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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lobo Sub-Office

NAME: ___________________________________ SCORE:______________

SECTION: ________________________________ DATE:________


Directions: Fill- in the boxes with correct letters to complete the word that is being described in each
1. It is defined as an interrelated sequence of events in a story where each event affects the other, thus
showing the cause-and-effect relationship.

2. This is the "peak" of the plot or the highest point of interest where all the tensions of the rising action lead
to the success or failure of the hero.

3. This is the conclusion or ending of a story.

4. This is everything that happens after the climax but before the resolution.

5. It is the main character who does heroic acts in the story.

6. It refers to the time and place in which the action of the story happens.

7. It is also a main character who opposes the protagonist in some way.

8. This is the part when tension starts to build.

Directions: Read the sentences below and identify what they refer to from the given choices below
each. Write the letter of your answer directly in the blank.
_____9. This refers to an author’s expression of his/her own opinion on a particular
issue without examining and presenting enough evidence.
A. bias C. objective
B. judgment D. subjective
_____10. Which of the following factors influences a person’s bias?
A. evidence C. facts
B. experiences D. reality
_____11. All of the following statements are true about bias, EXCEPT:
A. presenting both sides of the issue
B. telling only a part of the issue at hand
C. putting across an unfair or one-sided opinion
D. being subjective as opposed to being objective
_____12. Which of the statements below helps a person determine the author’s biases?
A. Use of diction and evidence
B. Use of credentials
C. Use of personal thoughts
D. Use of words
_____13. “Fathers are always more responsible in making decisions than mothers.”
Which of the words below makes the statement biased?
A. always C. making
B. decision D. responsible
_____14. “Pageants are amazing platforms that promote different advocacies such as
women empowerment, child protection, and environmental conservation.”
Which of the words below makes the statement biased?
A. amazing C. different
B. conservation D. protection
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lobo Sub-Office

_____15. “To have a vaccine for COVID-19 before the opening of classes on August 24, 2020, is
unbelievable.” What word makes the sentence biased?
A. before C. unbelievable
B. opening D. vaccine
_____16. “Buying a brand-new android cellphone is a waste of money.” Which of the words in the statement
shows bias?
A. brand new C. money
B. buying D. waste
_____17 Which of the following statements is an example of unbiased writing?
A. Filipinos are the best singers in the world.
B. High school dropouts will not be successful in life.
C. Asian people have a diverse and rich cultural heritage.
D. Students who are good in Science and Math are brainy.
_____18. Which of the following statements expresses bias?
A. The Earth rotates on its own axis.
B. Jose Rizal is our country’s national hero.
C. Putting rubbing alcohol is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses.
D. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.
_____19. Which of the following statements does NOT manifest bias?
A. Filipinos are considered the best English speakers in the world.
B. Women leaders are better than men when handling a health crisis.
C. Research studies are undertaken to help improve human condition.
D. Online games are the main cause of mental health problems among
teenagers nowadays.
_____20.Which statement of the writer expresses bias?
A. This bag is made of leather.
B. This shampoo uses organic ingredients.
C. This perfume costs twice the price of a sack of rice.
D. The car that he bought was impossible to purchase given its price.
_____21. Which of the following statements shows the positive view of the author about mobile games?
A. It distracts teenagers from their academic priorities.
B. It enhances the analytic and critical skills of players.
C. It promotes messages about violence among teenagers.
D. It negatively affects their physical and psychological health.
_____22.Which of the following statements shows the negative view of the author
about social media?
A. It breeds cyberbullying and depression.
B. It can be an avenue for business opportunities.
C. It develops the information and communication (ICT) skills of teenagers.
D. It allows people to create online communities and friendship.
_____23.What should an author do to avoid being biased? The author must…
A. present evidences to support personal opinions
B. present solid evidences on both sides of an issue
C. use words and expressions that appeal to the readers
D. use words and expressions to convince readers to take a stand
_____24. What particular technique is used which is intended to make consumers accept or approve
something without looking closely at evidences?
A. advertisement C. announcement
B. commercial D. propaganda
_____25. What type of propaganda uses appealing phrases which are closely associated with highly valued
concepts and beliefs but without offering any supporting information or reason?
A. card stacking C. name-calling
B. glittering generalities D. soft soap
_____26. What propaganda technique is intended to damage the image of the competitor by using names that
evoke fear or hatred such as, “racist, dictator, and communist”?
A. card stacking C. name-calling
B. glittering generalities D. plain folks

_____27. Which propaganda technique presents a negative quality of a person, entity, object, or value to
discredit it and make the other option more acceptable?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lobo Sub-Office

A. loaded words C. simplification

B. plain folks D. transfer
_____28. What propaganda technique is used in the statement, “Things go better with Coke”?
A. card stacking C. name-calling
B. glittering generalities D. plain folks
_____29. What propaganda technique is commonly used in the world of advertising because buyers are on the
lookout for real experiences?
A. card stacking C. plain folks
B. name-calling D. soft soap
_____30. "I love visiting you, folks, in the city because people are wholesome, hardworking, and family–
centered.” Which propaganda technique is used in the statement?
A. glittering generalities C. plain folks
B. name-calling D. soft soap
_____31. Which propaganda technique attempts to influence an audience by using words with strong
emotional appeal or may also portray stereotypes that cannot be supported by concrete evidences?
A. bandwagon C. loaded words
B. card stacking D. simplification
_____32. “A superstar mother talks about her experience of using the diaper that she prefers for her baby and
the advantages of using it.” What propaganda technique is used in the situation?
A. loaded words C. testimonial
B. simplification D. transfer
_____33. What propaganda technique is used by drug manufacturers in their advertisements that seems to
hide the possible harmful side effects of their products?
A. card stacking C. plain folks
B. name-calling D. soft soap
_____34. “In a school election, a voter is confused on who he is going to vote for school president, but
because most of his classmates and friends love “candidate X”, he decided to go along with the choice of the
majority.” What propaganda is used in the situation?
A. bandwagon C. name-calling
B. loaded words D. simplification
_____35. “A brand of snack food is loaded with sugar and calories; however, the commercial boasts that the
product is low in fat, implying that it is also low in calories.” What propaganda technique is used in these
A. card stacking C. plain folks
B. name-calling D. soft soap
_____36. Which statement uses soft soap propaganda technique?
A. You are a criminal! You don’t deserve to be elected.
B. My actions of service for you are my best work in life.
C. I am the right person to be voted because of my visible services.
D. I know that you are wise voters. The future of this country is in your hands.
_____37. What do you think is the right thing for you to do if you see the propaganda of a slimming tablet with
a promo sale of buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very cheap price and you really want to lose weight?
A. Not buy the product until I can prove that it is effective.
B. Immediately buy the product for its very good offer.
C. Buy the product because of its convincing promotion.
D. Conduct thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of
the product before buying it.
_____38. Which of the following best describes a social issue?
A. It causes an increase in unemployment.
B. The people recognize the situation as a huge problem.
C. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a problem.
D. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of people.
_____39. Which of the following can be categorized as a social issue?
A. increasing population C. high prices of commodities
B. cheating during exam D. low agricultural production

_____40. What issue reflects the scarcity of resources which are deemed insufficient to satisfy human wants
and needs?
A. social issue C. economic issue
B. moral issue D. public issue
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lobo Sub-Office

_____41. Which of the following is a primary indicator of an economic issue?

A. increased crime rate C. differences in beliefs
B. rising dropout cases D. high unemployment rate
_____42. Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral issue?
A. difference in beliefs or preferences
B. poor regard of the common good
C. lack of compassion for others
D. price increase in basic commodities
_____43. Which of the following can be considered as a moral issue?
A. abortion C. pollution
B. hunger D. unemployment
_____44. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation? Children die quietly in some of the poorest
villages on earth because the families cannot afford medical services.
A. social issue C. economic issue
B. moral issue D. psychological issue
_____45. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation? High fuel costs and soaring commodity
prices, together with fears of global recession, are worries of all countries.
A. social issue C. economic issue
B. moral issue D. psychological issue
_____46. Which of the following situations shows a moral issue?
A. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
B. A family experiences financial crisis due to the pandemic.
C. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
D. A community sees a surge in drug addiction cases.
_____47.Which of the following situations reveals a social issue?
A. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
B. A family experiences financial crisis due to the pandemic.
C. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
D. A community sees a surge in drug addiction cases.
_____48.Which of the following situations poses a moral issue?
A. A school conducts symposium about bullying.
B. A community works together for a clean-up drive.
C. A group of students cheats in an examination.
D. A group of people stages a hunger strike on the street.
_____49.Which of the following situations presents a social issue?
A. A school conducts symposium about bullying.
B. A community works together for a clean-up drive.
C. A group of students cheats in an examination.
D. A group of people is having a hunger strike on the street.
For items 50 -52, read the following transcript taken from a listening text and answer the following questions.

Lack of sex education, peer pressure, and early sexual engagement are just three of the many causes of
teenage pregnancy. In the Philippines, teenage pregnancy has become a social problem. Peer pressure
and lack of education result in early sexual engagement that leads to early pregnancy. With very little
knowledge about sex and pregnancy, many adolescent girls find themselves in a dilemma about the
situation oftentimes without the knowledge of their parents. These teenagers, however, do not know that
such a pregnancy can be a huge health risk. Teenage pregnancy is associated with high risk of health
problems to the mother and the baby. Infections from sexually transmitted disease, premature birth,
abortion, and postpartum depression are just four of the many health problems. Therefore, teenage
pregnancy is not just a social issue, but it is also a health issue.

_____50. What specific societal problem is discussed in the text?

A. peer pressure C. students dropouts
B. lack of education D. teenage pregnancy
_____51. What type of issue is the problem discussed in the text?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lobo Sub-Office

A. social issue C. economic issue

B. moral issue D. psychological issue
_____52. Which of the following statements is true about the issue on teenage pregnancy based on the text?
A. Teenage pregnancy is an economic problem.
B. Teenage pregnancy is solely caused by peer pressure.
C. Teenage pregnancy can result in many health problems.
D. Teenage pregnancy can be solved through sex education.

53-55. Directions: Based on the given paragraphs, identify the idea which the author favors.
Write the word FOR under the topic if the author is biased towards it. If not, write AGAINST.

BIAS FOR or AGAINST: Jeepneys have been one of the main

modes of transport in the Philippines.
They are also the livelihood source of
Evidence: many Filipinos, However, they often cause
road congestions and traffic jams. Also,
they are obsolete that may compromise
the safety of the passengers and may
pose a threat to the environment. As such,
these jeepneys do not meet the standard
of modernization of a public utility vehicle.
With these, phasing them out appears to
be a much better choice

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Teacher I Teacher-in-Charge

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