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AÑONUEVO Date: March 31, 2024

Course: SPED 602 Creative Arts and Crafts for Children… Professor: JEMIMA TANDAG

Activity No. 9 Arts and Crafts for Speech and Language Disorder learners

Reading about speech and language disorders helped me understand how tough
it can be for kids who struggle to communicate. The article talked about different types
of these disorders, like having trouble saying words right or understanding what others
say. It made me realize how much these issues can affect a child's school life and

One thing that stood out to me is how important it is to spot these problems
early. When we notice a child having trouble with speech or language, we can help
them sooner. This means they can get the support they need to improve. As a teacher,
whether in a regular classroom or special education, I learned that I need to be
watchful. If I notice a student having difficulty with speaking or understanding, I can
work with parents and specialists to support them better. This might involve using
different teaching methods, tools, or giving them extra help. The article also reminded
me that speech and language issues can affect learning in other areas too, like reading
and writing. So, as a teacher, it's important for me to find creative ways to help these
kids succeed in all parts of school.

Creating a kind and inclusive classroom environment is also crucial. By

encouraging understanding and patience among students, we can make sure everyone
feels accepted and supported. As I prepare to become a special education teacher, I
know I need to keep learning and growing. Staying updated on the best ways to
support students with speech and language disorders will be key. And by working
together with other teachers and professionals, I can make a real difference in these
children's lives.

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