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Assalammualaikum WBT and good morning.

Yang berbahagia, Dr Abdul Rahman Bin

Abdullah, Director of Institute of Teacher Education Islamic Education campus. Yang
berusaha, Dr Norsita Binti Ali, Deputy Director of Institute of Teacher Education Islamic
Education Campus. Yang dihormati, Madam Norainin Binti Ghazali, my dear lecturer.
Respected lecturers of Institute of Teacher Education Islamic Education Campus and my
fellow friends. I am honored to be with you today to deliver a speech titled If I ruled the world.
I know that if I ruled the world I can do anything that I want.

So, the first thing if I ruled the world is I want to have the magical power for instance having
the anywhere door like doraemon, the power to fly anywhere and anytime even space
because I want to travel around the world. To travel around the world costs a lot of money,
energy, and of course a lot of time, maybe need about 20 or 30 years. But, if I have that
magical power I can just make a wish, say the name of the place for example I really want to
go to Swiss, open the door and boom I’m already there enjoying the breathtaking view, the
beauty of place in Swiss. I also wish if I ruled the world I can fly anywhere like having the
hopter so I can fly into the air. Having the power tp fly so I can travel anywhere and save
time. No need to face the traffic jammed, using car just to go there in hours. Plus, I really
love clouds so I wish I can fly to the place that I want to go while enjoying the view. How
amazing it is!

My next point is if I ruled the world is I want to make all the food in this world free. You know
that we have lots of poor in this world that face short of supply in food cause they have no
money to buy in when we actually need food everyday to survive in this world. So, if I ruled
the world I will create a technology and make innovation to improve a wide production of
food in this world. So, I can ensure that nobody goes hungry wherever they are
in the world. Or maybe I want to make a certain day where everyone gets to eat whatever
the want for free. For example, people gets to eat for free in the weekends. So, i can prevent
the people in my world from hunger problem. Also, I can eat whatever I want such as wagyu
beef, salmon without thinking of pricey it is.

My last point is if I ruled the world I want to develop a technology for safety. I would
create a machine that will solve every problem and crisis . For example,
economy crisis, global warming, and so on . This machine can detect any
problems or crime before it even happens , give signals and warning to people so they
can avoid it from happen and destroy the world. the machine will detect if something bad
will happen to the women for instance being robbed or being harass so it will give signals
and the woman will notify it and be aware. By doing that, the bad people, the thief, the
traitor of the government who always do corrupt for the country will be scared to do the
bad things cause people will know it before the even manage to do it.

In conclusion, if I ruled the world I want to have the magical power for instance having the
anywhere door like doraemon, the power to fly anywhere, make all the food in this world
free and create a technology for safety. Having the power to tule the world means I have to
ensure that me and people in my world can live peacefully,

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