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Name: Simone Cassandra H.

Maligalig Score:
Professor: Date:
A. Identification. Identify the term/s being referred to in each number. Write your answer in the
space before each number.
GOVERNMENT 1. The political administration of a state or country
INTERNATIONALISM 2. It is the political, economic, and cultural cooperation among
GLOBAL CRISIS 3. An event in which various countries agreed to put their foot down for the
sake of Global Good.
GLOBALISM 4. It is an ideology anchored on the belief that people, goods, and information
ought to be able to cross national borders unrestrained.
GENEVA CONVENTION 5. These involved treaties on the peaceful settlement of war, the
rights of neutral states, and the treatment of prisoners of war.
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 6. An organization drawing membership from at least
three states, having activities in many states, and whose members are held together by a formal
LEGISLATIVE 7. It is where a government can exercise its powers.
INTERSOCIETAL CONSTITUTION 8. This refers to those relations within groups whose
membership and organizations transcend states.
GEORGES HENRI SOUTOU 9. The French historian who introduces international system as
characterized by the general balance of the powers making it up.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 10. It fundamentally refers to interactions by various
political entities, but mostly states.

B. True or False. Write T on the line before the number if the statement is true. If the statement is
false, write F.
T 1. All authoritative actions of a state's governmental authority against any citizen or group or
another state is part of interstate relations.
T 2. International relations can help foster cooperative behaviour by establishing political
institutions through which governments can work together to realize common objectives.
F 3. Not all IGOs seek economic, political, and social integration and cooperation.
T4. Globalism is much wider term than internationalism is in meaning, scope, and outcome.
F 5. During the nineteenth century, the term 'system' came into common use in the field of
international relations.
T 6. Interstate relations refer to a system for international relations, specifically that which deals
with governments or states and their authorities.
T 7. In the contemporary world, conflicts, cooperation, and interdependence among several
countries go hand in hand and so do globalism and internationalism.
F 8. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the concept of an international system goes beyond
simple geographic proximity.
T 9. Interpersonal relations are interpersonal, intersocietal, and interstate and the international field
comprises interpersonal, intersocietal, and interstate behavior and attributes.
F 10. Joyce S. Osland said that there are some pros and cons of globalization related to
Name: Simone Cassandra H. Maligalig Score:
Professor: Date:
Define the following terms using your own description.
1. Global North
includes the wealthy and influential continents of Europe, Australia, and North America.
2. Global South
usually seen as the location of Brazil, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and China, the largest Southern
states in terms of both people and land size, along with Nigeria and Mexico.
3. First World
countries that are highly industrialized and with advanced economies.
4. Second World
countries that, in terms of economic statistics and development level, lie between the first and
third world categories.
5. Third World
generally characterized by high rates of poverty.
6. North South Divide
Inequalities in socioeconomic status between the north and south of England.
7. South
the direction that is at the bottom of a map of the world.
8. Latin America
It's full of diversity, culture, and traditions and is known for the hospitality and happiness of its
Name: Simone Cassandra H. Maligalig Score:
Professor: Date:
Define the following terms using your own description.
1. Regionalism
a procedure wherein power is distributed from the central government to smaller regions within a
political unit, usually a country.
2. Regionalization
the practice of separating regions into little portions and dividing huge areas into regions or
3. Globalization
speedup of movements and exchanges all over the planet.
4. Asia- Pacific
a business region consisting of the whole of Asia.
to promote sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.
6. Pacific Pivot
aimed to produce chronic trade surpluses and accumulation of dollar reserves.
a political and economic union of 10 states in Southeast Asia.
8. Meiji Restoration
a political event that took place in Japan in 1868. In it, the Tokugawa family.
9. ASA
a non-profit, non-stock corporation specializing in microfinance.
10. Open Regionalism
involves regional economic integration without discrimination against economies outside the
Name: Simone Cassandra H. Maligalig Score:
Professor: Date:
Define the following terms using your own description.
1. Localization culture
adapting your product or service to meet the specific needs of a particular region or culture.
2. Media Culture
a concept that encompasses a variety of issues, including representations of beauty and body
3. Fundamentalism
a person who holds those firm, often extreme, beliefs.
4. Nationalism
identified by a shared ethnicity or set of values, is better than all other nations.
5. Media Globalization
the universal integration of media through the multicultural exchange of ideas.
6. Global Religion
a process of realignment in this global religious situation.
7. Religious Practices
include sermons, commemoration of the activities of a god or gods, sacrifices, festivals, feasts,
trance, initiations, funerary services or other aspect of human culture.
8. Global Peace
provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all
9. Media of Technology
any hardware, software or tool that is used to compose, create images, information, interactive
media, video games, virtual reality and augmented reality environments.
10. Globalization of culture
allows for the spread of positive political and social values such as democracy.
Name: Simone Cassandra H. Maligalig Score:
Professor: Date:
А. Identification. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
MASS MEDIA 1. They are intended to provide a wider venue of audience with the use of mass
GLOBALIZATION 2. It is synonymous with the growth of technology and the international
exchange of goods and services.
TECHNOLOGY 3. It is also one of the motors of globalization as it allows for faster
communication, more efficient means of transportation and wider global marketing.
CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION 4. It is the process by which a person's cultural concepts,
views, and experiences are spread around the world using different means of dissemination.
GLOBAL PEACE 5. It can then bind us to make the right choices and decide to contribute to a
collective cause in advancing interests related to peace.
6. They are so identified with their motherland that any threat to them is considered
also a threat to themselves.
RELIGION 7. They tend to act in the restoration of a central place for religion as they believe
that modernization has marginalized it.
8. This is the type of relationship existing between such great religions of Shinto
and Buddhism, specifically in Japan.
9. It gives people a sense of unity, belongingness, and well-being. It provides
people with hope and fullness.
10. It is for all intents and purposes also the perfect complement for globalization.

B. True or False. Write T if the statement is true; F if false.

T 1. Media holds a key function in the spread of globalization.
T 2. The relationship between globalization and media is a one-way process.
F 3. Globalized media has its roots from Western societies.
T 4. Globalization has both positive and negative effects.
F 5. Cultural globalization does not affect all people.
F 6. Religion is not a panacea for all of society's ills.
F 7. Religion is a beneficiary of technology.
T 8. Religion is considered conflictual in nature.
T 9. Fundamentalists will do any means to combat what they perceived as evil.
T 10. Nationalists use religious signs to further their interests.

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