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Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

Mary Ellen King: The Nun who

Developed the First Counseling Centre
at Camosun
In December 2022, I attended the gathering at the
College that honored Dr. Lloyd Morin. It was a trip down
memory lane as I met many others who were part of the
close-knit Camosun College Community I knew between
1972 and 1992. Shortly afterwards Faye Ferguson asked
me to write this article for the CCARE Newsletter.

Sr. Mary Ellen (above right) and with other attendees at the event honouring Dr. Lloyd Morin,
December 2022

L to R: Faye Ferguson, Barbara Latham, Arnie Campbell, Paul Merner,

Patty Beatty-Guenter, Dr. Lloyd Morin, Dr. Lane Trotter Pat Floyd, Anne Patterson, Nancy Sly,
Sue Duggan, Sr. Mary Ellen King

I am a Sister of St. Ann (a nun) and prior to joining the College, I was the
Principal at St. Ann’s Academy which, at that time, was an historic and successful
private school. The Provincial Government purchased this property in 1972 and,
consequently, I needed a job! Jacquie Butters, whose children I had taught in
Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

Kamloops, was working at the College and

informed me of an opening in Student
Services. I had just spent a year (1971-72)
working as a substitute teacher in the
Greater Victoria School District and was
keenly aware of the value of this new college
as an asset to the overall education system
in B.C. I applied for the job and I was hired
at the same time as Les Langdale.
The first year (1972-73) I worked half
time teaching Grade 12 English and half time
in Student Services. At the end of the year
Dr. Grant Fisher, the first College President, Dr. Grant Fisher
approached me personally to invite me to
lead in the development of the Counseling
Center and to be Coordinator of this separate division in Student Services. I
accepted the challenge and remained in the position until Nancy Whillinghanz
replaced me. As Coordinator, I worked closely with other areas of Student
Services including Athletics and Financial Aid to develop access to further
services in support of the students. It was an exciting period of development
throughout the College and I thoroughly enjoyed my work.
In the 1970’s Student Services
personnel worked at three campuses -
Landsdowne, Interurban and Carey Road.
The counseling staff - Jacquie Butters,
Graham Holland, Les Langdale and myself -
rotated as we offered counseling and course
advising to all students as well as applicants
to the College.
Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

We not only offered individual services but also provided workshops to

help students develop skills and identify career options. We worked long hours;
however, we formed a cohesive bond not only among ourselves but also with the
staff and personnel of the entire College. This cohesiveness can be attributed not
only to our work ethics but also to the social and recreational activities that
brought various departments together. One of my favourite memories is the
variety of parties we had and the delicious food provided by the culinary school at

Counselling Staff in the early days

Front row: June Parker, Nancy Willinghanz, Anita Buckley, Nancy Johnson
Back row: Mark Jackman, Sr. Mary Ellen King, Joan Guthrie, Susan Wilson,
Sr. Judy Moran, Chris Balmer
Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

There was a growing need for psychological counseling and, with this in
mind, I hired Nancy Whillinghanz, a recent graduate of U. Vic who had a Masters
in Psychology. I personally took an academic leave and supplemented my
Masters in Education by attending two semesters at the University of Oregon
taking courses that would qualify me as a BC Registered Psychologist. Most
counseling faculty positions in the future required a degree in psychology. There
were exceptions, however, and I would like to recognize one of these. Isabel
Dawson first came to the College as an adult to complete her high school
education and was later hired by the College as a Student Advisor. Isabel is an
example of the many students who later became employees of the College. Her
significant contribution was recognized by giving her name to the Building where
she worked

Chris Balmer, Nancy Willinghanz, Iris Thomson-Glen, Sr. Mary Ellen King,
Rhonda Hart (work study student) , Chaplin Claire Holmes, Corry Johnstone

In 1986, I was asked by the Sisters of St. Ann to become the administrator
of Queenswood House of Studies on Arbutus Road. I was not prepared to retire
from the College so I reduced my contract to half time.
Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

Right: Sr. Mary Ellen at Queenswood

My administration skills were now directed to

Queenswood where the Sisters of St. Ann offered
opportunities for retreats as well as workshops in
self develop. After 6 years of working both at the
College and at Queenswood, I retired from
Camosun in 1992. It was a bittersweet moment
when I entered the Dunlop House to attend the
event recognizing my retirement.

Right: Sr. Mary Ellen at her retirement event

However, I was not really re0ring….the

next 16 years of my life were spent in
leadership of the Sisters of St. Ann. From 1992 to 1998, I served as Provincial
Leader of the Sisters of St. Ann serving in Bri0sh Columbia and the Northwest. In
1998, I was elected to be the General or Congrega0onal Leader and had to move
to our Motherhouse in Lachine, Quebec and learn to speak French! From 1998 to
2008, my job included the responsibility to visit every Sisters of St. Ann wherever
Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

she was living and serving the people of the area not only Canada, but also USA,
Hai0, Chile and the Cameroons in Africa. This was a great privilege, as I witnessed
not only the work accomplished by the Sisters but experienced life in a variety of
cultures. I worked collabora0vely with other Congrega0onal leaders, mainly in
North America. As Congrega0onal leaders, we travelled to Rome for interna0onal
mee0ngs and on these occasions, I had the privilege of mee0ng Pope John Paul II
and Pope Benedict XVI.

Above: Sr. Mary Ellen (second from left) meeting Pope

Benedict XVI in 2006

Left: Sr. Mary Ellen after receiving the Commemorative

Medal for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee

During this period, I received two significant

recogni0ons of my work. In 2002, I received the
Commemora0ve Medal for Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee. The invita0on to receive this
honor contained the following: “This commemora0ve
medal is part of the Jubilee year celebra0ons organized
by the Department of Canadian Heritage. It is awarded
Excerpted from CCARE Newsletter, March 2023

to those persons who have made a significant contribu0on to Canada, to their

community or to their fellow Canadians”. The second recogni0on was the
recep0on of an Honorary Degree in 2006 from Anna Maria College, Paxton, Mass.
This degree recognized my contribu0on to educa0on and society as evidenced by
many affilia0ons. I served as chairperson for the Catholic Founda0on of Vancouver
Island, the Victoria Diocesan Bishop’s Council, and the Victoria Ins0tute of
Gerontology; president of the Canadian Religious Conference Western Division,
vice chair-person of the Greater Victoria Hospital Society and as trustee for the
Southern Vancouver Island Hospital Society and the Altera0ve School for
Teenagers at Risk in Victoria.
In 2008, I returned to
B.C. and took up residence
at our re0rement home on
Arbutus Road. We sold this
property in 2012 and I
moved to The Cridge
Center and con0nue to be
quite ac0ve.
It has been a long life
journey and although there
might have been a few
bumps on the road I can truly The Cridge Center

say, “for what has been I say

THANKS….for what will be I say, YES!”

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