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Sequential Time Orientation: In cultures with a sequential time orientation, individuals prioritize

completing tasks in a systematic, step-by-step manner. Meetings adhere strictly to agendas, and tasks are
executed according to predetermined schedules. Individuals may be less flexible with time and may
prioritize task completion over relationship building.

Synchronic Time Orientation: Conversely, cultures with a synchronic time orientation emphasize
relationships and interconnectedness over strict adherence to schedules. Individuals may multitask,
juggling multiple tasks simultaneously, and may prioritize relationship-building activities even if it means
delaying task completion. Time is seen as flexible, and tasks may be deferred to accommodate
relationship-building efforts.

Understanding Time Management: Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner explore how individuals perceive
and manage time in the workplace, highlighting the importance of recognizing cultural differences in time
orientation. Managers need to understand their team members' time orientations to effectively manage
tasks and relationships within diverse cultural contexts.

Implications for Decision-Making: Time orientation influences decision-making processes, with

sequential-oriented cultures valuing efficiency, timeliness, and task completion, while synchronic-
oriented cultures prioritize relationship-building and flexibility in task execution. Managers must navigate
these differences to foster effective communication and collaboration in multicultural teams.

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