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Economic At the world level Rizal’s life fell within the first age of
globalization, with a growing integration of the world economy
across national lines, characterized at the time by the trade in bulk
commodities and by the reduced importance of silver currency. At
the level of the empire, the civil discord that racked Spain lasted
well into Rizal’s teen years, constricting its ability to participate in
a substantial manner in the Philippine economy, leaving the field
to other countries, except towards the very last years of its rule.
Successive anticlerical governments deported hundreds of friars,
whether qualified for mission work or not, overseas. At the
national level, the Philippines greatly expanded its volume of
foreign trade, at some cost to domestic industries like textiles, and
diversified its economic structure, with the new money flows
circulating far into the countryside and giving an impulse to the
formation of a native middle class. Its diversity in trading partners
made it relatively less vulnerable to fluctuations in the level of
demand in any one particular country, and competition among
the export traders ensured that most of the gains would accrue to
the ultimate producers. We return to Professor Chaunu. The
period 1820-1898 was a moment of veritable near independence
for the Philippines. From an objective standpoint it had the
economic foundation for national independence.

Political His two novels basically reflect political ideas of reform and Rizal’s contemporary political
revolution – two political alternative strategies. His objective thought revolves around the
focuses on the application between reform and revolution due to politics of change which was
the on growing crisis in the Philippines The novel’s main character the consequence of the three-
and protagonist, Crisostomo Ibarra during the Noli and later own hundred years of rule under
change his identity as Simoun in El Fili shows Rizal’s duality Spanish Regime. His thought
moving to and from assimilation and succession, a personality can be said as the founder of
Filipino Nationalism – which
torn between pen and sword, sees Rizal’s inspiration of Philippine
was resulted by the
Revolution – between reform and revolution (Balbin, 2013). Some
Propaganda Movement and
historians would agree that Rizal was indeed a reformist as his
later on the Philippine
main objective towards the Philippine Islands under Spanish
Revolution. Through this
colonial rule. The popular uprising against Spain in 1896 and his process, one of the issues is
lack of support and endorsement for a revolution armed struggle that Rizal is uncertain between
would complicate our opinion regarding his political thought. reform and revolution which
was reflected in his novels and
his condemnation of a popular
uprising against Spain in 1986.

Socio- Regardless of what Rizal prefers, one thing is for sure; his thought Rizal’s novels and works
cultural as we expect is beyond moderate or liberalism in the extent that reflect themes that are used
he may show what is more radical during that time which is the as a tool for his social analysis
ideologies in the far-left (Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism).Some of the Philippine context. With
would ask if Rizal was exposed to the writings of Marxism or any or without knowledge of the
trend of Socialism. Actually he was exposed. His mentor and Marxist rhetoric, Rizal indeed
friend, Miguel Morayta who is a professor of History at was employing Marxian tools
Universidad Central de Madrid; and friend Francisco Pi y Margall, of analysis on illustrating how
an extreme republican, a libertarian socialist, the president of the the conditions during the
short-lived First Spanish Republic in 1873 and an advocate of Spanish colonial Philippines
autonomy; both borrowed heavily from Proudhon’s Social (Balbin, 2013). His works
Philosophy (Guerroro, 2003; Bonoan, 1992). Proudhon is reveal how a group of people
considered by many to be the "father of anarchism" (Guerin, that had so much absolute
1970). His theory defines anarchy as "the absence of a master, of power control over the factors
a sovereign" and wrote, "As man seeks justice in equality, so of production in an economic
society seeks order in anarchy." Rizal may have been introduced system who determined on
to Proudhon’s ideas. In his novel El Filibusterismo, Simoun retaining that power by
presented anarchist attitude especially in his plot to blow up whatever means it was
Kapitan Tiago house during Paulita Gomez’s wedding reception. challenged by an inferior
His plot to kill not just the clergy and government officials but also group( Filipinos) which has the
everybody regardless of being innocent of not, reflects him being intent in obtaining that power
an anarchist. themselves.

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