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and magnetism exam

Q1 identify the acid and base in copper sulphate. 1

Q2 Can lead react with copper chloride, if yes -write the equation, if no justify. 1.5
Q3 Describe an activity to show that magnetic field can produce electric current. 2
Q4 How can we determine the poles of a solenoid using a bar magnet? 1.5
Q5 how an electromagnet is made .1.5
Q6 Why two magnetic field lines never intersect each other. 1
Q7 Using Maxwell right hand thumb rule describe an activity to show the direction of magnetic
field and current in a circular loop with diagram. 3
Q 8 How lead II nitrate and potassium iodide react ?what is the colour of precipitate formed
.write the balanced chemical equation. Is this also a double displacement reaction? 3
Q9 Write equations for the reaction of calcium and potassium with water. 2
Q10 What would be the electron dot structure of a molecule of sulphur which is made up of
eight atoms.
Q11 Name one mild non corrosive base. 1
Q12 What is the chemical formula for hydrated copper sulphate. 1
Q13 Describe an experiment to suggest that hydrogen ions are produced in the presence of
water. 3
Q15 Translate into chemical equation -hydrogen sulphide gas burns in air. 1
Q16 Complete :- Precipitation reaction produce_____ salts. 1
Q17 In the reaction: 2PbO +C------2Pb the substance oxidized and reduced. 1.5
Q18 Out of antimony ,tellurium and Polonium which are metals and which are metalloids. 1

Q19. With the help of suitable chemical equations, list the two main differences between
roasting and calcination. How is metal reduced from the product obtained after
roasting/calcination of the ore? Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved.(CBSE
Q20 Write the reaction when baking powder is mixed in water.
Q21 Why does a compass needle get deflected when brought near a bar magnet
Q22 Hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric acid it is because nitric acid is
a strong oxidising agent it oxidises the H2 produced to water and itself get reduced to any of the
nitrogen oxides N2O,NO and NO2 but magnesium and manganese react with very dilute nitric
acid to evolve hydrogen gas. 4

On the basis of above extract answer the following questions.

I) How magnesium react with very dilute nitric acid.
II) can copper react with dilute HCl.
III) which metal copper or iron is more reactive.
IV) what is the formula for laughing gas.
Q23 State three reasons for the following
(i) Sulphur is a non-metal.
(ii) Magnesium is a metal.

One of these reasons must be supported with a chemical equation.(CBSE 2015)

Q24 How carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water for short time and for long duration of
time. write equations involved 3
Attempt questions according to given marks.
All the best kids
By -Shipra Agarwal

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