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1. serve as mobile electron carriers 1.

Coenzyme Q and cytochrome C

that shuttle electrons between the
various complexes
2. the largest of the four protein 2. NADH-Coenzyme Q Reductase
complexes NADH
3. Complex I contains how many 3. more than 40 subunits
4. What are these subunits? 4. - B vitamin-containing flavin
mononucleotide (FMN)
- several iron-sulfur proteins
5. The net result of electron 5. transfer of electrons from NADH
movement through complex I is to coenzyme Q (CoQ)
the ____________.
6. In Complex I, FMN is reduced to 6. FMNH2
7. In the final complex I reaction, Fe 7. Fe (III) SP
(II) SP is reconverted into ______
8. Reduced form of CoQ 8. CoQH2
9. is lipid soluble and can move 9. Coenzyme Q
laterally within the mitochondrial
10. The Q in the designation 10. quinone
coenzyme Q comes from the
name ________.
11. Coenzyme Q has a long carbon 11. 10 isoprene units
chain containing ______ attached quinone unit
to its _______.
12. The oxidized form FMN and 12. flavin mononucleotide
reduced form FMNH2 of the
electron carrier ________.
13. The oxidized form CoQ and 13. coenzyme Q
reduced form CoQH2 of the
electron carrier ________.
14. coenzyme Q is a ____ derivative 14. quinone
15. How many subunits are in 15. 4 subunit
Complex II?
16. This includes? 16. two FeSPs
17. Which is smaller? Complex I or 17. Complex II
Complex II
18. Its function is to shuttle its newly 18. Coenzyme Q
acquired electrons to complex III.
19. This complex is used to process 19. Complex II
the FADH2 that is generated in
the citric acid cycle when
succinate is converted to
20. Complex I and II common 20. reduced form of coenzyme Q
product (CoQH2)
21. Coenzyme Q shuttles electrons 21. Complex III
to ________.
22. is the substrate for Complex I 22. NADH
23. substrate for Complex II 23. FADH2
24. Complex III contains how many 24. 11 different subunits
25. is the heme containing protein in 25. cytochrome
which reversible oxidation and
reduction of an iron atom occur.
26. iron changes back and forth 26. 13 and 12
between the ______ oxidation
27. Heme-containing proteins 27. FeSP
function similarly to _____.
28. Various cytochromes in Complex 28. - cyt a
III - cyt b
- cyt c
29. These cytochromes differ from 29. - protein constituents
each other in - manner in which the heme is
bound to the protein
- attachments to the heme ring
30. How many cytochrome molecules 30. 2
are needed to move two
electrons along the chain?
31. The initial substrate in complex III 31. CoQH2
32. The electrons transfer process 32. CoQH2
proceeds from _____ to an FeSP
_____, then to ___, then to ____, cyt b
then to ____, and finally to another FeSP
_____. cyt c1
cyt c
33. Is the only cytochrome that is 33. cyt c
water soluble
34. The initial oxidation-reduction 34. CoQH2 and iron-sulfur protein
reaction at complex III is between (FeSP)
35. Complex IV contains how many 35. 13 subunits
36. This includes? 36. 2 cytochromes
37. In complex IV, the electron 37. cyt c
movement flows from ___ to __ cyt a
to ____. cyt a3
38. It is estimated that ____ of the 38. 95%
oxygen used by cells serves as
the final electron acceptor for the
39. In complex IV, ____ goes back 39. copper
and forth between the ___ state reduced Cu1 state
and the ____ state. oxidized Cu21 state
40. What are the three complexes 40. I, III, and IV
that have a second function
besides electron transfer?
41. What are their functions besides 41. proton pumps
electron transfer?
42. For every two electrons passed 42. 2
through the ETCC, how many
protons across the inner
mitochondrial membrane through
complex I?
43. In complex III? 43. 4
44. In complex IV 44. 6
45. basis for ATP synthesis 45. high concentration of protons
46. exists whenever a substance has 46. chemical gradient
a higher concentration in one
region than in another
47. Potential energy is always 47. electrochemical gradient
associated with an ______
48. A spontaneous flow of protons 48. electrochemical gradient
from the region of high
concentration to the region of low
concentration occurs because of
the ________.
49. This proton flow is not through 49. ATP synthases
the membrane itself (it is not
permeable to H+ ions) but rather
through enzyme complexes
called ________.
50. This is located on the _____ 50. inner mitochondrial membrane
51. are the coupling factors that link 51. ATP synthases
the processes of oxidative
phosphorylation and the electron
transport chain.
52. How many subunits does ATP 52. 2 subunits
synthases have?
53. What are these subunits? 53. F0 and F1
54. formation of ATP takes place in 54. F1
what subunit of ATP synthase?
55. Protons return to the 55. F0
mitochondrial matrix in what
subunit of ATP synthase?
56. the channel for proton flow is 56. F0
what subunit of ATP synthase?
57. The potential energy associated 57. F1
with the electrochemical gradient
is released and used in what
subunit of ATP synthase?
58. ATP produced from 58. intermembrane space
phosphorylation must be moved
from the matrix back to the _____
before it can be used in the
metabolic reactions.
59. For each ATP molecule 59. ADP
transferred from the matrix to the Pi
intermembrane space, an ___, H+
___, ___ move in the ____ opposite
60. In 4 hydrogen ions, how many 60. 1 ATP
ATP is produced?
61. To produce 1 NADH, how many 61. 10 H+ ions
hydrogen ions are present?
62. To produce 1 FADH2 62. 6 H+ ions
63. Amount of ATP in 1 NADH 63. 2.5 ATP
64. Amount of ATP in 1 FADH2 64. 1.5 ATP
65. 2 NADH = 65. 5 ATP
66. 6 NADH = 66. 15 ATP
67. 2 FADH2 = 67. 3 ATP

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