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Marine Vehicles and Offshore Installations:

Laser Diagnostics of Machinery Health*

by N.A. Halliwell, Loughborough University of Technology and
P.G. Eastwood, Acoustic Technology Limited (ATL), Condition Monitoring Division

Abstract \
For reasons of both safety and
economy it is desirable to avoid the
breakdown at sea of heavy machin-
ery in marine transport and offshore
installations. Unscheduled loss of
production or power during ‘down-
time’enhances vulnerability and of-
ten carries severe financial penalties.
This has led to an increasing interest
in the concept of monitoring machin-
ery health to detect impending fail-
ure. This Application Note demon-
strates how the Torsional Vibration
Meter Type 2523 can be used to ad-
dress the problem of diagnosing fail-
ure in viscous shear torsional damp-
ers which are normally fitted to the
crankshaft of large marine propul-
sion diesels and generator sets. The
method allows condition diagnosis to
be achieved while the engine is run-
ning and avoids the need for ‘down-
time’associated with traditional fluid
sampling methods. Torsional Vibration Meter Tvae 2523

The majority of large marine diesel fluid, typically silicone oil. During nor- the damper fluid. The normal practice
engines require some form of damping mal engine operation, the viscous drag for health diagnosis is thus to periodi-
or detuning device to be fitted to the exerted by the damper fluid is suffi- cally sample the damper fluid for labo-
crankshaft in order to prevent the cient to cause the internal mass to ratory analysis and subsequent deter-
build-up of large vibration amplitudes move with the casing and both mem- mination of its viscosity. This method
and stresses at torsional resonances. bers rotate at essentially the same suffers from severe practical disadvan-
For higher power output engines, the speed. At a ‘critical’speed, however, a tages which are:
viscous shear damper is the usual harmonic of the torque exerted on the
choice because of its excellent heat dis- crankshaft system coincides with a (i) In order to obtain a fluid sample
sipation capability. This damper con- natural torsional mode with increased the engine must be stopped.
sists of a light metal casing which is amplitude. In this case, relative mo- (ii) Often, ancillary equipment must
attached to the free end of the engine tion occurs between the seismic mass be removed in order to gain access
crankshaft and in which a relatively and the casing causing viscous shear- to the damper fluid sampling
heavy annual seismic mass is en- ing of the damper fluid which tends to points. During this time, the tem-
closed. Small clearances exist between damp out the torsional vibrations. perature and viscosity of the fluid
the sides and circumference of the seis- A decline in the performance of the may change considerably from its
mic mass and the enclosing casing damper is usually associated with a true operational value.
which are filled with a highly viscous change in the operation viscosity of (iii) In general, the fluid sample is re-

*This application note is a reprint from “Optics and Lasers in Engineering”, published by Elsevier Science Publishers

Brüel & Kjær

turned to the damper manufac- 4 Degradation of the viscous fluid
(v) Clearly an in-situ method of assessing
turer for analysis thereby, further does not usually occur in a linear viscous damper health offers a signifi-
extending the period of ‘down- fashion and, thus, the results cant advantage. This has recently
time’. from infrequent sampling can been provided by the application of
(iv) The total number of possible sam- rarely supply sufficient trend in- optics and laser technology to the
ples is restricted to such an ex- formation to allow scheduled problem and relies on the in-situ
tent that condition assessment on maintenance/overhaul procedures measurement of crankshaft torsional
a regular basis is precluded. to be confidently extended. vibration.

The Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523

The in-situ measurement of torsional

vibration o f rotating components is a Photodetector
notoriously difficult problem. Conven-
tional measurement systems employ Aperture
fixed optical or magnetic transducers I ’
which monitor the passage of a slot- \I
ted disc or toothed wheel connected to
the rotating component. Torsional vi-,
bration data are obtained via demodu-
lation of the observed fluctuations in
slot or tooth passing frequency. These
types of system have a limited dy-
namic range and are subject to ‘noise’
problems if the rotating target compo-
nent or structure to which the prox-
imity transducer is attached vibrate
as a solid body. The advent of the
Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523
has solved these problems. A brief de-
scription of its physics of operation is
as follows. More information can be
found in the Product Data Sheet for
Type 2523.
With reference to Fig. 1, two low-
powered parallel laser beams are di-
rected at the rotating component
which can have arbitrary cross sec-
tion. Light is backscattered from the
two points A and B and is collected Fig. 1. Torsional Vibration Meter Type 2523: optical geometry
onto the surface of a photodetector.
The current output of the photode-
tector is modulated at the difference
in light frequency between the two
scattered beams which is caused by
the Doppler effect when scattering oc-
curs from the moving surface at A and
B. Any solid body oscillation of the
target, denoted by the velocity V in
the figure, is ignored by this geometry
since equal Doppler shifts are pro-
duced from this form of motion.
The difference in Doppler shifts
from A and B is due to the rotational
speed of the target N and the corre-
sponding velocities VI and V, respec-
tively. This frequency difference f,,
can be shown to be given by [2,3]

fD= (47&J Nd sin a (1)

where X is the wavelength of the laser

light, d is the beam separation dis-
tance and c1 is the angle which the Fig. 2. Torsional vibration measurement on a marine diesel engine using Type 2523

plane of the incident laser beams the fluctuating part of which is the parallel laser beams at its side or end
makes with the rotational axis of the required torsional vibration velocity. surface. Fig. 2 shows the instrument
component. With reference to eqn (l), It is now possible, therefore, for the in operation on the crankshaft of a
frequency tracking, the detector out- marine engineer to quickly assess the marine diesel engine.
put fD produces a time resolved ana- torsional vibration level of an engine
logue of the target rotational speed N, crankshaft [l] by simply pointing the

Damper Health Diagnosis

Theoretical considerations
Fig. 3 shows the two-mass model used
to describe the torsional vibration re- T(t) = T cos (ot - 4)
sponse of an engine fitted with a vis-
cous shear damper. The inertia Id rep-
resents the seismic mass of the
damper and e,(t) its instantaneous
angular displacement. The engine
shafting system is represented by a
single degree of freedom system com-
prising a mass of inertia I coupled to
an arbitrary fixed point through a
massless shaft of torsional stiffness I= Equivalent inertia of engine shafting system
K. Viscous damping torque exerted on (referred to damper casmg)
the damper casing by the seismic K = Equivalent stiffness of engine shafting system
mass is modelled by a viscous dashpot (referred to damper casing)
of damping coefficient C. T = Resultant excitation torque
The vibration response character- (referred to damper casing)
istics of the two-mass model in Fig. 3 I, = Inertia of damper’s seismic mass
are well documented [4,5]. The steady
c= Characteristic viscous damping coefficient of damper
state vibration amplitude, 0, of iner-
tia, I, to excitation by a harmonic w= Angular frequency of excitation torque
torque T(t) = T cos (ot - $) is given in e(t) = Instantaneous angular displacement of I
non-dimensional form as a dynamic 9,(t) = Instantaneous angular displacement of Id
magnifier M where (cf. damper’s seismic mass)

1 rz + 452 I2
M =e,,= F2 (l-ry+q [p2_(1_$)]2 !
(2) Fig. 3. A two-mass dynamic model of an engine installation fitted with a viscous shear
torsional vibration damper
Ost = T/K = angular deflection at the
damper casing if the harmonic torque
was applied statically,
I System inertia ratio, ir = 1/3

p = I,lT = ratio of the inertia of the

damper’s seismic mass to the inertia
of the shafting system,
w, = (K/I)lj2 = undamped natural fre-
quency of the main shafting system,
r = w/o,, = forced frequency ratio (en-

gine speed term), C=O.l
5 = C/Cc = damping ratio where Cc =
Fig. 4 shows the response of the 1.2
dynamic magnifier, M, versus the
forced frequency ratio, F, for different
values of the damping ratio, 5.
The results are calculated for a
typical inertia ratio of p = 1/3. For
zero damping the peak vibratory re-
0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 5
sponse (i.e. resonance) occurs at an
Forced Frequency Ratio
excitation frequency that coincides
with the undamped natural frequency Fig. 4. Viscous damper: Dynamic magnifier curves for various values of damping ratio (0
wn (i.e. r = 1). If the damping is infi-
nite so that the two masses I and I, System inertia ratio, p = 1/3
are locked together then resonance
occurs at a lower excitation frequency 25
w, given by.

CD’, = Co, (l/(1 + p))i’2 (3)

Also shown in Fig. 4 are other re-

sponse curves for different values of
the damping ratio, 5, between these
extremes. All curves pass through a
common point P regardless of C,. Opti-
mum damping is achieved with a re-
sponse curve whose maximum coin-
cides with P. In this condition the tor-
sional vibration amplitude at reso-
nance is minimised. Given that the
damper fluid viscosity is the primary 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
controller of the damping ratio c in Damping Ratio 9300tl6e
practice, it is usual to select a fluid
whose viscosity initially provides a Fig. 5. Viscous damper: effect of damping ratio on peak value of dynamic magnifier (i.e.
dynamic magnifier at resonance)
value of < close to 5, t. Whatever the
value of 5, however, the resonant fre-
quency of the system will lie between 1.000 I I I I I ,
w, and wh and have a finite amplitude
System inertia ratio, p = 1/3
in practice.
An immediate possibility for as-
sessing damper health in situ is to use
the Torsional Vibration Meter Type
2523 to produce a response curve simi-
lar to that shown in Fig.4. This curve
should be compared with a baseline
measurement taken, for example, at
pass off for the engine where near to
optimum damping conditions will
have been achieved. Shifts in the reso-
nant frequency and/or associated reso- j f = -*’
g 0.850 1
nant vibration amplitude could be
used as performance assessment cri-
teria. It is now useful to predict the I
magnitude of the changes in these pa- I

rameters produced by changes in 0.800; I 1 I I I I I I I

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
damping ratio 5 using the two-mass Damping Ratio 930007e
With reference to eqn (2) it is Fig. 6. Viscous damper: effect of damping ratio fQ on resonant forced frequency ratio
straightforward to predict how the
resonant frequency and amplitude for
a given system will vary as a function Examination of Fig. 4 shows that the Torsional Vibration Meter Type
of the damping ratio 4. Results calcu- relatively larger changes in the val- 2523 to measure torsional vibration
lated for a system with an inertia ra- ues of the dynamic magnifier with re- amplitudes at engine speeds corre-
tio of p = l/3 are shown in Figs. 5 and spect to the damping ratio 5 occur in sponding to w, and I$, it is possible to
6. With reference to Fig. 5 the points the region of the limiting resonant fre- provide an effective assessment of
x’andX”indicate the resonant ampli- quencies of the system w, and wh de- damper health. Further to this, the
tudes that correspond to changes in fined earlier. Fig. 7 shows this result. values of ID, and CD: are easily calcu-
the optimum damping ratio of 50% With reference to this figure it is clear lated from manufacturers data.
and 200%, respectively. In both cases, that a reduction in damping ratio from
the resonant amplitudes are approxi- the optimum value causes a steep rise Practical considerations
mately 30% higher than those predict- in torsional vibration amplitude at an It is possible to use the Torsional Vi-
ed for an optimum damping condition. excitation frequency (engine speed) bration Meter Type 2523 to produce
With reference to Fig. 6 the points corresponding to o, and similarly at the complete torsional response
Y’and Y” indicate how the resonant wh if an increase in damping ratio curves shown in Fig. 4. This could be
frequency of the system is affected by occurs. For a 50% decrease and 200% achieved by:
similar percentage changes in damp- increase in damping ratio, the dy- (i) recording torsional vibration re-
ing. In this instance, the value of the namic magnifier at w,, and m.i in- sponse signatures at a number of
resonant frequency changes by ap- creases by 63% and 54% respectively. different engine speeds-Fourier
proximately 5%. These results suggest that by using analysing these signatures to pro-

duce the corresponding response I I I I 1 1 I I

spectra and then plotting the am- System inertia ratio, p =1/3
plitude of an isolated order (or or-
ders) from these spectra as a func-
tion of engine speed; 15 Dynamic magnifier at frequen
(ii) using a commercially-available
tracking filter to “track” a speci- E
fied torsional order (or orders) 6
over a range of engine speeds au-
.; 10
tomatically. This method is inher-
ently quicker than (i) and pro- 0”
duces data at all engine speeds.
In order to tune the tracking fil-
ter, however, a trigger signal pro- 5
portional to the average engine
speed is required. i 6=&t
In either of the above cases the as- I I I I I
sessment of condition would rely upon
0’ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 .o 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 .I
Damping Ratio
obtaining baseline torsional vibration 93000se
data at engine “pass off” or some other Fig. 7, Viscous damper: effect of damping ratio on dynamic magnifier at frequen-
point in time when the damper was cies co,, and w:
known to be in good condition.
The theoretical considerations
have suggested that the time-consum- tice, the onset of damper degradation to confirm the suspected trend in the
ing task of(i) or the necessity for the is usually caused by a decrease in fluid response curve. In this way the engi-
specialised equipment of (ii) is not nec- viscosity and in this case the engine neer can diagnose damper health by
essary and that monitoring the tor- speed of choice is that corresponding comparing vibration levels of a har-
sional vibration amplitude of a har- to w,. If the operating speed range of monic order in situ with those that
monic order at a single engine speed the engine allows it, however, it is were previously taken at engine pass
should provide a reliable method of recommended that vibration levels at off when the damper was operating
damper health assessment. In prac- both CD, and CO: be monitored in order optimally.

Experimental Tests

The practicability of the monitoring

technique was examined on a 16-cyl-
inder turbocharged diesel installation.
It was not possible to conduct a simu-
lated fault analysis in the test since
the engine damage risk was too high.
However, service fault data for other
similar installations was available for
comparison. The tests were used to I = 16.149 kgm I,, = 11.696 kgm i.r = 0.724
establish the validity of the two-mass
model and the accuracy in predicting w, (undamped natural frequency of system) = 460.34 rad/sec = 4395.97 rpm
trends in the response curves. wP (common point frequency) = 394.42 rad/sec = 3766.56 rpm
oh (undamped natural frequency of “locked”sysem) = 350.55 rad/sec = 3347.52 rpm
The accuracy of the two mass model
K = 3.422 x lo6 Nm/rad c = 0.326 (assumed to be optimum)
depends on the two following condi-
tions: For the 2.5 order torsional harmonic
(i) The torsional response of the en- w, = 184.14 rad/sec = 1758.39 rpm
gine shafting system at the speeds w,‘= 140.22 rad/sec = 1339 rpm
of interest is dominated by the wP = 157.77 rad/sec = 1506.62 rpm
contribution of a single vibration For the 3.5 order torsional harmonic
mode. o, = 131.52 rad/sec = 1256 rpm
(ii) The damping associated with the w; = 100.16 rad/sec = 956.43 rpm
engine shafting system at the or = 112.69 rad/sec = 1076.16 rpm
speeds of interest is provided pri-
marily by the viscous damper. Note that, for conditions of optimum damping, the common point frequency op. coincides with the
resonant frequency of the system. The values of s+ given above therefore predict the critical running
speeds associated with each harmonic order.
In practice, the engine speeds which ssorri?
are of interest are those defined by
the operating speed range of the en- Fig. 8. A two-mass dynamic model of the diesel engine under test
gine. The presence of a viscous 250 I I I 1
damper would therefore suggest that z
the above requirements will, in gen- w
eral, be satisfied. The torsional
damper is introduced to suppress the
vibrations of a resonant critical speed
lying within or close to the operating
speed range and by definition, the tor-
sional resonance is associated with a
specific mode of vibration. 3.5 0
Data pertaining to the two-mass
model for the engine installation un-
2.5 0
der test are summarised in Fig. 8. Fig.
9 shows the amplitude of the 2.5 and
3.5 torsional orders measured by the Experimental Results
Laser Torsional Vibrometer at the Full Load Speed Range

damper casing. Also included in Fig. 9 0’ I I I I I I

are the corresponding amplitudes as 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

Engine Speed (rpm)
1500 1600 1700
predicted by the two mass model as-
suming optimum damping. The model Fig. 9. Comparison of theoretical and measured 2.5 and 3.5 order response curves
correctly predicts the trends in the
response curve and identifies the reso-
nance of the 2.5 order critical at an
engine speed of approximately 1500 Damper with high Damper with lifted cover
s 500 -
rpm. The predicted resonance of the z fluid viscosity 80% Full Load
No Load
3.5 order critical at 1076 rpm was out- r
side the full load operating speed E
400 -
, \
range but is, however, still evidenced $
, \
in the experimental results taken. The $
300 -
, \
discrepancy between predicted and %
/*C. , N. ..
measured amplitudes is expected and s
/ . .
can be attributed to a theoretical over- 200 -
/ .*\
2 Healthy Damper
estimation of harmonic torque mag- 5
80% Full Load
nitudes and to the exclusion of any a” 100 -
other sources of damping except the
viscous damper. I I I I I I I I I I
With reference to Fig. 8, it is clear 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 840 880 920
that a decrease in damping is best Engine Speed (rpm) 9300,oe
detected by measuring the vibration
amplitude of the 3.5 order critical at Fig. 10. The effect of viscous damper faults on the 2.5 order response curve of a
1256 rpm (oQ Similarly an increase 16 -cylinder “V” engine driving a generator (derived from service failure records)
in damping IS best detected by meas-
uring the vibrational amplitude of the
2.5 order critical at 1339 rpm (or:). speeds within the operating range in the changes in damping provided by
The measured levels would be com- order to confirm suspected trends in the torsional damper are correctly
pared against historical baseline data. the response curve. predicted by the two-mass model. Fur-
It should be noted that, in practice, Fig. 10 shows the changes in the ther to this the amplitude of vibration
the advantage of the in situ measure- 2.5 order response curves taken from measured is well within the dynamic
ment provided by the Torsional Vi- available service failure data for a 16- range of the Torsional Vibration Me-
bration Meter Type 2523 will allow cylinder "V" engine driving a genera- ter Type 2523.
rapid assessment at other engine tor set. The trends in behaviour due to

“Critical” engine speeds occur in large dampers are fitted to larger marine and laser technology has produced a
marine propulsion diesels where a diesels and their performance is dic- novel means of assessing damper
harmonic of the torque exerted on tated by the viscosity of the fluid used health without these problems. This
the crankshaft system coincides with in the device. Current monitoring has been achieved by using the Tor-
a torsional natural frequency. Large methods for damper performance re- sional Vibration Meter Type 2523 to
torsional vibration amplitudes of the quire sampling the fluid for labora- measure, in situ, torsional vibrations
crankshaft, which would lead to fa- tory tests. This is laborious, expen- of the damper casing. Theoretical
tigue failure under such conditions, sive, and requires a long period of en- modelling of torsional damper behav-
are suppressed by the use of torsional gine downtime. iour has suggested several means of
dampers. Viscous shear torsional The application of modern optics assessing damper performance based

on these measurements. One possible quired tracking the specified order this they are easily calculated from
method is to monitor the response during engine shutdown and involved engine manufacturers data. In this
amplitude of an isolated torsional or- additional dedicated hardware. way torsional damper health can be
der over a sufficient range of engine A superior cost effective method is assessed by comparison to two values
speeds to resolve the location and am- to monitor the amplitude of the tor- of torsional vibration amplitude of a
plitude of a critical speed (cf. reso- sional order at either of the two limit- specified harmonic order: one taken
nance). This response curve would ing values of its critical speed. These in situ and the other recorded at en-
then be compared with the equivalent engine speeds correspond to gine pass-off when the damper is per-
which was taken at engine pass-off resonances for zero and infinite damp- forming optimally.
when the damper was performing ing and produce a more sensitive
optimally. The method, however, re- measure of performance. Further to

[l] Nestorides, E. J., A Handbook on Torsional Vibration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1958.

[2] Halliwell, N. A., Pickering, C. J. D. & Eastwood, P. G., The laser torsional vibrometer: a new instrument. Journal of
Sound and Vibration, 93 (4) (1984) 588-92.

[3] Halliwell, N. A. & Eastwood, P. G., The laser torsional vibrometer. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 101 (3) (1985)

[4] Den Hartog, J. P., Mechanical Vibrations, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1940, pp. 211-15.

[5] Georgian, J. C. Torsional viscous friction dampers. Trans. ASME, Paper No 48-A-67,1948.
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