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In case AMOT valve stop operating and all common methods to restore it have been
carried out without success, electrical calibration of the valve may be needed.
An indication to this will be that all three lights located in the valve (Healthy,
Warning, Fault) will be flashing at 2Hz and the valve will be totally dead.

Electrical Calibration can be done in the ECR by removing only the Electric Actuator.

NOTE: Electrical Calibration is done using a PC running Windows and a standard

USB cable type A to mini-B.

With the Actuator in the ECR follow the bellow steps:

1) Open the positioner box and supply 220v to the supply terminals according to
electrical drawing.

2) Through electronic drawings locate the Input and Output terminals in the
positioner board.

3) Connect the USB cable to the PC and to the positioner board and follow the
procedures of chapter 4.7 on AMOT manual.

NOTE: In case a line which starts “USB Serial Port (COM…)” is not appearing in the
“Ports (COM & LPT)” tab of Device Manager as described in the manual, but instead
an unknown device is appearing while PC and Positioner are connected, that means
a serial port converter driver is missing. Search on the internet “FT232R USB UART
DRIVER” and download/Install it
4) With connection between PC and Positioner established the below Menu should
be displayed in the software (HyperTerminal or Putty etc...)

5) Select Option 1 (Elec Calibration) and connect a Calibrator (Generator) to the

Input terminals previously located and follow the steps by applying the correct mA.

6) The bellow line will appear, at this point before pressing Enter disconnect the
Calibrator, and connect Input terminals to Output terminals (+ with +, - with -) and
Press Enter.

7) After this, the calibration of output mA range will be carried out automatically and
the bellow lines will be displayed on the software.
Press X for the main Menu, and then 5 for Exit and Save.

NOTE: If the above step is not performed correctly, the valve will be operative, but
the feedback signal will be wrong. To check if signal feedback is correct, connect a
multimeter to the output terminals in mA dc. The output should be same as the
input applied by the calibrator in the input terminals.
8) At this point only the Healthy light on the positioner should be flashing at 2Hz. To
test the actuator just connect the Calibrator back to the input terminals and apply 4-
20mA. If valve movement corresponds to mA given then calibration was successfully

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