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Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

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Microevolution of medically important mosquitoes – A review T

Lincoln Suesdek
Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brazil 1500, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05503-900, Brazil
Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar 470, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05403-000, Brazil


Keywords: This review intends to discuss central issues regarding the microevolution of mosquito (Culicidae) vectors of
Culicidae several pathogens and how this process impacts vector biology, disease transmission, and vector control at-
Vector-borne diseases tempts. On the microevolutionary context, it comparatively discusses the current knowledge on the population
Evolution genetics of representatives of the genera Aedes, Anopheles and Culex, and comments on insecticide resistance of
culicids. It also discusses other biological aspects of culicids that are not usually addressed in microevolutionary
studies, such as vectorial competence, endosymbiosis, and wing morphology. One conclusion is that mosquitoes
are highly genetically variable, adaptable, fast evolving, and have versatile vectorial competence. Unveiling
microevolutionary patterns is fundamental for the design and maintenance of all control programs. Sampling
methods for assessing microevolution must be standardized and must follow meaningful guidelines, such as
those of “landscape genetics”. A good understanding of microevolution requires more than a collection of case
studies on population genetics and resistance. Future research could deal not only with the microevolution sensu
stricto, but also with evolutionarily meaningful issues, such as inheritable characters, epigenetics, physiological
cost-free plasticity, vector immunity, symbiosis, pathogen-mosquito co-evolution and environmental variables. A
genotyping panel for seeking adaptive phenotypes as part of the standardization of population genetics methods
is proposed. The investigative paradigm should not only be retrospective but also prospective, despite the un-
predictability of evolution. If we integrate all suggestions to tackle mosquito evolution, a global revolution to
counter vector-borne diseases can be provoked.

1. Introduction representatives of the genera Aedes, Anopheles and Culex and compare
them when feasible. To illustrate how microevolution occurs in
This review intends to discuss central issues on the microevolution Culicidae, typical examples, such as cases of genetic population struc-
(evolution of populations within a species) of mosquitoes (Culicidae) ture and development of insecticide resistance are addressed.
vectors of several pathogens and how this process impacts vector There are also comments on other biological aspects of culicids not
biology and epidemiology. The present work is neither a complete re- usually addressed in microevolutionary studies, such as vectorial
view of state-of-the-art microevolutionary studies, nor is the result of an competence, endosymbiosis, and wing morphology. The inclusion of
exhaustive literature search; however, it provides a critical opinion on these alternative biological characters is justified by the fact that many
some key facts. of them are plastic, heritable or epigenetic, such that they cannot be
This theme has been repeatedly addressed in scientific and technical neglected in evolutionary approaches. Finally, as microevolution is an
literature, but in general it is mostly covered by independent case obstacle to vector control and enhances disease spread, the impacts of
studies of population genetics which are mostly atemporal and not microevolution on vector control and epidemiology are here-
connected with other academic approaches. Moreover, many biological inconsidered.
traits, which may be raw materials for the microevolution of culicids, The medical relevance and biological complexity of mosquitoes
such as plasticity, morphology, heritability, host-parasite interaction justify the need for a permanent investigation into their microevolution.
and endosymbiosis, have been underrepresented or sometimes under- Culicids are protagonists of the transmission of dozens of human and
estimated in this context. animal pathogens including viruses, protozoans, worms and even tumor
The next sections present comparative discussions of traditional cells (Benelli et al., 2016). Some diseases whose aetiological agents are
points such as current knowledge on population genetics of vectored by mosquitoes, such as Dengue and Malaria, affect hundreds

Corresponding author at: Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brazil 1500, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05503-900, Brazil.
E-mail address:
Received 8 August 2018; Received in revised form 8 November 2018; Accepted 6 December 2018
Available online 07 December 2018
0001-706X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Suesdek Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

of thousands of people worldwide and cause thousands of deaths anu- methodological advancements, the geographical and ecological com-
ally. Severe morbidities are also frequent, as occurred in the Zika out- prehensiveness of most studies are still insufficient to yield epidemio-
break in the Americas (Cugola et al., 2016), when Zika viruses vectored logically meaningful conclusions about populations of a given mosquito
by Aedes aegypti (Linneaus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) caused mi- species. Sampling has also been problematic as most authors hapha-
crocephaly in thousands of newborns, a congenital syndrome char- zardly choose populational samples, without observing methods vali-
acterized by head underdevelopment. dated for ecological sciences. Commonly, population structure patterns
As therapies and vaccines are not yet well stablished for most are assigned to unequally sampled metapopulations from under-
mosquito-borne diseases, much effort must be focused towards mos- represented biomes, which lead to biased or inconclusive findings.
quito control and surveillance. Vector control, in itself, is so challenging Disappointingly, the field is still experiencing the Tower of Babel phe-
that control programs have to be continuously reformulated and even nomenon (Caterino et al., 2000), a lack of standardized markers, which
more comprehensive approaches have been proposed (Araujo et al., jeopardizes further comparisons, meta-analyses and generalistic inter-
2015; Benelli and Beier, 2017). Hereafter, we discuss how our knowl- pretations.
edge of vector biology and control can benefit from deepening and A possible solution to these problems would be to re-design these
integrating microevolutionary studies. studies using the ecological sampling guidelines recommended by the
“landscape genetics” (Manel et al., 2003) and other methods used in
2. Microevolution Ecology (Kuno, 1991; Broquet and Petit, 2009). By linking formal cri-
teria for sampling with dispersion models based on the environment
Microevolution is a dynamic evolutionary process by which genetic and a robust population genetics, one would obtain more meaningful
allele frequencies change under the taxonomic level of species (popu- epidemiology results. Population genetics studies, if conceived under
lations). The genetic events involved in microevolution include natural/ the light of Ecology and its comprising elements such as human activ-
artificial selection, mutation, gene flow and genetic drift, being that the ities, climate, and landscape physiognomy, can help estimate, for ex-
process can lead to speciation and occur in short periods of time, in ample, the complete scenario of gene flow, the geographical extension
contrast to macroevolution, above the level of species (reviews avail- of a given genotype, the limits of metapopulations, where control
able in Mayr, 1942; Hendry and Kinnison, 2001). methods are more prone to fail, etc.
A variety of empirical and experimental approaches can detect Population genetics has also been used to describe, explicate and
microevolutionary patterns and processes. Static or dynamic observa- predict the spread of insecticide resistance genes, but this approach is
tion of genotypes and phenotypes in populations, particularly popula- still tame. Neutral markers are often used for investigating micro-
tion genetics, often reveals the occurrence of microevolution. Even evolution from the academic angle, but loci under selection such as
macroevolutionary markers such as DNA barcoding may expose mi- those with resistance alleles, should also be included because they may
croevolutionary signals, as with the intraspecific divergence in the cy- be applied in vector control practices.
tochrome oxidase 1 gene of some species (Murugan et al., 2016; All the above-mentioned improvements must be accompanied by a
Karthika et al., 2018). rigorous standardization of biological markers, as suggested by
From the human point of view, many mosquito species evolve ra- Caterino et al. (2000), in an attempt to avoid the “Tower of Babel”
pidly owing to the short generations, large numbers of offspring, high effect. In the particular case of medically-important culicids, genetic
mobility and high genetic variability. Evolution in some species may markers for key phenotypes such as vectorial competence, resistance
occur within short periods, such that one can witness changes in in- and other evolvable features (discussed in the next sections) must be
secticide tolerance, vectorial competence or reproductive behavior in gathered in a genotyping panel. Such panel should be employed in all
just a few years. Traits observed in culicids like anthropophily, do- future studies to unveil microevolution that is really significant to
mestication and urbanization are also manifestations of microevolution. epidemiology.
Thus, when microevolution changes the way a mosquito reacts to the The state-of-the-art of this field, composed of hundreds of available
environment, control actions may lose efficacy. In the cases, micro- papers denotes that the most studied Culicidae genera are Aedes,
evolution becomes a barrier to vector control, which is important for Anopheles and Culex (Web Of Science, 2018) bibliographic database.
pathogens dispersal. Accordingly, we comment on key evolutionary facts regarding these
three genera, with emphasis on some of the main pathogen-vector
3. Population genetics species.

Population genetics is the main methodological approach to assess 3.1. Aedes

central themes of microevolution, such as population structure, genetic
variability and phylogeography. This field has been extensively revised The genus Aedes harbours some of the most relevant vector species
in medically important culicids (Tabachnick, 1991; Urdaneta-Marquez worldwide. One of them, Aedes aegypti, a vector of several for arbo-
and Failloux, 2011). Based on the Web Of Science (2018) bibliographic viruses, is genetically rich either in absolute terms or in comparison to
database, population genetics has been applied to mosquito evolution other Culicidae species, as revised by Urdaneta-Marquez and Failloux
investigations since as far as back the 1960s. Until nearly the 1990s, the (2011). One of the most geographically comprehensive research papers
general approach towards this used to be characterizing karyotypes, on Ae. aegypti (Gloria-Soria et al., 2016a) shows its enormous genetic
isoenzymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA of a few popula- variability and the remarkable differentiation between its sylvatic (Ae.
tions in small geographic areas. Between the years 1990–2010 s, more aegypti. formosus) and domestic (Ae. aegypti aegypti) forms in Africa,
geographically comprehensive studies were carried out using mi- where the species presumably originated.
tochondrial, nuclear, and microsatellite DNA markers. More recently, In areas where Ae. aegypti is exotic, namely Asia, Europe, and
studies started focusing on addressing macrogeographic scales, using Americas despite the genetic drifts and bottlenecks resultant from being
more representative samples and panels of thousands of DNA single introduced, high levels of nucleotide richness and haplotype diversity
nucleotide polymorphisms. Microgeographic studies are still being as well as multiple coexisting introduced lineages are commonly found
carried out, taking the advantage of an extensive variety of genetic (Gorrochotegui-Escalante et al., 2002; Ayres et al., 2004; Bracco et al.,
markers to describe cases of locally restricted evolutionary patterns 2007). Population structure in exotic Ae. aegypti is usually found
(Simonato et al., 2016). (Urdaneta-Marquez and Failloux, 2011) and genetic diversity of this
Hundreds of papers on the population genetics of Culicidae have species appears to be high even on a microgeographical scale (Ayres
been published, but despite decades of accumulated knowledge and et al., 2004). A usual interpretation is that the original variability of Ae.

L. Suesdek Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

aegypti in Africa is very high. This arguably supported the variability of our already mentioned suggestion of landscape genetics for deciphering
the exported exotic populations and it may be considered an example of microevolution of Anopheles in the epidemiological context.
retention of polymorphism. Concerning microevolutionary rates and times, several disruptive
In the Americas, Ae. aegypti underwent a complex life history since and stabilizing events have been estimated to have occurred in the
its earliest introductions in the XVI century. It was eradicated in several Anopheles genus in the Pleistocene (Matthews et al., 2007; Mirabello
countries by the middle of the XX century owing to a Pan-American and Conn, 2008; Scarpassa and Conn, 2011), but contemporary and
effort enhanced by DDT insecticide, but despite that success, re-in- seasonal haplotypic fluctuations were also reported (Angella et al.,
festation occurred just a few decades later probably by invasion from 2007).
neighboring areas (Kotsakiozi et al., 2017) or overseas (Bracco et al.,
2007). In addition to that turbulent population dynamics, particularly 3.3. Culex
in Brazil, the population genetics of this species have become even more
complex due to contemporary introductions from abroad via sea ports This genus also has taxonomic complexes. The most prominent is
(Bracco et al., 2007). These facts illustrate the resilience of this species the Culex pipiens Assemblage (sensu Harbach, 2012), which comprises
and its ability to invade and adapt fast. Cx. pipiens Linneaus, Cx. quinquefasciatus Say, Cx. molestus Forskål, Cx.
Most commonly, genetic divergence in this species is not correlated pallens Coquilett and Cx. australicus Dobrotworsky & Drummond, also
with geographical distance, and gene flow is geographically restricted, vectors of several pathogens. The assemblage might be even more
although opposite cases are also found (Gorrochotegui-Escalante et al., complex as it may contain other uncharacterized taxa (Cornel et al.,
2000, 2002). In contrast to its regionalized gene flow, Ae. aegypti is very 2012; Dumas et al., 2016).
spreadable from the ecological standpoint, but important geographical Hybrid zones between representatives of the Cx. pipiens Assemblage
barriers such as wide water bodies may negatively impact its gene flow occur in North America (Fonseca et al., 2004; Kent et al., 2007), South
(Vadivalagan et al., 2016). America (Humeres et al., 1998; Farajollahi et al., 2011; Carvalho et al.,
It is also noteworthy that Ae. aegypti evolves fast. In fact, Ae. aegypti 2017), Africa (Farajollahi et al., 2011; Shaikevich et al., 2016), Europe
has become anthropophilic, domestic and has rapidly colonized other (Becker et al., 2012; Osorio et al., 2014), Middle East (Harbach, 2012),
areas outside Africa in the last 4000 years, mostly influenced by human Eastern Asia (Shaikevich et al., 2016), and Australia (Farajollahi et al.,
activities (Powell and Tabachnick, 2013; Brown et al., 2014). The 2011). Introgression does not happen in all hybrid zones, but when
successful spread and adaptation of Ae. aegypti in some cases have been present, it influences microevolution as it combines genes and produces
even faster, as genetic and behavioral changes occurred within a few diversity. In Europe, introgression between Cx. molestus and Cx. pipiens
decades (Brown et al., 2014; Gloria-Soria et al., 2016a, b). The con- yield novelties on biting behavior (Ciota et al., 2013) and between Cx.
generic Ae. albopictus is also genetic rich, invasive, and adaptable (Chen pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus (Shaikevich et al., 2016), diverse gen-
et al., 2015) otypes. In Asia, there is documented introgression between Cx. pallens
and Cx. quinquefasciatus (Fonseca et al., 2009). The introgression in-
3.2. Anopheles volving Cx. pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus is especially problematic
because hybrids may combine the human-biter behavior of Cx. quin-
Remarkably, this genus of exclusive vectors of human malaria has quefasciatus with the vectorial competence to the West Nile virus of Cx.
cases of species complexes undergoing incipient speciation, partial re- pipiens, and enhance the spread of this pathogen in North America
productive isolation and introgression (Powell et al., 1999; Walton (Fonseca et al., 2004; Ciota et al., 2013; Brugman et al., 2018).
et al., 2001; Moreno et al., 2007), which enormously contribute to Many research articles discuss the genetic variability of re-
genetic variability and microevolution. The most prominent complex is presentatives of the Cx. pipiens Assemblage, but there is a lack of meta-
Anopheles gambiae s.l. analyses and reviews. This, added to the complexity of the Assemblage,
Population genetics of representatives of the genus Anopheles has make it difficult to describe a global scenario of population genetics for
been broadly investigated, and species generally present great diversity, that taxa. Another issue is that studies use several different genetic
as exemplified by several research papers (Walton et al., 2001; Pinto markers with distinct evolutionary rates, such as mitochondrial and
et al., 2002; Kayondo et al., 2005; Oshaghi et al., 2007; Poolprasert nuclear DNA (Toews and Brelsford, 2012). In some cases, sampling
et al., 2008; Brochero et al., 2010; Deitz et al., 2012; Sarma et al., 2012; sizes, genetic and geographical representativity are unstandardized and
Markianos et al., 2016) and documented in reviews (Manguin et al., variable making it difficult to compare studies.
2008; Loaiza et al., 2012). Anopheles gambiae s.s. Giles is perhaps the A global study of Culex quinquefasciatus revealed that Asian and East
most genetically polymorphic species hitherto known; individuals may African populations have higher allelic richness than populations from
bear 1.7–2.7 million variant alleles, as reported by a comprehensive the Americas, West Africa and other parts of the word (Fonseca et al.,
research paper (Miles et al., 2017). 2006). Presumably, the origin of this cosmopolite species is East Africa
The main Anopheles species have not migrated across biogeo- (Harbach, 2012), but populations from other biogeographic regions
graphical regions as some species of Aedes and Culex have, rather, their were introduced, which somehow resembles the case of Ae. aegypti.
diversification is more local. One exception to this was the transient However, gene flow is usually geographically broader in Cx. quinque-
establishment of Anopheles gambiae s.l. in Brazil during the 1930s, fasciatus (Lõhmus et al., 2012; Morais et al., 2012).
which was later eradicated (Tauil et al., 1985; Levine et al., 2004). Low genetic variability of Cx. quinquefasciatus was reported in
These peculiarities of this genus are also manifested in other bio- several places worldwide, (Pfeiler et al., 2013; Ashfaq et al., 2014; Low
geographical regions. Anopheles species with differential vectorial ca- et al., 2014; Werblow et al., 2014; Vadivalagan et al., 2017), but cases
pacities among populations or comprising cryptic genetic taxa have of higher levels of mitochondrial diversity also exist (Sharma et al.,
been widely detected in Asia (Sinka et al., 2011). In South America, 2010). On the other hand, Culex pipiens from the Po river delta
cryptic species are present (Loaiza et al., 2012) and the broad dis- (southern Europe), a place with insecticide-free natural habitats, pre-
tribution of Anopheles darlingi is marked by highly structured popula- sented higher genetic diversity and population variability (Simonato
tions in Amazonia (Campos et al., 2017a). et al., 2016).
Environmental variables such as geographic distance, barriers and
landscape continuity are decisive in shaping the genetic population 4. Insecticide resistance
structure of An. gambiae s.l (Walton et al., 2000; Miles et al., 2017).
Human activity is also recognized to impact microevolution of this Resistance to xenobiotics is probably the most eloquent and docu-
species (Costantini et al., 1999; Miles et al., 2017). These facts reinforce mented example of rapid microevolution in Culicidae (Hemingway and

L. Suesdek Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

Ranson, 2000; Srivastava et al., 2010; Liu, 2015). Mosquitoes have are not selectively neutral, but they should be unveiled and included in
notably developed resistance to many insecticides during the last dec- a genotyping panel for tracking adaptation to human habitats.
ades, which is a really short period in evolutionary terms. Heritability
and resistance mechanisms have been investigated for decades (Liu, 6. Genetic control of vectors
2015) and currently, several genes present in the maintaxa (Aedes,
Anopheles and Culex) are enough for detoxifying several insecticides In a simplistic view, if genetic control of mosquitoes is about
(Coetzee and Koekemoer, 2013; Nkya et al., 2014; Moyes et al., 2017; cheating evolution (Champer et al., 2016), their natural microevolution
Ingham et al., 2018). is a limiting factor to this method (Alphey, 2014). Genetic control
This phenomenon is also a clear example of how human behavior methods in a broad sense, such as Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT),
alters mosquito evolution (Failloux and Rodhain, 1999). Studies of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), Release of Insects carrying a Dominant
spread and stability of resistance genes show that the presence of the Lethal (RIDL), etc., are not microevolution-proof and are, thus, con-
insecticide (selective pressure) is usually a sine qua non condition for stantly subjected to resistance (Alphey, 2014; Leftwich et al., 2016).
maintening of resistance (Liu, 2015). Thus, as natural selection acts on Indeed, many authors agree that the population genetics of the target
these genes, the inclusion of genetic markers that encompass them is species for genetic control should first be finely assessed (Alphey, 2014;
strongly recommended in microevolutionary studies. In principle, as Gloria-Soria et al., 2016a).
mosquitoes can evolutionarily increase their refractoriness to in- Genetic-based demographic estimates such as effective population
secticides, they can overcome other control methods, co-evolve with size, gene flow and number of migrants are mandatory parameters to be
pathogens, and adapt to rapid environmental changes. In fact, most of known before, during and after applying a genetic control action, as the
these processes have already been seen in nature. effectiveness and/or spread of the released genetic trait will directly
Resistance severely impacts microevolution, vector control, and depend on them (Gloria-Soria et al., 2016a; Saarman et al., 2017).
epidemiology. The need for an accumulative listing of resistance genes Notedly, they show discrepancies when contrasted to non-genetic de-
is already recognized (Donnelly et al., 2016). It is strongly re- mographic estimates, which sometimes makes them difficult to apply in
commended that specialists in this field update shareable repositories of practice. In spite of its limitations, genetic population parameters are
resistance genes (Moyes et al., 2017). These databases should be fed not dispensable in mosquito demographics because they provide a
with quantitative and qualitative information on alleles (as those de- useful notion of major genetic effects, breeding structure and re-
scribed by Weetman et al., 2010) and linked to a genotyping panel for production mode of a population prior to or poster to any control
investigating population genetics and microevolution. program be applied (Pinto et al., 2002; Athrey et al., 2012; Saarman
et al., 2017; Pierson et al., 2018). All of these parameters should be
5. Domestication and adaptation accomplished in a temporal perspective. In general terms, current
considerations also apply to issues mentioned in the section “Wolba-
In Culicidae, domestication, and more importantly, urbanization, chia”.
are conspicuous results of microevolution. Cases of domestication, ur- Another concern to be considered is how genetic control may alter
banization and anthropophily are frequent (Costantini et al., 1999; microevolution of mosquitoes. Especially in cases of population sub-
Multini et al., 2016; Medeiros-Sousa et al., 2017; Shragai et al., 2017) stitution, when genes of interest are inserted in a natural population,
and natural selection of genes correlated to domestication have been there is no a definitive prediction of how the novel genes will impact
reported. subsequent microevolution of the targeted population. Theoretically,
It is reasonable to think that domestication is a pre-adaptation since many genes are epistatic, the possibility of a negative impact
(sensu Ridley, 2004) of the anthropophilic Ae. aegypti and Cx. quin- cannot be ruled out. Even in cases of population suppression, as no
queafsciatus, some of the few species capable of living in the most ur- strategy is immune to evolution, it is very important to estimate if the
banized metropoles. The urban environment is dramatically different pressure of lethal genes can drive natural populations in an unwanted
from nature. It has several constraints and selective pressures which evolutionary direction. Mathematical models, empirical studies, field
were not present when the early diversification events of these species and semi-field may help cover these concerns. Safety of genetic control
took place (> 1 mya). The genetic richness of these species might allow has been carefully discussed (Carballar-Lejarazu and James, 2017).
them to rapidly adapt to contemporary habitats.
Knowledge on the genetic bases of domestication in culicids is still 7. Vector-pathogen coevolution
arid, which opens an important scientific field. It is uncertain why some
species can develop in anthropic habitats whereas others can not. A Vector-pathogen interactions encompass classic cases of coevolu-
good hypothesis to be investigated in this field is that more diverse tion. Bearing in mind that in this co-evolutionary system, vectors are in
species are more prone to adapt to domestic habitats. However, this fact hosts, many interpretations resulting from host-parasite ecology are
issue appears to be more complex when we compare some neotropical valid for this discussion.
species. There are cases of highly variable species that became do- Resistance to pathogens has adaptive value for mosquitoes, but
mesticated recently, such as Aedes scapularis Rondani (Petersen et al., pathogens in turn, also suffer selection and may adapt to vectors
2015), whereas others remained sylvatic despite their genetic richness, (Hansen and Koella, 2003; Barillas-Mury and Kumar, 2005). This kind
as seen in Anopheles cruzii Dyar and Knab (Lorenz et al., 2014). of co-evolution usually tends to reach reciprocal survival status by
Natural selection, adaptation, and other elements may be involved means of finely equilibrating virulence, tolerance, and resistance
in the evolution of domestication observed in culicids. As advocated by (Cohuet et al., 2010). This complex evolutionary balance has been
Reznick and Ghalambor (2001), when an invasive species colonizes a studied in practice (Cohuet et al., 2010) and in theory (Gandon and
new environment with new food sources, habitat, and predators, it is Michalakis, 2002; Restif and Koella, 2004), and although this theme is
subjected to new selective pressures and may evolve rapidly. Yet ac- far from being satisfactorily understood, it is largely accepted that
cording to those authors, rapid adaptive evolution may also take place viruses, protozoans, and worms may affect mosquitoes´ microevolution
in populations with complex genetic structures living in their original (Cohuet et al., 2010).
heterogeneous environments. Rapid evolution are exemplified by cases Intuitive thinking could lead to the belief that the relevance of pa-
where habitats were disturbed by anthropic activity. thogens to the microevolution of insect vectors is marginal. Prevalence
In this context, maybe the finest question to be answered would be of most pathogens in mosquitoes is low, as observed in Dengue, Zika,
what gene allelles confer adaptability for “living among humans”. Yellow fever, Plasmodium, etc., such that it is difficult to conceive how
Differently from the usual genetic markers for evolution, such alleles just a few infected individuals can affect the evolution of such

L. Suesdek Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

demographically rich insects.

However, several models and cases demonstrate that even low
prevalent parasites can shape host evolution, mainly in instances where
the ecological host-parasite association are recent (May and Anderson,
1979). According to those authors, the equilibrium between resistance
and tolerance of insects to a new pathogen takes some time to develop.
During that period, the species is more sensitive to pathogen-driven
selection. This theory raises concerns about the recent introduction of
Zika virus in South America, considering the promotion promotion of
new ecological interactions with Ae. aegypti, humans, sylvatic primates
and maybe sylvatic mosquitoes (Terzian et al., 2018). This new scenario
may culminate in rapid mosquito microevolution and the consequences
can be dramatic. Hence, studies integrating genetics, ecology and epi-
demiology are urgent in this case.
Vectorial competence is widely spread in the family Culicidae and
many species share competence to the same pathogens. It would be a
significant contribution to knowledge if all the genetic determinants for Fig. 1. Graphical representation of a morphospace of two principal components
vectorial competence were identified. Genetic vector control could of the wing shape of Aedes aegypti. Shape coordinates were extracted from the
benefit from this finding by designing antagonistic “gene drive” solu- geometrical positions of 18 wing landmarks (as defined by Petersen et al.,
tions with a broad phylogenetic spectrum. 2015). Populational samples (with 10 individuals each) H and L showed high
The fact that vectorial competence is partly genetically determined and low dispersal of individuals in the plot, which means high and low mor-
(Fansiri et al., 2013; Juneja et al., 2015; Souza-Neto et al., 2019) is a phological diversities, respectivelly. The genetic variability (not shown) of H is
reason to include it in the list of central elements of mosquito micro- consistently higher than that of L. This simplistic example illustrates the partial
correlation between morphological and genetic markers.
evolution. Similarly, vector capacity traits and other heritable char-
acters related to host-vector or vector-pathogen interactions should be
considered as raw materials for microevolution. One may cite mosquito estimators. The usual outcome of this estimator and its interpretation
immunity and chemosensory genes as examples (Neafsey et al., 2015). are depicted in Fig. 1.
Owing to the informativeness and rapid evolution of wings, re-
8. Wing shape positories of wing data have been encouraged (Dujardin et al., 2010).
The recently launched WingBank (Lorenz et al., 2017), a database of
Wing shape in Culicidae is a complex character apparently de- ∼14,000 wing pictures, aims to document wing shape worldwide over
termined by polygenic inheritance and it is species-specific (Dujardin, time and to provide a connection between scientists and non-academic
2008; Lorenz et al., 2017). The wing outline is probably constrained by health professionals for identifying mosquito populations and species.
canalization, but the internal relative positions of the wing veins may The next developmental step of WingBank should be to incorporate an
be selectively neutral (Dujardin, 2008; Lorenz et al., 2017). Theoreti- automated system for the identification of samples (i.e. individuals,
cally, wings are good models for studying microevolution, and in populations, species).
practice, many examples confirm that.
In the neotropical Anopheles darlingi Root (Motoki et al., 2012) and 9. Wolbachia
Ae. aegypti (Vidal and Suesdek, 2012), wing shape revealed population
structure, although the distances between intraspecific populations do These endosymbiotic bacteria manipulate the reproduction and
not correlate to their genetic distances. Microgeographic population physiology of mosquitoes, and can alter host evolution (Werren et al.,
structure can also be assessed using wing shape, as observed in Culex 2008). Wolbachia may have a central role in insect speciation
nigripalpus Theobald (Carvalho et al., 2017) and Anopheles cruzii (Bordenstein et al., 2001), as reported in Cx. pipiens from South Africa
(Lorenz et al., 2014). (Dumas et al., 2016) and Cx. pipiens pallens in China (Chen et al., 2013).
Morphometric evaluation of wing shape during short periods The population genetics parameters can be altered by the presence
showed that 4 years (Vidal et al., 2012) and 14 months (Louise et al., of Wolbachia. By natural means, variability of mitochondrial DNA may
2015) were sufficient for Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti (respectively) to be diminished in Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes (Rasgon et al., 2006;
accumulate wing shape changes. In the case of Ae. aegypti (Louise et al., Morais et al., 2012). Lateral gene transfer between Wolbachia and
2015), microsatellite DNA variation accompanied wing microevolution mosquitoes are also a source of genetic novelties.
during the same interim. Owing to its potential to interfere in the host´s general biology,
Thus, many evidences point to the fact that wings are indicators of Wolbachia has been used as a tool to reduce vectorial competence in
microevolution in Culicidae. Although most quantitative parameters mosquitoes. Artificially-infected lineages of Ae. aegypti have been re-
obtained from genetics cannot be retrieved from wings (Dujardin, leased in-field, introducing new phenotypes and successfully changing
2008), morphometric description of wing shape is cheap and can serve the genetic background of natural mosquito populations (Fraser et al.,
as a preliminary assessment of evolutionary patterns (Dujardin, 2008; 2017; Flores and O’Neill, 2018).
Lorenz et al., 2017). The fact that Wolbachia has been used to control mosquitoes via
A recent achievement of geometric morphometrics (Petersen et al., population substitution, suggests that this method is an artificial mi-
2015) permits one to quantify the morphological diversity (MD) of a croevolutionary process. All mentioned information reinforce the idea
given population, which is partially correlated to genetic variability. that one has to be familiar with the population genetics of target species
We are still investigating aspects of this correlation, but currently, it is in Wolbachia-mediated control. Analogous to the suggestions of the
already possible to detect populations with high MD and presumably section “genetic control of vectors”, the use of Wolbachia in driving
with high genetic diversity. Considering that the genetic richness of populational substitution would profit from accompanying estimates of
Culicidae is indicative of and proportional to epidemiological relevance the possible impacts of this intervention on natural microevolution.
(Gloria-Soria, et al 2016a), MD is a useful estimator of potential nox- Evolutionary outcomes and safety of Wolbachia-mediated control have
iousness. Technically, the computation of MD is relatively simple been actively debated (Popovici et al., 2010; Bull and Turelli, 2013;
(Petersen et al., 2015) and as cheap as other morphometrical Caragata et al., 2016; King et al., 2018).

L. Suesdek Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

10. Other polymorphic phenotypes relatively low variability have been reported (Ashfaq et al., 2014; Low
et al., 2014; Pfeiler et al., 2013; Werblow et al., 2014). The list of
Many physiological, behavioral and reproductive traits are variable common features is even longer. Hybridization, introgression and in-
and inherited, which confers evolutionary significance on them. complete reproductive isolation between closely related species occur
Variable inherited characters may be subjected to natural selection and and represent a source of genetic novelties in those three main taxa.
their genes may suffer mutation, genetic drift, and other evolutionary Other evolutionary meaningful aspects such as domestication, adapta-
forces. Mosquitoes present several traits under those conditions such tion to recently-altered habitats, competence to multiple pathogens and
that they constitute raw materials for the microevolution of these in- insecticide resistance are also shared by many representatives of the
sects. genera, Aedes, Anopheles and Culex.
One may include in this category, transovarial pathogen transmis- Differences among them can also be identified. Ae. aegypti has a
sion (Bosio et al.,1992; Ferreira-de-Lima and Lima-Camara, 2018), ve- peculiar capacity to live in dry places with scarce water sources, Cx.
neran virus transference (Campos et al., 2017b), anthropophily, quinquefasciatus can breed in highly polluted water and autogeny is
odorant preference of Ae. aegypti for humans (McBride et al., 2014), and restricted to some populations (of Cx. pipiens, for instance). The species,
autogeny in Culex pipiens (Becker et al., 2012). Morphological variation Ae. aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Culex pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus are
as reported in Anopheles (Lehmann and Diabate, 2008) and Aedes invasive, urban and nearly cosmopolite whereas, Anopheles sp. has been
(Powell and Tabachnick, 2013) also can account for microevolution. more prone to remaining in their original biogeographic region.
Regarding behavior, it is widely known that many urban mosquito However, human activity has strongly influenced microevolution of all
species exhibit a disruptive flight when trying to escape from human of these species.
slaps. According to my memories from childhood (∼30 years ago in This genetic variability of culicids confers on the species a great
Brazil), it used to be easier for us to hunt and kill Ae. aegypti. This evolutionary potential, which is compatible with the remarkable
hypothesis, if correct, would be an example of rapid evolution of a adaptability of the species. By analogy, the evolutionary features shared
human-driven mosquito behavioral trait. by these species may help us understand the less known taxa.
It is necessary to encourage investigation on the evolvability of The microevolutionary patterns are fundamental for designing and
plastic and epigenetic characters of mosquitoes. It is well known that maintening all control methods. For instance, this knowledge is a key
epigenetic features, such as DNA methylation and other post-transla- factor for deciding between using small-area interventions to control
tional modifications may be inherited, despite their non-genic nature highly structured populations of Anopheles darlingi in Amazonia
(Vilcinskas, 2017). Epigenetic characters significantly account for (Campos et al., 2017a) or using a broader action to mitigate a less ge-
phenotypic plasticity and adaptability and this manifestation can be netically variable population of Culex quinquefasciatus in Mexico
more rapid and effective than natural selection (Trerotola et al., 2015). (Pfeiler et al., 2013). Moreover, these patterns may be explicative for
Thus, if this phenomenon lead to adaptation in Culicids, it would be pathogen spread, as seen in the population structure of Culex tarsalis
particularly worrying and should be further studied. Expressive datasets Coquilett, which is congruent West Nile virus dispersion in North
on mosquito epigenomics are already available and may serve as a good America (Venkatesan and Rasgon, 2010).
starting point for such research (Gomez-Diaz et al., 2014). Regarding the evolutionary velocity, one can state that mosquitoes
Apart from the already known evolvable characters of culicids, it is evolve rapidly relatively to human standards. This is worrying, but on
paramount to drive efforts to discover quantitative trait loci (QTLs) the other hand, this is an opportunity for scientists to witness and in-
responsible for any phenotype that influence the epidemiology of vestigate this phenomenon within a human lifetime. Several examples
mosquito-borne diseases. A way to achieve this could be the estab- of rapid evolution were evidenced by neutral genetic markers (Gimnig
lishment of a consortium of scientists dedicated to finding and vali- et al., 1999; Nayar et al., 2002, 2003; Campos et al., 2012; Louise et al.,
dating QTLs. Once found, such QTLs could be included in genotyping 2015), adaptive resistance genes (Srivastava et al., 2010; Guidez et al.,
panels for applied microevolutionary studies. 2017) and complex phenotypes (Vidal et al., 2012; Louise et al., 2015).
In principle, any biological trait which could at least minimally Even when the geographic signal is strong for population structure,
interfere in mosquitoe evolution, directly or indirectly, is worth re- temporal variation can be detected, as reported for Ae. aegypti (Gloria-
searching owing to the complexity of the all mosquito-borne disease- Soria et al., 2016a). The velocity of microevolution in mosquitoes is
related question. All those characters should be included in future po- noticeably forged by a set of elements, including: short generations,
pulation genetic studies because the possibility of evolution involves environmental dynamism and selective pressures imposed by humans,
them, and may significantly impact on vector biology, and in turn, pathogens and endosymbionts.
epidemiology. Taking data together, we conclude that mosquitoes are highly ge-
netically variable, adaptable, fast-evolving and have versatile vectorial
11. Conclusions competence, which puts them amongst the most harmful living beings.
Without adequate investigation of their evolution, the current public
An impressive quantity of data is available concerning the micro- health scenario of “chronic” epidemics (such as malaria in Africa) or
evolution of Culiclidae mosquitoes, which leads us to make several sudden outbreaks (like Zika and yellow fever in South America) may
conclusions and pose new hypotheses. On the other hand, it is clear that become unaltered or even worse.
at this moment a significant portion of the results and observations Although numerous, most papers on microevolution of mosquitoes
cannot be meta-analyzed owing to the lack of standardization of the are not interconnected so one cannot properly establish comparisons
methods. among geographic areas and populations of the studied species.
In a simple comparison of population genetics data among the three Similarly, local patterns, rather than broad processes, are preferentially
most studied taxa, Aedes aegypti, Anopheles gambiae s.l. and Culex pipiens addressed and the lack of temporal continuity of most studies jeo-
Assemblage, one can identify several similarities. All of them present pardizes the recognition of evolutionary trends.
genetic richness, variability, and polymorphism, especially Ae. aegypti Scientists could take advantage of the rapid microevolution of
(Gloria-Soria et al., 2016a) and An. gambiae s.s. (Miles et al., 2017). mosquitoes to investigate processes in real time. For instance, a tem-
Despite successive genetic bottleneck events suffered by exotic popu- porally continuous survey of cohorts may facilitate the evaluation of the
lations of Ae. aegypti, its polymorphism remained high in several cases dispersal rate of mutations, artificial genes and parasites. Hence, the
(Urdaneta-Marquez and Failloux, 2011). A smaller number of com- investigative paradigm would not be only retrospective but also pro-
prehensive surveys and review papers have been dedicated to the Culex spective, despite the unpredictability of evolution. Also, since, vaccines
pipiens Assemblage, but it appears to be also variable, although cases of and remedies cannot be developed fast enough to mitigate vector-borne

L. Suesdek Acta Tropica 191 (2019) 162–171

Fig. 2. Summarized suggestions for

mosquito control to cope with mos-
quito microevolution better.
Traditional biological markers should
be combined with heritable and evol-
vable non-traditional characters in
order to investigate microevolution.
The whole data set should be as-
sembled in standardized databanks.
From this point on, mathematical and
statistical models should be applied to
permit a holistic interpretation of data.
This should be followed by enhancing
our understanding of the past and the
possible future scenarios of mosquito
evolution and, thus, the epidemiology
of vector-borne diseases.

diseases, more emphasis should be laid on mosquito evolution. about noxious mosquitoes. If we integrate all these suggestions for
tackling mosquito evolution, a revolution can be provoked for coun-
tering vector-borne diseases at a global scale.
12. Perspectives
Conflict of interest
In the near future, research could deal not only with microevolution
sensu stricto, but also with other evolutionarily meaningful issues, such
I declare no competing interests.
as inheritable characters, epigenetics, physiological cost-free plasticity,
vector immunity, symbiosis, pathogen-mosquito coevolution, and en-
vironmental variables. The assembly of a genotyping panel comprising
evolvable traits that are significant to epidemiology has been re-
Grants were received from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
commended in many sections of this paper. This panel must include
Estado de São Paulo #2006/02622-5, #2014/27172-9 and #2016/
genes encoding resistance, tolerance to pathogens, vector competence,
50008-6, from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
and anthropophily and should initially be used to obtain a genotypic
Superior, 23038.005.274/2011-24 and from Conselho Nacional de
baseline of parameters (allele frequency, diversity, heterozigosity, gene
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico #311805/2014-0.
flow, etc.) of relevant mosquito populations, from which explanatory
and predictive studies can be drawn. Subsequently, this panel should be
included in all future studies as a gold standard to track the noxiousness
of any species in light of microevolution. Concominantly, sampling
I thank André Wilke and the three anonymous reviewers for critical
methods must be standardized and should follow meaningful guide-
reading of the manuscript.
lines, such as those of “landscape genetics” (Manel et al., 2003).
As a mid-term strategy, all data derived from genotyping should be
input in existing or new databanks to facilitate the connection of
eclectic information. The appropriate softwares can then process data,
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