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Mayte: good morning miss, what are you going to order today?

Angelica: Hi, I'm new in town.

Mayte: Ohh, I understand. Wuld you like me to help you with your order?
Angelica: yes, please, could you recommend something typical of this country?
Mayte: As a starder I suggest you try the causa
Angelica: sounds interesting, and as a second?
Mayte: I'll bring you the best-seling menu, the delishus lomo saltado
Angelica: That sounds delicious, I want to try it right now.
Mayte: Ok, in twenty minutes it will be ridy, what wuld you like for dessert?
Angelica: I'd like to try the banana split ice cream.
Mayte: Very good Angelica, soon we will bring you what you ordered.
Angelica: Excuse me, waiter, could you come here for a moment?
Mayte: I'm coming, sorry for the delay, how can I help you?
Angelica: They still have the fortune cookies.
Mayte: Of course, we deliver it at the end.
Angelica: I want to read my fortune cookie now.
Mayte: Done Angelica, here is your delicious lomo saltado, I hope you enjoy it.
Angelica: Smells great, thank you very much.
Mayte: You tell me abaut the dish.
Angelica: The truth is that everything was very tasty, now we just need to try the dessert to give this
restaurant a ten.
Mayte: Thank you very much for the beautiful words.
Angelica: I will eat here every time I come to visit this country. Thanks for the good attention, see you.
Mayte: Thank you very much. We will be waiting for you soon. You take care too

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