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Turbine Engine Theory and Overhaul – “Mr. C.

Gonzalez Class”
Theory - Exhaust Section - Study Questions 181-190
Name: Student #: Date:
Instructions: First read (Chapter 3-28 to 3-30) from your Powerplant textbook and (Chapter 3-45 to 3-54) from your
Gas Turbine textbook then answer the following questions. Please print your answers clearly and use references or 10
points will be deducted from your total grade.

181. What events take place in the converging section of a C-D nozzle?
3-49 The air stream lines converge, The density of the air increases at the throat.
The velocity of the air stabilizes at Mach 1, The pressure at the throat is higher than ambient.

182.What events occur in the divergent section of a C-D nozzle?

3-49 The density of the air decreases, The velocity increases to supersonic speed, The pressure
decreases, reaching ambient at the nozzle opening.

183. What components make up the afterburner?

3-50 Fuel and ignition components

184. What is the purpose of the flame holder?

3-50 creates turbulence, which enhances fuel-air mixing

185.Afterburning may increase thrust by how much?

3-50 can gain as much as 100% additional thrust

186. Another name for the afterburner is:

3-50 thrust augmenter

187. The purpose of the thrust reverser is to:

3-51 Aid in braking and directional control during normal landing, Reduce brake system
maintenance, Provide braking and directional control during emergency landings and rejected
takeoffs, Increase the aircraft's rate of descent by acting as speed brakes, Back an aircraft out of a
parking spot in what is called a power back operation.

188. What are the two types of thrust reversers?

3-51 aerodynamic blockage, and the mechanical blockage.

189. How is thrust reversing accomplished in a turbo-prop aircraft?

3-52 by adjusting the pitch angle of the propeller blades to direct airflow forward upon landing

190.What else are thrust reversers used for?

3-52 Taxiing and parking

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