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1. Compare and contrast the basic structure of prokaryotic cells with that of eukaryotic
2. What are the major differences between Bacteria and Archaea in terms of cell structure
and genetic makeup?
3. Describe the three domains proposed by Carl Woese and colleagues, and which
kingdoms fall under each domain?
4. What distinguishes prokaryotes from eukaryotes, and which two domains consist solely
of prokaryotic organisms?
5. What is the significance of prokaryotes being the first inhabitants of Earth, and how long
ago are they estimated to have appeared?
6. Explain the concept of extremophiles, and provide examples of extreme environments
where prokaryotes thrive.
7. List the four common structures found in all cells, and describe the basic structure of a
prokaryotic cell.
8. What is the function of the nucleoid in prokaryotic cells, and how does it differ from the
nucleus in eukaryotic cells?
9. Explain the role of the cell wall and capsule in prokaryotic cells, including their functions
and significance.
10. Describe the structures used for movement and attachment in prokaryotic cells,
including flagella and pili.
11. Describe the process of binary fission in prokaryotes, including the replication of DNA
and the separation of daughter cells.
12. How does binary fission differ from mitosis, and why is mitosis not observed in
13. What are the three mechanisms by which prokaryotes exchange genetic material, and
how do they contribute to genetic diversity?
14. Discuss the process of transformation in prokaryotes, including the role of DNA uptake
from the environment and its potential consequences.
15. How do bacteriophages facilitate the transfer of genetic material between prokaryotes,
and what is the outcome of transduction?
16. Describe the process of conjugation in prokaryotes, including the role of pilus and the
types of DNA transferred.
17. What are pathogens, and how do they relate to human health?
18. Describe the characteristics of Yersinia pestis and its role in causing bubonic plague.
19. How did bubonic plague spread during the Black Death, and what were some of its
20. Analyze the role of antibiotics in combating bacterial infections and the factors
contributing to antibiotic resistance.
21. Describe the concept of antibiotic resistance and explain how overuse of antibiotics
contributes to the development of "superbugs."
22. Why is nitrogen fixation essential for living organisms?
23. Which organisms are responsible for biological nitrogen fixation, and where does it
24. How do legume plants benefit from symbiotic nitrogen fixation with rhizobia bacteria?

25. What is the significance of the nitrogenase enzyme in nitrogen fixation, and how is it
26. Why are legumes important in sustainable agriculture?
27. What are some examples of legumes consumed by humans?
28. Discuss the beneficial roles of commensal bacteria in the human body.
29. How do high doses of antibiotics affect gut flora, and what are the consequences?
30. Provide examples of foods produced using prokaryotes in early biotechnology.
31. How long have humans been producing cheese, beer, wine, and yogurt?
32. Define microbial bioremediation and provide examples of pollutants that can be removed
using this technique.
33. How do bacteria contribute to the cleanup of oil spills?

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