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1. Raw results
Name Mass (g)
Raw fresh pineapple 1000
Washing and mechanical processing pineapple 582
Cutting pineapple slices 582
Pineapple after removing cores and excess parts 356
Pineapple after blanching and cooling 356
Can 215
Lid 10
Water 200
Saccharose 60
Acid citric 0.4
Final product 580
Table: Summary of raw results
2. Calculating results
2.1 Washing and mechanical treatment
Mass of raw fresh pineapple: 1000 (g)
Mass of pineapple after washing and mechanical treatment: 582 (g)
Mass of loss: 1000 – 582 = 418 (g)
mloss 418
% loss = x 100% = x 100% = 41.80%
mraw 1000

The loss rate is high because the head accounts for the part of the pineapple's mass. In
addition, the mechanical processing also removes the head, and some damaged parts so
increase the loss rate.

2.2 Cutting slices

During this process, there is negligible loss, because most of the unused parts have been
eliminated at the washing and mechanical processing step.

2.3 Removing cores and excess parts

Mass of pineapple after cutting slices: 582 (g)
Mass of pineapple after removing cores and excess parts: 356 (g)
Mass of loss: 582 – 356 = 226 (g)
m loss 226
% loss = x 100% = x 100% = 38.83%
m slices 582

The main loss in this stage is due to removing the pineapple cores and excess parts.

2.4 Blanching and cooling

During this process, there is no loss in the pineapple.

2.5 Preparing fresh, dry can and lid

Mass of can: 215 (g)
Mass of lid: 10 (g)
Total mass of can and lid: 215 + 10 = 225 (g)

2.6 Cooking syrup

Mass of water: 200 (ml)
Mass of saccharose 30%: 200 x 30% = 60 (g)
Mass of acid citric 0.2%: 200 x 0.2% = 0.4 (g)
Brix of syrup: 30°𝐵x

2.7 Adding syrup and pasteurizing

Mass of product: 580 (g)
Mass of pineapple and syrup: 580 – mcan&lid = 580 – 225 = 355 (g)
There were 82g of pineapple that we didn’t put into the can
Mass of pineapple in the can: 356 – 82 = 274 (g)
Mass of syrup used: 355 - mpineapple = 355 – 274 = 81 (g)
m excess 82
% loss = x 100% = x 100% = 14.14%
m product 580
The loss is the excess pineapple that we didn’t put into the can.
3. Summary of yield
Process Yield loss (%) Reason
Washing and mechanical processing 41.80 The loss rate is high because the
head accounts for the part of the
pineapple's mass. In addition, the
mechanical processing also removes
the head, and some damaged parts so
increase the loss rate
Cutting slices 0 Negligible loss, because most of the
unused parts have been eliminated at
the washing and mechanical
processing step
Removing cores and excess parts 38.83 The main loss in this stage is due to
removing the pineapple cores and
excess parts
Blanching and cooling 0 No loss in the pineapple
Preparing dry can and lid 0 No loss
Cooking syrup 0 No loss
Adding syrup and pasteurizing 14.14 The loss is the excess pineapple that
we didn’t put into the can
Table: Summary of yield in each step
Mass of the product: 580 (g)
Mass of all ingredients:
M = mraw pineapple + mwater + msaccharose + macid citric = 1000 + 200 + 60 + 0.4 = 1260.4 (g)
m product 580
Yield of the product: x 100% = x 100% = 46.02%
mraw ingredients 1260.4

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