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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

Nat’l Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato

First Semester
A.Y: 2023-2024
GE 113 – The Contemporary World
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand each item carefully before answering. Write your answers on your TEST
BOOKLET. Erasures and changing of answers will gain no point.


Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describe the answer and write it in the test booklet.

1. The World Systems Theory suggests that global stratification is a result of:
a. Unequal distribution of resources
b. Cultural superiority
c. Technological advancement
d. Political instability
2. The dependency theory argues that global stratification is a result of:
a. Cultural assimilation
b. Economic globalization
c. Population growth
d. Political revolution
3. Which economic concept is exemplified by the removal of trade barriers between countries to create a unified market?
a. Protectionism
b. Market Integration
c. Mercantilism
d. Subsidies
4. What impact does market integration have on consumer choices and variety of products?
a. Decreases variety
b. Increases variety
c. No impact on variety
d. Variety depend on government regulations
5. Which organization promotes market integration in Europe through the elimination of trade barriers?
c. EU
d. WTO
6. Which factor is crucial for successful market integration?
a. Strict government control
b. Diverse cultural policies
c. Harmonization of regulations
d. Limited information exchange
7. What is potential disadvantage of market integration for smaller economies?
a. Increased competition
b. Enhanced economic growth
c. Access to larger markets
d. Improved technology transfer
8. What potential challenges might arise when integrating markets with different levels of economic development?
a. Enhanced collaboration
b. Economic convergence
c. Development disparities
d. Rapid industrialization
9. In the context of global stratification, what does the term “semi-peripheral nations” refer to?
a. Least developed nations
b. Moderately developed nations
c. Nations with no economic ties
d. Nations with unstable political systems
10. Which factor do you think the Wallerstein World System theory consider as key determinant of a nations’ position in the global
a. Political instability
b. Economic development
c. Cultural richness
d. Geographical location
11. How does the concept of “core nations” differ from “peripheral nations” in a world-systems theory?
a. Core nations are less developed
b. Peripheral nations are technologically advance
c. Core nations dominate economically
d. Peripheral nations lack cultural richness
12. In the context of global stratification, What is the significance of the core periphery model?
a. Represents political alliance
b. Illustrate economic and power relationships
c. Advocate for cultural diversity
d. Rejects dependency theory
13. How does modernization theory view the relationship between tradition and progress?
a. Tradition hinders progress
b. Tradition and progress are unrelated
c. Tradition facilitates progress
d. Tradition is irrelevant to development
14. In the global interstate system, how do states use intelligence agencies as instruments of national power?
a. Encourage global cooperation
b. Promote transparency
c. Gather information for national security
d. Advocate for political isolation
15. According to constructivists perspective, how do norms and ideas influence state behavior in the global interstate system?
a. They have no impact on state behavior
b. Shape state preferences and actions
c. Promote isolationism
d. Encourage unilateral decision-making
16. How do international institutions contribute to addressing global challenges such as climate change?
a. Promote isolationist policies
b. Encourage military conflicts
c. Facilitate international cooperation and coordination
d. Reject the principles of international law
17. In the context of international relations, what is the role of non- governmental organization (NGO’s)?
a. Promote political isolation
b. Provide humanitarian assistance and advocate for various causes
c. Encourage military alliances
d. Reject the principles of international law
18. What role do regional organizations such as the European Union (EU) play in the international relations?
a. Reinforce national boundaries
b. Challenge state authority
c. Facilitate regional integration and cooperation
d. Advocate for political isolation
19. What in the significance of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in international relations?
a. Promote cultural assimilation
b. Facilitates legal accountability
c. Encourage political isolation
d. Advocates for unilateral decision-making
20. Why countries form regional organizations?
a. Civil war
b. Military defense
c. European conflict
d. Economic plan
21. What was the Bretton Woods System?
a. It was tasked to promote international cooperation and to restore international order
b. To assist with reconstruction and revitalization after World War ll
c. Economic system that would ensure a longer lasting peace
d. All of the above
22. In attaining sustainability, which should be the government center of action?
a. Implementation of Laws
b. Environment
c. Peace and order
d. Urban poor
23. Which factor is most likely to influence the success of a regional trade agreement?
a. Number of member countries
b. Cultural Diversity
c. Economic stability
d. Geographic proximity
24. The role of technology in fostering global market integration.
a. Technology has negligible effects
b. Technology hinders market integration
c. Technology is a driving force to market integration
d. Technology’s impact is unclear
25. What is the role of education in fostering global citizenship?
a. Education is irrelevant to global citizenship
b. Education promotes narrow perspectives
c. Education promotes a crucial role in fostering global citizenship
d. Education impedes global understanding
26. What is the role of media in shaping perceptions of global issues and its impact on global citizenship?
a. Media has no impact on globalization
b. Media promotes unbiased perspectives
c. Media influences global citizenship perceptions
d. Global citizenship is unrelated to media portrayal
27. Which organization is responsible for regulating international trade and promoting economic globalization?
a. United Nations (UN)
b. World Trade Organization (WTO)
c. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
d. World Bank
28. Poverty as a multifaceted issue involves considering:
a. Economic factors
b. Economic, social and political factors
c. Political and cultural factors
d. Economic and educational factors
29. In the concept of Fair trade, what is their primary goal?
a. Maximizing profits for corporation
b. Ensuring equal wages for workers
c. Reducing international trade
d. Promoting protectionist policies
30. Which International Financial Institution provides loans to developing countries for development projects?
a. World Trade Organization
b. International Monetary Fund
c. United Nations
d. World Bank
31. How does outsourcing contribute to economic globalization?
a. By promoting protectionism
b. By reducing global interdependence
c. C. by encouraging the concentration of economic activities across borders
d. By isolating national economies
32. What is the impact of multinational corporations on local economies in developing countries?
a. Always positive
b. Always negative
c. Can be both positive and negative
d. Irrelevant to local economies
33. In the context of Dependency theory, what is the main source of underdevelopment in peripheral countries?
a. Lack of cultural heritage
b. Overreliance on agriculture
c. Exploitation by core nations
d. Political instability
34. How does World-System theory explain the division of labor among countries in the global economy?
a. All countries contribute equally to global production
b. Peripheral countries play a central role in global production
c. Core countries dominate high-skilled production, while peripheral countries focus on low-skilled tasks
d. All countries focus exclusively on their own domestic production
35. Apply the concept of “core” in the World-System theory to proposes measuring for promoting economic equality in global
a. Economic equality is unattainable in global relationships
b. Core nations should further concentrate economic power for global stability
c. Implement policies to redistribute economic power and promote equity in global relationships
d. Economic power in global relationships is irrelevant to the concept of “core”
36. What term is commonly used to describe the division of the world into high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries?
a. Economic disparity
b. Globalization
c. National boundaries
d. Cultural diversity
37. This refers to the societies that are structured around small, local communities with production typically being done in a family
a. Take-off stage
b. Traditional stage
c. High mass consumption
d. Drive to Technological Maturity
38. The concept of “brain drain” involves:
a. Promoting international education
b. Encouraging the movement of skilled workers from developed to developing countries
c. Preventing the movement skilled workers across borders
d. Ignoring the impact of education on economic development
39. This refers to the increase in one economic activity that can lead to an increase in other economic activities.
a. Multiplier effect
b. Wealth inequality
c. Income inequality
d. Economic big bang
40. Why might economic globalization contribute to income inequality within a country?
a. It always promotes income inequality
b. It fosters local economic development
c. It can lead to the concentration of wealth in specific sectors
d. It has no impact on domestic income distribution
41. This social institution has one of the biggest impacts on society.
a. Economy
b. Society
c. People
d. Government
42. This was developed because of the fear of the recurrence of lack of cooperation among nation-states, political instability, and
economic turmoil.
a. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
b. The Bretton Woods System
c. World Trade Organization
d. International Financial Institutions
43. This organizations’ main goal was to help countries which were in trouble and could not obtain money by any means. This served
as a lender or a last resort for countries which needed financial assistance.
a. IMF
b. WTO
d. EU
44. The trade pact that was made between the United States, Mexico and Canada that was created on January 2, 1994 when Mexico
joined the two other nations.
a. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
b. North American Free Trade Agreement
c. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
d. World Trade Organization
45. Developed countries were undeveloped in the beginning but not underdeveloped. This means that the path taken by the developed
countries does not guarantee the same fate for the underdeveloped countries.
a. North American Neo-Marxist Approach
b. Latin American Structuralist Approach
c. Columbian Exchange
d. Industrial Revolution
46. This refers to the group people who have the ultimate authority to act on behalf of a state.
a. People
b. Society
c. Government
d. Community
47. The four elements of the state are the following:
a. People, territory, state, and president
b. People, government, city, and territory
c. People, territory, government, and sovereignty
d. People, government, territory, state
48. This is a defensive treaty or a military alliance between the United States, Canada, and 25 European countries. This treaty and
international organization is based on the idea of collective security.
a. International Court of Justice
b. North-Atlantic Treaty Organization
c. Non-Governmental Organizations
d. United nations
49. This involves the systematic government intervention in foreign trade through tariffs and non-tariff barriers in order to encourage
domestic producers and deter their foreign competitors.
a. Free Trade
b. Trade protectionism
c. Global Trade
d. Trade Organizations
50. In order to control the Internet access and use, The Chinese government uses mechanisms such as personal password such as:
a. The Great Wall
b. The Wall of Internet
c. The Great Firewall
d. The Great Wall of China

“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying. “ 

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