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Brisa Morales


My Service Learning Project: Koreatown Youth, Community Center

★ KYCC Main Office

3727 West 6th St., Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Phone: (213) 365-7400



KYCC (Koreatown Youth and Community Center) was established in 1975 to support a growing
population of at-risk youth in Los Angeles. Today, KYCC is the leading multiservice
organization in Koreatown, supporting children and their families in the areas of education,
health, housing, and finances. We believe that if the family is healthy, our community will thrive.
KYCC is committed to making Koreatown a safe and beautiful place to live and work.

The mission of KYCC is to serve the evolving needs of the Korean American population in the
greater Los Angeles area as well as the multiethnic Koreatown community. KYCC’s programs
and services are directed toward recently immigrated, economically disadvantaged youth and
families, and promote community socioeconomic empowerment.


The purpose of the Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC) is multifaceted and deeply
rooted in addressing the diverse needs of the Korean-American community in Los Angeles.
Firstly, KYCC is committed to providing comprehensive support to youth and families,
particularly focusing on educational advancement and personal development. The purpose of
KYCC is to bring support to those in need, providing them with education, health services,
housing and other purposes. They aim to provide a welcoming environment where all people no
matter their background.

I chose the Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC) because of its profound impact on the
community in Los Angeles, where I reside. I admire their compromise to push children and
families dreams and goals, promoting better opportunities to the community no matter their
ethnicity. I like that through their programs they promote personal growth, and aim to strengthen
and empower their community. KYCC's purpose is clear: to provide essential resources and
support systems that promote education, well-being, and community cohesion. Through
after-school programs, tutoring, and mentorship initiatives, KYCC equips young people with the
tools they need to succeed academically and personally. Furthermore, the organization's
commitment to addressing broader community issues such as affordable housing and mental
health reflects its comprehensive approach to social advocacy and support. KYCC's impact on
the community is profound, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among residents of
Koreatown and beyond. If I were to be part of KYCC, I envision myself playing a vital role in
amplifying the organization's efforts, whether through direct involvement in educational
programs, or by volunteering my time and skills. Due to that I already have prior experience with
educational programs like tutoring, which I gave during my sophomore year at my school, I
would greatly excel in this area. I would have aimed to contribute to KYCC's mission while also
gaining personal fulfillment and a deeper connection to my community. This center not only
contributes to Asian-Americans in Koreatown but it also opens the door to a lot of hispanic
people, creating such an extensive diversity and richness of cultures, adding to the greatness of

The purpose of the Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC) is multifaceted and deeply
rooted in addressing the diverse needs of the Korean-American community in Los Angeles.
Firstly, KYCC is committed to providing comprehensive support to youth and families,
particularly focusing on educational advancement and personal development. This includes
offering after-school programs, tutoring, and mentoring initiatives to empower young people
academically and socially. Additionally, KYCC serves as a vital resource hub for community
members, offering services such as affordable housing assistance and mental health counseling.

While the primary focus of the Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC) is to serve the
Korean-American community, its impact extends beyond ethnic boundaries, providing
significant benefits to the broader Hispanic community in Los Angeles as well. KYCC's services,
such as affordable housing assistance, mental health counseling, and job training programs, are
accessible to all residents regardless of their ethnic background. Many Hispanics living in the
vicinity of Koreatown may face similar socio-economic challenges, and KYCC's resources offer
valuable support to them.

For the Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC), I envision myself playing a multifaceted
role that aligns with the organization's mission and addresses the diverse needs of the
community. Firstly, I see myself actively engaging in educational programs, such as tutoring and
mentoring, where I can leverage my skills and knowledge to support youth in their academic
pursuits. By providing personalized assistance and guidance, I aim to empower young people to
reach their full potential and excel academically.
Volunteering for the Koreatown Youth Community Center (KYCC) would offer me numerous
personal benefits that align with my values and aspirations. Firstly, I would find immense
satisfaction in knowing that I am making a tangible difference in the lives of young people and
families in my community.The opportunity to contribute to KYCC's mission of empowerment
and support would provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment that extends beyond personal gain.
Moreover, volunteering with KYCC would allow me to broaden my horizons and deepen my
understanding of cultural diversity and social issues. By interacting with individuals from diverse
backgrounds and working collaboratively to address community needs, I would gain valuable
insights and perspectives that enrich my own worldview and deepen my empathy and

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