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Social Science
Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 80

1. Q uestion paper comprises five Sections - A, B, C, D and E. There are 37 questions in the question
paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section A - From question 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 m ark each.
3. Section B - Q uestion no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 m arks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
4. Section C contains Q. 25 to Q.29 are Short A nswer Type Questions, carrying 3 m arks each. A nswer to
each question should not exceed 60 words.
5. Section D - Q uestion no. 30 to 33 are long answ er type questions, carrying 5 m arks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 120 words.
6. Section-E - Questions no. from 34 to 36 are case based questions w ith th ree sub questions and are of
4 m arks each.
7. Section F - Q uestion no. 37 is m ap based, carrying 5 m arks w ith two parts, 37a from H istory (2 marks)
and 37b from Geography (3 marks).
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an in tern al choice has been provided in few
questions. Only one of th e choices in such questions have to be attem pted.
9. In addition to this, separate instructions are given w ith each section and question, w herever necessary.

Section A : Multiple Choice Questions (l x 20 = 20 Marks)

1. Who ruled France in 1830’s and was 2. W hat does Liberalism m eant to the new
forced to flee after unem ploym ent caused m iddle classes? (l)
w orkers to revolt on roads? (l) (a) Econom ic freedom
(a) King E m m anuel II (b) Freedom of the individual and equality of
(b) King William I all before law.
(c) King Louis Philippe (c) End of aristocracy
(d) King Wilhelm (d) New political rights
i S u cceed Sample Paper 8 113

3. Following image is a caricatu re of which 8 . Fill in the blank. (l)

personality in the G erm an Reichstag Coal
(Parliam ent) from Figaro, Vienna.
Arunachal Pradesh ?
Identify. (l)
(a) Soil
(b) S olar energy
(c) W ater resources
(d) M inerals

Which of the following soils supports the

crop of Bajra? (1)
(a) Red soil (b) Alluvial soil
(c) Black soil (d) Yellow soil

10. Read the following statem ents and choose

the co rrect code. (l)
(a) King Victor E m m anuel II (i) In a federation, the powers of the
(b) Otto von B ism arck federal and provincial governments are
(c) G iuseppe Mazzini clearly demarcated.
(d) G iuseppe G aribaldi (ii) India is a federation because the powers
4. In w hich year the Flabsburg rulers of the Union and State Governments are
granted m ore autonom y to the specified in the Constitution and they
H ungarians? (1) have exclusive jurisdiction on their
respective subjects.
(a) 1850 (b) 1857
(c) 1867 (d) 1868 (iii) Sri Lanka is a federation because the
country is divided into provinces.
5. Arrange the following in a chronological (iv) India is no longer a federation because
order. (l)
some powers of the states have been
(i) First Malayalam Book was printed. developed to the local government
(ii) Calcutta Supreme Court passed bodies.
regulations to control press freedom. Codes
(iii) Fairy Tailes printed by Grime Brother. (a) Only (i)
(iv) Martin Luther wrote ‘Ninety Five (b) Both (i) and (ii)
Thesis’. (c) Only (iii)
(a) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii) (b) (ii), (iii), (i),(iv) (d) Both (iii) and (iv)
(c) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii) (d) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
11. There are two statem ents m arked as
6 . Identify the soil w ith the help of given Assertion (A) and Reason (R). M ark your
clues. (l) answ er as p er the codes given below. (l)
• It is acidic in nature. Assertion (A) Com m unity G overnm ent in
Belgium is elected by one language
• It is rich in iron.
• It is found in Hills summits of Eastern,
Western Ghats and Assam Hills. Reason (R) Com m unity G overnm ent
(a) Red soil (b) Laterite soil helped in resolving conflict betw een
(c) Black soil (d) Alluvial soil different linguistic groups.
7. W hich of the following is an exam ple of (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
cultivable w asteland? (l) explanation of A.
(a) Gross C ropped Area (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the
(b) B arren W asteland correct explanation of A.
(c) C urrent Fallow Land (c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) Uncultivable Land (d) A is false, but R is true.
114 i S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

12. Choose the correctly m atched pair. (l) 16. M atch the following. (1)
List I List I I L istI L ist II

(a) Sinhala-speakers 80 % A. Highest Per Capita Income 1. Bihar

(b) Tamil- speakers 18% B. Highest Literacy Rate 2. Haryana
(c) Dutch-speakers 74% C. Highest Infant Mortality Rate 3. Kerala
(d) French- speakers 20%
13. Pokharan, the place w here India (a) A-2, B-3, C-l (b) A-3, B-2, C-l
conducted its n u clear tests, lies in (c) A-l, B-3, C-2 (d) A-2, B -l, C-3
R ajasthan. Suppose the G overnm ent of 17. Analyse the table given below and
R ajasthan was opposed to the C entral answ er the question th a t follows.
G overnm ent’s n u clear policy, could it
The source shows a database of w orkers
prevent the G overnm ent of India from em ployed in different sectors
conducting the nu clear tests? Identify the
(in millions). (l)
reason from the given options. (l)
Sector Unorganised Organised Total
(a) Yes, the State governm ent could prevent it
as Defence is a subject of State List. Primary 200 2 202
(b) No, the State governm ent could not prevent Secondary 50 5 55
the C entral governm ent from conducting
the nuclear tests because ‘D efence’ is the Tertiary 80 20 100
subject of Union List and n u clear tests are Total 330 27 357
the p art of the Defence.
Total in % 100%
(c) Yes, the State governm ent could prevent it
as conducting nuclear tests is a subject of Calculate the percentage of people in an
C oncurrent List. organised sector.
(d) No, the State governm ent could not (a) 10% (b) 9.6%
prevent the Central governm ent as (c) 7.6% (d) 8.4%
conducting nuclear tests in any state is
legally valid. 18. Ram w eight is 98 kgs and his height is
165 cm. Find out his Body Mass Index
14. In w hich year the am endm ent in the (BMI) from the following options. (l)
Indian Constitution was m ade th a t led
the third tier of dem ocracy m ore effective (a) 18.5 (b) 15.2 (c) 36.0 (d) 25.0
and powerful? (l) 19. W hich of the following provision makes
(a) 1990 (b) 1992 NREGA as the Right to Work? (l)
(c) 1994 (d) 1995
(a) Increase in land productivity has been
given preference.
15. W hat kind of change took place in (b) If the governm ent fails to provide
1993 in Belgium? Identify the co rrect em ploym ent, it will give unem ploym ent
option. (l) allowance.
(a) The C onstitutional Powers w ere taken away (c) This Act has been spread to all the districts
from regional governm ents and w ere given in the country.
to the C entral governm ent. (d) All of the above
(b) The regional governm ents w ere given
C onstitutional pow ers th at w ere no 20. W hich of the following types of
longer dependent on the Central activities are covered in the Secondary
governm ent. sector? (l)
(c) The regional governm ents w ere given (a) Goods are produced by exploiting natural
C onstitutional pow ers th a t w ere resources.
co-dependent w ith C entral governm ent. (b) It includes agriculture, forestry and dairy.
(d) The C onstitutional pow ers w ere com pletely (c) N atural products are changed through
taken aw ay from the C entral ^ m anufacturing.
governm ent and w ere given to the m ajority (d) It generates services ra th e r than goods.
I S u cceed Sample Paper 8 115

Section B : Very Short Answer Questions (2x4 = 8 Marks)

21 . “Rich peasants becam e supporters of 23. W hat do you m ean by the B arter System of
the Civil D isobedience M ovem ent”. Exchange? • (2)
Com m ent. (2)
24. Why has the N ational m anufacturing
22 . State the o rder passed by the Suprem e com petitiveness council been set up? (2)
C ourt to reform the Election
Or On w hat basis is the industrial sector
Com m ission of India. (2)
classified into public and private sector?

Section C : short Answer Questions (3x5 = 15 Marks)

25. M odem currency is accepted as a medium 27. Why resource planning is essential for
of exchange without any use of its own. India? Explain. (3)
Why? (3)
28. Give any two m erits and dem erits of one
26. W hat w ere the results of the ethnic party system. (3)
conflict in Sri Lanka? (3)
29. How did plantation w orkers in Assam
Or State a com parative analysis have th eir own understanding of
betw een India and Belgium in the M ahatm a G andhi and the notion of
sphere of area. Sw araj? Explain. (3)

Section-D : Long Answer Questions (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

30. W hat was the political scenario of India 32. State the significance of conservation of
from 1922 to 1930? (5) m inerals. H ighlight any three m easures to
conserve them . (5)
Or Write a brief note about the H industan
Socialist Republican Army. Or How nuclear energy is expected to play an
im portant role in India? Give argum ents to
31. Explain five political outcom es of support this statement.
democracy. (5)
33. Bank plays a significant in the Econom y
Or In actual life dem ocracies do not ap p ear of India. Analyse and explain the
to be very successful in reducing statem ent in a elaborative m anner. (5)
econom ic inequalities. Explain the
statem ent. Or Briefly describe the functions of Reserve
Bank of India.

Section-E : Case Based Questions ( 4 x 3 = 12 Marks)

34. Read the source given below and answer peoples .They did not see themselves as
the questions that follow. sharing a collective identity or a common
culture. Often, they even spoke different
What we know today as Germany, Italy
languages and belonged to different ethnic
and Switzerland were divided into
groups. The Habsburg Empire that ruled
kingdoms, Duchies and Cantons whose over Austria-Hungary, for example, was a
ruler had their autonomous territories.
patchwork of many different regions and
Eastern and Central Europe were under peoples. It included the Alpine regions-the
autocratic monarchies within the
Tyrol, Austria and the Sudetenland as well
territories of which lived diverse

as Bohemia, where the aristocracy was Three of these have been highlighted: rapid
predominantly German speaking. It also improvements in technology, liberalisation
included the Italian speaking provinces of of trade and investment policies and
Lombardy and Venetia. pressures from international organisations
In Hungary, half of the population spoke such as the WTO. Improvement in
Magyar while the other half spoke a variety technology is a fascinating area for students
of dialects. In Galicia, the aristocracy and you may, with a few directions,
spoke Polish. Besides these three dominant encourage them to do their own explorations.
groups, there also lived within the (i) Which factors are kept in mind by the
boundaries of the empire, a mass of subject MNC’s for setting up the production? (1)
peasant peoples Bohemians and Slovaks to
the North, Slovenes in Carniola, Croasts to (ii) How an MNC exert strong influence on
the South and Roumans to the East in production at distant locations? (l)
Transylvania. (iii) State the factors which facilitated
Such differences did not easily promote a Globalisation. (2)
sense of political unity. The only tie binding 36. Read the given extract and answer the
these diverse groups together was a following questions.
common allegiance to the emperor.
Alluvial soil is the most widely spread and
(i) What was the reason behind Germany, im portant soil. In fact, the entire Northern
Italy and Switzerland not being a plains are made of alluvial soil. These have
nation state? (l) been deposited by three im portant
(ii) Were there any nation - states in Himalayan river systems-the Indus, the
Europe till the mid 18th Century. Ganga and the Brahm aputra. These soils
How? (2) also extend Rajasthan and Gujarat through
(iii) Describe the Habsburg Empire. (1) a narrow corridor. Alluvial soil is also found
in the Eastern coastal plains particularly in
35. Read the given extract and answer the the deltas of the Mahanadi, the Godavari,
following questions. the Krishna and the Kaveri rivers.
Most regions of the world are getting The alluvial soil consists of various
increasingly interconnected. While this proportions of sand, silt and clay. As we move
interconnectedness across countries has inlands towards the river valleys, soil
many dimensions — cultural, political, particles appear some what bigger in size. In
social and economic — this chapter looks the upper reaches of the river valley i.e. near
at globalisation in a more limited sense. It the place of the break of slope, the soils are
defines globalisation as the integration coarse. Such soils are more common in
between countries through foreign trade piedmont plains such as Duars, Chos and
and foreign investments by Multinational Terai. Apart from the size of their grains or
Corporations (MNCs). components, soils are also described on the
basis of their age. According to their age
If we look at the past thirty years or so, we
alluvial soils can be classified as old alluvial
find that MNCs have been a major force in
(Bangar) and new alluvial (Khadar). The
the globalisation process connecting
Bangar soil has higher concentration of
distant regions of the world. Why are the
kanker nodules than the Khadar soil. It has
MNCs spreading their production to other
more fine particles and is more fertile than
countries and what are the ways in which the Bangar.
they are doing so? In order to discuss this
rather than relying on quantitative (i) Why alluvial soil requires least water?(l)
estimates, the rapid rise and influence of (ii) What is the reason behind high fertility
the MNCs has been shown through a of alluvial soil? (l)
variety of examples, mainly drawn from (iii) In India, where can one find alluvial
the Indian context. Globalisation has been > soil? Which Indian state has largest
facilitated by several factors. deposits of alluvial soil? (2)
i S u cceed Sample Paper 8 117

Section-F •' M ap Skill Based Questions (2 + 3 = 5 Marks)

37. (a) Tw o p la c e s A a n d B a r e m a r k e d o n th e g iv en o u tlin e m a p o f In d ia . Id e n tify th e m a n d w rite

th e ir c o r r e c t n a m e s o n th e lin e s d r a w n n e a r th e m . (2)
A. The p lace w h e re th e In d ia n N a tio n a l C ongress S ession w as h eld in D ecem b er 1920.
B. The p lace w h e re th e C otto n Mill W orkers S a ty a g ra h a w as co n d u cted .
(b) O n th e s a m e o u tlin e m a p o f In d ia , lo c a te a n y th re e fe a tu re s o f th e fo llo w in g w ith s u ita b le
sy m b o ls. (3)
(i) An A irp o rt in W est B engal
(ii) R a m a g u n d a m T h erm al P ow er P la n t
(iii) T h iru v a n a n th a p u ra m S o ftw are Technology Park
(iv) T utico rin Port

7. (c) King Louis Philippe 13. '( b ) No, the State government could not prevent
the Central government from conducting the
2. (b) Freedom of the individual and equality of all
before law. nuclear tests because 'Defence' Is the subject of
Union List and nuclear tests are the part of the
3. (,b) Otto von Bismarck Defence.
4. (c) 1867 14. (,b) 1992
5. (a) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii) 75. (,b ) The regional governments were given
6. (b) Laterite soil Constitutional powers that were no longer
dependent on the Central government.
7. (d) Uncultivable Land
16. (a)
8. (c) Water resources
7 7. (c) 7.6%
9. (c) Black soil
18. (c) 36.0
10. (b) Both (i) and (ii)
79. (b) If the government fails to provide employment,
11. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
it will give unemployment allowance.
explanation of A.
20. (c) Natural products are changed through
12. (b)

21. Rich peasants also had their ideals and It has certainly made transactions easier and is
perceptions of Swaraj which encouraged them to easy to carry also. In India, the Reserve Bank of
join the movement. Rich peasants like Patidars of India issues currency notes on behalf of the
Gujarat and Jats in Uttar Pradesh who were Central Government and guarantees the value
producers of commercial crops were hard hit by attached to paper notes and coins.
depression and foiling prices. As their cash 26. The results of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka were
income reduced they were unable to pay as follows
government revenue. The government refused to
• The distrust between the Sinhalese and the
reduce revenue. So the rich peasants became
Tamils led to widespread conflict and soon
supporter of Civil Disobedience Movement.
turned into a Civil War.
22. The Supreme Court passed an order to reduce the • Many families were forced to leave the country as
influence of money and criminals. Now, it is refugees. Many people lost their livelihoods.
mandatory for every candidate who contests • The Civil War caused a terrible setback to the
elections to file an affidavit giving details of his social, cultural and economic life of the country.
property and criminal cases pending against him.
Or Belgium is a small country in Europe. It covers an
The new system has made a lot of information
area of 30,528 It has borders with France,
available to the public. But there is no system of
Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg.
check if the information given by the candidates is
Regarding population it has a population of over
one crore, about half the population of Haryana.
23. Before the use of money, people followed a barter
system of exchange. In this system, goods are
On the other hands, India is a vast country (covers
directly exchanged (without use of money)
3287263 sq. km area) with 22 officially
between two or more people who agree to
recognised languages. Hindi and English are used
exchange each other’s goods.
as official languages. To draw areawise division
For example, farmers exchanging wheat for shoes according to language spoken is very difficult
and vice versa. In this case, the farmer and shoe in India.
manufacturer should be in need of each other’s
2 7 . Resource planning is essential in India as
goods. This is called double coincidence of wants.
resources are limited and unevenly distributed over
24. The National manufacturing competitiveness the country. Planning will help in reducing wastage
Council has been set up with the objective to as well as taking care of the requirements of future
develop the sector of manufacturing industries. generations.
This council provide a continuing forum for policy An example of uneven distribution of resources is
dialogue to energise and sustain the growth of Arunachal Pradesh which has abundance of water
manufacturing industries in India. resources, but lacks infrastructural development to
Or On the basis of ownership of enterprises the utilise the water resources.
industrial sector is classified into public and private Irrational consumption and over utilisation of
sector. resources leads to socio-economic and
Public sector organisations are owned, controlled environmental problems like in Punjab, waterlogging
and managed by the government or the state run has increased salinity and alkalinity in the soil.
bodies. Private sector organisations are owned, 28. Merits of one-party system are
controlled and managed by individuals, groups or
(i) Strong and Stable Government Since there
business entities.
is no opposition party, the government is
2 5 . Modern currency is accepted as a medium of strong and cannot be removed or voted out of
exchange without any use of its own. It is due to power.
the reason that the modern currency is not made (ii) Less Expensive Since there is only one party
up of precious metal such as gold, silver or copper and one candidate of the party, not much
and like grain and cattle, it is not of everyday use. money is spent on the election.
Thus, the modern currency is without any use of its
Demerits of one-party system are
(i) Undemocratic Government can become
But still it is accepted as a medium of exchange as dictatorial.
it is authorised by Government of the country. (ii) No Choice It gives no choice to the voters.
I S u cceed Sample Paper 8 119

29. The plantation workers in Assam had understood Or In 1928, the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army
the notion of Swaraj in the following ways (HSRA) was founded at a meeting in Feroz Shah
• For plantation workers in Assam, freedom Kotla ground in Delhi. Amongst its leaders were
meant the right to move freely in and out of the Bhagat Singh, Jatin Das and Ajoy Ghosh. Many
confined space in which they were enclosed. nationalists thought that the struggle against the ,
Under the Inland Emigration Act of 1859 British could not be won through non-violence. HSRA
plantation workers were not permitted to leave was a manifestation of this ideology. In a series of
the Tea gardens without permission. dramatic actions in different parts of India, the HSRA
• Swaraj for plantation workers meant retaining a targeted some of the symbols of British power.
link to the village from where they had come. In April 1929, Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar Dutta
When plantation workers heard of the threw a bomb in the Legislative Assembly. In the
Non-Cooperation fylovement thousands of same year, there was an attempt to blow up the train
workers refused to obey their authorities, left that Lord Irwin was travelling in. Bhagat Singh was
the plantations and headed home. 23, when he was tried and executed by the colonial
• They believed that Gandhi Raj was coming and government. During his trial, Bhagat Singh stated
everyone would be given land in their own that he did not wish to glorify 'the cult of the bomb
village. The plantation worker, however never and pistol' but wanted a revolution in society.
reached their destination as they were caught ’Revolution is the inalienable right of mankind.
by the police and brutally beaten up. Freedom is the imprescriptible birthright of all. The
labourer is the real sustainer of society. To the altar of
30. The political scenario of India from 1922 to
this revolution we have brought our youth as incense,
1930 is
for no sacrifice is too great for so magnificent a
• CR Das and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj
cause We are content. We await the advent of
Party within the Congress to argue for a return
revolution. Inquilab Zindabadi’
to council politics. But, younger leaders like
Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose 31. The five political outcomes of democracy are as
pressed for more radical mass agitation and for follows
full independence. (i) The most basic outcome of democracy is that it
• The demand for agricultural goods fell and produces a government that is accountable to the
exports declined, peasants found it difficult to citizens and responsive to the needs and
sell their harvests and pay their revenue. By expectations of the citizens.
1930, the countryside was in turmoil. Against (ii) Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation
this background the new government in Britain and negotiation.
constituted a Statutory Commission under Sir (iii) A democratic government may take more time to
John Simon. The problem was that the follow procedures before arriving at a decision.
commission did not have a single Indian But because it follows procedures, its decisions
member. They were all British. Lala Lajpat Rai may be both more acceptable to the people and
was assaulted by the British police during a more effective. So, the cost of time that
peaceful demonstration against the Simon democracy pays is worth it.
Commission. It was greeted with the slogan (iv) Democracy ensures that decision-making will be
‘Go Back Simon’. based on norms and procedures. So, a citizen
• In an effort to convince Indians, the Viceroy has the right and the means to examine the
Lord Irwin announced in October 1929, a process of decision-making. This is known as
vague offer of 'dominion status’ for India in an transparency.
unspecified future and a Round Table (v) A democratic government is a legitimate
Conference to discuss a future Constitution. government as it is the people's own government.
This did not satisfy the Congress leaders. The
Or In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very
radicals within the Congress, led by Jawaharlal
successful in reducing economic inequalities. This
Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose, became
more assertive. can be justified in the following ways:

• In December 1929, under the Presidency of • The democracy does not guarantee economic
Jawaharlal Nehru, the Lahore Congress development. In most of the democracies, a small
formalised the demand of ’PurnaJSwaraj’ or full number of ultra-rich enjoy a highiy disproportionate
independence for India. share of wealth and income.
120 i S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

For example, countries like South Africa and 33. Banks plays an important role in the economy of
Brazil, the top 20% people take away more than India in the following ways
60 % of the National income. Unfortunately, (i) Provide Deposits Bank accept the deposits
those who are at the bottom of the society have and also pay an amount as interest on the
a very little share (less than 3 %) to depend deposits. In this way, people’s money is safe
upon. with the banks and it earns an amount as
♦ In India, the elected government looks reluctant to interest. People also have the provision to
take necessary steps for the upliftment of the withdraw the money as and when they require.
large section of poor in our society. Since, the deposits in the bank account can be
• In Bangladesh, more than half of its population withdrawn on demand, these deposits are called
lives in poverty. People in several poor countries demand deposits.
are now dependent on the rich countries even (ii) Provide Loans Bank keep only a small portion
for food supplies. of their deposits as cash with themselves. Banks
3 2 . Conservation of mineral resources are essential use the major position of the deposits to give
due to the following reasons loans. There is a huge demand for loans for
(i) Minerals are required in many industries. So, it various economic activities. Banks make use of
is important to use them carefully as it is the deposits to meet the loan requirements of
needed everywhere. the people,
(ii) Minerals are already in limited quantities and In this way, banks provide credit to set up
they are non-renewable resources. Their industries and in agriculture. This generates more
reserves are fast depleting. employment and raises income thereby bringing
(iii) Lot of economic developmental plans have economic development.
been possible due to the presence of certain Or The Reserve Bank of India supervises the
minerals. So to continue those developmental functioning of formal sources of loans in India
plans and projects, judicious use of minerals is
Functions of Reserve Bank of India are as follows
(i) The Reserve Bank of India monitors that the
Ways of conservation of minerals are banks actually maintain the cash balance and
(i) Better and improved technology should be do not give all the deposits as loans.
used to reduce wastage of minerals during (ii) The Reserve Bank of India ensures that the
extraction. banks given loans not just to profit-making
(ii) Minerals and metals made out of those minerals businesses and rich traders, but also to small
should be recycled wherever possible. cultivators, small scale industries, small
(iii) Scrap metals and substitutes of metals should borrowers, etc.
be used wherever possible. (iii) Periodically, banks have to submit information to
Or Nuclear energy is expected to play an important the Reserve Bank of India on how much they are
role in India due to the following reasons lending, to whom, etc.
(i) India has limited reserves of coal and (iv) The rate of interest charged on loans given by
petroleum. Nuclear energy minerals like the banks is decided by the Reserve bank.
Thorium is found in plenty in India. Hence, (v) In this way, the RBI keeps a check on all the
nuclear energy can compensate for deficiency activities of banks and checks the flow of credit
of fossil fuels. also.
(ii) Nuclear power stations can be established 34. (i) The reason behind Germany, Italy and
easily and conveniently in those areas where Switzerland not being a nation state is that these
other sources are not available. countries were divided into Kingdoms, Duchies
(iii) Nuclear power releases tremendous amounts and Cantons, whose rulers had their
of energy. India can utilise this energy for autonomous territories.
peaceful purposes such as generation of (ii) Yes, there were nation states in Europe till the
electricity that can be used to run machines in mid 18th century. Eastern and Central Europe
industries. were under autocratic monarchies within the
(vi) Nuclear energy is a non-conventional source ^ territories of diverse peoples. They did not see
of energy. After the initial expenses, it themselves as sharing a collective identity or a
becomes very economical. common culture.
i S u cceed Sample Paper 8 121
gH M M I

(iii) The Habsburg Empire ruled over It has a loamy texture and it is rich in humus. It
Austria-Hungry was a patchwork of many has good water retention and water absorbing
different regions and peoples. It included the capacity.
Alpine regions, the Tyrol, Austria and the (iii) Alluvial soil is found in the regions of Indo-Gangetic
Sudetenland as well as Bohemia. Its also plains, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West
included the provinces of Lombardy and Bengal, Assam as well as in the Northern parts of
Venetia. Gujarat. Uttar Pradesh has the highest deposit of
35. (i) The factors which are kept in mind by the MNC's alluvial soil in India.
for setting up the production in another country 37 .
• Availability of cheap skilled labour
• Proximity to markets
• Favourable government policies
(ii) MNCs are exerting a strong influence on production
at distant locations by setting up partnership with
local companies, for supplies and by competing
with local companies or buying them.
(iii) Globalisaion has been facilitated by several
factors such as
• Rapid improvements in technology across the
globe especially in the developed countries.
• Liberalisation of trade and investment policies
being adopted across the world.
36. (i) Alluvial soil is one of the best soil, requiring the
least water due to its high porosity.
(ii) Alluvial soil is extermely fertile because it is
formed by the sediments transported by rivers
and is a mixture of sand, clay and silt.
Social Science
Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 80

1. Q uestion paper comprises five Sections - A, B, C, D and E. There are 37 questions in the question
paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section A - From question 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 m ark each.
3. Section B - Q uestion no. 21 to 24 are Very Short A nswer Type Questions, carrying 2 m arks each.
A nsw er to each question should not exceed 40 words.
4. Section C contains Q. 25 to Q.29 are S hort Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 m arks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 60 words.
5. Section D - Q uestion no. 30 to 33 are long answ er type questions, carrying 5 m arks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 120 words.
6. Section-E - Questions no. from 34 to 36 are case based questions w ith th ree sub questions and are of
4 m arks each.
7. Section F - Q uestion no. 37 is m ap based, carrying 5 m arks w ith two p arts, 37a from H istory (2 m arks)
and 37b from G eography (3 marks).
8. There is no overall choice in th e question paper. However, an in tern al choice has been provided in few
questions. Only one of th e choices in such questions have to be attem pted.
9. In addition to this, sep arate instructions are given w ith each section and question, w herever necessary.

Section A : Multiple Choice Questions (l x 20 = 20 Marks)

1. The Young Italy M ovement was 2. W hich of the following option/s is/are
related to w hich of the following co rrect about the female allegory of
aspects? (1) France? (l)
(a) Freedom of Italy from the subjugating (i) She was named Marianne.
rule of O ttom an rulers.
(b) A m ission to educate the Youth of Italy. (ii) She took part in the French Revolution.
(c) A m ission to hold elections in Italy for (iii) She was a symbol of National Unity.
the first tim e.
(d) U nification of Italy since, it was divided (iv) Her characteristic were drawn from those
into various states. of liberty and the Republic.
I Su cceed Sample Paper 9 123

Codes 7. Choose the correctly m atched p air about

(a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii) the soil and th eir areas. (l)
(c) (i), (iii) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv) (a) Red Laterite soil - West Bengal
(b) Arid soil- K erala
3. Arrange the following events in a (c) Yellow and Red soil- C hhattisgarh
chronological order (t) (d) Alluvial soil -M adhya Pradesh
(i) Paper reached Europe from China.
(ii) Buddhist missionaries from China 8 . With people being m ade the
introduced hand printing technology decision-m akers by the M adhya Pradesh
into Japan. governm ent, 2.9 million hectares o r about
1 p er cent of In d ia’s land area are being
(iii) Marco Polo brought woodblock printing
greened across the state through w hich of
technology into Europe from China.
the following m ethods? (l)
(iv) Printing done in China by rubbing
(a) Waste m anagem ent
paper against the inked surface of (b) W atershed m anagem ent
wooden blocks. (c) R ainw ater harvesting
Codes (d) None of the above
(a) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i) (b) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
(c) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) (d) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
9. In d ia’s territorial w ater extends up to a
distance o f ................. (l)
4. The given im age depicts the ‘Planting of (a) 22.5 N autical miles (b) 12 N autical miles
Tree of L iberty’ painted by Karl Fritz, (l) (c) 19.2 N autical miles (d) 200 N autical miles

10. M atch the following. (l)

List I List I I
A. Brussels has a separate 1. Accepted equal
government representation in
B. Belgian leaders between 2. In a legitimate
1970 and 1993 government.
C. French-speaking people 3. Dutch and French
speaking people
In w hich country is the scene taking have equal
place? Identify from the given options. representation.
(a) Leipzig, G erm any D. Citizens acquire a stake 4. Amended their
(b) Frankfurt, G erm any in the system through Constitution four
(c) Paris, France participation times.
(d) Zw eibriicken, G erm any
5. Why did the initial enthusiasm of French (a) A-l, B-3, C-4, D-2 (b) A-3, B-4, C -l, D-2
people fade away gradually about the (c) A-4, B-2, C-3, D -l (d) A-2, B -l, C-4, D-3
Civil Code? (l) 11. W hich of the following can be considered
(a) Accepted only by the elite class. a form of sharing of pow ers betw een the
(b) Due to increased taxation and censorship. governm ents? (l)
(c) R estrictions on Freedom .
(d) Both (b) and (c) (i) Division of powers between the Chief
Minister and Governor.
6 . Identify the crop w ith the help of clues (ii) Division of powers between Central and
given below. (l) State legislatures.
• High tem perature is required during the (iii) Power sharing between Union and the
time of growth. States through lists of subjects.
• Grows well on well-drained fertile soils (iv) Power division between Bureaucracy
in the flood plains where soils are and Executive.
renewed Codes
every year. (a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii)
(a) Rubber (b) Cotton (c) Both (ii) and (iv) (d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(c) Jute (d) Coffee
124 i S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

12. Identify the adm inistrative body of 16. Analyse the table given below and
Indian Federal system w ith the help of answ er the question th at follows. (l)
the following inform ation. (l) The source shows a database of workers
• It is a forum to discuss local governance employed in different sectors (in millions).
and development. Sector Unorganised Organised Total
• All the decisions are taken through this Primary 240 2 242
and no decision is official and valid Secondary 54 9 63
without the consent of this body at the
Tertiary 76 17 93
village level.
Total 370 28 398
Select the ap propriate option from the
Total in % 100%
(a) Block Sam iti (b) G ram Sabha R eena is w orking as an accountant in a
(c) Zila Parishad (d) M unicipality com pany w here she receives poor
w orking conditions especially in term s of
Fill in the blanks. (1) wages w hich is m uch below than in the
Subject List form al sector.
Education p W hat percentage of tertiary sector
Police State List workers in India is employed in
unorganised sector according to the table?
(a) C oncurrent List (b) Union List
(c) State List (a) 71.2% (b) 80%
(d)None of these
(c) 81.7% (d) 91.7%
14. C onsider the following statem ents about
the holding-together federation. (l) 17. If BMI is less than 18.5 then, the person
w ould be considered as w hich of the
(i) A large country divides its power following? (l)
between Constituent States and the (a) Overweight (b) U nder nourished
National Government. (c) U nderw eight (d) M alnourished
(ii) The Central government tends to be
more powerful vis-a-vis the states. 18. Anubha has taken a loan of ? 10 Lakh at
an interest of 5 p er cent, from the bank in
(iii) The Central government and the State
w hich she is w orking. Anubha works in
always seem to have equal powers.
w hich sector of the economy? (l)
(iv) Constituent states have unequal powers.
(a) Prim ary (b) Secondary
Codes (c) Tertiary (d) All of these
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) Only (iv) 19. W hat is the purpose of publishing the
HDR for the UNDP? (l)
15. There are two statem ents m arked as (a) To tell how to adjust inequalities.
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). M ark your (b) To m easure how developm ent has im proved
answ er as p er the codes given below, (l) hum an life.
Assertion (A) Power is shared am ong (c) To em phasises the im portance of
individuals and th eir ability to unleash their
different social groups in Belgium. m axim um potential.
Reason (R) Com m unity G overnm ent in (d) All of the above
Belgium has the pow er regarding
cultural, educational and language 20 . W hich of the following will be the
related issue. aspiration of a w orking w om an? (l)
Codes (a) To have a safe and secure w ork
environm ent at the office.
(a) Both A and R are tru e and R is the correct (b) To have b etter technologies th at can store
explanation of A. data easily.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the (c) To have good job opportunities w here her
co rrect explanation of A. education can be m ade use of.
(c) A is true, but R is false. (d) To have a fully functioning day care
(d) A is false, but R is true. facilities in the office prem ises.
I Su cceed Sample Paper 9 125

Section B : Very Short Answer Questions (2x4 = 8 Marks)

21 . How has liberalisation of trade and 23. Write a brief account on K andla Sea Port.
investm ent policies helped the
globalisation process? (2) 24. State any two conditions as laid dow n by
the Election Com m ission to recognise a
22. Why Lahore session of the Congress of ‘State P arty’ and 'N ational P arty’. (2)
1929 is considered as the historical
session? (2) Or State the m erits of tw o-party system.

Section C : Short Answer Questions (3x5 = 15 Marks)

25. Write a short note on (3) 27. M ention any three aspects of life in w hich
(i) Automobile Industry w om en are discrim inated against in our
country. (3)
(ii) IT and Electronics Industry
Or How do industries create therm al and 28. Discuss any two reasons w hich indicates
noise pollution? M ention their th a t caste alone cannot determ ine
consequences. election results in India. (3)
26. Write a note on Giuseppe Mazzini. (3) 29. M ention the role of credit for
developm ent in an economy. (3)

Section-D : Long Answer Questions (5 X 4 = 20 Marks)

30. Som e of the political organisations in 32. "Planning is the widely accepted
India w ere lukew arm in th eir response strategy for judicious use of resources in a
to the ‘Civil D isobedience M ovem ent’. country like In d ia”. Justify this
Exam ine the statem ent. (5) statem ent with two relevant points and
an example. (5)
Or Sketch out a precise narrative of the
genesis of G andhiji’s idea of Or Write four institutional efforts m ade
non-cooperation w ith the British and at global level for 'resource
the circum stantial significance of conservation’.
launching the first Mass M ovement of
India in 1920. 33. Som etim es the bank m ight not be
willing to lend credit to a borrower.
31. “Dynastic succession is one of the m ost W hat could be the possible reasons
serious challenges before the political behind it? (5)
p arties.” Exam ine the statem ent. (5)
Or Explain w ith an exam ple how the term s
Or "Political parties are rightly called the of credit can be unfavourable for the
governm ent in disguise.” Justify the sm all farmer. Also suggest some
statem ent in reference to dem ocratic sources by w hich small farm ers can get
politics by giving argum ents. cheap credit.
126 1 S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

Section-E • Case Based Questions ( 4 x 3 = 1 2 Marks)

34. Read the given extract and answ er the 35. Read the given extract and answ er the
following questions. following questions.
Money is a fascinating subject and full of The Chem ical industry in India is fast
curiosities. The history of m oney and grow ing and diversifying. It contributes
how various forms w ere used at different approxim ately 3 p er cent of the GDP. It is
tim es is an interesting story. M odern the third largest in Asia and occupies the
form s of m oney are linked to the banking tw elfth place in the w orld in term of its
system. The p resent situation in India, size. It com prises both large and small
w here new er forms of m oney are slowly scale m anufacturing units.
spreading w ith com puterisation of the Rapid grow th has been recorded in both
banking system, offers many inorganic and organic sectors. Inorganic
opportunities to students to explore on chem icals include sulphuric acid (used to
their own. We need not get into a form al m anufacture fertilisers, synthetic fibres,
discussion of the ‘functions of m oney’ but plastics, adhesives, paints, dyes stuffs),
let it com e up as questions. The stock of nitric acid, alkalis, soda ash (used to
money consists of currency held by the m ake glass, soaps and detergents, paper)
public and the dem and deposits th at they and caustic soda. These industries are
hold w ith the banks. This is the money widely spread over the country.
that people can use as they w ish and the
governm ent has to ensure th a t the system O rganic chem icals include
w orks smoothly. W hat w ould happen petrochem icals, w hich are used for
w hen the governm ent declares th a t some m anufacturing of synthetic fibers,
of the currency notes used by people synthetic rubber, plastics, dye-stuffs,
w ould be m ade invalid and w ould be drugs and pharm aceuticals. Organic
replaced by new currency? In India, chem ical plants are located n ear oil
during N ovem ber 2016, currency notes refineries o r petrochem ical plants. The
in the denom ination of ? 500 and ? 1,000 chem ical industry is its own largest
w ere declared invalid. People w ere asked consum er. Basic chem icals undergo
to su rren d er these notes to the bank by a processing to further produce other
specific period and receive new ? 500, chem icals th a t are used for industrial
? 2,000 or other currency notes. This is application, agriculture o r directly for
know n as ‘dem onetisation’. consum er m arkets.
Since then, people w ere also encouraged (i) State one difference between organic
to use their bank deposits ra th e r than and inorganic chemicals. (1)
cash for transactions. H ence, digital (ii) Where organic chemical plants are
transactions started by using generally located? (1)
bank-to-bank tran sfer through the (iii) State the features of chemical
internet o r mobile phones, cheques, ATM industries. (2)
cards, credit cards and Point of Sale
(POS) swipe m achines at shops. This is 36. Read the source given below and answ er
prom oted to reduce the requirem ent of the questions th at follow.
cash for transactions and also control ‘To the altar of this revolution we have
corruption. brought our youth as incense'. Many
(i) What can be counted as a modern form nationalists thought th at the struggle
of money? (1) against the B ritish could not be won
(ii) Which factor according to the given through non-violence.
case primarily facilitates the expansion In 1928, the H industan Socialist
of newer currency? fl) Republican Army (HSRA) was founded
(iii) State the possible benefits from at a m eeting in Feroz Shah Kotla ground
demonetisation. (2) in Delhi.
iS u c c e e d Sample Paper 9 127

Amongst its leaders w ere B hagat Singh, society: ‘Revolution is the inalienable
Jatin Das and Ajoy Ghosh. In a series of right of m an k in d .’ Freedom is the
dram atic actions in different parts of im prescriptible birth rig h t of all. The
India, the HSRA targeted some of the labourer is the real sustainer of society. To
symbols of British power. In April 1929, the altar of this revolution we have
B hagat Singh and B atukeshw ar Dutt brought our youth as incense, for no
threw a bom b in the Legislative sacrifice is too great for so m agnificent a
Assembly. In the sam e year, there w as an cause. We are content. We aw ait the
attem pt to blow up the train th at Lord advent of revolution. Inquilab Zindabad!
Irw in was travelling in. B hagat Singh (i) When was HSRA founded? (1)
was 23 w hen he was tried and executed
(ii) Why was Bhagat Singh put on trial? (1)
by the colonial governm ent. D uring his
trial, B hagat Singh stated that he did (iii) What were the reasons behind
not wish to glorify the cult of the bom b formation of HSRA? (2)
and pistol but w anted a revolution in

Section-F : M ap Skill Based Questions (2 + 3 = 5 Marks)

37. (a) Two places A and B are m arked on the

given outline m ap of India. Identify
them and w rite th eir co rrect nam es on
the lines draw n n ear them . (2)
A. The location of the Indian National
Congress Session of 1927.
B. A place where Gandhiji ceremonially
violated the Salt Law and
manufactured salt by boiling salt sea
(b) On the sam e outline m ap of India, locate
and label any three of the following with
suitable symbols. (3)
(i) A major port on the South-East coast
of India.
(ii) A major sugarcane producing state.
(iii) A Software Technology Park
(iv) A major dam in Odisha.
128 i S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

1. (d) Unification of Italy since, it was divided into stretching across the states of Jammu and
various states. Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana,
2. (c) (i), (iii) and (iv) Rajasthan and Gujarat.

3. (b) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii) 2 4 . The conditions laid down by the Election
Commission to recognise a ‘State Party' and
4. (id) Zweibrucken, Germany
'National Party' are
5. (d) Both (b) and (c)
(i) In a state party, the party members aim to
6. (c) Jute highlight the regional interests. On the other
7. (c) Yellow and Red soil- Chhattisgarh hand, a national party gives due importance to
8. (b) Watershed management national interests.

9. (b) 12 Nautical miles (ii) A state party can contest in elections only in a
particular state, whereas a national party can
10. (b ) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
contest in elections all across the country.
11. (d ) Both (ii) and (iii)
Or Merits of two-party system are
12. (b) Gram Sabha
• In this system, electorate has a very clear choice
73. (a) Concurrent List before him/her.
74. (c) (i), (ii) and (iv) « This system promotes political stability in the
75. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct country.
explanation of A. 25. (i) Automobile Industry This industry provides
76. (c)81.7% quick transportation vehicles for goods and
77. (b) Under nourished passengers. In India, there are centers for
manufacture of trucks, buses, cars, motor
7S. (c) Tertiary
cycles, scooters, three-wheelers and
79. (b) To measure how development has improved multi-utility vehicles. The industry is located
human life. around Gurugram, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai,
20. (a) To have a safe and secure work environment Kolkata, Lucknow, Indore, Hyderabad,
at the office. Jamshedpur, Delhi and Bengaluru.

27. Liberalisation of trade and investment policies has (ii) Information Technology (IT) and Electronics
helped in Globalisation in the following ways Industry It covers products from transistor sets
to televisions, telephones, cellphones,
* This has helped in the import and export of
telephone exchanges, radars, computers and
goods. This means that goods can be exported
other equipment required by the
and imported easily and also foreign companies
could set up factories and offices here. telecommunication and computer industry.

• Larger foreign investment and larger foreign trade Bengaluru has emerged as the electronic
have led to greater integration of production and capital of India. Other important centres for
markets across countries. electronic goods are Noida, Mumbai, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow and
2 2 The Lahore session of the Congress of 1929 is
•" considered as the historical session because it was
in this session that the resolution for Poorna Swaraj Or Industries create thermal and noise pollution in the
following ways:
or complete independence was taken up. The
Congress President hoisted the flag of Complete • Thermal pollution of water bodies occurs when
Freedom on the bank of the Ravi on the midnight hot water from factories and thermal power plants
of 31st December, 1929, in front of huge crowds. is released into them before cooling. The
consequence of thermal pollution are that aquatic
23. Kandla in Kachchh was the first port developed life in the water bodies can be killed. This
soon after Independence to ease the volume of includes plants as well as fish.
trade on the Mumbai port. Kandla also known as
• Noise pollution is generated by the unbearable
the Deendayal Port is a Tidal port. It caters to the
noise from industrial and construction activities,
convenient handling of exports and imports of ** machinery, generators, pneumatic and electric
highly productive granary and industrial belt tools.
iS u c c e e d Sample Paper 9 129
. . toman

The consequences of noise pollution create People can borrow money and use it to adopt
irritation, anger, stress, hearing impairment, modern farming methods to increase the crop
increased heart rate and blood pressure among production and grow crops which are more reliable
other physiological effects. than the traditional methods. By sanctioning loans
26. Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian. He was born in to developing industries and trade, banks provide
Genoa in Italy. He became a member of the them with the necessary aid for improvement. This
secret society of the Carbonari. leads to increased production, employment and
profits that ultimately help in the development of the
At the age of 24, he was sent into exile for
attempting a revolution in Liguria. He
subsequently established two more underground 30. It’s an apt statement that some of the political
societies. Youthful Italy in Marseilles and Youthful organisations in India were lukewarm in their
Europe in Berne whose members were like response to the ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’. For
minded young men from Poland, France, Italy example,
and the German States. • Some of the Congress leaders were not willing to
Mazzini accepted that God had intended nations continue the non-cooperation because they were
tired of the mass struggle, wanted to participate in
to be the natural units of mankind.
the council elections and criticise the British
27. Three aspects of life in which women are policies within the council. The Swaraj party was
discriminated against in our country are formed within the Congress party by CR Das and
Education The literacy rate among women is only Motilal Nehru. It was formed with the purpose to
54 per cent compared with 76 per cent among argue for return to council elections.
men. When it comes to higher education, a • The Muslims and their political organisations were
smaller proportion of girls, in comparison to the also not taking much interest in the Civil
boys, are allowed to go for higher studies. This is Disobedience Movement due to the decline of the
because parents prefer to spend their resources Non-Cooperation Khilafat Movement. They felt
on their sons’ education. alienated from Congress. They felt that Congress
Sex-ratio In many parts of India, parents find is linked with the Hindu Mahasabha and their
propagandas are Hindu oriented.
ways to abort the girl child in a will to have a son.
This has led to a decline in child sex ratio Or The precise narrative of the genesis of Gandhi's
(number of girl children per thousand boys) in the idea of non-cooperation with the British and the
country to merely 919. circumstantial significance of launching the first
Mass Movement in 1920 is given in ‘Hind Swaraj’
High-paid Jobs The proportion of women
1909. In this book, he declared that British rule was
working in highly paid and valued jobs is still
established in India with the cooperation of Indians.
smaller than men.
If Indians refused to cooperate, British rule in India
28. The two reasons that say that caste alone cannot would collapse within a year and Swaraj would
determine election results in India are come. Mahatma Gandhi proposed the following
(i) No parliamentary constituency in India has a strategy for the implementation of the
clear majority of one single caste. So, parties Non-Cooperation as a Movement
need to win the confidence of more than one * The movement would begin with a surrender o f'
caste and community to win elections. titles, honours and honorary posts by people.
(ii) No party wins the votes of all the voters • The movement would boycott Civil Services, Army,
belonging to one particular caste or Police, British Courts and Legislative Assemblies,
community. Voters have become wiser and School and Colleges and British goods.
they only vote for those candidates or parties * The British goods would be replaced by domestic
which are expected to work towards the goods or Swadeshi to promote the native cottage
development of their constituency. industries.
29. Credit is one of the major aspects that determine * In case of government suppression, the Civil
a country's development. There is a huge Disobedience Movement would be launched. The
demand for loans for various economic activities. Non-Cooperation Movement was adopted by the
Cheap and affordable loans give people an Congress during the Nagpur Conference in
opportunity to develop their business. Credit December 1920 and it began under the leadership
plays a very crucial role in agricultural activities. of Mahatma Gandhi.

31. Dynastic succession is defined as a desire of few to Or Four institutional efforts made at global level for
concentrate political powers in their own hands. It is ‘resource conservation’ are-
one of the most serious challenges before the * At the international level, the Club of Rome
political parties because advocated resource conservation for the first
• Most political parties do not practice open and time in a more systematic way in 1968.
transparent procedures for their functioning. * In 1974, the Gandhian Philosophy was
• There are few ways for an ordinary worker to rise presented once again by Schumacher in his
to the top in a party. book "Small is Beautiful".
• In many parties, the top positions are always • Brundtland Commission Report in 1987,
controlled by members of one family. This practice introduced the concept of “sustainable
is unfair to other members of that party and is also development” and advocated it as a means for
bad for a democracy. resource conservation. This was subsequently
• People who do not have adequate experience or published in a book entitled “Our Common
popular support come to occupy positions of Future” .
power. * In June 1992, the first 'International Earth
Summit’ was held in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, in
Or “ Political parties are rightly called the government in
which 100 heads of States met for addressing
disguise” due to the following reasons
urgent problems of environmental protection
• In most democracies, elections are fought mainly
and socio-economic development at the global
among the candidates put up by political parties.
• Parties put forward different policies and
programmes and the voters choose from them.
33. The banks might not be willing to lend certain
borrowers due to the following reasons
• Parties play a decisive role in making laws for a
country. They shape public opinions to raise and • A few people fail to provide the required set of
highlight issues. documents to get a loan.

• Parties form and run governments. • There are some people who have not repaid
previous loans. Such borrowers are come in the
• Opposition role is important in democracy as it
defaulters list. Banks might not be willing to lend
voices different views and criticises the
them further.
government for its failures or wrong policies.
* The banks might not be willing to lend
• Parties provide people access to government
entrepreneurs who are going to invest in the
machinery and welfare schemes implemented by
business with high risks.
• The banks might not be willing to lend those
32. Planning is the widely accepted strategy for people who earn irregular incomes or have no
judicious use of resources in a country like India. fixed salary because in such cases chances of
India has enormous diversity in the availability of repayment of the loan are very less.
resources. Through planning, regions which have
Or The terms of credit can be unfavorable for the
shortage of vital resources and those having
small farmer for example, if a farmer borrows
adequate quantities, receive equal attention.
money from the bank and during the harvest
There are regions which are rich in certain types of season his crops are ruined, then he shall not be
resources but are deficient in some other able to repay the loan to the bank. Fie might have
resources. For example: Arunachal has an to sell a part of his land to repay the amount. In
abundance of water but lacks infrastructural such condition he will further fall into the debt
development. trap.
There are some regions which can be considered The small farmers can get cheap credit from the
self-sufficient in terms of availability of resources. different sources like banks, agricultural
For example: The states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh cooperatives and Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
and Madhya Pradesh are rich in minerals and coal
34. (i) Paper currency and coins made up of alloys,
ATM cards and cheques can be counted as a
There are some regions which have acute shortage modern form of money.
of some vital resources. For example: The state of
(ii) Computerisation of banking systems primarily
Rajasthan is well endowed with solar and wind ^
facilitates the expansion of newer currency.
energy but lacks in water resources.
I S u cceed Sample Paper 9 131

(iii) The possible benefits from demonetisation include bomb in the Legislative Assembly in an attempt to
(a) Reducing Counterfeit Currency This allows kill Lord Irwin.
the government to weed out counterfeit (iii) The suspension of the Non-Cooperation
currency from the market. Movement after Chauri Chaura irritated some
(b) Curbs Anti-social Activities Through the nationalists who believed that the suspension was
medium of cash many anti-social activities are unjustified. This resulted in the emergence of
discouraged. revolutionary movements who wanted to
overthrow British rule and as a result, HSRA then
35. (i) Organic chemicals includes petrochemicals that are
came into existence.
used for manufacturing of synthetic fibers, synthetic
rubber, plastics, dyes stuffs, drugs and
pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, inorganic
chemicals includes sulphuric acid, nitric acid,
alkalis, soda ash and caustic soda. They are used
to manufacture fertilisers, synthetic fibres, plastics,
adhesives, paints, dyes, stuff, etc.
(ii) Organic chemical plants are generally located near
oil refineries or petrochemical plants.
(iii) The features of chemical industries are
* It is a major source of employment to large
number of people due to its diverse and fast
growing nature.
* It comprises of both large and small scale
manufacturing units.
36. (i) Hindustan Socialist Republican Army (HSRA) was
established in 1928 at Feroz Shah Kotla in New
Delhi by Chandra Shekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh,
Sukhdev Thapar and others.
(ii) Bhagat Singh was put on trial because in April
1929, along with Batukeshwar Dutta he threw a
Social Science
Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 80

1. Q uestion paper comprises five Sections - A, B, C, D and E. There are 37 questions in the question
paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section A - From question 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 m ark each.
3. Section B - Q uestion no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 m arks each.
A nsw er to each question should not exceed 40 words.
4. Section C contains Q. 25 to Q.29 are Short A nswer Type Questions, carrying 3 m arks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 60 words.
5. Section D - Q uestion no. 30 to 33 are long answ er type questions, carrying 5 m arks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 120 words.
6. Section-E - Questions no. from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub questions and are of
4 m arks each.
7. Section F - Q uestion no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 m arks w ith two parts, 37a from H istory (2 m arks)
and 37b from G eography (3 marks).
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an in tern al choice has been provided in few
questions. Only one of th e choices in such questions have to be attem pted.
9. In addition to this, sep arate instructions are given w ith each section and question, w herever necessary.

Section A : Multiple Choice Questions 0 x 20 = 20 Marks)

1. W hich of the following incidents 2. Who was proclaim ed as the ru ler of

m obilised nationalist feelings am ong the United Italy in 1861? Identify from the
educated elite class across Europe? (l) given options. (l)
(a) G erm an U nification (a) King W ilhelm IV
(b) G reek War of Independence (b) K aiser W illiam I
(c) U nification of Italy (c) Victor Em m anuel II
(d) U nification of B ritain (d) Cavour

3. There are two statem ents m arked as Codes

Assertion (A) and Reason (R). M ark your (a) I, IV, II,III (b) I, II, III, IV
answ er as p er the codes given below, (l) (c) III, IV, I, II (d) I, III, II, IV

Assertion (A) Serfdom and bonded 6. Identify the m ajor pro d u cer state of
labour w ere abolished in H absburg ru b b er from the given options. (l)
dom inion and Russia. (a) K erala (b) M aharashtra
Reason (R) M onarchs had realised that (c) Assam (d) Jam m u and K ashm ir
revolution could be resisted only by
granting concessions to the liberal 7. W hat percentage of land in India consists
nationalist rebels. of fertile plains? (l)
(a) 38% (b) 43%
(c) 46% (d) 61%
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A 8 . W hich am ong the following statem ents
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the is/are co rrect about plantations? (l)
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false (i) The plantations have a large area and
(d) A is false, but R is true they are usually found in areas of low
population density of population.
4. In the given image, the courier of (ii) It is capital intensive.
Rhineland loses all th at he has on his
way hom e from Leipzig. Study the (iii) The plantation farming has been an
picture and answ er the question that agricultural practice primarily in
follows. (1) tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Select the co rrect codes from the options
given below.
(a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii)
(c) Both (ii) and (iii) (d) All of these

9. In com m ercial farm ing, a single crop is

grow n on a large area. Identify w hich
state the given crops belong to? (l)
List I List II
A. Sugarcane 1. Assam
B. Coffee 2. Uttar Pradesh
C. Tea 3. Kerala
D. Rubber 4. Karnataka

(a) A -l, B-3, C-4, D-2 (b) A-2, B-4, C -l, D-3
Who is represented as a postm an? (c) A-3, B -l, C-2, D-4 (d) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-l
Identify from the given options. 10. Identify the region/area of India w ith the
(a) N apoleon B onaparte help of the following inform ation. (l)
(b) G iuseppe G aribaldi
(c) Otto von B ism arck • The Central Government has special
(d) G iuseppe Mazzini powers in running these areas.
• These areas are too small to become an
5. Arrange the following events in a independent state.
chronological order. (1)
I. Existence of silk route Select the ap p ro p riate option from the
II. Potato famine in Ireland
(a) Towns (b) Union Territories
III. Rinderpest arrival in Africa (c) D istrict (d) City
IV. The First World War
134 i S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

11. Identify the co rrect statem ents/s Why Sri Lanka has a better rank than India
regarding the age of revolutions. (l) in Human Development Report for 2018?
(i) Growth of revolutionary nationalism in Choose the correct option from the following.
Europe sparked off a struggle for (a) The p er capita incom e of Sri Lanka is
independence amongst the Greeks higher than in India.
(b) Sri Lanka has low population as com pared
which began in 1821.
to India.
(ii) Nationalists in Greece got support from (c) The literacy ratio i.e. enrollm ent ratio in all
other Greeks living in exile and also levels of schools in Sri Lanka is
from many West Europeans. com paratively b etter th an India.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(iii) Poets and artists mobilised public
opinion to support its struggle against a 16. Read the given data and calculate the
Muslim Empire. average incom e of the family. (l)
(iv) The Treaty of Constantinople of 1830 Member Member Member Member
recognised Greece as an independent 1 2 3 4
nation. Income 7000 8000 10000 15000
(a) 8000 (b) 9000 (c) 10000 (d) 12000
(a) Only (i) (b) Both (i) and (ii)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) Only (iv) (a) 8000
(b) 9000
12. Choose the incorrectly m atched pair.
(c) 10000
List I List II (d) 12000
(a) All India Trinamool 1. 1998
Congress Party 17. W hich of the following term is defined as
(b) Bahujan Samajwadi Party 2. 1984
the average expected length of life of a
person at the time of the birth? (l)
(c) Nationalist Congress Party 3. 1999 (a) B irth rate
(d) Communist Party of India 4. 1929 (b) Life expectancy
(c) Life span
Fill in the blanks. (1) (d) M ortality rate

Subject List 18. W hich am ong the following activities can

Defence Union List be included in the Prim ary sector? (l)
(a) Giving loans to the farmer.
Prison ..............
(b) Providing storage facility for the grains.
(a) Union List (b) State List (c) Cultivating sugarcane.
(c) C oncurrent List (d) None of these (d) M aking sugar from sugarcane.

14. A ustralia is an exam ple of w hich type of 19. U nder w hich econom ic sector does the
federation? (1) production of a com m unity through the
(a) H olding-together (b) C om ing-together
n atural process come? (l)
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (a) Public sector
(b) Prim ary sector
15. According to the H um an D evelopm ent (c) Secondary sector
R eport of UNDP, 2018, the HDI ranking (d) Tertiary sector
of countries are m entioned below. (1)
20. Identify the term w hich is used for the
Column I Column I average incom e of a person. (l)
Sri Lanka 78 (a) Total Incom e
India 120 (b) Per C apita Incom e
Pakistan 150 (c) Gross Incom e
Nepal (d) N ational Incom e
I S u cceed Sample Paper 10 135

Section-B : Very Short Answer Questions (2x4 = 8 Marks)

21 . Com m ent on the Gandhiji's idea of w eaker sections and m inorities. M ention
S atyagraha with an exam ple of any any two features of th at party. (2)
regional m ovem ents organised by him.(2)
State any two negative effects of
22. Write a precise note on airways in India. globalisation. (2)
( 2)
State any two positive effects of
23. N am e the national political party w hich globalisation.
espouses secularism and welfare of

Section-C : short Answer Questions (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

25. Enlist few facilities available in SEZ that 27. Briefly explain how caste inequalities are
are developed by C entral and State still prevailing in India. (3)
governm ents to attract foreign
investm ent. (3) 28. Give a brief description of the forest cover
in India. (3)
Or How is stability in jobs for the w orkers
affected due to globalisation? 29. N ame the national political party w hich
26. M ention the m ain contents of Indian gets inspiration from In d ia’s ancient
N ational Congress in D ecem ber 1929 culture and values. M ention four features
held under the leadership of Jaw aharlal of th at party. (3)
Nehru. (3)

Section-D : Long Answer Questions (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

30. Write a precise note on the following. (5) (ii) How the terms of credit becomes
difficult for the small and marginal
(i) Peasant Movement in Awadh farmers?
(ii) Tribal Movements in Gudem hills region
Or (i) Highlight the role of poor peasantry in
32. How is dem ocracy a better form of
governm ent in com parison w ith other
the Civil Disobedience Movement.
forms of governm ents? Explain. (5)
(ii) Comment on the role of merchants
and industrialists in the Civil Or
Disobedience Movement. Dem ocracy is not considered very
successful in reducing inequalities.
31. How can the form al sector loans be Explain the statem ent in brief.
m ade beneficial for poor farm ers and
w orkers? Suggest any five m easures. (5) 33. Roadways still have an edge over railways
Or Answer the following. in In d ia”. Give reasons. (5)
(i) Why do lenders ask for collateral Or
while lending? Mention any four items Write a note on the im provem ents m ade
that can be kept as collateral against by the Indian Railways.
the loan.
136 i S u cceed SOCIAL SCIENCE Class 10

Section-E : Case Based Questions ( 4 x 3 = 12 Marks)

34. Read the given extract and answ er the ru ral areas, they cam e from rich peasant
following questions. households. Moved by G andhiji's call,
they began to see service to the nation as
Ever since hum ans appeared on the a sacred duty of women. G andhiji was
earth, they have used different m eans of convinced th at it was the duty of w om en
com m unication. But, the pace of change to look after hom e and hearth, be good
has been rapid in m odern times. Long m others and good wives. And for a long
distance com m unication is far easier time, the Congress was relu ctan t to allow
w ithout physical m ovem ent of the w om en to hold any position of authority
com m unicator or receiver. Personal w ithin the organisation. It was keen only
com m unication and mass on th eir symbolic presence.
com m unication including television,
radio, press, films, etc are the m ajor (i) When did Gandhiji initiate a movement
m eans of com m unication in the country. in Champaran in Bihar against the
The Indian postal netw ork is the largest oppressive indigo plantation system? (l)
in the world. It handles parcels as well as (ii) What was the reason behind launching
personal w ritten com m unications. Cards the Civil Disobedience Movement? (1)
and envelopes are considered first, (iii) State any two impacts of the Civil
class mail and are airlifted between Disobedience Movement. (2)
stations covering both land and air. The
second, class mail includes book packets, 36. Read the given extract and answ er the
registered new spapers and periodicals. following questions.
They are carried by surface mail, Over the forty years betw een 1973-74
covering land and w ater transport. To and 2013-14, while production in all the
facilitate quick delivery of mail in large three sectors has increased, it has
tow ns and cities, six mail channels have increased the most in the tertiary sector.
been introduced recently. They are called As a result, in the year 2013-14, the
Rajdhani Channel, M etro Channel, tertiary sector has em erged as the largest
G reen Channel, Business Channel, Bulk producing sector in India replacing the
Mail Channel and Periodical Channel. prim ary sector. Why is the tertiary sector
(i) Examine the role of the Indian postal becom ing so im portant in India? There
network. (l) could be several reasons. First, in any
(ii) Differentiate between mass country several services such as
communication and personal hospitals, educational institutions, post
communication. (l) and telegraph services, police stations,
courts, village adm inistrative offices,
(iii) Analyse the significance of m unicipal corporations, defence
communication for a nation. (2) transport, banks, insurance com panies,
35. Read the source given below and answ er etc, are required. These can be
the question th a t follow. considered as basic services. In a
developing country the governm ent has
A nother im portant feature of the Civil to take responsibility for the provision of
Disobedience M ovement was the these services.
large-scale participation of women.
D uring G andhi’s Salt March, thousands Second, the developm ent of agriculture
of w om en cam e out of th eir hom es to and industry leads to the developm ent of
listen to him. They p articip ated in services such as transport, trade, storage
protest-m arches, m anufactured salt and and the like, as we have already seen.
picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops. G reater the developm ent of the prim ary
Many w ent to jail. In u rban areas, these and secondary sectors, m ore w ould be
w om en w ere from high caste families. In the dem and for such services.

Third as incom e levels rise, certain e s s e n tia l. T h e p r o d u c t i o n of th e s e s e rv ic e s

sections of people start dem anding h a s b e e n r is in g ra p id ly .
m any m ore services like eating out. (i) W h at d o y o u u n d e r s ta n d a b o u t th e
tourism , shopping, private hospitals, p r im a r y s e c to r o f a n e c o n o m y ? (l)
private schools, professional training
(ii) W h a t is th e re a s o n b e h in d sh ift in
etc. You can see this change quite
th e la b o u r fo rc e fro m p r im a r y
sharply in cities, especially in big cities.
s e c to r to s e c o n d a ry a n d te r tia r y
Fourth, over the past decade or so
s e c to rs ? (2)
certain new services such as those based
on inform ation and com m unication (iii) B riefly d e fin e th e d iffe re n c e s b e tw e e n
technology have becom e im portant and p r im a r y a n d te r tia r y se c to r. (l)

Section-F : M ap Skill Based Questions (2 + 3 = 5 Marks)

37. (a) Two p la c e s A a n d B a r e m a rk e d o n th e g iv e n o u tlin e m a p o f In d ia . Id e n tify th e m a n d w rite

th e ir c o r r e c t n a m e s o n th e lin e s d r a w n n e a r th e m . (2)
A. The p lace a sso c ia te d w ith th e co tto n M ill’s w o rk e r’s S a ty a g ra h a
B. The p la c e w h e re a n in c id e n t o c c u rre d d u e to w h ic h M a h a tm a G an d h i called off the
N o n -C o o p e ra tio n M ovem ent.
(b) O n th e s a m e o u tlin e m a p o f In d ia , lo c a te a n d la b e l a n y th re e o f th e fo llo w in g w ith s u ita b le
sy m b o ls. (3)
(i) A d a m in R aja sth a n
(ii) N a m ru p N u c le a r P o w er P la n t
(iii) A S o ftw are T echnology P ark in U tta r P ra d esh
(iv) A S e a p o rt in W est B engal

1. (b) Greek War of Independence The features of this party are listed below
2 . (c) Victor Emmanuel II • It was founded in 1885.

3. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct • It dominated Indian politics, both at the national
explanation of A and state levels, for several decades after India's
4. (a) Napoleon Bonaparte
Following are the negative effects of Globalisation
5. (b) I, II, III, IV
(i) Thousands of uneducated and unskilled
6 . (a) Kerala
labourers have become jobless due to closure
7. (b) 43% of domestic units.
8 . (d) All of these (ii) Most of the small industries like toys, plastics,
9. {b) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3 dairy products are affected due to foreign
competition. This results in their closure
10. (b) Union Territories
thereby reducing production.
11 . (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
The positive impacts of Globalisation are
12 . (d )
(i) This process is based on the basic premise of
13. (,b) State List free market. It is presumed that the free
14. (b) Coming-together market begets competition and increase
efficiency which is lacking in controlled
15. (d) Both (a) and (c)
16. (c) 10000
(ii) Foreign investment flows into the domestic
17. (b) Life expectancy economy and domestic economy becomes
18. (c) Cultivating sugarcane. strong and prosperous.
19. (b) Primary sector 2 5 . SEZs are industrial zones set up by the
20 . (b) Per Capita Income government to promote the establishment of
MNCs. The facilities available in SEZ are
21 . Gandhiji's method of movement and protest based
• SEZ are provided with world class facilities i.e.
on truth and non-violence was known as
electricity, water, roads, transport, storage,
Satyagraha. The idea of Satyagraha emphasised
recreational and educational facilities.
on the power of the truth. As per Gandhiji without
being aggressive a Satyagrahi could win the battle ♦ Companies operating in SEZ do not have to pay
through non-violence. One such example of his taxes for five years.
Satyagraha Movement was witnessed in 1918 when * Government has allowed flexibility in the labour
he went to Ahmedabad to resolve the issue of laws to attract MNCs.
cotton mill workers. Or The stability in jobs for the workers affected due to
2 2 . Airways is the fastest, most comfortable and globalisation in the following ways
prestigious mode of transport. It can cover very * There is no permanent employment, but workers
difficult terrains like high mountains, vast deserts, are employed only when needed, i.e. they are
dense forests and long oceanic stretches with great 'flexible workers'. In the slack season, they are
ease. Air transport was nationalised in 1953. Air out of work with no compensation.
India provides domestic and international air • Due to globalisation, the MNC’s main objective is
services. Pawanhans Helicopters Limited provides to lower costs. To do this, they provide
helicopter services to inaccessible areas of India temporary employment only and are given lower
like North-Eastern region, Jammu and Kashmir, wages or they may have to work on a per day
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. basis.
23. The national political party which espouses * Workers may have to work for longer hours and
secularism and welfare of weaker sections and be laid off from work without any compensation
minorities is the Indian National Congress. during the slack season.

2 6 . The main contents of Indian National Congress in 2 9 . Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) founded in 1980 draws
December 1929 held under the leadership of inspiration from India’s ancient culture and values.
Jawaharlal Nehru were Features of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are
• The Lahore Session of the Congress in 1929 is • Cultural Nationalism (Hindutva) is an important
called the historical session as at this session, element in its conception of Indian nationhood and
the Congress President Jawaharlal Nehru politics.
passed a resolution declaring ‘Poorna Swaraj’ in
* They focused on full territorial and political
December 1929.
integration of Jammu and Kashmir with India.
• In 1929, Viceroy Lord Irwin announced an
• They want a uniform civil code for all people living
uncertain offer of ‘Dominion status’ to India and
in the country irrespective of religion and ban on
a Round Table Conference to discuss a future
religious conversions.
Constitution. The expectations of the Congress
* BJP was earlier limited to North and West and to
were not met by this announcement.
urban areas, the party expanded support in the
• At that time liberals and moderates in Congress
South-East, the North-East and rural areas.
lost their influence and radicals like Jawaharlal
Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose became 30. (i) In Awadh, the Peasant Movement developed
more assertive in Congress. After declaring under the leadership of Baba Ramchandra (a
‘Poorna Swaraj’ or complete independence, the Sanyasi who had earlier been a Fiji as an
Congress declared 26th January, 1930 as the indentured labourer). This Peasant Movement
Independence Day. demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of
beggar and social boycott of oppressive
2 7. Caste has not disappeared from contemporary
landlords. In many places, nai-dhobi bandhs
India. This can be clear by looking at the following
were organised by Panchayats to deny services
to all landlords.
• According to the National Sample Survey Office
In October, 1920 the Oudh Kisan Sabha was
(NSSO), the average economic status of caste
set-up. It was headed by Jawaharlal Nehru,
groups in India still remains the same as was in
Baba Ramchandra and a few others. Within a
the past. Most of the rich section belongs to
month, over 300 branches of this sabha had
higher castes, while people of lower castes are
been set up in the villages around the region.
generally poor.
As the peasant movement spread, the houses
• Despite the Constitutional prohibition, many of taluqdars (Indian land holders) and
people are still considered as untouchables in merchants were attacked, bazaars were looted
the country. and grain hoards were taken over.
• Even now most people marry within their own
(ii) In the Gudem hills of Andhra Pradesh, for
caste or tribe. Political parties often field their instance, militant Guerrilla Movements spread in
candidates in constituency according to the the early 1920’s. It was not a form of struggle
caste prevailing in that constituency. People also that the Congress could approve. During that
tend to vote on the caste'lines. time, in the forest regions, the colonial
28. As per India State of Report 2021, India's forest government had closed large forest areas,
cover is now 7,13,789 square kilometers (21.71% preventing people from entering the forests to
of the country’s geographical area) which is an graze their cattle or to collect fuel wood and
increase from 67% in 2019. Tree cover has fruits. This enraged the hill people.
increased by 721 sq km. The states that have This affected their livelihoods as well as they felt
shown the highest increase in forest cover are that their traditional rights were being denied to
Telangana (3.07%), Andhra Pradesh (2.22%), and them. When the government began forcing
Odisha (1.04). Five States in the North-East have them to contribute beggar for road building, the
shown a loss in forest cover which are Arunachal hill people revolted. The person who came to
Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and lead them was Alluri Sitaram Raju. He was
Nagaland. Area-wise, Madhya Pradesh has the inspired by the Non-Cooperation Movement and
largest forest cover in the country follwed by persuaded people to wear khadi and give up
Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha And drinking.

On the other hand, he asserted that India (iv) By providing linkage between Self Help Group*
could be liberated only by the use of force, not and banks, the formal sector of credit can be
non-violence. The Gudem rebels attacked increased.
police stations, attempted to kill British officials (v) There should be more cooperatives and banks
and carried on Guerrilla warfare for achieving in rural areas and people should be made
Swaraj. aware of their presence.
Or (i) The role of poor peasantry in the Civil Or (i) The lenders ask for collateral while lending due
Disobedience Movement was to the following reasons:
• As the economic depression continued the • Collateral is an asset that the borrower owns
poor peasants found it difficult to pay the and uses as a guarantee to a lender until the
rent. They wanted the unpaid rent to the loan is repaid. Lenders ask for collateral as a
landlord to be remitted. Thus, they joined a security against loans.
variety of radical movements, often led by
• If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the
socialists and communists.
lender has the right to sell the asset or
• They came in huge numbers to support collateral to obtain the amount.
Gandhiji and his followers. It was because of
• For a bank in case of taking collateral, the
them that the Civil Disobedience Movement
repayment of the loan becomes easy
could become a Mass Movement.
because banks has no risk of non.
• They launched a ‘no rent’ campaign but it performing assets.
was not supported by the Congress. So, the
• The items that can be kept as collateral
relationship between the poor peasant and
against the loan are
Congress remained uncertain.
(a) Landtitles (b)Deposits with banks
(ii) The role of merchants and the industrialists in
(c) Vehicle
the Civil Disobedience Movement was
(d) Building
• They became powerful in society and
wanted to expand their business. So, they (ii) The terms of credit becomes difficult for the
started opposing colonial policies that small and marginal farmers because
restricted their business. They wanted • They are not capable of providing the
protection against imports of foreign goods collateral such as land titles, deposits with
and a rupee sterling foreign exchange ratio banks, livestock’s, etc.
that would discourage imports. • The terms of credit includes interest rate,
• The industrialists criticised colonial control collateral, documentation and the mode of
over the Indian economy and supported the repayment. They vary substantially from one
Civil Disobedience Movement at its first credit arrangement to another depending on
stage. Most industrialists thought of ‘Swaraj’ the nature of the lender and the borrower.
as a time when colonial restriction did not • They lack in the mode of payment as in case
exist in the business world. As a result, trade of crop failure, it becomes difficult for small
and business would flourish without farmers to repay the loan on time.
32. Democracy is undoubtedly better than other forms
• They gave financial assistance and refused
of government. We can give the following
to buy or sell imported goods.
arguments in its favour
31. The measures to make formal sector loans (i) Democracy improves the quality of decision
beneficial for poor farmers and workers are making. Democracy is based on consultation
(i) The formal sector like banks and cooperatives and discussion. A democratic decision always
should lend more to poor people and workers, involves many persons, discussions and
particularly in rural areas. meetings. When a number of people put their
. (ii) The formal sector should provide cheap and head together, they are able to point o u t'
affordable credit to the poor people so that possible mistakes in any decision. This takes
repayment is easy. v time but there is a big advantage in taking time
over important decisions. This reduces the
(iii) Formal sector should work out other ways of
chances of rash or irresponsible decisions.
arranging collateral from the poor people.

(ii) Democracy provides a method to deal with • Road transport is also used as a feeder to other
differences and conflicts. In any society modes of transport such as they provide link
people are bound to have differences of between railway station, airports and seaports.
opinions and interests. These differences are Or The improvements made by Indian Railways are
particularly sharp in a country like ours which
• 64% of all broad-gauge routes have been electrified
has an amasing social diversity. People
by 40,5 km or by August 2020 with 25 kV 50 Hz AC
belong to different regions, speak different
electric traction.
languages, practice different religions and
• Railways have taken several initiatives to upgrade
have different castes. They look at the world
their aging infrastructure and improve the quality of
differently and have different preferences.
their service. The Indian government plans to invest
The preference of one group can clash with
tr 9.05 trillion to upgrade IR by 2020.
those of other groups.
• All unmanned level crossings were abolished by
This conflict can be solved peacefully in a
January 2019, and manned level crossings are being
democratic set-up. In democracy no one is a
gradually replaced by overbridge and underbridge.
permanent winner, no one is a permanent
loser. Different groups can live with one • Security projects are adopted like the expansion of
another peacefully. an automatic fire alarm system. It was first
introduced in all air-conditioned coaches in
Or In actual life, democracies do not appear to be
Rajdhani Express trains in 2013. GPS-enabled Fog
very successful in reducing economic
Pilot Assistance Systems Railway signaling devices
inequalities. This can be justified in the following
were installed In four zones i.e. Northern, North
Central, North-Eastern and North-Western.
• Democracy does not guarantee economic
• Electrification of railway lines to increase speed,
development. In most of the democracies, a
and to burn less fuel.
small number of ultra-rich enjoy a highly
• Introduction of electronic ticketing or ‘E-Ticketing’
disproportionate share of wealth and income.
for convenience of passengers.
For example, Countries like South Africa and
Brazil, the top 20% of people take away more • Construction of new railway lines to improve the
than 60% of the national income. Unfortunately, connectivity of the country.
those who are at the bottom of the society have • Introduction of new, superfast trains like Shatabdi.
a very little share (less than 3%) to depend • Replacing steam engines, which cause heavy
upon. pollution, by diesel and electric engines.
• In India, the Elected government looks reluctant 34. (i) Indian postal network has helped the country to
to take necessary steps for the upliftment of the engage in communication and social economic
large section of poor in our society. development.
• In Bangladesh, more than half of its population (ii) Mass Communication is the medium which
lives in poverty. People in several countries provides entertainment as well as creates
poor are now dependent on the rich countries awareness among the masses. It includes radio,
even for food supplies. television, newspapers, magazines, books, films,
33. Roadways still have an edge over railways in etc whereas Personal Communication is between
India because of the following reasons person to person.

• Construction cost of roadways is much lower (iii) Significance of communication for a nation is
than that of railways. • Communication has brought all regions in a
• Roads can traverse comparatively more nation and all nations in the world closer.
dissecting and undulating plains. • The communication system in a country is
paramount in ensuring that critical information
• Roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes
and can traverse mountains like Himalayas. and messages are passed on to different parts
of the country. Our economy would crumble
• Road transport is economical in transportation
without strong and reliable communication
of few persons and small amount of goods
over short distances.
• Communication helps in creating awareness
• It also provides door to door services. >
among the people about government policies
• Cost of loading and unloading is much lower. and programmes of development.

35. (i) In 1916, Gandhiji initiated a movement in • Improved techniques of production in

Champaran in Bihar against the oppressive agriculture, leading to less need for human
indigo plantation system. resources in that area
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi ji launched the Civil (iii) Primary Sector (or Agriculture sector) includes
Disobedience Movement because Lord Irwin all those economic activities which are
ignored Gandhi's eleven demands including the connected with extraction and production of
abolition of the salt tax. Gandhiji started a Civil natural resources.
Disobedience Movement with the famous Dandi
On the other hand, Tertiary Sector (or Service
sector) is concerned with providing support
(iii) Two impacts of the Civil Disobedience services to the primary and secondary sector
Movement are and includes transport, banking, insurance,
• Women and students participated in large warehousing, communication, advertising,
numbers in the movement, which was a etc.
liberating experience for Indian women who
were entering public space in such large
numbers for the first time. Due to this
movement women started playing an active
role in India political movements.
• The Civil Disobedience Movement had a far
reaching impact. It instilled distrust in the
British government and laid the groundwork
for the freedom struggle, as well as
popularising new methods of propaganda.
36. (i) Primary Sector (or Agriculture sector) includes
all those economic activities which are
connected with extraction and production of
natural resources.
(ii) As the economy grows, there is a shift in the
labour force from primary sector to Secondary
and tertiary sectors. This takes place due to
following reasons
• Increase in demand for goods and services
produced by Secondary and Tertiary sectors

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