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The Scientific Method - Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Relationship: Miguel O'Hara/Reader, Miguel O'Hara & Reader
Character: Miguel O'Hara, Reader
Additional Tags: spiderman 2099 - Freeform, Parental Miguel O'Hara, fan fic, Smut,
Dildos, Anal Play, Slow Burn, Masturbating, Breeding Kink, Angst,
Sexual Tension, Penis In Vagina Sex, stalking (sort of), Horny, mutiple
orgasms, Dom/sub, Jealousy, gagging, Deepthroating, Crying,
Masochism, Sadism, Hickeys, Biting, Fangs, jerking off, Degradation,
Edging, Ass Slapping, Dick slapping, Fluff
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-10 Updated: 2023-06-19 Words: 9,047 Chapters:

The Scientific Method - Miguel O'Hara X Reader

by pixiekwixie


In which Miguel struggles to keep his hands and eyes off his lab assistant.


i had to get this off my chest, there will be 2 more parts to this, i hope you guys enjoy it.
this is also cross-posted to (depending on where you're reading this) tumblr, and ao3; let me
know what you guys think; might also write some wholesome sunshine x moody stuff in
the future if it works out :)
The Observation

"Hey" a voice said from the corner. Startled, you whip your head back to find Jessica caressing her
tummy as she sat down on a chair, making herself quite at home. She was a couple of months
along now and, by the looks of it, very comfortable in her pajamas.

"Jess, it's not safe for you and the baby...." you sigh, looking back at your computer to resume your
work. Jessica urged you to take a break, to sit down and have a conversation but you only shrugged
it off by mentioning you were almost done.

"You know, I'd thought you'd hate working here" she watched your back, waiting for a reaction.
"There's a lot of wonderful technology here that my Earth doesn't have..." you trail off, focusing
more on the work in front of you. You were so close to the end, and although Jess was wonderful,
you just wanted to finish things before relaxing.

"I meant, I thought you'd hate working for Miguel"

You looked back at her with furrowed brows, pausing your work, she knew what made you tick
and used that to her advantage. Miguel was your boss and there was nothing to hate except his
attitude. Sometimes you couldn't stand him, but the combination of advanced technology, your
own space, and a mini fridge- definitely outweighed any of his moodiness. It took a lot of
convincing for you to join, and had you known he was this broody you probably wouldn't have

At the beginning, you were stubborn on joining the Spider Society because you had thought it was
a pity invite, given that you felt you were more intelligent than agile. Although you admit your
body was pretty strong and durable- it was only because your parents had enrolled you in a
strenuous amount of classes that ranged from dance to karate- and even cooking. The classes had
helped with getting into a good college that allowed you to pursue your dream career, but you
never sought out anything besides yoga.

When you got bitten by a radioactive Black Widow you thought it was the end of your story, that
your years of classes and college were coming to an end, eventually you realized that you weren't
actually dying. And as time went on you started to see the new things you could do, and you
embraced them. You were excited, you began practicing moves and spent a lot of time learning
how to use your webs properly. You felt like you could become a hero, save lives, and become a
beacon of hope for your city.

After some rough events that left you feeling depressed, you decided that becoming a hero was no
longer something you could pursue. You felt upset about your own decision for days, you felt
useless doing nothing but you felt the same way doing something. The life of a hero felt
emotionally, and physically, taxing on yourself and the people around you. With time you managed
to overcome the guilt and began to understand that there were different ways save people.

Your new path was to be promoted at the Alchemax company in your world- they were good, you
had deemed it so after hearing what they had done in other Earths. Eventually you wanted to lead a
research department that could help hospitals, and homeless, worldwide.

Even though the current path was similar to that of a superhero, you still felt an immense guilt in
your chest. You thought that your powers were a miracle that should be used, but you couldn't, it's
not what you wanted anymore and if you went back now- it would only make things worse.
Miguel had spent many months sending Jessica to your dimension to convince you to join the
Spider Society. Every time you gave a different reason to reject the offer, feeling as though you
wouldn't bring much value to the team.

It only took the man himself showing up at your apartment, on a Tuesday at 3 am, for you to join.
He explained thoroughly why he wanted you, although crude, you felt recognized for something
other than your powers. It felt like he provided the missing reassurance you needed, you joined.

"He leaves me alone for the most part, the only interactions we have is him sending me emails,
and me going to his 'office' to give him his drugs for the week," you let out a soft laugh, you had to
admit, was very handsome under all of the stress, responsibility and arrogance. Despite his
handsome looks, you still thought he was an asshole that needed to comprehend people better.

"He's demanding though, and... AND rude" rising from you chair, you scrunch your nose and walk
to the coffee machine. There's only so much water could do for your nerves if you continued to
speak about Miguel's attitude, as of recent it had been worse and you had no idea why. You tried to
understand but he'd only shut you out and demand you leave him alone.

"He just want things to go accordingly for the multiverse... even if he's a little-"

"Harsh? Come on, he basically called me useless the other day because I misread the number
seven- SEVEN" you raise your voice while adding stuff to your coffee. Holding the sugar
container in one hand with a tight grip, it made you upset that he wasn't considerate of his words.
You had worked hard to prove he could trust you, and that he hadn't made the wrong choice but his
attitude made it hard to work with him.

"That's why I've been late on my reports, ideas, paperwork AND his serum. He needs to learn to
respect people, especially me, who makes sure he doesn't go apeshit" Jessica raised an eyebrow at
your statement, sure you could be late on paperwork but, being late to give him his liquid gold?
The thing he needed to not lash out on his instincts? The thing that helped him keep his powers?
She almost thought it was cruel, but she knew you felt stressed and didn't want to make it worst by
making you feel bad.

"That sounds cruel but I promise it's not-"

Before Jessica could reply, a deeper voice spoke.

"Oh yeah? Let's talk about that"

It was Miguel and your heard started to pound faster, your hand gripped your coffee cup tight in
hope that he hadn't heard what you said. Your nerves grew as you looked around and watched him
emerge from a corner, his suit glowing bright with every step, even the way he walked spoke
volume about his attitude.

Sure, you had problems with him but you sure as hell were not telling him about them, it's the last
thing you needed. He had practically built this place from the ground up and could see everything
that everyone was doing if he wanted to- even you, sometimes it creeped you but at this moment it
felt erotic.

"Miguel she's stressed she probably didn't mean it, give her a break" Jess watched his back at he
made his way towards you, "This isn't about you Jess" he spoke with a quick glance at her, her face
dropped to a stoic expression that scared you and it wasn't even directed towards you.

"Miguel" you groan as you watched him walk towards you, hands on his hips as his eyes narrowed
at you through his mask.

"I need to talk with you" he leaned down a little to your level, the eyes on his mask narrowed to
mirror his face under it. Was he really that mad at what you had said? It's not like he hasn't said
worse, except he usually doesn't feel bad about it.

Something about his proximity made you hot despite the growing tension, but it wasn't the nerves
anymore, you suddenly felt hyper aware of everything around you but it all slowly led down to the
man I front of you, something about him made you feel this way, something smelled so good and it
was coming from him, was he wearing some type of cologne? What was so different?

"S-Seriously, you could at least tell me beforehan-"

"You wanna explain to me why-"

"Oh wow, I have to go to the gyno" Jess said abruptly while slowly getting up from her chair. You
and Miguel turn to her with confused looks at the sudden declare but her eyes held the same
expression as before.

She raised her hand to stop you from saying anything.

"I'm not gonna stick around for an argument, you two need to figure it out" she spoke with a look to
Miguel. With a brief smile towards you she walked out the doors that shut behind her and the
tension in the air became more obvious as the two of you were left alone.

"I give you one job, and it's to follow my formula, but instead you decide to be unprofessional and
talk about me behind my back" Miguel's brows knit together as he looked down at you with
glowing red eyes. You tried speak but nothing came out, not because you were intimidated, but
because you felt your chest heave with heat at the sight of his crimson eyes.

Closing your eyes you take a deep breath to center yourself and shake off the feeling of imploding
heat that was blossoming at your core. Looking back at him you found him pacing round while he
muttered things in Spanish that made your tummy churn, pushing your feelings aside you take a
deep breathe to center yourself.

Was this a hormonal imbalance?

"Why does it bother you so much this time? I told you 2 weeks ago I was backed up with stuff on
my earth and that your-" You were abruptly interrupted with the speedy sight of him in front of
you, his eyes were darker and held an intense look like he was analyzing your every feature. He
was so close you could feel his breathing tickle the skin of your cheeks, it made the heat blossom
inside of you again.

"I've been trying to hold it together and you think it's a game?" He seethed, inching closer until you
could practically brush your nose against his, your heart pounded at the notion he was merely
inches from being able to kiss you. Forgetting the coffee in your hand you attempt to raise a hand
to his cheek but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist with a fast motion, the grip was tight but
not hurtful. With a small wince you look up at him again only to see dark look wash over his
features, were his eyes more vibrant now?

"Don't," he snarled, not breaking contact with your eyes. Why did you find his anger so attractive?
There was something behind that look in his eyes that was pulling you in, the more you stood
together the more your body felt attracted to him, so much so that you were starting to feel turned
on with your walls pulsed in an erratic way that needed him.
Why the fuck is this happening?

"Y/n" he whispered in a way that made your back shiver, you noticed his eyes look relaxed and
rather dazed like he was hot under his suit. Could he be feeling the same way as you? Did he want
you as well?

"Y-Yes?" your voice was shaky, breathy, and basically pleading for him for him to do something.

His face slowly leaned down into yours, turning to the side only to brush his lips softly against
yours w. Your eyes widened, you could practically hear your heart pounding in your ears as he
finally pressed his lips against yours.

Moving against your lips slowly he lowered your wrist to the table behind you. The same hand he
used now held your hip steadily as the kiss grew deeper, heavier, and wetter. His tongue prodded
your lips and with a small squeeze to your hip you allowed for his tongue to explore your mouth.

Your head felt hazy, and your core pulsed more than before in anticipation. Pulling away from your
mouth with a string of saliva connecting you both, you bat your eyelashes up at him with the hope
that things progress into something more intimate.

His breathing was rapid yet heavy, and his eyes were full of lust and want with the way you looked
up at him. His grip on your hip tightened as his eyelids drooped to admire the saliva on your lip
that threatened to fall, before it could drip down to your chin he smashed his lips onto yours-
licking the saliva into his own mouth.

His tongue lapped at your lips, and pushed through to feel every crevice within your mouth. With
shaky hands you place your arms around his neck as you let him do whatever he pleased, weaving
your fingertips into his hair you tug on them a bit which only earned a deep groan from him.

Pulling back from you, he stared intently into your eyes before abruptly wrapping a hand around
your throat and applying pressure to the sides. Your eyes closed and your core pulsed repeatedly at
the tightness of his hands around your neck, moaning softly into his face you open your eyes to
find a droplet of sweat on his forehead.

"You like that, hm? Princesa?" He whispered into your ear, a whiny moan escaped your throat at
the feelings of his lips on your ear, using the hand on your neck he maneuvered your face to the
side- leaving your neck exposed to him.

You could feel your nipples were fully erect as they pressed uncomfortably against the material of
your bra. Opening your eyes, you look down at him only see an intense, and hungry look on his
face. Keeping his eyes locked onto yours he pressed his lips onto the delicate skin of your neck,
planting small kisses that burnt onto your flesh in a savory manner that made your core gush with

"M-Miguel..." you mutter as you close your eyes to bask in the pleasure of his lips on your skin,
tightening the grip on your throat he bit onto your neck unexpectedly. Gasping at the bite, your
fingers held tightly at the hand he had wrapped around your neck- using it to stabilize yourself as
he started sucking at your neck, the way his lips enveloped your skin and his tongue worked
against you felt like he was trying to feed himself off you.

His actions came to a stop, the hand on your neck had gone too and you opened your eyes to be
greeted by an empty view of your lab filled with bright-lit screens and papers scattered. Just like it
was before Miguel appeared. Lifting your hand up to your neck you feel the marks of his teeth
along with the saliva on your neck that left a warm spot at the touch. In a moment of heat and
desperation you bring those fingers to your mouth and suck on them, he was gone for now and and
the only trace you had of him was the remnants of his mouth n your neck. Sucking and licking the
tips of your fingers making sure to intake any trace there was of him, moaning into your fingers
you suck the tips before pulling them out and imagining they were his.

You were still in a hazy view of want and need for him, it would be hard to forget this moment if
you saw him again. With blouse and slowly sat down on the floor, holding your chest with both
hands you try to slow down your breathing.

"Where did you go..." you whisper to yourself as a pang of sadness hit your chest at the thought he
left during a moment where you weren't arguing for once. It had all felt so good but to you, it
would've felt better if he had stayed.

Calming down and regulating your breath you realized you would have to see him tomorrow to
give him his dose for the next week. You didn't know if you wanted to see again after leaving you
just like that.

You hated him for leaving you like that without a trace but you hated that you wanted so much
more than just a couple nips to the neck.

--- ---

Back in your universe, you were laid in bed watching TV as you thought about the events of
earlier, the things he whispered into your ear, the way he touched you, the way his lips felt on your
neck and the tight embrace he held around your neck.

Throwing the blankets off you head off your dresser where your dildo was. You had never really
used it before as you were always busy with work but today was different, there was a man that
awoke something inside of you that had laid dormant. And that man was your boss, Miguel.

Kicking your bottoms off you lie down on your bed again and spread your legs open letting cool
air hit your nether lips in a tantalizing way. Discarding the dildo to the side, you bring one of your
hands down to your pussy, rubbing in an upwards motion that spread the wetness up to your clit.
Groaning at the sensation you rub your erect clit in a slow circular motion, the feeling alone had
you throwing your head back with a breathy moan.

You drew your legs up and in until it was just your core fully exposed to the atmosphere of your
room, circling your clit faster you used your other hand to lift up your shirt and and rub at your
nipples with a feathery touch. The simultaneous stimulation made you moan as you felt your walls
clench fast, you had been so desperate to relieve yourself that you could cum at any moment.

Pulling and twisting your nipples you start going faster, your breathing becoming more erratic and
you could feel the coil in your abdomen start to come undone but before you could finish you
stopped. Your pussy quivered at the denial as your chest hiccupped from the intensity of being so
close to the end, it felt like your entire body was spasming and dripping with heat from the denial.

You throw your shirt off quickly and lie back down to spread yourself open again. Rubbing your
fingers up and down with a moan you slowly insert two fingers inside of your wet warm walls that
quivered around the length of your digits. Pumping your fingers in and out slowly you moan at the
idea of his fingers being the ones inside you filling up your throbbing pussy. Hooking your finger
in a little you lift you back from the bed at the sensation of your softest spot, pumping in
particularly hard at an angle that made you pussy drip more liquid gold onto your sheets.

Your walls pulsed erratically around your fingers as you sped up, your mouth contorting into an 'o'
as you felt yourself growing closer. Bringing your other hand down to rub your clit at the same
pace you moaned his name as you continued to imagine it was him driving his fingers into your
wet hole.

"F-Fuck M-Miguel-" your clit quivered and the coil in your belly came undone, your insides
gripped onto your digits harder trying to prevent them from leaving, your body secreting juices that
trickled down your anus and sheets.

Pulling your fingers out reluctantly you slide them down to your anus and circle the rim in a slow
teasing manner that aroused you again. Pushing a finger inside your eyes fluttered at the pressure-
you began to pump in and out in a very slow motion using the wetness from before that made it
easier to move in and out.

With your other hand you rub the head of the dildo on your clit in a fast circular motion, hooking
the finger in your ass you pumped faster while your clit quivered into a second orgasm. The walls
of your ass started to clench as your finger brushed on the soft spot that sent shockwaves to your
pussy. You started panting heavily as your pussy and ass throbbed simultaneously, getting closer
towards being tipped over the edge you went faster, until your pussy started dripping onto the
sheets again.

Pulling the finger out of your ass with a small pop, you grab the dildo and line up the tip with your
dripping hole, you felt anxious and excited to be filled up with something thicker than your digits.
You slowly ease the tip in, and with a loud moan you began to push the rest of the length inside of
you until it fit snuggly in your walls.

"Miguel... fuck me p-please..." you whined as your pulled the dildo all the way out only to smack it
back in, pumping in and out with a steady speed where length brushed against every itch within
your walls that needed to be filled. Your started getting faster as you thought about him pumping
himself inside of your pussy to breed you and use you for his own pleasure.

Your tummy churned as you started to near the edge again, the images of him bent over you
driving his cock inside of you, filling you with his cum and knocking you up was enough to to send
you over the edge. You slowly rode out your orgasm with the image of him painting your insides
full of his seed and filling you up until you were dripping onto the sheets. Coming down to a stop
you sighed as you body shook at the intensity, no one had ever made you so wet just by thinking
about them.

Your body ached and yearned for him, it was truly strange as you had never felt this way for
anyone before. Miguel was different and something about him had set your body ablaze in a way
you couldn't stop.

"How the fuck am I going to face him tomorrow..."

--- ---
The Research
Chapter Summary

In which Miguel struggles to keep his hands and eyes off his lab assistant.

Chapter Notes

sorry for this part being so late, video games got me in a chokehold. I tried to keep the
smut as general and inclusive as i could with descriptions and stuff, so i hope you guys
enjoy it, im also working on other miguel stories to release in the future (pregnant
reader au, barista reader au, etc) but for now lets enjoy this series first. feedback, and
what you guys think is welcomed, please enjoy :)
ALSO - this will be spicy, the smut starts here!

➺ translations below:

mi reina - my queen
continua hermosa - continue beautiful
Usa tus palabras, hermosa - use your words, beautiful
preciosa - precious
cariño - dear
eres mia, solo mia - you're mine, only mine

"You know... I think it's kind of weird you've been stalking her for an hour now" Lyla spoke as she
watched the monitor with Miguel, observing as you ate breakfast. Without a word, he changed the
angle with a click to this keyboard to face you.

"I mean, technically, you stalk everyone"

Lyla looked at him but he didn't budge, he held the same stern look as he looked at you.

"Do you like her? Find her attractive? Wanna have sex with her?" Lyla smiled as she watched him
huff in annoyance, knowing he was to blame for her attitude.

"Was watching her last night not enough?"

"What?" Miguel hissed at the hologram on his shoulder, she held a sly grin as she tapped her foot-
knowing she had his attention now. Lyla was usually everywhere all at once, responding to
whoever needed her.

Which usually meant she was listening, something that Miguel might've forgotten from the look of
his reaction.

"You're spying on me?" He raised his voice as he looked down at her.

"You're spying on her, what's the difference?"

There was a pause as he looked back onto the screen where you were getting ready for work,
ignoring Lyla.

As he watched you he started to feel a tight feeling in the pit of his stomach. Was it guilt? Was
watching you really that wrong of him?

Today wasn't the first time he had taken to watching you go about your day. He hated to admit he
had been watching you for the last week, and it all began when you wore a dress shirt that revealed
some of your cleavage. It set off something inside of him like he had never seen a woman's body
before, your body, and he couldn't get the image out of his mind.

Ever since, he's spent most of his nights watching you go about your day. From the way you would
caress your hands across your body as you showered, to the way your breasts looked as you slept.

Last night, however, his desire became uncontrollable as he watched you pleasure yourself.

He had hissed when he saw you spread your legs out, practically giving him a front row view of
your most delicate jewel. He wondered what it would be like if he just tasted you on his tongue, to
lap at your folds and suck on your most delicate spots- to hear you moan and cum to his name.

He couldn't resist himself as he watched your finger yourself, the erection in his pants had become
more obvious so he took it upon himself to jerk off while watching you.

The head of his cock was weeping with arousal as he rubbed a thumb over the slit of his cock,
stroking at the head he imagined what your mouth would feel like- what your tongue would feel
like if you licked his hardened length.

Gripping his cock with his hand he started pumping slowly, watching as your pussy gripped around
your fingers. The way your body quivered and shook with pleasure, he liked the way you look-
needy and desperate.

He stroked his cock faster as he began to imagine your pussy around him, the more he watched
your body the more arousal leaked out of the tip- and the more the wanted to be inside of yo.

Mind black, and dazed from pleasure, he kept moaning your name repeatedly while his strokes
became faster. Fangs peeking out from his mouth with every breath, he kept a gradual pace as he
felt the coil in his abdomen come undone.

"Fuck- Ah-" he moaned lowly as his cum splurged onto his abdomen and onto his hand.

Stroking himself slowly and softly he whimpered sweet nothings about filling you up while he
admired your body.

He had deemed you were his, even if you didn't know it.

So he spent most of night watching you pleasure yourself over, and over again. And with every
watch he enjoyed it more, from your soft moans to the way your face contorted in pleasure.

He knew it was strange to be watching you but he couldn't help it, after the first time he saw you
his body became unpredictable and needy for your warmth.

He knew there was a possible risk in taking modified spider venom more than once a day, but if he
didn't then- well, he didn't know what would happen.

He just knew his desire for you was almost unbearable.

"You're terrible at expressing your feelings Miguel, just tell her you find her attractive" Lyla

"It's not that easy, if I start something then who knows what would happen..." he muttered the last
part, knowing that being close to you, and your scent, would be addicting if he pursued you.

"She has her own life on her earth, and I have mine, I can't disrupt the balance of the multiverse"

Lyla only rolled her eyes, "What's the worse that could happen? Just have fun dude" Lyla cocked
her head before glitching off to whoever needed her.

"Fun..." he whispered as he watched you walk out the door to start your work day.

--- ---

"SEAN!" You say excitedly as he makes his way towards you within the lunch room.

"Hey!" He says with a quick hug.

"Wow you're back so soon, how was the vacation?" You smile as you take in his mild tan, he
wasn't much of an outdoor person so you can imagine he had fun.

Sean has been a friend and co-worker for as long as you could remember, and as of two weeks ago
he was on vacation with his girlfriend. Someone you set him up with back in high school, so when
he asked you to help him plan his proposal you couldn't help but say yes.

"Millie got sick," he sighed as ushered you to sit down at an open table with him.

"What happened?"

"She just ate way too much seafood" you share a laugh, but the moment was interrupted when
gizmo-watch in your hand started to beep, it amazed you it could even do that as it would usually
just light up if someone needed you.

"Are you gonna get that?" He asked, shaking your head with a laugh you fumble with it until it
stopped beeping.

"I'm guessing the proposal didn't happen then?" You quirk an eyebrow up at him, trying to dismiss
the embarrassment from a couple seconds ago. If anyone knew you- it was him, and you weren't
ready to tell him you were part of a secret society.

"Unfortunately no, and the hotel was greedy enough that they wouldn't reimburse us for the days
we didn't stay" he rolled his eyes with a smile, he seemed very happy in his relationship with
Millie- sometimes it was something you envied.

The warm feeling of knowing there's someone waiting for you, or the way you could remember the
things they love. You enjoyed being single, you didn't having to worry about someone else or their
needs but sometimes, and only sometimes, you envied their happiness and the love they shared.

"Enough about me- how are you? Have you met someone?"

Your eyes widen as the attention was brought back to you, heat flooded through your body in
embarrassment. Do you tell him about Miguel? Do you dismiss it? Would he know if you lied?

"Me? Well-" you drag out the last word as you try to come up with something to say but before you
could the gizmo started to beep again, looking down at your wrist with furrowed brows you fidget
with it once more.

"Uh- are you gonna get that? Sounds important" he states with a drink of his coffee, paying
attention to way your body discreetly trembled- he knew you were nervous.

You giggle awkwardly, "It's not... d-don't worry" you look back up at him, his eyebrows quirked up
in a questioning manner.

He was trying to decipher you, trying to pick you apart.

"What? Are you seeing someone?" His smile got bigger, you shook your hands trying deny it. Sure,
you and Miguel shared a very very close moment but there was nothing more to that and he made
sure you knew it.

You almost thanked the heavens as the gizmo started to beep again, it just saved from you from
having to come up with a lie.

However, it was annoying.

With a grunt you get up from your chair as you point to the gizmo on your wrist before quickly
apologizing and making your way to the nearest bathroom.

Locking the door behind you, Lyla pops up in front of you with an annoyed look.

"Took you long enough"

"Lyla, seriously, I'm working and you know that"

Although she was artificial you still expected Lyla to understand, well, at least understand more
than Miguel.

"Listen, I wouldn't ask if I needed to but- I need your help with Miguel."

Her tone changed, gone was her usual sass and present stood a Lyla that seemed worried and
serious- she almost seemed human.

"Wha- Is he okay? What happened?"

Lyla sighed, "We don't know here he is, he turned off his location and hasn't taken his injections
today... "

She seemed so genuine as she avoided your gaze, what was in her programming that made her like
that? Was it really Miguel who made her? Someone as expressionless as him?

Throwing those thoughts aside, you try to focus on the present question.

"Lyla, I'm working a-and I don't know if I want to help you guys look for him" you spoke but deep
inside you worried and you wanted to know more, you wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Thing is..." she dragged out, pacing around with her head down.

"Lyla, what?"

"It would only be you searching for him" Lyla turns to you slowly, you almost flinch at her words.

Only you? Did she know what you guys did yesterday?
"That's dangerous for me- what if he kills me?"

You knew he wouldn't do that, he didn't have a no-kill rule like the others but the only thing that
scared you was being near him.

"I saw what you guys did yesterday and-"

"Lyla that was-"

"- I don't care" she looked at you head on, no longer avoiding your gaze.

"You don't?"

"Miguel can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants, all I care about is making sure he's
fine" her voice softened as she spoke, it almost broke your heart at how genuine she sounded.

"Okay, I'll do it" you gave in, you knew you would regret it later but now was not the time to think
about that.

"Go home, change, and come here- quickly... please" and with that she disappeared, almost like it
never happened.

Your body rushed with adrenaline as things clicked in your head. You had to get home quickly
before Miguel did something irrational.

You rush out and quickly apologize to Sean as you start to sprint to the exit of the building. You
made sure to let reception know you would be leaving early due to a 'family emergency'.

Questions flooded your head as you quickly made your way home, your body was full of a rush as
all you could think about was Miguel. If something was terribly wrong he could kill someone, or
worse, he could get hurt.

Quickly unlocking the door to your apartment, you throw your things on the couch and begin tot
take your top off.

You walked forward as your eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness of your room, but you didn't
care- all that was in your head was Miguel and finding him.

Your body core started to pulse with heat as you rummaged through your drawers looking for a
comfortable shirt, but this wasn't a situation of heat, why was your body suddenly feeling warm?

Your answers were quickly answered as you felt a hot breath tickle the back of your neck.

Was he...?

Your eyes widen as you turn your head to find him staring down at you with glowing red eyes.

"Miguel!" you exclaim in mixture of shock and relief, watching as his brows furrowed- almost as if
he was angry.

"W-What are you doing here?" you stuttered out as his face grew closer to yours, his breath
fanning over your lips as one of his hands tilted your chin up to him.

"Do you feel it too?" his voice reverberated across your body, sending a jolt of heat to your core.

"I- Are you okay?" your looked at him, genuine concern in your eyes as your discarded the heat
that started to blossom in your body.

Grabbing your face with both hands he pulled your face into his, until your noses were touching
and you could feel each others breath against your skin.

If he was any different he would've thanked you for worrying about him, but he wasn't that guy, he
didn't want to think about the warm stuff in life.

He wanted to focus on the desire he felt for you.

Slipping a hand around your throat with a tight grip, he cocked his head to the side with a small
grin that revealed the tips of his fangs to you.

"Do you feel the desire too?" he whispered against your lips, one small move could lead to a kiss
and he knew it, he was teasing you.

"I do," your words were almost lost from the way you whispered so softly.

"Que bueno," he whispered before placing his lips onto yours. A jolt of energy flowed through the
two of you as lips molded against each other.

His lips were hot, wet and moved like he hadn't seen you in years. Almost like he was trying to eat
you alive, with every movement of his lips you could feels his fangs poke you almost like a teasing

Pulling off from your mouth with a pop, he stared down at you moving your head to the side to
expose your neck.

"P-Please..." a moan whine escapes your lips as you noticed the way he stared at your neck.

"Please what mi reina? What you want?" he placed a small kiss on your lips as the grip on your
throat tightened, making you feel hazy.

"My neck- k-kiss me... mark me- please- Aaah" you moaned as he began licking the nape of your
neck, treasuring the way your breathing came out ragged. His lips began sucking at the spot,
taunting you with the tips of his fangs prodding at your skin.

He continued the assault on you neck, sucking at every part of your neck and shoulders as much as
he could.

"B-Bite me-" you let out, you thought he would pause for a moment but you were immediately met
with a sharp pain as he dug his fangs into your shoulder blade. The pain was excruciating but it felt
so good at the same time.

Pulling away slowly, he suckled and licked at the punctures. Making sure you wouldn't bleed out.

Looking up to find you zoned out in pleasure, he came up to your face waiting as you blinked your
eyes open.

"I'm gonna need you to strip for me, okay?" he look directly into your eyes with a demanding tone,
your vision was becoming blurry but you nodded.

Your longs ached as you took in a deep breath the moment he removed the grip around your neck.
He sat down and watched attentively from the foot of your bed, awaiting the show of your body.

You began to slowly unclasp your bra watching as it fell onto the ground to expose your perky

"I didn't say stop, continua hermosa"

His words tickled at your core as he watched the bright red glow of his suit highlight and contour
the shapes of your body.

You nervously slide off your pants knowing he was eager to see your cunt. Hooking your fingers
onto the sides of your panties you shimmy them down very, very slowly.

A small string of slick connecting your panties to your cunt.

"Are you wet for me baby?" his voice was so deep it scared you, but it churned your tummy even
more. It made you wetter that he knew you made him feel hot and bothered.

You stood in silence and watched as the hologram of his suit disappeared, long gone was the red
bright glow and present was his cock standing tall weeping at the slit with arousal.

"Suck my cock, now"

You fell onto your knees in a hurried manner, admiring the way his cock stood tall. Veins running
along the sides of his girth, he was bigger than you had expected.

"Hurry up, slut" he spat out as he watched you fumble with your hands to grab the base of his cock,
placing a long wet lick from the base to the tip.

His body shivered as he placed hand behind your head to hold you steady.

"I didn't tell to stop bitch, go ahead" your body shivered as you began to suckle at his tip, enjoying
the way he held your head tightly.

"Come on baby, open that mouth of yours, lemme fuck your dirty mouth," he whispered as he
pushed your head down onto his length making you gag as he hit the back of your throat, enjoying
the way you felt warm and wet.

Grabbing your head with both hands he starts thrusting into your mouth at a steady peace, ignoring
the way you kept gagging against his cock, instead he enjoyed the way it sent vibrations all
through out his body.

"You feel so good baby" he watched as tears rolled down your cheeks from the intensity of his
throats down your throat. Your pussy would clench with his every thrust so much so that you
began to feel some wetness start to drip down your legs.

"L-Look so pretty with my cock in your mouth"

He began to snap his hips into you repeatedly while you tried to adjust your jaw to his length.
Saliva dripped down your chin as your throat contracted against his cock, making a mess of your

He enjoyed the way your body struggled to take him in, the way your eyes dripped with tears and
the sweet scent of your arousal that dripped down your legs, as well as the contraction of your
throat against him. He wanted to mark every part of you as much as he could, show you how much
he wanted you.

Slowly he began pulling his cock out of your mouth, saliva connecting your lips with his tip. Your
eyes widened slightly as the site of his erection, could he have gotten bigger? Was that possible?

"Like that? Hm, little slut?" He used a hand to slap the head of his length against your cheek, you
felt so dazed and drained from having him so deep in your throat. Your pussy still quivering in

"What do you want, mi reina? Tell me"

He knew you couldn't speak from the way your breathing became heavy but your body buzzed in

Looking up at him with pleading eyes, you hoped he understood but instead he squished your face
with one hand.

"You... W-Want you..." you voice came out hushed, and your throat ached with every word.

"Get on the bed then, lemme see your slutty pussy" he demanded, helping you up until you laid on
your back with your legs propped up- cunt exposed to him.

Staring at his face as he moved around in front of you, you hated to admit you found him beautiful
in this moment. Something about him just made you feel at ease despite how brutally he had
fucked your throat.

You were brought back to reality when you felt a finger prod at your entrance, you moaned as you
looked down to find him playing with your wet folds.

Enjoying the way your pussy seemed to get wetter as he stroked your fold.

"P-Please-" you bucked your hips against his hand, longing for more.

"Please what? Usa tus palabras, hermosa" he whispered against your cunt, continuing to at your
entrance slowly as you moaned into his touch.

"Fuck!" you yelp as he lands a slap on your clit- the ache pleasing some of your desire.

"Hm, you liked that?" he grinned as he landed several more small slaps onto your clit, adoring the
pained look on your face.

He began to slowly thrust a finger into your weeping core, your body flinching at the pleasure with
every stroke of his fingers against your walls. Wetness seeped out of your core as the pads of his
fingers bumped into the sensitive spots in your walls.

With another hand he slapped your clit harshly, earning a yelp from you.

"Don't act like you don't like it"

You could hear the smile on his face.

"Get on your hands and knees,"

He rubbed his hands against the supple flesh of your ass, admiring the softness of your skin. He
wanted to fuck your ass the more he looked at it, but right now wasn't the time for that.

Your body jolted as he placed a thumb on your sensitive clit, rubbing it slowly as your arousal
dripped onto his hand.
"Im not gonna go easy on you, preciosa"

His words made your cunt wetter at the thought, you wanted him to do whatever he wanted- to ruin
you in every way possible.

Before you could speak you felt the wet tip of his cock at your entrance, rubbing himself against
your slit teasingly.

"Shhh- be still, cariño" he cooed as he thrust his entire length into your warm walls, your mouth fell
open at the burn of his cock stretching out your entrance.

He grunted as your walls clenched against his length rapidly as you tried to adjust to his size. He
knew you were desperate to be fucked by the way your hands gripped the sheets beneath you, he
could come on the spot from the way you moaned his name softly.

Your words were lost as began to thrust into your pussy roughly with both hands placed against
your hips. His thrust were animalistic, fueled by pure lust and the desire to release inside of you.

"Your pussy is so tight baby-" he moaned as you clenched rapidly around him, your walls still
struggling to adjust to his size. You pushed yourself back into him with every thrust, begging for
him to go deeper and find the spot that itched inside of you.

"Miguel- p-please..." you pleaded for him, your breasts burning at the heat as they swinged back
and forth with his every thrust.

"Say it louder baby- l-lemme hear you" he grunted as he changed his position to drill harder into
you. The new position made you whine in desperation, he was giving you everything you wanted
with this new position.

"Fu-Fuck me harder- please!" you throat ached as you spoke but you didn't care, all you could
think about was his hot cum being inside of you, and being filled until you were dripping.

His cock hit your sweet spot but you couldn't keep your eyes open with the way he reached the
deepest corners of your insides.

"Aaah! Fuck- right- there!" you squeal as tears prickled your eyes again, "Yeah? like that- fuck" he
groaned as he hit your cervix with a hard thrust. The way he thrusted into you felt so good, the mix
of hard and fast pleased your body just right- this was everything you had wanted.

With every passing moment you felt your climax start to buildup, the coil in your tummy dancing
over the edge.

"Mi-Miguel-" you moan as you shut your eyes, embracing yourself for your climax but before you
could cum he pulled away from your pussy. He hissed as he watched your pussy gape open rapidly
at the denial.

"Why-" you cry out as you shake your ass for him but instead of giving into you, he smack your



"Mhmm-!" you cry out, but you didn't mean it, you just wanted to finish- you just wanted his cum
inside of you.

"Or what? Hm? Gonna cry?" he taunted as he lifted you up and turned you on your back, you
watched his face display a coy grin as you looked at him

He was gonna be the death of you.

His hand gripped your throat as he inched his face closer to yours, watching you blink rapidly at
the pressure he held on you. Moaning softly, you stick your tongue out for him- begging him to

"No" he denied, you whined but it was no use as the grip on your throat only worsened.

"You want something, you ask, okay?" he graced the tips of his fangs against your nipples, loving
the way your body flinched in danger of being punctured. He took a nipple into his mouth, his
tongue licking over your perky bud before sucking at it.

"B-Bite me,"

He bit your nipple but not with his fangs, almost like he was testing the waters. Using his free hand
he snaked it down to rub at our clit in a slow steady motion, cock throbbing at the moans that
escaped your lips.

"Stop- I-I might cum-" you whine as your legs shake against his body, but he didn't care, he
tightened the hand on your throat loving the way you gasped and your hips bucked against his

"P-Please-" you pleaded with tears in your eyes, fingers moving into your pussy. Rubbing at your
g-spot constantly as you took the pleasure, it was overwhelming but you loved every second of it.

"F-Fuck me!" you begged as a tear trickled down your cheeks, he took advantage of your cry to
sink his fangs into your breast- his cock twitching at the sound of your moans. Licking over the
small holes rapidly to ease some of the pain he continued sucking at your breast.

Opening your eyes, you watch him pull out his fingers from your pussy and suck them like a
lollipop. Leaning up to your face he bit your bottom lip, "Spread your legs" he whispered.

You took a deep breath as his hands left your throat, the fresh air soothing the ache in your lungs.

Grabbing both of your legs by the knees he spread them even more, watching the way your pussy
reflected with your arousal.

"Pussy so warm," he muttered as he aligned his cock against your entrance, rubbing the tip against
your clit slowly with a breathy moan.

He pushed himself into your warmth as he placed your legs on his hips, bucking up into you he
started thrusting into you roughly- savoring the way your pussy gripped onto his length once more.

Your legs wrapped around his hips as you felt yourself get closer to the edge, trying to pull him
closer- almost like you were trapping him inside of you.

"Fuck- yes- " he groaned against your ear as he begin to nip and bite at your neck, his thrust
becoming more erratic as he began to feel his climax approaching
"Want to me cum inside you? Hm, make you mine? S-Shock- fill you with m-my cum?" he
whispered into your ear, your head shook erratically in agreement- missing the way he used

"Please, Miguel!" you moaned loudly.

"Your pretty pussy belongs to me, eres mia, solo mia" he grunted as he buried his cock deeply into
you with a rough thrust and released his cum into your womb. He rubbed your clit quickly making
you come against him, clenching around his cock as he filled you up.

He continued biting at your neck as his length remained nuzzled inside of you, keeping your
arousals inside of you.

He lifted his face up to look at you, dazed out and blinking rapidly as you memorized the moment
he made you his. Something inside of his chest began to flutter but he tried to push it down,
knowing nothing good can come out of pursuing something other than physical.

"Get up, let's get you clean" he pulled out of you suddenly, making you wince at the sting of pain.
He watched attentively as his cum leaked out of you onto the bed, making a wet messy puddle.

He felt guilty as he watched your face contort into pain. I shouldn't have done that, he thought as he
pressed his lips together and his heart fluttered but he only continued to push those feelings down,
not wanting to mess with faith.

"I don't think I can get up, 'm sensitive" you hummed the last part as you bat your eyelashes at him,
he stood tall with a serious expression despite having just had a warm moment with himself. You
almost felt sad at how emotionless he looked, you had just shared an intimate moment and he
looked like it was a chore to be around you.

But that's how things were gonna be, if this was only meant to be physical then his emotional state
should remain unspoken.

--- ---

"You need to get up"

Miguel stood against your doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist. If you weren't tired you
might've gotten on your knees for him, he truly looked delicious with water running down his

"You cleaned me up, I'll be fine" you mutter as you snuggle into your pillows.

"I'll be taking my leave in 30" he walked into your bathroom once more, your chest felt heavy at
his words and you were beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, you liked him a little bit more

Sure, he didn't owe you anything but there's no way any man would just leave after stuffing a girl
with cum and using her bathroom right? But a lot of men did that, and Miguel was about to become

"HEY!" you yell out, watching as he rolled back into your room with his suit back on, it really was
marvelous he was naked underneath it the whole time.

"Can you help me up into the shower?" you smile softly, hoping his cold demeanor would melt.
With a roll of his eyes he hoisted you up into his arms.

"Want me to turn the water on?" with a nod he sat you down on the sink as he turned on the water.

"I only want to shower-"

"A bath will help your muscles relax" he interrupted, you only nodded silently- he was the boss
after all.

"Get in, I'm leaving" after helping you into the shower he turned his back to you and began to walk

"Miguel!" you squeal, but he didn't come back this time. Your body began to fill up with anxiety,
tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you began to think he was gone.

Your lowered yourself into the water as the water as you began to think your world started to
become cold and sad.

You were starting to miss him...

"I... I'll be back"

You whipped your head to the door to find him standing there with his mask on.

"Where are you going?" you asked eagerly, this situation almost felt homely... and personal. Like
you had known each other for years.

"I'm going to grab some things, I'll be here... for a bit"

Your eyes lit up at his last words, while the eyes on his mask narrowed.

"Can you- Can you bring me back some french fries?" you asked with a small smile, hoping to ease
any tension.

Something inside of him warmed up at your smile, unknowingly he smiled under his mask too.
With a small nod he left, and went off into your world.

You stayed under the warm water for a bit to relish in the feeling.

He wasn't leaving after all, and it gave you hope.


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