Eng Q3 ST1

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Name: ____________________ Gr. & Sec. ____________ Date:_________ Score:________

Write Yes if you agree with the statement and No if you disagree.

_______1. A viewpoint is a person’s way of thinking in general or particular things.

_______2. A person may have different viewpoints on a certain issue.
_______3. In presenting viewpoints, it is important to consider the viewpoints of others.
_______4. Coherence is not important in presenting your viewpoint.
_______5. You should not give others a chance to hear their viewpoint.

Read and understand the following situations. Find the correct meaning and choose the
letter of the correct answer.

6. Miel is hardworking and has a strong faith in God. She believes that you should do your best
and God will do the rest.
a. To become successful, you must do your part and trust God.
b. God will help you achieve your dream even if you do nothing.
c. Let God works for you.

7. Iara is an Aeta. She has no confidence to show her talent because of her physical appearance.
Her teacher, Jona reminds her that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so, she does not have to
worry what others would say.
a. What is beautiful to someone is the same to others.
b. What is beautiful to someone maybe different to others
c. You can see beauty in the eye of a person

8. For Rein time is gold. He finishes his works on time.

a. The time is colored gold.
b. The clock is glowing.
c. Spend your time efficiently.

9. My grandmother said,” Always put your best foot forward” every time if you want to have a
good future.
a. Give your best every time.
b. Choose carefully what best foot are you going to step forward.
c. Observe your foot when you are walking.

10. Erra is a good leader in the class. She believes that actions speak louder than words that’s
why she always succeeds in everything she does.
a. You hear your actions speak.
b. Your words are softer than your action.
c. It’s easy to say things but difficult to act and follow through.

Identify the correct word to make the sentence coherent.

11. Audience should be quiet during the performance, (however, in fact, even if) applause at the
end is allowed.

12. Ms. Gonzaga agreed to meet the workers with questions regarding the contract.
(She, He, It) is interested in hearing their concerns so that they can adjust to the new normal.

13. Doctors, nurses, and other front line workers in the hospitals work very hard
during this crisis. The (faculty members, health workers) risk their lives in saving their patients.
14. During weekends, children usually enjoy running outside with friends, swimming
at the beach, and playing online games. They also like (to go visit, visiting, visits) their
grandparents especially if they live far apart from each other.

15. (As long as, Before, Above) you strive to achieve your goal, nothing is impossible.

A word in each sentence below is highlighted. Choose the word from the choices that has its
similar meaning. Use the context clues in each sentence to help you choose the similar
meaning of the underlined word.
16. The movie star’s large and beautiful home was palatial.
A. ugly B. tiny C. for dogs D. like a palace
17. At the restaurant we were offered a variety of beverages, like milk and ice tea.
A. bread B. silverware C. drinks D. menus
18. Slavery was abolished in the U.S. after the Civil War.
A. ended B. exchanged C. running D. common
19. Pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the street.
A. crosswalks B. walkers C. stoplights D. parrots
20. When I fell off the trampoline, I fractured my arm and wore a cast.
A. rested B. broke C. avoided D. looked at
Read the sentences below. Write R on the blank if the sentence makes a request and P if it
asks permission.
_____21.Can he have dinner with us?
_____22. Can you close the door please?
_____23. Do you mind if I open the window?
_____24. Would you please turn-off the TV?
_____25. Could I have some coffee?

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