Coleman Dillard Modisher - Curricular Analysis Project Fall 2023 1

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Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Curricular Analysis
Use your knowledge from course readings and class discussions to rank the curricula according to the questions in each of the 5 rubrics below.
Choose from the following ranks:
● Very Satisfied (2)
● Satisfied (1)
● Unclear (-1)
● Not Satisfied (-2)
Provide explanations for why you selected the ranking you did, and, if appropriate, describe adjustments you would make and provide a brief
rationale (e.g., a “because…” statement).

CPM Grade 8 (Middle School Course 3)

Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Part A: Ambitious Instruction Rubric

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments
High Cognitive Demand 1 - Satisfied Incorporating real-world applications and
Are there opportunities for interdisciplinary connections within the curriculum
students to make would definitely help. This could involve integrating
The curriculum provides opportunities for students to
connections, to think practical examples and scenarios that demonstrate
make connections, think mathematically, and
mathematically, or to how mathematical concepts are applied in different
persevere through various problem-solving tasks. It
persevere? fields, encouraging a deeper understanding and
encourages critical thinking and application of
fostering perseverance in problem-solving.
mathematical concepts.
Make sense of the problem 2 - Very Satisfied To enhance sensemaking, ensuring language routines
Do the tasks support student are not only incorporated but also diversified is
access to sensemaking (e.g., crucial. Offering a broader range of linguistic
The curriculum tasks are designed to support
language routines through)? strategies (visual aids, structured discussions,
sensemaking, incorporating language routines and
multimedia resources) can accommodate diverse
encouraging students to understand and communicate
learning styles and proficiency levels. Providing
mathematical concepts effectively.
opportunities for students to generate their own
language routines based on their understanding of
mathematical concepts can also help their
sensemaking skills.
Equitable participation in 1 - Satisfied To optimize collaborative learning, adjusting the
mathematical practices curriculum to incorporate differentiated group tasks
Are the curriculum materials based on students’ abilities and interests would further
The curriculum encourages collaborative
designed so that all students promote active participation. Additionally,
mathematical problem-solving ensuring that all
are encouraged to implementing periodic reflections on group dynamics
students are actively engaged and participate in group
participate in collaborative and individual contributions can cultivate a deeper
mathematical understanding of collaboration.
Productive struggle and 2 - Very Satisfied To further enable students to connect key
mathematical dispositions mathematical ideas to their lives, incorporating a
Does the curriculum provide broader spectrum of real-life situations and culturally
The curriculum provides ample opportunities for
opportunities to enable diverse examples within the curriculum is
students to relate key mathematical ideas into their
recommended. This inclusivity ensures that students
Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments

students to connect key ideas lives, making the learning more relevant and from various backgrounds can easily relate to the
to their lives? meaningful for them. content, reinforcing the relevance and importance of
mathematical concepts in their daily lives.
Does the curriculum 1 - Satisfied To deepen reflection and self-awareness, inserting
integrate reflection on what periodic peer discussions and self-assessments within
is understood and what is the curriculum can be beneficial. Structured reflection
This curriculum encourages reflection on
still unknown? prompts and activities after key lessons/units, that
understanding and areas the that require further
encourage students to identify their mistakes, areas of
exploration, fostering self-awareness among students.
improvement, and strategies to learn better can further
enhance self-awareness skills and promote a deeper
understanding of the subject matter.
Students' relationships 2 - Very Satisfied To secure peer relationships and inclusivity you could
with each other integrate intentional team-building exercises and
Are supports for healthy activities at the beginning of the semester/year.
The curriculum promotes healthy social and academic
social and academic Incorporating structured discussions on empathy,
peer relationships, creating an inclusive and
peer-to-peer relationships effective communication, and conflict resolution (e.g.,
supportive learning environment.
embedded in the strife in group work) within the curriculum can
curriculum? provide students with the necessary tools to build and
maintain positive social and academic relationships.
Supporting teachers to 1- Satisfied To boost research-based monitoring and teamwork
make sense of student facilitation practices, one could offer additional
thinking and build on resources, guides, and professional development
The curriculum provides intriguing questions and
student ideas specifically focused on utilizing questions and
student group strategies that support teachers
Do probing questions and optimizing group strategies. Tailoring these resources
effectively implementing research-based monitoring
student group strategies to the specific needs of educators and providing
and teamwork facilitation practices.
support teachers to use regular updates and refreshers can empower teachers
research-based monitoring to implement the best practices seamlessly.
and teamwork facilitation

Does the curriculum provide 2 - Very Satisfied To increase teacher support, implement ongoing,
additional support structures interactive professional learning communities where
(e.g., professional teachers can collaborate, share experiences, and
Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments

development, video) to The curriculum offers additional support structures collectively problem-solve challenges related to
augment teachers’ use of the like suggestions for professional development and curriculum. Additionally, incorporating interactive
curriculum materials? direct links to videos, enhancing teachers’ capacity to online platforms or discussions where educators can
effectively utilize the curriculum materials and access and share instructional videos, lesson plans,
optimize student learning. and best practices can provide an easily accessible
repository of support materials, amplifying the impact
of the curriculum.

Part B: Academic and Social Integration Rubric

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments
Responsiveness 1 - Satisfied A recommended adjustment could be having them
Does the curriculum provide start with their goals in their Learning Log which
meaningful opportunities for The curriculum works to allow those to put their own allows them to reflect after each lesson at the end of
teachers to elicit students' personal touch into assignments. There are assignments the year seeing if they reached them or not and
personal experiences as that you could give your students and that they have to encouraging them to not give up if they don’t reach
reflected in their use their goals to reach the end of their project. There is them at first. Another adjustment would be making
communities and cultures? something called a Learning Log that could be used to problems relate to the students more in the way if you
learn about students goals and understanding of learn the overall favorite sport is baseball in the class,
Does the curriculum support mathematics. Something else it encourages is having change a problem that is about basketball to baseball
teachers to value students’ multiple ways to show something, so an example could to appeal to more students. Encouraging your students
language diversity as a be showing a lot of pictures. This allows for students to to draw pictures when doing problems that could be
learning resource? have multiple different ways to learn so if they can't confusing without them or writing the problems in a
learn by reading the text, they can look at pictures to way that is easier for them to understand.
Are there teacher supports help.
for learning about and
centering students' goals and
purposes for learning
Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments


Humanizing 2 - Very Satisfied While this allows for students and the teacher to see
Does the curriculum provide each other as human beings, one thing you could do to
resources to see students as This curriculum has a lot of group work and that allows start off is making sure everyone in the class really
people with natural and for students to get to know each other. This will gets to know each other and feel comfortable from the
cultural needs, and to be eventually allow for them to open up and be start. You could do more than just a little ice breaker.
social and playful, and to themselves, which is a human and not just something Learn who works best with who and allow for that to
invite each student's play into the groups they will be in.
being taught math.
personality in its fullest?

Part C: Robust Mathematics Identities Rubric

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments

Representation in 1 - Satisfied While historically marginalized people are
characters represented, they could play a more powerful role.
The curriculum includes many diverse names and Additionally, it would be beneficial to include various
Does the curriculum include illustrations of students. Cultures like Latino, Black, professions and powerful roles within the problems
diverse characters? and White are represented. that students can aprie to and work towards. The
curriculum currently includes many problems and
Does the curriculum include scenarios that directly relate the students at their
historically marginalized current age and in school.
people in powerful roles that
dominant group members
aspire to?

Representation of -1 - Unclear While the curriculum provides a lot on the math

content itself, it would also benefit with more
Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments

mathematics The curriculum includes many problems that apply the representation of math as a tool to benefit others and
topics and mathematics to the real world and their how it has historically been used as a way of
Does the curriculum position lives. It is unclear though how mathematics may be a oppression. An adjustment in line with this would be
mathematics as a tool to benefit or used as a tool for oppression. facts or research projects includes within the chapter
benefit others and society? that connect to math learning, but that also connect to
Does the curriculum the history of math, society, and oppression.
reference how mathematics
has been and is used as a
tool for oppression?

Does the curriculum support

students’ inquiry into the
purpose of mathematics in
their lives and in the world?

Expansive definition of -1 - Unclear A recommended adjustment would be to opportunities

achievement The curriculum provides many opportunities to show to redetermine knowledge and understanding as well
Does the curriculum provide understanding and achievement in this specific course, as continuing with more challenges. More positive
explicit support for teachers but it does not clearly or consistently mention encouragement and connections to higher-level
and students to view achievement as higher-level courses, challenging, and courses would also be a beneficial adjustment.
achievement as taking persisting
higher-level courses,
challenging oneself, and

Disrupting Dominant 1 - Satisfied A recommended adjustment would be to include more

Narratives The teachers notes of the curriculum includes strategies within the student side of the curriculum that
Does the curriculum provide for universal access and team work. These strategies highlights mathematics and math topics as expansive
tools and resources for allow teachers and students to interpret mathemath as and inclusive. This could be done by including other
Ellei Coleman, Delaney Dillard, Mckenna Modisher

Questions for Analysis Ranking and Explanation Recommended Adjustments

teachers and students to accessible for everyone and not individual. mathematicians and situations that highlight diverse
revise their interpretations of groups.
what a mathematics identity
in ways that are expansive
and inclusive?

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