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AÑONUEVO Date: March 31, 2024

Course: SPED 602 Creative Arts and Crafts for Children… Professor: JEMIMA TANDAG

Activity No. 10 Arts and Crafts for Sensory Impairment Learners

The article I read talked about people who have trouble with their senses, like
seeing or hearing. It said that these problems can range from a little difficulty to
complete loss of vision or hearing. Some people might have trouble with other senses
too, like touching or tasting.

What I learned is that every person with a sensory impairment is different. Some
might have a little trouble seeing, while others can't see at all. Some might use sign
language if they can't hear, while others might use special devices to help them hear
better. It's important for teachers to understand these differences so they can help
each student in the best way possible. The article also talked about how important it is
to help people with sensory impairments early on. The sooner we find out about their
problem and give them the right help, the better they can do in school and in life.
Teachers, doctors, and families all need to work together to make sure these students
get the help they need as soon as possible.

In school, we should make sure that everyone feels included, no matter what
challenges they might have. This means more than just changing things in the
classroom. It's about making sure everyone feels respected and supported. Teachers
can use special tools and teach in different ways to help students with sensory
impairments learn better. The article also talked about making sure schools are places
where everyone feels welcome and accepted. This means teaching students to
understand and be kind to each other, no matter what differences they have. By doing
this, schools can be better places for everyone to learn and grow. So, what I got from
the article is that we need to understand and help students with sensory impairments
early on. We should make sure schools are inclusive and welcoming to everyone, so all
students can succeed.

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