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NOTES 1. Tie “tical spt” of moten China is ded fm Beng lect — called ‘Mandan by, Westomar. The present ramen pss ak ists Spcds ete frm, eves ‘Toco language for may ofthe Chinese ool 2, From the word sine, Meaning wo become ‘more "Chinese 3. See Wm. Theodore de Bary, East Alan Ci ato: A Dialogue in Five Stages Cs ‘midge! Harvard University Pres 1988.7. 2358, 44 Thenume Yangz ange which refers to therver and the surouning valley i the name bes known ia the Wes. The Chinese callie Changing or Log Rive.” ‘5. Maco Polo's aims about having lived and ‘worked in China were doubted his con tempor in Europe and ae sill qves- one by Some eseuches oy. 6 Janet L Abu-Lughod, Before European Hegemony: The Word System AD. 1250- 1330 (New York: Oxford University Pres, 1989), pp 36812 71 Ain, nd lowest classmay besidthave ited inthe ela tiny mur of eg a xccusones, public entering rave ‘iger,ethervoskes and bushes Tet ‘descendants, kno braun, continue 78 + Pacic Cennry tote sbjecto serious roca discrimination ‘nmoder lop, Abvidged from: Anthony Reid, Southeast ‘Ata inthe Age of Commerce 1450-169: The Lande Below the Winds, vol. (New Haven: Yale Univessy Pres, 1988. pp. 340. ‘Specultion cominuestofocus onthe area resent -ay Palembang (su Suma) and sy be cntmed ina few yet by arch Topical explorations Srv i Sometines writen Seivijay. twas ruled over bythe Stina dnaty [EA “Tae mostsignifieant ting pit however, came i 1028 when te Sout Indian Chola ‘yay raided the Malacca reson pos fad broke the Sivijayan authority ver the linportnt Sua of Malace. (2) Abridged from: Mion Osbom, Southeast ‘Asia Sydney: George Alen & Unwin, Li, 1985) pp 1835 Major language ofthe Philippines Reid, Southeast Asia fm the Age of Commerce pp Abridged fom: Antony Rei. “An “Age of ‘Commere” in Southeast Asan Histo.” ‘Moder Asan Stes, ol. 24, 00.1, Fear fy 190, 9p. 3.7 2 Seaborne Barbarians: Incursions by the West OVERVIEW ihe fal of Constantinople oh Teck in 1453, the European window on Asia was ef fly closed The Europeans of the Mee. em word fl this lose sorely, fr wou an emai tae rote othe Eat te faced the Whos see of commer ire ie, Foruately forthe, and his socessors wth the nor ‘tn ravigational ols an saiingehnolgy ey needed t reach the Indian Ocean by se vit te Cae of Good Hope. Sho thee tet ip were droping anchor if heaping Its of Southeast Asa search of valuable ces to cary tack © Etope. ae day se empee aey iether reece Bog ong he tle or “har” of te SSE Sema ao anime, fm the Bish standpoint, wast ao ‘mot a Nourishing wade in opin with China — ‘with devastating consequences for Chin's sot ‘fy and national wealth. As the ade alee tegan totum round in favor of Bain, pla tess with he iment cour in Being Meanie the commercial rol of Southeast ‘Asia shied fom a epion of numerous port for ‘he callection of rade goods oth of a prod tio base ocr ‘rect Europea canton nese op tins and Lngtoms. The vse of cla le ‘em tush ITs tom hte tinea te mile of the niece cent, tt th emergence of Seaborne Barbarians: Incwsion by th West «77 “Commodore Perry in apa in 1853, and Westem sins io Rees Tn fc, the proces of change was more ra al and diffe than such historic thresholds ‘woulda tapes ances ina erator, and tchaogy ty vigorous and creative Asian societies ove the entries testify to the “progres” they had ‘eady enjoyed, but a he nds evolution Jn Barope ctelerate, they found themselves at profound technological iadvantage, The ompetition fom an expansionist Wet eeed urzeat aed for Pcie Asan soe onda ‘nd mec the challenge. In the new global coo emi sytem each society wold ave taser is own integrity and kml, defies on rk , Exports to Europe of Mol poe Spices EARLY EUROPEAN ADVANCES: The Portuese Vanguard Bythecatysnteenthoentuy.a growing tm. ber of Portugese navgnor were flowing he rouearound the Cape of Good Hope tht heey ioneered by their couneryman Vasco d Cara (On reaching the Indian Ovcan, they dacvered welldeveloped Indo-Pacific mackie tang syst stretching fom nao the south cont of China, which, nsome respects, was he hist icalndgearapical counterpart fesse ‘sve Pie Basia wade desorbed nchapter 13 ‘As otedin the precaing caper, Sothes Asi a his ne was enjoying the fats of what hist ian Anthony Reid has ele is “Age of Com merce ita 140-1680. Te scope sn volume ‘of tae being conducted hy Chinese mechan tone astonished the Europeans once the ul ‘complexity of te commer network Became rent The Chinese “unk de Matas andthe sling alt were tansporting al, pore, Woy ses, sadaivond and Jaen pots oupho the South China Sen, Fi southeast Asi, andthe Ida oct, aang eee Therein in search ofthe th Java, Su Indochina ad th epee ith va Sam dhs he Se pr fae onset stone ota cen the South Chins Sea andthe Indian Ocean, Seu ons sof tbe monsson (Kee he Arabic Wrord mausin, "season") winds encouraged {ivelocros the Indian Ocean in bot ccs ‘roundtrip rom Arabian Soutest Asia {eeomplete in about six months aos what i tes of the mos pace of oceans with my foods eventelly reaching European ports, toweer thre wassup tog a tcc Porapwctepaplaesc Masi sing rt slong te coo indian Ome Tada the Mons Se tlc oh Meee ae ed Sa tt now the Forgas ok ovr he Se nd sed it und th Cpe of Go Hop ver An expanding ‘Onoman Expire beponing with he conquest of Egypt (151), strengthened the Mus ders ‘apices to easier themselves, Meaty hey ttading pons in Southeast Asia found tht by toordinatng thir ressance they cou often mh the miliary prowes ofthe Portuguese This rivalry eventually trea to cooperation ss makes pew andthe Portuguese naan ‘ape in inning rather tan fighting the ‘wl Maslin as. The Pepper Exports to Europe Cape and Levant Routes: Matic Tone eon 23 78 + Pace Century Gap 22 Seahorne Barbarians: Inwion bythe Wet = 79 ‘THE SPICE TRADE | 1 Portuguese rived in the Indonesian archipelago where the were lot spice tad ‘ng nd evlved as cen ld a= tion tzoughout East Sia snd Central en “The decline of the trade was brovght boat in party an apalualevi- tion in Eorope tha preceded the Inds teal Revolution: New tubers were ‘calvated ha coldbe wed as foderto Keep animals alive throughout he wine ter With te ned © sophie suplas i nial cach all ths greatly rede, | there was a corresponding drop in the i demand for Asi spies 10 Serve as seat preservatives. the west cost of Sumatra which ly beyond lmmedate Portguese court. By he 1360, Mari pie tad ha retumed oi Former highleelaliouphhe advance of new European ‘enants Would eventually overwhelm it nce Spann cep be Mace ‘Sete, Needs cot ween sco owen one vith Chinn immo Ken ak Svar ine i cen eto. 80 + Pacifi Cenury tieshaddevelopedin Chin during the" openings of previ cemries between East and West bythe ssteenh cena they ad ied Ot. Wi the Porapuese lndfals in Chia, stipes son ro with he ud ay abd seemingly pimitv traders whom | Ming Coinese and Japanese alike refered to “erin” (in apanee, naman "So fm Barbarians” because they ba ist ‘ajor reach missionary presesce the su ‘ng cena Early European Rivalry in Asia From esl in th psi of European expo on in Asia, and ceainly by the seventes ‘eu lary cafes on the Eoropean ent wore an ipo fate in foreign Spa whichbepanthesenth cemary aa ‘of Pores clamed with lbs monopoly Chistian proselytizing and commerce in newly covered trai. Tis plese tee bestowed on them bythe Vaan which light ofthe ere discoveries of Cluns. aed te ) node ‘contol their rivalry, The treaty effectively ps fined te word between ther, bat i ae tems and oe uncerainy in tat paid of etl lshingFogiadinal postion made i lifical ow th Boundary in Asia with etsy. Thar ‘Por vetured easard in seach of Asia's spies while the Spaishesploredhe oes tothe rest (hough the Poraguese hala ato tt present-day Braz the up of Souh America Crossing the Pacific in ships smaller than today's acbor tugbas,Magelianencoutere = TS2L. Once the Spanish and Portuese tones ecane nitedunderibe rae of Pip Ho Spi, the Spanish contol ver he Pacific Ocean bezan tone frie Kwa abe testa somes Inthe Philippines, poropeatinganenlarging the arf Maria in 1570. a wel ein the New ‘Wel. Although the English dealt major How Wo Spanish sea power with the deta ofthe ‘Amada i 1888, the Spanish ema Ire} in ‘antl oto tans Pai aces Asn noe Seveienth cnr. Spain's powe on the Ear eon continent would contin 4 deci sx nce’ engin grew under the rue of Lous XIV bt forthe ne being the Pci seen Nave become "Spanish le” Gauge Rena otnePoruqese but cate of Sed Pav, Portugal's power was waning at wel 2 Alou ao tcc nh they were aevereless able o malin inverminet wading contacts with Chiou, My years ae, they wee ganed pean ull 4 trading eater at Guangzhou (1762). apn (hich onl slighty dings te Dutch fen ‘he Portuese by caling them Koma or"Red aie ed there ren afer the Chistian pe Scutions and fsolationst policies of the ‘Tokugawa shogun had reached their peak (described in hap 1) The Japanese ook note the fact at Deh were free nest an ‘ithe the Spanish or the Portuguese ia sing Souls Dutch motives in Asa were almost exch sively commer Seaborne Barbarians Incurions by the West» I N CONTACT TO 1700 EUR 82 + PacteCennoy ‘THE CANTON “FACTORIES” ‘The old China wade, inthe days fsa, depended onthe seasonal monsoons, The European ships, eaming wp he Souls Chita Ses, woul ave a Macs withthe soutwestey wins of the summer monsoon. Tey ten proceeded op he nite Peat River dla, pausig fist at Harmen orth Bogus” poy warty fee. They Final anchored Haangys (Wham) ‘beyond which he ter was too sll to go. Tei cargoes were off oaed int smaller eas to be transported the lis dozen oo mils woth Thitaen Factores. Tho return voyage fe ‘mont te, made similar use of he winter monsoon. For those who had set at rom Europe, ‘heen oun ip ok ighly more than a yea BJM Rhoads BAH Indian Ocean In the process, it destroyed the spicesrading livelihoods of the Bugis and ‘Malassar people through blockades and con ‘quest, reducing those formerly prosperous lands ta mat of pover. "wih is lve action tbe Dutch undemined ‘component of eioal canes on which ey sce producing penis of een sind in rer todeive up pies Inthe couse o ing 0, the Duch virally exeminated entre popu tions ofthe Handa stand grovp. Ths, teause ae wing aback toil cisions with oe, be Bute East Inia Company became a nmidble presence in Avia daring the see ‘een and elgaeah cones, dominating wade ‘rsh a rod sepment of Southeast Asia and te themselves were depen Un then bi sie shige had etme fom Inia ith ne ceh for ‘Siri local Sous Asan make war ‘hl ues busines, and during he pea of the exporedien growth and prosperity of mar ‘ine Soueat Asia(© 1620-50), imprsfndian la eachod value of about 6D ts of river ‘vale per year Recon te ime show tat ‘Som womilionpiesesoflethannualyaived Seaborme Barbarians: Inewsion bythe West + 83 ith MANILA GALLEON “etch ao had ben forme the te ster AND THE SETTLEMENT ‘enuy forte porpone of exploting the spc ‘OF CALIFORNIA trae, Duh beligereoe toad the few Bri representatives wh ventured inthe Spc Spala'sconqustorPerinie 15305 | Islands reinforced the British East Indi vicled 2 bonanza of ser Between | oman’ priory on ding markt nthe {70 and 178, hundreds and probably | repons,ntaly India, where discovered ne ‘tousandsoftnsofsivermoved on | and even more pf commaaties to ate to Mexico and then arose the Paso from Acaelco to Manila soar glle= ‘ons, While the voyage to Mani was ‘elaiely easy (6-10 week) brease of Preval wins, he etn ourey was {he oppose, requing upto sx months witout laa. So hat were the condtoasontbecaswardvoyazethatit | unt around 1715 ‘war considered normal fr hid of he crew wo die drag the wip. The gallon {1657 was found adit with ts erive | iterestnthie tage boame more intense follow Party dead by the ime it arived at | ingmajorhistrea shits of power and fortune in ‘espuleo. the midsighcenthcenry The mos importa “The as of survival were fund © | shit came with Rober Cive's pivotal vc improve by taking a more nortieriy | aginst nwa (provincia authority) of Benga eure, aiving onthe Calomia coat | and his Preach upper in 1757 (he Bae ol before proceeding wuwand Thus va | Plascy, which made he British te doin ican points in Califoria were sealed by | aropean power India As boame cea tr the Spanish in order to receive and | the Seven Years Wir (1756-69, which pied replenish the gallos. In this respec, | Briain and Prussia pain! France and As some of Califomiaseaestseniements | impacto military vitors stethed fr beyond tere a epone to trade with Asia ‘th European continent. Trading ene in As ‘ad the Ameren required tht aon gain and hold staegicmilary postion again its val, fiom nda for purse by aol Soubest Aslan America evolution, bats economy renaited population of barely 25 lin By he 1650 te Dutch were supplying mos of his cloth, but ove they ad eliminaed the Southeast Asian uading hie, de Bris East Ina uemuniesastivalin he spicetadethey terns” Company moved into the power acum nid ‘led the eas’ purchasing oweras well Duch afer the Bate of Passry and became virtually. ‘oh ses plummeted and ever ecovered thir Sule within ast. Only ral ai owe hints eel nde the diet contol Bish governmest. The British East India Company Early Regional Financial Flows of ints eay yeas, he aggresive onof the VOC overshadowed tial and 84 + Pace Cony ‘Seabarne Barbarians Inarson by the West» 8S ‘MAJOR SILVER FLOWS INTO CHINA AND. FROM EUROPE AND INDIA SOUTHEAST ASIA (17TH CENTURY) ‘owed trom the West actly reached the East, thei commerial expansion aswell At he ving teen encnange in Inn for clo which tne, New Worliverwat engine as Sresencaed hater castwardas ade good. iehcois which became so plentflao DA thi changed darcy with a boom i thee facto Pacific Aa standard caren. fiver exports that occured after 1570 from of ending ships aden with goed across Pune fom ir comer in Bala kara) coin scr to purchase silver dry co Although bute the Spanish woe ibe Dutch incursions inf the Pacific Soures sitin the Pace Basin: Japan and he thos ofthe British cosmo a gro ‘Americ. Spanish Ameria began producing Pepmenes athe Pacific cold no longer ‘enormous unites of ster, paricalry afer Dutch shipment of Japanese siver had Spanish sk the Spanish and Porsguese crowns were nied. val in financing ely Dutch invest ‘The silver flowed iw Asa ough bth Pac region emabling hem o consist thet and Adatc routes, withasmuchas 2merictons centr. For the Spanish, the tice anni fsiherequvale being shippedtom Europe to tem Acapulco to Maia bythe fabled Indian Pci Asincach yearby te endothe Gallo.” laden with New Worl sve, sect cnr. the maaty ofthe etony and of the ‘pan priced an even grester amount of regional monetary system. Carried b silver afer improvements were made in mining Marilaby Muslim rae, New Worldslver technology in the mid-seventeenth contry. meat mares ram Mandalay o M Sapan'sexpos of iver pated lmostexsty the same tines dd thou fro he New Wodd (Gee rap) unl the shogun banwed all sver ‘xpos in 1658 This sive ele the commer ‘lization and urbanization of lat Ming socey, vas captured by the Bish the sve ut before aiving in China It often moved was Soon felt markets across East Asn ‘trough other par of Ava, sich at Hot An (Vit. Southeast Asi. Inrespose, te Dutch, who tm, Maca Philippines, Pua (Maly Peni _alreadyfeeing the compettive commercial ‘ula and Ayuuya (Stam), whereitaceleted sues fom the Beds, tok the uae een argued thatthe Bib would have sir dfs tad not the eo oom a the lads! Revo boayed eonomy 10 an extent fr beyond that by the Dutch whose coon economy to aust wo the declining markt for ‘The Brith wating reine based primae- f® 8 growing Europe indisChina ade in andtextles,laeron tea opam cot 0 grand Nourish By ten eghceth atu. British capital abd shipping over: nen th of any exer Europe ation the far ast” For the most pct stra wa ih Silver & Gold Supplies, in Pacific Asia From Japan and the New Word, 1581-1670 O° hie Sb ine Tee ells Sloe Vos ee sade raph 23 86 + Pace Cemry Seaborne Barbarians: Icursions by the West» 87

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