Cruite Et Al 2012 Gadoxetate Disodium Enhanced Mri of The Liver Part 2 Protocol Optimization and Lesion Appearance in

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Cruite et al.
Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Liver Cirrhosis

Gastrointestinal Imaging
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Gadoxetate Disodium–Enhanced
MRI of the Liver: Part 2, Protocol

Optimization and Lesion

Appearance in the Cirrhotic Liver
Irene Cruite1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to review the use of gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-di-
Michael Schroeder 1 ethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (gadoxetate disodium [Gd-EOB-DTPA]) in the cirrhotic liver
Elmar M. Merkle2 and illustrate the imaging appearance of lesions commonly encountered in the cirrhotic liver.
Claude B. Sirlin1 CONCLUSION. Gd-EOB-DTPA shows promise as a problem-solving tool in the cir-
rhotic liver because it provides additional information that may be helpful in lesion detection
Cruite I, Schroeder M, Merkle EM, Sirlin CB and characterization. Further research is needed to optimize Gd-EOB-DTPA imaging proto-
cols in cirrhosis and develop diagnostic criteria for liver lesions in the cirrhotic liver.

s in the noncirrhotic liver, MRI noncirrhotic liver, the cirrhotic liver presents
has evolved into an important unique challenges that may require modifica-
technique in the evaluation of fo- tions in image acquisition technique or image
cal and diffuse abnormalities in interpretation. In parallel with the companion
the cirrhotic liver. Historically, extracellular article, this article will review the pharmacoki-
gadolinium-based contrast agents have played netic and pharmacodynamic properties of this
a critical role in MRI of the cirrhotic liver be- agent peculiar to the cirrhotic liver, discuss is-
cause these agents help to detect and character- sues relevant to MRI protocol optimization for
ize important abnormalities, including benign the cirrhotic liver, and illustrate the imaging
and malignant nodules. Detection and charac- appearance of common lesions in the cirrhotic
terization of abnormalities using gadolinium- liver. Emphasis will be placed on areas in
based contrast agents is based mainly on as- which the cirrhotic liver and its assessment dif-
sessment of vascularity. Such assessment may fer from those of the noncirrhotic liver.
be limited, however, because some abnormali-
ties in the cirrhotic liver may not be associated Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacody-
with vascular alteration, whereas others may namic Properties of Gd-EOB-DTPA
Keywords: cirrhosis, gadoxetate disodium have nonspecific features at vascular imaging. in Cirrhosis
(Gd-EOB-DTPA), hepatocellular carcinoma, Combined extracellular–hepatobiliary gado- In patients with early or well-compensated
MRI, nodules linium-based contrast agents recently have cirrhosis, the pharmacokinetics and pharma-
been developed. These agents assess hepato- codynamics of Gd-EOB-DTPA are similar to
cellular function in addition to vascularity and those in noncirrhotic livers, as discussed in the
Received March 2, 2010; accepted after revision hence may overcome some of the limitations of companion article. In patients with advanced
April 28, 2010. pure extracellular agents for lesion detection or decompensated cirrhosis, however, three
and characterization in the cirrhotic liver (Fig. important differences may be present: dimin-
Supported by a grant from the Comprehensive Research
Center in Health Disparities. 1). Two combined agents are now available, ga- ished and delayed liver parenchymal enhance-
dobenate dimeglumine (MultiHance, Bracco), ment with Gd-EOB-DTPA, diminished and
Department of Radiology, University of California, San and gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetri- delayed biliary excretion of Gd-EOB-DTPA,
Diego, 408 Dickinson St., San Diego, CA 92103. Address aminepentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA), also and prolonged blood pool enhancement with
correspondence to C. B. Sirlin (
known as gadoxetate disodium, gadoxetic acid, Gd-EOB-DTPA.
Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical or gadoxetate disodium (Eovist, Bayer Health-
Center, Durham, NC. Care and Primovist, Bayer Schering Pharma). Diminished and Delayed Liver Parenchymal
This article will focus on the use of Gd-EOB- Enhancement With Gd-EOB-DTPA
AJR 2010; 195:29–41 DTPA in the cirrhotic liver. Although many of Compared with the noncirrhotic liver, the cir-
the principles of Gd-EOB-DTPA use in the cir- rhotic liver may have diminished parenchymal
rhotic liver are similar to those discussed in the enhancement in the hepatocyte phase after
© American Roentgen Ray Society companion article (also in this issue) on the Gd-EOB-DTPA injection, and the time to peak

AJR:195, July 2010 29

Cruite et al.

Fig. 1—57-year-old man with cirrhosis secondary

to hepatitis B virus infection. This case illustrates
advantage of hepatocyte phase of gadolinium-
ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic
acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA) over dynamic phases in both
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detection and characterization of lesions.

A–C, T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo images obtained
at 3 T using extracellular gadolinium-based contrast
agent in hepatic arterial phase (A), portal venous
phase (B), and delayed phase (C) show no obvious
lesion in left lobe of liver.
D–F, Images acquired 2 days later show 2-cm
mass in lateral segment of left lobe (arrows) visible
only in hepatocyte phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA (D).
On hepatocyte phase, mass has heterogeneous
appearance due to mixed cellular components,
some of which accumulate contrast agent and thus
appear hyperintense whereas others do not and thus
appear hypointense. Mass is isointense to liver on
T2-weighted single-shot fast spin-echo image (E) and
on b = 500 s/mm2 diffusion-weighted image (F). At
follow-up imaging 1 year later, mass was stable both
in size and imaging features. Given imaging features
and stability over time, mass is thought to represent
dysplastic nodule with varying degrees of cellular
atypia, although indolent HCC cannot be excluded.

enhancement may be delayed. Thus, whereas liver chemistry tests might not be helpful in Prolonged Blood Pool Enhancement With
Gd-EOB-DTPA produces peak parenchymal predicting adequate liver enhancement on Gd-EOB-DTPA
enhancement of the normal liver by 20 minutes the hepatocyte phase. The limited efficacy of In patients without cirrhosis, the signal in-
[1], enhancement of the cirrhotic liver may be routine liver serum chemistries to predict en- tensity of the vascular lumen declines rapidly
modest and the peak may not be achieved for hancement is not unexpected. Bilirubin lev- after peak enhancement after Gd-EOB-DTPA
40 or more minutes. The reason for the dimin- els are markers of hepatocellular excretory injection, returning to the baseline unen-
ished and delayed enhancement is that hepatic function but not of uptake. Whereas albu- hanced signal after 10 minutes [8]. A plausi-
signal intensity in the hepatocyte phase de- min and prothrombin activity are markers ble explanation for the rapid signal decline is
pends on uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA from the of synthetic function, aminotransferase lev- that the agent is cleared from the blood via
extracellular space into hepatocytes by the els relate to hepatocellular injury, alkaline two elimination pathways, with 50% of the
ATP-dependent organic anion transporting phosphatase levels relate to cholestasis, and administered dose of Gd-EOB-DTPA cleared
polypeptide 1 (OATP1) and subsequent excre- γ-glutamyl transpeptidase levels relate to cell by the liver and the remainder via the kidneys
tion into the biliary canaliculi by the canalicu- membrane damage and cellular regeneration [9]. In patients with advanced cirrhosis or
lar multispecific organic anion transporter [6]. The cause of cirrhosis conceivably may cholestasis, the hepatic elimination pathway is
(cMOAT). These transport mechanisms may impact the degree of enhancement, and this impaired, resulting in slower clearance from
be impaired in patients with cirrhosis [2–4], possibility merits further investigation. the blood. Thus, Gd-EOB-DTPA tends to
presumably due to reduced functional hepato- have a more prolonged plasma half-life in pa-
cellular mass or dysfunctional transporters. Diminished and Delayed Biliary Excretion of tients with cirrhosis or cholestasis compared
The uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA in cirrhotic Gd-EOB-DTPA with those with normal livers, and blood ves-
livers is variable and may be difficult to pre- In the noncirrhotic liver, Gd-EOB-DTPA sels may appear hyperintense for a longer du-
dict. Motosugi et al. [5] showed that Child- produces intense biliary luminal enhancement ration (Fig. 2). Concomitant renal insufficien-
Pugh classifications and indocyanine green that begins as early as 5 minutes after contrast cy, which is quite common in patients with
clearance tests 15 minutes after injection injection [7]. This enhancement is due to up- advanced liver disease, may exacerbate pro-
significantly correlated with liver enhance- take of the agent by hepatocytes, with subse- longation of the vascular dwell time.
ment in the hepatocyte phase, but bilirubin quent excretion into the biliary system. Be- Although blood pool enhancement may
levels, albumin, prothrombin activity, ami- cause of impaired hepatocellular uptake and be relatively prolonged in cirrhosis, the peak
notransferase levels, alkaline phosphatase, excretion of Gd-EOB-DTPA in cirrhosis, en- enhancement of hepatic and portal veins is
and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase did not [5]. hancement of bile ducts in the cirrhotic liver still shorter in duration and lower in inten-
The authors concluded that routine serum may be delayed and of limited intensity. sity using Gd-EOB-DTPA than using con-

30 AJR:195, July 2010

Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Liver Cirrhosis

Fig. 2—57-year-old man with cirrhosis secondary to

hepatitis C virus infection and alcohol consumption,
with biliary cholestasis.
A–F, T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo images
obtained at 3 T using gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-
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diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)

at 22 seconds (A), 1 minute (B), 3 minutes (C), 14
minutes (D), 20 minutes (E), and 32 minutes (F) after
contrast injection show prolonged blood pool dwell
time of contrast agent, with vessels hyperintense
even at 32 minutes after contrast injection. Also
note liver parenchyma has signal intensity similar to
that of spleen, indicative of poor uptake of Gd-EOB-
DTPA by hepatocytes. In patients with normal liver,
liver parenchyma is hyperintense and blood vessels
hypointense in hepatocyte phase (see Fig. 3).

ventional extracellular gadolinium-based scanning delay difficult. Because of these fac- several consecutive arterial phase data sets
contrast agents. The relatively low contrast tors, the hepatic arterial phase using Gd-EOB- using a fixed delay. A second solution is to
enhancement of veins is relevant because DTPA at its approved dose tends to provide stretch the contrast bolus by diluting the con-
assessment of venous patency is an impor- low sensitivity for detection of hypervascular trast agent or injecting at a slower rate. In the
tant aspect of radiologic interpretation in HCC lesions [11–13] despite the higher T1 re- cirrhotic liver, a third solution may be to ad-
the cirrhotic liver. In principle, diminished laxivity of the agent compared with other gad- minister the agent at a higher off-label dose
venous enhancement using Gd-EOB-DTA olinium-based contrast agents. (e.g., 0.0375–0.05 mmol/kg), although this
may reduce sensitivity for detecting venous As discussed in the companion article on may increase the incurred cost of the agent.
obstruction, but this potential limitation has the noncirrhotic liver, one solution for achiev- Even though this dose (0.0375–0.05 mmol/
not been verified in the published literature ing optimal arterial phase timing is to acquire kg) is 50–100% higher than the approved
to our knowledge.

Protocol Optimization for Hepatobil-

iary Imaging With Gd-EOB-DTPA in
Cirrhotic Liver
The technical aspects of Gd-EOB-DTPA
administration and protocol optimization
have been covered in part 1 of this article.
Similar concepts apply in the cirrhotic liver
and a similar protocol can be used, with the
following additional considerations.
Acquisition of an adequately enhanced he-
patic arterial phase is particularly important
in cirrhosis because lesion vascularity is a key
feature for detecting hepatocellular carcino-
mas (HCCs) and differentiating HCCs from
most benign hepatocellular nodules [10]. A
concern in using Gd-EOB-DTPA for HCC as-
sessment in cirrhotic liver is it may be more
difficult to achieve optimal hepatic arterial
phase enhancement. Studies have shown the Fig. 3—Compensated and decompensated cirrhosis.
signal intensity of vessels in the dynamic A and B, 44-year-old man with compensated, biopsy-proven cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis C virus (HCV)
(A) and 65-year-old man with decompensated biopsy-proven cirrhosis secondary to HCV cirrhosis (B).
phase is less with Gd-EOB-DTPA than extra- Shown are gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)–enhanced T1-
cellular gadolinium-based contrast agents [8]. weighted 3D gradient-echo hepatocyte phase images obtained at 3 T. In patient with compensated cirrhosis
The on-label approved dose of Gd-EOB-DTPA (A), liver parenchyma is hyperintense due to preserved hepatocellular Gd-EOB-DTPA uptake mechanism.
There is mild hypointense reticulation due to fibrotic septa, which do not take up contrast agent. Blood
is 0.025 mmol/kg. Because this dose is one
vessels are hypointense because of rapid clearance of agent from blood pool via both hepatobiliary and renal
fourth of the recommended standard dose of excretory pathways. There is intense enhancement of common bile duct because of hyperconcentration of
conventional extracellular gadolinium-based contrast agent within lumen (compare with B). In patient with decompensated cirrhosis (B), liver is relatively
contrast agents, Gd-EOB-DTPA provides a featureless; blood vessels and liver parenchyma have intermediate signal intensity due to reduced clearance
of Gd-EOB-DTPA from blood pool and diminished hepatocellular uptake, respectively. Also, enhancement
shorter peak arterial perfusion time window, of common bile duct is less intense than in patient with compensated cirrhosis, presumably reflecting lower
which makes the selection of an appropriate intraluminal concentration of agent.

AJR:195, July 2010 31

Cruite et al.

Fig. 4—Cirrhotic livers in different patients

show broad spectrum of textural alterations in
hepatocyte phase after gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-
diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)
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A–H, Shown are Gd-EOB-DTPA hepatocyte-phase

T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo images obtained at 3
T in patient with a normal liver (A, same patient as in
Fig. 3) and in patients with cirrhosis (B–H). Textural
alterations in cirrhosis include fine reticulations
(B), coarse reticulations (C, same patient as in
Fig. 4A), parenchymal heterogeneity (D), discrete
mildly hyperintense nodules (E), discrete markedly
hyperintense nodules (F, same patient as in Fig.
10), broad bands of hypointensity representative
of confluent fibrosis (arrows) (G), and featureless
liver parenchyma (H). Note that normal liver has
homogeneous texture without parenchymal
reticulations (A).

dose (0.025 mmol/kg) of Gd-EOB-DTPA, it although the agent is not FDA approved for this minutes of Gd-EOB-DTPA injection, and only
is still lower than the approved dose of any purpose. Whereas intense signal enhancement 52% had sufficient visualization at 3 hours,
other gadolinium-based contrast agent. Thus, of the common bile duct in noncirrhotic livers compared with 100% visualization after 20
administering Gd-EOB-DTPA at an off-la- begins at 5–15 minutes after Gd-EOB-DTPA minutes in the control noncirrhotic group [2].
bel, higher-than-approved dose, in principle, injection [7], peak intensity may be reduced Use of Gd-EOB-DTPA in patients with cir-
may help overcome the potential limitations and the onset delayed in patients with cirrho- rhosis for contrast-enhanced MRC is therefore
of the agent when imaging the cirrhotic liver, sis, as discussed earlier. In one study, only 40% likely to be challenging because optimal biliary
while at the same time using a lower dose than of patients with cirrhosis had sufficient biliary tree visualization is infrequent and the degree
with conventional gadolinium-based contrast visualization for anatomic diagnosis within 30 and timing of biliary excretion are unpredict-
agents. This off-label approach would prolong
the peak arterial perfusion time window, there-
by facilitating optimal arterial phase timing; in-
crease the degree of arterial phase enhancement
of hypervascular lesions; provide more intense
luminal enhancement of portal and hepatic
veins; and increase the degree of liver parenchy-
mal enhancement in the hepatocyte phase. Fur-
ther investigation is needed, however, to confirm
that increasing the dose of Gd-EOB-DTPA im-
proves diagnostic accuracy for malignant nod-
ules or venous obstruction in the cirrhotic liver.
In addition to giving a larger dose, it may
be helpful in cirrhotic livers to increase the
delay at which hepatocyte phase images are
acquired. Whereas a 20-minute delay is ade-
quate for hepatocyte phase imaging in the
normal liver, a greater delay may be beneficial Fig. 5—48-year-old woman with alcohol-induced cirrhosis.
in the cirrhotic liver for reasons previously A and B, Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)–enhanced T1-
discussed, although a prolonged delay may be weighted 3D gradient-echo hepatocyte phase images obtained at 3 T in same patient 1 year apart. Soon after
initial study (A), patient stopped consuming alcohol. On both imaging studies, identical dose of Gd-EOB-DTPA
impractical in clinical practice. The optimal was administered, and hepatocyte phase images were obtained 30 minutes after contrast agent injection. On
delay for hepatocyte phase imaging in patients initial study (A), patient had decompensated cirrhosis with Model of End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score
with cirrhosis requires further investigation. > 30. On follow-up image (B), patient’s cirrhosis was well compensated with MELD score < 10. Decompensated
Gd-EOB-DTPA has been shown to be use- cirrhotic liver is featureless with both liver parenchyma and blood vessels having intermediate signal.
Note liver parenchyma is hypointense to kidney. By comparison, compensated cirrhotic liver parenchyma
ful in contrast-enhanced MR cholangiography is hyperintense relative to vessels and nearly isointense to kidney. Numerous hyperintense hepatocellular
(MRC) in patients with normal livers [7, 14], nodules are now evident.

32 AJR:195, July 2010

Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Liver Cirrhosis

Fig. 6—56-year-old man with hepatitis C virus

A–I, T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo images
obtained at 3 T prior to contrast administration (A)
and 22 seconds (B), 1 minute (C), 5 minutes (D), 15
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minutes (E), and 20 minutes (F) after gadolinium-

ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
(Gd-EOB-DTPA) administration. Also shown are
T2-weighted single-shot fast spin-echo image (G) and
diffusion-weighted images at b = 0 s/mm2 (H) and b =
500 s/mm2 (I). Note 25-mm hepatocellular carcinoma
nodule is visible in segment VI of liver. It avidly
enhances in hepatic arterial phase (B) then rapidly
washes out in portal venous phase (C) and remains
hypointense in hepatocyte phase images (D–F)
because it lacks functional hepatocytes. Background
liver parenchyma progressively enhances because
of hepatocellular uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA, which
accentuates apparent washout of lesion relative to
liver. Nodule is mildly hyperintense to background
liver on T2-weighted image (G) and moderately
hyperintense on diffusion-weighted images (H and I).

able. By comparison, acquisition of T2-weight- images. Heavily T2-weighted MRCP se- slightly higher spatial resolution than the arte-
ed MRC images may be less problematic af- quences, if indicated, are performed before rial phase acquisition and without parallel im-
ter Gd-EOB-DTPA administration in patients contrast administration. aging if possible. Late dynamic phase imaging
with cirrhosis because there is delayed contrast For Gd-EOB-DTPA–enhanced imaging, is done 2–3 minutes after contrast injection us-
excretion into the bile ducts and the degree of we administer a weight-adjusted dose of Gd- ing the identical sequence as for portal venous
T2 shortening is not as pronounced. The effi- EOB-DTPA rounded up to the nearest bottle phase data acquisition, immediately followed
cacy of T2-weighted MRC images after Gd- in patients with normal renal function—that is, by a single-phase 3D coronal T1-weighted gra-
EOB-DTPA administration in cirrhosis has not patients receive either 10 or 20 mL of Gd-EOB- dient-echo sequence.
been studied, however, and the routine acquisi- DTPA depending on their weight. For patients We then perform echo-planar diffusion-
tion of such images is not recommended. with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of weighted imaging and 2D axial single-shot
At our institution, we initially used Gd- less than 60 mL/min, however, a weight-adjust- spin-echo sequences followed by sequential
EOB-DTPA as a problem-solving tool in cir- ed dose is administered without rounding. The axial fat-suppressed 3D T1-weighted gradi-
rhosis, but with accruing experience, we now contrast agent is injected at a rate of 1 mL/s, ent-echo sequences until the major bile ducts
use the agent routinely in cirrhosis with the fol- followed by 20 mL of saline chaser injected at intensely enhance with the contrast agent or
lowing exceptions: evaluation of vascular pat- a rate of 2 mL/s. In all patients, we use a fixed until at least 30 minutes after contrast injec-
ency, assessment of ablated lesions for residual delay of 20 seconds between the initiation of tion, whichever is sooner.
or recurrent disease, and in patients whose bili- the contrast administration and the start of data
rubin level is above 3 mg/dL. For these excep- acquisition for the arterial phase. We acquire Detection and Characterization of
tions, we use extracellular gadolinium-based two consecutive arterial phases (double arte- Lesions in Cirrhotic Liver
contrast agents rather than Gd-EOB-DTPA. rial) in a single 20- to 30-second breath-hold Conventional MRI criteria that rely primar-
Our Gd-EOB-DTPA MR sequence pro- using an axial fat-suppressed 3D T1-weighted ily on lesion vascularity are prone to false-
tocol for patients with cirrhosis is evolving. gradient-echo sequence with parallel imaging negative and false-positive findings in cirrhot-
The current protocol starts with acquisition and a 1.5–2 acceleration factor. A single por- ic livers. Cirrhosis is characterized by variable
of a multiplanar localizer followed by unen- tal venous phase is acquired as soon as the pa- disturbances in hepatic blood flow because of
hanced 2D coronal T2-weighted single shot tient is ready for another breath-hold, usually progressive disruption of normal liver vascu-
fast spin-echo and 2D axial T1-weighted in- 15–30 seconds after completion of the arterial lar anatomy and physiology, which makes in-
and out-of-phase fast spoiled gradient-echo phase data acquisition. This is acquired with terpretation of blood supply to hepatocellular

AJR:195, July 2010 33

Cruite et al.

Fig. 7—65-year-old man with alcohol-induced cirrhosis.

A–F, Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine
pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA) enhanced T1-
weighted 3D gradient-echo images obtained at 3 T
24 seconds (A), 1 minute (B), 3 minutes (C), 7 minutes
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(D), 15 minutes (E), and 22 minutes (F) after contrast

administration show 9-cm mass in right lobe of liver
that has mosaic pattern of enhancement in arterial
phase followed by washout at 1, 3, and 7 minutes.
Mass then progressively accumulates Gd-EOB-
DTPA starting at 15 minutes after contrast injection,
giving it heterogeneous appearance in hepatocyte
phase (E and F). Parts of mass appear iso-, hyper-,
or hypointense to background liver parenchyma,
suggesting variable degrees of cellular atypia in
different parts of mass. Percutaneous biopsy of
lesion was performed. Histological analysis revealed
well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma.
Because only one biopsy specimen was obtained,
variable intralesional cellular atypia suggested by
MR images could not be confirmed. At follow-up
imaging 6 months later, initial mass had grown to 15
cm in diameter and cancer had become multifocal,
indicating aggressive biologic behavior.

nodules difficult. For instance, well-differen- ma and liver lesions is beyond the scope of lar, or confluent. Depending on the size and
tiated HCCs may be portally perfused and this review, however, because these features signal intensity of the hepatocellular nod-
show hypo- or isoenhancement; such HCCs are unaffected by contrast agents. Interpre- ules and the thickness and density of the fi-
thus evade detection or may be confused for tation of dynamic images (i.e., hepatic arte- brotic septa, cirrhotic livers may manifest a
benign nodules in the arterial imaging phase. rial phase, portal venous phase, and delayed broad spectrum of textural alterations in the
As a corollary, benign cirrhotic tissue with phase) is similar to that of extracellular gado- hepatocyte phase (Fig. 4).
altered vascularity may show arterial hyper- linium-based contrast agents. As with extra- In cirrhotic patients who decompensate
enhancement and be confused for or obscure cellular agents, subtraction of baseline from or recover function between serial MR ex-
underlying HCC. Also, in a background of dynamic Gd-EOB-DTPA–enhanced im- aminations, longitudinal changes in the ap-
cirrhosis, the presence or absence of washout ages may be helpful to assess enhancement pearance of the liver parenchyma may be ob-
may be difficult to assess in small (< 2 cm) ar- of intrinsic T1-hyperintense nodules and le- served in the hepatocyte phase (Fig. 5).
terially enhancing lesions, and differentiation sions that have been treated with transarteri- In principle, the variable enhancement
of malignant nodules from benign nodules al chemoembolization. However, subtraction of cirrhotic liver parenchyma and potential-
and pseudolesions may be problematic. should only be performed on well-registered ly heterogeneous parenchymal texture may
The hepatocyte phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA images obtained with identical imaging pa- complicate the detection and characterization
may be useful in detecting iso- and hypovas- rameters and calibration settings. of nodules in the hepatocyte phase. Research
cular HCCs and in characterizing hypervas- is needed to define the impact on diagnostic
cular lesions that are nonspecific in the vas- Cirrhotic Liver Parenchyma performance of the variable appearance of the
cular dynamic phases. As opposed to normal liver parenchyma, cirrhotic liver parenchyma in the hepatocyte
In the next section (Cirrhotic Liver Paren- which typically is homogeneously hyperin- phase after Gd-EOB-DTPA administration.
chyma), hepatocyte phase imaging features tense in the hepatocyte phase, the cirrhotic Although the variable, potentially hetero-
of hepatic parenchyma and of focal lesions in liver parenchyma has a variable appearance. geneous parenchymal enhancement may com-
the cirrhotic liver are described. In general, In patients with advanced or decompensat- plicate nodule evaluation, it could potentially
focal lesions may be predominantly hypoin- ed cirrhosis and reduced hepatocellular up- be exploited for novel diagnostic purposes.
tense, isointense, hyperintense, or heteroge- take of Gd-EOB-DTPA, the liver may seem As suggested in animal studies by Tsuda et
neous with a combination of various signal featureless, with liver parenchyma, ves- al. [15, 16], quantitative analysis of Gd-EOB-
intensities in the hepatocyte phase, depend- sels, and bile ducts all having intermedi- DTPA uptake by the liver may permit nonin-
ing on the cellular composition of the lesions ate signal intensity. In comparison, in pa- vasive assessment of segmental liver function
as well as the appearance of the background tients with early or compensated cirrhosis as well as histologic alterations, such as fibro-
liver parenchyma (Table 1). Interpretation of and preserved hepatocellular uptake of Gd- sis in the precirrhotic phases of diffuse liver
Gd-EOB-DTPA–enhanced hepatocyte phase EOB-DTPA, the liver parenchyma may ap- disease. Further research on the use of Gd-
images should not be done in isolation but pear hyperintense but heterogeneous (Fig. EOB-DTPA–enhanced MRI as a biomarker
should be done in conjunction with both dy- 3). The heterogeneity is due to the presence in diffuse liver disease is warranted.
namic and unenhanced images (e.g., T1-, of cirrhosis-associated hepatocellular nod-
T2-, and diffusion-weighted images), while ules of variable sizes and signal intensity HCC
taking into account lesion size. Discussion interspersed in a meshwork of hypointense HCC is a malignant neoplasm composed
of unenhanced features of liver parenchy- fibrotic scars that may be fine, coarse, nodu- of dedifferentiated hepatocytes. In cirrhotic

34 AJR:195, July 2010

TABLE 1: Proposed Algorithm for Assessment of Liver Lesions
Contrast-Enhanced Cirrhotic
MRI in Liver Liver Using Gd-EOB-DTPA
T2 Weighted T1-Weighted Precontrast Arterial Phase Hepatocyte Phase
Simple cyst
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Benign (e.g., RN)

Benign (e.g., DN)

Probably benign (e.g., DN)

Probably benign (e.g., DN)

Probably HCC (early)

Definitely HCC

Probably HCC (hypovascular)

Confluent fibrosis

Note—The proposed algorithm is based on the authors’ anecdotal experience. It is meant as a provisional guide and should be applied cautiously in clinical care.
Confirmatory studies are required, with revision of the algorithm as appropriate. Gd-EOB-DTPA = gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid; RN =
regenerative nodule ; DN = dysplastic nodule; HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma.

AJR:195, July 2010 35

Cruite et al.

Fig. 8—46-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C

viral infection but without cirrhosis.
A–F, T2-weighted single-shot fast spin echo image
(A) and T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo images
obtained at 3 T prior to contrast administration
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(B) and 20 seconds (C), 1 minute (D), 5 minutes (E),

and 25 minutes (F) after gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-
diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid administration
show 4.5-cm mass in segment VII of liver (arrows)
that is light-bulb bright on T2-weighted image (A)
and hypointense on T1-weighted image (B). After
contrast administration, mass has peripheral puddles
of contrast enhancement on arterial phase (A)
that progressively coalesce at 1 minute (D) and 5
minutes (E) while following blood pool signal. In the
hepatocyte phase, mass is hypointense, with similar
signal intensity to blood vessels. Imaging features
are characteristic of hemangioma.

livers, HCC usually develops from dysplastic hyperenhancement followed by rapid washout tensely or homogeneously, however, liver-to-
nodules [17]. HCC is solitary in about 50%, [20, 22], except that washout may appear more lesion contrast ratio may be low and lesion
multifocal in approximately 40%, and dif- rapid with Gd-EOB-DTPA because the back- margins may be difficult to define in the he-
fuse in less than 10% of cases [18]. ground liver parenchyma progressively en- patocyte phase.
The vascular supply of HCCs is mainly ar- hances (Fig. 6). From 2.5% to 8.5% of HCCs [24, 25] may
terial through neoangiogenesis, with marked- The degree of peripheral rim enhance- show paradoxical uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA in
ly reduced or absent portal supply [19]. Ap- ment may be similar to or lower than that seen the hepatocyte phase, appearing as iso- or hy-
proximately 80–90% of HCCs show arterial with extracellular gadolinium-based contrast perintense lesions relative to surrounding liv-
hypervascularity at MRI after a bolus injec- agents, depending on the Gd-EOB-DTPA er parenchyma [11, 26] (Fig. 7). In an animal
tion of a gadolinium-based contrast agent dose used [20]. In the hepatocyte phase, typi- study, paradoxical uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA
[20]. After arterial phase hyperenhancement, cal HCCs are well delineated as areas of low by HCCs was observed in well-differentiated
HCCs typically show washout in the delayed signal intensity relative to surrounding liver HCCs [24], but additional experimental and
phases, with signal intensity lower than that of parenchyma because they do not have the abil- clinical studies [12, 20, 23, 25–28] have not
background liver parenchyma. Some hyper- ity to take up Gd-EOB-DTPA. Liver-to-lesion confirmed a correlation between HCC grade
vascular HCCs, however, may not show wash- contrast enhancement typically peaks in the and Gd-EOB-DTPA uptake. Previous reports
out and so may be difficult to see on delayed hepatocyte phase, when it may exceed arterial have suggested that liver enzymes, such as glu-
phases. A peripheral rim of delayed enhance- phase contrast enhancement by 50% [23]. In tathione-S-transferase (an intracellular trans-
ment may be observed, lasting for more than 5 addition, tumor margins are most clearly de- port protein for Gd-EOB-DTPA [7]) play a role
minutes after contrast injection [20]. lineated in the hepatocyte phase [23], poten- in the paradoxical contrast uptake by HCCs
From 10% to 20% of HCCs are hypovas- tially improving detection of HCCs not readi- [29], whereas a more recent small human study
cular and enhance less than surrounding liv- ly visible in the dynamic imaging phases [23]. suggested that the uptake is determined by ex-
er parenchyma in the arterial phase. This is If the liver parenchyma does not enhance in- pression of OATP1B3 receptors, rather than
presumably from loss of arterial and por-
tal blood supply and the absence of arterial
neoangiogenesis [21]. Typically, hypovascular Fig. 9—57-year-old man with
hepatitis C virus cirrhosis.
HCCS are small, well-differentiated tumors. Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-
Although poorly differentiated, infiltrating diethylenetriamine pentaacetic
HCCs also may be hypovascular. Such hypo- acid–enhanced T1-weighted
3D gradient-echo hepatocyte
vascular tumors may be difficult to detect on phase image obtained at 3 T
dynamic gadolinium-based contrast agent– shows heterogeneous liver
enhanced MR images despite their large size parenchyma. Liver parenchyma
and aggressive biologic behavior. is carved into intermediate-
signal intensity regenerative
On Gd-EOB-DTPA administration, the con- nodules with preserved
trast behavior of typical HCCs in the dynamic hepatocellular function by
phases (arterial, portovenous, and equilibrium meshwork of hypointense
fibrotic septa devoid of
phases) is comparable to that with extracellular functional hepatocytes. Note
gadolinium-based contrast agents, i.e., arterial hypointense vessels.

36 AJR:195, July 2010

Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Liver Cirrhosis

Fig. 10—54-year-old man with hepatitis C virus

A–D, T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo images obtained
at 3 T prior to contrast administration (A) and 20
seconds (B), 1 minute (C), and 25 minutes (D) after
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pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA) administration.
Hepatocyte phase image (D) shows innumerable
T1-hyperintense nodules against background of
intermediate signal liver parenchyma. Hyperintense
nodules may be dysplastic nodules with retained
ability to take up Gd-EOB-DTPA but reduced
excretory capacity, resulting in intracellular
cholestasis and T1 shortening. Nodules neither
arterially hyperenhance nor washout on dynamic
phase images. Note focal areas of perfusional
alteration on hepatic arterial phase (arrows, B).

by tumor differentiation [30]. From the fore- hancement pattern of hemangiomas typically In the hepatocyte phase of Gd-EOB-DT-
going, the pathophysiologic characteristics of follows the blood-pool (Fig. 8), which helps PA, regenerative nodules generally show
HCCs that take up Gd-EOB-DTPA in the he- differentiate them from HCCs that show rap- contrast uptake and excretion because of
patocyte phase, the mechanism of this uptake, id washout. Because not all HCCs show rapid preserved hepatocellular function and in-
and the clinical relevance of this enhance- washout, correlation with signal intensity on tact organic ion transporters, with signal in-
ment pattern are not fully elucidated. In ad- T2-weighted imaging is often necessary. He- tensity similar to that of background liver
dition, the vast majority of hyperintense hepa- mangiomas tend to be moderately to mark- (Fig. 9).
tocyte phase nodules in the cirrhotic liver are edly hyperintense on T2-weighted images Dysplastic nodules develop from regenera-
probably not HCCs but rather benign regen- (Fig. 8), whereas HCCs tend to be isointense tive nodules and contain atypical hepatocytes
erative nodules or dysplastic nodules. Further or only mildly hyperintense. but do not have definite features of malignan-
research is therefore needed to better under- cy on histology [31]. They are present in 15–
stand hepatocyte phase hyperintense nod- Regenerative and Dysplastic Nodules 25% of cirrhotic livers [33] and are histolog-
ules and to inform management guidelines for Regenerative nodules represent focal he- ically classified as low-grade or high-grade
their workup. patocellular proliferations that contain one or depending on the degree of dedif­ferentiation.
Although unusual, hemangiomas can oc- more portal tracts [31] surrounded by fibrous High-grade dysplastic nodules are considered
casionally be encountered in cirrhosis and septa. They may be micronodular (≤ 3 mm) premalignant [34] and can undergo malig-
should be considered in the differential diag- or macronodular (> 3 mm) [31]. The major nant transformation in a duration as short as
nosis of lesions that are hypervascular in the blood supply to regenerative nodules is the 4 months [35]. Nevertheless, the clinical sig-
dynamic phases. However, the dynamic en- portal vein [32]. nificance of dysplastic nodules is unclear, and

Fig. 11—57-year-old man with hepatitis B virus

A–D, Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine
pentaacetic acid–enhanced T1-weighted 3D
gradient-echo images obtained at 3 T 22 seconds
(A), 1 minute (B), 5 minutes (C), and 20 minutes (D)
after contrast administration show 1-cm hypointense
nodule in hepatocyte phase (arrow, D). Nodule shows
no discernible vascular enhancement or washout.
It is presumed to represent dysplastic nodule
with reduced uptake of contrast agent, although
hypovascular hepatocellular carcinoma cannot be
excluded. As illustrated in this case, interpretation of
such nodules is not fully understood.

AJR:195, July 2010 37

Cruite et al.
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Fig. 12—57-year-old man with hepatitis B virus cirrhosis. Gadolinium- Fig. 13—56-year-old woman with alcohol-induced cirrhosis. Gadolinium-
ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid–enhanced T1-weighted ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid–enhanced T1-weighted 3D
3D gradient-echo hepatocyte phase image obtained at 3 T shows 3.5-cm mass gradient-echo hepatocyte phase image obtained at 3 T shows areas of confluent
in right lobe of liver. Mass is predominantly isointense to background liver hypointensity relative to background liver parenchyma (arrows). Hypointense
parenchyma but contains hyperintense (white arrow) and hypointense (black areas are wedge-shaped, with base toward liver capsule and associated
arrow) components. Because of its large size, mass was empirically treated as with volume loss and capsular retraction. These features are consistent with
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using transarterial chemoembolization, but it did confluent fibrosis.
not take up chemoembolic material. At follow-up imaging 8 months later, mass was
stable in size and imaging features. Mass probably represents well-differentiated
HCC or macroregenerative nodule with foci of cellular dysplasia and atypia. As
illustrated in this case, interpretation of such masses is not fully understood.

current management guidelines do not advo- their thickness and density, fibrotic septa may liver parenchyma on delayed images [40]. The
cate aggressive workup of suspected dysplas- manifest as fine or coarse reticulations. Occa- hepatocyte phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA provides
tic nodules. sionally confluent fibrosis may occur with a additional information that may help character-
Like regenerative nodules, dysplastic nod- diffuse or focal distribution. Focal confluent ize such lesions.
ules receive their blood supply mainly from fibrosis has a masslike appearance that can Transient arterial enhancement may re-
the portal vein, although high-grade dysplas- be mistaken for HCC. Morphologically, it is sult from arterioportal shunts [41] compen-
tic nodules may develop arterial hypervascu- wedge-shaped with the base toward the liver sating for reduced portal supply. Such shunts
larity [36]. With progression of atypia, the capsule, often associated with parenchymal are due to either occlusion or compression of
number of expressed organic ion transporters atrophy and capsular retraction and usually the portal vein or focal obstruction of a dis-
in dysplastic nodules decreases, which reduc- located in the anterior and medial segments tal parenchymal portal vein as is often seen
es their ability to take up Gd-EOB-DTPA. of the liver [37, 38]. After administration of in the cirrhotic liver. Areas of transient arte-
In the hepatocyte phase of Gd-EOB-DT- an extracellular gadolinium-based contrast rial enhancement commonly are peripheral
PA, dysplastic nodules that retain their ability agent, delayed contrast enhancement of fibro- and wedge shaped, do not displace adjacent
to take up the agent but not to excrete it appear sis is characteristic, which is in contradistinc- structures, and correspond to the segment
homogeneously or heterogeneously hyperin- tion to the hypointensity seen on the hepato- or lobe of reduced portal supply [42]. Infre-
tense due to intracellular cholestasis (Fig. 10), cyte phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA (Fig. 13). quently, these areas can be nodular or irreg-
whereas nodules that have lost their ability Confluent fibrosis can be differentiated ularly shaped [41]. In the hepatocyte phase
to take up the agent appear hypointense [26] from hepatocyte phase tumoral hypointen- of Gd-EOB-DTPA, areas of transient arterial
(Fig. 11). However, such hypointense nodules sity on the basis of morphology [39]. Con- enhancement are usually isointense to back-
can be mistaken for HCCs in the hepatocyte fluent fibrosis also usually does not hyperen- ground liver parenchyma because they con-
phase [26], and their interpretation is not fully hance in the arterial phase. In difficult cases, tain functional hepatocytes (Figs. 14A–14D).
understood. Occasionally, a nodule-within-a- follow-up imaging may be helpful. Occasionally, some hepatocytes in adjacent
nodule appearance may be seen in the hepa- liver parenchyma may be dysfunctional and
tocyte phase representing nodules with foci of Arterially Enhancing Pseudolesions show relatively reduced uptake of Gd-EOB-
cellular dysplasia or atypia (Fig. 12). Arterially enhancing pseudolesions rep- DTPA (Figs. 14E–14H).
resent 72–87% of arterially hyperenhanc- Arterioportal fistulas may occur as a com-
Fibrosis ing lesions seen in cirrhotic livers [40]. Such plication of liver biopsy. Occasionally, these
In cirrhosis, fibrosis is present as a lattice- pseudolesions may be mistaken for HCC at dy- may be associated with a pseudoaneurysm.
like framework of fibrotic septa surrounding namic imaging because assessment of washout The enhancement of the pseudoaneurysm
hepatocellular nodules throughout the liver may be difficult in the cirrhotic liver and the matches that of the blood pool after contrast
parenchyma. Because the fibrotic septa do absence of washout does not exclude malig- administration [38]. Accordingly, pseudo­
not contain hepatocytes, they appear hypoin- nancy because some tumors with residual por- aneurysms appear hypointense to the back-
tense in the hepatocyte phase. Depending on tal venous blood supply remain isointense to ground liver parenchyma on the hepatocyte

38 AJR:195, July 2010

Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Liver Cirrhosis

Fig. 14—41-year-old man with cirrhosis secondary

to nonalcoholic liver disease who underwent liver
A–D, Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine
pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)–enhanced T1-
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weighted 3D gradient-echo images obtained at 3 T

15 seconds (A), 23 seconds (B), 31 seconds (C), and
20 minutes (D) after contrast administration show
wedge-shaped area of arterial hyperenhancement
that fades to isointensity by 31 seconds and remains
isointense in hepatocyte phase. Notice early
enhancement of portal vein branch (arrow, A and
B) within hyperenhancing area due to postbiopsy
arterioportal fistula. Lack of architectural distortion
favors diagnosis of pseudolesion.
E–H, Images obtained at more caudal slice level show
inferior aspect of wedge-shaped area of perfusion
alteration. At this slice level, area of altered perfusion
is hypointense in hepatocyte phase, indicating
diminished uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA, plausibly due
to dysfunctional hepatocytes. Lack of architectural
distortion favors diagnosis of pseudolesion.

Fig. 15—61-year-old man with hepatitis C

virus cirrhosis who underwent transarterial
chemoembolization (TACE) of hepatocellular
carcinoma in right lobe of liver. T1-weighted 3D
gradient-echo images obtained at 3 T are shown.
A, Unenhanced image shows T1-hyperintense rim
around lesion, presumably from TACE procedure.
B–D, Images acquired 15 seconds (B), 22 seconds
(C), and 29 seconds (D) after contrast administration
show perilesional hyperenhancement (arrows, B–D)
that may represent residual or recurrent disease
along tumor margins.
E and F, On images acquired in hepatocyte phase,
however, perilesional tissue is isointense to
surrounding liver parenchyma, indicating presence
of functional hepatocytes and helping to exclude
presence of tumor. Arterial phase hyperenhancement
likely represents benign post-TACE perfusion

AJR:195, July 2010 39

Cruite et al.

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The reader’s attention is directed to part 1 accompanying this article, titled “Gadoxetate Disodium–
Enhanced MRI of the Liver: Part I, Protocol Optimization and Lesion Appearance in the Noncirrhotic Liver,”
which begins on page 13.

AJR:195, July 2010 41

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