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Child and Adolescent learners

and Learning Principles

Ed 111
Learning Objective:

•characterize distinctively the

stages infancy, early childhood,
middle childhood, adolescence and
Periods of Development
Periods of Growth and Development

1. GROWTH – Process of increasing of physical size

2. DEVELOPMENT – process that results to certain changes
Periods of Growth and Development

1. Prenatal Development
2. Infancy and toddlerhood
3. Early childhood
4. Middle childhood
5. Adolescence
6. Adulthood (Early, Middle and Late)
Periods of Growth and Development

Discuss the following stages of development. As you discuss, be mindful of this

guide question:

1. What happens to a person at each stage in terms of:

• Physical development
• Mental and emotional development.
Prenatal Development

• Conception signals the beginning of

prenatal development which starts with
fertilization in the germinal stage through
the implantation in the embryonic
development, and continues through cell
differentiation in fetal development.
• The average duration for prenatal
development to complete is 38 weeks from
the date of conception.
Prenatal Development

The three stages of prenatal development are called germinal,

embryonic and fetal periods.
• Germinal stage -first two weeks after conception
• Embryonic stage - third through the eighth week,
• Fetal period - ninth week up until birth
Prenatal Development

8 week
Prenatal Development

12 weeks
Prenatal Development

18 weeks
Prenatal Development

20 weeks
(5 months)
Prenatal Development

24 weeks
(6 months)
Prenatal Development

28 weeks
(7 months)
Prenatal Development

32 weeks
(8 months)
Social Learning Theory
Infancy and Toddlerhood
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

After birth, dramatic growth and

changes occur during the first 18 to 24 months
wherein a newborn, equipped with several
involuntary reflexes and an initially strong
sense of audition (hearing) but poor vision
(sight), is transformed into an actively walking
and talking toddler.
Social Learning Theory
Infancy and Toddlerhood
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

• Eventually, there is a change in the

roles of caregivers from managing
feeding and sleep to constantly
repositioning guides and acting as
safety inspectors for the enormously
energetic toddlers.
Social Learning Theory
Infancy and Toddlerhood
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

• There is remarkable rate of

brain development as well so
do physical growth and
language development.
Social Learning Theory
Early Childhood

• Early childhood consists of the

years after toddlerhood and
goes before formal schooling,
hence often referred to as
preschool age.
• It is roughly between the ages
of 2 to 5 or 6.
Social Learning Theory
Early Childhood

• While the child is actively developing

his or her fine (use of small muscles)
and gross (use of large muscles) motor
skills, he or she gains remarkable
growth in vocabulary and cognitive
development and dramatically acquires
language (first and second) and gains a
sense of self and greater
Social Learning Theory
Middle Childhood
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling
• This is the grade school age, ranging from six
through eleven.
• Physical growth slows down and while the child’s
world becomes one of acquiring academic skills,
the children are able to refine their motor
skills, acquire foundational skills for building
healthy social relationships beyond the family
and learn roles that will prepare them for
adolescence and adulthood.
Social Learning Theory
Middle Childhood
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

• It is the time for children to show

off their accomplishments in school in
varied areas.
Social Learning Theory

• Adolescence is a period of
development with specific
health and developmental needs
and rights.
Social Learning Theory

• It is also a time to develop

knowledge and skills, learn to manage
emotions and relationships, and
acquire attributes and abilities that
will be valuable for experiencing the
adolescent years and later assuming
adult responsibilities.
Social Learning Theory
3 Stages of Adolescence

• Early Adolescent – puberty begins, desire for

independence, abstract thinking, greatly
influenced by their peers (11-13)
• Middle Adolescence – end of puberty, greater
self-involvement, goal setting, new friends (14-
• Late Adolescence: end of physical development,
thinking about the future, stronger sense of
identity, serious relationships (19-21)
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Early)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling
Early adulthood (20-40 years old)

• While physical maturation is done,

physiological capabilities such as
sensory abilities, reaction time,
muscle strength, and even cardiac
functioning are at their peak.
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Early)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
Early adulthood andold)
(20-40 years modeling

• Foremost tasks of the stage include

establishing identity, developing more stable
emotional stability, establishing a career,
forming intimate and long-term relationship,
becoming involved with various groups in the
community, establishing a residence, and
adjusting to marital relationship and learning
how to be a parent.
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Early)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
Early adulthood (20-40 years
punishment, andold)
• Though not apparent, the aging process starts
toward the age range of 30 to 35 where a lot of
changes begin to happen in various parts and
functions of the body like the following: hair
starts to thin and turn gray, wrinkles appear
because the skin becomes drier, there are
changes in vision, sensitivity to sound decreases
(twice as quickly for men), the immune system
weakens, and reproductive ability declines
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Middle)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

Middle adulthood (20-40 years

• Though characterized by physiological
aging, two forms of intelligence are
highlighted: the crystallized and the
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Middle)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling
Middle adulthood (20-40 years old)
• Crystallized intelligence is contingent upon the pile
up knowledge and experiences that the person has
accumulated. These include the information and
competencies/skills one has acquired all the way
through lifetime. It tends to hold and may even be
enriched as we age. For example, adults show
relatively stable to increasing scores on intelligence
tests until their mid-30s to mid-50s (Bayley & Oden,
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Middle)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling
Middle adulthood (20-40 years
• Fluid intelligence, in contrast, begins to drop
even prior to middle adulthood as it is more
contingent on the skills of basic information-
processing shown in the slowing down of the
skills of cognitive processing and problem
solving and in physiological activities.
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Middle)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

Middle adulthood (20-40 years old)

• However, practical problem-solving skills to handle
the real-life problems tend to increase and
apparently, the wise and experienced middle-aged
ones may contribute a lot to figure out the best
approach to achieve a desired goal.
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Middle)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
punishment, and modeling

Middle adulthood (20-40 years old)

• Being in the sandwich generation, middle- aged
adults may be in the middle of taking care of
their children (and grandchildren) and of their
aging parents. And at the same time, they may
also be contemplating their own mortality,
commitments, goals and achievements.
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Late)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
Late adulthood covers a wide
punishment, and modeling

range of ages with varied

descriptions, categorized as
1)the young old (65-74 years old),
2)the old old (75-84 years old), and
3)the oldest old (85 years old and
Social Learning Theory
Adulthood (Late)
Gender roles are acquired through the basic
processes of learning, including reinforcement,
• The young old are similar to middle-
punishment, and modeling
aged adults; possibly still working, is in
very good health for his or her age and
keeps moving to have a lively and
interesting life.
• The old old are normally aging in which
the changes are similar to most of those
of the same age and may have certain
health problems to deal with.
• The oldest old are repeatedly weak and
need long term health care and services

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