated with increased morbidity compared to
the traditional protocol of waiting for up to
Figure 20.12 After a purse-­string suture is placed 24 hours (Choudhry et al. 1996; McCarter
in the intestinal serosa, the enterostomy site is
attached to the abdominal wall. A technique for et al. 1998; Dubagunta et al. 2002), even in
creating a serosal foldover to create an elongated critically ill patients (Stein et al. 2002). There
pocket for tunneling of the tube prior to exiting are no such published comparison studies in
the body wall has also been described (Delany animals; however, successful tube feeding
et al. 1973). Source: Reproduced with permission
from Crowe and Downs (1986). three hours after gastrostomy tube placement
is reported (Elmenhorst et al. 2020). In addi-
tion, it is known that the presence of a gastros-
movement when using unweighted tubes tomy tube does not slow the gastric emptying
(Jergens et al. 2007). It appears that weighted rate in healthy cats measured at one day post
tips are not necessarily critical either for self-­ placement (Smith et al. 1998). Unlike human
advancing nasojejunal tube placement or for patients, veterinary patients must be anesthe-
maintenance of proper positioning of jejunal tized for the placement of such devices. There
tubes. Reported complications of jejunal feed- appears to be no reason to wait related to the
ing include premature tube removal, retro- gastrostomy device itself; however, depending
grade tube movement, diarrhea, vomiting, on the anesthetic protocol and the patient, full
focal cellulitis, leakage of gastrointestinal recovery may take up to 24 hours.
­contents, and tube obstruction (Swann et al. In more debilitated patients, and perhaps in
1997, 1998; Wohl 2006; Jergens et al. 2007; cases where tube placement proves difficult
Tsuruta et al. 2016). and is prolonged, it may be best to initiate feed-
ing in a more conservative fashion. In these
patients, 25–33% of the daily caloric require-
­Beginning Enteral Feeding ment should be fed the first day over 4–6 meals,
then 50–67% the second day, and so on. This
An initial first meal for veterinary patients helps allow for assessment of patient tolerance
with an enteral feeding device will be a liquid of the diet and volume. Alternatively, nasoen-
diet or a slurry of canned food, dry food, or teric, esophagostomy, or gastrostomy tube
human foods (such as a combination of cottage feeding can be accomplished with a constant-­
cheese and rice). With nasoenteric tubes rate infusion as in jejunal feeding; both
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526 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

methods result in delivery of adequate whether the diet chosen is complete and bal-
energy without gastrointestinal complications anced for the individual patient. For many
(Campbell et al 2010; Holahan et al. 2010). Of patients, the underlying disease will limit the
course, the rate of increasing to full caloric choices to diets that incorporate specific,
requirements will vary with underlying dis- appropriate modifications (renal or hepatic
ease, body condition, length of anorexia, risk disease, fat intolerance). In some cases, tube
of refeeding syndrome, and level of patient-­ size will limit diet choices to those of a particu-
monitoring abilities. In many cases, it is best if lar viscosity (i.e. liquid diets for nasoenteric or
the patient can stay in the hospital long enough enterostomy tubes). If possible, providing a
to assess tolerance of feeding the entire amount complete and balanced commercially available
of the daily caloric requirement. This is also a diet is preferable. This includes slurries of
good time to teach the owner about feeding puréed canned or dry diets; however, both
tube care and to encourage participation in commercially available and home-­prepared
some or all of the feedings. The owner should options are available.
understand the importance of initially feeding A wide range of both canned and dry foods
at a slow rate to reduce the incidence of nausea can be fed enterally. For slurries of commer-
and vomiting. cially available diets, it may be necessary to
Some hospitalized patients may show vol- experiment with different water ratios to
ume intolerance in response to assisted enteral achieve the desired consistency that will easily
feeding. Most dogs and cats will tolerate meal flow through the selected tube. Maintaining a
sizes of 5–10 ml/kg body weight (BW) after a supply of different tube types and sizes for test-
period of fasting (Remillard et al. 2000). The ing is recommended. This will help avoid tube
rate and/or volume should be decreased if obstructions and aid in calculation of the caloric
drooling, retching, swallowing, or vomiting is density of specific diet slurries. The mixture
noted during a feeding. If necessary, promotil- should be puréed for a sufficient time to achieve
ity agents can be administered in some cases to a smooth consistency. Due to the time needed
facilitate successful tube feeding (e.g. erythro- for this process and the potential for incorpora-
mycin, ranitidine, cisapride, metoclopramide). tion of some air into the slurry, as well as the
In people, such medications are recommended effect of mechanical forces on the diet viscosity
only for patients with evidence of intolerance (thixotropy), the caloric density can only be
of enteral feeding (Kreymann et al. 2006). Over accurately calculated by measuring the volume
time, the patient should begin to tolerate larger of the final slurry (i.e. the total volume may not
and less frequent meals; this can usually be additive from the volume of diet and water).
accommodate a reasonable feeding schedule It is helpful for the clinician to have a basic
at home. understanding of the characteristics of a range
of different veterinary therapeutic diets. For
example, knowing which options are lowest in
­Diet Choices fat in the categories of diets formulated for
management of chronic kidney disease or of
There is no one best diet for use with enteral adverse food responses can be useful. Note that
feeding devices, and there are many options. pet food manufacturers are frequently devel-
Factors to be considered when choosing a diet oping new products or modifying the formula-
include not only tube size and location, but tions of existing diets, and it may be difficult
also caloric density, macronutrient distribu- for practitioners to remain up to date on cur-
tion, particle size, osmolarity, ingredients, cost, rent information. In general, an appropriate
and availability. It is important as well to con- diet may be chosen on the basis of the caloric
sider the expected period of feeding and distribution (percent of calories from fat,
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­Immunomodulating Nutrient  527

protein, and carbohydrate), micronutrient Liquid diets can be classified as monomeric

­levels (phosphorus or sodium restriction, pro- (elemental) or polymeric (nonelemental).
file compared to patient’s requirements), and Monomeric formulations contain amino acids
ingredient source. Consider commercially and/or short peptides (typically hydrolysates
available pet food options and human enteral of protein isolates) in addition to highly digest-
formulas as well as homemade diets. For fat-­ ible carbohydrates. Polymeric formulations
intolerant animals, cottage cheese and rice contain longer peptide chains or complete pro-
slurries are useful for tube feeding, and can be teins as well as more complex carbohydrates
supplemented with a linoleic acid source and (starches). In order to provide a reasonable
micronutrients as necessary for longer-­term caloric density, liquid veterinary diets are gen-
feeding. Likewise, homemade uncommon and erally high in fat (up to 51% of calories). High-­
limited-­ingredient diets for patients with spe- fat diets are contraindicated in some cases (i.e.
cific needs can be used; for example, a slurry of pancreatitis, lymphangiectasia, or other intes-
canned crab and pasta can be used for fat-­ tinal diseases). However, some human enteral
intolerant patients with food-­responsive enter- formulations provide comparable energy while
opathy or lymphangiectasia. still restricting fat; these are acceptable alter-
Liquid diets are available that are marketed natives for fat-­intolerant canine patients
both for human and veterinary patients. They (Table 20.1). For feline patients, note that
are the sole option for patients with small-­ many human enteral liquid diets are not
diameter feeding tubes (nasoenteric and jeju- ­supplemented with essential amino acids and
nal tubes). Such diets are generally well some contain fructose, high concentrations
tolerated and can provide adequate nutrients of which should be avoided in cats due
to facilitate weight maintenance in hospital- to resultant fructosuria (Droucher and
ized patients. Additionally, some animals will Muller-­Schlosser 1980).
voluntarily consume a liquid diet while reject- In addition to liquid diet options, balanced
ing solids. Despite a range of variables (includ- critical care diets are available for both dogs
ing patient disease state and life stage, method and cats that have larger tubes or are willing to
of administration, and consumption of various eat voluntarily (Table 20.2). These are good
other diets), one prospective uncontrolled options for many cases able to tolerate complex
study of hospitalized dogs and cats reported diets composed of typical pet food ingredients.
few complications and a satisfactory success The advantages of these diets are that they
rate with the use of commercially available liq- meet the known nutrient requirements of dogs
uid diets (Crowe et al. 1997). The use of human and cats, are generally cost effective, and are
products is not recommended for feline energy dense. However, they are high in fat
patients due to the lower protein content. In and should not be used in patients with docu-
addition, liquid diets tend to be expensive, mented or suspected fat intolerance, such as
especially in larger patients, and it is important those with pancreatitis, hyperlipidemia, or
to note that many commonly used products do protein-­losing enteropathy.
not meet every currently known nutrient
requirement of dogs and cats, even veterinary
products. One study found that of seven feline ­Immunomodulating Nutrients
enteral diets analyzed for a limited number of
nutrients using laboratory methods, all were Enteral formulas are increasingly supple-
found to be below recommended allowances in mented with nutrients purported to promote
at least one essential nutrient, despite four of gut health, speed healing, and/or modulate
the products claiming to be complete and bal- immune and inflammatory responses. There
anced (Prantil et al. 2016). are several nutrients with a proposed direct
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Table 20.1 Comparisons of selected veterinary and human liquid diet products available in the United States with National Research Council Recommended
Allowances for fat and protein.

Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin

Veterinary Health Veterinary Health Veterinary Health Royal Canin Veterinary
Nutrition Recovery Nutrition Renal Nutrition Renal Health Nutrition
Feline adult Canine adult Ensure Original Vivonex Liquid canine/ Support Liquid – Support Gastrointestinal Low
allowance allowance Shakea Plusb felinec canined Liquid – felined Fat Liquid – caninee

Energy density (kcal/ml) 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.30 0.90 0.90

Calorie profile
Protein % 17 18 32 13 26 35
Fat % 25 6 48 51 50 19
Carbohydrate % 58 76 20 36 24 46
Protein (g/1000 kcal) 50 25 41 45 90.9 36.7 74.6 101.2
Fat (g/1000 kcal) 22.5 13.8 27 6.7 56.8 59.8 59 22
Ensure® Original Nutrition Shake; Abbott Nutrition, Columbus, OH, USA. Liquid product for humans; can be used in dogs for <2 weeks; not appropriate for feline patients.
Vivonex® Plus; Nestlé HealthCare Nutrition, Gland, Switzerland. Liquid product for humans; can be used in dogs for <2 weeks; not appropriate for feline patients.
Royal Canin USA, A division of MARS, Inc., St. Charles, MO, USA. Liquid product formulated to meet Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Nutrient
Profiles for maintenance of adult dogs and cats.
Liquid product formulated for intermittent or supplemental feeding only.
Liquid product formulated to meet AAFCO Nutrient Profiles for maintenance of adult dogs only.
Source: NRC (2006).

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­Immunomodulating Nutrient  529

Table 20.2 Comparisons of commonly used critical care diets available in the United States with National
Research Council recommended allowances for fat and protein.

Purina Pro Plan

Royal Canin Veterinary Diets
Veterinary CN critical
Hill’s Prescription Health Nutrition nutrition canine
Feline adult Canine adult Diet a/d canine/ feline and canine and feline
allowance allowance felinea recoveryb formulac

Energy density (kcal/kg) 1175 986 1325

Energy density (kcal/ml) 1.2 1.0 1.35
Calorie profile
Protein % 32 38 28.8
Fat % 58 58 62.6
Carbohydrate % 10 4 8.6
Protein (g/1000 kcal) 50 25 90 107 82.3
Fat (g/1000 kcal) 22.5 13.8 36 63.2 73.6
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Topeka, KS, USA. Canned product formulated for intermittent or supplemental feeding of
dogs and cats.
Royal Canin USA, A division of MARS, Inc., St. Charles, MO, USA. Canned product formulated to meet
Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Nutrient Profiles for all life stages of dogs and cats.
Nestlé Purina Petcare, St. Louis, MO, USA. Canned product formulated to meet AAFCO Nutrient Profiles for
maintenance of adult dogs and cats.
Source: NRC (2006).

benefit to the intestinal tract, including glu- Glutamine is also used preferentially by
tamine, arginine, taurine, omega-­3 fatty acids, enterocytes as an energy source, and under
and short-­chain fatty acids. Such diets have states of catabolic stress it is considered con-
been associated with improved outcomes in ditionally essential. It has been demonstrated
people (Wu et al. 2001; Song et al. 2015). that glutamine may be important for prevent-
Although these nutrients have been the focus ing bacterial or endotoxin translocation,
of intense investigation in the human medical ­reducing villus blunting and destruction, and
literature (including the use of rodent and maintaining normal enterocyte function
canine models), there remains a dearth of sci- when administered orally or parenterally to
entific investigation of the possible benefits animal models (O’Dwyer et al. 1989; Chen
and adverse effects of these nutrients in dogs et al. 1994; Houdijk et al. 1998; Boza
and cats with naturally occurring disease, as et al. 2001). Some studies have shown that
well as a lack of investigation into potential glutamine supplementation of enteral formu-
medication interactions. las for human patients is safe and even benefi-
cial in terms of overall morbidity and
mortality (Wischmeyer et al. 2001; Garrel
et al. 2003). However, enteral glutamine sup-
Glutamine is a dispensable amino acid that plementation has not been consistently dem-
has important metabolic roles. It serves as a onstrated to improve overall outcomes in
vehicle of nitrogen transport, a precursor of human intensive care unit patients (Conejero
glucose and glycogen, and is a substrate in the et al. 2002; Schulman et al. 2005), and a recent
urea cycle and in nucleotide synthesis. review has suggested an overall lack of
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530 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

significant benefit in most cases (Oldani et al. 2006). Because it is also important as a pre-
et al. 2015; van Zanten et al. 2015). cursor of nitric acid, some research has explored
Additionally, a prospective study in cats with its potential benefit in shock resuscitation (Yan
experimentally induced enteritis did not show et al. 2007). Data regarding the use of arginine
a superior protective effect of glutamine sup- together with omega-­3 fatty acids in human
plementation (Marks et al. 1999). Due to the patients seem to suggest a definitive benefit for
inconclusive body of evidence for the benefits specific populations (Marik and Zaloga 2010).
of glutamine supplementation for gastroin- There has been some work in using arginine
testinal disease in people, routine use has not therapeutically for neoplasia (Ma et al. 2010),
been recommended (Lochs et al. 2006). and a systematic review found overall decreased
While routine use of glutamine supple- infectious complications with various arginine-­
mentation in certain diseases is discouraged supplemented diets with no effect on mortality;
in human medicine due to a lack of convinc- however, there was a reduced hospital stay for
ing efficacy data, the practice generally patients undergoing non-­gastrointestinal sur-
appears to be safe. However, in patients with gery (Drover et al. 2011).
renal or hepatic disease, it must be consid- Investigations of the use of arginine in clini-
ered that additional glutamine at sometimes cal veterinary medicine are lacking. One study
pharmacologic doses will contribute a signif- in dogs with lymphoma suggests that high con-
icant nitrogen load and should be avoided. centrations of arginine fed in combination with
Free glutamine is unstable in solution, which omega-­3 fatty acids increased survival times
precludes its use in many parenteral and (Ogilvie et al. 2000); however, another study of
enteral formulations; however, glutamine human breast cancer patients suggests that sup-
dipeptides such as alanyl-­glutamine in par- plemental arginine may increase protein syn-
enteral formulas have been shown to be thesis within tumor cells (Park et al. 1992).
equally efficacious at maintaining nitrogen When given parenterally, one study showed
balance, plasma glutamine levels, villus area, that arginine decreased survival and worsened
and intestinal mucosal thickness in rats and shock in a dog model of Escherichia coli perito-
dogs (Jiang et al. 1993). Glutamine dipeptides nitis (Kalil et al. 2006), and supplementation in
are increasingly present in both parenteral human patients with sepsis remains controver-
and enteral human formulations (Zheng sial. Additionally, due to competition for trans-
et al. 2006; Lima et al. 2007). port processes between these two basic amino
acids, excessive arginine supplementation may
lead to increased urinary losses of lysine. Due to
the lack of specific conclusive evidence of safety
Arginine is an essential amino acid for dogs and and efficacy, supplementation should be done
cats. In people, it is considered conditionally with caution, especially in sepsis (Wilmore 2004;
essential in growing infants and during critical Patel et al. 2016). Until more convincing data
illness, being important for connective tissue are published to support the safe and efficacious
repair as well as immune function and other use of high-­dose arginine in the treatment of
fundamental processes. Supplementation of animal disease, supplementation beyond satis-
human enteral formulations with arginine is not faction of requirements cannot be recom-
uncommon, so the use of these products in dogs mended in all critically ill veterinary patients.
typically does not require enrichment. While
still controversial, arginine supplementation has
Other Nutrients
been demonstrated to help maintain immune
function and improve wound healing in some There are several other nutrients of interest in
circumstances (Stechmiller et al. 2005; Marin the management of critical illness in animals
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­Complication  531

and people. These include omega-­3 fatty acids, overestimate the requirements of convalesc-
short-­chain fatty acids, taurine, choline, nucle- ing, recumbent, and inactive veterinary
otides, various antioxidants, and other com- patients (Walton et al. 1996; Chan 2004).
pounds. There are excellent reviews of the There are potentially adverse consequences
thera­peutic use of many of these nutrients to overfeeding, and there is general agree-
elsewhere (LeLeiko and Walsh 1996; ment that this should be avoided in veteri-
Hickman 1998; Michel 1998; Simpson 1998). nary patients despite few published scientific
Despite some promising data from human investigations. One study showed similar
­trials and rodent models, there remain some outcomes in hospitalized dogs and cats that
concerns regarding safety (Hofman et al. 2016), were ­provided higher amounts of energy
and there is no definitive evidence for a benefi- compared to approximately basal require-
cial therapeutic effect for most of these ments (Brunetto et al. 2010). Although rand-
­nutrients in naturally occurring clinical dis- omized prospective clinical trials have not
eases of veterinary patients. Probably the most yet been ­conducted in people, the European
convincing data are from investigations of the Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
effects of short-­chain fatty acids on intestinal Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition advise
health (i.e. butyrate, propionate, and acetate). against providing more than approximately
Sources of these compounds include those basal energy requirements, especially in the
considered to be fermentable and/or soluble acute phase of critical illness (Kreymann
fibers such as fructooligosaccharides, beta-­ et al. 2006). This is partly because some
glucans, pectins, and gums. These are likely to ­evidence shows that achieving caloric
impact both the small and large intestines due intakes below calculated target values may
to increases in intestinal content viscosity and improve outcomes in some patients
alterations in intestinal motility and nutrient (Krishnan et al. 2003).
absorption. Because of this, small amounts of The true energy requirements of veterinary
fermentable fibers are typically included in patients are often not known, so the calculated
critical care diets. needs can over-­ or underestimate actual
requirements. To avoid overfeeding hospital-
ized patients with potentially wide variations
­ alculation of Energy
C in true requirements, it is best to start with rest-
Requirements ing energy requirement (RER: BWkg0.75 × 70),
monitor body weight, and adjust the amount
It is believed that sick patients have increased fed if necessary (Table 20.3). This approach
requirements for energy and other nutrients. avoids the potentially adverse effects of hyper-
It has been demonstrated that critically ill alimentation while allowing for assessment of
dogs catabolize significant amounts of patient tolerance of the diet, volume, and route
endogenous protein (i.e. lean body mass; of administration.
Michel et al. 1997). Physiologic stress from
trauma and illness enhances skeletal muscle
breakdown by several mechanisms ­Complications
(Hasselgren and Fischer 2001). Because of
this, animals that are anorexic due to disease Complications of assisted enteral feeding
are likely to become malnourished to a include those in the categories of mechanical
greater degree in a shorter time than healthy (tube obstruction, leakage, or displacement),
animals deprived of food. Although illness metabolic (refeeding syndrome, local infection
factors have been used in the past to account or abscess), and gastrointestinal (vomiting and
for these increased needs, these may diarrhea).
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532 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

Table 20.3 Example calculations for feeding a hospitalized canine patient.

20 kg canine patient with esophagostomy tube

RER = 200.75 × 70 = 662 kcal/d
Desired diet provides 1.25 kcal/ml when adequately blended for tube feeding
Volume to feed at full RER: 662 kcal/day/1.25 kcal/ml = 530 ml/d
Volume per meal when feeding 4 meals per day:
530 ml/d / 4 meals/day = 133 ml/meal
Day 1: Start at 25% of RER (166 kcal)
Feed 33 ml/meal over 4 meals for a total of 133 ml/d
Day 2: Increase to 50% of RER (331 kcal)
Feed 66 ml/meal over 4 meals for a total of 266 ml/d
Day 3: Increase to 75% of RER (497 kcal)
Feed 99 ml/meal over 4 meals for a total of 398 ml/d
Day 4: Increase to 100% of RER (662 kcal)
Feed 133 ml/meal over 4 meals for a total of 530 ml/d
Monitor body weight and adjust amount fed as needed to achieve target condition
Account for water requirements if patient cannot or will not consume water voluntarily
Water sources include diet, water for puréeing in the blender or food processor, and water for flushing tube
Patient requires 662 ml water/d for maintenance requirements, estimated using RER
equation: 200.75 × 70 = 662 ml/d
Example diet is 80% moisture and provides 1500 kcal/kg as fed
662 kcal/d/1500 kcal/kg = 0.441 kg/d
Patient requires 441 g as fed per day to meet energy needs
441 g of diet provides 353 g (353 ml) water
441 g * 80% = 353 g = 353 ml
For adequate puréeing, example diet requires 25 ml water/441 g
For tube flushing, use 10 ml after each feeding
Water from diet (353 ml + 25 ml/d) + water from flushing (40 ml/d) = 418 ml/d
Deficit of 244 ml/d (662 ml − 418 ml) must be provided through the tube
Monitor hydration status by checking urine specific gravity, skin turgor, and mucus membrane character,
and adjust as needed

RER, resting energy requirement.

Mechanical Complications
When creating purées for specific patients,
Smaller-­diameter and more flexible tubes testing the viscosity in a tube the same diame-
­(silicon) are more prone to obstruction due to ter, length, and material is advised. To prevent
food or medication clogs or kinking. Liquid tube clogging in meal-­fed patients, water
diets are necessary for feeding through nasoen- should be flushed through the tube after feed-
teral and enterostomy tubes due to their small ing or administration of medication. The tube
inner lumen. Feeding other types of diets end should be capped or closed to ensure that a
through these devices will increase the risk of water column is left in the tube lumen. It is
tube obstruction. Commercial or homemade important to know how much water is neces-
diets fed as purées through tubes should be sary to thoroughly flush the tube, and to
appropriate texture for the specific tube used. account for this added water when calculating
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­Complication  533

the total amount of water needed by and given

to the patient. If a clog occurs, gentle repeated
suction and aspiration should be attempted
initially. To clear more stubborn obstructions,
infusion of a carbonated nonalcoholic bever-
age, pancreatic enzyme product, or meat ten-
derizer has been suggested to break up the
coagulated material in the tube lumen
(Marcuard and Stegall 1990; Marks 1998; Seim
and Willard 2002). When tested with simu-
lated clogs with critical care diets, the most
Figure 20.13 Vomition and severing of an
successful solution was a combination of 0.25
esophagostomy tube warrant determination of a
tsp pancreatic enzyme plus 325 mg sodium potential gastric foreign body due to swallowing
bicarbonate in 5 ml water, and plain water was of tube fragments. Source: Courtesy of Dr. Karl
more successful than carbonated beverages or Jandrey.
cranberry juice (Parker and Freeman 2013).
Another option is to carefully introduce a heavy sedation or anesthesia to avoid position-
guide wire or endoscopy forceps through the ing the tube in the subcutaneous space or in
tube to physically dislodge the clogged mate- the mediastinum (Han 2004). Displacements
rial. If these attempts fail, tube replacement is of gastrostomy or enterostomy feeding devices
necessary. may lead to peritonitis if this occurs soon after
Leakage of gastric secretions or food out of tube placement. Clearly, such tubes must be
the tube can occur. It is important to keep the protected from damage by the patient or by
area around the stoma clean and dry to prevent other animals. Determined pets and/or inat-
skin irritation and the development of celluli- tentive hospital staff or owners can create a
tis. Owners using enteral feeding devices at potentially life-­threatening situation. The use
home should be counseled regarding mainte- of Elizabethan collars, wrap bandages, stocki-
nance and monitoring of the stoma site. nettes, and similar barrier devices is required,
Topical antibiotic ointments are usually at least initially.
applied to the stoma during healing; however, To avoid the risk of peritonitis, a mature
oral antibiotics and/or tube removal may be ­fistulous tract is required for removal of
necessary if cellulitis or an abscess develops. the feeding device. Animals with impaired
The displacement of an enteral feeding ability to heal (severe debilitation, hypopro-
device can have a range of potential conse- teinemia, hyperadrenocorticism, immunosup-
quences. A nasoenteric tube pulled out of the pressive medications) may take more time for
nares can simply be replaced if necessary. If an the formation of a complete stoma. In people,
esophagostomy tube is inadvertently removed inadvertent removal of the tube within
from the outside, consequence to the patient is seven days of placement is an indication for
minimal even if an esophageal stoma has not immediate laparotomy or endoscopic tube
yet formed. However, a potentially disastrous replacement; however, when the tube is no
outcome can occur if a nasoenteric or longer needed, the stoma is typically left to
esophagostomy tube is vomited out through mature for up to three months prior to removal
the mouth (Seim and Willard 2002; Han 2004) (Galat et al. 1990; Blocksom et al. 2004). In vet-
(Figure 20.13). The animal can sever the end of erinary patients, formal guidelines for mini-
the tube and swallow or aspirate it, necessitat- mum intervals before gastrostomy tube
ing a surgical or endoscopic procedure. An removal have not been developed. Typical rec-
esophagostomy tube should be replaced under ommendations are usually to avoid tube
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534 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

removal for at least 7–14 days (Marks 1998; Metabolic Complications

Han 2004). Because the consequences of gas-
Refeeding syndrome can occur during the pro-
tric content spillage into the peritoneal space
vision of either enteral or parenteral nutrition.
are serious, a conservative approach is advised
During starvation, homeostasis preserves
for voluntary tube removal. However, some
extracellular concentrations of electrolytes,
dogs and cats will remove their tubes despite
glucose, and other metabolic mediators despite
the judicious use of barriers such as Elizabethan
whole body depletion. Refeeding syndrome
collars. If the tube is chewed, a portion of the
occurs upon reintroduction of nutrients dur-
tube may be left in the gastric lumen and pose a
ing this physiologic state of starvation. Insulin
risk for intestinal obstruction. These patients
is released in response to the sudden influx of
must undergo endoscopy or laparotomy to
carbohydrate, and a shift from the use of fatty
remove this ­foreign body before obstruction
acids and ketone bodies for energy. Insulin acts
occurs. Emergency surgery is clearly indicated
on peripheral cells to take up and utilize glu-
in all animals if the tube is removed by the
cose, with subsequent increased intracellular
patient in the first 7–10 days following place-
movement and utilization of potassium, phos-
ment. If the tube is removed during the interval
phorus, magnesium, and thiamin. The result is
between this initial period and several weeks,
hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagne-
the potential consequences are less clear.
semia, and relative thiamin deficiency.
Injection of contrast material into the feed-
Refeeding syndrome is a well-­recognized
ing tube or through the fistula is a noninvasive
problem in human medicine during the
way to confirm leakage into the peritoneal
­management of anorexia nervosa and other
space with radiography. One study reported
causes of malnutrition and starvation (Crook
“complete but thin” gastrocutaneous fistulas
et al. 2001; Kraft et al. 2005). This problem can
found on necropsy of 4 out of 12 healthy cats as
be serious and life threatening; however, even
far out as 49–63 days post placement, although
in the human medical literature, there is a
other cats in the study had adequate adhesions
dearth of published scientific investigations.
as early as 11 days post placement (Stevenson
Although many individual case reports have
et al. 2000). The authors postulated that
been published, prospective or retrospective
increased movement of the device resulting
studies of treatments, risk factors, and out-
from the animal’s activity may have delayed
comes are lacking, especially in the context of
maturation of the fistula, especially the por-
critical illness. It appears that more severe con-
tion adjacent to the abdominal wall. Another
sequences may occur in humans compared to
study investigating fistulous tract formation in
animals, with profound water balance derange-
dogs reported that closer apposition of the
ments, seizures, and cardiac failure frequently
serous surface of the stomach to the abdominal
reported (Havala and Shronts 1990; Crook
wall resulted in more complete fistulas
et al. 2001; Kraft et al. 2005). However, there
(Mellinger et al. 1991). Thus, it appears that
are reports of apparent refeeding syndrome
correct stem length and tube sizing as well as
(hypophosphatemia and hemolytic anemia) in
stabilization of the device may be important
dogs that were fed with an enteral device after
for allowing timely tract maturation. When
starvation (Silvis et al. 1980) and in cats
sizing the tube to the patient, care must be
­provided with enteral nutritional support dur-
taken to avoid either a tight fit (which can lead
ing the course of several different diseases
to pressure necrosis) or a loose fit (which may
(Justin and Hohenhaus 1995). Case reports
lead to inadvertent tube removal or delayed
describe the management and outcomes of
tract maturation), while expecting and accom-
cats with refeeding syndrome (Armitage-­Chan
modating mild to moderate postsurgical
et al. 2006; DeAvilla and Leech 2016; Cook
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­Complication  535

et al. 2021). It is unknown to what extent and study involving the use of pharyngostomy
for how long starvation must occur to elicit tubes that terminated in the gastric lumen
refeeding syndrome; however, it is likely to reported complications that included mucosal
vary with individual animal factors. The extent erosions of the caudal esophagus and vomiting
of individual adaptation to the starvation state that resolved when the tube was repositioned
probably influences the manifestation of (Crowe and Downs 1986). A study of healthy
refeeding syndrome. It is likely to occur much dogs with pharyngostomy tubes reported distal
sooner or with a higher rate of adverse conse- esophageal erosions and/or ulcerations in 3
quences if the starvation was complete and out of 6 subjects; evidence of inflammation
prolonged rather than partial and brief. (perivascular lymphocyte infiltration) was
Additionally, patients that already have meta- noted in all but one dog (Lantz et al. 1983).
bolic and hormonal derangements are likely at Unfortunately, the study was not only uncon-
increased risk. trolled but also employed tubing made of irri-
Local infection of the stomal site secondary tating polyvinylchloride.
to wound infection or due to constant drainage In addition, it appears that the presence of a
of food or gastric secretions can occur. Again, tube into or traversing the pharynx may play a
diligence in tube maintenance and monitoring significant role in the occurrence of gastric
is important for prevention and for early recog- reflux. In fact, a study in humans found that
nition of signs of infection. Severe problems the presence of a catheter in the pharynx was
such as abscessation or cellulitis may necessi- adequate stimulation to cause a significant
tate tube removal. increase in the frequency of LES relaxation,
suggesting that local stimulation of the phar-
yngeal area may be involved (Mittal et al. 1992).
Gastrointestinal Complications
Further, stimulation of mechanoreceptors due
Tube placement can be associated with gastro- to distension of the stomach causes relaxation
intestinal complications. For example, there of the LES in both dogs and humans (Franzi
are concerns that nasoenteric tubes that must et al. 1990; Allocca et al. 2002; Penagini
pass through the lower esophageal sphincter et al. 2004). This implies that simply feeding a
(LES), such as nasogastric and nasojejunal patient may increase the risk of gastric reflux.
tubes, which may lead to irritation and poten- Esophagostomy tubes can also be positioned
tially reflux or aspiration. However, one small so that the termination is in the gastric lumen.
study reported no difference in complications, A small controlled study in healthy dogs inves-
including regurgitation or aspiration, in dogs tigated the effects of two cervical esophagos-
with nasoesophageal tubes and those with tomy tubing types (silicon and polyethylene)
nasogastric tubes (Yu et al. 2013). Several fac- and two levels of tube termination (gastric
tors are likely responsible for increased reflux lumen and mid-­esophagus) on radiographic
and aspiration risks; nevertheless, LES irrita- evidence of reflux and on gross and histo-
tion does not appear to be a major cause of pathologic features on the esophagus and
aspiration in humans, partly because tube size stomach (Balkany et al. 1977). The study found
is not correlated with rates of aspiration no effect of tubing material or length on con-
(Gomes et al. 2003). A study in healthy dogs trast fluoroscopic evaluation. Also, abnormali-
established that the use of size 14-­French poly- ties of the esophageal and/or gastric mucosa
ethylene esophagostomy tubes that terminated were most pronounced in the long polyethyl-
in the gastric lumen resulted in only minor ene tube group (severe ulcerative esophagitis
complications (small abscess formation) in 3 in 3 out of 4 dogs) and absent in the short poly-
out of 14 dogs, with no reports of reflux or aspi- ethylene tube group (0 out of 2 dogs); however,
ration (Cavalcanti et al. 2005). However, one excessive granulation tissue was noted at the
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536 Enteral Nutrition and Tube Feeding

mucosal stoma site of 4 of 6 dogs with polyeth- nutritional support, although vomiting was a
ylene tubes. For dogs with silicon tubes, severe problem in the former group (Will
inflammation was noted at the distal esopha- et al. 2005). In any case, signs of gastrointesti-
gus in 2 of 2 dogs with long tubes and 2 of 4 nal intolerance (i.e. vomiting, diarrhea, or dis-
dogs with short tubes. Overall, 5 of 6 dogs with comfort with feeding) are unpleasant for both
tubes that terminated in the gastric lumen the patient and staff, and indicate that the
showed evidence of adverse effects secondary administration volume and rate should be
to gastric reflux, compared to 2 of 6 dogs with decreased.
tubes that terminated in the esophagus. The prevalence of vomiting and diarrhea in
However, even dogs with short silicon tubes enterally fed veterinary patients is unknown,
showed evidence of reflux. Also, tube sizes but it is believed to be high and of considerable
were not reported. Interpretation of the data consequence (Marks 1998). It is important to
from this small study is difficult, and more consider that many diseases will cause these
definitive investigations are needed. clinical signs independent of enteral feeding,
It is clear that multiple factors may be and patients with such clinical signs are likely
involved in LES competence, and the role that to require nutritional support. However, feed-
enteral feeding devices may play is far from ing with an enteral device can predispose a
obvious. Also, placing a nasoenteric tube such patient to vomiting and/or diarrhea if the feed-
that it terminates in the gastric lumen rather ing is too fast, overly voluminous, or if the diet
than in the distal esophagus allows for confir- selected is inappropriate (i.e. high osmolarity,
mation of correct placement with radiography, high fat). Food aversions can develop if patients
but also facilitates the evaluation of gastric experience nausea and vomiting associated
residuals if indicated as well as the relief of gas- with feeding specific diets.
tric gas distension (Crowe 1986). Nevertheless, Regurgitation is also a common complica-
in patients with normal esophageal function, tion in addition to being a frequent occurrence
there are no disadvantages to terminating the in critically ill patients. Although regurgitation
tube in the distal esophagus, and until further severity and frequency may be a marker of
investigations have been done, clinical judg- high gastric residual volumes (GRVs), the
ment and experience will suffice as guidance value of their routine measurement is unclear.
for the management of individual patients. Findings from recent human clinical trials and
Enteral feeding intolerance can be mani- systematic reviews has put the usefulness of
fested as a gastrointestinal complication. There monitoring GRV into question (Kuppinger
have been reports of intolerance of early et al. 2013; Elke et al. 2015; Ozen et al. 2016).
enteral feeding in people, including functional Due to a lack of standardized methods and
obstructions and delayed gastric emptying procedures for obtaining and measuring GRV,
(Dedes et al. 2006; Nguyen et al. 2007). evidence of lack of benefit (Poulard et al. 2010;
Although caution should also be exercised Reignier et al. 2013), a lack of guidelines for
when feeding a patient with suspected severe interpretation, and the potential complications
gastrointestinal malfunction (such as severe such as clogging of feeding tubes with gastric
ileus or malabsorption), evidence from the material (Powell et al. 1993), current guide-
human literature indicates that early enteral lines for provision of enteral nutrition in peo-
feeding can facilitate a faster return of intesti- ple advise against the routine monitoring of
nal motility following gastrointestinal surgery GRV in human patients (Taylor et al. 2016).
(Ng and Neill 2006). A study of dogs with hem- Management of enterally fed patients should
orrhagic gastroenteritis of unknown etiology include consideration of both rate and volume
reported increased survival in patients admin- of food for either bolus or constant-­rate infu-
istered both parenteral and enteral nutrition sion methods. Care should be taken to select
compared to those provided only parenteral appropriate diets for the disease process, and
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  ­Reference 537

evaluation of the diet characteristics is indi- specific to the patient, such as a low-­fat, novel,
cated if intolerance is noted. For instance, diets home-­cooked diet slurry for animals with
high in fat will slow the rate of gastric empty- adverse food reaction and pancreatitis.
ing; a lower-­fat formulation may be necessary Other patients will have alternative options
to promote gastric emptying (together with for longer-­term diets, as there are many prod-
other measures to enhance motility). Higher-­ ucts with similar nutritional profiles appropri-
fat diets should also be used cautiously in ani- ate for a variety of conditions. In these cases, a
mals with malabsorptive diseases, as clinical different diet than the one routinely fed through
experience has shown that many cases can the tube may be accepted voluntarily, especially
only tolerate restricted-­fat diets. If enteral feed- if food aversion occurred. Of course, for many
ing intolerance is severe enough to impair situations the diet choice will be driven by the
recovery of the patient or is causing additional needs of the specific patient. For instance, ani-
problems (e.g. electrolyte and fluid imbal- mals with fiber-­responsive diarrhea, chronic
ances, further weight loss), the use of paren- pancreatitis, adverse food reactions, or other
teral nutrition should be considered as a conditions will require diets with specific mod-
complementary modality or as the sole source ifications. Ultimately, options for long-­term
of nutritional support. diets and transition to voluntary intake will
vary according to the underlying conditions
and are dependent on the individual patient.
­ ransitioning Patients
to Voluntary Intake
While some patients will require feedings
through enteral devices on a long-­term and ●● Hospitalized patients as well as those with
even lifelong basis (such as those with severe trauma or chronic diseases are often mal-
and permanent orofacial or esophageal disease nourished or are consuming inadequate
or with chronic kidney disease), others need diets. Proactive nutritional assessment for all
tubes only temporarily. As underlying condi- patients is indicated in order to identify
tions improve or resolve with time and medical those with actionable risk factors.
management, appetite may be restored and ●● Unless contraindicated, feeding enterally is
interest in food will resume. At this point, the preferred in order to provide energy and
patient can be offered the diet before sched- nutrients that support the function of the
uled feedings when they should be hungry. If gastrointestinal tract.
some or all of the diet is not consumed volun- ●● Enteral feeding devices are excellent options
tarily, it can be administered through the tube. for providing adequate amounts of appropri-
Transitioning away from tube feeding is often ate diets to patients with a wide range of needs.
successful with this strategy, and is beneficial ●● Enteral feeding devices can be readily and
when the enteral diet incorporates strategies inexpensively utilized in any practice setting.


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Parenteral Nutrition
Sally C. Perea

There is an increasing awareness among vet- H

­ istory
erinarians of the importance of nutritional
support in hospitalized patients. Previous stud- Blood transfusions can be considered one of
ies have demonstrated that nutritional support the first forms of PN, and they were reported
improves patient outcomes, and there remains experimentally in dogs as early as 1667
an opportunity for significant improvement in (Levenson et al. 1984). In 1873, when blood
the nutritional support provided to hospital- was unavailable, a physician by the name of
ized veterinary patients. In one study, the Dr. E.M. Hodder took a bold step with one of
caloric intakes and outcomes of 276 dogs over the first reported uses of milk for intravenous
821 days of hospitalization at four veterinary infusion in a human patient with Asiatic chol-
referral hospitals were retrospectively evalu- era (Hodder 1873). This patient’s condition
ated. Their findings revealed that caloric intake was considered to be end stage and fatal, giving
had a significant positive effect on patient out- Hodder the opportunity to try his experimental
come. However, the dogs in this study were therapy. While Hodder’s colleagues did not
also shown to be in a negative energy balance support his pursuit (three of four were reported
during the majority of the time of hospitaliza- to have left the building), the patient tolerated
tion (73% of the total days) (Remillard the treatment and went on to recover.
et al. 2001). In another study that included 467 Over time, the various components of cur-
dogs and 55 cats, energy intake was again rent PN admixtures were introduced. Protein
shown to be positively associated with hospital hydrolysates and glucose mixtures were
discharge (Brunetto et al. 2010). Finally, a pro- reported to have been used intravenously as
spective study of 500 hospitalized dogs found early as 1889 and 1896, respectively (Levenson
that inadequate calorie intake was common et al. 1984). One of the first reports of intrave-
and was associated with increased risk of death nous injection of a fat emulsion was in 1915,
(Molina et al. 2018). Generally, the preferred when a 3% emulsion of lard was administered
first line of assisted feeding in anorectic to two dogs (Levenson et al. 1984). Metabolic
patients is via the enteral route (Finck 2000). utilization of the fat was verified with a
For patients in which enteral feeding is not tol- decrease in the respiratory quotient from 0.85
erated, parenteral nutrition (PN) can be an to 0.73, and a concurrent rise in heat produc-
essential tool to deliver nutritional needs. tion. The various components were refined

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Assessment of Nutritional Status and Patient Selectio 547

over time, and eventually combined to provide and electrolytes) via the gastrointestinal tract.
a three-­in-­one PN admixture providing all Other conditions that result in excess protein
three of the major macronutrients. loss, such as open abdomen or large wounds or
The dog was a common experimental model burns, also negatively impact nutritional sta-
in many of these early investigations, includ- tus. Finally, many metabolic diseases nega-
ing one ground-­breaking study that used PN as tively impact nutritional status, particularly
the sole nutrient source for normal growth in chronic diseases that can lead to anorexia and
six 12-­week-­old Beagle puppies for up to cachexia such as chronic renal disease and
256 days (Dudrick et al. 1968). The use of PN in congestive heart failure.
veterinary patients did not emerge until much The next important tool for a complete
later and the practice still lacks large rand- nutritional assessment is the physical exam.
omized case-­controlled prospective clinical Body weight, body condition score, and muscle
studies. Our current knowledge of PN in dogs mass should be evaluated in all patients.
and cats is mainly limited to studies of healthy Recent and historical trends in these parame-
research animals, retrospective case series, ters can be informative. For example, the
clinical experience, and extrapolation from change in body weight is often more insightful
human literature. than the patient’s current body weight, as
many patients may appear to have a healthy
body weight and body condition, but have
­ ssessment of Nutritional Status
A undergone recent unintentional weight loss. A
and Patient Selection history of weight loss at presentation has been
shown to double the risk of mortality in feline
The first criterion to consider when evaluating PN patients (Pyle et al. 2004). Any uninten-
a candidate for PN is the patient’s nutritional tional weight loss is a concern, but scope and
status. One of the most important aspects of rate should be considered. Weight loss greater
the nutritional assessment is a thorough diet than 2% of the body weight per week is consid-
history. It is important to determine not only ered severe (Remillard 2000). Assessment of
the length of complete anorexia, but also the muscle mass is also an important component
duration of inadequate nutritional intake. The of the physical exam. Muscle wasting com-
current energy intake should be quantified and monly occurs secondary to hypercatabolism in
compared to the patient’s calculated energy critically ill patients and may be present in
requirement. It is also important to inquire patients who have normal or even high body
about the feeding of commercial pet foods as condition scores (Michel et al. 1997; Chan 2004).
well as treats and human foods, including A three-­point muscle condition scoring system
those that may be used to administer medica- has been described, with three out of three
tions. Many of these extra treats and foods pro- being normal muscle mass, and one out of
vide additional calories, but are not typically three representing severe muscle wasting
complete and balanced. As such, if they com- (Buffington et al. 2004). Other evaluations
prise larger proportions of the overall intake, assess animals as either having normal muscle
there is an increased risk of nutrient deficien- mass or mild, moderate, or severe loss.
cies and imbalances. Assessment of muscle mass should be made by
In addition to diet history, other components palpation over the temporal bones, ribs, lumbar
of the history should be considered, including vertebrae, and pelvic bone, and visual assess-
presence of vomiting, diarrhea, and underly- ment of bony prominences from a distance.
ing disease. Vomiting and diarrhea reflect the Finally, some hematologic markers can be
presence of maldigestion, malabsorption, and helpful when assessing nutritional status.
the loss of essential nutrients (i.e. protein, fat, Although not specific, changes in serum
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548 Parenteral Nutrition

concentrations of albumin, potassium, and red established for veterinary patients. Table 21.1
blood cell and lymphocyte counts can reflect provides a list of considerations that can serve
nutritional status (Fascetti et al. 1997; as a guideline for assigning patients into
Remillard 2000; Freeman and Chan 2006). ­categories of low, moderate, or high risk for
Serum potassium concentrations reflect malnutrition. This list is by no means exhaus-
changes on a day-­to-­day basis, while albumin, tive, but can serve as a starting place for clini-
red blood cell, and hemoglobin concentrations cians in the decision-­making process. Each
reflect changes in nutritional status over weeks patient should undergo nutritional assess-
to months. Although albumin is one of the ment, taking into consideration the wide range
main hematologic markers referenced to assess of individual variables, rather than setting an
nutritional status, its concentration is depend- arbitrary cutoff point for when assisted feeding
ent on a number of variables (including body should be implemented. When a patient has
water status, liver function, and renal losses), two or more high-­risk factors for malnutrition,
making it an unspecific marker. However, in it is likely that that the patient is already in a
human medicine albumin concentration has malnourished state, and assisted feeding
been demonstrated to correspond to overall should be implemented as soon as possible
health status and mortality rate (DeLegge and (cardiovascular and electrolyte stability is a
Drake 2007; Leite et al. 2016). Albumin con- priority and must be established prior to nutri-
centration has also been shown to correlate tional intervention). Cats with or at risk for
with mortality rate in feline patients prior to hepatic lipidosis should also receive prompt
and 96 hours after starting PN support (Pyle nutritional support. Patients with two or more
et al. 2004). Therefore, while albumin concen- moderate-­risk factors should be carefully mon-
tration may not always directly correspond to itored, and assisted feeding should be imple-
nutritional status, it can be a useful prognostic mented within 2–3 days of hospitalization if
indicator in critically ill patients (Mehl the condition does not significantly improve.
et al. 2005). Patients with only low-­risk factors should also
After assessing the patient’s history, physical be carefully monitored to ensure that their
exam, and hematologic status, consideration nutritional status does not decline during
must also be given to the expected course of hospitalization.
the patient’s illness. For those patients with In human medicine there have been con-
acute injuries (e.g. hit by a car) or elective sur- trasting recommendations for the optional
geries, if their nutritional status at presenta- time to implement PN. This controversy has
tion is generally good, the period of withholding primarily been in the context of supplement-
of food and/or anorexia is expected to be short ing EN with PN in those patients that are not
(1–3 days). For these patients, voluntary intake able to achieve desired energy delivery with
is expected to resume within a short time EN alone. One school of thought is that PN
period, and it is reasonable to delay nutritional should be implemented early when EN provi-
support. However, animals with chronic ill- sion is less than 60% (European guidelines),
nesses are more likely to have a poor nutri- while the opposing view recommends that PN
tional status at presentation and may have an not be initiated until day 8 in those patients
extended period where voluntary food intake is with a body mass index (BMI) of 17 or greater
expected to be reduced or absent. For these (American and Canadian guidelines) (Preiser
patients, nutritional support should be imple- et al. 2015). One randomized, multicenter trial
mented as soon as possible. compared these two approaches, and found
Unlike in human medicine, standardized ill- that late initiation of PN was associated with
ness scores and specific guidelines for imple- faster recovery and fewer complications
mentation of assisted feeding have not been (Casaer et al. 2011). It should be noted that the
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­Assessment of Nutritional Status and Patient Selectio 549

Table 21.1 Nutritional assessment guidelines.

Low risk Moderate risk High risk

Intake < RER for <3 d
Intake < RER for 3–5 d
Intake < RER for >5 d
Anorexia <3 d
Anorexia >3 d
Weight loss
Other factors (may be low, moderate, or
high risk)

Physical exam
BCS < 4/9
Muscle wasting present
Other factors (may be low, moderate, or
high risk)

Hematologic parameters
Electrolyte abnormalitiesa

Expected course of illness

<2 d
2–3 d
>3 d

Patients with two or more high-­risk factors should receive nutritional support as soon as they are appropriately stabilized.
Patients with two or fewer moderate-­risk factors should be carefully monitored, and assisted feeding should be
implemented within 2–3 days of hospitalization if the condition does not significantly improve. Patients with only low-­risk
factors should also be carefully monitored to ensure that their nutritional status does not decline during hospitalization.
  The degree of clinical signs and hematologic abnormalities will dictate moderate-­to high-­risk assignment.
BCS, body condition score; RER, resting energy requirement.

differences were relatively modest with only a philosophy of early implementation. One
1.06 hazard ratio, representing a 6.3% increase study in dogs found no difference in early PN
in the likelihood of being discharged from the versus early EN, but either route was ­associated
intensive care unit (ICU) and from the hospi- with shorter hospitalization stays in dogs with
tal. However, the reduced healthcare costs in septic peritonitis (Liu et al. 2012). Additional
addition to relative reductions of days required research is required in canine and feline
for mechanical ventilation (two days) and patients to understand the optimal time for
renal replacement therapy (three days) are ­initiating PN, particularly when used to sup-
­significant and raise questions about the plement EN.
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550 Parenteral Nutrition

Following the nutritional assessment, the from severe gastric or intestinal resection; poor
decision must then be made as to what route of anesthetic candidate for proper feeding tube
nutritional support is the most appropriate for placement; or inability to meet full energy
the patient. Enteral nutrition is preferred over requirements via the enteral route. Patients
PN when the gastrointestinal tract is func- with severe chylothorax may also be candi-
tional (see Figure 21.1). Indications for PN dates for PN, as parenteral administration of
include intractable vomiting and/or diarrhea; lipids bypasses the lymphatic system and tho-
anesthesia or lack of a gag reflex; recovery racic duct (Suddaby and Schiller 2004).

Algorithm for determining appropriate method for assisted feeding

Does the patient have intractable vomiting and/or diarrhea;

a non-functional G.I. tract; is anesthetized; lacks a gag reflex;
or, is a poor anesthetic candidate for proper feeding tube

Yes No

Can a central Can patient tolerate full

venous catheter RER needs via
be placed? enteral route?

No Yes
Yes No

Start central Consider combined
Start peripheral enteral
parenteral enteral and parenteral
parenteral nutrition
nutrition (CPN) nutrition (PPN)

Can patients
tolerate full RER
needs via PPN?

Yes No

Continue Consider placement of central

with PPN catheter for CPN or supplemental
enteral nutrition when possible

Figure 21.1 Algorithm for determining the appropriate method for assisted feeding. G.I., gastrointestinal;
RER, resting energy requirement.
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­Determination of Administration Rout 551

Successful reduction in triglyceride content of partial energy needs. Using this definition,
effusion from 1188 to 29 mg/dl has been TPN solutions are generally administered cen-
reported with PN treatment in one veterinary trally, while partial parenteral solutions are
chylothorax patient (Lippert et al. 1993). generally administered peripherally. However,
The most commonly reported condition in it is possible to provide the total target calories
veterinary patients that require PN is pancrea- peripherally when utilizing high-­fat solutions,
titis (Lippert et al. 1993; Pyle et al. 2004; Chan while it can also be common practice to
et al. 2006; Queau et al. 2011; Gajanayake ­administer only partial energy needs centrally.
et al. 2013), followed by gastrointestinal dis- Because of the discrepancies in nomenclature,
ease (Reuter et al. 1998), trauma (Olan and this discussion will use the terms “central par-
Prittie 2015), and hepatic diseases/hepatic lipi- enteral nutrition” (CPN) and “peripheral
dosis (Crabb et al. 2006). Enteral feeding is the ­parenteral nutrition” (PPN), focusing on the
preferred feeding method in patients with pan- characteristics of the solution that determine
creatitis, and has been shown to be well toler- the route of administration.
ated and improve patient outcomes in dogs
with pancreatitis (Harris et al. 2017). Therefore,
while PN has commonly been leveraged for ­ etermination of Administration
patients with pancreatitis that are not surgical Route
candidates for placement of jejunostomy tubes,
recent evidence supports additional considera- PN may be administered via central or periph-
tion for EN in this population. For a complete eral venous access. While peripheral venous
discussion of enteral feeding, see Chapter 20. access is easier to establish, central venous
access provides more flexibility in the formula-
tion of the parenteral solution. The primary
­Nomenclature limitation of peripheral solutions is the lower
osmolarity that is required to prevent throm-
PN can be classified by the route of administra- bophlebitis. Recommendations for maximum
tion (central or peripheral) or by the degree of osmolarity of peripheral solutions range from
nutrition provided (total or partial). The term 600 to 750 mOsmol/l, while central solutions
“total parenteral nutrition” (TPN) implies that can be as high as 1400 mOsmol/l (Delaney
the patient’s complete nutritional needs are et al. 2006; Campbell et al. 2006; Olan and
provided by the parenteral solution, which is Prittie 2015). Based on the author’s clinical
not common practice in short-­term (days to experience, the more conservative end of this
weeks) parenteral solutions administered to range is preferred for peripheral solutions,
veterinary patients. The average duration of especially in patients with hypercoagulable
PN in dogs and cats from eight comprehensive conditions. To achieve reduced osmolarity, the
retrospective studies is approximately 4 days, parenteral solution must be formulated with a
with a range of 3 hours to 25 days (Lippert less concentrated dextrose solution, which
et al. 1993; Reuter et al. 1998; Chan et al. 2002; decreases the energy density of the final
Pyle et al. 2004; Crabb et al. 2006; Queau solution. To help offset this effect, the calories
et al. 2011; Gajanayake et al. 2013; Olan and provided by fat can be increased. Lipid solu-
Prittie 2015). PN solutions used in veterinary tions have low osmolarity and high energy
medicine do not commonly provide all essen- density, and therefore help reduce the osmo-
tial minerals and fat-­soluble vitamins and are, larity and increase the energy density of the
therefore, not truly TPN solutions. Some define final solution. Most patients can tolerate these
TPN as providing total energy needs, while higher-­fat solutions (Remillard 2000; Queau
partial parenteral nutrition provides only et al. 2011); however, those with preexisting
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552 Parenteral Nutrition

hyperlipidemia or who develop hyperlipidemia ­Catheter Selection and Placement

while on parenteral nutrition may require a
lower-­fat approach in the form of CPN to Appropriate selection and management of
deliver complete energy needs. peripheral catheters can help to minimize the
When central venous access is obtainable, risk of thrombophlebitis. Teflon catheters are
CPN is generally preferred due to fewer associated with a high incidence of thrombo-
restrictions in solution formulation, easier phlebitis, while thrombophlebitis is reduced
ability to meet full energy requirements, and with the use of silicon and polyurethane cath-
reduced incidence of thrombophlebitis. In eters (Reynolds et al. 1995). Polyurethane
addition, one study identified PPN versus ­catheters have a higher internal gauge with the
CPN as a risk factor for septic complications same external diameter when compared to sili-
(Queau et al. 2011). However, successful con catheters and have been shown to result in
administration of PPN in dogs and cats has fewer occlusions (Culebras et al. 2004; Plusa
been described (Zsombor-­Murray and et al. 1998). The use of small-­diameter cathe-
Freeman 1999; Chan et al. 2006; Gajanayake ters, proper catheter care, and frequent cathe-
et al. 2013) and may be a more practical tool ter replacement can also reduce the incidence
for practitioners who do not routinely place of thrombophlebitis (Chandler et al. 2000).
central catheters. Shorter durations of PN Multilumen polyurethane catheters are
administration and the use of lipid-­containing commonly utilized for CPN administration
admixtures can also help reduce the incidence (Figure 21.2). Multilumen catheters provide
of thrombophlebitis (Chandler et al. 2000; the advantage of having a dedicated port for
Chandler and Payne-­James 2006). In larger PN administration, with additional ports for
patients with neck injuries, or any size blood draws, and crystalloid fluid and drug
patient with coagulopathy, peripheral cathe- administration. These catheters are typically
ters may be required or preferred, therefore available in a wide range of diameters
making PPN the method of choice for nutri- (4.5–8.5 Fr.) and lengths (8–60 cm). The shorter
tional support. lengths are generally used for jugular place-
Independent of the route of PN elected, it is ment, while the longer catheters can be used
important to continually reevaluate the patient for peripherally inserted central venous cathe-
and consider the introduction of enteral nutri- ters (centrally placed via the medial saphenous
tion. Although most patients who are initially vein; much less commonly the femoral or
started on PN are not candidates for enteral cephalic veins). Central placement can be
nutrition, many may tolerate gradual initiation
of enteral nutrition or even just a small propor-
tion of their energy and nutrient needs
­simultaneously administered by the enteral
route, also known as “trickle feeding.” This
concurrent implementation of enteral feeding
may help to maintain intestinal integrity as
well as immune and gut-­barrier functions
(Heidegger et al. 2007). One retrospective
study evaluating partial PN in dogs and cats
demonstrated improved survival in patients
receiving concurrent enteral nutrition (Chan
et al. 2002), providing further support for a
Figure 21.2 Placement of a multilumen
combined approach and/or weaning to EN as polyurethane catheter in a dog for central
soon as it can be tolerated. parenteral nutrition administration.
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­Parenteral Nutrition Component 553

radiographically verified and is highly recom- nitrogen balance in dogs administered only
mended for peripherally inserted central crystalloid fluids compared to those adminis-
venous catheters. In humans, peripherally tered the protein-­free lipid and dextrose solu-
inserted central venous catheters have been tion. All dogs had negative nitrogen balance,
associated with higher rates of thrombophlebi- and calculations based on a linear relationship
tis, particularly when used for PN administra- between nitrogen balance and amino acid
tion (Cowl et al. 2000; Hammes et al. 2015). administration estimated a requirement of
Although this has not been evaluated in dogs 2.3 g protein/kg/d to achieve nitrogen balance.
and cats, it is the author’s clinical experience The dogs in this study averaged approximately
that complications associated with thrombo- 10 kg in body weight, with a calculated MER of
phlebitis are more commonly seen with 766 kcal/d. Therefore, this minimum protein
peripherally inserted central venous catheters. requirement is equivalent to 3.0 g/100 kcal
Because of this, jugular placement of central (12% protein on a metabolizable energy [ME]
venous catheters is preferred when possible. basis). This is lower than guidance established
by the Association of American Feed Control
Officials (AAFCO) for commercial diets for-
mulated for adult canine maintenance
­ arenteral Nutrition Components (4.5 g/100 kcal), but is greater than both the
minimum requirement and the recommended
allowance established by the National Research
Protein needs for patients receiving PN are pro- Council (NRC) for adult canine maintenance
vided by amino acid solutions, which are usu- (2.0 and 2.5 g/100 kcal, respectively).
ally available in 8.5% and 10% concentrations. The protein requirements in critically ill ani-
Amino acid solutions with a concentration of mals are likely different from those in healthy
8.5% have an energy density of 0.34 kcal/ml and animals, as elevations in endogenous corticos-
osmolarity of 706–880 mOsmol/l. Therefore, teroids, catecholamines, and inflammatory
compared to the lipid and dextrose compo- cytokines promote a hypercatabolic state
nents, the amino acid solution contributes (Chan 2004; Preiser et al. 2014). An evaluation
­relatively low energy density and moderately of urinary nitrogen excretion in critically ill
high osmolarity (Table 21.2). dogs demonstrated losses that are two to six
Because parenterally administered amino times the obligatory nitrogen excretion that is
acids are essentially 100% bioavailable, protein reported in healthy dogs (Michel et al. 1997). A
requirements that are established for oral feed- healthy animal under conditions of starvation
ing of commercial pet foods likely overesti- will adapt by decreasing muscle breakdown,
mate needs for parenteral administration. One converting primarily to the use of fatty acids
study evaluated nitrogen balance in healthy and ketones for energy. However, in critically
dogs receiving different protein concentrations ill patients, muscle catabolism is not appropri-
over a seven-­day period (Mauldin et al. 2001). ately downregulated. In ill animals, the amino
A control group received crystalloid fluids acids generated from muscle breakdown are
only, and the remaining three groups received primarily used for gluconeogenesis and pro-
infusions of 0, 1.36, or 2.04 g amino acid/kg duction of acute-­phase proteins, while synthe-
body weight, with the remainder of their main- sis of other selected proteins (such as albumin,
tenance energy requirement (MER) provided transferrin, prealbumin, retinol-­binding pro-
by 50% lipid and 50% dextrose on a caloric tein, and fibronectin) is actually decreased
basis. The study demonstrated that satisfying (Biolo et al. 1997; Thiessen et al. 2017).
energy needs with carbohydrate and fat had a As in veterinary medicine, there is also lim-
protein-­sparing effect, with a greater negative ited research in the human field to describe
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Table 21.2 Commonly used solutions and supplements for parenteral nutrition.

Energy density and key

Ingredient nutrient contents Osmolarity

Amino acid solutions

Travasol 8.5%a 0.34 kcal/ml 880 mOsmol/l
Travasol 10%a 0.4 kcal/ml 998 mOsmol/l
Aminosyn II 8.5% 0.34 kcal/ml 706 mOsmol/l
FreAmine 10%c 0.4 kcal/ml 950 mOsmol/l

Lipid solutions
Intralipid 10%a 1.1 kcal/ml 260 mOsmol/l
0.015 mmol PO4/ml
Intralipid 20%a 2 kcal/ml 260 mOsmol/l
0.015 mmol PO4/ml
Liposyn II 10%b 1.1 kcal/ml 276 mOsmol/l
Liposyn II 20%b 2 kcal/ml 258 mOsmol/l

Dextrose solutions
Dextrose 5% 0.17 kcal/ml 253 mOsmol/l
Dextrose 50% 1.7 kcal/ml 2525 mOsmol/l
Dextrose 70% 2.38 kcal/ ml 3640 mOsmol/l

Ready-­made amino acid and carbohydrate solutions

ProcalAmine (3% amino acid and 0.25 kcal/ml 735 mOsmol/l
3% glycerol)c 24.5 mmol/l (24.5 mEq/l) K
41 mmol/l (41 mEq/l) Cl
35 mmol/l (35 mEq/l) Na
0.75 mmol/l (3 mEq/l) Ca
2.5 mmol/l (5 mEq/l) Mg
3.5 mmol/l (7 mEq/l) PO4

Potassium chloride 2 mEq K/ml 4000 mOsmol/l
Potassium phosphate 4.4 mEq K/ml 7357 mOsmol/l
3 mmol PO4/ml
Magnesium sulfate 50% 4.06 mEq Mg/ml 4060 mOsmol/l
Sodium chloride 23.4% 4 mEq Na/ml 8000 mOsmol/l
Sodium chloride 14.6% 2.5 mEq Na/ml 5000 mOsmol/l

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin B complexd Thiamine Variable; 380–390 mOsmol/l
Pantothenic acid
± Cyanocobalamin
Baxter Healthcare, Clintec Nutrition Division, Deerfield, IL, USA.
Hospira Worldwide, Lake Forest, IL, USA.
Braun Medical, Bethlehem, PA, USA.
Various manufacturers; individual products contain different vitamin concentrations.
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­Parenteral Nutrition Component 555

protein needs and optimal feeding practices. of total calories (Remillard 2000; Delaney
Studies involving human ICU patients have et al. 2006; Freeman and Chan 2006). Higher
shown that protein intake is associated with fat levels (60–90% of nonprotein calories) have
multiple benefits including reduced infections, been reported to be well tolerated clinically in
ventilation duration, time to discharge, and over 500 patients over a five-­year period
mortality (Heyland et al. 2017). However, (Remillard 2000). Because animals that have
other studies have shown mixed results, and been without food for over three days are uti-
additional studies are required to define the lizing primarily endogenous fat for energy,
optimal amount of protein, influence of enteral these higher-­fat solutions may be more physi-
versus parenteral delivery, and impacts on ologically appropriate. Lower fat concentra-
longer-­term outcomes (Heyland et al. 2017). tions may be needed in animals with
The standard recommendation for protein pre-­existing hyperlipidemia, or who develop
concentrations in PN formulations is persistent lipemia while on PN. Although fat
4–5 g/100 kcal (16–20% protein on an ME basis) restriction is recommended for oral feeding in
for dogs and 6 g/100 kcal (24% protein on an patients with pancreatitis, intravenous fat does
ME basis) for cats (Freeman and Chan 2006; not stimulate exocrine pancreatic secretion
Thomovsky et al. 2007; Queau et al. 2011). One (Fried et al. 1982; Stabile et al. 1984); therefore,
goal of PN support should be providing ade- fat restriction is not necessary in PN formula-
quate protein in order to minimize muscle tions for patients with pancreatitis.
breakdown and maintain lean body mass. Like Lipid emulsions available within the United
energy, excessive protein should be avoided, as States are generally soybean oil and/or saf-
attempts to promote tissue anabolism through flower oil based, with additional egg yolk phos-
high-­energy/high-­protein PN administration pholipids, glycerin, and water. Elimination
may lead to complications such as azotemia and long-­term (91-­day) administration studies
and cholestasis (Klein et al. 1998). Protein con- of lipid emulsions have been conducted in
centrations are also dependent on individual dogs (Cotter et al. 1984; Izzo et al. 1984). No
patient needs and disease states. Animals with significant differences were found in the
renal disease and hepatic encephalopathy ­maximum elimination capacity or fractional
should be provided PN solutions with reduced elimination rates of 10% Intralipid® (Baxter
protein concentrations, while growing animals Healthcare, Deerfield, IL, USA) at bolus injec-
and patients with significant protein losses tion doses of 300 g/kg body weight or with con-
may require increased amounts to meet tinuous infusion doses of 3 or 6 g/kg body
their needs. weight, indicating that the elimination mecha-
nism had not been saturated. The researchers
did note, however, that some of the data did
not fit their model at the 6 g/kg level, ­suggesting
Fat, provided by lipid emulsions, is an impor- individual variability in the ability to tolerate
tant component of PN, supplying both energy the lipid at higher administration rates. This
and essential fatty acids. The most commonly finding reflects what is seen clinically, with
utilized lipid emulsions are 20% solutions, pro- some patients requiring reduced fat concentra-
viding 2 kcal/ml with an osmolarity of tions in PN solutions due to persistent hyper-
260 mOsmol/l. The lipid component of PN lipidemia during PN administration.
provides beneficial qualities to the final admix- While soybean and safflower oil–based
ture, helping to temper the high osmolarity of emulsions have been the mainstay of parental
the dextrose solution while enhancing the formulas in recent decades, recent research
overall energy density. Recommended fat lev- has suggested benefits of alternative lipid
els in PN formulations range from 30% to 80% sources (blends including olive oil, fish oil, and
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556 Parenteral Nutrition

medium-­chain triglycerides). These mixtures these negative immunosuppressive effects

may have fewer inflammatory properties, show (Chao et al. 2000; Sala-­Vila et al. 2007; Wanten
immune benefits, and improve outcomes in and Calder 2007; Raman et al. 2017). There is
some groups of patients (Raman et al. 2017). a dearth of similar investigations in veterinary
Soybean and safflower oil–based emulsions patients. One study evaluated the use of par-
are composed of primarily omega-­6 fatty acids enteral infusions of soybean oil-based versus
and have been shown to inhibit lymphocyte fish oil-based emulsions for three hours post-­
proliferation and neutrophil chemotaxis and ovariohysterectomy in healthy dogs (Tsuruta
migration (Granato et al. 2000). These suppres- et al. 2017). While apparently safe, the fish
sive effects on the granulocyte and reticuloen- ­oil-based emulsion was not associated with
dothelial cell systems have raised concerns of any benefits with regard to plasma C-­reactive
immunosuppressive effects of high lipid-­ protein concentration and leukocyte cytokine
containing PN solutions. However, when dif- production. More research is needed to more
ferent proportions of energy were supplied fully evaluate various types of lipid emula-
with a soybean oil-based emulsion during two-­ tions in dogs and cats in order to guide future
hour infusions in healthy research dogs, the recommendations for clinical applications.
function of polymorphonuclear neutrophils
was only impacted by the highest infusion rate,
which would be much more than is used in C
­ arbohydrate
veterinary PN administration (Kang and
Yang 2008). Dextrose solutions, ranging in concentrations
One study reported an ex vivo investigation from 5% to 70%, are utilized in PN solutions to
of the impact of a soybean oil-based emulsion provide carbohydrate calories. One of the most
on hemolysis in blood samples of healthy dogs commonly used concentrations for CPN for-
and those with inflammatory leukograms mulation is 50% dextrose, providing 1.7 kcal/ml,
(Behling-­Kelly and Wakshlag 2018). The lipid with an osmolarity of 2525 Osmol/l. For PPN
doses used in the blood sample mixtures (1%, formulations, 5% dextrose is commonly substi-
3%, and 5% lipid solution) were extrapolated tuted, providing a 10-­fold lower osmolarity of
from predicted concentrations near a PN infu- 253 Osmol/l, and a correspondingly lower
sion site. Hemolysis was noted in blood sam- energy density of 0.17 mOsmol/l. Some institu-
ples from both groups, although samples from tions and compounding pharmacies may uti-
ill dogs were more affected only by the 5% lipid lize a higher dextrose solution and sterile water
solution (16.4% vs. 25% hemolysis, respectively, for peripheral PN formulations, titrating to an
as measured by optical density of superna- appropriate osmolarity for peripheral venous
tant). This study also investigated the impacts administration.
of the 5% lipid solution on thromboelastogra- Recommended carbohydrate levels for PN
phy in blood samples of healthy dogs (Behling-­ solutions range from 20% to 50% on an ME basis
Kelly and Wakshlag 2018). An impact on clot (Delaney et al. 2006; Queau et al. 2011).
formation was seen in both the vehicle-­only Concentrations as high as 62% of the total calo-
and the lipid-­treated samples; however, the ries have been well tolerated in healthy dogs
addition of 5% lipid emulsion resulted in accel- over a nine-­day period, although moderate
erated clot formation overall. The clinical sig- hyperglycemia was present during the first few
nificance of these potential effects is unknown days of administration (Zentek et al. 2003). In
and has yet to be evaluated in dogs and cats order to avoid complications associated with
administered PN in the hospital setting. hyperglycemia, some have recommended that
In humans, the use of alternative lipids has rates of administration should not exceed 4 mg/
been shown to reduce or eliminate some of kg/min (Freeman and Chan 2006). This rate is
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­Carbohydrat 557

extrapolated from human data, where rates 20–30 mEq K+/l (Remillard 2000). Phosphorus
exceeding this level resulted in hyperglycemia is commonly provided by both the lipid solu-
in nondiabetic patients. Dextrose provides tion and the additional potassium phosphate
0.034 kcal/mg; therefore, 4 mg/kg/min is equiv- solution. Although no specific guidelines have
alent to 0.136 kcal from dextrose/min/kg. For a been published for phosphorus content of
10 kg animal receiving resting energy require- canine and feline PN solutions, recommenda-
ment (RER; 393 kcal/day) over a 24-­hour period, tions for human PN solutions range from 20 to
total kcal/min administration would be approx- 40 mM/l (Mirtallo 2001). For patients with pre-­
imately 0.03 kcal/kg/min. Since only a portion existing hyperphosphatemia and/or hyper-
of the total energy is provided by dextrose, these kalemia (such as is commonly seen in patients
maximum dextrose infusion rates are not typi- with renal disease), potassium chloride can be
cally reached during routine PN administration. substituted or omitted. It is recommended that
However, hyperglycemia is the most common any additional electrolyte abnormalities be
metabolic complication seen with PN adminis- corrected through crystalloid fluid supplemen-
tration in dogs and cats (Lippert et al. 1993; tation, as the risk of solution instability and
Reuter et al. 1998; Chan et al. 2002; Pyle mineral precipitation is greater with additions
et al. 2004; Crabb et al. 2006; Queau et al. 2011); to PN admixtures. Additionally, if further
therefore, avoiding high concentrations of dex- adjustments in electrolyte concentrations are
trose and ensuring frequent monitoring during required, this is more easily done via modifica-
PN administration are recommended. tions to crystalloid fluids, given the cost of
Higher concentrations are sometimes una- replacement of the PN solution.
voidable in patients that require protein and/ Recommendations for the addition of trace
or fat restriction for other disease conditions. minerals to PN admixtures in veterinary medi-
Lower levels may be beneficial in diabetic cine are highly variable. Some institutions do
patients and animals that develop persistent or not routinely include trace minerals (Pyle
worsening hyperglycemia during PN adminis- et al. 2004; Queau et al. 2011), while others
tration. While dogs may successfully adapt to may add trace minerals (chromium, copper,
high dextrose infusions after one or two days of manganese, and zinc; Crabb et al. 2006), or
PN administration (Reuter et al. 1998; Zentek routinely add zinc only (Michel 2007). For
et al. 2003), cats have been reported to have most clinical PN use, duration of administra-
persistent hyperglycemia after three days of tion is typically up to several days, and supple-
PN administration (Pyle et al. 2004). Therefore, menting trace minerals into the PN admixtures
lower-­carbohydrate formulations may be more is not necessary due to the low likelihood that
appropriate for cats and/or they may require a nutrient deficiency will develop. For patients
lower infusion rates and/or necessitate man- on PN for longer than two weeks, the addition
agement with exogenous insulin. of trace minerals should be considered.
When adding electrolytes and/or trace miner-
als to PN admixtures, it is important to recognize
Electrolytes and Trace Minerals
the potential risks of instability and precipitation
Potassium and phosphorus are the most com- within the solution. Mineral stability within the
monly added electrolytes to PN admixtures for nutrient admixture can vary based on the form
dogs and cats. Hypokalemia and hypophos- used, pH of the solution, the ambient tempera-
phatemia can occur with refeeding syndrome ture, and the concentrations of amino acids, dex-
and are routinely added to PN solutions (see trose, and other electrolytes within the solution
the discussion under complications). For (Allwood and Kearney 1998). In general, mono-
patients that are normokalemic, potassium valent ions are stable within PN admixtures,
phosphate should be added to provide while di-­ and trivalent ions are more likely to
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558 Parenteral Nutrition

form insoluble complexes. The most commonly the PN solution. Most veterinary commercial
reported precipitate within PN admixtures is cal- B vitamin complexes contain thiamin, niacin,
cium phosphate (Allwood and Kearney 1998). pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin,
This has primarily been a problem in human with some also including cyanocobalamin.
infant PN admixtures, which require higher con- Folic acid is not compatible with riboflavin and
centrations of calcium and phosphorus than is therefore not included in B complex solu-
adult formulations (Parikh et al. 2005). tions. Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is generally the
There is little information about the stability limiting B vitamin in terms of the amount
of trace minerals within PN admixtures. needed to achieve minimum nutrient require-
Chromium, copper, manganese, and zinc have ments; when added separately the amount can
been shown to be both stable and compatible in be more precise. The amount added to the PN
PN admixtures for up to 48 hours at an ambient solution should be sufficient to meet established
temperature (Allwood and Kearney 1998). nutrient requirements (see Box 21.1).
However, formation of copper and iron precipi- Because of their relatively slow turnover
tates has been reported within solutions con- rates, fat-­soluble vitamins are not routinely
taining sulfur amino acids (Allwood et al. 1998; added to PN solutions for short-­term admin-
Hardy et al. 1998). Precipitates can be difficult istration in dogs and cats. For patients with
to visualize due to the opaque nature of the specific nutrient concerns, such as vitamin K
lipid-­containing PN solutions. The use of inline deficiency in patients with hepatic or
filters can help to provide protection from pre- ­hepatobiliary disease, parenteral supple-
cipitates that are not grossly visible, and should mentation may be administered separately.
be strongly considered for PN administration Additionally, for patients with long-­term fat
lines regardless of the addition of trace minerals. malabsorption, it has been recommended to
give a one-­time intramuscular administra-
tion of a vitamin A, D, and E complex (Vital
E-­A + D, Schering-­Plow Animal Health,
Because of their relatively rapid turnover rates Kenilworth, NJ, USA), which will provide
and essential roles as cofactors in energy metab- the needed nutrients for up to three months
olism, B vitamins are important components of (Remillard 2000).

Box 21.1 Step-­by-­Step Calculations for Parenteral Formulations

Step 1 Determine energy requirement

kcal/day Resting energy requirement (RER) = 70 × (body weight in kg)0.75
Step 2 Determine macronutrient volumes
Protein _____% ME × ____ RER (kcal/day) = ____ proteinkcal
_____ proteinkcal ÷ _____ kcal/ml amino acid solution
= _____ ml amino acid solution
Fat _____% ME × ____ RER (kcal/day) = ____ fatkcal
_____ fatkcal ÷ _____ kcal/ml lipid solution
= _____ ml lipid solution
Carbohydrate _____% ME × ____ RER (kcal/day) = ____ carbohydratekcal
_____ carbohydratekcal ÷ _____ kcal/ml dextrose solution
= _____ ml dextrose solution
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­Energy Requirement 559

Step 3 Determine volume of potassium supplement

Potassium level desired should be mEq K+ needed = ___mEq/l K+ desired × ___total macronutrient
determined by patient’s serum volume/100
potassium concentration volume KPO4 = ____mEq K+ needed ÷ 4.4 mEq/ml = _____ ml KPO4
OR, for patients with hyperphosphatemia, use potassium chloride:
Volume KCl = ____mEq K+ needed ÷ 2 mEq/l = _____ ml KCl
Step 4 Calculate total phosphorus
Check total phosphorus and add ____ml lipid solution × ____mmol P/ml = ____mmol phosphorus
supplementation if needed ____ml KPO4 × ____mmol P/ml = ____mmol phosphorus
_____total mmol phosphorus
Step 5 Calculate volume of B vitamin complex
Add B vitamin complex (± Thiamin – 0.29 mg/1000 kcal solution
separate vitamin B12 if not
Riboflavin – 0.63 mg/1000 kcal solution
included) at amount needed to
meet the following requirements Niacin – 3.3 mg/1000 kcal solution
Pantothenic acid – 2.9 mg/1000 kcal solution
Pyridoxine – 0.29 mg/1000 kcal solution
Cyanocobalamin – 6.0 mcg/1000 kcal solution
Step 6 Calculate total volume and osmolarity
_____ ml amino acid solution × ____mOsm/ml = _____mOsmol
_____ ml lipid solution × ____mOsm/ml = _____mOsmol
_____ ml dextrose solution × ____mOsm/ml = _____mOsmol
_____ ml KCl or KPO4 × ____mOsm/ml = _____mOsmol
_____ ml B vitamin complex × ____mOsm/ml = _____mOsmol
_____ total volume _____total mOsmol
Total mOsmol/l = total mOsmol/total volume
Step 7 Calculate energy density of solution
Energy density = ____total kcals (RER) ÷ ____ml total volume
= ____kcal/ml

­ nergy Requirements overfeeding is a common complication with
PN and may contribute to problems such as
The goal of PN support is to provide an appro- cholestasis, hepatic lipidosis, and respiratory
priate level of energy to sustain critical physi- failure (Mauldin et al. 2001). Overfeeding may
ologic processes (such as immune function also contribute to hyperglycemia, which has
and wound healing) and maintain lean body been shown to be a negative prognostic indica-
mass, without overly stressing the patient’s tor in critically ill human and feline patients
metabolic system with excessive nutrients. receiving PN (Pyle et al. 2004; Cheung
Many critically ill patients are underweight or et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2007; Krinsley et al. 2017).
trending down, and there is a tendency to Energy needs can vary from patient to
desire weight gain in these animals. However, patient, and the ideal situation would be to
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560 Parenteral Nutrition

measure individual patient needs via indirect detrimental effects on hepatic function only in
calorimetry, as is commonly utilized in cats receiving PN doses that did not account
human hospitals (Boullata et al. 2007). for protein calories, compared to those for
However, these measurements are costly and whom calories were accounted from all three
unavailable in most veterinary hospital set- macronutrients (Lippert et al. 1989). However,
tings; therefore, calculation of predicted all cats in this study received doses of 1.4 times
requirements is the most practical tool to their calculated RER, which could have also
estimate energy needs. contributed to the complications seen with
During hospitalization, patients are gener- overfeeding. The calculations presented in this
ally estimated to require energy levels equiva- chapter will account for protein calories.
lent to their calculated RER. There are multiple Independent of the method used, the primary
equations to estimate RER; exponential equa- conclusion is that overfeeding should be
tions utilizing the patient’s metabolic body avoided.
weight are preferred in order to best meet the
needs of the wide range of body sizes in veteri-
nary medicine. Linear equations are not rec- ­Formulation Calculations
ommended due to likely overestimation of true
needs for small and larger animals. Adjustment Step-­by-­step calculations for PN formulations
of energy provision targets based on the dis- are outlined in Box 21.1. First calculate the
ease process is no longer recommended for energy needs of the patient, using the
hospitalized patients, as multiplying RER by ­calculation for RER. As already mentioned, ill-
illness factors generally results in overestima- ness energy factors are not recommended due
tion of true energy needs (O’Toole et al. 2004). to concerns of overfeeding. However, body
The amount fed should initially be gradually weight should be monitored, and individual
increased, starting at approximately 25% of variations in energy needs should be consid-
RER, followed by additional increments of 25% ered after feeding at full RER is achieved. Steps
RER every 8–12 hours until full RER is reached. 2–4 require selection of the desired energy dis-
The rate of increase can be modified based on tribution (percentage protein, percentage fat,
patient tolerance. Once full RER has been and percentage carbohydrate on an ME basis)
reached, the patient may be reassessed to and electrolyte concentrations. These values
determine if increased levels are warranted. In will be determined on an individual patient
the author’s clinical experience, energy levels basis, as discussed earlier. Table 21.2 outlines
above RER are rarely needed, and maintaining the energy density of commonly utilized com-
more conservative rates helps reduce the risk ponents to aid in these calculations. Step 5
of metabolic complications associated with requires the calculation of the needed volume
overfeeding. of B vitamin complex. The volume of B vita-
It is the author’s preference to include all min complex required will vary based on the
nutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrate) for product used and should be provided in
energy calculations, although some veterinary amounts necessary to meet the patient’s estab-
nutritionists prefer to consider protein needs lished requirements. B vitamins have a wide
separately, with the caloric needs met by fat margin of safety, so it is common practice to
and carbohydrate alone. However, not account- provide excesses compared to minimum
ing for protein calories has been argued to be a requirements. This also provides a safety buffer
potential cause for complications associated for expected ultraviolet (UV) degradation.
with overfeeding in veterinary patients receiv- Finally, the total volume, osmolarity, and
ing PN (Crabb et al. 2006). Additionally, one energy density of the solution are calculated in
prospective study in healthy cats demonstrated Steps 6 and 7.
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­Compoundin 561

­ ompounding

Because lipid-­containing PN solutions are sup-

portive of bacterial and fungal growth, prepara-
tion must be conducted with careful, aseptic
techniques. Preparation within a laminar flow
hood has been the minimum standard for many
years. However, the United States Pharmacopeia
(USP) has established guidelines for the prepara-
tion of sterile compounding that are adopted by
most state pharmacy boards and are enforceable
by the US Food and Drug Administration. The
relevant statutes describe procedures and require-
ments for compounding sterile preparations and
apply to all settings, including those related to vet-
erinary drugs. Compliance helps ensure patient
safety and promotes high-­quality care. PN is clas-
sified as a medium-­risk formulation, and com-
pounding should be conducted within an
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) Class 5 environment ( 352 000 particles of
0.5 μm or larger size per m3), such as a clean room
or mobile isolation chamber.
The PN components may be mixed using Figure 21.4 Manual parenteral nutrition solution
compounding within a mobile isolation chamber at
manual or automatic methods. Manual
the University of California, Davis Veterinary
­compounding uses gravity flow of individual Medical Teaching Hospital.
components, feeding into an empty sterile PN
bag or glass bottle (Figures 21.3 and 21.4). While compounding devices help to eliminate these
the manual method does not require expensive increased risks of human error and contamina-
automatic compounding equipment, it is slow, tion, but are more expensive and may not be
is prone to inaccuracies, requires ­multiple available in some areas (Figures 21.5–21.7).
manipulations, and has an increased likelihood
of contamination (Mirtallo 2001). Automated

Figure 21.5 Clean room for automated parenteral

Figure 21.3 Individual components for manual nutrition compounding at the University of
parenteral nutrition solution compounding. California, San Diego Medical Center.
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562 Parenteral Nutrition

amino acid and dextrose solution should

be mixed; fourth, the lipid emulsion should be
added to the dextrose and amino acid mixture;
and finally, any addition of other medications or
components should be considered in accordance
with verified stability information (Campbell
et al. 2006). Regular visual inspection and moni-
toring of the quality of the admixture should
also be performed, assessing for precipitates and
coalescence of fat particles.
While many teaching institutions regularly
compound PN solutions, most veterinary prac-
Figure 21.6 An automated compounder used for tices do not have the appropriate equipment
preparing parenteral nutrition solutions at the
and/or facilities for proper PN compounding.
University of California, San Diego Medical Center.
Compounding pharmacies that are equipped
for human PN preparation will generally
also compound veterinary formulations.
Alternatively, large veterinary referral hospitals
or human hospitals in the area may compound
PN solutions and will also work with local vet-
erinarians. Finally, some university veterinary
medical teaching institutions offer nutrition
support services that provide individual PN for-
mulations, compounding, and delivery.

­Initiating Parenteral Nutrition

Figure 21.7 Automated parenteral nutrition PN products should only be administered
solution compounding at the University of through a dedicated catheter or dedicated port.
California, San Diego Medical Center.
The administration line should also be dedi-
cated for PN administration only, and should
For either method of compounding, it is include a 1.2 μm inline filter to help prevent
important to ensure that appropriate mixing inadvertent administration of lipid globules or
procedures are followed. The sequence of mix- precipitates. To ensure the sterility of the line,
ing the various ingredients affects solution sta- it should not be disconnected during PN
bility. Of particular concern is the stability of the administration (including for patient walks).
fat emulsion, as multiple factors, including pH, To help remind clinic staff not to disconnect
glucose, amino acid, and divalent-­cation con- the line and to prevent the line from becoming
centrations, can impact the fat emulsion stability disconnected by the patient, it is helpful to tape
(Allwood 2000). Procedural protocols have been the line at the connection ports (Figure 21.8).
developed to help reduce the likelihood of It is generally recommended to cover the PN
incompatibilities within the formulation. First, bag to prevent degradation of B vitamins by
all trace elements and electrolytes (except phos- UV light. The PN must be discarded after
phorus) should be added to the dextrose solu- 24–48 hours of hanging, and the administra-
tion; second, any phosphorus additives should tion line should be discarded and replaced
be mixed with the amino acid solution; third, the with each new bag of PN.
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­Complication 563

the introduction period are outlined in

Table 21.3. Patients who have been without food
for an extended period of time are at an increased
risk of developing electrolyte abnormalities
upon refeeding (see discussion in the complica-
tions section). These patients may require slower
increases, with more time at each incremental
step and more frequent monitoring.

­ onitoring Guidelines
Figure 21.8 Feline patient at the University of
California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching
Hospital receiving central parenteral nutrition. Careful monitoring is essential during PN
Note that the administration line has been taped administration, especially during the period
to help remind clinic staff not to disconnect the that amounts are being increased to the goal
line and to prevent the line from becoming
rate. The guidelines in Table 21.3 give mini-
disconnected by the patient.
mum monitoring recommendations. The fre-
quency at which specific parameters should be
The PN should be administered by constant-­ measured will be driven by the status of the
rate infusion over a 24-­hour period with the use patient. Patients with a poor nutritional status
of a calibrated fluid pump. Infusion of daily and in a more critical state of illness will
energy needs over a 10-­hour period has been require more frequent monitoring. Monitoring
reported in healthy dogs (Zentek et al. 2003). frequency may also be increased if faster time
Successful administration of partial energy needs to achieve the goal rate is desired.
via PPN over a 10–12-­hour period has also been
reported in hospitalized dogs (Chandler and
Payne-­James 2006). It has been suggested that ­Complications
higher-­fat solutions may be better tolerated than
high dextrose-­containing solutions for shorter, Complications associated with PN are classified
more rapid rates of infusion (Zentek et al. 2003). as metabolic, mechanical, and septic. Metabolic
Further research in this area is needed and could complications are the most common, followed
open up new avenues for more practical uses of by mechanical and then septic. There have been
PN in veterinary hospitals where 24-­hour moni- several retrospective studies reporting compli-
toring is unavailable. cations associated with PN in dogs and/or cats
The goal rate of PN administration is deter- (Lippert et al. 1993; Reuter et al. 1998; Chan
mined by the patient’s daily energy requirement et al. 2002; Pyle et al. 2004; Crabb et al. 2006;
and the energy density of the solution. The total Queau et al. 2011; Gajanayake et al. 2013; Olan
volume to be administered over the 24-­hour and Prittie 2015). Collectively, these studies pro-
period should be equivalent to the patient’s cal- vide an overview of the types of solutions
culated RER. The patient should be slowly administered as well as common complications
increased to the PN goal rate, starting with 25% associated with PN in dogs and cats.
and increasing by 25% increments every
8–24 hours. The rate of increase will be
Metabolic Complications
dependent on the individual patient response,
including the presence of hyperglycemia, hyper- Hyperglycemia is the most common metabolic
lipidemia, and/or electrolyte abnormalities. complication reported in both dogs and cats.
Guidelines for blood glucose monitoring during Hyperglycemia was reported in 75% of cats and
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564 Parenteral Nutrition

Table 21.3 Parenteral nutrition monitoring guidelines.

1) Measure and record body weight, temperature, pulse, and respiration rate daily.
2) Measure blood glucose (BG) every 4 h until the goal rate of administration is reached. Start parenteral
nutrition (PN) administration at 25% of the goal rate (determined by patient’s daily resting energy
requirement [RER]).
a) If BG <250 mg/dl, increase the rate of administration by 25% of the goal rate until goal rate is
b) If BG 250–300 mg/dl, maintain the present rate of infusion during the weaning-­on period. If
infusing at 100% of goal rate and glucose level continues over two measurements at 4 h intervals,
consider insulin administration, decrease the rate of infusion by 25%, or decrease the dextrose
content of the solution.
c) If BG >300 mg/dl, consider insulin administration, decrease the rate of infusion by 25%, or
decrease the dextrose content of the solution.
3) Measure packed cell volume (PCV) and total solids (TS), and examine for lipemic and hemolytic
serum daily.
4) Measure serum potassium and phosphorus concentrations within 12 h of starting PN infusion.
Continue to measure at a frequency of no less than once daily during the weaning-­on period, and no
less than once every other day when at goal rate of infusion for 24 h.
5) Measure ionized magnesium within 24 h of starting PN infusion. Repeat within 48 h if
hypomagnesemia is measured.
6) Measure complete chemistry panel within 24 h of starting PN infusion, and then no less than once
every 2–3 d.
7) Measure serum triglycerides if lipemic serum is present for two or more consecutive measurements at
4 h intervals.
8) Perform thoracic radiographs if respiratory distress develops any time during administration.
9) Evaluate catheter site twice daily for evidence of infection and/or thrombophlebitis.
10) Perform catheter tip and/or blood cultures if sepsis is suspected.

Source: Adapted from Delaney et al. (2006).

31% of dogs in the Lippert study; 32% of dogs (144 ± 55.3% in dogs and 182 ± 56.4% in cats;
in the Reuter study; 12.5% of dogs and 44.7% of animals receiving insulin were excluded)
cats in the Chan study; 47% of cats in the Pyle (Queau et al. 2011).
study; 23% of cats in the Crabb study; 84% of Hyperglycemia has been a major topic of
cats and 61% of dogs in the Queau study; 28% interest in both human and veterinary critical
of dogs in the Gajanayake study; and 11% of care patients in recent years. In the Pyle study,
dogs in the Olan and Prittie study. The Queau the risk of mortality was increased by greater
study reported serum glucose concentrations than fivefold in cats that developed hypergly-
of 146 ± 32.6 mg/dl in dogs and 213 ± 69.8 mg/dl cemia after the first 24 hours of PN (odds ratio
in cats when hyperglycemia was first recog- of 5.66). Similar increased risks of mortality
nized after PN initiation, and the maximal con- have been demonstrated in human patients
centration of 347 mg/dl in dogs and 489 mg/dl who develop hyperglycemia associated with
in cats. The increase in serum glucose concen- PN administration during ICU hospitalization
tration was lower in animals that were hyper- (Cheung et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2007; Krinsley
glycemic before PN (110 ± 28.5% in dogs and et al. 2017). Other veterinary studies have not
132 ± 38.2% in cats) compared with those that shown the same negative risk associated with
were normo-­ or hypoglycemic before PN hyperglycemia and outcome, but differences in
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­Complication 565

hyperglycemia definitions as well as proactive hyperlipidemia was also one of the reported
monitoring and interventions, including insu- metabolic corrections seen while on PN in the
lin therapy, may help explain these inconsist- Reuter study. Similarly, in the Pyle study, 24%
encies (Chan et al. 2002; Queau et al. 2011). of cats had hyperlipidemia prior to starting PN,
Hyperglycemia is not limited to patients and this value decreased to 19% of cats after
receiving PN, and it has been documented as a 24 hours, and 15% of cats after 96 hours of PN
relatively common finding in both human administration. The presence of hyperlipi-
and veterinary critically ill patients (Chan demia prior to PN administration was not
et al. 2006; Hafidah et al. 2007). An evaluation reported in the Lippert, Chan, or Crabb stud-
of cats that presented to an emergency service ies. The reason for the differences seen between
at a large referral hospital reported a 40% these studies is unclear. However, in the Reuter
­incidence of hyperglycemia at presentation and Pyle studies, patients with pre-­existing
(Chan et al. 2002). Hyperglycemic cats in this hyperlipidemia likely reflected those with
study were significantly more likely to die or be increased mobilization of fat in response to
euthanized than those without hyperglycemia. prolonged anorexia and illness (Wolfe
Further evaluation by this same group of et al. 1983). Hyperlipidemia is also a complica-
researchers revealed that critically ill cats have tion of poorly regulated diabetes mellitus
significantly higher glucose, lactate, cortisol, (Michel 2005). Of the cats in the Pyle study,
glucagon, and norepinephrine concentrations, 17% had diabetes mellitus, but the association
and significantly lower insulin concentrations between the presence of diabetes mellitus and
when compared to controls (Chan et al. 2006). hyperlipidemia was not evaluated. In addition
These findings are consistent with those from to the hyperglycemia commonly documented
human studies that have demonstrated higher in critically ill cats, elevations in nonesterified
concentrations of counter-­regulatory hor- fatty acids (NEFA) have also been reported
mones and insulin resistance in critically ill (Chan et al. 2006). In those cases, refeeding
patients (Marik and Raghavan 2004; Zauner may help reverse the catabolic state, decrease
et al. 2007). mobilization of adipose stores, and actually
Further research in this area is needed to improve or resolve hyperlipidemia.
determine the most appropriate management Management of hyperlipidemia that develops
strategies for hyperglycemic veterinary or worsens during administration of PN
patients. However, closer monitoring and includes decreasing the rate of administration
maintaining tighter glycemic control in or reformulation of the parenteral solution to
patients receiving PN may aid in improving provide a lower fat concentration.
patient outcome. Patients who develop hyper- A wide range of electrolyte abnormalities,
glycemia in the initial phases of PN adminis- including hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypoc-
tration should be more slowly increased to the alcemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypochlo-
target administration rates. For those patients remia, were reported in seven of the eight
who are persistently hyperglycemic, insulin retrospective studies (Lippert et al. 1993; Reuter
therapy should be implemented, or the PN et al. 1998; Pyle et al. 2004; Crabb et al. 2006;
solution should be reformulated to provide a Queau et al. 2011; Gajanayake et al. 2013; Olan
lower carbohydrate concentration. and Prittie 2015). Electrolyte abnormalities are
Hyperlipidemia is also a commonly reported commonly associated with “refeeding syn-
metabolic complication seen in 46% of the drome,” a term commonly used to describe the
dogs and cats in the Lippert study; 7% of the metabolic abnormalities that can occur upon
dogs in the Reuter study; 12.5% of the dogs and refeeding a patient following an extended period
19% of the cats in the Chan study; and 15% of of anorexia (Crook et al. 2001). Due to lack of
the cats in the Crabb study. In contrast, intake and/or obligatory or excessive losses,
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566 Parenteral Nutrition

these patients often have an intracellular deple- Azotemia has been reported in association
tion of electrolytes that may not be recognized with PN, seen in 17% of the dogs and cats in
by evaluation of serum electrolytes. When the Lippert study; 5% of the dogs in the
nutrients are delivered, by either enteral or par- Reuter study; 1.3% of the dogs in the Chan
enteral routes, there is an increased need for study; and 7.5% of the cats in the Crabb study.
electrolytes (such as phosphorus and magne- Hypercreatininemia in dogs independently
sium) to drive metabolic pathways as substrate of chronic kidney disease was reported in
and cofactors for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) eight dogs (2.5%) in the Queau study.
synthesis. This increased intracellular need, in Azotemia was not a reported complication
conjunction with cotransport of potassium into seen with PN in cats in the Chan and Pyle
the cell with insulin-­driven glucose uptake, studies. Azotemia seen with PN administra-
results in an inward rectification of serum phos- tion has been attributed to a combined effect
phorus, magnesium, and potassium. of endogenous (muscle catabolism) and
In addition to the electrolyte abnormalities, exogenous (PN) amino acids that are rapidly
the Gajanayake study also reported hyper- cleared by the liver in critically ill and injured
kalemia as one of the common metabolic com- patients (Klein et al. 1998). Animals with
plications, and found this complication to be pre-­existing renal disease or who develop
associated with a poor outcome (euthanasia or azotemia while on PN should be adminis-
death). This study evaluated a lipid-­free ready-­ tered or switched to a parenteral solution
made PN solution that included 20 mEq/l with a reduced protein level.
potassium. Because of the small study popula- Although they have not yet been reported
tion, it was difficult for the authors to deter- in veterinary patients, respiratory complica-
mine if the hyperkalemia was an independent tions associated with hypercapnia secondary
risk factor or a surrogate marker for a more to high caloric and high carbohydrate admin-
severe underlying metabolic condition; how- istration have been reported in human venti-
ever, it raised attention to the fact that patients latory patients (Askanazi et al. 1981; Jannace
receiving this type of ready-­made solution et al. 1988; Liposky and Nelson 1994; Tappy
should be monitored closely for this potential et al. 1998). The metabolism of carbohydrate
complication. generates more carbon dioxide than the
Hyperbilirubinemia is another common metabolism of protein or fat and therefore
complication reported in patients on contributes to the hypercapnia seen in these
PN. Hyperbilirubinemia was seen in 24% of patients. Carbohydrate concentrations that
dogs in the Reuter study, and in 4% of the resulted in the complications seen in human
dogs and 6% of the cats in the Chan study. studies are higher than those generally used
Hyperbilirubinemia was not reported in the in veterinary PN solutions (80–100% of non-
Lippert, Pyle, Crabb, Queau, Gajanayake, or protein calories). Although evaluations have
Olan and Prittie studies. Cholestasis and fatty not yet been made in dogs and cats, overfeed-
infiltration of hepatic parenchyma have been ing and high-­carbohydrate solutions should
associated with PN and may have contributed be avoided in patients requiring ventilatory
to the hyperbilirubinemia seen in these stud- support.
ies. Although high levels of fat in parenteral
solutions can be responsible for this complica-
Mechanical Complications
tion, high-­carbohydrate infusions have also
been associated with high activity of hormone-­ Mechanical complications are the second
sensitive lipase (resulting in endogenous fatty most frequent type of complication seen with
acid release) and can be a contributing factor PN. Mechanical complications are reported
(Klein et al. 1998). to occur in 9–46% of dogs and 9–28% of cats
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­Complication 567

receiving PN. Common mechanical complica- Septic Complications

tions include broken or chewed lines,
Although they are generally the least fre-
occluded catheter and/or lines, catheter
quent type of complication, septic compli-
­dysfunction or dislodgment, jugular vein
cations can have severe consequences and
thrombosis, perivascular infiltration, and cel-
are therefore a concern during PN adminis-
lulitis (Lippert et al. 1993; Reuter et al. 1998;
tration. Catheter-­related septic complica-
Chan et al. 2002; Pyle et al. 2004; Crabb
tions and contamination of lipid-­containing
et al. 2006; Queau et al. 2011; Gajanayake
parenteral solutions with microorganisms
et al. 2013; Olan and Prittie 2015). Mechanical
are two of the primary concerns with PN
complications are typically assumed to be
administration. However, other factors con-
more common in dogs compared to cats due
tribute to the septic risks, including the
to a higher number of complications associ-
underlying disease of the patient and gas-
ated with chewing or breaking the line. Some
trointestinal bacterial translocation (Harvey
of these complications can be avoided by
et al. 2006).
careful monitoring of the patient, utilization
Despite these many concerns, reports of
of restrictive collars, and/or taping of the
septic complications with PN administration
administration line (Figure 21.9).
have been fairly low. Studies evaluating ani-
mals receiving lipid-­containing PN solutions
report frequencies of septic complications
ranging from 2.5% to 7% in dogs and 4% to 5%
in cats. These percentages reflect cases that
had positive blood or catheter tip cultures,
local inflammation of the site of the catheter,
and/or leukocytosis with a left shift.
Additionally, the Pyle and Crabb studies had
8% and 12.5% of cats, respectively, that devel-
oped a fever after PN was initiated, but the PN
per se could not be specifically implicated in
any of these cases. In the Queau study, dogs
had a higher risk of developing a septic com-
plication when receiving peripheral versus
centrally administrated PN (odds ratio of
5.89). The Gajanayake study of dogs receiving
a ready-­made lipid-­free PN solution confirmed
that septic complications were noted in 7% of
dogs. In this study 66% of the dogs received
PPN, while the other 44% received CPN via a
jugular catheter; however, no association was
found between the development of septic
complications and the type of catheter (cen-
tral vs. peripheral). The different findings
Figure 21.9 Canine patient at the University of associated with peripheral versus central
California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching administration and septic complications could
Hospital receiving central parenteral nutrition.
be a result of study size (the Queau study was
Note that the administration line is hung and
secured to a harness to help prevent mechanical much larger), or the type of PN solution
complications. administered (lipid containing versus lipid
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568 Parenteral Nutrition

free).Other contributing factors to the septic

complications seen in these studies included
the patient chewing through the administra-
tion line, the catheter used for fluid and medi-
cation administration prior to use for PN, the
catheter being placed by an inexperienced
operator, poor nutritional status of the patient,
and a severe underlying disease state. Septic
complications can be decreased by practicing
aseptic techniques during catheter placement,
careful maintenance of an aseptic administra-
tion line and catheter insertion site, restrictive
collars, or 24-­hour monitoring, and may help
to ensure that patients do not disrupt the
administration line. Appropriate catheter care
and replacement protocols, as well as frequent
catheter monitoring, may help to prevent and/
or identify problems at an early stage (Ukleja
and Romano 2007). Finally, early transition to
enteral nutrition, or providing a portion of
nutritional needs via the enteral route, may
help to reduce the occurrence of villous
­atrophy and bacterial translocation if bactere-
mia is from the gastrointestinal tract (Qin Figure 21.10 Canine patient at the University of
et al. 2002). California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching
Hospital being offered oral feedings for transition
off central parenteral nutrition.

­ iscontinuing Parenteral
Nutrition ­Summary
Transition to enteral or oral feeding should be ●● All hospitalized patients require assessment
initiated as soon as can be tolerated by the of nutritional status and consideration of when
patient (Figure 21.10). PN has been shown to assisted feeding should be implemented.
reduce sham feeding in dogs by 50%, with ●● Parenteral nutrition (PN) is indicated in
the mechanism of action likely through patients with intractable vomiting and/or
­peptide YY and neuropeptide Y (NPY) recep- diarrhea; anesthesia or lacking a gag reflex;
tor–mediated events (Lee et al. 1997). recovery from severe gastric or intestinal
Therefore, when transitioning to oral feeding, resection; poor anesthetic candidate for
decreasing the rate of PN administration may proper feeding tube placement; or inability
be required to restore the patient’s full appe- to meet full energy requirements via the
tite. Abrupt discontinuation of PN should be enteral route.
avoided, as this can result in rebound hypogly- ●● PN may be delivered via central or peripheral
cemia. In order to ensure adequate adaptation venous access.
as continuous PN is discontinued, the rate of ●● Central delivery of PN allows for greater
administration should be slowly decreased in osmolarity, providing more flexibility in
25% increments over a 4–12-­hour time frame ­formulations and typically a greater energy
while monitoring glycemia. density of the solution.
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 ­Reference 569

●● Caloric distribution of parenteral solutions ●● Many mechanical and septic complications

should be determined on an individual can be avoided with appropriate monitoring
patient basis, taking into consideration indi- and aseptic techniques.
vidual tolerance of protein, fat, and carbo- ●● Transition to enteral or oral feeding should
hydrate, and any underlying disease states. be initiated as soon as can be tolerated by the
●● Metabolic complications are common, requir- patient.
ing frequent monitoring and adjustments.

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Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species

Elizabeth Koutsos and Brian Speer

Companion avian species that are commonly body size, and likely other factors that are yet
maintained under human care include birds undetermined.
from the orders Psittaciformes, Passeriformes, The precise requirement for a nutrient is
Galliformes, and Anseriformes. Of these orders, often not known due to the complexity of these
the most common companion bird species are factors, and because empirical data to establish
included in the order Psittaciformes (Forshaw specific requirements are costly, invasive, and
and Cooper 1989). The order Psittaciformes is thus limited for many companion avian spe-
represented by 80 genera and approximately cies. However, research data are quite extensive
360 different species. Of these, there are approx- in agriculturally relevant species. Information
imately 100–150 species most often represented from poultry may be used as a baseline for
in the pet trade. guiding nutrient concentrations in many com-
There have been numerous publications panion avian species, particularly those for
addressing the topic of comparative and com- whom granivory (seed-­eating) is a wild-­type
panion avian nutrition (Klasing 1998; Koutsos feeding strategy. From these baseline data, lim-
et al. 2001a; Koutsos 2016), although research ited empirical data, and field studies on natural
in this area is limited for a variety of reasons, feeding habits, recommendations may be made
discussed in this chapter. This review will sum- for appropriate nutrient concentrations.
marize the current knowledge in the field of
companion avian nutrition and the role that
nutritional status plays in clinical diseases, and W
­ ater
provide some recommendations for future
research areas. Water is the most essential nutrient, in that
Animals require certain concentrations of most animals can survive much longer under
essential nutrients as well as the building conditions without food than without water
blocks for the de novo synthesis of other (Cade and Dybas 1962). Water can be derived
nutrients. They require these nutrients in from free water sources (e.g. drinking water),
concentrations that vary depending on life free water in food sources, and metabolic
stage, physiologic status, current plane of water – the water produced during oxidation of
nutrition, and environment. Between species, other organic compounds in the body. The
requirements vary due to differences in gas- water requirements of birds are generally lower
trointestinal (GI) physiology, nutrient metab- than of similar-­sized mammals due to their
olism pathways (activity and expression), higher metabolic rate, and thus higher rate of

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­Energ  575

production of metabolic water. Additionally, of its water (Bartholomew and Cade 1963),
nitrogen excretion via uric acid (as opposed and requirements for water increase by as
to urea in mammals) requires less water much as 12-­fold in hot environments, as seen
(Bartholomew and Cade 1963). in monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus)
Water requirements are proportionally (Weathers and Caccamise 1975). Specific
higher in younger birds than in older birds, needs for water vary by body weight (with an
particularly in newly hatched chicks. In cocka- allometric scaling factor of 0.636 in wild habi-
tiel chicks (Nymphicus hollandicus), water tats) and with wild-­type feeding strategy.
requirements are greater than 80% of their Specifically, nectarivores have higher water
total intake needs for the first few days of life flux, insectivores and carnivores are interme-
and gradually reduce over time (Roudybush diate, and granivores and omnivores have the
and Grau 1986). In wild scarlet macaw chicks lowest flux of water and there may be a direct
(Ara macao), 28–60 days post hatch, average correlation with high dietary water content
crop moisture content was ~53%, was highest (Song and Beissinger 2020).
in younger chicks, and reduced over time
(Brightsmith et al. 2010).
Clinical and Welfare Considerations
Evaporative water losses decline with body
Associated with Water
mass, such that very small birds (e.g. less than
50 g) can lose up to 25% of body weight as A well-­hydrated chick is evident by plumpness
water per day (Bartholomew and Cade 1963). of skin, as opposed to a dehydrated chick, in
For example, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia which the skin is generally tight and dry in
­castanotis), averaging 11 g body weight, pro- appearance (Abramson et al. 1995). Providing
duces ~1.0 g of water from oxidative processes, nutrition (e.g. vitamins) via the water is not
but loses ~2.1 g water per day through evapora- advised, due to the considerable variation in
tion at room temperature (Bartholomew and intake observed in many birds (Koutsos
Cade 1963). Likely because of this higher rate of et al. 2001b). Similarly, delivery of medication
loss in smaller birds, the ad libitum water intake via the water should be limited to those medi-
of smaller birds is proportionally greater than cations for which pharmacokinetic data are
that of larger birds. The 25–30 g house sparrow available to support this method of administra-
(Passer domesticus) consumes ~35% of its body tion (Powers et al. 2000). In addition to its
weight in water per day, while birds weighing importance for the maintenance and clinical
more than 40 g generally consume 5–10% of needs already mentioned, water serves an
their body weight in water per day (Bartholomew important role in enrichment of maintenance
and Cade 1963). Adult ­parrots are reported behaviors, including bathing, feather care, and
to require ~2.5% of their body weight in water social interaction (Sibley et al. 2001).
per day (MacMillen and Baudinette 1993).
The commonly kept budgerigar (Melopsittacus
undulatus) is an exception to this inverse body E
­ nergy
mass to water requirement relationship, in that
this relatively small bird (~30 g) consumes only Energy is created from nutrients to drive bio-
~5% of its body weight in water per day, chemical processes. Energy requirements are
which is likely an evolutionary adaptation to determined at the most basic level as the energy
the very arid conditions of its native habitat needed to maintain a basal metabolic rate (BMR)
(Bartholomew and Cade 1963). and for thermoregulation. The latter component
Warmer environmental conditions also can increase energy needs by 4–8 times BMR in
increase water demands, as evaporative heat cold environments and 1–2 times BMR in hot
loss can deplete the avian body of up to 40–50% (Klasing 1998; McNab 2009). Beyond BMR and
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576 Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species

thermoregulation, additional energy is needed Pohl 1969; McNab 2009). Finally, carnivorous
for activities including movement, perching, birds have higher energy requirements than do
preening, eating, bathing, and singing/calling. omnivorous or granivorous birds, resulting in
These activities can increase energy require- predicted metabolic rates of carnivores like
ments only nominally (e.g. resting while insectivorous birds and piscivorous penguins
­perching), or up to as high as 6–11 times BMR for at ~60% and ~ 30% higher than that of granivo-
sustained flight (Goldstein 1988). Finally, growth, rous psittacines, respectively (Nagy et al. 1999).
reproduction, and molting all increase energy
needs. Energy requirements for growth can be up
Sources of Energy
to twice BMR for altricial chicks in the very early
days post hatch, and over the course of the grow- Energy can be derived from dietary proteins,
ing period generally account for a 25% increase in lipids, or carbohydrates. In general, the wild-­
energy ­requirement compared to maintenance type feeding strategy of the bird (e.g. carnivore,
(Goldstein 1988; Klasing 1998). Monk parakeet omnivore, or herbivore) reflects the preferred
chicks are known to have their highest energy energy substrate. Because of these adaptations,
requirements during the ­second half of pre-­ efficiency of energy production from non-­
fledging growth and require ~1.4 times mainte- preferred substrates may be lower. For example,
nance energy requirements (Petzinger 2015). starch may not be a readily available energy
Energetic costs of reproduction are highest for source for carnivorous birds (Earle and
hens laying large numbers of eggs on a regular Clarke 1991; Underwood et al. 1991). Ideally,
basis and can increase energy requirements the appropriate energy substrate will be pro-
0.4–1.8-­fold (Ricklefs 1974). Energetic costs of vided to birds maintained under human care.
molting can be high due to inefficient protein Due to the variation in efficiency of utilization
­utilization to supply the high amount of cyst(e) of different substrates for energy, the use of
ine needed for feather protein formation. gross energy values is not recommended when
In general, birds have a higher energy assessing the energy potential of food items. If
expenditure than mammals (Rezende data are not available on the energy value of a
et al. 2002), and smaller birds have higher particular diet item for the species in question,
energy requirements than larger birds the use of Association of American Feed Control
(Goldstein 1988). Passerines have higher Officials (AAFCO) metabolizable energy (ME)
energy requirements than non-­passerines, and calculation based on modified Atwater factors
parrots fall in an intermediate position in the is a reasonable starting point: ME per
general equations (Table 22.1) (Aschoff and kg = ((3.5 × crude protein %) + (8.5 × crude fat
%) + (3.5 × nitrogen-­free extract %)) × 10.

Table 22.1 Predicted BMR for passerines,

non-­passerines, and parrots. Clinical Issues Associated with Energy
Imbalance: Obesity
Taxonomic group BMR (kcal/d)
Obesity is a significant concern in captive
Passerine 0.744 × (BW in g) 0.713 avian species (Speer et al. 2016) (Figure 22.1).
Although it is a common clinical problem associ-
114.7 × (BW in kg)0.73
ated with numerous other degenerative and met-
Non-­passerine 0.510 × (BW in g)0.724
abolic conditions, the prevalence and incidence
73.6 × (BW in kg)0.73 of this problem in captively maintained avian
Psittacine 0.697 × (BW in g)0.705 species are not quantitatively known. As dis-
Source: Adapted from Aschoff and Pohl 1969; cussed earlier, the energy requirements of cap-
McNab 2009. tive birds are greatly reduced compared with
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­Food-­Based Enrichmen  577

taken to provide other activities to compensate

for the reduced time eating or foraging, or ste-
reotypic behaviors will likely result (see food-­
based enrichment). Caloric restriction should
not be too great or impaired immune function
may result (Glick et al. 1983). Additionally,
birds should have food available daily on a con-
tinual basis; complete food restriction is not
recommended (Kalmar et al. 2010). Other
interventions include ensuring that the diet is
nutritionally balanced to begin with to prevent
incidences of nutrient deficiencies or imbal-
ances (resulting in obesity independent of
excess caloric intake). l-­carnitine has also been
used as a therapeutic treatment for obesity.
Lipomas, associated anecdotally with obesity,
were reduced in size in budgerigars fed com-
mercial pellets supplemented with l-­carnitine
(1000 mg/kg pellets) compared with birds fed
unsupplemented pellets or seeds (De Voe
et al. 2004). In general, any weight loss strategy
Figure 22.1 Marked obesity in a budgerigar
(Melopsittacus undulatus). should result in gradual weight loss, recom-
mended at no more than 1% body weight loss
per week (Stahl and Kronfeld 1998).
their wild counterparts. The two most common
activities by free-­living birds are feeding/foraging
and actively perching (as opposed to sleeping on ­Food-­Based Enrichment
a perch), and although the proportion of each of
these in a day varies with season and by species, Many aspects of enrichment, particularly
the combination of these activities can take up as through an emphasis on foraging activities, are
much as 56–90% of daytime activity accomplished by including weight manage-
(Goldstein 1988). Instead, captive birds spend a ment and nutritional balance plans as a part of
significant proportion of the day dedicated to the overall welfare management of birds.
feeding without foraging, such that energy intake Foraging is a necessary form of enrichment,
is greater than energy expenditure, resulting in especially for animals in captivity, and can be
obesity. Specific nutritional causes of obesity utilized to redirect a bird’s attention and behav-
have also been examined in addition to overcon- ior, to enrich the welfare of the birds them-
sumption of energy. For example, sulfur amino selves. Working for food by means of searching
acid deficiency (methionine or cyst(e)ine) has through toys or puzzles and shredding or
also been associated with fatty liver and obesity chewing through paper or cardboard are great
(Butler 1976; Harrison and McDonald 2006), and ways to keep birds busy. Many birds will need
is commonly seen in South American psittacine to be taught these behaviors, since they are not
species that are fed high-­fat seed-­and nut-­based innate and are oftentimes very limited in the
diets that are deficient in methionine (Harrison lifestyles of many companion birds. This may
and McDonald 2006). be particularly the case when some natural
Methods to prevent or reduce obesity gener- chewing behaviors are considered a nuisance
ally include caloric restriction, but care must be by the human companion and discouraged.
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578 Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species

Beginning foraging behaviors and shredding requirements (Frankel and Avram 2001; Pryor
can be taught by demonstration and continued et al. 2001; Pryor 2003). In contrast, carnivorous
at home. These food-­acquisition activities can birds have higher protein needs due to obliga-
range from very simple hidden treats in half-­ tory oxidation of protein as an energy and glu-
covered bowls to very complex puzzles and cose source and they cannot adapt to lower
time-­consuming boxes to untie or open. By dietary protein concentrations (NRC 1994). The
increasing foraging in daily activities, often- underlying metabolic capacity to adapt to
times human companions can eliminate or ­different concentrations of dietary protein
lessen undesired behaviors, and quality of life should be considered when recommending and
can be enhanced (Speer and Hennigh 2017). ­modifying avian diets.

Clinical Issues with Protein/Amino Acids

­Amino Acids and Protein
Deficiency or imbalance of protein/amino
Protein “requirements” are more accurately acids during growth reduces growth rates and
described by the total requirements for “essen- feather production. If this restriction occurs
tial” amino acids – those that cannot be syn- during times of feather growth, “stress” bars
thesized by the body; “conditionally essential” may be visible on feathers, or other feather
amino acids – those that may not be synthe- abnormalities may occur (Murphy et al. 1988)
sized in adequate quantities during certain (Figure 22.2).
times; and “non-­essential” amino acids – those
that can be synthesized de novo. Twelve amino
acids are considered essential or conditionally
essential for birds (i.e. phenylalanine, valine,
threonine, methionine, alanine, tryptophan,
histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, glycine,
and proline) and must be supplied in the diet.
Additionally, adequate nitrogen must be sup-
plied to support synthesis of non-­essential
amino acids.
It is generally thought that larger birds have
higher protein requirements than do smaller
birds (Klasing 1998; Kris-­Etherton et al. 2008).
Not surprisingly, growth and reproduction
require higher concentrations of amino acids
and nitrogen. In the wild (and likely in captive
breeding colonies), protein availability appears
to be a cue for breeding (Sailaja et al. 1988;
Williams 1996). This information can be utilized
to support reproductive success in captively
managed populations; an increase in dietary
Figure 22.2 Abnormal colors (green to black
protein is often recommended at least 30 days change) of many contour feathers and some mild
before the onset of lay is expected/desired. suggestion of barb and barbule deformities in some
Wild-­type feeding strategy impacts protein/ individual feathers suggest malnourishment in this
yellow-­naped Amazon parrot (Amazona auropalliata).
amino acid needs. Fruit-­and nectar-­eating spe-
In this case there was a delayed molt, secondary to
cies have lower rates of nitrogen loss compared malnutrition and obesity, with increased wear of
to seed-­eating birds, resulting in lower protein the exposed contour feathers.
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­Essential Fatty Acids and Lipid  579

Excess protein is often referenced in relation omega-­6 fatty acid) and 4–5% as fed total die-
to gout concerns, but in granivorous cockatiels tary fat are generally used as a reference for all
very high protein concentrations (up to 70% as avian species (NRC 1994). More carnivorous or
fed) were tolerated with no clinical pathology piscivorous birds may also require alpha-­
as birds upregulated enzymes for amino acid linolenic acid (aka ALA or 18:3, a shorter-­
catabolism and excretion (Koutsos et al. 2001b). chain omega-­3 fatty acid) and potentially
Thus, it is likely that non-­carnivorous birds long-­chain omega-­3 fatty acids (e.g. EPA and
may be very capable of adapting to varying die- DHA), although further research is warranted
tary protein concentrations. However, it is to clarify this hypothesis and the safety of very
important to allow for a transition time when low ratios of n:6 to n:3.
moving between dietary protein concentra-
tions, be it low protein to high protein or vice
Clinical Issues Associated with Lipid
versa. This allows for metabolic adaptations to
Nutrition: Atherosclerosis
occur to allow a bird to appropriately utilize the
new concentration of dietary protein. In cases Atherosclerosis is likely an underlying factor
of renal disease, nutritional management may or at least a component of the majority of non-­
include increasing water consumption via vari- infectious cardiovascular diseases of birds and
ous dietary interventions, reducing dietary pro- has been described in almost all orders of
tein to concentrations most appropriate for the birds. It is the most common lesion of the car-
feeding strategy of the bird in question, in addi- diovascular system identified post mortem
tion to other interventions (Cojean et al. 2020). in companion psittacine birds (Fitzgerald
and Beaufrère 2015). Reported prevalence of
­atherosclerosis in psittacines varies widely
­Essential Fatty Acids and Lipids (1.9–91.8%), with the highest prevalence in
Amazon and gray parrots (Psittacus erithacus;
Fatty acids are essential for energy production, Beaufrère 2013). Most recently, prevalence,
cell membrane synthesis, intracellular signal- risk factors, and epidemiology of clinically rel-
ing, and hormone production. In the diet, fatty evant atherosclerotic lesions (types IV–VI)
acids are generally supplied in the form of were investigated by review of over 7600 psit-
lipids (e.g. triglycerides comprised of three tacine cases representing five genera (Beaufrère
fatty acids), but also can be supplied as free et al. 2013). An overall prevalence of 6.8% was
fatty acids or short-­or medium-­chain triglycer- reported, but a significantly higher prevalence
ides, with the latter often considered in of advanced lesions was found for gray parrots
­situations of poor digestive capacity. More (having 275% the odds compared to other gen-
unsaturated fatty acids (more double bonds in era), Amazon parrots (having 183% the odds),
the hydrocarbon chain), termed polyunsatu- and cockatiels (having 146% the odds); cocka-
rated fatty acids (PUFAs), tend to be required toos (Cacatua spp.) and macaws (Ara spp.)
in the diet, while most saturated fatty acids and appeared to be less susceptible. There was a
many monounsaturated fatty acids can be syn- positive association in this study between
thesized de novo. Omega-­3 and omega-­6 fatty advanced atherosclerosis and (i) increasing
acids, characterized by the location of the age, (ii) female sex, (iii) reproductive disease
first double bond on the carbon chain, have (predominantly female), (iv) hepatic disease,
received considerable attention for their vary- and (v) concurrent myocardial fibrosis. In
ing impacts on physiology, discussed further addition, (vi) high-­calorie and -­fat diets, (vii)
later. Since research on the requirements of dyslipidemia (e.g. hypercholesterolemia), and
non-­poultry species is lacking, the poultry (viii) limited physical activity were risk factors
guidelines of 1% as fed linoleic acid (18:2, an also identified.
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580 Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species

The association between fatty acid nutrition strawberries). Sources of the longer-­chain
and atherosclerosis has clinical significance. omega-­3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are limited
Diets rich in saturated fatty acids increased to fish and other marine products and algal-­
plasma cholesterol in gray parrots, while diets based sources, and palatability and stability of
with similar fat concentrations, but composed these sources may be an issue when consider-
of more PUFAs, did not increase plasma cho- ing supplementation.
lesterol (Bavelaar and Beynen 2004). More An association between plasma lipid values,
recently, the effects of omega-­3 fatty acid nutri- particularly plasma total cholesterol and high-­
tion have been examined in psittacines. Higher density lipoprotein (HDL), and prevalence of
tissue concentrations of ALA were correlated atherosclerosis among certain psittacine gen-
with reduced severity of atherosclerosis era has been shown, but the diagnostic value of
(Bavelaar and Beynen 2003). Dietary ALA is a plasma lipid profile in assessing the relative
reflected in the blood of parrots, demonstrat- atherosclerosis risk for an individual has not
ing successful absorption of this fatty acid been established. At the present time, how-
(Petzinger et al. 2014a). Further, higher blood ever, hypercholesterolemia itself is neither
concentrations of ALA were associated with necessary nor sufficient for a diagnosis of ath-
higher blood concentrations of the longer-­ erosclerosis, as birds with normal plasma cho-
chain omega-­3 PUFAs, eicosapentaenoic acid lesterol may have atherosclerotic disease,
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), dem- while those with hypercholesterolemia may
onstrating some capacity for elongation and not (Fitzgerald and Beaufrère 2015). Reference
desaturation of ALA (Heinze et al. 2012; lipid profiles have been published for a variety
Petzinger et al. 2014b). However, supplemen- of captive Amazon parrots (Ravich et al. 2014)
tation of ALA did not impact blood cholesterol and for orange-­winged Amazons (Amazona
or triglycerides in cockatiels or monk parrots, amazonica; Vergneau-­Grosset et al. 2016),
while fish oil (a source of EPA and DHA) did which may better inform interpretation of
lower blood triglycerides and cholesterol diagnostics in certain companion avian
(Heinze et al. 2012; Petzinger et al. 2014b). species.
Thus, omega-­3 fatty acids, and particularly In addition to modifying dietary fatty acid
EPA and DHA, may present a good dietary profiles, other dietary strategies have been
intervention strategy for psittacines at risk for considered to mitigate the risk of atheroscle-
atherosclerosis (Petzinger et al. 2010). rosis, but data are limited and/or unsupport-
Most companion avian diets are highly ive of dietary intervention. For example,
enriched in omega-­6 fatty acids and limited in dietary fiber, which effectively modulates cho-
omega-­3 fatty acids of any kind. Domesticated lesterol absorption and excretion in mam-
foodstuffs used to make complete pellets, such mals, has been investigated in birds with little
as corn and soybean meal, are composed pre- impact; psyllium did not affect plasma choles-
dominantly of omega-­6 fatty acids (primarily terol concentration of gray parrots (Bavelaar
linoleic acid). Flaxseed is a source of ALA, but and Beynen 2003). Dietary pectin has been
is less commonly used in feed manufacturing shown to reduce the incidence of atheroscle-
because of susceptibility to oxidative rancidity. rotic plaques in chickens. The mechanism is
Many seeds and nuts commonly fed to psittac- likely due to modified energy intake, as pectin
ines have not been tested for fatty acid profiles, can increase the rate of passage and likely
but for those that have been tested, ALA con- reduce the absorption of calories. Feed-­
tent is relatively low (Kris-­Etherton et al. 2000). restriction strategies may also mitigate athero-
Some commonly fed food items have modest sclerosis risk, but may also induce behavioral
amounts of ALA (e.g. flax, chia, walnuts [also issues that are undesirable (Petzinger and
very high in linoleic acid, an n-­6], kale, Bauer 2013).
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­Vitamin  581

­Vitamins challenging to provide in appropriate amounts

without concern for toxicity.
Vitamins are organic molecules that function
as co-­factors, hormones, and other compo-
Clinical Issues Associated with
nents of normal metabolism. Most vitamins
Vitamin Nutrition
are water soluble (i.e. B vitamins and vitamin
C). The B vitamins are integral in many meta- Vitamin A deficiency and toxicosis are both
bolic pathways and are easily excreted, but reported in companion birds. For those birds
also not stored in very significant concentra- fed seed-­based diets, vitamin A deficiency is of
tions. Thus, more regular dietary access to concern, as most seeds that are commercially
“B” vitamins is generally required. Vitamin C available contain no vitamin A and little to no
is specifically involved in antioxidant systems pro-­vitamin A compounds (Bauck 1998).
and is not essential for some avian species for Insectivorous birds are also at risk for vitamin
which de novo synthesis meets requirements A deficiency from the negligible concentra-
(e.g. many granivores), while others have tions of vitamin A in commercially available
inadequate synthesis rates to meet their needs insects such as crickets and mealworms
(e.g. Passeriformes) (Klasing 1998). Four vita- (Finke 2002, 2013). Clinical signs of vitamin A
mins are fat soluble: vitamins A, D, E, and deficiency may include keratinization of epi-
K. These vitamins present a higher risk of tox- thelial cells, particularly mucous membranes
icity due to the ­complexity of excretion of and salivary glands, anorexia, and impaired
these compounds compared to the excretion immune responses. Night blindness may also
of water-­soluble vitamins in uric acid. occur, but is reversible if treated early with
Vitamin A is critical for vision and cellular supplemental vitamin A (Orosz 2014).
differentiation via the induction of genes that Vitamin A toxicosis is also a concern and
regulate these processes. Vitamin D is critical occurs rapidly in response to high doses.
for normal calcium metabolism and bone Lorikeets (Trichoglossus moluccanus) have
mineralization and likely is involved in been reported to be susceptible to vitamin A
immune function, as demonstrated in mam- toxicity, resulting in reduced fertility, increased
malian species. Vitamin D should be provided embryonic deaths, high hatchling mortality,
as vitamin D3 (aka cholecalciferol), as no evi- and compromised feather condition
dence yet suggests that D2 (aka ergocalcif- (McDonald 2004; Park 2006). In cockatiels,
erol) is a bioactive source in avian species 100 000 IU vitamin A/kg diet resulted in toxico-
(Klasing 1998). Vitamin D may be synthesized sis signs in under nine months, and even those
from ultraviolet (UV) B ­exposure, as demon- fed 10 000 IU vitamin A/kg diet had impaired
strated in gray parrots (Stanford 2004) and immunity and modified behavior (Koutsos
marabou storks (Leptoptilos crumeniferus) et al. 2003). The more moderate concentration
(Schaftenaar and van Leeuwen 2015), but this (10 000 IU/kg diet) of vitamin A is not unusu-
synthesis will be dependent on latitude, the ally high for companion bird diets and cer-
time of exposure, and the level of feathering tainly not for supplements, and thus caution
and pigmentation that may reduce UV trans- should be applied when evaluating the com-
mission to the skin. Vitamin E is an antioxi- plete diet. Finally, when birds have been fed
dant and works in conjunction with other appropriate concentrations of vitamin A, they
antioxidant systems to reduce the impact of are relatively insensitive to vitamin A deple-
free radical damage on cellular integrity and tion. Cockatiels, previously maintained on
gene expression. Vitamin K is involved in blood adequate vitamin A concentrations and then
clotting and bone mineralization. These vita- fed diets with no vitamin A source, maintained
mins, as already noted, are often the most reasonable liver vitamin A concentrations for
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582 Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species

two years, demonstrating the degree to which phosphorus (critical for bone mineralization
vitamin A is conserved. However, these birds and eggshell synthesis), sodium, potassium,
did have impaired antibody responses prior to magnesium, and chloride (critical for mainte-
any other clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency nance of acid–base balance), and iron, zinc,
(Koutsos et al. 2003). copper, manganese, cobalt, and selenium
Beta-­carotene (and several other carotenoids) (­critical for a variety of metabolic functions
can serve as a precursor to vitamin A (Green including oxygen transport, gene expression,
and Fascetti 2016), and because conversion of and antioxidant function). The requirement for
beta-­carotene to vitamin A is regulated, this dietary minerals is generally not known
compound is considered a safer alternative to ­precisely for companion avian species, but
pre-­formed vitamin A for species that have requirements for poultry are usually considered
evolved to eat plant-­based diets (Koutsos and to meet or exceed those of companion species.
Klasing 2005). The ability of carnivorous birds
to utilize beta-­carotene has not been deter-
Clinical Issues Associated with
mined, although it is likely that insect-­eating
Mineral Nutrition
species utilize carotenoids as vitamin A sources
given the low/negligible concentration of reti- Calcium is the primary mineral of concern in
nol in wild insects (Finke 2002). Carotenoids companion avian diets as deficiencies are
can also serve as antioxidants and as a source of ­common in birds fed seed-­ or insect-­based
pigmentation, and are found in the circulation diets, which are a poor source of calcium
of most bird species studied, including birds of (Stanford 2004, 2006). Further, many insects
prey (Slifka et al. 1999; Ingram et al. 2017). (although not all) have an inverted calcium-­to-­
phosphorus ratio, exacerbating the impact of
deficient calcium (Finke 2013). Calcium defi-
­ inerals ciency may lead to egg binding in females,
impaired bone development in juveniles, and
By proportion of estimated dietary ­requirement, low bone density in adults (Murphy et al. 1988;
the essential minerals include calcium and Bauck 1995) (Figure 22.3).

Figure 22.3 Metabolic bone disease in a duck. Note marked bony deformities in the spine on this
3D rendering.
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­Other Clinical Nutrition Issue  583

When balancing diets for calcium, caution is Treatment for zinc toxicosis typically is often
needed when choosing the supplemental supportive, and does not always require chela-
source. Some plant-­based calcium sources like tion (Fudge and Speer 2001). Parenteral fluid
spinach also contain oxalate, which reduces administration, gastroprotectants, and analge-
calcium bioavailability (Weaver et al. 1987). sia if indicated are common supportive treat-
Insects may be supplemented via gut loading or ments. Chelation may be indicated in more
dusting, but for either method the time for severely affected individuals.
which the insect is exposed to the ­supplement Iron is a concern for avian species that
(gut loading) or the time from supplement are susceptible to iron storage disease (ISD),
addition to consumption of the insect by the including many frugivorous species like tou-
bird (dusting) is critical to ensure proper cans and tanagers and some frugivore/insecti-
­calcium intake (Finke 2003). For the former, vore species like mynahs and starlings (Klasing
gut-­loading supplementation generally requires et al. 2012). In these species, it appears there is
24–48 hours to be effective and must be ­provided limited ability to downregulate mechanisms of
when the insect is actively feeding. In contrast, iron absorption such that dietary iron is rap-
dusting supplementation onto insects requires idly absorbed and stored in the liver, followed
rapid feeding to the bird to avoid the insect by clinical ISD signs including weight loss,
grooming off the topical calcium supplements. abdominal distension, ascites, and enlarge-
Zinc is commonly discussed in relation to ment of the liver, heart, and spleen. Typically,
companion bird nutrition, because toxicosis hematology and serum biochemistry provide
can occur by acute or chronic ingestion of little diagnostic value unless ferritin and iron-­
excessive zinc from the diet or the housing binding capacity are carefully examined. Diets
environment (Romagnano et al. 1995). containing low concentrations of total iron
Acute and chronic zinc toxicoses have been (25–50 mg/kg diet or lower) can delay or pre-
described in cockatiels in one experimental vent ISD in susceptible species, although these
study (Howard 1992). In acute toxicosis, signs dietary iron concentrations may be too low for
included lethargy, dullness (birds left the perch laying females and growing chicks. Adding
and spent most of their time sitting on floor compounds that decrease iron bioavailability
with feathers partly erect and eyes closed), such as tannins has been tried with some suc-
shallow respiration, anorexia, dark green moist cess, but these compounds may also reduce
droppings, rapid weight loss, reluctance to bioavailability of other minerals and should be
move, recumbency, ataxia, and/or death. With used with caution. Organic acids such as citric
acute toxicosis, mortality increased with acid and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) theoreti-
increased concentrations of zinc consumed. In cally enhance iron absorption and so foods
chronic toxicosis, birds showed variable, inter- high in these compounds should be avoided or
mittent signs including lethargy/dullness, peri- fed at times when food items that are higher in
odic dysphagia, and rapid weight loss. Many iron are not provided (Klasing et al. 2012).
recovered spontaneously, but a few in one study
developed recumbency and ataxia and were
euthanized (Howard 1992). Plasma zinc con-
centration can be drastically altered by either
­Other Clinical Nutrition Issues
dietary zinc or physiologic status, and responds
Nutrition and Feather-­Damaging Behaviors
homeostatically to a dietary zinc load, in that
elevations are transient and return to within Self-­inflicted feather damage is a common prob-
normal limits quickly. Diagnosis of zinc intoxi- lem in companion bird species (Seibert 2006;
cation in birds is challenging and is rarely van Zeeland et al. 2009). Often “boredom” is
established with plasma zinc testing alone. cited as a cause for feather-­damaging behaviors,
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584 Abridged Clinical Nutrition Topics for Companion Avian Species

and although the underlying basis is multifacto- are often preferred food items, but are gener-
rial, there are several nutritional components ally deficient or imbalanced in essential
that may impact feather-­damaging behaviors. ­nutrients, including amino acids, fatty
First, as mentioned in relation to obesity, forag- acids, minerals, and vitamins (Peron and
ing behaviors are natural for birds in their wild Grosset 2014). Those available commercially
environment and generally limited in captivity. are generally quite dissimilar nutritionally to
Not only is the provision of a balanced diet native diet items. Similarly, foods that have
essential, but the manner of how these food been selected for human domestication and
items are acquired is of equal importance. consumption have often been heavily selected
Feather-­damaging behaviors in some birds may for sugar content and omega-­6 fatty acids, and
result from a lack of foraging opportunities and thus generally do not reflect avian wild-­type
may be improved with enrichment in the form diet items either. Commercially manufactured
of foraging opportunities and physical cage avian diets are limited in ingredient choices to
complexity, as demonstrated in orange-­winged those readily available human ingredients and
Amazons (Meehan et al. 2003). The use of food-­ do not provide the sensory variation that
based enrichment may also improve stereotypic would be common in avian wild-­type diets.
behavior, as discussed earlier. Thus, it is likely ideal for diets of companion
Frank nutrient deficiency or toxicosis may avian species to incorporate some combina-
also be implicated in some feather-­damaging tion of the diet items mentioned, and the bal-
behaviors. For example, vitamin A deficiency ance will be based on availability, cost, and
results in dermatologic clinical signs, includ- preference of both bird and human compan-
ing rough scaly skin and poor feather quality ion purchaser.
(Burgmann 1995), which may lead to excess A common method of diet presentation is
grooming behaviors and feather-­damaging to offer a variety of food items and allow
behaviors. Deficiencies of other nutrients for selection by the bird. This can be
including niacin, riboflavin, zinc, pantothenic ­problematic in that birds generally do not
acid, biotin, salt, sulfur-­containing amino exhibit “­nutritional wisdom” in diet item
acids, arginine, and folic acid can cause dry selection, particularly as it relates to micro-
flaky skin that may induce feather-­damaging nutrients (Ullrey 1989; Ullrey et al. 1991;
behaviors (Burgmann 1995; Harrison and Hess et al. 2002; Carciofi et al. 2006;
McDonald 2006). Brightsmith 2012). A better solution is to
offer a diet with a mixture of items, but pro-
vided at specific dietary proportions, and
Appropriate Diets for Birds and Their
potentially offered at varying times to ensure
Role in Animal Well-­Being
complete consumption of critical diet items.
Historically, companion birds (generally grani- Current ­dietary recommendations for com-
vores) were fed exclusively seed-­based diets. panion granivorous birds are 40–80% pellets
This evolved to diets that included supplements and 20–60% produce and other food items
and/or diets based on human foods. More (Reid and Perlberg 1998; Brightsmith 2012).
recently, the use of commercially manufactured Providing a mixture of food items, in a spe-
diets for birds has become more common cific ratio, both provides both nutritional
(Harrison 1998). Unfortunately, for many com- benefits (i.e. a complete and balanced diet to
panion birds globally, malnutrition remains a the best of our current knowledge) and ben-
key contributor to many of the health problems efits to ­well-­being (i.e. a diverse sensory
that are seen (Speer et al. 2016). experience). Carnivorous and insectivorous
Each of the aforementioned diet items species should incorporate appropriate meat-­
comes with pros and cons. Seeds and insects and/or insect-­derived diet components in
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  ­Reference 585

lieu of produce, and more herbivorous birds C

­ onclusions
should have higher dietary fiber-­based pro-
duce components. Avian nutrition is well understood regarding
Specific food-­based enrichment opportuni- commercially relevant poultry species. Com­
ties may also be used in an effort to increase the parative avian nutrition is less well defined
amount of time a bird spends foraging to more due to the diversity of species and the com-
closely mimic wild-­type behaviors and poten- plexity of conducting such research. Thus,
tially prevent or reduce undesired behaviors extrapolations and assumptions will remain a
like feather picking (Lumeij and Hommers 2008; major component of comparative and com-
van Zeeland et al. 2009). Food-­based enrich- panion avian nutrition. Using the fundamen-
ment may include offering large food particles, tal knowledge of poultry nutrition, combined
which have been demonstrated to increase the with an understanding of the GI physiology,
time spent foraging and feeding in orange-­ wild-­type diet, life stage, and health status of
winged Amazons (Rozek et al. 2010; Rozek and the bird(s) in question, informed recommen-
Millam 2011), scattering food items around dations can be made not only about the quan-
enclosures, and hiding certain food items to tity but also the source of nutrients that will be
encourage activity. It is imperative that sanita- most appropriate. These recommendations
tion of enclosures is maintained to prevent pest should be applied as a component of a com-
infestation or undesirable growth of bacterial or prehensive dietary, lifestyle, and welfare man-
fungal pathogens on old or uneaten foodstuffs. agement program that incorporates a variety
Non-­food-­based enrichment is also highly of food items in ways that encourage proper
encouraged to promote natural behaviors and nutrition and appropriate feeding and ­foraging
increase energy expenditure (Bauck 1998). behaviors.

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Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores

and Carnivores
Jonathan Stockman and Olivia A. Petritz

In addition to domesticated companion ­animals pathology of companion herbivores – rabbits,

such as dogs and cats, the popularity of small chinchillas, guinea pigs, and carnivores such as
“exotic” or non-­domestic mammals as com- ferrets. Not covered are the small mammalian
panions is high in North America and across the omnivores such as hamsters (Phodopus spp.),
world. For example, one survey ­estimated that rats (Rattus spp.), and mice (Mus spp.).
over 6.7 million households in the United
States have over 14 million small mammal pets
(American Pet Product Association, www.amer- ­ eneral Nutrition for Small
Mammalian Companion Herbivores
As a result of their popularity, herbivorous small
mammals such as rabbits, chinchillas, guinea
Lagomorphs (Rabbits) and Caviomorphs
pigs, and carnivorous ferrets are frequently pre-
(Chinchillas and Guinea Pigs)
sented to veterinary practitioners, and clients
often require guidance regarding species-­specific Domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus),
nutrition requirements and husbandry in addi- c­ hinchillas (Chinchilla laniger), and guinea
tion to veterinary care. pigs (Cavia porcellus) are herbivores adapted to
Most of the knowledge regarding the nutri- prehend, masticate, and digest vegetation. The
tional requirements for these species stems gastrointestinal tracts of lagomorphs and cavi-
from production or laboratory animals, as infor- omorph pet rodents are uniquely adapted to a
mation regarding the nutritional requirements diet high in fiber or roughage (Portsmouth 1977).
of these species as companion animals is scarce. Rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs eat a wide
Further understanding of the requirements of variety of food, although they may select the
small companion mammals is needed, as there more tender and succulent plants or plant parts.
are also important differences in the husbandry, As prey species, nighttime activity and feed-
longevity, and client expectations between pro- ing are common for rabbits and many rodents.
duction or laboratory animals and companion The diet of these species is high in fiber,
animals. Correct husbandry is paramount for which is essential for normal peristalsis and a
the health and welfare of companion “exotic” healthy gut microbiota. Due to their diets
mammals, and many health problems may being less energy and nutrient dense, these
stem from poor husbandry as well as inadequate animals also rely heavily on utilization of
nutrition. This chapter ­provides an overview on their gastrointestinal microbiota, and specifi-
the nutritional physiology and nutrition-­related cally hind-­gut fiber fermentation, for several

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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­General Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivore 591

essential nutrients. As hind-­gut fermenters, (Carabaño et al. 2010). The stomach continuously
the bacterial populations in the gastrointesti- secretes acid; therefore the pH in the rabbit’s
nal tract have additional important roles in stomach is very acidic, with a range between 1
maintaining gastrointestinal health, and a and 5. As in other species, the next segment of
disturbance to the intestinal microbiota may the gastrointestinal tract is the small intestine,
have severe health implications that can be where much of the digestion and absorption
life-­threatening. occurs by both passive and active absorption.
The most distal part of the small intestine is
the ileum, which has an important role in
Gastrointestinal Physiology
absorption of many nutrients such as amino
and Anatomic Features
acids, starch, and vitamins.
The oral cavity in rabbits, chinchillas, and The rabbit’s cecum has a coiled structure
guinea pigs is small compared with many other and a thin and weak muscular layer, with a
mammals. The incisors, premolars, and molars slightly acidic content, although it is less
are aradicular elondont, hypsodont teeth that acidic than the stomach (pH 5.4–6.8) (García
grow continuously and never develop anatomic et al. 2002). The cecum has the volume capac-
roots. These teeth are ideal for masticating ity of almost half of the total digestive tract.
high-­roughage foods such as hays and grasses. The internal surface of the cecum is large, due
Food fiber consistency is imperative for main- to multiple mucosal folds over its circumfer-
taining adequate teeth occlusion. Rabbits use ence and a spiral fold running the length of the
their incisors in a vertical motion to chew large cecum and dividing it in two (Björnhag and
pieces of leaves or other parts of plants. Then Snipes 1999). The cecum contracts to mix the
horizontal motion is used to chew the leaf into fermenting ingesta.
smaller pieces by the molars and premolars The normal fermentation process relies on a
(Vella and Donnelly 2012). A lack of adequate combination of a healthy diet and the compo-
fiber in the diet can result in asymmetric dental sition of the microbiota. The predominant
wear patterns, leading to sharp points and bacteria in the rabbit’s cecum is Bacteriodes
malocclusions (Meredith et al. 2015). spp. In the cecum of chinchillas and guinea
The herbivorous small mammal gastrointes- pigs, Bacteriodes spp., Bifidobacterium spp.,
tinal tract combines a simple stomach with a and Ruminococcus spp. are prevalent
large cecum where much of dietary fiber fer- (Worthington and Fulghum 1988; Takahashi
mentation occurs. In rabbits, chinchillas, and et al. 2005). Anaerobic Gram-­positive bacteria
guinea pigs (as well as other herbivorous such as Lactobacillus spp., coliforms, and
rodents), the role of cecal microbial digestion is Clostridium spp. as well as yeast may also be
highly important, as these species ingest feces present; however, these are not the dominant
of cecal origin, called cecotropes (commonly populations (Oglesbee and Jenkins 2012).
known as “night feces” or “night droppings,” Fermentation results in production of short-­
see more later), to optimize nutrient utiliza- chain volatile fatty acids (i.e. acetic, formic,
tion. The relatively short gastrointestinal tract propionic, and butyric acids). These fatty acids
in these species requires a high food intake may diffuse and absorb through the cecal
(65–80 g/kg body weight) and a relatively fast mucosa or become incorporated into ceco-
gastrointestinal transit time compared with tropes and ingested after voiding (as further
larger herbivores (Irlbeck 2001). discussed later).
The stomach of small herbivorous mammals The anatomy of the proximal colon is differ-
including rabbits is relatively small and has a ent between rabbits and various rodent spe-
well-­developed pyloric sphincter, but the wall cies. In rabbits, the most distal portion of the
of the stomach has a weak muscular layer proximal colon leads to a short segment that
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592 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

connects the proximal and distal colon called cells, which produce mucin, are found in the
the fusus coli, a densely innervated portion of intestinal villi and crypts. The mucus produced
the colon with thick continuous muscular lay- has an important role as a defense against
ers. The fusus coli acts as a pacemaker for the pathogens, and the goblet cells themselves are
production of hard feces. In caviomorph considered to be gatekeepers for presentation
rodents, there are two opposing folds in the of antigens to the immune system (Pelaseyed
proximal colon with a longitudinal groove et al. 2014).
between them that holds bacteria, mucus, and Rabbits and caviomorph rodents rely on
food particles. In the rabbit, three muscular digestion of protein and vitamins of gut
bands separate the haustra in the proximal ­microbial origin through the production and
part of the proximal colon, which are absent in subsequent ingestion of cecotropes, or “night
the distal segment. In chinchillas and guinea feces” or “night droppings,” which should be
pigs, the same arrangement of haustra is pre- consumed by the animal post defecation.
sent throughout the proximal colon (Stan Typically, cecotropes have a distinct appearance,
et al. 2014). The distal colon reaches a length compared with “hard” feces, as cecotropes are
of 80–100 cm in the rabbit, and it does not have softer, smaller, and enveloped in mucus. The
many distinctive features in structure and hard feces should not be ingested, similar to
function compared with other species (Snipes other mammals. The mechanism of cecotro-
et al. 1982). phy allows absorption of nutrients, produced
The colonic separation mechanism, which is by bacteria in the more distal large intestine, to
responsible for allowing rapid transport of the occur in the more proximal intestinal tract.
larger, less digestible food particles down the Cecotropes are high in protein, nitrogen,
digestive tract and retaining the smaller parti- essential amino acids, short-­chain fatty acids,
cles and associated microbiota in the cecum, potassium, sodium, B vitamins, and water.
exists in rabbits, guinea pigs, and chinchillas They are typically ingested directly from the
(Björnhag and Snipes 1999). This mechanism anus. Thus, obesity, pelvic limb osteoarthritis,
is important for sustaining the intestinal or pelvic limb paresis can impair a rabbit’s abil-
microbiota, as rapid gastrointestinal transport ity to ingest its cecotropes from its anus. The
times may otherwise preclude sustaining amount of cecotrophy may vary between
­stable microbiota. In rabbits, the colonic sepa- ­individuals and is dependent on diet, where a
ration mechanism involves an anatomic struc- high-­fiber diet typically increases cecotrophy.
ture in the proximal colon that allows a
retrograde flow of small particles, liquid, and
Rabbit, Chinchilla, and Guinea Pig
bacteria, whereas in rodents the mechanism
Normal Diet
relies on a colonic furrow that traps small par-
ticles and mucus that are transported back into Rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs have their
the cecum (Björnhag and Snipes 1999). own unique nutritional requirements. Despite
The gut-­associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) relying on nutrients synthesized by the gastro-
has an important role in developing mecha- intestinal microbiota, food-­sourced nutrients
nisms of tolerance for the normal microbiota are also necessary to meet the nutritional
while protecting against pathogens. The micro- requirements of these animals (NRC 1977)
biota in turn plays an important role in the (Box 23.1).
development of GALT, as the normal “flora”
are required for developing the pre-­immune Protein
antibody repertoire by promoting somatic Dietary protein of 12–16% (on a dry matter
diversification of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes basis) is considered appropriate for pet rabbits
in B cells that have migrated to the GALT. Goblet (Snyder et al. 1976; NRC 1977). Nitrogen and
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­General Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivore 593

Box 23.1 Feeding the Healthy Rabbit, Chinchilla, and Guinea Piga
Juveniles bok choy, romaine lettuce, carrots) and
rarely fruit (e.g. bell pepper, cucumber).
●● Diet of ad libitum high-­ quality grass
●● Diet daily proportions (as is) should be:
(Timothy, oat, or orchard) hay or a mixture
70–75% hay
of alfalfa-­ grass hays plus controlled
15–20% pellets OR up to 1/3 cup (~80 ml)
amounts of alfalfa-­ based concentrated
of pellets per 5 lb (~2.25 kg) body weight;
food (aka pellets), dark leafy greens (e.g.
reduce portion of pellets if undesired
chard, kale, collard, and mustard greens),
weight gain results
and very small amounts of other vegeta-
10% leafy greens OR up to 2.5 chopped
bles (e.g. Brussels sprouts, bok choy,
cups (~600 ml) per 5 lb (~2.25 kg)
romaine lettuce, carrots) and rarely fruit
body weight
(e.g. bell pepper, cucumber).
<2.5% other vegetables and fruit OR up to
●● Diet daily proportions (as is) should be
2.5 tablespoons (~37 ml) per 5 lb (~2.25 kg)
~75% hay, 15–20% pellets, up to 10%
body weight; these other vegetables and
leafy greens, and <2.5% other vegetables
fruit are optional and should be avoided
and fruit.
if undesired weight gain results
●● Any fresh food should be removed if
●● Any fresh food should be removed if
uneaten after a few hours or soiled.
uneaten after a few hours or soiled.
Guinea pigs require vitamin C in the diet at 20–25 mg/
●● Diet of ad libitum high-­ quality grass day for adult maintenance and 30–40 mg/day for
(Timothy, oat, or orchard) hay plus con- reproduction. This requirement can be met with con-
centrated, fortified food (noting that it can degrade
trolled amounts of grass hay pellets, dark
quickly due to oxidation), vitamin C tablets, and/or fresh
leafy greens (e.g. chard, kale, collard, and food (e.g. kale, mustard greens, bell peppers). Vitamin C
mustard greens), and very small amounts should not be added to water as it degrades too quickly
of other vegetables (e.g. Brussels sprouts, to be an effective means of supplementation.

essential amino acid requirements are met by achieve a dietary protein concentration of
both food-­sourced protein and bacterial syn- 18–19% (as fed) (Campbell-­Ward 2012) during
thesis of protein from fibrous ingesta in the these life stages.
cecum. The essential amino acids for these
­species are arginine, glycine, histidine, Carbohydrate and Fiber
­isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine (and Simple carbohydrates such as high-­sugar fruit
cysteine), phenylalanine (and tyrosine), threo- and treats are often highly palatable for rabbits
nine, tryptophan, and valine (NRC 1977). and rodents. In excess, simple carbohydrates
Protein digestibility from forage is about 80%, may reach the cecum, cause shifts in the micro-
partly due to cecotrophy. biota, and may lead to dysbiosis, gut ­stasis,
Excess dietary protein may be detrimental to and enterotoxemia. In addition, an excess of
health. It can contribute to obesity and lead to energy-­dense sugars may lead to obesity and
an increase in cecal ammonia concentration, concurrent metabolic complications (Zhao
which alters acidity and can cause dysbiosis. et al. 2008). For this reason, energy-­dense food
Protein requirements are increased during items such as yogurt treats, fruit (fresh and
growth and during reproduction. Higher pro- dried), and seeds should be kept to a minimum.
tein ingredients such as legumes/pulses and Fiber should comprise a high proportion of
alfalfa hay may be incorporated into the diet to the diet, with a recommended total dietary
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594 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

Table 23.1 Nutrient comparison between different types of hay.

Western Organic
Timothy Orchard meadow
Averages hay grass hay Oat grass hay grass Alfalfa hay

Crude protein (%) 10.5–11 12.5–13.5 9.5–10.5 9.5–10.5 18–19

Crude fat (%) 2.1–2.7 4.1–4.5 2.3–2.7 2.0–2.3 1.0–1.4
Crude fiber (%) 24.8–26.5 24.1–26 26.9–27.9 24–25.9 17.1–19.5
Acid detergent fiber (%) 29–30.5 27–28.5 29–30.3 29–30.4 27–28.4
Calcium (%) 0.45 0.47 0.4 0.59 1.6
Phosphorus (%) 0.22 0.28 0.22 0.18 0.27

fiber concentration of at least 20–25% as fed inappropriate hay may lead to adverse health
(Campbell-­Ward 2012). Fiber is important for outcomes. A comparison between different
normal behavior, gut motility maintenance, types of hay is presented in Table 23.1. Alfalfa
and gut microbiota. Although fiber digestibil- hay is higher in protein calcium and phospho-
ity is generally low, its physical properties are rus and lower in the percentage of crude fiber
important for gut motility, and it serves as a (Eastridge et al. 2009). It is recommended to
substrate for fermentation. For this reason, limit alfalfa hay except for animals with high
fiber length has importance. Pelleted food nutritional and metabolic needs, such as dur-
manufactured with finely ground hay and with ing reproduction or growth. If alfalfa hay is fed
short fiber length may not provide the same as a main source of hay, it may lead to various
benefits for gastrointestinal health in rabbits health concerns such as obesity, gut dysbiosis,
that hay can provide. Rabbits that are fed pri- and urinary tract disease. Similarly, other
marily or exclusively pellets with short fiber ­legume/pulse hays are also high in protein and
length may experience decreased motility, are not recommended for maintenance.
longer gastrointestinal transit time, and higher To ensure that hay is consumed in sufficient
incidence of gut dysbiosis (Irlbeck 2001). Ad amounts, it is recommended to provide hay in
libitum provision of lower calcium and protein the cage ad libitum. Hay should be offered
hay such as Timothy grass hay (Phleum prat- from weaning starting at 3 weeks of age.
ense) is recommended for rabbits, chinchillas, Changes in hay should be done gradually over
and guinea pigs. To ensure the hay is ­consumed 4–5 days to avoid stress and gastrointestinal
and comprises the majority of the nutrition signs that may occur as a result of abrupt
(70–75% as fed; Kohles 2014), other compo- changes. It is important to use fresh hay of
nents of the diet such as pellets, vegetables, good quality, clean of dust and any foreign
and treats should be limited, as they may be material. Hay that is stored for prolonged peri-
preferentially consumed despite their potential ods of time will undergo vitamin degradation,
adverse effect on health when ­consumed including vitamins A and D. Mold may form if
in excess. it is not stored appropriately in dry conditions.
Hay palatability may also decrease with pro-
Hay and Other Plant Considerations longed storage, potentially leading to selective
Grass hay such as Timothy, oat, and orchard eating of the other diet components, which
hays are all acceptable options for rabbits, may not be as optimal. Fresh, pesticide-­free
chinchillas, and guinea pigs. However, hay var- grass can be offered where available; however,
ies in its nutritional value, and the feeding of lawn clippings are not recommended as they
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­General Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivore 595

could be a source of contamination with infec- Vitamins and Minerals

tious pathogens (Southard et al. 2013). Fresh While cecotrophy may meet the majority of the
grass also spoils quickly and may cause adverse requirements for vitamins B and K, other
reactions. essential vitamins and minerals need to be
Hay-­based pellets should only comprise sourced from the diet.
10–15% (as is) of the diet. Common commer- The active form of vitamin A, retinol, may be
cial pellets contain Timothy and alfalfa hays. derived from beta-­carotene found in vegetables
For rabbit, chinchilla, and guinea pig adult and grasses (Olson 1989). Although the efficiency
maintenance, Timothy pellets are recom- of converting beta-­carotene to active vitamin A is
mended. Alfalfa pellets can be used in animals relatively high in lagomorphs and caviomorphs,
during growth and reproduction. It is impor- beta-­carotene only has about 40% of the molar
tant to avoid pellets in a mixture that also con- efficiency of preformed vitamin A in these spe-
tains energy-­dense foods such as dried fruit, cies (NRC 1995). Therefore, rabbits fed diets low
sugary treats, oats, cereals, and nuts. Pellets in vitamin A may suffer from clinical signs of
should contain at least 18% as is total dietary deficiency such as enteritis, poor growth, kerati-
fiber. As a rule of thumb, it has been suggested tis, and low fertility. Excessive vitamin A supple-
that up to one-­third of a cup (~80 ml) of pellets mentation may also result in severe clinical signs
per 5 lb (~2.25 kg) body weight can be provided such as coagulopathy and teratogenicity.
to rabbits (Oglesbee and Jenkins 2012). Vitamin C is essential for guinea pigs and must
Fruit should be given sparingly as a rare treat be provided in the diet (200 mg/kg diet as fed), as
and should not exceed 5% of the diet by vol- they lack L-­gulonolactone oxidase activity, an
ume. Small amounts (10% as is) of vegetables enzyme required for endogenous vitamin C syn-
and greens (see earlier note about fresh grass) thesis. Clinical signs of vitamin C deficiency or
can be added for variety. These can provide “scurvy” in guinea pigs include anemia, multiple
some essential minerals and vitamins as well hemorrhages as a result of impaired clotting,
as added hydration. Since their fiber contribu- impaired collagen synthesis, and even death.
tion is minimal, they should not be fed in Due to natural vitamin degradation from oxida-
excess. Some acceptable examples include tion, vitamin C content in commercial diets may
dark leafy greens (e.g. chard, kale, collard, and be reduced by up to 50% within three months,
mustard greens), bok choy, and romaine even with appropriate storage. Diets with “stabi-
lettuce. lized” vitamin C are commercially available, and
those have a longer shelf life. Guinea pigs should
Fat be provided with the equivalent of 10 mg per kg
Fat should comprise a small percentage of the body weight of vitamin C (or ascorbate) per day.
diet, and 2.5–4% (as fed) is a generally accepta- The requirement may increase to 30 mg per kg
ble concentration (Campbell-­Ward 2012). A body weight during reproduction (Harkness
diet lower in fat can result in clinical signs of et al. 2010). Vitamin C supplementation is not
deficiency in rabbits, manifested as hair loss, essential for rabbits and chinchillas, but it can be
poor growth, and a negative effect on reproduc- provided in diets for its antioxidant properties if
tion (Ahluwalia et al. 1967). Similarly, linoleic desired. As an acid, excessive vitamin C may
acid (a long-­chain omega-­6 polyunsaturated have negative effects on the pH in the gastroin-
fatty acid [PUFA]) and eicosapentaenoic acid testinal tract, and may also become a pro-­oxidant
(a long-­chain omega-­3 PUFA) have both been rather than an antioxidant.
shown to be essential for guinea pigs (Reid Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits, chinchillas,
et al. 1964). Higher-­fat diets are generally not and guinea pigs are capable, like humans, of
recommended as these energy-­dense diets will synthesizing vitamin D in their skin when
likely lead to obesity. exposed to sunlight or UV radiation. It is
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596 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

generally accepted that rabbits are capable of renal disease and urolithiasis, although this rela-
absorbing calcium from their diet regardless of tionship is uncertain.
vitamin D; although this is primarily based on The magnesium requirement has been dem-
data in growing rabbits and reproducing does, onstrated in weanling rabbits, where defi-
similar data are not available for adult rabbits ciency caused decreased growth and neurologic
in maintenance (Chapin and Smith 1967). signs, which reversed following magnesium
Calcium absorption was shown to increase supplementation (NRC 1977). In guinea pigs,
when vitamin D concentrations were higher fluorine and potassium have a sparing effect on
(Harcourt-­Brown 1996). Similarly, guinea pigs magnesium and may reverse clinical signs of
are unlikely to develop clinical signs of vitamin magnesium deficiency, whereas phosphorus
D deficiency, even when fed diets low in and calcium have the opposite effect. Therefore,
­vitamin D, if the diet is adequate in calcium the dietary magnesium requirement in guinea
and phosphorus concentrations and at an ade- pigs is dependent on the ratios of the other
quate calcium-­to-­phosphorus ratio (i.e. calcium minerals. In herbivores, dietary phosphorus is
8–10 g Ca/kg as fed, phosphorus 4–7 g P/kg as primarily in the form of phytates (i.e. the main
fed; NRC 1995). Signs of vitamin D deficiency phosphorus storage form in plants), which has
can occur when the dietary intake of these min- low bioavailability in non-­herbivores; however,
erals is low or if the ratio of calcium to phos- rabbits have phytase activity throughout their
phorus is reduced. Excess dietary vitamin D gastrointestinal tract, primarily in the cecum,
may be detrimental in rabbits, similar to other which allows dietary phytates to be a good
species, where the subsequent hypercalcemia source of phosphorus (Marounek et al. 2009).
may lead to soft tissue mineralization and organ Phosphorus deficiency may lead to rickets in
failure, especially affecting the kidneys. growing animals, as demonstrated in rodents
Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant, and a (Ko et al. 2016). Trace minerals such as iron,
deficiency can result in muscular dystrophy copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, and selenium
(Mackenzie and McCollum 1940) and reduced are all considered essential and clinical signs
reproductive success. In guinea pigs, vitamin of deficiency may occur, particularly in grow-
E and selenium deficiencies lead to a condi- ing animals.
tion called nutritional muscular dystrophy,
primarily observed in guinea pigs during Water
reproduction (Hawkins and Bishop 2012). Water should always be provided. It is impor-
This condition is reversible, if diagnosed and tant that water is fresh and clean, as unclean
treated with vitamin E supplementation, but water may not be consumed, leading to dehy-
­ultimately it can be fatal. dration. Water requirements are 10–12% of
As stated earlier, calcium absorption is highly body weight per day. Water requirements may
efficient in rabbits, possibly even when vitamin increase in dry or warm weather. Some authors
D intake (and/or UV radiation exposure) is low. have made recommendations to encourage
Typically companion rabbits will have elevated water intake by providing water in a bowl
serum and urine calcium, compared to other rather than a bottle (Tschudin et al. 2011).
mammals. In guinea pigs, and likely in chinchil- Chinchillas are especially sensitive to high
las, calcium absorption is a reflection of the die- temperatures and should not be exposed to
tary calcium intake as well as the ratio between temperatures above 80 °F (26.7 °C).
calcium and other minerals, primarily phospho-
rus and magnesium (NRC 1995). In general, a General Warning about Energy-­Dense
ratio of calcium:phosphorus of 1–2:1 is recom- Foods and Treats
mended to maintain calcium homeostasis. Avoiding high-­fat, high-­protein, and high-­sugar
Excess dietary calcium is thought to result in items is generally recommended, as these can
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­Nutrition-­Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Companion Herbivore 597

lead to obesity and gastrointestinal disease. composed primarily of soft hay and vegetation
Some examples to avoid include breakfast cere- as well as pellets, fruit, and vegetables, whereas
als, sweets, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, yogurt the diet for chinchillas in the wild would be
“drops,” cheese, meat, egg, and human table composed of tougher plant parts higher in
scraps that are not the vegetables noted earlier. abrasive components such as phytoliths. How­
ever, the assertion that dietary fiber and diet
abrasiveness are most impactful on dental wear
­ utrition-­Related Diseases
N has recently come into question, as some studies
suggest that hay is mostly important for incisor
of Small Mammalian
wear, but not premolar or molar wear, in healthy
Companion Herbivores guinea pigs (Müller et al. 2015).
In guinea pigs, vitamin C deficiency may
Lagomorphs (Rabbits) and Caviomorphs
result in periodontal disease as it affects peri-
(Chinchillas and Guinea Pigs)
odontal collagen and the gingiva, and eventu-
Dental Disease and Malocclusion ally leads to dental disease and malocclusion
Dental disease and malocclusion are very com- (Glickman 1948). This may be corrected
mon in rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs. with higher-­dose vitamin C supplementation
This disease may manifest in a range of differ- via parenteral or enteral supplementation
ent clinical signs, such as ptyalism or excessive (50–100 mg/guinea pig subcutaneously or
drooling during eating, selective eating of pel- orally; Quesenberry 1994).
lets or other food items that require less masti- In many cases, dental disease may progress
cation, decreased eating (i.e. hyporexia or to become a systemic and complicated condi-
anorexia), dysphagia, and/or decreased defeca- tion. Secondary trauma to the tongue or cheeks
tion. The severity of this condition varies and and gingiva may lead to pain, inflammation,
generally increases in chronic cases. A com- and secondary infection. Abscesses may form
plete description of dental disease diagnosis as a result of topical infection and inflamma-
and treatment in rabbits and rodents is beyond tion, and in some cases lead to a life-­threatening
the scope of this chapter, and the reader is and systemic disease where supportive care is
directed to further information elsewhere required to stabilize the patient. Once stabi-
(Capello and Lennox 2012). lized, further treatment would include surgical
While there are multiple etiologies for dental and medical treatment of the abscess and cor-
disease, it is widely recognized that a poor diet recting the predisposing factors. An occlusal
is a common cause. Diets deficient in fiber can adjustment, or dental prophylaxis, is often
cause dental disease, since dental wear during required to reduce the crown height of the
mastication of fiber has an important role in incisors, premolars, and molars to achieve as
maintaining normal occlusion. As a vicious normal an occlusion as possible. These proce-
cycle, once malocclusion is present, mastica- dures typically need to be performed chroni-
tion of long fibers may be avoided by the patient cally over time due to the continuous growth
as this may result in pain and discomfort. of these teeth in these species, as many of the
Dental malocclusion seems to be a rare prob- predisposing factors (such as genetic predispo-
lem in wild chinchillas, whereas it is quite sition or permanent changes in occlusion from
common in captive-­bred chinchillas (Crossley trauma) may not be possible to correct. The
and del Mar Miguélez 2001). This finding may time interval between dental prophylaxis will
have several possible explanations; however, vary between individuals, but it is likely that
the difference in diets fed to chinchillas in proactively correcting the diet, where it was
­captivity is an important consideration. Diets previously inadequate in fibrous hay, will help
for companion chinchillas are commonly increase the time where the patient is free from
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598 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

clinical signs of dental malocclusion and any rodents (Turnbaugh et al. 2006). In addition,
associated discomfort. excess adipose tissue may have an impact on
gut motility and on inflammation. In compan-
Obesity ion rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs, obe-
Obesity is an epidemic in companion animals, sity is often the result of limited access to
including small mammalian companion high-­quality hay such as Timothy and grass
­herbivores, just as it is in dogs and cats hays, combined with high intake of high-­fat
(Figure 23.1). Obese rabbits and rodents are at and high-­sugar food items such as fruit, grains
high risk for multiple metabolic diseases, including oats, sweets, and nuts, as well as lim-
including urinary tract disease, gastrointesti- ited physical activity. Excess feeding of com-
nal dysbiosis, and orthopedic disease. Severely mercial pellets with insufficient hay can also
overweight animals may have difficulty groom- promote excessive weight gain. Correction of
ing, which can lead to matted and unkempt the diet and increasing opportunities for physi-
hair and even myiasis (i.e. larvae or maggot cal activity may have an enormous impact on
infestation), as reproducing flies may be health and quality of life.
attracted to unclean hair and skin. Obese A weight-­loss diet should retain the optimal
­animals may also have trouble consuming proportions of 75% good-­quality non-­legume/
cecotropes as they may not be able to reach non-­pulse hay, no more than 15% hay-­based
their anus, and as a result may suffer from pellets, and 10% vegetables and greens. Treats
nutritional deficiencies. Obese animals may be and other food items should not be provided at
at higher risk for dysbiosis, as an association all if possible, or should be reduced to a mini-
between obesity and altered gut microbiota is mum. Hay can be fed ad libitum, but pellets
well documented in many species, including and vegetables and greens limited to induce
weight loss. Since rabbits and rodents feed/
graze throughout the day, food amounts
should not be restricted per se; however, many
times increasing the proportion of hay in the
diet and reducing treats can help the animal to
lose weight.
Before starting a weight-­loss plan, the need
for dental malocclusion adjustment should be
determined, and if needed performed to
address any existing dental disease. Weight-­
loss rates greater than 2% of body weight per
week should be avoided, and care taken to
ensure that dental disease or discomfort is not
the root cause of faster rates of loss. Transition
to the optimal diet proportions, if not already
fed, should be gradual over 5–7 days to allow
for microbiota adjustment, minimizing gas-
trointestinal upset. Regular exercise should
be encouraged, which may mean distribution
of more palatable or higher-­reward foods,
like pellets and vegetables and greens, in
­numerous locations that need to be traversed
Figure 23.1 An adult obese rabbit. This rabbit had
been fed an inappropriate diet of greens and multiple times a day, if possible in the home
yogurt. Source: Courtesy of Dr. Olivia Petritz. environment.
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­Nutrition-­Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Companion Herbivore 599

Gastrointestinal Stasis or Ileus concentration of inhibitors) support this ­process,

Decreased gastrointestinal motility, stasis, or ileus crystals form. In affected patients, urine may be
is a common presentation for small mammalian thick and gritty and over time a calculus may
companion herbivores to seek veterinary care. form. On presentation, patients may display
Decreased motility can occur as a result of almost depression, lethargy, bruxism (teeth grinding),
any underlying disease, as well as stress, dehydra- anorexia, hematuria, and stranguria. The uri-
tion, inadequate ambient temperatures, pain, nary bladder may be palpably enlarged and firm
inflammation, or gut dysbiosis. Since the gut (particularly in rabbits). Abdominal ultrasonog-
microbiota are vital for health, decreased motility raphy or radiography confirms the diagnosis.
may disrupt the normal microbiota where poten- Treatment of this condition varies according to
tially pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium location and severity at presentation; however,
spp. and coliforms may overgrow. In addition, surgical treatment, such as cystotomy, is indi-
changes in the normal motility may impact the cated for large cystic calculi. A non-­surgical
regular fermentation process and change the approach may be indicated when a calculus is
luminal pH, further impacting bacterial popula- present in the kidney or the ureter and is non-­
tions and potentially leading to diarrhea and obstructive. This may include diuresis with
enterotoxemia (Oglesbee and Jenkins 2012). On intravenous fluids, manual expression of the
examination, patients may appear quieter than bladder for several days, or cystoscopic removal
normal, but typically not overtly depressed. (Wenger and Hatt 2015; Coutant et al. 2019).
Auscultation and palpation of the gastrointesti- By far the most common composition of
nal tract may reveal reduced or abnormal borbo- ­urinary calculi in rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea
rygmi and gastric or cecal gas dilation. pigs is calcium carbonate (Hawkins et al. 2009;
Treatment of ileus requires addressing the Osborne et al. 2009). A thorough diet history
underlying condition such as pain or infection, as may be needed to identify food items or supple-
well as supportive care with pain management, ments contributing to dietary calcium excess,
fluids, and assisted (syringe/enteral) feeding (see although whether or not a high-­calcium diet is a
later discussion). In cases where the animal is common cause of urolithiasis in these species
obtunded or suffers from severe dehydration, res- remains controversial. If leafy greens and vege-
piratory distress, or electrolyte imbalances, these tables are provided, it is important to evaluate
conditions should be addressed first and further the calcium content in these foods. A recent
treatment postponed until the patient is stable. study found that grass hay significantly reduced
urinary calcium excretion compared with leg-
Urolithiasis ume/pulse hay, and also increased total water
Urolithiasis is a common presentation in ­rabbits intake (Clauss et al. 2012). Other causes that
and guinea pigs particularly, while in chinchillas have been hypothesized to be related to rabbit
it is less commonly reported (Martel-­Arquette and rodent urolithiasis include excess or defi-
and Mans 2016). The location of calculi may be ciency in nutrients such as ascorbate and citrate.
anywhere along the urinary tract. The causes of Therefore, an evaluation of vitamin supplemen-
urolithiasis are not fully understood; however, tation should be performed in animals with a
nutrition, anatomy, and body condition are all history of urolithiasis and in guinea pigs in
likely involved. Rabbits are highly efficient in particular (as they require vitamin C as an
absorption of dietary calcium (Eckermann-­ essential nutrient). Urinary dilution is important
Ross 2008), and as such their urine is typically in the management of many types of uroliths,
high in excreted calcium carbonate. When the as ­urinary dilution reduces precursor supersa­
urine is highly saturated with the precursors for turation. Therefore, maintaining hydration is a
crystal formation (i.e. calcium) and when the key factor in prevention of urolith formation and
conditions (i.e. higher urinary pH and lower efforts should be made to provide clean water in
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600 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

multiple locations. Dietary salt is not currently gut motility and the gut microbiota, leading to
used to increase thirst in small mammalian com- reduced defecation and discomfort, and may
panion herbivores. In areas where water hard- progress to hepatic lipidosis or severe intesti-
ness and mineral content are high, filtered water nal disease, which may be life-­threatening
should be considered for use in high-­risk patients (Oglesbee and Jenkins 2012). This cascade may
or those with a previous history of urolithiasis to not be broken without subcutaneous and/or
reduce the intake of calcium. intravenous fluid administration and assisted
Clinical nutrition is a powerful tool in veteri- feeding intervention. If the animal is dehy-
nary medicine that can be used to treat a variety drated and/or there are blood electrolyte shifts,
of metabolic diseases. Use of veterinary thera- this needs to be corrected before nutritional
peutic diets to nutritionally manage conditions intervention is attempted.
and diseases in small mammalian companion Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits, chinchillas,
herbivores is in its infancy. Several rabbit and and guinea pigs generally tolerate assisted
rodent veterinary therapeutic diets formulated feeding with a syringe quite well. When this is
for specific diseases, such as obesity, gastrointes- done carefully and slowly, allowing the animal
tinal disease, and urinary tract disease, are now to chew and swallow, the risk of trauma and
commercially available in the United States and aspiration is low. Powdered foods (e.g. Oxbow
Europe (Proença and Mayer 2014); however, Critical Care, Oxbow Animal Health, Murdock,
additional clinical studies are required to better NE, USA; EmerAid Herbivore, Lafeber’s,
establish the efficacy and benefits of these diets. Cornell, IL, USA) are formulated to be mixed
with water and administered via a wide-­tip
(catheter-­tip) syringe (Figure 23.2). Fine pow-
­ ritical Care Nutrition for Small
C dered diets (e.g. Critical Care Fine Grind,
Mammalian Companion Herbivores Oxbow Animal Health) may also be provided
via slip-­tip syringe or via feeding tubes with a
Dysrexia is an outcome in many disease pro- narrow lumen in rabbits (14–22 French orogas-
cesses affecting rabbits and rodents. Reduced tric tube or 3.5–8 French nasogastric tube).
food intake may have a detrimental impact on When selecting a specific diet for a patient that

Figure 23.2 Syringe-­assisted feeding in a rabbit. Source: Courtesy of Dr. Ady Gancz and Dr. Jonathan Stockman.
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­Critical Care Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivore 601

requires assisted feeding, it is recommended to assisted feeding as needed until these clinical
choose a diet that provides the longest fiber parameters improve sufficiently. An effort
possible with consideration to the animal’s size must also be made to correct the underlying
and route of feeding. Very fine, powdered fiber problem (if one exists) that led to the dysrexia.
is less likely to stimulate gastrointestinal motil- Parenteral nutrition is uncommon due to
ity, as it may enter the cecum and undergo the requirement for fiber and food presence
­fermentation instead of reaching the colon, in the gastrointestinal tract and the small
whereas longer fiber promotes motility (Paul-­ diameter and fragility of the blood vessels,
Murphy 2007; Proença and Mayer 2014). given the hyperosmolarity of parenteral feed-
Use of nasogastric tubes is implemented in ing solutions. Parenteral nutrition may be
rabbits (mostly) as a temporary method to used to supplement other methods of feeding
deliver nutrition. These are very narrow in cases where energy requirements cannot
lumen tubes with a small outside diameter; be solely met by enteral feeding. Similar rules
therefore, a liquid food consistency is needed of hygiene and aseptic catheter placement
to avoid tube occlusion. Tube size may apply in rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs,
vary between 3.5 and 8 French rubber tubes, just as they do in other species such as dogs
depending on the size of the patient’s nasal and cats.
cavity. Esophageal or pharyngeal tubes may
also be considered, but are not commonly Energy Calculations for Rabbits,
used as they require anesthesia and surgical Chinchillas, and Guinea Pigs
placement. Delivering the patient’s resting
energy requirement (RER; see later calcula- While many human companions feed ad libi-
tion) is the goal, with either a constant-­rate tum, as rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs
infusion (CRI) or small frequent (4–6 times/ graze throughout the day, energy calculations
day) bolus feedings. The energy density of become important when animals are in a criti-
slurries may vary according to the formula cal state that requires intervention. The RER or
and the tube used; however common formulas the basal metabolic requirement is not differ-
such as Oxbow Critical Care provides approxi- ent from other mammals and is calculated
mately 2 kcal/ml once reconstituted with based on Kleiber’s energy equation:
1:2 volume/volume powder to water. This RER 70 body weight (in kg)0.75
concentration is usually sufficient to provide
RER without resulting in volume intolerance. Some authors (Proença and Mayer 2014)
Signs of intolerance include refusal to ingest ­recommend adding a factor to this calculation
the food and resistance to feeding; however, to reflect the change in energy requirements
animals that are sedated or are recovering in light of the animal’s illness. These
from anesthesia should not be fed right away ­factors, which range from 0.5 to 3.0, are meant
since aspiration of food may occur. Generally to address individual differences in energy
support is provided until the patient is requirements according to life stage (e.g. higher
hydrated and able to eat on their own when in growing animals) or disease. Practically, it
offered food before the next bolus feeding or should be noted that energy requirement pre-
after stopping any CRI for up to four hours, diction is rarely accurate, and patient assess-
but the determination of when to stop with ment and adjustments are always necessary.
assisted feeding should also include the Therefore, a caloric provision approximating a
­overall assessment of the patient, including critical patient’s RER may be a good starting
assessment of overall alertness and behavior, point in many adult patients, and adjustments
improvement in borborygmi, and fecal pro- should be made according to tolerance of
duction. The authors ­recommend continuing ­feeding, disease progression, and body weight
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602 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

shifts. A higher caloric intake as well as a ­ utrition-­Related Diseases

higher frequency of feeding may be required in of Small Mammalian
very young patients.
Companion Carnivores

Ferrets and Considerations for Mink

­ eneral Nutrition for Small
Marine Food Sources: Hypovitaminosis E/
Mammalian Carnivores Nutritional Steatitis, Thiamine Deficiency,
and Salt Toxicity
Nutritional steatitis (i.e. adipose tissue inflam-
Ferrets (Mustela putorious furo) are very popu- mation, characterized by yellow discoloration)
lar pets across the United States and Europe has been reported in ferrets that were fed diets
despite legal restrictions that exist in some states high in PUFAs. These ferrets were being fed a
such as California and Hawaii. In the United blended diet consisting of 40% squid offal, with
States, ferrets are typically sold after being ovari- a total dietary PUFA concentration of 7.7% dry
ohysterectomized or castrated and descented by matter. Unfortunately, the vitamin E concen-
the breeding facility before they are 6 weeks of trations were not adequate for a higher PUFA
age. Relatively few private breeders exist. Ferrets diet, leading to pathology. As a consequence,
belong to the Mustelidae family, which also squid is no longer recommended in any diet
includes mink, weasels, badgers, and so on. formulation for either ferrets or mink (Brooks
They are descendants of the European polecat et al. 1985). More significantly, ferrets’ vitamin
(Mustela putorius) and, like others in the E requirement, like that of other species, is
Mustelidae family, they are obligate carnivores. proportional to dietary PUFAs, and inadequate
Historically, companion ferrets have been fed dietary vitamin E concentration can lead to
diets formulated to meet the requirements for steatitis.
mink or cats; however, diets formulated for Thiamine deficiency has been reported in
domestic ferrets are now widely available. farmed ferrets fed a diet high in thiaminase-­
containing fish (Fox and Marini 2014). Salt tox-
Digestive Physiology icity is a possible sequela of feeding ferrets a
The gastrointestinal tract of ferrets resembles diet high in salted fish, such as tuna stored in
that of other mammalian carnivores. Ferrets brine. Reported clinical signs are similar to
have a relatively short gastrointestinal tract those seen in domestic swine, which include
with a simple stomach. The small intestine is depression, seizures, and death 24–96 hours
about five times the length of the ferret’s body after ingestion (Fox and Marini 2014).
(Johnson-­Delaney 2014). Ferrets lack a cecum
and an ileocolic valve, expediting gastric Considerations for Mink
­transit, which is around three hours in the Mink are also members of the Mustelidae fam-
adult (Powers and Brown 2012; Johnson-­ ily like ferrets, and are farmed for pelts. Despite
Delaney 2014). Due to the relatively short their physiologic similarities, they are consid-
length of the intestinal tract, the rapid transit ered a production animal, and thus have a very
time, and the lower concentration of digestive different feeding strategy compared with the
enzymes on the intestinal brush border, the companion ferret. Many of the reported nutri-
ferret’s digestive process is considered ineffi- tionally related diseases of mink may not be
cient compared with other species. Ferrets are applicable to the companion ferret that con-
spontaneous secretors of hydrochloric acid sumes a commercially prepared pelleted diet
and, unlike some carnivores that eat few large formulated for ferrets. However, some issues
meals in a day, ferrets eat small, frequent meals. could potentially also be seen in companion
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­Nutrition-­Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Carnivore 603

ferrets fed unbalanced home-­prepared diets, important to identify ferrets that are obese. In
and as such are briefly shared here. many cases, affected ferrets are being fed ad
Experimentally induced biotin deficiency in libitum both a commercial pelleted diet as well
mink has been described secondary to feeding as a combination of other supplemental food
a diet containing dried eggs. A glycoprotein, items, including homemade “duck or dook
avidin, found in raw or not fully cooked egg soup,” canned cat food, and other treat items.
whites can bind available biotin in the diet, Excessive administration of high-­fat supple-
and create a deficiency (Wehr et al. 1980). ments, such as Ferretone (8-­in-­1, Spectrum
Mink fed a pyridoxine-­deficient diet showed Brands, Islandia, NY, USA), in addition to a
behavioral, neurologic, and reproductive (ste- high-­quality ferret diet has also been associ-
rility) abnormalities similar to other mammals ated with obesity (Johnson-­Delaney 2014).
(Helgebostad et al. 1963). Iron-­deficient diets Increasing the physical activity of ferrets by
have led to growth retardation, microcytic-­ letting them play and explore larger spaces
hypochromic anemia, and achromotrichia in may help with weight loss, but the ability to do
mink (Stout et al. 1960). this may be limited for some human compan-
ions, as the area in which ferrets are allowed to
roam freely must be ferret proofed. Decreasing
­ utrition-­Related Diseases
N or eliminating treats from the diet may help, as
well as limiting the total amount of calories
of Small Mammalian Carnivores
offered, although this may be more difficult
when multiple ferrets are group housed. It
should be noted that some seasonal weight
Compared to other “exotic” small companion gain during the cold months is expected and
mammals, the incidence of nutritional-­related is a part of normal physiology, particularly
diseases in ferrets is low. This is likely due in males.
to the availability of complete formulated It is unknown whether feline weight-­loss
diets, unlike herbivorous small mammals that diets can be used successfully in obese ferrets
require a more complex diet consisting of mul- to induce weight loss; however, ferrets may not
tiple components (hay, greens, etc.; see earlier do clinically well on a high-­fiber diet, as some
in chapter). Ferrets may thrive with diets that weight-­loss diets are (Johnson-­Delaney 2014).
are formulated for cats as well as diets formu- Cutting back on high-­fat treats and improving
lated specifically for ferrets; however, feline physical activity many times would suffice to
diets may not be adequate for ferrets who achieve weight loss, and a general weight-­loss
are stressed or when the metabolic needs are rate of 1–2% of body weight per week, as rec-
high, such as during reproduction (Johnson-­ ommended in dogs and cats, appears appropri-
Delaney 2014). In addition, the high variability ate; however, this may be more difficult to
in cat diets raises the question of whether any achieve in some cases (for example, in a colder
feline diet would be adequate for ferrets, there- climate) (see Box 23.2).
fore a diet formulated specifically for ferrets is
a safer choice. Urolithiasis
Ferret diets high in plant-­based proteins,
Obesity such as yellow corn (Zea mays), are at risk
The most common nutritional-­related disease of ­developing magnesium ammonium phos-
in ferrets seen in one author’s (OP) practice is phate, ­otherwise known as struvite, urolithia-
obesity. While weight gain may be seasonal sis (Figure 23.3). Metabolism of plant proteins
and while male ferrets are typically larger and produces more alkaline urine than the typical
have more adipose tissue than females, it is acidic urine of ferrets, which predisposes them
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604 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

Box 23.2 Feeding the Healthy Ferret and Caloric Restriction for Weight Loss
Juveniles c­oncurrently formulated to meet ferret
nutritional needs.
●● Ad libitum feeding of commercially
●● Suggested caloric distribution for adult ­ferret
­prepared all-­life-­stage or growth
diet at maintenance: above 35% p ­ rotein
­ferret food.
calories, above 40% fat calories, and under
Adults 25% carbohydrate calories (Chitty 2009).
●● Treats should be limited to no more than
●● Meal feed commercially prepared all-­life-­
10% of daily caloric intake.
stage or adult maintenance ferret food; cat
●● Adult energy requirements are typically
food may not meet ferret requirements,
200–300 kcal/kg body weight (Johnson-
likely being higher in carbohydrate calo-
­Delaney 2014).
ries as suggested later, so care should be
●● Weight loss in overweight/obese patients
taken in selecting a food designed for this
can be induced by eliminating high-­ fat
separate obligate carnivore species.
treats and by caloric restriction (20%
●● Lower-­carbohydrate dog foods and home-
reduction initially, with monitoring and
made ferret food should be avoided due
intake adjustment as needed).
to likely nutrient deficiencies, unless

Figure 23.3 A lateral whole-­body view radiograph of an adult male castrated ferret with multiple
radiopaque cystoliths. Source: Courtesy of Dr. Olivia Petritz.

to the development of struvite uroliths. Cases cystine uroliths (15–16%) and calcium oxalate
of urolithiasis in ferrets have been associated uroliths (10–11%) (Osborne et al. 2009;
with feeding a low-­quality cat food or dog food Nwaokorie et al. 2011, 2013). The latest reports
to ferrets (Nguyen et al. 1979). from a recent large-­scale retrospective survey
Bacterially induced struvite crystalluria is show a significant increase in the prevalence
uncommon in ferrets, as it is in cats, although of cystine urolithiasis in North American fer-
urine culture can help rule out an underlying rets. Cystine uroliths represented 93% of the
bacterial infection. According to a retrospec- 1014 uroliths submitted between 2010 and
tive analysis of the Minnesota Urolith Center, 2018, with the most dramatic increase in the
struvite uroliths were the most common stone most recent years (Hanak et al. 2019, 2021).
type from ferrets between 1981 and 2009, com- This increase is not as dramatic in Europe,
prising 66–67% of all submissions, followed by where prevalence was 27% of analyzed
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­Nutrition-­Related Diseases of Small Mammalian Carnivore 605

uroliths. While the reasons for this shift are the food, may have potential in urolithiasis
poorly understood, it is possible that changes prevention; however, there are no published
in ferret nutrition to a higher–animal protein data regarding the usefulness of these strate-
diet reduced the prevalence of struvite urolith- gies in ferrets.
iasis, or perhaps excessive inbreeding has
increased the risk for cystine urolithiasis due Ferret Pancreatic Islet Beta-­Cell
to a change in genetics. Tumor (Insulinoma)
While the etiology of cystine urolithiasis in fer- Pancreatic islet beta-­cell tumors, insulinomas,
rets is not completely understood, some authors are the most commonly diagnosed neoplasm
have reported an anecdotal relationship between in ferrets, with a reported incidence of 22–25%
feeding a high–legume protein diet and cystine (Bakthavatchalu et al. 2016). Unlike in domes-
urolithiasis. This suggested association may be tic dogs, this disease often remains undiag-
puzzling, as legumes/pulses are generally limit- nosed for prolonged periods of time, likely due
ing in sulfur amino acids (SAAs) including cys- in part to free-­choice feeding strategies for fer-
tine; however, a small retrospective study showed rets compared with meal-­fed dogs. A concur-
that many of these diets are similar in SAA con- rent insulinoma and subsequent exacerbation
tent to non-­grain-­free diets (Lamglait et al. 2021). of subclinical hypoglycemia are of greater con-
A hereditary trait for impaired renal tubular cern in the dysrexic ferret. Signs of hypoglyce-
reabsorption of cysteine is associated with mia in ferrets include lethargy, ptyalism, and
increased urinary cystine supersaturation and weakness, while seizures are uncommon.
cystine crystal and urolith formation in dogs and Immediate glucose (or if not readily available,
in people. Although a genetic predisposition may sucrose) supplementation, usually orally, does
play a role in cystine urolithiasis in ferrets, this temporarily treat hypoglycemia; however, this
has not been extensively studied (Nwaokorie also can stimulate insulin secretion from the
et al. 2013). Cystine supersaturation is increased tumor and lead to a repeated hypoglycemic
with lower urinary pH; therefore, urine alkaliza- episode (Bell 1999). Therefore, an oral supple-
tion may be ­beneficial in ferrets with a history of ment, high in glucose but also high in fat, such
cystine urolithiasis. as Nutri-­Cal (Tomlyn Nutri-­Cal for Cats,
Data regarding the nutritional management Tomlyn, Fort Worth, TX, USA), has been rec-
of urolithiasis in ferrets are lacking. Attempts ommended for immediate treatment of a hypo-
to feed a urinary therapeutic diet such as glycemic episode prior to intravenous dextrose
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Feline Urinary administration (Bell 1999). In addition to other
SO (Royal Canin, St. Charles, MO, USA) or medical and surgical therapy, affected ferrets
Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Feline (Hill’s Pet should be encouraged to eat every 2–4 hours
Nutrition, Topeka, KS, USA) are generally not and also before times of increased activity
recommended, as these diets are not formu- (Johnson-­Delaney 2014). Food should be avail-
lated to meet the nutritional requirements of able 24 hours a day, which often allows a ferret
ferrets, and strategies to prevent urolithiasis to self-­regulate its glucose needs in addition to
recurrence in cats may not apply to ferrets. any medical therapy, such as glucocorticoids.
Since highly concentrated urine is an
­important risk factor for urolithiasis and crys- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
talluria of all types, maintaining adequate Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rela-
hydration to decrease urine concentration is a tively common in ferrets (Burgess and
beneficial strategy that applies for the preven- Garner 2002). Similar to other species, the eti-
tion of all uroliths. Use of high salt intake to ology of this condition is unknown. Typically,
increase drinking and thereby dilute urine, or this disease in ferrets is characterized by lym-
increasing water intake by mixing water into phoplasmacytic infiltrates; however, without
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606 Nutrition for Small Mammalian Companion Herbivores and Carnivores

the use of immunohistochemistry severe IBD ­ ritical Care Nutrition for Small
may sometimes be confused with enteric lym- Mammalian Companion Carnivores
phoma (Watson et al. 2016). While the role of
diet in the pathogenesis of this disease is Ferrets
unknown, some ferrets respond well to die-
tary change, and some “limited-­ingredient” Similar to other carnivores, such as the domestic
commercial diets may be trialed if novel to cat, hepatic lipidosis also occurs in ferrets after a
the patient (Totally Ferret Turkey-­Venison-­ prolonged fasting period (Bjornvad et al. 2004).
Lamb Meal Formula, Performance Foods, Immediate nutritional support with a high-­
Broomfield, CO, USA). Consideration may be protein, high-­fat diet is highly recommended for
given to feeding limited-­ingredient, novel any sick ferret. In the United States, there are
antigen therapeutic cat diets if diets formu- several commercially available powdered diets
lated for ferrets are not tolerated well by the for small mammalian companion carnivores
patient. The role of dietary fiber in the man- that are readily accepted by most ferrets, includ-
agement of clinical signs of IBD is controver- ing EmerAid Exotic Carnivore (Lafeber
sial in ferrets. While plant fiber or animal Company) and Carnivore Care (Oxbow Animal
fiber (such as hair or indigestible ligaments) Health). Both of these formulations are appro-
may help support the gastrointestinal micro- priate for syringe feeding or administration via
biota and stool consistency, these constituents an esophagostomy tube. Energy needs are usu-
decrease diet digestibility overall, which may ally calculated as RER using the same equation
exacerbate clinical signs. Since response to as given earlier for herbivores. Despite ferrets
fiber supplementation may be idiosyncratic, being averse to novel food items, most will read-
gradual supplementation of dietary fiber may ily accept these diets, and some may even refuse
be attempted while monitoring for a response. to transition back to their normal diet.


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a adult cats performance requirements 58–71

AA see arachidonic acid calcium 208–209 skeletal maintenance 208–210
AAFCO see Association of cardiovascular diseases 461–466 working energy requirements
American Feed Control diabetes mellitus 164–165, 46, 58, 59–62
Officials 442, 445–448 advanced congestive heart
acetabulum 214–216 feeding requirements 122 failure 473–474
acid–base balance, chronic kidney gestation 46, 51–52, 117–118 adverse events 81–82
disease 391–392 hepatic lipidosis 325–328 adverse food reactions
activity‐related energy expenditure hyperthyroidism 453–454 cutaneous 359–366
31–32, 58, 59–62 lactation 46, 51–52, 117–118 gastrointestinal
acute colitis 273–274 maintenance energy 243–246, 263–264
acute disease, gastrointestinal requirements 45–48 aging
246–254 muscle condition scores 464 and digestion 124
acute gastroenteritis osteoarthrosis 225 docosahexaenoic acid 23–24
luminal nutrition 248–252 pancreatitis 304 energy requirements
recommendations 252–254 skeletal maintenance 208–210 123–124, 126
withholding food 246–248 vitamin A excess 207 feeding requirements 122–123
acute kidney injury (AKI) vitamin D 209 and immunity 125
398–400 adult dogs and intergumentary
acute pancreatitis 302–308 calcium 208–209 system 124–125
diets 303–304, 306–308 cardiovascular diseases 467–476 and musculoskeletal system
fat restriction 303–304 diabetes mellitus 442–448 124–125
feeding routes 305–306 feeding requirements 122 nutrient requirements
feeding times 305 gestation 46, 51–52, 118–119 126–129
pathophysiology 301–302 hyperadrenocorticism patient assessment 129
ad libitum feeding 112–113 451–452 physiological changes 123–129
see also free‐choice feeding hyperthyroidism 452–453 renal failure 125
adaptation, intestinal 249 hypothyroidism 451–452 sensory deficits 125
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) lactation 46–47, 51–52, weight loss 128–129
8–9, 62–63 118–119 see also senior cats and dogs
S‐adenosylmethionine (SAMe) maintenance energy AI see adequate input
331–332 requirements 43–48 AKI see acute kidney injury
adequate input (AI) 26, 65 muscle condition scores 469 ALA see alpha‐linolenic acid
administration routes, parenteral orthopedic disease 164 alimentary hypercalcitoninism
nutrition 551–552 pancreatitis 304 192, 201–205

Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Andrea J. Fascetti,

Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, and Cecilia Villaverde.
© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Index 611

allopurinol 426 congestive heart failure 473 food‐based enrichment 577–585

alpha‐casozepine 432 enteral feeding 530 lipids 579–580
alpha‐linolenic acid (ALA) gastrointestinal health minerals 582–583
12, 22–24 250–251, 266 obesity 576–577
avian atherosclerosis 580 metabolism 106–107, 111 sources of energy 576–577
skin health 348–349 arthritis see osteoarthritis vitamins 581–582
alternative foods, recommendation ascites 336–337 water 574–575
3–4 ash values 38 azotemia 386–387, 566
amino acids assessment
avians 578–579 adult patients 122 b
basic nutrition 10 chronic kidney disease 397–398 B vitamins 14, 15
cancer 493–495 essential nutrient status 15–25 avians 581
cardiovascular disease gestating/lactating patients 119 cardiovascular diseases 463–465
465–466, 473, 474–476 growing patients 122 deficiencies 20–22
cats 106–107 home‐prepared diets exercising dogs 68
deficiencies 16–17 154–155, 158 skin health 356–358, 376
dogs 111 hyperlipidemia 449–451 testing 21–22
enteral feeding 529–530 orphaned patients 120 see also vitamin B. . .
Fanconi syndrome 115–116, 401 parenteral nutrition 547–551 back panels 99–101
home‐prepared diets 154–155 senior patients 129 BARF see bones and raw food
liver disease 320–321 weight‐loss plans 177–178 basal metabolic rates (BMR)
testing 16–17 see also diagnosis avians 575–576
aminoaciduria 115–116 assisted feeding see also basal metabolism
ammonium urate 423–426 cancer 495–497 basal metabolism 42, 60
amount to feed, healthy herbivores 600–601 avians 575–576
patients 111–112 method‐choice algorithm 530 basic nutrition 8–28
anagen defluxion 347 see also enteral nutrition; amino acids 10–12, 16–17
analysis parenteral nutrition carbohydrates 13
certificate of 142–143 Association of American Feed deficiency signs 15–22
commercial products 142–143 Control Officials energy 8–9
dietary, computer‐based 25 (AAFCO) 72, 138–139 essential nutrients 9–25
of food see food analysis food regulations 73–83 excess signs 26–27
pilot plants 146, 149 labeling claims 77–83 fats 12–13, 17–18, 22–24
ankylosis 208 labeling requirements 74–77 minerals 13–14, 18–20
antibiotics, uroliths 422–423, 426 nutrient requirements 25–26 protein 10–12, 16
antigens, dietary 243–246 asymptomatic cardiac diseases requirements 25–26
antimicrobials, hepatic 467–468 testing 15–25
encephalopathy 336 atherosclerosis, avians 579–580 vitamins 14–15
antioxidants 68, 127–128 ATP see adenosine triphosphate BCS see body condition scores
cancer 500–502 Atwater equation 37 beginning
chronic kidney disease 393–394 availability enteral feeding 525–526
congestive heart failure 472–473 ingredients 141–142 parenteral nutrition 562–563
gastrointestinal health 263, 266 pilot plants 146 behavior
hepatitis 331–332 avians 574–589 and aging 125–126
appetite stimulants 495–496 amino acids 578–579 feather‐damaging
arachidonic acid (AA) 12, 18 atherosclerosis 579–580 583–584
chronic kidney disease diets 584–585 feeding 113–114
392–393 energy requirements 575–577 beta‐carotene
skin health 348–349, 373 fatty acids 579–580 avians 582
arginine 16 feather‐damaging behaviors vitamin A synthesis 111
cancer 493 583–584 bicarbonate 299
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bile acid conjugation 106–107, 111 hypertrophic osteodystrophy gross energy 34–36
bile acids, and fiber 239 216–217 maintenance energy
bioavailability maintenance requirements requirements 42–55, 172–173
minerals 13 208–210 metabolizable energy 33–39, 40
taurine 158 periosteal growth 186 parenteral nutrition
biological value (BV) 12 phosphorus 198, 201 formulas 560
biotin see vitamin B7 remodeling 186 caloric intake 171–172
BMR see basal metabolic rates vitamin D 198–201, bone development 192–193
board certified veterinary 205–206 cancer patients 492–493
nutritionist license 6 see also orthopedic disease calorie content 33–39
body condition scores (BCS) bones and raw food (BARF) digestibility 38–39
32–33, 166–170 138 digestible energy 36
cats 167, 169 borborygmus 277 dry matter basis 103–104
dogs 166, 168 burns, energy requirements 54 from labels 101–104
exercising dogs 58–59, 61 butyrate 240–241 gross energy 34–36
body weight BV see biological value labeling requirements 75
assessing plans 177–178 nutrient concentrations
basal metabolism 42 c 103–104
caloric intake 171–172 C‐reactive protein (CRP) 485 practical equations 37–39
and cancer 484–490 cachexia Calories 8, 29
and diabetes mellitus 445–446 and cancer 484–487 calorimetry
and exercise 170, 176 cardiac 468–471 bomb 34
ferrets 603–604 CAFR see cutaneous adverse food direct 39–40
health consequences 164–165 reactions of food 34
herbivores 598 calciotropic hormones 189–191 indirect 40–42
increasing awareness 165–171 calcitonin (CT) 189, 191 respiratory quotient 41
maintenance energy calcitriol 201, 389 calorimetry chamber method 41
requirements 42–53 calcium cancellous bone 186
management 163–185 avians 582–583 cancer 484–515
neutering 170–171 bone development 192, amino acids 493–495
optimal 166 193–198, 201–205 antioxidants 500–502
performance energy bone maintenance 208–209 assisted feeding 495–497
requirements 59, 61–62 calcitonin 189, 191 caloric intake 492–493
resting energy expenditure 42 deficiencies 18, 193–198 energy requirements
risk factors 170–171 excess 192, 201–205 54, 490–492
weight‐loss plans 172–180 hormonal regulation 189–192 fatty acids 497–498
bomb calorimetry 34 parathyroid hormone 189–192 ferrets 605
bones renal insufficiency 209 malnutrition 484–490
calciotropic hormones 189–191 sources 13 metabolism 485–487, 497
calcium 192, 193–198, storage 187 nutritional fads 502–503
201–205, 208–209 testing 18 nutritional management
chemical composition 187–188 vitamin D 190–191 490–504
chronic kidney disease 387–389 calcium carbonate crystals and obesity 487–490
composition 186–192 599–600 protein 493–495
deficiencies in vitamins 193–201 calcium oxalate crystals 413–420 raw foods 503
elbow dysplasia 211–213 calculation supplements 493–495,
endochondral ossification 186 caloric distribution 102–103 497–498, 502–503
excesses of vitamins 201–206 caloric intake 171–172 vitamin D 498–500
growth and development digestible energy 36 canines see dogs, adult dogs
192–208 exercising energy canning lines 146
hip dysplasia 213–216 expenditure 60–61 capromorelin 496
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Index 613

carbohydrates omega‐3 therapy 23 nutritional derangements

basic nutrition 13 osteoarthrosis 225 262–264
diabetes mellitus 444–446 vitamins 106–111 protein‐losing 270
home‐prepared diets 156 see also adult cats; kittens treatment strategies 264–270
liver disease 320–321 Cavalier King Charles spaniels chronic hepatitis 336–337
parenteral nutrition 556–557 427 chronic kidney disease
weight‐loss plans 174 caviomorphs 590–602 (CKD) 384–397
see also fiber see also small mammalian acid–base balance 391–392
cardiac cachexia 468–471 herbivores antioxidants 393–394
cardiomyopathy CCK see cholecystokinin azotemia 386–387
dilated 465–466 Center for Veterinary Medicine concurrent diseases 396–397
hypertrophic 462–465 (CVM) 72, 73, 82–83 efficacy 395–396
cardiovascular diseases central parenteral nutrition electrolytes 389–391
461–483 (CPN) 399–400, 551, endothelial cells 394–395
asymptomatic 467–468 552–553 energy requirements 53, 385
atherosclerosis 579–580 certificate of analysis (COA) fiber 393
avians 579–580 142–143 home‐prepared diets 397
cachexia 468–471 cGMPs see current Good long‐chain fatty acids 392–393
cats 461–466 Manufacturing Practices monitoring 397–398
dilated cardiomyopathy checklists, diet history 171 phosphate 387–389
465–467 chelation, copper 330–331 potassium 390–391
dogs 467–476 chemical composition, bone protein 385–387
general issues 476–478 187–188 sodium 389–390
hypertension 467, 476 chenodeoxycholic acid 239 uremia 386–387
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy chewing, and periodontal water 384
462–465 disease 255–256 chronic pancreatitis 308–309
minerals 465, 467, 472, 476 CHF see congestive heart failure cirrhosis
nutrients of concern chinchillas 590–602 copper toxicity 328–332
471–476, 477 critical care nutrition 600–602 malnutrition 324
vitamins 463–465, 475–476 dental disease 597–598 metabolic alterations 319–324
l‐carnitine 68–69, 327–328, 475 diseases 597–600 nutritional management
carotenoids 14 gastrointestinal diseases 599 324–337
cartilage, osteoarthrosis general nutrition 590–597 claims
218–225 lower urinary tract disease 599 labeling regulations 77–83,
cat food, metabolizable energy malocclusion 597–598 87, 138–139
38–39 obesity 598 product brochures and
catheters, parenteral nutrition resting energy requirements guides 103–105
552–553 601–602 client education 2
cats chloride weight 165–171
aging 122–129 deficiencies 18–19 clinical testing, essential
amino acids 106–107 sources 13 nutrients 15–25
body condition scores 167, 169 testing 18–19 CN see central parenteral
cardiovascular diseases 461–466 cholecalciferol 198 nutrition
diabetes mellitus 164–165 cholecystokinin (CCK) 299 COA see certificate of analysis
essential nutrients 106–111 choline 10, 22 cobalamin see vitamin B12
growth requirements 47, 48–51, chromium 447 coenzyme Q10, cardiac disease
52–53, 119–122 chronic colitis 274–275 475
maintenance energy chronic diseases, cognition, docosahexaenoic acid
requirements 45–48 gastrointestinal 254–279 23–24
muscle condition scores 464 chronic enteropathy 261–270 colitis 273–275
neutering 121–122 dietary antigens 263–264 combustible gas 35
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614 Index

commercial diets 136–150 sodium 472 clinical signs 360–361

consistency 143–144 consistency, pet foods 143–144 diagnosis 362
continuous improvement contact requirements, food diets 362–366
149–150 labels 76, 101 cutaneous xanthomatosis 366
digestibility 149 continuous improvement, CVM see Center for Veterinary
formulation software 144–145 commercial products 149–150 Medicine
functionality 147 contraindications, enteral cyanocobalamin 328
guaranteed analysis nutrition 518–519 cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX2) 497
targets 146–147 contrast material 534 cyproheptadine 495
ingredient availability and conversion, nutrient cysteine 10
cost 141–142 concentrations 103–104 uroliths 428–429, 604–605
ingredient databases 140–143 copper cystitis
ingredient declarations chelation 330–331 crystal‐related 412–431
144, 147 deficiencies 19, 354 idiopathic 431–432
ingredient procurement 143 hepatotoxicity 328–332 infections 433
labeling 138–139, 147, 149 pharmacologic reduction uroliths 413–431
least cost 148–149 330–332
manufacturing equipment restriction diets 329–330 d
145–146 skin health 354 daily ration, definition 84
market segments 140 testing 19 DAR see dorsal acetabular rim
nutrient profiles 142–143 copper‐associated hepatotoxicity DCA see deoxycholic acid
palatability 148 328–332 DE see digestible energy
pilot plants 146, 149 Cori cycle 9 decision‐making
preservatives 138–139 correction factors assisted feeding 530
reconstituted 144 injured energy requirements enteral nutrition 517
regulations 140–144 54–55 deficiencies
shelf life 147–148 maintenance energy amino acids 16–17
sustainability 143 requirements 46–55 calcium 193–198
types of product 136–138 protein 35, 36–37 chloride 18–19
and weight gain 170 cost, ingredients 141–142 choline 22
companion avian species see avians cost engineering, commercial copper 19, 354
complementary feed 84, 86–87, 96 foods 148–149 essential nutrients 15–22
complete feed 84, 86–87 country of origin declarations fat‐soluble vitamins 20
composition, of bone 186–192 76–77 fats 17–18
compound feed 84, 86–87 COX2 see cyclooxygenase‐2 fatty acids 348–350
compound uroliths 429–430 cranberries 433 iodine 19–20
compounding, parenteral critical care nutrition iron 19
nutrition 561–562 enteral nutrition 515–545 magnesium 18
computer analysis ferrets 606 manganese 19
commercial formulations herbivores 600–602 minerals 18–20
144–145 parenteral nutrition 545–573 phosphorus 198, 201
diets 25 refeeding syndrome 534–535 potassium 18, 400
conditionally essential CRP see C‐reactive protein protein 16, 346–348, 578
nutrients 10 crude fiber 38–39 selenium 19
congestive heart failure crystals see uroliths sodium 18
(CHF) 468–474 CT see calcitonin vitamin A 20, 354–355
antioxidants 472–473 current Good Manufacturing vitamin B1 20–21
cachexia 468–471 Practices (cGMPs) vitamin B2 21, 357
fatty acids 471–472 73, 141–142 vitamin B3 21, 357–358, 376
minerals 472 cutaneous adverse food reactions vitamin B5 21
omega‐3 fatty acids 471–472 (CAFR) 359–366 vitamin B6 368
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Index 615

vitamin B7 22, 357 DHA see docosahexaenoic acid chronic kidney disease 384–397
vitamin B9 22 diabetes mellitus (DM) chronic pancreatitis 308–309
vitamin B12 21, 262–263, 312, cats 164–165 commercial 136–150
322–323, 328, 368 chromium 447 computer analysis 25
vitamin C 216–217 cutaneous xanthomatosis 366 congestive heart failure 471–474
vitamin D 20, 198–201, 323 digestible copper restricted 329–330
vitamin E 20, 323, 355–356 carbohydrates 444–446 cutaneous adverse food
vitamin K 20, 323 energy requirements 442 reactions 362–366
vitamins 20–22 fats 444 diabetes mellitus 441–448
water‐soluble vitamins 20–22 fiber 442–444, 447 dilated cardiomyopathy 465–466
zinc 19, 323–324, 350–354, fluid requirements 441–442 elimination 362–366
372, 376 minerals 446–447 energy content
degradation of commercial nutritional calculation 33–39, 40
foods 147–148 management 441–448 enteral feeding 526–531
dental disease 597–598 and obesity 445–446 exocrine pancreatic
deoxycholic acid (DCA) protein 444 insufficiency 310–312
239, 373–375 vitamins 446–447 feline idiopathic
dermatology 345–387 diagnosis hypercalcemia 454–455
and aging 124–125 cutaneous adverse food gastrointestinal tract
copper deficiencies 354 reactions 362 effects 235–246
diet evaluation 345–346 enteral nutrition need 516–519 hepatic
dog food‐associated 358–359 hyperlipidemia 449 encephalopathy 334–336
essential fatty acids 348–350, parenteral nutrition 547–551 home‐prepared 150–160, 397
372–376 see also assessment; testing hydrolyzed 363–364
food allergies 359–366 diagnostic laboratories 25 hypercalcemia 454–455
lethal acrodermatitis 353–354 see also testing hyperlipidemia 448–451
nutritional deficiencies diarrhea hypertension 467, 476
346–359 enteral feeding 536 hyperthyroidism 452–454
nutritional supplements idiopathic large‐bowel 275–276 hypertrophic
372–377 diatetic pet food 84, 90–95 cardiomyopathy 462–465
protein deficiencies 346–348 dichloroacetic acid 68 hypothyroidism 451–452
superficial necrolytic diet history 32–33 immune responses 243–246
dermatitis 366–372 checklist 171 maintenance energy
vitamin A 354–355, 376 forms 108–110 requirements 39–55
vitamin B2 357 dietary antigens 243–246, 263–264 matrix‐crystalline urethral
vitamin B3 357–358, 376 Dietary Supplement Health and plugs 430–431
vitamin B5 376 Education Act of 1994 moisture content 136–138
vitamin B6 368 (DSHEA) 79 orthopedic 208–211
vitamin B7 357, 376 dietary supplements osteoarthrosis 218–225
vitamin B12 368 definitions 72–73 pancreatitis 303–304, 306–309
vitamin C deficiency 358 EU regulations 86–87 periodontal
vitamin E 355–356, 377 recommendation 4 disease 256–257, 258–259
wound healing 347 US regulations 78–79, 81–82 raw food 138, 158–160
xanthomatosis 366 see also supplements selection 116–117
zinc 350–354, 372, 376 diets 136–162 short bowl syndrome 271–273
descriptive terms, labeling 77–78, acute kidney injury 399–400 skin health 362–366, 372–377
138–139 acute pancreatitis urinary tract infections 432
development 303–304, 306–308 urolith‐reducing 413–431
bone 192–208 avians 584–585 weight‐loss plans 173–175
excess energy intake 192–193 cancer 490–504 see also food analysis; nutritional
malnutrition 192 chronic hepatitis 336–337 management
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digestibility 38–39, 124, 149 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 12, e

digestible carbohydrates see 22–24, 497–498 early‐age neutering 121–122
carbohydrates aging 23–24, 127–128 ED see elbow dysplasia
digestible energy (DE) 31, 36 chronic kidney disease 392–393 education, clients 2
digestion cognition 23–24 efficacy
and aging 124 glomerular disease 400 chronic kidney disease
enzyme replacement therapy puppy development 23 treatment 395–396
310–312 skin health 349 weight‐loss plans 177–178
exocrine pancreatic dog chews 83 EFSA see European Food Safety
diseases 299–318 see also treats Authority
pancreatitis 300–309 dog food eicosapentaenoic acid
digestive enzymes 299 dermatosis 358–359 (EPA) 12, 22–24
dilated cardiomyopathy 465–466 metabolizable energy 38–39 chronic enteropathy 267–269
direct calorimetry 39–40 vitamin A 208 chronic kidney disease
discontinuation dogs 392–393
enteral nutrition 537 aging 122–129 glomerular disease 400
parenteral nutrition 568 amino acids 111 skin health 373–375
disease states body condition scores 166, 168 elbow dysplasia (ED) 211–213
acute kidney injury 398–400 cardiovascular diseases 467–476 electrolytes
cancer 484–515 essential nutrients 68, 111 chronic kidney disease
cardiovascular 461–483, growth requirements 47, 48–51, 389–391
579–580 52–53, 119–122 exercising dogs 67–68
chronic kidney disease 384–397 hypertrophic osteodystrophy parenteral nutrition 557–558,
dermatology 345–387 216–217 565–566
diabetes mellitus 164–165, maintenance energy elimination diets 362–366
366, 441–448 requirements 43–45, 47–48 ending
endocrine 441–460 metabolism 62–64 enteral feeding 537
exocrine pancreatic 299–318 muscle condition scores 469 parenteral nutrition 568
feline idiopathic hypercalcemia neutering 121–122 endochondral ossification 186
454–455 omega‐3 therapy 22–23 endocrine diseases 441–460
ferrets 603–606 orthopedic disease 164 and cancer 485–486
gastrointestinal 235–298 vitamins 111 diabetes mellitus 164–165,
glomerular disease 400–401 see also adult dogs; exercising 366, 441–448
hepatobiliary 319–344 dogs; puppies feline idiopathic hypercalcemia
herbivores 597–600 dorsal acetabular rim (DAR) 214–215 454–455
hyperlipidemia 448–451 doubly labeled water method 41 hyperlipidemia 448–451
hyperthyroidism 452–454 drugs hyperthyroidism 452–454
hypothyroidism 451–452 acute kidney injury 400 hypothyroidism 451–452
lower urinary tract 412–440 appetite‐stimulating 495–496 endothelial cells, chronic kidney
maintenance energy copper reducing 330–332 disease 394–395
requirements 53–55 definition 84 energy 8–9, 30–31, 62–63
malnutrition 192, 324, labeling claims 78 and bone development 192–193
398–400, 484–490 uroliths 426 nutrient concentrations 103–104
obesity/overweight 163–185 dry food 136–137 energy budgets, exercise 60–61
orthopedic 186–234, 387–389 DSHEA see Dietary Supplement energy conversion factors 8
risk factors 164–165 Health and Education energy expenditure
skin 345–387 Act of 1994 direct calorimetry 39–40
distributor address requirements dysplasia during exercise 60–61
76, 101 elbows 211–213 indirect respiration
diuretics 333, 336–337 hips 213–216 calorimetry 40–42
DM see diabetes mellitus dysrexia 600–601 with loads 61
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metabolism 62–64 gastrointestinal diseases metabolizable energy 32–33

standing 60 251–252 weight‐loss time 177
training 61, 64 glutamine 529–530 EU see European Union
energy requirements 9, 29–57 herbivores 600–601 European Food Safety Authority
activity‐related 31–32, 58, 59–62 immunomodulation 527–531 (EFSA) 84
acute kidney disease 399 mechanical complications European Pet Food Industry
acute pancreatitis 307 532–534 Federation (FEDIAF) 84
adult cats 45–48 metabolic complications nutrient requirements 25–26
adult dogs 43–48, 58, 59–62 534–535 European Union (EU)
and aging 123–124, 126 methods 515–516 claims regulations 87
avians 575–577 pancreatitis 305–306 complementary feed 84, 86–87
from body weight 42–53, 61–62 refeeding syndrome 534–535 diatetic pet food 84, 90–95
calorimetry 39–42 timing 516–518 feed additives 84, 85, 87
cancer 490–492 enterostomy tubes 524–525 food regulations 83–96
chronic kidney disease 385 environmental enrichment general regulations 85–86
concepts 30–32 114–115 labeling regulations 87–90
diabetes mellitus 442 enzyme replacement therapy supplements 86–87
diet records 32–33 310–312 excessive nutrition
disease states 53–55 EPA see eicosapentaenoic acid calcium 192, 201–205
enteral feeding 531 EPI see exocrine pancreatic effects of 53
exercising dogs 58, 59–62 insufficiency protein 578
fasting 31 equipment signs of 26–27
ferrets 601–602, 606 commercial manufacturing vitamin A 206–208, 581–582
growth 47, 48–51, 52–53 145–146 vitamin D 205–206
hepatic lipidosis 325–326 enteral nutrition 519–525 exercise
herbivores 601–602 ergogenic nutrients 68–69 benefits of 170
maintenance 30–32, 42–53 esophageal disease 259–261 weight‐loss programs 176
metabolizable energy 31, 33–39 esophagitis 259–261 see also exercising dogs
multiplication factors 46–55 esophagostomy 305–306, 520–523 exercising dogs 58–71
parenteral nutrition 559–560 essential fatty acids (EFAs) antioxidants 68
pregnancy 46–47, 51–52 skin health 348–350, 372–376 body weight 61–62
respiratory quotient 41 see also fatty acids; omega‐3 electrolytes 67–68
terminology 30–32 fatty acids energy expenditure 60–61
units 30–31 essential nutrients 9–25 energy requirements 58, 59–62
enrichment, environmental amino acids 10–12, 16–17 feeding times 69
114–115 by group 11 fluid requirements 67
enteral nutrition 515–545 carbohydrates 13 metabolism 62–64
arginine 530 cats 106–111 nutrient requirements 62–69
beginning 525–526 deficiency signs 15–22 nutritional supplements 57–59
cancer 496–497 dogs 68, 111 stamina 61, 62, 64
case for 515 fats 12–13, 17–18, 22–24 submaximal aerobic 63–64,
complications 531–537 gastrointestinal health 235–237 65–66
contraindications 518–519 minerals 13–14, 18–20 supramaximal anaerobic 63,
decision‐making process 517 protein 10–12, 16 66–67
devices 519–525 storage pools 15 trace minerals 68
diagnosing need 516–519 testing 15–25 training 61, 64
diet choices 526–527 vitamins 14–15 types of exercise 62–64
ending 537 estimation vitamins 68
energy requirements 531 calorie content 101–102 exocrine pancreatic diseases
gastrointestinal complications maintenance energy 299–318
535–537 requirements 42–48 insufficiency 309–312
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618 Index

exocrine pancreatic diseases (cont’d) skin health 348–350, 372–376 pancreatitis 303–309
pancreatitis 300–309 sources 23 parenteral 306, 336,
pathophysiology 301–302, therapeutic uses 22–23 496–497, 545–573
309–310 feather‐damaging behaviors portion‐controlled 113
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency 583–584 raw food 138, 158–160
(EPI) 309–312 feces, gross energy 34–35 semi‐moist foods 137–138
expectations, establishing 2 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic senior patients 122–123,
extruders 145–146 Act (FFDCA) 73, 79–80 126–129
federal regulations 72–83 snacks and treats 113, 115–116
f see also food regulations supplements 119
face mask method 41 FEDIAF see European Pet Food time‐restricted meals 113
facultative thermogenesis 32 Industry Federation for weaning 120–122
Fanconi syndrome 115–116, 401 feed, definition 84 weight‐loss plans 173–175
fast‐twitch fibers 63 feed additives 84, 85, 87 feeding bowls 114
fasting, acute gastroenteritis classification 88–89 feeding directions 76, 101
248–249 feed intended for particular feeding parenteral 496–497
fasting energy expenditure 31 nutritional purposes 84 feeding times 69, 305
fat restriction, pancreatitis feed materials 84, 85, 136–138 feeding tubes see enteral nutrition
303–304 consistency 143–144 feline idiopathic cystitis
fat‐soluble vitamins 14–15 procurement 143 (FIC) 431–432
deficiencies 20 sustainability 143 feline idiopathic
testing 20 feeding hypercalcemia 454–455
fats acute kidney injury 399–400 felines see adult cats; cats
aging patients 127 acute pancreatitis 302–308 feral animals, periodontal
avians 579–580 adult patients 122 disease 255
deficiencies 17–18 amounts 111–112 fermentability, fiber 240
diabetes mellitus 444 behavior 113–114 ferrets 602–606
dietary omega‐3 22–24 cancer 495–497, 502–503 critical care nutrition 606
essential 12–13 chronic kidney disease 396 general nutrition 602
gastrointestinal health 236–237, commercial diets 136–150 inflammatory bowel
266–269 diabetes mellitus 447–448 disease 605–606
liver disease 322 diets 116–117 insulinoma 605
metabolism 62–63 dry foods 136–137 obesity 603–604
pancreatitis 303–304 enteral 251–252, urolithiasis 603–605
parenteral nutrition 555–556 305–306, 496–497 FFDCA see Federal Food, Drug, and
testing 18 enteral nutrition 515–545 Cosmetic Act
weight‐loss plans 174–175 Fanconi syndrome 115–116 fiber 13
fatty acids ferrets 606 choice 242
aging 23–24, 127–128 finicky eaters 114 chronic kidney disease 393
avians 579–580 food puzzles 115 diabetes mellitus 442–444, 447
cancer 497–498 free‐choice 112–113 fermentability 240
chronic enteropathy 267–269 gestation 117–119 gastrointestinal health 237–254
chronic kidney disease 392–393 glomerular disease 400–401 luminal adsorption 239–240
congestive heart failure 471–472 for growth 119–122 supplementation 242
dietary intake benefits 22–24 healthy patients 106–135 viscosity 239
glomerular disease 400 herbivores 600–601 weight‐loss plans 173–174
home‐prepared diets 155 home‐prepared diets 150–160 FIC see feline idiopathic cystitis
metabolites 24 lactation 117–119 finicky eaters 114
puppy development 23 moist foods 137 flatulence 277–279
ratios 24 neutering 121–122 fluid requirements
short‐chain 240–241 orphan patients 119–120 avians 574–575
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chronic kidney disease 384 food sales small intestine 261–278

diabetes mellitus 441–442 average revenue 1–2 stasis 599
exercising dogs 67 increasing sales 2–4 gastrointestinal tract (GIT) 235
Fanconi syndrome 401 formulation acute diseases 246–254
folic acid see vitamin B9 orthopedic diets 210–211 adaptation 249
follicles, aging effects 125 parenteral nutrition 560–562 chronic diseases 254–279
food software 144–145 enteral feeding complications
definition 84 weight‐loss plans 172–176 535–537
immunogenicity 245–246 fractures, energy requirements 54 fats 236–237
intolerance 243–246, free‐choice feeding 112–113 fiber 237–254
263–264, 536 frozen foods 148 glutamine 236, 265
food additives, definition 84 FSIS see Food Safety and inflammation 249–251
food allergies Inspection Service key dietary variables 235–246
dermatological conditions functionality, commercial permeability 251
359–366 products 147 protein 235–236
gastrointestinal furosemide 333 recovery 249
conditions 243–246, 263–264 short‐chain volatile fatty
food analysis g acids 240–241
caloric distribution 102–103 gamma linolenic acid (GLA) 348 gastrojejunostomy feeding
calorimery 34 gastric reflux, enteral feeding 535 tubes 524
digestibility 38–39 gastrointestinal diseases 235–298 gastrostomy tubes 305–306,
digestible energy 36 acute 246–254 522–523
gross energy 34–36 adaptation 249 generally recognised as safe
guarantees 74–75, 101, 146–147 chronic 254–279 (GRAS) 73, 79
laboratories 25 colitis 273–275 gestation 46, 51–52, 117–119
metabolizable energy 33–39 constipation 276–277 GH see growth hormone
nutrient profiles 142–143 enteral nutrition 251–252 ghrelin receptor agonists 496
pilot plants 146, 149 esophageal disease 259–261 gingival stimulation 257–258
practical equations 37–39 esophagitis 259–261 glomerular disease 400–401
protein correction fasting 248–249 glucokinase 106–107
factor 35, 36–37 fiber 237–254 glucosamine 68
reading labels 98–102 flatulence 277–279 glucose, diabetes mellitus
standard values 35–37 food intolerances 243–246, 444–445
food preferences 114 263–264 glutamine
food puzzles 115 glutamine 265 cancer 493–495
food regulations 72–97 herbivores 599 enteral feeding 529–530
commercial pet foods 140–144 idiopathic large‐bowel gastrointestinal health 236,
descriptive terms 77–78, 138–139 diarrhea 275–276 250, 265
diatetic products 84, 90–95 ileus 599 glutathione, hepatitis 331–332
dog chews 83 immune 241, 243–246, glycemic index 444–445
European Union 83–96 263–264 glycogen 62–63
labeling claims 77–83, inflammation 249–251 glycolysis 9
87, 138–139 intestinal gas 277 Gonto protocol 401
labeling requirements 74–77, large intestine 273–279 gross energy (GE) 30–31
87–90 megacolon 276–277 calculation 34–36
supplements 78–79, megaesophagus 259 in feces 34–35
81–82, 86–87 motile 259 standard values 35–37
therapeutic 79–83 periodontal 254–259 in urine 35, 36–37
United States 72–83 pre‐/pro‐biotics 264–265 growth
Food Safety and Inspection Service recovery 249 bones 192–208
(FSIS) 73 short bowel syndrome 271–273 calcium 192, 193–198, 201–205
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620 Index

growth (cont’d) hepatobiliary diseases 319–344 hydrolyzed diets 363–364

feeding requirements 119–122 chronic 336–337 hyperadrenocorticism 451–452
maintenance energy requirements copper toxicity 328–332 hyperbilirubinemia 566
47, 48–51, 52–53 encephalopathy 332–336 hypercalcemia 192,
phosphorus 198, 201 lipidosis 325–328 201–205, 454–455
skeletal development 192–208 metabolic alterations 319–324 hyperglycemia 563–565
vitamin A excess 206–208 nutritional hyperlipidemia 448–451, 565
vitamin D 198–201, 205–206 management 324–337 hyperparathyroidism 209
growth hormone (GH), skeletal hepatocutaneous syndrome hypertension 467, 476
effects 191 (HCS) 366–372 hyperthyroidism 452–454
guaranteed analysis herbivores 590–602 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
targets 146–147 critical care nutrition 600–602 (HCM) 462–465
guinea pigs 590–602 dental disease 597–598 hypertrophic osteodystrophy
critical care nutrition 600–602 diseases 597–600 (HOD) 216–217
dental disease 597–598 gastrointestinal diseases 599 hypervitaminosis
diseases 597–600 general nutrition 590–597 A 206–208, 581–582
gastrointestinal diseases 599 lower urinary tract disease 599 hypothyroidism 451–452
general nutrition 590–597 malocclusion 597–598 hypovitaminosis C 216–217
lower urinary tract disease 599 obesity 598 hypovitaminosis D 20,
malocclusion 597–598 resting energy 198–201, 323
obesity 598 requirements 601–602
resting energy requirements hereditary diseases, Fanconi i
601–602 syndrome 115–116, 401 IBD see inflammatory bowel disease
hexametaphosphate (HMP) 256 IDDM see insulin‐dependant
h high‐density lipoprotein diabetes mellitus
hair loss 125, 347–348 (HDL) 580 idiopathic cystitis 431–432
anogen defluxion 347 hip dysplasia (HD) 213–216 idiopathic enteropathy 261–262
protein deficiency 346–347 histidine 16 idiopathic large‐bowel
telogen defluxion 347 HL see hepatic lipidosis diarrhea 275–276
HCM see hypertrophic HOD see hypertrophic ileus 599
cardiomyopathy osteodystrophy immune responses
HCS see hepatocutaneous home‐prepared diets 150–160 food intolerances 243–246,
syndrome amino acids 154–155 263–264, 359–366
HD see hip dysplasia assessment 154–155, 158 intestinal 241, 243–246
HDL see high‐density lipoprotein carbohydrates 156 immune system
HE see hepatic encephalopathy chronic kidney disease 397 aging effects 125
health consequences, fatty acids 155 food intolerances 243–244
obesity 164–165 general considerations 156–158 immunogenicity, foods 245–246
healthy patients managing patients 154 immunomodulation, enteral
energy requirements 39–53 nutritional adequacy 150–153 feeding 527–531
feeding 106–135 protein 154–155 improvement, commercial
nutritional advice 5–7 supplements 156 products 149–150
see also exercising dogs taurine deficiency 154–155 indirect respiration
heat of combustion 31 hormonal regulation, calorimetry 40–42
heat increment 32 calcium 189–192 infections
hepatic encephalopathy (HE) hydration energy requirements 54
332–336 avians 574–575 enteral feeding 535
dietary protein 334–335 chronic kidney disease 384 parenteral nutrition 567–568
nonabsorbable Fanconi syndrome 401 struvite uroliths 422–423, 604
disaccharides 335–336 see also fluid requirements; see inflammation
hepatic lipidosis (HL) 325–328 also moisture content and cancer 485–486
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Index 621

gastrointestinal 249–251 kidney disease 384–412 constipation 276–277

and obesity 165 acute 398–400 flatulence 277–279
inflammatory bowel disease chronic 384–398 idiopathic diarrhea 275–276
(IBD) 261–262, 605–606 Fanconi syndrome 401 intestinal gas 277
ingredient databases 140–143 glomerular 400–401 leakage, enteral feeding 533
ingredients kilocalories (kcal) 8, 29 lethal acrodermatitis (LAD)
availability 141–142 kiloJoules (kJ) 8, 30 353–354
cost 141–142 kittens leucine 16
declarations 74, 100–101, 144, 147 growth requirements 47, 48–51, liability 81–82
functionality 147 52–53, 119–122 licensing, board certification 6
least cost 148–149 maintenance energy limiting amino acids 10–11
nutrient profiles 142–143 requirements 53 linoleic acid (LA) 12, 17–18,
presentation order 147 neutering 121–122 348–349, 373–374
regulatory considerations 141 orphaned 119–120 lipids
safety 140–141 phosphorus 198, 201 avians 579–580
shelf life 147–148 skeletal development 192–208 see also fats
initiation vitamin A excess 206–208 liver disease 319–344
enteral feeding 525–526 vitamin D 198–201 chronic hepatitis 336–337
parenteral nutrition 562–563 weaning 120 copper toxicity 328–332
injuries, maintenance energy kJ see kiloJoules encephalopathy 332–336
requirements 54–55 Kleiber’s equation 42 lipidosis 325–328
insulin‐dependant diabetes mellitus Krebs cycle 9 and malnutrition 324
(IDDM) 441 metabolic alterations 319–324
insulinoma 605 l nutritional management
intact nephron hypothesis 274 LA see linoleic acid 324–337
intended species, food labels 74 labeling load pulling, energy
intergumentary system back panels 99–101 expenditures 61
aging effects 124–125 caloric distribution 102–103 location, of food bowls 114
see also dermatology; skin calorie content 101–102 long‐chain fatty acids
intestinal gas 277 claims regulations 77–83, 87 chronic kidney disease 392–393
intestinal permeability 251 descriptive terms 77–78, see also arachidonic acid;
intolerances 138–139 docosahexaenoic acid;
enteral feeding 536 ingredient declarations 74, eicosapentaenoic acid;
food 243–246, 263–264, 359–366 100–101, 144, 147 linolenic acid
iodine 19–20 nutrient long‐distance exercise 63–64,
iron 19, 262, 582–583 concentrations 101, 103–104 66–67
iron storage disease (ISD) 583 principal display panels 73, low‐fat diets
ISD see iron storage disease 74–77, 98–99 exocrine pancreatic
isoleucine 16 reading 98–103, 138–139 insufficiency 310–311
regulatory requirements pancreatitis 303–304
j 74–77, 87–90 lower esophageal sphincter
J see joules terminology 138–139 (LES) 535–536
jejunal feeding tubes 523–525 lactation 46–47, 51–52, 117–119 lower urinary tract disease
jejunostomy feeding lactic acid 9, 63–64 412–440
tubes 305–306, 523–525 lactulose administration 335–336 calcium carbonate crystals
jerky treats, Fanconi LAD see lethal acrodermatitis 599–600
syndrome 115–116 lagomorphs 590–602 calcium oxalate crystals
joules (J) 30–31 see also small mammalian 413–420
herbivores crystal‐related 412–431
k large intestine 273–279 cysteine crystals 428–429
kcal see kilocalories colitis 273–275 herbivores 599
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622 Index

lower urinary tract disease (cont’d) guaranteed analysis targets calculation 33–39, 40
idiopathic 431–432 146–147 crude fiber 38–39
infections 433 nutrient profiles 142–143 definition 31
matrix‐crystalline urethral palatability 148 digestibility 38–39
plugs 430–431 pet food equipment 145–146 estimation 32–33, 40
struvite crystals 420–423 pilot plants 146, 149 exercising dogs 59–61
urate crystals 423–427 regulatory considerations with feces and urine 34–35
xanthine crystals 427–428 140–144 practical equations 37–39
luminal adsorption, fiber 239–240 market segments 140 protein correction factor
luminal nutrition, acute matrix‐crystalline urethral 35, 36–37
gastroenteritis 248–252 plugs 430–431 protocols 34–35
lysine 10, 11, 16 MCS see muscle condition scores without urine collection 35
MCTs see medium‐chain metaphyseal osteopathy see
m triglycerides hypertrophic osteodystrophy
Mcal see Megacalories ME see metabolizable energy methionine 10–11, 16–17
macrominerals 13, 18–19 mechanical complications microminerals (trace minerals) 14
magnesium 13, 18, 262, 472 enteral feeding 532–534 deficiencies 19–20
magnesium ammonium phosphate parenteral nutrition 566–567 exercising dogs 68
hexahydrate 420–423 mechanical stimulation, parenteral nutrition 557–558
maintenance energy gingival 257–258 testing 19–20
requirements (MER) medium‐chain triglycerides mild infections, energy
adult cats 45–48 (MCTs) 311 requirements 54
adult dogs 43–48 Megacalories (Mcal) 8, 29 milk protein hydrolysate 431–432
aging 123–124 megacolon 276–277 milk thistle 332
by body weight 39–53 megaesophagus 259 mineral and bone disorder,
calculation 42–55, 172–173 megajoules (MJ) 30 chronic kidney
concepts 30–32 megestrol acetate 495–496 disease 387–389
disease states 53–55 MER see maintenance energy mineral composition, growing
gastrointestinal health 235–246 requirement bones 188–189
gestation 46–47, 51–52 metabolic body weight 59 mineral feed 84, 87
growth 47, 48–51, 52–53 metabolic epidermal necrosis minerals 13–14
lactation 46–47, 51–52 (MEN) 366–372 acute kidney injury 399
multiplication factors 46–55 metabolism avians 582–583
skeletal health 208–210 acute kidney injury 398–400 bioavailability 13
malnutrition cancer 485–487, 497 cardiovascular diseases 465,
acute kidney disease 398–400 cats 106–111 467, 472, 476
bone development 192 chronic kidney disease 387–393 chronic kidney disease 387–391
cancer 484–490 dogs 62–64, 111 congestive heart failure 472
liver disease 324 enteral feeding deficiencies 18–20
malocclusion, herbivores 597–598 complications 534–535 diabetes mellitus 446–447
mammary tumors, and exercising dogs 62–64 exercising dogs 68
obesity 489–490 Fanconi syndrome 115–116, 401 home‐prepared diets 156
management, body liver disease 319–324 liver disease 323–324
weight 163–185 parenteral feeding macro 13, 18–19
manganese 19 complications 563–566 micro 14, 19–20
mannose 432 refeeding syndrome 534–535 parenteral
manufacturer address vitamin A 111 nutrition 557–558, 566
requirements 76, 101 metabolites, omega‐3 fatty testing 18–20
manufacturing 140–150 acids 24 trace 14
cost reduction 148–149 metabolizable energy (ME) 8 urethral plugs 430–431
formulation software 144–145 avians 576 uroliths 413–431
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Index 623

minimal requirement (MR) 26 National Animal Supplement unhealthy patients 7

minimally invasive management, Council (NASC) 73, 79 see also recommendation
uroliths 430 National Research Council (NRC) nutritional assessments
mink 602–603 exercising dogs 64–65 dietary supplements 4
see also ferrets nutrient requirements 26, 64–65 monitoring 3
mirtazapine 495 NE see net energy nutraceuticals 4
MJ see megajoules necrolytic migratory erythema options/variety 3–4
model laws, calorie content 33–37 (NME) 366–372 performing 3
modified Atwater equation 37–38 net contents declarations 76 therapeutic treats 4
moist foods 137 net energy (NE) 31 nutritional excesses
moisture content, of pet net protein utilization (NPU) 12 calcium 192, 201–205
foods 136–138 neutering 121–122, 170–171 effects of 53
monitoring niacin see vitamin B3 protein 578
chronic kidney disease 397–398 NIDDM see non‐insulin‐ signs of 26–27
parenteral nutrition 563 dependant diabetes mellitus vitamin A 206–208, 581–582
principles 3 nitric acid (NO) 250–251, 266, 473 vitamin D 205–206
motility disorders, nitrogen nutritional management
gastrointestinal 259 acute kidney disease 398–399 acute colitis 273–274
MR see minimal requirement amino acids 12 acute gastroenteritis 246–254
multilumen polyurethane nutritional requirements acute kidney injury 399–400
catheters 552–553 106–111 acute pancreatitis 302–308
multiple trauma, energy NME see necrolytic migratory asymptomatic cardiac disease
requirements 54 erythema 467–468
multiplication factors, maintenance non‐food‐processing animals 84 cancer 490–504
energy requirements 46–55 non‐insulin‐dependant diabetes chronic colitis 274–275
muscle condition scores mellitus (NIDDM) 441 chronic enteropathy 264–270
(MCS) 464, 469 non‐passerines 574–589 chronic hepatitis 336–337
muscle fibers 63 see also avians chronic kidney disease 384–397
musculoskeletal system non‐potassium‐sparing diuretics chronic pancreatitis 308–309
aging effects 124–125 333 colitis 273–275
bone composition 186–192 non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory congestive heart failure 471–474
calciotropic hormones 189–191 drugs (NSAIDs), orthopedic cutaneous adverse food
calcium 192, 193–198, disease 204, 208, 215 reactions 362–366
201–205, 208–209 nonabsorbable diabetes mellitus 441–448
chronic kidney disease 387–389 disaccharides 335–336 dilated cardiomyopathy 465–466
growth and development NPU see net protein utilization elbow dysplasia 211–213
192–208 NRC see National Research Council enteral feeding 526–531
maintenance nutrition 208–210 nutraceuticals exocrine pancreatic
orthopedic disease 186–234 and cancer 502–503 insufficiency 310–312
phosphorus 198, 201 recommendation 4 Fanconi syndrome 115–116, 401
vitamin D 198–201, 205–206 nutrient concentrations feline idiopathic
see also orthopedic disease 101, 103–104 hypercalcemia 454–455
nutrient profiles 142–143 gastrointestinal disease 246–279
n nutrient status, assessment 15–25 glomerular disease 400–401
NASC see National Animal nutritional adequacy hepatic
Supplement Council bone development 192–208 encephalopathy 334–336
nasoenteral feeding tubes 519–520 home‐prepared diets 150–153 hepatobiliary diseases 324–337
nasoesophageal feeding tubes 306 statements 75–76, 100 hip dysplasia 213–216
nasogastric feeding tubes 306 nutritional advice hypercalcemia 454–455
herbivores 600–601 healthy patients 5–7 hyperlipidemia 449–451
nasojejunal feeding tubes 524 revenue from 4–7 hypertension 467, 476
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624 Index

nutritional management (cont’d) caloric intake 171–172 ferrets 605

hyperthyroidism 452–454 and cancer 487–490 malnutrition 484–490
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy client education 165–171 nutritional fads 502–503
462–465 and diabetes mellitus 445–446 nutritional management
hypertrophic osteodystrophy dietary considerations 173–175 490–504
216–217 energy requirements 53 protein 493–495
hypothyroidism 451–452 ferrets 603–604 raw foods 503
matrix‐crystalline urethral health consequences 164–165 supplements 493–495,
plugs 430–431 herbivores 598 497–498, 502–503
orthopedic disease 210–225 and inflammation 165 vitamin D 498–500
osteoarthrosis 218–225 supplements 175 optimal body weight 166
periodontal disease 256–259 treatment time 177 organic 139
short bowel syndrome 271–273 veterinary technicians 174 orogastric tubes,
skin health 372–377 weight‐loss plans 172–180 herbivores 600–601
superficial necrolytic Official Journal of the European orphan patients, feeding 119–120
dermatitis 371–372 Union (OJEU) 85 orthopedic disease 186–234
urinary tract infections 432 omega‐3 fatty acids 12–13 bone composition 186–192
urolithiasis 413–431 aging 23–24, 127–128 calciotropic hormones 189–191
weight‐loss plans 172–180 avian atherosclerosis 580 calcium 192, 193–198, 201–205
see also diets cancer 497–498 chronic kidney disease 387–389
nutritional requirements 25–26 chronic enteropathy 267–269 deficiencies in vitamins 193–201
avians 577–585 chronic kidney disease 392–393 diet formulation 210–211
cardiovascular 471–476 cognition 23–24 dorsal acetabular rim 214–215
cats 106–111 congestive heart failure 471–472 elbow dysplasia 211–213
dogs 111 dietary intake benefits 22–24 excesses of vitamins 201–206
exercising dogs 62–69 glomerular disease 400 hip dysplasia 213–216
ferrets 602 home‐prepared diets 155 hypertrophic
gastrointestinal health 235–246 metabolites 24 osteodystrophy 216–217
gestation and lactation 117–119 puppy development 23 maintenance nutrition 208–210
hepatic lipidosis 326–327 ratios 22, 24 nutritional
herbivores 590–597 skin health 348–350, 372–376 management 210–225
parenteral nutrition 553–560 sources 23 osteoarthrosis 218–225
senior dogs and cats 126–129 therapeutic use in cats 23 phosphorus 198, 201
skeletal maintenance 208–210 therapeutic use in dogs 22–23 prevention 217–218
submaximal aerobic exercise omega‐6 fatty acids risk factors 164
63–64, 66–67 avian atherosclerosis 579–580 vitamin D 198–201, 205–206
supramaximal anaerobic canine nasal acuity 64 osteoarthritis (OA)
exercise 63, 65–66 chronic kidney disease 392 elbow dysplasia 211–213
and types of exercise 62–64 glomerular disease 400 hip dysplasia 213–216
weight‐loss plans 173–175 herbivores 595 osteoarthrosis 218–225
nutritional supplements 67–69 osteoarthritis 229 overweight cats
EU regulations 86–87 osteoarthrosis 221, 224 caloric intake 171–172
gestating/lactating patients 119 parenteral nutrition 556 client education 165–171
skin disease 372–377 ratios 22, 24 dietary considerations 173–175
US regulations 78–79, 81–82 oncologic diseases 484–515 exercise 170, 176
weight loss 175 amino acids 493–495 health consequences 164–165
antioxidants 500–502 supplements 175
o assisted feeding 495–497 targets 166
OA see osteoarthritis caloric intake 492–493 treatment time 177
obesity energy requirements 490–492 veterinary technicians 174
avians 576–577 fatty acids 497–498 weight‐loss plans 172–180
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Index 625

overweight dogs initiation 562–563 types of exercise 62–64

caloric intake 171–172 liver disease 336 vitamins 68
client education 165–171 mechanical complications periodontal disease 254–259
dietary considerations 173–175 566–567 chewing activities 255–256
exercise 59, 170, 176 metabolic complications diets 256–257, 258–259
health consequences 164, 165 563–566 feral/wild animals 255
supplements 175 minerals 557–558, 566 gingival stimulation 257–258
treatment time 177 monitoring 563 recommendations 258–259
veterinary technicians 174 nomenclature 551 periosteal growth 186
weight‐loss plans 172–180 pancreatitis 306 peripheral parenteral nutrition
patient assessment 547–551 (PPN) 551, 552–553
p protein 553–555 peritonitis, enteral feeding 533
palatability 148 PARNUTs see particular nutritional permeability, intestinal 251
pancreatic diseases purposes pet food
cobalamin 312 particular nutritional purposes caloric distribution 102–103
enzyme replacement therapy (PARNUT) 84, 90–95 claims regulations 77–83, 87
310–312 passerines 574–589 consistency 143–144
exocrine 299–318 see also avians continuous improvement
insulinoma 605 pathophysiology 149–150
pancreatitis 300–309 exocrine pancreatic cost reduction 148–149
acute 302–308 insufficiency 309–310 definition 84–85
chronic 308–309 pancreatitis 301–302 dermatosis 358–359
diets 303–309 patient outcomes, maximization 2 descriptive terms 77–78,
fat restriction 303–304 patient selection parenteral 138–139
feeding routes 305–306 nutrition 547–551 diabetic 447
pathophysiology 301–302 PDCAAS see protein digestibility diatetic 84, 90–95
panosteitis 202–204 corrected amino acid score digestibility 149
pantothenic acid see vitamin B5 PDP see principal display panels EU regulations 83–96
parathyroid hormone (PTH) pectin 580 formulation software 144–145
189–192, 209 PEG see percutaneous endoscopic functionality 147
parenteral nutrition, septic gastrostomy guaranteed analysis
complications 567–568 PER see protein efficiency ratio targets 146–147
parenteral nutrition (PN) 545–573 percutaneous endoscopic ingredient databases 140–143
acute kidney injury 399–400 gastrostomy (PEG) tubes 305 ingredient declarations 74,
administration routes 551–552 performance 58–71 100–101, 144, 147
azotemia 566 antioxidants 68 labeling design 138–139,
cancer 496–497 body weight 59, 61–62 147, 149
carbohydrates 556–557 electrolytes 67–68 labeling
catheters 552–553 energy expenditure 60–61 requirements 74–77, 87–90
complications 563–568 energy requirements 58, 59–62 manufacturing
compounding 561–562 feeding times 69 equipment 145–146
decision‐making algorithm 530 fluid requirements 67 market segments 140
electrolytes 557–558, 565–566 metabolism 62–64 moisture content 136–138
energy requirements 559–560 nutrient requirements 62–69 nutrient
fats 555–556 nutritional supplements 67–69 concentrations 101, 103–104
formulation calculations 560 stamina 61, 62, 64 palatability 148
herbivores 601 submaximal aerobic 63–64, pilot plants 146, 149
history of 546–547 66–67 preservatives 138–139
hyperbilirubinemia 566 supramaximal anaerobic 63, product brochures and
hyperglycemia 563–565 65–66 guides 103–105
hyperlipidemia 565 trace minerals 68 reading labels 98–103
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626 Index

pet food (cont’d) premixtures 85 PUFAs see polyunsaturated

recommendation 81–82, 95–96 presentation order, ingredients fatty acids
reconstitution 144 147 puppies
shelf life 147–148 preservatives 138–139 calcium 192, 193–198, 201–205
sustainability 143 prevention, orthopedic disease growth requirements 47, 48–51,
terminology 138–139 217–218 52–53, 119–122
types 136–139 principal display panels hypertrophic osteodystrophy
US regulations 72–83 (PDP) 73, 74–77, 98–99 216–217
weight‐loss plans 173–175 proanthocyanidins 432, 433 maintenance energy
pet/pet animal, definition 85 probiotics 264–265 requirements 47, 52
pharyngostomy feeding tubes 520 procurement, of pet food 143 neutering 121–122
phenylalanine 17 product brochures and guides orphaned 119–120
phosphate, chronic kidney 103–105 panosteitis 202–204
disease 387–389 product naming 74, 99 phosphorus 198, 201
phosphorus protein skeletal development 192–208
acute kidney injury 399 acute kidney injury 398–399 vitamin D 198–201, 205–206
deficiencies 18, 198, 201 aging patients 126–127 weaning 120–121
excess intake 108 as an energy source 9 purine crystals 423–428
sources 13 basic nutrition 10–12 pyridoxine see vitamin B6
testing 18 cancer 493–495 pyrimidine crystals 428–429
physiology, changes while aging chronic kidney disease 385–387
123–129 correction factor 35, 36–37 q
Pickwickian syndrome 165 deficiencies 16, 346–348 quality, of protein 12
pilot plants 146, 149 Fanconi syndrome 115–116, 401
placement, parenteral feline requirements 106 r
catheters 552–553 gastrointestinal RA see recommended allowance
placing on the market 85 health 235–236, 262 rabbits 590–602
PN see parenteral nutrition glomerular disease 400–401 critical care nutrition 600–602
poisoning 206 hair loss 347–348 dental disease 597–598
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) hepatic encephalopathy diseases 597–600
chronic enteropathy 267–269 334–335 gastrointestinal diseases 599
skin health 348–350, 372–376 hepatic lipidosis 326–327 general nutrition 590–597
see also omega‐3 fatty acids home‐prepared diets 154–155 lower urinary tract disease 599
polyurethane catheters 552–553 liver disease 320–321, 326–327 malocclusion 597–598
portion‐controlled feeding 113 long‐distance exercise 66 obesity 598
portosystemic shunts 332–336, parenteral nutrition 553–555 resting energy requirements
423–426 quality 12 601–602
postgastric feeding 523–525 skeletal development 213 rat poison ingestion 206
potassium skin health 346–348 ratios, omega‐3 fatty acids 24
acute kidney injury 399 testing 16 raw food 138, 155, 158–160, 503
chronic kidney disease 390–391 protein digestibility corrected reading labels 98–103
congestive heart failure 472 amino acid score recommendation
deficiencies 18, 400 (PDCAAS) 12 aging patients 128–129
Fanconi syndrome 400 protein efficiency ratio (PER) 12 dietary supplements 4, 81–82
hepatic lipidosis 327 protein‐losing enteropathies 270 nutraceuticals 4
sources 13 proteins, avians 578–579 options 3–4
testing 18–19 protocols, dietary metabolizable in practice 81–82, 95–96
practice sustainability 2 energy 34–35 therapetic treats 4
prebiosis 237–254 psittacines 574–589 therapeutic foods 2, 81–82
prebiotics 264–265 see also avians see also nutritional advice;
pregnancy 46, 51–52, 117–119 PTH see parathyroid hormone nutritional assessments
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recommended allowance (RA) 26 s skin 345–387

reconstitution 144 safety and aging 124–125
recovery, intestinal 249 ingredients 140–141 copper deficiencies 354
refeeding syndrome 534–535 weight‐loss plans 177–178 diet evaluation 345–346
reflux, enteral feeding 535 SAMe see S‐adenosylmethionine dog food 358–359
regulations 72–97 sampling, feces and urine 34–35 essential fatty acids 348–350,
commercial pet foods 140–144 SBS see short bowel syndrome 372–376
diatetic pet food 90–95 SCFAs see short‐chain volatile food allergies 359–366
European Union 83–96 fatty acids lethal acrodermatitis 353–354
ingredients 141 secondary hyperlipidemia nutritional deficiencies 346–359
labeling claims 77–83, 448–449 protein deficiencies 346–348
87, 138–139 selection, parenteral catheters superficial necrolytic
labeling requirements 74–77, 552–553 dermatitis 366–372
87–90 selenium, testing 19 therapeutic diets 377–378
United States 72–83 self‐feeding 112–113 vitamin A 354–355, 376
regurgitation, enteral feeding 536 see also free‐choice feeding vitamin B2 357
remodeling of bone 186 self‐inflicted feather damage vitamin B3 357–358, 376
renal failure 583–584 vitamin B5 376
and aging 125 semi‐moist foods 137–138 vitamin B6 368
energy requirements 54 senior dogs and cats vitamin B7 357, 376
renal insufficiency, calcium 209 assessment 129 vitamin B12 368
renal secondary behavioral changes 125–126 vitamin C 358
hyperparathyroidism 209 digestion 124 vitamin E 355–356, 377
requirements, energy 9 energy requirements 123–124 wound healing 347
RER see resting energy requirements feeding requirements 122–123 xanthomatosis 366
resection, bowels 271–273 immunity 125 zinc 350–354, 372, 376
respiration, indirect calorimetry musculoskeletal system 124–125 slow‐twitch fibers 63
40–42 nutrient requirements 126–129 small intestine 261–278
respiratory failure, energy physiological changes 123–129 food intolerances 263–264
requirements 54 recommendations 128–129 nutritional derangements
respiratory quotient (RQ) 41, 59 renal failure 125 262–264
resting energy requirements (RER) sensory deficits 125 small mammalian carnivores
adult cats 45 skin and hair changes 124–125 602–606
adult dogs 43–45 weight loss 128–129 critical care nutrition 606
ferrets 601–602, 606 sensory system, aging effects 125 general nutrition 602
herbivores 601–602 sepsis 54, 567–568 inflammatory bowel disease
injured animals 53–55 shelf life 147–148 605–606
Kleiber’s equation 42 short bowel syndrome insulinoma 605
retinyl esters 206 (SBS) 271–273 urolithiasis 603–605
retorting lines 146 short‐chain volatile fatty acids small mammalian
revenue (SCFAs) 240–241 herbivores 590–602
food sales 1–4 short‐distance exercise 63, 65–66 critical care nutrition 600–602
from nutritional advice 4–7 silybin/silymarin extracts 332 dental disease 597–598
riboflavin see vitamin B2 skeletal system diseases 597–600
rickets 198–201 bone composition 186–192 gastrointestinal diseases 599
risk factors calciotropic hormones 189–191 general nutrition 590–597
obesity‐related 164–165 deficiencies in vitamins lower urinary tract disease 599
weight gain 170–171 193–201 malocclusion 597–598
romance copy 77–83 excesses of vitamins 201–206 obesity 598
rough terrain 61 maintenance nutrition 208–210 resting energy requirements
RQ see respiratory quotient see also orthopedic disease 601–602
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628 Index

snacks, feeding 113, 115–116 cardiac diseases 471–476 potassium 18–19

SND see superficial necrolytic diabetes mellitus 447 protein deficiency 348
dermatitis enzymes 310–312 protein status 16
sodium EU regulation 86–87 selenium 19
cardiovascular disease 465, 472 feline idiopathic cystitis sodium 18
chronic kidney disease 389–390 431–432 vitamin A 20
congestive heart failure 472 fiber 242 vitamin B1 21
deficiencies 18 gestation and lactation 119 vitamin B2 21
hypertension 467, 476 home‐prepared diets 156 vitamin B3 21
sources 13 skin disease 372–377 vitamin B5 21
testing 18 urinary tract infections 432 vitamin B9 22
sources US regulation 78–79, 81–82 vitamin B12 22
avian nutrition 576–577 weight loss 175 vitamin D 20
B vitamins 14 supramaximal anaerobic vitamin E 20
omega‐3 fatty acids 23 exercise 63, 65–66 vitamins 20–22
sparing nutrients 10 surgery, energy requirements 54 water‐soluble vitamins 20–22
spironolactone 336–337 surgical management, zinc 19
spoiling 147–148 uroliths 430 therapeutic foods
sports drinks 67–68 sustainability 143 skin health 377–378
stamina 61, 62, 64 synovial fluid 215 US regulations 79–83
standard gross energy therapeutic treats,
values 35–37 t recommendation 4
standing energy expenditure 60 tailoring, weight‐loss plans 176 thiamin see vitamin B1
starting see initiation targeting, optimal body threonine 17
state regulations 72–73 weight 166 time of feeding, exercising dogs 69
see also food regulations taurine 10, 17 time‐restricted meal feeding 113
statement of identity 74 bioavailability 158 timing, enteral nutrition 516–518
sterile struvite 421–422 canine metabolism 107 TLORs see transient lower
stool quality studies, commercial cardiovascular health esophageal relaxations
formulations 149 465–466, 475–476 tocopherols/tocotrienols 14–15
stopping see ending feline metabolism 106–107 see also vitamin E
storage, calcium 187 home‐prepared diets 154–155 total calories 102
storage pools, essential raw diets 155 total parenteral nutrition
nutrients 15 TCA cycle see tricarboxylic (TPN) 551
stress acid cycle TPN see total parenteral nutrition
facultative thermogenesis 32 telogen defluxion 347 trace minerals (microminerals) 14
feline idiopathic terminology, pet food 138–139 deficiencies 19–20
cystitis 431–432 testing exercising dogs 68
struvite crystals 420–423, 603–604 amino acids 16–17 parenteral nutrition 557–558
submaximal aerobic exercise chloride 18–19 testing 19–20
63–64, 66–67 choline 22 training
sugars see carbohydrates copper 19 and exercise 61, 64
sulfur amino acids 10–11 essential nutrients 15–25 importance of 64
superficial necrolytic dermatitis fat‐soluble vitamins 20 transient lower esophageal
(SND) 366–372 fats 18 relaxations (TLORs) 260
supplements iodine 20 trauma, energy requirements 54
acute kidney disease 399 iron 19 treats
aging patients 127–128 laboratories 25 Fanconi syndrome 115–116
avian atherosclerosis 580 magnesium 18 feeding 113, 115–116
cancer 493–495, 497–498, manganese 19 therapeutic 4
502–503 minerals 18–19 tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle 9
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Index 629

tripolyphosphate (TPP) 256 recommended concentrations vitamins 14–15

tryptophan 17 208 avians 581–582
l‐tryptophan 432 skin health 354–355, 376 cancer 498–500
synthesis 111 canine requirements 111
u testing 20 cardiovascular diseases
unhealthy patients vitamin B1 (thiamin) 21, 463–465 463–465, 475–476
energy requirements 53–55 vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 21, 357 deficiencies 20–22, 193–201
nutritional advice 7 vitamin B3 (niacin) 21, degradatation 148
see also disease states; specific 357–358, 376 dermatology 354–358
conditions. . . vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) diabetes mellitus 446–447
United States Food and Drug 21, 376 excesses 201–206
Administration (FDA), food vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 68, 368 fat‐soluble 14–15
regulations 73–83 vitamin B7 (biotin/vitamin H) 22, feline requirements 106–111
United States (US) 357, 376 home‐prepared diets 156
dog chews 83 vitamin B9 (folic acid) 22, 262–263 liver disease 322–324
food regulations 72–83 vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 14 testing 20–22
labeling claims 77–83 deficiencies 21, 262–263, 312, water‐soluble 14
labeling requirements 74–77 322–323, 328, 368 vomiting, enteral feeding 536
regulatory oversight 73–74 gastrointestinal health 262–263
supplements 78–79, 81–82 liver disease 322–323, 328 w
therapeutic foods 79–83 pancreatic disease 312 water
units 8, 30–31 skin health 368 avians 574–575
urate crystals 423–427 testing 22 chronic kidney disease 384
uremic syndrome 386–387, 398 vitamin C 14 Fanconi syndrome 401
urethral plugs 430–431 deficiencies 216–217, 358 see also fluid requirements;
uric acid 423–427 liver disease 323 moisture content
urinary tract infections 433 periodontal disease 257 water‐soluble vitamins 14, 15
urolithiasis 413–431 skin health 358 deficiencies 20–22
calcium carbonate 599–600 vitamin D 14 testing 20–22
calcium oxalate 413–420 avians 581 weaning 120–122
compound 429–430 bone growth 198–201, 205–206 weight gain
cysteine 428–429, 604–605 calcium regulation 190–191 and diabetes mellitus 445–446
ferrets 603–605 cancer 498–500 risk factors 170–171
herbivores 599 cardiovascular health 475–476 see also weight‐loss plans
purines 423–428 deficiencies 20, 198–201, 323 weight loss, aging
pyrimidines 428–429 excess 205–206 patients 128–129
struvite 420–423, 603–604 liver disease 323 weight‐loss plans 172–180
surgical management 430 metabolism 111 adjustment 178–180
urate 423–427 orthopedic disease 198–201, assessment 177–178
xanthine 427–428 205–206 caloric intake 171–172
US see United States rat poison 206 dietary considerations 173–175
testing 20 efficacy 177–178
v vitamin E 14–15 exercise 170, 176
valine 17 avians 581 ferrets 603–604
veterinary technicians, obesity deficiencies 20, 355–356 formulation 172–176
management/prevention 174 liver disease 323, 331 safety 177–178
viscosity, fiber 239 skin health 355–356, 377 supplements 175
vitamin A 14 testing 20 tailoring 176
avians 581–582 vitamin H 22 time needed 177
deficiencies 20, 354–355 see also vitamin B7 wild animals, periodontal
excess 206–208, 581–582 vitamin K 14, 20, 263, 323 disease 255
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630 Index

withholding food, acute nutritional supplements 67–69 z

gastroenteritis 246–248 short‐distance exercising zinc
working dogs 58–71 63, 65–66 avians 582–583
antioxidants 68 stamina 61, 62, 64 and copper reduction 330
body weight 61–62 trace minerals 68 deficiencies 19, 323–324,
electrolytes 67–68 training 61, 64 350–354, 372, 376
energy expenditure 60–61 vitamins 68 gastrointestinal health 263
energy requirements 58, 59–62 wound healing, protein liver disease 323–324, 330
feeding times 69 deficiency 347 skin health 350–354, 372, 376
fluid requirements 67 testing 19
long‐distance exercising x zymogens 299
63–64, 66–67 xanthine crystals 427–428
nutritional requirements 62–69 xanthomatosis, cutaneous 366

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