The-Daffodils Practice

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Unit 2: Practice

Task 1: Choose the correct answer.

1. What figurative device is used in the line “I wandered lonely as a cloud”?
đối nghịch
A. metaphor ẩn dụ B. simile so sánh C. personification D. paradox
2. What figurative device is used in the line “Fluttering and dancing in the breeze”?
A. metaphor B. simile C. personification D. paradox
3. Ten thousand I saw at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
What does this line refer to?
A. inward eye B. milky way C. pensive mood D. daffodils
4. Why does the speaker compare himself to a cloud at the beginning of the poem?
A. He feels as he looks down on a lake from higher up.
B. He believes that poets have thoughts that rise as high as the clouds.
C. He is outdoors performing a scientific experiment.
D. He spills ink in the shape of a cloud on his journal page.
5. How do the words “fluttering and dancing”, at the end of the first stanza, influence what the speaker
wants you to feel about daffodils?
A. The words add a positive energy to the image of the daffodils.
B. The speaker thinks of dancing daffodils as a silly joke.
C. The words make the daffodils seem lonely and depressed
D. The speaker believes that fluttering daffodils bring bad luck.
6. In the second stanza, what are the stars in the Milky Way compared to?
A. The clouds overhead
B. The speaker’s sister, who silently walks beside him
C. The towns that the speaker has already wandered past
D. The many daffodils growing in a line
7. Besides daffodils, what else dances in the poem?
A. Stars B. Waves C. Clouds D. The speaker
8. The daffodils bring “wealth” to the speaker because they _______.
A. give him something to write about B. increase the value of his lakeside property
C. serve as a gift for his sister D. provide him with rich memories
9. Where is setting of the last stanza of the poem?
A. On the banks of the lake the speaker has wandered to
B. In the Milky Way, above the clouds
C. At a later time, on a couch in the speaker’s home
D. At another lake where daffodils do not grow as well
10. The speaker says in line 19-20, "For oft when on my couch I lie/In vacant or in pensive mood..." What is
his tone in this section?
A. happy B. bored C. depressed D. excited

Task 2: Why is the poet referring to daffodils as a crowd?

the large number of daffodils (never-ending line) - full of energy/
life => living beings/animated (not senseless flowers)


Task 3: What do daffodils represent in the poem?

nature's beauty: twinkling, shiny daffodils swaying in the breeze beside the lake => a peaceful image & tranquil feelings

have effect on human's emotions: at ease, on cloud 9, euphoric, bliss

dancing daffodils capture the eyes, heart and mind of poet

Task 4: What was the poet doing in the first stanza? In what sense was he like a floating cloud?
the poet wanders/meanders aimlessly in the wild/beside the lake, and he feels lonely & melancholic just like a lonely cloud in the sky -
floating aimlessly / without any purposes / a definite destination.




Task 5: What is the message of daffodils?

beauty lies in simplicity of majesty of nature, nature's beauty can change our mood & worlds's view beauty in natural world
envelop us / is all around us but it's often forgotten / neglected easily.



Task 6: Why do you think the poet refers to the daffodils as golden?
yellow color of the flowers + the golden sunlight: the sun's ray falling on the yellow daffodils and make them shine/
glow/ glitter like gold .




Task 7: Why are the daffodils compared to the Milky Way?
the sheer number of daffodils (never-ending, ten thousand, crowd, host) just like the stars in the sky: the stars are twinkling in
the Milky Way just like the daffodils glowing/ shining brightly in the sun.



Task 8: List 3 figurative devices used in the poem.

assonance(gieo vần):


Task 9: Why are the clouds lonely?

lonely cloud: seperated from other clouds, floating freely in the sky just like the poet, away from the hustle and bustle of city/rat race,
meandering aimlessly in the wild


Task 10: Write one paragraph to analyse the theme of the poem.










































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