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 Born near Hangzhou in what is now Zheijang Province (1472)

 Studied the thought of Zhu Xi and developed his contribution to what has become known
as Neo- Confucianism (1130-1200)
 Wang proceeded along the bureaucratic path, receiving his imperial certification. (1499)
 He served successfully as an executive assistant of the imperial government, including
the Ministry of law and Ministry of War (1505)
 He was intervene in a case against a powerful and corrupy court eunuch named Lui Chin
 Exiled from for his protest against political corruption (1507)
 After several years in exile, he came up to a realization that his own nature is sufficient of
him to attain sagehood. (1508)
 With the death of the eunuch that had orchestrated his exile, Wang Yang-ming returned
to full-fledged government service (1510)
 After 12 years, he became the governor of multiple districts and establish schools,
rehabilitated revels, and reconstructed the economy.
 Wang’s fortunes changed again when courtly intrigues caused him to be discredited and
ostracized, leading to a six year period of “virtual retirement.” (1521)
 His father passed away and had to return home for Confucian mandated. (1522)
 When his mourning was complete, Wang yang-ming gathered more than one hundred
disciples on the heaevenly fountain bridge and engaged in philosophical debate. (1524)
 A year later, wang returned to government service, helping suppress a bandit uprising in
Guangxi. (1525)
 Following his eventual military victory, he returned home and died in the winter of 1529.

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