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Name: Khim Ivan Fodra

Section: ARCH 3A
According to the video that I’ve been watching earlier, it is also about the person
in charge of such place in Surigao Del Norte. I think what we need to do is to find out
what is the situation of the people in such an area so that we can know what is
happening in the village. The government also needs to give enough attention so that
every citizen knows that they are in the wrong way of life just like when every person
can be away from their family and they can't hold money even though that's what they
really need especially that in their condition there. We know that their lifestyle is also
aimed at something good, like living a quiet and simple life, but there is another reason
why there are people who object to the behavior of their president because there are
things they can lose, such as communication with family, the government needs to help
such a problem to help other people in their situation as well. Yes, there are many
people who help our fellow citizens, just like the institutions that are protected by our
government and other high political officials.
I think there is a group or institution that can help them, just like the DSWD, they
can be helped to take care of children and elderly people. They are also the institution
known in the Philippines that can take care of children and the elderly. I notice from the
citizens involved in SBSI or Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. their life is good there,
maybe they have gotten used to living there and they have adapted to what they have in
that town.
Everyone has their own way of life but we must know where we can make our
lives easier, in the Philippines there are many who are poor and need money as well as
the rich also need money so people should work or find business for themselves their
family. Those in politics can also help them because everyone is experiencing the same
situation and they are also the ones who have communications with the government. As
a member of our community, we need to help every single citizen who are the people
who need help and also help them by building businesses on social media such as
online selling and other platforms that can be used by social media.

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