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Better Boyfriend

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), Marvel (Comics),
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Relationship: Miguel O'Hara/Reader, Miguel O'Hara/Female Reader, Miguel O'Hara &
Reader, Female Reader/Shitty Partner
Character: Miguel O'Hara, Reader, Female Reader - Character, Shitty Partner
Additional Tags: This is straight up and down filth, Movie: Spider-Man: Across the
Spider-Verse (2023), Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse - Freeform,
Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse - Freeform, Oneshot, Miguel
O'Whora, Miguel is a slut and so are you, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining,
Not Actually Unrequited Love, Filth, Smut, Shameless Smut, Foreplay,
Squirting, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, light blood play,
Dom/sub Undertones, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Explicit Sexual
Content, Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Finger Sucking,
Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Unprotected Sex, Aftercare, Soft
Miguel O'Hara, Drinking to Cope, Penis In Vagina Sex, biting and
scratching, Miguel Cares About You, Not beta'd we die like men, Not
Beta Read, Birthday Sex, tender moments, Friends to Lovers, Jealousy,
Jealous Miguel O'Hara, Multiple Orgasms, Unhealthy Relationships,
Miguel has a big dick, Enthusiastic Consent, Size Difference, Size Kink
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-08 Words: 6,123 Chapters: 1/1

Better Boyfriend
by 10th_Symphony


Or the one where you're in a super shitty relationship but you refuse to see Miguel as the
better option right in front of you. But don't worry, he's persistent and he knows your body
is more honest than your mouth is.

Miguel O'Hara x Female Reader ft. Your Shitty Partner of Indeterminate Gender


I uh, I don't have any excuse for this. Miguel and his fucking fat swinging tiddies put me in
a trance and when I came to, this fic was finished. Please read this while listening to the
song that inspired all of this, Boyfriend by Dove Cameron, for the full effect. I still don't
think the possession is over...
Miguel O'Whora will return.

Of course, they didn’t show up to one of the most important events of your life. They promised
they would be here; swore up and down on their life, their mom’s life, their dead dog’s life, that
they would make it in time for the award ceremony because nothing is more important to me than
you. Now here you are, onstage in the middle of an awkward pause while thanking the important
people in your life, staring at the empty seat reserved especially for them. Your eyes well up with
tears as you cut your acceptance speech short. Thankfully your tears of distress look a lot like tears
of joy as they run down your face, staining your cheeks black with the expensive mascara you
hoped they’d compliment you on when they were meant to pick you up from the subway station
almost two hours ago. What good is a stupid award given to you by your stupid Alchemax job for
developing a stupid condensed super-collider if the person who was with you along the way
wasn’t here to see it?

When you return to your seat, you knock back your champagne flute and gulp it in one go. The
emptiness of the spot next to you weighs just as heavily in your peripheral vision as the award in
your lap and you can hardly pay attention to anything else for the rest of the ceremony. You
angrily dig your nails into the soft fabric of your purse while thoughts of the open bar at the end of
all this keep your eyes dry just long enough that when it’s time to mingle, you can put your order in
without looking so upset that the bartender starts asking questions.

“Congratulations on your award,” A smooth voice rings out from behind you and you preemptively
roll your eyes. “They gave me one just like it, can you believe it? Must be giving them out to just
anyone these days.”

Miguel O’Hara, a… Friend and fellow scientist who assisted your research on the super-collider is
dressed to the nines in a three-piece suit. His hair is slicked back and a light cologne fills the air
around him, making him more gorgeous than he ever had in all the years you knew him. He pulls a
handkerchief from his inner pocket and gently dabs your cheeks clean of mascara streaks. The
gesture is as casual as it is intimate and you knock his hand aside.

“Not really in the mood for quips tonight, O’Hara.” You huff as you flag down the bartender again
to put in your next request. Miguel found you while you’re already three drinks in; or four if you
count the complimentary shot the bartender gave you a minute ago.

You and Miguel have a complicated history your friends once described to you as, ‘friends so close
you could swear they were fucking’. You met him in college where the two of you started off as
bitter rivals for the valedictorian spot. Late nights studying at the school lab to get the upper hand
on each other turned into laughter-filled study sessions where he made you feel like you were the
only two people in the world. Not long after, you met your current partner in a blatant attempt to
stifle your unrequited feelings for Miguel as best you could. But even still, he was there for you
when your on-again-off-again partner flaked or stood you up or broke your heart, or just couldn’t
understand the importance of remembering the things you liked. Miguel had always remembered
the littlest details about you and made time for you when no one else would. He even helped you
get the job at Alchemax a few years ago. The only problem was that Miguel’s a world-renowned
geneticist and you’re a savant physicist so your worlds rarely collide anymore. It’s a tale as old as
time really. But when they do collide, you can swear you feel those old sparks peeking through
“Prickly today, huh? Better make that a double shot in that cocktail.” Miguel’s smile slowly drops
from his face as he sees you haven’t broken into a smile yet. “What’s wrong, mi vida?” There he
goes again, using Spanish he knew you had no hope of understanding. You asked him what it
meant once and instead of answering he said it could only be used between the two of you. “Does
this have to do with—”

“Of COURSE it has to do with them! As you can see, I’m here but they’re not here with me when
they said they would be. But that doesn’t matter and I know you don’t really care. You never liked
them anyway…” You watch the bartender set your drink down as Miguel settles into the spot
beside you.

“I care. Not about them, but I care about you and how they make you feel. I always did.” Miguel
watches you down your drink before immediately attempting to order another. Out of your
peripheral vision, you watch a muscle jump as he sets his jaw tightly. “Maybe go a little easy on
those drinks—”

“Maybe stop trying to act like you know what’s best for me right now. This was the most
important night of my fucking life and I haven’t even gotten so much as an apology or explanation
text from them! Can you fucking believe this, Miguel? They're always pulling this shit…” You bite
your quivering lip as the stinging heat of tears threatens to ruin your makeup a second time. “They
told me that they would try harder for me…”

Wordlessly, Miguel takes you to a quiet alcove in the convention center and pulls you into a tight
hug. It’s the same kind of hug he gave you when you cried in his dorm room after ranting about
your partner until your throat went raspy. He just held you, like he’s holding you now, and lets you
feel everything you’re feeling. At first, you try to pull away so you don't get makeup on his nice
suit but he just holds you closer, cradling your head to his chest. Eventually, you give in; the
emotions are too raw to be contained anymore so you wrap your arms around him too and just sob
until there are no more tears left to cry.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Son un pedazo de mierda… No te merecen.” Miguel hisses under his
breath and pulls away to wipe the tears from your cheeks. “Your birthday is next Friday, right?
How about we go to that restaurant you like, just the two of us, and we can catch up? I'll clear my
schedule for the end of that day and it’ll be just like old times. I promise it’ll cheer you right up.”
You nod as he smiles sadly and brushes a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Let’s get out of here,
hmm? Come on, grab your stuff. I’ll take you home.”

At this point, you’re so drunk and dehydrated that you can hardly see straight. You’re wobbly in
your high heels so Miguel, ever the gentleman, lets you lean against him while he helps you walk
out into the brisk night air. You look up at him and can’t help but notice how handsome he's
become since college. Your thoughts fade in and out like your consciousness where one moment
you’re leaning against him waiting forever for a taxi and the next, you’re waking up the following
morning in your own bed with a splitting headache and no recollection of how you got here.
There’s a glass of water on your bedside table with a chicken-scratch note leaning against it
reminding you to eat something, and your window is partially open to let in a cool breeze, even
though you don’t remember leaving it cracked when you left yesterday. While trying to recall the
night before, you think back to the crazy dream you had that felt so real you could have sworn you
really were flying high above the streets of Nueva York, colors and blurs of the cars below
shooting past you.

For the next week after that, you spent almost the entirety of your free time in the lab chipping
away at your next project. No rest for the wicked, or whatever the perpetually busy say about
themselves. You're exhausted every night and haven't had a whole lot of time to catch up with your
friends about birthday plans. In fact, you think you might just cancel any hope of a celebration this
year since you'll probably have to work over the weekend anyway.

"Planning on burning the midnight oil, and on your birthday no less?" Miguel enters your lab with
a styrofoam cup of hot coffee and replaces the marker in your hand with the cup. It's sweet and
milky; the kind of coffee you like but he doesn't, yet he insists he got it for himself without
realizing how late it was so it's good that you're still here for him to give it to instead of just
throwing it away.

"Unfortunately… There's just a handful of equations to solve and tests I still want to run before I
go." You have dark circles under your eyes as you stare at a whiteboard of impossible equations
that just don't make any sense to you right now. You absentmindedly go to write on the whiteboard
with the coffee cup before you quickly realize your mistake. "Ugh… this is the worst birthday

"Take a sip and take a breather. I'll help you finish up here, as much as I can, and then we'll see
how much time is left to get a little birthday celebration in." Immediately, Miguel shrugs off his
jacket and bag, using the marker he took from you to solve some of the easier equations that had
stumped you in your exhaustion.

"Thanks, Miguel… I really appreciate it. What the hell would I do without you?" You sit down for
a minute to drink your coffee, relieved to be able to sit after spending all day on your feet. Three
sugars and lots of milk… You don't think you've ever explicitly told Miguel what your order is, but
knowing him he probably figured it out after taking a sip from your cup by mistake back in

You two spend the majority of the evening working on your equations, occasionally bickering
which turns into a cracked joke, which then turns into hysterical laughter and snorting fits. You
have no idea how much time passes before you're ready to leave but it doesn't matter because
Miguel is here keeping you company and cheering you up even though he doesn't have to.

"That wasn't so bad, right? And you've still got a fair bit of the night left. So last week during the
awards ceremony, I mentioned that I wanted to take you to…" Miguel trails off when he sees you
absorbed in your phone, the glow of it illuminating the ecstatic expression on your face.

"I-I've gotta go! I'll catch up with you on Monday!" You rush to put your jacket on and hop up on
your tippy toes to kiss his cheek in a quick goodbye before racing out the front door. You don't
bother looking back since you just got a text from your partner saying that they wanted to meet you
at your favorite bar and grab a couple of drinks.

You pop a piece of gum in your mouth to get rid of your coffee breath and jump on the subway,
excited that they actually remembered it this year. You arrive not long after you got the text and
you step inside the bar, looking around for your partner. You don't see them immediately so you
take this time to fix yourself up in the bathroom; straightening out your hair, applying more
makeup and perfume, and just taking the time to make yourself look presentable. When you step
back out of the bathroom you still don't see them so you sit at the counter for a while, assuring the
pushy man beside you that you're waiting for your partner and they'll be there any minute.

But a minute turns into an hour and you're already three drinks in, courtesy of the pushy guy next to
you who gave up on trying to get your number after something younger stepped in the door. With
an angry sigh, you call your partner. The phone goes to voicemail the first time you call so you call
again and this time they pick up.

"Where the hell are you? I've been waiting at the bar for an hour now!" You hiss into the receiver.

"Oh shit, really? I got to the bar a few hours ago. I didn't see you come in." Your partner doesn't
sound all that concerned and you could swear you heard another person giggle in the background.
"Which bar are you at?" You give them the name of your favorite bar, the one THEY agreed to
meet you at. "Oh. Yeah, I'm not at that one. Guess you got it mixed up, huh? You always were a
little forgetful. Look, uh, don't bother meeting me here 'cause I'm gonna leave anyway." The
giggling on the other side of the phone turns into soft moaning and you hear what sounds like a wet
kiss. Before you can say anything else, the phone call ends and you're left alone at the bar, your
heart thumping in your chest with your growing anxiety.

A text pings on your phone and your face falls as you read it.

'Let's break up.'

It's always been them breaking up with you when you're at your lowest emotionally. They do
something wrong and then suddenly they call it quits to avoid the consequences of their mistakes
with you. You know this song and dance well. They break up with you, you wallow in your
unresolved feelings with Miguel by your side until you're ready to bottle the rest of them up, and
then somehow when you're at your happiest again they waltz back into your life and you accept
them with open arms because—

"I deserve this…" You mutter under your breath as you order a double shot of something cheap
and hard. The rest of your night is spent at the bar drinking and fighting back tears until your phone
dies and stops you from pretending you have things to look at so no one bothers you. You leave the
bar alone and suddenly it's no longer your favorite place to drink. Happy birthday to you.


You stumble your way back to your apartment and it's more or less a blur. You took your heels off
at some point when you were on the subway and you're pretty sure you might've left them there
cause they're not in your hand or on your feet when you stumble past the doorman and into the
elevator of your building. You take it all the way up and fumble with getting the door open only to
notice after your third attempt, your door is already unlocked.

Now, you KNOW your door was locked on your way out this morning because the doors in this
building auto-lock when you leave. You step inside and it's dark. You quietly close the door
behind you and let your eyes adjust before you notice the outline of a figure on your couch. Cold
dread pumps through your veins and you're definitely a lot more sober than you were a minute

"Were you with them?" The tone of voice insinuated that he already knew the answer but instead
just wanted to hear you confirm it.

"God damn it O'Hara, you scared the shit out of me! How did you get in here!?" You exhale, a
palm over your thudding heart as Miguel flicks on the lamp light beside the couch.
He's sitting relaxed on the couch, his knees spread and his elbow on the armrest propping up his
tilted head with his knuckles. He's looking down at his other hand, dark eyebrows drawn tight, and
he's tracing light circles on his thigh with his finger. A few locks of his hair fall over his eyes as he
glances over to you by the door. "I sent you a text. Where were you?" He says, ignoring your
question of how he got inside.

"My phone died so I didn't see it…" You wave your dead phone and toss both it and your purse
down on the small key table by your door. "Miguel, I'm not in the mood to play 20 questions,
okay? Can we talk about this on Monday? I need some water." He gets up slowly from the couch
and strides towards you with a confidence in his movements that halts you from walking away
from the conversation.

"You've been drinking. Did you go drinking with them? No. I don't smell them on you."

"E-excuse me!?" Your face flushes red as he continues to stalk forward; all hips and broad
swinging shoulders entering your personal space and backing you up against the door. Any
flustered comments you would have made die on your tongue as he cages you against the door
with his forearms against the door.

There's something different about Miguel tonight. You could swear his brown eyes have a tinge of
red to them in the light and all humor is gone from his face. You never noticed just how big Miguel
was but now that you're looking up at him, the air between you is charged with something heavy.
You feel impossibly small.

"I know you didn't leave the lab so excitedly just to drink at a bar all by yourself. They stood you
up again, didn't they?"

The truth is a sobering slap across your face and you turn your head to look away from his piercing
gaze. You don't need to speak for him to know the exact details of what happened. It's the same old
song you both know the dance to.

"I could be a better boyfriend than them."

You snap your head back to him at that and stare up at him incredulously. You almost ask if he's
joking but his expression is too intense for that. "You… what?"

"I could be a better boyfriend than them. I never would have left you alone like that tonight. I could
treat you way better than they ever did. I already do." He takes your chin between his thumb and
forefinger and he tilts your head back. "Ever since I met you, I wanted to make you mine. Seeing
the way they make you cry like this makes me furious. You deserve someone who's willing to go
out of their way to make you feel special."

"I-I… I don't know what to say… I never realized you also thought about me the way I—" You
reach your hands up to cup his face and he leans into your touch for a second before pinning both
of your wrists to the door above your head with one of his larger hands.

"What have they given you that I can't?" He slots his knee between your legs and brings it up
slightly so that the meat of his thigh lifts your skirt and rubs right against your panties. "Can they
fuck you better than I can?" His voice drops to a husky whisper as he dips his head to trace his lips
along your neck.

"M-Miguel!" You gasp as he drops his hand from your chin down to your waist and pulls you
closer, causing you to grind against the tensed muscles in his thigh.
"Te haré mío." His tongue is on your neck before his lips are and you can feel him sucking a
hickey onto your skin. You twitch and buck your hips, grinding your clit against his thigh. Your
eyelids flutter and a soft moan escapes from you.

You're helpless to the pleasure as he covers you in hickies and nips at your skin with his sharp
teeth. His large hand squeezes your hip, surely leaving marks as he helps rock you back and forth
against his thigh. Your head falls back, your mind swimming from the volatile mix of leftover
alcohol and desire for a man who has always been there for you.

In a haze, he drops your wrists to pull your shirt over your head and you're tugging at his shirt as
well with much less success. He gets frustrated with your bra and tears through the fabric in a
display of strength that makes your pussy pulse like a heartbeat. He mutters something about
buying you a new one right before he latches his mouth onto your nipple.

You've never had a man want you as carnally as Miguel does at this moment and you're still
grinding against his thigh, arching your back, and chasing the pleasure he's allowing you to freely
take. Suddenly his hand on your hip squeezes tighter and stills your movements.

"Easy, baby. I'll give you what you need right now." He moves his thigh from between your legs
and lifts you up with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist and thread your fingers through his
hair, giving it a rough tug as you pull him into another feverish kiss. This time, you're leading the
kiss while he moans and walks you back towards the couch. His hands are groping your ass and
you feel like a reactor core overheating from the inside out. He bumps the side table behind him
and you hear your lamp crash and break on the ground but with the way he's palming your ass and
gasping your name back into your mouth, it's seeming more and more like a problem for future

When he sits down on the couch, he positions you with your back against his chest while your legs
are spread apart over his open thighs. His lips are at your neck again but this time you can hear him
muttering absolute filth against your ear. Not that you could tell them apart from sweet-nothings
since they're entirely in Spanish.

Miguel rips your stockings open and slides your panties aside with one hand. He then uses his thick
middle finger to dip inside you briefly and circle your clit, using your wetness as lube. You're
squirming in his lap, your ass rubbing against the thick bulge underneath you. Every time you
squirm, Miguel throbs under you and groans against your ear which only makes him rub your clit

His other hand is on your breast; pulling and tugging and pinching and rolling your sensitive nipple
between his fingers while the room fills with the desperate sounds of your moans.

"Ooh, Miguel t-there, yes~! I'm so close! K-keep going, please~!" You mewl and let your head fall
back against him while your eyes roll towards the ceiling. The heat building inside you feels like
it's gonna burst any moment now. Noticing the way you're tensing up, Miguel immediately
responds by slipping two impossibly thick fingers inside of you and curling them back against the
spongy spot inside you that makes your toes curl. He uses the pad of his thumb to replace his
finger on your clit and the dual stimulation is accelerating you towards the edge. All you can hear
is the wet and sloppy sounds of your pussy and feel him panting hungrily against your ear. "I'm
gonna cum, please don't stop! I'm gonna cum, please let me cum!!" You cry out.

"Ladies first baby, I insist~" You can feel him smirking against your neck but it doesn't matter as
you're tumbling over the edge of your orgasm hard and fast. You crush your bottom lip between
your teeth as your insides clench tightly around Miguel's fingers. There's a spray of liquid as the
force of your intense orgasm had you squirting for him. "Good girl, you did so well for me." He
fingers you through the comedown, teasing your clit just a little to make you twitch and whine from
the overstimulation.

"Fuck…" You sink back against him, your head spinning and your body light as he presses a kiss
along your jaw. "That… That was probably the single best orgasm I've ever had in my life…"

"I can make it the second best if you have another one in you." As you're recovering, he brings the
fingers that were just inside you to his lips and sucks them clean, groaning and shuddering behind
you. At the same time, he dips a hand beneath you and unzips his pants to reach inside. You can
feel the heat and weight of his cock resting against your back as soon as he pulls it out and you've
never craved a man's cock more than right now. You remove the last of your clothes and carefully
turn around in his lap. You're staring at him now as he's lazily stroking his cock from base to tip, a
pearl of precum beckoning your tongue forward to have a taste.

Saying he's huge would have been an insult. He's massive and curved just right and you know it
would leave you waddling for days. The thought of having all of that stuffed inside you, turning
you inside out and filling you up in ways you could only fantasize about with your vibrator, makes
your pussy drip viscous lube onto his lap. His eyes trail from the slow drip, up to the look on your
face, and his cock twitches in his grasp.

"It's all yours if you want to be mine. If you say no, I can leave. Feeling how tight you were just
now and tasting you on my tongue is enough to satisfy me for the rest of my life."

"Miguel, you have every right to call me an idiot for not noticing your feelings sooner. You've
been there for me since the beginning and I was so sure that my feelings for you couldn't possibly
be the same as your feelings for me. And because I wouldn't allow myself to see it, I ended up with
my shitty partn-... My shitty ex." He's staring at you so intently as the hand around his shaft speeds
up. You run your thumb along his bottom lip and watch him suck it into his mouth. You take your
time, touching the sharp tips of his canines before pulling your hand away. Miguel chases your
thumb a little as he leans forward just a touch, already missing your digit on his tongue. "You've
never let me down and you've never forgotten my birthday, or my parents' birthdays, or my
important events." You knock his hand away from his dick and take it in your hand, pumping it a
few times before angling yourself over the tip. "You know what kind of coffee I like, you make me
laugh, and most of all you care about me. I want to make you happy too. Fuck, I've never wanted
anything more than to make you happy." You slowly sink down, the sharp burn of his thick tip
forcing your entrance to submit makes you feel like you'll be torn apart in the best way. You can
feel how tense he is as you place a hand on his chest to stabilize yourself while you finally, finally,
drop all the way to the hilt. "I'm yours… I only wish I could have been yours sooner." You exhale
a breath you didn't even realize you were holding in and stare at the way his eyebrows are knitted
in pleasure.

His hands slide down to your waist and he looks up at you through long, dark lashes. Miguel looks
like he's fallen into a trance; a man suddenly possessed by and obsessed with the feeling of your
pussy wrapped tightly around his cock. His lips find yours in a sloppy, downright filthy kiss that
leaves you both breathless and your lips bruised. His hands trail your body, intimately mapping out
every curve and dip, fingers tracing over parts of your body you didn't even realize were sensitive
before his touch sought them out.

"Please, baby… Can I move? I need you so badly." Your insides ache at the desperation coating the
way Miguel is begging for you. You've never heard him sound so vulnerable before and the twitch
of your insides in response makes you both shudder.

You lean in close, arching your back and grinding your hips enough to tease, tugging his earlobe
between your teeth. "I want you to ruin me~"

Miguel's hands fly to the globes of your ass and suddenly he's bouncing you on his cock with
reckless abandon. All you can do is hold on, sinking your nails into his broad shoulders and
scratching down his back as he fucks up into you hard and fast as if you might disappear from his
grasp. Tears, a mix of pleasure and pain, begin to fall down your cheeks as Miguel is palming your
skin and making you beg to a God you don't believe in.

Eventually, he repositions you on the couch so that now you're on your back and he's staring down
at your body from above. You feel exposed; open, but the urge to cover yourself doesn't come. His
eyes are glowing a deep red-brown as they rake up and down your naked form, carnal desire
oozing from the possessive growl forming in his throat. You can see him committing every inch of
you to memory as he pulls off his shirt, throwing it aside in favor of grabbing your legs and putting
them over his shoulders. On your back like this, you can watch as every muscle in his body works
overtime to bring you to the absolute peak of euphoria.

"Yes, yes, yes, oh God, please~! Miguel, you're so deep~!" You moan and gasp as his hips snap
back and forth like he was built only with your pleasure in mind. His brows are furrowed and his
fangs are sinking into his bottom lip, a small stream of blood drips down his chin and you pull him
close to lick it off. You lock him into another filthy kiss that tastes like metal and him and it gives
you a high that's impossible to replicate with anything else. His tongue is like a drug in your mouth
and you feel breathless as your tongue swirls with his.

He's got you bent in half, your legs on either side of your head, his hands gripping the undersides of
your knees while he plows into you with every bit of enthusiasm you could expect from a man who
no doubt dreamt about having you every way from Sunday since you first got to know each other.

In this new position the tip of his cock is kissing the very back of your pussy and folded like a lawn
chair with no hope of escaping, you know you're not gonna last long. With every thrust his balls
fill, growing heavier with your reward for being such a good girl for him and they give your
asshole a wet kiss each time. You have no choice but to take what he's giving you and take it you
do. Fuck, you just keep taking it and taking it nonstop. He's got an abundance of stamina to keep up
with your needs and he hasn't broken his stride once. He's speeding up and grinding his hips now
with the explicit purpose of having his front rub your clit in a way that makes you absolutely sob
beneath him. Miguel is doing this on purpose; making sure you're acutely aware of the way he's
wringing your ex out of you and filling you completely with only him. His cologne is all over you
and around you; it's in your lungs, his taste in your throat, and his cock spearing you open again,
and again, and again.

"I'm close," He groans your name against the shell of your ear and you swear you almost came
from that. "Where do you want it, baby? Anywhere you want, I'll give you anything you want~"
His voice is wrecked, pleading, desperate, letting you know that you have the same effect on him
as he does on you.

"Inside," You gasp and thread your fingers through his hair, holding on for dear life. "Please baby,
give me everything you've got but don't pull out!" Your voice cracks and goes watery as he
changes his angle to pound directly into your already-abused g-spot. You cry out in ecstasy as his
thrusts turn rougher and more erratic, signaling just how close he is.

Suddenly a groan is punched out of him and you feel him twitching inside of you. A second later
you're filled with a burning heat so good it tears a second orgasm right out of you. Your walls are
fluttering hard around Miguel's length, milking him completely as he fills you deep with thick seed.
It seeps into every space inside of you but there's just so much of it that it finally bubbles out of
you and drips down over your asshole and seeps into the couch.

Miguel sits up and slowly pulls out, watching in rapt attention as a large gush of his semen starts to
come out of your perfectly bred pussy. The sight makes his softening cock twitch and he uses two
fingers to press the thick glob back inside. You grip the couch and he silently watches the way your
back arches. "Suck." He commands as he brings his fingers to your lips. You suck on them
immediately, looking up at him in an obedient expression that makes him shudder. "I would plug
you up with it if I could. Seeing it drip out of you like this feels like a waste."

"Won't need a plug if you just find the time to keep me constantly filled." You purr in response as
he gets up to get some towels and wet washcloths to clean you both up.

"Don't tempt me. I'm already thinking about round two with you. It might have to wait until the
morning though." He looks out towards the window at the sun trying to peek out past the skyline.
"Well, later in the morning."

Once you're clean, you pull his shirt over your head and surround yourself in the oversized fabric.
With legs like a newborn fawn, you finally make your way to the kitchen for some much-needed
water when you notice a takeout bag from your favorite restaurant sitting on your counter. You
rummage through it and of course, it's filled with all of your favorite foods.

Miguel is leaning against the kitchen entryway, the satisfying aura of sex emanating from him as
he folds his arms across his bare chest and smiles. "Figured there was a chance you'd be hungry
when you came home so I stopped by that place you like."

Emotions roll through you so viscerally at the idea of being in someone's forethought and you
immediately rush over to him and hug him close. You're crying again, but this time not from being
frustrated. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head.

"Thank you, Miguel… Thank you for everything you do for me." You look up at him and kiss him
one more time.

"Te daría el mundo si me preguntaras. Te amo más de lo que crees." His expression is tender as he
runs his thumb along your cheek and takes you back over to the counter.

"Now that we're dating, you'll teach me Spanish, right? I wanna be able to understand it and speak
it as fluently as you do." He just laughs and gives you a noncommittal shrug. You can tell that he
gets a lot of amusement from the fact that you don't know what he's saying.

While he's getting you both a glass of water, you're heating up two plates of food. You bicker
briefly about the right way to reheat rice but then it somehow turns into a joke that leads to you
both laughing and then the two of you kissing happily in your kitchen. You can't remember the last
time you had a birthday that left you feeling so good. You have a new boyfriend in your arms, food
from your favorite restaurant, and a million and one possibilities for your future together all
converging and diverging ahead of you. You just can't wait to experience it with Miguel at your

Happy (belated) birthday to you.

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