Crown Over 13

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didn't work [May. 5th, 2006|05:50 pm]

[Current Location|christmas island ]

[ Current Mood| crazy ]
'burn' by
[ Current Music| ]
Alright so that blogspot is a little too boring and yeah confusing. so i decided to stick
to live journal. yeah so peoples dont comment me my agent deletes them all. yeah so
anyways i just got home from like this golf and stuff place it had like 2 roller coasters
one with 2 loops it was awesome. katie kept freaking out like crazy though every time
we went on a ride lol everyone went on the mega drop...yeah i stayed clear of that not a person that likes to be dropped a million um miles or height or w/e in the
air. ugh i bought nachos ccuz i was starving (BIG MISTAKE) lol i felt so sick afterwards.
the bumper cars were a waste of time. lol i got the stupidest car...or maybe im the
stupidest driver...i couldn't get outa the stupid corner. lol. haha for fun we went on the
merry go round and we started screaming like crazy and pretending we were scared
and this mean old lady yelled at us to shut up. but omg they had like horses to ride on
on the merry go round but there were other circus animals and i got the tight
ostrich!!!!!! :P i looked pretty sexy riding that ostrich (that sounded wrong). haha me
and eva were on the water ride (eva was stupidest enouugh to wear a white tank top)
lol anyways and so she made me sit in the front and on the way up the hill thingy we
were yelling to caitlin and we were so focused on getting caitlin's attention that we
ddidn't notice the drop coming up so we screamed really loud and when we were
coming down alex took a pic lol are faces look hilarious. ummm on the ride up there i
sat next to andrew and he had his lighter and he kept burning random shit and he
burned my hair hahaha. umm the way back was kinda boring i was really tired so i
just sat there w/ eva watching release the bats. its pretty cool its kinda like jackass its
like a documentary w/ fall out boy and shit. they do all this stupid crap and stuff yeah
its pretty weird but entertaining. OH AND i got a pretty cool spiderman tatoo on my
face. yes. ya soooooooooo tomorrow is prom wooo can't wait. reyna is like getting in
later tonight ya woo i can't wait ...kinda haha.. so im thinking of getting a tatoo of a
tie on me when im older haha i think that would be pretty tight. anwayys thatts about

"pass the alcohol bitch im going for the head"


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yep yep yo [May. 3rd, 2006|04:22 pm]

yo peoples. im deciding to move to a blog spot because livejournals are so last minute
:P lol so yep uu can check out my blog spot onnnn

there so hopefully it'll work out for me

if it doesn't im resorting back to this
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wowww [May. 2nd, 2006|04:21 pm]

[Current Location|mi casa ]

[ Current Mood| anxious ]
[ Current Music|'turn off the lights' hollywood undead]
wow ok im finally updating this thing lol i hope everybody had a great umm day? lol or
month or whevnever it was when i last updated this thing. man i dont even know
whats happened since then. im in Los Angeles now. I'm going to be in New York in a
few weeks for an audtion and to see my cousin so that'll be really cool i can't wait. I
also MIGHT be getting an offical Myspace page so yeah i begged because Cole and
Dylan Sprouse are getting one after they turn 14 so I SHOULD BE ABLE TO ALSO!
yeah so i got summer school lol umm i go to england the day before my b-day (july
12) wooweee and thats about it!

peace out girl scout,

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HAPPY EASTER [Apr. 16th, 2006|09:51 am]

hey everyone! happy easter!! haha I'm up early because i just got home a lil bit ago.
im in california now :) so its all good. ugh i start skool tomorrow really don't want to
....i promised myself id do my homework during the week...well that never happened
lol so now i have to do it all today and copy from someone tomorrow. oh well. my
fault. yep thats it bye
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breathe in for luck [Apr. 15th, 2006|02:02 pm]

ummmm im not really sure what to in arizona right now and i leave to go to
texas tomorrow...or i might be going back to cali im not sure yet but ya opening
night for Paradise Texas is April there...ill be there. depends on how many
people go if it'll get out in theatres so please go
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Went to baskin robbins all the time...don't you know that
[Apr. 2nd, 2006|11:30 am]
you are mine.
[Current Location|CODY'S HOUSE ]
[ Current Mood| drunk ]
[ Current Music|'bonnie taylor' hellogoodbye]
hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo im in texas!!!! WOOO IM SO HAPPY!! i
left last night at like 11 my brother is still in cali though but hes coming
today? tomorrow? im not sure but im in texas for 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH IM SO
GLAD!!! i get to see all my old friends. tomorrow im going to crownover during the
skool day and sayin hey to everyone lol :) right now im hangin w/ the cody. he wants
to write:


lol ok he is done. anyway blah im bored. kourtney came over and shes like WHERE IS
JULIAN OMGGG im like ...hes not here....and shes like OH....ok bye.. lol it was odd
bcuz she came over at like 6am. and im like wtf r u here for lol im kinda stupid bcuz
wat else wood she b here for? .....duh julian. ya so me and cody are gonna go have
fun and go to TACO BELL in a lil

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well look who's dying now [Apr. 1st, 2006|06:02 pm]

[Current Location|computer room ]

[ Current Mood| crazy ]
[ Current Music|'what hurts the most' rascal flatts]
Well today i went to see Stay it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be. lol i
looked over and julian and rachel were clinging to eachother..funny. this fat lady that
smelled sat in front of me though. but when i first got to the movies i was like
extremely hyper like i was on something lol i got a ton of shit though. i got a slushie,
reeces pieces, KING SIZE kit kat, popcorn, and other junk. :) good junk though. haha
rite wen the movie was starting rachel shouted out "WE'RE GOING TO DIE" and these
people in the front row told her to shut up lol it was great. ummm well im going to
dinner in a few minutes so i have to get going im going to this like old western place!
yeah lol so umm oh i bought a ton of ps2 games from the yard sale in our
neighborhood so me and my bro r gonna have like a ps2 game marathon lol yep thats
about it PEACE
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show me what its like to be the last one standing... [Mar. 31st, 2006|08:11 pm]

[Current Location|up your butt ]

[ Current Mood| calm ]
[ Current Music|'Savin' Me' by Nickleback]
"You don't get it, People die in this game."

well im about to eat dinner. and i had a pretty normal good day at school. for the first
time i wasn't even tired! lol so thats a good thing. tomorrow me and rachel r going to
see the movie Stay that shood b fun. she wasn't at skool today cuz she went
to some field day for the elementary...DITCHER. umm alexis and christine said sorry
and crap so thats good. :/ my so called friend is having a b-day party today and she
invited everyone except me.... i dont really get it cuz we're good friends. plus she was
talking about it rite in front of me. but w/e i dont need to go to her stupid b-day. i
haven't been to a b-day for someone in foreverrrrrrrr maybe im a loser lol.
probably....highly possible. my brother always gets invited to stuff...WHERE IS MY
LOVE!? :p lol jk. well im deciding to get bak into my working out becoming
pretty much outa shape. but ya lol wel i have to go eat dinner bye bye!
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Remember the feelings.... [Mar. 30th, 2006|05:52 pm]

[ Current Mood| horny ]

[Current Music|'Dummy' by Emma Roberts and 'A boy brushed red' by Underoath]
hey everyone! how's it goin? goin good here. im just listening to music and crap. fun
right? not. i had tutoring today with kirin. shes really cool we have alot of fun. shes a
senior in HS though so shes not some mean old tutor. i remember when i had a tutor
for math in 6th grade and i always counted on my fingers and i guess the dude got
annoyed with that so he finally held my hands down and i had to count in my head. lol
it was hard....i still count on my fingers now though lol so obviously that technique
didn't work. well my friend eric and his family are going to have dinner w/ us tonight.
its going to be so much fun. i haven't seen him in years. {Confession: I used to be
madly in love w/ his sister when i was like 8} anywho I HAVE A B+ IN
BIOLOGY!!!!!!!!!! AHHH IM SOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! and my grade in math raised from a
27% F to a 65% D!!! :) and i like really get the math now and tomorrow is a math test
so i am like going to get an A and then like pass that class :)!!!!! yeah so im not sure
what to sayyyyyyyyy im going to the mall this weekend to best buy and getting cds
and crap. um my friend got to go to a fall out boy concert last nite...i really wanted to
go bcuz hawthorne heights and all american rejects were opening for them. but it was
a school nite and my woodnt let me go :( stupid mom. um yep i mite go camping with
d and c for spring break :)!!!! ok thats about it! oH OH!! OMG!!! at lunch alexis was
joking around and ran up to christine and dumped water on her head and like christine
turned around and she was frickin pissed and i was like oh crap alexis is screwed and
so christine started crying and then alexis tried to say sorry and christine smacked
her!!!!!!!!! hahahaha i loved it
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"Don't turn your back on something that wants you to turn
[Mar. 23rd, 2006|05:38 pm]
hey peoples. ya so im here writing and working on my biology project which i have to
like redo because i geuss i did it wrong. so stupid lol. ya and its due tomorrow. oh
well. plus i got vocab to do!!! AHH so much work!!! lol last night i was laying in bed
and i got bored so i watched 3 episodes of Parental Control on MTV. kinda a funny
show i guess. i think the stupidest show on there is probably Date My Mom...the mom
and the daughter are such whores its crazy. espicially that 1 where the mom flashed
the guy! AHH poor guy lol WOOO the paradise texas opening night is coming up in
april!!!!! BE THERE!!! haha my brother is all pissed cuz xanga shut his site down. i
think he was underage or something. oh well lol anyways i better get going and
working on this stupid project!!!!
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long time no talk [Mar. 14th, 2006|12:08 pm]

hmm I haven't written in this in awhile so I figured I would. I'm actually on my dad's
lap top right now. (sorry if I mess up in typing, I'm not good at these keyboards) I'm
in Illinois right now....I think thats how you spell oh well it is now.
tomorrow is the premiere!!! I can't wait!!! I GET TO SEE ALL THE PEOPLES I WORKED
WITH AGAIN!! wooo I'm not sure if Ryder is going to be there but we're all crossing
our fingers. Dylan and Cole were planning on going but due to their busy schedule and
taping they cannot make it. My old friend Emilio from Paradise Texas WILL be there
though. I'll post some pictures either on or my official
website depending on my mother's permission. Just so everyone knows, Crab Orchard
made the top 3 out of about 80 something movies selected for music (this includes
Hollywood movies), it was also nominated for the best family movie. Lets
on Paradise Texas..oringinally titled On The Rocks, will be showing at the Worldfest,
Houston film festival on April 21st. That IS the opening night premiere. It will ALSO be
showing at the Angelika Film Center in downtown Houston starting Friday April 28th.
for one week limited engagement. If you want further information go to But thats not all...heres where I need everyones
help! The William Morris Agency has agreed to assist in the sale of the film for
television/cable rights. Also working on a retail distribution deal that WILL allow the
DVD to be sold in stores. Additionly the DVD will be for sale on the movie website.
Heres the catch though...the more people who see Paradise Texas in the Houston
area, the better the chances are to taking the movie to other venues. Please note that
I play the role of Tyler Cameron, son of Mac Cameron, and I only have 11 scenes in
the movie. Also O'Best Beloved, Six Honest Men trailers SHOULD be out soon, there
was some trouble with releasing it but I think we got it all cleared up. I also did NOT
get a role in Hannah Montana, due to racial atributes to the plot of the whole series.
Me and my good friend Emilio Mazur DID try out for the movie How To Eat Fried
Worms but did NOT get any parts either. ALSO I did NOT get the part in the Underdog
movie. Most of these turn downs were either because I was too old, too young, or my
schedule. Come April, with more audtions, I might get a role hopefully, but I'll keep
you all informed. thats it for now,

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MS. JANECKI IS A COCK WHORE BITCH [Mar. 1st, 2006|05:08 pm]

enough said
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ight now this is Rebbecca. For those of you who do not know who I am I am basically a Dylan Expert I guess you could sa
to and basically any events he goes to. But ANYWAY! Debi wanted me to post some interviews on here for Dylan because
TE that Dylan does NOT accept any comments on here nor friend requests or anything else for that matter. He is merely on
hts of his life. He DOES answer his fan mail but at the moment he is not answering any fan mail right now. I will inform yo

ng the time to talk to us again. The "Welcome my Friend" single has had 1,020 pre-orderes in 2 days, how do you feel tha

ause I am helping to promote Bliss 53 and they are helping me!

we talked you said you hadn't gotten around to acutally hearing Bliss 53, have you had the chance to hear them yet?

m still waiting for my CD!

t for "Euphoric" to come out, the album has already been bootleged all over the US and Germany, Do you kind of feel the


ave any opinion about Bliss 53? Or has this just been more business?

ness....but I can't wait to hear the CD and maybe see them live!

uys arent friends in any way?

met any of them in person. Kevin wrote me a letter but I can't say we are friend-friends 'till I meet them in person.

d about the Bliss53/Zero skateboards?

want the Bliss 53 Sk8board and just a plain "ZER0" board.

r last interview you were really into inline skating, so do you wish Bliss 53's deal was a roller blade thing and not a skateb

Zero" makes lots of cool clothes. I wish they did make skates though.

been working with Bliss 53?

great. I like the free stuff and I think Kevin is really cool!

e My Friend" is already selling so well, Do you think "Euphoric" is gonna be huge?

ke Linkin Park. I'm sure I'll hear one song and I'll just wanna hear more!

our you into, and what kinda of music?

tal, Punk and Hip Hop.

Bliss 53 projects, do you have any new movies or projects coming out?

some things in the works but I can't talk about them right now.
Hello [Feb. 26th, 2006|06:51 pm]

hey whats up its dylan i just got back from disney world today. WOOO so much fun. i
LOVED it. i went on mission space like sat. that is such a tight ride! lol at first i started
to get costrophobic or however u spell it but then i was fine. OMG THEN THERES THIS
this new stitch ride in tomorrow land....IT SUCKED DONT GO ON IT!!!! the hotel was
so cool they added onto it and rebuilt some of it since i was last in it which was like 5
or 6 years ago. the pool is still the same and its
heatedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd so i stayed in it till like midnight. the food
there sucked. BUT in the morning for breakfast the waffles were mmmmm
mmmmmmmmmmm goood :) umm yeah i have like no clue what to write in here
because i keep getting side tracked! lol
uuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yep that
that thats all folksss!
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blah [Feb. 21st, 2006|05:20 pm]

blah i can't go to the fair and im so pissed!!!!!! ERRRRRRRR

im a beast. all cause of stupid F in math I HATE MATH anyways nothing has really
happened today...except for 2 girls asked me out...which i said no too. so HA u suck.
um tomorrow i leave for Disney World. is back up...not
PROBABLY NEVER WILL AGAIN!!! my mom found out about his myspace and now she
made him delete it awhile ago but now being the weirdo ass that she is she is denying
that he ever had now people think he was a poser lol oh well not my fault.
anywaysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss im listening to
temperature by sean paul heheeeeeeeeeeeee i love that song....kinda for like now i do.
probly will hate it in a few days but w/e! anyways thats it OH AND LEVI IS COMING
OVER TO DAY WOOOOOOOOO peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [Feb. 20th, 2006|09:51 pm]

well today was kind of a stressful day. i went to a premiere in the morning and then
headed off to school around 11:00 or so. found out i still have a 44% F in math! but
thats ok i got it up from a 32%! im making progress!!! lol...its 8:52 right now...still
working on this Human Genome project...taking FOREVER!!!! i still have english vocab.
to do also!!!!! i have to turn it in tomorrow because im leaving Weds. ughh i also have
a math test that i have to take tomorrow and i still have to study!!! AHHH I HAVE SO
MUCH WORK TO DO!!!!! well anyways continuing with my day at school. i got to school
and well i went to theatre class. while i was coming out of there i saw this girl walking
by and i thought i recognized her so i was looking at her but not looking where i was
going and i ran smack right into a door that opened....sad? yes. ALSO! i probably
failed my biology test. I EVEN TRIED STUDYING FOR IT THIS TIME! but the test was
so hard it was ridiculous...looks like ill be in the 8th grade FOREVERRRR. yeah so i
went over to Kara's to do this project thingy for English. Julian had to come along goes
we're doing like this skit thingy for the project so he had to tape it. lol we went to the
park to do it. it was so funny cause we kept messing up and then we were at this part
where Kara was talking and then Julian walks by right in the middle of it...if u didn't
know who julian was u would have thought some random person just walked through
our skit LOL. anyways thats it for now see ya!!
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RADIO INTERVIEW WITH GREG [Feb. 19th, 2006|06:51 pm]

[Current Mood| weird]

Here's the radio interview I had yesterday with Greg while I was at my grandparents

Greg- I’m here with Julian and Dylan Patton on the telephone! How are you guys
Dylan- Great!
Julian- Yeah, we’re just chilling out, we’re actually at our grandparent’s house right
Greg- Oh so I caught you in the middle of something?
Julian- No, we were just playing Battle Ship.
Dylan- Yeah, and I was winning!
Julian- No you weren’t!
Dylan- Yes I was!
Greg- Ha Ha, okay then! Do you two hang out together a lot?
Dylan- I guess you could say that. We don’t have the same friends though.
Julian- I think what sets us apart is the grade difference.
Greg- Do you two fight a lot?
Julian- It depends. It’s usually over something stupid like the TV.
Greg- How about over a girl?
Julian- ONCE! That was interesting.
Dylan- Yeah, Ha ha.
Greg- Are girls like all over you at school?
Julian- Oh yeah.
Dylan- Yeah right Julian.
Julian- Dylan you aren’t in my grade.
Dylan- We go to the same school!
Greg- Ha ha well Dylan you’ve gotten a lot of female attention.
Dylan- Yeah, at school in Texas I got a lot but it was good attention.
Greg- Some people told me that Julian is more outgoing and then some people told
me that Dylan is more outgoing. What do you guys think?
Julian- Definitely me.
Dylan- Yeah, Julian is. I’m outgoing, but I have my limits.
Julian- Yeah, it used to be the opposite when we were younger, but then I got older
and I got louder and then Dylan got quieter.
Greg- I see. Julian, I hear you wanted to get more into acting like Dylan?
Dylan- Copy cat.
Julian- Ha ha, yeah actually I do.
Greg- What kinds of movies would you want to act in?
Julian- Probably comedy.
Dylan- Yeah Julian could do comedy. All he has to do is stand there and everyone
Julian- Dylan! This is a public interview, you’re acting retarded.
Greg- You guys make me laugh. I heard you guys also like playing DDR! Any good at
Julian- Yeah I’m best at it!
Dylan- Yeah right! You suck.
Julian- Ha ha, so. You take all my quarters.
Dylan- No Ryan does.
Julian- No, Dylan. That was you, every time we went with Kourtney, Holly, and Ryan.
Dylan- Right.
Greg- Anyways! Do you guys like California or Texas better?
rookie [Feb. 19th, 2006|10:51 am]

hey everyone. since im not allowed to have AIM anymore i figured id write in this
journal. im not so sure how to use live jorunal but ill make the best of it. anyways im
at my grandparents house right now and i was supposed to do homework yesterday
but i was stupid and didn't feel like it. so now i have to find someone to copy from on
monday. ugh im going to be so busy soon. march i might be filming and then april is
the peak time for audtions and what not. im so pissed also i have to break up with my
gf. all cause of stupid mom and filming and crap. so gay. i go to Disneyworld on this
coming Wednesday though! i cant wait we're staying there till Sunday. im going there
with my parents, julian and the whole Six Honest Men cast!!! and randy shelly is
coming also! :) so fun. i actually got so bored last night that i went onto xanga and
started searching blogrings to see who wrote about me and my brother lol. i found my
old gf from Crownover on there. ahh i miss the Crownover drama lol. ya but me and
her's relationship was kinda like ughhhhh then since i was going back and forth
between like everywhere and i had just really left to Arizona. but yeah w/e we are
DONE! she put the date in that like it was this year though lol w/e lol shes going out
w/ some kid zack. also emily called today HI EMILY U ROCK MY SOCKS!! lol emily
shemily cable. lol GRRRR im so mad because i havent gotten to play Endless Online!!!!
ARGH!!!!! OH MY GOD! my uncle came down yesterday and he spoils me and julian
like a ton so he took us out to best buy and DQ after we went for Chinese with the
rest of the family. and anyways he bought speakers for me and my brother's iPods and
they have such good sound!!! and then he asked if we wanted anything else...and i
did! lol so julian bought a gameboy DS eekkk :) so hes going to let me play it on the
way back to LA. and i bought photoshop for our computer. AH my dad is trying to steal
that from me!! lol ITS ALL MINEEEEE!!!!! its so cool though. even though im probably
like the last person on earth to finally get it. everyone is all high tech now. im like in
the "stone ages" lol. anyways so i might go back to doing home school. im not sure. it
depends. or i might be going to a different school. because we might be moving to a
different neighborhood. IM NOT SURE THOUGH! lol so ya hopefully my mom said we
MIGHT move down to by Laguna in the OC area. cause thats a little out of busy LA. oh
and kourtney i was reading ur entry on xanga and yes i remember wen u saw me and
julian at Chili's WEEEEEE fun lol yall's family was w/ u i think. but w/e lol ur sis makes
me laff. shes so tiny but shes in like what 5th grade. anywayssssssssssssssssss thats
about it!!!
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