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Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Process of exchange of O2 from the atmosphere with CO2 produced by the cells is called breathing/respiration
(physical, chemical & biological process).

Respiratory Organs

• Vascularised bags • Among vertebrates
• Lower invertebrates like sponges, • Earthworms use their moist • Aquatic arthropods
fishes use

called lungs (pulmonary
coelenterates, flatworms breath cuticle 8 insects have a network (prawns/crustaceans) and
respiration) are use by gill samphibia, reptilia,
over their entire body surface. of tubes (tracheal tubes) to molluscs use vascularized
terrestial forms. birds, mammals use

transport atmospheric air structures called gills

lungs. Frogs can respire
within the body. (branchial respiration)
through their skin
(cutaneous respiration)

Human Respiratory System

External nostrils →nasal passage → nasal chamber →pharynx (nasopharynx) → laryngopharynx → larynx region in trachea → trachea divides at 5th vertebra (thoracic)
into right & left primary bronchi → secondary & tertiary bronchi & bronchioles → terminal bronchioles (thin)→ irregular walled vascularised bag like
structure called alveoli (the branching network of bronchi, bronchioles & alveoli comprise the lungs)

• Trachea primary, secondary, tertiary • We have 2 lungs - double layered called as pleural membrane with
• Larynx is a cartilaginous box helps in
bronchi and initial bronchioles are pleural fluid filled b/w them. It reduces friction on the lung surface the
sound production\& hence called the
supported by incomplete cartilaginous outer pleural membrane is in contact with the thoracic lining whereas
sound box.
rings. the inner layer is in contact with the lung surface.

Respiratory System
(External nostrils to terminal bronchioles)
(Alveoli & their ducts)
• Conducts atmospheric air to alveoli
• site of actual diffusion of O2 &
• clears foreign particles
CO2 b/w blood & atmospheric air.
• humidifies air
• brings air to body temperature

• Any change in the volume of the

• Lungs are situated in the thoracic
thoracic cavity will be reflected in
chamber which is an anatomically
lung (pulmonary) cavity. It is very important
air tight chamber.
as we cannot directly alter the pulmonary volume.

Steps of Respiration

Utilisation of O2 by cells in
Breathing (intake of O2 & Diffusion of gases across Transport of gases by Diffusion of gases b/w
deriving energy and
exhalation of CO2) alveolar membrane the blood blood & tissues.
of CO2 (cellular respiration)
Mechanism of Breathing
Pressure gradient b/w lungs & atmosphere

Inspiration Expiration
We have ability to increase the
• Atmospheric air is moved in strength of breathing
• alveolar air is released out.
• there is a negative pressure in the lungs with respect to with the help of additional muscles
• intrapulmonary pressure is higher than the
atmospheric pressure. in abdomen. Healthy man breaths
atmospheric pressure.
• diaphragm contracts (increases volume of anterio 12-16 times per minute. The volume of
• relaxation of diaphragm and the intercostal
posterior axis) air involved in breathing movements
muscle return to their original position & reduce
• external intercostal muscles contract & ribs/ sternum can be estimated by using spirometer
the thoracic volume.
moves upwards which increases volume of the thoracic helps in clinical assessment of

• intrapulmonary pressure is increased
chamber in the dorso-ventral axis. pulmonary functions.
• causes expulsion of air from the lungs.
• intrapulmonary pressure is decreased.

Respiratory Volumes & Capacities

Inspiratory Capacity Expiratory Capacity
Inspiratory Reserve Expiratory Reserve Residual Volume (RV)
Tidal Volume(TV) Volume (IRV) Volume (ERV)
(IC) (EC)

Volume of air remaining Total volume of air a person
Volume of air inspired Total volume of air a person
Additional volume of air, Additional volume of air
in lungs even after forceful can inspire after a normal
or expired during a can inspire after a normal
a person can inspire by a person can expire
expiration. This averages expiration. Sum of tidal
normal respiration. It is expiration. Sum of tidal
a forcible inspiration. forcefully.
1100 to 1200 ml. volume and inspiratory
approx 500 ml. i.e. healthy volume and inspiratory
This averages 2500 ml This averages 1000 ml
reserve volume (TV+IRV).
man can inspire or expire reserve volume (TV+IRV).
to 3000 ml. to 1100 ml.

approximately 6000 to
8000 ml per minute.

Functional Residual Vital Capacity (VC) Total Lung Capacity

Capacity (FRC)

Maximum volume of air a person Total volume of air accomodated

Volume of air that will remain in can breath in or out after a forced in the lungs at the end of a forced
lungs after a normal expiration. expiration/inhalation. inspiration. Includes RV, ERV
This includes ERV+RV. Includes ERV+TV+IRV. TV, IRV or VC+RV

Exchange of Gases

As the solubility of CO2 is 20-25 times

It is based on pressure and concentration Pressure contributed by an individual gas higher than that of O2, the amount of
gradient. in a mixture of gases is known as partial CO2 that can diffuse through the diffusion
Factors Responsible pressure and is denoted as pO2 & pCO2 membrane per unit difference in partial
for O2 & CO2 respectively. pressure is much higher compared to
Solubility of gases, thickness of membrane.
that of O2.

Diffusion membrane is
made of 3 Layers

Its total thickness is less than 1

Thin squamous Endothelium of alveolar Basement substance
mm. Hence every condition is favourable
epithelium of alveoli capillaries b/w them
for respiration in our body.
Transport of gases

Transport of O2 Transport of CO2

Oxygen - 97 % by RBC + 3 % by Plasma
CO2 - 70 % by bicarbonate +20-25 % by RBC +7 % By plasma
Oxygen bind with Hb to form oxyhaemoglobin (reversible reaction). Then each
CO2 carried by Hb (20-25%) thus carbamino haemoglobin is formed.
Hb molecule carries 4O2 molecules.
Conditions for formation of carbaminohaemoglobin
Factors Responsible for Binding of Hb With O2:
high PCO2, less pO2 in tissues.

pO2, pCO2, hydrogen ion concentration, temperature.
Conditions for dissociation of Carbaminohaemoglobin

Oxygen dissociation curve is sigmoid in shape (graph b/w % saturation of less pCO2, High pO2 in alveoli.
Hb with O2 against O2.

RBC Contain a very high concentration of enzyme carbonic anhydrase

Factors favourable for the formation of oxyhemoglobin

and some quantity in plasma too. Hence the following reaction takes place.
In alveoli high pO2, less pCO2, less H2+, less temp

carbonic carbonic
Factors responsible for breaking of HbO2
anhydrase anhydrase HCO–3 +H+

In tissues less pO2, high pCO2, High H2+, high temperature. CO2 + H2O H2CO3

Every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver around 5 ml of O2to tissues. At tissue the reaction forward in right direction and at alveoli reaction

forward in opposite direction.
Every 100 ml of deoxygenated blood delivers approximately 4

ml of CO2 to the alveoli.

Regulation of Respiration
Performed by neural system

• Respiratory rythm centre present in the medulla is responsible for the regulation. • A chemosensitive area is situated adjacent to the rythm centre which is highly sensitive
to CO2 and H2+ ion increase in these substance can activate this center which in turn can
• Another centre present in the pons region of the brain called pneumotaxic
centre can moderate the functions of the respiratory rythm. signal the rythm centre to make necessary adjustment in the respiratory process by
which these substance can be eliminated.
• Neural signal from this centre can reduce the duration of
inspiration and thereby alter the respiratory rate. • Receptors associated with aortic arch and carotid artery also recognise changes in CO2 &
H2+ conc. And send necessary signals to the rhythm centre for remedial actions the role of
oxygen in the regulation of respiratory rhythm is quite insignificant.

Disorders of respiratory system

Asthma Emphysema Occupational

Difficulty in breathing causing Chronic (cannot be easily cured)
wheeziness due to inflammation disorder in which alveolar walls
of bronchi & bronchioles. are damaged due to which In stone breaking industry, so
respiratory surface is decreased. much dust is produced, long
Reason is cigarette smoking. exposure can give rise to
inflammation leading to fibrosis
(proliferation of fibrous tissue)
and causes serious lung damage.
Workers in such industries
should wear protective masks.

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