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Bhaisegauda Tallo Bali Bailey Bridge

Hydrological Study
1.1 Basin Characteristics

Catchement area of river Basin = 2633.00 km2

Maxm length of Basin upto proposed bridge site = 93.80 Km

S.No. Land use Percenta Area (km2)

1 Highways and roads ge0.1
(%) 2.63
2 Built up/Residential areas 1.9 50.03
3 Cultivation 67 1764.11
4 Sand and water bodies 1 26.33
5 Forest 30 789.90
1.2 River Characteristics

River Name : Tila River

Location : E: 81°47'38.61"E N: 29° 8'4.82"N Z: 1630
Tributaries : None

River : 93.8 km
Length(up to
bridge site)
Elevation : 1630 to 3907 amsl, average elevation: 6548 m
Average river : 2.428 in percentage
Average bed : 2.428
slope near or 1 In 0.412
bridge site

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Bhaisegauda Tallo Bali Bailey Bridge

Bed Material : Large boulder mixed soil

Nature of flow : Perennial
River : 37.59 m (water way) Width 0.37 m Depth of River
width/Depth in
the vicinity of
the bridge site
Flood plain : m m
width/ HFL
Depth 80.703 4.335
River Gauging : None

1.3 Hydrological Analysis

t c = 0 . 01974 L0 .7 7
S −0 . 385

1.3.1 Flood Analysis

Flood flow analysis is a primary requirement for determining parameters necessary for construction of the
bridges. Flood flow on the river was estimated using the empirical methods, the area velocity method,
WECS/DHM method, and lastly the area proportion method.
A. Empirical Methods
(i) Dicken’s formula. 3
Q c = C t A 4

a = 0
A = 2633 km2
Ct = 2.342 log (0.6T)*log(1185/P)+4
P = (a+6)*100/(A+a)
= 0.228
T = 100.000 Years
Ct = 19.475
T = 50.000 Years
Ct = 16.855
Qc = 7158.430 For 100 years
Qc 6195.460 For 50nYears

River name Qp50(m3/s) Qp100(m3/s)

Tila River 6195.460 7158.430

(ii) Tahal (2002) Formula

Q m
= 5 . 42 A
0 . 7572

Q t
= 0 . 3838 ln (T) + 0 . 6882
Q m

A = 2633 km2
Qm = 2108.457
T = 100 Years
Qt = 5177.662
T = 50 Years
Qt = 4616.749

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Bhaisegauda Tallo Bali Bailey Bridge

B. Water and Energy Commission Secretariat / Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

(WECS / DHM) method
Instantaneous peak flood for a return period of 2 years, Q 2 =1.8767(A+1)
Instantaneous peak flood for a return period of 100 years, Q 100=14.63(A+1)
The flood flow for any other return period, T years, can be found as
QT =exp (ln Q2+sσ)
A = area below 3000-m elevation= 2633 km2 0
σ = standard deviation of natural logarithms of annual floods = ln (Q 100/Q2)/2.326
S = standardized normal variate from a particular return period
= 0,0.842,1.282,1.645,2.054,2.326 and 2.576 for T=2,5,10,20,50,100 and 200 years, respectively.

Q2 = 1895.491 Cum
Q100 = 4749.637 Cum
σ = 0.395
S = 2.054 for 50 Years
Q50 = 4265.883 Cum
Peak Discharge for Various Return Periods for WECS/DHM Method
River Name σ Qp50 Qp100

Tila River 0.395 (m3/s) (m3/s)

4265.883 4749.637

C. Area – Velocity Method

V = (1/n) * R2/3*S1/2
P = Wetted perimeter = 81.998 m
S = Slope of the river = 0.024
Area A = Cross sectional area = 231.895 m2
Sn Dx Dy Mean DY Area (A) net Dy Weated Perimeter(P)
1 9.0208 0 0 0 0 9.0208
2 9.0208 2.289 1.1445 10.3243056 2.289 9.306683278
3 9.0208 4.394 3.3415 30.1430032 2.105 9.263145127
4 9.0208 4.3611 4.37755 39.48900304 -0.0329 9.020859995
5 9.0208 4.334 4.34755 39.21837904 -0.0271 9.020840706
6 9.0208 4.3107 4.32235 38.99105488 -0.0233 9.020830091
7 9.0208 3.8023 4.0565 36.5928752 -0.5084 9.035115008
8 9.0208 1.6582 2.73025 24.6290392 -2.1441 9.272108576
9 9.0208 1.1149 1.38655 12.50779024 -0.5433 9.037145984
10 9.0208 0 0.55745 5.02864496 -1.1149 9.089435332
Total Area: 231.89545 81.99752876
n = Manning’s Rugosity coefficient = 0.065
R = Hydraulic mean depth = A/P = 2.828
Velocity (V) = 4.79 m/sec
Q = 1111.61 m3/se

D. Rational Formula

Q = A Io λ
Q = Maximum flood discharge in m3 per Second
Io = Peak Intensity of rain fall in mm/hr
A = Catchment area in km2
λ= a function depending on the characteristics of the catchment in producing the peak run off

0.56  P  f
tc + 1

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0.56  P  f
Bhaisegauda Tallo Bali Bailey Bridge
tc + 1
tc= Concentration time in hours
 L3 
= 
 0.87  H 

 
L = Distance from the critical point to the bridge site in Km
H = Difference in elevation between the critical point and the bridge site in m
P= Coefficient of run off for the catchment characteristics, from table
f= A factor to correct for the variation of intensity of rainfall Io over the area of the catchment, from table
a n
Io = k T / (t+b)
Average slope of catchment is (S) = 2.428 % and
Maximum length of run is (L) 93.8 km= 93800 m.
0.77 -0.382
Thus the time of concentration (t) = 0.01947x L xS = 543.039 hrs.
a n
Io= k 50 / (t+b)
Where, Io= 55.0 mm/hr
k= 6.933 A= 2633 km2
a= 0.135 L= 93.8 km
b= 0.5 H= 2277 m
n= 0.126 tc= 9.163
Clayey soils lightly covered P = 0.4 From table λ= 0.021
Valu of f For Area < 10 sqm = 0.96 From table Q= 3064.240

1.3.2 Design Discharge

Peak Discharge (m3/s) from Various Methods of 100 Years Return Period
Dicken's WECS / Area Rational
Tahal (2002) DHM Velocity
7158.430 5177.662 4749.637 1111.612 3064.240

Design discharge is the maximum discharge From calculated = 7158.430 Cum/Sec

1.4 Bridge Hydraulics

1.4.1 Linear Water Way
linear waterway is, L=C√Q
Where, Q = the design discharge of the river in m3/s
C= a constant usually taken as 3.26 for non - regime channels by Kellerhals
L = the length of the linear waterway in meters
linear waterway = 275.820 m
inear water way marked by the river is measured in the period of field visit = 80.703
proposed span of bridge = 48.768 m

1.4.2 High Flood Level (HFL) and freeboard

HFL from Existing Bed level = 4m

Designed high flood level from inspection was 4.335 m
Proposed free board from HFL = 2m

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