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Descriptive statistics

First year 2023

Class (8)
Chapter4: Measures of dispersion (Variability)
A measure of location, such as the mean or the median, only describes the center of
the data. It is valuable from that standpoint, but it does not tell us anything about the
spread of the data.
 Dispersion refers to the spread or variability in the data. Or variation of data
around the mean

Measures of dispersions are

1-Range 2-Mean absolute deviation 3-variance

4- Standard deviation 5-coefficient of variation


The following figure shows three distributions in which the mean of each distribution is the
same (µ = 50) but the variability's differ. Observation of these distributions shows that a
measure of variability is necessary to complement the mean value in describing the data.

1-The range is the simplest of the three measures

2-The range of un grouped data is defined to be the highest value minus the lowest
value. The symbol R is used for the range.

R = highest value – lowest value.

3-For grouped data

Range = upper limit of last class – lower limit of first class

1 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

3-one dis advantage of range is extremely large or extremely small data values can
drastically affect the range.

4-If the range (R ) = 0 , this mean that all values are equal ( ‫) مهمة جداااااااا‬and there is no

5-Range can't be used for open ended frequency distribution


Values such as ( 5 , 5 , 5 , 5 ) , Range = 0 this mean that , there is no dispersion and

the population is full homogeneous


Two experimental brands of outdoor paint are tested to see how long each will last
before fading. Six cans of each brand constitute a small population. The results (in
months) are shown. Find the mean and range of each group.


The average for both brands is the same, but the range for Brand A is much greater
than the range for Brand B. so, data (A) are more dispersed than data (B)

2 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

For the following data find Range

Classes Frequency ( F )
2-4 2
4-6 5
6-8 7 Range = 12-2=10
8-10 6
10-12 5
Total 25

2- Mean absolute deviation

1-A defect of the range is that it is based on only two values, the highest and the lowest; it does not
take into consideration all of the values. The mean deviation does. It measures the mean amount
by which the values in a population, or sample, vary from their mean. In terms of a definition:

Mean Deviation:
The arithmetic mean of the absolute values of the deviations from the arithmetic mean.

steps to calculate Mean deviation

1-First we must get the mean x =


2-Second subtract each value of ( x ) from x

3 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

3-Third get the absolute value of ( x - x )which convert the negative value to positive

4-sum the absolute values founded in step 3 then divided the sum by the number of

The number of cappuccinos sold at the Starbucks location in front of Sogang University
campus between 4 and 7 p.m. for a sample of 5 days last year were 20, 40, 50, 60, and
80. Determine the mean deviation for the number of cappuccinos sold.

1-first we must get the mean of the sample data given
ΣX 20+ 40+50+60+80
X̄ = = =50
n 5

The main features of the mean deviation are:

1-All values are used in the calculation.

2-It is not influenced by large or small values.

3-The absolute values are difficult to manipulate.

4 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

2-Variance and Standard Deviation for UN grouped data

1-The variance and standard deviation are based on the deviations from the mean.

However the variance and the standard deviation square the deviations.

2-VARIANCE: is the average of the squared deviations from the mean.

‫متوسط مربع انحراف القيم عن وسطها الحسابي‬

3-The variance is nonnegative and is zero only if all observations are the same.

Values such as ( 5 , 5 ,5 ,5 , 5 ) variance =0

4- STANDARD DEVIATION: The positive square root of the variance.

1-Population Variance 2-Population Standard Deviation

The positive square root of the variance. σ =√ σ 2
σ =
∑ (x−μ) = SS x


Steps for calculating the variance

1-We begin by finding the mean.
2- Next we find the difference between each observation and the mean and square that difference
3-Then we sum all the squared differences.
4- finally we divide the sum of the squared differences by the number of items in the population.

Important note

1-For populations whose values are near the mean, the variance will be small. For populations

whose values are dispersed from the mean, the population variance will be large

2- The variance overcomes the problem of the range by using all the values in the population,

5 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

whereas the range uses only the largest and the smallest.

3-We overcome the issue where by squaring the differences. Squaring the
differences will always result in non-negative values. So, the variance will never be negative
and it will be zero only when all the values in the data set are the same.

4-As the value of variance near to zero, this mean that this sample is more homogenous or it is
less dispersion

Example (1)
The number of traffic citations issued during the last five months in a certain area, is
38, 26, 13, 41, and 22. What is the population mean, variance , standard deviation

 Standard deviation = σ =√ σ 2= √106.8=10.33

3-sample Variance, sample standard deviation

SS x

Example (1)
6 Eng: Ameer El3tma
Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

The hourly wages for a sample of part-time employees at EMart are: $12, $20, $16, $18,
and $19. What is the sample variance? and standard deviation?


 Standard deviation = S =√ 10 = 3.16

Computational Formulas for Variance and Standard Deviation

An alternative method of computing variance and standard deviation, sometimes referred to
as the computational method or shortcut method, is available. Algebraically,

7 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

For the following sample data ( 5 , 7 , 3 , 4 , 1 )

Find sample variance, sample standard deviation using computational formula?

SS x
SampleVariance S2=¿ ¿ =
5 25
7 49
3 9
4 16
1 1
∑ X=20 ∑ x 2=100
( )
100− 1
5 = ( 20 )=5
S2 = 4

Standard deviation

S=√ 5=2.236

4-Variance, standard deviation from grouped data

8 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023


9 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

Calculate the population variance , population standard deviation for the

following frequency distribution

Using original formula 2- using computational version -1


Using original formula -1

 Variance = σ =2∑ F(M −μ)2 427.74

= 60 = 7.129
 Standard deviation = σ ¿ √ 7.129=2.67

2- Using computational version

10 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

 Variance = σ =∑ f . M −¿ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ =
2 2
60 = 7.129
 Standard deviation = σ ¿ √ 7.129=2.67

1-mean, 2- median, 3- mode, 4- variance 5- standard deviation on the
following sample data.

Classes F M FM FM 2 Cumulative
11 Eng: Ameer El3tma
Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

10-15 6 12.5 75 937.5 6

15-20 22 17.5 385 6737.5 28c f p
20-25 35 f med 22.5 787.5 17718.75 63
25-30 29 27.5 797.5 21931.25 92
30-35 16 32.5 520 16900 108
35-40 8 37.5 300 11250 116
40-45 4 42.5 170 7225 120
45-50 2 47.5 95 4512.5 122
Total ∑ f =n=12 ∑ FM =3130 ∑ F M2=
2 87212.5

1-Mean =
∑ FM = 3130 =25.66
n 122

−c f p
2-Median = = L+ 2 ×w
f med

Find median rank = =

n ∑ f = 122 =61
2 2 2
 Locate the value 61 on the cumulative frequency, it lie between (20 , 25 )
 Median class = (20-25 )
 L= 20 , w=25-20=5 , c f p = 28 , f med= 35

−c f p
Median = L+ 2 × w = 20+ 61−28
35 ×5= 24.714
f med

3- Mode: the midpoint of class with greatest frequency

Modal class = 20-25 Mode = M = =22.5

4- Sample variance = S = ∑ f . M −¿ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ = = 57.11
2 2

5-standrad deviation = S = √ 57.11= 7.56

12 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

Measures of Relative dispersion ‫هااااام جدا جدا‬

1-cofficient of variation (C.V)‫معامل االختالف‬
1-coefficient variation is the ratio of the standard deviation to the arithmetic mean,

Expressed as a percentage:

Population Sample
σ s
C . V = (100 %)
C . V = (100 %)
μ X
2-Can be used to compare two or more sets of data measured in different units

Shows variation relative to mean -3

Example (1)
The mean for the number of pages of a sample of women’s fitness magazines is 132, with a
variance of 23; the mean for the number of advertisements of a sample of women’s fitness
magazines is 182, with a variance of 62. Compare the variations.

x=132 , s =23

x=182 , s =62

C . V = (100 %)

13 Eng: Ameer El3tma

Descriptive statistics
First year 2023

The number of advertisements is more variable than the number of pages since the coefficient

of variation is larger for advertisements.

Example (2)
Stock A: Stock B:

Average price last year = $50 Average price last year = $100

Standard deviation = $5 Standard deviation = $5

Compare between two stock?


CV A = ( )
More dispersed

CV B = ( )

Both stocks have the same standard deviation, but stock B is less variable relative to its price

14 Eng: Ameer El3tma

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