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Multi factorial ANOVA ANalysis Of VAriance ‘Asso Prof Dr Norsadah Bachok Uni of Biostatistics and Research Methodology School of Medical Sciences, Univers als Malaysia The General Linear Model Univariate ‘The general linear model is an extension of multiple linear regression for a single dependent variable * Provides regression analysis and analysis of variance for ‘one dependent variable by one or more factors and/or variables. * Can investigate interactions between factors as well as, the effects of incividual factors, the effects of covariates and covariate interactions with factors, Extended GLM Procedures Single outcome variable + GUM Univariate "+ One-way ANOVA, twoway ANOVA, Muthfactoral ANOVA + ANCOVA «Single outcome variable measured at fixed time intervals + GUM Repeated Measures *+ Multiple outcome variables + GUAMutivariote + MANOVA ANOVA. ‘One way ANOVA: "+ To test the diferencer of oe continuous variable Retween one “categorical vanable >? groupe, + Two way ANOVA: + To test the effects of 2 categorical independent variables ‘oe continuous dependent variable + Mhulti factorial ANOVA: + Totest the effects of»? categorical independent variables on one continuois dependent variable | ‘ _ I ONE-WAY ANOVA ONE-WAY ANOVA Used to determine the effect of a single factor on one ‘numerical outcome (dependent variable), * To compare the means of more than 2 groups of an independent variable, ‘+ For factors with 2 categories that compare means of 2 sroups, Independent t-test is preferred, ‘+ By logic can do independent t-test for each of pair but ‘twill Increase the type 1 error. Variation Representation of the spread of scores “The sum of the squares of the deviations between a value and the mean of the value ‘+ Between group variance in relation to within group variance. * visual eifferences + Which group you are in + F = between group variation within group variation ‘+ When the groups are systematically different from one ‘another, between group > within group variance Concept F Ratio F = between group variation within group variation Aithin groups * foreach cata value we lok atthe difference between that value ‘nd the mean of Soup + arabily or cferences in parsicular groupe (inal aera * Between groups * foreach data value look at the iference between its grou mean andthe oeral mean + aitferences depending what group one sn or what treatment 1 Fecetved srowpetentment F Statistic Assumptions _ _ ‘The ANOVA F-statistic is a ratio of the Between Group Random samples ba Variation divided by the Within Group Variation Observations are independent eli ‘+ Sampling distribution of F ratio skewed to right. '* Normality of distribution + Lager sample sue required (n15 foreach grup) variability within groups, the F statistic will large, thus P value would be small [the result is significant] + Homogeneity of variance * Levene’ test + If variability between groups is large relatively to the | + Cheek tor skewness f histogram | + if volted, ure Cunet’sC procedure | ONE-WAY ANOVA inne bERRN EM + Hg: all population means are equal. Placebo cold symptoms Ho: (ut =p2 =13) ‘+ Hy: at least one population mean is different Ee | from the others. | Hs Git uae ya) | ‘One-way ANOVA comparing 3 or more means of a factor + ANOVA doesn’t test that one mean is less than another, only whether they're all equal or at least one is different. ‘number of days with’ Low dose Vitamin c ealyaeane Placebo High dese Vitamin ¢ SPSS cold.sav Research Questions * Group + t= placebo Does the mean change in the number of days of cold 2+ lw dose Vitamin C symptoms differ among groups? 1 ip dve vitamin ¢ + lsthere a relationship between the amount of Vitamin C * ay = numberof days with cold taken and the chang in the number of das of cold symptoms symptoms! (second year - first year) Output 4 i anny Hi i ok vey t uu 1 Assumption normality of distribution Post-hoc tests “A significant F test does not tell which pairs of means are significantly different from one another. ‘+ Need additional hypothesis tests to determine exactly which mean differences are significant, * Called post hoc test / multiple comparison procedures Multiple Comparison Tests Bonferroni procedure Duncan Multiple range test + Dunnett's multiple comparison test 1 posteriori comparisons + Scheffe's test + Tukey's test + Wich pair(s) thatthe significant differences le? ad +o eve eh dees + Which post-hoc? | hele ts very st safest ofl 2 Tukey Fs more lenin, conmnty sed Post Hoc Tests [Ege Sammy Gee Ee me) How to report_ Means and standard deviations of difference in number of days with cold symptoms *The mean change inthe numbor of days of cold symptoms is. significantly diffrent among groups. *Thereis no significant relationship between the amount of Vitamin taken and the change inthe number of days of cold symptoms. TWO-WAY ANOVA Steps multifactorial ANOVA Step 1: Descriptive summary by mean’ Step 2: Bivariate exploration by one-way ANOVA / test + Step 3: Fit the model (no variable selection) * Step 4: Checking interactions * Step 5: Checking madel assumption ‘Normality of residuals ‘Equal Variance * Overall Model Fitness + Step 6: Post Hoc test * Step 7: Interpretation & presentation of results Two-Way ANOVA + To determine the effect of two factors (Independent variables) on one numerical outcome (dependent variable). + Each factor needs to have 2 or more levels. + Same assumptions as one-way ANOVA, a > ee | Za “ Example Research questions ads First main effect, } Method + Do the means of GPA improvement difer among ‘Studying method 1 studying methods? ‘Studying method 2 Control '* Second main effect +o the means of GPA improvement differ between sender! ‘Gender + Ineraction effect Male, ‘Do the differences in the means of GPA improvement aoe among the studying methods vary a a function of fender? Toy loan] ‘Step3: Fit the model Step 2: Bivariate analysis ethod vs GPa + andor GPA One-way NOVA * Independent eet = ym [en See ee ste Sta Main effects Output SEREEL Renard > Aud a= teers Check interaction bh Interaction effects bes=[ et =e rd If the main effects are significant, should conduct follow up interaction effect test. * If the interaction effect i significant, follow up tests should be conducted to evaluate simple main effect and interaction comparisons. * Ifthe interaction effect isnot significant, need to focus ‘on the main effect. Step 5: Check assumption of —____ homogeneity of variance =e Step 5: check normality of residuals a ai | ssboliy i 3 a i 4 3 i auescespeoble ied Histogram of residual Lack of Fit Test Hy: Madel is fit ey real tl ‘Step 6: Post Hoc test Step 6: Interpretation ‘= No significant interaction between studying method and gender, F (2, 54) » 2.92, p » 0.062. * Significant main effect for gender, F (1, 56) = 14.84, p < 0.001, male has a significantly higher mean GPA ‘compared to female. © Significant main effect for studying methods, F (2, 56) = 16.67, p < 0.001, students who practice studying method 2 has significantly higher mean GPA compared to those practice studying method 1 and control. But there was no significant cifference in mean GPA between those practice method 1 and control. Figure 1. Mean improvement of GPA diferences among studying methods and gender | |. LEF= | | Multi-factorial ANOVA = aes ‘Susyog menos Wea 025 7,034) —_ To determine the effect of multiple factors on one numerical outcome (dependent variable) Research questions ritalin_3way.sav MIE + Dependent variable Is sae! activity score ‘+ Independent variable is effect of ritalin + Sex, group of children are "+ ft of saxon the children's exty soa confounders (also * Effect of group on the children's actvity sore ‘independent variable) “toc of dug on he chlren's att score “+ ect of interaction ~ eff of Ran wth the infuence of group ane sex Step 1: Descriptive summary by % or mean Step 2: Bivariate exploration by one-way ANOVA /t test Rerun the test for group & drug variables Create table yourself ects of study factors on activity score using independent test | meee | ssarnn | easan | an 1] ae | saan 8 «| avs 874 | ssusnay | zane | aw t] M288 | sapame | asenn | aio Step 3: Fit the model {no variable selection) FTE The main effects Check th main effect rst Step 4: Checking interactions Interactions (3 pis, ‘Chacko by one: 1. sexgroup 2 sett 3 groupérg Checking interactions 1, Homogeneity of variance 2. Fitness of model aealt Step 5: Checking model assumption: Normality of residuals “ah Step 7: Interpretation ir Step 6: Post Hoc test : |e 2 ‘not applicable 1 4) & Eas Eee e rere 2 . | ‘Step 7: Presentation of results ‘Summary fable 1. Adjusted mean and 95% confidence interval of the main effects of sex, group of children and type of drug on the children’s activity score ‘a0, 633), ssasz6t9) “=e 562.508) am ons 20183) "et 48) wu am Thank you

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