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4 Tessellations Lesson Plan - Hanna Salak March 2024


Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Math

Long-Term Following review on symmetry and transformations

Sequencing and Tuesday: Transformations/12.1
Scaffolding: Wednesday: 12.2
Thursday 12.3/4
Friday: Spring break!


Curricular General Outcome Describe and analyze position and motion of

Expectations (Direct objects and shapes.
Outcomes): Specific Outcomes 6. Demonstrate an understanding of the
congruence of polygons.

Our objective: Students will be able to understand what transformations are and
how to transform a polygon. (Transformations)

Students will be able to understand what tessellations with

polygons are and how to construct them using translations and
reflections. (12.1 + 12.2)

Students will be able to construct tessellations using rotations and

create escher style tessellations. (12.3 + 12.4)



Day 1: Introduction / Review terminology like polygons, what a plane is in math,

Hook (5 mins) equilateral, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, quadrilateral. Review
ordered pairs, clockwise, vertices.

Day 1: Notes (15 Move on to transformation notes and go through the 3 examples,
mins) the students will follow along on their paper. Have students
brainstorm what a transformation means before starting these
notes. Review ordered pairs, clockwise, vertices.

Have slides pulled up to 12.1

Go through slides having students fill out their notes as you go

through them, ask them what things might be before you define

Before results for chart, have students draw their shapes on the
board so everyone confirms what the shape looks like. Then Have
students for the results of does the shape tile the plane come and
draw the shapes in a tessellation to see if it works or not.
Day 1: Textbook Q's Have students do the reading assigned in partners/groups and try
(15 mins) the textbook questions, they have 15 mins. Let them know that the
goal is to get through the textbook questions as fast as they can
because after 10-15 minutes we will share our answers as a class
and discuss why they are our answers.

Day 1: Conclusion / Bring groups back and discuss the q's and any q's students might
Wrap up (10 mins) have and go over key points in the reading. Allow students to

Then have students put things away and transition to next class.

Day 2: Introduction Start class with the tessellation connections.

(10 mins)
Recall the vocab from the connections and have students offer
definitions (tessellation, tiling the plane, regular/irregular shape,
Students need their translation, rotation, reflection) and have class come up with
laptops today! definitions for the types and what they mean. Transition into notes.

Day 2: Notes Have slides pulled up to 12.2

(10 mins)
Go through slides having students fill out their notes as you go
through them and use the ideas from the beginning of the lesson
for the definitions of the 3 types. When doing the notes, recall the
rules for rotations to help students remember them (on your

Day 2: Textbook Have students transition to working with a partner to do the

reading and Q's textbook readings and questions, and give the next set of
(10 mins) instructions for the next activity now rather than later because it will
be hard when they all finish at different times. It's only 2 questions
so it will not take you the rest of class.

("There are multiple instructions so wait until all of them have been
said and then when you have been told to start then you can move
and start.")

Day 2: Tessellation Have students once done textbook readings and questions get
Activity their laptop and go to the link sent out in their math teams. It is a
(10 mins) tessellation activity where you will create a 1 shape tessellation
and then a 2 shape tessellation and then a 3 shape tessellation,
until you can't figure out how to do any more shapes. Do an
example on the board showing how the online activity works and
recall why shapes tessellate (what's the rule)!

Day 2: Closure If extra time at the end ask students about the textbook q's and
(5 mins) what they found interesting about what shapes tessellate together.

If not just have students pack up and transition into the next class.
Day 3: Introduction Recall how we can make tessellations (using transformations and
(5 mins) what they are). As well as why certain shapes tessellate while
others don't. Have students offer up suggestions.

Day 3: Notes Have Slides pulled up but also textbook, have students copy down
(15 mins) the notes from the textbook as you explain why it is what it is, go
through an example.
Before textbook Q's, do 12.4 notes as well, have students copy
along the textbook ideas, you fill in your own as well for question 1.
Have students make guesses at the questions before allowing
them to see the textbook. Show some examples of escher-style

Day 3: Textbook Q's In partners let students do the readings and q's from 12.3 now,
and readings and when they finish that or 10 minutes has passed whichever comes
tessellation stencil first because I want them to try the stencilling activity, there are
activity tiling stencils and they will grab a stencil and piece of paper and
(20 mins) create their own escher-style tessellations.

Day 3: Closure If time, bring the class back together and go through the readings
(5 mins) and q's, having students suggest the answers.

Remind students no school on April 8th and they have no school

next week, when they get back they will have 2 days of review and
then their unit exam. Have a good break!

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