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Getting to know how you work


Let’s have a go at putting some of the advice on remote working into


Lillian responded to a few more questions about her personality and how she
works. Read her responses and think about what might help Lillian work
effectively and still enjoy her personal time.

Are you ambitious? “I was ambitious when working for a large accountancy
firm and had progressed quickly within the team. After having children, I feel
my focus has shifted to my family life. Currently, I would like more time and
flexibility to be there for my children.”

Are you adaptable to new ways of working and ideas? “I think I’m open
to new ideas and happy to change or adjust my working style to increase my

How do you deal with adversity? “I tend to just get on with things, seek
help and advice from other people, and find a way to overcome difficult
Do you consider yourself self-disciplined? “I would say yes. I hold myself
accountable for my work. I make sure the work is done properly and within
the deadline. I do seek help from colleagues and managers if I can’t complete
the task myself.”

What level of physical activity do you currently have in your
day? Generally, I’m on my feet most of time running errands, doing things
with my children, finishing household chores etc. I occasionally do yoga
when I have time.

What does your current daily schedule look like?

Time Activity

Getting myself and the children ready for

7.00am – 9.00am

Taking child to playgroups, going to the

9.00am – 11.30am library, coffee with friends or grocery

11.30am – 12.30am Lunch time.

12.30am – 2.30pm Putting my son down to nap and self-

Time Activity


Snack time, story and play time with my

2.30pm – 3.15pm

3.15pm – 4.00pm Collecting children from school.

4.00pm – 6.00pm Preparing dinner and eating.

6.00pm – 7.00pm Household chores.

7.00pm – 8.00pm Getting my children ready for bedtime.

Studying, relaxing and doing things that

8.00pm – 9.30pm
require my attention.
How might remote working change your level of activity? I might spend
more time sitting down in front of the screen and not moving around so

Free time
Do you put the needs of others before your own? I’m naturally a giving
person and I like to help others. But it’s also dependent on the situations and
the relationships.

Do you currently find time to participate in any hobbies or activities? I

recently started going to weekly yoga sessions with my friends. I also spend
time reading books, learning coding and making crafts.

How might remote working change your free time? It would depend on
what kind of working hours were associated with the job I have. I would
think I would continue scheduling some time to myself every day after work
to do the things that give me joy.

What opportunities does your current day allow for conversations and
socialising? I speak to other mums I meet at playgroups and sometimes
arrange to meet with my own friends. At the moment, my circle of friends is
not big and usually are mums whose children hang out with mine.

Does it concern you by not having the community of an office? Not too
much, but I might feel a little isolated after some time.

Do you feel comfortable or confident using a video conference or chat

channel? I had the experience of using chat channels at work previously but
not a video conference. Most of the time I had face-to-face discussions with

Do you have a support network for helping with worries? I find meeting
up with and chatting to my friends is a good way to get some advice if I have
worries or concerns.
How might remote working change the level of human contact you have
on a daily basis? I would probably spend lots of time in front of the
computer and not talking to any people for a continued length of time during
the work day.

Have a go:

Take a couple of minutes to think about your answers to the following


 What advice might you give to help minimise some of the

limitations of remote working for Lillian?
 How could she keep an even balance between work and home

Share and discuss your thoughts with other learners in the Discussion.

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