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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education STATEMENT OF MARKS. MR. Ms. JAGATKAR MANTHAN CHINTAMANI ENROLLMENT NO. 2105710047 EXAMINATION WINTER 2023. SEATNO, 135855 FOURTH SEMESTER ‘COURSE Diploma in Computer Engineering MARKS. ‘TOTAL MARKS: ‘TITLE oF couRSES We | Soe: cREDITS pr | weaD | wax. | min. | oor | MAX | BT LAVA PROGRAMMING TH | ese | 070 | 28 | 028 | 100 | 049 7 PA 030 | 000 | one PR ese | 050 | 020 | oar | 100 | over PA 050 | 020 | o36F SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TH | ese | 070 | ze | ozer | 100 | ose 3 PA 030 | 000 | oz1e PR | ese | 025 | 010 | ore | 050 | 030s PA 025 | 010 | 0198 RTA COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER Oe tH | ese | 070 | ozs | oss | 100 | osse 6 PA 030 | 000 | o17F pr | ese | 025 | 010 | orse | 050 | os6e PA 02s | 010 | one JMicRoPROcESSoRS TH | ese | 070 | 28 | oate | 100 | osss 6 C PA 030 | 000 | o24e pr | ese | 025 | 10 | o19* | 050 | ose PA 025 | 010 | ovr Paarpcmonperacear ues im bee “igo Iti'oes'yl Pomea! | chaos heres 7 PA, 050 | 020 | 030% This Marksheets Downloaded from intemet | TOTAL MAX. | RESULT WITH | TOTAL MARKS | TOTAL pe MARKS. x OBTAINED | CREDIT 24/01/2024 SECRETARY MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL ED ee a = 1708710041 EDUCATION Fst cass INSTRUCTIONS: “Report Discrepancy in this certificate to | 2.This certificate of marks is lesued as per prevaing rules and regulations of MSBTE at the time Head ofthe institution, of thi exam. ‘3Elighbility for ll semesters based on total | 4 Candidate is eligible for admission to V/VII Semester only i he/she is fully passed In 1&1 & ‘number of fallure subjects in | & It IV semesters & availed benefit of AT.KT/PASS at Ill &IV /V & VI semesters taken together ‘semesters taken together respectively. ‘5.Class awarded for Diploma is based on aggregate marks obtained in pre-final & final semester, ‘ABBREVATION DETAILS TH Theory Ww "Team Work 7B ‘Absent % _ | Peroentage of Marks TM | Theory Test Marks | PU Project Wark x Exemption pray | Result wield Due to 0 PR Practical sw Sessional oP Optional Pending Lower Year pm | Practical TestMarks | iT | industrial raining | isp | tomer Semester | coy condoned Pending Failure But Allowed To ag. Aggregate @ | condoned Marks | PLY | PendingLowervear | FT facta ‘AP_| Additional Practieal_| © Failure Marks ‘ATT | Allowed to Keep Term oR. ‘oral | Camry Forward Marks Pete ar) Peaessan bist Distinction ese | End semesterexam | PA ae Semester Assessment Ref:Formerly known as The board of Technical Examinations Maharashtra State of Technical Education Act 1997(Mah XXXVIl of 1997) and Maharashtra Government Gazette Notification Section IV-B issued on march 31,1999(-172/16/200/20-04:07:2007 12:00:28) Urishttpa:/wwn mabe orgin Result Declared On 24/01/2024 = a Ear

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