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Tax law exam topics

W1: Tax Calculation (new tax rates page)

W2: theory questions on assessable income

Refer to laws corresponding to the question

Refer the question to the person involved or apply to scenario

Wk3: FBT no operating cost method which only applies to car fringe benefit

Wk8: Mcdonalds case


Capital gains tax

Slide 9

50% discount methiod

Indexation method

Slide 24-25

Week 5 General and Specific Deductions

Slide 4

Slide 28 if theory question make sure to include the specific section

Slide 29 - 39

Week 6 Tax Accounting

Week 7 Trading Stock Goods and Services Tax

Sample questions

Sllide 5 –10


Slide 21 - 24

Sample questions

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