2 Homework

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1- Whose book is this? It’s mine.

2- Whose books are these? They’re Pedro’s.
3- Whose umbrella is this? It’s hers.
4- Whose jacket is this? It’s mom’s.
5- Whose glasses are these? They’re my glasses.
6- Whose cigarette are these? They’re partner’s.
7- Whose hat is this? It’s Nico’s.
8- Whose keys are these? They’re mine.
9- Whose camera is this? It’s Brenda’s.
10- Whose gloves are these? They’re Antonia’s.
11- Whose car is that? It’s father’s.
12- Whose watch is this? It’s teacher’s.
1- Routines

A utilizar:

- Have breakfast / lunch / dinner

- Go to work
- Work
- Go to school
- Do homework
- Do housework
- Get up
- Go to bed

My routine:

I get up at five thirty, First I take a shower and then I have breakfast, I like eating bread with

Later, I go to work at seven on the dot, I get to my job at seven thirty, but I start at eight on the
Then, I have lunch at twelve thirty with my workmates. When we finish lunch, we go for a walk.
After, I start over.

Later, I finish work at five sharp. I go home walking or cycling.

When I arrive home, I do my homework while I eat and drink something. I don’t have dinner
because then I don’t feel well.

Finally, I go to bed at twenty-three hours.

2- Reading
2a- c) during the week
2a- a) school children
7:00 a.m.: have breakfast
8:00 a.m.: go to school
12:00 p.m.: have lunch
3:30 p.m.: go home
06:00 p.m.: do homework.
07:00 p.m.: watch TV
09:00 p.m.: go to bed.

3- Grammar


1. I get up at six in the morning.

2. We have breakfast at seven.
3. I have lunch at one or two in the afternoon.
4. We go home at five.
5. Paul and Melisa do their homework at six.
6. They go to bed at nine.
7. You do housework in the morning.
8. I go to school at nine.


1. Bed / 11 / they / at / go / to
They go to bed at 11.
2. Evening / I / study / in the
I study in the evening.
3. Lunch / at / we / have / one o’clock
We have lunch at one o’clock.
4. Go / school / you / 10 / to / at
You go to school at 10.


1. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.

2. I have lunch at 12:30 in the afternoon.
3. I have dinner at 7 in the evening.
4. I go to bed at 11 at night.

- Magna Products

In Magna, we sell seating for Volkswagen and Ford.

In the Purchase department, we buying the productives pieces: since wires, threads, vinyls,
leathers, to rears frame.

The seating can differents, because the customers have different shapes of work.

I work with Volkswagen, they are very difficult, because they want asap but they don't usually
sent all the information.
Listen for the audio.

Ella es Helen Moston. Ella es marketing manager (gerente de ventas).

Circus company?
Su responsabilidad es material de publicidad, diseño and “printers”
Su área es …
Puede ser que su trabajo la haga viajar?


- Leer el texto de Sally, en voz alta (Ver las combinaciones en internet)

- The (pronunciation) seguido de consonante (The [pron] + consonant sound)
- Oraciones con Adverbs of frequency y THE

Every day, I get up at five thirty, but I rarely get up later because I am very tired.

When I go to work, before starting, I often drink a coffee. In the office, I always listen to music, I
love listening rock, sometimes I am listening to other types of music.

Finally, when I finish work, I hardly ever leave 5 on the dot, I usually leave at 5:30 or 5:40.

Hacer ejercicio 3
A- Do you do a lot of exercise?
B- Yes, I suppose I do. Why do you ask?
C- Well, it’s better if you do, according to a German scientist.
D- What does he say about it?
E- He doesn’t say that exercise is bad for you exactly, but that if you do too much, you use
up all your energy.
F- That do make sense. Sport is good for you and makes you feel better.
G- Yes, but according to him people who run a lot and play squash don’t usually live to an
old age.
H- Well, I do believe it. He probably just doesn’t like sport.

Para miércoles 03/01:

- De la presentación de Helen Mardsen: armarla utilizando el contenido del chat.

1- It closes
2- I’m sightseeing
3- No. I’m having dinner.
4- Where do they usually go on holiday?
5- She’s travelling to Asia four times a year.
Corrección: She travels to Asia four times a year.
6- Is it raining where you are?
7- What does your girlfriend do?
8- Are you working this week?

Estos mismos diálogos, decirlos en voz alta mañana 04/01

My presentation:

Hello. I’m Melisa Hilt. I work for a Canadian Company. They produce replacement pieces for

I’m studying Business Administration and I work as a buyer for Magna.

My job involves talking and negotiating with suppliers. I deal with payments, delivery of pieces
and quality of the final products.

I’m also in charge of carrying out new projects, where I must look for new suppliers that meet
our customer’s requirements.

I works with Benavidez and Pacheco’s plants in Volkswagen’s project, but currently I am
working with the Cordoba’s plant in the Renault’s project.

05/01: tarea para la siguiente clase

 Tema Blue Zones

Preguntas de Marjan

1- What time does Marjan get up?

She gets up between 6:00 and 6:30am
2- What does she do when she’s at work?
She has meetings and then she starts with the operations.
3- Where does she have lunch?
She has lunch at her desk.
4- What does she do in the evening?
In the evening, she has dinner with her son, then she watches news on TV.
5- Is her job a 9-5 job? Why (not)?
No, it isn’t. Because
6- Does she see her family a lot?
No, she doesn’t. She is very time with her son, but not with her husband.
7- How does she relax?
She plays the piano and she goes to the hairdresser.
8- Does she like her job?
Yes, she does.
11/01 -> El texto pero en resumen para hablarlo / preguntas por escrito

1- What are the people doing?

The people standing in the street.
2- Where are they going?
They are going to the city centre.
3- Who are the police talking to?
They are talking to the demonstrators.
4- What is the lion doing?
It is sitting in the road.
5- What is the car doing?
It is driving on the wrong side of the road.
6- What is the woman doing?
She is talking on her mobile phone.
Blue zones are 5 places in the world where live people longer than others.

These places are:

- Nuoro, in Sardinia
- Okinawa, in Japan
- Loma Linda, in California
- The Nicoya Peninsula, in Costa Rica
- Ikaria, the Greek island

In Sardinia, its population consumes a low-protein;

In Japan, there are the oldest women in the world.
Then, in California, your diet are grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
Finally, Greece has a Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables and healthy fats.

Jack: So, what do you do?

Tracy: I’m a private detective.
Jack: That’s interesting. Are you working now?
Tracy: Yes, I am. At the moment I am following a man.
Jack: How exciting! Is he in this café?
Tracy: Yes, he is. Right now, he is talking with a woman.
Jack: So…Who asked you to follow this man?
Tracy: I can’t tell you. He is waiting for me to call him now.
Jack: Well, my brother and I are having a coffee. Would you like to join us?
Tracy: No, thank you. I’m leaving.
Frightened = asustado
Thirsty = sediento
Worried: warrid (Así se pronuncial)


Hacer de tareas las oraciones de Let’s – en inglés

1- We could go to the concert.

2- We can take the underground.
3- Let’s ask the man over there.
4- Why don’t we take that taxi now?
5- Let’s go up the street.
1- It’s too far to walk. Let’s take a bus.
2- Let’s take my umbrella. It’s raining a lot.
3- It’ll take about an hour.
4- Look, you can’t take photos.
5- I’m sure we took the wrong bus.
Hacer escrito de la imagen que me envió de ciudad/campo
- pro y contras: lo que me gusta y lo que no

Describiendo el lugar

Tema: The country and the city

The city, I like because that it’s all near, but I don’t like the noisy or that are many people.
Too, I never bored because the rate of city is fast. Besides, the transportation in the city is
variable, there is many ease.

However, in the country, is very quiet.

There many animals, the people is different, they aren't stressed or nervous as people's city.
But, it isn't easy the transportation, it has to walk a lot or the bus takes much time.


Sujeto + Verbo + OD + Circunstacial

I like the city because everything is near, but I don’t like the noise the number of people.
Besides, I’m never bored because the rate of the city is fast.

However, in the country, it’s very quiet.

1- Poner en limpio el escrito.

2- Rice: hacer la tarea, la imagen.
3- El libro.

31/01: Page 9 / Audios


1. Is Sydney the capital of Australia? No, it isn’t.

2. Are you English? No, I’m not.
3. Is Astrix French? Yes, he is.
4. Are the Simpsons English? No, they aren’t.
5. Is sushi Chinese? No, it isn’t.
6. Are ---- from Italy? No, they aren’t.
7. Is --- Scotland? Yes, it is.
8. ---- Suzuki Japanese? Yes, they are.
9. Is ---- American? No, she isn’t.
10. Is New York the capital the USA? No, it isn’t.


9 + 2 = 11
13 + 3 = 16
8 + 5 = 13
7 + 5 = 12
6 + 4 = 10
10 + 4 = 14
8 + 3 + 7 = 18
11 + 7 + 2 = 20



Tarea: para el miércoles 07/02

- preparar un diálogo como si fuera recepcionista

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