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國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材


Lesson One: Preparing for Sea

Dialog A: Preparation for Sea

Captain Chief Engineer. The cargo work will be completed by 1900 hours today. I prepare to sail
at 2000hours. Please standby engine at 1900 hours. Is there anything abnormal? Chief
Chief Engineer I will go down the engine room to standby engine by 1900 hours. There isn’t
abnormality found.
Captain Please check the quantity of fuel oil, diesel oil, lube oil, as we will start a long voyage.
Chief Engineer How long will it take? Captain.
Captain We will sail to New York. It will take 30 days, I suppose.

Dialog B: Search for Stowaways and Pirates

Captain We will sail at 2000 hours. Agent has just disembarked. Please hoist gangway now.
Arrange all deck hands to search all spaces thoroughly for stowaways and pirates.
Remember, work in pairs.
Chief Officer Yes, sir. I will arrange work gangs now. Anyway, when will be a good time for us to
check all formalities?
Captain As soon as we finished searching for security reasons.

Dialog C: Check All Documentation and Formalities

Captain Chief, let’s check all documentation and formalities for next port.
Chief Officer My pleasure, sir.
Captain Firstly, last port clearance, record of PSC inspection, imported cargo manifest,
declaration of personal articles, oh, could you check all certificates?
Chief Officer All certificates are well locked in your safe. Captain. ISM document, DOC, SMC,
certificates of competency. Sir, what’s this?
Captain This is the next voyage order. It is confidential. Don’t touch it. I will tell you preparation
for the next voyage in due course

Lesson Two: Pilotage

Dialog A: Ordering of Pilot

M/V Midas/3EEG5 Dalian Pilot Station, Dalian Pilot Station. M/V Midas calling, M/V Midas calling. I
require a pilot, over
Pilot Station M/V Midas, Dalian Pilot Station. What’s your ETA at Huang Baizui lighthouse?
M/V Midas/3EEG5 My ETA at Huang Baizui LIGHTHOUSE IS 0900 hours local time.
Pilot Station What are the colour of the funnel and the colour of the hull?
M/V Midas/3EEG5 The funnel is red and blue bands. The hull is green. When will pilot embark? On which
side shall I rig the pilot ladder?
Pilot Station Pilot will embark at 0930 hours local time. Pick up pilot at the Fairway buoy No.5.
Advise you rig the pilot ladder on port side, out
M/V Midas/3EEG5 Your message well understood, out.

Dialog B: Pilot Arrival

Captain Third Mate. Pilot boat is coming now. You stand by the pilot ladder. Tell AB on duty to
lower Flag “G” and hoist Flag “H”. Send out one long blast, OK?
Third Mate Yes, sir.
Pilot Lower the ladder a little more, please. Throw a heaving line to take my bag and handheld
VHF aboard.
Third Mate Welcome on board. Let’s go up to the bridge. The captain is expecting to meet you

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Dialog C: Preparation of Working

Pilot I’d like to know the particulars before working.
Captain My pleasure, Mr. Pilot. Our vessel is a general cargo ship. LOA is 110m. Breadth is
18m. Draft for ward is 7.5m. Draft aft is 8.5m. Gross tonnage is 12,000 tons. Net
tonnage is 2,200 tons. The twin screw propellers are inward. The revolutions at full
speed are 106 r/min. Anything else?
Pilot How long does it take to reverse the engine from full ahead to full astern? What is the
harbour speed?
Captain No more than 70 seconds. But the “full stern” is much slower than “full head”. Harbour
speed is 6 knots.
Pilot OK. Advice you order to heave up the anchor.
Captain Ready to enter harbour for and aft. Follow the instructions given by our pilot. (Use
handheld VHF) Chief Mate ”Heave up the anchor”. OK. Start to work now, Mr. Pilot.

Lesson Three: Tug Assistance

Dialog A: Tug Ordering

Yong Men/BOCV Avonport Port Control. This is M/V Yong Men. I am anchor at Lambs Roadstead. I
require tugs. Over.
Avonport P.C Roger. How many tugs do you require? Over.
Yong Men/BOCV I will order two tugs. When will tugs expect to meet me? Over.
Avon port P.C The tugs expect to meet you in half an hour. Out.

Dialog B: Tug Operation

M/V Eternal Glory Hold on your towing line. Make fast please. For ward tug. Over.
Forward tug M/V Eternal Glory. This is tug forward. The current is too rough.
Eternal Glory Affirmative. Single up. Aft tug. Over.
Aft tug Yes, sir. Single up.

Dialog C: Completion Work

Chang Ting Bridge Chang Ting. Let go fore and aft. Over.
Chang Ting aft Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug aft. I will let go. Over
Chang Ting forward Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug forward. I will let go. Over
Tug 1 Let go my towing line. Chang Ting aft. Over.
Chang Ting Second OK. Just a moment. It’s done.
Tug 2 Chang Ting Bridge. We finished our job. Are we permitted to leave now? Over.
Chang Ting Bridge I will sign the tugage paper. Thank you for co-operation. Out.

Lesson Four: Tug Assistance

Dialog A: Calling for a Helicopter

Ocean Leo Hong Kong Radio. This is M/V Ocean Leo. My channel 09 is defective. Change to
CH13, please. Over
Hong Kong Radio M/V Ocean Leo, Hong Kong radio. Positive. Over.
Ocean Leo Hong Kong Radio. I have 3 injuries. I require a helicopter, over.
Hong Kong Radio M/V Ocean Leo. This is Hong Kong Radio. What is the visibility at your position? What
is the wind direction and force? Over.
Ocean Leo Answer: I navigate near the Green Island. Visibility at my position is 2.5 miles. Wind
direction and force is south west, Beaufort force 5. Over.
Hong Kong Radio Helicopter now proceeding to you. Stand by on VHF CH16, over.

Dialog B: Helicopter in Operation

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Helicopter M/V Ocean Leo. Ready for helicopter? Over.

Ocean Leo Helicopter. This is M/V Ocean Leo. Ready for helicopter. My course and speed is 190°,
16.5 knots. Over.
Helicopter M/V Ocean Leo. This is helicopter. Identify yourself by directing signal lamp at me.
Ocean Leo Helicopter. This is M/V Ocean Leo. I am now making identification signal, over.

Dialog C: Landing on Board

Helicopter M/V Ocean Leo. This is helicopter. You are identified. Your relative direction and
speed. Over?
Ocean Leo Helicopter. This is M/V Ocean Leo. Present relative wind direction and speed 030°on
port bow, 35 knots. Our relative speed is 0, and relative course is 0°, over.
Helicopter I will drop off the ladder. Hold on to it.
Ocean Leo Affirmative.

Lesson Five: In Icy Water

Dialog A: Ice-breaker Assistance

M/V Utopia Skedholm Radio. This is M/V Utopia. My position 55°30’ North 048°40’ West. My
destination Skedholm. Do I require ice-breaker assistance to enter? Over.
Skedholm Radio Yes, you require ice-breaker assistance. Receiving point is 225°, 10 miles from Freya

Dialog B: Ice-breaker in Operation

M/V Princess Silva M/V Nutcracker, This is M/V Princess Silva. OK. I am following you. I will keep a
distance of three cables between vessels. Over.
M/V Nutcracker M/V Princess Silva. This is M/V Nutcracker. Your place in the convoy is astern of M/V
Golden Dove. You will be followed by M/V Fuji Maru. Over.
M/V Nutcracker Attention all vessels. Slow down. Shorten the distance to one cable. Proceed along the
ice channel. Over.

Dialog C: M/V Nutcracker Finished Work

M/V Nutcracker M/V Dainty River. This is M/V Nutcracker. Stop your engine immediately. Be ready to
cast off towing line. Over.
M/V Dainty River M/V Nutcracker. I am stopping my engine immediately. I am ready to cast off my
towing line. Over.
M/V Nutcracker Attention all vessels. Proceed along the ice channel. Follow me. Keep a distance of 120
metres between vessels. Over.
One hour later
M/V Nutcracker Attention all vessels. Ice-breaker assistance is finished. You may proceed now. Out.

Lesson Six: Acquiring and Providing Information on VHF

Dialog A: Ship’s Particulars

Yokohama Radio Please tell your ship’s particulars, over.
M/V Yu Long LOA, 121 metres. Breadth, 20.6 metres. TGT 12,800 tons, draft forward 7.5 metres, draft
aft 8.5 metres. Over
Yokohama Radio What is your intention of calling this port? Over.
M/V Yu Long We are calling at this port for replenishment of fuel oil. Over

Dialog B: Changing Channel

M/V Nathan Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio.
This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. Signal strength 2. Advice you change channel 12,
Kobe Radio Positive. Over

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

M/V Nathan Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. How do you read me?
Kobe Radio Signal strength 2, There is a crosstalk. Advise you change channel 26. Over.
M/V Nathan Negative. Reason, I do not have Channel 26. Over.

Dialog C: Port of Call, Destination

Hong Kong Radio What was your last port of call? Over.
M/V Jin Jiang My last port of call was Dalian, over.
Hong Kong Radio What will be your destination? Over.
M/V Jin Jiang My destination will be London, over.
Hong Kong Radio What is your ETA at Hong Kong? Over.
M/V Jin Jiang My ETA at Hong Kong July 1st, 1700 local time.

Lesson Seven: Quarantine

Dialog A: Radio Pratique Application

M/V Neptune London Radio. This is M/V Neptune. My ETA at Roadstead is 0900 GMT. 38 crew on
board are all healthy. Request Free Pratique, over.
London Radio What was your last port of call? Over.
M/V Neptune My last port of call was Antwerp on April 20th. Over.
London Radio Prepare duplicates of Crew Lists. Stand by on channel 13.

Dialog B: In Quarantine Operation

Quarantine Officer Show me your crew’s inoculation papers and your latest Bill of Health, please.
Captain My pleasure. Here you are, sir.
Quarantine Officer Oh, I am afraid the Second Officer’s paper was out of date. In form him of injection in
my office tomorrow.
Captain I will. Thank you, sir.

Dialog C: Enquiry the Healthy conditions on Board

Quarantine Officer Do you have any infectious diseases on board? Captain.
Captain Our crew are all in good health. Sir.
Quarantine Officer Do you have any fruit on board? Captain.
Captain We have a little fruit, but plenty of vegetables. Sir.
Quarantine Officer Tell your hands not to take any fruit ashore. Moreover, taking pets ashore is forbidden in
this port. Now you’ve got Free Pratique. Quarantine is over.

Lesson Eight: Customs and Immigration Inspection

Dialog A: Sealed Firearms

Customs Officer Have you any firearms on board, Captain?
Captain Yes, we have three rifles and four pistols. Here is the Firearm Declaration.
Customs Officer Locked them on board during staying in this port. Any a firearm should not be allowed
to take ashore, otherwise you violate the law.
Captain Let us go to the bonded store to seal the firearms.

Dialog B: Customs Formalities

Customs Officer Let us start working now, Captain.
Captain Yes, please. Which documents shall I prepare?
Customs Officer The following documents are needed: The Captain’s Declaration, the Import Cargo
Manifest, double Crew Lists, last Port Clearance, duplicates of Crew Personal Articles
Lists, Stores and Provisions List. You should have your signature.
Captain Must I write any guarantee?

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Customs Officer It has been written by the agent. You should sign it. That’s all for customs procedures.

Dialog C: At Bonded Locker

Customs Officer How much spirits and tobacco do you have on board?
Purser 30cases of spirits, 35 cases of wine, and 800 packets of cigarettes.
Customs Officer According to the Customs Law, I will leave 4 packets cigarettes, 1bottle spirits or wine
for every crew. That is 120 packets cigarettes, 30bottle spirits altogether. The rest must
be sealed at here now. Do you have any articles not declared?
Purser So far as I know, we have not.
Customs Officer When you desire to unseal the bonded locker at laydays, ask the agent to call in a
Customs Officer.
Purser Thank you, sir.

Lesson Nine: Canal and Lock Operations

Dialog A: Enquiry
M/V Sincere Apollo Port Said Radio, this is M/V Sincere Apollo. I will be at fairway buoy No.1 in half an
hour. I wish to take bunkers and fresh water in Port Said, and then transit the rest of the
Suez Canal. What are your instructions? Over.
Port Said Radio M/V Sincere Apollo. This is Port Said Radio. You will berth at No.2 jetty. Your berth is
clear now. Transit will begin at 2000 hours local time, out.

Dialog B: Transit St. Lambet Lock

Pilot Station M/V Great Nancy. This is Pilot Station. What is your draft and what is your air draft?
M/V Great Nancy Pilot Station, M/V Great Nancy. My maximum permitted draft is 9.5 metres. Air draft is
20 metres. Over.
Pilot Station M/V Great Nancy, Pilot Station. Report arrival at way point No.1 buoy. Wait for pilot
there, out.

Dialog C: Receiving Instructions

M/V Grand Noble Pilot Otlar Radio. This is M/V Grand Noble. I am at way Nobriga Buoy. What time can I enter
the canal? Over.
Otlar Radio M/V Grand Noble. Otlar Radio. You will enter the canal at 2130 hours local time.
Transit speed 8knots. Over.
After entering
Otlar Radio M/V Grand Noble. This is Otlar Radio. You must close up vessel ahead of you. Distance
between ships is two cables. Over.
Three hours after
Otlar Radio M/V Grand Noble. This is Otlar Radio. Advice you wait at lock lay-by, and wait for lock
clearance until 0130 hours local time. You will enter east lock at 0145 hours local time,
when all eastbound vessels have passed your vessel. Out.

Lesson Ten: Anchoring

Dialog A: Proceed to Sheltered Anchorage

Dalian Radio (on VHF) Attention all vessels. This is Dalian Radio. Typhoon No.5 will land in the next four
hours. All vessels at mooring must move to the sheltered anchorage, over.
M/V Kaede/KBMC5 Dalian Radio, Dalian Radio. This is Japanese ship, Kaede, Kaede, over.
Dalian Radio Kaede, Kaede, Dalian Radio. Over.
M/V Kaede/KBMC5` What is anchoring position for me? Over.
Dalian Radio You must anchor at 075°, 3 miles from Huang Baizui lighthouse.
After one hour the pilot on the bridge to order anchoring at destination. Communication means between pilot and
chief is portable VHF.

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Pilot Stand by starboard anchor. Chief. Over.

Chief Mate Yes, sir. Stand by starboard anchor. Now standing by starboard anchor. Over.
Pilot Let go the starboard anchor. Over.
Chief Mate Yes, sir. Let go the starboard anchor. Now starboard anchor is let go. Over.
Pilot How many shackles in the water? Over.
Carpenter (To chief and then chief reports) 4shackles in the water. Over.
Pilot How is the chain leading? Over.
Chief Mate Leading ahead.

Dialog B: Anchoring at Wrong Position.

New Orleans Radio M/V Ocean Lion. This is New Orleans Radio. You are at anchor in the wrong position.
M/V Ocean Lion I followed your instructions anchoring at 030°, 3 miles from Deer Tower. Over.
New Orleans Radio You are dragging anchor, and obstructing the fairway. Out.

Dialog C: Asking for Communication Permission.

M/V Jin Fan Captain Tokyo Radio. Tokyo Radio. This is Chinese Vessel Jin Fan, Jin Fan, over.
Tokyo Radio Jin Fan. Tokyo Radio, over.
Jin Fan Captain I am at anchor in Tokyo bay to shelter the wind. May I use our transmitter to send
Tokyo Radio You are not allowed to send any messages at Tokyo Bay according to Port Rules,
otherwise you make harmful interference. Advice you contact with Port Control. Read
your message on VHF. Agent will send for you on land.
Jin Fan Captain Thank you, out.

Lesson Eleven: Berthing and Unberthing

Dialog A: Enquiry of Berthing Instruction

M/V Zhiyuan Singapore Radio, what is my berth instruction? Over.
Singapore Radio Your berth instruction is clear at jetty No.3, 2100 hours local time. Over.
M/V Zhiyuan When will pilot embark? Over.
Singapore Radio Pilot will board you at 1800 hours local time. You will pick up pilot at the entrance of
the strait. Over.
M/V Zhiyuan On which side will I alongside?
Singapore Radio Starboard side, out.

Dialog B: Berthing Operation

M/V Rainbow Pilot Dead slow astern
M/V Rainbow Third Yes. Sir. Dead slow astern. Now engine dead slow astern.
M/V Rainbow Pilot Stop engine.
M/V Rainbow Third Yes, sir. Stop engine. Now engine stopped.
M/V Rainbow Pilot Stand by for letting go port anchor. (use handheld VHF)
M/V Rainbow Pilot Let go port anchor. Over.
M/V Rainbow Chief Yes, sir. Let go port anchor. Now, port anchor is let go.
M/V Rainbow Pilot Push a little, tug aft (use VHF). Over.
Tug aft Captain Yes, sir. Push a little. Pushing a little. Rainbow (use VHF).
M/V Rainbow Pilot How is chain leading? Chief, Over.
M/V Rainbow Chief Cable round the bow up and down. Over.
M/V Rainbow Pilot Send heaving line ashore.

Dialog C: Unberthing Operation

The pilot is on M/V Marina Ace/ELCO7 which is from Liberia. LOA: 199.6 m. Breadth: 32.3m. Draft: 11m.

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Pilot Are you ready to get underway? Captain.

Captain Yes, ready to get underway.
Pilot Stand by engine.
Third Mate Yes, sir. Stand by engine. Now engine stand by.
Pilot Stand by for heaving up anchor, Chief.(use VHF)
Chief Mate(on the bow) Yes, sir. Stand by for heaving up anchor. Standing by for heaving up anchor. Over(use
handheld VHF)
Pilot Single up fore and aft. Over.
Chief Mate Single up forward. Over.
Second Mate Single up aft. Over.
Pilot Let go aft. Over.
Second Mate Let go, Linesman (use handheld VHF). Bridge, aft is let go. Over
Pilot Let go forward. Chief.
Chief Mate Let go, Linesman (use handheld VHF). Bridge, forward is let go. Over.
Pilot Heave up anchor.
Chief Mate Yes, sir. Heave up anchor. Heaving up anchor. Over
Pilot Port ten.
Helmsman Yes, sir. Port ten. Now wheel port ten.
Pilot Dead slow ahead.
Third Mate Yes, sir. Dead slow ahead. Now engine dead slow ahead.

Lesson Twelve: Cargo Handling (I)

Dialog A: Calling for Shifts

Captain We are planning to stay at this port only two days. We need separate stevedore gangs for
each hold, the more, the better.
Agent How many holds do you have? And how many shifts do you request?
Captain Seven holds. We need to work for 24 hours. We require at least 3 shifts.
Agent We are short of hands. It is only possible for Stevedores to work in two shifts everyday.
Each shift has 4 gangs.

Dialog B: Instructing Craneman

Duty Officer Stop lifting. Man! You should work in safe working load.
Craneman I am sorry. Officer. We are in hurry.
Duty Officer Each sling only allows 10 bags. When switching on, push the control rod slightly. If so,
we are satisfied with our co-operation.

Dialog C: Arguing for the Goods

Foreman (To winchman) Lift the empty barrels back.
Chief Mate No, you shouldn’t. According to the delivery terms, the goods overboard shall be
deemed as delivery. We can not permit to lift back.
Foreman If you don’t permit to lift back, I won’t discharge the goods.
Chief Mate If so, I do not take the responsibility. As the barrels standing on shore can not be
guaranteed security. Did you arrange watchmen to guard? Can you guarantee the
stevedores not to steal the goods?
Foreman I suggest that your captain should consult with our harbour master.

Lesson Thirteen: Cargo Handling (II)

Dialog A: Delivery of Goods

Consignee I’d like to get entitled the goods. Here is the full set of B/L. No.S3218, No. N6307 and
No. P66089.
Chief Mate I am afraid that you should have original B/L. The duplicate B/L might be refused by

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

shipper; otherwise you have the letter of guarantee from Bank.

Consignee We have only received duplicates of B/L, but we drew the guarantee from the Collecting

Dialog B: Check Handling Dangerous Cargo

Superintendent May I have your Valid Cargo Gear certificate, Captain?
Captain Here you are, sir.
Superintendent I wonder about your preparationary measures at this port?
Captain We are handling IMO Class B chemicals. We hoisted “flag B” when goods are being
handled. Besides, we keep the engine running at 24 hours. OOW and ratings watch on
deck all times.

Dialog C: Cargo Damage

Chief Mate The stevedores use hooks to lift bagged goods. We warned them at all times. I found a
lot of bags were broken due to rough handling.
Agent I know, sir. What will you suggest?
Chief Mate I will sign the endorsement: Shipper does not take responsibility for the damage, as
bagged goods were broken by rough handling.
Agent Could you talk with Harbour Officer now, sir?

Lesson Fourteen: Lifeboats and Life Drills

Dialog A: Talking about the Muster List

Captain Did you finish the muster list, Third Mate?
Third Mate Yes, I did. I pasted a muster list in corridor. Besides, I wrote cards for every crew. I sent
crew the cards last night. This card is special for you, Captain.
Captain Thanks a lot.

Dialog B: Checking Lifeboats

Surveyor Could you show me your latest inspection, Third Mate?
Third Mate Here you are, sir.
Surveyor Let me check the fittings one by one: fresh water, biscuits, medicine. Oh, do you have
any position-fixing equipment which can be used on lifeboat?
Third Mate We have sextants and magnetic compass on board the boat.
Surveyor Where are EPIRBs and SART?
Third Mate Permanently fixed on lifeboat, sir.
Surveyor Could we test them?
Third Mate Sure!

Dialog C: Launching Lifeboat

Chief Mate Carpenter and A.B embark.
Carpenter and A.B Yes, sir.
Chief Mate Let go all lines and securings.
Every crew Yes, sir. Done!
Chief Mate Launch lifeboat
The lifeboat launched to sea bottom
Chief Mate Climb down nets, and embark the lifeboat over manropes, everyone.

Lesson Fifteen: Fire Protection and Fire Fighting

Dialog A: Check Fire Fighting Appliance

Captain Did you replace a CO2 cylinder in saloon? Third Mate.
Third Officer What is the problem? Captain.

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Captain You serve as the Third Officer. A CO2 cylinder weighed lighter than normal weight.
You asked me the problem. Ridiculous! Listen, if I find this kind of problems again, you
will be dismissed.
Third Officer I am sorry, Captain. It is my fault. I replace it now!

Dialog B: Fire Fighting Drills

(After fire alarms a long blast)
Chief Mate On foreward deck, put on breathing apparatus, smoke helmet, protective clothes, and
carry your outfits. Let’s go!
A.B Yes, sir.
Chief Mate Connect water hoses. Stand by water.
A.B Water is on.
Chief Mate Fighting fire
Bridge Is fire under control?
Chief Mate Fire extinguished. Ask retreat signal.
Bridge Agree on retreat signal. Fire alarm cancelled.

Dialog C: Finding the Fire

Third Mate I smell burnt in living spaces. Let us check and report.
Carpenter Yes, sir.
Third Mate Smoke is from deck. Look at hatches.
Carpenter Third Mate! Fire! Hatch No.3 is on fire. We must come back to bridge immediately, and
report to captain.
Third Mate OK. You go to bridge immediately. Then report to captain. I will sound the alarm and
wait for fire party.

Lesson Sixteen: Ship Manoeuvring

Dialog A: Overtaking
M/V Uthai Navee I, M/V Uthai Navee, will overtake you on your starboard side. Over.
M/V Wan Tong I can not locate you on my radar. What is your present course and speed now? Over.
M/V Uthai Navee Course 175 degrees, speed 20 knots. Over.
M/V Wan Tong I identified you on my radar. Advice you make course 200 degrees. Shallow water ahead
of you.

Dialog B: Restricted Visibility

Captain The visibility is expected to decrease to 1,000 meters in the next 4 hours. Chief Mate and
Second Mate keep a watch on bow and stern immediately.
Chief Mate Yes, sir. I will tell Second Mate as soon as possible.
Captain (on the bridge) Dead slow ahead.
Third Mate Dead slow ahead. Now engine dead slow ahead. (Write down logbook)
Captain A long blast to warn the vessels in vicinity.
Chief Mate The bow is not clear. Fishing boats ahead. Advise hard-a-starboard. (on VHF)

Dialog C: Proceeding down River

Yuan Ji/BJVL New harbour Pilot Station. This is Chinese M/V Yuan Ji. Call sign BJVL. My
destination is Avonport. My ETA at Pilot Station is 1330 local time. Draft forward 6
meters. Draft aft 6.9 meters. I have a list to starboard of one degree. Over.
New harbour Pilot M/V Yuan Ji. Visibility is reduced by fog. Visibility is expected to decrease to 2,000
Station meters in one hour. There are salvage operations in position south side of fairway.
Navigate with caution. Over.
After a while
New harbour Pilot M/V Yuan Ji. New harbour Pilot Station. Vessel Lima will turn at the Refinery Quay
Station ahead of you. Advise you stay clear of the fairway. Over.

Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Yuan Ji/BJVL New harbour Pilot Station. M/V Yuan Ji. I am proceeding at reduced speed. I will wait
for M/V Lima to clear before entering fairway. Over.
New harbour Pilot Stand by on VHF channel 16, out.

Lesson Seventeen: Distress Signals

Dialog A: Initiating Distress Messages

This is M/V Yuying, M/V Yuying, and M/V Yuying.
MAYDAY. I am in danger. My position is Latitude 37.15 degrees North, Longitude123.05 degrees East. I am on fire
at 1615 hours local time and have IMO-Class B cargo on board. I require fire-fighting assistance. Master, over.

Dialog B: Relaying Distress Messages

This is Singapore Radio, Singapore Radio, Singapore Radio.
Relaying from Chinese M/V Yue Jin. MAYDAY. I am in collision with submerged rock. My position is 03°16’N
132°30’E. No. 3 and No.4 holds flooding. The situation is very dangerous. Please send immediate assistance. Master,

Dialog C: Cancel Distress Massages

This is Yanjiu No.1. Yanjiu No.1. Yanjiu No.1. Distress vessel has sunk. All survivors rescued by our vessel has
sunk. All survivors rescued by our vessel. Assistance is no longer required. You may proceed. SEELONCE FEENEE
at 0830 hours local time, out.

Lesson Eighteen: Urgent Signals

Dialog A: Man Overboard

This is M/V Midas, M/V Midas, and M/V Midas. I have lost a man overboard at the head of basin. Approximate
position 43°20’N, 103°06’E. Help with search and rescue. Master, over.

Dialog B: Disabled
This is M/V Phoenix, M/V Phoenix, and M/V Phoenix. My ship is disabled. My position is latitude 15°45’North
longitude 118°30’ East. I require towage to harbour urgently. Phoenix master, over.

Dialog C: To a Designated Station on 156.8MHZ

Singapore Radio, Singapore Radio, Singapore Radio.
This is M/V Yucai, M/V Yucai, M/V Yucai. Medical. Change to channel 12. A crew badly burns. My ETA at pilot
station 0900 local time. Please arrange rescue vessel and ambulance to take patient to hospital. Master, over.

Lesson Nineteen: Safety Information

Dialog A: Calling on VHF Channel 16

Securite. Securite. Securite. All stations. All Stations. All stations. This is Sydney Radio Station, Sydney Radio
Station, Sydney Radio Station. Gale Warning. Listen to Channel 12.

Dialog B: Reporting Mine on VHF Channel 12

Securite. Securite. Securite. This is M/V Bi Jia Shan, M/V Bi Jia Shan, M/V Bi Jia Shan. Mine sighted in position
53°00’ North 003°02’ East. Drifting direction 123° at 5knots. Keep clear, out.

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Dialog C:
Securite. Securite. Securite. All vessels. This is St. Nicholas Strait Information Service. Warning:
Part one: There is a wreck buoy in position 50°45’N 030°25’W unlit. There is a vessel with a difficult tow on
passage to Eekhavn now approaching Pelican Bank buoy.
Part two: The visibility at Gannet Head is 1.5 miles. The visibility at Dolphin Bank light vessel is 2 miles, out.

Lesson Twenty: Passengers Care

Dialog A: Instruction
Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention? This is Captain Henry Hock speaking. I have pleasure in
informing you that all safety equipment is in full working order. The bow and stern doors are closed and secured. The
ship is in all respects ready for sea. Please listen carefully to the safety instructions which follow. In the unlikely
event of an emergency, please obey the orders given on the public address system.

Dialog B: Abandon Vessel

Attention please! Attention please! This is your captain with an important announcement. I repeat, this is your
captain with an important announcement. We have collided with a cargo ship. Two holds are flooding. There is
imminent danger to our ship. We abandon the ship immediately. For safety reasons we request all passengers to go to
their assembly stations on deck. Please follow instructions given by the officers and crew members there. I ask you
kindly to remain calm. Women and children first.

Dialog C: Embarkation the Ship

Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention? Vessel “Flying Dragon” will leave Dalian Harbour punctually at
1530 hours local time. Would you mind if I ask you to show your ticket to stewardess standing by gangway? Mind
your head and care your steps when you’re embarking. The Captain is Wang Guowei. Welcome on board. I hope you
have a prosperous voyage.

Lesson Twenty- one: Chart Works

Dialog A: Asking for Planning Route

Captain Second Mate, we are about to sail from Hong Kong to Antwerp the day after tomorrow.
Could you prepare the Passage Plan beforehand?
Second Mate Certainly, sir. But we lack of Chart 3807.
Captain I will order it from Chart Agent to morrow morning.

Dialog B: Submitted Navigational Warnings

Radio Operator Second Mate, I received these sets of navigational warnings from Tokyo Radio Station
this morning. I suppose some of them are useful.
Second Mate Put them on the chart desk, and write down the warning numbers in register book. I will
handle it. Thanks a lot.

Dialog C: Blame on Chart Work

Captain Why did you not fix charts, Second Mate?
Second Mate I’m terribly sorry. It’s no my fault, I am afraid. You know that I took over the job from
former Second Officer recently, but I found there is no Admiralty Notice to Mariners.
Captain Why did you not report immediately?
Second Mate That is my mistake, sir!

Lesson Twenty-two: Inspection

Dialog A: Occupational Inspection from Shipowner’s Representative

Representative According to ISM Code and our company SMS, we shall check crew the understanding

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of our management system.

Captain Yes, sir.
Representative How many items are there for master’s responsibility? Choose one to express your
understanding, Captain.
Captain There are four items. Second item says “The master must know the ship thoroughly”.
This means, a competent master needs to know conditions of Deck Department, Engine
Department, and takes charge of safety operation and effective management of the ship.
Are you satisfied with my answer?
Representative Now, let’s focus on the other item.

Dialog B: PSC Inspection

PSCO Captain, I am afraid that ship store on forward deck has weakness. Fire extinguishers
should be installed both outside and inside.
Captain That is designedly defective. I supposed that it doesn’t need inside. Normally, we fight
fire from outside to inside.
PSCO How will you take measures if crew is inside and a fire is caused? In addition, how long
will crew run from bridge to ship store?
Captain I guarantee that our crew rush to ship store within 2 minutes.
PSCO 2 minutes? Let’s check.

Dialog C: Recheck Weakness

Inspector Yesterday, we checked that you didn’t launch the new lifeboat into water. Now, we
should recheck it before sailing.
Third Mate Yes, sir. We can launch the new lifeboat as we studied the manual and have gotten well
knowledge of the working principle.
Inspector Let you start and I will evaluate.
Third Mate OK. Get ready fore and aft. Launching lifeboat. (A few minutes later lifeboat is still in
launching track).
Inspector I am sorry to tell you that your ship should be detained at this port for training
contingency procedure.
Third Mate Could you allow us to do it again? Wait a minute. I will call Captain.

Lesson Twenty-three: Maintenance and Repairing

Dialog A: Inform Repairing

Agent Captain, your shipowner requires you to submit repairing items to shipping company
Captain What is the repairing arrangement?
Agent I received a telephone from your shipping company. I t says that your ship needs to sail
to Hong Kong for drydock.
Captain How much will company arrange for this repairing?
Agent Approximately 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. You can phone your manager to get
information in more detail.

Dialog B: Ordering Ship Stores

Chief engineer Captain, I checked store room for Engine Department last night. We lack of many tools
for repairing, such as non-spark cutting pliers, screw plate sets, adjustable wrenches
Captain OK. I will order them from agent. Could you look them up in Marine Store Guide?
Chief engineer Chief Officer has looked up. Look: non-spark side cutting pliers-615867; screw plate
sets-632201; adjustable wrenches 616101.
Captain OK. I will write a telegraph for ordering. Agent will take them while the ship is

Dialog C: Maintenance Meeting


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Chief Officer Tomorrow bosun and three OS will serve for painting.
Bosun Yes, sir. Where will we paint?
Chief Officer Main deck and upper deck.
Bosun OK. Johnson, Tommy, Lazy Smith. You three do.
Chief Officer The derrick boom on hatch No. 1 is not safe, and it may be harmful for navigation.
Second, could you check it tomorrow?
Second Officer All right. Chief.
Chief Officer Third Mate, you will serve for captain to receive harbour master tomorrow.

Lesson Twenty-four: Handover

Dialog A: Chief/Second Mates Handover

Second Mate Did you have a nice dream?
Chief Mate Oh, at the mid-way A/B wakes me.
Second Mate Course 275°. A passing vessel is on our port bow. The compass error has been adjusted.
Dead racon is on the chart. Captain orders that call him if there is something abnormal.
Chief Mate OK, have a nice dream.

Dialog B: Second/Third Mates Handover

Second Mate What’s the matter?
Third Mate The wind is so strong. Sea rough. Captain orders: Alter course if necessary. Present
course 202°, speed 10.5 knots.
Second Mate OK. The movie shown in saloon is wonderful. Won’t you watch?
Third Mate A good sleep is number one choice.

Dialog C: Handover alongside

Third Mate The dock side crane is not working. The stevedores used our cranes one hour ago. No. 1
crane motor is inoperative as well.
Second Mate Call electrician and report to Chief, Third Mate.
Third Mate I did. The electrician is repairing. The Chief is consulting with harbour master. I reported
to Captain.
Second Mate OK. I will have a bath and go to duty free shop to buy a TV.
Third Mate Good luck.

Lesson Twenty-five: NAVAIDs

Dialog A: Talking about New Installed ARPA

Chief Officer The new installed ARPA can not be used, Mr. Captain.
Master What’s the matter?
Chief Officer The scanning line is dark red, and the background is black. Sometimes it is difficult to
distinguish the scanning line on the display.
Master It must be designedly defective. I will send a cable to the manufacturer to ask for
replacing the software.

Dialog B: Reporting VHF Defectiveness

Second Mate The VHF transmitting/receiving convertion button is not working. When I wished to
overtake the vessel ahead and used VHF, I found the VHF installation can not send any
message. The VHF installation still works in receiving function.
Chief Mate Let me check. Oh, the button is out of order. I t can not be pushed down, Inform radio
officer to come with necessary tools.
Second Mate Yes, sir. Anything else?
Chief Mate Tell Third Officer to strictly obey the international regulations for preventing collision at
sea. Navigate with caution. If necessary, use siren instead of VHF to express handling


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intentions for vessels in the vicinity. I hope the VHF will be in good order very soon.

Dialog C: Reception of Repair Personnel

Second Mate Won’t you have a cigarette?
Repair Engineer No thanks. Let’s continue to work. Pass me the multi-meter and the screw driver, please.
Second Mate OK, sir!
Repair Engineer Oh, my God! I got it! The magnetron is out of order.
Second Mate Did you bring the spares?
Repair Engineer I am sorry to tell you that I have not brought any spare with me. I must return to the
station to fetch it.
Second Mate OK. See you then!

Lesson Twenty-six: VTS

Dialog A: Enquiry of Traffic Condition

Maritime Queen VTS station, VTS station. This is M.V Maritime Queen. M.V Maritime Queen. My Call
Sign is UBPQ. Spell in Alphabet. Uniform Bravo Papa Quebec. Over.
VTS M.V Maritime Queen. This is VTS Centre. What is your intention? Over.
Maritime Queen VTS Centre. Maritime Queen. I am at anchor at fairway buoy No.5. I intended to moor at
berth No.2. Is it allowed for me to enter the basin?
VTS M.V Maritime Queen. M.T Oiler will be outbound at 2100 hours. You have to wait for
lock clearance until 2120 hours. Stop where you are.
Maritime Queen Roger. Out.

Dialog B: Reminding the Vessel of Compliance with Rules

VTS Vessel in position 34 degrees 45 minutes North 098 degrees 22 minutes East, which
course is 110 degrees, is not complying with traffic rules. I t is dangerous to remain your
present course. (Later) Vessel in position 35 degrees 33 minutes North 099 degrees 12
minutes East, which course is 135 degrees, is not complying with traffic rules. Stop your
engine immediately and contact with VTS Centre. Over.
Dainty River VTS Centre. This is Chinese M.V Dainty River. What is your instruction? Over.
VTS M.V Dainty River. VTS Centre. It is dangerous to remain your present course. Shallow
water ahead of you. Do you cross the fairway. Large vessel leaving. Alter course to 190
degrees. Over
Dainty River Message received, out.

Dialog C: Announcement of Meteorological Warning

VTS Securite, Securite, Securite. All vessels. Gale Warning. Chang to Channel 13. Over.
(On VHF Channel 13) Securite, Securite, Securite. All vessels. Sea Area forecast in force from April 20th broadcast
by Dalian Radio Station. High pressure 1036 HPA at 50 N 094 E now is moving east with 5 knots. Low pressure
1012 HPA at 46N 116E moving east with 5 knots. Cold front from 46N 120E is passing 40N 109E to 36N 098E.
High pressure 1018 HPA at 43N 120E is moving with 35 knots. Cold front from 36N 120E is passing 33N 120E to
26N 114E. 24 hours weather broadcast is now as follows:
Bohai sea, Bohai strait, North and Central Huanghai sea. Overcast with rain and local fog. South to Southeast wind,
force 5 to 6 and become north winds force 8. Moderate to rough. Visibility is locally less than 1 km.

Lesson Twenty-seven: Bunkering

Dialog A: Double Check

Bargeman Are you ready for bunkering operation, Chief Officer?
Chief Officer Yes, ready. I hope to confirm all preparations with your party.
Bargeman Yes. Let’s start with the fenders. Have all fenders ready?
Chief Officer Yes, all fenders ready.
Bargeman Have engines been put on standby?

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Chief Officer Yes, engines have been on standby.

Bargeman Does extinguisher remain on standby?
Chief Officer Yes, extinguisher remains on standby.
Bargeman Do oil clearance materials remain on standby?
Chief Officer Yes, oil clearance materials remain on standby.
Bargeman Have communication means been tested?
Chief Officer No, communication means have not been tested yet.
Bargeman Tested later. We will continue to check……

Dialog B: Check Oil Quantity and Quality

Fourth Engineer I planned to check the oil quantity and quality before we start bunkering, Sir.
Bargeman Sure. My assistant will accompany you to go to the tank.
Fourth Engineer I must take samples from these tanks. You know, we will keep these for analyses.
Bargeman2 Understood. When will you take samples?
Fourth Engineer I will stay here during bunkering. I will take samples before bunkering, and take samples
during bunkering, and then take samples as soon as completion of bunkering.
Bargeman2 You ordered 300 tons of 180 cSt fuel oil and 300 tons of diesel oil, right?
Fourth Engineer Yes, that’s all right. I finished sampling now. Please sign them. I will seal all bottle.
Please keep one bottle of each. I will take the other samples to my vessel for analysis.

Dialog C: Discussion on Bunkering Procedure

Chief Officer Chief Engineer. Let’s check the procedure before bunkering.
Chief Engineer OK. Have flag B been hoisted?
Chief Officer Yes, of course. Have oil clearance material been ready?
Chief Officer Yes, sawdust and oil defender have been ready for use any time. Have fire-fighting
appliances been ready for use?
Chief Engineer Yes, the fire mains have been stand-by.
Chief Officer Sure. Portable extinguishers have been ready on the spot. Have emergency shutdown
been tested and signalling has been agreed on ?
Chief Engineer Yes, of course. Have communication means been tested with the oil barge?
Chief Officer Yes, communication means have been tested. No problem.
Chief Engineer Are watchmen arranged on deck?
Chief Officer Yes, watchmen have been posted on deck. Ok, I think it is good time to communicate
with the oil barge.

Lesson Twenty-eight: Communication with the Shipowner

Dialog A: Report the Condition of the Ship

Shipowner Hello, Captain Zhang. What is the ship condition now?
Zhang Hello, Mr. Smith. I have e-mailed you on condition of the vessel yesterday. Sorry to say
that the ship is getting worse. It can’t sail until it is repaired.
Shipowner I understand. I hope that you can arrange onboard maintenance as much as possible.
Zhang Mr. Smith, I have been arranging maintenance and repair according to you requirement.
However, we can’t deal with the main engine.
Shipowner What is the problem?
Zhang It often shuts down. I was wondering when you will arrange dock repair.
Shipowner Next month, you will sail to Hong Kong. You will receive instructions.

Dialog B: Report the Victual Condition

Captain Dear Mr. Anderson. I’d like to report the victual condition on board. Recently, we often
sail at European waters. We replenish provisions at the European countries. However,
prices of provisions are always at high standard, You know. The fees on victual are
short. I hope that you can consider the living conditions here.
Boss OK, how much will you suggest? Mr. Wang.


Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Captain I suggest buying a bigger refrigerator for the galley and some cook utensils. I think it
will cost 10000 US dollars. I s that OK?
Boss Permitted. I hope that it will be helpful for all your crewmembers.
Captain Thank you very much for your concern.

Dialog C: Report Personnel on Board

Captain Mr. Peter. I am afraid that I have to resign…
Boss Why is that? Please say it frankly.
Captain Well, it….
Boss Come on. What is the problem?
Captain Some crewmembers arranged by the office are not suitable for their jobs.
Boss Who are they?
Captain Chief Engineer, Second Officer, Third Officer and some ratings.
Boss What are the problems?
Captain The Chief Engineer is not responsible for his job. His English is not good. He always
drinks alcohol during daytime. Second Officer has not corrected charts for long time. I
criticized him but he said he was the relative of Mr. Brown. Third Officer is lazy. He
never checks lifeboats and liferafts. He always complains. I lost my confidence to be the
captain of this group now.
Boss Come on. I will arrange change of crew as soon as possible. You can dismiss Chief
Engineer-Eric Williams, Second Officer, John Smith and Third Officer, Henry Bush. I
will arrange relieving officers to handover at the next port.

Lesson Twenty-nine: Familiarization with the Ship

Dialog A: Muster List and Standing Orders

Master Remember to read the muster list as soon as possible. You must know the alarm signals,
your responsibilities and stations.
Third Officer Aye, aye, sir. I’ll learn my job immediately.
Master You must read and sign the standing orders prior to your first watch. Remember to read
the standing orders carefully.
Third officer I’ll do that, sir.
Master Make sure your understand the standing orders. I f you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to
ask me.
Third officer Certainly, sir.

Dialog B: Bridge Equipment

Second Officer You should become familiar with all bridge equipment.
Third Officer Certainly. The helm is on the centre line on bridge. There is an ARPA radar on either
side. The chart room is at the aft end of the bridge.
Third Officer And here is the ECDIS.
Second Officer Right. Familiarize yourself with the operation, capability, and limitations of the bridge
Third Officer Well, that’s my top priority before taking over the first watch.
Second Officer Absolutely. Remember to study the instructions and manuals. They should be closely

Dialog C: Safety Equipment

Officer to be relieved The ship is equipped with a fire detection and alarm system. It uses heat-actuated,
smoke-actuated, and flame-actuated sensor devices.
Relieving Officer Where are these types of sensor devices located respectively?
Officer to be relieved Well, for detailed information, you can consult the Fire Detection Plan.
Relieving Officer What is the type of fixed fire-fighting system on board?
Officer to be relieved Fixed carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguishing system, including 69 cylinders.


Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Relieving officer Our ship carries totally enclosed life-boats, right?

Officer to be relieved That’s right. Two 26-person totally enclosed lifeboats. And a total of 24 lifebuoys are
carried. Four rocket line-throwing apparatus are stowed on the bridge.
Relieving officer I’ll refresh my knowledge on safety system as soon as possible.
Officer to be relieved Make sure routine maintenance is performed regularly.

Lesson Thirty: Ship Security

Dialog A: Unauthorized Visitors

Gangway Watchman May I see your pass, please?
Visitor Sorry, I don’t have a ship’s pass. Here is my identification.
Gangway Watchman Oh, … Mr. Smith, representative of the shipchandler.
Visitor Can I get on board now? I’d like to see your chief engineer about the order of stores.
Gangway Watchman I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Smith. I haven’t received any instruction about your arrival. No
unauthorized persons are allowed on board the ship. That’s our security rule.
Visitor You mean I’m not allowed to get on board your ship now?
Gangway Watchman Not exactly. Would you mind waiting for a moment? I’ll call the OOW. Maybe, he can
issue a temporary pass to you.

Dialog B: Security during Cargo Handling

Chief Officer The gangway must be manned at all times. Make sure the gangway watchman is in radio
contact with you.
OOW Yes, sir. I’ll bear that in mind.
Chief Officer Keep all nonworking hatches closed. Use security personnel in the cargo holds if
OOW I’ll do that, sir. Do stevedores carry an identification?
Chief Officer Yes. All stevedores are required to carry an identity card issued by their employers.
OOW At the change of shift, I’ll ask the gangway watchman to count heads on and off.
Chief Officer Besides, ask foreman stevedore how many men are working on board. And then check
his figures against the gangway tally.

Dialog C: Restricted Areas

Visitor Can I take pictures of your ship?
Ship Security Officer I’m sorry. You are not allowed to take pictures. By the way, please don’t wander around
the ship without the company of a crew member.
Visitor Oh, I see. Can you show me around your bridge?
Ship Security Officer I’m terribly sorry. Bridge is one of the restricted areas on board. Only authorized person
can have access to it.

Lesson Thirty-one: Pollution Prevention

Dialog A: Bunkering Operation

Chief Engineer Inform all the crew we are taking bunkers. Make sure they are ready for any emergency.
OOW Yes, chief. All crew members are informed.
Chief Engineer Plug the scuppers and report.
OOW All scuppers are plugged.
Chief Engineer Place oil absorbent materials at relevant points and report.
OOW Absorbent materials are placed.
Chief Engineer Make sure all moorings remain taut to restrict the movement of the ship.
OOW All mooring lines are inspected. They are taut.

Dialog B: Precautions in Port

Chief Officer Be aware of oil spill and other spilt cargo. Do not allow anyone to throw cargo spills on


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國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

the quay or into water.

OOW We can be fined for that?
Chief Officer Yes. That is deemed as polluting the port here. I t may also lead to claims for shortage.
OOW Well, I’ll be careful.
Chief Officer Do not throw used dunnage and packing overside or dump them on the quay.
OOW This can also be deemed as polluting the port, right?
Chief Officer Right. All such unwanted items must be collected and stored. They should be disposed of
in an environmentally friendly way.

Dialog C: Garbage
OOW Certainly. You know, a ship was fined $1,000 for orange peel found on deck in this port.
AB Really? That’s incredible.

Lesson Thirty-two: Accidents on Board

Dialog A: Fatal Accident

Bosun Accident on deck!
OOW Report injured persons.
Bosun One person injured, the third officer.
OOW What happened?
Bosun The third officer fell into the cargo hold
OOW Take immediate action to recover him. I’ll call the master.
(A moment later)
Master Is the accident fatal?
OOW Yes, sir. We suspect the accident is fatal.
Master Provide first aid. I’ll inform the authorities ashore and call a doctor and ambulance now.

Dialog B: Man Over-board

A crewmember (on the phone) Bridge, Man over-board on port side.
OOW Drop the port bridge wing “man over-board” lifebuoy.
AB Lifebuoy dropped in water.
OOW Sound “man over-board” alarm.
AB Alarm sounded, sir.
OOW Hard-a-port.
AB Hard-a-port. Hard-a-port, sir.
OOW (on the phone) Is person in water located?
Crewmember Yes, person in water located.
OOW Remain visual contact to person in water.

Dialog C: Shifting of Cargo

Third Officer (On the phone) Please come to the bridge, sir. Our ship is listing to starboard.
Master I’ll be on the bridge right away.
On the bridge
Master What is the situation like now?
Third Officer The list is about 20° to starboard.
Master Stop the engine.
Third Officer Stop the engine. Engine stopped, sir.
Master Now, we have a list of 25° to starboard.
Third Officer The lashings of the deck cargo on NO. 1 hatch top has released. Some packs of timber
are lost over the side.
Master Cargo shifting in the hold! Broadcast a distress call on VHF.

Lesson Thirty-three: Planning Maintenance


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Dialog A: Arrangement of the Daily Work

Bosun Good morning. Chief. What will we do today?
Chief I have made the plan in my notebook. Look, here it is. The port deck should be derusted.
Bare steel shall be painted with 3 coats.
Bosun How long will it take? What is the requirement?
Chief I hope you instruct all sailors. I estimate that it will take 5 hours for 6 sailors. As soon as
you finish your work, let me know. I will check all your work on spot at 1500 hours.
Bosun Understood.

Dialog B: Arrangement of Operation Aloft

Chief The fog signal is not sounded. I supposed that the connection in the mast is not firmed.
Bosun Yeah, we must have it repaired.
Chief Yes, of course. Peter and Larry are free now. Arrange operation aloft now.
Bosun Ok, sir. What are your requirements?
Chief First, all operators must wear safety belts, helmets, working uniform and strong shoes.
Oh, review the rules on operation aloft before working. Take necessary tools, such as
scissors, wenches, screwdrivers, hammers. You must monitor the whole operation on the
Bosun Yes, sir.

Dialog C: Arrangement of Operation in a Confined Space

Chief According to recommendation from our PMS, the port ballast tank should be repaired. I
have reported to Captain. He decided to have it repaired before arrival at Sydney. I will
arrange repair work now. All deck hands must attend this work except for watch gangs.
Bosun What should we do at first?
Chief At first, we should review Operations in Confined Spaces in SMS. Before derusting and
painting, ventilation is vital.
Bosun Who will watch outside?
Chief Second Officer will watch on the spot. Please keep radio contact with the bridge
constantly. Captain and Third Officer will be on the bridge soon. I will attend the
operation in the tank.
Bosun Do we need welding?
Chief Yes, we do . Two fitters from engine department are available for the operation. Bosun,
you must bring portable extinguishers. Engine room will be informed of standby fire
mains in the event of emergency.

Lesson Thirty-four: Promotion

Dialog A: Promotion to a Second Officer

Shipowner Hello, Captain Zhang. Your second officer will be signed off. I want to promote one of
candidates on board your ship as the relieving second officer. I want to discuss this with
Captain Good morning, Mr. Brown. What about my present third officer?
Shipowner Yeah, he is obviously the candidate. Hat do you think about his personality?
Captain He is so quiet actually. He always learns knowledge from the Chief Officer and Second
Officer. I think he will be suitable for second officer.
Shipowner But, how does he perform the duty the transitional period?
Captain I will monitor his watch duty.

Dialog B: Promotion to an Assistant Captain

Shipowner Hello, Captain Zhang. Since your Chief Officer Mr. Wang Dong is holding a Captain’s
Certificate now, I will arrange a new Chief Officer and Mr. Wang Dong will be
re-arranged as your assistant captain. He will be required to get the experience and learn
leadership and other skills from you. What is your opinion?

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Captain Well, Mr. Wand Dong is a good chief officer. He is always helpful. The deck department
is managed in good order. I always trust his leadership and seamanship.
Shipowner It sounds that you agree with the promotion.
Captain I hope he will be a competent captain in the near future.
Shipowner Thanks for your co-operation.

Dialog C: Choice a Chief Officer

Shipowner Your chief officer is incompetent for his job according to your appraisal report. I was
wondering the reason.
Captain I have reported to your assistant manager. The vital reason is that he is not co-operative.
Moreover, the preparation for loading and unloading is not satisfied. Damage reports
occasionally occur due to carelessness.
Shipowner The only person I can arrange for you is Mr. Dong Linlin. Are you satisfied with his
Captain No, he is worse than my present Chief Officer. How about my present Second Officer.
Mr. Liu Huanhuan. He holds the Chief Officer’s Certificate. He is problem solving.
Shipowner I remember him. He is impressive. Ok, I will arrange promotion very soon.

Lesson Thirty-five: Being Interviewed

Dialog A: Being Interviewed by DPA

Smith Hello, I am John Smith, the DPA form Jackson’s headquarters. I just have some
questions to ask.
Captain How do you do? Mr. Smith.
Smith First. How long have you served for Jackson’s?
Captain About two years, sir.
Smith Have you any experience on the oil tanker? You know, we have many of those vessels.
Captain Five years before, I have worked on one as a chief officer.
Smith Then, which measure will you use to measure the depth of oil? To measure ullage or to
measure the depth of oil?
Captain Both will do. I preferred to use the measurement of ullage.

Dialog B: Being Interviewed by Directive Captain

D. Captain How long have you been a second officer, Sir?
Second Officer Around 3years, sir.
D. Captain May I take a look at your certificate of competency, seaman’s book and passport?
Second Officer Yes, of course. Here you are, sir.
D. Captain Do you use simulators more often when you are on holidays?
Second Officer Frankly, not often, because we will only be tested before renewal of certificate.
D. Captain Could you show your passage plan you made?
Second Officer Sorry, sir. I didn’t bring it. I can describe the content in more detail.

Dialog C: Being Interviewed by Captain

Captain Good Morning, everyone. I need a third officer. I want everyone to introduce yourself in
English and then I will ask you some questions. First, Wang Lin.
Wang Yes, sir. May I introduce myself?
Captain No, you needn’t because I am quite familiar with you. You just answer my questions.
First, list some fire-fighting appliance.
Wang Yes, sir. Dry powder, foam, water, CO2, sand, and so on.
Captain Fine. Items in the lifeboat.
Wang Yes, sir. First aid box, fishing gear, rocket, sponge, sea anchor and so on.
Captain As a third officer, how do you assist pilot and captain for the pilotage?
Wang I will remind the pilot and report the captain in good time if I doubt the intention of
pilot’s. I will assist pilot and operate telegraph.


Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Captain Now let’s focus on the duty.

Lesson Thirty-six: Agency

Dialog A: Certificate Delivery

Agent Captain, there are 32 Landing Permits for your Crewmembers. Please check them.
Captain Exactly. Mr. Agent, We have some letters and parcels to be posted. Would you please
help us with them?
Agent Sure. Please prepare and classify your letters and parcels beforehand, I’ll fetch them
tomorrow afternoon.
Captain Ok. We’ll prepare them in time.
Agent Remember to inform your crew about going ashore with Landing Permits. This is the
regulation of Rotterdam Port.
Captain I’ll remind them. Thank you.

Dialog B: Buying Spares

Captain Mr. Agent, we need some shipboard spares. Can you buy them for us?
Agent Sure. Would you please give me a list about what you need?
Captain Here you are. We need 5 shackles, 3 valves, 10 nozzles and 5 bearings.
Agent When do you need them?
Captain We’ll depart at 2200 LT tomorrow, so you should deliver them on board before our
Agent I see. I’ll bring them by tomorrow noon.
Dialog C: Money Exchanging
Captain Mr. Agent, since we will berth in Yokohama for ten days, we need to exchange some
Japanese Yen in cash.
Agent No problem. How much do you need, Sir?
Captain About 600,000 Japanese Yen. Sir.
Agent What denominations do you need?
Captain Forty 10,000-Yen notes, one hundred and fifty 1,000-Yen notes and the rest in small
changes, please.
Agent Ok. You can get it in good time.

Lesson Thirty-seven: Dispute and Arbitration

Dialog A: Cargo Shortage

Consignee Chief Mate, the goods I received were found to be 100 bags short landed.
Chief Mate I’m afraid it’s not as many as you said.
Consignee I can’t understand what you mean.
Chief Mate According To our investigation, there were only 50 bags short landed.
Consignee What I mean by 100 bags also includes those bags which are badly crushed.
Chief Mate I think that should attribute to the rough handling of stevedoring company.
Consignee There are still some bags that become damp.
Chief Mate The dampness resulted from improper packing, with which we are not concerned.

Dialog B: Cargo Damage

Second Officer Foreman, there are some bags badly crushed in the lower hold for the stevedores’
damage during discharging.
Foreman That’s impossible. The stevedores are quite experienced, you know.
Second Officer But they don’t pay sufficient attention and care during discharging.
Foreman They just operate in accordance with the requirements.
Second Officer Look, some stevedores are dragging bags with hooks. Can they know better than use
hooks with bagged cargo?


Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Foreman Maybe they are eager to finish it in the time you stipulated. I’ll tell them not to do so.

Dialog C: Rusty
Cargo Owner There are 100 sets of machines terribly rusty in transit.
Chief Mate No, not in this case, I’m afraid. It must be rusty before loading.
Cargo Owner Every machine has been inspected strictly before loading, so I believe that rust must
have occurred in transit by dampness ate sea.
Chief Mate But the investigation shows that when the goods were unpacked, the wooden cases dry
and the inside paper lining with water stains, only the machines inside were rusty.
Cargo Owner I still don’t understand what that means.
Chief Mate It’s obvious that the machines were rusty before loading.
Cargo Owner May I suggest that we go to see them ourselves together?
Chief Mate Ok , let’s do it this afternoon.

Lesson Thirty-eight: Accident Investigation and Manipulation

Dialog A: Fire
Captain Chief Cook, would you please tell me the fire in the galley last night?
Chief Cook Yes, sir. It’s all my fault.
Captain What’s the exact time, do you remember?
Chief Cook 1800 hours I guess. For I was very busy at that time, I just went out to bring vegetables
without shutting off the stove. When I came back, I found the frying pan burning.
Captain How did you deal with it ?
Chief Cook I put the blanket on the pan first, and then I switched off the stove and used a fixed foam
extinguisher to put it off.
Captain Who was on scene except for you?
Chief Cook Nobody at that time.

Dialog B: Collision
Investigator Mr. Captain, can you describe the process of the collision happened on June 13?
Captain Yes. At 1600 hours LT June 13, when my vessel was to moor in the arranged berth in
Yantai Port, a ship named Dayu collided with us and her anchor pierced our peak tank.
Investigator What measures did you take?
Captain I ordered to cut off the anchor chains immediately.
Investigator Are there any casualties in this collision?
Captain Fortunately, there’s no casualty in our vessel.

Dialog C: Delay
Representative Captain, our shipowner instructed me to check a few details with you on this delay.
Captain Ok. What’s your question, please?
Representative What happened before you wanted to anchor?
Captain While we dropped off the anchor and checked the No. 8 Cylinder of main engine, we
found the connection rod bolts in crankcase has been broken into pieces.
Representative How did you solve it?
Captain I arranged the Chief Engineer to do emergency repair.
Representative And it caused 12 hours delay, right?
Captain Not in that case, sir. As soon as the overhaul work finished, I called for pilot for berthing
Representative Then what caused your delay for so long time?
Captain The Port Control informed us that our berth arrange had been cancelled, so we waited for
10 hours for another berth arrangement.

Lesson Thirty-nine: Shipboard Training


Dr. Solomon Chen

國立高雄海洋大學 航運技術系 航海(運)英文實作補充教材

Dialog A: Preparation of a Shipboard Training

Chief Officer Captain wishes that all crewmembers would watch safety movies after dinner. Please
select some of those before meeting.
Second Officer Yes, of course. What system of movies will you prefer?
Chief Officer I prefer VIEDOTEL system. It is great.
Second Officer Then, what content will you choose?
Chief Officer Fire-fighting, pollution prevention, ship’s security.
Second Officer I will prepare. No problem.

Dialog B: Training for Deck Hands

Chief Officer May I have your attention, Gentlemen? We are now discussing the collision avoidance.
I’d like to use power points to show the importance of collision avoidance. All bridge
teams are well arranged; therefore we must review relative information beforehand.
A.B Do you really mean all of us must study the Bridge Resource Management, sir?
Chief Officer Well, Second Officer and Third Officer have studied that. All deck officers, including
me certainly, will instruct all of sailors, I suppose. Any way, have you read the new
standing orders, Second and Third Officer?
Second Officer Yes, I have. But I haven’t signed it yet.
Chief Officer Third Officer, please read it carefully after meeting.

Dialog C: Training for Security Reasons

Chief Officer Now, we are sailing at the Malacca strait. The place is well known for piracy. Now, we
shall study the safety measures.
All crew Yes, of course.
Chief Officer The main contents of prevention are as follows. All deck areas will be well lighting. We
will sail at full speed. We will arrange three pairs for night tours.
Second Officer Do you mean all crewmembers are arranged for that?
Chief Officer Not really. Just say that ratings are well trained and arranged. Portable VHF, axe, torch
will be useful in the security tour. Bridge team will take command of the touring.
Third Officer Well, if pirates are found to attack, what should we react?
Chief Officer All crewmembers shall keep constant vigilance. Pirates may attack in very fast speed.


Dr. Solomon Chen

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