5-Effect of Low-Dose Ferrous Sulfate Vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex On Hemoglobin Concentration in Young Children With Nutritional Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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JAMA | Original Investigation

Effect of Low-Dose Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide

Complex on Hemoglobin Concentration in Young Children
With Nutritional Iron-Deficiency Anemia
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Jacquelyn M. Powers, MD, MS; George R. Buchanan, MD; Leah Adix; Song Zhang, PhD; Ang Gao, MS; Timothy L. McCavit, MD, MS

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) affects millions of persons worldwide, and is
associated with impaired neurodevelopment in infants and children. Ferrous sulfate is the
most commonly prescribed oral iron despite iron polysaccharide complex possibly being
better tolerated.

OBJECTIVE To compare the effect of ferrous sulfate with iron polysaccharide complex on
hemoglobin concentration in infants and children with nutritional IDA.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Double-blind, superiority randomized clinical trial of

infants and children aged 9 to 48 months with nutritional IDA (assessed by history and
laboratory criteria) that was conducted in an outpatient hematology clinic at a US tertiary
care hospital from September 2013 through November 2015; 12-week follow-up ended
in January 2016.

INTERVENTIONS Three mg/kg of elemental iron once daily as either ferrous sulfate drops or
iron polysaccharide complex drops for 12 weeks.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Primary outcome was change in hemoglobin over 12 weeks.
Secondary outcomes included complete resolution of IDA (defined as hemoglobin
concentration >11 g/dL, mean corpuscular volume >70 fL, reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent
>25 pg, serum ferritin level >15 ng/mL, and total iron-binding capacity <425 μg/dL at the
12-week visit), changes in serum ferritin level and total iron-binding capacity, adverse effects.

RESULTS Of 80 randomized infants and children (median age, 22 months; 55% male; 61%
Hispanic white; 40 per group), 59 completed the trial (28 [70%] in ferrous sulfate group; 31
[78%] in iron polysaccharide complex group). From baseline to 12 weeks, mean hemoglobin
increased from 7.9 to 11.9 g/dL (ferrous sulfate group) vs 7.7 to 11.1 g/dL (iron complex group),
a greater difference of 1.0 g/dL (95% CI, 0.4 to 1.6 g/dL; P < .001) with ferrous sulfate (based
on a linear mixed model). Proportion with a complete resolution of IDA was higher in the
ferrous sulfate group (29% vs 6%; P = .04). Median serum ferritin level increased from 3.0 to
15.6 ng/mL (ferrous sulfate) vs 2.0 to 7.5 ng/mL (iron complex) over 12 weeks, a greater
difference of 10.2 ng/mL (95% CI, 6.2 to 14.1 ng/mL; P < .001) with ferrous sulfate. Mean total
iron-binding capacity decreased from 501 to 389 μg/dL (ferrous sulfate) vs 506 to 417 μg/dL
(iron complex) (a greater difference of −50 μg/dL [95% CI, −86 to −14 μg/dL] with ferrous
sulfate; P < .001). There were more reports of diarrhea in the iron complex group than in the
ferrous sulfate group (58% vs 35%, respectively; P = .04).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among infants and children aged 9 to 48 months with
nutritional iron-deficiency anemia, ferrous sulfate compared with iron polysaccharide complex
Author Affiliations: Author
resulted in a greater increase in hemoglobin concentration at 12 weeks. Once daily, low-dose affiliations are listed at the end of this
ferrous sulfate should be considered for children with nutritional iron-deficiency anemia. article.
Corresponding Author: Jacquelyn
TRIAL REGISTRATION clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01904864 M. Powers, MD, MS, Baylor College of
Medicine, 6701 Fannin St, Ste 1580,
Houston, TX 77030 (jacquelyn
JAMA. 2017;317(22):2297-2304. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.6846 .powers@bcm.edu).

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Research Original Investigation Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia

ron-deficiency anemia (IDA) affected more than 1 billion
persons worldwide in 2010,1,2 including up to 3% of chil- Key Points
dren aged 1 to 2 years in the United States.3-5 The most com-
Question Is iron polysaccharide complex more effective than
mon cause of IDA in infants and young children is inadequate ferrous sulfate in improving the hemoglobin concentration in infants
dietary iron intake resulting from excessive cow milk con- and young children with nutritional iron-deficiency anemia?
sumption, prolonged breastfeeding without appropriate iron
Findings In this double-blind, randomized clinical trial that
supplementation, or both. It typically occurs in infants and
included 80 patients, those who received ferrous sulfate for
young children when rapid growth outstrips availability of di- 12 weeks had a 1.0 g/dL greater increase in hemoglobin
etary iron. Consequences include irritability, malaise, pica, and concentration than those receiving iron polysaccharide complex.
both short- and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment.6-8
Meaning Among infants and young children with nutritional
Successful treatment of IDA requires recognition and cor-
iron-deficiency anemia, ferrous sulfate compared with iron
rection of the underlying etiology accompanied by iron replace- polysaccharide complex resulted in a greater increase in
ment therapy to normalize the hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin concentration at 12 weeks.
replenish iron stores. Treatment failure is common due to medi-
cation nonadherence, adverse effects related to excessive dos- Eligible patients were infants and children aged 9 to 48
ing, and lack of evidence-based management guidelines.9 Few months with a diagnosis of nutritional IDA resulting from ex-
randomized clinical trials inform the selection of iron prepara- cessive cow milk intake of greater than 720 mL per day, breast-
tion, dosage schedule, and duration of therapy, irrespective of feeding without iron supplementation, or both. Given that ra-
the underlying etiology, age, or sex of affected individuals.10,11 cial and ethnic minority groups are disproportionately affected
In infants and young children, standard dosing recommenda- by IDA, this information was collected and reported for all pa-
tions are 2 to 6 mg/kg/d of elemental iron given from 1 to 3 times tients. Data were obtained from the electronic medical rec-
daily for a duration of 3 to 6 months.12 The literature on adults ord, which contains self-reported racial and ethnic identifica-
suggests that lower therapeutic dosing strategies may be suffi- tion based on fixed categories. Iron-deficiency anemia was
cient for successful treatment.13,14 confirmed by the following hematologic indices: hemoglobin
Dozens of oral iron preparations (most of them over- concentration of 10 g/dL or less, mean corpuscular volume of
the-counter supplements) are available for IDA treatment. 70 fL or less, reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent of 25 pg or
Ferrous sulfate, an iron salt, is the standard and most com- less, and either serum ferritin level of 15 ng/mL or less or total
monly used agent to treat nutritional IDA.15,16 Alternatively, iron-binding capacity of 425 μg/dL or greater.
iron polysaccharide complex preparations containing ferric iron Patients were excluded from enrollment if they had clini-
may be prescribed due to their potentially improved tolerabil- cal or laboratory evidence of other causes of anemia (entire list
ity and better taste. Given the high prevalence of IDA in infants of eligibility criteria appears in eTable 1 in Supplement 2).
and young children, this double-blind, randomized clinical trial Receipt of a packed red blood cell transfusion for severe symp-
was designed to investigate whether an iron polysaccharide tomatic anemia at presentation did not exclude enrollment. All
complex agent was more efficacious than ferrous sulfate in patients who received a transfusion had repeat hematologic in-
increasing hemoglobin concentration in infants and children dices assessed after the transfusion to ensure eligibility.
aged 9 to 48 months with nutritional IDA. Enrolled patients were randomized with a 1:1 allocation to
receive either oral ferrous sulfate drops (15 mg/mL) or oral iron
polysaccharide complex drops (15 mg/mL). Randomization was
stratified by degree of anemia (hemoglobin concentration
≥8.0 g/dL vs <8.0 g/dL). Within each stratum, patients were
The BESTIRON study was a randomized, double-blind single- randomly assigned to either experimental group with a 1:1
center superiority trial designed to compare the efficacy of an allocation by a computer-generated randomization schedule
iron polysaccharide complex (NovaFerrum, Gensavis Phar- using permuted blocks of 4.
maceuticals LLC) vs ferrous sulfate for the treatment of nutri- Allocation concealment occurred after each participant was
tional IDA in infants and young children who were referred for formally enrolled in the trial, and all baseline measurements
care at the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. (history, physical examination, laboratory assessment) were
The institutional review board at the University of Texas completed. Implementation of the sequence generation and
Southwestern Medical Center approved the study. Written in- allocation concealment mechanism was performed by an in-
formed consent was obtained from the parents of each partici- vestigational pharmacist who had no direct contact with study
pant prior to enrollment. The study was performed and ana- patients. Trial investigators performed enrollment and all study
lyzed in accordance with the Consolidated Standards of procedures after randomization. Except for the investiga-
Reporting Trials. The trial start date was September 3, 2013, and tional pharmacist, the members of the study team were blinded
it continued through November 5, 2015. The final follow-up date to treatment allocation.
was January 28, 2016. A single protocol modification regard- Patients were prescribed a single daily dose of 3 mg/kg of
ing inclusion of laboratory criteria was made prior to the en- elemental iron administered via oral syringe by the parents or
rollment of any patients and formal institutional review board caregiver at bedtime. Daily doses were rounded up to the near-
approval was received the day after the first patient was en- est 0.5 mL. Parents or caregivers were asked not to adminis-
rolled. The study protocol appears in Supplement 1. ter other iron-containing preparations and instructed not to

2298 JAMA June 13, 2017 Volume 317, Number 22 (Reprinted) jama.com

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Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia Original Investigation Research

mix the study medication with any food or drink and specifi-
Figure 1. Enrollment, Randomization, and Follow-up of the Study Patients
cally to avoid milk intake within 1 hour of administering the
study medication. Nutritional counseling about the need to re-
81 Infants and children enrolled
duce cow milk intake to a maximum of 600 mL per day was
provided. A daily diary with the dosing instructions was given
1 Excluded (removed prior to
to parents or caregivers at each visit to record medication ad- randomization due to receiving a
packed red blood cell transfusion
ministration and adverse effects. resulting in a normal hemoglobin
Subsequent outpatient study visits were scheduled at weeks concentration)

4, 8, and 12 after enrollment to review between-interval his-

tory and perform laboratory testing (complete blood count, re- 80 Randomized
ticulocyte count, reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent, serum fer-
ritin level, serum iron level, total iron-binding capacity, and
40 Randomized to receive ferrous 40 Randomized to receive iron
blood lead level [the latter performed during week 4 only]). sulfate polysaccharide complex
Treatment failure was defined as a hemoglobin increment of less 39 Received ferrous sulfate as 40 Received iron polysaccharide
randomized complex as randomized
than 0.5 g/dL above the baseline concentration at week 8. The 1 Received iron polysaccharide
final visit at week 12 involved a comprehensive history, includ-
ing whether the study drug had been mixed with other liquids
7 Lost to follow-up 6 Lost to follow-up
or foods. Adverse effects were assessed every 2 weeks via tele- 3 Discontinued study drug and did 3 Discontinued study drug and did
phone contact and at clinic visits. At each follow-up visit, re- not complete 12-wk visita not complete 12-wk visita
2 Withdrew from study
turned medication bottles were submitted to the investiga-
tional pharmacy and the volume of unused study medication
40 Included in primary analysis 40 Included in primary analysis
was measured. Further details regarding adverse effect assess-
ment appear in the eMethods in Supplement 2.
The total number of patients screened and the reasons for exclusion
The primary outcome was the change in hemoglobin con- are not available.
centration during the 12 weeks after initiation of oral iron a
Considered a treatment failure (predefined in the study protocol as a
therapy. Secondary outcomes included the proportion of pa- hemoglobin increment <0.5 g/dL above the baseline concentration at week 8,
tients with complete resolution of IDA (defined as hemoglo- which resulted in the discontinuation of the study drug by the study team).
bin concentration >11 g/dL, mean corpuscular volume >70 fL,
reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent >25 pg, serum ferritin level surements from the same patients. The linear mixed model
>15 ng/mL, and total iron-binding capacity <425 μg/dL at the readily accommodates missing data so imputation for miss-
12-week visit), changes in other iron laboratory measures, ad- ing data was not performed.19 Changes in other continuous
verse effects, lost to follow-up rates, resolution of IDA signs measures were modeled with a similar linear mixed regres-
and symptoms, and medication adherence as measured by pa- sion method. The generalized estimation equation approach
tient diary entries and returned medication volume. was used to estimate model parameters, which accommo-
Estimates for baseline mean hemoglobin concentration of dates incomplete data and is robust against deviation from the
7.8 g/dL (SD, 1.5 g/dL) were derived from data on new pa- normality assumption.
tients with IDA seen at the Children’s Medical Center outpa- The χ2 test was used to compare categorical outcomes, in-
tient hematology clinic during the preceding 4½-year period.9 cluding the proportion of patients with a complete response,
We hypothesized that at the time of study completion there dropouts, adverse effects, and adherence measures. The per-
would be a 1-g/dL between-group difference in the mean he- centage volume of unused study medication returned at each
moglobin concentration values (ferrous sulfate: 11 g/dL; iron visit was compared using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. All tests
polysaccharide complex: 12 g/dL). The effect size of 1 g/dL was were 2-sided with a significance level of .05. Adjustment for
chosen as a clinically significant difference based on an analy- multiple comparisons of secondary end points was not per-
sis of studies evaluating IDA and neurocognitive outcomes by formed. Inference about secondary outcomes should be in-
the World Health Organization and work examining the rela- terpreted as exploratory. A post hoc between-group compari-
tionship between serum ferritin level and hemoglobin con- son of the proportion of patients who complained of abdominal
centration in young children. 17,18 We assumed a within- pain, constipation, vomiting, and diarrhea (combined gastro-
patient correlation of 0.25. Using a linear mixed model and intestinal adverse effect profile) also was conducted using the
assuming a lost to follow-up rate of 25%,9 the accrual goal was χ2 test. All analyses were performed using SAS version 9.4
40 patients per group (80 total) to allow for a 2-sided type I (SAS Institute Inc).
error of .05 at 80% power.
We hypothesized that iron polysaccharide complex would
result in a greater hematologic response compared with fer-
rous sulfate as measured by change in hemoglobin concentra-
tion over 12 weeks. The primary analysis consisted of a linear The trial enrolled 81 eligible study patients, of whom 80 were
mixed regression model in an intention-to-treat population. randomized (40 in the ferrous sulfate group and 40 in the
It included treatment and time as covariates and patient ran- iron polysaccharide complex group; Figure 1). The baseline demo-
dom effects to account for correlation among longitudinal mea- graphic characteristics, laboratory values, and the percentage

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Research Original Investigation Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics

Ferrous Sulfate Iron Polysaccharide
Group (n = 40)a Complex Group (n = 40)a
Age at enrollment, median (range), mo 22 (10-37) 23 (11-34)
Female sex 18 (45) 18 (45)
Hispanic white 23 (58) 26 (65)
Non-Hispanic white 4 (10) 3 (8)
Black 5 (13) 4 (10)
Asian 2 (5) 2 (5)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 1 (3)
>1 Race/ethnicity 6 (15) 4 (10)
Etiology of nutritional iron-deficiency anemia
Breast milk without iron supplementation 11 (27) 8 (20)
Excessive cow milk 29 (73) 32 (80)
Daily amount of cow milk, mean (SD), mL 1230 (330) 1260 (330)
Signs and symptoms of iron-deficiency anemiab
SI conversion factors: To convert
Pallor 18 (45) 18 (45)
ferritin to pmol/L, multiply by 2.247;
Decreased energy 13 (33) 16 (40) hemoglobin to g/L, multiply by 10.0;
Pica 18 (45) 21 (53) total iron-binding capacity to μmol/L,
multiply by 0.179.
Baseline values a
Data are expressed as No. (%)
Hemoglobin concentration, mean (SD), g/dL 7.9 (1.5) 7.7 (1.6) unless otherwise indicated.
Mean corpuscular volume, mean (SD), fL 60.2 (5.2) 59.7 (5.4) Percentages may not sum to 100%
Serum ferritin, median (interquartile range), ng/mL 3.0 (1.7-6.0) 2.0 (1.0-4.3) due to rounding.
Total iron-binding capacity, mean (SD), μg/dL 501 (100) 506 (85) Reported by parents or caregiver.
There were 26 infants and children
Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent, mean (SD), pg 16.8 (3.8)c 17.1 (3.8)c
for this variable in each group.
Receipt of a packed red blood cell transfusiond 10 (25) 8 (20) d
Occurred prior to study enrollment.

Figure 2. Hemoglobin Concentration Over Time

Mean Hemoglobin Concentration, g/dL

12 Ferrous sulfate



Iron polysaccharide complex


6 The error bars indicate 95% CIs.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Using a linear mixed model, there was
Time, wk a significant difference in the change
No. of patients in hemoglobin concentration over
Ferrous sulfate 40 35 31 28 time (1.0 g/dL [95% CI, 0.4-1.6 g/dL];
Iron polysaccharide complex 40 38 34 31 P < .001) between the 2 groups,
favoring ferrous sulfate.

who received a packed red blood cell transfusion prior to enroll- Primary Outcome
ment were similar for both groups (Table 1). The mean age was The mean hemoglobin concentration increased from 7.9 g/dL
23 months and 55% were male. Sixty-one percent were Hispanic to 11.9 g/dL in the ferrous sulfate group compared with an in-
white, 9% were non-Hispanic white, and 11% were black. crease from 7.7 g/dL to 11.1 g/dL in the iron polysaccharide com-
One child in the ferrous sulfate group erroneously re- plex group over 12 weeks (Figure 2). The primary outcome
ceived iron polysaccharide complex. This patient experi- (using a linear mixed model) demonstrated a significant dif-
enced treatment failure at week 8, was removed from study ference in the change in hemoglobin concentration of 1.0 g/dL
at that time, and was analyzed within the ferrous sulfate group. (95% CI, 0.4-1.6; P < .001) between the 2 groups, favoring
The other 79 patients received the intended treatment. ferrous sulfate.

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Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Secondary Outcomes

Unless otherwise indicated.
No./Total (%)a Between-Group b
Defined as hemoglobin
Ferrous Sulfate Iron Polysaccharide Difference, concentration greater than 11 g/dL,
Group Complex Group % (95% CI) P Value mean corpuscular volume greater
Complete resolution 8/28 (29) 2/31 (6) 22 (3 to 41) .04 than 70 fL, reticulocyte hemoglobin
of iron-deficiency anemiab equivalent greater than 25 pg,
Lost to follow-up 7/40 (18) 6/40 (15) 3 (−14 to 19) .76 serum ferritin level greater than
Signs and symptoms 15 ng/mL, and total iron-binding
of iron-deficiency anemia capacity less than 425 μg/dL at the
at 12 wk 12-week visit.
Resolution of pallor 21/28 (75) 26/31 (84) −9 (29 to 12) .39 c
Infant or child did not spit out
Increase in energy 25/28 (89) 27/31 (87) 2 (−14 to 18) >.99 medication.
Persistence of pica 5/27 (19) 6/31 (19) −1 (−21 to 19) .93 Measured by returned medication
Medication adherence e
Data were available for 32 in the
Successful administrationc 27/33 (82) 34/36 (94) −13 (−25 to −1) .009 ferrous sulfate group and 37 in the
Mixed medication 5/28 (18) 4/31 (13) 5 (−13 to 23) .73 iron polysaccharide complex group.
with juice or food f
Data were available for 30 in the
Doses taken, %d ferrous sulfate group and 32 in the
Wk 0-4e 93 99 −6 (−15 to 4) .25 iron polysaccharide complex group.
Wk 4-8f 94 100 −6 (−15 to 3) .18 Data were available for 28 in the
g ferrous sulfate group and 30 in the
Wk 8-12 93 98 −6 (−17 to 7) .37
iron polysaccharide complex group.

Table 3. Secondary Outcomes of Serum Ferritin Level and Total Iron-Binding Capacity
SI conversion factors: To convert
Ferrous Sulfate Group Iron Polysaccharide Complex Group
ferritin to pmol/L, multiply by 2.247;
No. of Patients Outcome No. of Patients Outcome total iron-binding capacity to μmol/L,
Serum Ferritin Level, Median (Interquartile Range), ng/mLa multiply by 0.179.
Wk 0 40 3.0 (1.7-6.0) 40 2.0 (1.0-4.3) Based on a linear mixed model,
treatment with ferrous sulfate
Wk 4 35 17.8 (9.9-24.8) 38 4.7 (3.5-12.9)
resulted in a greater difference
Wk 8 31 17.7 (12.2-25.0) 34 6.6 (3.5-12.9) of 10.2 ng/mL (95% CI, 6.2 to
Wk 12 28 15.6 (8.8-27.7) 31 7.5 (5.0-11.4) 14.1 ng/mL) over 12 weeks vs iron
polysaccharide complex (P < .001).
Total Iron-Binding Capacity, Mean (95% CI), μg/dLb
Based on a linear mixed model,
Wk 0 40 501 (469-533) 40 506 (479-533)
treatment with ferrous sulfate
Wk 4 35 413 (380-448) 38 473 (447-499) resulted in a greater difference
Wk 8 31 400 (375-425) 34 445 (418-473) of −50 μg/dL (95% CI, −86 to
−14 μg/dL) over 12 weeks vs iron
Wk 12 28 389 (360-418) 31 417 (391-444)
polysaccharide complex (P < .001).

Secondary Outcomes Adverse Effects and Events

The 59 patients who completed all study visits (28 in the fer- The adverse effect profiles demonstrated significantly more par-
rous sulfate group and 31 in the iron polysaccharide complex ent reports of diarrhea with iron polysaccharide complex
group) were analyzed for the predefined complete resolution (Table 4). More parent reports of vomiting were made in the
of IDA (Table 2), which occurred in a larger proportion of pa- ferrous sulfate group; however, this difference was not statis-
tients receiving ferrous sulfate (29%, n = 8) compared with tically significant. A combined post hoc gastrointestinal ad-
those receiving iron polysaccharide complex (6%, n = 2) verse effect profile (abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, and
(P = .04). There were no significant between-group differ- diarrhea) showed no significant between-group differences.
ences in iron measurements at baseline. One patient receiving ferrous sulfate experienced a transient
The median serum ferritin level increased from 3.0 ng/mL episode of methemoglobinemia of unknown cause during
to 15.6 ng/mL in the ferrous sulfate group compared with an week 4. The patient was successfully treated with methylene
increase from 2.0 ng/mL to 7.5 ng/mL in the iron polysaccha- blue and continued in the study without recurrence.
ride complex group over 12 weeks (a greater difference of 10.2
ng/mL [95% CI, 6.2 to 14.1 ng/mL] with ferrous sulfate, P < .001; Lost to Follow-up Rates
Table 3). The mean total iron-binding capacity decreased from Sixteen percent of patients were lost to follow-up (7 [18%] in the
501 μg/dL to 389 μg/dL in the ferrous sulfate group compared ferrous sulfate group vs 6 [15%] in the iron polysaccharide com-
with a decrease from 506 μg/dL to 417 μg/dL in the iron poly- plex group; P = .72). There were no significant differences in
saccharide complex group over 12 weeks (a greater difference baseline characteristics (eTable 2 in Supplement 2) or adverse
of −50 μg/dL [95% CI, −86 to −14 μg/dL] with ferrous sulfate, effects (eTable 3 in Supplement 2) between those patients who
P < .001; Table 3). completed the study vs those who were lost to follow-up.

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Research Original Investigation Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia

Table 4. Adverse Effects

No./Total (%) Reporting Adverse Effect

Ferrous Sulfate Group Iron Polysaccharide Complex Group P Value
Difficulty in Giving Medication
Ever reported 26/40 (65) 20/40 (50) .17
Wk 2 13/30 (43) 12/30 (40) .88
Wk 4 14/35 (40) 11/38 (29) .32
Wk 6 11/22 (50) 3/22 (14) .01
Wk 8 13/31 (42) 3/34 (9) .002
Wk 10 8/18 (44) 2/20 (10) .03
Wk 12 8/28 (29) 4/31 (13) .14
Abdominal Pain
Ever reported 9/40 (23) 13/40 (33) .32
Wk 2 4/30 (13) 2/30 (7) .67
Wk 4 5/35 (14) 5/38 (13) >.99
Wk 6 4/22 (18) 2/22 (9) .66
Wk 8 4/31 (13) 4/34 (12) >.99
Wk 10 1/18 (6) 2/20 (10) >.99
Wk 12 4/28 (14) 5/31 (16) >.99
Ever reported 23/40 (58) 18/40 (45) .26
Wk 2 10/30 (33) 5/30 (17) .14
Wk 4 12/35 (34) 7/38 (18) .13
Wk 6 6/22 (27) 2/22 (9) .24
Wk 8 8/31 (26) 2/34 (6) .04
Wk 10 3/18 (17) 1/20 (5) .33
Wk 12 3/28 (11) 5/31 (16) .71
Ever reported 14/40 (35) 23/40 (58) .04
Wk 2 8/30 (27) 9/30 (30) .77
Wk 4 7/35 (20) 6/38 (16) .64
Wk 6 4/22 (18) 5/22 (23) >.99
Wk 8 4/31 (13) 5/34 (15) >.99
Wk 10 3/18 (17) 2/20 (10) .65
Wk 12 2/28 (7) 8/31 (26) .08
Ever reported 29/40 (73) 32/40 (80) .43
Wk 2 16/30 (53) 12/30 (40) .30
Wk 4 21/35 (60) 16/38 (42) .13
Wk 6 12/22 (55) 7/22 (32) .13
Wk 8 14/31 (45) 10/34 (29) .19
Wk 10 6/18 (33) 5/20 (25) .57
Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea,
Wk 12 10/28 (36) 13/31 (42) .62
or constipation.

Signs and Symptoms of IDA Via patient diaries, 78% of families reported missing no doses
Both groups had improvements in patient-centered out- of iron polysaccharide complex compared with 53% of fami-
comes such as increased energy level, decreased pica, and reso- lies in the ferrous sulfate group (P = .12).
lution of pallor that were not significantly different (Table 2). Fifty percent of parents reported difficulty with ad-
None of the patients had an elevated blood lead level at the ministration of iron polysaccharide complex at any point
week 4 study visit. in the study compared with 65% in the ferrous sulfate
group (P = .17; Table 4). Returned medication volume indi-
Medication Adherence cated no significant difference in adherence with iron poly-
Parents reported more successful administration of all indi- saccharide complex compared with ferrous sulfate. As a
vidual iron doses (ie, the child not spitting out the medica- marker of difficulty with medication administration, there
tion) with iron polysaccharide complex (94% vs 82% in the was no significant difference in the proportion of parents
ferrous sulfate group; P = .009). There were no other signifi- who reported mixing the iron preparation with juice or food
cant between-group measures for medication adherence. (Table 2).

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Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia Original Investigation Research

ach was chosen. Two prior randomized clinical trials in

Discussion children10,11 informed this minimalist strategy aimed to en-
hance adherence and limit adverse effects. One trial10 com-
In this randomized clinical trial of infants and children aged 9 pared once daily ferrous sulfate (3 mg/kg of elemental iron) with
to 48 months with nutritional IDA treated at a single aca- placebo in infants aged 12 months and demonstrated no sig-
demic medical center, ferrous sulfate drops compared with iron nificant differences in adverse gastrointestinal effects. The
polysaccharide complex drops resulted in a greater increase other trial11 conducted in rural Ghana documented similar suc-
in hemoglobin concentration at 12 weeks. Studies of neuro- cess rates in correcting anemia when ferrous sulfate was ad-
cognitive outcomes in children with IDA 17 have demon- ministered once or 3 times daily. Recommendations based pri-
strated the clinical importance of the between-group differ- marily on expert opinion from the US Centers for Disease
ence in hemoglobin concentration of 1 g/dL found in this trial. Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have
Among the secondary outcomes, the proportion of pa- endorsed low-dose, once daily iron therapy.27,28
tients with a complete resolution of IDA (ie, no further iron Studies involving adults with IDA also support the use of
therapy required) was higher in the ferrous sulfate group. Simi- low-dose oral iron treatment. In 1 trial,14 octogenarians with
lar to the primary outcome, changes in iron indices favored the anemia were randomized to 15 mg, 50 mg, or 150 mg of fer-
ferrous sulfate group. More parent reports of diarrhea were rous salts (gluconate or citrate) administered once daily and
made in the iron polysaccharide complex group but no other had virtually identical hematologic responses, but there were
significant differences in adverse effects were found. Pa- far less gastrointestinal toxic effects in the group receiving
tients were more likely to ingest the iron polysaccharide com- 15 mg. A study in women with iron deficiency using stable iron
plex during administration compared with ferrous sulfate, but isotopes demonstrated that a single dose of iron engendered
there were otherwise no significant between-group differ- a prompt increase in serum hepcidin level that resulted in
ences in the lost to follow-up rates, resolution of IDA symp- markedly reduced absorption of subsequent iron doses 12 hours
toms, or medication adherence. or even 24 hours later.13 Taken together, these findings sug-
Iron salts have long been used for the treatment of IDA, gest that once daily low-dose iron therapy might result in
with ferrous sulfate being the most common choice in per- greater fractional absorption of iron in lieu of multiple doses
sons of all ages.16,20 Reports of poor taste and gastrointesti- of iron each day.13,29
nal adverse effects often result in the recommendation of other Unlike nearly all prior therapeutic studies of oral iron
iron salts (eg, ferrous gluconate and fumarate) or iron poly- agents, this trial was designed as a double-blind, randomized
saccharide complex preparations.16,21,22 In the current trial, an clinical trial. In concert with other literature,13,14 these re-
iron polysaccharide complex agent developed specifically to sults should help stimulate the conduct of further clinical trials
have improved taste and tolerability was hypothesized to pro- evaluating lower or less frequent dosing of oral iron. Antici-
mote a more effective hematologic response. Although both pated outcomes might include improved patient adherence as
preparations were effective and well-tolerated, ferrous sul- well as enhanced iron absorption leading to a more favorable
fate resulted in a greater increase in hemoglobin concentra- hematologic response.
tion and improved diverse measures of iron homeostasis.
Previous radioisotope studies have demonstrated more ef- Limitations
fective use of iron when administered in the form of medici- The trial has several limitations. First, it was conducted at a
nal iron in contrast to iron-fortified foods.23 Small studies in single tertiary care children’s hospital. Second, there were a
adults suggest that bivalent salts such as ferrous sulfate are disproportionate number of lower income and minority pa-
more effectively absorbed than trivalent ones.24,25 Limited data tients whose anemia was often severe, with approximately 23%
from prior studies suggest improved absorption with ferrous requiring a blood transfusion prior to enrollment. Third, the
sulfate compared with iron polysaccharide complexes.24,25 trial had a lost to follow-up rate of 25% at the final 12-week visit.
A small case series by Diamond et al26 compared a palatable Fourth, these results may not be generalizable to the general
iron carbohydrate complex with ferrous sulfate, and the lat- pediatric population due to the strict monitoring involved in
ter resulted in a more rapid hemoglobin concentration in- a clinical trial compared with standard community practice.
crease over 3 weeks. Yet by choosing to use a simplified dosing regimen, the goal
Oral iron absorption tests were conducted and those pa- was to create a practical treatment strategy that could im-
tients receiving ferrous sulfate demonstrated a markedly higher prove outcomes even when applied in a clinical setting.
increase in serum iron, supporting the notion of more effec-
tive absorption. Therefore, this trial failed to demonstrate the
original hypothesis that iron polysaccharide complex would
be more effective than ferrous sulfate, likely due to more ef-
fective absorption of the latter. Among infants and children aged 9 to 48 months with nutri-
Recommended therapeutic dosing of elemental iron in chil- tional iron-deficiency anemia, ferrous sulfate compared with
dren ranges widely from 2 to 6 mg/kg/d administered from 1 iron polysaccharide complex resulted in a greater increase in
to 3 times daily.12 In this trial, a daily iron dose at the lower end hemoglobin concentration at 12 weeks. Once daily, low-dose
of the recommended range (3 mg/kg of elemental iron) ad- ferrous sulfate should be considered for children with nutri-
ministered just once daily, at bedtime, and on an empty stom- tional iron-deficiency anemia.

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Research Original Investigation Ferrous Sulfate vs Iron Polysaccharide Complex for Children With Anemia

ARTICLE INFORMATION review, or approval of the manuscript or the iron absorption from daily or twice-daily doses in
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Texas (Powers); Department of Pediatrics, Baylor Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas) giving too much iron? Am J Med. 2005;118(10):
College of Medicine, Houston, Texas (Powers); conducted and are responsible for the 1142-1147.
Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston (Powers); data analysis. 15. Smith NJ. Iron as a therapeutic agent in
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