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Bachelorette, bachelor and Karaoke

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Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling

Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter, Ginny
Weasley/Blaise Zabini

Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Blaise
Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley

Additional Tags:
POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger &
Theodore Nott Friendship, Pining Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy is Bad at
Feelings, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Theodore Nott in the
Muggle World, Adult Hermione Granger, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Pining
Blaise Zabini


Published: 2024-03-05 Words: 1,894 Chapters: 1/1
Bachelorette, bachelor and Karaoke
by Katerina_04


10 years after the war, War Hero Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson,
founder of Parkinson designs are getting married. So irrevocably in
love with each other it could make someone sick, so in love they
combine their bachelor and bachelorette parties to a muggle karaoke
bar. Which is how Hermione Granger was stuck sitting across from
aristocratic Draco Malfoy who dares her to sing.


Hi everyone!
This is my first fic i’ve ever written inspired by cortneyreinhardt on
Tik Tok!
Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment <333
“Go on Granger, i dare you.”

Pansy Parkinson CEO of Parkinson’s designs and the famous war Hero
Harry Potter were getting married.
So irrevocably in love with each other it could make someone sick…and
often did make Hermione sick when she’d floo in and find them in a
questionable position over a couch.

It was the night of the bachelor and bachelorette parties and due to their
“irrevocable” love it led them to have a combined bachelor and bachelorette
party in a muggle karaoke bar.

Hermione Granger, golden girl was stuck sitting directly across from
aristocratic Draco fucking Malfoy.
She was desperate for anyone to converse with other than the pompous prat
who sat in front of her, fiddling with his fingers looking as equally
uncomfortable as she did being stuck with her. Hermione observed him as
he sat in his usual custom made french suits; his sleeves were rolled up
showing off his impressive number of tattoo’s. Hermione wondered how
many others he may have under his shirt.
His blonde hair was longer and he’d thankfully grown out of his youthful
need to slick it back, instead it was slightly fluffy and curled which she
smirked at; of course the git gave her grief for years and yet had curls
He’d grown into his pointed looks and looked rather handsome…
subjectively speaking of course.

Pansy and Harry had disappeared to the bathroom minutes ago and Blaise
was chatting up Ginny by the bar. For years now he’d chased after the red
head begging for some of her affection; and for years Ginny let him chase
her, loving it when he begged.

Desperate for something to look at other than Malfoy to rid some of the
awkwardness that plagued them Hermione looked around the neon bar,
letting out a soft laugh when her eyes landed on Theo. The man in question
was standing on the small wooden stage singing Queen, something
Hermione and Harry had once introduced him to long ago.
At her laughed Draco’s head snapped up and he watched her as she sung
along softly under her breath to the song Theo was…singing? No, definitely
not singing Draco decided.
He watched her plump lips move, wondering what it’d be like to kiss them.
Her once unruly hair was instead now soft tamed curls; what he’d give to
run his fingers through them. When she’d arrived at the bar today Draco
had spluttered on his drink, earning him a smirk from all of the Serpents.
She’d looked radiant as she entered, skinny jeans, a low v neck figure
hugging tank top and heels, it left much to be desired; something Draco did

“You should go and sing Granger, im sure the Golden girl must have a
golden voice to match.” Draco purred, dragging Hermione’s attention back
to him.

She rolled her eyes “No thank you i’m quite fine here thank you very much,
but please, be my guest I mean after-all you’re in a suit and you love
attention.” She muttered putting on her best ‘Malfoy’ smirk.

“It’s okay to admit your scared Granger, i mean beating the dark lord is one
thing, but standing and singing in this-“ he paused dragging his finger
across the table surface screwing his face up at the stickiness of it “uh
establishment is another.”

Hermione glowered at him “i’m not scared, i just don’t want to.” She
seethed, despite the fact they were no longer in school, Malfoy seemed to
have the same ability to rile her up as he always had.

He smirked as he watched her get riled up, her doe honey glazed eyes
flashing angrily as she glared at him.
“Go on Granger, i dare you.” He purred seductively, gesturing to the stage,
of which Theo was grinning, clambering off heading back over to them.

“I think i’m the modern day Queen.” Theo said proudly as he sat down in
his chair next to Hermione, throwing his arm around her smirking as he
watched Draco’s jaw tick.
Hermione sighed “Theo, I’ve told you before Queen is a band, not a
singular person-“ Draco interrupted her before she could continue on; “I
was just saying Granger here should take a crack at it, what do you say
Theo?” He shot a grin at Theo, knowing fine well his brunette friend would
agree and force Granger to do it.

Theo grinned broadly “Oh absofuckingloutely, come on golden girl off you
pop!” He said as he all but lifted Hermione out of her chair, giggling at
Draco clenching his jaw; to further piss the aristocratic arse off, Theo let his
hand fall to Hermione’s lower back as he pushed her towards the stage
despite her protests.
Giving her a final push until she was on the stage, Theo bounded back over
to the table wiggling his eyebrows at Draco.
“Did you REALLY have to lift her up like that?” Draco seethed, his hands
clenching the table, the dragon tattoo on his arm flexing as if equally as
“No, no i did not, but it was fun watching your reaction.” Theo winked
blowing a kiss at Draco before turning back to Hermione who was scrolling
through the ipad on stage to choose a song.
Having seemingly chose one, Theo and Draco both watched her take a deep
breath, taking a moment as she gritted her teeth she waited for the song to

As the music started, her eyes fixated themself on Draco and she began to
sing; he watched enthralled by her, as she stood eyeing him, her chest
heaving slightly as she sang. He sat with a small smile plastering his face
before he paused taking a double take as he listened to the lyrics and the
dangerous glint in her eyes.
“I hate you and your mum, i think you should shut the fuck up” she paused
sending a wink his way before continuing “and die.”
Theo laughed loudly as Draco’s draw dropped the brunette boy was almost
doubled over as he struggled to hold himself together from watching the
Draco meanwhile was filled with indignation and worry he hissed to Theo
“do you really think she hates mother?”
Theo laughed slightly before straightening himself; “Merlins left tit, it’s a
SONG mate!” Theo said rolling his eyes before standing and giving a
standing ovation to Hermione who was practically sprinting to the bar into
the awaiting arms of a grinning Ginny.
Blaise smirked over at Theo and the two boys shared a look, whether they
liked it or not, both boys and Ginny were determined to FINALLY get the
Golden girl and the rich prat together.
Winking at Ginny over Hermione’s head Blaise winked “Here drink this,
it’ll make you feel better.” Blaise laughed passing a drink to Hermione.
“What did i just do?” Hermione whined, gagging slightly as she took a sip
of the drink “what the bloody hell is this?” She said, holding the drink out
as if to examine it.
“My own concoction, helps you forget events like whatever that was just
there.” Blaise said in his deep voice, a teasing tone added to it.
“Oh shut up Zabini , that was an excellent display of hatred…or lust for
Ferret boy.” Ginny said a suggestive smirk on her face.
“I do NOT lust after him!” Hermione said indignantly glaring at Ginny
“help me out here Blaise, she obviously doesn’t know what she’s talking
Blaise raised his arms as if surrendering “sorry Granger, you’re on your
own there that was absolutely a wonderful display of hatred and lust, which
is only one step away from love.” He smirked ducking as Hermione tried to
hit him before stalking off to the other boys at the table, who’d just been
rejoined by a messy haired Pansy and Harry.

Hermione groaned and turned to face Ginny again “why did i do that, why
do i let that aristocratic prat get to me!”
Ginny merely blinked knowing Hermione wasn’t done, her eyes flicked
over Hermione’s shoulder watching Malfoy advance.
“I mean seriously! What on earth was I thinking, he just- his hair, and with
his- and his suit?!” Hermione spluttered gesturing wildly.
“What about my suit granger?” His deep gravelly voice purred from behind
“Good luck!” Ginny chuckled before sprinting back to their table where the
rest of the serpents and Harry sat watching as if their interaction were their
own personal soap opera; another thing Theo was fond of.

Hermione spun quickly, her hair blowing her cherry scent in his direction
making his nostrils flare momentarily.
“I- you’re wearing a suit, in a pub.” Hermione said, a scowl on her face in
an attempt to cover her embarrassment.
“Yes, i appear to be, is there a problem with my suit Granger? Is there
something else you’d rather I be dressed in?” He purred, his tone cocky as
he towered over her.
‘Damn his height’ Hermione grumbled to herself.
“I- well, not many muggles would wear a suit to a pub.” She said pointedly
looking up at him, a pink tinge to her cheeks.
“Well conveniently i am not a muggle.” Draco pointed out with his smirk
still plastered across his face. “Do you have an issue with my mother
Granger, do you truely hate her?” He asked, his tone softening, worry
flooding his grey eyes.
Hermione took a step back “What? Oh god no, Narsissa is practically a
mother to me now, she checks in on me, i have lunch with her weekly, we
discuss books-“ Hermione rushed the words out before Draco interrupted
her “And what about me, do you hate me Her-Granger?” He almost
Hermione looked him in his eyes, honey meeting grey “No Draco, I do not
hate you, you pompous prat. “ She smiled at him, Draco stepped forwards
lowering his head “Come back to the Manor with me.” He said calmly,
despite the fact his insides felt like they were burning in a cherry scented
Hermione blinked at him “Excuse me?!” She said, surprise lacing her tone.
“We both know there’s something between us so come back to the manor
with me and i have a lovely big bed you can show me how much you don’t
hate me on.”
Hermione stared at him her mouth gaping like a fish before she shut it
gritting her teeth determinedly.
“Why should I? go on Malfoy i dare you to show me why.” She said, using
his words against him.
Without a second of hesitation Draco captured her lips in his, letting out a
sigh as he Finally tasted her, running his tongue against her lip begging to
be let in and growling when she opened them ever so slightly. He kissed her
like she was the air he needed to breathe, his hands rested on her hips
dragging her as close to him as he could allow her to be.
She gripped him back just as fiercely moaning softly against him and Draco
swallowed every moan revelling in it.
Releasing her he stepped back and looked down at her, noticing her swollen
lips he grinned ever so slightly “Are you coming?”
She looked up at him and nodded her eyes darkened by lust “I’m yours.”
With that, Draco grabbed her arm and twisted on the spot, uncaring of those
who would see.
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