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[2019 – 6149] PALMA, QUENEVERE OONA S.

CVE 165 - I15.2 (7:30-9:00 TFR), 2ND Term (2023 – 2024)

The Valdivia Earthquake

On May 22, 1960, the magnitude 9.5 earthquake hit Chile, and is known as the most
powerful seismic events ever recorded in the world’s history. In this case study, it intends to
examine the causes, impacts and the aftermath of this tragic event, revealing lessons learned and
its long-lasting effect on current seismic risk management.

Just like the Philippines, Chile is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire; which they
experience much more seismic and volcanic events than any part of the world. Chile experiences
regular earthquakes because it is situated at the borderline of the South American and Nazca
tectonic plates. From assessments, the affected zone stretched anywhere from 500 kilometers
(311 miles) to almost 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) along the country’s coast. This event was
named after the city which is most affected by the shaking, Valdivia. The Valdivia earthquake
occurred as a result of the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate along
the Peru-Chile Trench.

The earthquake’s epicenter was located to the coast of south-central Chile, and near the
city of Valdivia. First, the earthquake occurred beside the border of the Nazca and South
American tectonic plates, where the Nazca Plate is subducting beneath the South American
Plate. The enormous pressure and friction between these plates built up over prolonged time,
eventually releasing in a massive seismic activity.

Second, Chile's geographical location in the Pacific Ring of Fire makes it highly prone to
earthquakes and volcanic activity. The country's wide coastline is particularly vulnerable to
tsunamis produced by underwater seismic events like what happened in the 1960 earthquake.

Furthermore, the specific geology of the region, including the presence of the Peru-Chile
Trench and the Chile Rise, amplified the earthquake's intensity. The combination of factors such
as the depth of the earthquake's focus, the type of fault rupture, and the local soil conditions
contributed to the severity of the event.

On May 22, 1960, the magnitude 9.5 earthquake hit Chile, and is known as the most
powerful seismic events ever recorded in the world’s history. In this case study, it intends to
examine the causes, impacts and the aftermath of this tragic event, revealing lessons learned and
its long-lasting effect on current seismic risk management. The Valdivia earthquake was caused
by decades of tectonic stress along the boundary between the plates. This sudden relief resulted
in uplift of the seafloor causing a huge tsunami with height up to 25 meters which spread across
the Pacific Ocean. Places like Valdivia, Concepción and Puerto Montt that are located on the
coastal line were destroyed, even community perished. Elsewhere, it also destroyed Hilo town in
Hawai’i killing 61 people; New Zealand, parts of Japan and Philippines as well.

The total death toll rose above five thousand while tens thousands others suffered injuries
or ended up homeless. Rescue and relief efforts were hampered by destroyed infrastructure such
as roads, bridges and buildings. Right after the quake occurred, Chilean authorities conducted
exhaustive search and rescue operations with international help. Temporary shelters were
arranged for those displaced while medical teams worked non-stop treating injured people.
Long-term recovery plans focused on three areas namely infrastructure rebuilding, seismic
strengthening measures and better enforcement of building codes against future dangers. The

[2019 – 6149] PALMA, QUENEVERE OONA S.
CVE 165 - I15.2 (7:30-9:00 TFR), 2ND Term (2023 – 2024)

1960 earthquake served as a cause for advancements in earthquake engineering and disaster
preparedness not only in Chile but also globally.

● Importance of Seismic Design

The earthquake highlighted the critical need for seismic-resistant design in buildings and
infrastructure. Structures that adhered to strict seismic codes suffered significantly less damage
compared to those that didn't.

● Building Material Quality

The quality of construction materials proved to be crucial during the earthquake.

Buildings constructed with inferior materials experienced more severe damage, emphasizing the
importance of using high-quality, durable materials in seismic zones. Ensuring rigorous quality
control measures throughout the construction process is essential for enhancing structural

• Design of a Foundation

The earthquake underscored the significance of proper foundation design. Buildings with
robust foundations exhibited greater resilience to ground motion, whereas those with inadequate
foundations were more prone to collapse or structural failure

• Risk Assessment and Land Use Planning

This tragedy brought to light the importance of risk assessment and land use planning. By
identifying such areas as liquefaction, landslides or tsunamis, it helps authorities tighten their
building regulations and zoning ordinances. Moreover, sustainable development practices can
reduce seismic vulnerability and potential losses.

• Public Education and Preparedness

For community resilience promotion, public awareness about earthquake hazards linked with
preparedness is important. Since Chilean quake took place, campaigns were initiated educating
citizens on matters like evacuation procedures, emergency response protocols, building safety
measures et cetera. Through the provision of information or other resources communities can
become stronger in terms of future quakes resistance.

• Incorporating New Technologies

Technology developments provide new ways that can enhance seismic resilience in
construction. These include advanced simulation tools used for structural analysis as well as real-
time monitoring systems that detect any structural abnormalities through integration with
cutting-edge technologies that will improve the capability to design safe buildings and
infrastructure. Embracing digitalization and incorporating Building Information Modeling (BIM)
can streamline the design, construction, and maintenance processes, ultimately enhancing
seismic performance.

[2019 – 6149] PALMA, QUENEVERE OONA S.
CVE 165 - I15.2 (7:30-9:00 TFR), 2ND Term (2023 – 2024)

● International Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

The earthquake emphasized the importance of international collaboration and knowledge

sharing in disaster risk reduction. Engineers, researchers, and policymakers worldwide
exchanged insights, best practices, and lessons learned from the Chilean earthquake to enhance
global seismic resilience efforts. Collaborative initiatives, such as joint research projects and
capacity-building programs, facilitate the transfer of expertise and promote solidarity in
addressing seismic risks.

This mega earthquake in Chile in 1960 showed us some very important things about how
we build infrastructures, like towers and bridges. One big lesson was that buildings need to be
built strong so they don't fall down during earthquakes. Before this earthquake, many buildings
weren't made to handle such strong shaking, so they broke easily. Afterward, rules were made to
make buildings stronger, like using tougher materials and better designs.

Also, we learned that where we build things and what the ground is like underneath really
matters. Some areas have soft ground that can turn into liquid when shaken hard, making
buildings sink or fall. So, engineers started to check the ground more carefully before building
and use special techniques to make it stronger.

When an earthquake happens, it's also really important to be ready to help people quickly
and fix things fast. We learned we need to check buildings to see if they're safe and teach people
what to do in an earthquake.

The earthquake also showed us that our roads, power lines, and other important stuff can
get messed up during earthquakes, making it hard for us to help each other and get things back to
normal. So, we started building things stronger and making plans to fix them faster after an

Finally, the earthquake made us think more about how to make buildings and other
structures safer in earthquakes. We started studying earthquakes more and inventing new ways to
build things so they don't get damaged as much.

Overall, the big earthquake in Chile in 1960 taught us a lot about making buildings and
infrastructure safer in earthquakes, and these lessons have helped us build stronger and safer
communities around the world.

The magnitude 9.5 earthquake that struck Chile in 1960 remains etched in history as one
of the most powerful and devastating seismic events of the 20th century. Its profound impacts
reverberated far beyond the borders of Chile, shaping seismic risk management practices and
inspiring resilience-building efforts worldwide. As we confront the growing threat of natural
disasters in an increasingly interconnected world, the lessons learned from the 1960 earthquake
serve as a reminder of the imperative to prioritize disaster preparedness, invest in resilient
infrastructure, and foster collaboration and solidarity in the face of adversity.

[2019 – 6149] PALMA, QUENEVERE OONA S.
CVE 165 - I15.2 (7:30-9:00 TFR), 2ND Term (2023 – 2024)


Pallardy, Richard. "Chile earthquake of 1960". Encyclopedia Britannica, 6 Dec. 2023, Accessed 19 March 2024.

“Largest Earthquake Recorded - World’s Biggest Earthquake.” Editors. “Huge Earthquake Hits Chile.” HISTORY, 21 Aug. 2018.

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