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Event Planning & Management - Film Festival - Fall 2023

Team Australia
Business Plan Fall 2023
Brandy Levya -
Juli Avila -
Czarina Glindro -
Annette Evangelista-
Lauren Salas -
Natalia Ramirez -
Table of Contents:
01 ............ Event Description
02 ............. Organization& Management
03 ............. Marketing Strategies
04 ............. S/P/S Profiles
05 ............ Location Selection.
06 ............ The Appendix.
Overview of Events:
The Fall 2023 Auatralian spotlight had 6 new members

with our team leader Brandy, being a recurring student for

this class for the Newport Beach Film Festival. Throughout

the previous semester being Spring of 2023 the past team

helped build this event by creating relationships with

supporters/partnters/sponsors. By creating these

relationships they made it easier to navigate the plans for

the semester. Although, there were some ups and downs

during this semester our team succeeded in event planning

for the Australian Spotlight night.

Established in 1999, the film festival is an annual eight-

day spanning both major studios and independent

backgrounds. This festival takes place each year at diverse

locations at Fashion Island and the Triange Square

Cinema. It pats tribute to the art of cinema by hosting a

wide array of nightly events, such as red carpet walks,

exclusive interviews, lavish afterparties, culinary and

beverage vendors, engaging Q&A sessions with industry

luminaries, spectacular performances by

enentertainers, specially sponsored activities, prestigious

award ceronomies and naturally film premiers.

Over the years, the Newport Beach Film Festival has taken

pride in its tradition of showcasing some of the world's latest

and finest international films to the Orange County audience.

The festival dedicates specific nights to International

Spotlights, devoting these evenings to the celebration of films

from various international regions and countries. These

celebrated nations include Canada, Mexico, France,

Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Iran, Korea, Vietnam, China,

Japan, and Australia. As you read through this business

plan, you will understand all the necessary steps to have a

successful event.

As a team we divided our work between us to make the

workload easier. We chose Brandy as team leader since she

had taken this course previously. She was focused on reaching

out to the sponsors and partners she had reached out to

previously. We set Natalia in charge of social media due to

her background and knowledge on Instagram and making

templates for our post. Lauren was in charge of social media

branding, and the rest of the group helped make posts on

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Our team decided to change the color palette of the social

media page to fit the aesthetic of beachy Australia and the wild

animals who reside there. Along with already having sponsors

and partners we collectively all did our research to bring on

additional sponsors that we had not seem were reached out to

previously. We made an excel page of all sponsors and partners

to keep us organized. Within the excel page we had a variety

of sections to know which organizations/businesses had

agreed to help this semester, those that did not reply, and those

who answered no. We had also stated if we had worked with

them previously to keep track and not bombard them with


The class had about 2 months to prepare for the event. It was

up to us to research what the film festival was and what we

were to expect.

Throughout the first two weeks the class was very fast-paced

due to only meeting once a week. We were required to read a

textbook, that would help us plan our night for the film

festival. Each time was required to prepare a slideshow for

their designated chapters to go over with the class, and give

our thoughts.
Our group had the honor of hosting the Australian

Spotlight. The Australian Spotlight for the 24th annual

Newport Beach Film Festival was held on October 19, 2023,

the closing night of the festival. The lead-up to finding out

our film for this year was highly anticipated. Our film was

Hot Potato: The Story of the Wiggles. With event planning

& management, not everything is set to go as planned.

There were conflicts of dates in time for the release of the

film in Australia.

Originally, team Australia was a part of the Pacific Rim

Showcase, alongside teams Japan, Korea, and China. We

were able to keep our spotlight, but sadly it would be separate

from the rest of our class. This goes to show the adversity of

event planning and how with setbacks like these, you have to

just continue to work toward your goal.

Preparing for our night took a lot of work, such as

contacting supporters, partners, and sponsors, finding

photographers, and marketing our event, which you will

learn about more throughout the business plan. Our team

split up the work on who was in charge of photographers,

social media and how to market.

Our group of six split two people into each social media

which consists of , Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Our

group member Natalia, would make our posts and send our

group 10 at a time and we would then decide which to post

and when. Our supporters and partners, thankfully due to

previous classes helped us with who to contact and how to

reach out to them.

As for photographers our team found two, through mutual

friends. Although it is best advised to always have a few more

photographers as some may not be able to make it last

minute. It is always best to be prepared for anything.

Days before the event, you will submit a final and complete

list of your S/P/S, so Professor Schwenk’s team can create

brochures to have at the screening for guests to view. As a

team, you are also in charge of setting up the theater before

guests are let in. This includes printing out reserve signs to

attach to seats for guests of honor or other S/P/S. In

addition, to this, we placed the brochures on every other seat

to ensure each guest had the chance to read about the

spotlight and its sponsor. We did a sound check to ensure we

knew how to operate the microphones and had our

photographer in the theater,

capturing pictures of us setting up as well as the screen of


Before our screening, there was a pre-party at the Balboa Bay

Resort to award Glenn Howerton with the Artist of

Distinction award. Here, there were food and drinks, with

photo opportunities and chances to network with those

around you. Here, our team helped notify guests inside that

the award ceremony would begin shortly outside on the deck.

At the same time, we were keeping an eye out for the

Australian Consul-General, Jane Duke so we would be able

to introduce ourselves and create an even more welcoming

environment. Half of our team left the Balboa Bay Resort

roughly twenty minutes early to set up the theater while the

other half stayed, socializing with the Consul-General .

Once the team, Consul-General, and Professor Schwenk were

at the theater, we walked on the red carpet so our

photographers could capture the videos. We were also priorly

informed by Professor Schwenk that next year's event, 2024,

is the 25th anniversary of the Newport Beach Film Festival

so our goal was to get a video of the Consul-General

introducing herself while following with a quick tidbit

introducing the anniversary.

We politely asked if she would be willing to record the

video and she gladly accepted. Following the red carpet, we

escorted her and her assistant to her seats in the theater

while Professor Schwenk began introducing us to the

audience. As a team, we went up front and recited our

prepared speech, thanking our S/P/S. We then invited the

Consul-General to come up and say a few words.

Afterward, one of the PAs, Maylen, said a few words

regarding sponsorships of the entire festival. The movie

began and our work for the night was done.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

In every event planning team there are always ups and

downs. I would list our strengths as a team who worked

hard besides all the obstacles we had to overcome together.

We had a strong social media lead, who had the vision to

fulfill the asthetic our team visioned. We had a team

meeting once a week for about an hour overviewing what

we were to do for the following week and to give everyone

an update as to what was being worked on and what could

be finalized. With weaknesses I believe it was the fact that

we were on a tight timeline seeing as though our fil

premiere was up in the air. This made reaching out to

sponsors and partners difficult,

we were not able to reach out to then unknowing of the

date we wanted them to sponsor us for. For future events

for this night, we suggest reaching out to our sponsors as

soon as possibly as that is the most time consuming thing

to do. The opportunities we had is having Brandy come

back as a recurring student we kne ethe gist of the class

and what was expected to be done. She guided our team do

success while giving insightful feedback. Our threats would

be the sponsors that agreed to work with us this semester,

but as we tried reaching out to them we did not hear back.

It would also be the film premiere being up in the air on

the premiere date or if we even had one. But it worked out

because the night was a great success!

Organization Management:

Our social media lead would create a variety of instagram

posts including 10-15 we were able to choose from to post.

We all collectively decided we would be posting the same

posts so our social media looked united.

Along with managing our organization well, that was due

to the fact that we had weekly meetings with everyone!

When planning to add in performers this is something you

should start researching well in advance as the target

audience being
Ausralia is a bit more difficult in finding talent that suits

the night of the event.

Marketing Strategies:

We all highly encourage to read all the business plans to

give an idea of what is expected from the semester! This

helped a great deal in being able to guide ourselves with the

business plans that were previously done giving us helpful

tips and feedback as to what to expect and what to look

out for.


Like previously stated the team prior helps a lot when it

comes to having to reach out to sponsors. Seeing as this is

the most important thing to do in the semester we highly

encourage to be thorough when reading what each

organization expects or needs from us. Be sure you are not

overwhelming them, especially if an emai chain has already

been created. You do not want to seem unprofessional, due

to your lack of reading can cause clashing, if you were to

reach out to ask if they would like to partner up. Especially

if they had already agreed to it the semester prior.


The calander that was provided help guide us through the

semester and what was to be expected by social media posts,

reaching out, and making sure our team was on track to

have everything done before our event to have it run

smoothly. I would suggest for you to make your own

calendar and take what you want to follow and add in

more things you believe would be useful for yourselves and

the upcoming team fo the semester after.


Being as this is a non-profit organization, we make sure to

include contracts on each organization we reach out to

making it clear in a subtle but professional way that they

will not be receiving ant sort of financial help from us. This

is something that can get their brand name out being as the

events are always jam packed and people get to try new

things and see the variety of organiations helping us. This

causes an audience to be aware of their brand name.


The up and coming team will see the hard work our team

has put into for the upcoming semesters. Our dedications

adn creativity has built a plan that will benefit any new

teams joining Team Australia!

Our goal is that this business plan will encourage the next

team to continue with the same drive that will lead to

another successful event for the new years to come. ..

Organization & Management

In this section, we will describe our team’s

organization structure, personal roles,
biographies, and resumes.
This is intended to demonstrate our
management system.
Team Leader & S/P/S Outreach
Brandy Levya

Brandy Leyva was the team leader of

the group. She made sure every one
was doing their work and was over
seeing across all social media accounts.
She was also in charge of the confirmed
S/P/S. She had to email with them back
and forth to reconfirm them for the
event and contract. Brandy conducted
all Team meetings and delegated tasks
among the other team members. She
was also in charge of parts of the
Twitter account, making sure the team
was on task with engagement.

Brandy Leyva is a Communications major with a concentration in Public Relations

at Cal State University, Fullerton. She is originally from San Diego, California. She
currently has an internship at Live Out L!ve foundation, where she holds the PR
intern position. After she graduates, she hopes to go into the music industry under
PR or marketing. She has a passion for live music and entertainment so, she will
excel in this industry.
Side note: She also loves thrifting, fashion, and and anything aesthetics.
Meet the Team
Czarina Glindro
Czarina Glindro managed the Newport
Beach Film Festival Australian Spotlight
Facebook account with the help of her
teammate, Annette Evangelista. By co-
managing the account, Czarina posted
content centralized on the screening of
the film, “Hot Potato: The Story of the
Wiggles”, as well as content about the
Australian culture and pop culture. In
addition, in an effort to create a strong
social media presence on all the NBFF
Australian accounts, as well as bring the
Australian and American communities
together, Czarina helped suggest
creative and interesting Australian
related pop culture post ideas.

Furthermore, Czarina Glindro is a Communications major with a

concentration in Entertainment and Tourism; a minor in business
administration, Entertainment and Hospitality Management; and a pre-
professional certificate in Digital Media. Recently, Czarina worked for the
Walt Disney Company through the Disney College Program, and after she
graduates from CSUF, she hopes to continue to work for the Walt Disney
Company. In detail, Czarina would like to work for Disneyland Resort in their
creative development team, specifically for the company’s Walt Disney
Imagineering team.
Twitter Account Manager
Juli Avila
Juli Avila managed the Twitter account for
the Australian Spotlight, along with the help
of her teammates at times. She posted
content centered around Australia’s
culture and their Spotlight film, It included
giving their followers a more behind-the-
scenes look at the documentary and what
they could expect by attending the
Newport Beach Film Festival. Each post
attracted much attention, especially from
other Spotlight accounts. When Juli posted
new content every week leading up to the
festival, she always tagged @NBFF and
other groups to spark more interaction.
She enjoyed replying to comments and
reposting Australian-related content on
their timeline. Audience engagement was
successful throughout her experience!

As a Cal State Fullerton student, Juli is a Communications major with a

concentration in Public Relations. She is also minoring in Queer Studies. Her
passion is to work in a museum one day, especially in the External Affairs
department. Juli may need to learn more about art but hopes to develop more
knowledge over time. In the future, she sees herself working toward her Master's
Degree in either Museum Studies, International Relations, or Global Management.
If she can become a curator at a museum in South Korea, she will be dancing
happily for the rest of her life (she loves RM).
Photographer Relations &
Facebook Account Manager
Annette Evangelista

Annette managed the photographer

relations. She was in charge on ensuring
there were photographers present at the
event. She found the account via Instagram
of a college student whos passion is
Photography. She was reachingout
through Instagram DM’s and went over
the event and what it would look like.
After confirming the dates and ensuring
the photographer was able to be there
on the date, she sent over a shot list made by
team member Lauren.

She was also The Facebook account manager,

although the social media platform is a bit
difficult to navigate in the sense of having to
reach out to the target audience,
being Australian. The prior teams had
set up the account well, having followed Aussie
groups. Although, we did try to find additional
Australian pages that was a bit

Annette is a Communications major with an emphasis in Public Relations and a

minor in Communication Studies,She hopes to. land her dream job working for
the PR team for Disney.
Social Media Lead/ Digital Creator
Natalia Ramirez
Natalia managed all digital and social media
content that was distributed to our audience,
team, allies, supporters, and sponsors. Her
role consisted of designing content calendars
and concepts, editing and designing content
batches, copywriting captions, and overall
digital branding of the spotlight. Natalia’s
priority was to deliver creative and engaging
content in respect to the team timelines. Her
strategy was to create bulk post batches to last
3-6 days. She also created a media kit with
instructions and details for supporters and
partners who agreed to share on their

Natalia is a Communications, Public Relation’s major and Marketing minor with a

background in NYFW, event planning, and micro-influencing. She is passionate
about wellness, skincare, nutrition, and echoes the values of being a first-generation
Latina into her audience. She has created content for brands like Good American,
Waba Grill, VONS, and several other beauty and fashion brands. She is also a

Fun Fact: the spotlight’s branding stemmed from Natalia’s inspiration to honor the
coastal magic of Australia’s beaches and geography through a neutral palette of blues,
tans, and surrounding colors.
Social Media Outreach & Media Shotlist
Lauren Salas
Lauren managed the social media
outreach, specifically for Instagram.
This included interacting with followers
and responding to DMs when necessary.
Another part of outreach is also
interacting with other NBFF Spotlight
accounts. The support and interactions
boost engagement. There is a DM
group with all spotlights. When a
spotlight would post a story or a thread,
they would share it with the group DM.
This gave other spotlights an
opportunity to like, comment, and
Lauren was also in charge of creating the Shot List for the Australian Spotlight.
This task is completed closer to the arrival of the film festival. This is essentially
a rubric for your photographers to capture the moments you want to include in
your business plan and post to social media. The shot list was analyzed by
Anastasia Auguston, a team member of PencilBox Photos, and can be found on
Google Drive.
Lauren is a Communications major with a concentration in Public Relations.
Although she is a commuter student, she spends a lot of time on campus,
specifically the TSU. She hopes to get a job in social media marketing and
believes that the material and first-hand experience from COMM 497T will help
her attain that position in her future career. She loves to thrift and go to concerts.
Her current favorite artists are the Arctic Monkeys, Doja Cat, and Jungle.
Marketing Strategies
What worked...and didn’t.
Facebook: Facebook was a slower social media platform

that our team worked on with 572 followers and 576

likes. Out of all social media platforms we personally

thought it was also a bit harder for following and

engagement. Twitter you can keep up with funny memes,

reply to other teams on a thread and Instagram you post

pictures, videos and reels. With that in mind, be aware of

the different audiences each social media platform has;

since we were initially treating Facebook similar to

Instagram, we did not really get the engagement and

activity we expected. Therefore, it should be noted that

though Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts

should all align and respectfully represent the NBFF

Australian Spotlight to a certain degree, we suggest that

each social media platform carry a different persona and

post similar but also different content in a unique way in

order to accomodate to its corresponding audience.

On another note, our account can’t be synced to the

Instagram page so you will have to post each post

individually apart from IG. In addition, we had a really

good social media team and Natalia was the creative

director behind the social media posts. However, though

Natalia did a beautiful job at creating an aesthetically

pleasing theme for our posts, because we were so heavily

reliant on her to create the content for the Facebook

account, we unfortunately limited ourselves from creating

our own creative content and engagement with other

accounts on Facebook; as a result, there was less

interaction and activity on the platform. Therefore,

though having a creative director for the NBFF

Australian Spotlight can be useful, still try to make your

own content and interact with other posts in order to

bring even more content, engagement, and consequently

interest to the spotlight. Centralizing more on account

engagement, it was a bit difficult to be active on

Facebook for engagement as the people we are following

don't post too much. But the previous Australian teams

were really good at following and searching for

Australian based FB groups. Our team tried searching

for Australian groups but the most we found were

Australians moving to OC to find places to rent. Maybe

thinking outside of the box to target these specific

individuals who would be interested in an event like this

would help out. We would also encourage you to look for

Australian groups in the OC in the future ahead of

anything else. This would help your team market

towards those particular groups with information on the

Newport Beach Film Festival.

In addition, it should be noted that 81% of the account’s

audience comes from the USA, and 7% from Australia;

with its top cities being cities from southern California

and Sydney, Australia. With this statistic in mind, this

can help market the NBFF Australian spotlight by

connecting the Australian and American/Californian

culture and communities together. One way you could

market this connection is by finding Australian,

America, and Californian pop culture and cultural

references that both communities can relate to. In

addition, because both countries have similar geography

and speak the same language, that can also be

marketable and interesting content.

Analyzing our Facebook content, our posts were the

exact same from Instagram. Prior and during the event,

the majority of our content was focused on promoting the

screening of the film, “Hot Potato: The Story of the

Wiggles” through post countdowns and Wiggles related

content. As a result, our posts had a small reach of 10-15

viewers. However our video post of the film festival’s closing

night had reached the highest reach of 42 viewers. Thus,

reviewing our marketing approach, though it is important

to promote the spotlight film as well as the event, prior to

the event date we do suggest interacting with other

Australian and film related content in order to build that

social media engagement, popularity, and connection

around the spotlight film and event. For instance, while

posting around three posts a week about the spotlight, also

create a few posts, reposts, likes, and comments on content

and news related to the spotlight film, Australian culture,

Australian-American community, and film in general. We

unfortunately did not use this marketing tactic until after

the event had passed, and it would have been so helpful for

us. In particular, the new American movie coming out

“Anyone But You”, was filmed in Australia,and we

reposted that; and that post reached 90 people. We also

encourage to make fun posts! Think outside the box and

get creative with what you want to post/comment/repost.

Another thing we would encourage is posting a “set the

date” on Facebook calendar to remind your followers of an

exciting event that was coming up and you could set the

details of it. In addition, a post recap of the last year’s

spotlight event can help you and your audience gain a better

understanding and greater anticipation for the event. And

luckily, because the next Newport Beach Film Festival will

hit its 25th anniversary, a post recapping all of the previous

years could also be helpful in building even more

anticipation for the event.

Instagram: Instagram was our most active social media

platform. This is where most of our interactions occurred,

both with followers and other NBFF spotlight accounts.

Currently, we have 2,207 followers. After announcing our

film, we began to see an array of the Wiggles fan accounts

following us and interacting with our posts. As any business

does, when we would upload a post or a thread, we would

also share the post on our story. Stories are where we would

get the most views. One of the main marketing strategies we

used on Instagram was interacting with other spotlight

accounts.We have a DM group chat, where each spotlight

would send their own posts or stories so we could all be in

the loop to like, comment, or repost.

Although some of our posts didn't have many likes, when

looking at the professional dashboard, we see that there

was a higher number of viewers. With the help of

supporters, sponsors, and partners, as well as other NBFF

spotlight accounts, we were able to have a fair amount of

engagement. We also tended to see more engagement on

“fun” posts, in comparison to those associated with

supporters, sponsors, and partners. I would like to include

that posting consistently is of major importance. You are

building engagement for your film and without consistency,

you will lose track of the goal at hand. It can be hard

managing different tasks at once but this is where the help

of your team members comes into play!

Twitter: Twitter was a great platform that we used because

it allowed us to interact the most with other spotlight films

and promote their events to our followers. We have 351

followers and gained a few compared to last year's 339. It

may not be that big of a difference, but we did achieve more

once we started to promote our Australian Spotlight in late

September. We began by introducing our teammates and

what we had planned for this year's Newport Beach Film

Festival. This was a great way to start the festivities, and

each of those posts gained around 2-3 likes and retweets.

After that, we began promoting The Wiggles documentary,

and this is where we became the most creative in our social

media content. We posted more background about the film,

including who each member was and the director. In

between each post, we gave more insight into Australia's

culture, including famous desserts and locations. We kept

the warm Australian beaches and weather theme by using

blues and browns for each post. Our most successful post

was when we introduced The Wiggles documentary, which

gained around six likes and retweets. Even other spotlights

commented on that post, showing their support. We kept

that pinned to our timeline so that followers could have

easy access, including where to purchase NBFF tickets.

Our most successful strategy was interacting with other

spotlight films by tagging them in our posts and

commenting on their content. We were able to spark much

interaction and be supportive of their efforts. Memes and

being creative in our content helped us spark conversations

with different accounts. One of our most popular posts

compared The Wiggles to Taylor Swift albums, which

garnered around five likes and retweets. We did take our

account seriously when promoting our film, but we also

wanted to be funny and have a good time with what we

posted, which celebrates the theme of The Wiggles. Every

post was like a party (especially with Team China)! I

recommend not holding back with what you post and

incorporating memes when possible. Also, retweet content

relating to Australia, like famous actors, singers, and

landscapes. This can be a great way to educate your

followers more about Australian culture. Always make sure

to incorporate appropriate hashtags in each post. We used

#NBFF2023 and tagged @nbff in everything we posted.

This is because we want them to be involved with what we

have to say, and they could like and retweet our posts.

One of the main things that could have worked better for us

on Twitter was getting interactions from our S/P/S

accounts. When posting content thanking them for

sponsoring us and getting involved with the festival, we

never received a response from them. It was either because

they were no longer active on their accounts or they still

needed to create an account. We sometimes could not tag

them in the post, so we just had to make a hashtag for

them. When looking for S/P/S for next year's festival,

ensure they are active on social media. If they are not, this

can become challenging when promoting your Spotlight to

larger audiences and their followers.

Marketing Strategies
The branding of your spotlight will set you apart and
stand out to potential supporters and partners. We
encourage developing a meaningful message behind
your branding. For example, our design was inspired
by Australia’s coastal geography and colors. We
wanted to encapsulate the tans, blues, and neutrals of
Australia’s gorgeous sunsets, beaches, and sand. We
designed all of our content via Canvas through
Natalia’s pre-existing pro account, which allowed the
flexibility to use membership features. Each post was
designed in respect to the color palette chosen and
with cohesive fonts. All of our content was created
with our branding in mind with elements that
resembled waves/swirls, water color, and our iconic
tan Australian outline in every post. A signature
factor of our design process is italicizing words in a
sentence or phrase that we wanted to emphasize.
This gave our texts a more elegant appearance
without being too loud.
Considering our limited access and amount of stock
images for our spotlight, we outsourced our images via
Google, Pinterest, and the internal stock images available
in Canva. Through this strategy, we created our
celebrated “Wiggles Era” and “Brekkie” posts while also
embracing the design element of “scrapbooking,” where
our images and icons appeared to be taped, floating, or
casually placed as a 3-D figure. This supported our
branding of being clean, casual, and almost nostalgic in
connection to The Wiggles film that honored thousands
of childhoods. We wanted our profile to resemble the
connection between Australia’s coast to our Southern
California aesthetic. This meant occasional images of
sunsets, elegant and classy fonts, and a dynamic of
watercolor icons. Whenever we created posts in respect to
The Wiggles colors of red, blue, purple, and yellow, we
chose lighter pastel versions of these colors to sustain our
soft color palette.
Overall, here are the factors we considered to help develop our

design strategy:
Ask Yourself:
What is my film and what does it say?

If I close my eyes and envision the aesthetics of

the film, what do they look like? What colors do I
see? Is there a specific mood or tone I envision?

How does this film and its context connect with

Australian culture, history, or geography? Find the
links and translate them visually

What are some signature factors I want to

incorporate? (fonts, textures, icons, polaroid/film
style, minimalism?)

What do I want the overall design to say about the

film or our night?
It is essential to sit and discuss the direction your team
wants to take. I recommend deciding these factors in the
first or second team meeting so that you can begin
content designing and batching as soon as possible. Our
team reviewed previous business plans and branding by
scrolling through the Instagram feed and noticing
patterns and factors we wanted to replicate. Essentially,
this should be a fun and creative process for your team to
work on collaboratively without consuming too much
time! Some ways to brainstorm are by looking at your
film’s advertisements, Pinterest, other spotlight
instagram accounts, and most importantly–trial and error
as you go.

Natalia’s Design Tips:

Try to keep a neutral design. Avoid creating content that feels too “girly” or
“masculine” unless specific to your film’s aesthetic. This allows for flexibility
and creative inclusivity.

Try to do something different than previous years. It is great to replicate

previous strategies, but a new design is refreshing!

Start by picking a color palette, font, or texture first, then go from there!
S/P/S Profiles
The SPS are the biggest part of the spotlight nights because

they are the ones who help bring people to the viewing and

provide the utilities for the party. It is important to prioritize

those SPS which have worked with the spotlight teams yearly

in order to maintain the trusted relationship. Though, it

never hurts to bring new SPS for a fresh touch.

To start off, we took a look at the SPS profiles from the

Spring 2023 semester. After looking through them we had

decided to reach out to the confirmed ones. We had sent them

follow up emails to ensure that they were still on board with

the contracts they had signed. There were at least 4

organizations that pledged to work with the Fall teams. In

addition, we had decided to reach out to some who were

pending no response but they did not really align with our

timeline. There was a slow start because of the wait time for

responses. However, after sending multiple emails and

emphasizing due dates, they responded faster. It is important

to start the process right away. I would recommend for you to

start looking over the past confirmed SPS and potential new

SPS during the first week of class

This will help you understand who you want to contact and

will allow you to start reaching out by the second week.

It is important to capitalize on knowing your target

audience for your spotlight. For the Australian spotlight it

does not have a big audience in the targeted area for the

festival. This makes it difficult to find new SPS that will

bring a bigger audience. I would advise to broaden the search

for organizations that can also coincide with the festival and

film industry overall. Finding organizations that have a

wider audience reach can also be great to sell the 300 tickets

for the film. Partnering with other teams to cross promote

films can also be helpful and bring your engagement up. This

semester a few teams partnered up with the Behind the scenes

account to promote their spotlight nights and their films.

As mentioned previously, the Australian spotlight has

limited options when it comes to outreach for S/P/S. That is

why it is important to be mindful of your time and prioritize


Below I have listed tips for the upcoming Spring and Fall

Contact SPS as soon as you get your assigned teams.

Prioritize contacting the main ones that work with the

spotlight continuously. Secondly, do research for new SPS that

can bring more traction to your spotlight. The more you

secure, the easier it will be for the Fall team.

Focus on gaining photographers, videographers, and talent as


Set up phone calls with SPS instead of emails for a faster

response times

Try reaching out to the CTVA department on campus and

other campuses to send out email blasts for your film. You

can also provide them with a discount code and a potential


It is crucial to work with the American Australian Alliance

for promotion and to get the Consul General from LA to

attend the event. This is the first organization you should

contact right away. They can have longer response times,

since they are so busy.

The Australian Music Alliance and AusFilm are also other

organizations that should be prioritized first.

Make sure when drafting the contacts that they are precise in

regards to number of posts and the timelines

Make sure that you have the updated contact information of

the organization for the next team to have them

Overview on SPS engagement tips:

Have a consistent online presence with your SPS (this

includes interacting with them engagement wise)

Look for partnerships with more influential people such

as influencers (this could be helpful due to the lack of

SPS in the Australian community)

Collaborate with local businesses (this can bring their

community to the festival and also potentially help you

for your after party treats)

Create shareable content that your SPS can re share on

their social media

Utilize a content calendar to keep track of team posts,

SPS posts, and to send SPS an outline of the days they

need to post

Utilize local micro influencers to promote your spotlight


Have your SPS heavily promote your promo codes (if

any) and have raffles of the tickets you get for free, in

order to gain more traction

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: The Australian Music Alliance
Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: N/A

Address: Los Angeles, CA 90068, US
Type of Organization: Music Alliance
Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746
Status: Confirmed
• Full Description of Organization:

The Australian Music Alliance is a non profit organization that focuses on

promoting Australian music in the United States. Their mission is to help

the Australian music creators and the industry to become more established

in the United States. They are based in Los Angeles and are in the works

with the Pitchhiker Foundation. Their main focus is to collaborate and

create music opportunities. They were created in 2018 by a group of

Australians that lived in America. They wanted to showcase their nation's

talents. They established themselves as the connector of Australia and the

United States.

• Why are we working with them? :

They have a strong presence in the United States and have a big

representation of the Australian community. Partnering with them will

allow us to reach their audience and give them the opportunity to support

their community by coming out to our event. It would be great to promote

each other for recognition and also to shine light on the music showcases in

the film.
• Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

Most of the members in the AMA fall mainly in the Los Angeles area and

a portion in Australia.

• Geographic Reach:

Los Angeles, CA (Southern California)

• Social Media Outreach:

In our partnership with AMA, we will be using three main social media

platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) to promote and sell tickets for

the festival.

Size of Social Media (as of 9/19/23):

Instagram: 919 followers

Facebook: 102 followers

Twitter: 196 followers

Youtube: 48 followers

What are they doing for the event? :

They will be working with us by announcing their partnership with us on

social media and posting a save the date story post to their instagram and

facebook for the festival. In addition, they will be posting a “featured

director from the film” post on facebook and instagram.

Our goal is to have reached out to them to check in by September 20th.

Following that, our next goal is to have the first collaboration post up by

September 23rd and proceed with our timeline leading up till the event.
What are we doing for them? :

In return, we will also announce our partnership with them on our spotlight

social media. We will also provide them with a discount code to buy tickets

to our spotlight night. Lastly, we will have social media promotion of event

and the organization once a month via facebook and instagram.

Special Notes:

Adam is such a nice person and very easy to collaborate with. As long as

you provide him with details, he will gladly post anything you want him to.

He is also very easy to communicate with via email.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: The Entertainment and Tourism Club
Contact Person: Holly Johnson

Phone Number: 714-357-5700

Email: N/A
Address: 800 N State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831
Type of Organization: University student organization
Team Contact Name/Number: Natalia Ramirez 909-413-7031
Status: Confirmed

• Full Description of Organization:

The Entertainment & Tourism club at California State University,

Fullerton specializes in providing resources and opportunities for students

interested in pursuing a career in Entertainment & Tourism. The student

organization has driven itself for the past 18 years with the mission to

provide networking opportunities for students to learn from entertainment

and tourism professionals. This organization hosts panels and events where

students can learn valuable industry knowledge and network with industry

professionals. In addition, their participation in industry events such as

talent escorts for the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, Teen Choice

Awards, ESPY’s and the Latin American Music Awards allows for student

participation. Their diverse events include Film Marketing, Music Industry,

and Travel & Tourism panels, along with social events to network with

professionals, alumni, and internal club members.

•Why are we working with them?

ETC is a student organization made up of young, curious, and driven

students passionate about all things film, pop culture, and entertainment.

These students are proven to dedicate their free time to attending industry-

related events and understand the networking value behind events like the

NBFF. Our event provides members with a film experience, network, and

insight into a topic they are interested in. This collaboration helps with our

outreach and promotional efforts while satisfying the organization’s goal to

provide events and opportunities for its members. ETC has agreed to have

Gregg Schwenk, CEO of the Newport Beach Film Festival present to its

members at one of their events. In addition, they have agreed to promote

our event on social media and newsletters.

• Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

ETC has a social media following of 2,569

• Geographic Reach:

Based in Fullerton, CA (Southern California, US)

• Social Media Outreach:

ETC will post our event on their Instagram stories and will mention us five

times in their newsletter that is sent out to existing members.

Size of Social Media (as of 9/19/23):

Instagram: 2,569 followers

Facebook: 784 followers

Twitter: 87followers
What are they doing for the event? :

ETC will post/advertise our event on their social media stories five times

because they reserve their feed posts strictly for club events. They will also

send an email blast five times with our event information/invitation via

newsletter to their club members. This gives us ten different promotions

from the ETC club for our event.

Key Deadlines:

Contact/outreach to Holly Johnson’s phone number before Wednesday,

September 20th to solidify agreements/details. In addition, create/send an

instagram story and invitation to Holly Johnson to promote on their page

by the end of September 23rd, 2023.

What are we doing for them?

Providing ETC with an event opportunity/idea to invite their members to

join through our exclusive discount ticket codes.

Special Notes:

Did not get to work with them this semester unfortunately but, do reach out

again for the upcoming seasons. We will be a great company to collaborate

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: The American Australian Association
Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: 212.338.6860

Address: Broadway, Suite 2003, New York, NY 10004
Type of Organization: Non-Profit Organization
Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746
Status: Confirmed
• Full Description of Organization:

First established in New York City in 1948, by Sir Keith Murdoch, the

American Australian Association is a privately funded non-profit

organization meant to strengthen and grow the ties between the Pacific. To

be specific, the organization aims to connect the American and Australian

cultures together by providing scholarship and exchange opportunities to the

youth in order to “Undertake transformational study, research and

professional or artistic development in each other’s country” (The American

Australian Association)

Why are we working with them?:

We are working with the American Australian Association because both of

our organizations carry the same objective of connecting the Australian and

American community together. In addition, both of our organizations are

motivated to provide opportunities to aspiring individuals; specifically

within the arts community. Granted, by partnering together, we expand the

opportunities of aspiring artists, the representation of the Australian

American community, as well as the perception of the economic growth and

cultural awareness of the film industry.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

The American Australian Association is based in New York City.

Geographic Reach:

The organization carries a global reach.

Social Media Outreach:

Since the American Australian Association is such a presteemed

organization that truly aligns with the objectives of our spotlight, we would

post about the organization and its provided opportunities three times a

week mostly on facebook and instagram.

Size of Social Media (9/19/23):

Instagram: 4,065

Facebook: 7.1k

Twitter: 2,405

What are they doing for the event? :

The American Australian Association will help promote the NBFF

Australian spotlight on their social media platforms as well as inform their

audience about the opportunity to attend the NBFF Australian spotlight


We will check in with them by wednesday, September 20 in order to

establish the partnership. In addition, we will provide them weekly

Wednesday emails about the event. We will also provide them with posts

that we can both share about each other's organizations.

What are we doing for them? :

We would promote the American Australian Association on our social

media platforms as well as give aspiring students within the partner’s

organization the opportunity to attend the film festival. We can offer them

with a discount code for the festival.

Special Notes:

Very nice people to get in contact with. Gregg was mostly in contact with

them this semester but the contact person was Laura. Her email should be

in the Australian Spotlight email for easy access. Keep in contact with them

as a supporter because they work with us every year and it's crucial. They

are a well dedicated partner.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: The DigiFilm Society at University of California, Irvine
Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: 949.824.3514

Address: UCI, Irvine, CA 92697
Type of Organization: UCI Organization
Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746
Status: Confirmed
• Full Description of Organization:

The DigiFilm Society is an on campus organization that was founded at

UCI and was made to help provide students with events and experiences to

guide them in the filmmaking industry. Their mission is to connect students

with professionals in the industry, while providing them with the resources

they need to succeed.

Why are we working with them?:

DigiFilm Society wants to provide their members with experiences in the

film industry, so partnering with the Newport Beach Film Festival would be

a great networking experience. In return, it would highly benefit us because

they would be interested in coming out since it is a great industry


Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

They are mainly within the Irvine area but can reach members all around

Orange County.
Social Media Outreach:

They have a small social media presence, but have a decent presence on

their campus and with their members.

Size of Social Media (as of 9/19/23):

Instagram: 699 followers

Facebook: 245 followers

Twitter: 230 followers

What are they doing for the event? :

They are going to be announcing our partnership with them on social

media. They will also be posting a series of posts on Facebook and

Instagram. Those posts include a “save the date”, “tickets on sale”, and

“featured director from the film”.

We will check in with them by September 20th to make sure they are still

confirmed. We will then proceed to have the first posts go out, starting

September 23rd.

What are we doing for them? :

We will also be announcing the partnership with them on our social media.

We will be providing a discount code for them to use for their members to

come out to our spotlight event. Lastly, we will have promotional social

media posts on facebook and instagram for their events and organization at

least once a month.

Special Notes:

Make sure you are in contact with the latest person in charge. The best shot

is to email them and if they don't respond ASAP keep emailing them. It

helps when you mention that there is a deadline or that you need a response

ASAP because it usually helps.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: Alpha Delta Pi
Contact Person: Lauren Bernard and Emily Reddicks

Phone Number: 916.547.3145 & 928.230.8330

Address: 2290 E Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831
Type of Organization: CSUF Panhellenic Sorority
Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746
Status: Confirmed
• Full Description of Organization:

Alpha Delta Pi is an international panhellenic sorority and they were

founded on the CSUF campus in 1970. ADPI currently has over 90

members in the Fullerton chapter, with a roster of alumni and alum

advisors. They have a philanthropy for the Ronald Mcdonald house and

love being involved. They are heavily involved on campus and have some

members in the FSL organization.

Why are we working with them?:

We want to partner with a big organization that is close to our spotlight

event. Since this sorority is in Fullerton, they are the perfect partnership.

They have a variety of connections and ways for outreach. They have

weekly meetings, social media, newsletter, and a website to connect with

their members. Many would find interest in the festival to gain experience

in their desired industry and it would be a great sisterhood event. They

would be a great source to promote the festival.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

They have an organizational reach across the United States and Canada,

due to them having 161 chapters.

Geographic Reach:

All across Southern California, which reaches our targeted areas for the


Social Media Outreach:

In the partnership, they can cross promote with us as an organization. They

can promote the festival and our spotlight through all their platforms and

weekly meetings.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

They have an organizational reach across the United States and Canada,

due to them having 161 chapters.

Geographic Reach:

All across Southern California, which reaches our targeted areas for the


Social Media Outreach:

In the partnership, they can cross promote with us as an organization. They

can promote the festival and our spotlight through all their platforms and

weekly meetings.

Special Notes:

Working with bigger organizations can potentially boost your audience for

theater. Reaching out to them can increase your chances of selling more

tickets. When it comes to greek life, it is important to reach out to the news

president and they can direct you to the right person for promotion.
S/P/S Profiles

Name of Organization: Australian Consulate-General, Los Angeles

Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: +1 (310) 229 2300

Address: 2029 Century Park East, Suite 3150 Los Angeles, CA, 90067
Type of Organization: Governmental, Embassy
Team Contact Name/Number: Czarina Glindro; 90968038392
Status: Confirmed
• Full Description of Organization:

“The Consulate-General in Los Angeles promotes Australia’s interests in

the south west of the United States and provides consular, passport and

notarial services to Australians located in southern California, Alaska,

Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada (Clark County) and Utah.

The Consulate raises awareness of Australia’s capabilities across a range of

sectors, including the creative industries (film, music and fashion),

innovation and technology, infrastructure, education, and tourism. In

addition, the Consulate-General in Los Angeles manages the annual G’Day

USA program, which brings together business, academia and policy makers

to showcase Australia as an innovative and high-quality partner for the US,

build people to people links, and enhance dialogue on shared priorities such

as cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, defense industries and innovation”

(Australian Consulate-General, Los Angeles)

• Why are we working with them?:

Since the Australian consulate-general in Los Angeles, Jane Duke, is the

diplomat that represents the needs of the Australian American community

within the southwest US, by partnering with her, a larger target audience is

informed about the NBFF Australian spotlight night.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

The Australian Consulate-General, Los Angeles is based in Los Angeles.

Geographic Reach:

The Australian Consulate-General carries a global reach between the US

and Australia; but she is specifically meant to assist the southwest region of

the US.

Social Media Outreach:

Since the consulate general is such a presteemed and noble figure for the

Australian American community, we would make a special post dedicated

to her and her presence to the film festival on all our social media platforms.

Size of Social Media:

Instagram: 2,512

Facebook: 4.9k

Twitter: 1,861

Other: N/A

What are they doing for the event? :

We can utilize them to share our spotlight event with the members of their

club. They can also have a few story posts about us leading up to the

festival. We would also like them to have at least a few feed posts talking

about the ticket sales and our spotlight night.

We plan on reaching out to them as soon as we are able to and the film is

confirmed. Once the green light is cleared, we will offer them our

partnership. If accepted, we will start reeling out social media posts on both

ends for the spotlight.

What are we doing for them? :

Since the Australian consulate-general in Los Angeles, Jane Duke, is the

diplomat that represents the needs of the Australian American community

within the southwest US, by partnering with her, a larger target audience is

informed about the NBFF Australian spotlight night.

Special Notes:

The Australian Spotlight has actually worked with this company before, in

previous years. We did not get a response this semester, but definitely reach

out again for contact. However, I know there is a contract that NBFF has

with wine, so make sure you clear it with Gregg again. Definitely try, since

keeping consistency is key with sponsors.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: Australians in Film


Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: N/A


Address: 1041 N Formosa Ave Suite 3, West Hollywood, LA, CA 90046

Type of Organization: Non-Profit Foundation

Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746

Status: Confirmed

Full Description of Organization:

Founded in May of 2001, Australians in Film is an LA-based non-profit

foundation whose goal is to help Australians in Hollywood with networking and

becoming better off in the industry. They host numerous networking events and

various sessions to help set them up. AiF also holds a scholarship that has helped

many young Australians looking to pursue a career in acting called the Heath

Ledger Scholarship.

Why are we working with them? :

Australians in Film works closely with Australians in the entertainment industry

as well as promoting cinema to the States. They host many networking

opportunities as well as screenings so they’re ideal partners for the Australian

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

Australians in Film have their headquarters in Los Angeles, where a good

amount of the members

is located.

Geographic Reach:

AiF has a geographic reach in one of our main targeted areas, which is Los


Social Media Outreach:

The NBFF Australian Spotlight will partner with AiF to promote each other on

all social media

platforms including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Size of Social Media (Face Book/Twitter)(as of date):

Facebook: 18,461

Twitter: 13,000

Instagram: 24,200 Followers

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: UCI Film Arts Drama Alliance


Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: N/A


Address: University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA, 92697 United States

Type of Organization: University

Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746

Status: Pending Response

Full Description of Organization:

The Film Arts Drama Alliance is an organization at the University of Irvine

run by students that promotes collaborative filmmaking on their campus.

They are big on collaborating with Zotfilm and Zotfest. Zotfilm is a

subdivision of FADA that provides filmmakers with a chance to learn skills

needed for the film industry. Zotfest is their annual film festival held by the

UCI students, hosted by FADA where they showcase and celebrate their very

own student's talent in filmmaking.

Why are we working with them? :

This organization would be perfect to work with because of its openness to

collaborate with students interested in the art of filmmaking. Their students

can gain experience at what a larger film festival event looks like, and in

turn, we can gain a larger audience.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):


Geographic Reach:

They reach Irvine and surrounding areas seeing as their social media are

open to anyone to view their content

• Size of Social Media (FaceBook/Twitter):

Facebook: 934

Instagram: 734
S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: UCI Cine-Collective Club


Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: N/A


Address: University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA, 92697 United States

Type of Organization: University

Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746

Status: Pending Response

Full Description of Organization:

Cine-Collective is a campus organization at the University of Irvine led by

undergraduate students with the mission of educating people on what film

has to offer. They have a mission to get people involved in the different

aspects of film- including discussion, production, and understanding of the

functions and the roles that films play in society. They also present students

with a safe space where they can embrace and access niche films.

Why are we working with them? :

As a result of their mission involving niche films, what better way to connect

with the club than to introduce them to the NBFF and the many cultures we

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

They currently 41 members

Geographic Reach:

They reach the surrounding areas of Irvine, California

Size of Social Media (as of date):


Instagram: 209
S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: CTVA 102 Inside the Movies

Website: https:

Contact Person: Mike Dillon

Phone Number: N/A


Address: 800 N State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831

Type of Organization: University course (Entertainment)

Team Contact Name/Number: Natalia Ramirez (909)-413-7031

Status: Pending Response

Full Description of Organization:

CTVA102 is a course offered to students at California State University,

Fullerton in which they learn the inner systems of cinema and television

arts. They offer raffle tickets and movie release packages to their

social media followers and send email blasts to their subscribers. They are

known for sending email blasts of exclusive movie screenings across the

industry in LA/OC areas.

Why are we working with them? :

CTVA 102 is known for attracting students and subscribers to industry

events/screenings which are inalignment with our event.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

120 enrolled students

Geographic Reach:

Based in Fullerton, CA

Size of Social Media (as of date):


Instagram: 2,520

Facebook: 1,300

What are they doing for the event?

Sending email blasts to enrolled 120 students, CTVA and

Communication majors, and promotion on their social media stories. We

will request five story uploads or newsletter blasts, or both in total as an

outreach strategy.

Key Deadlines: Contact Professor Dillion by Wednesday the 20th, have

info/invite/template by Thursday the 21st, and aim for email blasts next

week by the 25th. Another strategy would be for ticket raffling.

What are we doing for them?

Providing tickets to participate in ticket raffle or providing a discount

code that enrolled students have access to. This allows for cross-promotion

and an exclusive ticket offer available to their students.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: Australian Short Film Today

Website: https: http:/

Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: N/A


Address: New York

Type of Organization: Non-profit Organization

Team Contact Name/Number: Juli Avila; (209)-404-9307

Status: Pending Response

Full Description of Organization:

Australian Short Film Today is an international roadshow that celebrates

the talents of Australian filmmakers in a variety of cities. They travel to

about 8 cities in the United States and Europe. One of those cities is Los

Angeles, which has a lot of influence in the film industry. It was founded

in 1992 by Susan Talbot and has now been around for 30 years.

Why are we working with them? :

In collaboration with the Australian Short Film Today organization, we

plan to work together to expand the presence of the Australian Films in

the industry and elaborate on it.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

Australian Short Film Today is based in New York.

Geographic Reach:

Australian short Film Today has a global reach across Europe and the U.S.

Size of Social Media (as of date):


Instagram: 1,289

Facebook: 662

Twitter: 282

What are they doing for the event?

Australian Short Film Today will help promote the NBFF Australian spotlight

on their social media platforms as well as inform their audience about the

opportunity to attend the NBFF Australian spotlight night.

Key Deadlines:

Send an email to the organization by Friday, September 22nd; have posts

uploaded on social media or website before October 1st.

● “Buy Tickets” post: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

● “Reminder” post: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
● “Day of Event” post: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
● “After Event” post: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

What are we doing for them?

We would promote any of their events and more information about their business

on our social media platforms to reach audiences who are interested in pursuing a

career in film and media. We can also highlight different stories about Australian

filmmakers and their experiences working with the company.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: CSUF Film and Media Arts Association


Contact Person: Alex Locascio

Phone Number: N/A


Address: 800 N State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831

Type of Organization: University campus Organization

Team Contact Name/Number: Natalia Ramirez (909)-413-7031

Status: Pending Response

Full Description of Organization:

FMAA is a student-led organization at California State University,

Fullerton whose goal is to produce network opportunities with other

students, and industry professionals, and present exposure to independent

film communities. In addition, their goal is to aid in the acquisition of

internships, and volunteer opportunities, and provide a community for film

lovers and filmmakers. They organize special screenings for members,

attend red carpet premieres and film festivals, and organize special events

on campus.

Why are we working with them? :

Our event aligns with FMAA’s mission to produce and participate in

quality events for its members and students. Since it is part of its purpose to

expose its members to independent film communities, film festivals, and

volunteer opportunities, our event meets all of those needs as an

international film festival. There are mutual benefits from this relationship.
Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

Orange County/LA area (Southern California

Geographic Reach:

Based in Fullerton, CA

Size of Social Media (as of date):


Instagram: 653

Facebook: 183

Twitter: 57

Discord: 144

What are they doing for the event?

Promoting our event through a feed post or at least three story posts between

September 25th-October 19th.

Key Deadlines:

Contact Director of Marketing, Nyree Holmes by Wednesday the 20th, have email

blasts out by the 25th, and have story or feed posts between the 25th-29th.

What are we doing for them?

Provide them with exclusive access to our volunteer team for members who are

interested in working the event, as well as a ticker discount code to promote, or

engage in a ticket giveaway to one/or a few of its members.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: The Great Australian Wine Association
Contact Person: Tony Gray

Phone Number: (707)-200-4292

Address: 22 Rancho CirLake Forest, CA 92630
Type of Organization: Wine Company
Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746
Status: Declined- No Response

• Full Description of Organization:

The Australian Wine Company was founded in 2013 by founder Tony

Gray. He specializes in wine importing for Australian wine. The company

established its product in the North American market and is a leading

Australian wine company in the USA market.

• Why are we working with them?:

We would like to work with them because it is a great opportunity to

promote the Australian community. We can benefit by hopefully reaching

out to some of their audiences via social media. We would be able to do that

in return by posting them and having them at the Newport Beach Film


Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

Lake Forest, CA

Geographic Reach:

Lake Forest, CA (Orange County, CA) (United States)

Social Media Outreach:

We will utilize their social media presence to promote the Newport Beach

Film Festival and our spotlight specifically.

Size of Social Media:

Instagram: 569 followers

Facebook: 229 followers

Twitter: N/A

What are they doing for the event? :

We would have the company post a series of posts on their feed/stories on

Instagram about our spotlight event. We could also have them potentially

have some of their Australian wine at the festival.

What are we doing for them? :

We can provide the company with promotional posts and stories on our

social media as well as discount codes for the spotlight event. In addition, we

can hopefully get some of the wine distributed in the event.

Special Notes:

The Australian Spotlight has actually worked with this company before, in

previous years. We did not get a response this semester, but definitely reach

out again for contact. However, I know there is a contract that NBFF has

with wine, so make sure you clear it with Gregg again. Definitely try, since

keeping consistency is key with sponsors.

S/P/S Profiles
Name of Organization: Fullerton Fashion Association
Contact Person: N/A

Phone Number: N/A

Email: N/A
Address: California State University, Fullerton
Type of Organization: Campus Organization
Team Contact Name/Number: Brandy Leyva (619)-513-0746
Status: Declined- No Response
• Full Description of Organization:

The Fullerton Fashion Association was founded on the CSUF campus in

2019 and has been growing their club ever since. It was created to bring a

community together and meant for fashion lovers. Their goal is to network

and have their members feel comfortable expressing themselves. Currently,

the club holds about 200 members and is growing every semester, as they

recruit new people. Their board changes every semester.

• Why are we working with them?:

It would be great to work with them because they have a great group of

members, which could help us fill our spotlight event night. They would

have a great opportunity to showcase their sense of style at one of the best

film festivals in California and post about it. We can equally raise the

presence of both our social media by collaborating together.

Size of Organization (Readership/Membership):

About 200 members in their organization, based in Fullerton, CA

Geographic Reach:

Fullerton, CA (Southern California)

Social Media Outreach:

We plan to utilize all social media platforms to promote them. They

mainly have a presence on Instagram, so they can post about us on their

stories and feed potentially. They have a discord channel, where they use it

to communicate with their members. They also hold meetings frequently, in

which we could promote the festival.

Size of Social Media:

Instagram: 1,979 followers

Facebook: n/a

Twitter: n/a

What are they doing for the event? :

We can utilize them to share our spotlight event with the members of their

club. They can also have a few story posts about us leading up to the

festival. We would also like them to have at least a few feed posts talking

about the ticket sales and our spotlight night.

We plan on reaching out to them as soon as we are able to and the film is

confirmed. Once the green light is cleared, we will offer them our

partnership. If accepted, we will start reeling out social media posts on both

ends for the spotlight.

What are we doing for them? :

WWe can offer them discount codes for their members to get tickets to the

festival. They could also raffle off maybe 1-2 tickets in one of their club

meetings. We will advertise them on our social media and announce our

partnership with them.

Special Notes:

This is another on campus organization at fullerton, which would be good

to contact since they are local. They have an executive board committee that

changes every semester, so I'd recommend racing out over instagram or

going to a meeting. They usually post their boards, so you could contact

them personally via dm. We figured that a fashion club would be cool to

have at the festival because of their style presence. Also, it would give them

an opportunity to dress up for a fancy event which will make them more

inclined to show up to your night for the film. Their board changed from the

previous semesters plan, so it was in the way of contact with them.

Location Selection
Starlight Triangle Cinemas

The red carpet and the showing of Hot Potato: The Story of The Wiggles

took place at the Starlight Triangle Cinemas in Newport Beach. The

location is 1870 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA. It is about a two-minute

walking distance to Time Nightclub, which is in the same complex. Known

for its stadium-style seating and variety of food and beverages at its snack

bar, the Triangle is the perfect place to host events and hang out with family

and friends. This theater continues to host many movie premieres at The

Newport Beach Film Festival, and we had the honor of creating a

memorable experience for our visitors who attended our Spotlight night.

(Courtesy of Team Australia’s 2017 Spotlight Night)

Our team arrived at the Triangle an hour before the documentary premiered

to prepare for the event. We were instructed to place Newport Beach Film

Festival pamphlets and thank you cards for each moviegoer on every seat in

the theater. Each card highlighted all the support our S/P/S gave us

throughout the event. It had the Australian Spotlight logo on the front and

some insight about Australian culture and the film festival on the inside.
When we entered the theater to help prepare, we had much help from the

volunteers who gave us clear instructions on what to do. We used this time

to make sure that every seat had the card and the pamphlet and to check

that the mics and sound were working for giving our speech before the film.

If your team ever has any downtime in the theater, it might be a good idea

to have your photographer(s) take action shots of everyone preparing; that

way, you have something to add to your business plan later on.

The team, Gregg, and any special

guests you have asked to speak will

give a speech before the film in front

of the theater. It should be 2-3

minutes in length. Make sure to

pass the mic around to each member

when they speak. This is the time to

thank everyone, including any

S/P/S, photographers, and

videographers, for coming to the

Before our speech, guests entered through the main entrance, where there

was a tent with volunteers ready to check their tickets and answer any

questions they might have had. They each received a colored wristband

indicating that they were there for the festival. Before entering, the Triangle

has many places to park, but if many people are coming to your event, it

might be better to carpool. Offer different suggestions to your visitors in case

they need clarification with parking if they are out of town.

Once they checked in, visitors could take pictures on our red carpet. The

opportunity would have given them the whole vintage moviegoing

experience, especially if they dressed lovely and glamorously. Be courteous

of who is on the red carpet, including when you guide your S/P/S

throughout the theatre. Give them easy instructions on where they should

go, how much time they need to take pictures on the carpet, potentially do

an interview, and when to take their seats. Use this time to record any

soundbites of your S/P/S highlighting The Newport Beach Film Festival

for future events.

Remember to have fun during this time! Smile and give your best poses.
Time Nightclub

Due to unfortunate circumstances, our event only featured a screening of

the film, Hot Potato: The Story of the Wiggles. However usually, after

giving a speech prior to the screening of the spotlight’s film, the team is to

head to Time Nightclub to help out with the film’s after-party. Time

Nightclub is a vibrant and lively space where guests over the age of 21 are

welcome to an upscale-casual party filled with entertainment, drinks,

food, and music in order to celebrate the screening of the film. The space

is a 14,000 square foot venue consisting of a lighting system, high-quality

production, and two full-service bars. Collectively, they all surround the

nightclub’s vast dance floor and tiered booth seating. Given that, Time

Nightclub is located at 1875 Newport Blvd B245, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;

making it a two-minute walk from Starlight Triangle Cinemas.

Moreover, though our team did not get to event plan and manage the

spotlight’s after-party event, as guests to these events, we do have some

insights and suggestions in order to help successfully plan and manage

your team’s event.

First, once you arrive at the venue you may

be asked by security to show your ID in

order to enter. Once you enter, you will

notice your sponsors and the NBFF team

setting up. Granted, this is a product of

proactively communicating and

coordinating with your team’s sponsors,

food vendors, and entertainment weeks in

advance; for by the time the event occurs, it

is now all about execution. Therefore, we

suggest that you first create an itinerary in

order to help visualize and analyze when

and how much time is needed for your

sponsors, food vendors, and entertainment

to setup and prepare; then you can provide

a call time to when your partners should

arrive and get ready. Centralizng more on

your spotlight’s entertainment, it is also

important to communicate with them as

well as the Time Nightclub’s DJ about the

sound arrangements and equipment plug

ins. Time Nightclub does feature all the

needed equipment for a DJ to use, it is just

a matter of effective communication.

Thus, as your sponsors and food vendors are setting up within specific

corners of the venue, this is the best to time for the entertainment to practice

with the DJ’s sound equipment. More likely, you will find the DJ at the

stage of Time Nightclub’s center dance floor. Additionally, this is also a

good time for your photographers to take some venue photos, team photos,

and as well as photos of your partners before the guests arrive. Just make

sure that prior to your event, you provide a shot list of specific photos you

expect your photographer to take before and during the event.

Next, once the screening of the film is over, guests will start to arrive

through a pathway of candles setup from the Starlight Triangle Cinemas

to the Time Nightclub. And once guests have arrived, the after-party will

begin! During this time, party music will start to play; the NBFF’s

sponsor, Tito’s Vodka will begin to serve; and an announcement about

celebrating the spotlight and its film will be made. Furthermore, during

the after-party, at a given point your spotlight’s entertainment will

perform. Therefore, make sure that your photographers not only take

shots of the event, but also the entertainment. When it comes near to the

end of the after-party, a thank you speech will be made by your team.

Here, Gregg Schwenk, will share a few words about the event, and your

team will thank its sponsors, partners, and supporters for making the

event possible.
Lastly, the event will conclude with a group photo facing the dance

floor and stage shot by NBFF’s partner, Pencil Box Photo. Thus,

with all things considered at Time Nightclub, stay alert and

organized, and don’t worry too much; but most importantly, don’t

forget to have a good time! Your team has spent so much time,

energy, and effort making a successful event, it is important to

celebrate your work!

The Appendix
Social Media Guide Deck:

We suggest creating a guide deck for your supporters and partners who

agree to promote the spotlight on their pages. Include intros, film/director

backgrounds, images, direction to find dropbox filed, captions/hashtags to

be copy and pasted, scheduled upload dates, and anything else!

Shot List:

We suggest creating a guide deck for your supporters and partners who

agree to promote the spotlight on their pages. Include intros, film/director

backgrounds, images, direction to find dropbox filed, captions/hashtags to

be copy and pasted, scheduled upload dates, and anything else!


Brandy: Hello everyone and good evening! My name is Brandy Leyva.

Natalia: I’m Natalia

Lauren: I’m Lauren

Annette: I’m Annette

Juli: I’m Juli

Czarina: And I’m Czarina

Brandy: And we are the Australian Spotlight organizers from Cal State


Natalia: We are extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity

to put this together and gain experience in event planning under the

guidance of the talented Gregg Schwenk.

Brandy: We would like to start off by thanking everyone for coming

out to the North American premiere of Hot Potato: The Story of the

Wiggles. We are immensely thrilled to share this cinematic experience

with all of you.

Natalia: Before we commence, we wish to express our profound

appreciation to our esteemed partners who have provided unwavering

support throughout our journey.

Brandy: Our heartfelt thanks go out to the American Australian

Natalia: The Australian Music Alliance

Brandy: The Alpha Delta Pi chapter at Cal State Fullerton

Natalia: The DigiFilm Society at UCI

Brandy: Ausfilm

Natalia: Australians in Film

Brandy: And our dedicated photographers Ryan Haluch and Christina


Natalia: Furthermore, we wish to extend a special acknowledgment to

Embassador Jane Duke, Consul General of Australia in Los Angeles for

gracing us with her presence at this event.

Brandy: We now invite her to share a few word we s with us.

(guests speaks)

Natalia: Thank you. Once again, we would like to thank you all for

your attendance and we hope you enjoy the film. *hand it back to


For Social Deck:

Per the contract, below I have attached a guide to the social media

posts. They do not have to all be feed posts, but we would love it if

the Save The Date post was. I have also attached the images below

with the corresponding names. The dates we would like these posts

to go out are mentioned as follows.

1st Post (Save The Date) - 10/04

2nd Post (Ticket Sale) - 10/06

3rd Post (Featured Director of the Film) - 10/11

4th Post (The Reminder) - 10/18

In addition, please let me know any promotion you would like us

to post on our socials. We plan on reposting your content on our

social media as well.


Brandy Leyva

Email (Gmail)


Password: Austr@lianSp0tlight


Username: nbffaustralian

Password: Austr@lianSp0tlight


Username: nbffaustralian

Password: Austr@lianSp0tlight

Facebook: Send Brianna an email to grant access

Brianna contact:



*This will be uploaded to your google drive file!!!

The End

*our team’s contact information is available and ready
for you to use at your needs, questions, and concerns*


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