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1. We all have a different circumstances and experiences in life.

There are things that some people are privileged enough to

experience it while others don’t. I think, the most common
factors that made our behavior varies are; social status,
biological factors, cultural background, and mental being. We
all have came from different social status. Social status can be
an urge for few individuals to commit crimes such as stealing,
and engaging to illegal acts like selling drugs to provide for
their daily living. These crimes they commit might be
influenced by their social status. People who are most likely to
take on such acts are those who encounter severe poverty.
Next, biological factors or the genetic composition of a person.
There might be an instance that a person take upon his
behavior from his biological parents. We all came from
different family which explains that we also have dissimilar
biological components. Meanwhile, cultural background of a
person. We have various beliefs and behavior that we acquired
from our respective cultures. There are some people who
believe that it’s all fine to use violence. Lastly, mental being of
a person. Some people are not just in their proper mental
condition. They might have experienced crisis in their
mentality which caused them to not being able to think
straight and right. Some individuals have criminal behavior
while others don’t have because aside from we have different
lifestyle as to how we want our lives to become, we have
perspective and approaches in life as well which are greatly
influenced by the factors mentioned above.

2. I think that Sigmund Freud teachings about the

Psychoanalytic Theory is based on factual and practical basis.
Childhood experiences have a huge contribution in shaping
one’s adult personality. These experiences have influenced our
approaches and perspective in life as an adult. For an
instance, if as a child you are surrounded by the people who
tend to commit ill behaviors, there are higher tendencies that
you could adapt those because it will now serve as your life
standard and will later on be normalized. However, there are
also situations where the past or childhood experiences of an
individual will serve as his motivation to be better in his adult
life. For example, if as child he was abused by his drunkard
father instead of doing the same thing, he could make it as a
motivation to not become like his father.

3. There are three (3) levels of personality structure. These are

ID, Ego, and Superego. ID are the first level of personality in
which it only aims to satisfy the pleasure in you as an
individual. It is aggressive in nature that would usually make
you do things without your full conscious. On the other hand,
ego is the conscious personality. It thinks more based on
objectives. Its main task is to balance the demands of ID and
superego. Lastly, superego which is the moral part of the
personality. It makes you think more rational and do ethical
behavior according to your conscience. These three structures
of personality have something to do to the criminal behavior
of a person. For an instance, if ID dominates it has higher
tendency that crimes will be committed. But if the ego will do
its task properly by not meeting the wants of the ID, superego
will turn over. In this case, criminal behavior can be prevented
for the reason that superego automatically knows what to do
in different situations which is to do things rightfully.

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